NOTICE IS HEREBY given that ;~ public hearing Will be held by the MaYOr
and City Commission of the City, of Miami Beach, Fiorfl]a, in the
Commission Chambersl 3rd floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center
Ddve, Miami Beach, Florida, on Wednesday; May 26, 2004, at 5:01
p.m., to consider establishment of reacted residential parking permit
zone 13/Lower West Avenue, with boundaries as follows: on the South,
the Centerline of 5th Street; on the North, the Centedine of the 13th
Street; er~he Fast by A~n Court; and on the West, the Westerly Line of
West Avenue.
inquiries may be d*irectod to the Parking Department (305)673-7505,
INTERESTED PA~TIES are invited to appear at this meeting, or
represented by an agent, or to express their wdting addressed
to the City Commission, c/o the City Clerk, 1700 Convention Center
Drive, 1st Floor, City HpII, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. T~is meeting
may be continued and under such circumstances additional legal notice
would not be provided.
Robert E. Percher, City Clerk
' City of Miami Beach
Pursuant to Section 286 0105, FIe. Stat~, the City hereby advises the public ~t: if
person decides to appeal any decision made by the City CommissiOn with respect to any
matter considered ~t ~ meeting or ~ hearing, such person mu;t ensure that a verbatim
record of the proceedings is m~e, which re~..ord.include, s the .t. esUmony ~ e~.ld~,c.e
upon which the appeal is to be based. This nonco sees not constmrm consent oy me
for the Introduction or admission of otherwise Inadmisslbis or irrelevant evidence, nor
does it authortzs challenges or appeals not otherwise stowed by law.
To request this material in accosslble format, siOn In~guage Interpreters, into~ation on
access for pereer~ w~ dlonbtlitl~s~, and/or any ~.~mmoda~s to .rs~l~ _e.w_a.n_y_ .doc.urn. ent
or participate in any cify-sponsor~d proceed, in.g, ..pi .eess contact 3~.5-~__~,-Z41~9
305-673-7218 (TRY) five days in aovanco to initiate your rsques!, i iY users m
call 711 (Rodda Relay Service).
(Ad #0262)