Resolution 2024-33239 RESOLUTION NO.' 2024-33239 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE AND ECONOMIC RESILIENCY COMMITTEE AT ITS JULY 26, 2024 MEETING, TO PROCEED WITH THE FERAL CAT POPULATION SURVEY AT A COST NOT EXCEED 30,000 AS FIRST PHASE OF THE PROJECT TO TRAP, SPAY OR NEUTER, AND RELEASE OF ALL COMMUNITY CATS WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH WITHIN AN EFFICIENT AND EXPEDITED TIMELINE. WHEREAS, at its May 15, 2024 meeting, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2024-33041, directing the Administration to prepare a plan and a cost estimate for trapping, spaying or neutering, and releasing all community cats within Miami Beach withing an efficient and expedited timeline, with the plan to be presented at the Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee ("FERC") at its July 26, 2024 meeting; and WHEREAS, during the public discussion of the item at the May 15, 2024 City Commission discussion, Ms. Linda Diamond, a member of the Animal Welfare Committee, proposed several recommendations that should be included in the plan, including a team dedicated to conduct a feral cat population head count per area, during the night hours, in order to quantify the amount of the feral cat population in the City; and WHEREAS, at the July 26, 2024 FERC meeting, the Administration presented an update and recommendation to hire a 6-person team (a two-person team in North Beach, Mid Beach, and South Beach)to work 40 hours a week, for a one-month period, responsible for counting the feral cat population in the City; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost for this effort is approximately $21,000, with a cap of $30,000, previously approved at the July 12, 2014 FERC Budget Workshop; and WHEREAS, following the Administration's presentation on July 26, 2024, the Committee made a favorable recommendation to move to the full Commission for final approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA,that the Mayor and City Commission hereby accept the recommendation of the Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee at its July 26, 2024 meeting, to proceed with the feral cat population survey at a cost not exceed 30,000 as first phase of the project to trap, spay or neuter, and release of all community cats within Miami Beach within an efficient and expedited timeline. PASSED AND ADOPTED this // day of r 2024. • Steven Meiner, Mayor ATTEST: ,, _-Ml'sq' 1 APPROVED AS TO SEP 1 7 202 FORM & LANGUAGE "�\P cyll��' & FOR EXECUTION INCo ORAIED Rafael E. Granado, Secretary ��, Sponsored by Commissioner David Suarez e Iv lf- "" City Attorney Date • Resolutions -C7 N • MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM • TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Eric Carpenter, City Manager • DATE: September 11, 2024 TITLE: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE AND ECONOMIC RESILIENCY COMMITTEE AT ITS JULY 26, 2024 MEETING, TO PROCEED WITH THE FERAL CAT POPULATION SURVEY AT A COST NOT EXCEED $30,000 AS FIRST PHASE OF THE PROJECT TO TRAP, SPAY OR NEUTER, AND RELEASE OF ALL COMMUNITY CATS WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH WITHIN AN EFFICIENT AND EXPEDITED TIMELINE. RECOMMENDATION • The Administration recommends approving the Resolution. BACKGROUND/HISTORY At its May 15, 2024 meeting, the Mayor and City Commission (City Commission) approved a Resolution (2024-33041), directing the Administration to prepare a plan and a cost estimate for trapping, spaying or neutering, and releasing (TNVR) all community cats within Miami Beach within an efficient and expedited timeline, with the plan to be presented at the.Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee ("FERC")at its July 26, 2024 meeting. ANALYSIS During the May 15, 2024, City Commission discussion, Ms. Linda Diamond, a member of the Animal Welfare Committee who appeared via Zoom, suggested the list below be taken into consideration for the plan. Public Works has included pertinent responses: (a) Quantification of the feral cat population in North Beach, Mid-Beach, and South Beach Yet to be determined. There needs to be a team dedicated to conduct a feral cat population head count per area, during the night hours, which is when cats come out. A pre-pandemic study estimated there are approximately 1 stray cat per every 6 residents. A 2020 census indicated there were 82,890 City of Miami Beach residents, equating to approximately 13,850 stray cats. This study was conducted four years ago, and cat population could have increased. It is important to note that during those four years, SoBe Cats trappers have been actively trapping and TNVR cats. (b) Classifying how many cats are*ear-tipped (*the removal of about one centimeter of the tip of an adult cat's ear) Yet to be determined. There needs to be a team that can accurately assess the number of ear- tipped cats. (c)Assessing how many cats can be fixed per month Yet to be determined. There needs to be a head count of how many unfixed cats there are. From there on, it can be determined how many veterinarians can be hired to conduct spay/neuter surgeries per month. Page 379 of 1377 (d) Determining the number of trappers required Yet to be determined. There needs to be a head count of how many unfixed cats there are. From there on, it can be determined how many cat trappers will need to be hired for trapping. (e) Locating surgery outlets available per volume needed Undetermined. First there needs to be a count of how many unfixed cats there are. From there on, it can be determined how many surgery outlets can be used to conduct spay/neuter surgeries per month. (f)Identifying the availability of no-kill outlets that could take in adoptable kittens and cats, abandoned cats, Kitty Campus overflow, and