David Grieser 12.31.25M IA M I BEACH
APPOINTEE: Qo- d i-41
BOARD/COMMITTEE. _ult+ oprw}le
Scan o
Scan o
Scan o
Scan o
Scan o
Appointea y. /\@1Mana
o Letter of Appointment
o Letter of Reappointment
o Copy of Letter of Appointment/Reappointment e-mailed to Committee Liaison on _- _
o Board and Committee Application (Completed on )
o R~sum~/Curriculum Vitae - o Diversity Statistics Reporting (Completed on
o Oath
✓City Code Ordinance Section applicable to the agency, board or committee
✓City Code Sections 2-21, 2-22, 2-23, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26, 2-458 and 2-459
RECEIVED ✓County Code Section 2-11.1 -- Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance (as
amended through December 2010)
MAR 13 2024 ✓Amendments to the Code of Ethics Ordinance (September 2009 through July 2012)
✓Highlights of the Miami-Dade County Ethics Code
✓Sunshine Law and Public Records - Frequently Asked Questions
CITY OF MIAM I BEACH Memorandum - Solicitation by City Board and Committee Members
o Citywide Permit Application (Parking Department Form)
o Booklet - Guide to Sunshine Amendment & Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees
Scan o
Scan o
o Source of Income Statement
o Acknowledgment Statement
o Board and Committees Liaison Responsibilities
o Diversity Statistics Reporting
~ I acknowledge that pursuant to Sec. 2-22(9) of the Miami Beach Code of Ordinances, I will be removed
from my board/committee upon failure to attend 33% of the regularly scheduled meetings.
Sec. 2-22(9) If any member of an agency, board or committee fails to attend 33 percent of the regularly scheduled
meetings per calendar year, such member shall be automatically removed. To calculate the number of absences
under the 33 percent formula, .4 or less rounds down to the next whole number and .5 or more rounds up to the
next whole number.
NOTE: Members of the Land Use Boards will be removed upon failure to attend three of the regularly scheduled
meetings per calendar year; or upon abstaining from voting due to a conflict of interest on four different
applications within a calendar year. A member who is removed shall not be reappointed to membership on the
board for at least one year from the date of removal.
Received on: isl .x- "3# ocessea on ]l s»mores ['
Date City Clerk's Office Staff Initials
WVe are committed to providing excellent public service and salety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
City of Miami Beach, 1/0O Convent ion Con ler Drive, Miami Booch, Horida 33139 yaw_miamniboa chfl.gov
OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Ralool E. Gran ado, CMy Clerk
Tl: 305.673.7411, Fax. 305.673.7254
Email: CiNyClerk @mi ami beachfl.gov
March 01, 2024
Mr. David Grieser
1754 Meridian Ave, Apt. 201
RE: Audit Committee
Dear Mr. David Grieser:
Congratulations! You have been appointed by the City Commission to the agency, board or committee
named above for a term ending: 12/31/2025.
If you are unable to accept this appointment, or have any questions, please call the Office of the City
Clerk at 305.673.7411.
Please read the enclosed materials carefully as they concern your duties, responsibilities, and
requirements as a board or committee member.
Congratulations again and good luck.
Rafael Granado
City Clerk
cc: Monica Beltran, Parking Director
Mark Coolidge, City Liaison
Oath of Office/Oath of Civility/Acknowledgements
City Code/Ordinance section applicable to agency, board or committee
City Code Section 2-22, 2-23, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26, 2-458 and 2-459
Ordinance No. 2006-3543 - Amendment to City Code Section 2-22
Miami-Dade County Code Section 2-11.1 - Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics
City Wide Permit Application - (Parking Department Form)
Booklet - Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees
C ity of M ia m i B ea ch , I/OO Convention Con tor Dri v o, Miam i Boa ch, Florida 33 139 yyw_miam niba chf]go
OF FICE OF THE CITY CL ER K , Rafael E. Gr anado, City Clerk
Tel: 305 .673.7411, Fax 305 .673.7254
Email: Cit/Clerk @miamibeachll.gov
Oath of Office
Oath of Civility
T O : M r. D avid G rie ser
R E : A ud it C om m itt ee
I do so le m n ly sw ea r or aff irm to be a r true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the G overn m ent of the U nited
States, the State of F lo rida , and the C ity of M iam i Beach, and to perf orm all the duties of a m em ber of the
above -m e ntio n e d bo a rd or com m itt ee of the C ity of M iam i Beach to w hich I have been appointed fo r a
term ending : 12/31/2025.
T o m y colle a g ue s and to all of tho se I represent and serv e, I pledge fairn ess, integrity and civility, in all
actio ns taken and all com m unications m ade by m e as a public serv ant.
I ha ve be e n issu ed a co py of se ction 2-11.1 of the M iam i-D ade C o unty C ode (C onflict of Interest and
C od e of Ethics O rdin a nce), as w ell as Florida C om m ission on Ethics G uide to the S unshine A m endm ent
and C o d e of Ethics fo r Pub lic O ffi cers and understand that as a m e m ber of a C ity of M iam i Beach Board
and/o r C om m itt ee, I m u st com ply w ith the finan ci al discl osure" requirem ents of M iam i-D ade C ounty or the
State of F lo rid a (depending on the boa rd or com m itt ee on w hich I serv e) on July 1st, fol lowi ng the cl osing
of the cale nda r yea r on w hich I have se rv ed.
M r. D avid G rieser
Sw o rn to and subscribed before m e this 0 day of rlJar, 2024
Deputy Clerk
pl e a se vi si t the C ity of M iam i Be a ch w ebsite at www .m iam ibeachfl.go v under C ity C lerk/B oard and
C om m itt ees fo r add itio nal info rm atio n regarding the Financial D isclosure R equirem ents.