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heremafter referred to as the Llenor...m.., Owner.nm.,of the fIrst part, and THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,
FLORIDA, a municipal corporation under the Laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the
City, of the second part:
WITNESSETH: That the said Lienorm.n Owner ...m' m...nnthe Lienor ...... Owner...mn of the follow-
ing described lands, located within the City Limits of the City of Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida, to-
wit: Lot..S.mnTa.-qZE...L3.LAliILECL'R...(J:h).mn.mnnmmn.m.nm..m..._....m. ......mmmm.mnnof Block
T:N.:g:;.N'l''y",-N.INEm~.2.9.)m., Miami Beach Improvement Company's Ocean Front Subdivision, according to The
Amended Map of The Ocean Front Property of the Miami Beach Improvement Company, recorded in June,
1915, in Plat Book No.5, Pages 7 and 8, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida:
That the following line: Beginning at a point which is on the Northerly line of
44t.h Street produced Easterly and 245.8 feet Easterly of the center line of CoIlins Ave-
nue, running thence in a Southerly direction to a point which is on the Northerly line
of For:tieth Street and 250.4 feet Easterly of the said center line of CoIlins Avenue;
t.hence continuing Southerly to a point which is on the Northerly line of Thirty-fourth
Street. and 280.0 feet Easterly of the said center line of Collins A venue; thence contin-
ing Southerly along the last mentioned course produced Southerly for a distance of
89.5 feet to a point of curvature; thence deflecting Westerly around a curve of 1,345.15
foot radius to a point which is on the Southerly line of Thirty-third Street.
As said Streets and A venue are shown on the aforementioned map and as said
Streets are named and designated in Ordinance No. 232.
which shall hereafter be known as the "BASE LINE," extends through the above described property; that
the above described land borders on or lies near the Atlantic Ocean and because of winds and tides is en-
dangered and may be damaged by erosion or may be added to by accretion; that the said City has power
to construct jetties or groynes, seawalls and bulkheads to prevent the erosion of said lands, to cause accre-
tion thereto and to prevent overflow thereof; that it is the desire of said Lienormnm Ownermmn to pro-
mote and encourage said City in any of the aforesaid construction, any of which will be beneficial to the
above described property.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Lienor mm.' Ownern...., in consideration of the benefits which may be de-
rived by virtue of any of the construction hereinabove mentioned, whenever made hereafter, and to enable
the City to formulate plans and arrange finances for any of the said construction, and in consideration of
the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar, to each in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, dO.......m.
hereby give and grant unto the said City a perpetual right and easement at any time hereafter, to construct
and maintain upon any lands, whether above water or submerged, lying East or Easterly of the aforesaid
Base Line, jetties, groynes, seawalls and/or bulkheads.
It is further understood and agreed that should said jetties, groynes, seawalls and/or bulkheads be
constructed under the provisions of this easement, the above described property shall not be specially as-
sessed for the cost of groynes or jetties, nor for any portion of the cost of seawalls and/or bulkheads,
fill, and/or other construction at street ends.
This agreement and all of its provisions shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, legal represen-
tatives, successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Lienormm.. Owner__m... and the said City have hereunto set their
hands and seals, or in the case of a corporation, caused this instrument to be executed in its name by its
duly author~~i officers, and its seal to be affixed, on the day and year first above written.
If HE P ":'../f:i.j"u.~.ln~,:!y'.g:{l!.~~:{~~(Seal)
...mmnmmnnmmm........ .... (Seal)
...m.m.mn..........mnn....m....m.....mn..n....m.... (Seal)
.mmmn....n..nnm..n.....mnmm...nm....n...nn.n. (Seal)
of the First Part.
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STATE OF________.____~---.--..-...--..--.}
COUNTY OF____.___...._...__________________.____.__________
h_.... __Ok -''''''~- """"'..,..~-'..,.
80JI< ~G ( fAC 341
I, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgement8, do hereby certify that
on this day personally appeared before mem_______._ ___~--. _ ___"___ _:_...____ ______~---L~)
________._________ __ __ ' )J I .~
-- --- ------_._-------_._---------------_.._-~-------:. .------------------------------.-..----------------.----------------.----------------------..
to me well known and known to me to be th~-~-Q;:on_______ described in and who executed the foregoing in-
strument, and ___...5._he________ acknowledged before me that ____She________ executed the same freely and volun-
tarily for the uses and purposes therein expressed,
And I further certify that the said_____________.__________ --.------------.-----------------...--------.-----.---.------------------------------
, \ (\. . .
._______________________.~__________.___________________.__.________________._______________________________known to me to be the WL____________ of the saId
respectively, on an examination taken and made by me, separately and apart from ___.__he______ respective hus-
band____.___, acknowledged that ______he________ executed said instrument freely and voluntarily and without com-
pulsion, restraint, apprehension or fear of or from _____he________ respective husband__m___.
WITNESS l\[Y HAND AND NOTARIAL SEAL, this___._2:..Q_____ OL_~.--A.D. 19;),,'1-,
~ _____________ L~~~~_
State of_________________________________________....._________________.___________~ot~ry Mlie. .
C .. . My comtnis.lon erpirM ~o". !7, 1'lm
My ommlsslon ExpIres: ______________________________________________
ST ATE OF____.__________F_!,..9R]_:Q~___________._____}
COUNTY OF_.________________________._________.______________
I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me___._._______.__.______________.___.__________________
___________LOUIS.. E_L_S11E_R_IQ}JL____________..________________. and _______.___________.J;_L.J!L_T_Qlt1_1~1f2Q_N._________________________h'
_______YllOIL..______________.__.._________________.___________.____________ and
respectively, of______._____________________:I'.~_~___Q_~.1'_~___Q_~___~~_~~ll 1 __~.J?.~_~~___.________________________._______.____________.___________.-------
a corporation under the laws oL_____.._______E_!!9_Bc!1>.A._______________.m________, to me well known and known to me to
be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and they acknowledged before me
that they executed the same freely and voluntarily and for the purposes therein expressed, and that said
instrument is the act and deed of the said corporation. ,~ .
~1t1' ~
WITNESS MY HAND AND NOTARIAL SEAL, this__0_~~_L::~,~__day of________2::~::"_~::_:::=~_~_::S-A. D. 19_C':_":~_.
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