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Contract Agreement between CMB & Ric-Man International, Inc
DocuSign Envelope ID:785CCD60-92DD-4084-A0B1-6526412897A3 DocuSign Envelope ID:EIC16F8C-D7B7-4312-AD6A-00D800096651 J V I I AM I B EAS Ham .b�, ' ` 1. 4 fltm 'z F• »r` :sTSt 2 s �¢i a, pz4 x. � d E, ^� r' i . '' t,.,i 24-016-01 FORCE MAIN CANAL CROSSING REPLACEMENT AT PINE TREE DRIVE '•tlfi 1OTa5 `, v.,sN F •":�at _ a� CSrI .bk .,;z. W' .,:t, Ric-man International,Inc. PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING rtgat'Tnt b( ..:to d h i $at ltito rTa:.a y ;ACRef,r E •i8tk! v 3: �4� , • Joe Gomez jot,4% Carpenter !.Eric �" Z4 soAz438a0E01492_ „ tiu r'���- 5.. a .,+:� ���;�1JOQ�t rrt T.' itA„ littariM :s� h 4 61 M0112 M X Type 1—Contract,amendment,change order,or task order resulting from a procurement-issued competitive solicitation. Type 2—Other contract,amendment,change order,or task order not resulting from a procurement-Issued competitive solicitation. Type 3—Independent Contractor Agreement(ICA) Type 6—Tenant Agreement Type 4—Grant agreements with the City as the recipient Type 7—Inter-governmental agency agreement Type 5—Grant agreements with the City as the grantor Type 8—Other: i °r.;:o- �.,.;g:e aL `->' C ,f �'d't 4$'Lp•t,$ P �;`-'f P{ - g '_�.i° _ ,A.i. On January 31,2024,the Mayor and City Commission approved the award of a contract to Ric-man International,Inc.the lowest, responsive, and responsible vendor pursuant to Invitation to Bid(ITB)2024-016-LB for Force Main Canal Crossing Replacement at Pine Tree Drive between Flamingo Waterway and West S1st Street;authorizing the City Manager and City Clerk to execute a contract.The contract has been form approved by the CityAttorney's Office and fully executed by the company.Pursuant to the authority established in the Commission Item C2 M,this item seeks the City Manager's signature to finalize the contract execution process. A �'^T`r. ° ' 3Kgattratzt t 5'pje4 -` N/A N/A N/A VIRRat g49. J - ani ,.• Grant Funded: Yes No State Federal 40ther i�,� � .� "�� , � ` Baa�Zfi 4-t ! �� � •g4 Q �y�.al � l a.'+ ; k�" *�n" F,'�`ts=H���'�`,�."�' � ,��.�.i131'2.�'s���MAd,<",*UM ?.8.' t' :`tt4101051 N/A $5,189,255.50 418-0815-069357-29-418-000-00-00-00-28520 Yes X No 1.For contracts longer than five years,contact the Procurement Department.2.Attach any supporting explanation needed. 3.Budget approval indicates approval for the current fiscal year only.Future years are subject to City Commission approval of the annual adopted operating budget. , 3a4+1 Ae...u^, ,.':200 r+s%t``i 0 %it Ps l: F ,, s '"�<...,a 9.'�, ,i f ce t 14,` J•,,..;: t.'4 rit City Commission Approved: X Yes No Resolution No.: CC Agenda Item No.: CC Meeting Date: N/A C2 M 01/31/2024 If no,explain why CC approval is not required: Legal Form Approved: X Yes No If no,explain below why form approval is not necessary: • ���..�?� ^,qc s4Wigaigaro ' •v4.v s'444 died ed Istulia "> .. � , ooaus�enea by: . Procurement: Grants: N/A Alex Denis ' Budget: � °��' ` Information Technology: N/A Tameka Otto-Stewart Th tka Dffe $fuvavf Risk Management: VA20e4Ae,uEE1463_ Fleet&Facilities: N/A Human Resources: N/A Other:Kristy Bada DS ,-OS Maria Estevez rlosu Ayanna DaCosta-Earle Competitive Bid Reports-C2 M MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Alina T.Hudak,City Manager DATE: January 31,2024 SUBJECT:REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TO AWARD A CONTRACT PURSUANT TO INVITATION TO BID (ITB)2024-016-LB FORCE MAINS CANAL CROSSING REPLACEMENT AT PINE TREE DRIVE. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Mayor and City Commission approve the award of a contract, pursuant to Invitation to Bid (ITB) No. 2024-016-LB,for the force main canal crossing replacement project at Pine Tree Drive between Flamingo Waterway and West 51st Street to Ric-man International, Inc.,the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, and authorize the City Manager and City Clerk to execute a contract. This solicitation is currently under the cone of silence. BACKGROUND/HISTORY The purpose of this project is to replace a force main canal crossing which has aged beyond its life expectancy and, if not replaced, may rupture and cause disruption to sewer collection system and release of sewage to the environment. The force mains canal crossing replacement project at Pine Tree Drive between Flamingo Waterway and West 51st Street includes the installation of approximately 1850 LF of two (2) parallel 30-inch HDPE sub-aqueous force main canal crossings to replace the two (2) existing canal crossings. The proposed pipelines will be installed via horizontal directional drilling, crossing the Flamingo Waterway. They will replace the existing 24-inch CIP force main aerial crossing (located along the center section of bridge # 874712, owned by Miami Dade County) and a 30-inch CIP force main subaqueous crossing located along the west side of the bridge.The entry/exit pits and connections to the existing force mains will be made at the uplands of the Flamingo Waterway, and the existing force mains will be capped and abandoned in place. A prior ITB for the project was issued on May 9, 2023. However, the two(2)responsive bids significantly exceeded the estimated budget.As a result, pursuant to Section 2-367(b)(1)of the Miami Beach City Code,the City Manager approved the rejection of bids received on August 31, 2023 and directed staff to issue a new solicitation. ANALYSIS On October 6, 2023,a subsequent ITB was issued.The Procurement Department issued bid notices to 32,362 companies through the City's e-procurement system,with 54 prospective bidders accessing the advertised solicitation.A voluntary site visit and pre-bid conference were held to provide information to bidders submitting a response on October 24, 2023. Three (3) addenda were issued. ITB responses were due and received on December 8,2023.The City received five(5)bids from the following firms: Amici Engineering Contractors LLC David Mancini&Sons, Inc. DBE Management, Inc. Metro Equipment Service, Inc. Ric-man International,Inc. Ric-man International submitted the lowest bid at a cost of$4,717,505.00 (see Attachment A for tabulation of bids received).As in the prior ITB that was rejected because the bids were significantly higher than the budget stated in the ITB, the bid submitted by Ric-Man International for this ITB also exceeds the stated budget. However,while the lowest responsive bid in the prior ITB was for a cost of$5,472,063, the bid submitted by Ric-man International under this ITB is for a cost of$4,717,505.00, which is$754,558 less than the lowest responsive bid in the prior ITB.The budget stated in the most recent ITB was$3,437,996.58. The additional funds necessary for the difference have been identified as part of Capital Project No. 28520 Water and Wastewater Mains and Rehabilitation,as presented in the 2019 Water and Sewer Master Plan and Five-Year Critical Needs Projects. The ITB stated that the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder meeting all ITB terms, conditions, and specifications would be recommended for award.The Procurement Department and the Public Works Department found that the bid submitted by Ric-man International, Inc.meets the requirements of the ITB, including: 1. Licensing Requirements.The ITB required that bidders be a State of Florida Certified General Contractor,with Florida Certified Underground Utility and Excavation Subcontractor, or Miami Dade County Licensed General Contractor to be considered for the award, with Florida Certified Underground Utility and Excavation Subcontractor, or State of Florida Certified Utility and Excavation Contractor. Ric-man International, Inc.is State certified as a General Contractor.The state license number is CGC1526106, expiring on August 31, 2024. The firm also holds an Under Utility and Excavation license. The state license number is CUC056824, expiring on August 31,2024. 2. Previous Experience of Bidder(Firm or principal). The ITB required that the bidder or its principal must have been awarded a minimum of three (3) projects of similar scope and budget within the last five (5) years, two (2) of which must be successfully completed and the third may be ongoing.A project of similar scope shall be defined as construction and repair of Force Main with a construction cost of at least$2.5 million. Projects must illustrate familiarity with all the following aspects: experience in permitting and construction of open cut installation and horizontal directional drill(provide at least one example). Ric-man International, Inc. provided three (3) project references documenting compliance with the minimum experience requirement. 3. Previous Experience of Bidder (Firm) Project Manager. Bidder's Lead Project Manager must have completed at least two (2) projects with similar scope and budget.A project of similar scope shall be defined as construction with a hard construction cost of at least$2.5 million. Ric-man International, Inc.submitted proof of the required experience for its personnel. 4. Previous Experience of Bidder (Firm) Superintendent. Bidder's Superintendent must have completed at least two (2) projects with similar scope and budget.A project of similar scope shall be defined as construction with a hard construction cost of at least $2.5 million. Ric-man International,Inc.submitted proof of the required experience for its personnel. Accordingly, Ric-man International, Inc. has been deemed the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder, meeting all ITB terms, conditions,and specifications. Below is a brief bio of the lowest responsive and responsible bidder based on information provided by the firm. Ric-man International, Inc. Ric-man International, Inc., has performed engineering design/build, heavy construction, land development, trenchless technologies, emergency repair, hurricane clean up, marine construction,and bridge construction services since 1965.A few areas of specialty include directional drilling,micro tunneling,water and sewer sanitary pump stations,and storm sewer pumps and wells. Previous work includes services for the Florida Department of Transportation, the Miami-Dade County Water and Sewer Department,the City of West Palm Beach,the City of Cape Coral,the City of Coral Gables,and the City of Miami Beach. Ric-man International Inc. has worked with the City's CIP Department on central Bayshore right-of-way infrastructure improvement projects and provided design-build services for Sunset Island.Since 2021, the firm has provided routine and emergency repair services for the City's water and sewer systems.To date,the City is satisfied with the services being provided. SUPPORTING SURVEY DATA Not applicable. FINANCIAL INFORMATION The lowest responsive and responsible bidder is Ric-man International, Inc.,with a total cost of$4,717,505.00 for the force mains canal crossing replacement project at Pine Tree Drive between Flamingo Waterway and West 51st Street.The contract total with the City's contingency is$5,189,255.50. It is not anticipated that grant funding will be utilized for these services. Ric-man International, Inc.: Grand Total $4,717,505.00 Plus 10%Owner's Contingency: $471,750.50 Total: $5,189,255.50 Amount(s)/Account(s): This project is funded as part of Capital Project No.28520 Water and Wastewater Mains and Rehabilitation,as identified in the 2019 Water and Sewer Master Plan and Five-Year Critical Needs Projects.This project is fully funded and the respective funding accounts are presented below. Account:28520-CONSTRUCT-UTILITIES-418 / 418-0815-069357-29-418-000-00-00-00-28520...$5,189,255.50 CONCLUSION Based on the foregoing, it is recommended that the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, approve the award of a contract, pursuant to Invitation to Bid (ITB) No. 2024-016-LB for the force mains canal crossing replacement project at Pine Tree Drive between Flamingo Waterway and West 51st Street to Ric-man International, Inc., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder,and authorize the City Manager and City Clerk to execute a contract. Was Agenda Item initially requested by a lobbyist which, as defined in Code Sec. 2-481, includes a principal engaged in lobbying?No. Applicable Area Middle Beach Is this a"Residents Right to Does this item utilize G.O. Know"item,_pursuant to Bond Funds? City Code Section 2-14? No No Strategic Connection Non-Applicable Legislative Tracking Public Works/Procurement ATTACHMENTS: Description ❑ Attachment A DocuSign Envelope ID:785CCD60-92DD-4084-A0B1-6526412897A3 DocuSign Envelope ID:ElC16F8C-D787-4312-AD6A-00D800096651 Contract No. 24-016-01 CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT("Contract")is made and entered into as of the 3/26/2024 I 2 Wan/b ? een the City of Miami Beach, Florida, a municipal corporation (the "City") and RIC-MAN INTERNATIONAL, INC.(the"Contractor"): WITNESSETH,that the Contractor,for and in consideration of the payments hereinafter specified and agreed to be made by the City, hereby covenants and agrees to furnish and deliver all the materials required, to do and perform all the work and labor, in a satisfactory and workmanlike manner, required to complete this Contract within the time specified, in strict and entire conformity with the Plans, Specifications,and other Contract Documents, which are hereby incorporated into this Contract by reference,for: ITB 2024-016-LB FORCE MAIN CANAL CROSSING REPLACEMENT AT PINE TREE DRIVE The Contractor agrees to make payment of all proper charges for labor and materials required in the aforementioned work, and to defend, indemnify and save harmless City, and their respective officers and employees, from liabilities, damages, losses and costs including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentional wrongful misconduct of Contractor and persons employed or utilized by Contractor in the performance of this Contract. The requirements of the Contract Documents, as such term is defined in the Invitation to Bid are hereby incorporated by reference to the Formal Solicitations Terms&Conditions dated October 27, 2022, General Conditions for Construction Contracts dated April 13, 2020, and Solicitation Terms & Conditions- Grants and Federal Requirements dated August 20, 2020,are hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. Without limiting the foregoing, the Contract Documents expressly include this Contract, Composite Attachment A (the City's General Conditions for Construction Contracts),Attachment B(Plans and Specifications, Invitation to Bid No.ITB-2024- 016-LB and all Addenda thereto),Attachment C (Sunbiz Entity Detail and Contractor's Response to the ITB), and Attachment D (Insurance requirements). For the avoidance of doubt, all of the documents constituting the Contract Documents now or hereafter existing (including any Change Orders, Work Orders, Field Orders, schedules, shop drawings, issued subsequent to the date of this Contract etc.)shall govern this Project. In consideration of these premises, the City hereby agrees to pay to the Contractor for the work, when fully completed,the total maximum sum of five million,one hundred eighty-nine thousand, two hundred fifty-five dollars and fifty cents ($5,189,255.50). The Contract Price consists of the following accepted items or schedules of work as taken from the Contractor's Bid Submittal: Total Base Bid+Indemnification $4,528,505.00 Total Permit Allowance Account $84,000.00 Total Off-Duty Police Officer Allowance $15,000.00 Total Flow Management During Construction Allowance .$90,000.00 Total Alternate Items(if applicable) NONE Total Owner's Contingency $471,750.50 Contract Price $5,189,255.50 1 DocuSign Envelope ID:785CCD60-92DD-4084-A0B1-6526412897A3 DocuSign Envelope ID:ElCl6F8C-D7B7-4312-AD6A-00D800096651 Contract No. 24-016-01 The Contract Price,exclusive of the Owner's Contingency and Permit Allowance, includes,without limitation,all costs for all labor,materials,equipment,fixtures,freight,field supervision,supervisory expenses, project vehicles, field office and equipment, postage and delivery, safety and first aid, telephone, transportation of employees, parking, insurance, taxes, preparation and maintenance of the construction schedule and the preparation of as-built and shop drawings, as well as Contractor's overhead and profit required for completion of all the Work in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, including work reasonably inferable therefrom, even if such items of Work are not specifically or expressly identified as part of a line item in the Bid Price Form.The Contract Price is subject to such additions and deductions as may be provided for in the Contract Documents. Progress and Final Payments will be made as provided for in the Contract Documents. Contract Time: Contract Time and Schedule Days for Substantial Completion:455 calendar days Days for Final Completion: 25 calendar days Liquidated Damages(as applicable) Failure to achieve Substantial Completion:$500.00/day Failure to achieve Final Completion: $500.00/day [BALANCE OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) 2 DocuSign Envelope ID:785CCD60-92DD-4084-A0B1-6526412897A3 DocuSign Envelope ID:ElCl6F8C-D7B7-4312-AD6A-00D800096651 Contract No. 24-016-01 Whenever either party desires to give notice to the other, such notice must be in writing, sent by certified United States Mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or by hand-delivery with a request for a written receipt of acknowledgment of delivery, addressed to the party for whom it is intended at the place last specified. The place for giving notice shall remain the same as set forth herein unless such notice information is revised in a Contract amendment duly executed by the City and the Contractor. For the present, the parties designate the following: For City: City of Miami Beach Public Works Engineering 1700 Convention Center Drive,4th Floor Miami Beach, FL, 33139 Attn: Matthew LePera Ph: 305-673-7000 Email: matthewlepera(a7miamibeachfl.gov With copies to: City Attorney City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Attn: Rafael Paz, City Attorney Ph: 305-673-7000 Email:rafaelpaz(a miamibeachfl.go_v For Contractor: RIC-MAN INTERNATIONAL, INC. Attn: Michael Jankowski 1545 NW 271x'Avenue Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Ph:954-426-1042 Email:bid(a)ric-man.us 3 DocuSign Envelope ID:785CCD60-92DD-4084-A0B1-6526412897A3 DocuSign Envelope ID:ElC16F8C-D7B7-4312-AD6A-00D800096651 Contract No. 24-016-01 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above parties have caused this Contract to be executed by their appropriate officials as of the date first above written FOR CITY: ATTEST: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA ,-DocuSigned by: 1 / &c(ct,k_ By: Rafa�E Tc� tity Clerk By. - T. Hudak,City Mana r ~� Date: 3/26/2024 I 2:34 PM EDT [seat] APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION `21 City Attorney Date FOR CONTRACTOR: RIC-MAN INTE; TIO - INC. By: rr�- ame. MICHAEL JANKOWSKI 2/22/2024 Date [seal] 4 ATTACHMENT A COMMISSION AWARD MEMO Competitive Bid Reports-C2 M MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Alina T. Hudak, City Manager DATE: January 31, 2024 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TO AWARD A CONTRACT PURSUANT TO INVITATION TO BID (ITB)2024-016-LB FORCE MAINS CANAL CROSSING REPLACEMENT AT PINE TREE DRIVE. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Mayor and City Commission approve the award of a contract, pursuant to Invitation to Bid (ITB) No. 2024-016-LB,for the force main canal crossing replacement project at Pine Tree Drive between Flamingo Waterway and West 51st Street to Ric-man International, Inc., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, and authorize the City Manager and City Clerk to execute a contract. This solicitation is currently under the cone of silence. BACKGROUND/HISTORY The purpose of this project is to replace a force main canal crossing which has aged beyond its life expectancy and, if not replaced, may rupture and cause disruption to sewer collection system and release of sewage to the environment. The force mains canal crossing replacement project at Pine Tree Drive between Flamingo Waterway and West 51st Street includes the installation of approximately 1850 LF of two (2) parallel 30-inch HDPE sub-aqueous force main canal crossings to replace the two (2) existing canal crossings. The proposed pipelines will be installed via horizontal directional drilling, crossing the Flamingo Waterway. They will replace the existing 24-inch CIP force main aerial crossing (located along the center section of bridge # 874712, owned by Miami Dade County) and a 30-inch CIP force main subaqueous crossing located along the west side of the bridge.The entry/exit pits and connections to the existing force mains will be made at the uplands of the Flamingo Waterway, and the existing force mains will be capped and abandoned in place. A prior ITB for the project was issued on May 9, 2023. However, the two (2)responsive bids significantly exceeded the estimated budget.As a result, pursuant to Section 2-367(b)(1)of the Miami Beach City Code,the City Manager approved the rejection of bids received on August 31, 2023 and directed staff to issue a new solicitation. ANALYSIS On October 6, 2023, a subsequent ITB was issued.The Procurement Department issued bid notices to 32,362 companies through the City's e-procurement system,with 54 prospective bidders accessing the advertised solicitation.A voluntary site visit and pre-bid conference were held to provide information to bidders submitting a response on October 24, 2023. Three (3) addenda were issued. ITB responses were due and received on December 8, 2023.The City received five(5)bids from the following firms: Amici Engineering Contractors LLC David Mancini&Sons, Inc. DBE Management, Inc. Metro Equipment Service, Inc. Ric-man International, Inc. Ric-man International submitted the lowest bid at a cost of$4,717,505.00 (see Attachment A for tabulation of bids received).As in the prior ITB that was rejected because the bids were significantly higher than the budget stated in the ITB, the bid submitted by Ric-Man International for this ITB also exceeds the stated budget.However,while the lowest responsive bid in the prior ITB was for a cost of$5,472,063, the bid submitted by Ric-man International under this ITB is for a cost of$4,717,505.00, which is $754,558 less than the lowest responsive bid in the prior ITB. The budget stated in the most recent ITB was $3,437,996.58. The additional funds necessary for the difference have been identified as part of Capital Project No. 28520 Water and Wastewater Mains and Rehabilitation,as presented in the 2019 Water and Sewer Master Plan and Five-Year Critical Needs Projects. The ITB stated that the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder meeting all ITB terms, conditions, and specifications would be recommended for award.The Procurement Department and the Public Works Department found that the bid submitted by Ric-man International, Inc. meets the requirements of the ITB, including: 1. Licensing Requirements. The ITB required that bidders be a State of Florida Certified General Contractor, with Florida Certified Underground Utility and Excavation Subcontractor, or Miami Dade County Licensed General Contractor to be considered for the award, with Florida Certified Underground Utility and Excavation Subcontractor, or State of Florida Certified Utility and Excavation Contractor. Ric-man International, Inc. is State certified as a General Contractor.The state license number is CGC1526106, expiring on August 31, 2024. The firm also holds an Under Utility and Excavation license. The state license number is CUC056824, expiring on August 31,2024. 2. Previous Experience of Bidder (Firm or principal). The ITB required that the bidder or its principal must have been awarded a minimum of three (3) projects of similar scope and budget within the last five (5) years, two (2) of which must be successfully completed and the third may be ongoing.A project of similar scope shall be defined as construction and repair of Force Main with a construction cost of at least$2.5 million. Projects must illustrate familiarity with all the following aspects: experience in permitting and construction of open cut installation and horizontal directional drill (provide at least one example). Ric-man International, Inc. provided three (3) project references documenting compliance with the minimum experience requirement. 3. Previous Experience of Bidder (Firm) Project Manager. Bidder's Lead Project Manager must have completed at least two (2) projects with similar scope and budget.A project of similar scope shall be defined as construction with a hard construction cost of at least$2.5 million. Ric-man International, Inc.submitted proof of the required experience for its personnel. 4. Previous Experience of Bidder (Firm) Superintendent. Bidder's Superintendent must have completed at least two (2) projects with similar scope and budget.A project of similar scope shall be defined as construction with a hard construction cost of at least $2.5 million. Ric-man International, Inc.submitted proof of the required experience for its personnel. Accordingly, Ric-man International, Inc. has been deemed the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder, meeting all ITB terms, conditions, and specifications. Below is a brief bio of the lowest responsive and responsible bidder based on information provided by the firm. Ric-man International, Inc. Ric-man International, Inc., has performed engineering design/build, heavy construction, land development, trenchless technologies, emergency repair, hurricane clean up, marine construction, and bridge construction services since 1965.A few areas of specialty include directional drilling, micro tunneling,water and sewer sanitary pump stations, and storm sewer pumps and wells. Previous work includes services for the Florida Department of Transportation, the Miami-Dade County Water and Sewer Department, the City of West Palm Beach, the City of Cape Coral,the City of Coral Gables, and the City of Miami Beach. Ric-man International Inc. has worked with the City's CIP Department on central Bayshore right-of-way infrastructure improvement projects and provided design-build services for Sunset Island. Since 2021, the firm has provided routine and emergency repair services for the City's water and sewer systems.To date,the City is satisfied with the services being provided. SUPPORTING SURVEY DATA Not applicable. FINANCIAL INFORMATION The lowest responsive and responsible bidder is Ric-man International, Inc., with a total cost of$4,717,505.00 for the force mains canal crossing replacement project at Pine Tree Drive between Flamingo Waterway and West 51st Street. The contract total with the City's contingency is$5,189,255.50. It is not anticipated that grant funding will be utilized for these services. Ric-man International, Inc.: Grand Total $4,717,505.00 Plus 10%Owner's Contingency: $471,750.50 Total: $5,189,255.50 Amount(s)/Account(s): This project is funded as part of Capital Project No.28520 Water and Wastewater Mains and Rehabilitation,as identified in the 2019 Water and Sewer Master Plan and Five-Year Critical Needs Projects.This project is fully funded and the respective funding accounts are presented below. Account:28520-CONSTRUCT-UTILITIES-418 / 418-0815-069357-29-418-000-00-00-00-28520...$5,189,255.50 CONCLUSION Based on the foregoing, it is recommended that the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, approve the award of a contract, pursuant to Invitation to Bid (ITB) No. 2024-016-LB for the force mains canal crossing replacement project at Pine Tree Drive between Flamingo Waterway and West 51st Street to Ric-man International, Inc., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder,and authorize the City Manager and City Clerk to execute a contract. Was Agenda Item initially requested by a lobbyist which, as defined in Code Sec. 2-481, includes a principal engaged in lobbying?No. Applicable Area Middle Beach Is this a"Residents Right to Does this item utilize G.O. Know"item,_pursuant to Bond Funds? city Code Section 2-14? No No Strategic Connection Non-Applicable Legislative Tracking Public Works/Procurement ATTACHMENTS: Description D Attachment A ATTACHMENT B ADDENDA AND ITB SOLICITATION M I /\tv\ I BE/\ I-1 PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue,31d Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov ADDENDUM NO. 3 INVITATION TO BID NO. 2024-016-LB FOR REBID FORCE MAINS CANAL CROSSING REPLACEMENT- PINE TREE DRIVE November 30, 2023 This Addendum to the above-referenced ITB is issued in response to questions from prospective proposers or other clarifications and revisions issued by the City. The ITB is amended in the following particulars only(deletions are shown by strikethraugla,and additions are underlined). I. ATTENTION: ITB DUE DATE AND TIME. The deadline for the electronic receipt of bids is extended until 3:00 pm on Friday, December 8,2023. All bids received and time stamped through Periscope S2G, prior to the bid submittal deadline shall be accepted as timely submitted. Bids will be opened promptly at the time and date specified. Hard copy bids or bids received electronically, either through email or facsimile, submitted prior to or after the deadline for receipt of bids are not acceptable and will be rejected. Late bids cannot be submitted; bidders are cautioned to plan sufficiently. The City will in no way be responsible for delays caused by technical difficulty or caused by any other occurrence. II. ATTACHMENTS: a. Attachment A: Plan holders list as of November 29, 2023. b. Attachment B: Prebid Meeting Sign-in Sheet c. Attachment C: Revised Appendix L: Wages (obtained 11/9/2023) d. Attachment D: UTB Rate Sheets III. REVISION 1: Section: ITB Information &General Requirements, Subsection: Estimated Budget, is hereby amended as follows: Estimated Budget:$2 000$3,240,000 million IV. REVISION 2: Appendix L of the original ITB is deleted in its entirety and replaced by Attachments C: Revised Appendix L: Wages. V. RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS RECEIVED: 01: Is this a public works project? Al: Yes. Q2: The revised documents are still indicating a project budget of$2.8M. Will the project be awarding if bids come in higher than the budget? A2: Please see Revision 1 above. Q3: The specs call out 30" dips HDPE SDR 11 where the plans are showing SDR 13.5, which SDR do you want? A3: Both HDPE SDR 11 and SDR 13.5 are acceptable. However, the Contractor is advised to follow the alignment and design parameters found in the latest set of plans,which includes 30" HDPE force main DR 13.5 IPS. ADDENDUM NO.3 INVITATION TO BID NO.2024-016-LB FOR REBID-FORCE MAINS CANAL CROSSING REPLACEMENT-PINE TREE DRIVE M I A M I B E AC H PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach,Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov Q4: We are a pipe, valve, and fitting distributor. Can you please email me the plan holders list so I can contact them with our offer? A4: Please see Attachment A. Q5: Can bid bond be submitted via surety 2000? A5: Please see Section 0100 Instructions to Bidders, Item 8.a.1. Electronic Bid Bond. Q6: Can you provide the pre-bid meeting sign in sheet? A6: Please see Attachment B. Q7. Asbestos: Are there any existing Asbestos pipes within the work area of this project besides the AC lines to grouted? A7. Based on the as-built information provided by the City, the material for the gravity sewer mains in the area have been identified as concrete or terracotta. No asbestos pipes have been identified. Q8. Contamination: Are there any known existing contamination within the vicinity of the work on this project? A8. There is no known existing contamination within the vicinity of the project. Q9. What is the anticipated award date for this project? A9. It is anticipated that this project will be awarded at the January or February 2024 Commission meeting. 010. What is the anticipated start date for construction? A10. A Notice to Proceed will be issued subsequent to the contract having been executed by all parties. 011. Will you be providing payment of stored materials? All. No, the City will release payment after the completionlinstallation of required pay items. Quantities must be verified by the CEI (Sr. Inspector) covering the operation at the job site. Storage and staging sites are included in Appendix K of the ITB. 012. Is there any known construction with other contractors within this project that may impact the work on this contract? If so: i. Where is the work involved? ii. What type of work is it? iii. What are the dates anticipated? Al2.At the present time,we do not anticipate any contractors working within the project limits. Unless there is an emergency, the City will avoid having two companies working in the same work zone if possible. 13. Is there any tree removal required in this project? A13. Tree removal and restoration are required to install the 6-inch DI force main. In addition, ADDENDUM NO.3 INVITATION TO BID NO 2024-016-LB FOR REBID-FORCE MAINS CANAL CROSSING REPLACEMENT-PINE TREE DRIVE M I AM I BEA1C H PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue,3rd Floor Miami Beach,Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov dense vegetation is present in the median on the south section of the project (sheet C-01). Please see set of plans (sheet C-07)for pavement and sod restoration details. Q14. Is there any Owner or Utility company work planned in the project boundaries? A14. See Al2 above. Q15. PDF 67, Page 1-55, 1.0.8 WATER USED IN CONSTRUCTION- States: "The City will furnish water at a charge for all construction activities unless otherwise specifically made an exception in the project specifications or specifically made an exception by the Engineer in writing." i. Is there a current exception? ii. Has engineer made an exception? iii. If not, what are the rates for use of water for construction and testing? A15. i. &ii. Currently, no exception has been made for this project. iii. See attached Attachment D for COMB UTB Rate Sheet. Q16. PDF 193, 2.0.9. SEPARATOR GEOTEXTILE, where on this project will this be required? A16.As mentioned in the technical specifications Section 2.0.9 Page 2-22,separator geotextile is required when indicated in the Geotechnical Report. Please see the Geotechnical Report included in APPENDIX I of the bid documents. The boring results do not show the need for a separator geotextile. However, the Contractor shall consider the possibility of materials that require to be demucked or stabilized to be present during construction, and if so, the Contractor shall revise accordingly. Q17. PDF 204, 3.0.11. BACKFILL-B, States: "Backfilling of pipe trenches will not be allowed until the Work has been approved by the City or designee, pressure tested if required, and the City or designee indicates that backfilling may proceed". This is NOT typical, please clarify where this will be required and how often. A17. Section 10 and Section 2(02314- Excavation, Backfill and Fill for Structural Facility and Utility Systems and Standard Detail 16-4 and will be required for all sections of the pipeline being installed via open trench, as well as the tie-ins located at the north and south sections for both proposed pipelines. The complete section reads "Backfilling of pipe trenches will not be allowed until the Work has been approved by the City or designee, pressure tested if required, and the City or designee indicates that backfilling may proceed.Any Work which is covered or concealed without the knowledge and consent of the City or designee shall be uncovered or exposed for inspection. Partial backfill may be made to help restrain the pipe during pressure testing, if previously authorized by the City or designee." Q18. PDF 226, PART 2 — PRODUCTS — 2.0.1,E, Sidewalks, states: "The replacement of gray concrete sidewalks throughout the City shall be with the "Miami Beach Red" sidewalk color standard, unless otherwise specified..."Are there any sidewalks within this project requiring "Miami Beach Red"? A18.As indicated in the City of Miami Beach Public Works Manual G0-03, Section 10& 13,all sidewalks within the project site shall follow the Miami Beach Red sidewalk color standard, unless otherwise specified in the set of plans. ADDENDUM NO.3 INVITATION TO BID NO.2024-016-LB FOR REBID-FORCE MAINS CANAL CROSSING REPLACEMENT-PINE TREE DRIVE M I A M I B E AC H PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue,3rd Floor Miami Beach,Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov Q19. PDF 246, 3.0.4. TYPE IV PAVING REPAIRS (CONCRETE SLAB — RIGID PAVEMENT- Where on this project is this required? A19. Type IV paving repairs are not included in the design. Plans only show Type I and Type V. Type I and Type V pavement restoration is required for this project, please see pavement restoration sheet C-07 of the set of plans. See Page 244 — Specification - Section 3.0.4 for Type IV Paving Repairs (Concrete Slab— Rigid Pavement) Q20. PDF 290, 1.0.3. PERMITS, INSPECTIONS AND FEES A. "The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits, official inspections and all other official fees, in connection with the work." From whom, where and how much are these fees applicable so we may include such costs in bid, or Paid by City? A20. Permitting efforts include Public Works ROW permit with the City, Dewatering permit with DERM and Construction Permit with Miami-Dade County Public Works Department.CMB ROW Permits will need to be applied and paid for by the contractor. Permit fees will be reimbursed.. Q21. PDF 295, 3.0.1. INSTALLATION, I, "...All pipe, fittings and accessories shall be encased in Polyethylene tubing (8mil) thick."Please confirm this to be a requirement on all pipelines. A21. Polyethylene tubing (8mil)thick is required for all ductile iron pipelines to be installed via open trench. Q22. PLANS PDF 367, #13. (Middle of list) states: "CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE CARE WHEN WORKING NEAR EXISTING CLAY PIPING'. In order to include costs for this exercise, how many locations contain "clay piping"? A22. Based on the as-built information provided by the City,the material for the gravity sewer mains in the area have been identified as concrete or terracotta. No clay pipes have been identified. Q23. PLANS PDF 374 shows a photograph with a note: "REMOVABLE CONCRETE LIDS TO BE REINSTALLED", Please clarify the procedure for removal and re-installation of these slabs. /f. a ,*f;,"/:,..,,.::/,,---;;/''',1\./: , „d + `%liry .., =H'._ - i. Are there appropriate lifting hooks in good condition? ii. What is the weight of these slabs? iii. What is the width and length of the slabs? iv. Are the slabs in appropriate condition for removal and replacement? v. What equipment will be necessary to lift the slabs? vi. What pay item is to be used for the removal and re-installations? ADDENDUM NO.3 INVITATION TO BID NO 2024-016-LB FOR REBID-FORCE MAINS CANAL CROSSING REPLACEMENT-PINE TREE DRIVE M I /\i\'\ BE/ C H PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue,3rd Floor Miami Beach,Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov A23. The details for the removal and re-installation of the concrete lids shall be determined by the Contractor as part of their means and methods.There are a total of 32 concrete lids and total length of the slab structure is approximately 175 feet and 5.45 feet wide. Additional details shall be determined by the Contractor. This should be included under Pay Item#11 which includes the cutting,capping,and removal of pipe and abandonment of the 30" main. 025. PLANS PDF 376, Drawing C-08, Note 4, states, at contractor's expense, additional fittings & pipe may be required by engineer to accommodate misalignments...--=In order to include costs for this effort please provide the quantity of: i. Fittings to include in bid? ii. Pipe to be included in bid? A25. All pipes and fittings from the proposed design are included in the bid item list. The Contractor shall follow the proposed design and details from the latest set of plans to avoid any misalignments. However, if deviation from the proposed design occurs during construction,the Contractor shall revise accordingly. 025. Plans, PDF 10, note#1, bottom right, refers to removing 240' of 24" CIP FM,we assume after shut down of FM this pipe will be reasonably empty of sewage. A25. Contractor shall be responsible for emptying and disposing of any sewage remaining in the force main after it has been shut down. Q26. Detail 10-6 plans PDF#14 shows limerock under curb but no dimensions. We assume 6"? A26. Provide 6" of limerock compacted with a mechanical tamper to achieve 98% of maximum dry density per AASHTO T-180 prior to pouring concrete. Q27. Detail 14-8 plans PDF#14 shows Trace wire requirements. Under what pay item is this paid? A27. Tracer wire shall be included in Pay Item #3: For installing 30-inch HDPE pipe and fittings for sewer force main by HDD Any questions regarding this Addendum should be submitted in writing to the Procurement Department to the attention of the individual named below, with a copy to the City Clerk's Office at RafaelGranado@miamibeachfl.gov. Contact: Telephone: Email: Livia Barcelos 305-673-7000 ext. 7490 liviabarcelos@miamibeachfl.gov Proposers are reminded to acknowledge receipt of this Addendum as part of their ITB submission. Sincerely, 6it risty Bada Procurement Contracting Manager ADDENDUM NO.3 INVITATION TO BID NO.2024-016-LB FOR REBID-FORCE MAINS CANAL CROSSING REPLACEMENT-PINE TREE DRIVE MIAMI BEACH PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue,3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov ATTACHMENT A ADDENDUM NO.3 INVITATION TO BID NO.2024-016-LB FOR REBID-FORCE MAINS CANAL CROSSING REPLACEMENT-PINE TREE DRIVE Welcome LMABARCELOS@MIAMIBEACHFL.GOV I Logout 0 Periscope Need assistance: Source Contact us ac re,ea,aw,.V c Po Home Search Source Contracts Tools Go to Information I Generate PDF I Generate Exrel Suppliers that have Viewed Bid#2024-016-LB-Re-bid Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement-Pine Tree Drive Responoea ouppuer Main concoct email ucy state Qualifications Date First Viewed Date Most Recently Viewed Download Adventure Environmental, kelly@4aei.com Tavernier FL Oct 17,2023 Oct 17,2023 11:54:14 AM EDT No Inc 11:54:14AM EDT alisha pvt ltd alishaross2013@gmail.com AL Oct 7,20231:47:03 Oct 7,2023 1:47:03 AM EDT No AM EDT Amici ngineering chrisl@amiciec.com Miami FL Oct 20,2023 2:22:50 Nov 27,2023 3:31:02 PM EST No Contractors,. PM EDT Ar h ape& jkidd@arapaho-lp.com EL PASO TX Oct 9,20231137:34 Oct 11,2023 4:10:56 PM EDT No a4RFLN.LE AM EDT Atlas Trenchless drilling@atlas-trenchless.com ROCKVILLE MN Oct 232023 , Oct 23,2023 10:25:15 AM EDT No ILL 10:25:08 AM EDT Nov 9,2023 4:44:08 $idAmerica abdul@bidamerica.com Murrieta CA PM EST Nov 9,2023 4:47:07 PM EST No Brierley Oct 11,2023 1:51:20 Associates srinci@brierleyassociates.com East Syracuse NY PM EDT Oct 11,2023 1:51:20 PM EDT No QIS GROUP region1@cjisgroup.com Hemdon VA Oct 6,202311:11:46 Oct 6,2023 11:11:46 AM EDT No AM EDT Clairsol,Inc webmaster@clairsol.com South NJ Oct 17,2023 3:23:46 Oct 17,2023 3:23:46 PM EDT No Plainfield PM EDT CobbFendley. agoudie@cobbfendley.com Houston TX Oct 27,2023 Oct 27,2023 10:40:23 AM EDT No 10:40:23 AM EDT ConstructConner3 ashley.welker@constructconnect.com Cincinnati OH Oct 13,2023 5:39:03 Oct 21,2023 5:52:24 AM EDT No AM EDT ConstructConnect content@constructconnett.com Cincinnati OH Nov 29,2023 Nov 29,2023 1:50:38 AM EST No 1:50:38 AM EST David Mancini& bids@dmsi.co Pompano FL Nov 10,2023 Nov 22,2023 2:43:47 PM EST No Sons I, nc. Beach 7:58:50 AM EST DBE MANAGEMENT BIDS@DBEUTILITYSERVICES.COM LOXAHATCHEE FL Oct 9,2023 5:24:59 Nov 26,2023 3:45:45 PM EST No PM EDT Elc DBE Utility dw@dbehdd.com Loxahatchee FL Oct 9,2023 11:11:14 Nov 14,2023 12:48:21 PM EST No Suis s AM EDT grrt Oct 6,2023 8:05:42 DH and Com Rany Daraharsh@gmail.com Calsbad NM PM EDT Nov 28,2023 9:20:41 PM EST No 12g51gQ Data& jayalakshmil@construction.com NEW YORK NY Oct 7,2023 9:51:02 Nov 29,2023 9:50:14 AM EST No Analyt . AM EDT E-Chem, antoinette@e-chem.net Albuquerque NM Oct 10,2023 8:18:42 Oct 23,2023 1:52:04 PM EDT No AM EDT EgrAISQIIFL Pompano Oct 17,2023 Alejandro.Cerice@ferguson.com Inc. Beach 12:07:24 PM EDT Nov 29.2023 7:15:15 AM EST No Florida Bid kila@floridabid.com Tallahassee FL Oct 23,2023 3:47:04 Oct23,2023 3:47:04 AM EDT No thmljpgAM EDT Ronda Construction& jdao@fcebuild.com Coral Gables FL Nov 15,2023 Nov 15,2023 3:21:27 PM EST No Lngineering Inc 3:2127 PM EST Florida General 84 Oct 19,2023 Roofing flgcroofing@gmail.com homestead FL Oct 19,2023 10:18:53 AM EDT No Contractors 10:18:53 AM EDT Foster Marine kevins@foster-marine.net Wellington FL Oct 232023 7:30:09 , Oct 23,2023 7:30:09 AM EDT No Sontractorsd S. AM EDT GreMark wayne.fergusson.egc@gmail.com Willimantic CT Oct 72023 12:46:39 , Nov 28,2023 2:05:00 AM EST No Consultancyjac AM EDT Oct 17,2023 5:33:06 NBC Engineering fcraveiro@hbcengineeringco.com Doral FL PM EDT Oct 17,2023 5:33:06 PM EDT No Home Exnrrcc Oct 17,2023 3:40:42 ss[R sandra@home-express.com Weston FL PM EDT Oct 23,2023 3:14:06 PM EDT Yes JSCO Industries steve.herp@isco-pipe.com Louisville KY Oct 9,2023 2:49:04 Nov 15,2023 1:43:15 PM EST No PM EDT Oct 7,2023 4:29:37 iig Et katherine.bliss@constructconnect.com Cincinnati OH AM EDT Nov 22,2023 4:02:08 PM EST No 121E1 california@isqft.com Cincinnati OH Nov 22,2023 Nov 22,2023 3:27:40 AM EST No 3:27:40 AM EST ITSol,J mcsb2012@yahoo.com Orlando FL Oct 7,2023 7:45:33 Nov 24,2023 3:06:08 PM EST No PM EDT Jormak Equipment and jorge@jormakequipment.com Miami FL Oct 12,2023 Oct 12,2023 11:05:07 PM EDT No 11:05:07 PM EDT Consulting Ins i= Deerfield Oct 6,2023 2:07:46 Construction Co., estimating@lanzo.org Beach FL PM EDT Oct 6,2023 2:29:02 PM EDT No Florida Maestre maestreconstruction@gmail.com Hialeah FL Nov 15,2023 Nov 17,2023 4:29:34 PM EST No Construction Inc, 10:17:26 AM EST Man Con Inc accounting@mancon.ws DeerfieldFL Oct 16,2023 9:10:53 Oct 16,2023 9:10:53 AM EDT No Beach AM EDT McWane Inc ula@mcwaneductile.com Coshocton OH Oct 23,2023 9:42:50 Oct 23,2023 9:42:50 AM EDT No Ductile Pipe gary'g AM EDT Metro Egijpment Oct 9,2023 10:53:57 S Nitelnc jfonte64@gmail.com Miami FL AM EDT Nov 29,2023 8:16:14AM EST No North America Oct 7,2023 4:51:11 Procurement sourcemanagement@napc.me Grand Junction CO AM EDT Nov 29,2023 8:49:26 AM EST No Council,Inc.PBC Periscope Nov 9,2023 Holdings, testtestl5@bidsync.com Austin TX 12:03:36 PM EST Nov 9,2023 12:03:36 PM EST No Jncorporated Qualrtv Oct 6,2023 4:09:33 Enterprises USA Igaudio@qeusa.com Naples FL PM EDT Nov 20,2023 2:09:07 PM EST No Jac. RIC-MAN bid@ric-manus POMPANO FL Oct 6,202322 '54'34 Nov 28,202310:23:46 AM EST No JNTERNATIONAL Ric-Man larry_brennen@msn.com Pompano FL Nov 2,2023 Nov 29,2023 1:48:39 PM EST No International I� Beach 12:53:34 PM EDT RJ yorman bids@rjgormanmarine.com Panama City FL Oct 9,20231020:35 Oct 9,202310:20:35 AM EDT No Contracting AM EDT S,j Louis Oct 26,2023 9:09:37 ConsWction Jps estimators@sjlouis.com Rockville MN AM EDT Oct 26,2023 9:09:37 AM EDT No $C CONTRACTORS chacon.sandra@gmail.com PEMBROKE FL Oct 23,2023 Oct 23,2023 10:4437 AM EDT No LLL PINES 10:44:37 AM EDT Southern Oct 10,2023 4:43:25 Underground belseri1111 @aol.com Oakland Park FL PM EDT Oct 10,2023 4:43:25 PM EDT No Industries, ght Ahead Mike@straightaheadconstruction.com MIAMI FL Oct 19,2023 8:47:29 Nov 5,202310:49:27 AM EST No Construction, nc AM EDT TB Power Creation BOYNTON Oct 9,2023 10:55:10 LL frediebrady@tbpowercreation.com BEACH FL AM EDT Oct 9,2023 11:22:37 AM EDT No Team Industrial christine.carroll@teaminc.com Green Cove FL Oct 10,2023 Oct 10,202310:04:09 AM EDT No Springs 10:04:09 AM EDT texasaquatic@aol.com Lake Wales FL Oct 9,2023 9:17:51 Oct 9,2023 9:17:51 PM EDT No Jiarvestingjps PM EDT Underground Oct 10,2023 3:45:43 $olutioris jraymer@aegion.com Woodstock GA PM EDT Nov 16,2023 7:27:17 AM EST No Wolf Creek laura@wolfcreekconst.com Tequesta FL Oct 25,2023 2:15:13 Oct 25,2023 2:15:13 PM EDT No Construction PM EDT Show Suppliers That have Viewed Addendums Questions?Contact a Periscope Source representative:800-990-9339 or email:source-support@periscopeholdings.com Home I Bid Search I Bids I Orders I Tools I Support I Privacy I Logout C1131116 Copyright C 2020-Periscope Holdings,Inc.-All rights reserved. f\/\ I A AA I B E AC H PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov ATTACHMENT B ADDENDUM NO.3 INVITATION TO BID NO 2024-016-LB FOR REBID-FORCE MAINS CANAL CROSSING REPLACEMENT-PINE TREE DRIVE MIAMI BEACH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PRE-BID MEETING SIGN-IN SHEET DATE: Tuesday,October 24,2023 TIME: 1:30:00 PM BID NO. ITB 2024-016-LB Re-bid Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement-Pine Tree NAME COMPANY Email Livia Barcelos City of Miami Beach LIVIABARCELOS@MIAMIBEACHFL.GOV Carolina Zamora City of Miami Beach CAROLINAZAMORA@MIAMIBEACHFLGOV Jill Press Office of the Inspector General JillPress@miamibeachfl.gov Lou Gaudio Quality Enterprises Igaudio@Qeusa.com Gary Gula McWane Ductile Gary,gula@mcwaneductile.com Hamill Andrade Ricman International hamilla@ric-manus Liettys Hernandez Maestre Constrution Ihernandez@maestreconstruction.com IV\I AM I B EACH PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach,Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov ATTACHMENT C IADDENDUM NO.3 INVITATION TO BID NO.2024-016-LB FOR REBID-FORCE MAINS CANAL CROSSING REPLACEMENT-PINE TREE DRIVE "General Decision Number: FL20230125 11/03/2023 Superseded General Decision Number: FL20220125 State: Florida Construction Type: Heavy County: Miami-Dade County in Florida. HEAVY CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS (Including Sewer and Water Lines) Note: Contracts subject to the Davis-Bacon Act are generally required to pay at least the applicable minimum wage rate required under Executive Order 14026 or Executive Order 13658. Please note that these Executive Orders apply to covered contracts entered into by the federal government that are subject to the Davis-Bacon Act itself, but do not apply to contracts subject only to the Davis-Bacon Related Acts, including those set forth at 29 CFR 5.1(a)(2)-(60). If the contract is entered . Executive Order 14026 into on or after January 30, generally applies to the 2022, or the contract is contract. renewed or extended (e.g., an . The contractor must pay option is exercised) on or all covered workers at after January 30, 2022: least $16.20 per hour (or the applicable wage rate listed on this wage determination, if it is higher) for all hours spent performing on the contract in 2023. If the contract was awarded on . Executive Order 13658 or between January 1, 2015 and generally applies to the January 29, 2022, and the contract. contract is not renewed or . The contractor must pay all extended on or after January covered workers at least 30, 2022: $12.15 per hour (or the applicable wage rate listed on this wage determination, if it is higher) for all hours spent performing on that contract in 2023. The applicable Executive Order minimum wage rate will be adjusted annually. If this contract is covered by one of the Executive Orders and a classification considered necessary for performance of work on the contract does not appear on this wage determination, the contractor must still submit a conformance request. Additional information on contractor requirements and worker protections under the Executive Orders is available at http://www.dol.gov/whd/govcontracts. Modification Number Publication Date 0 01/06/2023 1 01/20/2023 2 09/29/2023 3 10/13/2023 4 11/03/2023 * ELEC0349-007 09/04/2023 Rates Fringes ELECTRICIAN $ 39.81 14.62 ENGI0487-023 07/01/2023 Rates Fringes OPERATOR: Crane All Cranes 75 Tons and below $ 37.07 14.90 All Cranes Over 300 Ton, Electric Tower, Luffing Boom Cranes $ 40.40 14.90 Cranes 130-300 Ton $ 39.38 14.90 Cranes 76 ton to 129 Ton $ 37.57 14.90 ENGI0487-028 07/01/2023 Rates Fringes OPERATOR: Backhoe $ 27.00 14.90 OPERATOR: Drill Drill Rig, Truck Mounted, Sterling Class $ 27.00 14.90 Drill Rig, Truck Mounted, Watson Class $ 32.75 14.90 OPERATOR: Loader $ 27.00 14.90 OPERATOR: Oiler $ 27.53 14.90 IRON0272-005 10/01/2023 Rates Fringes IRONWORKER, STRUCTURAL $ 27.75 15.27 LAB01652-004 05/01/2018 Rates Fringes LABORER: Grade Checker $ 22.05 7.27 PAIN0365-007 06/01/2021 Rates Fringes PAINTER: Brush, Roller and Spray $ 20.21 12.38 * SUFL2009-164 06/24/2009 Rates Fringes CARPENTER, Includes Form Work $ 17.00 2.51 CEMENT MASON/CONCRETE FINISHER $ 16.61 5.52 LABORER: Common or General $ 13.09 ** 1.26 LABORER: Landscape $ 7.25 ** 0.00 LABORER: Power Tool Operator (Hand Held Drills/Saws, Jackhammer and Power Saws Only) $ 10.63 ** 2.20 OPERATOR: Asphalt Paver $ 11.59 ** 0.00 OPERATOR: Backhoe Loader Combo $ 16.10 ** 2.44 OPERATOR: Bulldozer $ 14.95 ** 0.81 OPERATOR: Excavator $ 21.16 1.67 OPERATOR: Grader/Blade $ 16.00 ** 2.84 OPERATOR: Mechanic $ 14.32 ** 0.00 OPERATOR: Roller $ 10.95 ** 0.00 OPERATOR: Scraper $ 11.00 ** 1.74 OPERATOR: Trackhoe $ 20.92 5.50 OPERATOR: Tractor $ 10.54 ** 0.00 TRUCK DRIVER, Includes Dump Truck $ 9.60 ** 0.00 TRUCK DRIVER: Lowboy Truck $ 12.73 ** 0.00 TRUCK DRIVER: Off the Road Truck $ 12.21 ** 1.97 WELDERS - Receive rate prescribed for craft performing operation to which welding is incidental. ** Workers in this classification may be entitled to a higher minimum wage under Executive Order 14026 ($16.20) or 13658 ($12.15). Please see the Note at the top of the wage determination for more information. Note: Executive Order (EO) 13706, Establishing Paid Sick Leave for Federal Contractors applies to all contracts subject to the Davis-Bacon Act for which the contract is awarded (and any solicitation was issued) on or after January 1, 2017. If this contract is covered by the EO, the contractor must provide employees with 1 hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours they work, up to 56 hours of paid sick leave each year. Employees must be permitted to use paid sick leave for their own illness, injury or other health-related needs, including preventive care; to assist a family member (or person who is like family to the employee) who is ill, injured, or has other health-related needs, including preventive care; or for reasons resulting from, or to assist a family member (or person who is like family to the employee) who is a victim of, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Additional information on contractor requirements and worker protections under the EO is available at https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/government-contracts. Unlisted classifications needed for work not included within the scope of the classifications listed may be added after award only as provided in the labor standards contract clauses (29CFR 5.5 (a) (1) (ii)). The body of each wage determination lists the classification and wage rates that have been found to be prevailing for the cited type(s) of construction in the area covered by the wage determination. The classifications are listed in alphabetical order of ""identifiers"" that indicate whether the particular rate is a union rate (current union negotiated rate for local), a survey rate (weighted average rate) or a union average rate (weighted union average rate). Union Rate Identifiers A four letter classification abbreviation identifier enclosed in dotted lines beginning with characters other than ""SU"" or ""UAVG"" denotes that the union classification and rate were prevailing for that classification in the survey. Example: PLUM0198-005 07/01/2014. PLUM is an abbreviation identifier of the union which prevailed in the survey for this classification, which in this example would be Plumbers. 0198 indicates the local union number or district council number where applicable, i.e., Plumbers Local 0198. The next number, 005 in the example, is an internal number used in processing the wage determination. 07/01/2014 is the effective date of the most current negotiated rate, which in this example is July 1, 2014. Union prevailing wage rates are updated to reflect all rate changes in the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) governing this classification and rate. Survey Rate Identifiers Classifications listed under the ""SU"" identifier indicate that no one rate prevailed for this classification in the survey and the published rate is derived by computing a weighted average rate based on all the rates reported in the survey for that classification. As this weighted average rate includes all rates reported in the survey, it may include both union and non-union rates. Example: SULA2012-007 5/13/2014. SU indicates the rates are survey rates based on a weighted average calculation of rates and are not majority rates. LA indicates the State of Louisiana. 2012 is the year of survey on which these classifications and rates are based. The next number, 007 in the example, is an internal number used in producing the wage determination. 5/13/2014 indicates the survey completion date for the classifications and rates under that identifier. Survey wage rates are not updated and remain in effect until a new survey is conducted. Union Average Rate Identifiers Classification(s) listed under the UAVG identifier indicate that no single majority rate prevailed for those classifications; however, 100% of the data reported for the classifications was union data. EXAMPLE: UAVG-OH-0010 08/29/2014. UAVG indicates that the rate is a weighted union average rate. OH indicates the state. The next number, 0010 in the example, is an internal number used in producing the wage determination. 08/29/2014 indicates the survey completion date for the classifications and rates under that identifier. A UAVG rate will be updated once a year, usually in January of each year, to reflect a weighted average of the current negotiated/CBA rate of the union locals from which the rate is based. WAGE DETERMINATION APPEALS PROCESS 1.) Has there been an initial decision in the matter? This can be: * an existing published wage determination * a survey underlying a wage determination * a Wage and Hour Division letter setting forth a position on a wage determination matter * a conformance (additional classification and rate) ruling On survey related matters, initial contact, including requests for summaries of surveys, should be with the Wage and Hour National Office because National Office has responsibility for the Davis-Bacon survey program. If the response from this initial contact is not satisfactory, then the process described in 2.) and 3.) should be followed. With regard to any other matter not yet ripe for the formal process described here, initial contact should be with the Branch of Construction Wage Determinations. Write to: Branch of Construction Wage Determinations Wage and Hour Division U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20210 2.) If the answer to the question in 1.) is yes, then an interested party (those affected by the action) can request review and reconsideration from the Wage and Hour Administrator (See 29 CFR Part 1.8 and 29 CFR Part 7). Write to: Wage and Hour Administrator U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20210 The request should be accompanied by a full statement of the interested party's position and by any information (wage payment data, project description, area practice material, etc.) that the requestor considers relevant to the issue. 3.) If the decision of the Administrator is not favorable, an interested party may appeal directly to the Administrative Review Board (formerly the Wage Appeals Board). Write to: Administrative Review Board U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20210 4.) All decisions by the Administrative Review Board are final. END OF GENERAL DECISION MIAMI B EAC I-I PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov ATTACHMENT D IADDENDUM NO.3 INVITATION TO BID NO.2024-016-LB FOR REBID-FORCE MAINS CANAL CROSSING REPLACEMENT-PINE TREE DRIVE Base Rate+Units X Consumption Charge=Water Charges Water Charges for Residential Service(Single Family) Water Residential Service Base Water Residential Consumption Meter Size Base Rate Units ' per Unit w-.75 3/4" $ 9.56 0 to 80 $ 0.378 w-1.00 1" $ 9.97 81 to 160 $ 0.572 isimminsimmommio w-1.50 1 1/2" $ 10.95 161 to 240 $ 0.718 CUSTOMER INFORMATION: w-2.00 2" $ 11.93 Above 241 $ 0.883 Notice to all billing customers: Pursuant to Ordinance w-3.00 3" $ 12.52 2020-4384,effective Oct. 1, 2023,the base and consumption w-4.00 4" $ 14.42 components of the water and sewer charges will be increased by 3.6%. In addition,pursuant to Ordinance 2019-4299,as a result of the Consumer Price Index increase of 9.9%by the Bureau of Labor of Statistics,the Stormwater utility fee will be Water Charges for General Service(Commercial, Multi-Family Residential,Government,etc.) indexed to the CPI. NI Water General Service Base Water General Consumption Block 1 $ Block 2 Block 3 Meter Size ! Base Rate Meter Size i .462 (per unit) $.598(per unit) $.708(per unit) wg.75 3/4" $ 9.56 3/4" 0 to 160 161 to 320 over 321 wg1.00 1" $ 20.63 1" �0 to 400 401 to 800 over 801 wg1.50 1 1/2" $ 39.34 1 1/2" 0 to 800 801 to 1600 over 1,601 wg2.00 2" $ 61.62 2" 0 to 1,280 1,281 to 2,560 over 2,561 wg3.00 3" $ 119.00 3" 0 to 2,560 2,561 to 5,120 over 5,121 wg4.00 4" _ $ 184.80 4" 0 to 4,000 4,001 to 8,000 over 8,001 wg6.00 6" $ 370.22 6" 0 to 8,000 8,001 to 16,000 over 16,001 wg8.00 8" $ 584.64 8" 0 to 12,800 12,801 to 25,600 over 25,601 wg10.0 10" $ 839.25 10" 0 to 18,400 18,401 to 36,800 over 36,801 _ wg12.0 [12" $ 1,551.43 12" 0 to 34,400 34,401 to 68,800 over 68,801 *effective 10/1/2023 Base Rate+Units X Consumption Charge=Irrigation Charges Irrigation Charges for Residential Service(Single Family) Irrigation Residential Service Base Irrigation Residential Consumption Meter Size Base Rate Units j per Unit ir.75 3/4" $ 9.56 0 to 160 $ 0.571 ir1.00 1" $ 9.97 Above 161 $ 0.883 it 1.50 1 1/2" $ 10.95 ir2.00 2" $ 11.93 ir3.00 3" $ 12.52 ir4.00 4" $ 14.42 Irrigation Charges for General Service(Commercial,Multi-Family Residential,Government,etc.) Irrigation General Service Base Irrigation General Consumption Block 1 i Block 2 Meter Size Base Rate Meter Size II $ .571 (per unit) $_883 (per unit) ig.75 3/4" $ 9.56 3/4" 0 to 320 over 321 ig1.00 1" $ 20.63 1" 0 to 800 over 801 ig1.50 1 1/2" $ 39.34 1 1/2" 0 to 1,600 over 1,601 ig2.00 2" $ 61.62 2" 0 to 2,560 over 2,561 ig3.00 3" $ 119.00 3" 0 to 5,120 over 5,121 ig4.00 4" $ 184.80 4" 0 to 8,000 over 8,001 ig6.00 6" $ 370.22 6" 0 to 16,000 over 16,001 ig8.00 8" $ 584.64 8" 0 to 25,600 over 25,601 ig10.0 10" $ 839.25 10" 0 to 36,800 over 36,801 ig12.0 12" $ 1,551.43 12" 0 to 68,800 over 68,801 *effective 10/1/2023 Base Rate +Units X Consumption Charge=Sewer Charges Sewer Charges for Residential Service(Single Family) Sewer Residential Service Base ( Sewer Residential Consumption Meter Size Base Rate Unitsper Unit I sewer (All Meter Sizes I $ 9.72 I IAII Units $ 1.178 I Sewer Charges for General Service(Commercial, Multi-Family Residential,Government,etc.) Sewer General Service Base Sewer General Consumption JMeter Size r Base Rate Units _ per Unit sg.75 3/4" $ 9.72y AII Units $ 1.178 sg1.00 1" $ 21.72 sg1.50 1 1/2" $ 41.70 Fire Sprinkler System sg2.00 2" $ 65.69 Meter Size Base Rate I sg3,00 3" $ 129.66 2" $ 11.70 sg4,00 4" $ 201.62 3" $ 21.48 sg6.00 6" $ 401.52 4" $ 32.51 sg8,00 8" $ 641.37 6" $ 63.10 sg10.0 10" $ 921.23 8" $ 99.83 sg12.0 12" $ 1,720.78 10" $ 142.67 City Waste Pick Charges :01/01/22 -12/31/22 I Solid Waste Impact Fee I Units X Rate=Stormwater Utility Service Single Family $47.45 per unit Based on ERU (Equivalent Res Unit) Stormwater Charges per ERU Apt/Condo/Duplex(up to 8 units) $43.02 per unit, 0-25 $ 16.000 26-50 $ 24.000 Stormwater Utility Service / City Waste Pick Charges :01/01/23 -12/31/23 51-75 $ 30.000 $30.14 Single Family $48.53 per unit 76-100 $ 40.000 Apt/Condo/Duplex(up to 8 units) $44.10 per unit 101 and above $ 50.000 *effective 10/1/2023 M I AMI B EACH PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue,3rd Floor Miami Beach,Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov ADDENDUM NO.2 INVITATION TO BID NO. 2024-016-LB FOR REBID FORCE MAINS CANAL CROSSING REPLACEMENT-PINE TREE DRIVE November 22,2023 This Addendum to the above-referenced ITB is issued in response to questions from prospective proposers or other clarifications and revisions issued by the City.The ITB is amended in the following particulars only(deletions are shown by s ethreagh,and additions are underlined). RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS RECEIVED WILL BE ADDRESSED IN A SUBSEQUENT ADDENDUM. I. REVISION 1: ITB DUE DATE AND TIME. The deadline for the electronic receipt of bids is extended until 3:00 pm on Monday, December 4,2023. All bids received and time stamped through Periscope S2G, prior to the bid submittal deadline shall be accepted as timely submitted. Bids will be opened promptly at the time and date specified. Hard copy bids or bids received electronically, either through email or facsimile, submitted prior to or after the deadline for receipt of bids are not acceptable and will be rejected. Late bids cannot be submitted; bidders are cautioned to plan sufficiently.The City will in no way be responsible for delays caused by technical difficulty or caused by any other occurrence. Any questions regarding this Addendum should be submitted in writing to the Procurement Management Department to the attention of the individual named below,with a copy to the City Clerk's Office at RafaelGranado@miamibeachfl.gov. Contact: Telephone: Email: Livia Barcelos 305-673-7000 ext.7490 liviabarcelos@miamibeachfl.gov Proposers are reminded to acknowledge receipt of this Addendum as part of their ITB submission Sincerely, 6jf Kristy Bada Procurement Contracting Manager ADDENDUM NO.2 INVITATION TO BID NO.2024-016-LB FOR REBID-FORCE MAINS CANAL CROSSING REPLACEMENT-PINE TREE DRIVE MIAMI BEACH PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT 1755 Meridian Avenue,3rd Floor Miami Beach,Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov ADDENDUM NO. 1 INVITATION TO BID NO. 2024-016-LB FOR REBID FORCE MAINS CANAL CROSSING REPLACEMENT-PINE TREE DRIVE November 17,2023 This Addendum to the above-referenced ITB is issued in response to questions from prospective proposers or other clarifications and revisions issued by the City.The ITB is amended in the following particulars only(deletions are shown by str-ikeflaceugh, and additions are underlined). RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS RECEIVED WILL BE ADDRESSED IN A SUBSEQUENT ADDENDUM. I. REVISION 1: ITB DUE DATE AND TIME.The deadline for the electronic receipt of bids is extended until 3:00 pm on Monday,November 27,2023. All bids received and time stamped through Periscope S2G, prior to the bid submittal deadline shall be accepted as timely submitted. Bids will be opened promptly at the time and date specified. Hard copy bids or bids received electronically, either through email or facsimile, submitted prior to or after the deadline for receipt of bids are not acceptable and will be rejected. Late bids cannot be submitted; bidders are cautioned to plan sufficiently.The City will in no way be responsible for delays caused by technical difficulty or caused by any other occurrence. II. REVISION 2:Section 0100 Instruction to Bidders,Subsection:8.Bid Bond, Item a.2.Paper Bid Bond,is hereby amended as follows: Paper Bid Bond.Bidder may submit an original or certified hard copy(paper)bid bond,which must be received by the City on or before the deadline for submittal of bids. Failure to submit an original or certified hard-copy (paper) bid bond or bid bonds received after the deadline for submittal of bids will not be acceptable and shall render the bid submittal non-responsive. The original or certified hard copy (paper) must be mailed to the address below by the deadline for the submittal of bids. Attn: Procurement Department City of Miami Beach City Clerk's Office 1700 Convention Center Dr., 1st Floor Miami Beach,33139-1st Floor Any questions regarding this Addendum should be submitted in writing to the Procurement Management Department to the attention of the individual named below,with a copy to the City Clerk's Office at RafaelGranado@miamibeachfl.gov. Contact: Telephone: Email: Livia Barcelos 305-673-7000 ext.7490 liviabarcelos@miamibeachfl.gov Proposers are reminded to acknowledge receipt of this Addendum as part of their ITB submission Sincerely, 7 61 Kristy Bada Procurement Contracting Manager ADDENDUM NO.1 INVITATION TO BID NO.2024-016-LB FOR REBID-FORCE MAINS CANAL CROSSING REPLACEMENT-PINE TREE DRIVE ITB SUMMARY The purpose of this ITB Summary is to summarize the major terms, conditions, and requirements of the ITB. Bidders shall note that various paragraphs within these bid documents have a box ( ), which may be checked ( 0x ). If the box is checked, the language is made a part of the bid documents, and compliance therewith is required of the Bidder; if the box is not checked, the language is not made a part of the bid documents. It is the Bidder's responsibility to become familiar with all terms, conditions, and requirements of the ITB, whether or not included in the ITB Summary. Further, it is the Bidder's responsibility to make note of and account for any revisions to any portion of the ITB Summary that may result from an addendum to the ITB. ITB Information & General Requirements ITB No.: 2024-016-LB ITB Title: Re-bid Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement- Pine Tree Drive Date of Issuance: October 5, 2023 Project Description & The project includes the installation of approximately 1850 LF of two (2) Scope of Work: parallel 30-inch HDPE sub-aqueous force main canal crossings to replace the two (2) existing canal crossings. The proposed pipelines will be installed via Horizontal Directional Drilling, crossing the Flamingo Waterway. They will replace the existing 24-inch CIP force main aerial crossing (located along the center section of bridge#874712, owned by Miami Dade County) and a 30-inch CIP force main subaqueous crossing located along the west side of the bridge. The entry/exit pits and connections to the existing force mains ' will be made at the uplands of the Flamingo Waterway, and the existing force mains will be capped and abandoned in place. The work consists of but is not limited to the following: 1. The purchase, delivery, and installation of contractor-furnished materials and equipment necessary for the complete replacement of a section of 24-inch force main and 30-inch force main within the project site,with two(2) new 30-inch HDPE force mains installed via Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD). 2. Replacement, including cleaning and testing as required, sewer service maintenance, and all appurtenant for miscellaneous items and work for a completed project. Regulatory agencies' permits and exemptions acquired: • RER— DERM Expires 7/21/2027; • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Verification Letter Expires 3/14/2026; • CMB Building Department: FDEP: Expires 6/9/2023. • Miami Dade DTPW design Review Approvals to be obtained by Contractor: • U.S. Coast Guard: Construction Navigation Clearance, • Miami-Dade County DRER: Class I Construction Permit — Notice of Commencement of Construction. • Miami Dade DTPW Construction Right of Way permit Pine Tree Drive between Flamingo Waterway and West 51st St, Miami Project Site: Beach, FL, 33140 Estimated Budget: 1 $2,800,000 Procurement Contact: Name: Livia Barcelos Telephone: 305-673-7000 ext. 26858 Email: Iiviabarcelos(c miamibeachfl.gov Cone of Silence: Bidders are hereby advised that pursuant to Section 2-486 of the City Code, this solicitation is under the Cone of Silence law. Communications regarding this solicitation are to be submitted in writing to the Procurement Contact named herein with a copy to the City Clerk at rafaelgranadoamiamibeachfl.gov. Reference: Section 0400, Solicitation Terms and Conditions Important Dates Due Date & Time for 1 The deadline for submittal of bids is 3:00 PM, on November 20, 2023. Bid Submittal: Due date may be modified by Join on your computer, mobile app or room device addendum to the ITB. It is Click here to join the meeting important that Bidder Meeting ID: 284 524 590 124 download all addenda. Passcode: kaj2dC Download Teams I Join on the web Or call in (audio only) +1 786-636-1480„443908772# United States, Miami Phone Conference ID:443 908 772# Bidders are cautioned that late bids can not be submitted. Bidders are fully responsible for assuring that bids are received by the deadline. Pre-Bid Conference: Date: October 24, 2023 Time: 1:30 PM ® Pre-Bid Conference will be Join on your computer, mobile app or room device held. Click here to join the meeting ❑ Pre-Bid Meeting ID: 289 861 092 871 Conference is Passcode: Zia87Y Mandatory. Download Teams I Join on the web Or call in (audio only) ❑ A Pre-Bid +1 786-636-1480„209614294# United States, Miami Conference will not be Phone Conference ID: 209 614 294# held. Reference: Section 0100, Sub-section 6, Pre-Bid Interpretations. Site Visit: Date: October 24, 2023 Time: 9:00 AM ® Site Visit will be Location: Pine Tree Drive between Flamingo Waterway and West 51th held. St, Miami Beach, FL, 33140 ❑ Site Visit is Mandatory. ❑ Site Visit will not be held. Last Day for Receipt of November 10, 2023 by 5:00 PM ET Questions: Questions will be allowed up to 10 days before the initial deadline for submittal of Bids. Questions must be directed to Iiviabarcelos(c�miamibeachfl.gov, with a copy to the City Clerk rafaelgranado(cr�miamibeachfl.gov. Reference: Section 0100, Sub-section 6, Pre-Bid Interpretations. Project Specific Information & Requirements Minimum Requirements: Bids from bidders that do not meet the following Minimum Requirements shall be deemed non-responsive and shall not be considered. Shall apply. 1. Licensing Requirements. Bidder shall be State of Florida Certified General Contractor, with Florida Certified Underground Utility and ❑ Shall not apply. Excavation Subcontractor, OR Miami Dade County Licensed General Contractor to be considered for award, with Florida Certified Underground Utility and Excavation Subcontractor, OR State of Florida Certified Utility and Excavation Contractor Submittal Requirement: Provide copy of license. 2. Previous Experience of Bidder (Firm and/or its principal). Bidder and/or its principal must have been awarded a minimum of three (3) projects of similar scope and budget within the last five (5)years, two (2) of which must be successfully completed and the third may be ongoing. A project of similar scope shall be defined as construction and repair of Force Main with a construction cost of at least $2.5 million. Projects must illustrate familiarity with all the following aspects: Experience in, permitting and construction of Open Cut Installation and Horizontal Directional Drill (provide at least one example). Submittal Requirement: For each project, submit: 1) Owner Name, 2) Contact Name, Telephone & Email, 3) Project Address, 4) Narrative on Scope of Services Provided, 5) Contract amount and completion date. For each project, identify whether the experience is for the firm or fora principal (Include name of the principal). 3. Previous Experience of Bidder(Firm) Proiect Manager. Bidder's Lead Project Manager must have completed at least two (2) projects with similar scope and budget. A project of similar scope shall be defined as construction with a hard construction cost of at least$2.5 million. Submittal Requirement: For each project, submit: 1) Contact Name, Telephone & Email, 3) Project Address, 4) Narrative on Scope of Services Provided, 5) Contract amount and completion date. 4. Previous Experience of Bidder (Firm) Superintendent. Bidder's Superintendent must have completed at least two (2) projects with similar scope and budget. A project of similar scope shall be defined as construction with a hard construction cost of at least $2.5 million. Submittal Requirement: For each project, submit: 1) Contact Name, Telephone & Email, 3) Project Address, 4) Narrative on Scope of Services Provided, 5) Contract amount and completion date. Reference: Section 0200. Bid Bond Requirements: If the requirement applies,a bid bond that is in compliance with Section 0100 must submitted on or before the deadline for the submittal of bids in one of Shall apply. the following formats: 111 Shall not apply. 1. Electronic Bid Bond through Surety2000. 2. Original or certified hard-copy (paper) bid bond. 3. Certified or Cashier's Check. A SCANNED OR PDF COPY OR A PERSONAL CHECK OR COMPANY CHECK OF A BIDDER SHALL NOT BE DEEMED A VALID BID BOND AND SHALL NOT BE ACCEPTABLE. FAILURE TO SUBMIT A BID BOND IN ONE OF THE ACCEPTABLE FORMS STATE ABOVE SHALL RENDER BID NON-RESPONSIVE. Reference: Appendix B Bid Bond Form Section 0100, Sub-section 8, Bid Bond. Davis-Bacon Wage If the requirement applies, Bidder agrees it, and its sub-contractors, shall pay Rates: laborers and mechanics employed under the contract no less than the prevailing wage rate and fringe benefit payments to be used in ❑ Shall apply. implementation of this article shall be those last published by the United States Department of Labor in the Federal Register prior to the date of ® Shall not apply. issuance of the ITB. Insurance: If the requirement applies, Bidder agrees it shall fully comply with the following insurance requirements: ® Shall apply. TYPE 10—CONSTRUCTION W/O DESIGN AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (INSTALLATION FLOATER) ❑ Shall not apply. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall maintain the below required insurance in effect prior to awarding the contract and for the duration of the contract. The maintenance of proper insurance coverage is a material element of the contract and failure to maintain or renew coverage may be treated as a material breach of the contract, which could result in withholding of payments or termination of the contract. A. Workers' Compensation Insurance for all employees of the Contractor as required by Florida Statute Chapter 440 and Employer Liability Insurance with a limit of no less than $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease. Should the Contractor be exempt from this Statute, the Contractor and each employee shall hold the City harmless from any injury incurred during performance of the Contract. The exempt Contractor shall also submit (i) a written statement detailing the number of employees and that they are not required to carry Workers' Compensation insurance and do not anticipate hiring any additional employees during the term of this contract or(ii) a copy of a Certificate of Exemption. B. Commercial General Liability Insurance on an occurrence basis, including products and completed operations, property damage, bodily injury and personal & advertising injury with limits no less than $2,000,000 per occurrence. If a general aggregate limit applies, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. C. Automobile Liability Insurance covering any automobile, if Contractor has no owned automobiles, then coverage for hired and non-owned automobiles, with limit no less than $2,000,000 combined per accident for bodily injury and property damage. D. Builders Risk Insurance utilizing an "All Risk" coverage form, with limits equal to the completed value of the project and no coinsurance penalty. (City of Miami Beach shall be named as a Loss Payee on this policy, as its interest may appear. This policy shall remain in force until acceptance of the project by the City.) E. Umbrella Liability Insurance in an amount no less than $2,000,000 per occurrence. The umbrella coverage must be as broad as the primary General Liability coverage. F. Contractors' Pollution Legal Liability (if project involves environmental hazards), with limits no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence or claim, and $2,000,000 policy aggregate. Additional Insured-City of Miami Beach must be included by endorsement as an additional insured with respect to all liability policies (except Professional Liability and Workers' Compensation) arising out of work or operations performed on behalf of the Contractor including materials, parts, or equipment furnished in connection with such work or operations and automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed in the form of an endorsement to the Contractor's insurance. Notice of Cancellation-Each insurance policy required above shall provide that coverage shall not be cancelled, except with notice to the City of Miami Beach do EXIGIS Insurance Compliance Services. Waiver of Subrogation—Contractor agrees to obtain any endorsement that may be necessary to affect the waiver of subrogation on the coverages required. However,this provision applies regardless of whether the City has received a waiver of subrogation endorsement from the insurer. Acceptability of Insurers — Insurance must be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of A:VII or higher. If not rated, exceptions may be made for members of the Florida Insurance Funds (i.e. FWCIGA, FAJUA). Carriers may also be considered if they are licensed and authorized to do insurance business in the State of Florida. Verification of Coverage — Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and amendatory endorsements, or copies of the applicable insurance language, effecting coverage required by this contract. All certificates and endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. However, failure to obtain the required documents prior to the work beginning shall not waive the Contractor's obligation to provide them. The City reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements, required by these specifications, at any time. CERTIFICATE HOLDER MUST READ: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH c/o EXIGIS Insurance Compliance Services P.O. Box 4668— ECM#35050 New York, NY 10163-4668 Kindly submit all certificates of insurance, endorsements, exemption letters to our servicing agent, EXIGIS, at: Certificates-miamibeachriskworks.com Special Risks or Circumstances - The City of Miami Beach reserves the right to modify these requirements, including limits, based on the nature of the risk, prior experience, insurer, coverage, or other special circumstances. Compliance with the foregoing requirements shall not relieve the Contractor of his liability and obligation under this section or under any other section of this agreement. Contract Price: As indicated, contract pricing shall be based on lump sum or unit pricing in accordance with Section 0400, Terms and Conditions of the Contract. ® Lump sum pricing Award shall be made in accordance with Section 0100, Instructions to shall apply. Bidders subsection 10, Method of Award. ❑ Unit pricing . Alternates: In determining lowest bid, the City may consider the total base bid cost or the cost of the total base bid plus any selected alternates (as applicable). ❑ Included. The consideration of any bid alternate (if applicable) shall be solely at the City's discretion. If applicable, bid alternates will be detailed in the Bid Price ® Not Included. Form, Appendix A. Determination of award (including whether bid alternates will be included in the award) shall be made in accordance with Section 0100, Instructions to Bidders subsection 10, Method of Award. Contract Time & Days for Substantial Completion: 455 days Schedule: Days for Final Completion: 25 days Project Scheduling Software Required: ❑ Bar Chart ❑ Computerized CPM using Primavera "P6" software ❑ Modified CPM ® Microsoft Project Reference: Section 0400, Terms and Conditions of the Contract. Liquidated Damages: 1. Failure to achieve Substantial Completion: $500.00/day 2. Failure to achieve Final Completion: $500.00/day ® Shall apply. ❑ Shall not apply. Reference: Section 0400, Terms and Conditions of the Contract. Local Workforce If the requirement applies, the Bidder agrees it, and its subcontractors, shall Participation: make its good-faith, reasonable efforts to promote employment opportunities for Miami-Dade County residents by seeking to achieve a project goal of ® Shall apply. having thirty percent (30%) of all construction labor hours performed by Miami-Dade County residents. The Contractor shall also make its best ❑ Shall not apply. reasonable efforts to promote employment opportunities for Miami Beach residents. Refer to Section 0100, Sub-section 9, Prevailing Wage Rates & Local Workforce Participation and City Code Sec. 31-40. - Local workforce participation goals and reporting requirements for city construction contracts. Certified Payroll Pursuant to City Code Section 31-32, Awarded Contractor must submit Requirement: certified payroll records along with each payment application, to allow the city to verify the wage rates paid to construction workers performing work on ® Shall apply. city projects. ❑ Shall not apply. All certified payroll records submitted to the City shall, at a minimum, include the name, address or zip code, labor classification, hours worked, and hourly base rate paid for each laborer, mechanic and apprentice employed by any contractor or subcontractor on the work covered by the city construction contract. Minimum % of Self- Minimum % of the Work Contractor self-perform with its own forces: 20% Work Requirement: See Section 0400, Terms and Conditions of the Contract. ® Shall apply. ❑ Shall not apply. Performance&Payment See Section 0400, Terms and Conditions of the Contract. Bond Requirements: 1. Formal Solicitations Terms and Conditions for Goods and Services AND ® Shall apply. 2. General Conditions for Construction Contracts ❑ Shall not apply. Prevailing Wage Rates: If the requirement applies, Bidder agrees it, and its subcontractors, shall pay laborers and mechanics employed under the contract no less than the ® Shall apply. prevailing wage rate and fringe benefit payments to be used in implementation of this article shall be those last published by the United ❑ Shall not apply. States Department of Labor in the Federal Register prior to the date of issuance of the ITB Refer to Section 0100, Sub-section 9, Prevailing Wage Rates & Local Workforce Participation and City Code Sec. 31-27. - Establishment of minimum wages for city construction contracts. PERMITS: The CONTRACTOR shall obtain and pay for any permits that Required Permits: may be required for execution of the work, including but not limited to: ® Shall apply. 1. City of Miami Beach Building and Zoning Department ❑ Shall not apply. 2. City of Miami Beach Public Works Department 3. United States Army Corp of Engineers, if required. 4. Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), if required. 5. South Florida Water Management District, if required. 6. Miami-Dade Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM), if required. 7. Miami-Dade Water and Sewer(WASD), if required. 8. Miami Dade County Transportation and Public Works: Traffic Signals and Signs Division, if required. Trench Safety Act Reference: Section 0100, Sub-section 12, Florida Trench Safety Act. Requirements ® Shall apply. ❑ Shall not apply. Consultant: 300 Engineering Group, LLC 2222 Ponce de Leon Blvd, Suite 300 Coral Gables, Florida 33134. Submittal Requirements Submittal Location: Bids will be submitted ELECTRONICALLY ONLY through Periscope S2G (formerly known as BidSync) (www.periscopeholdings.com or www.bidsvnc.com). Submittal Format & Bids are to be submitted ELECTRONICALLY ONLY, contain all information, Requirements: and organized in accordance with Section 0300, including: BID SUBMITTAL QUESTIONNAIRE -- CONSTRUCTION Submit the Bid Submittal Questionnaire — Construction; The questionnaire is an online fillable form that must be completed and submitted electronically via Periscope S2G. TAB 1: MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS AND SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Submit evidence, as specifically requested in the ITB Summary, of compliance with each minimum requirement(s) of this ITB. Bidders that do not comply, or for whom the City cannot verify compliance, shall be deemed non-responsive and its bid shall not be considered. TAB 2: BID PRICE FORM & BID BOND The following documents shall be submitted with the by the deadline for submittal of bids: 1. Bid Price Form. (Appendix A). 2. Bid Bond Form (see Section 0100, Sub-section 8). If the requirement applies, the bid bond is a required document that shall be submitted on or before the deadline for bids. FAILURE TO SUBMIT THE MOST RECENT COMPLETED: 1) BID PRICE FORM AND 2) BID BOND BY THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTAL OF BIDS SHALL RESULT IN BID BEING DEEMED NOT RESPONSIVE AND NOT BEING FURTHER CONSIDERED. 3. Schedule of Values (Appendix C). Must be submitted with the bid or within three (3) days of request by the City. TAB 3: OTHER BID FORMS Submit other forms if required in the ITB Summary, including but not limited to: 1. Local Workforce Participation Program Responsible Contractor Affidavit Form (Appendix D) If ITB Summary indicates a Local Workforce Participation Program is applicable then this form must be submitted. 2. Trench Safety Certification Form (Appendix E) If ITB Summary indicates a Trench Safety Act is applicable then this form must be submitted. TABLE OF CONTENTS SOLICITATION SECTIONS: 0100 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 0200 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS 0300 BID SUBMITTAL FORMAT 0400 TERMS & CONDITIONS (Under separate cover) APPENDICES: APPENDIX A BID PRICE FORM APPENDIX B BID BOND FORM APPENDIX C SCHEDULE OF VALUES APPENDIX D PREVAILING WAGES AND LOCAL WORKFORCE PARTICIPATION APPENDIX E TRENCH SAFETY CERTIFICATION FORM APPENDIX F CONTRACT FORM APPENDIX G LIST OF PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS APPENDIX H POST AWARD FORMS APPENDIX I GEOTECHNICAL REPORT APPENDIX J HDD CALCULATIONS APPENDIX K STORAGE AND STAGING APPENDIX L WAGES SECTION 0100 — INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS: 1. General. This Invitation to Bid (ITB) is issued by the City of Miami Beach, Florida (the "City"), as the means for prospective Bidders to submit their qualifications and bid (the "Bid") to the City for the City's consideration as an option in achieving the required scope of services and requirements as noted herein. All documents released in connection with this solicitation, including all appendixes and addenda, whether included herein or released under separate cover, comprise the solicitation, and are complementary to one another and together establish the complete terms, conditions and obligations of the Bidders and, subsequently, the successful Bidder(s) (the "contractor[s]") if this ITB results in an award. The City utilizes Periscope S2G (formerly known as BidSync) (www.periscopeholdings.com or www.bidsync.com) for automatic notification of competitive solicitation opportunities and document fulfillment, including the issuance of any addendum to this ITB. Any prospective Proposer who has received this ITB by any means other than through Periscope S2G must register immediately with Periscope S2G to assure it receives any addendum issued to this ITB. Failure to receive an addendum may result in disqualification of proposal submitted. 2. Background and Scope of Work. The project is described more fully in the Invitation to Bid Summary (and/or the exhibits referenced therein). 3. Abbreviations and Symbols. The abbreviations used throughout the Contract Documents are defined hereinafter in the Technical Specifications. The symbols used in the Plans are defined therein. 4. Examination of Contract Documents and Site. It is the responsibility of each Bidder before submitting a Bid, to: a. Examine the Contract Documents thoroughly. b. Visit the site or structure to become familiar with conditions that may affect costs, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. c. Take into account federal, state and local (City and Miami-Dade County) laws, regulations, permits, and ordinances that may affect costs, progress, performance, furnishing of the Work, or award. d. Study and carefully correlate Bidder's observations with the Contract Documents. e. Carefully review the Contract Documents and notify City of all conflicts, errors or discrepancies in the Contract Documents of which Bidder knows or reasonably should have known. The submission of a Bid shall constitute an incontrovertible representation by Bidder that Bidder has complied with the above requirements and that without exception, the Bid is premised upon performing and furnishing the Work required by the Contract Documents and that the Contract Documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and furnishing of the Work. 5. Location of Work. This Scope of Work shall be completed at the Project Site/Location of the Work specified in the Invitation to Bid Summary (the "Project Site"). 6. Pre-Bid Interpretations. Only those questions answered by the City's Procurement Department, via written addendum to this ITB, shall be binding as to this ITB. City's answers to questions may supersede terms noted in this ITB, and in such event, such answers shall govern and control this ITB. Verbal and other interpretations or clarifications of City representatives or employees will be without legal effect. All questions about the meaning or intent of the Contract Documents are to be directed to the City's Procurement Director in writing. Interpretations or clarifications considered necessary by the City's Procurement Director in response to such questions will be issued by City by means of addenda mailed or delivered to all parties recorded by the City's Procurement Director as having received the Bidding Documents. Written questions should be received no less than ten (10) calendar days prior to the date of the opening of Bids. There shall be no obligation on the part of City or the City's Procurement Director to respond to questions received less than ten (10) calendar days prior to bid opening. 7. Electronic Form of Bid. All bids must be made upon the blank Bid/Tender Form included herein and must give the price in strict accordance with the instructions thereon. The bid must be signed and acknowledged by the Bidder in accordance with Section 0300 and must be received on or before the deadline for the submittal of bids. Late bids will not be accepted and will not be considered. It is the Bidder's responsibility to account any possible delay. 8. Bid Bond. . If the Invitation to Bid Summary specifies that a bid bond is required, Bidder shall submit, BY THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTAL OF BIDS, a bid bond, in the manner prescribed herein, in the amount of 5% of the total base bid amount, payable to City of Miami Beach, Florida, as guarantee of good faith on the part of the Bidder that, if awarded, it will enter into a contract within 30 days of notification of award. Bid bonds must be issued by a surety company authorized to conduct business in the State of Florida, and carrying a rating of B+ or better as listed in the A.M. Best or equivalent rating guide. a. Acceptable Forms of Bid Bonds. Electronic, paper (original or certified hardy copy) or cash/check bid bonds are acceptable in the following forms only: 1. Electronic Bid Bond. Bidder may submit an electronic bid bond, provided by Surety2000.com, (verified by an eleven-digit code which is generated by the Surety2000 system) and provided by the Bidder with the bid. The instructions for obtaining a bid bond through Surety2000 are below. 1. Register with Surety2000 by visiting www.suretv2000.com.If already registered with Surety2000 previously you will not need to register again. 2. Verify that your Surety Broker is registered with Surety2000. If they are not direct them to visit www.suretv2000.com to register. 3. Provide your Surety Broker the bond details for the proposal you want to bid to. 4. Once your Surety Broker has confirmed execution of the electronic bond creating log into the www.suretv2000.com to digitally sign the bond and receive the eleven-digit bond number. 5. Enter this number where indicated in the bid proposal submission. The option to submit an electronic bid bond is provided solely for the convenience of the Bidder. The Bidder is solely responsible for ensuring that an electronic bid is received by the City in the manner and by the time and date prescribed herein.The City is not responsible for any issues,technical or otherwise,relating to the use of the Surety 2000 system by a bidder. For questions regarding the Surety 2000 system, contact 1-800-660-3263 or help(r suretv2000.com. or 2. Paper Bid Bond. Bidder may submit an original or certified hard-copy (paper) bid bond which must be received by the City on or before the deadline for submittal of bids. Failure to submit a paper bid bonds received after the deadline for submittal of bids will not be acceptable and shall render or 3. Certified or Cashier's Check. Bidder may submit a certified check or cashier's check issued by any national or state bank (United States) payable to the City of Miami Beach, Florida. A SCANNED OR PDF COPY OR A PERSONAL CHECK OR COMPANY CHECK OF A BIDDER SHALL NOT BE DEEMED A VALID BID BID BOND AND SHALL NOT BE ACCEPTABLE. FAILURE TO SUBMIT A BID BOND IN ONE OF THE ACCEPTABLE FORMS STATE ABOVE SHALL RENDER BID NON-RESPONSIVE. b. Forfeiture of Bid Bond. The bid bond of the successful Bidder shall be forfeited to the City of Miami Beach as liquidated damages, not as a penalty, for the cost and expense incurred should said Bidder fail to execute the Contract, provide the required Performance Bond, Payment Bond (recorded by Miami Dade County)and Certificate(s) of Insurance, within ten (10) calendar days after the Bidder's receipt of the Contract for execution, or failure to comply with any other requirements set forth herein. Bid bonds of the unsuccessful Bidders will be returned after award to the successful Bidder. 9. Prevailing Wage Rates & Local Workforce Participation. See ITB Bid Summary to determine if prevailing wages and local workforce participation are a requirement of this ITB. If required, Chapter 31, Articles II and III, of the Code of City of Miami Beach requires that the rate of wages and fringe benefits, or cash equivalent, for all laborers, mechanics and apprentices employed by any contractor or subcontractor on the work covered by the contract, shall not be less than the prevailing rate of wages and fringe benefit payments or cash equivalence for similar skills or classifications of work, as established by the Federal Register last published by the United States Department of Labor prior to the date of issuance of this solicitation. Additionally, the Contractor will make its best reasonable efforts to promote employment opportunities for Miami-Dade County residents by seeking to achieve a project goal of having thirty percent (30%) of all construction labor hours performed by Miami-Dade County residents. The Contractor shall also make its best reasonable efforts to promote employment opportunities for Miami Beach residents. Refer to Appendix D for additional information and submittal requirements of these programs, and the applicable prevailing wage table for the project. 