Merle Shama 12.31.25Ml 1\ # RECEIVED JUN 26 2024 CARD AND COMMITTEE CHECKLIST.9"2%,£,%49g! Arreonree. /Terl ham@, Are or arrowrweNr./1) [93 BOARD/coMMr re. /4( l/one 6 ommi3ion Aoointea by! tog7oner at FOR SCANNER FORCER STAFF L)omtpque scans L!toot a! TERM END: _\.3(2 reRMLurr:_(2.3L.3 Scan o Le e·oleapp Ir n ' ((5lg "0ointmenuRearointment e-mated to committee tuason on Scan o , ~( .ir.J .:i·11'. Con ,r• ii , 1~ ,!l.:iplication (Completed on 2-( 2.?\-[ 23 Scan o .n€'{uric tt. v ae Di ·e ~:;it·1, -~it:Ji:isti1::, I· :;portinq (Completed on ~{¼(2...~ Scan o O. h i HF #JAM!T INF( ER {TIA FOR BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS BOOK +Codee rs use Section applicable to the agency, board or committee 3iCde he ti ns221,2-22, 2-23, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26, 2-458 and 2-459 cunt; CG &clioni 2-11.1-- Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance (as unended o th December 2010) rardmeIts o he Code of Ethics Ordinance (September 2009 through July 2012) livglight « 1 s· Miami-Dade County Ethics Code 3n1shine zw. dPuolic Records - Frequently Asked Questions emoran ta · Solicitation by City Board and Committee Members C yde Fermi: \ppiiation (Parking Department Form) B 0lat-Guida o iv shire Amendment & Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees S ugcflrcone la.erent kcwledgmer ! ci F nancial Disclosure Requirement • E dad Corr rit. ass liaison Responsibilities ,J' I WE&lTY STAT#TICS REPORTING Keep COPY in file and ORIGINAL for Annual Report. «so /a/a/ oooX,et&lo ! 1:1!1 ~mmittee Member Processed on: -~-1~{~--- 3:i, 1::,:1ploy1:le: Yf .L . Due City Clerk's Office Staff Initials Scanned on: C:O.l 21.e l~---···· I: !I ::1 •1pioy1~e: A:~~· _L _ Due City Clerk's Office Staff Initials Scan o Scan o COMA AJE)EI: 3 RESIGNATION LETTERS Term Expired Letter Ere "rocessod Resignation Letter Ere ocessod -· ·-•-·-···-·•·-·····- --·· .. .. ·--·-··•··••-···-- Removal Letter due to abser es Ewe ocesed ~------------ ····-· ·- - --· ------·-·---- --- .. ---- Initials Scan o Initials Scan o --- Initials Scan o F:CLER\BOARD AND COM MAI TIE EA J-\CZ4 T MASTER\B&C Checklist 2015 MASTER.docx MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1/00 Convention Canter Drive, Miami Boach, Florida 33 139 yNw_miamibgachll_gov OFFICE OF THE CITY CIERK, Ralaol E. Granado, Cy Clo«k Tl: 305.673.7411, Fa: 305.673.7254 Email: CiNyClerk@miamibeachfl.gov November 29, 2023 Ms. Merle Shama 11 Island Avenue, #911 Miami Beach, Florida 33139 SUBJECT: Miami Beach Commission For Women Congratulations! You have been reappointed by Commissioner Laura Dominguez to the above referenced, board or committee named above, for a term ending: 12/31/2025. Pursuant to City of Miami Beach Code Section 2-22 (5) a, "Notwithstanding any other provision of the City Code or of any resolution, commencing with terms beginning on or after January 1, 2007, the term of every board member who is directly appointed by a member of the City Commission shall automatically expire upon the latter of: December 31 of the year the appointing City Commissioner leaves office or upon the appointment/election of the successor City Commission member." If you are unable to accept this appointment, or have any questions, please call the Office of the City Clerk at 305.673.7411. Please read the enclosed materials carefully. Congratulations and good luck. ,/ ..2! City Clerk cc: Monica Beltran, Parking Director Monica Matteo-Salinas, City Liaison ATTACHMENTS: Letter of Appointment Oath City Code/Ordinance section applicable to agency, board or committee City Code Section 2-22, 2-23, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26, 2-458 and 2-459 Ordinance No. 2006-3543 - Amendment to City Code Section 2-22 Miami-Dade County Code Section 2-11.1 - Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance City Wide Permit Application - (Parking Department Form) Booklet - Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees OFFICE OE HE T' IEE, all E. Granai,Ti», k Tel: 305.673./411,Er. A8 673./254 Emall: City.Clerk t@waribo hii.qcs Oath of Office hath of Civility and Acknowledgements TO: Ms. Merle tan a RE: Miami Ee@chi Cc nrission For: !'corn I do solernnly svoa o affirm to bear tr.ae faith, loyalty and