John Gardiner 12.31.25M IA M I BEACH BOARD AND COMMITTEE CHECKLIST APPoreEe """""" DATE OF AP POINTM EN T: """""" BOARD /COMMITTEE. M ar ine w ater fr on t Pr o tection A uth or Appointed by. "" FOR SCANNER Scan o Scan o Scan o Scan o Scan o FOR CLERK STAFF o Lett e r of A p pointm ent o Lett e r of R e a ppointm e nt o C o py of Le tt e r of Ap p oi ntm en t/R eapp oin tm en t e-m aile d to C om m ittee Li aison on _ o Bo a rd and C o m m itt ee A pplication (C om pleted on ) o R ~sum ~/C urriculu m Vi tae ] o Diversity Stat istics Reporting (completed on. _l]{]{ o O ath TERM ND: 12/31hs rERM urr. 12/34lO IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS BOOK ✓C ity C od e O rdinance Section applicable to the agency, board or com m ittee ✓C ity C ode S ections 2-21, 2-22, 2-23, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26 , 2-458 an d 2-459 RECE\VED ✓C ounty C ode S ection 2-11.1 -- C on fl ict of Interest and C ode of Ethics O rdinance (as am end e d thro ug h D ecem ber 2010 ) JA N :l 4 2024 ✓A m end m ents to the C ode of Ethics O rdinance (S eptem ber 2009 through July 2012) ✓H ig h lig hts of the M iam i-D ade C ounty Ethics C ode ✓S unshine Law and Public R ecords - Frequently A sked Q uestions CITY O F M IA M I BEA CH ✓M em or an d um - Sol icitation by C ity Board and C om m ittee M em bers OF FI C E O F THE CI T Y CLERK o C ityw ide Perm it A pplication (P arking D epartm ent Form ) o Book let - G uide to S unshine A m endm ent & C ode of Ethics fo r Public Officers and Em ployees Scan o Scan o o S o urce of Inco m e Statem ent o A ckno w le d g m ent Statem ent o Board and C o m m itt ees Li aison R esponsibilities o D iversity Statistics R e porting I acknowledge that pursuant to Sec. 2-22(9) of the Miami Beach Code of Ordinances, I will be removed from my board/committee upon failure to attend 33% of the regularly scheduled meetings. Sec. 2-229) If any member of an agency, board or committee fails to attend 33 percent of the regularly scheduled meetings per calendar year, such member shall be automatically removed. To calculate the number of absences under the 33 percent formula, .4 or less rounds down to the next whole number and .5 or more rounds up to the next whole number. 01/19 /20 24 S igned by X },/.} a -{ R e ce ived on: (} D a te Board or C om m ittee M em ber P roce sse d on: uh4 h4 By Em ployee: KO D ate C ity C ler~Staff Initials S ca nne d on: L/vu[4 By Em ployee: D a te C ity C lerk's O ffi ce Staff Initials We are com mitted to providing excellent public service and salety to all who live, w or k, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. M IA M I BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1/00 Convention Cantor Drive, Miami Boch, Florida 33 139 yaw._IiamIibcachll.go O FFICE OF THE CI TY CL ER K , Rafael E. Gran ado, City Clerk Tel: 305.673.7411, Fax: 305.673.7254 Email: CilyClerk@miamibeachll.gov D ecem be r 28, 20 23 M r. Jo hn G ardine r 28 W R iva A lto D r M ia m i Beach, FL 3313 9 R E: M arine an d W ater fr ont Protection Authority D ear M r. Jo hn G a rdine r: C o ng ratulatio ns! Y o u have be e n ap p ointed by Com m issioner David Suarez to the above-referenced Boa rd or C om m itt ee , for a term ending : 12/31/2025. Pursua nt to C ity of M ia m i Be ach C ode Section 2-22 (5)a: N otw ithstand ing any othe r provisio n of the C ity C ode or of any R esolution, com m enci ng w ith term s beginn ing on or aft e r Ja nuary 1, 2007, the term of every board m em ber w ho is directly appointed by a m e m ber of the C ity C om m ission shall autom atically expire upon the latter of: D e cem ber 31 of the yea r the appointing C ity C om m issioner leaves office or upon the ap po intm e nt/electio n of the successo r C ity C om m ission m em ber. If yo u are un a b le to acce pt this ap p ointm ent, or have any questions, please call the Offi ce of the City C le rk at 305 .6 73 .7 411. P le a se re a d th e en c lo sed m ateria ls carefully as the y concern your duties, respo nsib ilitie s, and requirem e nts as a boa rd or com m itt ee m em ber. C o ng ratulatio ns aga in and go od luck. Re13\ .l. C ity C le rk cc: M o nica Be ltra n, Pa rking D irector T asha Byars, C ity Li aison ENC LO SURES: O ath of O ffi ce/O ath of C ivility/A cknow ledgem ents C ity C o de/O rdina nce sectio n ap plicab le to agency, board or com m ittee C ity C o de S ection s 2-22, 2-2 3 , 2-24, 2-25, 2-26, 2-458 an d 2-4 59 O rdina nce N o . 