10. Method of Award. The City Manager may recommend to the Mayor and City Commission award to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of the ITB. On the Bid Price Form (Appendix A), the Bidder must state its Total Base Bid, which includes the cost of the base project scope requirements (inclusive of all terms, conditions, specifications, plans, and any other requirement), and the Grand Total Bid, which includes the Total Base Bid plus permit and trench safety indemnification allowances. The Bid Price Form (Appendix A) may also include Additive Alternates, which add certain additional scope elements, and Deductive Alternates, which reduce certain scope elements. The City may consider additive or deductive bid alternates to achieve the maximum project scope within the available budget. When bids are below the stated budget, the City may consider including one or more Additive Alternate, in the order of priority stated, in determining the lowest responsive, responsible Bidder. When bids are above the stated budget, the City may consider including one or more Deductive Alternate, in the order of priority stated, in determining the lowest responsive, responsible Bidder. The responsive, responsible Bidder submitting the lowest sum of the Grand Total Bid plus any alternates selected by the City shall be considered the lowest responsive, responsible Bidder. In addition to price, the following factors, pursuant to Section 2-369 of the City Code, shall be considered: • The ability, capacity and skill of the Bidder to perform the Contract. • Whether the Bidder can perform the Contract within the time specified, without delay or interference. • The character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience and efficiency of the Bidder. • The quality of performance of previous contracts. • The previous and existing compliance by the Bidder with laws and ordinances relating to the Contract. The City Manager shall also have the authority to reject any and all bids, pursuant to Section 2-367 of the City Code. The City Commission may consider the City Manager's recommendation(s) and, may approve or reject the City Manager's recommendation(s). The City Commission may also reject all bids received. The approval of the City Manager's recommendation by the City Commission shall not constitute a binding contract between the City and the selected Bidder(s). A binding contract will exist upon the complete execution and delivery of the City's contract. 11. Contract Price. The Contract Price consists of the total base bid amount and the owner's contingency (to be used solely by the City at its sole discretion for the purpose described in that Contract Documents). The Contract Price, exclusive of the Owner's Contingency, includes, without limitation, all costs for all labor, materials, equipment, fixtures, freight, field supervision, supervisory expenses, project vehicles, field office and equipment, postage and delivery, safety and first aid, telephone, transportation of employees, parking, insurance, taxes, preparation and maintenance of the construction schedule and the preparation of as- built and shop drawings, as well as Contractor's overhead and profit required for completion of all the Work in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, including work reasonably inferable therefrom, even if such items of Work are not specifically or expressly identified as part of a line item in the Bid Price Form. 12. Florida Trench Safety Act. If the work involves trench excavations that will exceed a depth of 5 feet, the requirements of Florida Statutes, Chapter 553, Part III, Trench Safety Act, will be in effect. The Bidder, by virtue of submitting a bid, certifies that such Act will be complied with during the execution of the work. Bidder acknowledges that the total bid price includes all costs for complying with the Florida Trench Safety Act. The Trench Safety Certification Form can be found in Appendix E. If ITB Summary indicates a Trench Safety Act is applicable, then this form must be submitted. 13. E-Verify.As a contractor you are obligated to comply with the provisions of Section 448.095, Fla. Stat., "Employment Eligibility." Therefore, you shall utilize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify system to verify the employment eligibility of all new employees hired by the Contractor during the term of the Contract and shall expressly require any subcontractors performing work or providing services pursuant to the Contract to likewise utilize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's E-Verify system to verify the employment eligibility of all new employees hired by the subcontractor during the Contract term. 14. How to Manage or Create a Vendor Profile on Vendor Self Service (VSS). In addition to registering with Periscope S2G, the City encourages vendors to register with our online Vendor Self-Service web page, allowing City vendors to easily update contacts, attachments (W-9), and commodity information. The Vendor Self-Service (VSS) webpage (https://selfservice.miamibeachfl.qov/vssNendors/default.aspx) will also provide you with purchase orders and payment information. Should you have any questions and/or comments, do not hesitate to submit them to vendorsupport@miamibeachfl.gov . 15. Supplier Diversity. In an effort to increase the number and diversity of supplier options in the procurement of goods and services, the City has established a registry of LGBT-owned businesses, as certified by the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) and small and disadvantaged businesses, as certified by Miami-Dade County. See authorizing resolutions here. If your company is certified as an LGBT-owned business by NGLCC, or as a small or disadvantaged business by Miami-Dade County, click on the link below to be added to the City's supplier registry (Vendor Self-Service) and bid system (Periscope S2G, Supplier-to- Government). These are two different systems and it is important that you register for both. Click to see acceptable certification and to register: https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- h al l/procu rement/how-to-become-a-vendor/. SECTION 0200—MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS The Minimum Eligibility Requirements for this solicitation are listed in the ITB Bid Summary. Bidders that fail to comply with minimum requirements shall be deemed non-responsive and shall not have its bid considered. Rest of page left blank intentionally. SECTION 0300— ELECTRONIC BID SUBMITTAL FORMAT 1. ELECTRONIC RESPONSES (ONLY). Bids must be submitted electronically through Periscope S2G (formerly BidSync) on or before the date and time indicated. Hard copy proposals or proposals received through email or facsimile are not acceptable and will be rejected. A bidder may submit a modified bid to replace all or any portion of a previously submitted bid until the deadline for bid submittals. The City will only consider the latest version of the bid. Electronic bid submissions may require the uploading of attachments. All documents should be attached as separate files in accordance with the instructions included in Section 4, below. Attachments containing embedded documents or proprietary file extensions are prohibited. It is the Bidder's responsibility to assure that its bid, including all attachments, is uploaded successfully. Only bid submittals received and time stamped by Periscope S2G (formerly BidSync) prior to the bid submittal deadline shall be accepted as timely submitted. Late bids cannot be submitted and will not be accepted. Bidders are cautioned to allow sufficient time for the submittal of bids and uploading of attachments. Any technical issues must be submitted to Periscope S2G (formerly BidSync) by contacting (800) 990-9339 (toll free) or S2G(a.periscopeholdings.com. The City cannot assist with technical issues regarding submittals and will in no way be responsible for delays caused by any technical or other issue. It is the sole responsibility of each Bidder to ensure its proposal is successfully submitted in BidSync prior to the deadline for bid submittals. 2. REQUIRED DOCUMENTS. Failure to submit the following requirements shall result in a determination of non-responsiveness. Non-responsive bids will not be considered. a. Bid Submittal Questionnaire (The questionnaire is not a part of the ITB it is an online Tillable form that must be completed and submitted electronically via Periscope S2G.) b. Bid Price Form (Appendix A) c. Bid Bond (Appendix B) If ITB Summary indicates a bid bond is required then a fully executed bid bond must be submitted by the deadline for submittal of bids) d. Schedule of Values (Appendix C) Shall be submitted with bid or within three (3) days of request from the City. 3. OMITTED INFORMATION. The City reserves the right to request any documentation omitted, with exception of the required documents set forth in section 2 above, which must be submitted at time of bid. Bid Submittals received without the Bid Price Form or Bid Bond (if applicable) or with an incomplete Bid Price Form or Bid Bond (if applicable) shall be deemed non-responsive. Bidder must submit any other omitted documentation within three (3) business days upon request from the City, or the bid may be deemed non-responsive. Non-responsive bid packages will receive no further consideration. 4. ELECTRONIC PROPOSAL FORMAT. In order to maintain comparability, facilitate the review process and assist the in the review of bid submittals, it is strongly recommended that bids be organized and tabbed in accordance with the tabs, and sections as specified in the below. The electronic submittal should be tabbed as enumerated below and contain a table of contents with page references. The electronic proposal shall be submitted through the "Line Items" attachment tab in Periscope S2G. TAB 1: MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS AND SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Submit evidence, as specifically requested in the ITB Summary, of compliance with each minimum requirement(s) of this ITB. Bidders that do not comply, or for whom the City cannot verify compliance, shall be deemed non-responsive and its bid shall not be considered. TAB 2: BID PRICE FORM & BID BOND The following documents shall be submitted with the by the deadline for submittal of bids: 1. Bid Price Form (Appendix A) 2. Bid Bond Form (see Section 0100, Sub-section 8). If the requirement applies, the bid bond is a required document that shall be submitted on or before the deadline for bids. FAILURE TO SUBMIT THE MOST RECENT COMPLETED: 1) BID PRICE FORM AND 2) BID BOND BY THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTAL OF BIDS SHALL RESULT IN BID BEING DEEMED NOT RESPONSIVE AND NOT BEING FURTHER CONSIDERED. 3. Schedule of Values (Appendix C) Must be submitted with the bid or within three (3) days of request by the City. TAB 3: OTHER BID FORMS Submit any other form requested on the ITB Summary, including but not limited to: 1. Local Workforce Participation Program Responsible Contractor Affidavit Form (Appendix C) If ITB Summary indicates a Local Workforce Participation Program is applicable then this form must be submitted). 2. Trench Safety Certification Form (Appendix E) If ITB Summary indicates a Trench Safety Act is applicable then this form must be submitted. Rest of page left blank intentionally. 0400 —TERMS AND CONDITIONS The following documents identify terms and conditions that together with the ITB, inclusive of all appendixes and addenda, whether included herein or released under separate cover, comprise the solicitation and the contract, and are complementary to one another and together establish the complete terms, conditions and obligations of the Bidder and, subsequently, the awarded Contractor. 1. FORMAL SOLICITATIONS TERMS & CONDITIONS - GOODS AND SERVICES. By virtue of submitting a bid in response to this ITB, Bidder agrees to be bound by and in compliance with the Solicitation Terms and Conditions (dated 10.27.2022), incorporated herein, located at: https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/procurement/standard-terms-and-conditions/ 2. GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS. By virtue of submitting a bid in response to this ITB, Bidder agrees that all work shall be bound by and in compliance with the General Conditions for Construction Contracts (dated 4/13/20), incorporated herein, located at: https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/procurement/standard-terms-and-conditions/ 3. SOLICITATION TERMS&CONDITIONS—GRANTS AND FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS. By virtue of submitting a bid in response to this ITB, Bidder agrees to be bound by and in compliance with the Contract Provisions for Federal Awards (dated 4/20/20), incorporated herein, located at: https://www.mi am ibeachfl.gov/city-hall/procurement/standa rd-term s-and-conditions/ Rest of page left blank intentionally. APPENDIX A MIAMI 1:51. /"A '1/4„s Bid Price Form MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE BID. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RENDER BID NON-RESPONSIVE. Bid Price Form FAILURE TO SUBMIT THIS BID PRICE FORM FULLY COMPLETED ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE FOR BIDS SHALL RENDER THE BID NON-RESPONSIVE AND BIDDER SHALL RECEIVE NO FURTHER CONSIDERATION. The TOTAL BASE BID amount includes the all-inclusive total cost for the work specified in this bid, consisting of furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, shoring, supervision, mobilization, demobilization, overhead and profit, insurance, permits, and taxes to complete the work to the full intent as shown or indicated in the contract documents. The city will not accept any revision to the total base bid sum, divisions, line item totals, or add alternates, after the deadline for receipt of bids. In the event of discrepancy between the sum of the items in the schedule of values and the total base bid, the Bidder agrees that the total base bid shall govern. In the absence of a numerical value for any item or division, the City shall interpret as no bid for the division, which may disqualify Bidder. The allowance items that have been delineated below shall be used only upon the City's discretion, as needed. In the event that an allowance is not used in its entirety, any remaining balance shall be reflected on a deductive change order. TOTAL BASE BID TOTAL BASE BID AMOUNT $ 1 Indemnification of City $25.00 Off-Duty Police Officer Allowance $15,000.00 Flow Management During Construction Allowance $90,000.00 Permit Allowance $84,000.00 GRAND TOTAL (TOTAL BASE BID AMOUNT+INDEMNIFICATION OF CITY+OFF-DUTY POLICE ALLOWANCE+FLOW MANAGEMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION ALLOWANCE+PERMIT ALLOWANCE) $ 'See Section 0100, Sub-section 12. ADDITIVE ALTERNATES (In order of priority) Selection of additive alternates, if any, will be made pursuant to Section 0100, No. 10 Method of Award. Unit Total Item Descri.tion Quantit U /M Cost Quantit X Unit Cost NOT APPLICABLE DEDUCTIVE ALTERNATES (In order of priority) Selection of deductive alternates, if any, will be made pursuant to Section 0100, No. 10 Method of Award. Unit Total Item Descri.tion Quantit U/M Cost Quantit X Unit Cost NOT APPLICABLE End of Bid Price Form. APPENDIX B M I AM I b ' � BID BOND FORM Onl a• •Iicable if checked in the Invitation to Bid Summar BID BOND Page 1 of 2 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, as Principal, hereinafter referred to as Contractor, and as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Miami Beach, Florida, as a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the City, in the sum of five percent (5%) of the Contractor's Total Base Bid amount of$ lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally by these presents. WHEREAS, the Contractor contemplates submitting or has submitted, a Bid to the City for the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, machinery, tools, apparatus, means of transportation for, and the performance of the Work covered in the Bid Documents which include the Project Manual, the detailed Plans and Specifications, and any Addenda thereto, for the following solicitation. Bid No.: Title: WHEREAS, it was a condition precedent to the submission of said Bid that a cashier's check, certified check, or Bid Bond in the amount of five percent(5%) of the Total Base Bid be submitted with said Bid as a guarantee that the Contractor would, if awarded the Contract, enter into a written Contract with the City for the performance of said Contract, within ten (10) consecutive calendar days after notice having been given of the Award of the Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the Contractor within ten (10) consecutive calendar days after notice of such acceptance, enters into a written Contract with the City and furnishes the Performance and Payment Bonds, satisfactory to the City, each in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price, and provides all required Certificates of Insurance, then this obligation shall be void: otherwise the sum herein stated shall be due and payable to the City of Miami Beach and the Surety herein agrees to pay said sum immediately, upon demand of the City, in good and lawful money of the United States of America, as liquidated damages for failure thereof of said Contractor. BID BOND Page 2 of 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Principal and the said Surety have duly executed this bond the day of , 20 ATTEST: PRINCIPAL: (Contractor Name) Signature Print Name (Principal) Title SURETY: (Surety Name) Attomey-in-Fact(Print Name) Signature (CORPORATE SEAL) (Power of Attorney must be attached.) APPENDIX C mr 406.144kk, i‘ ,-.M.,- %- '', SCHEDULE OF VALUES MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE BID OR WITHIN THREE (3) DAYS OF REQUEST BY THE CITY. SCHEDULE OF VALUES Bidders should fully complete the Schedule of Values to include quantities, units of measure, unit pricing, and totals. The cost of any item(s) of work not covered by a specific contract unit price shall be included in the contract unit price to which the item(s) is most applicable. Both unit price and extended total prices must be stated in units of quantity specified in the bidding specifications. Bidder agrees that any unit price listed in the Bid is to be multiplied by the stated quantity requirements in order to arrive at the total. LINE EST. UNIT COST TOTAL ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY IU/M (B) (Ax6 - C) 1 Mobilization 1 L.S. $ $ 2 30" HDEP pipe and fitting for 1850 Linear Feet $ $ sewer force main by HDD Installation 30" HDPE pipe and 3 fitting for sewer force main via 1850 Linear Feet $ $ HDD 4 30"Zinc coated ductile iron pipe 280 Linear Feet $ $ and fitting for sewer force main Installation 30"zinc coated and 5 polywrapped ductile iron pipe, 280 Linear Feet $ $ fitting and plug valves for sewer force main 6"zinc coated ductile iron pipe, 6 fitting and plug valves for sewer 100 Linear Feet $ $ force main Installation 6"zinc coated and 7 polywrapped ductile iron pipe, 100 Linear Feet $ $ fitting and plug valves for sewer force main 30" Mechanical joint plug valves 8 with manholes for sewer force 7 Each $ $ main Installation 30" mechanical joint 9 plug valves with manholes for 7 Each $ $ sewer force main Construction automatic air 10 release valve assemblies 4 Each $ $ (AARVs)for sewer force mains Cut-in connections to existing 11 30" cast iron force main at: Pine 1 L.S. $ $ Tree Drive Sta: 10+19.84, 10+32.42, 18+63.49, 18+67.14 Cut-in connections to existing 6" 12 cast iron force main at: Pine 1 L.S. $ $ Tree Drive and West 51St Street (Sta:17+93.44) Constructing limerock base for 13 Type"I"permanent pavement 630 SY $ $ repairs Constructing Type"I"concrete 14 surface course permanent 630 SY $ $ pavement repairs Constructing Type"V' permanent pavement repairs for roadway 15 (nominal 1-inch-thick machine- 1800 SY $ $ laid asphaltic concrete friction surface overlay) Cold milling roadway surface 16 course for permanent pavement 1800 SY $ $ repairs (nominal 1 inch thick) Replacing pavement markings 17 damaged, removed, or 1 L.S. $ $ obliterated by the Contractor's operation 18 Concrete sidewalk restoration to 250 SF $ $ match existing 19 Concrete curb and gutter 920 LF $ $ restoration to match existing 20 Paver/brick driveway restoration 150 SY $ $ to match existing 21 Restoring sodded and 300 SY $ $ landscaped areas 22 Maintenance of Traffic(MOT) 1 L.S. $ $ 23 Sheeting and shoring ordered 2000 S.F. $ $ left in place by the Engineer 24 Trench overcut in 1-foot depth 380 LF $ $ increments, for any size pipe Furnishing and installing 25 additional suitable backfill 500 CY $ $ material TOTAL BASE BID AMOUNT $ End of Schedule of Values. APPENDIX D MIAM1131-- mk_ . Prevailing Wage and Local Workforce Participation Programs Onl a• •Iicable if checked in the Invitation to Bid Summa The Requirements of the Prevailing Wage and Local Workforce Participation Programs shall apply to the award of this project. The purpose of this appendix is to summarize, for clarity, the requirements of the City's Prevailing Wage and Local Workforce Program Requirements. In the event of any omissions or conflicts, the requirements of the City Code, with respect to these programs, shall prevail. I. MINIMUM WAGES AND BENEFITS 1. Employee Compensation. The rate of wages and fringe benefits, or cash equivalent, for all laborers, mechanics and apprentices employed by the Contractor or subcontractor on the work covered by the contract, shall be not less than the prevailing rate of wages and fringe benefit payments or cash equivalence for similar skills or classifications of work as established by the Federal Register last published by the United States Department of Labor prior to the date of issuance of this solicitation. (reference: Sec 31-27). 2. Notice Requirement. On the date on which any laborer or mechanic commences work on a construction contract to which this article applies, the Contractor shall be required to post a notice in a prominent place at the work site stating the requirements of this article. (reference: Sec 31-29). 3. Certified Payrolls. With each payment application, Contractor shall submit a copy of all payrolls, including (at a minimum) the name and zip code for the covered employee, to the City accompanied by a signed "Statement of Compliance" indicating that the payrolls are correct and complete and that each laborer or mechanic has been paid not less than the proper prevailing wage rate for the work performed. Beginning, January 30, 2018, all payroll submittals shall be completed electronically via the City's electronic compliance portal, LCP Tracker. No payment application shall be deemed accepted until such time as the Procurement Department has confirmed that a certified payroll for the applicable payment application has been accurately submitted in LCP Tracker. a. LCP Tracker Training. The Procurement Department offers ongoing training in LCP Tracker to all contractors. To schedule a training session, contact Monica Garcia at MonicaGarcia(a MiamiBeachFL.gov or at 305-673-7490. II. LOCAL WORKFORCE PARTICIPATION GOALS 1. Responsible Contractor Affidavit (RCA). As a condition of being responsive to the requirements of the solicitation and eligible to be considered for award, the Contractor shall submit a Responsible Contractor Affidavit affirming that it will make its best reasonable efforts to promote employment opportunities for Miami-Dade County residents by seeking to achieve a project goal of having thirty percent (30%) of all construction labor hours performed by Miami-Dade County residents. The Contractor shall also affirm that it will make its best reasonable efforts to promote employment opportunities for Miami Beach residents. Failure to submit the RCA shall result in the bid or proposal being disqualified and deemed non-responsive. 2. Workforce Performance Report. Before its final application for payment, the Contractor shall submit its final Certified Payroll in LCP Tracker, which shall be deemed its final Workforce Performance Report. If the project goal of thirty percent (30%) of all construction labor hours to be performed by Miami-Dade County residents is not met, the Contractor shall submit supporting documentation verifying reasonable efforts to promote employment opportunities for Miami Beach and Miami-Dade County residents. No final payment application may be approved without this information. Balance of Page Intentionally Left Blank LOCAL WORKFORCE PARTICIPATION PROGRAM Responsible Contractor Affidavit Form In accordance with Article III,Section 31-40 of the Miami Beach Code,all contractors and subcontractors of any tier performing on a city contract valued in excess of$1,500,000 for(i)the construction,demolition, alteration and/or repair of city buildings or city public works projects,or(ii)a contract valued in excess of$1,500,000 which provides for privately-funded construction, demolition, alteration and/or repair of buildings or improvements located on city-owned land,and which are subject to Section 31-40 of the Miami Beach Code shall comply with the requirements of the Local Workforce Participation Program. The undersigned Contractor affirms that, should it be awarded the contract pursuant to this solicitation, it shall comply with the following: i. The Contractor will make its best reasonable efforts to promote employment opportunities for local Miami-Dade County residents and seek to achieve a project goal of having thirty percent(30%) of all construction labor hours performed by Miami-Dade County residents. ii. The Contractor will also make its best reasonable efforts to promote employment opportunities for Miami Beach residents. To verify workers' residency, Contractor(s) shall provide the residence address of each worker. Print Name of Affiant Print Title of Affiant Signature of Affiant Name of Firm Date Address of Firm State Zip Code APPENDIX E AA I A AA b s 41impow Trench Safety Act Certification 0 I`�.1!]• . - •1- - - -d - 1 v - . . : • SI - TRENCH SAFETY ACT CERTIFICATION PAGE 1 OF 1 IF APPLICABLE, THIS FORM MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR BID TO BE DEEMED RESPONSIVE. On October 1, 1990 House Bill 3181, known as the Trench Safety Act became law. This incorporates the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) revised excavation safety standards, citation 29 CFR.S.1926.650, as Florida's own standards.The Bidder, by virtue of the signature below, affirms that the Bidder is aware of this Act, and will comply with all applicable trench safety standards. Such assurance shall be legally binding on all persons employed by the Bidder and subcontractors.The Bidder is also obligated to identify the anticipated method and cost of compliance with the applicable trench safety standards. BIDDER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE TOTAL BASE BID INCLUDES THE COSTS FOR COMPLYING WITH THE FLORIDA TRENCH SAFETY ACT. THESE ITEMS ARE A BREAKOUT OF THE RESPECTIVE ITEMS INVOLVING TRENCHING AND WILL NOT BE PAID SEPARATELY. THEY ARE NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH BID ITEMS IN THE SCHEDULE OF VALUES, NOR BE CONSIDERED ADDITIONAL WORK. The Bidder further identified the costs and methods summarized below: Quantity Unit Description Unit Price Price Extended Method Total $ Name of Bidder Authorized Signature of Bidder CONSIDERATION FOR INDEMNIFICATION OF CITY Consideration for Indemnification of City $25.00 ❑Cost for compliance to all Federal and State requirements of the Trench Safety Act* [NOTE: If the box above is checked,the Bidder must fill out the foregoing Trench Safety Act Form in order to be considered responsive.] APPENDIX F MIAMI BEACH Contract CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT ("Contract") is made and entered into as of the day of , 2020, by and between the City of Miami Beach, Florida, a municipal corporation (the "City") and (the "Contractor" ): WITNESSETH, that the Contractor, for and in consideration of the payments hereinafter specified and agreed to be made by the City, hereby covenants and agrees to furnish and deliver all the materials required,to do and perform all the work and labor, in a satisfactory and workmanlike manner, required to complete this Contract within the time specified, in strict and entire conformity with the Plans, Specifications, and other Contract Documents, which are hereby incorporated into this Contract by reference, for: ITB No. and Title: The Contractor agrees to make payment of all proper charges for labor and materials required in the aforementioned work, and to defend, indemnify and save harmless City, and their respective officers and employees, from liabilities, damages, losses and costs including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentional wrongful misconduct of Contractor and persons employed or utilized by Contractor in the performance of this Contract. The requirements of the Contract Documents, as such term is defined in the Invitation by reference to the General Conditions for Construction Contracts dated are hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. Without limiting the foregoing, the Contract Documents expressly include this Contract, Attachment A (the City's General Conditions for Construction Contracts), Attachment B (Plans and Specifications, Invitation to Bid No. and all Addenda thereto), Attachment C ( Sunbiz Entity Detail and Contractor's Response to the ITB), and Attachment D (Insurance requirements). For the avoidance of doubt, all of the documents constituting the Contract Documents now or hereafter existing (including any Change Orders, Work Orders, Field Orders, schedules, shop drawings, issued subsequent to the date of this Contract etc.) shall govern this project. In consideration of these premises, the City hereby agrees to pay to the Contractor for the said work, when fully completed, the total maximum sum of[ Total Base Bid below + allowance account items+/-alternates+contingencvl dollars ($ (the "Contract Price"), consisting of the following accepted items or schedules of work as taken from the Contractor's Bid Submittal: Total Base Bid $ Total Allowance Account Items $ Total Alternate Items (if applicable) $ Total Owner's Contingency $ Contract Price $ The Contract Price, exclusive of the Owner's Contingency, includes, without limitation, all costs for all labor, materials, equipment, fixtures, freight, field supervision, supervisory expenses, project vehicles, field office and equipment, postage and delivery, safety and first aid, telephone, transportation of employees, parking, insurance, taxes, preparation and maintenance of the construction schedule and the preparation of as-built and shop drawings, as well as Contractor's overhead and profit required for completion of all the Work in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, including work reasonably inferable therefrom, even if such items of Work are not specifically or expressly identified as part of a line item in the Bid Price Form. The Contract Price is subject to such additions and deductions as may be provided for in the Contract Documents. Progress and Final Payments will be made as provided for in the Contract Documents. Contract Time. Days for Substantial Completion: days from Notice to Proceed No. 2 Days for Final Completion: days from Substantial Completion Liquidated Damages. Failure to achieve Substantial Completion: /day Failure to achieve Final Completion: /day Project Team. Contractor: Consultant: Contract Administrator for the City: [CONSIDER IF THERE ARE ANY OTHER POSITIONS TO INCLUDE] Notices. Whenever either party desires to give notice to the other, such notice must be in writing, sent by certified United States Mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or by hand- delivery with a request for a written receipt of acknowledgment of delivery, addressed to the party for whom it is intended at the place last specified. The place for giving notice shall remain the same as set forth herein, unless such notice information is revised in a Contract amendment duly executed by the City and the Contractor. For the present, the parties designate the following: For City: Office of Capital Improvement Projects 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Attn: Office of Capital Improvement Projects Director With copies to: City Attorney City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 For Contractor: Attn: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above parties have caused this Contract to be executed by their appropriate officials as of the date first above written. ATTEST: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA By: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk Alina T. Hudak, City Manager [seal] ATTEST: [INSERT CONTRACTOR NAME] By: Name: Name: [seal] APPENDIX G M I AM I B a Plans & Specifications (under separate cover) APPENDIX H MIAMIbL4"1e Post Award Forms MIAMI BEACH FORM OF PERFORMANCE BOND BY THIS BOND, We , as Principal, hereinafter called Contractor , and , as Surety, are bound to the City of Miami Beach, Florida, as Obligee, hereinafter called City, in the amount of Dollars ($ ) for the payment whereof Contractor and Surety bind themselves,their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns,jointly and severally. WHEREAS, Contractor has by written agreement entered into a Contract, Bid/Contract No.: , awarded the day of , 20 , with City which Contract Documents are by reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof, and specifically include provision for liquidated damages, and other damages identified, and for the purposes of this Bond are hereafter referred to as the "Contract"; THE CONDITION OF THIS BOND is that if Contractor: 1. Performs the Contract between Contractor and City for construction of , the Contract being made a part of this Bond by reference, at the times and in the manner prescribed in the Contract; and 2. Pays City all losses, liquidated damages, expenses, costs and attorney's fees including appellate proceedings, that City sustains as a result of default by Contractor under the Contract; and 3. Performs the guarantee of all work and materials furnished under the Contract for the time specified in the Contract; then THIS BOND IS VOID, OTHERWISE IT REMAINS IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. Whenever Contractor shall be, and declared by City to be, in default under the Contract, City having performed City obligations thereunder, the Surety may promptly remedy the default, or shall promptly: 3.1. Complete the Project in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents; or 3.2. Obtain a bid or bids for completing the project in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, and upon determination by Surety of the lowest responsible Bidder, or, if City elects, upon determination by City and Surety jointly of the lowest responsible Bidder, arrange for a contract between such Bidder and City, and make available as work progresses (even though there should be a default or a succession of defaults under the Contract FORM OF PERFORMANCE BOND (Continued) or Contracts of completion arranged under this paragraph) sufficient funds to pay the cost of completion less the balance of the Contract Price; but not exceeding, including other costs and damages for which the Surety may be liable hereunder, the amount set forth in the first paragraph hereof. The term "balance of the Contract Price," as used in this paragraph, shall mean the total amount payable by City to Contractor under the Contract and any amendments thereto, less the amount properly paid by City to Contractor. No right of action shall accrue on this bond to or for the use of any person or corporation other than City named herein. The Surety hereby waives notice of and agrees that any changes in or under the Contract Documents and compliance or noncompliance with any formalities connected with the Contract or the changes does not affect Surety's obligation under this Bond. Signed and sealed this day of , 20 WITNESSES: (Name of Corporation) Secretary By: (Signature) (CORPORATE SEAL) (Print Name and Title) IN THE PRESENCE OF: INSURANCE COMPANY: By: Agent and Attorney-in-Fact Address: (Street) (City/State/Zip Code) Telephone No.: FORM OF PAYMENT BOND BY THIS BOND, We , as Principal, hereinafter called Contractor , and , as Surety, are bound to the City of Miami Beach, Florida, as Obligee, hereinafter called City, in the amount of Dollars ($ ) for the payment whereof Contractor and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns,jointly and severally. WHEREAS, Contractor has by written agreement entered into a Contract, Bid/Contract No.: , awarded the day of , 20 , with City which Contract Documents are by reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof, and specifically include provision for liquidated damages, and other damages identified, and for the purposes of this Bond are hereafter referred to as the "Contract"; THE CONDITION OF THIS BOND is that if Contractor: 1. Pays City all losses, liquidated damages, expenses, costs and attorney's fees including appellate proceedings, that City sustains because of default by Contractor under the Contract; and 2. Promptly makes payments to all claimants as defined by Florida Statute 255.05(1) for all labor, materials and supplies used directly or indirectly by Contractor in the performance of the Contract; THEN CONTRACTOR'S OBLIGATION SHALL BE VOID; OTHERWISE, IT SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT SUBJECT, HOWEVER, TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 2.1. A claimant, except a laborer, who is not in privity with Contractor and who has not received payment for its labor, materials, or supplies shall, within forty-five (45) days after beginning to furnish labor, materials, or supplies for the prosecution of the work, furnish to Contractor a notice that he intends to look to the bond for protection. 2.2. A claimant who is not in privity with Contractor and who has not received payment for its labor, materials, or supplies shall,within ninety(90)days after performance of the labor or after complete delivery of the materials or supplies, deliver to Contractor and to the Surety, written notice of the performance of the labor or delivery of the materials or supplies and of the nonpayment. 2.3. No action for the labor, materials, or supplies may be instituted against Contractor or the Surety unless the notices stated under the preceding conditions (2.1) and (2.2) have been given. 2.4. Any action under this Bond must be instituted in accordance with the Notice and Time Limitations provisions prescribed in Section 255.05(2), Florida Statutes. The Surety hereby waives notice of and agrees that any changes in or under the Contract Documents and compliance or noncompliance with any formalities connected with the Contract or the changes does not affect the Surety's obligation under this Bond. Signed and sealed this day of , 20 Contractor ATTEST: (Name of Corporation) By: (Secretary) (Signature) (Corporate Seal) (Print Name and Title) day of , 20 IN THE PRESENCE OF: INSURANCE COMPANY: By: Agent and Attorney-in-Fact Address: (Street) (City/State/Zip Code) Telephone No.: CERTIFICATE AS TO CORPORATE PRINCIPAL , certify that I am the Secretary of the corporation named as Principal in the foregoing Performance and Payment Bond (Performance Bond and Payment Bond); that , who signed the Bond(s) on behalf of the Principal, was then of said corporation; that I know his/her signature; and his/her signature thereto is genuine; and that said Bond(s) was (were) duly signed, sealed and attested to on behalf of said corporation by authority of its governing body. (SEAL) Secretary (on behalf of) Corporation STATE OF FLORIDA SS COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Before me, a Notary Public duly commissioned, qualified and acting personally, appeared to me well known, who being by me first duly sworn upon oath says that he/she has been authorized to execute the foregoing Performance and Payment Bond (Performance Bond and Payment Bond) on behalf of Contractor named therein in favor of City. Subscribed and Sworn to before me this day of 20 My commission expires: Notary Public, State of Florida at Large Bonded by PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND FORM UNCONDITIONAL LETTER OF CREDIT: Date of Issue Issuing Bank's No. _ Beneficiary: Applicant: City of Miami Beach Amount: 1700 Convention Center Drive in United States Funds Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Expiry: (Date) Bid/Contract Number We hereby authorize you to draw on (Bank, Issuer name) at by order (branch address) of and for the account of (Contractor, applicant, customer) up to an aggregate amount, in United States Funds, of available by your drafts at sight, accompanied by: 1. A signed statement from the City Manager or his authorized designee, that the drawing is due to default in performance of certain obligations on the part (contractor, applicant, customer) agreed upon by and between the City of Miami Beach, Florida and (Contractor), pursuant to the (applicant, customer) Bid/Contract No. for (name of project) and Section 255.05, Florida Statutes. Drafts must be drawn and negotiated not later than (expiration date) Drafts must bear the clause: "Drawn under Letter of Credit No. (Number), of (Bank name) dated This Letter of Credit shall be renewed for successive periods of one (1) year each unless we provide the City of Miami Beach with written notice of our intent to terminate the credit herein extended, which notice must be provided at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date of the original term hereof or any renewed one (1) year term. Notification to the City that this Letter of Credit will expire prior to performance of the Contractor's obligations will be deemed a default. This Letter of Credit sets forth in full the terms of our undertaking, and such undertaking shall not in any way be modified, or amplified by reference to any documents, instrument, or agreement referred to herein or to which this Letter of Credit is referred or this Letter of Credit relates, and any such reference shall not be deemed to incorporate herein by reference any document, instrument, or agreement. We hereby agree with the drawers, endorsers, and bona fide holders of all drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit that such drafts will be duly honored upon presentation to the drawee. Obligations under this Letter of Credit shall be released one (1) year after the Final Completion of the Project by the (Contractor, applicant, customer) This Credit is subject to the "Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits," International Chamber of Commerce (1993 revision), Publication No. 500 and to the provisions of Florida law. If a conflict between the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits and Florida law should arise, Florida law shall prevail. If a conflict between the law of another state or country and Florida law should arise, Florida law shall prevail. Authorized Signature CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: PROJECT: Consultant: (name, address) BID/CONTRACT NUMBER: TO (City): Contractor : CONTRACT FOR: NOTICE TO PROCEED DATE: DATE OF ISSUANCE: PROJECT OR DESIGNATED PORTION SHALL INCLUDE: The Work performed under this Contract has been reviewed and found to be substantially complete and all documents required to be submitted by Contractor under the Contract Documents have been received and accepted. The Date of Substantial Completion of the Project or portion thereof designated above is hereby established as which is also the date of commencement of applicable warranties required by the Contract Documents, except as stated below. DEFINITION OF DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION The Date of Substantial Completion of the Work or portion thereof designated by City is the date certified by Consultant when all conditions and requirements of permits and regulatory agencies have been satisfied and the Work, is sufficiently complete in accordance with the Contract Documents, so the project is available for beneficial occupancy by City. A Certificate of Occupancy must be issued for Substantial Completion to be achieved, however, the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or the date thereof are not to be determinative of the achievement or date of Substantial Completion. A list of items to be completed or corrected, prepared by Consultant and approved by City, is attached hereto. The failure to include any items on such list does not alter the responsibility of Contractor to complete all work in accordance with the Contract Documents. The date of commencement of warranties for items on the attached list will be the date of final payment unless otherwise agreed in writing. In accordance with Section 6 of the General Conditions, Contractor will complete or correct the work on the list of items attached hereto within from the above Date of Substantial Completion. Consultant BY DATE City, through the Contract Administrator, accepts the Work or portion thereof designated by City as substantially complete and will assume full possession thereof at (time) on (date). City of Miami Beach, Florida By Contract Administrator Date The responsibilities of City and Contractor for security, maintenance, heat, utilities, damage to the work and insurance shall be as follows: FINAL CERTIFICATE OF PAYMENT: PROJECT: Consultant: (name, address) BID/CONTRACT NUMBER: TO (City): Contractor: CONTRACT FOR: NOTICE TO PROCEED DATE: DATE OF ISSUANCE: All conditions or requirements of any permits or regulatory agencies have been satisfied. The documents required by Section 6 of the General Conditions, and the final bill of materials, if required, have been received and accepted. The Work required by the Contract Documents has been reviewed and the undersigned certifies that the Work, including minor corrective work, has been completed in accordance with the provision of the Contract Documents and is accepted under the terms and conditions thereof. Consultant BY DATE City, through the Contract Administrator, accepts the work as fully complete and will assume full possession thereof at (time) (date) City of Miami Beach, Florida By Contract Administrator Date FORM OF FINAL RECEIPT: [The following form will be used to show receipt of final payment for this Contract.] FINAL RECEIPT FOR CONTRACT NO. Received this day of , 20 , from City of Miami Beach, Florida, the sum of Dollars ($ ) as full and final payment to Contractor for all work and materials for the project described as: This sum includes full and final payment for all extra work and material and all incidentals. Contractor hereby indemnifies and releases City from all liens and claims whatsoever arising out of the Contract and Project. Contractor hereby certifies that all persons doing work upon or furnishing materials or supplies for the project have been paid in full. In lieu of this certification regarding payment for work, materials and supplies, Contractor may submit a consent of surety to final payment in a form satisfactory to City. Contractor further certifies that all taxes imposed by Chapter 212, Florida Statutes (Sales and Use Tax Act), as amended, have been paid and discharged. [If incorporated sign below.] Contractor ATTEST: (Name of Corporation) By: (Secretary) (Signature) (Corporate Seal) (Print Name and Title) day of , 20 [If not incorporated sign below.] Contractor WITNESSES: (Name of Firm) By: (Signature) (Print Name and Title) day of , 20_. APPENDIX I MIAMIBA ( H Geotechnical Report UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FORCE MAIN CROSSING PROJECT PINE TREE DRIVE BETWEEN WEST 51ST ST. &WEST 47TH ST. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FL UES PROJECT NO. 2130.2100009 UES REPORT NO. 1843137 Prepared For: Ms. Ana C Dvorak 300 Engineering Group, P.A. 3850 Bird Road, Suite 601 Miami, FL 33146 Prepared By: Universal Engineering Sciences 7260 NW 58th Street Miami, Florida 33166 (305) 249-8434 r Consultants in:Geotechnical Engineering•Environmental Engineering•Construction Materials Testing•Threshold Inspection•Private Provider Inspection Offices in:Atlanta•Daytona Beach•Fort Myers•Fort Pierce•Gainesville•Jacksonville• Kissimmee•Leesburg•Miami•Ocala•Orlando Palm Coast•Panama City•Pensacola•Rockledge•Sarasota•Tampa•West Palm Beach iii , UNIVERSAL OFFICES IN: • Atlanta Daytonayton • a Beach ENGINEERING SCIENCES • Fort Myers 111614 Consultants In:Geotechnical Engineering•Environmental Sciences • Fort Pierce Geophysical Services•Construction Materials Testing•Threshold Inspection • Gainesville Building Inspection•Plan Review•Building Code Administration • Jacksonville • Miami • Ocala • Orange City ▪ Orlando 300 Engineering Group, P.A. August 9, 2021 • Palm Coast 3850 Bird Road, Suite 601 • Panama City • Pensacola Miami, Miami-Dade, FL 33146 • Rockledge • Sarasota • Tampa Attention: Mrs. Ana C Dvorak • Tifton • West Palm Beach Reference: Geotechnical Engineering Report City of Miami Beach Force Main Crossing Project Pine Tree Drive between West 51st St. &West 47th St. Miami, Miami-Dade County, FL UES Project No: 2130.2100009 UES Report No: 1768586 Dear Mrs. Dvorak: Universal Engineering Sciences (UES) has completed a geotechnical exploration and engineering report at the above-referenced site in Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, Florida. The scope of this exploration was conducted in general accordance with GFA International, Inc's (A Universal Engineering Sciences Company) opportunity No. 20-3319.00. This exploration was performed in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. The following report presents the results of our field exploration along with our geotechnical evaluations and recommendations for the proposed force main installations. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project and look forward to a continued association. If you have any questions, or when preliminary or final project design plans are available for our recommended review, please contact the undersigned. ���00428814/141._ ��p 'JESV i���,i Respectfully submitted, � .•••••••••:S V w,, UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES I* : �.•`�.•.,,... �•.••/!_.��� Florida Registry No. 549 No 7 ' Z GP • ,, • • 14CduO•• ` o� •�` U Courtlyn Hisey, E.I. 'einalddi /8 'L os- Geotechnical Staff Engineer Branch Maritgei tinsAotechnical Engineer FL Professional Registration No. 72242 Dist: Client(1) Files (1) 7260 NW 58`"Street • Miami,FL 33166 • (305)249-8434 • Fax:(305)249-8479 • www.UniversalEngineering.com 'Committed to Service" TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 GENERAL 1 1.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES 1 2.1 PURPOSE 1 2.2 SITE CONDITIONS 2 2.3 FIELD EXPLORATION 2 2.4 LABORATORY TESTING 3 3.0 GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 4 3.1 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY REGIONAL GEOLOGY 4 3.2 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY SOILS SURVEY 4 4.0 FINDINGS 5 4.1 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 5 4.2 REVIEW OF HISTORIAL AERIAL MAPS 5 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 6 5.1 GENERAL 6 5.2 GROUNDWATER CONSIDERATIONS 6 6.0 RECOMMENDED SOIL/ROCK PARAMETERS FOR TEMPORARY SUPPORT OF EXCAVATION ANALYSES AND DESIGN 7 7.0 ENGINEERING EVALUATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FORCE MAIN INSTALLATION 8 7.1 FORCE MAIN INSTALLATION 8 7.4 ALLOWABLE BEARING CAPACITY AND SETTLEMENT 8 7.5 EXCAVATION RECOMMENDATIONS 9 7.6 GROUNDWATER CONTROL 9 8.0 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS 10 9.0 LIMITATIONS 12 i 111 P TABLE OF CONTENTS -Continued APPENDICES APPENDIX A USGS SITE LOCATION MAP Al USDA SOIL SURVEY MAP A2 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS A3 THROUGH A6 APPENDIX B BORING LOCATION PLAN B1 ASPHALT PAVEMENT CORE PHOTOGRAPHS B2 THROUGH B-3 BORING LOGS B4 THROUGH B5 KEY TO BORING LOGS B6 THROUGH B8 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES B9 PERMEABILITY TEST RESULTS B10 ROCK CORE PHOTOGRAPHS B11 THROUGH B12 ROCK CORE TESTING RESULTS B13 THROUGH B14 APPENDIX C IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT Cl AND C2 CONSTRAINTS AND RESTRICTIONS C3 AND C4 APPENDIX D GENERAL CONDITIONS D1 AND D2 ii 1' Geotechnical Engineering Report City of Miami Beach Force Main Crossing Project Pine Tree Drive between West 51st St. &West 47th St. UES Project No.: 2130.2100009 (Report No.: 1843137) 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 GENERAL This report contains the results of a subsurface exploration conducted for the proposed 30- inch force main canal crossing along Pine Tree Drive between West 51St Street and West 47th Street in Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, Florida. This report has been divided into the following sections: • SCOPE OF SERVICES - Defines what services were completed • FINDINGS - Describes what was encountered • RECOMMENDATIONS - Describes what we encourage you to do • LIMITATIONS - Describes the restrictions inherent in this report • SUMMARY - Reviews the material in this report • APPENDICES - Presents support materials referenced in this report. 1.2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Based on our review of the City of Miami Beach Sewerage System Improvements Plan and our understanding of the project characteristics, we understand that the improvements consist of the installation of a force main line in the City of Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, Florida. We understand that the proposed pipeline will extend below the existing flamingo waterway and bridge. We understand that the invert elevations will vary throughout the site at approximately +1.00 feet to -25.25 in the canal area. The results of the field testing and laboratory testing programs were used to derive and provide design soil/rock parameter recommendations. The soil/rock parameter recommendations were prepared for use in the design of temporary ground support systems that may be used during construction of the proposed force main. The type and design of the temporary ground support system was not part of our scope of services and we are assuming that it will be performed by others. Additionally, the results of this study were used to provide geotechnical engineering evaluation and recommendations for evaluation of the subsurface materials for the anticipated improvements. 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES 2.1 PURPOSE The purposes of this geotechnical exploration were: • to explore and evaluate the subsurface conditions at the site by advancing SPT (Standard Penetration Test) test borings with special attention to potential geotechnical considerations that may affect the proposed design, construction, and serviceability of the proposed force main; Page 1 of 12 Geotechnical Engineering Report � City of Miami Beach Force Main Crossing Project Pine Tree Drive between West 51st St. &West 47th St. UES Project No.: 2130.2100009 (Report No.: 1843137) • to provide geotechnical engineering recommendations for groundwater considerations, foundation design and site preparation. This report presents an evaluation of site conditions on the basis of traditional geotechnical procedures for site characterization. The recovered samples were not examined, either visually or analytically, for chemical composition or environmental hazards. UES would be pleased to perform these services, if you desire. 2.2 SITE CONDITIONS Representatives of our firm visited the project site to observe the conditions prior to mobilization. Sheet Al of Appendix A presents a Site Vicinity Map. The project site is located along Pine Tree Drive between West 51st Street and West 47th Street in Miami Beach, Miami- Dade County, Florida. 2.3 FIELD EXPLORATION As requested by the City of Miami Beach, the subsurface conditions at the site were explored by performing a total of two (2) Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings (designated as B-1A and B-2A) to depths of 50 feet below existing grades in areas of the proposed force main. UES also collected two asphalt pavement cores at each boring location. The approximate locations of the test borings are presented in Appendix B titled "Test Location Plan". The SPT borings were advanced to a maximum depth of 50 feet below existing grades using the rotary wash method; samples were collected while performing the SPT at regular intervals. We completed the SPT in general accordance with ASTM D-1586 guidelines, with continuous sampling from 0 to 10 feet, and then at 5-foot sampling intervals. The SPT test consists of driving a standard split-barrel sampler (split-spoon) into the subsurface using a 140-pound hammer free-falling 30 inches. The number of hammer blows required to drive the sampler 12 inches, after first seating it 6 inches, is designated the penetration resistance, or SPT-N value. This value is used as an index to soil strength and consistency. All SPT borings were performed with the use of an automatic hammer. Samples collected during the SPT were placed in clean sample containers and transported to our laboratory where they were visually classified by a member of our geotechnical engineering staff in accordance with ASTM D-2488. In addition, rock coring was performed in locations B-1A and B-2A. The results of the rock coring program are included in Appendix B. A 4-inch diameter double tube barrel with a wireline system was used in all coring locations. A geotechnical engineer and geologist reviewed the samples recovered from the SPT boring locations and selected the preferred rock coring intervals for all locations. The rock coring was performed within a few feet of SPT borings. The length of each individual coring run was 5 feet. The cores were removed carefully from the inner barrel and were placed in wooden core boxes. The rock core specimens were then transported to our laboratory for visual examination, classification and selection of test specimens by a geologist and geotechnical engineer. Page 2 of 12 Geotechnical Engineering Report City of Miami Beach Force Main Crossing Project Pine Tree Drive between West 51st St. &West 47th St. UES Project No.: 2130.2100009 (Report No.: 1843137) Core recoveries were calculated for each run (calculated as the total length of recovered rock divided as a percentage of the total length of core run). In addition, the rock quality designation (RQD) for each intact rock core sample was determined (calculated as the sum total length of pieces of specimens greater than 4 inches as a percentage of the total length of core run). The RQD value is intended to reflect the in-situ fracture characteristics of the rock; however, the RQD was not developed to be used in the geology encountered in South Florida. Therefore, the actual pieces of rock greater than 4 inches were counted and no attempt was made to distinguish between sound rocks. The rock recovery and RQD information is included on the Report of Core Boring sheets presented in Appendix B. Photographs of the rock cores for all locations within the proposed force main are included in Appendix B of this report. A representative of UES located the test locations in the field based upon estimated distances, relationships to obvious landmarks and the site plan provided to us. Therefore, consider the indicated test locations and depths to be approximate. It should be noted that the test locations were provided by you and were not surveyed. Test locations were offset from the original desired location due to existing utilities throughout the project site. Maintenance of Traffic was provided by Area Wide Protective (AWP) at the time of drilling. 2.4 LABORATORY TESTING The soil/rock samples recovered from the test borings were returned to the laboratory where a member of our geotechnical staff visually classified them, reviewed the field descriptions, and selected representative samples for laboratory tests. Tests were performed to aid in classifying the soils and to help evaluate the general engineering characteristics of the site soils. The laboratory classification testing included natural moisture content (ASTM D-2216), percent passing the No. 200 sieve (AASHTO T-11), permeability of granular soils test (ASTM D2434), particle-size distribution test (ASTM D6913), unconfined compressive strength testing of rock core specimens (ASTM D2938-95), splitting tensile testing of rock core specimens (ASTM D3967-16) and organic content by means of incineration (FM 5-514). The laboratory test results are shown on the Boring Logs and in Summary Tables in Appendix B of this report. Page 3 of 12 Geotechnical Engineering Report `� City of Miami Beach Force Main Crossing Project Pine Tree Drive between West 51st St. &West 47th St. UES Project No.: 2130.2100009 (Report No.: 1843137) 3.0 GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 3.1 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY REGIONAL GEOLOGY The Miami area of southern Florida is underlain by an alternating sequence of cemented and uncemented Pleistocene sedimentary deposits (Pleistocene Epoch, deposited 10,000 to 2 million years before the present). A near surface Miami Limestone Formation is underlain by a wide variety of loose to dense quartz sands and coarse to fine-grained hard to very hard limestones and sandstones (Fort Thompson Formation). However, in many portions of Miami- Dade, surface sand deposits of the Pamlico Formation and man-made (artificial) fill are encountered. The Pamlico sands and man-made (artificial) fill have a thickness of approximately three (3) to seven (7) feet and overlie the Miami Limestone Formation. In the west part of the county, portions of the Everglades interfingers with the Pamlico sands. The Everglades soils consist of peat, organic silt and calcareous silt marl. The Everglades soils also have a thickness of three (3) to seven (7) feet and overlie the Miami Limestone Formation. Although the Miami Limestone Formation can be very porous and have a sponge-like, open interconnected network of vugs and small voids, large cavities do not exist and there is no potential for sinkhole activity. The rock formations encountered in the Miami area are typically much softer than the "bedrock" formations encountered in other areas of the country. The strength of the limestone as well as its deformation characteristics depends upon the degree of cementation of the formation and its alteration by solutioning and weathering subsequent to deposition. One of the most important characteristics of the limestone encountered in the project area is the degree of erosion. Past surface solutioning of the limestone has resulted in the formation of a "pinnacle rock" surface. In some cases, nearly vertical cylindrical-shaped solution cavities are filled with surficial fine sands extending below the groundwater level. The subsurface conditions encountered at the site are presented in the following section. 3.2 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY SOILS SURVEY The Soil Survey of Miami-Dade County Area, Florida, published by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), was reviewed for general near-surface soil information within the general project vicinity. This information indicates that there is two (2) primary mapping units within the project vicinity, as follows: ❖ Urban Land (15): Urban land consists of areas that are 60 percent to more than 75 percent covered with streets, buildings, large parking lots, shopping centers, industrial parks, airports, and related facilities. Other areas mostly lawns, parks, vacant lots, and playgrounds, are generally altered to such an extent that the former soils cannot be easily recognized and are in tracts too small to be mapped separately. Page 4 of 12 Geotechnical Engineering Report ‘h4110City of Miami Beach Force Main Crossing Project Pine Tree Drive between West 51st St. &West 47th St. UES Project No.: 2130.2100009 (Report No.: 1843137) 4.0 FINDINGS 4.1 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The results of our field exploration and laboratory analysis, together with pertinent information obtained from the SPT borings, such as soil profiles, penetration resistance and groundwater levels are shown on the boring logs and Subsurface Profiles included in Appendix B. The Key to Boring Logs is also included in Appendix B. The stratification lines shown on the boring logs represent the approximate boundaries between soil types and may not depict exact subsurface soil conditions. The actual soil boundaries may be more transitional than depicted. Generalized profiles of the soils/rocks found at our boring locations is presented in Tables A. The subsurface profiles were prepared from field logs after the recovered soil samples were visually classified by a member of our geotechnical staff. TABLE A: GENERALIZED SOIL PROFILE Typical Depths Below Grade (feet) Soil Description 0 to 6 Light Brown Fine to Medium SAND with Variable amounts of Limerock Fragments (FILL; SP) 6 to 30 Brown to Gray Fine to Medium SAND (SP) Gray Sandy LIMESTONE 30 to 50* (FORT THOMPSON FORMATION LIMESTONE) *Maximum Boring Explored Depth Note: 1) The groundwater was measured at an approximate depth ranging from 8 to 10.5 feet below existing grades in the test borings at the time of drilling. It should be noted that the groundwater levels were recorded during the wet season. 4.2 REVIEW OF HISTORIAL AERIAL MAPS We have reviewed available historical aerial photographs as far back as 1968 in the vicinity of the proposed force main. Appendix A of this report contains historical aerial photographs for the years 1968, 1985, 2004 and 2020. Some observations from review of the historical photographs are: • The earliest reviewed aerial dates back to 1968 and depicts an existing residential area surrounded by areas under development. • the 2004 aerial depicts the final development of the existing site, and • no major changes occurred after the 2004 aerial. Page 5 of 12 Geotechnical Engineering Report � City of Miami Beach Force Main Crossing Project Pine Tree Drive between West 51st St. &West 47th St. UES Project No.: 2130.2100009 (Report No.: 1843137) 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 GENERAL The following recommendations are made based upon the attached test boring logs, our understanding of the proposed construction, and our experience with similar projects and subsurface conditions. If subsurface conditions are encountered during construction which were not encountered in the borings, those conditions should be reported immediately to UES for evaluation and possible recommendations. In this section of the report, recommendations are presented for groundwater considerations, soil/rock parameters for temporary support of excavation analyses and design and construction related services. We note that since the applicability of geotechnical recommendations is very dependent upon project characteristics, most specifically: improvement locations, grade alterations, and actual structural loads applied, UES must review the final site and grading plans to validate all recommendations rendered herein. Without such review our recommendations should not be relied upon for final design or construction of any site improvements. 5.2 GROUNDWATER CONSIDERATIONS The groundwater table will fluctuate seasonally depending upon local rainfall. The rainy season in South Florida is normally between May and October. Based upon the test borings data, a reasonable estimate for the seasonal high groundwater table is approximately ranging from 6 to 8.5 feet below existing grades. The existing and estimated seasonal high groundwater table at the boring location appears on the boring logs in Appendix B. Please note that the estimated groundwater level should be considered accurate to about 1/2 foot +/- 1 and do not provide any assurance that groundwater level will not exceed these estimated levels during any given year in the future. Should the impediments to surface water drainage be present, or should rainfall intensity and duration, or total rainfall quantities, exceed the normally anticipated rainfall quantities, groundwater levels might exceed our seasonal high estimates. Furthermore, it should be understood that changes in the surface hydrology and subsurface drainage from on-site and/or off-site improvements could have significant effects on the normal and seasonal high groundwater levels. Note that our estimate of seasonal high groundwater level is based on limited data and does not provide any assurance that groundwater levels will not exceed the estimated level during any given year in the future. If the rainfall intensity and duration or total rainfall quantities exceed those normally anticipated, then groundwater levels will likely exceed the seasonal high estimate. The estimate of seasonal high groundwater level is made for the site at the present time. Future development of adjoining or nearby properties and development on a regional scale may affect the local seasonal high groundwater table. Universal makes no warranty on the estimate of the seasonal high groundwater table. Page 6 of 12 Geotechnical Engineering Report � City of Miami Beach Force Main Crossing Project Pine Tree Drive between West 51st St. &West 47th St. UES Project No.: 2130.2100009 (Report No.: 1843137) UES recommends that all foundation and pavement design incorporate assumption of the seasonal high groundwater condition. We recommend that positive drainage be established and maintained on the site during construction. UES further recommends that permanent measures be implemented to maintain positive drainage throughout the life of the project. The performance of site improvements may be sensitive to their post-construction relationship to site groundwater levels, seepage zones, or soil/rock characteristics exposed at final grades. Since horizontal and vertical control of our site borings were not provided, we do not recommend the use of our boring stratigraphy or groundwater information for final grading and improvement design purposes. Such use could result in potentially unacceptable performance of site improvements and/or additional costs for unanticipated construction modifications. UES will not be responsible or liable for the consequences of such use. UES recommends that use of boring information for final design of all site improvements be predicated on proper horizontal and vertical control of the boring. 6.0 RECOMMENDED SOIL/ROCK PARAMETERS FOR TEMPORARY SUPPORT OF EXCAVATION ANALYSES AND DESIGN The geotechnical design parameters for this study were obtained on the basis of empirical relationships between the SPT "N"-values and the shear strength of the soil/rock strata, literature review and our local experience. Table B below provides recommended geotechnical soil/rock parameters for use in design of temporary ground support systems as well as for geotechnical evaluation of subsurface materials for support of the proposed force main. The design of temporary support of excavation was not part of our scope of services and we are assuming that it will be performed by others. Page 7 of 12 Geotechnical Engineering Report � City of Miami Beach Force Main Crossing Project Pine Tree Drive between West 51st St. &West 47th St. UES Project No.: 2130.2100009 (Report No.: 1843137) TABLE B- SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED GEOTECHNICAL SOIL/ROCK DESIGN PARAMETERS SOIUROCK UNIT WEIGHT FRICTION EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS MATERIAL RANGE OF SPT (Pcf)------ ANGLE COHESION DESCRIPTION N60-VALUES, TOTAL EFFECTIVE (Degrees) (psf) (USCS SYMBOL) BPF 0) ACTIVE PASSIVE AT-REST Yt Yex C Ka Kp Ko Granular Fill (FILL;SP) 26-53 110 48 32 - 0.307 3.25 0.47 SAND(SP) 5-74 110 48 32 - 0.307 3.25 0.47 Fort Thompson Formation Limestone 5-46 115 53 36 0.26 3.85 0.41 Notes: (1)SPT N-values presented on this table were corrected for hammer efficiency.The field N-values were multiplied by a factor of 1.24 to convert it to the equivalent of a safety hammer N-value in accordance with the Florida Department of Transportation(FDOT)Soils and Foundations Handbook(2020). (2)The Designer shall apply an appropriate factor of safety to these parameters. 7.0 ENGINEERING EVALUATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FORCE MAIN INSTALLATION 7.1 FORCE MAIN INSTALLATION The borings in general revealed suitable subsurface conditions for support of the proposed force main. Based on our review of the conceptual plans provided we understand that the proposed force main will be 30-inch in diameter. We understand that the proposed pipeline will extend below the existing flamingo waterway and bridge. We understand that the invert elevations will vary throughout the site at approximately +1.00 feet to -25.25 in the canal area. 7.4 ALLOWABLE BEARING CAPACITY AND SETTLEMENT The proposed force main installation may rest on the surface of the existing granular soils or on the surface of the natural Miami Limestone Formation. We recommend that the force main be designed using an allowable bearing capacity of 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf) when resting on the surface of granular soils (i.e. granular fill/SP-SM) and when resting on the surface of the natural Miami Limestone Formation. Assuming maximum allowable bearing capacity of 2,000 pounds per square the settlement is anticipated to be less than about 1 inch, which is considered to be adequate for this application. Page 8 of 12 Geotechnical Engineering Report `� City of Miami Beach Force Main Crossing Project Pine Tree Drive between West 51st St. &West 47th St. UES Project No.: 2130.2100009 (Report No.: 1843137) 7.5 EXCAVATION RECOMMENDATIONS The installation of the proposed force main will require excavation of the existing subsurface materials. Temporary excavation side slopes of 1V:2H (vertical to horizontal) in the granular subsurface materials and 1V:2H in the Miami Limestone Formation are stable and have a minimum factor of safety of 1.3. If steeper sides are used, the excavations will require the need of temporary ground support systems in order to maintain the stability of the excavations and for safety reasons. Based on the results of the soil borings, an unsupported vertical cut is not considered stable or safe during construction. An unsupported vertical cut will cause cracks on the surface of the asphalt-paved roadway because the angle of repose of the granular soils will be exceeded and a failure surface will develop behind the vertical face of the excavation. The existing subsurface materials may be excavated using conventional excavation equipment. It is to be noted that the Miami Limestone Formation may require special equipment to excavate. The temporary ground support system and sloping should be in conformance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standards. The soil/rock parameters presented in Table B of this report may be used for design of the temporary ground support systems. Materials removed from the excavation should not be stockpiled immediately adjacent to the cut, since this load may cause a sudden collapse of the temporary ground support system. 7.6 GROUNDWATER CONTROL Dewatering may or may not be required depending on the construction technique used. The amount of dewatering will depend on the invert elevation of the proposed force main and the time of the year when the construction occurs. Successful removal of the existing subsurface materials and installation of the force main may necessitate that the work be performed in-the-dry, thereby possibly requiring temporary lowering of the groundwater table in the proposed excavation areas. De-watering involves lowering the ambient groundwater table below the existing groundwater levels. This may be accomplished through use of a wellpoint system. Submersible pumps may not be adequate given the highly permeable nature of the limestone layers. Please refer to MDWASD's specification section 02315 "Trenching and Backfilling For Piping Systems" for dewatering requirements. The water from the on-site dewatering operations should be directed to a suitable discharge point and must be adequate to satisfy any local, state or federal regulatory agency. The Designer, The Town of Medley and The Contractor are warned that the Miami Limestone Formation is very permeable and quite difficult to dewater. Page 9 of 12 Geotechnical Engineering Report � City of Miami Beach Force Main Crossing Project Pine Tree Drive between West 51st St. &West 47th St. UES Project No.: 2130.2100009 (Report No.: 1843137) 8.0 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS The following are our suggestions for the installation of the proposed force main based on the results of the test borings. All excavations shall be executed in accordance with The Florida Building Codes, the state of Florida Trench Safety Act (TSA), OSHA requirements and all applicable requirements of MDWASD's Specifications. 1. If temporary steel sheet piles are used for excavation support, it should be noted that sheet pile refusal may occur on a random and unpredictable basis since zones of dense soils and relatively hard rock materials not revealed by the test borings may be encountered. In this case, we recommend that predrilling be considered prior to the installation of the sheet piles. Predrilling is required in order to prevent refusal conditions, damage of the structural section of the sheeting and minimize vibrations-induced settlements to nearby structures and/or utilities. Following predrilling, the sheet piles should be set in place and vibrated to the required tip elevations. 2. The sheet pile installation equipment will produce vibration and noise levels that may be considered disturbing to people and can produce vibrations noticeable in structures and/or utilities. The potential for damage to any adjacent structures and/or utilities during the sheet pile installations will be dependent on the distance from the adjacent structures to the location of the sheet piles installation, the subsurface conditions, and the level of sensitivity of the structure to any type of vibration. The recommendations provided in Subarticle 455- 1.1 of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (2020) should be followed for the protection of the existing structures/utilities during sheet piling operations. All structures and/or utilities located adjacent to the proposed excavation shall be surveyed as well as monitored for vibrations and settlements in accordance with Section 108 of the FDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (2020). 3. After the sheet piles are installed to their required tip elevations, or the temporary ground support is set in place, the excavation of the subsurface materials can be made. 4. Depending on the water levels at the time of construction, the installation of the force main may require that the work be performed in dry conditions. Therefore, dewatering may be required depending on the construction technique employed by The Contractor and may vary substantially depending on the invert elevation of the proposed force main and the time of the year when the construction occurs. Caution must be exercised by the Contractor to prevent unnecessary dewatering for prolonged periods of time in order to prevent ground settlement and/or settlement of any nearby structures, utilities, or roadway as a result of the added overburden pressure resulting from lowering of the groundwater table. All structures and/or utilities located adjacent to the proposed excavation shall be surveyed as well as monitored for settlements during the dewatering operations in accordance with the FDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (2020). The water from the on-site dewatering operations should be directed to a suitable discharge point and must be adequate to satisfy any local, state or federal regulatory agency. Page 10 of 12 Geotechnical Engineering Report � City of Miami Beach Force Main Crossing Project Pine Tree Drive between West 51st St. &West 47th St. UES Project No.: 2130.2100009 (Report No.: 1843137) 5. Any fill materials required to backfill excavations or bedding layers shall be in accordance with MDWASD's specification section 02315 "Trenching and Backfilling For Piping Systems" for further requirements. 6. The select fill should be tested and approved prior to acquisition and placement. Density tests to confirm compaction should be preformed in each fill lift before the next lift is placed. Any fill indicating less than above compaction requirements should be re-compacted until the required density is obtained. 7. The roadway subgrade of backfill in the trenches should be compacted to not less than 98 percent modified Proctor maximum dry density (AASHTO T-180). 8. Prior to initiating compaction operations, we recommend that representative samples of the select fill material to be used and acceptable in-place soils be collected and tested to determine their compaction and classification characteristics. The maximum dry density, optimum moisture content, gradation, and plasticity characteristics should be determined. These tests are needed for compaction quality control of the select fill and existing soils and to determine if the fill material is acceptable. Select backfill material shall be placed under and around the force main to one foot above the crown in 6-inch layers. Each layer shall be compacted to not less than 90 percent modified Proctor maximum dry density (AASHTO T-180). Backfilling and compacting of material lying above a point one foot above the crown of the force main and below the pavement base shall be accomplished in layers not exceeding 9 inches in thickness. Each layer shall be compacted to not less than 98 percent modified Proctor maximum dry density (AASHTO T-180). Please refer to MDWASD's specification section 02315 "Trenching and Backfilling For Piping Systems" for further requirements. 9. Upon completion of the force main, the pavement areas should have a stabilized subgrade having a minimum thickness of 12 inches and an LBR of 40 placed to a depth of at least 12 inches below the base course. The base course should have a minimum thickness of 6 inches, and a minimum LBR of 100 meeting the requirements outlined in Section 911 of the FDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (2020). 10.The stabilized subgrade should be compacted to an equivalent density of 98 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (AASHTO T-180). The base material should be compacted to 98 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density. The base course should also have a minimum carbonate content of 70 percent. The entire pavement thicknesses should be based on the design requirements. 11.The Contractor shall monitor existing utilities and/or structures during construction and compaction efforts in accordance with Section 108 of the FDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (2020). Page 11 of 12 Geotechnical Engineering Report � City of Miami Beach Force Main Crossing Project Pine Tree Drive between West 51st St. &West 47th St. UES Project No.: 2130.2100009 (Report No: 1843137) 12. The Contractor is advised that the natural limestone formation may be difficult to excavate, penetrate and/or dewater and may require special equipment to do so. A Geotechnical Engineer from UES must visually inspect the bottom of footing excavations prior to placing concrete if the bottom of footing elevation is within the natural limestone formation in order to determine the adequacy and integrity of the natural limestone formation. 9.0 LIMITATIONS The test borings completed for this report were widely spaced and are not considered sufficient for reliably detecting the presence of isolated, anomalous surface or subsurface conditions, or reliably estimating unsuitable or suitable material quantities. Accordingly, UES does not recommend relying on our boring information to negate the presence of anomalous materials or for estimation of material quantities. Therefore, UES will not be responsible for any extrapolation or use of our data by others beyond the purpose(s) for which it is applicable or intended. During the early stages of this construction project, geotechnical issues not addressed in this report may arise. Because of the natural limitations inherent in working with the subsurface, it is not possible for a geotechnical engineer to predict and address all possible problems. An (ASFE) publication, "Important Information About Your Geotechnical Engineering Report" appears in Appendix C and will help explain the nature of geotechnical issues. Further, we present documents in Appendix C: Constraints and Restrictions, to bring to your attention the potential concerns and the basic limitations of a typical geotechnical report. Page 12 of 12 APPENDIX A so 1 J BM , mog > 1 ir , , ., 70 4 8 r tp.,.."-- ____;._‘ , _ . 1 ill!, , Pk I N ,,„,, . .. .. D , I •i i is ., 6 J, Gj PROJECT LOCATI❑N ' 76.. W Mak- i _ P :-.:. 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NO. 2130.2100009.0000 FIGURE: A-1 • , Ilmill,":1111-111M 401 titr. - , r.,,,,„, ,.. . • .,s;Q t . 'J r I I IP r r \i'4 11111;:j:li. ,-.- - •s lw .r do eh a , ... •� UP.- s:.. fir -. W 51st•Ter •r*, , t r 'r ., IIIIIW _Z�iTi Q ".-I 4 '1 UJECT LLICATIEIv i �+ R y. 1 Isis. W 50th St _ - IC. ii . • Alli4 a' { • r • rte. .J ✓1 , Q i 1 , 9Yiti -1. ei '' .�/mM f Ji n ' f ill* 414110 4" • 3 I' - 1- ,. = lite ii. fif. . NI; 4 ,,,e. .__„,,... -4.,..44,_ : / .....,„,glo.;-,... 0 a. : ,fir ' t r f. 0) 1/1'ill t :—:... .'t--. '..'" ':*..i'i ` �—. 41 L� }.gid ` pi. le ON : , I- W 47th St `z 1. �..,r. � . �:a 4, ,a�'�.'. a is -An" - CI _ • . • REFERENCE: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES NATIONAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE Z 7260 NW 58TH ST WEB SOIL SURVEY MIAMI,FL 33166 http://websoilsurvey.nres.usda.gov/ (305)249-8434 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA USDA NRCS 5011 SURVEY MAP CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FORCE MAIN CROSSING PINE TREE DRIVE BETWEEN W 51st ST. &W 47th ST. MIAMI BEACH, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA DRAWN: DL DATE: 2/8/21 SCALE: N.T.S. CHECKED: CH PROJ. NO. 2130.2100009.0000 FIGURE: A-2 .:-1.. ''''1',. -ate .t $ ' , p 11/ R ,\ • a 1 4 `. ' Ill "w« .` X41it :.r e '� t . ... ..._ r "I,iir t' _ • • i ' .././-,,,1 . . , ''''''':4 .71--- , .. i"I':* ' ' el* .4:'''. ., , ff Ale lii gif ?ill, SUBJECT PROPERTY — :..-aw, -War AY.11111111111.111‘*WS - '.� ON p i -! ''4. • t. -4 re Ilk. 3 , • } j • 4ES '4 f -o,,S_.•�,y :114:4: /11 f, r I.; , iallane * 111 LL' ' 3 I AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS (1968) City of Miami Beach Aerial Crossing Project Pine Tree Dr. between West 51St St. &West 47th St. Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, Florida NORTH / V.L. ,&. *4 \ N\..),,. ).%. illotiir it, .4.4a., 4..,,,. _ ., " r•• j n Nil N — lips • .. .. .` 1 ,r Vii. it,��� 4. �,---44 �' < J jj �0 111 ` , : s. p _ F SUBJECT PROPERTY a' z ,•tk ,. ,t:4441 .! ..1„,, 4. • ' 4011103" "0 !: A . . t4 "heir :!, t¢ap ' r • "r. d �` •. IRS . 1. I .: kt, ,-. ':1411* , ,... f :1' „ , -,(3 .e.r. . ,,, r.-4 4- - ~' • 4411111PirdIk. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS (1985) 4 , City of Miami Beach Aerial Crossing Project Pine Tree Dr. between West 515`St. & West 47th St. Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, Florida NORTH r 1 .1, ,. ,,, vs,..—i. i -0: t ' 40. . .•.' 1..`. ' '',:41k •., IF 1 1011104;":""t 417741*IlirK,Alt)- • ' .r I -, , - - ' 4 • • . • r.)1, " ' 1 ''',1 kflik.44ri • TO 1 e•• . ; '. -- ' - ' - ,r t. ' , . f i ',"�' C'. � ' ',1 -. 1! ,��-:.moi _ti i`t{ i'— # .4:42 • +^t , 1 . 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A .. .1 -!.. -- • glow / *k. . r-. 4.* ••' "A, ., ,,,L.A.I. p; i, :.# . ...410010. • . . • t , :.. .. •-. 1111. • , • • , -i ,.... • , '' * • I AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS (2020) City of Miami Beach Aerial Crossing Project 6Ad Pine Tree Dr. between West 51'St. &West 47th St. Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, Florida NORTH APPENDIX B J � w\\ \\\\\ r % N ti IJ $. of ' !Irit 4.vilivi0, -, . . c•-• ,,,,,, B-1 A .66_4 -- , , A--.•:.; \ ',- - • N. , *111-'11i*. . .. '- 04 .....:...„. ., . ....,:......ini.....1) l 1. _ j. c -�- '_'.vim,.- .. •.r. '� LEGEND • APPROXIMATE TEST BORING LOCATION TEST LOCATION PLAN CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AERIAL CROSSING PROJECT 16410 REFERENCE DATE PROJECT NO. REPORT NO. GOOGLE EARTH, 2021 JUNE, 2020 2130.2100009 1843137 UNIVERSAL SCALE DRAWN BY CHECKED BY COUNTY CITY SHEET NO. ENGINEERING SCIENCES N.T.S. DL CH MIAMI-DADE MIAMI BEACH B-1 IP h64 City of Miami Beach Aerial Crossing Project Pine Tree Dr. between West 51St St. &West 47th R. UNIVERSAL Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, FL FMG.IMFFRIMG 4CIFMCFS Core Number: B-1A Asphalt Core Average Thickness: 3.00" _•1 4 e IT t4 , ' e'F w h N ,t N Jrw am i *t. I t , - •... 4 ,_.., • �aY A\ Project Name:City of Miami Beach Aerial Crossing Project CO Project No.:2130.2100009 Location:North Bound Right Lane on Pine Tree Drive N i0 N Q iv" fig . tilk A-4 ,,, Ar7. 1.- • 4_ to k s r . , Fi + t Page 1 of 2 RP 164 City of Miami Beach Aerial Crossing Project Pine Tree Dr. between West 51St St. & West 47th St. UNIVERSAL Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, FL ENGINEERING Sf.IEMCFR Core Number: B-2A Asphalt Core Average Thickness: 2.50" . 1? t',4 ....- \ I ' ate (, 4 , II h ♦, .r Y . • - .'T \ ` Project Name:City of Miami Beach Aerial Crossing Project CO Project No.:2130.2100009 Location:North Bound Right Lane on Pine Tree Drive ts w V is t7 r .+ N'1 N Page 2 of 2 I P UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES PROJECT NO.: 2130.2100038 REPORT 1843137 BORING LOGS PAGE: 1 PROJECT: City of Miami Beach Aerial Crossing Project BORING DESIGNATION: B-1 A SHEET: 1 of 1 Pine Tree Drive between West 51st ST.&West 47th ST. Miami,Florida NORTHING(ft): EASTING(ft): CLIENT: 300 Engineering Group G.S.ELEVATION(ft): SPT DATE: 6/25/21 LOCATION: See Test Location Plan WATER TABLE(ft): 10.5 CORING DATE: 6/25/21 REMARKS: CME-75(Automatic Hammer) DATE OF READING: 6/25/21 DRILLED BY: YO EST.W.S.W.T.(ft): 8.5 TYPE OF SAMPLING: SPT S SA ROCK CORING DATA DEPTH M BLOWS N M -200 MC ORG. DOWN (FT') P IPER 6"NCREMENT (BLOS/ W.T. p DESCRIPTION (%) (%) CONTENT REC ROD PRESSURE TIME EL L (%) (%) (%) (PSI) (s.) 0 _ • Light Brown Fine to Medium SAND and Limerock 15-9-12-10 21 . •• • Fragments /- _ (FILL;SP) / 17-10-6-6 16Brown Fine to Medium SAND(FILL;SP) 5— 2-2-2-3 4 4-6-5-5 11 __ • . 10 .7-5-6-9... ....11.._ V _ Brown to Gray Fine to Medium SAND(SP) 15 -X17-23-37-31 ....60... ....... 20 • 1.528172.1 ....45... ....... •'.•. 25 4-3.5-5... ....$.... ....... 30 5.-4-7-$... ....11......... _ Gray Sandy LIMESTONE (FORT THOMPSON FORMATION LIMESTONE) -35 -X .6-4,54. .9.... ......... ., - - 40 _ 7-2-2-3... ....4.... ....... . - 45 X k �I 20-19.17-23 ...36 ' - - 71— _ 50 'k` . ....13... mi .-- Borehole Terminated at Depth of 50 Feet Borehole Backfilled r UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES PROJECT NO.: 2130.2100038 BORING LOGS REPORT NO.: 1843137 PAGE: 2 PROJECT: City of Miami Beach Aerial Crossing Project BORING DESIGNATION: B-2A SHEET: 1 of Pine Tree Drive between West 51st ST.&West 47th ST. Miami,Florida NORTHING(ft): EASTING(ft): CLIENT: 300 Engineering Group G.S.ELEVATION(ft): SPT DATE: 6/25/21 LOCATION: See Test Location Plan WATER TABLE(ft): 8 CORING DATE: 6/25/21 REMARKS: CME-75(Automatic Hammer) DATE OF READING: 6/25/21 DRILLED BY: YO EST.W.S.W.T.(ft): 6 TYPE OF SAMPLING: SPT S g A BLOWS N Y ROCK CORING DATA DEPTH P PER 6" (BLOWS/ W.T. M DESCRIPTION 200 MC ORG. DOVVN (FT.) L INCREMENT FT.) p (%) (%) CONTENTRECRQDPRESSURE TIME E L (%) (%) (%) (PSI) (s.) 0 Brown Fine to Medium SAND with Some 47-16-27-24 43 Limerock Fragments (FILL;SP) - 11-12-13-8 5—. ,. Brown Fine to Medium SAND(FILL;SP) ... .. 6-4-7-9 . Brown to Gray Fine to Medium SAND(SP) 4-5-9-14 14 v 10 .- 8-9-9,12 .18 4 19 1 15 ..10-9-9-7 .18 20 9-5.7-12 .12 _ X25 4-4-4-9 $ "rim Gray Sandy LIMESTONE (FORT THOMPSON FORMATION LIMESTONE) X - 30 3-6.2.2... ....8 _ I - I 35 X 14-17-20-24 . 37. L- . . _ _ I - I 40 X 21-13-21-22 _34. _ I - I 45 _ 24-18-12-29 . 30 - l - II - II- , 50 X 21-23-8.1.2 31.. . Borehole Terminated at Depth of 50 Feet Borehole Backfilled NOTES RELATED TO BORING LOGS General Notes • The Groundwater level was encountered and recorded (if shown) following the completion of the soil test borings on the date indicated. Fluctuations in groundwater levels are common; refer to report text for a discussion. • The boring location on land was identified in the field utilizing standard taping procedures and existing land marks. • The Boring Logs represent our interpretation of field conditions based on engineering examination of the soil/rock samples. • The Boring Logs are subject to limitations, conclusions and recommendations presented in the report text. • The N-values shown in the Boring Logs indicated as 50/1" refers to the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and means 50 blows per 1 inch of sampler penetration. The SPT uses a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches (ASTM D-1583). • The N-value from the SPT is the sum of the hammer blows required to drive the sampler the second and third 6-inch increments. • The soil/rock strata interfaces shown on the Boring Logs are approximate and may vary from those shown. The soil/rock conditions shown on the Boring Logs refer to conditions at the specific location tested; soil/rock conditions may vary between test locations. • W.O.H. denotes fell under weight of hammer. General Descriptors • The grain-size descriptions are as follows: Name Size Limits Boulder 12 inches or more Cobbles 3 to 12 inches Coarse Gravel 3/ to 3 inches Fine Gravel No. 4 sieve to % inch Coarse Sand No. 10 to No. 4 sieve Medium Sand No. 40 to No. 10 sieve Fine Sand No. 200 to No. 40 sieve Fines Smaller than No. 200 sieve • Definitions related to adjectives used in soil/rock descriptions: Proportion Adjective About 0 to 10 % trace About 10% to 25% little About 25% to 35% some About 35% to 50% and NOTES RELATED TO BORING LOGS • Relative density of sands/gravels and consistency of silts/clays: Granular Soils Relative Density Safety Hammer Automatic Hammer SPT (Blows/Foot) SPT (Blows/Foot) Very Loose 0-4 0-3 Loose 4-10 3-8 Medium Dense 10-30 8-24 Dense 30-50 24-40 Very Dense Greater than 50 Greater than 40 Silts and Clays Consistency Safety Hammer Automatic Hammer SPT (Blows/Foot) SPT (Blows/Foot) Very Soft 0-2 0-1 Soft 3-4 1-3 Firm 5-8 3-6 Stiff 9-15 6-12 Very Stiff 16-30 12-24 Hard Greater than 30 Greater than 24 • Boring Log Symbols Split spoon sample Rock core specimen Groundwater table GNA Groundwater Not Apparent GNE Groundwater Not Encountered NOTES RELATED TO BORING LOGS Soil Classification Chart MAJOR DIVISIONS SYMBOLS TYPICAL GRAPH LETTER DESCRIPTIONS .15 o o Z 0 0 0 WELL-GRADED GRAVELS,GRAVEL- CLEAN o 0 0 c GW SAND MIXTURES,LITTLE OR NO GRAVEL GRAVELS °• 0 0 0 0 FINES AND ° ° ° GRAVELLY (LITTLE OR NO FINES) 0 0 o POORLY-GRADED GRAVELS, O 0 o c GRAVEL-SAND MIXTURES.LITTLE SOILS 0 0 0 OR NO FINES O 0 o C 1, COARSE GRAVELS WITH q 0e 0 0 0 < GM SILTY GRAVELS,GRAVEL-SAND- SILT MIXTURES GRAINED MORE THAN 50% FINES I ° ° SOILS OF COARSE • FRACTION �/ �% / RETAINED ON NO. (APPRECIABLEAMOUN /• CLAYEY GRAVELS,GRAVEL-SAND- 4 SIEVE OF FINES) i// GC CLAY MIXTURES SW WELL-GRADED SANDS.GRAVELLY CLEAN SANDSSANDS.LITTLE OR NO FINES MORE THAN 50% SAND • OF MATERIAL IS AND (LITTLE OR NO FINES) . POLARGER THAN NO. SANDY SP GRAVELLYAGRADED LITTLE SAND.LITTLE OR NO 200 SIEVE SIZE SOILS FINES MORE THAN 50% SANDS WITH _ SM SILTY SANDS,SAND-SILT OF COARSE FINES MIXTURES FRACTION /• PASSING ON NO.4 SIEVE (APPRECIABLE AMOUNT -,. , SC CLAYEY SANDS,SAND-CLAY OF FINES) •; •• MIXTURES INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE ML SANDS,ROCK FLOUR,SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANDS OR CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY IC CLAYS OF LOW TO SILTS MEDIUM NPLASTICITY,GRAVELLY AND LIQUID LIMIT / CL CLAYS,SANDY CLAYS.SILTY CLAYS, FINE LESS THAN 50 % LEAN CLAYS GRAINED CLAYS SOILS .. ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC OL SILTY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY v INORGANIC SILTS,MICACEOUS OR MORE THAN 50% MH DIATOMACEOUS FINE SAND OR SILTY SOILS OF MATERIAL IS SMALLER THAN NO.200 SIEVE SIZE SILTS INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH AND LIQUID LIMIT CH PLASTICITY GREATER THAN 50 //:////, CLAYS Ila IS,11T OH ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY.ORGANIC SILTS 1 ^`" w ,s,ti`'v`= Ill PEAT,HUMUS,SWAMP SOILS WITH HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS ---',----,---_--,---- PT HIGH ORGANIC CONTENTS NOTE. DUAL SYMBOLS ARE USED TO INDICATE BORDERLINE SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS U.S.SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES I U.S.SIEVE NUMBERS I HYDROMETER 6 4 3 2 1.5 1 4 1/2 3/8 3 4 6 810 1416 20 30 40 50 70100140200 100 I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 II 111111 90 • • • • 80 P . E R70 C E N T60 I - N E 50 R Y40 E i G30 . . • 20 10 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT OR CLAY coarse fine coarse medium fine Boring No. /Depth (ft.) Classification MC% LL PL PI Cc Cu • B-2A 14.0 POORLY GRADED SAND SP NP NP NP NP 0.68 5.6 Boring No. /Depth (ft.) D100 D60 D30 D10 %Gravel %Sand %Silt %Clay • B-2A 14.0 19.00 0.99 0.346 0.1777 10.1 85.9 4.0 PROJECT City of Miami Beach Aerial Crossing Project-Pine JOB NO. 2130.2100038 Tree Drive between West 51st ST.&West 47th ST. DATE 7/26/21 GRAIN-SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES PUniversal Engineering Sciences I 201 Waldo Avenue North-Lehigh Acres,FL 33971 (239)489-2443•(239)489-3438(Fax) UNIVERSAL' u ENGINEERING SCIENCES STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR PERMEABILITY OF GRANULAR SOILS(CONSTANT HEAD) ASTM D2434/AASHTO T-215 Project: Force Main Crossing-Miami Beach Project ID: 2130.2100009.0000 Client: 300 Engineering Group Report ID: B-1A Client Address: 2222 Ponce de Leon Blvd.,Ste 300, Miami, FL 33146 Lab/MAC ID: 21-1692 Material Location: Boring B-1A:Composite from 13 Ft.to 30 Ft. Below Ground Surface Sampled By: Y.Oviedo Date Sampled: 6/25/21 Rec.:7/21/21 Tested By: K. Hazard Date Tested: 7/22/2021 Material Description: Tan to Orange to Gray Sand with Shell Fragments Material Classification: SP ;:frosoimic coNDUG' 't m Reso- '.tR,; Water Discharge, Q = 200 mL = 200.00 cm3 Length of Specimen, L= 5.432 in. = 13.80 cm Head, H = 36 in. = 91.44 cm Cross-Sectional Area of Specimen, A= 7.125 in.2 = 45.97 cm2 Time, t= 60 min = 3600 sec. Water Temperature, T= 29.8 'C Viscosity of Water Ratio at Test Temperature, RT= 0.771 Hydraulic Conductivity, k=QL/AtH = 0.000 cm/sec Hydraulic Conductivity Corrected, k20•C=QL/AtH = 0.000 cm/sec Hydraulic Gradient, i=H/L= 6.63 in/in k20=0= 0.2 in/hr k20•c= 0.4 ft/day SPECIMEN PARAMETERSs r Dry Sample Start Wt.