allegiance to the Government of the United States, the State of 'lrid, and th iy of Miami Beach, and to perform all the duties of a member of the above-mentioned b:ad or corrillr f the City of Miami Beach to which I have been appointed for a term ending: 2/1/ 1025. To my colleagues ad to all oi thcg ! represent and serve, I pledge fairness, integrity and civility, in all actions taken and al orrnunications nade by me as a public servant. I have been issued a copy of sec/ir 2-11.1 of the Miami-Dade County Code (Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics rdi ance), as wei as Florida Commission on Ethics Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics I Fuolic Ofl.er and understand that as a member of a City of Miami Beach Board and/or Commnitlea, I mist comply wih the financial disclosure requirements of Miami-Dade County or the State of Florida deperding on the houri or committee on which I serve) on July 1st, following the closing of the calendar yaar or which ! have served. 0#&er== r ., .. , ,, ,o ano subscribed before me this 'Jb ~ay 01~201/ --±..S eputy lerk please visit I Ci y of Miami Ewan website at www.miamibeachfl.gov under City Clerk/Board and Committees for ddi:ioal informavo a;arding the Financial Disclosure Requirements. MI , I \ City of Mari Eacl 1700 Convention! Orive Miami Bech, ila 3139 RECEIVED JUN 26 2024 CITY OF MIAMI BE- OFfir r iii s;35ACH +. CLERK OFFICE OF THE CT "Y IEE Email: BC@mini] a hill gov Telephone: 305.37 1.7 1 A FE DA[I {E_LEE/L,IAIN_ y/ITH THE CITy OF MIAMI BEACH l am in compliance wil the afi tin requirement of Miami Beach City Code Sections 2-22 (4), as (check ()al tl at piy) GZ]' 1 am a rn:,.ir: ar I cf the City o: I1/ii,mii BEiach for six months or longer. one.a. / 1Ghana /tr qt,MB3 Fl 33137 -· , ,,_ 5 ) E [1have a wr rsli nlaret (r a minimum of six months) in a business established in the City of Mia i "ea;± (fora ririmum of six months). E_[1am a fll-im employoe b.siness (for a minimum of six months) and l am based in an office or a hie lo:attn of the business that is physically located in Miami Beach (for a minimum l sis rrths,). Name o B si ass: - Business hdd &: ea -«au "Ownersti /nras! means tve ownership of ten percent (10%) or more (including the ownership c' 1% or are o"the outsranding capital stock) in a business. "Business'r en ary sole proprietorsnip, sponsorship, corporation, limited liability company, or other crdry sr musirvss asscation. Under penal!is of 2rjury, I declare that l have read the foregoing document and that the facts stated jn it are e ______ &~-----·--- .. -··-··--·-- rare , Ml,le hanu4 Date 1 City of Miami Ee& + 1700 Convention enter rive Miami Beach, Florida33 3 www,miamibeachtl.g OFFICE OF THE CITY IE ?K Email: BC@miamhea. i Ac Telephone: 305.673.71 EERIIT L.STATISTICS REPORT Last Name First Name Middle Initial The following inform atmn s voluntary av! has no bearing on your consideration for appointment. It is being asked to comply with iy diversity eorir j requirements. Gender: ~ . le Female Other EH prefer not to .awe.. Race/Ethnic Caterie: What is your raci []African Amer«car/3tact E)Asian or Pacif: 1a d [ Caucasian/tee El Native American:/m ricer India 0 Other - Print R'.i':( ,:·,: - ··-·--- EM prefer not to vve. Do you consider to rs ll :ch Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino/a? Les [ o El prefer not to we. De» LA No El refer not to a we ts cqustis '. ,,_., _,.,,,. ~ Page 6 of 6 F:CLER\$ALL\REG\BOARD MI' TEES FFLI AH: INL DAE TS\BOARD AND COMMIT TEE APPLICATION REG FINAL.docx Updated: June 2020 City of Miami le + 1700 Convention en ri Miami Beach, Florida 33 3% www.miamibeachll gc OFFICE OF THE CITY CIERK Email: BC@miamibea.ht 1c Telephone: 305.673.71I JO F) , CMMMMI! TEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENTS c5hamq ... ,, ,, ... __ lY.eL~~---- Last Name First Name Middle Initial Acknowledgment s in@s'suspensiww pr Eloard/Committee Members for failure to comply with Miami- Dade arty Financial Ji «closure Cole Provision Code Section 2-11.1(i) (2) I understand that no lat r ran guy.1,of pug/g year all members of Boards and Committees of the City of Miami Beach, including those of a ouriy ucwisory nature, are required to comply with Miami-Dade County