assist with care and recovery of sick and injured cats that will inevitably be found on the trapping excursions. The Kitty Campus is currently full. Other rescues will need to be contacted once a cat team (preferably 3-6 people, 1 person or 2 people per area) is identified to conduct a stray cat head count, and proceed with the above mentioned. At the July 26, 2024 FERC meeting, Public Works presented an update of the proposed cat program, and recommended to hire a 6-person team (a two-person team in North, Mid and South Beach), to work 40 hours a week, for a one-month period, responsible for counting the feral cat population in the City in the estimated amount of $21,000 (a budget amount of $30,000 had already been approved at the July 12, 2024 Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee - Budget Workshop for this purpose). In conclusion, FERC members agreed with the proposed and made a favorable recommendation to move to the full City Commission for approval. FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT No fiscal impact. The estimated cost to hire a 6-person team is $21,000 (a $30,000 budget cap was already approved at the July 12, 2024 Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee-Budget Workshop). CONCLUSION The Administration recommends approving the recommendation of the Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee at its July 26, 2024 meeting to proceed with the hiring of a 6-person team to count feral cat population, as part of the plan for trapping, spaying or neutering, and releasing of all community cats within Miami Beach, with an efficient and expedited timeline. Applicable Area Citywide Is this a "Residents Right to Know" items Is this item related to a G.O. Bond pursuant to City Code Section 2-17? Project? Yes No Was this Agenda Item initially requested by a lobbyist which, as defined in Code Sec. 2-481, includes a principal engaged in lobbying? No If so, specify the name of lobbyist(s) and principal(s): Department Public Works Sponsor(s) Page 380 of 1377 Commissioner David Suarez Condensed Title Accept Rec, Proceed with Feral Cat Population Survey-Trap/Spay/Neuter/Release. (Suarez) PW Page 381 of 1377 RESOLUTION NO. 2024-33041 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, DIRECTING THE CITY ADMINISTRATION TO PREPARE A PLAN AND A COST ESTIMATE FOR TRAPPING,SPAYING OR NEUTERING,AND RELEASING ALL COMMUNITY CATS IN MIAMI BEACH WITHIN AN EFFICIENT AND EXPEDITED TIMELINE,WITH THE PLAN TO BE PRESENTED TO THE FINANCE AND ECONOMIC RESILIENCY COMMITTEE ("FERC")AT ITS JULY 26,2024 MEETING. WHEREAS, the issue of uncontrolled community cat populations poses significant challenges to public health,safety,and animal welfare in Miami Beach;and WHEREAS, trapping, spaying/neutering, and releasing ('TNR') community cats is a proven method for managing their populations humanely and effectively;and WHEREAS,due to the amount of community cats present In the City,a comprehensive plan and cost estimate are necessary to undertake a successful spaying and neutering initiative; and WHEREAS,as such,the Administration is directed to prepare a detailed TNR plan for spaying and neutering all community cats within Miami Beach over a period of six(6)months, with tho plan to Include,but not be limited to:(1)Identification and mapping of community cat colonies within the city. (2) coordination with local animal welfare organizations and veterinarians to conduct spaying and neutering procedures, and(3)outreach and education efforts to engage residents to assist with the initiative;and WHEREAS, the Administration shall also provide a comprehensive cost estimate for implementing the TNR plan,including expenses for veterinary services,staff,equipment,and outreach materials;and WHEREAS,both the TNR plan and the cost estimate shall be presented to the Finance and Economic Resilience Committee("FERO')at its July 26,2024 meeting. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA,that the Mayor and City Commission hereby direct the City Administration to prepare a plan and a cost estimate for trapping, spaying or neutering,and releasing all community cats in Miami Beach within an efficient and expedited timeline, with the plan to be presented to the Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee ('FE RC)at Its July 26,2024 meeting. PASSED AND ADOPTED this /r day of PAX 2024. ATTEST: iti • -7>1( 'i1)J 3 2024 Steven Heiner,Mayor Rafael E.Granado,City Clerk t ask APPROVED AS TO �p j .,c FORM&LANGUAGE �`` y(Sponsored by Commissioner David Suarez) &FOR EXECUTION! a IXtOIr OIAIEtA f CityAttamay Oxo Page 382 of 1377 tflu0110100a-awl MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO Horocabte Mayor and Mambos er the City Cornrow-woo FROM Ricardo J Dmoon.City Attorney DATE May '5 2074 SUBJECT A RESOLUTION OF -HE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA. DtRECf tNG THE CITY ADMINISTRATION TO PREPARE A PLAN AND A COST ESTIMATE FOR TRAPPING,AND SPAYING OR NEUTERING ALL COMMUNITY CATS WITHIN MIAMEI BEACH OVER A PERIOD OF SIX MONTH,WITH THE PLAN TO BE PRESENTED TO THE FINANCE AND ECONOMIC RES&LIFNCY COMMITTEE (-FEW-)AT ITS JULY 26, 2024 MEETING YACKBADUNCIADS i ORY Was!Ms Agenda item ineally replanted by a IoOOy,T wvcn. as defined n Code Sec 2 48+. "dodos a Tr`^c+ml engaged a Iobbyrnq'No II so.specify name or lobbyisl(sl and pnnorpai(sF NA ANALYSIS The attar-red ResauTan was prepared at the repuest of the ammo,' �.ommseta>K David Strew BU !QRTING SURVEY DATA WA FINANCIAL M#QRMAIIQN The Fiscal Impact to be determined at Canmittee. It,hlia-noLio Mta Righ1.10 a IB IAnt tea D O. Know-Pam MAMMA to Does Furida7 Silly Code SQaIeg,2-147 No No l as loskint9 7fica or me Cdy A9or.wey SRQ7liw Commraaroner Dave Spiv!' AIIAc$rLtl2+'L Description n Rolotaian 977 Page 383 of 1377