(g): 1029.5 Specimen Volume(in3): 38.70 Dry Remaining Sample Wt.(g): 0.0 Specimen Volume(ft3): 0.022 Total Sample Wt.(g): 1029.5 Specimen Unit Weight 101.4 Total Sample Wt.(lbs): 2.27 (lbs/ft3): Respectfully,Submitted, UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES,LLC REGISTRY#0549 7/22/2021 Liaquat S. Khan, P.E. Registered Engineer#86480 State of Florida Test report shall not be reproduced,except in full,without the written approval of GFA International,Inc./Universal Engineering Sciences,LLC. Environmental•Geotechnical•Construction Materials Testing•Special&Threshold Inspections•Plan Review&Code Compliance Florida's Leading Engineering Source www.teamgfa.com/www.universalengineering.com LOCATION: B1-A Depth: 30'-35' REC: 0% RQD: 0% r cowl *kw wo AmoraysricommatuicimP000= Depth: 35'-40' REC: 10% RQD: 0% ow*worm Arairommawcuranommattnete tri 0-r iicrisiM Cot Depth: 40'-45' REC: 9% RQD: 0% rrtt. " a All ate. Depth: 45'-50' REC: 13% RQD: 0% • Rock Core Photographs City of Miami Beach Aerial Crossing Project Pine Tree Dr.between West 51st St.&West 47th St.Miami Beach Miami-Dade County,Florida UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES Project No.2130.2100009 Sheet:B-1 LOCATION:B2-A Depth: 30'-35' REC: 13% RQD: 0% c . . „-0.01101131111311011 -. n „ . n. Depth: 35'-40' REC: 25% RQD: 0% 46r4114 X7-4 �I x�.�w Depth: 40'-45' REC: 73% RQD: 67% -zAI MI 11/7-2. ; t-7 I ., -cr--T 1 _—T--_ , ---_ ,- tkrr Depth:45'-50' REC: 18% RQD: 0% 1 , 2# a ., a , g sl o 11 +. .e 14 ,.,,._. . 01[., - R .> ' Ell_ _ - a fl 44 a"„" k. - 40E Rock Core Photographs City of Miami Beach Aerial Crossing Project r Pine Tree Dr.between West 51st St.&West 47th St.Miami Beach " Miami-Dade County.Florida UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES Project No.2130.2100009 Sheet: B-2 r UNIVERSAL 11 ENGINEERING SCIENCES Project No.:2130.2100009.0000 Project Name: Force Main Crossing-300 Engineering onsultants In Geotechnical Engineering•Environmental Engineering Construction Materials .8/4/2021 UNIVERSAL Testing Threshold Inspection Private Provider Inspection Date. F NGINEFRING Sc:1tNCF� Summary of Laboratory Rock Core Test Results Boring ID Geometry Unconfined Compression Test Core Run Depth(ft) Sample Height or Sample Diameter Boring No. Sample ID Thickness(inches) (inches) Failure Load(lbs) qu(ksf) From To Force Main Crossing Break Data 2021-8-4 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES Project No.:2130.2100009.0000 Project Name:Force Main Crossing-300 Engineering Consultants In Geotechnical Engineering Environmental Engineering-Construction Materials Testing-Threshold Inspection•Private Provider Inspection Date: ENGINEERING SCIENCES Summary of Laboratory Rock Core Test Results Boring ID Geometry Unconfined Compression Test Core Run Depth(ft) Sample Height or Sample Diameter Boring No. Sample IDThickness(inches) (inches) Failure Load(lbs) qt(ksf) From To B-2A T1 40 45 3.01 3.93 1140 8.83 B-2A T2 40 45 3.20 3.98 1580 11.37 Force Main Crossing_Break Data 2021-8-4 fAPPENDIX C Important Information about This Report • Gootechnical-Enginoering Subsurface problems are a principal cause of construction delays, cost overruns, claims, and disputes. While you cannot eliminate all such risks, you can manage them. The following information is provided to help. The Geoprofessional Business Association (GBA) Typical changes that could erode the reliability of this report include has prepared this advisory to help you—assumedly those that affect: a client representative—interpret and apply this • the site's size or shape; ▪ the function of the proposed structure,as when it's geotechnical-engineering report as effectively as possible. In that way, clients can benefit from changed from a parking garage to an office building,or a lowered exposure to the subsurface problems from a light industrial plant to a refrigerated warehouse; • the elevation,configuration,location,orientation,or that,for decades,have been a principal cause of weight of the proposed structure; construction delays, cost overruns, claims,and • the composition of the design team;or disputes. If you have questions or want more . project ownership. information about any of the issues discussed below, contact your GBA-member geotechnical engineer. As a general rule,always inform your geotechnical engineer of project Active involvement in the Geoprofessional Business changes-even minor ones-and request an assessment of their Association exposes geotechnical engineers to a impact.The geotechnical engineer who prepared this report cannot accept wide array of risk-confrontation techniques that can responsibility or liability for problems that arise because the geotechnical be of genuine benefit for everyone involved with a engineer was not informed about developments the engineer otherwise construction project. would have considered. This Report May Not Be Reliable Geotechnical-Engineering Services Are Performed for Do not rely on this report if your geotechnical engineer prepared it: Specific Purposes, Persons,and Projects • for a different client; Geotechnical engineers structure their services to meet the specific • for a different project; needs of their clients.A geotechnical-engineering study conducted • for a different site(that may or may not include all or a for a given civil engineer will not likely meet the needs of a civil- portion of the original site);or works constructor or even a different civil engineer.Because each • before important events occurred at the site or adjacent geotechnical-engineering study is unique,each geotechnical- to it;e.g.,man-made events like construction or engineering report is unique,prepared solely for the client.Those who environmental remediation,or natural events like floods, rely on a geotechnical-engineering report prepared for a different client droughts,earthquakes,or groundwater fluctuations. can be seriously misled.No one except authorized client representatives should rely on this geotechnical-engineering report without first Note,too,that it could be unwise to rely on a geotechnical-engineering conferring with the geotechnical engineer who prepared it.And no one report whose reliability may have been affected by the passage of time, -not even you-should apply this report for any purpose or project except because of factors like changed subsurface conditions;new or modified the one originally contemplated. codes,standards,or regulations;or new techniques or tools.If your geotechnical engineer has not indicated an`apply-by"date on the report, Read this Report in Full ask what it should be,and,in general,if you are the least bit uncertain Costly problems have occurred because those relying on a geotechnical- about the continued reliability of this report,contact your geotechnical engineering report did not read it in its entirety.Do not rely on an engineer before applying it.A minor amount of additional testing or executive summary.Do not read selected elements only.Read this report analysis-if any is required at all-could prevent major problems. in full. Most of the"Findings" Related in This Report Are You Need to Inform Your Geotechnical Engineer Professional Opinions about Change Before construction begins,geotechnical engineers explore a site's Your geotechnical engineer considered unique,project-specific factors subsurface through various sampling and testing procedures. when designing the study behind this report and developing the Geotechnical engineers can observe actual subsurface conditions only at confirmation-dependent recommendations the report conveys.A few those specific locations where sampling and testing were performed.The typical factors include: data derived from that sampling and testing were reviewed by your • the client's goals,objectives,budget,schedule,and geotechnical engineer,who then applied professional judgment to risk-management preferences; form opinions about subsurface conditions throughout the site.Actual • the general nature of the structure involved,its size, sitewide-subsurface conditions may differ-maybe significantly-from configuration,and performance criteria; those indicated in this report.Confront that risk by retaining your • the structure's location and orientation on the site;and geotechnical engineer to serve on the design team from project start to • other planned or existing site improvements,such as project finish,so the individual can provide informed guidance quickly, retaining walls,access roads,parking lots,and whenever needed. underground utilities. \ J This Report's Recommendations Are perform their own studies if they want to,and be sure to allow enough Confirmation-Dependent time to permit them to do so.Only then might you be in a position The recommendations included in this report-including any options to give constructors the information available to you,while requiring or alternatives-are confirmation-dependent.In other words,they are them to at least share some of the financial responsibilities stemming not final,because the geotechnical engineer who developed them relied from unanticipated conditions.Conducting prebid and preconstruction heavily on judgment and opinion to do so.Your geotechnical engineer conferences can also be valuable in this respect can finalize the recommendations only after observing actual subsurface conditions revealed during construction.If through observation your Read Responsibility Provisions Closely geotechnical engineer confirms that the conditions assumed to exist Some client representatives,design professionals,and constructors do actually do exist,the recommendations can be relied upon,assuming not realize that geotechnical engineering is far less exact than other no other changes have occurred.The geotechnical engineer who prepared engineering disciplines.That lack of understanding has nurtured this report cannot assume responsibility or liability for confirmation- unrealistic expectations that have resulted in disappointments,delays, dependent recommendations ifyou fail to retain that engineer to perform cost overruns,claims,and disputes.To confront that risk,geotechnical construction observation. engineers commonly include explanatory provisions in their reports. Sometimes labeled"limitations:'many of these provisions indicate This Report Could Be Misinterpreted where geotechnical engineers'responsibilities begin and end,to help Other design professionals'misinterpretation of geotechnical- others recognize their own responsibilities and risks.Read these engineering reports has resulted in costly problems.Confront that risk provisions closely.Ask questions.Your geotechnical engineer should by having your geotechnical engineer serve as a full-time member of the respond fully and frankly. design team,to: • confer with other design-team members, Geoenvironmental Concerns Are Not Covered • help develop specifications, The personnel,equipment,and techniques used to perform an • review pertinent elements of other design professionals' environmental study-e.g.,a"phase-one"or"phase-two"environmental plans and specifications,and site assessment-differ significantly from those used to perform • be on hand quickly whenever geotechnical-engineering a geotechnical-engineering study.For that reason,a geotechnical- guidance is needed. engineering report does not usually relate any environmental findings, conclusions,or recommendations;e.g.,about the likelihood of You should also confront the risk of constructors misinterpreting this encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants. report.Do so by retaining your geotechnical engineer to participate in Unanticipated subsurface environmental problems have led to project prebid and preconstruction conferences and to perform construction failures.If you have not yet obtained your own environmental observation. information,ask your geotechnical consultant for risk-management guidance.As a general rule,do not rely on an environmental report Give Constructors a Complete Report and Guidance prepared for a different client,site,or project,or that is more than six Some owners and design professionals mistakenly believe they can shift months old. unanticipated-subsurface-conditions liability to constructors by limiting the information they provide for bid preparation.To help prevent Obtain Professional Assistance to Deal with Moisture the costly,contentious problems this practice has caused,include the Infiltration and Mold complete geotechnical-engineering report,along with any attachments While your geotechnical engineer may have addressed groundwater, or appendices,with your contract documents,but be certain to note water infiltration,or similar issues in this report,none of the engineer's conspicuously that you've included the material for informational services were designed,conducted,or intended to prevent uncontrolled purposes only.To avoid misunderstanding,you may also want to note migration of moisture-including water vapor-from the soil through that"informational purposes"means constructors have no right to rely building slabs and walls and into the building interior,where it can on the interpretations,opinions,conclusions,or recommendations in cause mold growth and material-performance deficiencies.Accordingly, the report,but they may rely on the factual data relative to the specific proper implementation of the geotechnical engineer's recommendations times,locations,and depths/elevations referenced. Be certain that will not of itself be sufficient to prevent moisture infiltration.Confront constructors know they may learn about specific project requirements, the risk of moisture infiltration by including building-envelope or mold including options selected from the report,only from the design specialists on the design team.Geotechnical engineers are not building- drawings and specifications.Remind constructors that they may envelope or mold specialists. GEOPROFESSIONAL 5a BUSINESS laASSOCIATION Telephone:301/565-2733 e-mail:info@geoprofessional.org www.geoprofessional.org Copyright 2016 by Geoprofessional Business Association(GBA).Duplication,reproduction,or copying of this document,in whole or in part,by any means whatsoever,is strictly prohibited,except with GBA's specific written permission.Excerpting,quoting,or otherwise extracting wording from this document is permitted only with the express written permission of GBA,and only for purposes of scholarly research or book review.Only members of GBA may use this document or its wording as a complement to or as an element of a report of any kind.Any other firm,individual,or other entity that so uses this document without being a GBA member could be committing negligent CONSTRAINTS AND RESTRICTIONS WARRANTY UES has prepared this report for our client for his exclusive use, in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices, and makes no other warranty either expressed or implied as to the professional advice provided in the report. UNANTICIPATED SOIL CONDITIONS The analysis and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from soil borings performed at the locations indicated on the Boring Location Plan. This report does not reflect any variations which may occur between these borings. The nature and extent of variations between borings may not become known until excavation begins. If variations appear, we may have to re-evaluate our recommendations after performing on-site observations and noting the characteristics of any variations. CHANGED CONDITIONS We recommend that the specifications for the project require that the contractor immediately notify Universal Engineering Sciences, as well as the owner, when subsurface conditions are encountered that are different from those present in this report. No claim by the contractor for any conditions differing from those anticipated in the plans, specifications, and those found in this report, should be allowed unless the contractor notifies the owner and UES of such changed conditions. Further, we recommend that all foundation work and site improvements be observed by a representative of UES to monitor field conditions and changes, to verify design assumptions and to evaluate and recommend any appropriate modifications to this report. MISINTERPRETATION OF SOIL ENGINEERING REPORT UES is responsible for the conclusions and opinions contained within this report based upon the data relating only to the specific project and location discussed herein. If the conclusions or recommendations based upon the data presented are made by others, those conclusions or recommendations are not the responsibility of UES. CHANGED STRUCTURE OR LOCATION This report was prepared in order to aid in the evaluation of this project and to assist the architect or engineer in the design of this project. If any changes in the design or location of the structure as outlined in this report are planned, or if any structures are included or added that are not discussed in the report, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and the conclusions modified or approved by UES. C-3 USE OF REPORT BY BIDDERS Bidders who are examining the report prior to submission of a bid are cautioned that this report was prepared as an aid to the designers of the project and it may affect actual construction operations. Bidders are urged to make their own soil borings, test pits, test caissons or other investigations to determine those conditions that may affect construction operations. UES cannot be responsible for any interpretations made from this report or the attached boring logs with regard to their adequacy in reflecting subsurface conditions which will affect construction operations. STRATA CHANGES Strata changes are indicated by a definite line on the boring logs which accompany this report. However, the actual change in the ground may be more gradual. Where changes occur between soil samples, the location of the change must necessarily be estimated using all available information and may not be shown at the exact depth. OBSERVATIONS DURING DRILLING Attempts are made to detect and/or identify occurrences during drilling and sampling, such as: water level, boulders, zones of lost circulation, relative ease or resistance to drilling progress, unusual sample recovery, variation of driving resistance, obstructions, etc.; however, lack of mention does not preclude their presence. WATER LEVELS Water level readings have been made in the drill holes during drilling and they indicate normally occurring conditions. Water levels may not have been stabilized at the last reading. This data has been reviewed and interpretations made in this report. However, it must be noted that fluctuations in the level of the groundwater may occur due to variations in rainfall, temperature, tides, and other factors not evident at the time measurements were made and reported. Since the probability of such variations is anticipated, design drawings and specifications should accommodate such possibilities and construction planning should be based upon such assumptions of variations. LOCATION OF BURIED OBJECTS All users of this report are cautioned that there was no requirement for UES to attempt to locate any man-made buried objects during the course of this exploration and that no attempt was made by UES to locate any such buried objects. UES cannot be responsible for any buried man-made objects which are subsequently encountered during construction that are not discussed within the text of this report. TIME This report reflects the soil conditions at the time of investigation. If the report is not used in a reasonable amount of time, significant changes to the site may occur and additional reviews may be required. C-4 jAPPENDIX l IL\s) s, Universal Engineering Sciences,LLC GENERAL CONDITIONS SECTION 1: RESPONSIBILITIES 1.1 Universal Engineering Sciences, LLC, and its subsidiaries and affiliated companies ("UES"), is responsible for providing the services described under the Scope of Services.The term"UES"as used herein includes all of UES's agents,employees,professional staff,and subcontractors.1.2 The Client or a duly authorized representative is responsible for providing UES with a clear understanding of the project nature and scope. The Client shall supply UES with sufficient and adequate information,including,but not limited to,maps,site plans,reports,surveys,plans and specifications, and designs,to allow UES to properly complete the specified services.The Client shall also communicate changes in the nature and scope of the project as soon as possible during performance of the work so that the changes can be incorporated into the work product. 1.3 The Client acknowledges that UES's responsibilities in providing the services described under the Scope of Services section is limited to those services described therein,and the Client hereby assumes any collateral or affiliated duties necessitated by or for those services.Such duties may include,but are not limited to,reporting requirements imposed by any third party such as federal, state, or local entities, the provision of any required notices to any third party, or the securing of necessary permits or permissions from any third parties required for UES's provision of the services so described,unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties in writing. SECTION 2: STANDARD OF CARE 2.1 Services performed by UES under this Agreement will be conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of UES's profession practicing contemporaneously under similar conditions in the locality of the project. No other warranty,express or implied,is made.2.2 Execution of this document by UES is not a representation that UES has visited the site,become generally familiar with local conditions under which the work is to be performed, or correlated personal observations with the requirements of the Scope of Services. It is the Client's responsibility to provide UES with all information necessary for UES to provide the services described under the Scope of Services, and the Client assumes all liability for information not provided to UES that may affect the quality or sufficiency of the services so described. SECTION 3: SITE ACCESS AND SITE CONDITIONS 3.1 Client will grant or obtain free access to the site for all equipment and personnel necessary for UES to perform the work set forth in this Agreement. The Client will notify any possessors of the project site that Client has granted UES free access to the site. UES will take reasonable precautions to minimize damage to the site, but it is understood by Client that, in the normal course of work,some damage may occur, and the correction of such damage is not part of this Agreement unless so specified in the Scope of Services. 3.2 The Client is responsible for the accuracy of locations for all subterranean structures and utilities.UES will take reasonable precautions to avoid known subterranean structures,and the Client waives any claim against UES,and agrees to defend,indemnify,and hold UES harmless from any claim or liability for injury or loss,including costs of defense, arising from damage done to subterranean structures and utilities not identified or accurately located. In addition,Client agrees to compensate UES for any time spent or expenses incurred by UES in defense of any such claim with compensation to be based upon UES's prevailing fee schedule and expense reimbursement policy. SECTION 4: BILLING AND PAYMENT 4.1 UES will submit invoices to Client monthly or upon completion of services. Invoices will show charges for different personnel and expense classifications.4.2 Payment is due 30 days after presentation of invoice and is past due 31 days from invoice date.Client agrees to pay a finance charge of one and one-half percent(1 'h%) per month, or the maximum rate allowed by law, on past due accounts.4.3 If UES incurs any expenses to collect overdue billings on invoices,the sums paid by UES for reasonable attorneys'fees,court costs,UES's time,UES's expenses,and interest will be due and owing by the Client. SECTION 5: OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS 5.1 All reports,boring logs,field data,field notes,laboratory test data,calculations,estimates,and other documents prepared by UES, as instruments of service,shall remain the property of UES. Neither Client nor any other entity shall change or modify UES's instruments of service. 5.2 Client agrees that all reports and other work furnished to the Client or his agents,which are not paid for,will be returned upon demand and will not be used by the Client for any purpose.5.3 UES will retain all pertinent records relating to the services performed for a period of five years following submission of the report or completion of the Scope of Services, during which period the records will be made available to the Client in a reasonable time and manner.5.4 All reports,boring logs,field data,field notes,laboratory test data,calculations,estimates,and other documents prepared by UES,are prepared for the sole and exclusive use of Client, and may not be given to any other entity,or used or relied upon by any other entity,without the express written consent of UES.Client is the only entity to which UES owes any duty or duties,in contract or tort,pursuant to or under this Agreement. SECTION 6: DISCOVERY OF UNANTICIPATED HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 6.1 Client represents that a reasonable effort has been made to inform UES of known or suspected hazardous materials on or near the project site.6.2 Under this agreement,the term hazardous materials include hazardous materials, hazardous wastes,hazardous substances(40 CFR 261.31,261.32,261.33),petroleum products,polychlorinated biphenyls,asbestos,and any other material defined by the U.S. EPA as a hazardous material. 6.3 Hazardous materials may exist at a site where there is no reason to believe they are present.The discovery of unanticipated hazardous materials constitutes a changed condition mandating a renegotiation of the scope of work.The discovery of unanticipated hazardous materials may make it necessary for UES to take immediate measures to protect health and safety. Client agrees to compensate UES for any equipment decontamination or other costs incident to the discovery of unanticipated hazardous materials. 6.4 UES will notify Client when unanticipated hazardous materials or suspected hazardous materials are encountered. Client will make any disclosures required by law to the appropriate governing agencies.Client will hold UES harmless for all consequences of disdosures made by UES which are required by governing law.In the event the project site is not owned by Client, Client it is the Client's responsibility to inform the property owner of the discovery of unanticipated hazardous materials or suspected hazardous materials.6.5 Notwithstanding any other provision of the Agreement,Client waives any claim against UES,and to the maximum extent permitted by law,agrees to defend, indemnify, and save UES harmless from any claim,liability,and/or defense costs for injury or loss arising from UES's discovery of unanticipated hazardous materials or suspected hazardous materials including any costs created by delay of the project and any cost associated with possible reduction of the property's value.Client will be responsible for ultimate disposal of any samples secured by UES which are found to be contaminated. SECTION 7: RISK ALLOCATION 7.1 Client agrees that UES's liability for any damage on account of any breach of contract,error,omission,or professional negligence will be limited to a sum not to exceed$50,000 or UES's fee,whichever is greater.If Client prefers to have higher limits on contractual or professional liability,UES agrees to increase the limits up to a maximum of$1,000,000.00 upon Client's written request at the time of accepting UES's proposal provided that Client agrees to pay an additional consideration of four percent of the total fee,or$400.00,whichever is greater.If Client prefers a$2,000,000.00 limit on contractual or professional liability,UES agrees to increase the limits up to a maximum of$2,000,000.00 upon Client's written request at the time of accepting UES's proposal provided that Client agrees to pay an additional consideration of four percent of the total fee,or$800.00,whichever is greater.The additional charge for the higher liability limits is because of the greater risk assumed and is not strictly a charge for additional professional liability insurance.7.2 Client shall not be liable to UES and UES shall not be liable to Client for any incidental,special,or consequential damages(including lost profits,loss of use,and lost savings) incurred by either party due to the fault of the other,regardless of the nature of the fault,or whether it was committed by Client or UES,their employees, agents, or subcontractors; or whether such liability arises in breach of contract or warranty,tort (including negligence), statutory, or any other cause of action.7.3 As used in this Agreement,the terms"claim"or"claims"mean any claim in contract,tort,or statute alleging negligence,errors,omissions, strict liability,statutory liability,breach of contract,breach of warranty,negligent misrepresentation,or any other act giving rise to liability. SECTION 8: INSURANCE 8.1 UES represents it and its agents, staff and consultants employed by UES, is and are protected by worker's compensation insurance and that UES has such coverage under public liability and property damage insurance policies which UES deems to be adequate.Certificates for all such policies of insurance shall be provided to Client upon request in writing.Within the limits and conditions of such insurance,UES agrees to indemnify and save Client harmless from and against loss,damage,or liability arising from negligent acts by UES,its agents,staff,and consultants employed by it.UES shall not be responsible for any loss, damage or liability beyond the amounts, limits, and conditions of such insurance or the limits described in Section 7, whichever is less.The Client agrees to defend,indemnify,and save UES harmless for loss,damage or liability arising from acts by Client,Client's agents,staff, and others employed by Client.8.2 Under no circumstances will UES indemnify Client from or for Client's own actions,negligence,or breaches of contract.8.3 To the extent damages are covered by property insurance,Client and UES waive all rights against each other and against the contractors,consultants,agents, and employees of the other for damages,except such rights as they may have to the proceeds of such insurance. SECTION 9: DISPUTE RESOLUTION 9.1 All claims,disputes,and other matters in controversy between UES and Client arising out of or in any way related to this Agreement will be submitted to mediation or non-binding arbitration, before and as a condition precedent to other remedies provided by law.9.2 If a dispute arises and that dispute is not resolved by mediation or non-binding arbitration,then:(a)the claim will be brought in the state or federal courts having jurisdiction where the UES office which provided the service is located;and(b)the prevailing party will be entitled to recovery of all reasonable costs incurred, including staff time,court costs,attorneys'fees,expert witness fees,and other claim related expenses. SECTION 10: TERMINATION 10.1 This agreement may be terminated by either party upon seven(7)days written notice in the event of substantial failure by the other party to perform in accordance with the terms hereof, or in the case of a force majeure event such as terrorism, act of war, public health or other emergency.Such termination shall not be effective if such substantial failure or force majeure has been remedied before expiration of the period specified in the written notice. In the event of termination,UES shall be paid for services performed to the termination notice date plus reasonable termination expenses. 10.2 In the event of termination, or suspension for more than three(3)months,prior to completion of all reports contemplated by the Agreement, UES may complete such analyses and records as are necessary to complete its files and may also complete a report on the services performed to the date of notice of termination or suspension.The expense of termination or suspension shall include all direct costs of UES in completing such analyses,records,and reports. SECTION 11: REVIEWS,INSPECTIONS,TESTING,AND OBSERVATIONS 11.1 Plan review, private provider inspections,and building inspections are performed for the purpose of observing compliance with applicable building codes. Threshold inspections are performed for the purpose of observing compliance with an approved threshold inspection plan. Construction materials testing("CMT")is performed to document compliance of certain materials or components with applicable testing standards.UES's performance of plan reviews,private provider inspections,building inspections,threshold inspections, or CMT,or UES's presence on the site of Client's project while performing any of the foregoing activities, is not a representation or warranty by UES that Client's project is free of errors in either design or construction.11.2 If UES is retained to provide construction monitoring or observation, UES will report to Client any observed work which, in UES's opinion,does not conform to the plans and specifications provided to UES. UES shall have no authority to reject or terminate the work of any agent or contractor of Client.No action,statements,or communications of UES,or UES's site representative,can be construed as modifying any agreement between Client and others.UES's performance of construction monitoring or observation is not a representation or warranty by UES that Client's project is free of errors in either design or construction.11.3 Neither the activities of UES pursuant to this Agreement,nor the presence of UES or its employees,representatives,or subcontractors on the project site,shall be construed to impose upon UES any responsibility for means or methods of work performance,superintendence,sequencing of construction,or safety conditions at the project site. Client acknowledges that Client or its contractor is solely responsible for project jobsite safety.11.4 Client is responsible for scheduling all inspections and CMT activities of UES.All testing and inspection services will be performed on a will-call basis.UES will not be responsible for tests and inspections that are not performed due to Client's failure to schedule UES's services on the project,or for any claims or damages arising from tests and inspections that are not scheduled or performed. SECTION 12:ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS Client acknowledges that an Environmental Site Assessment("ESA")is conducted solely to permit UES to render a professional opinion about the likelihood or extent of regulated contaminants being present on, in, or beneath the site in question at the time services were conducted.No matter how thorough an ESA study may be,findings derived from the study are limited and UES cannot know or state for a fact that a site is unaffected by reportable quantities of regulated contaminants as a result of conducting the ESA study. Even if UES states that reportable quantities of regulated contaminants are not present,Client still bears the risk that such contaminants may be present or may migrate to the site after the ESA study is complete. SECTION 13: SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIONS 13.1 Client acknowledges that subsurface conditions may vary from those observed at locations where borings, surveys, samples, or other explorations are made, and that site conditions may change with time. Data,interpretations, and recommendations by UES will be based solely on information available to UES at the time of service. UES is responsible for those data,interpretations,and recommendations,but will not be responsible for other parties'interpretations or use of the information developed or provided by UES. 13.2 Subsurface explorations may result in unavoidable cross-contamination of certain subsurface areas,as when a probe or boring device moves through a contaminated zone and links it to an aquifer, underground stream,or other hydrous body not previously contaminated.UES is unable to eliminate totally cross-contamination risk despite use of due care. Since subsurface explorations may be an essential element of UES's services indicated herein,Client shall,to the fullest extent permitted by law,waive any claim against UES,and indemnify,defend,and hold UES harmless from any claim or liability for injury or loss arising from cross-contamination allegedly caused by UES's subsurface explorations.In addition, Client agrees to compensate UES for any time spent or expenses incurred by UES in defense of any such claim with compensation to be based upon UES's prevailing fee schedule and expense reimbursement policy. SECTION 14:SOLICITATION OF EMPLOYEES Client agrees not to hire UES's employees except through UES.In the event Client hires a UES employee within one year following any project through which Client had contact with said employee,Client shall pay UES an amount equal to one-half of the employee's annualized salary,as liquidated damages,without UES waiving other remedies it may have. SECTION 15: ASSIGNS Neither Client nor UES may delegate,assign,sublet,or transfer its duties or interest in this Agreement without the written consent of the other party. SECTION 16: GOVERNING LAW AND SURVIVAL 16.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which the UES office performing the services hereunder is located.16.2 In any of the provisions of this Agreement are held illegal,invalid,or unenforceable, the enforceability of the remaining provisions will not be impaired and will survive.Limitations of liability and indemnities will survive termination of this agreement for any cause. SECTION 17: INTEGRATION CLAUSE 17.1 This Agreement represents and contains the entire and only agreement and understanding among the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, and supersedes any and all prior and contemporaneous oral and written agreements, understandings, representations,inducements,promises,warranties,and conditions among the parties. No agreement,understanding,representation,inducement,promise, warranty,or condition of any kind with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement shall be relied upon by the parties unless expressly incorporated herein. 17.2 This Agreement may not be amended or modified except by an agreement in writing signed by the party against whom the enforcement of any modification or amendment is sought. SECTION 18:WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL Both Client and UES waive trial by jury in any action arising out of or related to this Agreement. SECTION 19: INDIVIDUAL LIABILTY PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STAT. 558.0035, AN INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEE OR AGENT OF UES MAY NOT BE HELD INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE FOR NEGLIGENCE. UES DOCS No.1823094 Revised 12/04/2020 APPENDIX J NA ' AMI R HDD Calculations p,, 105 Decker Court,Suite 825 p PLASTICS'P1PE•INSTITUTE BoreAid Irving,TX,75062 Website http://plasticpipe.org Email info@plasticpipe.org Product Pipe Pipe Type: HDPE-PE4710 Pipe Application: M&I - Pressure Pipe Pipe Classification: Ductile Iron Pipe Size (DIPS) Pipe Nominal Diameter: 30 in Pipe Dimension Ratio: 11 Bore Construction Inputs Project Length: 850 ft Pipe Entry Angle: 10 degrees Pipe Exit Angle: 15 degrees Depth of Cover: 45 ft Depth to Water Table: 45 ft Extra Length of Pipe: 30 ft Bore Construction Calculated Values Length to Reach Depth of Cover: 516.7 ft Length Traversed at Depth: 10.8 ft Length to Rise from Depth: 344.5 ft Bending Radius, Pipe Entry: 2,960.5 ft Bending Radius, Pipe Exit: 1,313.1 ft Site Stratigraphy Soil Layer 1 Type: Silty-Sand Layer 1 Thickness: 30 ft Soil Layer 2 Type: Limerock ***Many design and material parameters are assumed in these calculations based upon suggested values from ASTM F1962-see htto://ppi.boreaid.com for a complete list of values Calculation Procedure Assumptions • The earth pressure coefficient used in the calculations is based upon Stein's theory. • The operational critical collapse calculation displays the result for a water filled pipe(i.e.,pressure pipe)and empty pipe(i.e.,conduit, gravity-sewer). • Operational compressive wall stress and buoyant deflection during installation are not shown. • ' of the maximum calculated tensile stress is used in the installation critical collapse calculation since the maximum depth is typically not encountered past three-quarters of the bore distance. • Entry and exit elevations are assumed equal and additional loads due to variation in topography are not considered(topography is flat). • The silo width is assumed equal to the bore diameter for calculation of the arching factor during determination of the earth pressure. • The 1-hr installation critical collapse pressure includes the drag pressure but the 10-hr calculation does not. • For bores in lithified rock,the earth pressure and deflection is not calculated but an ovality deflection of 3%is assumed for collapse calculations. • These are preliminary calculations only.Qualified professionals should be contracted to consider all aspects of the design for horizontal directional drilling. For more information contact support@opi.boreaid.com Note:This analysis was downloaded from the PPI-BoreAid website and is for general information only. This information is offered without any warranty,expressed or implied,and is not a substitute for competent professional assistance as required by local and national authorities. Anyone making use of this information,does so at his or her own risk and assumes any resulting liability. Copyright 2010 eTrenchless Group Inc. «__,+h> BoreAid- September 27,2021,1:56 am n 105 Decker Court,Suite 825 p P1.ASTICS•PIPE•INSTITUTE. BoreAid lrving,TX,75062 Website http://plasticpipe.org Email info@plasticpipe.org Calculated Design Values HDPE-PE4710 OPERATIONAL INSTALLATION DIPS DIPS Deflection Collapse-Full Critical Critical Pullback Allowable Status Nom. OD DR (pressure pipe) Collapse 1-hr Collapse 10-hr Force Pullback inches %OD psi psi psi lbs lbs 30 7.3 3.0 262 566 471 111,832 494,411 PASS 30 9 3.0 128 273 228 117,286 413,046 PASS I30 11 3.0 66 138 115 123,215 345,627 PASS l 30 7.3 3.0 262 573 478 107,733 494,411 PASS 30 9 3.0 128 276 230 115,283 413.046 PASS 30 11 3.0 66 139 116 121,539 345,627 PASS 30 7.3 3.0 262 583 486 53,752 494,411 PASS 30 9 3.0 128 284 237 53,333 413,046 PASS 30 11 3.0 66 145 121 52,985 345.627 PASS Calculated Factors of Safety HDPE-PE4710 OPERATIONAL INSTALLATION DIPS DIPS Deflection Collapse-Full Critical Critical Pullback Allowable Status Nom. OD DR (pressure pipe) Collapse 1-hr Collapse 10-hr Force Pullback inches %OD 30 7.3 3.0 26.9 14.4 16.1 PASS - PASS 30 9 3.0 13.1 7 7.8 PASS - PASS I30 11 3.0 6.7 3.5 3.9 PASS - PASS r 30 7.3 3.0 26.9 14.6 16.3 PASS - PASS 30 9 3.0 13.1 7 7.9 PASS - PASS 30 11 3.0 6.7 3.5 4 PASS - PASS r 30 7.3 3.0 26.9 29.5 49.8 PASS - PASS 30 9 3.0 13.1 14.4 24.3 PASS - PASS 30 11 3.0 6.7 7.3 12.4 PASS - PASS Note:This analysis was downloaded from the PPI-BoreAid website and is for general information only. This information is offered without any warranty,expressed or implied,and is not a substitute for competent professional assistance as required by local and national authorities. Anyone making use of this information,does so at his or her own risk and assumes any resulting liability. Copyright 2010 eTrenchless Group Inc. P,,,,cd b. 0 BOreAid September 27,2021,1:56 am PLASTICS •PIPE •INSTITUTE � HDPEapp I BUOYANCY-GROUNDWATER FLOATATION Preliminary results exported from HDPEapp V2.0. Pipe Selection Pipe Compound PE4710 Pipe Classification DIPS Nominal OD 36"-38.300 Dimension Ratio Inputs Percent Full(%) 100 Specific Gravity of Liquid Inside Pipe 1.2 Unit Weight of Soil(pcf) 115 Saturated Unit Weight of Soil(pcf) 120 Soil Cover Above Pipe(ft) 30 Water Table Above Pipe(ft) 50 Key Results Upward Buoyant Force(lb/ft) 499.2 Downward Force(lb/ft) 2471.6 Safety Factor 5.0 Other Calculated Results Weight of Dry Soil(lb/ft) -7340.8 Weight of Saturated Soil(lb/ft) 9255.0 Weight of Liquid Inside Pipe(lb/ft) 390.4 Weight of Pipe(lb/ft) 167.0 Note:This analysis was downloaded from the HDPEapp website and is for general information only.This information is offered without any warranty,expressed or implied,and is not a substitute for competent professional assistance as required by local and national authorities.Anyone making use of this information,does so at his or her own risk and assumes any resulting liability. Mon Sep 27 2021 02:09:02 GMT-0400(Eastern Daylight Time) Printed by HDPEapp APPENDIX K MIBE Ai Storage and Staging ,( ,,..4.----„„, am . L'_"�r �_'_''� 1 F. , : L.� i -4 # t. . 4441 !r( .. ,t :1: "�` `'' ' t �.�... r--- A • : : 1 1...71'.1.: 4. i ''' Jiro, Jirair...,...,.4k, 4. y4 Fsf i� • r"_' , d I, 4 i f 43 t 4.10011111 y`= !►14Ittil V • •s 4 -4• 0 1 -'-! ■may_'r' It ' mss•' ,. te*10 0 h,,,,,...4 ki it.. ,tilt;... -,1.,, . -. s�ititi ,� Poten;,al Storage areas. JA.o1 „ ;i. " 4 a It- ,.-,, 1 "I', Ar:4-11:NSPA I;W.F.,../ ,11".1 ‘ --am..I kr...gra 1114,..*. t.'ffN ‘:: . '\:::. *..,,a :, ... ' :i...;:li i, . ;F:-Ai. ILO a.:.‘ ......_,- . . ey . Vt ' _ 1 „.;_� _ wf7MOfT i. n i 1 44 .. 1 it i 1 Potential Stora_ areas. • ` AM ill . { Ar. i P t'a ;, r "` • aI±+► West lane La Gorce Dr. —. ' 7r 0'01 , -jogl Potential staging/storage 1 - , . . • R r A��[ � = , � -�' •••"P.'. v t area _____Tr. -_� j ,: ' '- , .1.p. 416 gr'..41Mlajill : n iiiii,..01 . ,. •1.......... % . • --: , Uhy4:11, ,, b 1:- " t Potential Storage areas. til'otivi'll•f0+M •'A ta r1 .._.. a - , 7---,,.,,..• . , -. , .... ,. F 4 1 , it....... ,,.. , joiwi � eff +i 6 �` , .•: . .w .'. ; lgi * ' . w morn STS,. % t....'. sow.0,40 * 0 rlar,vi1.14:4111IIIIIIitgekt 0 in st•- - It-060ft • . . -alu frii--i :.133 '. ++ 11-1rAll " [jaiIlk w;+oTN,sT i 41 i 4 : •-• - West lane Pine Tree „� t :�^J h' �� 2S1 , ti.� r •,� Potential staging/storage .. ' l�IC jw1 � �`- area .. idii Tiw� � y% ';.1a i ` ' . v •1a• •' 4 =ate_ Iv. „�,� ',�' LAKt Ifni T s�[ "'"'' ' .M t _ tt '^S' J. - 41111 ; 'tt�m All areas used for staging and storage purpose must M,I��Il ' . '^'� aLp , ,,,.,:,....43., be restored to equal or better condition. '° ;: " J443 + Contractor shall ensure access to residences and -." •Ks Pz. .., garbage service at all times during construction. APPENDIX L MIRMIRFACH WAGES (under separate cover) APPENDIX G MIAMIt L , �. . *REVISED* Plans & Specifications Invitation for Bids 30-INCH PARALLEL FORCE MAINS CANAL CROSSING REPLACEMENT ALONG PINE TREE DRIVE (UNDER FLAMINGO WATERWAY) BID SET Miami Beach Commission: Mayor Dan Gelber Commissioners: Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Laura Dominguez Alex J. Fernandez Steven Meiner Ricky Arriola David Richardson City Administration: Alina T. Hudak, City Manager Rafael A. Paz, City Attorney Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk Public Works Department: Jose Gomez, P.E., F.FES, Public Works Director Cristina Ortega, P.E., City Engineer TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS (2 PAGES) GENERAL CONDITIONS (4 PAGES) SPECIAL CONDITIONS (4 PAGES) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (352 PAGES) DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01010 SUMMARY OF WORK 01011 SITE CONDITIONS 01015 INDEX OF DRAWINGS 01016 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS, HURRICANES PREPAREDNESS AND PROTECTION OF PROPERTY 01025 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 01031 GRADES, LINES AND LEVELS 01070 ABBREVIATIONS 01090 REFERENCE STANDARDS 01100 SPECIAL PROJECT REQUIREMENTS 01120 SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION 01200 PROJECT MEETINGS 01300 SUBMITTALS 01340 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, AND SAMPLES 01380 CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHS AND VIDEO PHOTOGRAPHY 01400 QUALITY CONTROL 01510 TEMPORARY UTILITIES 01530 PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES 01540 DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF EXISTING STRUCTURES AND EQUIPMENT 01550 SITE ACCESS AND STORAGE 01560 TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS 01581 PROJECT SIGNS 01600 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT SHIPPING, HANDLING, STORAGE AND PROTECTION 01700 PROJECT CLOSEOUT 01710 CLEANING 01711 FINAL ACCEPTANCE 01720 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS TOC-1 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01725 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS 01730 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS 01740 PERMITS 01750 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC AND PUBLIC STREETS DIVISION 2- SITE WORK 02146 LINE STOPPING 02210 SITE GRADING 02220 EXCAVATION - GENERAL 02230 CLEARING AND GRUBBING 02314 EXCAVATION, BACKFILL AND FILL FOR STRUCTURAL FACILITY AND UTILITY SYSTEMS 02505 CLEANING AND TESTING OF MAINS 02510 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT 02526 CONCRETE PAVEMENT, CURB AND WALKWAYS 02745 PAVEMENT REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT DIVISION 3- CONCRETE 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE, REINFORCING AND FORMWORK 03360 GROUT 03400 PRECAST PRESTRESSED CONCRETE DIVISION 5- METALS 05550 CASTINGS DIVISION 6 THROUGH 14- (NOT USED) DIVISION 15- MECHANICAL 15000 BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS 15002 FORCE MAINS 15023 CODE AND STANDARDS 15095 VALVES- GENERAL 15060 PIPING AND FITTINGS 15064 PIPING AND FITTINGS (HDPE) 15080 HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLING 15102 TAPPING SLEEVES AND TAPPING VALVE 15115 CHECK VALVES 15125 PLUG VALVES 15130 MISCELLANEOUS VALVES DIVISION 16 -(NOT USED) TOC-2 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.0 PERFORMANCE OF WORK: The Contractor shall supply all labor, transportation, materials, machinery, tools, apparatus and equipment necessary for the entire proper and substantial completion of his work, and be accountable for the safe, proper and reasonable construction, maintenance and use of the same during construction, and shall remove all construction equipment upon completion, and shall perform all work in the best and most workmanlike manner. Special care shall be taken by the Contractor in placing and removing stock piles of material, and in the work in general to avoid unnecessary injury to either public property or other areas adjacent to the work. 2.0 CONCURRENT WORK: Work may be performed concurrently by the utilities in the City or the City's Contractor in the right-of-way and it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to coordinate his work with the utility companies, the City and the City's Contractors. 3.0 USE OF PUBLIC STREETS: Construction shall be performed in such a manner as to provide a minimum of inconvenience to the residents of the area. Any other excavated material spilled from trucks shall be removed by the Contractor and the streets shall be cleaned twice daily to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. 4.0 EXISTING UTILITIES AND STRUCTURES: It will be the Contractor's responsibility to exercise all caution in the vicinity of any utility. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for, and make good all damages to buildings, telephone or other cables, sewers, water pipes, pavement, driveways, walls, sprinkler systems, survey markers, or other structures which may be encountered whether or not shown on the plans. The Contractor shall have a utility check performed prior to any construction. 4.1 The locations of existing utilities have been prepared using the best information available however, the information is not guaranteed. The Contractor shall be responsible for determining the location, character and depth of all utilities. The Contractor shall be responsible for and make good all damages to all pavement structures and utilities which may be encountered whether or not shown on the plans. The cost of restoration shall be included in the unit price stated in the proposal for the related work.No extras for restoration will be allowed. 4.2 The Contractor shall protect from damage all utilities, structures, surface and subsurface structures at or near the site of the work and shall repair or restore any damage to such facilities, except utilities, resulting from failure to comply with the requirements of this contract or the failure to exercise reasonable care in the performance of the work. If the Contractor fails or refuses to repair any such damage promptly, the City may have the necessary work performed and charge the cost thereof to The Contractor. GC-1 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 4.3 At points where The Contractor's operations are adjacent to utility facilities, which if damaged, might result in expense, loss, disruption of service or other undue inconvenience to the public or to the Owner, work shall not be commenced until all arrangements necessary for the protection thereof have been made by the Contractor. The Contractor shall be solely and directly responsible to the Owner and operators of such utilities for any damage, injury, expense, loss, inconvenience, or delay caused by The Contractor's operations. 4.4 The Contractor shall not repair or attempt to repair utility damage but shall immediately contact the utility owner. The Contractor shall obtain the name, address, and telephone number of each utility company to contact. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer these said names and addresses. 4.5 The Contractor shall comply with the Florida Building Code and City Code regarding precautions to be taken in the protection of existing vegetation, structure, utilities and improvements. 4.6 The Contractor shall maintain access to fire hydrants and alarm boxes throughout the prosecution of the work. Hydrants and fire alarm boxes shall be kept clear and kept visible at all times unless approved otherwise. If visibility cannot be maintained, The Contractor shall provide clearly visible signs showing the location of the fire hydrant and fire alarm boxes. 4.7 The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the Clean Air Act and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as well as other requirements specified in those regulations and guidelines listed thereunder. 5.0 EXISTING LANDSCAPING: The Contractor shall be fully responsible for maintaining in good condition, existing trees, grass and shrubs situated within the designated right-of-way, project site or on private property adjacent to the work. 6.0 EXISTING SIGNS AND UTILITY CASTINGS: All existing signs and utility castings shall be preserved and shall remain the property of the City of Miami Beach. Those not reused shall be delivered to the Public Works Yard, 451 Dade Blvd, Miami Beach, FL 33140. 7.0 STOCK PILING MATERIALS: Contractor shall not stockpile materials at the project site unless approved in writing by the Engineer. 8.0 PERMITS: The Contractor shall obtain all required occupational licenses and permits, etc., and pay all required fees. Permits issued by the City will be issued without charge to the Contractor 9.0 EXTRAS: Bills for extras will be allowed only when work is ordered in writing and approved by the Public Works Director. No money will be allowed for extra work unless approved in writing, beforehand, by the Public Works Director. GC-2 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 10.0 CLEANING UP: The Contractor will be required to leave the work and adjacent areas free of any accumulated rubbish or surplus materials on a daily basis, unless otherwise directed by the Public Works Director. In the event of failure or undue delay on the part of the Contractor, the City may employ such equipment and laboras may be necessary, and charge such costs against the Contractor and deduct the amount from the monies due the Contractor for work performed. 11.0 RESTORATION: The Contractor shall complete all restoration as the work is completed but in no event later than five (5) working days. 12.0 TESTING: The Engineer or other person designated by the Public Works Director to supervise the work shall have the right at any time to have tests made on any material used on the job. All expenses for tests shall be borne by the City of Miami Beach, except the cost of re-testing materials which failed to meet the specifications and waiting time due to Contractor failure to be ready for tests when scheduled. The cost and scheduling of such re-testinq shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. All re- testing shall be done by the testing laboratory which test the failed samples. The Contractor will inform the City of his source of materials with sufficient time to secure the necessary samples and perform the necessary tests. The Contractor shall request and receive inspections of specific phases of work asrequired elsewhere in these specifications. The Contractor shall provide current modified proctor test results for all fill material used on the job. 13.0 PAYMENT: Payment will be made in full compensation for all work performed, materials, labor, tools and equipment furnished, and incidental expenses necessary to complete the work. Payment shall be made on 90%of the monthly estimate and upon the presentation of partial releases of lien. Final payment shall be made upon presentation of a completion statement, receipt of the final releases of lien, receipt of as-built drawings and after final acceptance by the City. 14.0 ACCEPTANCE: Acceptance by the City shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of correcting any defective part of the work resulting from either workmanship or materials or replacing or repairing damaged property resulting from any phase of the Contractor's work. 15.0 GUARANTEE: The Contractor shall guarantee all materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of acceptance by the City. 16.0 LINE AND GRADE: Where required as determined by the Engineer, the City will establish a base line and reference elevations. All additional lines and grades required for completion of the work shall be furnished at the Contractor's expense. 17.0 TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE: The Contractor shall provide all temporary signing, striping, detouring, barricading, signals, competent flagmen, etc. required in accordance with the minimum requirements of the latest Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, whenever and wherever needed for pursuance of the project, and/or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall also coordinate these operations GC-3 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement with the City of Miami Beach Public Works Department. The Contractor shall supply the Engineer with a traffic maintenance plan. 18.0 PROTECTION OF WORK: It shall be the Contractors' responsibility to protect the public and workmen from ongoing construction hazards. 19.0 UNIFORMED POLICE: The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining the services of the uniformed police officers as needed or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall be reimbursed for the direct, actual expenses for such uniformed police officers. 20.0 INSPECTION: Inspection will be required during all phases of construction, and it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to contact the Engineer or its representative when any work is being performed. The Contractor shall also be responsible for coordinating all inspections of work performed by Subcontractors. Failure to contact the Engineer/Architect or its representatives to obtain the required inspections shall be sufficient cause for rejection. 21.0 LICENSES: The Contractor and all Subcontractors shall submit at the time of bidding, copies of all licenses held by the Company that pertain to the type of work to be performed under this contract. Failure to submit copies of licenses is grounds for rejection of the bid. 22.0 CONTACT PERSON: The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a local (Miami Dade County) telephone number where the Contractor can be contacted 24 hours a day for the duration of the project. 23.0 UTILITY COORDINATION: The City will not be liable for any delay or added expense the Contractor experiences due to the actions of others, nor shall the City be held responsible for any damages which may be incurred, due to the actions of the Contractor or representative. 24.0 EXAMINATION OF PREMISES: Before submitting proposals for his work, each bidder will be held to have examined the premises and satisfied himself as to the existing conditions under which he will be obligated to work, including all conditions which will in any way affect the work under this contract. 25.0 NON-EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT: Nothing in this contract shall prevent the City from employing other contractors to perform the same or similar work. This can include other contractors working concurrently on the same location. GC-4 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1.0 SCOPE OF WORK: 1.1 FORCE MAINS CANAL CROSSING REPLACEMENT: The work generally consists of but is not necessarily limited to the following: the selling, delivering and installing of Contractor furnished materials and equipment necessary for the complete replacement of a section of 24-inch force main and 30-inch force main within the project site, with two (2) new 30-inch HDPE force mains installed via Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD). Replacement including cleaning and testing as required, maintenance of sewer service;together with all appurtenant for miscellaneous items and work for a completed project. 2.0 COMPLETE PROJECT REQUIRED: The specifications describe the various items or classes of work required enumerating or defining the extent of same where necessary to clarify the drawings, but failure to list any items shall not relieve the Contractor from furnishing, installing and performing such work where shown on the drawings, required by any part of the specifications or necessary for the satisfactory completion of the project. 3.0 WORK SCHEDULE: The Contractor shall submit schedules which show the order in which the Contractor proposes to carry out the work with dates for starting various parts of the work and estimated completion dates. The progress schedules shall be furnished to the Engineer prior to the pre-construction meeting date which will be established by the City. 4.0 PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING: After the contract has been awarded and signed, but prior to commencement of work, a pre-construction meeting shall be held. The meeting shall be attended by authorized representatives of the City and Contractor. The purpose of this meeting will be to review the Contractor's submitted progress schedule, clarify jurisdiction and to acquaint all parties presentwith the authorized representative to be notified. The Contractor will be notified inwriting as to the date and place of the meeting. 5.0 AS-BUILT INFORMATION: As work progresses, the Contractor must record all information pertaining to changes and deviations from the contract drawings with special attention to all underground installations. At completion of the job, the Contractor shall submit a complete set of reproducible as-built drawings to the City. Additionally, the Contractor shall maintain a field book with all deviations recorded. The completed as-built sketches and field books shall become the property of the City. As-built information must be supplied with each pay request. Failure to provide as-built information is cause to reject pay request. SC-1 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 6.0 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: Should the Contractor, or in the case of default, the surety, fail to fully complete the work within the time stipulated in the proposal, the minimum sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) per day shall be deducted from any money due the Contractor not as a penalty but as liquidated damages. 7.0 APPROVAL OF MATERIALS: 7.1 Whenever in these plans and/or specifications a certain brand of materials is specified, it is done for establishing the level of quality, capacity and the characteristics desired. Materials or products specified by the name of manufacturer or the brand or trade name or catalog reference shall be the basis ofthe bid. 7.2 The Contractor shall make written request for the use of alternate materials within ten (10) days after the Contract is signed, and before ordering any materials requiring approval. If the Contractor makes no request for approval of alternate materials within ten (10) days of the signing of the Contract, it shall be assumed that he intends to furnish the items specified. 7.3 The use of materials other than that specified without the written approval of the Engineer shall be sufficient reason for rejection of the work. 8.0 USE OF PUBLIC STREETS: Construction in the right-of-way or streets shall be performed in such a manner as to provide a minimum of inconvenience to the residents of the area. Access to all residents' homes shall be maintained at all times. A minimum of one traffic lane shall be open at all times. 9.0 STRIPING: 9.1 Temporary striping shall be placed within 48-hours of completion of each course of asphalt unless another course is placed within 48-hours. The cost of temporary striping shall be included in the unit cost of permanent thermoplastic striping. 9.2 Permanent thermoplastic striping shall be placed within 30 days of completing final paving unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. 10.0 RESTORATION OF SURVEY MARKERS; When existing survey markers are removed or destroyed as a result of the construction, it shall be the responsibility ofthe contractor to replace them using a registered licensed surveyor. 11.0 PROJECT LAYOUT: The Contractor shall layout the proposed work and contact all utilities to verify utility locations. If changes are required, due to conflict or design,the Engineer will make the final determination. 12.0 WORKING HOURS: The normal City working hours are Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. SC-2 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 13.0 FINANCIAL STATEMENT: As part of the Contractor's submittal, he/she shall include a certified financial statement detailing the company's financial status over the previous two years. 14.0 NOTICE TO PROCEED: A single notice to proceed will be issued for this project. Upon receipt of the notice to proceed, the contractor shall commence work upon the site(s) within 10 working days and continue such work in an expeditious manner to a conclusion acceptable to the Engineer. No more than 7 consecutive days without construction activity will be allowed unless approved by the Engineer. 15.0 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: General Requirements — The Contractor shall provide and maintain environmental protection during the life of the Contract. Environmental protection shall be provided to correct conditions that develop during the conductance of the work, or that are required to control pollution that develops during the development of project. The Contractor's operations shall comply with all Federal, State and local regulations pertaining to water, air, solid waste, and noise pollution. Protection of Natural Resources—It is intended that the natural resources within the site and outside the limits of permanent work performed under this Contract be preserved in their existing condition or be restored to an equivalent or improved condition upon completion of the work. The Contractor shall confine his work activities to areas defined by the Contract Documents. All work under this contract shall be performed in such a manner that any adverse environmental impacts are reduced to a level that is acceptable to the City. At alltimes special measures shall be taken to prevent oily or hazardous substances from entering the ground, drainage areas, or local bodies of water. Control and Disposal of Wastes —The Contractor shall transport and dispose of allwaste in a manner that complies with Federal, State, and local requirements. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with a copy of any state and/or local permits or licenses which reflect such agency's approval and compliance with applicable solid waste disposal regulations. The permits or licenses which reflect such agency's approval and compliance with applicable solid waste disposal regulations. The permits or licenses and the location of the disposal area shall beprovided prior to transporting any waste material. Fueling and lubricating of equipment and motor vehicles shall be conducted in a manner that affords the maximum protection against spills and evaporation. Lubricants and waste oil shall be disposed of in accordance with approved procedures meeting Federal, State and local regulations. The maximum use of low-noise emission products as certified by the Environmental Protection Agency shall be made when available. 16.0 SAFETY: The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of the Contractor's employees. The Contractor shall abide by all Federal, State, County, and City safety requirements and regulations. The Contractor is responsible to furnish the Contractor's employees with all required safety equipment. The Contractor is required to comply with all applicable OSHA regulations including, Right to Know, Confined SC-3 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement Space Entry, Airborne Blood Pathogens. The Contractor is fully responsible to furnish safety equipment to all of the Contractor's employees on the Owner's job site, including but not limited to safety glasses, gloves, vests, hard hats, braces or any other required safety item. The Contractor is required to make certain that each employee is wearing the proper safety clothing including shoes. 17.0 CONFINED SPACE ENTRY PERMIT: The Contractor must comply with all the provisions contained in OSHA 1910.146 and shall show proof of compliance with the first project invoice. No payment shallbe made until such proof is presented and approved by the City. SC-4 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 1 —GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01010 SUMMARY OF WORK PART 1 — GENERAL 1.0.1 SCOPE OF WORK A. This section describes the project in general and provides an overview of the extent of the work to be performed under this Contract. Detailed requirements and extent of work is stated in the applicable Specification sections and shown on the Contract Drawings. The Contractor shall, except as otherwise specifically stated herein or in any applicable parts of the Contract Documents, provide and pay for all labor, materials, equipment, tools, construction equipment, and other facilities and services necessary for proper execution, testing, and completion of the work under this Contract. 1.0.2 DEFINED TERMS A. As-Built Drawings: As-built drawings reflect field changes and construction modifications to the conformed Bid Documents. B. Contract Documents: Shall mean all those documents named in the contract. C. Contractor: Contractor shall mean any person engaged to supply labor, materials por equipment for use in the fulfillment of the project. D. Construction Drawings: Shall mean the drawings, plans, or reproduction thereof which show scope, character, location, dimensions, and other details of the work to be performed under the Contract Documents. E. Engineer: Shall mean the City Engineer of the City of Miami Beach, Public Works Department, or City's designee. F. Project: Shall mean and include all construction, for which the Contractor is responsible under the contract documents G. Regulations: Shall mean laws, ordinances, statutes, and lawful order issued by authorities having jurisdiction, and rules, conventions, and agreements within the construction industry that control performance of the work. H. The City: Shall mean the City of Miami Beach, Florida. I. Work: Shall mean all labor, permits, bonds, equipment, materials and incidentals required. 1-1 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 1.0.3 SPECIFICATIONS A. The specifications included in these Contract Documents establish the minimum performance and quality requirements for materials and equipment together with the minimum standards for quality of workmanship and appearance. Generally, there has been no attempt to separate the Specification sections into groups for the work of separate Subcontractors, or for work to be performed by the various trades. Should there be any question as to the interpretation of any Specification section or part of Specification section, such question should be directed to the Engineer prior to the submittal of a proposal for the work under this Contract. B. The Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement work shown on the drawings is intended to be comprehensive and descriptive, not an exact and complete representation of the actual finished work. Pipeline replacement shall include all accessories and components required to provide a complete and satisfactory system as specified, even though some items may not be specifically shown on the drawings. C. It is the intent of the City to obtain a complete functional, and satisfactory installation under this Contract, and any items of labor, equipment or materials which may reasonably be assumed as necessary to accomplish this end shall be supplied whether or not they are specifically shown on the plans or stated herein. D. The Contractor shall also supply all sheeting, shoring, bracing and all other labor, material or equipment required to preclude damage to, or loss of functionality of, any existing facility or system. 1.0.4 REASONABLY IMPLIED PARTS OF THE WORK A. Any part of the work which is not mentioned in the specifications but is shown on the drawings, or any part not shown on the drawings but described in the specifications, or any part not shown on the drawings nor described in the specifications, but which is necessary or normally required as a part of such work, or is necessary or required to make each installation satisfactorily and legally operable, shall be performed by the Contractor as incidental work, without extra cost to the City, as if fully described in the specifications and shown on the drawings, and the expense thereof shall be included in the applicable unit prices or lump sum bid for the Work. 1.0.5 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. The project is located along Pine Tree Drive between West 51st Street and West 47th Street, crossing the Flamingo Waterway and the Miami Dade County bridge number 874712. The project includes the replacement of the existing 24-inch CIP force main located along the center section of the bridge through an aerial crossing passing the Flamingo Waterway, and the replacement of the existing 30-inch CIP force main subaqueous crossing located along the west side of the bridge. The pipelines shall be replaced following the alignment indicated in the project plans. The project proposes the installation of two (2) 30-inch HDPE force mains via Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) to replace the existing 24-inch CIP and 30-inch CIP force mains within the project area. The project plans have contemplated a minimum clearance of approximately 12 feet between the existing bridge piles and the top of the bore profile. 1-2 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement However, an IDFR analysis to determine potential inadvertent release of fluid in the area has not been performed. B. A portion of the 30-inch pipelines will be installed using Ductile Iron pipe (DIP)via open trench method to connect the proposed force mains to the existing force mains. The two (2) existing force main canal crossings will be capped at each end and abandoned in place, as indicated in the plans. C. In addition, a 30-inch DIP interconnection between the proposed force mains located towards the north end of the project (near the intersection of West 51st Street and Pine Tree Drive) will be installed via open trench. A new 6-inch DIP force main on the discharge side of Pump Station 15 will be installed to connect the pump station to the new force main sections. D. The project includes: Replacement of the 24-inch CIP force main and the 30-inch force main with approximately 1850 LF of sub-aqueous 30-inch HDPE force main; Installation of approximately 250 LF of 30-inch DIP force main; Installation of a 30-inch DIP interconnection between the existing force mains; Installation of approximately 100 LF of 6-inch DIP force main to re-route the discharge force main from Pump Station 15. E. The project is located along Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, 33140. The ROW is owned by Miami-Dade County. The limits of the service area for the pipelines are defined within City Atlas Page B12, TRS 53-42-14 and TRS 53-42-23. 1.0.6 PROJECT BACKGROUND A. The 24-inch CIP force main aerial canal crossing was originally built in 1937 and the 30-inch CIP force main subaqueous crossing was originally built in 1975. The 24-inch force main is heavily corroded and both force mains have reached the end of their useful life. Therefore, the intent of the City is to replace both canal crossings with durable materials in order to reduce risks and avoid pipeline failures in the future. Both force mains are interconnected at West 51st Street, between West 44th Street and West 42nd Street and at Pump Station 29 site. However, based on information provided by the City, the current conditions of these connections are unknown. Therefore, the project also includes the installation of one (1) interconnection at the north end of the project, to increase the system's operational reliability, and to allow for flow to be switched between the force mains. This interconnection will minimize impact on Pump Station 15 as flows will be able to be redirected to either force main. 1.0.7 WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. Following receipt of Notice to Proceed with the work, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least ten (10) days before he is ready to start actual construction, to allow the City time to make arrangements for inspection of the work. B. Work under the Contract shall be scheduled and performed in such a manner as to result in the least possible disruption to the operation of the existing facilities. Any 1 Items highlighted in red added for clarification to the Bid Set 1-3 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement control modifications to the existing facilities shall not be made without first obtaining written permission form the Engineer and the City. C. Critical events in the sequence of construction are specified herein. The outline sequence of construction does not include all items necessary to complete the work but is intended to identify the sequence of critical events necessary to minimize disruption to the ongoing operation. The sequence of construction is a precedence requirement and does not attempt to schedule the Contractor's work. It is intended only to indicate which activities must precede other activities in order to minimize interference and disruptions. D. The existing facilities shall be maintained in an operable condition by the Contractor during construction, as indicated in the sequence of construction. All work by the Contractor that disrupts the normal operations shall be shown on the Construction Schedule and specifically scheduled with the City's staff. The schedule notification shall consist of a written notice defining the work to be accomplished, the function that will be interrupted, the duration of the interruption, and the mitigation effort to be performed by the Contractor to maintain systems capacity continuously. The written notice shall be submitted to the City fourteen (14) days in advance of the proposed work and the City will respond to the Contractor in writing within seven (7) days of receipt of the notice regarding the acceptability of the proposed plan. E. VALVES BETWEEN THE EXISTING SYSTEMS AND NEW WORK BEING INSTALLED HEREUNDER, SHALL ONLY BE OPERATED BY CITY PERSONNEL. The Contractor's personnel, under no circumstances, shall operate any such valve. F. Temporary installation/connections may be used where enough time is not available to complete an aspect of the work. All such subject temporary installations shall be subject to review and acceptance by the Engineer and the City. G. The installation of air release devices, flushing valve outlet and other appurtenances, cleanup, property restoration, paving repairs, cleaning and testing of the mains shall follow as closely behind the installation of the mains as possible, followed by a final cleanup and inspection. In performing the work in the above described sequence, all requirements of the specifications shall be strictly followed, particularly those pertaining to leakage tests, prompt paving repairs and cleanup as the work progresses. 1.0.8 SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION A. The general sequence of construction shall be as follows, but a detailed sequence of construction shall be submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer before any work is started. The City reserves the right to make changes to the sequence as necessary to facilitate the work or to minimize conflict with operations and no extra compensation will be allowed. B. CAPITALIZED ITEMS INDICATE WORK OR FUNCTIONS TO BE PERFORMED BY CITY FORCES. All other items shall be performed by the Contractor with special emphasis on the fact that numerous standard and miscellaneous construction phases are not mentioned specifically but shall be performed by the Contractor as required for a complete Project. 1-4 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement Note: For simplicity, the Sequence of Construction below will not detail the following items. These shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and no extra compensation will be allowed. 1. Contractor's field verification of all information provided in the Plans and to determine the type, location, elevation and extent of any utilities which may not have been shown on the Plans. 2. Contractor's operations involving cutting existing mains shall include: a. Excavate existing main and verify its conditions including outside diameter, material and elevation. b. Coordinate with the City for proper flow diversion. The Contractor is responsible for maintain uninterrupted wastewater flow during construction c. Pressure test the cutting in materials prior cutting the existing pipe. d. After a successful pressure test perform the cutting in operations and specified here in. 3. Cleaning of the main with a pig. a. Openings shall be left in the main to allow for the cleaning of the main with a pig. b. The pigging of the main shall be done before the installation of valves. 4. Installation of valves, bends, solid sleeves, air release valves, flushing valve outlets. However, they shall be constructed in sequence with the installation of the pipelines as the work progresses and after installation shall be tested in sequence with the testing of the force main. 5. Submit complete"Pre-Approved Product List(s)" and/or shop drawings package to the Engineer in accordance with Section 01340"Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples" Obtain all pipe, valves, fittings and appurtenant items to begin the work. 6. Notify"Sunshine State One-Call of Florida Inc., 811,"forty-eight (48) hours prior to any excavation. Locate all utilities along the route of the Project. 7. Contractor's PSM shall reestablish the design baseline, vertical control points and reference points, and establish proposed pipeline location in accordance with Section 02314 "Excavation, Backfill and Fill for Structural Facilities and Utility Systems- Construction Methods." 8. After items 6 and 7 are completed, the Contractor shall meet with the City Inspector at the Project site and perform a pre-construction walk-through along the entire route of the Project to identify possible problems or conflicts with the proposed pipeline location. 1-5 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 9. The general sequence of work shall be as follows: 1) Phase I — Mobilization Step 1 — Initiate mobilization. The Contractor shall set up storage, staging and parking areas, temporary environmental controls and tree protection devices in the project site. Obtain permits, develop and submit construction schedule and start shop drawing submittal. Contractor shall allow access to any facilities within the project site at all times during construction. Step 2 — Call for locates (Sunshine 811) and document all location marks in the field. Step 3 — The Contractor shall include the necessary provisions to safeguard the existing and new pipelines while the remainder of the Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement construction takes place. Step 4 — Contractor shall immediately open a dialog with all existing utilities in the project area. Contractor shall notify Engineer of any utility relocation requirements and costs. Utility relocations shall be reimbursed under a dedicated allowance account. Failure to properly coordinate any required utility relocations may result in delays for which the Contractor may be liable for. Step 5 — Verify locations, elevations, dimensions, type of joints, manufacturer of pipes, equipment, etc., before ordering materials to complete the work in accordance with the Contract Documents, Shop Drawings and field conditions. This is critical for the cutting operations of the force main at the location of the points of connection. The Contractor shall excavate the points of connections and verify the material, outside diameter(confirm if oversized outside diameter conditions exist) and elevation of the pipes before ordering the required materials for the points of connection (tees, bends, solid sleeves, valves others). Step 6 — Upon approval of shop drawings, order long lead items so that materials may be delivered in a timely fashion without delays to construction. Step 7 — Contractor shall submit maintenance of traffic (MOT) plans for the portion of the work that will affect the public right of way (ROW) (Pine Tree Drive, La Gorce Drive and West 51s1 Street). Contractor shall provide adequate MOTs and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) for each phase of the force main installation described below. 2) Phase II — Force Main Installation Step 1 — Contractor shall be responsible for flow management during construction and shall ensure continuous sewer flow throughout the project duration. As a requirement of the City, the Contractor shall avoid hot tapping. However, the City approves the use of line stops to by-pass the system. Two (2) line stops were contemplated in the flow management dedicated allowance. 1-6 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement These line stops would be located at the north end of the project where the interconnection will be installed. 2 Step 2—Install via Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)the 30-inch HDPE force main located towards the east side of Pine Tree Drive (to replace the existing 24-inch aerial crossing force main). Step 3—Install via HDD the 30-inch HDPE force main located towards the west side of Pine Tree Drive (to replace the existing 30-inch sub-aqueous crossing force main). Step 4 — Install via open trench the east and west 30-inch DIP force mains sections, located at the south end of the project. Step 5 — Install via open trench the east and west 30-inch DIP force main sections to interconnect the proposed force mains with the existing ones, at the south and north end of the project. Step 6 — Install via open trench the 6-inch DIP discharge force main of Pump Station 15 (re-routed and re-connected to the proposed force main towards the west side of Pine Tree Drive). Note: Step 6 shall be performed in parallel with the installation via open trench of the 30-inch interconnection located on the north end of the project. Step 7— Cap the existing force mains, remove the necessary pipe, and fill and plug the existing force mains to be abandoned in place. 3) Phase III — Final Sitework and Project Closeout Step 1 — Repair roadway, sidewalks, medians, landscape, curbing, access roadway within project site, asphalt areas as required. Step 2 — Demobilization and related closeout activities shall be in accordance with Section 01700 "Project Closeout". Step 3— Restore project site to pre-existing conditions, as applicable. Step 4 — Complete all remaining miscellaneous and appurtenant work, including restoration of damaged survey control points, final inspection and cleanup. C. The Contractor's equipment must be in first class operating condition, including proper mufflers and other silencing accessories. All equipment must be properly lubricated on a special maintenance type schedule to reduce noise, including tracks, rollers, idlers, sheaves and other noise producing components. Care must be taken to prevent oil spillage of any kind or oil dripping from equipment. The Contractor shall provide a temporary electric service for his electric equipment as specified herein below, and 2 Items highlighted in red added for clarification to the Bid Set 1-7 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement shall pay all cost thereof, including all charges for electricity used during the entire course of the project until its acceptance by the City. If the equipment used proves less than satisfactory and is unduly or needlessly disturbing the neighbors, in the opinion of the Engineer, he will have the right to order the Contractor to immediately modify the equipment to make it satisfactory, or to change to other equipment that is satisfactory at no additional cost to the City. During construction the Contractor shall, by sprinkling with water or by other means approved by the Engineer, eliminate dust annoyance to adjacent property owners. No additional compensation will be paid to the Contractor for any costs incurred in complying with the provisions herein. PART 2 PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3 EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 1-8 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01011 SITE CONDITIONS PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SITE INVESTIGATION A. The Contractor acknowledges that he has satisfied them as to the nature and location of the work, the general and local conditions, particularly those bearing upon availability of transportation: disposal, handling and storage of materials; availability of labor, water, electric power, roads; disposal of water from construction; uncertainties of weather; the conformation and conditions of the ground; the type of equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and during the prosecution of work and all other matters which can in any way affect the work or the cost thereof under this contract. B. The Contractor further acknowledges that he has satisfied himself as to the character, quality, and quantity of surface materials to be encountered from inspecting the site and from evaluating information derived from exploratory work that may have been done by the City included with these contract documents.Any failure by the Contractor to acquaint the City or them with all the available information will not relieve them from the responsibility for properly estimating the difficult or cost thereof under this Contract. C. The Contractor acknowledges that by personal field observation or other means satisfactory to himself, performed prior to the bid, he has included in the prices bid all costs for dealing with all construction problems create by observable above or on grade features on or adjacent to the site of the site of the work whether or not these features are shown on the plans or described in the specifications. In instances where the observable features indicate subsurface conditions which may affect the project work, as for example, a pavement patch or catch basin gratings indicating respectively a utility or storm sewer not shown on the plans, the Contractor acknowledges that he has made timely, diligent, inquiry of the Engineer or by other means fully satisfied themselves prior to the bid as to the nature of, and costs created by, the subsurface condition and included all costs therefore in the prices bid. 1.0.2. SITE CONDITIONS A. All information obtained by the City regarding the site conditions, topography, subsurface information, groundwater contamination, groundwater elevations, existing construction of site facilities as applicate, and similar data will be made available for inspection at the office of the Engineer upon request. Such information is offered as advisory information only. Neither the Engineer nor the City assumes any responsibility for the completeness of, or for the Contractor's interpretation of, such advisory information. Prior to bidding and after written approval from the City, bidder shall make his own investigations to satisfy themselves with site conditions at their own cost. B. Surface investigations, including test borings, have been made to indicate subsurface conditions at locations in the project. 1-9 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement C. Prospective bidders are advised, at their own expense, to make such subsurface investigation, by boring or test hole excavation, as may be desirable. However, such work shall be scheduled by appointment with the Engineer if for a City site or by notification to the City and property permitted if in the public right of way. 1.0.3. DIFFERING SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS A. In the event Subsurface or latent physical conditions are found materially different from those indicated in these documents and differing materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in the character of work covered in these project documents, promptly, and before such conditions are disturbed, notify the Engineer in writing of such changed conditions. B. The Engineer will investigate such conditions promptly and following this investigation, the Contractor shall proceed with the work, unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer. If the Engineer finds that such conditions do so materially differ as to cause an increase or decrease in cost and time considered reasonable by the Engineer, the City will make the final decision regarding any adjustment in cost or time for completion. C. In the event that site conditions differ from those expected by the Contractor, the Contractor shall proceed to complete the work as contemplated by the plan and specifications on his own cost and expense. If in the discretion of the Engineer, the difference in site conditions renders completion of the work as described by the plans and specifications impossible, the Engineer may alter the work, whereupon the Contractor shall be compensated for any extra work pursuant to "Extra Work and Payment therefore" of the special conditions; the Engineer shall no alter the work where the site conditions render the work more difficult or costly to perform, if such work is otherwise still possible as described in the contract documents. 1.0.4. EXISTING UTILITIES AND LOCATION SERVICES A. Known utilities and structures adjacent to or encountered in the work are shown on the drawings. The locations shown are taken from existing records and the best information available from the existing plans; However, it is expected that there may be some discrepancies and omissions in the locations and quantities of utilities and structures shown. Those shown are for the convenience of the Contractor only, and no responsibility is assumed by either the Engineer or the City for their accuracy or completeness. B. No request for additional compensation or Contract time (except for a non- compensable time extension at the sole discretion of the Engineer, whose decision shall be final) resulting from encountering utilities or structures not shown, or differing in location or elevation from that shown, will be considered. The Contractor shall explore sufficiently ahead of the work to allow time for any necessary adjustments without delay to the progress of the installation. Costs due to delays occasioned by encountering underground utilities or structures which could have or should have been discovered by timely exploration ahead of the work shall rest solely with the Contractor. 1-10 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement C. Prior to proceeding with excavation, the Contractor shall contact all utility companies and all other users of the right of way in the area to aid in locating their underground services. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to contact utility companies at least three (3) normal working days before starting construction. The Contractor shall proceed with caution in the excavation and preparation so that the exact location of underground utilities may be determined. D. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that all utility or other existing facilities, the stability of which may be endangered by the close proximity of excavation, are temporarily held in position while work proceeds in the vicinity of the facilities and that the utility or other companies concerned be given reasonable advance notice of any such excavation by the Contractor. E. The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions against damage to existing utilities. However, in the event of a break in an existing gas main, sewer or underground cable, the Contractor shall immediately notify the responsible official of the organization operating the interrupted utility. The Contractor shall lend all possible assistance in restoring services and shall assume all cost, charges, or claims connected with the interruption and repair of such services, as determined by the City. 1.0.5. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY PROPERTIES AND SERVICE A. Where the Contractor's operation could cause damage or inconvenience to railway, telephone, fiber optic, television, electrical power, oil, gas, water, sewer, irrigation system, or any other utility, public or private, the Contractor shall make all arrangements necessary for the protection of these utilities and services. B. Notify all utility companies that are affected by the construction operation at least forty- eight (48) hours in advance. Under no circumstance expose any utility without first obtaining permission from the appropriate agency. Once permission has been granted, locate, expose, and provide temporary support for all existing underground utilities and utility poles where necessary. Absolutely no extra compensation will be allowed for construction problems created by utility poles of whatever size overhead electric, telephone or other lines whether shown on the plans or not. The Contractor is solely responsible for discovering such items in the field prior to bidding and including all costs for such work in the prices bid. C. The Contractor and his Subcontractor shall be solely and directly responsible to the Owners and operators of such properties for any damage, injury, expense, loss, inconvenience, delay, suits, actions, or claims of any character brought because of any injuries or damage which may result from the construction operations under this contract. D. Neither the City nor its officers or agents shall be responsible to the Contractor for damages as a result of the Contractors failure to protect utilities encountered in the work. E. In the event of interruption to domestic water, sewer, storm drain, or other utility services as a result of accidental breakage due to construction operations, promptly 1-11 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement notify the proper authority. Cooperate with said authority in restoration of service as promptly as possible and bear all costs of repair. In no event shall interruption of any utility service be allowed unless granted by the Owner of the utility. F. In the event water service lines that interfere with construction are encountered, the Contractor may, by obtaining prior approval of the water utility, cut the service, dig through, and restore the service with similar and equal materials at the Contractor's expense and as approved by the Engineer. G. Replace, with material approved by the Engineer, at Contractor's expense, any and all other laterals, existing utilities or structures removed or damaged during construction, unless otherwise provided for in these Contract Documents and as approved by the Engineer. 1.0.6. INTERFERING STRUCTURES A. Take necessary precautions to prevent damage to existing structures whether on the surface, above ground, or underground. An attempt has been made to show major structures on the plans. While the information has been compiled from the best available sources, its completeness and accuracy cannot be guaranteed, and is presented as a guide. The Contractor is solely responsible for field verification of all information provided and to determine the type, location, elevation and extent of any utilities which may not have been shown on the plans. 1.0.7. FIELD RELOCATION A. During the process of construction, it is expected that minor relocations of the work may be necessary. Such relocations shall be made only by the direction of the Engineer at the Contractor's expense. If existing structures are encountered that will prevent construction as shown, notify the Engineer before continuing with the work in order that the Engineer may make such field revisions as necessary to avoid conflict with the existing structures. If the Contractor fails to notify the Engineer when an existing structure is encountered, and proceeds with the work despite this interference the Contractor does so at his own risk. B. Representatives of utility companies, the railroad companies, the traffic and transportation authorities, etc., shall be notified in accordance with the provisions set forth in the relevant sections of the specifications and the permitting documents. PART 2 PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3 EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 1-12 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01015 INDEX OF DRAWINGS PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. PLANS BY THE CITY A. Plans dated January, 2023 and any subsequent revision, thereto, introduced by Addenda prior to bid, showing this work, are hereby made a part of the Contract Documents, and are listed as follows: MIAMI BEACH 30-INCH FORCE MAINS CANAL CROSSING REPLACEMENT ALONG PINE TREE DRIVE Sheet No. Drawing No. Title GENERAL 1 G-01 Title Sheet, Location Map and List of Drawings 2 G-02 Abbreviations, Symbols, General Notes and Legend 3 G-03 General Notes 4 G-04 Key Plan CIVIL 5 C-01 Proposed 30-inch Force Main—Plan and Profile(West Side) 6 C-02 Proposed 30-inch Force Main—Plan and Profile(West Side) 7 C-03 Proposed 30-inch Force Main—Plan and Profile (East Side) 8 C-04 Proposed 30-inch Force Main—Plan and Profile (East Side) 9 C-05 Proposed 6-inch Force Main Plan 10 C-06 Exist. 24" FM Aerial Crossing Demolition Plan 11 C-07 Proposed 30-inch Force Main — Pavement Restoration 12 C-08 Civil Details 13 C-09 Standard Details 14 C-10 Standard Details 15 C-11 Standard Details 16 C-12 Standard Details 17 C-13 Standard Details 18 C-14 Standard Details 19 C-15 Standard Details 20 C-16 Standard Details 21 C-17 Standard Details 22 C-18 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 23 C-19 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 24 C-20 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 25 C-21 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan MOT 26 MOT-01 Maintenance of Traffic— General Notes 27 MOT-02 Maintenance of Traffic 28 MOT-03 Maintenance of Traffic 29 MOT-04 Maintenance of Traffic SURVEY 30 V-01 Survey 1-13 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 31 V-02 Survey 32 V-03 Survey 33 V-04 Survey B. Due to the possibility of typing errors or omissions, the above list shall not be considered as necessarily complete, nor shall the City Standard Details which may be included elsewhere herein be considered as forming a complete listing of all City Standard Details which may apply to this Project. Perform all work shown on all sheets of the Plans, as specified herein or necessary for a complete functional installation and no extra compensation will be made due to the omission or incorrect listing of a Drawing in this Section. All City Standard Details are incorporated in these Contract Documents by reference and all work shall be performed in accordance with all applicable City Standard Details. PART 2 PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3 EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 1-14 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01016 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS, HURRICANES PREPAREDNESS AND PROTECTION OF PROPERTY PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILTY FOR SAFETY A. Conduct whatever work is necessary for safety and be solely and completely responsible for conditions of the job site, including safety of all persons (including employees) and property during the contract period. This requirement shall apply continuously and not be limited to normal working hours. B. The Contractor shall be in compliance with all applicable provisions of the Occupational Safety and health Act of 1970. The Contractor's Manual of Safety Practices, dealing with the firm's policies on field safety procedures for employees shall be submitted to the Engineer for his review before "Notice to proceeded" will be issued. C. Neither the professional activities of the design professional, nor the presence of the design Professional nor his or her employees and subconsultants at a construction site, shall relieve the Contractor and any other entity of their obligations, duties and responsibilities including but not limited to, construction means, methods, sequence techniques or procedures necessary for performing, superintending, or coordinating all portions of the work of construction in accordance with the project documents and any health and safety precautions required by any regulatory agencies. 1.0.2. FEDERAL STATE AND LOCAL SAFETY REQUIEREMENTS A. Safety provisions shall conform to the federal and state Departments of labor Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), and all other applicable federal, State, County, and local laws, ordinances, codes, the requirements set forth herein, and any regulations that may be specified in other parts of these project Documents. Where any of these are in conflict, the more stringent requirements shall be followed. Contractor's failure to thoroughly familiarize with the safety provisions shall not relieve him/her from compliance with the obligations and penalties set forth therein. B. All excavations made in the earth shall be performed in compliance with the State of Florida Trench Safety Act, OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Subpart P (Chapter 90-96, Laws of Florida). The Contractor shall appoint a competent person, in accordance with subpart P, who shall be present at the jobsite. A "competent person" shall mean one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings, or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them. C. The Contractor shall be familiar with the "Underground facility Damage" Prevention and safety Act" Florida Statute 556. The Contractor shall contact the Sunshine State One Call of Florida, at 01-800-432-4770 or by submitting an Internet ticket entry via www.sunshine811.com) at least 48 hours prior the excavation. Failure to familiarize 1-15 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement himself with the safety provisions shall not relieve him/her from compliance with the obligations and penalties set forth therein. D. Conduct operations in such a manner utilizing warning devices, such as traffic cones, barricades and warning lights that traffic, pedestrian and City personnel are given adequate warning of hazards of the worksite as may be deemed necessary by the City, Engineer of Record, and governing agency having jurisdiction over the work or political subdivision. E. The Contractor shall be in compliance with all applicable provisions of the OSHA Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), including, but not limited to, the following: 1. 29 CFR Part 1910 Subpart D - Walking-Working Surfaces 2. 29 CFR Part 1910 Subpart G - Occupational Health and Environmental Control 3. 29 CFR Part 1910 Subpart H - Hazardous Materials 4. 29 CFR Part 1910 Subpart I - Personal Protective Equipment 5. 29 CFR Part 1910 Subpart J - General Environmental Controls 6. 29 CFR Part 1910 Subpart N - Materials Handling and Storage 7. 29 CFR Part 1910 Subpart P - Hand and Portable Powered Tools and Other Hand-Held Equipment 8. 29 CFR Part 1910 Subpart Q - Welding, Cutting and Brazing 9. 29 CFR Part 1910 Subpart S — Electrical 10. 29 CFR Part 1910 Subpart T- Commercial Diving Operations 11. 29 CFR Part 1910 Subpart Z - Toxic and Hazardous Substances 12. 29 CFR Part 1926 Subpart E - Personal Protective and Life Saving Equipment 13. 29 CFR Part 1926 Subpart H - Materials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal 14. 29 CFR Part 1926 Subpart I - Tools - Hand and Power 15. 29 CFR Part 1926 Subpart J - Welding and Cutting 16. 29 CFR Part 1926 Subpart K— Electrical 17. 29 CFR Part 1926 Subpart L — Scaffolds 18. 29 CFR Part 1926 Subpart M - Fall Protection 1-16 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 19. 29 CFR Part 1926 Subpart P — Excavations 20. 29 CFR Part 1926 Subpart Q - Concrete and Masonry Construction 21. 29 CFR Part 1926 Subpart S- Underground Construction, Caissons, Cofferdams, and Compressed Air 22. 29 CFR Part 1926 Subpart Z- Toxic and Hazardous Substances 23. 29 CFR Part 1926 Subpart AA- Confined Spaces in Construction 24. 29 CFR Part 1926 Subpart CC - Cranes and Derricks in Construction F. In addition, the Contractor shall adhere to any other applicable Federal, State and Local Safety and Health Regulations involving General industry and/or Construction Standards not mentioned in the Specifications. G. For trench excavations in excess of five (5) feet in depth, the Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part III, "Trench Safety Act," the "Trench Safety Act" section of the Quotation, and Section 6.01 "Excavation." H. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Florida Statutes Chapter 556, "Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act." The Contractor shall contact Sunshine 811 by calling 811 or 1-800-432-4770, or by submitting an internet ticket entry via www.sunshine811.com, at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to any excavation. Failure to familiarize himself with the aforementioned safety provisions shall not relieve him from compliance with the obligations and the penalties set forth herein. I. All open excavations made in the earth shall be performed in compliance with OSHA 29 CFR Part 1926 Subpart P - Excavations, and Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part III, "Trench Safety Act." The Contractor shall appoint a "competent person," in accordance with Subpart P,who shall be present at the job site. A"competent person" shall mean one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings, or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them. 1.0.3. SAFE ACCESS BY FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS A. The Contractor shall at all time provide proper facilities for safe access to the work by authorized government officials. 1.0.4. CONSTRUCTION SAFETY PROGRAM A. Develop and maintain for the duration of the project, a safety program that will effectively incorporate and implement all required safety provisions. The Contractor's Manual of Safety practices outlining the firms policies on field safety procedures for employees shall be submitted to the Engineer for review before"Notice to Proceeded" 1-17 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement will be issued. The Contractor shall appoint an employee who is qualified and authorized to supervise and enforce compliance with the safety program. B. Certain products specified in these specifications contain warnings by the manufacturers that under certain conditions, if instructions for use are not followed, a hazardous condition may exist. It is the Contractor's responsibility to instruct his workmen in the safe use of the product, or any product substitution. C. The duty of the Engineer to conduct construction review of the Contractor's performance is not intended to include a review or approval of the adequacy of the Contractor's Safety Supervisor, the safety program, or any safety measures taken in, on, or near the construction site. 1.0.5. SAFETY EQUIPMENT A. As part of the safety program, maintain at an office or other well-known place at the jobsite, safety equipment applicable to the work as prescribed by the governing safety authorities, all articles necessary for giving first-aid to the injured, and stablish the procedure for the immediate relocation to a hospital or a doctor's care of any person who may be injured on the jobsite. B. Perform all necessary work to protect all personnel and the general public from hazard, including, but not limited to, surface irregularities or unramped grade changes, and trenches or excavations. Furnish barricades, lanterns, and proper signs to safeguard all persons and work. C. There shall be no oil dripping from equipment or oil spills. D. The material shall be stored and handled in a proper and safe manner and upon its use, immediately dispose of the containers, cans, rags, and remnants of the material in a manner approved by the City of Environmental Resources Management at the Contractor's sole cost. The Contractor is not allowed to store empty containers at the site. In case of any violation, the Engineer will report such violation to DERM, and the Contractor shall be subject to all penalties and fines as required by State and County regulations. E. The performance of all work and all completed construction, particularly with respect to ladders, platforms, structure openings, scaffolding, shoring, logging, machinery guards and the like, shall be in accordance with the applicable governing safety authorities. F. During construction, construct and at all times maintain satisfactory and substantial temporary chain link fencing, solid fencing, railings, barricades or steel plates, as applicable, at all openings, obstructions, or other hazards. All such barriers shall have adequate warning lights as necessary, or required, for safety. 1-18 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 1.0.6. STORAGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS A. The material shall be stored and handled in a proper and safe manner and upon its use, immediately dispose of the containers, cans, rags and remnants of the material in a manner approved by the Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) at the Contractor's sole cost. The Contractor is not allowed to store empty containers at the site. In case of any violation, the Engineer will report such violation to DERM and the Contractor shall be subject to all penalties and fines as required by State and County regulations. B. The Contractor is hereby cautioned that he cannot store any environmentally hazardous materials such as solvents, greases, lubricants or any other type of chemical substances at the Pump Station site. The Contractor shall be allowed to keep only such materials at the site for immediate use. 1.0.7. ACCIDENT REPORTS A. If death, serious injuries, or series damage are caused, report the accident immediately by telephone or messenger to the Engineer. In addition, the Contractor must promptly report in writing to the Engineer and the City all accidents whatsoever arising out of, or in connection with, the performance of the work whether on, or adjacent to, the site, giving full details and statements of witnesses. B. If a claim is made by anyone against the Contractor or any Subcontractor on account of any accident, promptly report the facts in writing to the Engineer and the City, giving full details of the claim. 1.0.8. FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION A. Perform all work in fire-safe manner. Furnish and maintain on the site adequate fire- fighting equipment capable of extinguishing incipient fires. Comply with applicable federal, local, and state fire-prevention regulations. Where these regulations do not apply, applicable parts of the National Fire Prevention Standard for Safeguarding Building Construction Operations (NFPA No. 241) shall be followed. 1.0.9. HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS A. During such periods of time as are designated by the United States Weather Bureau as being a hurricane alert, the Contractor shall perform all precautions as necessary to safeguard the work and property, including the removal of all small equipment and materials from the site, lashing all other equipment and materials to each other and to rigid construction, and any other safety measures as may be directed by the Engineer. B. During the hurricane season, which runs from June 15' to November 30'h, it may become necessary to suspend work due to an impending storm until the proper working conditions prevail. In the event of a tropical storm or hurricane, it is the Contractor's responsibility to secure the jobsite in anticipation of the storm. C. Fifteen (15) days prior to beginning of construction, the Contractor shall submit to the 1-19 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement City or designee a Hurricane Preparedness Plan. The plan shall outline the necessary measures that the Contractor proposes to perform in the event of a tropical storm or hurricane in order to protect all work, materials, and equipment from exposure and properly safeguard all components of the project. D. Prior to the Start of Work: The Contractor shall submit for approval, a plan of action for the specific actions to be taken on this specific project during a hurricane warning. The Contractor shall ensure operation of the by-pass system, if applicable, during the storm event. Backup power shall be included in case of power failure from FPL, as needed. E. Upon notification of Hurricane Watch: 1. Formal notification to all Contractors to prepare and submit for approval a Plan of Action for the specific actions to be taken on their particular projects. F. Upon notification of a Hurricane Warning: 1. Formal notification to the Contractors to implement their approved plan of action to protect the project and the public. 2. For pipeline construction projects within the public right-of-ways, the Contractor will be notified by the Construction Manager Office to suspend his construction operations. The Contractor will backfill all open trenches, remove all construction equipment and materials from the right-of-way, remove unnecessary traffic barricades and signs, secure remaining barricades by "half burial" or "double sandbags". G. Post Disaster Work: In the event of a disaster declaration by the local or state governing authorities, the City may choose to obtain the services of the Contractor to perform work made an imminent priority for the disaster event. The compensation for the additional work caused by the disaster shall be negotiated between the Engineer and the Contractor with written approval provided by both parties prior to mobilization at the designed location or locations. The value of the work performed shall be up to the original contract with contingencies and dedicated allowances. 1.0.10. JOINT SURVEY TO ESTABLISH AUTHENCITY OF POSSIBLE DAMAGE CLAIMS A. The Contractor shall maintain vertical and horizontal survey control points on all structures and improvements, located in the vicinity of the work prior to beginning work, and shall periodically check the points for movements with copies provided to the Engineer, of the survey notes for each survey and a copy of the layout of the survey control points. B. After the contract is awarded and before commencement of work, the Contractor shall perform a thorough examination of existing buildings, structures and other improvements in the vicinity of the work, as applicable, which might be damaged by his operations. 1-20 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 1. Examinations of existing structures, buildings, and other improvements in the vicinity of the work shall be done by the Contractor. The scope of the examination shall include cracks in the structures, settlement, leakage, and similar conditions. The City assumes no responsibility for pre-existing conditions of the structure. 2. Records in triplicate of all observations shall be prepared by the Contractor, photographs shall be taken by the Contractor signed and dated, with descriptive information and in the manner specified above. One signed copy of every document and photograph will kept on file in the office of the Engineer. Video recording also required. 3. The above records are intended to be used as indisputable evidence in ascertaining the extent of any damage which may occur as a result of the Contractor's operations and are for the protection of the Contractor and the City, and will be a means of determining whether and to what extent damage, resulting from the Contractor's operations, occurred during the Contract work. C. In order to protect himself from being held liable for any existing damaged pavement, including detour routes, the Contractor is advised to notify in writing the authority having jurisdiction over the street where such detective pavement exist prior to proceeding with any work in the vicinity. Preconstruction videos and digital pictures shall be taken with date stamps of the entire area of work. A copy of all such notices shall be forwarded to the City. 1.0.11.TRAFFIC—GENERAL A. Traffic safety and traffic control devices shall eb employed on all private and public construction work withing the public right-of-way. Such measures shall be established and provided in conformance with the following regulations and in conformance with the Miami-Dade County Public Works Manual. B. For construction within the City's public right-of-way, the Contractor shall submit two sets of construction plans for review to the City of Miami Beach Public Works Department. C. All traffic control and warning devices so specified shall, unless otherwise specified by the City be furnished, installed according to the Miami-Dade County Public Works Manual, Part I, Standard Details traffic control and safety by an Uniformed Police Officer, when specified, shall by furnished by the Contractor. D. The Contractor shall take necessary precautions to ensure complete protection to public health, welfare, and safety. Adequate protection and warning devices shall be placed at locations surrounding work areas to prevent injuries to public properties. Particular emphasis must be placed on safety devices for vehicular traffic. Any work areas that may create a hazard at night shall be well lighted form sunset to sunrise with lamps or lanterns visible from all approaches. All maintenance of traffic signals must be approved by the City. 1-21 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 1.0.12. TRAFFIC SAFETY AND ACCESS TO PROPERTY A. Comply with all rules and regulations of the City, state, and County authorities regarding closing or restricting the use of public streets or highways. No public or private roads shall be closed, except by express permission of the City and the controlling authority. Conduct the work to assure the least possible obstruction to traffic and normal commercial pursuits. Protect all obstructions within traveled roadways by installing approved barricades, signs, and lights where necessary for the safety of the public. The convenience of the general public and residents and the protection of persons and property are of prime importance and shall be provided for in an adequate and satisfactory manner. B. Where traffic will pass over backfilled trenches before they are paved, the top of the trench shall be maintained with temporary asphalt that will allow normal vehicular traffic to pass over. Temporary access driveways must be provided where required. Access to businesses, schools and homes along the route of the work shall always be provided by the Contractor. C. Supply flagmen and guards or Police when they are required by regulation, when deemed necessary for safety, or required by the Engineer. Flagmen and Guards shall be furnished with approved orange wearing apparel and other regulation traffic control devices. D. The Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of public streets, detour of traffic (including furnishing and maintaining regulatory and informative signs along the detour route) traffic control and other provisions, throughout the project as required by the City. E. Traffic shall be maintained according to corresponding typical traffic control details. No streets shall be completely blocked nor blocked more than one-half at any time, keeping the other half open for traffic without specific approval. 1.0.13. TRAFFIC CONTROL AND USE OF PUBLIC STREETS A. The Contractor shall be responsible for traffic control as specified hereinafter. Any reference to the City, its departments, or its published regulations, permits and data, shall be synonymous and interchangeable with other recognized governing bodies over particular areas of streets or their departments, published regulations, permits, or data. Abide by all applicable laws, regulations and codes thereof, pertaining to maintenance of public streets, detour of traffic, traffic control and other provisions as may be required for this project. B. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the maintenance of public streets, detour of traffic (including furnishing and maintaining regulatory and informative signs along the detour route), traffic control and other provisions, throughout the project as required by the City of Miami Beach Public Works Department. Traffic shall be maintained according to corresponding typical traffic control details as outlined in the Miami Dade County Public Works Manual. No street shall be completely blocked nor 1-22 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement blocked more than one-half at any time, keeping the other half open for traffic without specific approval. C. If required by the Traffic Division, employ the required number of uniformed off-duty policemen to maintain and regulate the flow of traffic through the construction area. The number of men required and the number of hours on duty necessary for the maintenance and regulation of the traffic flow shall be subject to their approval. If required for traffic control permits or agencies, the Contractor shall work odd or night hours, as required for traffic control reasons, and the cost of such work shall be considered as incidental to construction. D. The Contractor shall provide all barricades and/or flashing warning lights necessary to warn motorist of the construction throughout the project. E. Excavated or other material stored adjacent to or partially upon a roadway pavement shall be adequately marked for traffic safety at all times. Provide necessary access to all adjacent property during construction. F. The contractor shall be responsible for the provision, installation and maintenance of all traffic control and safety devices, in accordance with specifications outlined in the Miami Dade County Public Works Manual. In addition, provide for the resetting of all traffic control and information signing removed during the construction period. G. Where excavations are to be made in the vicinity of signalized intersections, attention is directed to the fact that vehicle loop detectors may have been embedded in the pavement. Verify these locations by inspecting the site of the work and by contacting the Sunshine 811, at 1-800-432-4770, (or by submitting an internet ticket entry via www.sunshine811.com). Any loop detector which is damaged, whether shown on the plans or not, shall be repaired or replaced to the satisfaction of the Traffic Division. H. Notify the Traffic Division 24 hours in advance of the construction date, and 48 hours in advance of construction within any signalized intersection. I. Temporary pavement will be required over all cuts in pavement areas, and also where traffic is to be routed over swale or median areas. When the temporary pavement for routing traffic is no longer necessary, it shall be removed and the swale or median area restored to their previous condition. 1.0.14. WORKING IN CONFINED SPACES A. Where a Contractor needs to work in a confined space, the Contractor must comply with the General Industry, OSHA Confined Space Standard, 29 CFR 1910.146 or the equivalent Confined Space Standard in CFR 1926, Safety and Health Regulations for Construction Standards. PART 2 PRODUCTS NOT USED 1-23 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement PART 3 EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 1-24 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01025 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. Payment for the various items in the Schedule of Payment items, as further specified herein, shall include all compensation to be received by the Contractor for furnishing all tools, equipment, supplies, and manufactured articles, and for all labor, operations, taxes, materials, commissions, transportation and handling, bonds, permit fees, insurance, overhead and profit, and incidentals appurtenant to the items of work being described, as necessary to complete the various items of the work, all in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, including all appurtenances thereto, and including all costs of compliance with the regulations of public agencies having jurisdiction, including Safety and Health Requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor (OSHA). Such compensation shall also include payment for any loss or damages arising directly or indirectly from the work. B. The Contractor's attention is called to the fact that the quotations for the various items of work are intended to establish a total price for completing the work in its entirety. Should the Contractor feel that the cost for any item of work has not been established by the Schedule of Payment items or this Section, it shall include the cost for that work in some other applicable bid item, so that its proposal for the project does reflect its total price for completing the work in its entirety. 1.0.2. SUBMITTALS A. Informational: 1. Schedule of Values: Submit schedule on City's form. 2. Application for Payment. 3. Final Application for Payment. B. Submittals shall be in accordance with Section 01300 "Submittals" and the City's standards. 1.0.3. SCHEDULE OF VALUES A. Prepare a schedule of values for the work. B. Unit Price Work: Reflect unit price quantity and price breakdown from conformed Bid Form. C. Lump Sum Work: 1. Reflect schedule of values format included in conformed Bid Form. 1-25 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 2. List Bonds and insurance premiums, mobilization, demobilization, facility startup, and contract closeout separately. D. An unbalanced or front-end loaded schedule will not be acceptable. E. Summation of the complete schedule of values representing all the work shall equal the Contract Price. F. The Contractor shall submit a Schedule of Values for review with the return of the executed Agreement to the Owner. The schedule shall contain the installed value of the component parts of work for the purpose of making progress payments during the construction period. G. The schedule shall be given in sufficient detail for proper identification of work accomplished. The Schedule of Values shall directly correlate to each activity outlined in the construction progress schedule and the construction network analysis(specified in the section entitled "Submittals") to accurately relate construction progress to the requested payment. Each item shall include its proportional share of all costs including the Contractor's overhead, contingencies and profit. The sum of all scheduled items shall equal the total value of the Contract. H. If the Contractor anticipates the need for payment for materials stored on the project site or off-site in bonded warehouse. it shall also submit a separate list covering the cost of materials, delivered and unloaded with taxes paid. This list shall also include the installed value of the item with coded reference to the work items in the Schedule of Values. Payment for stored materials shall comply with requirements of General Conditions. 1.0.4. APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT A. Transmittal Summary Form: Attach one Summary Form with each detailed Application for Payment and include Request for Payment of Materials and Equipment on Hand as applicable. Execute certification by authorized officer of Contractor. B. Use detailed Application for Payment Form provided by the City. C. Include accepted schedule of values for each portion of work and the unit price breakdown for the work to be paid on unit price basis, and a listing of Owner-selected equipment, if applicable, and allowances, as appropriate. D. Preparation: 1. Round values to nearest dollar. 1-26 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 2. List each Change Order and Written Amendment executed prior to date of submission as separate line item. Totals to equal those shown on the Transmittal Summary Form. 3. Submit Application for Payment, including a Transmittal Summary Form and detailed Application for Payment Form, a listing of materials on hand as applicable, and such supporting data as may be requested by Owner. 1.0.5. MEASUREMENT—GENERAL A. Weighing, measuring, and metering devices used to measure quantity of materials for work shall be suitable for purpose intended and conform to tolerances and specifications as specified in National Institute of Standards and Technology, Handbook 44. B. Whenever pay quantities of material are determined by weight, material shall be weighed on scales furnished by Contractor and certified accurate by state agency responsible. Weight or load slip shall be obtained from weigher and delivered to the City or City's representative at point of delivery of material. C. If material is shipped by rail, car weights will be accepted provided that actual weight of material only will be paid for and not minimum car weight used for assessing freight tariff, and provided further that car weights will not be acceptable for material to be passed through mixing plants. D. Vehicles used to haul material being paid for by weight shall be weighed empty daily and at such additional times as required by the City. Each vehicle shall bear a plainly legible identification mark. E. Materials that are specified for measurement by the cubic yard measured in the vehicle shall be hauled in vehicles of such type and size that actual contents may be readily and accurately determined. Unless all vehicles are of uniform capacity, each vehicle must bear a plainly legible identification mark indicating its water level capacity. Vehicles shall be loaded to at least their water level capacity. Loads hauled in vehicles not meeting above requirements or loads of a quantity less than the capacity of the vehicle, measured after being leveled off as above provided, will be subject to rejection, and no compensation will be allowed for such material. F. Where measurement of quantities depends on elevation of existing ground, elevations obtained during construction will be compared with those shown on drawings. Variations of 1 foot or less will be ignored, and profiles shown on drawings will be used for determining quantities. G. Units of measure shown on Bid Form shall be as follows, unless specified otherwise. All methods of measurement shall be approved by the City. 1-27 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement Item Method of Measurement AC Acre— Field Measure CY Cubic Yard—Field Measure within limits specified or shown, or measured in vehicle by volume, as specified EA Each — Field Count GAL Gallon — Field Measure HR Hour LB Pound(s) —Weight Measure by Scale LF Linear Foot— Field Measure LS Lump Sum — Unit is one; no measurement will be made SF Square Foot SY Square Yard TON Ton —Weight Measure by Scale (2,000) 1.0.6. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. General: 1. Payment for all the work completed under this Project shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the "Special Conditions" on the basis of the specific provisions of this section of the Specifications. 2. The Contractor will be paid each month the value of the work completed during the preceding month (less retainage) and the invoiced cost including applicable sales taxes and shipping value (less retainage) of materials not already used, but which have been furnished by the Contractor under the Specifications, provided that such materials have been delivered, properly stored and inspected by the Engineer and that payment therefore has been satisfactorily certified by the Contractor to the Engineer. Remaining cost for materials (less retainage) will be paid at the same time as installation. Any payment for materials which are not used will be withheld from the final payment. 3. The Contractor shall receive and accept the compensation as provided in the Quotation, the ITB and "Invoices and Payments" of the "Special Conditions" as full payment for furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment, for performing all operations necessary to complete the work under this Contract, and also in full payment for all loss or damages arising from the nature of the Work, or from the action of the elements or from unforeseen difficulties which may be encountered during the prosecution of the work until the final acceptance by the City. 4. The cost breakdown (or Schedule of Values) referred to herein is defined in "Schedule of Values" of the "Special Conditions." The cost breakdown (Schedule of Values) approved by the Engineer will be used as the basis for making progress payments and for determining the cost of extra work which is the same or similar (as determined by the Engineer) to that defined in the "Schedule of Values." 5. The prices stated in the Quotation includes full compensation for overhead and profit, all costs and expenses for taxes, labor, equipment, furnishing and repairing 1-28 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement small tools and ordinary equipment, mobilization, home office expenses and general supervision, materials, commissions, transportation charges and expenses, patent fees and royalties, bond, insurance, labor for handling materials during inspection, together with any and all other costs and expenses for performing and completing the work as shown on the Plans and specified herein. In addition, the Contractor shall include the actual cost of social security taxes, unemployment insurance, worker's compensation, fringe benefits, inclusive of life and health insurance, union dues, pension, pension plans, vacations, and insurance and contractor's public liability and property damage insurance involved in the work based on the actual wages paid to such labor and all other general costs and profits, prorated to each item. 6. Unless otherwise specifically stated elsewhere herein, the Contractor shall include in the prices bid all materials, electrical supply, fuel, lubricants, temporary equipment, temporary wiring, temporary piping and fittings, pumps, gages, and all other items of whatever nature required to completely test, balance, disinfect if required, and put into fully operational condition all equipment and/or systems supplied by either the City or the Contractor and installed as a part of this Project. Further, any test materials supplied by the Contractor shall be completely satisfactory to the City. Any decision as to whether a particular material is suitable for test purposes shall be at the sole discretion of the Engineer whose decision shall be final. Any material considered not suitable shall be immediately replaced by the Contractor with suitable material and no extra compensation will be allowed." 7. It is the intent of the City to obtain a complete and working installation under this Contract, and any items of labor, equipment or materials which may reasonably be assumed as necessary to accomplish this end shall be supplied whether or not they are specifically shown on the Plans or stated herein. 8. For purposes of determining the monthly payments to be made to the Contractor for work accomplished, the value of the work completed shall be determined in the following manner: a. Excavation, installation of pipe, valves and fittings, completed backfill, plugging existing mains and temporary paving repairs shall constitute seventy-five percent (75%) of the price bid for these Quotation Items. b. Submittal of the PSM's daily progress reports and/or field book notes and monthly as-builts of the work that has been performed to date (all documents subject to approval and acceptance by the City) shall constitute ten percent (10%) of the price bid for these Quotation Items. c. Completion of all interior work in the pipeline including cleaning, hydrostatic testing, shall constitute five percent (5%) of the price bid for these Quotation Items. d. Submittal of the final as-builts to the satisfaction of the Engineer, completion of all surface repairs, restoration of public or private facilities, appurtenances, and 1-29 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement all other work not provided for under other Quotation Items shall constitute the remaining ten percent (10%) of the price bid for these Quotation Items. B. Price Bid: 1. The price bid for each item shall be stated in both words and figures in the appropriate places in the Quotation form. All blank spaces for bid prices must be filled in with ink, or with a typewriter. The Bidder is further directed that any and all alterations, changes, corrections and modifications, made to the Quotation forms prior to submission of bids, must be initialed by the Bidder. Non-compliance by the Bidder of this directive may be grounds for rejection of his bid. 2. In the event that there is a discrepancy between the price written in words and the price written in numbers, the price written in words shall govern except where the number of units multiplied by the unit price shown in numbers equals the total price for that bid item. In such case the unit price shown in numbers shall govern over the unit price shown in words. 3. Where an error is made in the calculation of the total bid price of an item, the unit price shall govern. 4. If the bidder makes an error in his addition of the total bid prices of the applicable items in the Quotation, the correct sum of its applicable bid item totals shall be the Total Bid. 5. It has been determined that the City is not exempt from the payment of Florida State Sales Tax under this Contract. All items of materials, equipment and supplies furnished by the Contractor and remaining a part of the completed Project are subject to this Tax. The Bidder shall include a sufficient amount of money to pay for this Tax in his bid price. Sufficient money to pay the Tax for all miscellaneous materials and minor items shown on the Plans, specified herein, or necessary for the work, and which will remain a part of the completed Project, shall also be included in the price or prices bid, and no other compensation will be provided. C. Quotation Items: It is intended that all work required to complete this Project will be included in the various bid items as follows: Item No. 1 For performing preparatory work and operations in mobilizing for beginning the work of the Project, including preparation and acceptance of Maintenance of Traffic Plan (MOT), but excluding materials and permit costs, both of which are paid under other payment items, shall include, but not be limited to; preparation, submission and acceptance of the MOT, first by the City and if acceptable to the City, submission to and acceptance by all other governing authorities; supply, submission and correction of all "Pre-Approved Product Lists" and/or shop drawings; ordering the said equipment and materials in a timely fashion; those operations necessary for the movement of personnel, equipment, supplies and 1-30 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement incidentals to the Project site and for the establishment of temporary offices, buildings, safety equipment and first aid supplies, sanitary and other facilities; the cost of reestablishing the design baseline, vertical control points and reference points, and establishing proposed pipeline location; the cost of MOT and permit preparation/submission/acceptance; the costs of bonds, required insurance and other preconstruction expense but excluding the actual cost of permits, which are paid under a separate dedicated allowance account and excluding the cost of materials which are paid under another bid item(s). Not inclusive of the costs incurred in the provision of traffic control and the costs incurred in the provision of off-duty police officers that are to be paid for under separate Bid Items. The mobilization item will be paid in the following manner: Contracts with a contract duration of up to and including one hundred twenty (120) calendar days will be paid in two (2) separate payments, each equal to fifty (50) percent of the amount bid for this item. Contracts with a contract duration of over one hundred twenty (120) calendar days will be paid in four (4) separate payments, each equal to twenty-five (25) percent of the amount bid for this item. The two or four payments will be made with the first two or four payment draws and is conditioned upon progress satisfactory to the Engineer being made pursuant to the accepted Project. The total amount of the partial payments may not exceed ten (10) percent of the original Subtotal of the bid items. Any remaining amount will be paid upon completion of all work on the Contract. Retainage, as specified in the "General Covenants and Conditions" and any Special Provisions will apply to these payments. Since this item is bid as an aggregate sum, payment will be in accordance with the cost breakdown as approved by the Engineer and measured as required by and satisfactory to the Engineer. Item No. 2 For furnishing and delivering to the City high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipeline for sewer force main of the nominal size specified in this bid item to be installed by directional drilling method, will be paid at the unit price bid times the number of linear feet accepted by the Engineer, which payment shall be full compensation for furnishing of the high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipeline of nominal size specified in this bid item, steerable directional boring equipment, boring pits and equipment, drilling fluid, sheeting; corporation stops for testing; vegetable soap lubricant; backfill materials; temporary pavement materials; transportation and handling cost delivered ditch side; all shop drawing preparation and correction cost for material furnished under this item; all material and equipment required to clean 1-31 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement and test the main; and all other appurtenant and miscellaneous items (not included in another bid item) required for a complete and satisfactory installation. The quantity for payment shall be the horizontal projection of the center line of the permanently installed and accepted pipe (of the particular bid item), measured to the nearest one-tenth of a foot. Item No. 3 For installing high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipeline for sewer force main of the nominal size specified in this bid item to be installed by directional drilling method, will be paid at the unit price bid times the number of linear feet accepted by the Engineer. The price per foot for installing pipe shall be full compensation for the completed pipeline, ready for service, and shall include, but not be limited to; exploratory excavation; sheeting and shoring if necessary; complying with the Florida Statutes "Trench Safety Act"; transporting and unloading the pipe, and all other materials not specified in other bid items from delivery trucks at the job site; excavation of drilling and receiving pits; potholing or other similar practices as required to verify underground utilities along the entry and exit drill paths; drilling of a pilot hole at prescribed line and grade; reaming of the hole (as needed); pullback of the HDPE pipe through the hole; pressure testing of the HDPE pipe; connect HDPE to proposed DIP force main (as needed and shown of the drawings); all incidental work such as horizontal and vertical control points, survey, grids, permits, slurry treatment and disposal, shoring and casing of the pits if required, and all else necessary for the complete installation of the pipe in accordance with these specifications and contract drawings; placing and compacting backfill; removal and disposal of excess or unsuitable fill material, where required; maintaining access to residences and businesses along the pits area; protecting existing utilities along the entry and exit route of the main; making temporary paving repairs; complying with work hour restrictions; satisfying all requirements of the Project permits; preparation and submittal of the PSM's daily progress reports and/or field notes and monthly as-builts of the work that has been performed to date; pumper trucks; moving and replacing utilities, fences, trees, landscaping, shrubs, mail boxes, sprinkler systems, shoulders, asphalt paths, curb & gutter, asphalt and plain concrete driveways, traffic separators and all other similar items, to original locations and to equal or better than original conditions; and all other appurtenant and miscellaneous items and work (not included in another bid item) including final cleanup for a complete, satisfactory and functional installation. The quantity for payment shall be the horizontal projection of the center line of the permanently installed and accepted pipe (of the particular bid item). Complete monthly redline as-builts shall be condition for approval of monthly progress payment requests. Item No. 4 For furnishing and delivering to the City zinc-coated ductile iron pipe and pipe fittings for sewer force main of the nominal sizes specified in this bid item, will be paid at the unit price bid times the number of linear feet accepted by the Engineer, 1-32 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement which payment shall be full compensation for furnishing zinc-coated ductile iron pipe, pipe fittings, solid sleeves and specials;joint materials;joint thrust restraints; tie rods and eye bolts; corporation stops for testing; vegetable soap lubricant; pipe bedding; backfill materials; temporary pavement materials; transportation and handling cost delivered ditch side; all shop drawing preparation and correction cost for material furnished under this item; all material and equipment required to clean and test the main and fittings; and all other appurtenant and miscellaneous items (not included in another bid item) required for a complete and satisfactory installation. The quantity for payment shall be the horizontal projection of the center line of the permanently installed and accepted pipe (of the particular bid item), including the length of fittings along the run, measured to the nearest one-tenth of a foot from P.I. to P.I. of bends and to the seat of the bell at the end of any particular line. The laying length of reducers, tees and crosses will be measured as pipe of the size of the largest diameter, and measured only once, only along run of tees and crosses so that the length of the outlets, even if of equal size to the run,will not be included in the measured length of lines connected to said outlets. Item No. 5 For installing zinc-coated and polywrapped ductile iron pipe and pipe fittings for sewer force mains of the nominal sizes specified in this bid item will be paid for at the unit price bid times the number of linear feet installed and accepted by the Engineer. The price per foot for installing pipe and pipe fittings shall be full compensation for the completed pipeline, ready for service, and shall include, but not be limited to; exploratory excavation; excavation; sheeting and shoring if necessary; complying with the Florida Statutes "Trench Safety Act"; transporting and unloading the pipe, fittings and all other materials not specified in other bid items from delivery trucks at the job site(trench side)and placing them into position in the trench; installing zinc-coated and polywrapped ductile iron pipe, pipe fittings, solid sleeves and specials; installing joint materials; installing joint thrust restraints; making thrust resistant joints; installing tie rods and eyebolts; cutting and installing nipples; making all connections within the lines themselves; tapping the main for corporation stops for testing; cleaning and testing the pipe and fittings; placing and compacting backfill; removal and disposal of excess or unsuitable fill material, where required; maintaining access to residences and businesses along the route of the main; protecting existing utilities along the route of the main; making temporary paving repairs; complying with work hour restrictions; satisfying all requirements of the Project permits; preparation and submittal of the PSM's daily progress reports and/or field notes and monthly as-builts of the work that has been performed to date; pumper trucks; moving and replacing utilities, fences, trees, landscaping, shrubs, mail boxes, sprinkler systems, shoulders, asphalt paths, curb & gutter, asphalt and plain concrete driveways, traffic separators and all other similar items, to original locations and to equal or better than original conditions; and all other appurtenant and miscellaneous items and work (not included in another bid item) including final cleanup for a complete, satisfactory and functional installation. 1-33 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement The quantity for payment shall be the horizontal projection of the center line of the permanently installed and accepted pipe (of the particular bid item), including the length of fittings along the run, measured to the nearest one-tenth of a foot from P.I. to P.I. of bends and to the seat of the bell at the end of any particular line. The laying length of reducers, tees and crosses will be measured as pipe of the size of the largest diameter, and measured only once, only along run of tees and crosses so that the length of the outlets, even if of equal size to the run, will not be included in the measured length of lines connected to said outlets. For furnishing all labor, materials and equipment for all work necessary and required for removing, cutting, and plugging the existing 24-inch cast iron force main aerial crossing under the bridge. The price per bid shall be full compensation for the complete removal and disposal of the existing force main and appurtenances from the site. 3 Complete monthly redline as-builts shall be condition for approval of monthly progress payment requests. Item No. 6 For furnishing and delivering to the City zinc-coated ductile iron pipe, pipe fittings, and plug valves for sewage force main of the nominal sizes specified in this bid item, will be paid at the unit price bid times the number of linear feet accepted by the Engineer,which payment shall be full compensation for furnishing zinc-coated ductile iron pipe, pipe fittings, solid sleeves and specials; mechanical joint plug valves, valve boxes and covers, and riser pipes, complete; joint materials; joint thrust restraints; tie rods and eyebolts; corporation stops for testing; vegetable soap lubricant; pipe bedding; backfill materials; temporary pavement materials; transportation and handling cost delivered ditch side; all shop drawing preparation and correction cost for material furnished under this item; all materials, equipment and incidentals required to clean and test the pipe, fittings and valves; and all other appurtenant and miscellaneous items (not included in another bid item) required for a complete and satisfactory installation. The quantity for payment shall be the horizontal projection of the center line of the permanently installed and accepted pipe (of the particular bid item), including the length of fittings along the run, measured to the nearest one-tenth of a foot from P.I. to P.I. of bends and to the seat of the bell at the end of any particular line. The laying length of reducers, wyes, tees, and crosses will be measured as pipe of the size of the largest diameter, and measured only once, only along run of wyes,tees, and crosses so that the length of the outlets, even if of equal size to the run, will not be included in the measured length of lines connected to said outlets. Item No. 7 For installing zinc-coated and polywrapped ductile iron pipe, pipe fittings, and plug valves for sewage force main of the nominal sizes specified in this bid item will be paid for at the unit price bid times the number of linear feet installed and accepted 3 Items highlighted in red added for clarification to the Bid Set 1-34 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement by the Engineer. The price per foot for installing pipe, pipe fittings and plug valves shall be full compensation for the completed pipeline, ready for service, and shall include, but not be limited to: exploratory excavation; excavation; sheeting and shoring if necessary; complying with the Florida Statutes "Trench Safety Act"; dewatering the excavation; transporting and unloading the pipe, fittings, valves, and all other materials not specified in other bid items from delivery trucks at the job site (trench side) and placing them into position in the trench; installing zinc- coated and polywrapped ductile iron pipe, pipe fittings, solid sleeves and specials; installing plug valves, valve boxes and covers, and riser pipes, complete; installing joint materials; installing joint thrust restraints; making thrust resistant joints; installing tie rods and eyebolts; cutting and installing nipples; making all connections within the lines themselves; tapping the main for corporation stops for testing; cleaning and testing the pipe, fittings, and valves; placing and compacting backfill; for removal, salvage, cleaning, transport, unloading and storage of valve boxes and covers, manhole frames and covers, and castings, on existing mains that are to be placed out of service; saw cutting pavement; demolition and modification work, and legal disposal of debris; for backfilling, compacting, and restoration of area (not included in another bid item) where existing valve boxes, manhole frames, and castings have been removed, if required; removal and disposal of excess or unsuitable fill material, where required; maintaining access to residences and businesses along the route of the main; protecting existing utilities along the route of the main; making temporary paving repairs; complying with work hour restrictions; satisfying permit requirements and conditions; preparation and submittal of the Contractor's Daily Reports, Contractor's PSM survey field book notes and monthly partial as-built record drawings of the work that has been performed to date; pumper trucks; moving and replacing utilities, fences, trees (including trimming), landscaping, shrubs, mailboxes, sprinkler systems, shoulders, asphalt paths (not included in another bid item), curb and gutter (not included in another bid item),traffic separators and all other similar items, to original locations and to equal or better than original conditions; and all other appurtenant and miscellaneous items and work (not included in another bid item) including final cleanup for a complete, satisfactory and functional installation. The quantity for payment shall be the horizontal projection of the center line of the permanently installed and accepted pipe (of the particular bid item), including the length of fittings along the run, measured to the nearest one-tenth of a foot from P.I. to P.I. of bends and to the seat of the bell at the end of any particular line. The laying length of reducers, wyes, tees, and crosses will be measured as pipe of the size of the largest diameter, and measured only once, only along run of wyes,tees, and crosses so that the length of the outlets, even if of equal size to the run, will not be included in the measured length of lines connected to said outlets. Submittal of monthly partial as-built record drawings shall be condition for approval of monthly progress payment requests. Item No. 8 For furnishing and delivering to the City mechanical joint plug valves for sewer force main, and manholes, complete, of the nominal sizes specified in this bid item, will be paid for at the unit price bid times the number of plug valves accepted by 1-35 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement the Engineer. The price bid shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials and supplies required for each complete and satisfactory installation, ready for service and shall include, but not be limited to; furnishing mechanical joint plug valves; furnishing manhole for plug valve; furnishing joint materials; all shop drawing preparation and correction cost for material furnished under this item; all material and equipment required to clean and test the valves; transportation and handling costs; and all other appurtenant and miscellaneous items (not included in another bid item) required for a complete and satisfactory installation. No substitution with resilient-seated gate valves allowed. Item No. 9 For installing polywrapped mechanical joint plug valves for sewer force main, manhole, complete, of the nominal sizes specified in this bid item, will be paid at the unit price bid price times the number of valves installed and accepted by the Engineer. The price bid shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials and supplies required for each complete and satisfactory installation, ready for service and shall include, but not be limited to; complying with the Florida Statutes"Trench Safety Act"; exploratory excavation; excavation; transporting and unloading the valve at the installation location; installing plug valves complete with manhole for plug valve; placing and compacting backfill; furnishing additional suitable backfill material, if required; installing joint materials as required; cleaning and testing; and all other appurtenant and miscellaneous items (not included in another bid item) required for a complete, functional and acceptable installation. Item No. 10 For constructing Automatic Air Release Valve Assemblies(AARVs)for sewer force mains at the locations shown on the plans, or where directed by the Engineer in the field, complete as shown in the City's Public Works Manual, will be paid for at the unit price bid times the number of assemblies installed and accepted by the Engineer. The price bid shall be full compensation for each complete installation, ready for service, and shall include, but not be limited to, excavation; sheeting and shoring if necessary; complying with the Florida Statutes "Trench Safety Act"; furnishing and installing automatic air release valves, corporation stops, saddles, bronze couplings, stainless steel ball valves, including cutting and threading as required, manhole frames and covers, bricks, riser pipes; transportation and handling costs; tapping the main; placing and compacting backfill; furnishing additional backfill material, if required; constructing concrete support slabs; temporary paving; permanent paving outside of the main trench line, if necessary; and all other appurtenant and miscellaneous items and work for a complete, satisfactory, and functional installation. Item No. 11 and 12 For making a cut-in connection to an existing sewer force main at: Pine Tree Drive (STA 10+19.84±) Pine Tree Drive (STA 10+132.42±) Pine Tree Drive and West 51' Street (STA 18+63.49±) Pine Tree Drive and West 51St Street (STA 18+67.14±) Pine Tree Drive and West 51' Street (STA 17+93.44±) 1-36 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement Including furnishing and installing all fittings necessary for connection, and cutting and capping existing sewer force main, as shown on the Plans, complete, will be paid from the aggregate sum established by the Contractor for this purpose which represents the amount the Contractor feels is necessary for the complete installation, under the supervision of City forces, and satisfactory work accepted by the Engineer, and shall include, but not be limited to, exploratory excavation to verify the main size (and oversized diameter condition); excavation; sheeting and shoring if necessary; complying with the Florida Statutes "Trench Safety Act"; cutting the existing main, removing section of existing pipe and connecting the proposed sewer force main to the existing main; furnishing and installing any required pipe and fittings; installing solid sleeves; making thrust restrained joints; cutting, plugging and capping the existing sewer force main and placing it out of service; legal disposal of removed pipe and debris; furnishing all materials and equipment required to clean and test the connection; cleaning and testing the connection; placing and compacting backfill; furnishing additional suitable backfill material, if required; temporary and permanent paving repairs around the connection outside the trench line, if required; transportation and handling costs; coordination with City forces; field locating utilities; protecting existing utilities; satisfying permit conditions; bypass pumping and/or sewer tankering of sewer flows interrupted during the sewer force main connection procedure, if required; and all other appurtenant and miscellaneous items and work (not included in another bid item) for a complete, satisfactory, and functional installation. Since this item is bid as an aggregate sum, payment will be in accordance with the cost breakdown as approved by the Engineer and measured as required by and satisfactory to the Engineer. Note: This Bid Item will only pay for plugs on existing sewer force mains that will be permanently left in place at the referenced location. Plugs and caps on proposed mains will not be paid for as part of this Bid Item. Plugs and caps on the end of the proposed mains shall be paid for as part of the Bid Item for the pipeline installation. Item No. 13 For constructing limerock base for Type "I" permanent pavement repairs, will be paid for at the unit price bid times the number of square yards of such base required, installed and accepted as measured along the main within the limits defined by details on the Plans and/or the City's Public Works Manual appended hereto. Greater widths are at the Contractor's option and expense. The price bid shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, labor and equipment required for a complete limerock base installation ready to receive the tack coat and surface course. Limerock base for permanent pavement repairs installed outside the main trench line limits as shown in the City's Public Works Manual under other bid items will be paid for under those items; it will not be separately measured and paid for under this item. Item No. 14 For constructing Type "I" asphaltic concrete surface course permanent pavement repairs, will be paid for at the unit price bid times the number of square yards of 1-37 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement such surface course installed and accepted as measured along the main within the limits defined by details on the Plans and/or the City's Public Works Manual appended hereto. Greater widths are at the Contractor's option and expense. The price bid shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, labor and equipment required for a complete machine-laid asphaltic concrete surface course installation. Asphaltic surface course for permanent pavement repairs installed outside the main trench line limits as shown in the City's Public Works Manual under other bid items will be paid for under those items; it will not be separately measured and paid for under this item. Item No. 15 - Contingent Item For constructing Type "V" permanent pavement repairs for roadway (nominal 1 inch thick machine-laid asphaltic concrete friction surface overlay) will be paid for at the unit price bid times the number of square yards of overlay, installed where directed by and to the satisfaction of the Engineer, which price shall be full compensation for furnishing all labor, material, and equipment for a complete installation; and shall include asphalt pavement driveways in roadways, as required and directed by the Engineer. After the pavement has been milled and the existing pavement removed, a tack coat shall be applied as specified above. Type "V" pavement repairs, if required, will usually be in addition to the required Type "I" or Type "M" pavement repairs. The latest applicable standard for the friction course from the governing authority shall be used. Temporary pavement markings for roadways shall be included in this bid item. Item No. 16 - Contingent Item For cold milling roadway surface course for permanent pavement repairs (nominal 1 inch thick), will be paid for at the unit price bid times the number of square yards of such surface course milled and required as measured along the curb within the limits defined by details on the Plans and/or the City's Public Works Manual appended hereto and as approved by the Engineer. Greater widths are at the Contractor's option and expense. The price bid shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials, labor and equipment required for milling of surfaces indicated. Asphalt cold milling shall be performed using an automated pavement planer capable of maintaining an accurate depth. Cold milling equipment shall meet the approval of the Engineer and the governing agency having jurisdiction at the location of the pavement milling operation. The Engineer's word as to the acceptability of the equipment shall be final. Item No. 17 For replacing pavement markings damaged, removed or obliterated by Contractor's operation, will be paid for from the aggregate sum amount bid by the Contractor for this purpose. Such amounts represent the amount the contractor feels is necessary to comply with the governing agency's requirements. Any portion of this fund, remaining after the work has been paid for will remain with the Contractor. Conversely, no requests for additional reimbursement will be approved. Reflective Pavement Markers shall also be furnished and installed under this item and there will be no additional compensation paid for this work. 1-38 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement Since this item is bid as an aggregate sum, no other special provisions for measurement will be necessary. Item No. 18 For constructing concrete sidewalk restoration to match existing, will be paid for at the unit price bid times the number of square feet of such sidewalk required, installed and accepted by the Engineer, and the price bid shall be full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials and equipment for a complete installation. Item No. 19— Contingent Item For constructing concrete curb and gutter restoration to match existing, will be paid for at the unit price bid times the number of linear feet of such curb and gutter required and placed as measured along the curb, installed where directed by the Engineer, and the price bid shall be full compensation for furnishing all labor and equipment for a complete installation. Item No. 20 —Contingent Item For constructing brick/paver driveway restoration to match existing, will be paid for at the unit price bid times the number of square feet of such driveway required, installed and accepted by the Engineer, and the price bid shall be full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials and equipment for a complete installation. Item No. 21 For restoring sodded and landscaped areas, will be paid at the unit price bid times the number of square yards of sod/landscape placed, and the price bid shall be full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials and equipment for a complete restoration. Item No. 22 For furnishing traffic control, will be paid for from the aggregate sum amount established by the Contractor for this purpose. Such amount represents the amount the Contractor feels is necessary to provide sufficient flagmen, signs, barricades, and similar items and work for directing traffic and maintaining safety during all times of work and other times as directed by the Engineer, FDOT, the municipalities' Public Works Department and any other governing authority. Any portion of this fund remaining after all authorized payments have been made will remain with the Contractor. Conversely, no requests for additional payments will be approved. Payment to the Contractor under this item will be by monthly percentage corresponding to the percentage of the Project's work items completed and paid for each month, as approved by the Engineer. 1-39 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement Item No. 23 - Contingent Item For sheeting and shoring ordered left in place by the Engineer, will be paid for at the unit price bid per square foot, measured from tip to cut-off times the horizontal length, regardless of thickness, times the number of linear feet of sheeting and shoring left in place as accepted by the Engineer. Payment shall be full compensation for cutting off and for all salvage and potential reuse value of the material. Sheeting and shoring left in place without the Engineer's approval will be at the Contractor's expense. Item No. 24 - Contingent Item For trench overcut in one-foot depth increments, will be paid for at the unit price bid per linear foot, for any size pipe to be installed in the trench times the number of linear feet of overcut excavated, times the number of one-foot increments of depth as ordered by the Engineer. There shall be no more than six (6) one-foot increments of depth in any one location. The number of linear feet excavated shall be the length in feet of the horizontal projection of the centerline of the trench, measured to the nearest foot, between the limits established by the Engineer in the field. The price per linear foot for trench overcut shall be full compensation for the completed work and shall include, but not be limited to, excavating to the specified depth as directed by the Engineer, placing, leveling and compacting suitable select backfill material to the level specified. Suitable select backfill shall be obtained from material excavated from the site. If sufficient material is not available from the site, additional material shall be furnished by the Contractor at no additional cost to the City. Item No. 25 - Contingent Item For furnishing and installing additional suitable backfill material, will be paid for at the unit price bid times the number of tons of additional trench backfill furnished and installed as directed by the Engineer in the field and includes removal of unsuitable material, loading, hauling, legal disposal off-site and tipping fees. The additional trench backfill shall be measured along the main within the limits of the trench as defined by the City Standard Details appended hereto. The use of additional trench backfill shall be paid for only when and where approved by the Engineer prior to installation. Item No. 26—SUBTOTAL Sum of Item Nos. 1 through 25. Item No. 27 - Dedicated Allowance This item establishes a fund for reimbursement of the cost of providing off-duty police officers as required for this project. Payment shall only reimburse the Contractor for the cost of the off-duty police officers for hours on duty at the work site; no overhead, travel time or other additional costs will be allowed. Any portion of this fund remaining after all authorized payments have been made will be withheld from contract payment and will remain with the City. Item No. 28 - Dedicated Allowance This item establishes a fund for reimbursement of the cost of all required construction permits and fees, if authorized by the Engineer. Payment shall 1-40 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement reimburse the Contractor for only the cost of the construction permit and fee. Any question or whether a construction permit or fee is required shall be decided by the Engineer whose word shall be final. Any portion of this fund remaining after all authorized payments have been made will be withheld from Project payments and will remain with the City. Item No. 28 - Dedicated Allowance For all cost incurred to conduct flow management during construction and ensure uninterrupted sanitary sewer services for the entire project duration as accepted by the Engineer, and the price bid shall be full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials and equipment for a complete installation. Item No. 30—Contingency Allowance For unforeseen conditions, minor construction changes and Quantity Adjustments, additional work not covered by other items, if ordered by the Engineer. This account is for all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary for modification or extra work required to complete the Project due to unforeseen conditions, unforeseen conflicts between existing elements of work and the proposed work; for minor changes required to resolve any unforeseen conditions, Revised Regulations, Technological and Products Development, Operational Changes, Schedule Requirements, Program Interface, Emergencies and other Miscellaneous Costs; and for adjustments to estimated quantities shown on the unit prices of the Quotation to conform to actual quantities installed; and associated time related to this work only if ordered by the Engineer. Payment to the Contractor under the Contingency Allowance will only be made for work ordered in writing by the Engineer. Any portion of these accounts remaining after all authorized payments have been made will be withheld from Contract payments and will remain with the City. A non-compensable time extension shall be included in the Contingency Allowance work when approved by the Engineer. Item No. 31 —TOTAL BID Sum of Item Nos. 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30. Note: Since Item Nos. 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, are Contingent Items, and because of the nature of the Dedicated Allowance, Item Nos. 27, 28 and 29, and the Contingency Allowance, Item No. 30, they may or may not be used at the option of the City. Any overrun or under run provisions contained within the Project Documents shall not be applicable to these items. 1.0.7. NONPAYMENT FOR REJECTED OR UNUSED PRODUCTS A. Payment will not be made for following: 1. Loading, hauling, and disposing of rejected material. 1-41 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 2. Quantities of material wasted or disposed of in manner not called for under Contract Documents. 3. Rejected loads of material, including material rejected after it has been placed by reason of failure of Contractor to conform to provisions of Contract Documents. 4. Material not unloaded from transporting vehicle. 5. Defective work not accepted by Owner. Material remaining on hand after completion of work. 1.0.8. PARTIAL PAYMENT FOR STORED MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A. Partial Payment: No partial payments will be made for materials and equipment delivered or stored unless shop drawings or preliminary operation and maintenance manuals are acceptable to the Engineer. B. Final Payment: Will be made only for products incorporated in work; remaining products, for which partial payments have been made, shall revert to Contractor unless otherwise agreed, and partial payments made for those items will be deducted from final payment. 1.0.9. ALLOWANCES A. The allowances shall be used only at the discretion of and as ordered by the Owner for such items as unforeseen conditions, unforeseeable conflicts between existing elements of work and the proposed work, unit price items exceed estimated quantities, and any associated work requested by the Owner including all labor, materials, and services for modifications or extra work to complete the project that was anticipated, but not specifically included in this Contract. B. Any portion of these allowances that remain after all authorized payments have been made will be withheld from contract payments and will remain with the Owner. PART 2— PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3— EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 1-42 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01031 GRADES, LINES AND LEVELS PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. The work of this Section comprises the establishing of grades, lines and levels. 1.0.2. RELATED WORK A. Section 01720 "Project Record Documents" PART 2— PRODUCTS 2.0.1. MATERIALS A. Furnish all stakes, templates and other materials necessary for establishing and maintaining of the lines and grades necessary for control and construction of the work and all incidental labor necessary for the prosecution of the work. PART 3— EXECUTION 3.0.1. LAYOUT OF THE WORK A. GENERAL 1. The Engineer of Record, through retaining the services of a Professional Land Surveyor and Mapper, who is licensed in the State of Florida, shall furnish the Contractor with horizontal and vertical controls which shall be utilized as specified elsewhere herein to layout the work. The Professional Land Surveyor and Mapper, who is licensed in the State of Florida hired by the Contractor, shall verify all controls provided by the Engineer of Record and it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to preserve same. 2. The Contractor shall retain the services of a Professional Land Surveyor and Mapper, who is licensed in the State of Florida who, shall furnish and set stakes, establishing line and grade and shall solely be responsible for the layout of the work as well as the recording of all as-built dimensions and elevations. The Contractor shall furnish all additional stakes, templates, and other materials for marking and maintaining survey points and lines given, and shall be responsible for their preservation. Should any of the horizontal and vertical control points set by the Engineer of Record be destroyed or disturbed, they shall be reset by the Contractor's Florida Registered Land Surveyor and Mapper, at the Contractor's expense. All control points previously set by the Engineer of Record shall be verified by the Contractor's surveyor. 1-43 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement B. LAYOUT As provided in Subsection 3.01-A, above, the Contractor through the services of his Florida Registered Land Surveyor and Mapper, shall establish the line and bench mark and other reference points for the pipeline or structure, as follows: 1. Structures: Will consist of baselines, stakes at building corners, centers and centerlines, auxiliary lines and two bench marks from which to establish the elevations. The Engineer of Record shall set a minimum of three horizontal and vertical control points which shall thereafter be maintained by the Contractor, without further help from the Engineer of Record, for use in establishing and checking the lines and grades as shown on the contract drawings. 2. Pipelines: Will consist of baselines, construction lines, centerlines, auxiliary lines and bench marks from which to establish the elevations. The Engineer of Record shall set horizontal and vertical control points at the beginning and end of the work and at a minimum distance of 1,400 ft. in between. When the total distance is less than 1,400 ft. control points shall be set at the beginning and end of the work. 3. The Contractor shall use this information to construct the structures and pipelines to the lines and grades shown on the project drawings and shall supply all equipment and personnel necessary to accomplish this end. 4. For pipelines, this will consist of establishing all points of bend (but not necessarily bevel pipe unless in close proximity to other facilities), valves, tees, crosses and other stations not more than 100 feet apart along the proposed centerline of the pipe, or along a stationed offset line as shown on the plans, marked by a nail in a metal cap if in pavement, with the station painted nearby or by a nail in the top of a wooden stake driven flush with the ground with the station marked on the flag stake nearby, if not in pavement. 5. The Contractor shall supply the City Inspector with a copy of the Florida Registered Land Surveyor and Mapper's layout of the work immediately upon its availability to his own forces. 6. The Contractor shall make his equipment and men available to the Inspector for spot checking the accuracy of the pipe laying. The Inspector shall require the Contractor to correct pipe alignment when necessary. C. RECORD DRAWINGS: 1. During the entire construction operation, the Contractor shall retain the services of a State of Florida Registered Land Surveyor and Mapper who shall maintain records of the installation, including all deviations from the plans and specifications by obtaining "as-built" dimensions and elevations. 2. The Surveyor shall prepare Record As-Built Drawings showing correctly and accurately all changes and deviations made during construction, including approved construction variances, to reflect the work as it was actually constructed. 1-44 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3. Refer to Section 01720 "Project Record Documents" and Section 01725 "As-Built Drawings" for City's criteria for developing project record documents and record As-Built drawings. D. HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CONTROL FOR DESIGN The following shall apply when establishing horizontal and vertical controls for design. They shall also be used for the development of construction drawings. 1. Survey stationing shall proceed from south to north and/or from west to east. 2. Baseline or centerline shall be tied to section corners, or to monument lines or to right of-way lines. 3. Points along the survey line shall be referenced to perpetuate the alignment. Whenever possible, the reference points shall be established at right angles to the survey line and at intervals no longer than 1,400 feet. Reference points shall be shown on construction plans. 4. Centerline of side streets shall be established and set by nail and disc. Station and angle turned shall be given and shown on the plans. 5. All curve data (horizontal) shall be shown on plans. Point of curvature and point of tangency shall be set in the field, reference P.C. and P.T. or P.I. 6. Easement lines shall be tied to baseline or centerline. Give station and angle turned. 7. Set centerline or baseline stations every 100 feet on the ground using iron rods in unpaved areas or P.K. nails on asphalt. 8. All vertical control and elevations shall be referenced to North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 1988). 9. Temporary bench marks (T.B.M.) and bench marks shall be established throughout the project at approximately 1,000 feet intervals. Show information on plans. 10. Centerline shall be tied to baseline if different from each other. 11. Tie proposed pipe to centerline or baseline, not to right-of-way line. Right-of-way line shall be tied to centerline or baseline. 12. All survey information shall be shown on the plans. 13. All point of intersections and deflection angles shall also be shown. Angle can be submitted by bearings. END OF SECTION 1-45 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01070 ABBREVIATIONS PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. Comply wherever in these specifications' references are made to the standards, specifications, or other published data of the various national, regional, or local organizations, such organizations may be referred to by their acronym or abbreviation only. As a guide to the user of these specifications, the following acronyms or abbreviations which may appear in these specifications shall have the meanings indicated herein. B. It is the intent of the City to obtain a complete functional, and satisfactory installation under this Contract, and any items of labor, equipment or materials which may reasonably be assumed as necessary to accomplish this end shall be supplied whether or not they are specifically shown on the Plans or stated herein. 1.0.2. ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS A. The Contractor is also alerted that various "Standards" are used herein for reference and criteria, and that he should obtain copies for his general use and protection. Abbreviated titles are used throughout these Specifications and although most of them are widely known, their complete titles are given below in order to avoid any misunderstanding. AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ACI American Concrete Institute AISI American Iron and Steel Institute ANSI American National Standards Institute, Inc. ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials AWWA American Water Works Association FAC Florida Administrative Code FBC Florida Building Code FDOH Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County FDOT State of Florida Department of Transportation MDDTPW Miami-Dade Department of Transportation and Public Works NSF NSF International OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration B. The above list shall not be considered complete, as there are other"Standards" used; however, in most cases complete titles have been given. C. Wherever "Standards" are indicated herein for reference, the referenced portion shall have the same force and effect as if it were included, herein, in its entirety, latest revision if the date of publication is not shown. 1-46 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement PART 2- PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3- EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 1-47 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01090 REFERENCE STANDARDS PART 1 — GENERAL 1.0.1. REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Comply with the requirements of standard with date as specified herein. Standards without dates shall be understood as the Standard current at the time of bid. In case of conflict between the referenced standards, the one having the more stringent requirements shall govern. B. In case of conflict between the referenced standards and the Project Documents, the Project Documents shall govern. C. When no reference is made to a code, standard, or specification, the standard specifications of the ASTM, the ANSI, the ASME, the IEEE, or the NEMA shall govern. 1.0.2. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Application: When a standard is specified by reference, comply with requirements and recommendations stated in that standard, except when requirements are modified by the Contract Documents or applicable codes establish stricter standards. 1.0.3 ABREVIATIONS A. Abbreviated titles for other governing standards are used throughout these specifications and although most of them are widely known, their complete titles are given below to avoid misunderstanding. 1. AA: Aluminum Association. 2. AAMA: Architectural Aluminum Manufacturer's Association. 3. AASHTO: American Association of the State Highway and Transportation Officials. 4. ACI: American Concrete Institute. 5. ACPA: American Concrete Pipe Association 6. AI: Asphalt Institute 7. AIA: American Institute of Architects AISC American Institute of Steel Construction 8. AISI: American Iron and Steel Institute 9. AITC: American Institute of Timber Construction 10. ANSI: American National Standards Institute, Inc. 1-48 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 11. API: American Petroleum Institute 12. ASCE: American Society of Civil Engineers 13. ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers 14. ASMM: Architectural Sheet Metal Manual 15. ASSE: American Society of Sanitary Engineers 16. ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials 17. AWS: American Welding Society 18. AWWA: American Water Works Association 19. BHMA: Builders Hardware Manufacturer's Association 20. CIPRA: Cast Iron Pipe Research Association 21. CLFMI: Chain Link Fence Manufacturers Institute 22. CMA: Concrete Masonry Association 23. DIPRA: Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association 24. ETL: Environmental Test Laboratories 25. FDEP: Florida Department of Environmental Protection 26. FDOT: Florida Department of Transportation 27. IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 28. NBS: National Bureau of Standards 29. NEC: National Electrical Code 30. NEMA: National Electrical Manufacturer's Association 31. NFPA: National Fire Protection Association 32. OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration 33. SSPC: Steel Structures Painting Council 34. SSPWC: Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction 35. SFWMD: South Florida Water Management District 1-49 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 36. UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. PART 2— PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3— EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 1-50 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01100 SPECIAL PROJECT REQUIREMENTS PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR A. The Contractor shall have at all times as his agent on the site of the work a competent superintendent capable of reading and thoroughly understanding the plans and specifications. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for the good condition of the work or materials until formal release from his obligations under the guidelines of this project. The Contractor shall store materials and shall be responsible for and shall maintain partly or wholly finished work during the continuance of the Contract. The Contractor shall place sufficient lights and danger signals on or near the work from sunset to sunrise; shall erect suitable railings or other protective devices about unfinished work, open trenches, embankments, or other obstructions; shall provide all necessary watchmen on the work by day or by night for the safety of the public and shall take all necessary precautions for preventing accidents or injuries to persons or property in or about the work. C. The Contractor shall be responsible for the coordination, location, and relocation of utilities, including but not limited to utility light poles, cables, fiber optic lines, sewer mains and services, electrical, telephone and television cables, signals and signal poles, fences, guard rails, piping, culverts, conduits and drains that interfere with the positioning of the work as set out on the drawings. The cost of all such coordination and relocations shall be included in the bid for the project and shall not result in any additional cost to the City. D. The Contractor shall be responsible for flow management during construction and ensure continuous sewer flow for the projects duration. The Contractor shall coordinate with the City for valve operation as they are the only entity allowed to operate valves(new or existing). The Contractor shall decide the best bypass method as part of their means and methods. Hot tapping is not allowed only for size-to-size connections. 4 E. Prior to proceeding with trench excavation, the Contractor shall contact all utility companies and all other users of the right-of-way in the area to aid in locating their underground services. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to contact utility companies at least three NORMAL WORKING DAYs before starting construction. The Contractor shall proceed with caution in the excavation and preparation of the trench so that the exact location of underground utilities may be determined. F. Wherever piping systems or utilities such as water, wastewater, air, chemical, electrical or other service lines must be crossed, deflection of the pipe within recommended limits and cover shall be used to satisfactorily clear the obstruction unless otherwise indicated on the drawings. Approximate locations of known 4 Items highlighted in red added for clarification to the Bid Set 1-51 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement installations in the vicinity of new work must be verified in the field by the Contractor, who shall uncover them carefully, prior to commencement of the work. G. The Contractor shall be familiar with all codes and regulations of the Federal Government, the State of Florida, Miami Dade County, the City of Miami Beach and any municipal corporations applicable to every aspect of the project. The Contractor shall provide all materials and shall perform all work necessary to fully comply with all provisions and requirements of applicable codes and regulations whether specifically indicated in the plans and specifications or not. It is the intent of the City to obtain a finished project in full compliance with all requirements of any agencies having jurisdiction over any portion of the work involved in the project. The Inspector will not recommend acceptance of the work until all requirements and provisions of pertinent codes and regulations have been satisfactorily fulfilled. H. Changing the grade of the proposed main by rising deflections, or the alignment by horizontal deflections, will not be considered as extra work, or extra cost, to the Contractor, and in some cases a credit to the City may be warranted. I. Any Conflicts between the field investigation and the information shown on the plans shall be brought to the immediate attention of the Engineer. J. The City shall provide an allowance for an Off-Duty Police Officer and the Contractor shall ensure that the Off-Duty Police Officer is present upon detour closures at the project site. 5 1.0.2. LAND FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES A. The Contractor shall ensure that storage and staging areas provided by the City are restored to their initial or better than initial conditions. The use of these areas shall not unduly interfere with the City's operations and the Contractor shall ensure that access to private properties is available at all times during construction. The Contractor has the responsibility to prepare the required documentation and secure all permits needed for the use of these areas.5 B. The Contractor shall limit operations, temporary facilities and storage of equipment and materials to on-site areas to be designed by the Engineer. C. Should the Contractor require additional space he/she shall make his own arrangements for storage of materials and equipment in locations off the construction site. For the allocated space, submit to the Engineer for approval, proposed plan and layout for all temporary facilities, offices, storage facilities, temporary water service and distribution, and temporary power service and distribution. Prior to commencing any new construction remove, relocate and protect where necessary all existing underground and above ground facilities, pipelines, utility systems, plantings and all other existing installations. All of these existing features shall be restored to their initial or better than initial conditions. 5 Items highlighted in red added for clarification to the Bid Set 1-52 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 1.0.3. PRE — CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE A. After the Award of Contract and prior to the issuance of the "Notice to Proceed," a preconstruction conference will be held with the Contractor, the City, various utility companies and others who are interested in the Project for the purpose of coordinating the work. The time and place of meeting will be set by the Engineer. B. In some cases the preconstruction conference may be held after the start work date stated in the written "Notice to Proceed." This may be due to difficulty with coordination of all parties concerned, or other similar reasons. C. Such delays in holding the preconstruction meeting will not relieve the Contractor of any responsibilities hereunder, and will not be an acceptable reason for him to request additional work completion time beyond that provided since he can be obtaining permits, mobilizing his equipment and forces, ordering materials, performing minor work, or other work if approved by the Engineer, during the interim period. D. Prior to the preconstruction conference, the Contractor shall prepare the construction schedule as described in Section 01120, "Sequence of Construction" and Section 01200"Project Meetings", Project Scheduling and provide copies of the same to others in attendance. E. The construction schedule shall include the place of beginning, the proposed order of progression, together with the estimated times for beginning and completing the various items of work. In addition, the Contractor shall prepare on electronic media, a critical path method (CPM)with emphasis made to"construction time and completion." F. The Engineer will discuss requirements of such matters as project supervision and inspections, progress schedules and reports, Contract Change Orders, insurance, safety, and other items pertinent to the Project. G. All parties to this conference should be prepared to discuss any problems anticipated with the execution of the work under this Contract. 1.0.4 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS A. The Contractor shall comply with the Department of Labor Safety&Health Regulations for construction promulgated under the Occupational Safety & Health Act of 1970, (PL 91-596). B. Comply with all applicable provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). The Contractor's Manual of Safety Practices, dealing with the firm's policies on field safety procedures for employees shall be submitted to the Engineer for review before Notice to proceed will be issued. C. Conduct operations in such a manner, utilizing warning devices, such as traffic cones, barricades and warning lights, that traffic and pedestrians are given adequate warning 1-53 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement of hazard of the work site as may be deemed necessary by the City and/or the Engineer. D. Certain products specified in these specifications contain warnings by the manufacturer that under certain conditions, if instructions for use of the product are no followed, a hazardous condition may develop. It is the Contractor's responsibility to instruct its workmen in the safe use of the product, or any product substitution. E. For trench excavations in excess of five feet in depth, the Contractor shall comply with the provisions of the State of Florida "Trench Safety Act". F. The contactor shall be familiar with the"Underground Facility Damage Prevention and safety Act", Florida Statute 556. The Contractor shall contact the Sunshine State One Call Center of Florida. G. Do not store any environmentally hazardous materials such as solvent, greases, lubricants or any other type of chemical substances at the work sit. The Contractor is permitted to keep such materials at the site as are for immediate use only. Do not store any empty container at the site. 1.0.5 PIPE AND EXISTING UTILITIES A. The underground utilities, structures and other facilities shown on the plans are located according to the best information available but may vary by several feet from both the position and elevation shown. The Contractor shall explore far enough in advance of his main trench to determine the exact location and condition of such utilities, structures or facilities so that, before the pipe is installed, the Engineer may change the line or grade of the pipe, should that become necessary to avoid a conflict. B. In all cases where the main is deflected either horizontally or vertically, and the Engineer requires additional work and items such as paving and similar items for which a pay item was established in the quotation, then such additional work and items will be paid for at the prices bid. Wider trench widths may be paid with the approval of the Engineer. C. The Contractor shall determine the locations of recent additions to the systems not shown on the plans. Extreme caution shall be exercised to eliminate any possibility of any damage to utilities resulting from his activities. The location of all overhead utilities shall be verified, and the Engineer notified of any conflict which might occur. The Contractor shall be responsible for determining which poles will need shoring during excavation and shall provide such shoring and support as is required. 1.0.6 CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING PIPING A. Perform in such a manner that no damage and minimal interruption is caused to existing installation. Any damage caused to existing installations shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor. 1-54 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement B. Coordinate connection operations with the City, who shall be notified at least 7 days in advance of any activity which may interfere with the existing utility system. C. All connections to existing force mains shall be made under the direct supervision of the City personnel. Valves separating the main being installed from existing mains shall be operated by the City personnel upon request by the Contractor. Under no circumstances shall any of these valves be operated by the Contractor's personnel. D. The Contractor's attention is called to the fact that connections to existing mains may involve the removal of a concrete anchor and cast iron plug; also that the existing mains may be cast iron with poured lead, sulfur compound, or rubber gasket type joints. The Contractor should be equipped with the proper tools and equipment to make connections to any one or more of these types of existing mains. New gaskets shall always be installed, regardless of the condition of the existing one. Other joint accessories, such as nuts, bolts and glands, shall be reused only if judged to be in good condition by the Engineer, unless otherwise specified in Section 01120 "Sequence of Construction". E. All necessary sheeting, shoring, excavation, backfill and compaction, surface repairs, and other items and work appurtenant to or incidental to the work shall be performed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall include all costs for items and work provided by him for this type of connection in his price or prices bid under the various Quotation Items. No other compensation will be provided. 1.0.7 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT FURNISHED BY THE CITY A. No material or equipment will be furnished by the City under this Contract. All material, labor and equipment necessary for completion of the work shall be furnished and installed by the Contractor, whether or not shown on the Plans or specifically mentioned in the Specifications. 1.0.8 WATER USED IN CONSTRUCTION A. The City will furnish water at a charge for all construction activities unless otherwise specifically made an exception in the project specifications or specifically made an exception by the Engineer in writing. B. Consumption for the following activities shall be determined by City personnel who shall be provided with a minimum of seventy-two (72) hour advance notification. Failure of the Contractor to provide advance notification and/or have City personnel on site to witness and verify consumption for the following activities could result in his being fined and/or a citation being issued against him in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the City's Tampering Section. 1. Pigging: 2. Flushing, only if and when approved by the Engineer: 1-55 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3. Chlorination, if applicable: 4. To fill mains being pressure tested, excluding make-up water during test: and 5. When and where directed or approved by the Engineer. Water for construction activities listed above will be furnished from adjacent City- owned water mains or the most convenient water source. In instances where no City-owned source of water is available, the Contractor shall make his own arrangements with the municipality or other controlling authority and include the cost of all water required during construction in his overall construction cost. No reimbursement will be made. C. Water used in construction for purposes other than those listed above, including make- up water pumped into the pipe during hydrostatic testing, will be furnished by the City at a charge. This water will be supplied from the most convenient source through the existing piping. However, all water used must be metered through a City meter. The Contractor will be billed by the City based on water usage recorded by the floating meter. D. When the project is occurring in the City of Miami Beach, the Contractor shall present to the City, the Fire Department Permit during application with the New Business Office. E. All piping, fittings, valves and equipment, including pumps and power, required for handling the water shall be furnished by the Contractor. Care shall be exercised in the use of the water and provision shall be made to protect the water supply for contamination and indiscriminate use by unauthorized persons. The Contractor shall use only potable water unless otherwise specifically called out elsewhere herein and then only in the case of sewage force mains. F. Under no circumstance shall the Contractor utilize a water source, including existing piping, until such source or piping has been approved for use by the City. 1.0.9 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT FURNISHED BY THE CONTRACTOR The general requirements specified herein shall apply to all items of materials and equipment in addition to the Specifications for individual items appearing in the following sections: A. All materials and equipment furnished by the Contractor for use in the work shall be new and of recent domestic manufacture, and shall be the products of reliable manufacturers who, unless otherwise specified, have been regularly engaged in the manufacture of such material and equipment for at least five (5)years. All components shall, wherever possible, be standard stock articles of well-known domestic manufacturers. Where the plans and specifications designate the product of a particular manufacturer, the product specified has been found suitable for the intended use, but, unless otherwise provided, articles or products of similar characteristics may be offered for the approval of the Engineer. A minimum of six copies (more if so 1-56 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement required herein) of complete descriptive data shall be furnished regarding all articles furnished by the Contractor. The descriptive data shall consist of dimension drawings, catalog references and other information necessary to clearly identify each article. When substitutions are permitted, the Contractor shall make all necessary changes in adjacent or connected structures and equipment at his expense and shall be solely responsible for all cost and time required by any difference in construction methods, fabrication or assembly required and no additional time will be allowed. Any re- permitting together with all costs and work associated therewith shall be performed by the Contractor and no additional compensation will be allowed. B. Where contemplated changes, substitutions or appurtenant work require engineering design, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor shall have such design services performed at his expense. Said engineering design services shall be of an extent satisfactory to the Engineer whose word shall be final and shall be performed by a Registered Professional Engineer licensed to practice in the State of Florida. C. All water system components shall be in full compliance with NSF/ANSI 61, "Drinking Water System Components- Health Effects," latest revision. D. The Contractor shall also supply certification that all materials supplied that will come into contact with drinking water conform or will conform with NSF/ANSI 61. E. The Contractor shall care for and protect against loss or damage all material and equipment to be incorporated in the construction, whether furnished by him/her or by the City, for the duration of the Contract, and shall repair or replace any lost or damaged items. The Contractor shall be relieved of such responsibility only upon final acceptance of all of the work by the Engineer. F. All pipe, valves, structural and reinforcing steel and miscellaneous materials shall be stored on blocks or racks. Pipe fittings shall be stored on blocks, racks or platforms. As far as possible, no material shall be stored so that it is in direct contact with the ground. All metal shall be thoroughly cleaned before being placed in the work. Storage and protection measures shall be subject to approval of the Engineer whose decision shall be final. The Contractor shall immediately protect materials by different methods, materials or to a greater extent if so, directed by the Engineer in the field. G. Unless otherwise specified or noted on the plans, all steel bolts, nuts, washers, eye bolts, tie rods and all other miscellaneous ferrous metal items shall be American made stainless steel. H. The Contractor shall have available sufficient tools and equipment to properly perform his work in all areas of the system, including easements or other areas with limited or restricted access or clearances. The Contractor is specifically advised that work in easement may require specialized equipment to satisfactorily perform the work and the capability to accomplish these installations is a requirement of these specifications. I. Any salvageable pipe, fitting, or other miscellaneous material or equipment, removed during construction and not reused in the work shall be cleaned, hauled to and stored by the Contractor at his expense, where directed by the Engineer, and shall remain 1-57 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement the property of the City. All other material and equipment shall be disposed of by the Contractor at his own expense. J. To ensure satisfactory and successful final painting of materials and equipment to be furnished, it is essential that the paints applied in the shop and in the field be mutually compatible. To this end, the Contractor shall require that the shop paints be applied to materials and equipment be compatible with the paints he proposes to use in the field or shall determine what shop paints have been used and select field paints compatible therewith, all as approved by the Engineer. K. The Contractor shall furnish the City. with one set of any special tools required for servicing for each type of equipment actually furnished. These tools shall be delivered to the office of the City's Construction Manager, City of Miami Beach Public Works. A letter of transmittal shall be provided, containing a list of all items being provided. L. All other material required to complete this project shall be furnished and installed by the Contractor, whether or not shown on the plans or specifically mentioned in the specifications. M. The Contractor shall procure extended manufacturer's warranties on equipment furnished by him. These warranties shall be kept in force and extended such that the City will be provided a manufacturer's warranty with at least one year to run beyond the date of final acceptance of the project. A copy of the warranty with these provisions clearly stated or with an attached letter of certification from the manufacturer to this effect shall be delivered with the equipment and no payment or partial payment for said equipment will be made until such warranty/certification is delivered to the Engineer. 1. The warranty shall specifically cover the case where the equipment warranted has been replaced by a newer model. In such instance the warranty shall either provide spare parts and service to repair or replace in its entirety the original model, or in lieu of this; provide a complete new model unit to replace the warranted and failing equipment. Should the failing equipment be replaced by a new model, the Contractor shall be responsible for making all necessary changes to adjacent and/or connected equipment at no extra cost to the City and to the satisfaction of the Engineer whose decision shall be final. 2. As a part of final inspection, the Contractor shall deliver to the City in a form satisfactory to the Engineer, either warranties or certifications of warranty extensions showing the warranties to be in effect at least one year beyond the planned date of final acceptance. 3. All costs for procuring, maintaining and extending these warranties shall remain with the Contractor, even in cases where the contract construction time for completion has been extended. These costs shall be included in the Contractor's bid price and no further compensation will be allowed. 4. In instances, where the City puts an item of equipment into full productive service prior to final acceptance, the warranty shall still be extended to at least one year 1-58 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement past final acceptance. However, the City will reimburse the Contractor for the prorated cost of the extended warranty from the time when the equipment was placed in full productive service to the date of final acceptance based upon the manufacturer's invoice to the Contractor for this cost. Only the warranty cost will be reimbursed, no overhead or other costs will be allowed. N. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing the electrical control panel, SCADA system integration and all necessary peripherals. O. The Contractor shall provide panel manufacturer's recommended spare parts for two years. P. Extended Warranties: 1. The Contractor shall procure extended manufacturer's warrantees on equipment furnished by him. These warrantees shall be kept in force and extended such that the City will be provided a manufacturer's warrantee with at least one (1) year to run beyond the date of final acceptance of the Project. A copy of the warrantee with these provisions clearly stated or with an attached letter of certification from the manufacturer to this effect shall be delivered with the equipment and no payment or partial payment for said equipment will be made until such warrantee/certification is delivered to the Engineer. 2. The warrantee shall specifically cover the case where the equipment warranted has been replaced by a newer model. In such instance the warrantee shall either provide spare parts and service to repair or replace in its entirety the original model, or in lieu of this; provide a complete new model unit to replace the warranted and failing equipment. Should the failing equipment be replaced by a new model, the Contractor shall be responsible for making all necessary changes to adjacent and/or connected equipment at no extra cost to the City and to the satisfaction of the Engineer whose decision shall be final. 3. As a part of final inspection, the Contractor shall deliver to the City in a form satisfactory to the Engineer, either warrantees or certifications of warrantee extensions showing the warrantees to be in effect at least one (1) year beyond the planned date of final acceptance. 4. All costs for procuring, maintaining and extending these warrantees shall remain with the Contractor, even in cases where the Contract construction time for completion has been extended. These costs shall be included in the Contractor's bid price and no further compensation will be allowed. 5. In instances where the City puts an item of equipment into full productive service prior to final acceptance, the warrantee shall still be extended to at least one (1) year past final acceptance. However, the City will reimburse the Contractor for the prorated cost of the extended warrantee from the time when the equipment was placed in full productive service to the date of final acceptance based upon the manufacturer's invoice to the Contractor for this cost. Only the warrantee cost will be reimbursed, no overhead or other costs will be allowed. 1-59 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement PART 2- PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3- EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 1-60 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01120 SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1 SCOPE OF WORK A. The sequence of construction has been divided into phases and steps representing major work areas, all of this in order to facilitate to the Contractor the execution of the project and minimize conflicts with operations. The general sequence of construction shall be as described in this Section, but also the City reserves the right to make changes on it. B. Coordinate sequence of construction with progress schedule to ensure timely performance of the work and project completion within the specified construction time. C. Special Instructions: It is the intent of the City to construct this project with as little disturbance and annoyance to the pump station's neighbors as possible. D. The Contractor's equipment must be in first class operating condition, including proper mufflers and other silencing accessories. All equipment must be properly lubricated on a special maintenance type schedule to reduce noise, including tracks, rollers, idlers, sheaves and other noise producing components. Care must be taken to prevent oil spillage of any kind or oil dripping from equipment. The Contractor shall provide a temporary electric service for his electric equipment as specified herein below, and shall pay all cost thereof, including all charges for electricity used during the entire course of the project until its acceptance by the City. E. If the equipment used proves less than satisfactory and is unduly or needlessly disturbing the neighbors, in the opinion of the Engineer, he will have the right to order the Contractor to immediately modify the equipment to make it satisfactory, or to change to other equipment that is satisfactory at no additional cost to the City. F. During construction the Contractor shall, by sprinkling with water or by other means approved by the Engineer, eliminate dust annoyance to adjacent property owners. No additional compensation will be paid to the Contractor for any costs incurred in complying with the provisions herein. 1.0.2 GENERAL A. Following receipt of"Notice to Proceed" with the work, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least five (5) days before he is ready to start actual construction, to allow the City time to make arrangements for inspection of the work. Drilling or installation work shall not begin until the Engineer or Engineer's Representative is present at the job site and agrees that prior preparations for the operation have been made. B. Contractor's PSM shall reestablish the design baseline, vertical control points and reference points, and establish proposed pipeline location in accordance with Section 02314 "Excavation, Backfill and Fill for Structural Facility and Utility Systems", Construction Methods. 1-61 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement C. The Contractor's equipment must be in first class operating condition, including safety features, proper mufflers and other silencing accessories. All equipment must be properly lubricated on a special maintenance type schedule to reduce noise, including tracks, rollers, idlers, sheaves and other noise producing components. Care must be taken to prevent oil spillage of any kind or oil dripping from equipment. D. If the equipment used proves less than satisfactory and is unduly or needlessly disturbing the neighbors, in the opinion of the Engineer, he will have the right to order the Contractor to immediately modify the equipment to make it satisfactory, or to change to other equipment that is satisfactory at no additional cost to the City. E. During construction the Contractor shall, by sprinkling with water or by other means approved by the Engineer, eliminate dust annoyance to adjacent property owners. No additional compensation will be paid to the Contractor for any costs incurred in complying with the provisions herein. F. Valves between the existing system and new work being installed hereunder shall only be operated by City's forces. The Contractor's personnel, under no circumstances, shall operate any such valve. This shall also apply to valves installed during the Project which are put into service prior to final acceptance (i.e. part of the Project is activated). G. All items shall be performed by the Contractor with special emphasis on the fact that numerous standard and miscellaneous construction phases are not mentioned specifically but shall be performed by the Contractor as required for a completed Project. H. Water in the trench shall be kept below the level of the pipe to prevent the entry of debris and contaminants into the pipe. 1. In instances where Section 02314 "Excavation, Backfill and Fill for Structural Facility and Utility Systems", Alternate Method of Construction is approved by the Engineer and used for the Project: During construction, the Contractor shall install a temporary plug, or other means approved by the Engineer, on the open end of the pipe in order to prevent debris and trench water backwash from entering the pipe during trench excavation ahead of the installed pipe. The plug shall remain in place until the following length of pipe is ready to be installed. No additional compensation will be paid to the Contractor for any costs incurred in complying with the provisions herein. I. As defined in Section 02314 "Excavation, Backfill and Fill for Structural Facility and Utility Systems", 3.0.12. Alternate Method of Construction, the preferred pipe installation method is wet. However, dewatering into the sewer system may be allowed in the project area. Dewatering volumes shall be approved through a Class V Dewatering Permit with Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources, Division of Environmental Resources Management. The Class V Permit shall also include the corresponding UT form approved by the City and Miami-Dade County. 6 6 Items highlighted in red added for clarification to the Bid Set 1-62 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement J. The Contractor is required to install nightcaps, plugs or other devices acceptable to the Engineer at the open ends of the pipe installation at the end the work day. This requirement shall apply to installations both above and below the water table. K. No separate payment shall be made for the cost of labor and materials required for the removal of nightcaps, plugs, bulkheads or external blocking and bracing of adjacent mains, for the supplying of water for cleaning and testing, nor for the interconnecting work to adjacent mains unless listed separately in the Quotation, and the cost of this work shall be included in other applicable items of work. L. Mains shall be cleaned at the intervals specified elsewhere herein and tested in sections as specified in the Sequence below unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer. M. Mains shall be cleaned in accordance with Section 02505 "Cleaning and Testing of Mains" N. The Contractor shall be responsible for positively anchoring the pipe, valves and fittings against movement from internal pressure by installing restrained joints, bulkheads, ties, external blocking and bracing or other devices where required, or by installing sufficient pipe beyond the valve end to serve as the thrust anchor for the section under test. O. Force-mains shall be pressure tested in accordance with AWWA Standard C-600, latest revision and the provisions of the City of Miami Beach Public Works Manual. The minimum pressure for testing shall be two (2) hours at 100 psi. P. Pressure tests are to be witnessed by City and the EOR. Q. The Contractor is advised that he is required to furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary to pressure test each valve furnished by either the City or the Contractor bi-directionally, prior to installation,to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If the valves are available, the tests shall be performed prior to the start of Construction. Otherwise the tests shall be performed as soon as the valves are available to afford the maximum time for any corrective work required. The Contractor shall include all costs for this requirement under the appropriate Quotation Item(s), and no other compensation will be provided. R. The installation of air release devices, flushing valve outlet assemblies and other appurtenances, cleanup, property restoration, paving repairs, cleaning and testing of the main shall follow as closely behind the installation of the main as possible, followed by a final cleanup and inspection. In performing the work in the above described sequence, all requirements of the Specifications shall be strictly followed, particularly those pertaining to leakage tests, prompt paving repairs and cleanup as the work progresses. S. The Contractor shall show and include in his schedule for each section of force main to be tested and placed in service, thirty-five (35) days for the activities (such as for 1-63 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement example, flushing, pressure testing, chlorination, sampling and testing, etc.) required for testing and certification. All time for these activities shall be included in the total number of calendar days allowed for construction of the Project(or number of calendar days allowed for construction of the water and/or sewer portions of joint projects such as JPAs) and no extra time will be allowed. T. The Contractor is advised that, if the work of this project includes work in the public right of way, that work may be shut down by the roadway governing authority during the period from the beginning of the Thanksgiving holiday through the end of the New Year holiday or some portion(s) of that period. Unless otherwise specifically called out herein, or granted by the Engineer in writing, no extension of Project time will be allowed due to such a shutdown. If any extension of time is allowed, it will be of a non- compensable nature. All costs of such a shutdown including any demobilization/re- mobilization costs shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor and no extra compensation will be allowed. Upon ending of any such shutdown, the Contractor shall immediately resume construction operations unless otherwise ordered by the Engineer in writing. U. The Contractor shall fully comply with any special working hours, and with all other requirements of the Permits, at no additional cost to the City. Working hours noted in permits or the specifications are subject to change. In the event that changed working hours effects the work of the Contractor, the Contractor's sole remedy shall be a non- compensable time extension. Said extension to be full compensation for all direct and indirect costs, including but not limited to loss of efficiency, loss of opportunity, increased bond or insurance premiums, or home office or extended overhead, incurred by the Contractor as a result of such change, and no additional compensation shall be considered. Night work may be required as a part of the construction. The City will allow up to 10 hours per day, 6 days per week for HDD drilling operations. However, other HDD operations shall be approved by the City based on the Right-of-Way Permit, Lane Closure Submittal and City Noise Ordinance 2006-3520. V. All pipe and fittings installed under this project shall be color coded or marked as required by FAC Rule 62-555.320(21)(b)3, using blue as a predominant color to differentiate drinking water from reclaimed or other water and green as the predominant color for sanitary sewage facilities. Underground metal or concrete pipe shall have colored stripes applied to the pipe wall. Pipe striped during manufacturing of the pipe shall have continuous stripes that run parallel to the axis of the pipe, that are located at no greater than 90-degree intervals around the pipe, and that will remain intact during and after installation of the pipe. If tape or paint is used to stripe pipe during installation of the pipe, the tape or paint shall be applied in a continuous line that runs parallel to the axis of the pipe and that is located along the top of the pipe; for pipes with an internal diameter of 24 inches or greater,tape or paint shall be applied in continuous lines along each side of the pipe as well as along the top of the pipe. Striping shall be continuous and run the full length of the pipe. Aboveground pipe shall be painted shall be color coded or marked like underground pipe. Items highlighted in red added for clarification to the Bid Set 1-64 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement W. The Contractor shall take steps to provide accessibility for local traffic. The construction in this area shall proceed as quickly as possible and paving shall follow immediately to reduce inconvenience to residents in this area of the project. Maintenance of Traffic (M.O.T.) plans have been provided as guidance. However, it is the Contractor's responsibility to submit a detailed M.O.T. which shall be approved by the City and Miami-Dade County. The Contractor shall ensure access to private properties and provide garbage services at all times during construction. For additional information refer to Section 01750 "Maintenance of Traffic and Public Streets". 8 X. The Contractor shall take pictures of the work site, in accordance with Section 01380 "Construction Photographs and Video Photography" prior to the start of any construction. Y. The Contractor is advised that, during the construction of the Project, the Construction Manager may require the Contractor to adjust the location of the proposed valves. This relocation(s) shall be performed at no additional cost to the City. Z. Locations of solid sleeves are for general information only. Exact location of solid sleeves shall be determined in the field by the Engineer. Prior to installation of solid sleeves, the pipe and fittings shall be hosed and kept clean. Water in trench shall be kept below the pipe invert. 1.0.3 PROJECT NOTES A. Existing Main that is to be Abandoned in Place: 1. Existing force main that is to be cut, capped, and abandoned in place shall be filled with flowable fill. See below: 2. ABANDONMENT OF PIPELINE a. Abandon sewer/water lines by completely filling the pipeline with flowable fill. b. Place flowable fill to fill the volume of the pipe to be abandoned. c. Have the filling operation performed by experienced crews with equipment to monitor density of the flowable fill and to control pressure. d. Pump flowable fill through bulkheads constructed for placement of two 2-inch PVC pipes or use other suitable construction methods to contain the flowable fill in the lines to be abandoned. These pipes will act as injection points or vents for placement of flowable fill. e. Place flowable fill under pressure flow conditions into a properly vented open system until flowable fill emerges from the vent pipes. Pump flowable fill with sufficient pressure to overcome friction and to fill the pipeline from the 8 Items highlighted in red added for clarification to the Bid Set 1-65 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement downstream end, to discharge at the upstream end. If flowable fill does not emerge from the vent move to the other opening and pump the flowable fill. f. Inject flowable fill through replaced ballast using grouting equipment and a series of grout pipes discharging at the bottom of the placement, allowing the fill to rise through the ballast effectively filling all voids. Alternatively, sequentially place individual pieces of ballast at the same time as flowable fill is placed. Do not fill with ballast more than 50 percent of the volume at any level to prevent nesting and void formation. 1.0.7 EXISTING FORCE MAINS A. The existing mains shall remain in service until the new mains are placed in service. Connections and disconnections together with cut, plug and abandonment work shall be coordinated through the City's Construction Manager. In all instances, the City's Construction Manager shall, beginning with the Preconstruction Meeting, coordinate with the Operations Division to pre-determine the notification lead times required for various operations. 1.0.8 SEQUENCE OF WORK F. The general sequence of construction shall be as follows, but a detailed sequence of construction shall be submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer before any work is started. The City reserves the right to make changes to the sequence as necessary to facilitate the work or to minimize conflict with operations and no extra compensation will be allowed. G. CAPITALIZED ITEMS INDICATE WORK OR FUNCTIONS TO BE PERFORMED BY CITY FORCES. All other items shall be performed by the Contractor with special emphasis on the fact that numerous standard and miscellaneous construction phases are not mentioned specifically but shall be performed by the Contractor as required for a complete Project. Note: For simplicity, the Sequence of Construction below will not detail the following items. These shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and no extra compensation will be allowed. 1. Contractor's field verification of all information provided in the Plans and to determine the type, location, elevation and extent of any utilities which may not have been shown on the Plans. 2. Contractor's operations involving cutting existing mains shall include: a. Excavate existing main and verify its conditions including outside diameter, material and elevation. 1-66 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement b. Coordinate with the City for proper flow diversion c. Pressure test the cutting in materials prior cutting the existing pipe. d. After a successful pressure test perform the cutting in operations and specified here in. 3. Cleaning of the main with a pig. a. Openings shall be left in the main to allow for the cleaning of the main with a pig. b. The pigging of the main shall be done before the installation of valves. 4. Installation of valves, bends, solid sleeves, air release valves, flushing valve outlets. However, they shall be constructed in sequence with the installation of the pipelines as the work progresses and after installation shall be tested and disinfected (water facilities) in sequence with the testing and disinfecting (water facilities) of the main. 5. Submit complete "Pre-Approved Product List(s)"and/or shop drawings package to the Engineer in accordance with Section 01340"Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples" Obtain all pipe, valves, fittings and appurtenant items to begin the work. 6. Notify"Sunshine State One-Call of Florida Inc., 811,"forty-eight (48) hours prior to any excavation. Locate all utilities along the route of the Project. 7. Contractor's PSM shall reestablish the design baseline, vertical control points and reference points, and establish proposed pipeline location in accordance with Section 02314 "Excavation, Backfill and Fill for Structural Facilities and Utility Systems", Construction Methods. 8. After items 6 and 7 are completed,the Contractor shall meet with the City Inspector at the Project site and perform a pre-construction walk-through along the entire route of the Project to identify possible problems or conflicts with the proposed pipeline location. 9. The general sequence of work shall be as follows: 1) Phase I — Mobilization Step 1 — Initiate mobilization. The Contractor shall set up storage, staging and parking areas, temporary environmental controls and tree protection devices in the project site. Obtain permits, develop and submit construction schedule and start shop drawing submittal. Contractor shall allow access to any facilities within the project site at all times during construction. 1-67 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement Step 2 — Call for locates (Sunshine 811) and document all location marks in the field. Step 3 — The Contractor shall include the necessary provisions to safeguard the existing and new pipelines while the remainder of the Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement construction takes place. Step 4—Contractor shall immediately open a dialog with all existing utilities in the project area. Contractor shall notify Engineer of any utility relocation requirements and costs. Utility relocations shall be reimbursed under a dedicated allowance account. Failure to properly coordinate any required utility relocations may result in delays for which the Contractor may be liable for. Step 5 — Verify locations, elevations, dimensions, type of joints, manufacturer of pipes, equipment, etc., before ordering materials to complete the work in accordance with the Contract Documents, Shop Drawings and field conditions. This is critical for the cutting operations of the force main at the location of the points of connection. The Contractor shall excavate the points of connections and verify the material, outside diameter (confirm if oversized outside diameter conditions exist) and elevation of the pipes before ordering the required materials for the points of connection (tees, bends, solid sleeves, valves others). Step 6 — Upon approval of shop drawings, order long lead items so that materials may be delivered in a timely fashion without delays to construction. Step 7—Contractor shall submit maintenance of traffic(MOT) plans for the portion of the work that will affect the public right of way (ROW) (Pine Tree Drive, La Gorce Drive and West 51st Street). Contractor shall provide adequate MOTs and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)for each phase of the force main installation described below. 2) Phase II — Force Main Installation Step 1 —Contractor shall be responsible for flow management during construction and shall ensure continuous sewer flow throughout the project duration. As a requirement of the City, the Contractor shall avoid hot tapping. However, the City approves the use of line stops to by-pass the system. Two (2) line stops were contemplated in the flow management dedicated allowance. These line stops would be located at the north end of the project where the interconnection will be installed. 9 Step 2 — Install via Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) the 30-inch HDPE force main located towards the east side of Pine Tree Drive (to replace the existing 24- inch aerial crossing force main). 9 Items highlighted in red added for clarification to the Bid Set 1-68 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement Step 3 — Install via HDD the 30-inch HDPE force main located towards the west side of Pine Tree Drive(to replace the existing 30-inch sub-aqueous crossing force main). Step 4—Install via open trench the east and west 30-inch DIP force mains sections, located at the south end of the project. Step 5— Install via open trench the east and west 30-inch DIP force main sections to interconnect the proposed force mains with the existing ones, at the south end and north end of the project. Step 6 — Install via open trench the 6-inch DIP discharge force main of Pump Station 15 (re-routed and re-connected to the proposed force main towards the west side of Pine Tree Drive). Note: Step 6 shall be performed in parallel with the installation via open trench of the 30-inch interconnection located on the north end of the project. Step 7— Cap the existing force mains, remove the necessary pipe, and fill and plug the existing force mains to be abandoned in place. 3) Phase III — Final Sitework and Project Closeout Step 1 — Repair roadway, sidewalks, medians, landscape, curbing, access roadway within project site, asphalt areas as required. Step 2— Demobilization and related closeout activities shall be in accordance with Section 01700 "Project Closeout". Step 3— Restore project site to pre-existing conditions, as applicable. Step 4 — Complete all remaining miscellaneous and appurtenant work, including restoration of damaged survey control points, final inspection and cleanup. H. The Contractor's equipment must be in first class operating condition, including proper mufflers and other silencing accessories. All equipment must be properly lubricated on a special maintenance type schedule to reduce noise, including tracks, rollers, idlers, sheaves and other noise producing components. Care must be taken to prevent oil spillage of any kind or oil dripping from equipment. The Contractor shall provide a temporary electric service for his electric equipment as specified herein below, and shall pay all cost thereof, including all charges for electricity used during the entire course of the project until its acceptance by the City. If the equipment used proves less than satisfactory and is unduly or needlessly disturbing the neighbors, in the opinion of the Engineer, he will have the right to order the Contractor to immediately modify the equipment to make it satisfactory, or to change to other equipment that is satisfactory at no additional cost to the City. During construction the Contractor shall, by sprinkling with water or by other means approved by the Engineer, eliminate dust 1-69 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement annoyance to adjacent property owners. No additional compensation will be paid to the Contractor for any costs incurred in complying with the provisions herein. PART 2— PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3 EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 1-70 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01200 PROJECT MEETINGS PART 1 — GENERAL 1.0.1. PROJECT SCHEDULES A. General: Develop and submit for approval by the City a construction progress schedule and phasing plan demonstrating complete fulfillment of all Contract requirements including all activities of Subcontractors, equipment vendors and suppliers. Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, the construction progress schedule shall be computer developed and maintained using Microsoft Project software as manufactured by Microsoft Corporation, Primavera, or equal. The Contractor shall prepare a network plan utilizing CPM (Critical Path Method). The City reserves the right to request progress schedule on magnetic media. B. Submittal: The progress schedule shall be plotted on 11-inch by 17-inch paper and shall be reviewed and updated monthly, depicting progress through the last day of the current month and scheduled progress through completion. Six up to date copies of the schedule shall be submitted along with the application for monthly progress payments for the same period. 1. Immediately after award of contract, submit for review the progress schedule describing the activities to be accomplished and their dependency relationships, showing starting and completion dates for each activity in terms of the number of days after receipt of Notice to Proceed. All completion dates shown shall be within the period specified for contract completion. 2. After receipt and initial review, the Engineer will meet with the Contractor for joint review, correction or adjustment of the proposed plan and schedule. Within five (5) calendar days after the joint review, the Contractor shall revise the schedule in accordance with agreements reached during the joint review and shall submit two copies of the revised schedule. After the Contractor has received both the Notice to Proceed and the approved copy of the schedule, he shall immediately add calendar dates in lieu of the number of days from the date of Notice to Proceed and shall furnish two copies of the revised schedule to the Engineer. C. Schedule Requirements: 1. Show the sequence and interdependence of activities required for complete performance. In preparing the schedule, break up the work into activities of a duration of no longer than fifteen working days each, except as to non-construction activities (such as procurement of materials, delivery of equipment and concrete curing) and any other activities for which the Engineer may approve the showing of longer duration. The schedule shall show the activities for actual construction work for each trade category of the project. The Contractor is to include a schedule of submittals of shop drawings, equipment schedules, coordination drawings, templates, fabrication, delivery and the like, and review and approval of shop drawings. Activities related to a specific physical area of the project shall be grouped on the schedule for ease of understanding and simplification. Activity 1-71 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement duration (i.e. the single best estimate, considering the scope of the activity, and the resources planned for the activity) shall be shown on each activity on the diagram. To the extent that the schedule or any revised schedule shows anything not jointly agreed upon or fails to show anything jointly agreed upon, it shall not be deemed to have been approved by the Engineer. Failure to include any element of work required for the performance of this Contract shall not excuse the Contractor from completing all work required within any applicable completion date, notwithstanding the City's approval of the schedule. 2. Include a cost estimate for each activity which cumulatively equals the total Contract cost. Estimated overhead and profit shall be prorated throughout all activities. The partial payments as defined under the General Conditions will be based on these approved activity costs. 3. With each request for a partial payment, submit a copy of the approved schedule marked to show the activities completed and partially completed, for which payment is requested. 4. The Contractor is advised that, if the work of this project includes work in the public right of way, that work may be shut down by the roadway governing authority during the period from the beginning of the Thanksgiving holiday through the end of the New Year holiday or some portion(s) of that period. Unless otherwise specifically called out herein, or granted by the Engineer In writing, no extension of Project will be allowed due to such a shutdown. If any extension of time is allowed, it will be a non-compensable nature. All costs of such a shutdown including any demobilization/re-mobilization costs shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor and no extra compensation will be allowed. Upon ending of any such shutdown, the Contractor shall immediately resume construction operations unless otherwise ordered by the Engineer in writing. 5. The Contractor shall fully comply with any special working hours, and with all other requirements of the Permits, at no additional cost to the City. Working hours noted in permits or the specifications are subject to change. In the event that changed working hours affects the work of the Contractor, the Contractor's sole remedy shall be a non-compensable time extension. Said extension to be full compensation for all direct and indirect costs, including but not limited to loss of efficiency, loss of opportunity, increased bond or insurance premiums, or home office or extended overhead, incurred by the Contractor as a result of such change, and no additional compensation shall be considered. Night work may be required as a part of the construction. 1.0.2. PROGRESS MEETINGS A. General progress meetings will be held once each week at which every entity then involved in the planning, coordination and performance of work shall be discussed. The progress of each element of current work shall be discussed as to whether it is ahead of schedule, on time or behind time in relation to the updated progress schedule. For each meeting, the Contractor shall prepare a detailed three (3) week "look ahead" schedule in addition to, showing the progress schedule of the previous 1-72 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement week. Methods to expedite behind-time work shall be determined, and commitments secured for bringing back to the scheduled date for the entities involved. Everything of significance which could affect the progress of the work, including schedule revisions, shall be discussed to ensure that current and subsequent work will be completed within the Contract time. Within three days after each meeting, copies of the minutes of the meeting, including a brief summary of progress of the work since the previous meeting, shall be distributed to each present or who should have been present. Whenever revisions to the progress schedule have been made or recognized at the progress meeting, a copy of the revised schedule shall accompany the minutes distributed. B. Each computer-generated construction progress schedule and report shall include the following minimum items: 1. Activity Numbers. 2. Duration Estimate. 3. Activity Description. 4. Early Start Date (Calendar Dated). 5. Early Finish Date (Calendar Dated). 6. Latest Allowable Start Date (Calendar Dated). 7. Latest Allowable Finish Date (Calendar Dated). 8. Status (whether critical). 9. Estimated Cost of The Activity. 10. Total Float and Free Float. C. In addition, each construction progress schedule, network analysis and report shall be prefaced with the following summary data: 1. Contract Name and Number. 2. Contractor's Name. 3. Contract Duration. 4. Contract Schedule. 5. The Effective or Starting Date of The Schedule (the date indicated in the Notice-to-Proceed). 1-73 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement D. The workday to calendar date correlation shall be based on an 8-hour day and 40-hour week with adequate allowance for holidays, adverse weather and all other special requirements of the work. Normal work hours are Monday thru Friday, 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. E. If the Contractor desires to make changes in the method of operating which affects the construction progress schedule and related items, he/she shall notify the Engineer in writing stating what changes are proposed and the reason for the change. If the Engineer accepts these changes, in writing, the Contractor shall revise and submit, without additional cost to the City, all of the affected portions of the construction progress schedule, and associated reports. The construction progress schedule and related items shall be adjusted by the Contractor only after prior acceptance, in writing by the Engineer. Adjustments may consist of changing portions of the activity sequence, activity durations, division of activities, or other adjustments as may be required. The addition of extraneous, non-work activities and activities which add restraints to the construction progress schedule shall not be accepted. F. Except where earlier completions are specified, schedule dates which show completion of all work prior to the contract completion date shall, in no event, be the basis for claim for delay against the City by the Contractor. G. Construction progress schedules and related items which contain activities showing negative float or which extend beyond the contract completion date will not be accepted by the Engineer. Whenever it becomes apparent from the current construction progress schedule and associated reports that delays to the critical path have resulted and the contract completion date will not be met, or when so directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall take some or all of the following actions at no additional cost to the City. They shall submit to the Engineer for approval, a written statement of the steps they intend to take to remove or arrest the delay to the critical path in the current construction progress schedule. 1. Increase construction manpower in such quantities and crafts as will substantially eliminate the backlog of work. 2. Increase the number of working hours per shift, shifts per day, working days per week, the amount of construction equipment, or any combination of the foregoing, sufficiently to substantially eliminate the backlog of work. 3. Reschedule activities to achieve maximum practical concurrence of accomplishment of activities and comply with the revised schedule. H. If when so requested by the Engineer, the Contractor should fail to submit a written statement of the steps they intend to take or should fail to take such steps as reviewed and accepted in writing by the Engineer, the Engineer may direct the Contractor to increase the level of effort in manpower (trades), equipment and work schedule (overtime, weekend and holiday work, etc.) to be employed by the Contractor in order to remove or arrest the delay to the critical path in the current construction progress schedule, and the Contractor shall promptly provide such level of effort at no additional cost to the City. 1-74 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement I. If the completion of any activity, whether or not critical, falls more than 100 percent behind its previously scheduled and accepted duration, the Contractor shall submit for approval a schedule adjustment showing each such activity divided into two activities reflecting completed versus uncompleted work. J. Shop drawings which are not approved on the first submittal or within the time scheduled, and equipment which does not pass the specified tests and certifications shall be immediately rescheduled. K. The contract time will be adjusted only in accordance with the General Requirement and other portions of the Contract Documents as may be applicable. If the Engineer finds that the Contractor is entitled to any extension of the contract completion date, the Engineer's determination as to the total number of days extension shall be based upon the current construction progress schedule and on all data relevant to the extension. Such data shall be included in the next updating of the schedule and related items. Actual delays in activities which, according to the construction progress schedule, do not affect any contract completion date will not be the basis for a change therein. L. From time to time it may be necessary for the contract schedule of completion time to be adjusted by the City in accordance with the General Requirements and other portions of the Contract Documents as may be applicable. Under such conditions, the Engineer will direct the Contractor to reschedule the work or contract completion time to reflect the changed conditions, and the Contractor shall revise the construction progress schedule and related items accordingly, at no additional cost to the City. M. Available float time may be used by the City through the City's Engineer. N. The City controls the float time and, therefore, without obligation to extend either the overall completion date or any intermediate completion dates the City may initiate changes that absorb float time only. City initiated changes that affect the critical path on the network diagram shall be the sole grounds for extending the completion dates. Contractor-initiated changes that encroach on the float time may be accomplished only with the City's concurrence. Such changes, however, shall give way to City-initiated changes competing for the same float time. O. To the extent that the construction project schedule, or associated report or any revision thereof shows anything not jointly agreed upon or fails to shown anything jointly agreed upon, it shall not be deemed to have been accepted by the Engineer. Failure to include on a schedule any element of work required for the performance of this Contract shall not excuse the Contractor from completing all work required within any applicable completion date, notwithstanding the review of the schedule by the Engineer P. Review and acceptance of the construction progress schedule, and related reports, by the Engineer is advisory only and shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for accomplishing the work within the contract completion date. Omissions and errors in the construction progress schedule, and related reports shall not excuse 1-75 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement performance less than that required by the Contract and in no way make the Engineer an insurer of the Contractor's success or liable for time or cost overruns flowing from any shortcomings in the construction progress schedule, and related reports. Q. The Contractor shall present and discuss the proposed schedule at the preconstruction conference. R. The construction progress schedule shall be based upon the precedence diagramming method of scheduling and shall be prepared in the form of a horizontal bar chart showing in detail the proposed sequence of the work and identifying all construction activities included but not limited to yard piping, all structures and treatment units and all related work specified herein to be performed under the Contract. The schedule shall be time scaled, identifying the first day of each week, with the estimated date of starting and completion of each stage of the work in order to complete the project within the contract time. The project critical path shall be clearly identified. 1.0.3. DAILY REPORTS A. Prepare and submit to the Engineer at regular intervals not exceeding weekly intervals, a daily report recording information concerning events at the site. The daily reports shall contain the following and any other significant information: 1. General weather conditions, rain, high/low temperatures. 2. List of Subcontractors on site. 3. List of separate Contractors at the site, if any. 4. Meetings and significant decisions. 5. Stoppages, delays, shortages, losses. 6. Emergency procedures, field orders. 7. Orders/requests by governing authorities. 8. Other events or activities. 9. Partial completions. PART 2— PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3— EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 1-76 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01300 SUBMITTALS PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. Submittals covered by these requirements include manufacturers' information, shop drawings, test procedures, test results, samples, requests for substitutions, and miscellaneous work-related submittals. Submittals shall also include, but not be limited to, all mechanical, materials, reinforcing steel, fabricated items, and piping and conduit details. The Contractor shall furnish all drawings, specifications, descriptive data, certificates, samples, tests, methods, schedules, and manufacturer's installation and other instructions as specifically required in the contract documents to demonstrate fully that the materials and equipment to be furnished and the methods of work comply with the provisions and intent of the contract documents. B. The Contractor shall submit copies of all permit applications, permit submittals, permit comments and permit approvals. C. Within 10 calendar days after Notice to Proceed, Contractor shall submit a complete list of all anticipated submittals including shop drawings, submittals, and product data with an anticipated delivery date to the Engineer and review and approval times. This shall be reviewed during the Project Kickoff Meeting and shall be continuously updated and reviewed during Project Progress Meetings. 1.0.2. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY A. The Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in each submittal and shall assure that the material, equipment or method of work shall be as described in the submittal. The Contractor shall verify that all features of all products conform to the specified requirements. Submittal documents shall be clearly edited to indicate only those items, models, or series of equipment, which are being submitted for review. All extraneous materials shall be crossed out or otherwise obliterated. The Contractor shall ensure that there is no conflict with other submittals and notify the Engineer in each case where his submittal may affect the work of another Contractor or the Owner. The Contractor shall coordinate submittals among its Subcontractors and suppliers including those submittals complying with unit responsibility requirements. B. Record Drawings: Refer to Section 01720 "Project Record Drawings". C. As-Built Record Drawings: Refer to Section 01725 "As-Built Drawings". PART 2— PRODUCTS NOT USED 1-77 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement PART 3-EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 1-78 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01340 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, AND SAMPLES PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. Before proceeding with the erection of the construction plan, including the setting or placing thereof, and the erection of other temporary structures, the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with such information and plans as the City may require. B. Shop Drawings (including Pre-Approved Product List submittals) shall be submitted prior to any project construction activity. In a timely fashion, well before the contemplated ordering for fabrication of special order or long-lead items or construction use of any standard element of the work, the Contractor shall furnish Shop Drawings for the review and approval of the City. C. It is the Contractor's sole responsibility, upon the first occasion of submittal of a particular element of the work, to submit Shop Drawings of an element which match and fulfill the requirements and intent of the plans and specifications. Any delays or costs caused, either directly or indirectly, by non-timely submissions; submission of items differing significantly from the intent of the plans and/or specifications; repeated submission of, or argument over, rejected elements or changes required for acceptance; arguments with the criteria or requirements of the plans or specifications; or any other such similar activities shall be at the expense of the Contractor. D. It is the intent of the Contract Documents that the Contractor shall, in the first instance, submit Shop Drawings of elements which meet or exceed the requirements of the Contract Documents and fit with the other elements of the work and the existing conditions. Delays or the inability to obtain shop drawing approval may subject the Contractor to costs for liquidated or actual damages as specified in the Contract. 1.0.2. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. It is the intent of the Contract Documents that the Contractor shall, in the first instance, submit Shop Drawings of elements which meet or exceed the requirements of the Contract Documents and fit with the other elements of the work and the existing conditions. Delays or the inability to obtain shop drawing approval may subject the Contractor to costs for liquidated or actual damages as specified in the Contract. B. After award of the project, the Contractor may begin providing submittals for approval. Submit to the Engineer a complete list of preliminary data on items for which Shop Drawings are to be submitted. Included in this list shall be the names of all proposed manufacturers furnishing specified items. Review of this list by the Engineer shall in no way expressed or implied relieve the Contractor from submitting complete Shop Drawings and providing materials, equipment, etc., fully in accordance with the specifications. This procedure is required in order to expedite final review of Shop Drawings. 1-79 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement C. Maintain an accurate updated Shop Drawing submittal log which shall include the following items: 1. Submittal Description and Number Assigned. 2. Specification Section. 3. Plans Sheet Number. 4. Date to Engineer. 5. Date Returned to Contractor (from Engineer). 6. Status of Submittal (Approved, Approved as Noted, Rejected/Resubmit). 7. Date of Resubmittal and Return (as Applicable). 8. Date Material Release (for Fabrication). 9. Projected Date of Fabrication. 10. Projected Date of Delivery to site. 11. Status of 0 & M Manuals Submittal. 1.0.3. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY A. Furnish the Engineer with a schedule of Shop Drawings submittals, fixing the respective dates for the submission of Shop Drawings, the beginning of manufacture, testing and installation of materials, supplies and equipment. This schedule shall indicate those that are critical to the progress schedule. B. Submit to the Engineer all plans and schedules sufficiently in advance of construction requirements to provide maximum time for checking and appropriate action from the time the Engineer receive them. C. It is the duty of the Contractor to check and approve all plans, data and samples prepared by or for him/her before submitting them to the Engineer for review. Each and every copy of the plans and data shall bear Contractor's stamp showing that they have been checked and approved. Shop Drawings submitted to the Engineer without the Contractor's stamp and approval shall be returned to the Contractor for conformance with this requirement before Engineer's review. Shop Drawings shall indicate any deviations in the submittal from requirements of the Project Documents and the Contractor shall state the reason why a deviation is required. D. All submittals shall be accompanied by a submittal registry and transmittal letter containing the following information: 1-80 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 1. Date. 2. Project Title and Number. 3. Contractor's name and address. 4. The number of each Shop Drawing, Data, and Sample submitted. 5. Notification of Deviations from Project Documents. 6. Submittal Log Number conforming to and referring to Specification Section Number. 7. Contractor signature or of its authorized representative. E. Submit seven copies of Shop Drawings and of descriptive or product data submittals necessary to complement Shop Drawing. The Engineer will retain five sets. F. After receiving approval by the Engineer, the Contractor shall be responsible for submitting the Shop Drawings to the City. Shop Drawings of all premanufactured items and all other Shop Drawings are required to obtain approval prior to manufacturing or installing the submitted items. The Contractor shall also be responsible for contesting any interpretations by the City that considers non-acceptable. The Contractor shall include in the bid prices, all costs for permits, fees and expenses associated with the submittals, including resubmittals (if any) of Shop Drawings to the City. G. Do not begin any of the work covered by a drawing, data, or a sample returned as "Rejected/Resubmit" until a revision or correction thereof has been reviewed and returned to the Contractor, by the Engineer, with approval or approval "As Noted". Be responsible for and bear all costs of damages which may result from the ordering of any material or from proceeding with any part of work prior to receiving Engineer's approval or approval "As Noted" of the necessary Shop Drawings. H. Be fully responsible for observing the need for and for making any changes in the arrangement of piping, connections, wiring, manner of installation, etc., which may be required by the materials/equipment the Contractor proposes to supply, both as they pertain to the Contractor's own work, work of others, or of other Divisions herein or Trades and clearly show such changes on the Shop Drawings. I. When substitutions in materials or equipment are allowed, the Contractor shall make all necessary changes in adjacent or connected structures and equipment at his expense. Where contemplated changes, substitutions or appurtenant work require engineering design, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor shall have such design services performed at his expense. J. When substitutions in materials or equipment are allowed, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for all costs and time required by any differences in construction methods, fabrication or assembly required and no additional time will be allowed. 1-81 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement K. Determine and verify: 1. Field measurements. 2. Field construction criteria. 3. Catalog numbers and similar data. 4. Conformance with specifications. 5. That installation and maintenance clearances are sufficient particularly when equipment or arrangement changes have been made. 1.0.4. ENGINEER'S REVIEW OF SHOP DRAWINGS A. Engineer's review of plans, data and samples, submitted by the Contractor will cover only general conformity to the drawing and specifications. The Engineer's review will not constitute an approval of dimensions, quantities, and details of the material, equipment, device, or item shown. The review of plans and schedules will be general, and shall not be construed: 1. As permitting any departure from the Contract requirements. 2. As relieving the Contractor of responsibility for any errors, including detail, dimensions, and materials. 3. As approving departures from details furnished by the Engineer, except as otherwise provided herein. B. Variations: 1. If the plans or schedules, as submitted, describe variations per paragraph 1.03 C, and show a departure from the Contract requirements which Engineer finds to be in the interest of the City and to be so minor as not to involve a change in Contract price or time for performance, the Engineer may return the reviewed plans without noting an exception. 2. If the plans or schedules, as submitted, describe variations and show a departure from the Contract requirements which the Engineer finds to be minor enough to be corrected by redlining the submittal,the Engineer will mark and return the submittal marked "Approved as Noted." The redlined corrections shall be as binding on the Contractor as would be a resubmission embodying the same corrections. C. When reviewed by the Engineer, each of the Shop Drawings shall be stamped and dated to indicate it had been reviewed. Shop Drawings stamped "Revise and Resubmit" and with required corrections shown will be returned to the Contractor for correction and resubmittal. 1-82 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement D. If the Contractor considers any correction indicated on the Shop Drawings to constitute a change to the project plans or specifications, the Contractor shall give written notice thereof to the Engineer who will render a decision which shall be final. After the decision has been made, the Contractor shall without delay, provide the corrections to the plans. E. When the Shop Drawings have been approved by the Engineer, the Contractor shall carry out the construction in accordance therewith and shall make no further changes therein except upon written instructions from the Engineer. F. No partial submittals will be reviewed. Submittals not complete will be returned to the Contractor for resubmittal. 1.0.5. SHOP DRAWINGS A. Shop drawings shall be of such character that they may be used as fabrication drawings. Prior to submission, the Contractor shall thoroughly check such drawings, satisfying himself that they meet the requirements of the Plans and Specifications and that they are coordinated with the arrangements set forth on other shop drawings, and shall place on them the Project Number, the date and his signature and stamp of approval. Where items for which shop drawings are submitted are to meet special conditions listed in the detailed Specifications, the conditions shall be so noted on the drawing. Where there is a deviation from the Specifications, the Contractor shall note it and state the reason why a deviation is required. Two copies will be returned to the Contractor with the Engineer's mark of approval thereon, or will be marked to indicate changes necessary to effect compliance with the Specifications and the remaining copies will be retained by the City. When shop drawings are approved by the Engineer, they shall be as binding as any of the Contract Documents. Any errors or omissions on the shop drawings shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility. He shall correct such errors, or omissions, including any necessary additions or alterations to construction, at his expense upon notification by the Engineer. B. Shop drawings submitted without the required approval as specified above shall be returned without review and no extension of time will be granted for any delays caused by such improper submission. C. The approval of shop drawings and data will be general, and shall mean that upon examination of the shop drawings, no variations from the Contract requirements have been discovered, and approval will not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities as defined under the Contract. D. When used in the Project Documents, the term "Shop Drawings" shall be considered to mean Contractor's plans for materials and equipment which become an integral part of the project. These Shop Drawings shall be complete and detailed. Shop Drawings shall consist of fabrication, erection and setting drawings and schedule drawings, manufacturer's scale drawings, and wiring and control diagrams. Cuts, catalogs, pamphlets, descriptive literature, and performance/test data shall be considered only as supportive to required Shop Drawings as defined above. 1-83 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement E. Manufacturer's catalog sheets, brochures, diagrams, illustrations and other standard descriptive data shall be clearly marked to identify pertinent materials, product or models. Information which is not applicable to the work shall be deleted by striking or cross hatching. F. If plans show variations from Contract requirements because of standard shop practice or for other reasons, describe such variations in the letter of transmittal. If no explanation of these variations is provided, the Contractor shall not be relieved of the responsibility for executing the work in accordance with the Contract, even though such plans have been reviewed and approved. G. For all mechanical and electrical equipment furnished, provide a list including the equipment name, address of and telephone number of the manufacturer's representative and service company so that service and/or spare parts can be readily obtained. H. All manufacturers or equipment suppliers who propose to furnish equipment or products shall submit an installation list to the Engineer along with the required Shop Drawings. The installation list shall include at least five installations where identical equipment has been installed and has been in operation for a period of at least five years, unless otherwise specified. Manufacturers and/or equipment which fails to meet the specified experience period will be considered if the manufacturer or supplier provides a bond or cash deposit which will guarantee replacement of the equipment or process in the event of failure or unsatisfactory service. I. Only the Engineer will utilize the color"red" in marking Shop Drawing submittals. 1.0.6. REQUIRED INFORMATION A. Submit, as applicable, the following for all prefabricated or manufactured structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, process system, and equipment work: 1. Shop Drawings or equipment drawings, including dimensions, size and location of connections to other work, and weight of equipment. 2. Catalog information and cuts. 3. Installation or placing plans for equipment, drives, and bases. 4. Supporting calculations, signed and sealed by a Florida Registered Engineer when required, for equipment and associated supports, or hangers required or specified to be designed by equipment manufacturers. 5. Signed and sealed calculations and plans by in-house Florida Registered Professional Engineer for structural systems, indicating compliance to the structural design criteria specified in the plans. 6. Complete manufacturer's specifications, including materials description and paint system. 1-84 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 7. Performance data and pump curves. 8. Suggested spare parts with current price information. 9. List of special tools required for testing, checking, parts replacement, and maintenance. (Special tools are those which have been specially designed or adapted for use on parts of the equipment, and are not customarily and routinely carried by maintenance mechanics) 10. List of special tools furnished with the equipment 11. List of materials and supplies required for the equipment prior to, and during startup 12. List of materials or supplies furnished with the equipment 13. Special handling instructions 14. Requirements for storage and protection prior to installation 15. Requirements for routine maintenance required prior to equipment startup 16. List of all requested exceptions to the Project Documents 1.0.7. SUBMITTAL REQUIRED FOR FOREIGN MANUFACTURED ITEMS A. In addition to the submittal requirements stated above, suppliers of foreign manufactured items shall submit the names and addresses of companies within the United States that maintain technical service representatives and a complete inventory of spare parts and accessories for each foreign-made item proposed for incorporation into the work. Failure to prove these capabilities shall be cause for rejection of the foreign manufactured items. B. Foreign manufactured equipment and materials shall in all cases be clearly and permanently marked with the manufacturer's name and country of origin of the item. The name of the U.S. importing/supplying firm is not acceptable. Shop Drawing submittals of foreign-made items shall be accompanied by written information to include name and location (i.e. country, City, and street address) of the manufacturer. This requirement shall also apply to the foreign made elements of items assembled in this country from parts wholly or partially manufactured overseas. 1. The words, "Permanently Marked" as used in this paragraph shall mean; die stamped, cast-in, welded, or otherwise marked such that the removal of the marking by any mechanical or chemical means will result in obvious permanent damage to the surface marked. These markings shall be on surfaces which are not hidden by assembly. 1-85 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement C. Where specified elsewhere herein or at the sole discretion of the Engineer, whose word shall be final, supply verification of quality, suitability or other aspects, as directed by the Engineer, from a Professional Engineer licensed to practice in the State of Florida or the state where the supplying U.S. firm is located. The verification shall be signed, sealed, and dated. All costs for this verification shall be at the sole expense of the Contractor and no extra compensation will be allowed. Verification by foreign- based engineers, firms, manufacturers, etc. will not be acceptable. 1.0.8. SAMPLES A. Furnish for the approval of the Engineer, samples required by the Project Documents or required by the Engineer. Samples shall be delivered to the Engineer as specified or directed. The Contractor shall prepay all shipping charges on samples. Materials or equipment for which samples are required shall not be used in work until approved by the Engineer. B. Samples shall be of sufficient size and quantity to clearly illustrate: 1. Functional characteristics of the product, with integrally related parts and attachment devices. 2. Full range of color, texture and pattern. 3. A minimum of two samples of each Item shall be submitted. C. Each sample shall have a label indicating: 1. Name of Project. 2. Material or Equipment Represented. 3. Name of Producer and Brand (if any) Location in Project. D. Prepare a transmittal letter in triplicate for each shipment of samples containing the information specified herein in Paragraph 1.05 A. Enclose a copy of this letter with the shipment and send a copy of this letter to the Engineer. Approval of a sample shall be only for the characteristics or use specified and shall not be construed to change or modify any Contract requirements. E. Approved samples of the hardware in good condition will be marked for identification and may be used in the work. Materials and equipment incorporated in work shall match the approved samples. 1.0.9. SUSTITUTION A. Changes in products, materials, equipment, and methods of construction required by the Contract Documents, which are proposed by the Contractor after award of the Contract, are considered to be requests for substitutions. Where the plans and/or specifications designate the products of a particular manufacturer, the product 1-86 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement specified has been found suitable for the intended use. Articles or products of similar characteristics may be offered for the approval of the Engineer, whose decision shall be final. Copies of complete descriptive data shall be furnished regarding all materials furnished by the Contractor, consisting of Dimension drawings, catalog references, product data, cost, and other information necessary to clearly identify and evaluate each article. B. When substitutions are permitted, the Contractor shall make all necessary changes in adjacent, connected, or other structures and equipment at his expense. the Contractor shall make all necessary changes in adjacent or connected structures and equipment at his expense. Where contemplated changes, substitutions or appurtenant work require engineering design, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor shall have such design services performed at his expense. Said engineering design services shall be of an extent satisfactory to the Engineer whose word shall be final and shall be performed by a Registered Professional Engineer licensed to practice in the State of Florida. C. Where there is a deviation from the Specifications, the Contractor shall note it and state the reasons why a deviation is required. D. Where engineer-recommended changes, substitutions or appurtenant work require engineering design, the Contractor shall have such design services performed. Those engineering design services shall be of an extent satisfactory to the Engineer, whose decision shall be final. E. The approval of Pre-Approved product sheets, shop drawings and data will be general and shall mean that upon examination of the drawings, no variations from the approved project drawings and project requirements have been discovered, and approval will not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities as defined above. The City's review will not constitute an approval of dimensions, quantities and details of the material, equipment or item shown. PART 2— PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3— EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 1-87 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01380 CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHS AND VIDEO PHOTOGRAPHY PART 1 — GENERAL 1.0.1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. This section specifies the taking and submission of construction photographs and audio-video photography. B. Prior to the delivery of any equipment, materials or supplies to the site of any work, or to the beginning of any of the construction work, the Contractor shall provide pre- construction photography as specified herein for the purpose of establishing the surface conditions existing in all of the areas to be affected by the construction of the Project. C. Pre-Construction Photographs: The Contractor shall video/photograph the entire project site during normal working hours including all concrete and asphalt pavements, curb and gutter, fencing, landscaping to remain, structures to be demolished, and existing structures that are to be modified. All videos and photographs shall be date and time stamped and a digital copy submitted on a flash drive/memory stick or media acceptable to the City prior to beginning construction activities. The video/photographs shall clearly identify existing site and structural conditions. D. Ground photography shall consist of photographs and color video taping of surface features taken along the entire length of the Project and including all work, intersecting roadways and properties that will be impacted by the water service conversions. E. The purpose of the color audio-video taping of the project is to provide the necessary information for restoration of surface features after completion of the Project. The Contractor shall be responsible for repairing any damage or defect not documented as existing prior to construction. 1.0.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Photographs shall be clean, sharp and clearly show details. Out-of-focus photographs will not be acceptable. B. Digital photographs which are poorly lit or lack definition will not be acceptable 1.0.3 SUBMITTALS A. Submit one (1) final digital file of each construction photograph and one (1) flash drive/memory stick or acceptable media with the video as follows: 1. Within fourteen (14) days of receiving Notice to Proceed 2. Number photographs in sequence beginning with the numeral one 1-88 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement PART 2— PRODUCTS 2.0.1 SIZE AND QUALITY A. Digital pictures and videos shall be compatible with City's software, color, 31/2-inches by 5-inches. B. Digital pictures and videos shall be compatible with City's software. 2.0.2 IDENTIFICATION A. Each photograph shall be stamped with the following information stamped or typed on the back of the print: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Contract No. CONTRACTOR: Photograph No. Date: Time: Description: 2.0.3 QUANTITY A. A minimum of twelve (12) photographs shall be taken prior to construction and twelve more each month until completion of the Work. B. In the instance of a pipeline installation, take a minimum of one photograph each 200 feet or fraction thereof along the entire route of the main initially. During construction a minimum of one photograph every two hundred feet or fraction thereof of that portion of the main constructed during the month until completion. C. The number of photographs required shall be at the sole discretion of the Engineer whose decision shall be final. D. An increase in the number of photographs above the minimums shall not be cause for an increase in cost and no extra compensation will be allowed. 2.0.4 VIDEO PHOTOGRAPHY A. Color audio-video shall be submitted on a flash drive/memory stick or acceptable media. PART 3— EXECUTION 3.0.1 INITIAL AND CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHY A. Take pre-construction photographs of the entire site or route of the main after receiving the Notice to Proceed and prior to disturbing the site in any manner. Coordinate with 1-89 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement the Engineer as to the vantage points and number of photographs required in Paragraph 2.0.3. B. Photography During Construction: Coordinate with the Engineer as to the actual number and location of views to be photographed and the day and time of photographing. C. Photographic equipment utilized shall be of sufficient quality to produce pictures capable of being enlarged without loss of definition or sharpness. 3.0.2 PHOTOGRAPHY DURING CONSTRUCTION a. Coordinate with the Engineer as to the actual number and location of views to be photographed and the day and time of photographing. 3.0.3 VIDEO PHOTOGRAPHY A. Coverage of Taping: Such coverage shall include, but not be limited to, all existing driveways, sidewalks, curbs, streets, signs, landscaping, trees, catch basins, fences, visible utilities and all buildings located within the work zone of the Project. Of particular concern are any existing faults, fractures, defects or other features. Audio description shall be made simultaneously with and support the video coverage. B. Streets: shall be recorded by audio-video tape for the full width of the right-of-way, except where specifically noted otherwise by the Engineer. C. Front, Side and Rear Yard Areas: shall be recorded by audio-video tape of properties impacted by the water service conversions. 3.0.4 LOCATION INFORMATION A. All flash drives/memory sticks or other acceptable media shall be properly identified by number, location and project name in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. B. A record of the contents of each flash drive/memory stick or acceptable media shall be supplied on a run sheet identifying each segment in the tape by location, i.e., street viewing side, traveling direction, engineering stationing, and all referenced by tape counter numbers. C. All video recordings shall begin with the date and time of recording, the project name, the sheet numbers of engineering stationing as shown on the plans, the name of the street, area or building being taped, the direction of travel and the viewing side. Houses and buildings shall be identified visually by house or building address, when possible, in such manner that the progress of the taping and the proposed system may be located by reference to the houses and buildings. 1-90 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3.0.5 SITE RECORDING CONDITIONS A. All audio-video taping shall be done during times of good visibility. No outside taping shall be done during periods of visible precipitation or when the ground area is covered with leaves or debris, unless otherwise authorized by the Engineer. B. In order to produce the proper detail and perspective, adequate auxiliary lighting will be required to fill in shadow areas caused by trees, utility poles, road signs and other such objects, as well as other conditions requiring artificial illumination. C. The average rate of speed in the general direction of travel of the conveyance used during taping shall not exceed 60 feet per minute. Planning rates and zoom-out rates shall be controlled sufficiently so that playback will produce adequate clarity of the object being viewed. END OF SECTION 1-91 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01400 QUALITY CONTROL PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. The intent of this section is to emphasize the City interest in quality products being designed and installed within the time and cost considerations of the project. The Contractor shall have primary responsibility for providing Quality Control (QC) for project during both design and construction phases. Quality Control includes, but is not limited to, such functions as: 1. Assuring only latest revisions of design and other documents used for construction (e.g., Shop Drawings, catalog cuts, schedules) are being used by project staff. 2. Inspection of materials and equipment delivered to the site. 3. Inspection and maintenance of materials and equipment in storage. 4. In progress and Final Inspection of the constructed product. 5. Manufacturer's Certification of Installation for service intended. 