2006-354 3 - Am en dm en t to C ity C ode Section 2-22 M ia m i-D a de C ounty C o de Se ction 2-11.1 - C on flict of Interest and C ode of Ethics C ity W ide Pe rm it Ap pli c ation - (Par ki ng D epart m ent Form ) Bo okl et - G ui d e to the Sunshine A m e ndm ent and C ode of Ethics fo r Public O ffi cers and Em ployees MIA MIBEA H . . City of Miami Beach, ZOO Convention Cantor Drive, Miami Boach, Torida 331 39 www.mlarniboachll.go OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Raf0ol E. Granado, Cmy Clork Tol: 305.673.74H1, Fox: 305.673.7254 Email: CityCdork@miamtbooc.hll.gov Oath of Office Oath of Civility and Acknowledgem ents TO : M r. Jo hn G a rdiner R E : M a rine an d W aterf ro nt Pro tection A uthority I do sole m n ly sw e a r or affi rm to bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the G overn m ent of the U nited States, the State of Florida, and the C ity of M iam i Beach, and to perform all the duties of a m em ber of the abo ve -m entio ned board or com m ittee of the C ity of M iam i Beach to w hich I have been appointed fo r a term ending : 12/31/2025. T o m y co lleagu e s and to all of those I represent and serve, I pledge fairn ess, integrity and civility, in all actio ns take n and all com m unications m ade by m e as a public servant. I ha ve be en issu e d a copy of section 2-11.1 of the M iam i-Dade C ounty C ode (C onflict of Interest and C o de of Eth ics O rdinance), as w ell as Florida C om m ission on Ethics G uide to the Sunshine Am endm ent and C o de of Ethics fo r Public O ffi cers and understand that as a m em ber of a C ity of M iam i Beach Board and/o r C om m itt ee , I m ust com ply w ith the financi al disclosure* requirem ents of M iam i-Dade County or the State of Florid a (de p ending on the board or com m ittee on w hich I serve) on July 1st, follo wi n g the closing of the cale nd ar ye a r on w hich I have served. Sw orn to and subscribed befo re m e this~ day of~ 11 , 20/ *P le a se visit th e C ity of M ia m i Beach w ebsite at w w w .m iam ibeachfl.gov under City Clerk/Board and C o m m itt ees fo r add itional info rm ation regarding the Financial Disclosure R equirem ents. MIAM I BEACH City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 RECEIVED JAN 24 2024 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O FFIC E O F TH E C ITY C LER K E m a il: B C @ m ia m ib e a chfl.g o v Telephone : 30 5 .6 7 3 .7 4 11 A F FID A V IT O F A FFILI A T IO N W IT H TH E C ITY OF MIAMI BEACH I am in compliance with the affiliation requirement of Miami Beach City Code Sections 2-22 (4), as (check(✓) all that apply): #/El am a resident of the City of Miami Beach for six months or longer. Home Address: 28 W Rivo Alto Dr Miami Beach FL 33139 D I have an ownership interest (for a minimum of six months) in a business established in the City of Miami Beach (for a minimum of six months). [J93[]9 (f [],]f]@S,- Business Address: ------------------------- □I am a full-time employee of a business (for a minimum of six months) and I am based in an office or other location of the business that is physically located in Miami Beach (for a minimum of six months). Name of Business: ------------------------- P1JS[fe J((]f9,S,- "Ownership Interest" means the ownership of ten percent (10%) or more (including the ownership of 10% or more of the outstanding capital stock) in a business. "Business" m eans any sole pro prietorship, sponsorship, corporation, limited liability company, or other entity or business association. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing document and that the facts stated in it are true. -~~---- _0_1-_19_-2_0_24 _ ii ¢is [,# M IA M I BEACH City of Miami Beach 17 0 0 C o nventio n C enter Drive M ia m i Beach, Flo rid a 33 13 9 www .m iam ib ea ch[l.g ov O FFIC E O F TH E CI TY CL ERK Email: BC@miamibeachfl.gov Telep ho ne: 30 5 .6 7 3.7 4 11 DIVERSITY STATISTICS REPORT Gardiner John D Last Nam e First Nam e Middle Initial The follow ing inform ation is voluntary and has no bearing on your consideration for appointm ent. It is being asked to com ply w ith C ity diversity reporting requirem ents. Gender: [] Mal e D Fem ale D O ther 0 I prefer not to answ er. Race/Ethnic Categories: What is your race? [] Af rican Am er ican/B la ck Ll A stan or Pacific Islander El Caucasian/wh ite 0 Native A m erican/Am erican Indian 0 O th er -- Print Race: _ D I prefer not to answ er. Do you consider yourself to be Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino/a? [l Yv es L o 0 I prefer not to answ er. Do you consider yourself Physically Disabled? Ll v ee zho D I prefer not to answ er this question. Page 6 of 6 F:ICLER\$ALLIREGIBOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATIONS FINAL DRAFTSIBOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION REG FINAL.docx Updated: June 2020 M IA M I B EA C H City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Email: BC@miamibeachfl.gov Telephone: 305.673.7411 Gardiner BOARD & COMMITTEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENTS John D Last Nam e First Nam e Middle Initial Acknowledgment of fines/suspension for Board/Committee Members for failure to comply with Miami- Dade County Financial Disclosure Code Provision Code Section 2-11.1(i) (2) I understand that no later than July 1, of each year all mem bers of Boards and Com mittees of the City of Miami Beach, including those of a purely advisory nature, are required to com ply with Miami-Dade County Financial Disclosure Requirem ents. One of the fo llow ing fo rm s must be filed with the City Clerk of Miam i Beach, 17 00 Convention Center Drive, Miam i Beach, Florida, no later than 12:00 noon of July 1, of each year: 1. A "Source of Incom e Statem ent;" or 2. A "Statem ent of Financial Interests (Form 1)1" or 3. A C opy of your latest Federal Incom e Tax Return . Failure to file one of these form s, pursuant to the Miam i-Dade County Code, may subject the person to a fine of no more than $500, 60 days in jail, or both. Acknowledgment to Comply with Miami Beach Code of Ordinances Division 1 Sec. 2-22 (23) I understand that com m encing with term s beginning on or after January 1, 2024, and as a condition of applying for appointm ent to a C ity agency, board, or com m ittee, I voluntarily agree that in the event I file with the City C lerk a Statem ent of Candidate fo rm ally announcing candidacy fo r City elective office, such filing with the City Clerk shall be deem ed a tender of resignation from the City agency, board, or com mittee )/1-} Ga.. 01-19-2024 Signature Date 1 M em bers of the Planning Board and Board of Adjustm ent will be notified directly by the State of Florida, pursuant to F.S . §112.3145(1)(a), to file a Statem ent of Financial Interests (Form 1) with the Miami-Dade County Supervisor of Elections by 12:00 noon, July 1. Planning Board and Board of Adjustm ent members who file their Form 1 wi th the C ounty Supervisor of Elections autom atically satisfy the County's financial disclosure requirem ent as a Miam i Beach City Board/Com m ittee mem ber and need not file an additional form with the-Office of the City Clerk. How ever, com pliance with the County disclosure requirem ent does not satisfy the State requirem ent. Page 6 of6 F:ICLER\$ALL\BOARD AND COMMITTEES DATABASE\Board and Committee Application\BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION OCT 2023.docx Updated: January 9, 2023 MIAMl·DADE- Em Clear From Print Form SOURCE OF INCOME STATEMENT Section 2-11.1(i) of the County Ethics Code requires that certain employees and public officials file a financial disclosure Statement on a yearly basis by July 1st of every year. Disclosure for Tax Year Ending I Last Name First Name Middle Name/Initial 2023 Gardiner John D Mailing Address - Street Number, Street Name, or P.O. Box 1521 Alton Rd #633 City, State, Zip <iami Beach FL 33139 If your home address is your mailing address, and your home address is exempt from