Financial Disclosure Requirer t (s. Qne of the following Imm ±±s he fit gg wth the City Clerk of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florid, o at than 12: 0on o/ July 1, of each year: 1. A "Source of lncmns 4arrant," ct 2. A "Statement of "ir an interests tF st. 1)'; or 3. A Copy of your latest} aaral Incorss Return. Failure to file one cc ti ess lorrs, pursuant to the Miami-Dade County Code, may subject the person to a fine of no more than $500, i0 ay3 in jail, or th. Acknowledgrts it opiy with liarri E3each Code of Ordinances Division 1 Sec. 2-22 (23) l understand that corer irg wilh terrs heginning on or after January 1, 2024, and as a condition of applying for appointment to a iy agency, board, at committee, I voluntarily agree that in the event l file with the City Clerk a Statement oi Canida:e formally ouncing candidacy for City elective office, such filing with the City Clerk shall be deemed tnler of resi@a on from the City agency, board, or committee s~-(J~ .... -··-- pa 7 'Members of the Faining Ear and Erd of Adjustment will be notified directly by the State of Florida, pursuant to F.S. S11.214()a), to file zit±tement of Financial Interests (Form 1) with the Miami-Dade County Supervisor of Electicrs Doy 12:0) con, huh I. Planning Board and Board of Adjustment members who file their Form 1 with the C nty Supervisor of Elections automatically satisfy the County's financial disclosure requirement as a iem Beach City 3oah emittee member and need not file an additional form with the Office of the City Clerk. ovevr rnpliare with the County disclosure requirement does not satisfy the State requirement. Page 6 of 6 F:\CLER\I$ALL\BOARD AND OMMTE S D)0AB3ASEE\ rd sud ormittee Application\BOARD AND COMMIT TEE APPLICATION OCT 2023.d0cx Updated: January 9, 2023 MIAMl·DADE. EME7 SOURCE OF INCOME STATEMENT Section 2-11.1(i) of the County Ethics Code requires that certain employees, public officials and consultants tile a financial disclosure Statement on a yearly basis by July 1st of every year. For the last year of service, file SOI-F. --·---·-···---··-·····---------~ pg"e« ans""WI Mailing Address - Street Number, Street Name, or P.O. Box 5 0. # } n "held-ldfe{th.h d ml·-------- City, State, Zip "an' O l1mt1le er eet t fl .--o- l Middle Name/initial lf your home address is your mailing address, and your home address is exempt from public records pursuant to Fla Stat. $119.07, read instructions on the following page and check here. D Filing as an Employee (check one) D County D Public Health Trust D Municipal: (Municipality) 1-------------------------- ------·--·-·---"·--------------i Department Position or Title Employee ID Number ~W-o-rk-ad_d_re_s_s ~I w_ork telephone ---~-~-~~~- ------ Employment began on/ended on Filing as (check one) [] County Board [] Municipal Board: []Consultant for County or Municipal Agency (Municipality) Board where serving or name of County or Municipal Agency Consultant is providing professional services lo [)~mi p)eh lQowen's Cati3ion Alternate address (if home address is exempt) Work telephone I Term began on/ended on o l-850- 10[ List below every source of income you received, along with the address and the principal activity of each source. Include your public salary. Place the sources of income in descending order, with the largest source first. Examples of sources of income include: compensation for services, income trom business, gains from property dealings, interest, rents, dividends, pensions, IRA distributions, and social security payments. Also, include any source of income received by another person for your benefit. However, the income of your spouse or any business partner need not be disclosed. It continued on a separate sheet, check here.[] Descri lion of the Principal Business Activity Name of Source of Income Address @bowe> a Mich«el Bex49 , me 6 [Su6e, .. J J --- ---·---- ···-···""""'- I hereby swear (or affirm) that the information above is a true and correct statement ,(1(/!1!.~ ... ···~· ... 6/31a/ Date signed' coo or ntcnos. f/%% oroeo»RECElV Electronic Copy JUN 2 6 2024 CITY OF MIAMI BEAGOH OFFICE OF TIE CIIV CLERK OFFICE USE ONLY Accepted: Y I N Deficiency: Process@i Date/Initials. 138_SP-14 COE 2024 Scanned Date/initials.