6. Reporting on work in progress daily. B. The Contractor shall have a QC System and sufficient QC staff, in place in the design team office and on the jobsite always that work is underway. C. The Contractor is responsible for controlling the quality of the work, including that portion of the work performed by Engineer of Record, the Cogeneration system manufacturer and on-site Subcontractors. The Contractor is also responsible for assuring that suppliers and manufacturers providing materials and products to be incorporated into the work satisfy the specified quality, provide required documentation, and provide those services as specified within the technical portions of the specifications. D. The Contractor shall develop and submit a Quality Control Plan which identifies the reporting structure of the QC organization, defines the procedures to be implemented by the Contractor to assure the specified quality is achieved, and details the daily reporting protocol. Within 20 calendar days of the Notice to Proceed (NTP), the Contractor shall submit their proposed Quality Control Plan. The Engineer will schedule a review meeting of the outline within one week of receipt of the plan outline. Final submission of the quality control plan shall be made no later than 10 calendar days following the review meeting. E. The Contractor and Engineer will coordinate materials testing for cast-in-place concrete, earthwork, and paving. 1-92 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 1.0.2. MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A. The Contractor shall maintain control over procurement sources to ensure that materials and equipment conform to specified requirements. B. The Contractor shall comply with manufacturer's instructions regarding all facets of materials and/or equipment movement, storage, installation, testing, startup, and operation. C. The Contractor shall prepare, complete, and maintain all equipment, pipe, and testing logs that document the dates and disposition of each specific test conducted. The logs will be comprised of a summary sheet that is corroborated by individual test report forms that document the specific tests. The individual test report form will be provided by the Engineer. 1.0.3. MANUFACTURER'S TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE A. When specified in the technical specification sections, the Contractor shall arrange for and provide technical representation directly from the manufacturers of respective equipment items or components. B. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Manufacturer's Representative fails to satisfy the terms of this Specification section, the Engineer may direct the Contractor to replace the Representative with a different representative, and those hours expended by the disapproved representative will not be counted against the service hours specified for the system/unit/component. PART 2— PRODUCTS 2.0.1. QUALITY CONTROL PLAN A. The Quality Control Plan shall be a formal document prepared under the direction of the Contractor. The Plan will be the basis by which the Engineer will monitor the QC effort associated with executing the work. B. The Plan shall address the Quality Control Organization and the roles each member of the organization plays in satisfying the quality requirements of the work. C. Included within the plan will be basic guidelines associated with the checking and monitoring of work as it progresses and how the guidelines will be used by Contractor's supervisors and representatives to provide the required quality. D. The process for notification of quality concerns shall be included in the Plan. 2.0.2. REPORTS A. Monthly Quality Control Summary that addresses the following: 1-93 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 1. Certification by Contractor that all work not specifically cited by a Non- Conformance Report satisfies the requirements of the Contract Documents. 2. Summary table identifying all non-conformance notices and their respective current status. B. Certificate of Proper Installation shall address installation of equipment items. PART 3— EXECUTION 3.0.1. QUALITY CONTROL A. Quality control is the responsibility of the Contractor, and the Contractor shall maintain control over construction and installation processes to assure compliance with specified requirements. B. Means and methods of construction and installation processes are the responsibility of the Contractor, and at no time is it the intent of the Engineer to supersede or void that responsibility. In the event there is a degree of uncertainty that the process observed or planned will accomplish the required quality, the Engineer will refer to the Quality Control Plan and initiate discussion with the person primarily responsible for the process or installation in question. C. Prepare and submit weekly Quality Control activity reports to the Engineer. D. Monthly Quality Control Summaries are to be prepared and submitted to the Engineer with the Contractor's Partial Payment request for the respective period. END OF SECTION 1-94 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01510 TEMPORARY UTILITIES PART 1 — GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. Provide temporary facilities required, which may include, but not limited to, the following: 1. Contractor's field office, telephone and storage sheds. 2. Temporary water service. 3. Temporary sanitary service. 4. Temporary electrical service. B. For additional requirements on Temporary Facilities refer to Section 01100 "Special Project Requirements". C. Requirements of Regulatory Agencies: 1. Obtain and pay for permits as required by governing authorities. 2. Comply with federal, state and local codes and regulations. 1.0.2. TEMPORARY ELECTRICITY A. The City will not furnish electric power for this project. All electrical driven equipment, including electrical welders, shall be served by the temporary electrical service to be provided by the Contractor. B. The Contractor shall supply extension cords, ground fault circuit interrupters, and safety equipment necessary to protect his workmen and plant personnel. C. The Contractor shall obtain a power source for temporary electricity from electrical generators or other approved means. Furnish, install and maintain temporary electric power service for construction needs throughout construction site as necessary. 1. Power centers for miscellaneous tools and equipment used in construction work. 2. Power for construction equipment. 3. Power for testing and checking equipment. 4. Power for welding units and for other equipment having special power requirements. 1-95 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement D. Capacity: 1. Adequate electrical service distribution for construction use by all trades and Field Offices during construction period. 2. Notify FPL if unusually heavy loads, such as welding, pumps, high service temporary pump, and other special power requirements, will be connected. E. Maintain strict supervision of use of temporary services. 1. Enforce conformance with applicable standards. 2. Enforce safe practices. 3. Prevent abuse of services. 1.0.3. TEMPORARY SANITARY FACILITIES A. Furnish, install and maintain temporary sanitary facilities for use throughout construction period. 1. Enclosed toilet facilities for construction personnel. 2. General employee washing facilities. B. Toilet Facilities: Fixed or portable chemical toilets shall be provided wherever needed for the use of Contractor's employees. Toilets at construction sites shall conform to the requirements of Subpart D, Section 1926.51 of the OSHA Standards for Construction. C. Minimum number of fixtures: 1. Toilets and Urinals: For less than 20 employees: 1 toilet. For 20 or more employees: 1 toilet and 1 urinal per 40 workers. 2. Washing Facilities: Adequate for number of employees, for type of work requiring washing facilities. D. Maintain strict supervision of use of facilities: 1. Enforce conformance with applicable standards. 2. Maintain service and clean facilities. 3. Enforce proper use of sanitary facilities. 1-96 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement E. Cost of Installation and Operation: 1. Pay costs of temporary sanitary facilities, including costs of installation, maintenance and removal. 2. Costs of Water: As specified in Temporary Water. 3. Pay service charges for use of portable units. F. Facility Locations: 1. Within the project site. 2. At Field Offices 3. Toilet and washing facilities: Secluded from public observation. Convenient for use of personnel in relation to work stations. 4. Obtain acceptance of the Engineer for all locations. G. Enclosure for Toilet Facilities: 1. Weatherproof, sight proof, sturdy temporary enclosures. 2. Insect proof screening, adequate natural ventilation. H. Sewer Connection: The Contractor shall coordinate with the City's Public Works Department for obtaining sewer connection and shall pay permit and sewer usage charges. PART 2— PRODUCTS 2.0.1. MATERIALS A. General: Materials may be new or used, but must be adequate for purpose required, must be sanitary and must not violate requirements of applicable codes. Materials in contact with potable water must be AWWA/NSF 61 listed. 2.0.2. ELECTRICITY A. Provide required facilities, including transformers, conductors, poles, conduits, raceways, breakers, fuses and switches. B. Provide appropriate enclosures for environment in which used, in compliance with NEMA standards. 1-97 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 2.0.3. DRINKING WATER FACILITIES A. Portable Containers 1. Tightly closed and equipped with dispensing tap. 2. Clearly label contents. 3. Do not use for other purposes. 4. Provide single service disposable cups, with sanitary container for unused cups. and receptacles for used cups. 2.0.4. SANITARY FACILITIES A. Toilet Facilities: 1. Portable toilets; either: a. Chemical toilets. b. Reticulating toilets. c. Combustion toilets. 2. Toilet Tissue: Provide at each toilet, on suitable dispenser. PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.0.1. GENERAL A. Obtain Engineer's approval of planned installations. B. Install work in a neat and orderly manner. C. Make structurally sound throughout. D. Maintain to provide continuous service. E. Modify and extend service as work progress requires. 3.0.2. TEMPORARY WATER A. Locate piping and outlets. 1. Provide service convenient to work stations. 1-98 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement B. Avoid interference with: 1. Traffic and work areas. 2. Materials handling equipment. 3. Storage areas. C. Do not run piping on floor or on ground. D. When necessary to maintain pressure, provide temporary pumps, tanks and compressors. 3.0.3. TEMPORARY ELECTRICITY A. Service and distribution may be overhead or underground. B. Locate to avoid interference with: 1. Traffic and work areas. 2. Cranes. 3. Material handling equipment. 4. Storage areas. C. Do not run branch circuits on floor or on ground. D. Wire all safety devices required for operation of equipment. E. Check operation of safety devices. 3.0.4. TEMPORARY SANITARY FACILITIES A. Portable Toilets: 1. Erect securely and anchor to prevent dislocation. 2. Service as often as necessary to prevent accumulation of wastes and creation of unsanitary conditions. B. Washing Facilities: Provide faucet 3.0.5. REMOVAL A. Completely remove temporary materials and equipment upon completion of construction. 1-99 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement B. Clean and repair damage caused by installation and restore to specified or original condition. END OF SECTION 1-100 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01530 PROTECTION OF EXISTING FACILITIES PART 1 — GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. The Contractor shall exercise extreme care and protect all existing structures and utilities, when working in proximity so as not to disturb the structures. Repair or replacement of any property and/or structures damaged during the construction of this project shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. Costs involved in the replacement or repair will not be reimbursed by the City. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating his work with the work to be done by FPL or their Contractor. B. Protection of Property Remaining in Place: 1. Property obstructions which are to remain in place, such as buildings, poles, walls, posts, bridges, etc., are to be carefully protected from damage and are not to be displaced. Any damage to such obstructions noted to remain in place shall be repaired by the Contractor at no additional cost to the City or Owner. 2. Should structures be encountered which interfere with the work, the City or designee shall be consulted immediately in order for a decision to be made on the relocation of the work so it will clear the obstruction, if the obstruction cannot be relocated. C. The underground utilities, structures and other facilities shown on the plans are located according to the best information available but may vary by several feet from both the position and elevation shown. The Contractor shall explore far enough in advance of his main trench to determine the exact location and condition of such utilities, structures or facilities so that, before the pipe is installed, the Engineer may change the line or grade of the pipe, should that become necessary to avoid a conflict. 1.0.2. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS A. All cost for changing the grade of the proposed main downward two feet-six inches or less in order to clear obstructions located differently than shown on the plans, or to clear obstructions not shown on the plans but the location of which could have become known or should have become known by proper observation of field conditions or the proper exploratory procedure, shall be included in the prices bid under the various items of the Proposal and no additional compensation will be allowed. B. Additional cost, if any, for changing the grade of the proposed main downward more than two feet-six inches, for the same reasons, will be paid for as "Extra Work" in accordance with "Extra Work and Payment Therefore" of the Special Conditions. C. Changing the grade of the proposed main by rising deflections, or the alignment by horizontal deflections, will not be considered as extra work, or extra cost, to the Contractor, and in some cases a credit to the City may be warranted. 1-101 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement D. Where the Quotation contains Items for installing main in specific depth ranges, the main shall be paid for at the actual depth range installed. However, the provisions of paragraphs one and two of this Section shall apply and any depth increase caused by a lack of timely and sufficient exploration by the Contractor shall be at his expense. In such instance, the main shall be paid for as if installed at the invert elevations originally shown on the Plans. E. In all cases where the main is deflected either horizontally or vertically, and the Engineer requires additional work and items such as paving, air release valve assemblies, and similar items for which a pay item was established in the Proposal, then such additional work and items will be paid for at the prices bid. F. The Contractor shall determine the locations of recent additions to the systems not shown on the plans. Extreme caution shall be exercised to eliminate any possibility of any damage to utilities resulting from his activities. The location of all overhead utilities shall be verified, and the Engineer notified of any conflict which might occur. The Contractor shall be responsible for determining which poles will need shoring during excavation and shall provide such shoring and support as is required. G. Where it is necessary to temporarily interrupt house or building services, the Contractor shall notify the house or building owner or occupant, both before the interruption and again immediately before service is resumed. Before disconnecting any pipes or cables, the Contractor shall obtain permission from the Owner, or shall make suitable arrangements for their disconnection by the Owner. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to any such pipes, conduits or cables, and shall restore them to service promptly as soon as the work has progressed past the point involved. H. Various drainage culverts and drainage ditches may be encountered along the route of the work. Any culverts which are disturbed, damaged or removed shall be repaired, restored or reinstalled. The Contractor shall document any existing damage to the drainage systems, or if it needs cleaning, prior to doing any work in the vicinity, so he will not be held responsible. Drainage ditches shall be restored to the original cross sections existing prior to construction of this work. Ditches shall be left clean and free of all excavated materials or other materials deposited in them as a result of this construction. All existing headwalls, removed or damaged as a result of this construction, shall be restored as directed by the Engineer, and the work shall be considered an incidental item and the cost included in the other items of the quotation. I. All existing drainage structures and piping shall be considered clean at the start of construction. The Contractor shall check to verify that this is so. The Contractor should notify the governing agency of any damaged or dirty structures or piping to avoid repair or cleaning at his expense. Copies of such notices shall be sent to the Engineer. 1.0.3. RELOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES A. The relocation of existing utilities, as noted on the plans, or for the convenience of the Contractor shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. This work shall be completed 1-102 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement by either the forces of the existing utility or the Contractor's forces at the discretion of the responsible utility. If the work is to be performed by the Contractor, all work shall be done in accordance with the utility company's requirements. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor be authorized extra payment for this work, and all cost for the relocation shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. B. The Contractor shall also be responsible for the coordination of all existing utility relocations with the appropriate utilities. Where temporary supports or protective encasements are required during the construction, the Contractor shall be responsible for this work at no additional cost. C. Any conflicts between the field investigation and the information shown on the plans shall be brought to the immediate attention of the Engineer. There shall be no additional payment for adjustments in grades or location resulting from locations of existing utilities. D. Various storm sewer lines and inlets and slab-covered drainage ditches that conflict with the proposed construction may require adjustment, relocation or removal and reinstallation. This work shall be performed as directed by the Engineer, and the work shall be considered an incidental item and the cost included in the items listed in the quotation. E. Representatives of utility companies, the railroad companies, the traffic and transportation authorities, etc., shall be notified in accordance with the provisions set forth in the relevant sections of the Specifications and the permitting documents. F. Notify all utility companies that are affected by the construction operation at least forty- eight (48) hours in advance. Under no circumstance expose any utility without first obtaining permission from the appropriate agency. Once permission has been granted, locate, expose and provide temporary support for all existing underground utilities and utility poles where necessary. G. Absolutely no extra compensation will be allowed for construction problems created by utility poles of whatever size, overhead electric, telephone or other lines, whether shown on the Plans or not. The Contractor is solely responsible for discovering such items in the field prior to bidding and including all costs for such work in the prices bid. 1.0.4. PROTECTION OF UTILITIES TO REMAIN IN PLACE A. The work area may have existing utilities, such as, but not limited to irrigation, phone, electrical, water, sewer, storm sewer, and gas lines. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to verify the location of all such utilities, structures, etc. by hand excavation or other appropriate measures before performing any work that could result in damage or injury to persons, utilities, structures, or property. The Contractor shall make a thorough search of the site for utilities before work is commenced in any particular location. The Contractor shall take special consideration to protect the existing 24-inch force main and 30-inch force main along the project location to avoid 1-103 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement service disruptions. B. The Contractor shall take immediate steps to repair, replace, or restore all services to any utilities or other facilities which are disrupted at the fault of the Contractor. Further, the Contractor shall engage any additional outside repairs on a continuous "around the clock" basis until services are restored. The Contractor shall also provide and operate any supplemental temporary services to maintain uninterrupted use of the facilities. All costs involved in the repairs and restoring of disrupted service resulting from negligence on the part of the Contractor shall be borne by the Contractor and shall be fully responsible for any and all claims resulting from the damage. C. Should utilities be encountered which interfere with the work, the City or designee shall be consulted immediately in order for a decision to be made on the relocation of the work so it will clear the obstruction. if the obstruction cannot be relocated. D. Prior to the start of construction, the contractor shall comply with F.S. 553.851 for the protection of underground gas lines. E. When power poles are adjacent to any proposed utility, the Contractor shall provide proper shoring or other suitable support during construction. The shoring and support methods shall be approved by the utility company engineering department. The cost of shoring will be included in the overall project cost. F. The Contractor shall not purposefully disrupt or disconnect any type of utility whatsoever without first obtaining the written permission of the City. Requests for disconnection must be in writing and received by the City at least 72 hours prior to the time of the requested interruption. 1.0.5. PROTECTION OF TREES REMAINING IN PLACE A. Construction can potentially damage the existing trees confined within the construction zone. Besides their aesthetic value, some trees are valuable and may be environmentally protected. Mangroves and mangrove associated species (as defined by Miami-Dade County Code of Ordinances) are the jurisdiction of Miami- Dade County and would fall under the Miami-Dade County Code of Ordinances, Chapter 24, Division II. All other trees fall under the City of Miami Beach Code of Ordinances Chapter 46, Article II, Division 2, Section 46-62. B. Trees can be an important part of the ecological environment of the surrounding area. Measures should be in place to protect trees whenever necessary, including conservation of the canopy. 1-104 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement C. Where directed by the City, desirable trees within the roadway area shall be trimmed, protected, and left standing. Branches of trees extending over the area occupied by the roadway shall be trimmed as directed, to give clear height of 14 feet over vehicular areas and 8 feet over pedestrian areas. Pruning shall be in accordance with the City of Miami Beach Code of Ordinances Chapter 46, Article II, Division 2, Section 46-62. D. When pruning cuts or root pruning to existing trees is shown in the Plans, work is to be supervised on site by an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) or American Society of Consulting Arborists (ASCA) Certified Arborist and performed in accordance with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A300 and the City of Miami Beach Code of Ordinances Chapter 46, Article II, Division 2, Section 46-62. E. All trees found within a FDOT designated road shall comply with the appropriate FDOT index for tree protection barriers. All other tree protection shall be in accordance with the Miami Beach Code of Ordinances Chapter 46, Article II, Division 2, Section 46-62 and the City of Miami Beach Public Works Manual Standard Details. F. For all areas both inside and outside the earthwork area, the Contractor shall not deface, injury, or destroy trees, nor remove or cut them without prior approval via a tree removal permit from the City of Miami Beach. Any accidental damage to a tree shall immediately be reported to the City of Miami Beach for evaluation for public safety and possible new and additional permit requirements/work. An after-the-fact tree removal permit may be required. G. The Contractor shall understand all ANSI tree care standards prior to the start of earthwork. All necessary permitted above and below ground tree work shall follow the appropriate ANSI standards for tree care. H. Tree relocation, when required, shall be in accordance with Miami Beach Code of Ordinances Chapter 46, Article II, Division 2, Section 46-62. PART 2— PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3— EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 1-105 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01540 DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF EXISTING STRUCTURES AND EQUIPMENT PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. The Contractor shall furnish all material, labor, tools, equipment, plant, appliances and services necessary to complete all demolition, modification and relocation work required in the drawings and specified herein. Examine the various drawings, visit the site and determine the extent of work affected therein and all conditions under which he is required to perform the various operations. B. The Work specifically covered under this Section consists of the removal and disposal of existing structure, appurtenances, concrete pavement, concrete sidewalk, slope pavement, ditch pavement, curb and curb and gutter. The items to be removed shall be: (1) those items shown in the Plans to be removed; (2) those found within the limits of the area to be cleared and grubbed and directed by the City or designee to be removed; (3) those items which it is necessary to remove in order to construct new structures, utilities, and other appurtenances or obstructions which may be designated in the plans. C. Demolition shall be constructed in such a way as to leave no obstructions to any proposed new structures or to any waterways. Pilings shall be pulled or shall be cut off or broken off at least 2 feet below the finish grade line. (In the event that the Plans indicate channel excavation to be done by others, the finish ground line shall be considered as the limits of such excavation.) For material which are to remain the property of the City or are to be salvaged for utilization in temporary structures, the removal shall be in such way as to avoid damage to such materials, and all bolts, nails, etc., shall be entirely removed from timbers to be so salvaged; also such salvaged structural steel members shall be marked for identification, as directed. Retaining walls and drainage structures are specifically not included in the Work covered under this Section. 1.0.2. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS A. Demolition, modification, removal and relocation work shall be coordinated with the City, shall be performed in an agreed upon sequence to minimize down time at the site. B. Promptly remove all demolished materials and debris from the site. No demolished materials shall be kept at the plant site for more than 24 hours. C. Demolition shall result in the complete removal and disposal of existing structures and appurtenances from the site as indicated on drawings and the cleanup after completion of the demolition work. D. The cutting and removal of existing work necessary for modifications and installation of new work shall be made with a minimum of damage to the work that is to remain. 1-106 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement Any damage done to existing facilities which are to remain shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense to the satisfaction of the City. E. Surfaces of seals visible in the completed work shall be made to match as nearly as possible the adjacent surfaces. F. Non-shrink grout shall be used for setting wall casting, sleeves, leveling pump bases, doweling anchors into existing concrete and elsewhere as required. G. Follow other specific instructions for the modification work given in other sections of these specifications and/or as shown on the drawings. H. Verify exact location, material, alignment, joint, etc. of existing piping and structure prior to making the modifications and connections called out in the drawings. The verifications shall be performed with adequate time to correct any potential alignment or other problems prior to the actual time of connection. I. Dismantle and remove all existing equipment, piping and other appurtenances required for the completion of the work. Where called for or required, cut existing pipeline for the purpose of making connections thereto. Anchor bolts for equipment and structural steel removal shall be cut off one inch below the concrete surface. Surface shall be properly repaired and finished. J. Where necessary or required for the purpose of making connections, cut existing pipelines in a manner to provide an approved joint. Where required, weld beads, flanges or provide the specified couplings, all as required. K. Site shall be left in a clean condition satisfactory to the Engineer, free from demolished materials, rubbish or debris. Site shall be graded to meet adjacent contours and provide flow for surface drainage. L. Restore items intended to remain that have been damaged by demolition work. M. Items intended to remain that have been damaged by demolition work shall be restored to original or better condition. N. All interrupted utility services shall be returned to service, and temporary services disconnected, unless otherwise specified. PART 2 — PRODUCTS 2.0.1. STRUCTURES TO BE REMOVED A. The work specifically covered under this Section consists of the removal and disposal of the material from existing structures. B. The structures to be removed shall be: 1-107 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 1. Those structures, or portions of structures, shown in the plans to be removed. 2. Those found within the limits of the area to be cleared and grubbed, and directed by the Engineer to be removed. 3. Those structures, or portions of structures, which it is necessary to remove in order to construct new structures, utilities and other appurtenances or obstructions which may be designated in the plans. PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.0.1. METHOD OF REMOVAL A. The structures shall be removed in such a way as to leave no obstructions to any proposed new structures or to any waterways. B. For material which are to remain the property of the City or are to be salvaged for utilization in temporary structures, the removal shall be in such way as to avoid damage to such materials, and all bolts, nails, etc., shall be entirely removed from timbers to be so salvaged; also such salvaged structural steel members shall be marked for identification, as directed. 3.0.2. REMOVAL OF EXISTING PAVEMENT A. The work specified in this Section consists of removing and disposing of existing concrete pavement, concrete sidewalk, slope pavement, ditch pavement, curb and curb and gutter, where shown in the plans or directed by the Engineer to be removed or where required to be removed because of the construction operations. B. Retaining walls and drainage structures are specifically not included in the work covered under this Division. END OF SECTION 1-108 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01550 SITE ACCESS AND STORAGE PART 1 — GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. The pipeline replacement work is to be performed along Pine Tree Drive, between West 51st Street and West 47th Street, crossing the Flamingo Waterway. The project's owner is the City of Miami Beach. 1.0.2. EXISTING UTILITIES A. Protection of, and relocation of existing utilities, structures and other facilities shall be in accordance with Section 01530 "Protection of Existing Facilities". B. The relocation of existing utilities, as noted on the plans, or for the convenience of the Contractor, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. This work shall be completed by either the forces of the existing utility or the Contractor's forces at the discretion of the responsible utility. If the work is to be performed by the Contractor, all work shall be done in accordance with the utility company's requirements. The Contractor shall also be responsible for the coordination of all existing utility relocations with the appropriate utilities. Where temporary supports or protective encasements are required during the construction, the Contractor shall be responsible for this work at no additional cost. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor be authorized extra payment for this work, and all cost for the relocation shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. C. Any conflicts between the field investigation and the information shown on the plans shall be brought to the immediate attention of the Engineer. 1.0.3. SITE ACCESS AND STORAGE A. The City reserves the right to enter upon, and to use, any and all portions of the work performed hereunder(or under its other Contracts), whether completed or not, as may be required. B. Highway Limitations: The Contractor shall make its own investigation of the condition of available public and private roads and of clearances, restrictions, bridge load limits, and other limitations affecting transportation and ingress and egress to the site of the work. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to construct and maintain any haul roads required for its construction operations. C. Temporary Crossings: Continuous, unobstructed, safe, and adequate pedestrian and vehicular access shall be provided to fire hydrants, parking lots, Vehicular access to all production facilities shall be maintained except when necessary construction precludes such access for reasonable periods of time. D. Street Use: Nothing herein shall be construed to entitle the Contractor to the exclusive use of any public street, alleyway, or parking area during the performance of the work 1-109 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement hereunder and it shall conduct its operations to not interfere unnecessarily with the City or any other authorized work of utility companies or other agencies in such streets, alleyways, or parking areas. No street shall be closed plant operations without first obtaining permission of the Engineer and the City. Where excavation is being performed in any streets, one lane shall always be kept open to traffic, unless otherwise indicated. Toe boards shall be provided to retain excavated material if required by the Engineer or the City. Fire hydrants on or adjacent to the work shall be kept accessible to fire-fighting equipment. Temporary provisions shall be made by the Contractor to assure the use of sidewalks and the proper functioning of gutters, storm drain inlets, and other drainage facilities. E. Additional Facilities: Access to other facilities within the project site shall be allowed by the Contractor for City's staff conduct their operation and maintenance activities. Continuous, unobstructed, safe and adequate pedestrian and vehicular for the City's staff to access facilities within the project site such as Pump Station 15 is required. 1.0.4. CONTRACTOR WORK AND STORAGE AREA A. The Contractor may utilize private warehouse and/or office space as a storage area and/or construction field offices. B. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval, a proposed plan and layout for all field offices, temporary facilities, and parking both for on the project site and on any additional lands obtained by the Contractor for its use during construction of the project. Prior to commencing any preparation remove, relocate and protect where necessary all existing underground and above ground facilities, pipelines, sprinkler systems, sod and all other existing installations. All these installations shall be restored to their initial conditions. C. The Contractor shall construct and use a separate storage area for hazardous materials used in constructing the work. 1. For the purpose of this paragraph, hazardous materials to be stored in the separate area are products labeled with any of the following terms: Warning, Caution, Poisonous, Toxic, Flammable, Corrosive, Reactive, or Explosive. In addition, whether or not so labeled, the following materials shall be stored in the separate area: diesel fuel, gasoline, new and used motor oil, hydraulic fluid, cement, paints and paint thinners, 2 part epoxy coatings, sealants, asphaltic products, glues, solvents, wood preservatives, sand blast materials, and spill absorbent. 2. Hazardous materials shall be stored in groupings according to the Material Safety Data Sheets. 3. Contractor shall develop and submit to the Engineer a plan for storing and disposing of the materials above. 4. Contractor shall obtain and submit to the Engineer a single EPA number for wastes generated at the site. 1-110 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 5. The separate storage area shall meet the requirements of authorities having jurisdiction over the storage of hazardous materials. 6. Hazardous materials that are delivered in containers shall be stored in the original containers until use. Hazardous materials delivered in bulk shall be stored in containers which meet the requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. 1.0.5. PARKING A. The Contractor shall be responsible for making its own arrangements for parking of its direct employees, Subcontractors, vendors, etc. as may be necessary either on site or offsite. B. Traffic and parking areas shall be maintained in good conditions, free of excavated material, construction equipment, mud, and construction materials. The Contractor shall repair breaks, potholes, low areas which collect standing water, and other deficiencies. PART 2— PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3— EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 1-111 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01560 TEMPORARY ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. For any work conducted in a contaminated area within the project boundaries where hazardous materials or hydrocarbons have been encountered, were previously known to exist, or is suspected by the Contractor or the City Inspector, the Contractor must comply with all applicable requirements of OSHA, EPA, FDEP, Miami-Dade County Regulatory and the City's Environment and Sustainability Department. B. All work defined by this Division, including work less than one (1) acre in size, that has the potential to impact the City's Municipal Separate Storm Water System (MS4), and/or adjacent properties, is required to employ sediment and erosion control measures that are in accordance with Florida Storm Water Erosion and Sedimentation Control Inspector's Manual, latest revision, and in accordance with Miami-Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management. C. All construction activity that results in the disturbance of equal to or greater than one (1) acre is required to obtain coverage under the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's Generic Permit for Storm Water Discharge from Large and Small Construction Activities (CGP). 1.0.2. SPECIALIZED CONSTRUCTION AREA A. Specialized construction areas are defined as areas where contaminants are discovered and require construction by personnel qualified by training and equipped with personal protective equipment for such work. B. Work in specialized construction areas shall be carried out by personnel qualified by training and equipped for such activities. These personnel shall be either Subcontractors with licensing and certification as specialists in this type of construction or the Contractor's own personnel who have taken and been certified as having passed the required training course(s). Licensing and certifications shall be submitted to the City for verification and shall in all cases be satisfactory to both, the City and other authorities with jurisdiction. 1.0.3. DUST ABATEMENT A. All permittees, contractors, owners, operators, or other persons involved in construction activities shall refer to applicable sections of Local, State, and Federal regulations on dust control for additional guidance, including but not limited to the Miami-Dade County Code of Ordinances. B. All persons involved in construction activities shall take measures to control dust from operations and prevent spillage of excavated materials on public roads. 1-112 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement C. All persons involved in construction activities shall remove spillage of excavated materials, debris, and dust from public roads by methods approved by the City or designee. D. All persons involved in construction activities shall provide temporary dust-proof partitions where required to protect unaltered portions of existing structures and facilities and as directed by the City or designee. Temporary partitions shall be provided where demolition work is required to protect equipment and material and shall consist of plastic sheeting (6 mil). E. All persons involved in construction activities shall apply water at locations, quantities, and frequencies required by the City or designee to control dust for nuisance prevention to the City and properties in the vicinity of the site. The frequency of watering will be determined by weather conditions and the erodibility of the soil. If additives in the water are used to increase its dust suppression properties, the chemical should have no adverse environmental impact on adjacent water bodies. F. The Contractor shall prevent its operation from producing dust in amounts damaging to property or causing a nuisance to persons occupying buildings in the vicinity of the project Site. The Contractor shall employ measures to prevent fugitive dust. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage resulting from dust originating from its operations. G. Storage Piles: Enclose, cover, water (as needed), or apply non-toxic soil binders according to manufacturer's specifications on material piles (i.e. gravel, sand, dirt)with a silt content of 5 percent or greater. H. Active Areas of Site: Water active construction areas and unpaved roads as needed and as requested by Engineer to prevent the propagation of dust. I. Inactive Areas of Site: Apply non-toxic soil stabilizers according to manufacturer's specifications to inactive construction areas, or water as needed to maintain adequate dust control. J. Vehicle Loads: Cover or maintain at least 2-feet of freeboard vertical distance between the top of the load and the top of the trailer sides on trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials off of the site. K. Roads: When there is visible track-out onto a paved public road, install wheel washers where the vehicles exit and enter onto the paved roads and wash the undercarriage of trucks and any equipment leaving the site on each trip. Sweep the paved street at the end of each shift with a water spray pick-up broom-type street sweeper as necessary or as directed. L. Vehicle Speeds: Maintain vehicle speeds to 10 mph or less. M. Additional dust control BMPs include but are not limited to the following. 1-113 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 1. Prevention of dust generation is preferable to applying dust suppression measures. Ensure in the project schedule that the area of cleared land is minimized during the drier months of the year, when dust generation is at its greatest. 2. The soil shall be maintained in a sufficiently damp condition to prevent loose grains of soil from becoming dislodged. The soil shall be completely crusted over by application of water or completely covered with clean gravel or treated with an approved dust suppressant. 3. Ensure that smooth surfaces are deep ripped and left rough and cloddy to reduce the wind velocity at the soil surface. 4. Construct wind fences if appropriate for the site. As a contingency measure, in areas that do not have access to a water supply, water stored on-site should never be less than fifty percent of disturbed land surface. Wherever watering is used to suppress dust, ensure it does not create contaminated runoff that will contaminate surface waters. 5. Use barriers where required to prevent the migration of sawdust or particulates from sanding or surface preparation activities during construction. 1.0.4. SEDIMENTATION ABATEMENT A. The Contractor shall be responsible for collecting, storing, hauling, and disposing of spoil, silt, and waste materials in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local rules and regulations and the Contract Documents. B. Install and maintain erosion and sediment control measures, such as swales, grade stabilization structures, berms, dikes, waterways, filter fabric fences, and sediment basins. C. Filter fabric barrier systems, if used, shall be installed in such a manner that surface runoff will percolate through the system in sheet flow fashion and allow sediment to be retained and accumulated. D. Remove and dispose of sediment deposits at the designated spoil area. If a spoil area is not indicated, dispose of sediment off-site at a location not in or adjacent to a stream or floodplain. Sediment to be placed at the spoil area should be spread evenly, compacted, and stabilized. Sediment shall not be allowed to flush into a stream or drainage way. E. Maintain erosion and sediment control measures until final acceptance or until requested by the Engineer to remove it. 1.0.5. RUBBISH CONTROL A. During the progress of the work, the Contractor shall keep the site and other areas for which it is responsible in a neat and clean condition and free from any accumulation 1-114 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement of rubbish. The Contractor shall dispose of rubbish and waste materials of any nature and shall establish regular intervals of collection and disposal of such materials and waste. The Contractor shall also keep its haul roads free from dirt, rubbish, and unnecessary obstructions resulting from its operations. Disposal of rubbish and surplus materials shall be off the site in accordance with local codes and ordinances governing locations and methods of disposal and in conformance with applicable safety laws and the requirements of Part 1926 of the OSHA Safety and Health Standards for Construction. B. It is important to maintain the construction site in a neat and satisfactory condition during the during construction and after construction has been completed. B. During construction, the Contractor shall regularly clean up all rubbish, surplus materials, and the adjacent areas affected. Unneeded construction equipment should be removed and all damages repaired so that the public and property owners will be inconvenienced as little as possible. C. Any material or debris that has washed or flowed into or been placed in existing watercourses, ditches, gutters, drains, pipes structures, or elsewhere during the course of the Contractor's operations must be entirely removed and satisfactorily disposed of during the progress of the work, and the ditches, channels, drains, pipes, structures, and work, etc., should, upon completion of the Work, be left in a clean and neat condition. D. The Contractor shall perform the cleanup work on a regular basis and as frequently as ordered by the City or designee. Basic site restoration in a particular area shall be accomplished immediately following the installation or completion of the required facilities in that area. Furthermore, such work shall also be accomplished, when ordered by the City or designee, if partially completed facilities must remain incomplete for some time period due to unforeseen circumstances. E. Upon failure of the Contractor to perform periodic clean up and basic restoration of the site to the City or designee's satisfaction, the City or designee may, upon five (5) days prior written notice to the Contractor, employ such labor and equipment as it deems necessary for the purpose, and all costs resulting there from shall be charged to the Contractor and deducted from amounts of money that it may be due. F. On or before the completion of the Work, the Contractor shall tear down and remove all temporary buildings and structures; remove all temporary works, tools, and machinery or other construction equipment; remove, acceptably disinfect, and cover all organic matter and material containing organic matter in, under, and around houses and other buildings; remove all rubbish from any grounds which has been occupied; and leave roads and all parts of the premises and adjacent property affected by work operations in a neat and satisfactory condition. G. Upon completion of the Work, the Contractor shall remove from the sites of the subsurface explorations all plant, machinery, tools, equipment, temporary work, and surplus materials; remove all rubbish from any grounds which has been occupied; and leave the roads and all parts of the premises and adjacent property affected by work operations in a neat and satisfactory condition. 1-115 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement H. The Contractor shall thoroughly clean all materials and equipment installed, and, upon completion of the Work, deliver it undamaged and in fresh and new-appearing condition. All mechanical equipment should be left fully charged with lubricant and ready for operation. I. The Contractor shall restore or replace, when and as directed by the City or designee, any public or private property damaged by work, equipment, or employees, to a condition at least equal to that existing immediately prior to the beginning of operations. To this end, perform as required all necessary highway or driveway, walkway, and landscaping work. Suitable materials, equipment, and methods should be used for such restoration. The restoration of existing property or structures should be done as promptly as practicable as work progresses and should not be left until the end of the contract period. 1.0.6. SANITATION A. Toilet Facilities: Fixed or portable chemical toilets shall be provided wherever needed for the use of employees. Toilets shall conform to the requirements of Part 1926 of the OSHA Standards for Construction. B. Sanitary and Other Organic Wastes: The Contractor shall establish a regular daily collection of sanitary and organic wastes. Wastes and refuse from sanitary facilities provided by the Contractor or organic material wastes from any other source related to the Contractor's operations shall be disposed of away from the site in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer and in accordance with Laws and Regulations pertaining thereto. 1.0.7. CHEMICALS A. Chemicals used on the work or furnished for facility operation, whether defoliant, soil sterilant, herbicide, pesticide, disinfectant, polymer, reactant, or of other classification, shall show approval of either the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Use of such chemicals and disposal of residues shall be in strict accordance with the printed instructions of the manufacturer. PART 2— PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3— EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 1-116 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01581 PROJECT SIGNS PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1 SCOPE OF WORK A. Project Signs 1. City's Responsibility: To supply, erect and remove signs. 2. Contractor Responsibility: To maintain signs and restore site. PART 2— PRODUCTS 2.0.1 PROJECT SIGNS A. The City will supply signs for this Project. These signs will be produced, installed, and at the end of construction, removed by City's forces. During the construction period, the Contractor shall maintain the signs in good condition, satisfactory to the Engineer. Should the signs be defaced, damaged or destroyed, the Contractor shall be responsible for their repair or replacement to the satisfaction of the Engineer and no extra compensation will be allowed. PART 3— EXECUTION 3.0.1 MAINTENANCE A. Maintain signs and supports and repair all damages to the satisfaction of the Engineer. B. Restore site to original condition upon completion of Project. END OF SECTION 1-117 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01600 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT SHIPPING, HANDLING, STORAGE AND PROTECTION PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. This shall include both the City and Contractor supplied material and equipment. B. The Contractor is to inform all Subcontractors, suppliers, and manufactures of the requirements herein specified and shall include expenses for the following services in his costs for compliance with the requirements hereinafter specified. 1.0.2. PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT A. When practical, equipment shall be factory-assembled. The equipment parts and assemblies that are shipped unassembled shall be furnished with assembly plan and instructions. The separate parts and assemblies shall be factory matchmarked or tagged in a manner to facilitate assembly. All assemblies are to be made by the Contractor at no additional cost to the City. B. Machined and unpainted parts subject to damage by the elements shall be protected with an application of a strippable protective coating, or other approved protective method. C. Equipment shall be packaged or crated in a manner that will provide protection from damage during shipping, handling, and storage. D. The outside of the package or crate shall be adequately marked or tagged to indicate its contents by name and equipment number, if applicable; approximate weight; state any special precautions for handling; and indicate the recommended requirements for storage prior to installation. 1.0.3. PACKING AND DELIVERY OF SPARE PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS A. Properly mark to identify the associated equipment by name, equipment, and part number. Parts shall be packaged in a manner for protection against damage from the elements during shipping, handling, and storage. Ship in boxes that are marked to indicate the contents. Delivery of spare parts and special tools shall be made prior to the time associated equipment is scheduled for the initial test run. 1.0.4. SHIPMENT A. All equipment and material shall be shipped with freight and shipping paid FOB jobsite. B. The Contractor shall request a 7-day advance Notice of Shipment from manufacturers, and, upon receipt of such notice, provide the Engineer with a copy of the current delivery information concerning equipment items and material items of critical importance to the project schedule. 1-118 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement C. Schedule delivery to reduce long term on-site storage prior to installation and/or operation. Under no circumstances shall equipment be delivered to the site more than one month prior to installation without written authorization from the Engineer. D. Coordinate delivery with installation to ensure minimum holding time for items that are hazardous, flammable, easily damaged or sensitive to deterioration. 1.0.5. RECEIVING A. The Contractor shall unload and record the receipt of all equipment and materials at the jobsite. B. All costs for receiving, inspection, handling, storage; insurance, inventory control, and equipment maintenance for both for both the Contractor-supplied and the City- supplied materials and equipment shall be included in the prices bid and no extra compensation will be allowed. 1.0.6. INSPECTION A. Immediately upon receipt of equipment and materials at the jobsite, the Contractor shall inspect for completeness and any evidence of damage during shipment. Should there appear to be any shortage or damage, the Engineer shall be immediately notified; and the Contractor shall be fully responsible for informing the manufacturers and the transportation company of the extent of the shortage or damage. If the item or items require replacing or supplying missing parts, the Contractor shall take the necessary measures to expedite the replacement or supply of the missing parts. 1.0.7. HANDLING A. Equipment and materials received for installation on this project shall be handled in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and in a manner that will prevent damage. B. Pipe and fittings shall always be handled with great care to avoid damage. In loading and unloading, they shall be lifted with cranes or hoists or slid or rolled on skidways in such a manner as to avoid shock. Under no circumstances shall this material be dropped or allowed to roll or slide against obstructions. No cables, lifting arms, hooks or other devices shall be inserted into the pipe or fitting. All lifting, pulling or pushing mechanisms shall be applied to the exterior of the pipe or fitting. Pipe and other material shall be distributed along the right-of-way in advance of installation only to the extent approved by the Engineer. Pipe shall be stored on blocking or timber. It shall not be stored on rocks, boulders, or other supports which in the opinion of the Engineer are unsuitable. Such materials shall be so placed as to keep obstruction to traffic to a minimum. 1.0.8. STORAGE AND PROTECTION A. Equipment and materials shall be stored prior to installation as recommended by the manufacturer. Generally, materials such as pipe shall be stored off the ground in approved storage yards or along the line of the proposed pipeline as approved by the 1-119 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement Engineer. Items subject to the damage by the elements, vandalism, or theft shall be stored in secure buildings. B. Store and protect products in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, with seals and labels intact and legible. Storage instructions shall be studied by the Contractor and he shall review them with the Engineer. Instructions shall be carefully followed and a written record of this kept by the Contractor. Arrange storage to permit access for inspection. C. Store loose granular materials on solid flat surfaces in a well-drained area. Prevent mixing with foreign matter. D. Cement and lime shall be stored under a roof and off the ground and shall be kept completely dry at all times. All structural, miscellaneous and reinforcing steel shall be stored off the ground or otherwise to prevent accumulations of dirt or grease, and in a position to prevent accumulations of standing water and to minimize rusting. Beams shall be stored, the webs vertical. Precast concrete shall be handled and stored in a manner to prevent accumulations of dirt, standing water, staining, chipping or cracking. brick, block and similar masonry products shall be handled and stored in a manner to reduce breakage, cracking and spalling to a minimum. E. All bolts, nuts, gaskets and other joint materials for use in pipelines shall be stored under cover. F. Gaskets shall be stored in their original packing bags or containers, and care shall be exercised to keep them away from heat, light, oil gasoline or other petroleum products. Gaskets shall be kept clean at all times and not handled with greasy or dirty hands. G. Plastic pipe and other elastomeric products shall be stored under cover to preclude damage by ultraviolet radiation even if the product has UV inhibitors in its compound. H. Valves and other equipment having heating elements to eliminate moisture accumulation shall be supplied with electrical power of the required characteristics. 1.0.9. INSURANCE A. The Contractor's insurance shall adequately cover the value of materials delivered but not yet incorporated into the work. The Contractor and the City shall be named as co- insured insofar as their respective interests may appear. Proof of this coverage must be submitted to the Engineer at the time request for progress or partial payments. 1.0.10. INVENTORY CONTROL A. Equipment and materials shall be stored in a manner to provide easy access for inspection and inventory control. The Contractor shall keep a running account of all materials in storage to facilitate inspection and to estimate progress payments for materials delivered but not installed in the work. 1-120 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 1.0.11. EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE PRIOR TO THE CITYACCEPTANCE A. Provide the required or manufacturer's recommended maintenance during storage, during the installation, and until such time as the City accepts the equipment for full- time operation. 1.0.12. SALVABLE EQUIPMENT A. Any salvable pipe, fitting, or other miscellaneous material or equipment removed during construction and not reused in the work shall be cleaned, hauled, and stored by the Contractor at his own expense, where directed by the Engineer, and shall remain the property of the City.All other material shall be disposed of by the Contractor at his own expense. PART 2— PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3— EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 1-121 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01700 PROJECT CLOSEOUT PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. Work Included: This section outlines the procedure to be followed in closing all contracts. 1.0.2. RELATED SECTION A. Section 01340 "Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples". B. Section 01720 "Project Record Documents". C. City of Miami Beach General Covenants and Conditions. 1.0.3. FINAL INSPECTIONS A. The City will not issue preliminary punch lists. After final cleaning and upon written notice from the Contractor that he has inspected the work and it is a 100% completed, the Engineer will make a preliminary inspection with the City and the Contractor present. Upon completion of this preliminary inspection, the Engineer will submit to the Contractor a written final punch list of any which this inspection reveals as defective or incomplete work. B. Upon receiving written notice from the Engineer, the Contractor shall immediately undertake the work required to remedy the defects and complete the work to the satisfaction of the City. C. Each item in the punch list shall have a time duration agreed upon by both parties which shall not exceed 10 calendar days. Punchlist items may be eliminated individually from the list when approved by the Engineer. D. Should the Engineer find all work satisfactory at the time of the inspection, the Contractor will be allowed to make application for final payment in accordance with the provisions of the General Covenants and Conditions. 1. If the Contractor fails to complete any item of work within a time period equal to 100% of the agreed upon duration of time for all individual items, the Engineer will notify the Contractor in writing specifying the conditions pertaining thereto and directing the Contractor to comply with his directive. If the Contractor has not corrected such condition within 5 days of such notice, it shall be sufficient grounds for the Engineer to order the subject items discontinued and have them completely remedied in a timely manner at the expense of the Contractor. 2. No final estimate shall be issued by the Engineer until the Engineer has assured himself that the punch list has been 100%finished and all other related documents are submitted. 1-122 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 1.0.4. FINAL SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall submit all closeout documents required by the Contract Documents, including but not limited to the following. 1. Warranties and guarantees 2. Test reports, including but not limited to: a. Pipeline pressure/leak testing results b. Bacteriological sampling results c. Concrete test results certified by a licensed testing laboratory 3. Inspection and acceptance records 4. Operating and maintenance manuals 5. Project record documents (refer to Section 8 of the City of Miami Beach Public Works Manual) 6. Permit closeout documentation 1.0.5. FINAL PAYMENT APPLICATION A. Final payment application must include: 1. Final releases of liens from all subcontractors and suppliers 2. Final release from Contractor 3. Final consent of surety bond 4. The Contractor must obtain final Greenspace Management approval for installed landscaping 5. Upon receipt of Final Payment, the Contractor shall execute the Form of Final Receipt, if applicable 1.0.1. GUARANTEES, BONDS, AND AFFIDAVITS A. No Contract will be finalized until all guarantees, bonds, certificates, licenses, roofing warranty, C.O. and affidavits required for work or equipment as specified are satisfactorily filed with the Engineer. B. The Contractor shall comply with the Public Records Laws of the State of Florida. 1-123 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 1.0.2. ACCESSORY ITEMS A. All Contractors furnishing and/or installing equipment and spare parts on this project shall provide to the City, upon acceptance of the equipment, all special accessories required to place each item of equipment in full operation. These special accessory items include, but are not limited to, adequate oil and grease as required for the first lubrication of the equipment, light bulbs, fuses, wrenches, valve keys, handwheels, chain operators for valve handles more than 6 feet above floor, and other expendable items as required for initial startup and operation of all equipment. PART 2— PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3— EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 1-124 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01710 CLEANING PART 1 — GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. This Section specifies the maintenance of the work site in a clean, orderly, hazard free condition. 1.0.2. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conduct cleaning and disposal operations in accordance with local ordinances and anti-pollution laws. Rubbish, volatile wastes, and other construction wastes shall be neither burned nor buried on the work site, and shall not be disposed of into storm drains, sanitary drains, streams or other waterways. B. Final cleaning shall be accomplished either by workmen experienced in cleaning operations or by professional cleaners. PART 2 — PRODUCTS 2.0.1. ON SITE WASTE CONTAINERS A. Provide on-site waste containers for collection of waste materials, debris and rubbish. See Section 01100 "Special Project Requirements", Subsection 1.0.4. regarding Safety Requirements for environmentally hazardous materials. 2.0.2. CLEANING MATERIALS A. Cleaning materials shall be as recommended by the manufacturer of the surface to be cleaned. PART 3— EXECUTION 3.0.1. SAFETY REQUIREMENT A. Maintain work site in accordance with local ordinances and anti-pollution laws applicable to work site cleanliness and in a neat, orderly and hazard-free condition until final acceptance of the work. Catwalks, accessible underground structures, work site sidewalks and walkways adjacent to the work site shall be kept free from hazards caused by construction activities. B. Store volatile wastes including rags in covered metal containers and remove from work site daily. C. Prevent accumulations of wastes which create hazardous conditions. D. Artificially ventilate spaces which are not naturally ventilated when volatile or noxious substances are present in those spaces. 1-125 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3.0.2. CLEANING DURING CONSTRUCTION A. The Contractor shall at all times during the execution of this Contract keep the work site free and clear of all rubbish and debris. As soon as the work is completed, the accumulated rubbish or surplus materials shall be promptly removed. The Contractor shall also restore in an acceptable manner all property, both public and private, which has been displaced or damaged during the prosecution of the work and shall leave the site and vicinity unobstructed and in a neat and presentable condition. B. In the event of delay exceeding two (2) days after written notice is given to the Contractor by the Engineer to remove such rubbish or materials or to restore displaced or damaged property, the Engineer may employ such labor and equipment as he may deem necessary for the purpose, and the cost of such work, together with the cost of supervision, shall be charged to the Contractor and shall be deducted from any monies due him. The Project shall not be considered as having been completed until all rubbish and surplus materials have been removed and disposed of properly. C. Perform cleaning every workday for duration of the work. Structures, grounds, and areas of the work site, access roads and adjacent public and private properties shall be maintained free from accumulations of waste materials and rubbish caused by construction operations on the work site. Place waste materials and rubbish in on site containers or as otherwise approved. Unneeded construction equipment shall be removed and all damaged repaired so that the public and property owners will be inconvenienced as little as possible. D. Remove or secure loose material on open decks and on other exposed surfaces at end of each day's work or more often to maintain work site in hazard-free condition. E. Prevent dislodgement of materials due to wind and other forces. Wet down dry materials and rubbish to lay dust and prevent blowing dust. Cover or wet excavated material leaving and arriving at the site to prevent blowing dust. Clean the public access roads to the site of any material falling from the haul trucks. F. Empty on-site waste containers whenever necessary so that trash overflow does not occur. Legally dispose of contents at either public or private dumping areas. G. Control the handling of materials, debris and rubbish; do not drop or throw from heights. H. Immediately remove spillages of construction-related materials from hauling routes. 3.0.3. FINAL CLEANING A. In addition to the cleaning performed above, in preparation for final inspection, remove grease, dust, dirt, rust stain from surfaces. Remove labels, fingerprints and other foreign materials from exposed exterior finished surfaces. Flush down all valve boxes, and areas leaving such surfaces clean of all sand, etc. B. In preparation for final acceptance or occupancy, conduct final inspection and cleaning of exposed exterior surfaces, and of concealed spaces. 1-126 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement C. Maintain cleaning operations until project has been finally accepted. END OF SECTION 1-127 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01711 FINAL ACCEPTANCE PART 1 — GENERAL 1.0.1. FINAL CLEANUP A. At the completion of work and immediately prior to final inspection, cleaning of the entire project shall be accomplished according to the following provisions: 1. All temporary utility drops, fencing, and water supply outlets shall be removed. 2. All plant gate identification signs, barricades, tools, rubbish collection receptacles and other such items shall be removed by the Contractor. 3. All remaining earthen stockpiles of excess excavated material shall be graded to provide gentle slopes to prevent erosion as directed by the Engineer. 1.0.2. FINAL INSPECTION A. Following final cleanup, the Contractor shall request an inspection by the Engineer, and Engineer of Record. If the Engineer accepts the work as being complete, then Final Acceptance shall be given to the Contractor in accordance with Contract. 1.0.3. FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. Following successful final inspection, the Engineer shall approve the work as being complete and provide final acceptance of the work in accordance with the Contract. PART 2— PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3— EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 1-128 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01720 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. The Contractor is responsible for maintaining one record copy of: 1. Record Drawings. Record Drawings as used herein shall mean a drawing that reflects construction or design changes. 2. Record Specifications. 3. Addenda. 4. Change Orders and other modifications of the Contract. 5. Engineer's written orders or instructions. 6. Approved Shop Drawings (including product data and samples). 7. Field test records. 8. Construction photographs. 9. As-built dimensions and elevations as recorded on a daily basis by the Contractor's Professional Surveyor and Mapper (PSM) licensed to practice in the State of Florida. 10. Field Book. Survey Field notes taken by the PSM's survey crew (copy provided to the Engineer on a monthly basis) 11. The records listed above are always to be made available for the Engineer's review for all projects. B. Vertical Datum: Nationwide, surveys and as-builts are in the process of conversion to NAVD 88 from the NGVD 1929. The City will accept NAVD 88 datum with a conversion factor on each page. The Florida Department of Transportation is using the NAVD 88 datum. Projects within FDOT roadway limits shall either use NAVD 88 datum or provide a conversion factor on each page if the NGVD 1929 datum is used. For projects using City of Miami datum provide a conversion factor on each page to the NAVD 88 datum. 1.0.2. MAINTENANCE OF DOCUMENTS AND SAMPLES A. Maintain documents in a clean dry, legible, condition and in good order. Do not use record documents for construction purposes. 1-129 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 1.0.3. REQUIRED MEASUREMENTS A. Set-up and Verification: The Contractor's PSM is required to recover the design baseline and verify the elevations and coordinates on a regular basis as needed. B. The Contractor is required to have a level instrument setup next to the construction site in order to control the vertical alignment of the pipe installation prior to trench backfilling. The level shall be setup daily for use by the surveyor, Contractor's foreman and City Engineer/Inspector. Any underground construction work that does not have a level properly setup will be stopped by the City Engineer/Inspector. C. The Contractor is required to have the PSM's survey crew record the field information on a daily basis when there is underground pipe installation. The survey crew shall be on-site as needed to record and verify the information before it is covered. Any underground construction work that does not have the information recorded by a survey crew will be stopped by the City Engineer/Inspector. The Engineer/Inspector has the authority to order re-excavation of work that was covered without accurate survey measurements. D. Field Book Information: The PSM is required to have his crews make daily visits to the Project site during underground pipe installation work to perform field measurements of the Contractor's daily installations. This information shall be recorded in field books. Copies of the field notes are required to be provided to the Construction Manager on a monthly basis. The PSM's field notes shall be submitted to the City along with partial as-built plans (signed and sealed) on a monthly basis as a condition of payment. 1.0.4. RECORDS A. During the life of the Contract the Contractor shall retain the services of a PSM who shall maintain daily records of the installation, including all deviations from Plans and Specifications and for the purposes of preparing and submitting to the City an as- built/record survey in compliance with: 1. Florida Statutes Chapter 472.027. 2. Florida Administrative Code Chapter 5J-17.050, 5J-17.051 and 5J-17.052. 3. As further required by these Contract Documents. B. Measure and Record all information for all projects concurrently with constructions progress. 1. The services of the PSM for the Project shall be retained by the Contractor prior to the issuance of the "Notice to Proceed." A letter from the PSM shall be provided at the Preconstruction Meeting indicating that the Contractor has secured his services to perform all survey work for the duration of the project and prepare final as-builts plans. 1-130 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement C. Redline Drawings: 1. The Contractor shall maintain full size (22-inches by 34-inches) redline drawings to reflect the "record" items of work as the work progresses. 2. At a minimum, the redline drawings shall be reviewed on the 20th working day of every third month, or more often, as deemed necessary by Consultant, after the month in which the final Notice-to Proceed is given as well as on completion of Work. Failure to maintain the redline drawings up-to-date shall be grounds for withholding monthly progress payments until such time as the redline drawings are brought up-to-date. 3. Redline drawings shall be accessible to the City or designee at all times during construction period. 4. The cost of maintaining record changes, and preparation of the as-built record drawings shall be included in the unit prices bid for the affected items. D. Label each document "PROJECT RECORD" in neat large printed letters. 1. Do not conceal any work until as-built information is recorded by the Contractor's surveyor and, if so required, by the City surveyor. 2. All locations for future connections or tie-ins shall be left unburied and uncovered until the Contractor's PSM measures and records the as-built information. a. All as-built and inspector information is to be made available to the Engineer daily for inclusion in the City records. 3. Restrained pipe, end line valves, thrust blocks shall be left uncovered for the last complete length. In line valves and tees shall be left exposed for one length on both sides plus the face end. Measure and record the elevation, horizontal and vertical alignment, and inclination for these items. 4. For all projects, the Contractor's PSM shall maintain exact and extensive records of any deviations from the plans or specifications. These records shall be satisfactory to the Engineer, who's decision shall be final, and enough to allow the production of accurate as-built plans which correctly and completely portray the work as constructed. 5. For all projects, the Contractor's PSM shall record data as follows during the entirety of construction: a. For facility (e.g. a water or sewage plant, pumping station, or similar site if so, designated by City) projects, record as-built dimensions and elevations every twenty-five feet or portion thereof along the pipeline and at every abrupt change in direction of the new line. b. For pipeline projects, constructed in the public right-of-way dimensions and elevations every one-hundred feet or portion thereof along the pipeline and at every horizontal and vertical change in direction. 1-131 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement c. In all cases record locations and elevations for each valve, fitting, service line, fire hydrant, water sampling point, utility poles adjacent to the proposed line, overhead wires crossing the ditch line (approximate height above grade) and other appurtenances along the pipeline. d. The identity, dimensions, location and elevation of any existing utility crossing the proposed line and so immediately adjacent to the new line as to be exposed by the excavation shall also be recorded. Locate, excavate expose and record the same data for any utility shown in the plans whose proximity to the proposed pipeline could affect the certification requirements of the new installation. Note that in instances of a very wide ditch due to ground conditions the recording of data for adjacent, paralleling, utilities shall only be required for lines which come within three (3) feet of the outside of the pipe being installed unless otherwise ordered by the Engineer who's decision shall be final. e. Without exception, for all thrust blocks, the top elevation, outer dimensions, thickness of the block, length and location of any sheet piling, if used, shall be recorded by the Contractor's PSM. f. Specific locations and elevation of equipment, the buildings and miscellaneous items installed inside them shall be recorded as applicable and as required by the Engineer. g. Without exception, where the substitution of another piece of equipment for that shown on the plans has been allowed, the footprint, clearance and elevation dimensions shall be recorded by the Contractor's PSM and these changes shall be accurately and thoroughly portrayed on the as-built plans. h. The Contractor's Licensed PSM shall prepare from the field data, as-built record drawings showing correctly, completely and accurately the installation, embracing all changes and deviations made during construction, including all construction variances, to reflect the work as it was constructed. i. Record Drawings shall be prepared as specified hereinafter. 1) Record Drawings shall be prepared as specified herein. 2) Record Drawings and five (5) copies shall be signed and sealed by the PSM and shall be submitted to the City for the Engineer's review within ten (10) calendar days following the completion date of successful pressure testing of all mains and appurtenances under this Contract. j. If the Engineer determines that the drawings are not acceptable, they will be returned to the Contractor with a cover letter noting the deficiencies and/or reasons for the disapproval. Contractor shall have ten (10) calendar days to correct all exceptions taken by the Engineer and resubmit as-built record drawings to the Engineer for final acceptance. 1-132 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 1.0.5. DRAWINGS A. During the life of the Contract, maintain records of all deviations from the plans and specifications and prepare therefrom As-Built Record Drawings showing correctly and accurately all changes and deviations made during construction to reflect the work as it was actually constructed. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to check the As-Built Record Drawings for errors and omissions prior to submittal to the City and certify in writing that the As-Built Record Drawings are correct and accurate, including the actual location of all piping including building exposed and internal piping, electrical/signal conduits in or below the concrete floor, Indicate the size, depth and voltage in each conduit. B. Legibly Mark to Record Actual Construction: All data as previously specified for all installations by the Contractor's . For on-site structures and facilities work the Contractor's Florida Registered Land Surveyor shall record: 1. Depths of various elements of foundation in relation to datum plane. 2. All exposed and underground piping and ductwork with elevations and dimensions and locations of valves, pull boxes, etc. Changes in location, Horizontal and vertical locations of underground utilities and appurtenances, measured from permanent reference points, plant survey grids, property lines and similar. 3. Location of internal utilities and appurtenance concealed in the construction shall be referenced to visible and accessible features of the structure. Air conditioning ducts with locations of dampers, access doors, fans and other items needing periodic maintenance. 4. Field changes in dimensions, locations and details. 5. Changes made by Engineer's written instructions or by Change Order. 6. Details not on original plans. 7. Equipment and piping relocations. 8. Major architectural and structural changes in structures, including tanks. 9. Architectural schedule changes according to Contractor's record and shop drawings. 10. Record drawings shall be prepared as specified hereinafter. C. Specifications and Addenda: Legibly mark each section to record the following: 1. Manufacturer, trade name, catalog number and supplier of each product and item of equipment installed. 2. Changes made by Engineer's written instructions or by Change Order. 1-133 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement D. Approved Shop Drawings: Provide record copies for system diagrams and drawings together with each element of process equipment, piping, electrical system and instrumentation system. 1.0.6. SUBMITTALS A. Accompany submittal with transmittal letter in duplicate, containing: 1. Date 2. Project title and number 3. Contractor's name, address and phone number 4. Title and number of each Record Document 5. Contractor signature or of its authorized representative. B. Record Drawings with five blue line copies which have been signed and sealed by the surveyor shall be submitted to the City for the Engineer's review. Drawings shall conform to recognized standards of drafting and the minimum technical standards as set forth by the Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers, shall be neat, legible and on 24-inch by 36-inch Mylar. These materials shall be submitted to the City for the Engineer's review as a prerequisite for payment during the course of construction as previously specified and final, complete sets of documents within ten calendar days following the completion date of successful testing of all mains, equipment and appurtenances under this Contract. Final payment will not be made until the set of as-built record drawings and five sets of blue-line prints have been approved and accepted by the Engineer. C. In cases where a portion of a pipeline system or parts of a process system are put into service, the above conditions shall apply for the in-service portion and monthly payments shall be withheld until the as-built drawings are accepted by the Engineer. D. As-Built Record Drawings, as prepared by the Contractor's Florida Registered Land Surveyor and submitted by the Contractor, shall comply with following criteria and standards, and as specified in Section 01725 "As-built Drawings": 1. Title block must show the Contract or Project Title (as applicable); Contract number; City project number (if applicable); Contractor's name; Engineer of Record's name; Surveyor's name and address; date; location; and where appropriate to the work, size and type (i.e. sanitary gravity main, sanitary force main) of main. a. Baselines or centerlines must be tied to section corners, monument line and right-of-way lines. b. Pipeline must be tied to baseline or centerline with stations and offsets. c. Baselines or centerlines must show bearings or deflection angles, or delta, radius, chord and arc length for curves. 1-134 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement d. Show all horizontal curve data, including point of curvature (PC) and point of tangency (PT) stations or radial bearing. e. Stationing must be the same as shown on construction drawings and must be tied to Section corners, centerline intersections and all other pertinent control points within the project. All such pertinent points shall have their stationing shown and where there is dual stationing for a point, both stations shall be called out. f. Identify all streets by name or number and show stationing at all intersecting streets. g. Refer to vertical datum plane and identify the location, elevation and source supplying the benchmark used. h. Tie easement lines to survey baseline or platted centerline and rights-of-way. i. Show horizontal and vertical locations of all fittings, deflections, or at any significant change of direction, and at a maximum of 100-foot intervals along the pipeline for off-site(e.g. in the public right-of-way) and at maximum 25-foot intervals for on-site (e.g. on a facility such as a pump station or plant)work. j. On all pipe fittings of 36-inch diameter or over, (i.e.tees, bends, crosses,wyes, increasers/decreases, bevels) elevations must be taken at the end and center points to reflect the true elevation and attitude of the fitting. k. Elevations of natural ground or pavement over the pipeline must be shown at each position where the pipe elevation is shown and at intervening high and low points. I. Valve box rim elevations must be shown. m. Show all invert and bottom elevations in valve vaults or boxes. Show all invert and bottom elevations together with pipe size, and where it can be determined, pipe material, for existing structures having pipes which cross the pipeline being constructed. n. Locations and elevations together with diameter, thickness and material of all casings. o. Location, top and bottom elevations of all sheeting left in place. p. Coordinate values used inside plants shall be the local, City established coordinate systems referenced to the property boundary. q. State plane coordinate values for all new valves; on existing valves at points of connection or closest to the point of connection and the point of connection itself. 1-135 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement E. Update of Construction Documents: 1. All "proposed" information shall be removed from as-builts, leaving only "as-built" information reflected in drawing. 2. Upon completion of the Work, the Contractor shall furnish the Consultant the as- built record drawings. Pay request quantities must match as-builts record drawings. The completed as-built record drawings shall be delivered to the Consultant at least 48 hours prior to final inspection of the work. The final inspection will not be conducted unless the as-built record drawings are in the possession of the Consultant. 3. The City reserves the right to have a Registered PSM perform spot checks of as- built information provided by the Contractor. The City shall pay the costs of such survey work when the work is performed by a City of Miami Beach Contractor. Should any spot checks indicate that any portion of the installation does not comply with the Contract Documents, a recheck shall be performed by another (or third) Registered PSM or agreed to by both the City and Contractor at the Contractor's expense. If the recheck confirms the first check, that portion of the work shall be removed and replaced or modified at no additional cost to the City until satisfactory compliance is attained. F. Certification: The Contractor shall certify on as-built record drawings all other actual constructed details and information as may be required by the City including but not limited to: 1. Pipeline must be identified by type of pipe material, manufacturer, type of joint and type of joint restraint. 2. Valves must be identified by size, type, end condition; and on valves 16-inch or larger, the manufacturer's name and number of turns required to open or close the valve. 3. Types and sizes of sheeting and piling together with measured and complete; location, dimensional and elevation data on any pile caps. tie backs, anchors, whalers or other appurtenant structures left in place. G. Digital Records: The City reserves the right to require submittal of as-built drawings in AutoCAD format and in PDF format. The AutoCAD file shall be compatible with the City's system and capable of being uploaded without external reference files. Graphical information contained on electronic media shall be the same as provided on plan sheets. Digital Records shall be delivered to the office of the City Engineer, Engineering Division, Miami Beach Public Works Department, 451 Dade Boulevard, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. A letter of transmittal shall be provided, containing a list of all files and data being provided. PART 2— PRODUCTS NOT USED 1-136 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement PART 3-EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 1-137 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01725 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. This section shall serve to set out guidelines for as-built drawings submitted to City of Miami Beach. B. To ensure that as-built drawings may serve their intended purposes now and in the future, they should be prepared with consideration for quality. The City of Miami Beach Public Works Department will consider the following elements during as-built during review to ensure the quality of the as-built drawings. C. The Contractor is required to have a survey crew record the field information on as necessary when there is underground pipe installation. The Florida Licensed Professional Surveyor and Mapper shall be responsible for providing measurements accurate to the standard of practice established in Chapter 5J-17.050 to 5J-17.052 of the Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 427.027, Florida Statutes. The approved final record as-built shall be used as part of the City of Miami Beach's GIS and Record System. D. The Contractor's PSM shall maintain exact and extensive records of any deviations from the design plan set. E. As-built drawings shall be prepared in a professional manner consistent with common engineering standards for layout, lettering, and line-work. F. As-built information shall be portrayed in a manner that is readily understandable by someone not familiar with the specific job. G. Preparer shall endeavor to present as-built information clearly without "cluttering" the drawing. H. As-built drawings shall include all disciplines in the Bid Set drawings. 1.0.2. CRITERIA FOR AS-BUILTS A. Horizontal: All horizontal control and locations shall be tied to the Florida State Plane Coordinate System, East Zone (NAD 83/2011). B. Vertical Datum: All vertical control and elevations shall be referenced to North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 1988). 1.0.3. AS-BUILT REVIEW PROCESS A. SUBMITTAL PACKAGE The following shall be submitted as one package in order to be accepted for initial review by the Inspections Unit. 1-138 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 1. Initial submittal (prior to performing field testing) shall include the following: 1 set of signed and sealed as-built (DWFX file), signed and sealed field book information, DWFX file of the as-built and the City Minimum Requirements As-built Plan Submittal. 2. Final submittal shall consist of corrected As-Built Documents in digital format (AutoCAD and DWFX files) and the following sets of signed and sealed as-builts sets: Five (5) sets-for Pump Station Projects. Signed and Sealed Copy of Field Book Information. As-builts signed and sealed by the Florida Licensed Professional Surveyor and Mapper and/or Engineer of Record must comply with format requirements. B. CITY PROCESSING. 1. The City will require Ten (10) business days to perform the as-built review. 2. As-builts will be initially checked by the responsible Field Inspector to verify that they are an accurate representation of the work as installed and that the job as shown is complete and in accordance with the permitted plans. 3. Following the Field Inspector's review, as-builts will be reviewed in depth by the As-Built Reviewer to ensure compliance with these standards. The Reviewer will also check the complete package which includes the Bill of Materials. C. PUNCH LIST 1. Punch List items may be generated from the City initial review. Successive reviews are solely for the purpose of ensuring that original punch list items are completely and correctly done to obtain a final As-built acceptable to the City. 2. Successive punch list items may only be added to correct a problem resulting from submitter's efforts to comply with the original punch list. No new original punch list item(s) may be added. Submitter shall be required to make these successive changes. 3. In the case of an oversight on the part of the As-built Reviewer, punch list items may be added to the list or requested of the submitter after the valid time for such items. The City requires that all corrections be made as a condition of accepting the final as-builts. 4. Marking of the drawings shall be kept current and shall be done at the time the material and equipment are installed. Annotations to the Contract Documents shall be made with an erasable colored pencil conforming to the following color code: Additions- Red Deletions- Green Comments- Blue Dimensions- Graphite* 1-139 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement *Legibly mark to record actual depths, horizontal and vertical location of all above and below grade structures, underground pipes, valves, raceways, cables, and appurtenances referenced to permanent surface improvements. 1.0.4. AS-BUILTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Prior to final acceptance, two (2) copies of as-built drawings certified by a Florida Registered Land Surveyor shall be provided to the City for approval, acceptance and certification by the "Engineer of Record", together with a copy of digital media producing such As-Builts. 2. At minimum, the As-Built must show Station numbers and horizontal offsets from the Base Line and Right-of-Way lines on a Plan scaled 1"=20 ft. for all fittings, valves and changes in horizontal alignment, and a profile with a vertical scale of not less than 1" = 2 ft. with elevations at all horizontal and vertical changes in alignments and grade profile elevations at approximately 50 ft. 3. Any deviations from the design plans must be approved by the City. B. QUALITY OF AS-BUILTS To ensure that as-builts may serve their intended purposes now and in the future, they should be prepared with consideration for quality. The As-built Reviewer will consider the following elements to ensure the quality of as-builts. 1. Accuracy: The Contractor is required to have a survey crew record the field information on as necessary when there is underground pipe installation. The Florida Licensed Professional Surveyor and Mapper shall be responsible for providing measurements accurate to the standard of practice of the Florida Administrative Code. The approved final record as-built shall be used as part of the City GIS and Record System. 2. Field Changes: The Contractor's PSM shall maintain exact and extensive records of any deviations from the design plan set. 3. Appearance: As-builts shall be prepared in a professional manner consistent with common engineering standards for layout, lettering and line-work. 4. "Understandability": As-built information shall be portrayed in a manner that is readily understandable by someone not familiar with the specific job. 5. Clarity: Preparer shall endeavor to present as-built information clearly without "cluttering" the drawing. 1.0.5. AS-BUILT CONTENT REQUIREMENTS —ALL DRAWINGS A. All drawings submitted to the City of Miami Beach Public Works Department shall include at a minimum the following, where applicable. 1-140 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 1. Centerlines, right-of-way lines, right-of-way dimensions, street widths and names, with matching plat, if applicable, subdivision name, phaseline, and number. (Phasing to be nearest valve and manhole in limits of phase area). 2. Baselines, monuments, monument lines, lot lines, parcel lines. 3. All involved lots and blocks shown and correctly designated (to match plat). 