Jeevan TillitM IA M I BEACH City of M iam i Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 RECEIVED MAR 212024 2,D 9MAM esc '·t;OE TE grr, ' • ·+i- ·+:Y g !r t .__, •• l OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK E m a il: B C @ m ia m ibe achfl.gov Telephone: 305.673.741 l AFFIDAVIT OF AFFILIATION WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI BEA CH I am in com p liance w ith the aff iliatio n req uirem e nt of M iam i Beach C ity C ode Sections 2-22 (4), as (che ck (✓) all that apply): D I am a resid e nt of the C ity of M iam i B each for six m onths or longer. H o m e A dd ress: --------------------------- □I ha ve an ow ne rship interest (fo r a m inim um of six m onths) in a business established in the C ity of M ia m i B e a ch (fo r a m inim um of six m onths). N a m e of B usin e ss: -------------------------- Bus in e ss A dd ress: -------------------------- □I am a full-tim e em p lo yee of a business (fo r a m inim um of six m onths) and I am based in an off ice or othe r lo catio n of the business that is physically located in M iam i Beach (fo r a m in im u m of six m o nths). N a m e of B usine ss: -------------------------- Bus in e ss A dd ress: -------------------------- "O w ne rship Interest" m eans the ownership of ten percent (10%) or m ore (including the ow ne rship of 10% or m o re of the outstanding cap ital stock) in a business. "B u sine ss" m ea ns any sole pro prietorship, sp onsorship, corporation, lim ited liability com pany, or othe r en tity or bu siness association. U n d e r pe naltie s of pe rjury , I de clare that I have read the fo regoing docum ent and that the facts "" US$ p onloo» ig na t D ate Jee.a Tl :± Printed N a m e