public records pursuant to Fla. Stat. $119.07, read instructions on the following page and check here. D Filing as an Employee (check one) [] count y □Public Health Trust [] Municipal: (Municipality) Department Position or Title Employee ID Number Work address I Work telephone Employment began on/ended on Filing as a Board Member (check one) □County E] Municipal: City of Miami Beach (Municipality) Board where serving Marine Waterfront Protection Authority Alternate address (if home address is exempt) I Work telephone I Term began on/ended on List below every source of income you received, along with the address and the principal activity of each source. Include your public salary. Place the sources of income in descending order, with the largest source first. Examples of sources of income include: compensation for services, income from business, gains from property dealings, interest, rents, dividends, pensions, IRA distributions, and social security payments. Also, include any source of income received by another person for your benefit. However, the income of your spouse or any business partner need not be disclosed. If continued on a separate sheet, check here.[] Name of Source of Income Address Description of the Principal Business Activity Danica Properties, JND Properties, Everglades Broward County Residential rental properties Apartments, 4109 Riverside and Eriela Properties B2Brazil LLC 201 S Biscayne Blvd Suite 1200 Principal, B2B trade platform Miami, FL Investments Home Manage investment portfolio I hereby swear (or affirm) that the information above is a true and correct statement. RECEIVED BY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT: ...--- □Hardcopy t)earnie &a, EIVED air areror Dsctosto JAN 24 2024 oz/»/»¥ Date signed' CI TY O F MIAM I BE A CH a .e- hf I Hol.. I/ ifHf. ull I •• I REMEMBER TO PRINT, SIGN, AND SUBMIT TO THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK VIA EMAIL OR HARDCOPY. A/ AN PFC[CI T Y WI DE (C W) OAR & C O MMI TE Es .g or ·torr e-ea ·ow«@vo o«ow«or PARKING APPLICATION .9# PARKING A citywide [CW ) parking permit is honor ed at metered parking spa ces and restricted residential zones parking spaces. A CW parking permit IS N O T honored in prohibited areas. An Access Card will be provided to you for City Hall Garage [GZ) access IM P O R T A N T N O TE : Your vehicle license plate serves as your "parking permit". In or der to avoid any unnecessary enforcement actions, it is important that our records reflect the most current and accurate information regarding your vehicle license plate. Inaccurate and/or outdated vehicle information may lead to the issuance of parking citation([s] and/or the tow ing o' your vehicle. Please note that this new access card C A N N O T be hole-punched or perforated in any manner. To use the new card please hold the card at close proximity to the reader until the gate opens, You may need to try the other side of the card Please ensure you hold the entire surface of the card against the reader until the gate opens. A C K N O W LE D G E M EN T: I a ck no w led g e tha t sho u ld m y acce ss ca rd be lo st, stolen or da m a g e, I w ill be responsible to pay a $10.00 replacem ent fee. Board Member information Date of Application. 01-19-2024 Applicant Name John D. Gardiner - Board/Committee Name: Manne & Waterfront Protection Authority Address. 28 W Rio Alto Dr M iam i Beach FL 33139 E-Mail Address: gardinerjd@gmail com 1------ -M -•¥• -- -• - Work Pho ne Home Phone 877- 917-6650 305-673-8787 Cell Phone. 954-288-2888 Preferred Contact Method. C ell vhi l tt e tie n 'o r m a on Tag WI H3R Color: White S10 te FL Year 20 20 e Make: Acura Model: MDX Applicant Sianature a },b 6- Please provide signed form to the Parking Deportment located at 155 Meridian Avenue, 2 floor. Working hours ore 8.30+o 500 pm or email to ParkingR ecoption@miamiboa chfl.go v e-mail subject: BOARD & COMMITTEE PARKING APPLICATION - APPLICANT NAME ti Parking Department Section ·- no o ii PERMIT SYSTEM GARAGE ACCESS Expiration Date. ID Card Serial # 'toed 8y P in! Name . Pint Nome. - 6gnotvro a6 Signature t Da te lssued Date Completed