4. All control lines identified (i.e., centerline, section line, etc.). Identify all streets by name or number and show stationing at all intersecting streets. 5. Baseline shall be tied to centerlines, boundary lines, section corners, or to monument lines or to right-of-way lines. Baselines must show bearings or deflection angles, or delta, radius, chord, and arc length for curves. 6. Pipeline shall be tied to a baseline that easily identified on the existing or proposed right-of-way. Baseline shall not be on top of the main except for gravity sewers installed on centerlines. 7. Show all existing water and/or sewer mains as a broken line (i.e., dashed). Show proposed water and/or sewer mains as dark solid line. Also, identify respective utility pipe, size, and material type. Existing or proposed mains 20-inches in diameter and greater, shall be shown as two lines (i.e., double line) of the line type as stated. 8. Show all horizontal and vertical curve data, including point of curvature (PC) and point of tangency (PT) stations or radial bearing. 9. Easements: a. Easements type and size shall be clearly shown with size and tied to centerline. The easements shall be separate for water, sewer, force main, and pump stations. b. Existing Official Record Book (ORB) or other record information must be shown. c. Easement lines shall be tied to the centerline of the main. 10. Separate profile for each segment and utility type (water, sanitary sewer, stormwater, etc.). 11. Every utility (water, sewer, sewer laterals, water services, gas, electric, stormwater, telecommunication, duct banks, etc.) encountered and/or crossing drainage, water, or sanitary sewer facilities (whether it is a conflict or has sufficient clearances) shall be located, both horizontally and vertically. The clearance between the facilities horizontal and vertical, shall be noted. For instance, if a 2- inch gas main crosses over the top of a 6-inch potable water main, the bottom elevation of the gas main shall be noted and the top of the water main shall be noted. The difference between the two facilities will be the clearance between the two facilities. Parallel mains shall note the clearance between the outside of the 1-141 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement mains. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to note these crossings on a daily basis and ensure that this information is reflected on the As-Built Drawing plan set. Crossings will not require state plane coordinates. 12. All mains shall be stationed and all facilities labeled. Drawings shall show stations for all services. Lengths and distances for service runs shall also be given. 13. Label and station all valves, fittings, services, outlets, manholes, deflection points, and other components in the line. The labels and stations shall coincide, plan and profile. 14. Clearly show and label what is new and what is existing at the tie-in points. 15. Show all outlets, stub-outs, sewer lateral, water service and any other relevant information. Identify the size, material, length, direction, and elevation (top of pipe for water, sewer, and stormwater and force mains, invert gravity sewer and stormwater mains). 16. On all pipe fittings of 36-inch diameter or over, including tees, bends, crosses, wyes and bevels, station and elevations shall be taken at the ends and center points to reflect the true elevation and orientation of the fitting. 17. Elevations of natural ground or pavement over pipelines shall be shown at each position where the pipe elevation is shown at least every 100 feet. 18. Manhole rim and valve box manhole rim elevations shall be shown. 19. Show all invert and bottom elevations in manholes and valve vaults or boxes. Show all invert and bottom elevations together with pipe size, and where it can be determined, pipe material, for existing structures having pipes which cross the pipeline being constructed. 20. Locations, elevations, and size of all casings shall be shown. 21. Locations and top and bottom elevation of all sheeting, including sheeting left in place, shall be shown. 22. Where service is not at a right angle (90 degrees) to main line, tie service with length of offset to nearest property line. 23. Provide State Plane Coordinate values for all visible features such as valves, manholes, maintenance access structures, fire hydrants, water meters, cleanouts, and backflow preventers. Also provide State Plane Coordinate values for existing valves and manholes at points of connection or closest to the point of connection and the point of connection itself. 24. Lines that are abandoned in place shall be located during construction and clearly identified (dashed and bold line type) on the drawings to include cut and plug locations and pipe material. 1-142 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 25. For large diameter pipelines 30-inch and above, the restraint system used shall be identified (gland restrained,joint restrained, or gasket restrained). 26. Large diameter transmission mains 42-inches and larger shall show each pipe joint, pipe length, and station. 1.0.6. AS-BUILT CONTENT REQUIREMENTS — UTILITY DRAWINGS A. Utility drawings shall include at a minimum the following, where applicable. 1. Separate profile for each proposed segment and utility type (water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, etc.) 2. Plans showing: a. Size of main b. Material of main c. Offset of main d. Deflections e. Station f. Services g. Hydrants h. Laterals i. Manholes j. Fittings k. Type, length, size, and elevation in conflict structures 3. The size of the piping shall be verified by the survey crew during the as-built survey. B. Sanitary sewer force main, and stormwater force main drawings shall include at a minimum the following, where applicable. 1. Profile drawings showing high and low elevation of the piping and finish grade. Top of pipe location (horizontal and vertical) location every 100 linear feet. Show size and material of pipe and all fittings with stations. Stationing system shall be the same as that used in the plan view. 2. Location (horizontal and vertical) of all structures, fittings (including bends and tees) valves, double detector check valves, fire hydrants, and appurtenances. Every valve, tee, bend, fire hydrant, beginning and ending of deflections, 1-143 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement maintenance access structure, manholes, inlets, catch basins, etc., shall be located, both horizontally (plan view) station and offset from the baseline (right-of- way center) and vertically (on profile drawings). 3. Tie-ins to existing lines. 4. The ends of all services at the buildings or homes shall be as-built or where the service terminates. 5. Water services with meter boxes at the property line shall be located with a dimension to the nearest landmark. For example, a water service meter box is located from a maintenance access structure at the intersection of a street. The next four (4) meter boxes can be dimensioned from each other, provided they are all in the same horizontal alignment. 6. If there are water services that do not have meter boxes at the property line (or are not readily visible/accessible), they shall be located by the State Plane Coordinate System. These services shall be located, both horizontally — plan view — station and offset from the baseline (right-of-way center) and vertically — on profile drawings. 7. Coordinates shall be indicated to the nearest 0.1 foot. The coordinate northings/eastings and elevations shall be presented in a table format that clearly identifies what each coordinate refers to. Every tee, valve, maintenance access DRAFT structure, etc. may be "numbered" in the plan view and provide a separate plan sheet for the coordinate table. 8. Distances from main to all valves, fire hydrants, and meter boxes shall be shown. 9. Label water service as either double, single, irrigation, and so on, based on type of service, including the diameter size. 10. Location of all air release valves and top of pipe elevation. C. Sanitary sewer gravity main and stormwater gravity main drawings shall include at a minimum the following, where applicable. 1. Rims, inverts, and length of piping between structures as well as slopes. 2. Weir elevations. 3. The stub ends of all laterals shall be located and if there are any cleanouts installed on the sewer laterals then the invert elevation of these cleanouts needs to be obtained. 4. Plan showing manhole numbers and stations, size and material of pipe, manhole to manhole length and slope. The size, material type, station locations and lengths of laterals shall also be shown. 5. Profile showing manhole numbers (as per plan), rim elevations, invert elevations in and out of each manhole with directions, length, and slope of line. 1-144 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 6. Stations of all wyes and tees for laterals and location of cleanouts with distance to property line. 7. Connections to existing sewer collection systems with flow direction shown. 8. Sewer laterals crossing utilities shall show a profile with invert elevation, ground elevations, slope and clearance and elevation at cleanout. 9. Sanitary sewer laterals with cleanouts at the property line shall be located with a dimension to the nearest landmark. Services/laterals may also be located from each other provided a minimum of five (5) services/laterals are tied together. For example, a sanitary sewer cleanout is located from a maintenance access structure at the intersection of a street. The next four(4) sanitary sewer cleanouts can be dimensioned from each other, provided they are all in the same horizontal alignment. 10. If there are sanitary sewer laterals that do not have cleanouts at the property line (or are not readily visible/accessible), they shall be located by the State Plane Coordinate System. These services shall be located, both horizontally— plan view — station and offset from the baseline (right-of-way center) and vertically — on profile drawings. D. All pipeline profile views shall include at a minimum the following, where applicable. 1. Every valve, tee, bend, fire hydrant, beginning and ending of deflections, maintenance access structure, wet well, etc. shall be located, both horizontally - plan view — station and offset from the baseline (ROW center) and vertically - on profile drawings. 2. In addition to dimensioning for appurtenances, and the elevation along the top of pipe every 200 feet will also be required. 1.0.7. AS-BUILT CONTENT REQUIREMENTS — PAVING, GRADING, AND DRAINAGE DRAWINGS A. Paving, grading, and drainage drawings shall include at a minimum the following, where applicable. 1. All existing and proposed utilities in the public right-of-way shall be shown on the paving, grading, and drainage plans. All utilities shall be identified and located by dimension, horizontally and by elevation, and their materials of construction shall be noted to the extent determinable without excavation. 2. Cross-section(s) and/or typical section(s) of proposed road and drainage construction, shall show dimensions, materials, and purposes of all existing (to remain) facilities as well as all proposed facilities within the right-of-way. 3. Pavement marking and signing drawings shall include sign locations. 1-145 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement B. All rock elevations for parking lot, roadways, and swale areas shall include at a minimum the following. 1. Rock elevations at all high and low points, and at enough intermediate points to confirm slope consistency and every 50 feet for roadways. 2. Rock elevations shall be taken at all locations where there is a finish grade elevation shown on the design plans. 3. All catch basin and manhole rim elevations shall be shown. 4. Elevations around medians will also be required. 5. Elevations shall be taken on all paved and unpaved swales prior to placement of asphalt and/or topsoil/sod, at enough intermediate points to confirm slope consistency and conformance to the plan details. C. Retention area elevations shall be taken at the bottom of the retention area and at the top of bank. If there are contours indicated on the design plans, then they shall be as- built as well. 1.0.8. AS-BUILT SURVEY A. An as-built survey will be required upon completion of all construction projects that lay within City-owned properties, including, but not limited to, City rights-of-way, easements, parcels, and submerged lands, etc. All improvements, including but not limited to, landscaping will be required. B. As-built surveys shall be prepared in accordance with FAC Chapter 5J-17.051 and all applicable Standards of Practice. C. When performing as-built surveys, the surveyor and mapper shall obtain field measurements of vertical or horizontal dimensions of constructed improvements so that the constructed facility can be delineated in such a way that the location of the construction may be compared with the construction plans. D. As-built survey maps shall clearly show by symbols, notations, or delineations, those constructed improvements located by the survey. E. The vertical and horizontal accuracy of the measurements made shall be such that it may be determined whether the improvements were constructed consistent with planned locations. F. The Surveyor shall be responsible for the location, establishing or replacement of Vertical and Horizontal Survey Control Points. G. Complete topographic and boundary survey for the project shall be signed and sealed by the Florida Licensed Professional Surveyor and Mapper as part of the as-built plans. All information required of a boundary survey shall be contained on the as-built plans to include the legal description of the site, easements and rights-of-way abutting 1-146 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement the site and location of all surface facilities recorded by a PSM. All utilities within the property shall be properly shown, along with their associated elevation and clearance. 1.0.9. CERTIFICATION A. All as-built drawings are to be certified to the City of Miami Beach Public Works Department and all sheets are to be signed and sealed as previously outlined. B. As-builts shall include a signed, sealed, and dated certification statement by the responsible Florida Licensed Professional Surveyor and Mapper that all measurements were recorded under his direction and are accurate. C. Any civil drawings that are not surveyed shall also be included in the set and shall be signed and sealed by the Engineer of Record. D. As-builts that contain electrical, mechanical, or structural work shall also be signed and sealed by the Engineer of Record to indicate that the work was constructed as designed. E. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to check the as-builts for errors and omissions prior to submittal to the City and certify in writing that the as-builts are correct and accurate, including the actual location of all piping including building exposed and internal piping, electrical/signal conduits in or below the concrete floor, indicate the size, depth, and voltage in each conduit. PART 2— PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3— EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 1-147 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01730 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. Prepare Operating and Maintenance (0 & M) Manual covering all equipment and systems provided under this project. B. Instruct the City's personnel in the operation of equipment and maintenance provided under this project. C. This Section covers the services of the manufacturer's representatives and special coordinating services required of the Contractor that shall apply during construction, facilities startup, and training of the City's personnel for facilities operation. D. The Contractor shall inform all Subcontractors and manufacturers of the requirements herein and include the following services in his costs for the work. Where a minimum amount of time is stated in the Technical Specifications for manufacturer's services, any additional time required to perform the specified services shall be at no additional cost to the City. 1.0.2. SUBMITTALS A. Not later than 30 days after the start of Construction, submit for review and approval by the Engineer two copies of a preliminary draft of the O&M manual, showing the proposed format and an outline of the contents. B. Throughout construction, prepare O&M sections for equipment and systems when such equipment and systems, and shop drawings and technical data therefor, are approved. Within 30 days following receipt of the Engineer's approval of the final shop drawing submittal, submit, in duplicate, draft of complete O&M Manual for review and approval of Engineer. C. Within 30 days after receipt of Engineer's review comments, make required revisions and submit in final form two copies of the 0 & M Manual for final approval. D. The Contractor shall inform all Subcontractors and manufacturers of the requirements herein and include the following services in his costs for the work. Where a minimum amount of time is stated in the Technical Specifications for manufacturer's services, any additional time required to perform the specified services shall be at no additional cost to the City. 1.0.3. FORM, FORMAT AND SUBMITTALS CONTENTS A. Operating and maintenance manuals will be used for use by the City personnel in the operation and maintenance of the various systems. B. the City shall be furnished with one set of any special tools required for servicing for each type of equipment actually furnished. These tools shall be provided to the Pump Station Maintenance Division. 1-148 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement C. Prepare data in the form of an instructional manual for use by the City personnel. D. Format: 1. Size: 8% in. x 11 in. 2. Paper: 20-pound minimum, white, for typed pages. 3. Text: Manufacturer's printed data or neatly typewritten. 4. Drawings: a. Provide reinforced punched binder tab, bind in with text. b. Fold larger drawings to the size of the text paper. 5. Provide fly-leaf for each separate product, or each piece of operating equipment. a. Provide typed description of product, and major component parts of equipment. b. Provide indexed tabs. 6. Cover: Identify each volume with typed or printed title "OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS". List: a. Title of Project. b. Identify of separate structure as applicable. c. Identity of general subject matter covered in the manual. E. Binders 1. Commercial quality three-ring binders with durable and cleanable plastic covers. 2. Maximum ring size: As required (Minimum 11/2-inches). F. Content of Manual 1. Neatly typewritten table of contents, arranged in a systematic order. a. Contractor, name of responsible principal, address and telephone number. b. A list of each product required to be included, indexed to the content of the volume. c. List, with each product, the name, address and telephone number of: 1) Subcontractor or installer. 2) Maintenance Contractor, as appropriate. 1-149 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3) Identify the area of responsibility of each. 4) Local source of supply for parts and replacement. 5) Identify each product by product name and other identifying symbols as set forth in Contract Documents. G. Product Data: 1. Include only those sheets which are pertinent to the specific product. 2. Annotate each sheet to: a. Clearly identify the specific product or part Installed. b. Clearly identify the data applicable in the installation. c. Delete references to inapplicable information. H. Drawings: 1. Supplement product data with drawings as necessary to clearly illustrate: a. Relations of component part of equipment and system. b. Control wiring, schematic wiring, and flow diagram. 2. Coordinate drawings with information in Project Record Documents to assure correct illustration of completed installation. 3. Do not use Project Record Documents as maintenance drawings. I. Written text, as required to supplement product data for the particular installation: 1. Organize in a consistent format under separate headings for different procedures. 2. Provide a logical sequence of instructions for each procedure. J. Copy of each warranty, bond and service contract issued. 1. Provide information sheet for City's personnel, give: a. Proper procedures in the event of failure. b. Instances which might affect the validity of warranties or bonds. 1.0.4. MANUAL FOR EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS A. Content, for each unit of equipment and system, as appropriate: 1. Description of unit and component parts. 1-150 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement a. Function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions. b. Performance curves, engineering data and tests. c. Complete nomenclature and commercial number of all replaceable parts. 2. Operating Procedures: a. Start-up, break-in, routine and normal operating instructions. b. Regulation, control, stopping, shut-down, and emergency instructions. c. Special operating instructions. 3. Maintenance Procedures: a. Routine operations. b. Guide to "trouble shooting". c. Disassembly, repair, and reassembly. d. Alignment, adjusting, and checking. 4. Servicing and lubrication schedule: a. List of lubricants required. 5. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instructions. 6. Description of sequence of operation by control manufacturer. 7. Original manufacturer's parts list, illustration, as drawings and diagrams required for maintenance. a. Predicted life of parts subject to wear. b. Items recommended to be stocked as spare parts. 8. List of original manufacturer's spare parts, manufacturer's current prices, and recommended quantities to be maintained in storage. 9. Other data as required under pertinent sections of specifications. B. Content, for each electric and electronic system, as appropriate: 1. Description of system and component parts a. Function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions. b. Performance curves, engineering data and test. 1-151 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 2. Switchgear, transformers, and motor control centers. a. Coordination summary. b. Relay settings. c. High voltage switch instructions. d. High voltage cable termination and splice instructions. 3. Operating procedures: a. Routine and normal operating instructions. b. Special operating instructions. 4. Maintenance procedures: a. Routine operations. b. Guide to "trouble-shooting". c. Disassembly, repair and reassembly. d. Adjust and checking. C. Prepare and include additional data when the need for such data becomes apparent during instruction of City's personnel. D. Additional requirements for operating and maintenance data: The respective sections of Specification. 1.0.5. SUBMITTAL OF MANUALS A. Two draft copies of the complete operating and maintenance manual shall be submitted for review by the Engineer within 30 calendar days after approval of all shop drawings. One copy will be return to the Contractor within 30 days after receipt by the Engineer. 1.0.6. POSTED OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS A. General: Operating instructions and diagrams shall be prepared for posting near the equipment. Posted operating instructions shall be photographic or equal non-fading reproductions framed under glass encased in non-discoloring plastic and shall be mounted in location directed. Copies of the posted operating instructions shall also use with the operating and maintenance manuals as a basis in training employees in the operation and maintenance of systems and related equipment installed. B. Contents: Posted operating instructions shall consist of simplified, consolidated equipment, control and power diagrams graphically representing the entire system and 1-152 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement actual equipment installed, including concise written instructions on how to start and stop systems, what settings and conditions are to be observed and what control adjustments are to be made or maintained by the operation. 1.0.7. MANUFACTURES'S NAMEPLATES A. Each major component of equipment to have manufacturer's name, address, model number and rating on a plate securely affixed in a conspicuous place. Nameplate of a distributing agent will not be acceptable in lieu of manufacturer's nameplate. B. Nameplate shall be die-stamped, engraved, or etched to guarantee long term legibility. 1.0.8. GUARANTY/WARRANTY A. The Contractor shall guarantee that all new equipment has the capacity specified and that it will operate without excess noise or vibration. B. Contractor shall furnish a written guarantee covering all workmanship and materials for a period of one (1) year, from the date of acceptance. This shall include an agreement to repair or replace, at his expense, all defects that may appear in that time, which in the opinion of the Engineer, are due to defective workmanship or materials. C. Copies of factory warranties on all equipment furnished shall be submitted with the above described, written guarantee period, and included in maintenance manuals. 1.0.9. OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY A. Contractor shall provide all required service and maintenance on all equipment installed under this contract for one(1)year following final acceptance or the beginning of beneficial use by the City. The starting date of one (1) year service period shall be determined by the City. Included in the service and maintenance to be provided during this one (1) year period, shall be the following: 1. All required lubrication, adjusting belt tensions, eliminating excessive noise and vibration. 2. Correcting all electrical and mechanical faults, recording all permanent installed gauge meter and temperature readings. 3. General service items, including the answering of service calls. B. Service during construction: 1. General: Competent and experienced technical representatives shall represent the manufacturers of all equipment and systems as many days as may be necessary to resolve assembly or installation problems at the worksite which are attributable to, or associated with, the equipment furnished. This requirement applies to manufacturers of all equipment furnished, whether or not specifically set forth in the Technical Specifications. 2. Manufacturer's Certificate of Proper Installation: Where called for in the Technical Specifications, the manufacturer's representative shall provide a certificate stating 1-153 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement that the equipment or system has been installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation and has been inspected by a manufacturer's authorized representative, that it has been serviced with the proper initial lubricants, that applicable safety equipment has been properly installed, and that the proper electrical and mechanical connections have been made. C. Functional testing assistance: 1. Where functional (or run) testing is called for on the Technical Specifications, the manufacturer's representative shall assist with the initial test, which shall include checking for proper rotation, alignment, speed, excessive vibration, and noisy operation. Initial equipment and system adjustment and calibrations shall be performed in the presence of and with the assistance of the manufacturer's representative. The previously specified Manufacturer's Certificate of Proper Installation shall include the statement that proper adjustment has been made and that the equipment or system is ready for plant startup and operation. 2. The Contractor, as applicable to the equipment furnished, shall state in writing that all necessary hydraulic structures, piping systems, and valves have been successfully tested; that all necessary equipment systems and subsystems have been checked for proper installation, started, and successfully tested to indicate that they are all operational; that the systems and subsystems are capable of performing their intended functions; and that the facilities are ready for startup and intended operation. 3. Training of Owner's Personnel: Where called for in the specifications, the manufacturer's representative shall provide detailed instructions to the City personnel for operation and maintenance of the specified equipment. These training services shall include pre-startup classroom and onsite equipment instruction and/or post-startup classroom and onsite equipment instruction, as stated in the specifications. PART 2— PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3— EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 1-154 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01740 PERMITS PART 1 — GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. Where the City has obtained various permits for this Project, copies will be appended at the rear of the Specifications. B. The Contractor shall familiarize himself with, and comply with, all requirements of these permits and their issuing authorities. All other necessary permits shall be obtained by the Contractor. C. The Contractor's particular attention is called to any special conditions of the permits relating to construction procedures, excavation and backfill requirements, open trench restrictions, asphalt concrete pavement restoration, turbidity controls, and all other general and special conditions. In the event any of the conditions of the permits are in conflict with the requirements of these Specifications, the more stringent conditions of the permits shall take precedence. D. Any deviations from the Plans, Specifications or permits appended thereto, must first be approved by the Engineer even if approval for the change has been given by the permitting agency. E. The Contractor shall assume throughout the life of the Contract all obligations and responsibilities imposed on the City as permittee of the aforementioned permits. All expenses necessary for compliance with the regulations and requirements of each permitting agency and its permit shall be borne by the Contractor and shall be included in his overall bid price. F. The cost of any fees such as impact fees, inspection fees, etc. and the cost paid for all required permits shall be borne by the City. The Contractor shall pay the required fees, obtain the permit(s) and then upon submission of proof of cost to the City, be reimbursed for said cost out of the Permit Fee Dedicated Allowance Item. This shall apply only to required permits and fees. Permits obtained or fees paid for the advantage of the Contractor or non-required permits obtained for whatever reason shall not be reimbursed. The necessity or non-necessity of a permit or fee shall be determined by the Engineer whose word shall be final. As specified in the paragraph above, all costs of compliance with the permit(s) shall be borne by the Contractor and included in his bid price. G. All surveying required by the Project permits shall be done by the Contractor's Registered Professional Surveyor and Mapper (PSM) licensed to practice in the State of Florida. H. Where the project or part of the project is located in the City of Miami Beach, in accordance with the City of Miami Beach Code, a special paving bond is required by the City of Miami Beach Public Works Department. The Contractor shall obtain and execute this bond between the City of Miami Beach and himself. The cost of this bond will not be reimbursed under the Permit Fee Dedicated Allowance Item. 1-155 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement PART 2- PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3- EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 1-156 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 01750 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC AND PUBLIC STREETS PART 1 — GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing the Engineer with Maintenance of Traffic (M.O.T.) plans for lane closures and/or detours for approval. These M.O.T. plans shall be produced by an individual employed by the Contractor and certified as "Work Zone Traffic Safety Supervisor" by the American Traffic Safety Service Association, ATSSA. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of public streets and traffic control for the duration of the project. The cost of Traffic Control including the cost of any required off duty police officers shall be included under the appropriate bid item in the Proposal. If no bid item for this is included, said costs shall be included in other appropriate items of the bid and no extra compensation will be allowed. 1.0.2. REGULATIONS A. As used herein, any reference to City of Miami Beach, or its published regulations, permits and data, shall be synonymous and interchangeable with other recognized governing bodies over areas or streets, or their departments, published regulations, permits or data. The Contractor shall abide by all applicable laws, regulations, and codes thereof pertaining to maintenance of public streets, detour of traffic, traffic control and other provisions as may be required for this project. 1.0.3. MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC (M.O.T.) A. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the maintenance of public streets, detour of traffic (including furnishing and maintaining regulatory and informative signs along the detour route), traffic control, and other provisions throughout the Project as required by the City of Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works (MDCDTPW) Traffic Division, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), or other governing agency. Traffic shall be maintained according to corresponding typical traffic control details as outlined in the MDCDTPW Manual. No street shall be completely blocked, nor blocked more than one-half at any time, keeping the other one-half open for traffic, without specific approval. Hard closures require approval from the City of Miami Beach Transportation Department B. An off-duty City of Miami Beach police officer is required. Off-Duty Office phone number is 305-673-7823. C. The Contractor shall provide all barricades with warning lights, necessary arrow boards and signs, to warn motorists of the work throughout the project. Adequate approved devices shall be erected and maintained by the Contractor to detour traffic. D. Excavated or other material stored adjacent to or partially upon a roadway pavement shall be adequately marked for traffic safety at all times. E. The Contractor shall provide necessary access to all adjacent property during 1-157 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement construction. F. The Contractor shall be responsible for the provision, installation and maintenance of all traffic control and safety devices, in accordance with specifications outlined in the MDCDTPW Manual. In addition, the Contractor shall be responsible for the resetting of all traffic control and information signing removed during the construction period. G. Where excavations are to be made in the vicinity of signalized intersections, the Contractor is alerted that vehicle loop detectors may have been embedded in the pavement. Every effort has been made to show the approximate locations on the plans; however, the Contractor shall verify these locations by inspecting the site of the work and by contacting the Traffic Division. Any loop detector which is damaged by the Contractor, whether shown on the plans or not, shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor, at his expense, and to the satisfaction of the Traffic Division. H. The Contractor shall notify the Traffic Division twenty-four(24) hours in advance of the construction date, and forty-eight (48) hours in advance of construction within any signalized intersection. I. Temporary pavement will be required over all cuts in pavement areas, and also where traffic is to be routed over swale or median areas. When the temporary pavement for routing traffic is no longer necessary, it shall be removed, and the swale or median areas restored to their previous condition. J. Pavement markings damaged during construction shall be remarked, as required by the Traffic Division. PART 2— PRODUCTS 2.0.1. MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC PLANS A. For construction within the City public right-of-way, the Contractor shall submit two sets of maintenance of traffic(MOT) plans for review to the City of Miami Beach Public Works Department and the agency having jurisdiction. B. MOT plans should be designed and developed by a certified MOT Specialist when normal traffic flow will be impacted causing unexpected or confusing situations in unclear travel path for motorist/pedestrians when entering non advanced warning work zones. MOT work zone traffic controls separate and protect workers, pedestrians and motorists delineating areas closed to traffic. C. MOT plans must be designed in accordance with the requirements of the agency having jurisdiction. D. MOT plans must be site-specific. E. MOT plans will be reviewed and approved by the agency having jurisdiction. F. MOT plans shall be in color. 1-158 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement PART 3 - EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 1-159 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement DIVISION 2— SITE WORK 02146 LINE STOPPING PART— 1 GENERAL 1.0.1. DESCRIPTION A. This section covers work necessary to insert line stop to allow temporary bypassing around a work area to the existing active ductile iron, cast iron and concrete cylinder pipe wastewater force mains, if required by the project and approved by the City. B. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, supervision, material,tools, equipment, supplies, and services and shall perform all work necessary for the installation of line stopping fittings and equipment and bypass piping on sanitary sewer force mains. 1.0.2. QUALIFICATIONS A. Line stopping work shall be performed by a specialty contractor that has successfully performed a minimum of 5 applications of the size required by the project. Onsite field technician shall have a minimum of 5 years of experience with performing line stopping and shall be fully trained on the equipment to be used. Line stop specialty contractor shall be Rangeline or approved equal. B. The line stop contractor's training program for its technicians shall meet quality management standards per ISO 9001:2000. The training program shall also meet requirements set forth in the US DOT Pipeline Safety Operator Qualification Rules. 1.0.3. SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall provide the following submittals in accordance with Section 01300. B. A copy of this specification section, with addendum updates included, and all referenced and applicable sections, with addendum updates included, with each paragraph check-marked (✓) to indicate specification compliance or marked to indicate requested deviations from specification requirements. Check marks shall denote full compliance with a paragraph as a whole. If deviations from the specifications are indicated and, therefore requested by the Vendor, each deviation shall be underlined and denoted by a number in the margin to the right of the identified paragraph. The remaining portions of the paragraph not underlined will signify compliance on the part of the Vendor with the specifications. The submittal shall be accompanied by a detailed, written justification for each deviation. Failure to include a copy of the marked-up specification sections, along with justification(s) for any requested deviations to the specification requirements, with the submittal shall be sufficient cause for rejection of the entire submittal with no further consideration. 2-1 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement C. Experience summary and references for specialty contractor to perform work, including project names and general contractor contact person. D. Experience summary and references for onsite technician, including project names and general contractor contact person. E. Complete descriptions of line stopping procedures, sequencing and all equipment to be used. F. Shop drawings for completion plug, blind flange, and all associated appurtenances. Drawings are to be project specific and not general in nature. G. Drawings to indicate actual location of line stop assembly with proximity to other pipes, utilities, structures and facilities. PART 2— PRODUCTS 2.0.1. FITTINGS A. Stopper head, line stop fitting, completion plug, and blind flange shall be pressure rated at 150 PSI. B. Line stop contractor must have at its disposal numerous size stopple cups/gaskets in 1/4" increments. Line stop contractor shall have on site a minimum of three (3) stopple cups/gaskets, one (1) shall be of a size that is anticipated to fit the inside diameter of the pipe, the other two shall be 1/4" larger and 1/4" smaller than that size. Line stop contractor must have the ability to obtain any size stopple cup/gasket within 24 hours of tapping a pipe. C. All parts exposed to wastewater flow shall be coated with fusion bonded epoxy, suitable for service in wastewater. D. Fittings shall be gasketed to provide positive seal to prevent any leakage of wastewater from pipe and assemblies. Gaskets shall be suitable for service in wastewater. 2.0.2. TAPPING DUCTILE IRON AND CAST IRON PIPE A. All tapping saddles will be two-piece, made with full front and back. Steel run sections will conform to and reinforce the existing pipe. All steel for saddles will conform to ASTM A-283 Grade C or ASTM A-36 steel. Saddles will have a recess for installation of a Buna-n rubber gasket around the hot tapping outlet. All bolts will be corrosion resistant alloy material per AVWVA C-111, ANSI 21.11. There shall be a 3/4"test outlet placed into the nozzle branch outlet at the factory for site pressure testing after saddle has been installed. Plug threads shall be coated to prevent galling. B. Tapping saddle body shall be ASTM A-283 grade C or ASTM A-36 steel. Saddle plate thickness shall be in accordance with the design criteria for the entire fitting. The minimum wall thickness for saddle plates shall be 0.375". All welding of materials shall be in accordance with applicable code standards. Saddle plates 2-2 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement shall be designed to permit longitudinal bolting of the top and bottom halves around the pipe. C. Gaskets shall be molded from elastomer compounds that resist compression and shall be in accordance with the requirements of the specifications. D. All flanges used for line plugging will be manufactured from ASTM-A-105 grade or equal and shall be machined to accept completion plug. The completion plug shall be manufactured from carbon steel plate in accordance with ASTM A-36 with circumferential groove to contain a compressible "O" ring to seal pressure tight against the bore of the flange. Completion plug locking mechanisms shall consist of ring segments or steel leaves that lock from or into the flange bore. The use of point loaded set screw type locks are not permitted. Blind flanges for mating with line plugging flanges shall be in accordance with ASTM A-181 or ASTM A-105 grade steel. Flange gaskets shall be of non-asbestos composition and will be designed to mate to the inner bore and inner bolt circle of the line plugging flange. All gaskets shall be minimum 0.125 inch thick. E. Fasteners and all external bolting, studs and nuts that shall become a permanent part of the fitting installation shall be corrosion resistant, high strength, low alloy material in accordance with AVWVA C-111, ANSI 21.111. PART 3— EXECUTION 3.0.1. GENERAL A. Line stopping shall be performed using the single position method. Contractor shall verify adequacy of concrete encasement for line stopping procedure prior to ordering parts for the installation. 3.0.2. INSTALLATION A. Line stopping shall be performed without interruption to wastewater flow. Prior to starting any work related to a line stop, the contractor shall perform explorations to determine pipe joint locations and the proper location for the line stop assembly. A sketch of the field verified information shall be included in the shop drawings. B. If other utilities or obstructions encroach upon the line stop fitting area, the Contractor shall notify the company performing the line stop for exact clearance required for drilling, plugging and completion machines. C. The length of pipe receiving the line stop fitting must be completely free and clear of corporation stops, air release valves, joints or any appurtenances that would prevent or interfere with the installation of the line stop fitting. D. The line stop fitting shall be tested after being installed before the final concrete collar is poured around the force main. E. The line stop unit shall be equipped with a pressure gauge to monitor line pressures on the active side of the force main for the duration of the line stop 2-3 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement operation. A completion plug and blind flange shall be installed on the line stop fitting on the force main that is to remain in service prior to backfilling. 3.0.3. TESTING A. Coordinate with the City for allowable test pressure. Allowable leakage shall be zero and test duration shall be one (1) hour. The line stop fitting shall be tested and accepted prior to tapping the force main. The pressure test shall be performed in the presence of the Owner's representative. B. For the initial installation and pressure equalization of the line stop, if necessary, the Contractor might be permitted to tap a section of the existing force main that is to be abandoned, as approved by the City and Engineer. Additional taps of the new or existing force main that is to remain in service shall not be permitted. 3.0.4. CONCRETE SUPPORT AND REACTION BLOCKING A. A shear key floor, concrete support blocking, and reaction blocking shall be provided as a means of thrust restraint and support of the line stop fitting, valves, equipment and operation. The contractor shall use care at all times when performing work on or near other active facilities to prevent differential settlement, excessive loading and any damage thereto. B. The line stop blocking design pressure shall be determined by the Engineer. C. All concrete shall be air entrained, high early strength, as specified and shall obtain their full specified compressive strength prior to activation of the line stop. D. Thrust surface area of floor is based upon bearing against undisturbed soil of a minimum 1,500 PSF bearing strength. Contractor shall verify actual soil conditions and increase bearing surface area as required. Reduction of the bearing surface area will not be permitted. E. All exposed joints must be supported with concrete support piers. F. Concrete support and reaction blocking for line stop fitting shall be poured immediately after pressure test of assembled line stop fitting. Blocking must engage shear keys in concrete floor. Top of blocking shall be poured to cover the top of the line stop fitting where possible and not encroach onto lower bolts of the line stopping valve. 3.0.5. BYPASS PIPING A. Bypass piping shall be watertight joined by butt-fusion method in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Bypass piping shall be designed for a working pressure of up to 75 PSI. B. Approximate location of the bypass piping is generally shown on the plans. The exact location of the bypass piping shall be proposed by the Contractor following field investigations and coordinate with the Owner and Engineer. 2-4 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement C. An automatic 2-inch air vent shall be placed on the bypass piping at high points to vent air during start-up and operation. The bypass piping shall include a valve tee for controlled dewatering of residual sewage after the bypass piping is taken out of service. D. Prior to connecting bypass piping to line stop housing, bypass piping shall be tested at minimum 50 PSI and per testing procedures outlines in Section 15060 "Piping and Fittings" and as specified in this Section. E. The Contractor shall prevent pipe movement during pressurization and operation. F. Test pressure shall be applied to the bypass piping for three (3) hours to allow for initial expansion of the pipe. After three (3) hours, reduce initial test pressure by 10% and monitor pressure for one (1) hour. If the test pressure remains steady to within 5% of target value for one (1) hour, no leakage is indicated. END OF SECTION 2-5 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 02210 SITE GRADING PART— 1 GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK G. The Contractor shall perform grading work within the limits, elevations and grades indicated on the plans and as specified herein. A. The site shall be graded to the required elevations. Spot elevations are shown on the plans and the finished surfaces shall be uniformly sloped between these locations. 1.0.2. RELATED WORK A. Section 01031 "Grades, Lines and Levels". B. Section 02314 "Excavation, Backfill and Fill for Structural Facility and Utility Systems". C. Section 02510 "Asphaltic Concrete Pavement". 1.0.3. QUALITY CONTROL A. Suitable excavated material shall be used in the formation of embankments. The Contractor shall provide all additional fill material required to complete the embankments. 1.0.4. EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Known underground, surface, and aerial utility lines and buried objects are based on best available data and indicated on the plans. Contractor shall verify all locations. 1.0.5. PROTECTION A. Protect trees, shrubs, and lawns and other features remaining as part of final landscaping. B. Protect bench marks, existing structures, fences, roads, sidewalks, paving, and curbs against damage from equipment and vehicular traffic. C. Protect aerial, surface, or underground utility lines or appurtenance which are to remain. PART 2— PRODUCTS 2.0.1. FILL A. Unless otherwise noted, suitable fill material shall be non-cohesive, non-plastic, granular mixture of local sand and lime rock, shall be free from vegetation, organic material or muck and shall contain not more than 8 percent material by weight which 2-6 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement passes the No. 200 sieve. Broken concrete shall not be used in the fill. Fill material containing lime rock shall have sufficient sand to fill the voids in the lime rock, and no individual rocks or pieces of hard material that will not pass a 6-inch diameter ring shall be used in the fill; except that the upper 4-inches of all backfill or fills shall not contain any rock or hard material that will not pass a 3-inch diameter ring. All fill material shall be provided by the Contractor from any excess suitable on-site material or from off site sources, all subject to review and acceptance by the Engineer prior to use. The Contractor shall be responsible for determining the volume of material required for the site. PART 3— EXECUTION 3.0.1. PREPARATION A. Establish and identify required lines, levels, contours, and datums. B. Maintain benchmarks, monuments, and other reference points. Re-establish if disturbed or destroyed at no cost to the City. C. Before start of grading, establish the location and extent of utilities in the work areas. Notify utilities to remove and relocate lines which are in the way of construction. D. Maintain, protect, reroute, or extend as required existing utilities to remain which pass through the work area. 3.0.2. REMOVAL OF TOPSOIL A. Topsoil of horticultural value shall be stripped from areas of construction under this contract and stockpiled in area designated by Engineer. Said material shall be stockpiled separately from fill material. B. Do not permit topsoil to be mixed with subsoil. C. Do not strip topsoil when wet. D. Do not drive heavy equipment over stockpiled topsoil. 3.0.3. ROUGH GRADING A. Rough grade site to required levels, profiles, contours, and elevations ready for finish grading and surface treatment. Maintain the following: 1. Sodded areas: 4 1/2-inches below finished grade elevation 2. Seeded areas: 6-inches below finished grade 3. Paved areas: 211/2-inches below finished grade elevations 4. Shrub beds: 24-inches below finished grade elevations 5. Flower beds: 18-inches below finished grade elevations 2-7 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 6. Concrete sidewalks: 6-inches below finished grade elevations B. Prior to placing fill material over undisturbed subsoil, scarify surface to depth of 6- inches. 3.0.4. GRADING AND COMPACTION A. Fill material shall be placed in lifts not to exceed 8-inches and compacted to a density of not less than 95 percent of maximum density at optimum moisture as determined by ASTM D 1557. Fill material shall be within plus or minus 2 percentage points of optimum moisture content. The minimum density acceptable at any location within the pavement subgrade shall be as specified in Section 02510 "Asphaltic Concrete Pavement". 3.0.5. FINE GRADING A. After structures, bases and pavements are completed and the yard piping trenches backfilled, the disturbed areas of the site shall be fine graded. All construction debris, regardless of size, shall be removed. The completed surface shall be shaped and sloped to drain away from the structures. The completed surface shall be within 0.1 foot of the elevations shown on the plans, unless otherwise accepted by the Engineer. Minor adjustments to line and grade may be required as the work progresses in order to satisfy field conditions. 3.0.6. SURPLUS MATERIAL A. Remove surplus materials from site. B. Dispose of surplus material at no cost to the City. END OF SECTION 2-8 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 02220 EXCAVATION — GENERAL PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. The work specified in this section consists of the removal of protruding objects as required to prepare the area of the proposed construction, and the removal and disposal of all product and debris which are not required to be salvaged or nor required to complete the construction. 1.0.2. RELATED WORK A. Section 02230 "Clearing and Grubbing". B. Section 02314 "Excavation, Backfill and Fill for Structural Facility and Utility Systems". PART 2— PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.0.1. REGULAR EXCAVATION A. Regular Excavation shall include roadway excavation and borrow excavation, as defined for each. B. Roadway Excavation shall consist of the excavation and the utilization or satisfactory disposal, of all materials necessary for the construction of the roadway, side ditches, etc., within the limits of the roadway right of way as show in the plans. 3.0.2. BORROW EXCAVATION A. Borrow Excavation shall consist of the excavation and satisfactory utilization of material from authorized borrow pits. It shall include only material that is suitable for the construction of roadway embankments or of other work of constructing embankment covered by the contract and unsuitable material in borrow areas furnished by the City, which must be excavated as determined by the Engineer, in order to obtain the suitable material. 3.0.3. LATERAL DITCH EXCAVATION A. Lateral ditches shall include inlet and outlet ditches to structures and roadway, changes in channels of streams, and ditches parallel to the roadway right of way, as shown in the plans. Unless otherwise shown in the plans all excavation in that portion of lateral ditches beyond the limits of the roadway right of way, including the sections where dressing is required as provided in 120-11.1, shall be classified as Lateral Ditch Excavation. 2-9 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3.0.4. SUBSOIL EXCAVATION A. Where muck, rock, clay or other material within the limits of the roadway is unsuitable in its original position,the Contractor shall excavate such material to the cross sections shown in the plans or indicated by the Engineer, and shall backfill with suitable material, which shall be shaped to conform to the required cross sections. Where the removal of plastic soils below the finished earthwork grade is required, a construction tolerance from the lines shown in the plans as the removal limits, of plus or minus 0.2 foot in depth and plus or minus six inches (each side) in width will be allowed. 3.0.5. TRENCH EXCAVATION A. General 1. Design, Provide, and maintain shoring, sheeting and bracing as necessary to support the side of excavations and to prevent detrimental settlement and lateral movement of existing facilities, adjacent property, and completed work. B. Trench Excavation Plan: Prepare Trench Excavation Plan addressing the following topics: 1. Details or shoring, sloping, or other provisions for worker protection from hazards of caving ground. 2. Design assumptions and calculations. 3. Methods and sequencing of installing excavation support. 4. Proposed locations of stockpiled excavated material. 5. Minimum lateral distance from the crest of slopes for vehicles and stockpiled excavated materials. 6. Anticipated difficulties and proposed resolutions. C. Removal of Excavation Support 2. Remove excavation support in a manner that will maintain support as excavation is backfilled or leave voids of backfill. 3. Do not begin to remove excavation support until support can be removed without damage to existing facilities, completed work, or adjacent property. A. Trenches 1. For trench exceeding 5 feet in depth, provide adequate safety system meeting requirements of applicable state and local construction safety order, and federal requirements. 2-10 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3.0.6. DEWATERING SYSTEMS A. The Contractor shall refer to the alternate method of construction in Section 02314 "Excavation, Backfill and Fill for Structural Facility and Utility Systems", 3.0.12. Alternate Method of Construction. 3.0.7. STOCKPILING EXCAVATED MATERIAL A. Stockpile excavated material that is suitable for use as fill or backfill until material is needed. B. Post signs indicating proposed use of material stockpiled. Post signs that are readable from all directions of approach to each stockpile. Signs should be clearly worded and readable by equipment operators from their normal seated position. C. Confine stockpiles to within easements, right-of-way, and approved work areas. Do not obstruct road or streets. D. Do not stockpile excavated material adjacent to trenches and other excavations unless excavation side-slopes and excavation support systems are designed, constructed, and maintained for stockpile loads. E. Do not stockpile excavated materials near or over existing facilities, adjacent property, or completed work, if weight of stockpiled material could induce excessive settlement. F. Disposal of Spoil 3.0.8. DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS AND UNSUITABLE MATERIAL A. Ownership of Excavated Materials 1. Owner of all suitable excavated material shall remain in the City until the final job requirements for fill or backfill materials have been fulfilled. Unless otherwise provided by the plans or special provisions, any surplus materials then remaining and not needed for job requirements shall become the property of the Contractor and are to be disposed of by him/her, outside the right of way, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 2. In urban or other areas where temporary storage of apparent excess suitable materials within the right of way may be impracticable, the Contractor may stockpile the materials outside the right of way in areas provided by him/her. Until stock materials are needed in the job or are declared surplus. With the written approval of the Engineer, the Contractor may dispose of such apparent excess material with the stipulation that he shall replace any portion of the disposed material required to fulfill the actual job requirements, with equally suitable material, at his own expenses. 3. No extra compensation will be allowed for any re-handling involved under the provisions of this Sub-article. B. General Requirements for Disposal: Excavated muck or other materials unsuitable for 2-11 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement the roadway construction shall be disposed of as shown in the plans or, if the plans do not indicate the disposal, the materials shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of by him/her outside the right of way. C. Disposal of Muck on Side Slopes: As an exception to the provisions of 120-5.2 when approved by the Engineer, in rural undeveloped areas muck (A-8 material) may be placed on the slopes, or may be stored alongside the roadway, provided there shall be a clear distance of at least six feet between the roadway grading limits and the muck, and the muck shall be so dressed as to present a reasonably neat appearance. In addition, disposal of this material by placing on the slopes may also be permitted in developed areas where, in the opinion of the Engineer, this will result in an esthetically pleasing appearance and will have no detrimental effect on the adjacent developments. Where muck or other unsuitable material is permitted to be disposed of inside the right of way limits, such material shall not be placed such as to impede the inflow or outfall of any channel or of side ditches. The Engineer shall determine the limits adjacent to channels within which such materials shall no be placed. D. Disposal of Paving Materials: Unless otherwise indicated in the plans, paving materials excavated in the removal of existing pavements, such as paving brick, asphalt block, concrete slab, lime-rock, sidewalk, curb and gutter, etc., shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of by him/her outside the right of way. If the materials are to remain the property of the City, they shall be placed in neat piles as directed. E. Disposal Areas: Where the plans or specifications require the Contractor to dispose of excavated materials outside the right of way, and the disposal area is not indicated in the contract documents, the Contractor shall furnish the disposal area without additional compensation. Areas provided by the Contractor for disposal of removed paving materials shall be out of sight of the project and at least 300 feet from the nearest roadway right of way line of any State-maintained road. The 300-foot limitation will not apply, however, if the materials are buried. 3.0.9. USE OF PUBLIC STREETS A. Ownership of use of public streets and alleys shall be such as to provide a minimum of inconvenience to the public and to other traffic. Any earth or other excavated material spilled from trucks shall immediately be removed by the Contractor and the streets cleaned to the satisfaction of the governing authority. B. The City has not made any attempt to define the equipment to be used in transporting the excavated material since this may vary, however, the Contractor shall abide by the following general requirements: 1. Transport vehicles must be of the type(s) approved for this application by the political jurisdictions involved. General requirements are that the vehicles have watertight bodies that they be properly equipped and fitted with seals and covers to prohibit material spillage or draining, and that they be cleaned as often as is necessary to prevent deposit of material on roadways. Vehicles must be loaded within all legal weight limits and operated safely within all traffic and speed regulations. 2-12 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 2. Access to businesses, schools and homes along the route of the work must be provided by the Contractor at all times. 3. Where traffic will pass over backfilled trenches before they are paved, the top of the trench shall be maintained with temporary asphalt that will allow normal vehicular traffic to pass over. END OF SECTION 2-13 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 02230 CLEARING AND GRUBBING PART 1 — GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. Unless otherwise shown in the plans, Standard Clearing and Grubbing shall be done within the following areas: 1. All areas where excavation is to be done, including borrow pits, lateral ditches, right of way ditches, etc. 2. All areas where roadway embankments will be constructed. 3. All areas where structures will be constructed, including pipe culverts and other pipelines. 4. Any other areas specifically called for on the plans to be cleared and grubbed. 1.0.2. DEFINITIONS A. Clearing shall consist of the cutting, removal and satisfactory disposal of all trees, stumps, brush, shrubs, rubbish and any other objectional material within the designated areas. B. Grubbing shall consist of the removal and disposal of all stumps larger than 1-1/2 inches in diameter and other objectional material to a depth of at least 12 inches below the ground surface. 1.0.3. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. In the course of the work, it may become to remove trees if they interfere with the work. Dade County and various municipalities have ordinances regulating the removal, relocation and pruning of trees in the public right-of-way, these ordinances shall be strictly adhered to. The Contractor shall obtain a permit from Dade County and/or other regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the work area before removing, relocating and/or pruning any tree. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements and conditions of the permit. PART 2— PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3— EXECUTION 3.0.1. CLEARING AND GRUBBING A. The Contractor shall remove and replace, where required all existing shrubbery, trees, grass, sprinklers, fences, signs, mailboxes, structures, roadways, sidewalks, curbs 2-14 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement and similar items or structures in the way of all excavation necessary for the construction of the project. B. Where pavements or sidewalks are cut, they shall be cut by means of a mechanical pavement saw to form true and straight edges. Where such cutting is for the purpose of pipeline installation, saw cutting shall be either parallel or at right angles with the centerline of the pipe. C. To protect himself from being held liable for any existing damaged pavement, including detour routes, the Contractor is advised to notify in writing the authority having jurisdiction, prior to proceeding with any work in the vicinity. 3.0.2. DEPTHS OF REMOVAL OF ROOTS, STUMPS AND OTHER DEBRIS A. In all areas where excavation is to be done and where the excavated material is to be used in the construction of roadway embankment or roadway base or pavement; also in all areas where roadway embankment will be constructed; roots and other debris shall be removed to a depth of at least one foot below the ground surface. The surface shall then be plowed to a depth of at least six inches and all roots thereby exposed shall be removed to a depth of at least one foot. All stumps within the roadway right of way shall be completely removed and disposed of by the Contractor. B. Where excavation is done within the roadway area and where excavation for structures is done, all roots, etc., protruding trough or appearing on the surface of the completed excavation shall be removed to a depth of at least one foot below the excavation surface. C. In borrow pits, material pits and lateral ditches, all stumps, roots, etc., protruding through or appearing on the surface of the completed exaction shall be removed or cut off below the finished excavation surface. D. In borrow and material pits no clearing or grubbing shall be done to within three feet inside the right of way line. E. Within all other areas where Standard Clearing and Grubbing is to be done, roots and other debris, projecting through or appearing on the surface of the original ground, shall be removed to a depth of one foot below the surface, but no plowing and harrowing will be required in these areas. 3.0.3. TREES TO REMAIN A. As an exception to the above provisions, where so directed by the Engineer, desirable trees within the roadway and project site area shall be trimmed, protected and left standing. Branches of trees extending over the area occupied by the roadway shall be trimmed as directed, to give a clear height of 16 feet above the roadway. 3.0.4. BOULDERS A. Any boulders encountered in the roadway excavation, or found on the surface of the ground, shall be removed and placed in neat piles inside the right of way and adjacent to the right of way line. 2-15 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3.0.5. SELECTIVE CLEARING AND RUBBING A. Selective Clearing and Grubbing shall consist of removing and disposing of all vegetation, obstructions, etc., as provided above except that, where the Contractor so elects roots, etc., may be cut off flush with the ground surface. Stumps shall be completely removed and disposed of by the Contractor. Undergrowth shall be entirely removed except in specific areas designated by the Engineer to remain for aesthetic purposes. Desirable trees shall be trimmed, protected and left standing, with the exception of such trees as the Engineer may designate to be removed in order to facilitate right of way maintenance. Undesirable or damage trees (as so designated by the Engineer), shall be removed. Selective Clearing and Grubbing shall be done only in areas so designated in the plans. 3.0.6. PROTECTION OF ADJACENT AREAS A. The Contractor shall protect areas shown on the drawings or designated by the Engineer of Record to remain protected from damage by construction operations by erecting suitable barriers of other acceptable means. B. Property obstructions which are to remain in place, such as buildings, sewers, drains, water or gas pipes, conduits, poles, walls, posts, bridges, etc., are to be carefully protected from damage and are not to be displaced. 3.0.7. DISPOSAL A. All roots, vegetation and other refuse removed from the site during clearing and/or grubbing operations shall be legally disposed of by the Contractor. Where required, the Contractor shall obtain a permit from Miami-Dade County and/or other regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the work area before burning any material on the site. END OF SECTION 2-16 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 02314 EXCAVATION, BACKFILL AND FILL FOR STRUCTURAL FACILITY AND UTILITY SYSTEMS PART 1 — GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. The work included under this Section consists of furnishing material and equipment, and performing all labor necessary for excavating, backfilling, filling and compaction of areas to be occupied by facilities or utility systems to be constructed. B. Plan For Excavation: Prior to commencing the excavation, the Contractor shall submit a plan of his proposed operations to the Engineer of Record for approval. The Contractor shall consider, and his plan for excavation shall reflect, existing utilities that are to remain, the equipment and methods to be employed in the excavation. 1.0.2. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. All excavations shall conform with South Florida Building Codes, the State of Florida Trench Safety Act, OSHA requirements and the provisions herein. Excavations shall be executed in accordance with all applicable requirements of Section 01016 "Safety Requirements, Hurricanes Preparedness and Protection of Property", including notification of Sunshine State One-Call Center(1-800-432-4770) 48 hours prior to any excavation. B. Work shall be performed in accordance with Contract Documents, Drawings, and/or City of Miami Beach Public Works Manual Specifications and Standard Details, in a neat and accurate manner. It is the intent of the City to obtain a complete and working installation according to these Specifications, and any items of labor, equipment, or materials which may reasonably be assumed as necessary to accomplish this end shall be supplied whether or not they are specifically shown on the project plans or stated herein. C. Asphalt Acceptance Standards: The following minimum defects identified by the City or designee must be covered by warranty (but not limited to): 1. Sunken pavement patches greater than or equal to one-quarter (1/4) inch (measured by a twelve (12) foot straight edge). 2. Surface raveling or oxidation due to deficiencies with the asphalt material. 3. Poor workmanship. 4. Inadequate compaction per Standards and Specifications. PART 2— PRODUCTS 2.0.1. BACKFILL MATERIAL A. Except where a 1:10 cement/sand or flowable fill concrete mix is required, granular soil backfill materials shall be utilized. Suitable backfill material shall be clean, shall 2-17 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement not be expansive nor have high organic content, shall be free of clay, marl, unstable materials, debris, lumps and clods, and shall meet the following requirements. 2. Maximum Liquid Limit shall not exceed 12 as determined by ASTM D4318. 3. Maximum Plasticity Index shall not exceed 35 as determined by ASTM D4318. 4. Not more than 10 percent of weight shall be finer than 74-micron (No. 200) U.S. Standard Sieve. B. Backfill material containing limerock shall have sufficient sand to fill the voids in the limerock. No stones or rocks larger than 6-inches in diameter will be permitted in any backfill. C. Debris, broken paving, or broken concrete shall not be used. D. Material for backfill may be material resulting from excavation, only if it meets the above mentioned requirements, or if suitable in the opinion of the City or designee. If sufficient suitable backfill material, including select backfill material, is not available from the site, additional material shall be furnished. 2.0.2. SELECT BACKFILL A. Select backfill material specified herein shall meet all the general requirements for backfill material set forth in 2.01, and in addition, shall be free of any rocks or stones larger than 2 inches in diameter. Select backfill material may be material resulting from trench excavation, if suitable in the opinion of the City or designee, carefully selected to comply with these requirements. 1. When mains are to be installed within existing street areas, the Contractor shall limit the amount of ditch open at any one time to one block (approximately 600 feet). The work in each block including excavation, pipe laying, backfilling, compaction and temporary paving, shall be completed before proceeding with the work in the next block. The Contractor may employ more than one installation crew on the Project, but not less than 1,200 feet shall separate any two open trench sections as defined above. 2. Trenches remaining open to facilitate the repair of existing underground utilities damaged by the Contractor during excavation shall not be deemed a portion of the allowable 600 feet of open trench, unless otherwise decided by the Engineer, at his discretion. 3. Backfilling and compaction shall be kept up with the rate of pipe laying. Backfill consisting of the specified material shall be placed and properly compacted, to the degree specified hereinafter. Unless otherwise ordered or approved by the Engineer, in writing, no temporary fill, refill, or uncompacted fill shall be installed. Under no circumstances shall backfill material other than that specified or an approved equal be installed. Backfill shall be placed and compacted immediately after installation of piping. 2-18 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 4. Where existing paving is damaged or removed, temporary paving, as specified hereinafter shall be placed the same day as the ditch backfill and compaction and it shall be replaced with permanent paving within thirty (30) days, to the limits shown in the City's Standard Details or directed by the Engineer. 5. Backfilling and compaction of trenches will not be allowed until the work has been inspected by the Engineer, and the Engineer indicates that backfilling and compaction may proceed. Any work covered up or concealed without the knowledge or consent of the Engineer may be required to be uncovered or exposed at no cost to the City. 6. The Contractor shall backfill and compact all trenches and other excavations made in the process of installing the pipe. The cost of all backfilling and compaction shall be included in the price bid under the various Items. The Contractor shall maintain the surface of the backfill free from major irregularities and potholes. Backfill to a point at least one (1) foot above the pipe shall be select backfill material not exceeding two (2) inches in diameter. Above this point, backfill shall be of material not exceeding six (6) inches in diameter. 7. Backfilling and compacting of material under and around the pipe and to one (1) foot above the crown shall be in layers not exceeding six (6) inches in thickness. Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted to at least 98 percent of maximum density as determined by AASHTO Standard No T-180-74, "Moisture-Density Relations of Soils using a 10-lb. (4.54 Kg.) Rammer and an 18 in. (457 mm) Drop." The material in the ditch may be compacted by either hand tamper or a mechanized power tamper, provided the results obtained meet the continued approval of the Engineer. 8. Backfilling and compacting of material lying above a point one (1) foot above the crown of the pipe and below the pavement base or the surface of the ground if out of pavement shall be accomplished in layers not exceeding six (6) inches in thickness. Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted with a powered hand tamper or a mechanized power tamper to at least 98 percent of maximum density as determined by AASHTO Specification T-180-74 or such greater density as may be required by the governing authority over the area in which the work is performed. 9. A testing laboratory, designated by the City, will make periodic field tests to determine the density being obtained in each lift, or layer, of the backfill. The City will pay the cost for each test that indicates that the density obtained in the backfill meets or exceeds the specified percentage. Contractor shall pay the cost for each test that indicates that the density obtained in the backfill is insufficient and does not meet the specified percentage. When compacted backfill fails to meet the specified percentage of maximum density as shown by test results, it shall be reworked and recompacted in a manner approved by the Engineer, and then retested. The reworking, recompacting and retesting of the backfill shall be repeated as many times as may be necessary to obtain compacted backfill with density meeting or exceeding the specified percentage as indicated by test results. The Contractor shall exercise proper care to ensure that no pipe will be broken or displaced through the use of the type of mechanical compacting equipment he selects. Water shall be added as required to obtain optimum moisture to facilitate compaction but ponding or inundation of backfill will not be permitted. These 2-19 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement ponding limitations shall not prohibit backfill in a wet trench up to the level of the natural water table if the"Alternate Method of Construction" is utilized. See Section 02314 "Excavation, Backfill and Fill for Structural Facility and Utility Systems". 10. Backfill and compaction shall be kept up with the rate of pipe laying. The backfill up to the springline of the pipe shall be placed and compacted as soon as practical after the laying of the pipe. 11. On parts of the line where ground water level may be high enough to float the pipe, the placing of the backfill and the rate of pumping the trench shall be so controlled as to prevent the pipe from floating or moving from the line and grade shown on the Plans. 12. In the event that sufficient suitable material is not available at any point to properly backfill the trench, the Contractor shall transport suitable material from points of the line where such material is available or shall otherwise furnish suitable material at no additional cost to the City. 13. Suitable material in excess of all backfill requirements shall be removed from the work and disposed of by the Contractor. The cost for removal shall be included in the overall Project cost bid. 14. Where cuts have been made through unpaved, stabilized rock roadways, driveways and parkways, surface restoration shall consist of 3 inches of compacted limerock overlaid by 3 inches of gravel or graded and washed rock with a maximum diameter of 1/2-inch except as otherwise directed by the Engineer. The rock shall be installed over the entire width of the disturbed area and shall closely match the existing rock at each location. Several grades of rock may be required to attain this end, but it is not anticipated that more than one grade will have to be used at any one location. The cost for replacement of gravel or rock stabilized driveways and roadways shall be included in the overall Project cost bid unless a specific Bid Item is established in the Quotation. 15. Backfill material shall consist of the suitable excavated material being stored for this purpose. Backfill material placed within one (1) foot of piping and appurtenances shall not contain any stones or rocks larger than two (2) inches in diameter, and no stones or rocks larger than 6 inches in diameter will be permitted in any backfill. Backfill material containing mangrove muck or other unsuitable materials shall not be used. 16. During the backfilling operation, care shall be taken to preserve the alignment and gradient of the installed pipe. 2.0.3. SUITABLE BACKFILL A. Suitable backfill material shall be clean and free from all organic material, clay, marl or unstable materials, debris, lumps, broken paving, or other deleterious material. No rocks or stones larger than 31/2 inches in diameter shall be allowed in any suitable backfill. Material for backfill may be material resulting from excavation, if suitable in the opinion of the City or designee. 2-20 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 2.0.4. STRUCTURAL FILL A. Structural fill shall consist of an inorganic, non-plastic, granular soil containing less than 10% material passing the No. 200 mesh sieve (relatively clean sand or crushed limerock with a 2 inches max. particle size) with a Unified Soil Classification of GP, GW, SP, SPGM, SW-SM or SP-SM. 2.0.5. UNSUITABLE FILL AND BACKFILL MATERIAL A. Unsuitable fill and unsuitable backfill material shall be all material not meeting the definition of Structural Fill, Suitable Backfill, or Select Fill and cannot be amended or blended in the field to meet the standard of one of these fills. Unsuitable Fill material may contain deleterious material including but are not limited to: cherty or other extremely hard pieces, lumps, balls or pockets of sand or clay size material, organic matter, muck, loose sand, loose free shells, corals or skeletal remain of other marine invertebrates retained on the No. 4 sieve, or water sensitive clay minerals. 2.0.6. BEDDING MATERIAL A. Pipe bedding material shall be accordance with the City of Miami Beach Public Works Manual Standard Details. B. Bedding may be select backfill material, as specified above, if approved by the City or designee. C. No. 57 stone may be used for bedding of piping (except for copper pipe) and/or manholes as shown on the Standard Details. D. Sand for bedding shall be dry screened. Sand shall be graded sand with 100% passing a % inch sieve and not more than 5% passing a No. 200 sieve. E. Limerock screenings, sand or other fine material shall not be used for bedding. F. All pipe bedding material shall be new, unless otherwise approved by the City or designee. Existing pipe bedding material may not be used. 2.0.7. NO 57. STONE A. No 57 stone shall be crushed stone (or drain field limerock). Crushed stone shall consist of hard, durable, sub-angular particles of proper size and gradation, and shall be free from organic material, wood, trash, sand, loam, clay, excess fines, and other deleterious materials. The stone shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 33, Size No. 57 (3/4- inch rock) and be graded within the following limits: Sieve size Percent Finer by Weight 1-1/2 inch 100 1 inch 95 to 100 'A inch 25 to 60 No. 4 0 to 10 No. 8 Oto 5 2-21 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 2.0.8. BALLAST ROCK A. Ballast rock shall be composed of hard, durable, sound pieces having a specific gravity of not less than 2.65. It shall be crushed rock conforming to the following gradation: Sieve size Percent Finer by Weight 1-1/2 inch 100 3/ inch 30 to 75 '/z inch 15 to 55 '/4 inch Oto5 No. 8 Oto 5 2.0.9. SEPARATOR GEOTEXTILE A. If required by Geotechnical Report, roadways shall be demucked or stabilized with a separator geotextile in accordance with the Geotechnical Report. B. Laboratory analysis shall be completed, and all material to be used in the construction of the road shall be approved by the City or designee prior to placement. C. Separator geotextile shall be made from woven fabric, meeting the physical requirements of FDOT Specifications Section 985 and placed as per manufacturer's Specifications or as directed by the City or designee. At a minimum, separator geotextile shall have 1 foot overlap, and upslope segments must overlap on top of down slope segments. D. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding protection from direct sunlight. At the time of installation, the City or designee will reject the material if it has defects, tears, punctures, flaws, deterioration, or other damage. However, if approved by the City or designee, the Contractor may repair torn or punctured sections by placing a patch over the damaged area following manufacturer's recommendation. The Contractor shall replace or repair any rejected geosynthetic at no additional expense to the City. E. Repair existing or newly installed separator geotextile by a patch consisting of the same material as the reinforcement separator geotextile over the damaged area. Overlap the undamaged reinforcement separator geosynthetic with the patch a minimum of 5 feet in all directions. Replacement of existing separator geotextile material shall be of similar or better quality and shall meet the requirements as provided in FDOT Specifications, Section 985. 2.0.10. STEEL — REINFORCING A. Bar reinforcement for concrete structures shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A615, "Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement," Grade 60, Deformed, except that Steel manufactured by the Bessemer Process will not be accepted. Wire mesh reinforcing for concrete structures shall be welded wire fabric meeting the requirements of ASTM A185 "Steel Welded Wire Fabric, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement." 2-22 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement B. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with the manufacturer's test certificates showing the Steel to meet the above requirements, in addition to which the Engineer may take representative samples from the material on the job and have them tested by an independent testing laboratory. C. Completely detailed shop drawings and bending schedules shall be submitted by the Contractor for the approval of the Engineer. Such approval shall be obtained before the bars are cut and bent. 2.0.11. STEEL — SHEET PILING A. Steel sheet piling shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A572 "High-Strength Low-Alloy Columbium-Vanadium Steels of Structural Quality," (AASHTO No. M223) or ASTM A328 "Steel Sheet Piling." B. The Contractor will be responsible for design and selection. Structural plans for the sheet steel piling installation and the calculations for the required Section Modulus and the Sheet Piling Designation shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer licensed to practice in the State of Florida. Sealed plans shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to installation of the piling system. C. Structural steel shall meet the requirements of ASTM A36 "Structural Steel." D. Whenever shoring is required, locate the system to clear permanent construction and to permit forming and finishing of concrete surfaces. Provide shoring system adequately anchored and braced to resist earth and hydrostatic pressures. Shoring system adequately anchored and braced to resist earth on which the support or stability of existing structures is dependent must be left in place at completion of work. Maintain bracing until structural elements are supported by other bracing or until permanent construction is able to withstand lateral earth and hydrostatic pressures. PART 3— EXECUTION 3.0.1. PREPARATION A. The Contractor shall remove and replace, where required, all existing shrubbery, trees, grass, sprinklers, fences, signs, mailboxes, guard rails, structures, roadways, sidewalks, curbs and similar items or structures in the way of the pipeline and shall make all excavation necessary for the construction of the main, connections, valves and appurtenances, to the lines and grades shown on the Plans. Weeded areas shall be restored. Where pavements or sidewalks are cut, they shall be cut by means of a mechanical pavement saw to form true and straight edges which shall in general be either parallel or at right angles with the centerline of the pipe. Unless specific bid items are provided in the Quotation form, the cost of removing and replacing any plantings or existing structures shall be included in the price bid. In order to protect himself from being held liable for any existing damaged pavement, including detour routes, the Contractor is advised to notify in writing the authority having jurisdiction over the street where such defective pavement exists prior to proceeding with any work in the vicinity. A copy of all such notices shall be forwarded to the Engineer. 2-23 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement B. Clearing: The construction site shall be cleared of all obstructions and vegetation, including large roots and undergrowth, within 5 feet of the lines of excavation, in accordance with Section 02230 "Clearing and Grubbing". All debris created by this clearing operation shall be hauled from the site and disposed of by the Contractor. 1. All cleared materials shall be promptly removed from the work area and disposed of in an area provided by the Contractor, at no additional cost to the City. Accumulation of debris or stockpiling along the route of the work will not be allowed. C. Removals: Complete all removals within the lines of excavation prior to beginning excavation. Where required, all existing shrubbery, trees, grass, sprinklers, fences signs, mailboxes, structures, sidewalks, curbs, utility poles, or structures subject to damage resulting from the excavation should be transplanted, relocated, braced, shored, or otherwise protected and preserved. 3.0.2. EXCAVATION A. Excavation shall be conducted in accordance with FDOT Specifications, Section 120. B. Where rock, clay, or other material within the limits of the roadway is unsuitable in its original position, the Contractor shall excavate such material to the cross sections shown in the Plans or indicated by the City or designee, and shall backfill with suitable material, which shall be shaped to conform to the required cross sections. Where the removal of plastic soils below the finished earthwork grade is required, a construction tolerance from the lines shown in the Plans as the removal limits as defined by the Geotechnical Engineer of plus or minus 0.2 feet in depth and plus or minus six (6) inches each side in width will be allowed. C. The Contractor shall perform all excavation of every description and of whatever substances encountered, to the dimensions and depths shown on the approved plans, but in all cases as required for construction, and as specified herein. All excavations shall be made by open cut. All existing utilities such as pipes, poles, and structures shall be carefully located, supported, and protected from injury; in case of damage, they shall be restored at the Contractor's expense. D. When the walls of the excavations are to be kept vertical and in order to protect the safety of workmen, the general public, this or other work or structures, or excavation walls, or pipe installation including materials encountered in the excavation which have a tendency to slough or flow into the excavation, undermine the banks, weaken the overlying strata, or are otherwise rendered unstable by the excavation operation shall be retained by steel sheeting, stabilization, grouting or approved methods. Said methods shall comply with the Trench Safety Act(TSA). Sheeting and shoring or other approved method shall be designed by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice in the State of Florida. E. For structures, the Contractor shall maintain the bottom of the excavation firm and dry and maintain an elevation of the water one (1) foot below the concrete to be placed, by use of pumps, tremie or other acceptable method. 2-24 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement F. Pipe trench excavation shall be in accordance with the appropriate Standard Detail in the City of Miami Beach Public Works Manual. G. The Contractor shall excavate pipe trenches to a minimum of 6 inches below the outside bottom of the proposed pipe barrel to provide for the installation of the bedding material. H. Not more than 100 feet of trench shall be opened ahead of pipe laying operations at one time unless a greater length of open trench is approved by the Engineer. I. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the soil at that depth is unsatisfactory as foundation material because it contains marl, muck, organic matter, or other unsuitable material, the excavation shall be continued two (2) feet deeper, except if a suitable foundation material is exposed at a lesser depth, further excavation will not be required. The cost of this extra excavation, and backfilling with select backfill material, shall be included in the price for pipe laying and no additional payment will be made for this work. J. If the soil is still unsuitable after the additional excavation as prescribed above, and the Engineer authorizes"Overcut,"the trench bottom shall be excavated further in one (1) foot increments and paid for as "Trench Overcut." See below 3.0.6. "Trench Overcut. K. Trench widths, when measured at a point 12 inches above the top of the pipe, shall provide a 12 inch maximum clearance on each side, between the outside of the pipe barrel and the face of the excavation, or sheeting if used. Minimum trench width shall provide at least 6 inch clearance on each side, between the outside of the pipe barrel and the face of the excavation, or sheeting if used. For excavations five(5)feet deep or less, sheeting and shoring shall be installed where necessary to control trench width, protect the workmen and the general public, and prevent damage to this or adjacent work, or structures. When an excavation is in excess of five (5) feet deep, the Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part III, "Trench Safety Act." Method(s) of compliance used shall protect the workmen and the general public, prevent damage to this or adjacent work, structures, utilities. pavements, sidewalks, curbs, gutters and similar improvements both public and private, and provide for proper maintenance of traffic. The trench width may vary to accomplish this and to comply with the provisions of Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part III, "Trench Safety Act," but only from a point one (1) foot above the top of the pipe. L. For trench exceeding 5 feet in depth, provide adequate safety system meeting requirements of applicable Local, State, and Federal requirements. M. In areas where trench widths are not limited by right-of-way or easement widths, property line restrictions, existing adjacent improvements including pavements, structures, and other utilities, and maintenance of traffic, the trench sides may be sloped to a suitable angle of repose of the excavated material. N. In areas where trench widths are not limited by site constraints the trench sides may be sloped to a stable angle of repose of the excavated material but only from a point one foot above the crown of the pipe. A substantially and safely constructed movable 2-25 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement shield, "box" or "mule" may be used in place of sheeting when the trench is opened immediately ahead of the shield and closed immediately behind the shield as pipe laying proceeds inside the shield. O. Ladders or steps shall be provided for and used by workmen to enter and leave trenches. P. Excavated material shall be stored and disposed of in such a manner that they will not interfere unduly with traffic on public streets and sidewalks. In congested areas, such materials, cannot be stored adjacent to the trench nor used immediately as backfill, shall be removed to convenient places of storage. If any material is creating a public hazard or other unsafe condition, it shall be removed immediately to a storage area. Q. Materials suitable for use as backfill be hauled to and used in areas where not enough suitable material is available from the excavation. Suitable material in excess of backfill requirements shall be used on the site as directed by the City or designee, or removed at the Contractor's expense. Any pockets of organic matter, concrete or other unsuitable material encountered in excavating shall be removed and replaced with material satisfactory to the City. R. The excavation of walls for forms will not be permitted. S. The trench wall shall be kept at a stable angle of repose to maintain trench widths within the limits hereinafter specified or shown on the Plans. T. The trench, when in rock, shall be excavated to a width within the limits of the top of the pipe and the trench bottom so as to provide a clearance on each side of the pipe barrel, measured to the face of the excavation, of 12 inches. Rock or removal in the excavation shall be considered a part of the excavation and as such no additional payment shall be made therefore. Where excavation is in silt, the width of trench bottom shall be pipe O.D. plus two (2) feet with the trench walls being kept at a stable angle of repose. All pipe trenches shall be excavated to a level at least 12 inches below the outside bottom of the proposed pipe barrel. U. Where wood sheeting or certain designs of steel sheeting are used, the City may require that the sheeting be cut off at a level two (2) feet above the top of the installed pipe and that portion below that level be left in place. If ordered left in place, sheeting and shoring shall be paid for under the appropriate Quotation Item. V. If interlocking steel sheeting is used, the City may permit its complete removal in lieu of the cut-off, providing removal can be accomplished without disturbing the bedding, pipe or pipe alignment. Any damage to the pipe bedding, pipe or pipe alignment shall be cause for rejection of the affected portion of the work. W. A substantially and safely constructed moveable shield or box, as approved by the Engineer, may be used in place of sheeting when the trench is opened immediately behind the shield as pipe laying proceeds inside the shield. All construction in conjunction with using such a shield must be as approved by the Engineer, including excavation, installation of pipe and backfilling and compaction. 