Jocelyn Thomsen Conclusion LetterMI AMI BE A CH City of Miami Beach, 1/OO Convontion Contort Drivo, Miami Boach, Florida 33 139 yyNwy_miamibeachfl_go OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Rafael E. Granado, Cy Clerk Tel: 305.673.7411, Fa 305.673.7254 Email: Ci#Clerk @miamibeach fl.gov M a rch 11, 20 24 M s. Jocelyn T hom sen 15 00 Bay R d , #S 10 06 M iam i Bea ch, FL 33139 SUBJECT: Hum an Rights Committee D ea r M s. Jo ce lyn T ho m se n: A s pe r yo u r re s ign a tio n letter date d 3/11/2024 , your m e m bership on the abo ve com m itt ee is now concl uded . T he C ity C o m m ission has requested that I convey to you its appreci ation fo r your contribution of tim e and effo rt resu ltin g in the su cce ssful functio ning of this com m ittee , and fo r the inte rest show n by you thro ug ho ut your se rv ice on it. Ple ase note that reg rett ab ly yo ur pa rking pass w ill be deactivated, since your term of m em bership on the com m itt ee ha s end ed . Reg12A R afa e l G rana do C ity C lerk cc: M o nica Be ltran , Pa rking D irector M u rie l T ho m a s, C ity Li a iso n