Heidy Tandy Conclusion LetterMIA M I BEACH
City o f M ia m i B e a ch, 1/OO C on von tion Conler Drivo, Miam i Bo ach , Flor id a 33 139 yyw._miamiboachflgoy
OF FICE OF THE CI TY CL ERK, Ralaol E. Gr an ado, City Clerk
Tel: 305.673.7411, Fax. 305.673.7254
Emai l: CiNyCl erk@mi amibeac hfl.gov
February 05, 2024
M s. Heidi Tandy
4825 Lakeview Drive
M iam i Beach, Florida 33140
SUBJECT: Human Rights Com m i ttee
Dear M s. Heidi Tandy:
Your m em bership on the above com m ittee has concluded. The City Commission has requested that I
convey to you its appreciation fo r your contributions of time and effo rt, resulting in the successful
functioning of this Com m ittee, and for the interest show n by you thro ughout your service on it. The work
that you and your fellow com m ittee mem bers have done is greatly appreciated.
Please note that regrettably your parking pass will be deactivated, since your term of membership on the
com m ittee has ended.
Resp~ -.4..
C ity C lerk
cc: M onica Beltran, Parking Director
M uriel Thom as, City Li aison