Beverly Heller Conclusion LetterM IA M I BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1/OO Convonfion Conlor Drivo, Miami Boa ch, Florida 33139 yyw ._Ii am ib a chll.go OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Rofaol E. Granado, City Cl erk Tel: 305.6 73.74 11, Fax: 30 5.6 73.7254 Email: CiNyCl erk @mi am i beach fl.gov D ecem b er 31, 20 23 M s. Beverly H e ller 59 16 LaG o rce D r M iam i Bea ch, F lorida 33 14 0 SUBJE CT: Com mittee for Quality Educati on in Miam i Beach D e ar M s. Beverly H e lle r: Y o ur m e m b e rsh ip on the abo ve com m ittee has concluded. T he C ity C om m ission has requested that I co n ve y to yo u its appreciation fo r yo ur contributions of tim e and effo rt, resulting in the successful functio ning of th is C o m m itt ee, and fo r the interest show n by you thro ughout your serv ice on it. The w ork that yo u and your fellow com m itt ee m em bers have done is greatly appreci ated. Plea se note that regrett ab ly yo ur pa rking pass w ill be deactivated, since your term of m em bership on the com m itt ee has ended . Respm R afae l G rana do C ity C le rk cc: M o nica Be ltra n , Pa rking Di rector D r. Leslie R ose nfeld, C ity Li a iso n