2-26 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement X. The Contractor shall perform all excavation of every description and of whatever substances encountered, to the dimensions and depth shown on the Plans, or as directed by the Engineer. All excavations shall be made by open cut. Any existing utilities such as pipes, cables, etc., shall be carefully supported and protected from damage, and in case of damage, they shall be restored at no cost to the City. Y. Excavation for other piping and appurtenances shall be sufficient to leave at least 12 inches clear between their outer surfaces and the embankment or sheeting that may be used to protect them. Z. Provide excavation support as necessary to support sides of excavations and prevent detrimental settlement and lateral movement of existing facilities, adjacent property, and completed Work. AA.Remove excavation support in a manner that will maintain support as excavation is backfilled or leave voids of backfill. Do not begin to remove excavation support until support can be removed without damage to existing facilities, completed Work, or adjacent property. BB.Materials removed from the trenches shall be stored and disposed of in such a manner that they will not interfere unduly with traffic on public streets and sidewalks and they shall not be placed on private property. In congested areas, such materials as cannot be stored adjacent to the trench or used immediately as backfill shall be removed to convenient places of storage. If any material is creating a public hazard or other unsafe condition, in the opinion of the Engineer, it shall be removed immediately by the Contractor to a storage area. CC. The Contractor shall temporarily store excavated material suitable for backfill in full compliance with the provisions of the permits. All mud, silt, debris and other material unsuitable for backfilling the trench shall be removed and legally disposed of offsite by the Contractor. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements regarding stock piling of excavated suitable material and storage and assembly space to properly and safely carry out the construction. Any agreements entered into by the Contractor and property owners shall hold the City harmless. Storage of excavated material shall not cause environmental problems and shall be performed at no additional cost to the City. DD. Excavation for structures: 1. Clear, as stated above, all existing items or structures in the way of the proposed pipeline or structures and excavate as necessary to the depths and dimensions shown on the plans, but in all cases as necessary for satisfactory installation. 2. Where pavements or sidewalks are cut,they shall be cut by means of a mechanical pavement saw to form true and straight edges which shall, in general, be either parallel or at right angles. 3. In order to protect himself from being held liable for any existing damaged pavement, including detour routes, the Contractor is advised to notify in writing the authority having jurisdiction over the street where such defective pavement exists prior to proceeding with any work in the vicinity. A copy of all such notices shall be forwarded to the City. 2-27 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 4. Where interlocking steel sheeting is used, the City may require that the sheeting be cut off at a level two (2) feet above the top of the installed pipe and that portion below the level be left in place. 5. Excavation for manholes and other piping appurtenances shall be sufficient to leave at least two (2) feet clear between their outer surfaces and the embankment or sheeting. 6. If, in the opinion of the Engineer of Record or the City, the soil at that depth is unsatisfactory as foundation material because it contains marl, muck, organic matter, or other unsuitable material, the excavation shall be continued two (2)feet deeper, except if a suitable foundation material is exposed at a lesser depth, further excavation will not be required. 7. When the pipe to be installed in a trench requires the pipe installers to work under and around the pipe, the Contractor may request the City that he be allowed to exceed the 12" maximum clearance, specifying the clear distance desired. 8. The ends of existing mains shall be temporarily capped or plugged to keep them clean and the ends of all mains shall be temporarily anchored to keep the joints from blowing apart from internal pressure until the new mains can be reconnected to them. 9. In addition to specific construction methods specified, the general requirements in subsequent subsections, below, shall apply to the work of this project. 3.0.3. TRENCH STABILIZATION A. No claim for extras or additional payment will be considered for cost incurred in the stabilization of trench bottoms which are rendered soft or unstable as a result of construction methods, such as improper or inadequate sheeting, or other causes. In no event shall pipe be installed when such conditions exist and the Contractor shall correct such conditions so as to provide proper bedding or foundations for the proposed installation at no additional cost to the City. 3.0.4. SHEETING AND SHORING A. Contractor shall be solely responsible for the design, installation, and maintenance of shoring, sheeting, and bracing as necessary to support the sides of excavations and to prevent detrimental settlement and lateral movement of existing facilities, adjacent property, and completed Work. Design of shoring or other excavation support shall be provided by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Florida. Prior to trench excavation, a Trench Excavation Plan shall be prepared and shall address the following topics. 1. Details of shoring, sloping, or other provisions for worker protection from hazards of caving ground. 2. Design assumptions and calculations. 2-28 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3. Methods and sequencing of installing excavation support. 4. Proposed locations of stockpiled excavated material. 5. Minimum lateral distance from the crest of slopes for vehicles and stockpiled excavated materials. 6. Anticipated difficulties and proposed resolutions B. Sheeting and shoring shall be installed where necessary to control trench width, protect the workmen and the general public, and prevent damage to this or adjacent work, or structures. C. For excavations five(5)feet deep or less, sheeting and shoring shall be installed where necessary to control trench width, protect the workmen and the general public, and prevent damage to this or adjacent work, or structures. When an excavation is in excess of five (5) feet deep, the Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part III, "Trench Safety Act." Method(s) of compliance used shall protect the workmen and the general public, prevent damage to this or adjacent work, structures, utilities, pavements, sidewalks, curbs, gutters and similar improvements both public and private, and provide for proper maintenance of traffic. The trench width may vary to accomplish this and to comply with the provisions of Florida Statutes Chapter 553, Part III, "Trench Safety Act," but only from a point one (1) foot above the top of the pipe. D. Trench widths, when measured at a point 12 inches above the top of the pipe, shall provide a 12-inch maximum clearance on each side, between the outside of the pipe barrel and the face of the excavation, or sheeting if used. Minimum trench width shall provide at least 6-inches clearance on each side, between the outside of the pipe barrel and the face of the excavation, or sheeting if used. E. Where wood sheeting or certain designs of steel sheeting are used, the City may require that the sheeting be cut of at a level two (2) feet above the top of the installed pipe and that portion below that level be left in place. If ordered left in place, sheeting and shoring shall be paid for under the appropriate Quotation Item. F. If interlocking steel sheeting is used, the City may permit its complete removal in lieu of the cut-off, providing removal can be accomplished without disturbing the bedding, pipe or pipe alignment. Any damage to the pipe bedding, pipe or pipe alignment shall be cause for rejection of the affected portion of the work. G. In areas where trench widths are not limited by right-of-way and/or easement widths, property line restrictions, existing adjacent improvements, including pavements, structures and other utilities, and maintenance of traffic, the trench sides may be sloped to a suitable angle of repose of the excavated material, but only from a point one (1) foot above the crown of the pipe. 3.0.5. MOVABLE SHIELD (MULE) A. A substantially and safely constructed moveable shield or box, as approved by the Engineer, may be used in place of sheeting except where it is specifically called out 2-29 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement on the Plans or in the Specifications to install sheeting. When using a shield, the trench is opened immediately ahead of the shield as pipe laying proceeds inside the shield. All construction in conjunction with using such a shield must be as approved by the Engineer, including excavation, installation of pipe, and backfilling and compaction. When a moveable shield or box is used, the installed pipe shall be secured to prevent it from moving when the box is moved. 3.0.6. TRENCH OVERCUT A. Trench overcut provisions herein shall be used only under direct authorization by the Engineer. B. If, after excavating the trench to a depth of 2 feet 6 inches below the outside bottom elevation of the proposed pipe barrel, and the soil at that depth is still unsatisfactory as foundation material because it contains marl, muck, organic matter, or other unsuitable material, and the Engineer authorizes overcut, the pipe trench shall be excavated further in one (1) foot increments until either a suitable foundation material is found, or the Contractor is directed by the Engineer to stop trench overcut operation and begin backfilling. In no case will trench overcut be more than 6 feet in depth, i.e., to a point 8 feet 6 inches below the bottom of the pipe. C. Selected backfill, as defined in 2.0.1. "Materials" shall then be compacted in 6-inch layers up to the bottom of the proposed 6 inches of pipe bedding. 3.0.7. DEWATERING A. It is a basic requirement of these Specifications that excavation shall be free from water before pipe or structures are installed. The Contractor shall refer to 3.0.12. "Alternate Method of Construction" below. 3.0.8. TRENCH RESTORATION A. Trench restoration shall be per the applicable City of Miami Beach Public Works Manual Standard Detail. B. Mill and resurface minimum 1 inch in accordance with the restoration limits in Part 1 or as directed by the City of Miami Beach Public Works Department. Prior to placing pavement, City Public Works inspection is required. If milled section crosses a pedestrian path or temporary pedestrian path/detour, an asphalt apron as shown in City of Miami Beach Public Works Manual Standard Detail 10-4 must be provided at transitions with all adjacent surfaces within the pedestrian crossing. C. Where cuts have been made through unpaved, stabilized rock roadways, driveways and parkways, surface restoration shall consist of 3 inches of compacted limerock overlaid by 3 inches of gravel or graded and washed rock with a maximum diameter of '/2 inch, except as otherwise directed by the City or designee. The rock shall be installed over the entire width of the disturbed area and shall closely match the existing rock at each location. Several grades of rock may be required to attain this end, but it is not anticipated that more than one grade will have to be used at any one location. 2-30 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3.0.9. TEMPORARY PAVEMENT A. Temporary paving will be required along the entire route where the original paved surface is removed. Unless otherwise approved by the City or designee, temporary paving shall be placed the same day the trench is backfilled. The trench shall be backfilled up to a level 1 inch below the existing pavement surface and a temporary, cold mixed sand/asphalt pavement shall be constructed up to the level of the existing pavement surface. The liquid asphalt shall be Grade RC-70, conforming to the requirements of FDOT Specifications, Section 916-2. The sand shall conform to the requirements of FDOT Specifications, Section 902 for fine aggregate. B. The cold mix is to be installed one block at a time, not crossing any intersection, or a maximum of 1,200 feet shall be completed before the Contractor may move forward with This excavation Work. Backfill, compaction and temporary paving is to keep pace with the pipe installation. Written permission must be obtained from the City of Miami Beach Public Works Department to allow lengths greater than 1,200 feet. At the sole discretion of the City of Miami Beach Public Works Department, the allowable limits in the permit may be reduced due to unforeseen right-of-way conditions. C. The temporary pavement shall be maintained by the Contractor in a condition satisfactory to the City or designee until its removal. Removal shall include any surplus backfill material. Replacement of the temporary pavement with permanent pavement shall be made within 30 days. In replacing the temporary paving with permanent pavement, all Work shall be completed in sections compatible with specified traffic maintenance procedures. D. The Contractor may elect to install a suitable temporary hot mix asphaltic pavement to be left in-place, in lieu of cold mix,when the hot mix asphalt is left in-place and installed over properly compacted limerock base course. This temporary pavement shall be incorporated into the specified permanent pavement restoration as part of paving restoration. E. Sand seal on the limerock base course will not be permitted in lieu of temporary paving. F. Unless otherwise approved by the City or designee, temporary paving shall be placed within twenty-four (24) hours following the completion of backfilling. G. If temporary asphalt is utilized, it shall be removed prior to placement of final asphalt surface. H. Temporary restoration requires field approval by City of Miami Beach Public Works Department Field Inspector 3.0.10. STOCKPILED MATERIALS A. Stockpile excavated material that is suitable for use as fill or backfill until material is needed. B. Material suitable for backfill and not needed for backfill at the structure shall be stockpiled and later moved where needed. 2-31 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement C. Materials shall be stored and in such a manner that will not interfere unduly with City operations, traffic at the site, traffic on public roadways, or sidewalks and shall not be placed on private property. In congested areas, such materials that cannot be stored adjacent to the trench or used immediately as backfill shall be removed to other convenient places of storage acceptable to the City or designee at the Contractor's expense. D. Post signs indicating proposed use of material stockpiled. Post signs that are readable from all directions of approach to each stockpile. Signs should be clearly worded and readable by equipment operators from their normal seated position. E. Confine stockpiles to within easements, right-of-way, and approved Work areas. Do not obstruct road or streets. F. Do not stockpile excavated material adjacent to trenches and other excavations unless excavation side-slopes and excavation support systems are designed, constructed, and maintained for stockpile loads. G. Do not stockpile excavated materials near or over existing facilities, adjacent property, or completed Work if weight of stockpiled material could induce excessive settlement. H. Do not place stockpiles within 50 feet of inlets, streams, wetlands, bodies of water, etc. unless permitted by the City or designee. I. Stockpile side slopes shall be no steeper than 3 horizontal : 1 vertical unless approved by the City or designee. Top of stockpile shall have a minimum slope of no less than 5% to promote positive drainage. J. Provide perimeter erosion control measures around stockpiles, located no closer than 5- feet from toe of slope, and stabilized stockpile surface with temporary seeding or other measures if stockpile will remain inactive for more than seven (7) days. 3.0.11. BACKFILL A. Place and compact granular bedding and fill over pipelines and conduits. Density tests for determination of the specified compaction shall be made by a testing laboratory approved by the City or designee. Testing of compacted fill materials is required in accordance with these Specifications. If results of tests taken during the progress of the Work indicate compacted materials do not meet specified requirements, such defective Work will be removed, replaced, and re-tested as directed by the City or designee and at the Contractor's sole expense. Compacted fill is to be tested before proceeding with the placement of surface materials. B. Backfilling of pipe trenches will not be allowed until the Work has been approved by the City or designee, pressure tested if required, and the City or designee indicates that backfilling may proceed. Any Work which is covered or concealed without the knowledge and consent of the City or designee shall be uncovered or exposed for 2-32 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement inspection. Partial backfill may be made to help restrain the pipe during pressure testing, if previously authorized by the City or designee. C. The Contractor shall backfill all trenches and other excavations made in the process of installing the pipe. The Contractor shall maintain the surface of the backfill free from major irregularities and potholes. D. The Contractor shall maintain trenches free of debris, wood, rocks over 2 inches in diameter, and water. E. Backfill shall be kept up with the rate of pipe laying. The backfill up to the springline of the pipe shall be placed as soon as practical after laying the pipe. On parts of the line where the groundwater level may be high enough to float the pipe, the placing of the backfill and the rate of pumping the trench shall be so controlled as to prevent the pipe from floating or moving from the line and grade shown on the Plans. F. Pipe bedding and backfill shall be in accordance with the applicable City of Miami Beach Public Works Manual Standard Detail. Material shall be placed in maximum 6- inch layers. Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted to at least 98% of maximum density as defined by AASHTO Specifications T-180. The material in the ditch may be compacted by either hand tamper or a mechanized power tamper, provided the results meet the requirements and are approved by the City or designee. Particular attention and care shall be exercised in obtaining thorough support for the branch of all service connection fittings. Care shall be taken to preserve the alignment and gradient of the installed pipe. G. A testing laboratory will make periodic field tests to determine the density being obtained in each lift of backfill. Testing shall be performed at a minimum frequency of one test every 100 feet. When compacted backfill fails to meet the specified percentage of maximum density as shown by test results, it shall be reworked and recompacted, and then retested. The reworking, recompacting, and retesting of the backfill shall be repeated as many times as may be necessary to obtain compacted backfill with density meeting or exceeding the specified percentage as indicated by test results. H. The Contractor shall exercise proper care to ensure no pipe will be broken or displaced by use of mechanical compacting equipment. Water shall be added as required to obtain optimum moisture content to facilitate compaction but ponding or inundation of backfill will not be permitted. I. In the event sufficient suitable material is not available at any point to properly backfill the trench, the Contractor shall transport suitable material from points of the line where such material is available or shall otherwise furnish suitable material. 3.0.12.ALTERNATE METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION A. A combination of conditions in the substrata, water table, method of disposal or regulatory agency requirements may be encountered during the course of the work which makes dewatering impossible, or possible only through the use of unusual methods, the cost of which is excessive. When such conditions are encountered, but only after all reasonable means to dewater the excavation have been employed 2-33 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement without success, the Contractor may request permission to employ the following Alternate Method of Construction. The concurrence of the Engineer shall be obtained in writing and shall limit the use of the Alternate Method of Construction to such specific portions of the work as the Engineer shall determine. B. The requirements set forth in other Sections of these Specifications shall establish the required standards of construction quality for this work. Use of the Alternate Method of Construction described hereinafter shall in no way be construed as relieving the Contractor of his basic responsibility for satisfactory completion of the work. C. Under no conditions will any additional or increased payments be made to the Contractor for excavation, backfill, sheeting or any cost incurred for work or materials, or any other costs incurred as a result of the use of this alternate method of construction. The unit prices established in the Quotation shall be full payment for the various items of work. D. Subject to all of the requirements stated herein, including written approval of the Engineer, construction will be permitted in accordance with the following specifications. All requirements of these Specifications shall apply to this construction unless otherwise specifically modified herein. 1. Removal of Water: The installation of pipe and appurtenances under water will be permitted and the dry-trench requirements of Section 6.06 "Removal of Water" will be waived. 2. Excavation: Excavation shall be performed in accordance with 3.0.2. "Excavation." 3. Pipe Bedding: a. Pipe bedding shall be placed from 6 inches below the outside bottom of the proposed pipe barrel up to the level of the lower one-third of the pipe barrel for pressure mains. b. The bedding material shall be pea rock, or drainfield limerock. Limerock screenings, sand or other fine organic material shall not be used. c. The bedding material shall be tamped and graded to provide a proper bedding for the pipe and shall then be shaped to receive the pipe. Bedding shall be provided under the branch of all fittings to furnish adequate support and bearing under the fittings. 4. Backfill: a. After the pipe is installed, backfilling shall proceed in accordance with the provisions of 2.0.1. "Backfill Materials" b. Select backfill material shall be used to backfill around the pipe and to a level one (1) foot above the crown of the pipe. 2-34 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement c. Under no circumstances will material other than select backfill or specified pipe bedding material be considered satisfactory for this purpose. E. If the Alternate Method of Construction is used, all backfill material, including specified pipe bedding material, shall be carefully lifted into the trench and not released to fall freely therein until the bucket or container is at or just above water level. Under no circumstances will backfill material be dumped or pushed into trenches containing water. Below existing water level, and to a point not more than 18 inches above the water level the backfill material shall be carefully placed in uniform layers, of equal depth on each side of the pipe. From a point not more than 18 inches above the water level, and below the pavement base or the surface of the ground, if out of paved areas, backfill material shall be placed and compacted for normal backfilling as provided in 2.0.1. "Backfill Materials" for compacted backfill. F. During construction, the Contractor shall install a temporary plug, or other means approved by the Engineer, on the open end of the pipe in order to prevent debris and trench water backwash from entering the pipe during trench excavation ahead of the installed pipe. The plug shall remain in place until the following length of pipe is ready to be installed. No additional compensation will be paid to the Contractor for any costs incurred in complying with the provisions herein. 3.0.13. PIPE BEDDING — PRESSURE PIPE A. General: 1. Installation in Rock Bottom: Where rock is encountered at the bottom of a trench in which pipe is to be installed, the excavation shall be extended to a depth at least 6 inches below the bottom of the pipe and shall be backfilled with selected fine material in 6 inch layers, with each layer being firmly compacted, and with the final layer carefully graded and compacted at the proper elevation to provide continuous support for the pipe barrels. Where pipe bells will be located, depressions shall be excavated in the trench bottom to provide clearance under the bell or socket. 2. Installation in Soil Bottom: Where rock is not encountered at the bottom of a trench excavation, and the soil is satisfactory for pipe foundation, in the opinion of the Engineer, excavation shall be halted at an elevation slightly above that for bedding the pipe, and the pipe bed carefully excavated by hand in the undisturbed trench bottom to provide continuous bearing for the pipe barrels and clearance under the bells or sockets, or machine excavation may extend slightly below the elevation for bedding the pipe with the trench bottom carefully backfilled and compacted as specified in 2.0.1. "Backfill Materials". 3. As described herein, all pipe trenches for the water and/or sewer force mains shall be excavated to a level 6 inches below the outside bottom of the proposed pipe barrel. The resulting excavation shall be backfilled with approved pipe bedding material, up to the level of the outside bottom of the proposed pipe barrel. This material shall be tamped and compacted to provide a proper bedding for the pipe and shall then be shaped to receive the pipe, including recesses for the pipe bells and couplings. Placing and compacting bedding up to the level of the lower one- third of the pipe barrel shall immediately follow the installation of the pipe. Bedding 2-35 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement shall be provided under the branch of all fittings to furnish adequate support and bearing under the fitting. 4. Bedding material shall be select backfill as defined under Section 2.0.1. "Backfill Materials" or shall be drainfield limerock, or similar materials, as approved by the Engineer. 5. Select Backfill material may be utilized where the excavated trench bottom is above water. 6. Any excavation below the levels required for installation of the pipe bedding shall be backfilled with approved bedding material, tamped, compacted and shaped to provide proper support for the proposed pipe. 7. Limerock screenings, sand, or other fine material shall not be used for bedding. END OF SECTION 2-36 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 02505 CLEANING AND TESTING OF MAINS PART 1 — GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. The Contractor shall clean and test the sewage force main pipe, fittings and valves in accordance with these Specifications and to the satisfaction of the City. B. The Contractor shall furnish all material, labor and equipment necessary to clean and test the sewage force main pipe, fittings and valves. C. Pipelines for Sewage Force mains shall be pressure tested in accordance with AWWA Standard C-600, latest revision and the provisions of the City of Miami Beach Public Works Manual. The minimum pressure for testing shall be two (2) hours at 100 psi. D. The Contractor is advised that he is solely responsible for any damage caused to the main or it's lining by cleaning operations and he shall be required to repair or replace, as required by the City, any damaged pipe or lining. 1.0.2. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Testing shall be in accordance with ANSI/AWM/A Standard C-600, latest edition, as modified herein. B. Cleaning and testing shall be performed in strict accordance with these specifications. C. The Contractor is cautioned that the City or other governing body having jurisdiction over the work location may have regulatory rules and ordinances prohibiting or limiting the discharge of water from any excavation into sanitary and storm sewer systems, or to canals and drainage ditches. The Contractor shall comply with all regulations of all governing agencies. PART 2— PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3— EXECUTION 3.0.1. GENERAL A. As soon as the installation of each run of main is completed, including valves sufficient for control and anchored sufficiently to withstand any test pressure, the run shall be thoroughly flushed and pigged to remove all foreign matter from pipe in accordance with AWWA C651. The Contractor shall provide hoses, temporary pipes, ditches, and other conduits as needed to dispose of flushing water without damage to adjacent property. Note that in some circumstances it may be necessary to install valves after the line segment has been pigged. In such in instance, permission to use this sequence of operations must be approved in writing by the City. B. Flush service connections and hydrants. Flush distribution lines prior to flushing 2-37 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement hydrants and service connections. C. Flush pipe through flushing branches and remove branches after flushing is completed. D. Operate new valves during flushing process at least twice during each flush. E. The Contractor shall clean the inside of the main in intervals during its installation. The Contractor shall utilize pigging to clean the main unless otherwise specified herein or instructed by the City. A Bare Swab No. 5, density 1 lb./ft.3 by Knapp Polly Pig, Inc. 1209 Hardy Street, Houston, Texas 77020, 1-800-231-7205, or approved equal, shall be utilized for this work. Any damage to the pipe lining caused by pigging shall be repaired or replaced to the satisfaction of the City at the Contractor's sole expense. The Contractor shall furnish all materials and equipment necessary to clean the mains. F. Mains shall be tested as a whole or in sections between line valves, unless otherwise specified or approved by the City. Unless otherwise approved by the City, the total length of pipe for any single test shall not exceed 2,000 feet. G. Volume flushing shall be of sufficient velocity to produce a scouring action in the main meeting the approval the City. H. The Contractor shall furnish and install all piping necessary to dispose of the flushing water and shall exercise care to prevent any damage to the surrounding area and adjoining and adjacent properties. I. Mains shall be tested as a whole or in sections between line valves, unless otherwise specified or approved by the City. Unless otherwise approved by the City, the total length of pipe for any single test shall not exceed 2,000 feet. Where a segment is being tested which includes more than one line valve to line valve section the maximum allowable leakage, defined below, shall be based on the length of the small segment being tested. 3.0.2. WATER FOR CLEANING AND TESTING A. Water for cleaning and testing shall be furnished as specified in "Water Used in Construction" of Section 01100 "Special Project Requirements". The Contractor shall furnish and install all necessary pumps, piping and fittings, including the corporation stop(s), to connect the section under test to the source of water. The test pump shall be a centrifugal or gear pump producing a steady pressure free of pulsation. If a construction meter is not furnished by the City, a meter or container, calibrated to the satisfaction of the City shall be provided by the Contractor. A Contractor-supplied meter or container must be approved in writing by the City. The test pressure shall be 100 psi and, as specified in AWWA C600, Section 5.2 "Hydrostatic Testing", shall not vary more than ± 5 psi for the duration of the testing. 3.0.3. CLEANING A. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, ductile iron pipe sewage force mains shall be cleaned at intervals not to exceed 30 lengths of pipe. 2-38 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement B. Unless otherwise ordered by the Engineer, cleaning shall be by pigging for lines of 36- inch nominal diameter and below. Lines of larger size are anticipated as being cleaned directly by construction personnel as the installation progresses. For all lines of nominal diameter greater than 24-inches the Contractor shall furnish for approval by the City a written shop drawing and procedure submittal detailing materials and methods to be used in the cleaning operation. This submittal shall be made in timely fashion so as not to delay construction and to permit sufficient time for review. If said submission is not approved, the Contractor shall immediately make such changes as are directed by the City and resubmit. C. Prior to cleaning operations, the Contractor shall in writing, notify the City of the make, model and characteristics of the pig to be used. This description shall be sufficient to fully identify and describe the pig to be used. If the pig has not been previously approved for this use by the City, the submittal shall be a formal shop drawing and be accompanied by a letter from the manufacturer stating that the pig is designed to be used with lined pipe and will not, if properly applied, abrade or damage the lining. D. All cleaning methods used by the Contractor shall be subject to approval by the Engineer, and must be sufficient to remove silt, rocks, or other debris which may have entered the pipeline during its installation. E. As soon as the installation of each run of pipe is completed, and prior to installation of valves on the main in positions which would interfere with or be damaged by the cleaning operation, the line shall be cleaned by use of a pig with characteristics as specified herein. The pig shall be driven through the line by water pressure and no cables, push rods or other mechanisms that might damage the pipe or lining shall be utilized in this operation. F. Thorough pigging will be required, and operations shall be sufficient to remove all deleterious materials left in the pipe by construction and shall meet the Engineer's approval. If required by the City, pigging operations shall be scheduled to allow observation by the City and no extra compensation will be allowed for such scheduling. G. The Contractor shall furnish, install and remove all piping necessary to carry out pigging operations, dispose of water and debris from the operation, and shall exercise care to prevent any damage to the surrounding area and adjoining or adjacent properties. The Contractor shall furnish either a new or in new condition pig for cleaning operations and the City reserves the right to reject the pig and require provision by the Contractor of a new replacement at no extra charge to the City. H. After the main has been cleaned to the satisfaction of the Engineer, any valves which could not be placed prior to pigging operations shall be installed using care to prevent entrance of deleterious materials into the cleaned main or valve body. Thereafter, the main shall be tested as specified below unless otherwise ordered or permitted by the Engineer. I. The dirty water removed from the mains shall be disposed of by pumping out or ahead into the trench, or other approved location, and the Contractor shall exercise care to prevent any damage to the surrounding area and adjacent properties. 2-39 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement J. Volume flushing shall be of sufficient velocity to produce a scouring action in the main meeting the approval the City. The Contractor shall furnish and install all piping necessary to dispose of the flushing water and shall exercise care to prevent any damage to the surrounding area and adjoining and adjacent properties. K. The Contractor is required to install nightcaps, plugs or other devices acceptable to the Engineer at the open ends of the pipe installation at the end the work day. This requirement shall apply to installations both above and below the water table. L. The Contractor is advised that he is solely responsible for any damage caused to the main or its lining by cleaning operations and he shall be required to repair or replace, as required by the City, any damaged pipe or lining. M. The pig for cleaning shall be a Bare Swab No. 5B; density, 1 lb./ft.' by Knapp Polly Pig, Inc. 1209 Hardy Street, Houston, Texas 77020, 1-800-231-7205, or approved equal. 3.0.4. TESTING OF MAINS A. Testing of ductile iron pipe for sewage force mains shall be in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C600, "Installation of Ductile-Iron Mains and Their Appurtenances" Section 5.2 Hydrostatic Testing, latest edition, as modified herein. B. All fire hydrants, corporation stops, air release valves, flushing valves, and meter valves in the section being tested shall be opened and left open until water comes out of them, in order to remove as much air as possible from the line. C. The Contractor shall furnish and install all necessary pumps, piping and fittings, including the corporation stops, to connect the section under test to the source of water. The test pump shall be centrifugal or gear pump producing a steady pressure free of pulsation. The test pressure shall be maintained throughout the duration of the test. Unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer, no static testing will be allowed. D. During the hydrostatic test, the Contractor shall use a calibrated meter or other device to accurately measure the quantity of water necessary to maintain the test pressure on the gauge. E. Water shall be pumped into the line through the meter up to the required pressure, and pumping shall be continued to maintain that pressure for a period of two (2) hours, or such longer period as the Inspector requires to inspect the line for leaks. Leakage shall be defined as the quantity of water that must be supplied into the newly laid pipe, or any valved section thereof, to maintain the specified leakage test pressure after the air in the pipeline has been expelled and the pipe has been filled with water. F. Since the allowable leakage is defined in gallons per hour, testing shall be conducted in, at a minimum, two (2) independent one (1) hour test periods. G. Testing shall continue for additional one (1) hour periods if the leakage increases during a previous to a subsequent test period, even if the leakage is within the allowable amount, until the leakage stabilizes or decreases. 2-40 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement H. The maximum allowable leakage for sewage force mains shall be determined by the following formula from the ANSI/AWWA C600: L = SD times the square root of P 148,000 where: L = allowable leakage in gallons per hour S = length of pipeline tested in feet D = nominal diameter of the pipe in inches P = average test pressure during the leakage test, in pounds per square inch gage No pipe installation will be accepted if the leakage is greater than that determined by the above requirements. The pressure test shall be witnessed by a representative of the City of Miami Beach Public Works Department and the Engineer of Record or his/her representative. I. The Contractor shall locate and repair all leaks until the leakage is reduced to the limits specified. The Contractor may use the leak detector belonging to the City but shall reimburse the City for the actual cost of the operation of the instrument by City personnel. Any observed leaks or any obviously defective joints or pipes shall be repaired or replaced as directed by the Engineer, even though the total leakage is below that specified above. J. The tests and repairs shall be continued or repeated until the Engineer is assured that the leakage from the section of line under test is less than the amount specified. K. Testing of Connections: 1. Cut-in connections shall be pressure tested whenever possible. Cut-in connections that cannot be pressure tested shall be done under the supervision of City forces with a visual system pressure test to verify no leakage is present. Any system pressure test shall be pre-approved by the Engineer. END OF SECTION 2-41 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 02510 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. Construct asphaltic concrete pavement in accordance with the lines, grades and typical sections as indicated on the drawings, specified herein and as required for a complete installation. B. Replace and / or repair all existing asphaltic concrete pavement areas impacted by Contractor operations, including trenching for new utilities, as well as damage that may result from Contractor operations during the progress of the work. C. Temporary asphalt/trench repairs shall be installed within 1 week of excavation and backfill work on plant roadways impacted by construction. 1.0.2. SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall submit its proposed formulae for the asphaltic concrete paving for review in accordance with the Section 01300 "Submittals". 1.0.3. QUALITY CONTROL A. Work shall be performed in accordance with Contract Documents, Drawings, and/or City of Miami Beach Public Works Manual Specifications and Standard Details, in a neat and accurate manner. It is the intent of the City to obtain a complete and working installation according to these Specifications, and any items of labor, equipment, or materials which may reasonably be assumed as necessary to accomplish this end shall be supplied whether or not they are specifically shown on the project plans or stated herein. B. Asphalt Acceptance Standards: The following minimum defects identified by the City or designee must be covered by warranty (but not limited to): 1. Sunken pavement patches greater than or equal to one-quarter (1/4) inch (measured by a twelve (12) foot straight edge). 2. Surface raveling or oxidation due to deficiencies with the asphalt material. 3. Poor workmanship. 4. Inadequate compaction per Standards and Specifications. 1.0.4. RESTORATION LIMITS A. At a minimum, sidewalk, curb, gutter, and roadway restoration shall be in accordance with the requirements of the agencies having jurisdiction including but not limited to 2-42 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement City of Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, and FDOT. B. The Contractor is responsible to restore the full lane width of two-lane roads when a trench is longitudinally cut within a lane. If the cut is in between two lanes, the Contractor is responsible to restore both lanes. If the cut impacts multiple lanes, all lanes impacted shall be restored. When a perpendicular cut is made crossing the pavement, a minimum of 25 feet width on each side of the cut, or to the intersection, must be restored by milling and resurfacing. For new developments, the Contractor shall restore the pavement from property line to property line. C. At a minimum, the width of all asphalt repairs within the Work area shall extend at least 12 inches beyond the limit of the damage. Where the line for repaving for trenches extends 12-inches into the edge of the existing paving, repaving shall be to this edge only. Damage by the Contractor to the pavement beyond 12-inches into the edge of the existing paving will require the full lane be repaved. D. The edge of the pavement shall be cut to a true edge with a saw or other acceptable method so as to provide a clean edge to abut the repair. The line of the repair shall be uniform with no irregularities. Repair of damage by the Contractor beyond the Work area shall be approved by the City or designee prior to commencing the Work. E. Any base course or surface course beyond the restoration limits, damaged as a result of the Contractor's operation, shall be restored in accordance with the applicable requirements of these Specifications, to the satisfaction of the City or designee. F. Permanent pavement repair shall be with edges straight and parallel and patches rectangular in plan. Replace any paving, beyond the limits shown in the details and as called for in the Specifications, as required. Where trenches are located out of the existing pavement and damage occurs to the pavement, that pavement shall also be replaced by the Contractor. G. Five Year Moratorium Directive from City: If the road is under Moratorium, the Contractor is to restore the entire roadway width. H. Final asphalt application requires milling and resurfacing full travel lanes or as directed by City of Miami Beach Public Works Department Field Inspector. PART 2— PRODUCTS 2.0.1. MATERIALS A. Subbase: Limit gradation of the material within the limits of the area being stabilized to 97% passing 31/2-inch sieve. Soil shall be clean, non-deleterious material. Subbase material supporting the roadway and shoulders shall have a minimum LBR of 40. The stabilized subbase shall be 12 inches, placed in maximum compacted lift thickness of 8- inches, and compacted to 98% of maximum dry density as per AASHTO T-180. 2-43 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement B. Limerock Base Course 1. The material used in limerock base courses shall be material classified as either Miami Oolite Formation or Ocala Formation at the Contractor's option having a minimum of 70% calcium carbonate or magnesium carbonate; however, only one formation may be used on any contract. 2. Limerock base course shall have a minimum LBR of 100. Limerock base shall be twice the thickness of the existing adjacent base and shall be minimum of 12- inches thick and a maximum of 18-inch thick, placed in 6-inch lifts. Base material shall be compacted to a density of not less than 98% of maximum dry density as per AASHTO T-180 under all paved areas. 3. The limerock material shall contain no more than 0.5% of organic material or objectionable matter and shall show no significant tendency to air slake or undergo any chemical under exposure to weather. 4. The maximum percentage of water sensitive clay material shall be three percent (3%). 5. At least 97% (by weight) of the material shall pass a 3%-inch sieve, and the material shall be graded uniformly down to dust. The fine material shall consist entirely of dust of fracture. All crushing or breaking up which might be necessary in order to meet such size requirements shall be done before the material is placed on the road. 6. The limerock material shall be uniform in quality and shall not contain cherty or other extremely hard pieces, lumps, balls or pockets of sand or clay size material in sufficient quantity as to be detrimental to prevent proper bonding, finishing, or strength of the limerock base. 7. Limerock material shall be non-plastic, and the liquid limit shall not exceed 35. C. Asphaltic Concrete 1. Bituminous Material: Asphalt cement, Viscosity Grade AC-20 or AC-30, shall conform with the requirements of FDOT Specifications, Section 916-1. 2. Coarse Aggregate: Coarse aggregate, stone or slag shall conform to the requirements of the FDOT Specifications, Section 901. 3. Fine aggregate: Fine aggregate shall conform to the requirements of FDOT Specifications, Section 902.3. 4. Mineral Filler: Mineral filler shall conform to the requirements of FDOT Specifications, Section 917-1 and 917-2. 2-44 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 5. Prime Coat: Unless otherwise indicated, the material used for the prime coat shall be cutback asphalt, Grade RC-70 or RC-250, and shall conform with the requirements specified in AASHTO Destination M 81. Unless otherwise indicated, the use of wither RC-70 or RC-250 shall be at the Contractor's option. 6. Tack Coat: The material used for the tack coat shall be Emulsified Asphalt, Grade RS-2 and shall conform with the requirements specified in AASHTO Designation M 140. 7. Where Type S Asphalt Concrete is specified in the Contract Documents, if approved by the City or designee, the equivalent fine Type SP Asphalt Concrete mixture (Traffic Level C) meeting the requirements of FDOT Specifications Section 334 may be selected as an alternate at no additional cost to the City or Owner. The equivalent mixes are as follows: Type S-I Type SP-12.5 Type S-II Type SP-19.0 Type S-III Type SP-9.5 2.0.2. TEXTURED PAVEMENT A. "StreetBond SP150E Coating Material" refers to a high-performance premium coating material consisting of epoxy modified acrylic polymers blended with sand and aggregate, and specially formulated by GAF, Inc. (Tel. 1-800-766-3411 ), for application on asphalt surfaces to provide a durable, long lasting color and texture to the asphalt surface. B. "StreetBond Colorant" is a highly concentrated, high quality, UV stable pigment blend designated to be added to StreetBond SP150E coating system to provide color to the coating. The colors to be used shall be shown on the Drawings. The same StreetBond Colorant shall be used in each SP150E coating layer to the asphalt surface. One pint of colorant shall be used with one pail of StreetBond coating material. C. Use only patterned/textures pavement products listed on the Qualified Products List (QPL). Meet manufacturer's Specifications for all pattern/texture templates, coating, and coloring material. Use only material that is delivered to the job site in sealed containers bearing the manufacture's original labels. Material coating used to achieve the pattern/texture and/or color shall produce an adherent, weather resistant, skid resistant surface capable of resisting deformation to traffic. Paint and thermoplastic material must meet the requirements of this Specifications and FDOT Specifications Section 971, except that the requirements for Color and Retroreflectivity do not apply. D. Manufacturers seeking approval for inclusion on the QPL must submit application and certifications in accordance with FDOT Specifications Section 6 along with the following documentation: 1. Manufacturer's Specifications and procedures for materials and installation. 2-45 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 2. Manufacturer's certification with supporting test data and results that the patterned/textured pavement installed in accordance with the manufacturer's Specifications and procedures has been tested in accordance with the ASTM E274, Skid Resistance of Paved Surfaces using a standard ribbed full-scale tire at a speed of 40 mph (FN40R) and has a minimum FN40R value of 35. PART 3— EXECUTION 3.0.1. INSTALLATION OF ASPHALT A. General 1. Pavement markings removed or obliterated by the Contractor's operations shall be promptly replaced, in kind, to the satisfaction of the City of Miami Beach Department of Public Works, Traffic Engineering Division or designee. 2. At least three density determinations shall be made on each day's final compaction operations on each course, and the density determinations shall be made at more frequent intervals if deemed necessary by the City or designee. B. Subbase: Roadway subbase shall be stabilized to the minimum depth shown on the Drawings to a LBR not less than 40. Stabilizing shall be type C as defined in Section 160 of the FDOT specifications. Stabilization may require the addition and thorough mixing in of crushed limerock, coarse Iimerock screenings, or any other stabilizing material acceptable to the City or designee. The stabilizing material shall be applied in such quantity that, after mixing and blending, the subbase will have a LBR not less than 40. Stabilizing material shall be mixed or blended in the subbase material by plowing, scarifying, disking, harrowing, blading, and mixing with rotary tillers until the mixed materials are of uniform bearing ratio throughout the width and depth of the layer being processed. The minimum acceptable density at any location will be 98% of maximum dry density as determined by AASHTO T-180. C. Limerock Base: The limerock base shall be constructed in accordance with Section 200 of the FDOT Specifications, to the thickness and width indicated on the Drawings. Pavement base shall be constructed in maximum 6-inch lifts. D. After spreading of the base material is completed, the entire surface shall be scarified and shaped so as to produce the exact grade and cross section after compaction. For double course base, this scarifying shall extend a depth sufficient to penetrate slightly the surface of the first course. The maximum depth of each lift shall be 6-inches. E. When the material does not have the proper moisture content to ensure the required density,wetting or drying shall be required. If the material is deficient in moisture, water will be added and uniformly mixed in by disking the base course to its full depth. If the material contains an excess of moisture, it shall be allowed to dry before being compacted. Wetting and drying operations shall involve manipulation of the entire width and depth of the base as a unit. As soon as proper conditions of moisture are attained, the material shall be compacted to an average density not less than 98% of maximum dry density as determined by AASHTO T-180. Where the base is being 2-46 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement constructed in more than one course, the density shall be obtained in each lift of the base. F. During final compacting operations, if blading of any areas is necessary to obtain the true grade and cross section, the compacting operations for such areas shall be completed prior to making the density determination on the finished base. G. Unless otherwise directed by the City or designee, the surface shall be "hard-planed" with a blade grader immediately prior to the application of the prime coat to remove the thin glaze or cemented surface and to allow free penetration of the prime material. The materials planed from the base shall be removed from the base area. H. If cracks or checks appear in the base, either before or after priming, which in the opinion of the City or designee, would impair the structural efficiency of the base course, the Contractor shall remove such cracks or checks by re-clarifying, reshaping, adding base material where necessary and re-compacting, at no additional cost to the City or Owner. I. Mixing Base and Subbase: If at any time the subbase material shall become mixed with the base course material, the Contractor shall, without additional compensation, dig out and remove the mixture, reshape and compact the subbase and replace the materials removed with clean base material, which shall be shaped and compacted as specified above. J. Prime Coat: The prime coat shall be applied ata rate of 0.15 gallons per square yard and the work performed in accordance with Section 300 of the FDOT Specifications. K. Asphaltic Concrete: The spreading, compacting, and jointing the wearing surface shall be in accordance with Sections 330 and 333 of the FDOT Specifications to the thickness indicated on the Drawings. L. Tack Coat: Apply tack coat at a rate between 0.02 and 0.10 gallons per square yard and perform the Work in accordance with Section 300 of the FDOT Specifications. M. Connections with Existing Facilities Where the bituminous pavement is to be connected with an existing roadway surface or other facility, the Contractor shall modify the existing roadway profile in such a manner as to produce a smooth riding connection to the existing facility. Where it is necessary to remove existing asphalt surfaces to provide proper meet lines and riding surfaces, the Contractor shall saw cut the existing surface so that there will be sufficient depth to provide a minimum of 1- inch of asphalt concrete, and the waste material shall be disposed of to the satisfaction of the City or designee. Prior to placing the asphalt concrete, these areas shall be tacked. Meet lines shall be straight and the edges vertical. The edges of meet line cuts shall be painted with liquid asphalt or emulsified asphalt prior to placing asphalt concrete. After placing the asphalt concrete, the meet line shall be sealed by painting with a liquid asphalt or emulsified asphalt and immediately covered with clean, dry sand. 2-47 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement N. Surface Tolerance 1. Tests for conformity with the specified grade shall be made immediately after initial compression. Any variation shall be immediately corrected by the removal or addition of materials and by continuous rolling. The completed surface of the pavement shall be of uniform texture, smooth, uniform as to grade, and free from defects of all kinds. 2. The completed surface shall not vary more than 1/8 inch from the lower edge of a 12-foot straightedge placed on the surface along the centerline or across the trench. 3. After completion of the final rolling, the smoothness and grade of the surface shall again be tested by the Contractor. 4. When deviations in excess of the above tolerances are found, the pavement surface shall be corrected as stated in Section 330-12.4 of the FDOT Specifications. 5. All areas in which the surface of the completed pavement deviates more than twice the allowable tolerances described above shall be removed and replaced to the satisfaction of the City or designee. O. Weather Conditions: Asphalt shall not be applied to wet material. Asphalt shall not be applied during rainfall or any imminent storms that might adversely affect the construction. The Engineer will determine when surfaces and materials are dry enough to proceed with construction. Asphalt concrete shall not be placed during heavy rainfall or when the surface upon which it is to be placed is wet. P. Protection of Structures and Adjustment of Appurtenances 1. Provide whatever protective coverings may be necessary to protect the exposed portions of bridges, culverts, curbs, gutters, posts, guard fences, road signs, and any other structures from splashing oil and asphalt from the paving operations. Remove any oil, asphalt, dirt, or any other undesirable matter that may come upon these structures by reason of the paving operations. 2. Where water valve boxes, manholes, catch basins, or other underground utility appurtenances are within the area to be surfaced, the Contractor shall adjust the covers of these improvements to conform to the proposed surface elevations. 3. In this effort, the Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that appurtenances are brought to proper grade to conform to the finished surface elevations and any delays experienced from such obstructions will be considered as incidental to the paving operation. No additional payment will be made. Protect all covers during asphalt application. Q. Pavement Warranty: Settlement of replaced pavement over trenches within the warranty period shall be considered the result of improper or inadequate compaction of the subbase or base materials. The Contractor shall promptly repair all pavement deficiencies noted during the warranty period at the Contractor's sole expense. 2-48 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement R. The pressure distributor used for placing the tack or prime coat shall be equipped with pneumatic tires having sufficient width of rubber in contact with the road surface to avoid breaking the bond of or forming a rut in the surface. The distance between the centers of openings of the outside nozzles of the spray bar shall be equal to the width of the application required, within an allowable variation of 2-inches. The outside nozzle at each end of the spray bar shall have an area of opening of not less than 25 percent, nor more than 75 percent in excess of the other nozzles which shall have uniform openings. When the application covers less than the full width, the normal opening of the end nozzle at the conjunction line may remain the same as those of the interior nozzles. S. 310-9.2 Application Temperatures: For asphalt cement Viscosity Grade AC-5, the application temperature shall be between 300 degree and 350 degree F; for emulsified asphalt, between 100 degrees and 170 degrees F; and for cut-back asphalt, between 175 degree and 275 degree F.310-9.3 Uniformity of Distribution: Special precautions shall be observed to assure that an even and uniform distribution of bituminous material will be obtained, and the distributor shall be so adjusted and operated as to maintain uniform, even distribution of the type of material being applied. Excessive deposits of bituminous material upon the road surface caused by stopping or starting the distributor, by leakage or otherwise, shall be immediately removed. T. When the prime or tack coat is applied adjacent to curb and gutter, or any other concrete or special pavement surface (except where they are to be covered with a bituminous wearing course) such concrete surfaces shall be protected by heavy paper or other protective material while the prime or tack coat is being applied. Any bituminous material deposited on such concrete surfaces shall be removed immediately. U. No bituminous material shall be applied when the air temperature is less than 50 degree in the shade, or when the weather conditions or the condition of the existing surface is unsuitable. In no case shall bituminous material be applied while rain is falling or when there is water on the surface to be covered. V. After the base has been finished, the full width of surface shall be swept with a power broom supplemented with hand brooms and mechanical blowers prior to the application of the prime coat. Care shall be taken to remove all loose dust, dirt and objectionable matter. If deemed necessary, the base shall be lightly sprinkled with water immediately in advance of the prime coat. The prim coat shall be applied to the full width of the base. W. The temperature of the prime material shall be such as to insure uniform distribution. The material shall be applied with a pressure distributor as specified above. The amount to be applied shall be sufficient to coat the surface thoroughly and uniformly without any excess to form pools or to flow off the base. For lime rock base, the rate of application shall not be less than 0.10 gallons per square yard. X. The roadway may be opened for use following the application of the prime material, and a light uniform application of clean sand shall be applied and rolled. The sand shall be non-plastic, shall be free from silt rock particles and shall not contain any 2-49 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement sticks, vegetation, grass, roots or organic matter. After the sand covering has been applied, the surface will be opened to traffic. Y. Asphalt Densities: The in place density of each course of asphalt mix construction, with the exceptions of patching courses, leveling and intermediate course less than one-inch thick or a specified spread rate less than 100 pounds per square yard, overbuild courses where the minimum thickness is less than one-inch, and open- graded friction course, shall be determined by the use of the Nuclear Density Backscatter Methods as specified by FM 1-T238 (method B). The required density of a completed course shall be at least 98 percent of the average density of the control strip. 3.0.2. INSTALLATION OF TEXTURED PAVEMENT A. Applications of textured pavement include the following. Imprinting patterns into existing or new pavement and covering with a surface coating(s) of paint or thermoplastic. Imprinting patterns into existing or new pavement and inlaying the imprint with performed thermoplastic material. Colored, preprinted, preformed texturized thermoplastic material that is applied over existing pavement. Colored thermoplastic material that can be imprinted and texturized during or after application to existing pavement. B. Patterns are defined as visible surface markings. Imprinted textures are defined as palpable surface markings. C. Use the location, pattern/texture type (brick, stone, etc.) and coating color as specified in the Plans. Joint openings shall not exceed 1/2 inch in width. D. Apply a patterned and/or textured treatment to asphalt or concrete in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. E. For application requiring removal and replacement of existing pavement, meet the requirements of FDOT Specifications Section 350 for cement concrete pavement; the requirements of Section 334 for Superpave asphalt or Section 337 for FC 9.5 and FC 12.5 asphalt. F. Protect treated surfaces from traffic and environmental effect until the area is completely coated/imprinted and any coating have dried or cured according to the manufacturer's instructions. Complete all utility, traffic loop detector, and other items requiring a cut and installation under the finished surface, prior to pattern installation. For asphalt roadways, apply patterned/textured pavement a minimum of 14 days after placement of the adjacent pavement. Upon completion of the installation, the City or designee will check the area at random location(s)for geometric accuracy, as specified in the plans. If any of the chosen areas have an imprint width and depth that is less than the manufacturer's specifications, correct the entire textured area, at no additional cost to the City. Supply the specified pattern and color sample for the Engineer's use to visually determine that the material matches the color specified in the plans. For any continuous or abutting areas, i.e., all treated areas of an intersection, color material must be from the same lot/batch. Provide certification that the textured pavement was installed in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements. G. Textured pavement on crosswalks and travel lanes are to be tested for skid resistance in accordance with ASTM E303. 2-50 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3.0.3. TEMPORARY TRENCH REPAIR OR STABILIZATION A. Following trenching and backfill within active plant roadways, but prior to final asphalt replacement at substantial completion, the Contractor shall install temporary trench repair, consisting of compacted base course and temporary asphalt. B. Temporary trench repair shall include the preparation of the subgrade, the placing and compacting of the lime rock base, the priming of the base, the placing and maintaining of the surface treatment, all as specified herein. C. The width of trench repairs shall extend at least 12 inches each side beyond the limits of the asphalt impacted by excavation. The edge of the pavement to be left in place shall be cut to a true edge with a saw or other approved method so as to provide a clean edge to abut the repair. The line of the repair shall be reasonably uniform with no unnecessary irregularities. 3.0.4. PAVEMENT MARKINGS A. All existing markings (i.e., lanes, edge of pavement, parking stalls, etc.) impacted by the Contractor during construction shall be replaced with new painted items in accordance with the requirements of Section 971 of the FDOT Specifications. 3.0.5. CONNECTIONS WITH EXISTING FACILITIES A. Where the bituminous pavement is to be connected with an existing roadway surface or other facility, the Contractor shall modify the existing roadway profile in such a manner as to produce a smooth riding connection to the existing facility. B. Where it is necessary to remove existing asphalt surfaces to provide proper meet lines and riding surfaces, the Contractor shall saw cut the existing surface so that there will be sufficient depth to provide a minimum of 1-inch of asphalt concrete, and the waste material shall be disposed of to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Prior to placing the asphalt concrete, these areas shall be tacked. Meet lines shall be straight and the edges vertical. The edges of meet line cuts shall be painted with liquid asphalt or emulsified asphalt prior to placing asphalt concrete. After placing the asphalt concrete, the meet line shall be sealed by painting with a liquid asphalt or emulsified asphalt and immediately covered with clean, dry sand. 3.0.6. SURFACE TOLERANCE A. Tests for conformity with the specified grade shall be made immediately after initial compression. Any variation shall be immediately corrected by the removal or addition of materials and by continuous rolling. B. The completed surface of the pavement shall be of uniform texture, smooth, uniform as to grade, and free from defects of all kinds. The completed surface shall not vary more than 1/8 inch from the lower edge of a 12-foot straightedge placed on the surface along the centerline or across the trench. 2-51 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement C. After completion of the final rolling, the smoothness and grade of the surface shall again be tested by the Contractor. D. When deviations in excess of the above tolerances are found, the pavement surface shall be corrected as stated in Section 330-12.4 of the FDOT Specifications. E. All areas in which the surface of the completed pavement deviates more than twice the allowable tolerances described above shall be removed and replaced to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 3.0.7. WEATHER CONDITIONS A. Asphalt shall not be applied to wet material. Asphalt shall not be applied during rainfall or any imminent storms that might adversely affect the construction. The Engineer will determine when surfaces and materials are dry enough to proceed with construction. Asphalt concrete shall not be placed during heavy rainfall or when the surface upon which it is to be placed is wet. 3.0.8. PROTECTION OF STRUCTURES AND ADJUSTMENT OF APPURTENANCES A. Provide whatever protective coverings may be necessary to protect the exposed portions of bridges, culverts, curbs, gutters, posts, guard fences, road signs, and any other structures from splashing oil and asphalt from the paving operations. Remove any oil, asphalt, dirt, or any other undesirable matter that may come upon these structures by reason of the paving operations. B. Where water valve boxes, catch basins, or other underground utility appurtenances are within the area to be surfaced, the Contractor shall adjust the covers of these improvements to conform to the proposed surface elevations. C. In this effort, the Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that appurtenances are brought to proper grade to conform to the finished surface elevations and any delays experienced from such obstructions will be considered as incidental to the paving operation. No additional payment will be made. Protect all covers during asphalt application. 3.0.9. PAVEMENT WARRANTY A. Settlement of replaced pavement over trenches within the warranty period shall be considered the result of improper or inadequate compaction of the sub-base or base materials. The Contractor shall promptly repair all pavement deficiencies noted during the warranty period at the Contractor's sole expense. 3.0.10. INSTALLATION OF TEXTURED PAVEMENT A. Applications of textured pavement include the following. 2-52 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 1. Imprinting patterns into existing or new pavement and covering with a surface coating(s) of paint or thermoplastic. 2. Imprinting patterns into existing or new pavement and inlaying the imprint with performed thermoplastic material. 3. Colored, preprinted, preformed texturized thermoplastic material that is applied over existing pavement. 4. Colored thermoplastic material that can be imprinted and texturized during or after application to existing pavement. B. Patterns are defined as visible surface markings. Imprinted textures are defined as palpable surface markings. C. Use the location, pattern/texture type (brick, stone, etc.) and coating color as specified in the Plans. Joint openings shall not exceed 1/2 inch in width. D. Apply a patterned and/or textured treatment to asphalt or concrete in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. E. For application requiring removal and replacement of existing pavement, meet the requirements of FDOT Specifications Section 350 for cement concrete pavement; the requirements of Section 334 for Superpave asphalt or Section 337 for FC 9.5 and FC 12.5 asphalt. F. Protect treated surfaces from traffic and environmental effect until the area is completely coated/imprinted and any coating have dried or cured according to the manufacturer's instructions. Complete all utility, traffic loop detector, and other items requiring a cut and installation under the finished surface, prior to pattern installation. For asphalt roadways, apply patterned/textured pavement a minimum of 14 days after placement of the adjacent pavement. Upon completion of the installation, the City or designee will check the area at random location(s)for geometric accuracy, as specified in the plans. If any of the chosen areas have an imprint width and depth that is less than the manufacturer's specifications, correct the entire textured area, at no additional cost to the City. Supply the specified pattern and color sample for the Engineer's use to visually determine that the material matches the color specified in the plans. For any continuous or abutting areas, i.e., all treated areas of an intersection, color material must be from the same lot/batch. Provide certification that the textured pavement was installed in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements. G. Textured pavement on crosswalks and travel lanes are to be tested for skid resistance in accordance with ASTM E303. END OF SECTION 2-53 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 02526 CONCRETE PAVEMENT, CURB AND WALKWAYS PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. Concrete pavement, curbs and sidewalk shall be constructed to the lines and grades and dimensions required for a complete installation as shown on the drawings and specified herein. 1.0.2. SUBMITTALS A. Shop drawings for reinforcing, joint material and mix designs shall be submitted for review in accordance with the Section 01300 "Submittals". PART 2— PRODUCTS 2.0.1. MATERIALS A. All roadways are to be de-mucked or stabilized with geotextile material in accordance with the geotechnical report and City requirements. B. Laboratory analysis shall be complete, and the material approved by the Engineer prior to placement. B. Geotextile material: Woven fabric to be structurally prepared and placed as per manufactures written specification. C. Sub-grade: limited to maximum six (6") diameter clean non deleterious material Sub grade to be proof-rolled. Subgrade material supporting the roadway and shoulders shall have a minimum lime rock bearing (LBR) of 40. The stabilized subgrade shall be twelve (12) inches compacted to 98% of maximum dry density as per AASHTO-T-180. D. Lime rock: The material used in lime rock base courses shall be material classified as either Miami Oolite Formation or Ocala Formation at the Contractor's option having a minimum percentage of calcium or magnesium of 60; however, only one formation may be used on any contract. Lime rock base course shall have a minimum bearing ratio (LBR) of 100 and shall be minimum of eight (8) inches thick. Base material shall be compacted to a density of not less than 98%of maximum dry density as determined by AASHTO-T180 under all paved areas. 1. Composition: a. The lime rock material shall contain not more that 0.5 percent of organic material or objectionable matter and shall show no significant tendency to air slake or undergo any chemical under exposure to weather. b. Lime rock material shall contain not less than 70 percent of carbonates of calcium and magnesium. The maximum percentage of water sensitive clay material shall be three (3). 2-54 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 2. Gradation: At least 97 percent (by weight) of the material shall pass a 3 1/2-inch sieve and the material shall be graded uniformly down to dust. The fine material shall consist entirely of dust of fracture. All crushing or breaking up which might be necessary in order to meet such size requirements shall be done before the material is placed on the road. 3. Quality: a. The lime rock material shall be uniform in quality and shall not contain cherty or other extremely hard pieces or lumps, balls or pockets of sand or clay size material in sufficient as to be detrimental to prevent proper bonding, finishing or strength of the lime rock base. Lime rock material shall be nonplastic, and the liquid limit shall not exceed 35. b. Lime rock material shall have an average LBR value of not less than 100. E. Sidewalks: 1. The replacement of gray concrete sidewalks throughout the City shall be with the "Miami Beach Red" sidewalk color standard, unless otherwise specified by any applicable City land use board, in accordance with Resolution 2019-30800. 2. The Public Works Director has the authority to determine on a street-by-street basis if replacement of sidewalks to a "Miami Beach Red" color standard is appropriate. 3. The replacement of gray sidewalks shall be completed gradually over time as new neighborhood projects are implemented and the sidewalks within an entire block are replaced. 2.0.2. CONCRETE A. Concrete shall be composed of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water, so proportioned and mixed as to produce a plastic workable mixture in accordance with all requirements under this section suitable to the specific conditions of placement. B. Cement: 1. The cement shall be a standard brand of Portland cement manufactured within the continental limits of the United States. It shall meet the requirements of ASTM C150 "Portland Cement" and shall be Type II. 2. Only one brand of cement shall be used in any individual structure unless approved by the Engineer. Cement which has become damaged, partially set, and lumpy or caked shall not be used the entire contents of the sack or container which contains such cement will be rejected. No salvage or reclaimed cement shall be used. 3. Different types of cement shall not be mixed nor shall they be used alternately except when authorized in writing by the City or their designee. Different brands of 2-55 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement cement or the same brand from different mills may be used alternately. A resubmittal will be required if different cements are proposed during the Project. 4. Slump shall not exceed six inches (6"). 5. Concrete for underground work shall be acid resistant cement and shall maintain a minimum compressive strength of 4000 psi in 28 days. 6. The total alkalies in the cement (calculated as the percentage of NA2O plus 0.658 times the percentage of K2O) shall not exceed 0.40%. 7. The proposed Portland Cement shall not contain more than 8% tricalcium aluminate and more than 12% tetracalcium aluminoferrite. 8. Cement shall be stored in a suitable weather-tight building so as to prevent deterioration or contamination. Cement which has become caked, partially hydrated, or otherwise damaged will be rejected. The Contractor shall provide suitable means for storing and protecting the cement against dampness. Bags of cement which for any reason may become partially set, or which contain lumps of caked cement, shall be rejected. In no instance shall any portion of a bag of damaged cement, or a bag containing lumps of caked cement, be used. Cement salvaged from discarded or used sacks shall not be used. Different brands of cement, even if tested and approved, shall not be mixed during use, nor used alternately in any section of the work without written permission of the Engineer. C. Aggregates: 1. Fine Aggregate (Sand) in the various concrete mixes shall consist of natural or manufactured siliceous sand, clean and free from deleterious substances, and graded within the limits of ASTM C33. 2. Coarse Aggregate: Coarse aggregate shall consist of gravel, broken stone or local limerock. Coarse aggregate shall be size #57 or #67 as graded within the limits given in ASTM C33 unless otherwise specified. It shall be free from adherent coatings. 3. Aggregates shall be tested for gradation by sieve analysis tests in conformance with ASTM C136. 4. When tested for soundness in accordance with ASTM C88, the loss resulting after five cycles shall not exceed 10 percent for fine or coarse aggregate when using either magnesium sulfate or sodium sulfate. 5. When tested in accordance with "Potential Reactivity of Aggregates (Chemical Method)" (ASTM C289), the ratio of silica released to reduction in alkalinity shall not exceed 1.0. F. When tested in accordance with "Organic Impurities in Sands for Concrete" (ASTM C40), the fine aggregate shall produce a color in the supernatant liquid no darker than the reference standard color solution. 6. When tested in accordance with "Resistance to Abrasion of Small size Coarse Aggregate by Use of the Los Angeles Machine" (ASTM C131), the coarse 2-56 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement aggregate shall show a loss not exceeding 42 percent after 500 revolutions, or 10.5 percent after 100 revolutions D. Water: Water shall be taken from a potable water supply and shall be fresh, clean and free from injurious amounts of oil, acid. alkali or organic matter. E. Admixtures: 1. Air entraining agent shall be added to all concrete unless noted otherwise. The agent shall provide entrained air in the concrete in accordance with ASTM C260. 2. The following admixtures are required or used for water reduction, slump increase, and/or adjustment of initial set. Admixtures permitted shall confirm to the requirements of ASTM C494. Admixtures shall be non-toxic after 30 days and shall be compatible with and made by the same manufacturer as the air-entraining admixtures. a. Water reducing admixture shall conform to ASTM C494, Type A and shall contain no more than 0.05% chloride ions. Acceptable products are "Eucon Series" by the Euclid Chemical Company, "Master Pozzolith Series" by BASF, and "Plastocrete Series" by Sika Corporation. b. High range water reducer shall be sulfonated polymer conforming to ASTM C494, Type F or G. The high range water reducer shall be added to the concrete at either the batch plant or at the job site and may be used in conjunction with a water reducing admixture. The high range water reducer shall be accurately measured and pressure injected into the mixer as a single dose by an experienced technician. A standby system shall be provided and tested prior to each day's operation of the job site system. Concrete shall be mixed at mixing speed for a minimum of 100 mixer revolutions after the addition of the high range water reducer. Acceptable products are "Eucon 37" or Plastol 5000 by the Euclid Chemical Company, "Master Rheobuild 1000 or Master Glenium Series" by BASF, and "Daracem 100 or Advaflow Series" by W.R. Grace. High range water reducer shall be mandatory for class Al concrete intended for placement in walls. c. A non-chloride, non-corrosive accelerating admixture may be used where specifically approved by the City or their designee. The admixture shall conform to ASTM C494, Type C or E, and shall not contain more chloride ions than are present in municipal drinking water. The admixture manufacturer must have long-term non-corrosive test data from an independent testing laboratory (of at least a year's duration) using an acceptable accelerated corrosion test method such as that using electrical potential measures. Acceptable products are"Accelguard 80/90 or NCA" by the Euclid Chemical Company and "Daraset" by W.R. Grace. d. A water reducing retarding admixture may be used where specifically approved by the Engineer. The admixture shall conform to ASTM C494, Type D and shall not contain more than 0.05% chloride ions. Acceptable products are "Eucon NR or Eucon Retarder 100" by the Euclid Chemical Company, "Pozzolith Retarder" by BASF, and "Plastiment" by Sika Corporation. 2-57 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3. Admixtures containing calcium chloride, thiocyanate or more than 0.05 chloride ions are not permitted F. Membrane Curing Compound: Membrane curing compound shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO Designation M 148, Type 1-clear, or type 2-white pigmented. G. Expansion Joint Filler: 1. Preformed expansion joint filler shall be of the nonextruding and resilient bituminous type and conform to the requirements of AASHTO Designation M 213. 2. Expansion joint filler shall be gray neoprene sponge rubber that conforms to AASHTO Designation M 153, Type I. H. Reinforcing and Welded Wire Fabric: Reinforcing and welded wire fabric shall be 6"X6" — 10/10 steel bars to be used in curb & gutter and wire mesh in sidewalk. 2.0.3. CONCRETE PAVERS A. Concrete pavers shall be Miami Beach red approved equal. Use of other colors to complement project design theme and/or match existing pavers' configuration require shall only be used with written approval from the City of Miami Beach Public Works Department. B. All concrete pavers shall have a skid resistant finish. C. Provide products supplied by a member of the Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute (ICPI) as called for in the Drawings and/or as specified herein. D. Concrete pavers shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C936. E. Concrete pavers shall have an average compressive strength of 8,000 psi with no individual unit under 7,200 psi. F. Average absorption of 5% with no unit greater than 7% when tested in accordance with ASTM C140. 2.0.4. TEXTURED PAVEMENT A. "Street Bond SP150E Coating Material" refers to a high performance premium coating material consisting of epoxy modified acrylic polymers blended with sand and aggregate, and specially formulated by Integrated Paving Concept, Inc. (Tel. 800-688- 5652), for application on asphalt surfaces to provide a durable, long lasting color and texture to the asphalt surface. B. "Street Bond Colorant" is a highly concentrated, high quality, UV stable pigment blend designated to be added to Street Bond SP150E coating system to provide color to the coating. The colors to be used shall be shown on the drawings. The same Street Bond 2-58 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement Colorant shall be used in each SP150E coating layer to the asphalt surface. One pint of colorant shall be used with one pail of Street Bond coating material. C. Use only patterned/textures pavement products listed on the Qualified Products List (QPL). Meet manufacturer's Specifications for all pattern/texture templates, coating, and coloring material. Use only material that is delivered to the job site in sealed containers bearing the manufacture's original labels. Material coating used to achieve the pattern/texture and/or color shall produce an adherent, weather resistant, skid resistant surface capable of resisting deformation to traffic. Paint and thermoplastic material must meet the requirements of this Specifications and FDOT Specifications Section 971, except that the requirements for Color and Retroreflectivity do not apply. D. Manufacturers seeking approval for inclusion on the QPL must submit application and certifications in accordance with Section 6 along with the following documentation: 1. Manufacturer's specifications and procedures for materials and installation. 2. Manufacturer's certification with supporting test data and results that the patterned/textured pavement installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and procedures has been tested in accordance with the ASTM E- 274, Skid Resistance of Paved Surfaces using a standard ribbed full scale tire at a speed of 40 mph (FN40R), and has a minimum FN40R value of 35. PART 3— EXECUTION 3.0.1. INSTALLATION OF ROADWAY MATERIALS A. Subgrade: The work shall consist of bringing the bottom of the excavations and the top of the embankments of the roadways between the outer limits of the roadway to a surface conforming to the lines, grades, and cross sections shown on the plans, of uniform required density, ready to receive the base or paving course. The final elevation of the subgrade shall be within 0.1 foot of the required elevation. 1. All submerged stumps, roots, and other unsuitable matter encountered in the preparation of the subgrade shall be removed and replaced with a suitable material. 2. The material in the top 12" of subgrade shall have a minimum CBR of 25 when compacted to 95% of maximum density as determined by AASHTO Specification T 180-74. In areas such a condition does not exist, the top 12" of subgrade shall be stabilized as described below: 3. Stabilizing Material: Where stabilized subgrade and shoulders are required, the subgrade and shoulder material shall have a minimum California Bearing Ratio Material Value not less than 25. If the in place subgrade or shoulder material has a CBR value less than 25, a suitable stabilizing material shall be added. Such stabilizing material shall be crushed lime rock, coarse lime rock screenings, or any other stabilizing material approved by the Engineer. 2-59 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 4. Suitable stabilizing materials obtained from an existing base or pavement which is to be replaced or abandoned may be used providing that such material contain no fragments larger than 3 1/2 inches in diameter. 5. The entire subgrade, including 2 feet beyond the edge of the proposed pavement, shall be thoroughly plowed, scarified, and mixed to a depth of not less than 6 inches below grade. All pot holes and other irregularities shall be filled with suitable material or trimmed down as the case may be, prior to compacting. If the area is cut to grade in natural lime rock, the top 6 inches shall be thoroughly plowed, scarified, and mixed. This plowed, scarified, and mixed layer shall be compacted to not less than 95 percent of the maximum density as determined by AASHTO Specifications T 180-74 prior to the placement of the base course. 6. After the subgrade has been prepared as specified above, the Contractor shall maintain it free from ruts, depressions, and damage resulting from the hauling and handling of any material, equipment, tools, etc. Ditches or drains shall be constructed and maintained along the completed subgrade section. Just before the base course is laid, the subgrade shall be tested as to, elevation and density. B. Transporting Lime rock: The lime rock shall be transported to the point where it is to be used, over rock previously placed if practicable, and dumped on the end of the preceding spread. No hauling over the subgrade or dumping on the subgrade shall be done C. Spreading Lime rock: 1. When using new material, the lime rock shall be spread uniformly, and all segregated areas of fine or coarse rock shall be removed and replaced with well- grade rock. 2. When the specified compacted thickness of the base is greater than 6-inches, the base shall be constructed in two courses. The thickness of the first course shall be approximately one-half the total thickness of the finished base, or enough additional to bear the weight of the construction equipment without disturbing the subgrade. 3. When using the existing base material, the Contractor shall expose the existing base material to the final base grade shown on the drawings. The Contractor shall then proceed with scarifying the top 6 inches of the base and reworking and compacting the material to achieve the required cross-section. 4. Minimum longitudinal slope shall be 0.3% for all roadways. For roadways with gutters, the longitudinal slope may be reduced upon approval by the Public Works Department. 2-60 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement D. Compacting and Finishing Base: 1. General: a. For single course base, after spreading is completed, the entire surface shall be scarified and then shaped so as to produce the required grade and cross section after compacting. b. For multi lift base course, the first course shall be four (4) inches thick compacted cleaned of foreign material, bladed and brought to a surface cross section approximately parallel to that of the finished base. Prior to the spreading of any material for the upper course, the density test for the lower course shall be made and the Engineer shall have determined that the required compacting has been obtained. After the spreading of material for the second course is completed, its surface shall be finished and shaped so as to produce the required grade and cross section after compacting and free of scab and laminations. 2. Moisture Content: When the material does not have the proper moisture content to insure the required density, wetting or drying will be required. If the material is deficient in moisture, water shall be added and uniformly mixed in by discing the base course to its full depth. If the material contains an excess of moisture, such excess shall be reduced or removed until the required moisture content is attained before being compacted. Wetting or drying operations shall involve manipulation of the entire width and depth of the base as a unit. 3. Density Requirements: As soon as proper conditions of moisture are attained, the material shall be compacted to a density of not less than 98 percent of the maximum density as determined by AASHTO Designation T-180 as described below: a. During final compacting operations, if blading of any areas is necessary to obtain the true grade and cross section, the compacting operations for such areas shall be completed prior to making the density determinations on the finished base. b. At least three density determinations shall be made at the completion of each course, also the density determinations shall be made at new/replaced every utility crossings and also at every 7,000 square feet of roadways or at more frequent intervals if deemed necessary by the Engineer. 4. Correction of Defects: a. If at any time the subgrade material should become mixed with the base course material, the Contractor shall dig out and remove the mixture, reshape and compact the subgrade and replace the materials removed with clean base material, which shall be shaped and compacted as specified above. b. If cracks or checks appear in the base, either before or after priming, which in the opinion of the Engineer would impair the structural efficiency of the base 2-61 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement course, the Contractor shall remove such cracks or check by re-scarifying, reshaping, adding base material where necessary and recompacting. E. Testing Surface: The finished surface of the base course shall be checked with a templet cut to required crown and cross section and with a 10-foot straightedge laid parallel to the centerline of the road. All irregularities greater than 1/4-inch shall be corrected by scarifying and removing or adding lime rock as may be required, after which the entire area shall be recompacted as specified herein before. F. Thickness Determinations: 1. The thickness of the compacted lime rock base shall be measured at intervals of not more than 200-feet. Measurements shall be taken at various points on the cross sections prior to the application of the prime coat. 2. The measurements shall be taken in holes through the base of not less than 3- inches in diameter. Where the compacted base is deficient by more than 1/2-inch from the thickness called for on the drawings, the Contractor shall correct such areas by scarifying and adding lime rock. The base shall be scarified and rock added for a distance of 100-feet in each direction from the edge of the deficient area. The affected areas shall then be brought to the required state of compaction and to the required thickness and cross section. G. Priming and Maintaining: 1. The prime coat shall be applied only when the base meets the specified density requirements and the moisture content in the top half of the base does not exceed 90 percent of the optimum moisture content of the base material. At the time of priming, the base shall be firm and unyielding. 2. The Contractor will be responsible for assuring that the true crown and grade are maintained with no rutting or other distortion and that the base meets all the requirements at the time the surface course is applied. 3.0.2. INSTALLATION OF CONCRETE A. The concrete shall be placed on stabilizing or compacted subgrade to such depth that, when it is consolidated and finished, the slab thickness required by the drawings will be obtained at all points and surface will at no point be below the grade specified for the finished surface, after application of the allowable tolerance. The concrete shall be deposited on the stabilized subgrade in a manner which will require as little rehandling as possible. Placing of the concrete shall be continuous between transverse joints, without the use of intermediate bulkheads. B. Steel reinforcement is called for on the drawings shall be placed at mid slab depth and the fabric shall be maintained at this location during the placing and finishing operations. C. Concrete shall be thoroughly consolidated against and along the faces of all forms, and along the full length and on both sides of all joint assemblies, by means of hand operated, vibrators. Vibrators shall not be permitted to come in contact with joint 2-62 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement assembly,the subgrade or a side form.Vibration at any one location shall not continue so long as to produce puddling or the accumulation of excessive grout on the surface. In no case shall the vibrator be operated longer than 15 seconds in any one location. D. Coloring of concrete shall be done by dry-mixing the compound and broadcasting over the fresh-poured concrete after it has been struck off. E. Striking off, Consolidating and Finishing Concrete: 1. Immediately after the placing, the concrete shall be struck off, consolidated and finished, to produce a finished pavement conforming to the cross section, width and surface finish required by the drawings and specifications. The sequence of operations shall be as follows: strike-off; vibratory consolidation; screeding; floating; removal of laitance; straight edging; and final surface finish. Strike-off, consolidation and finishing shall be accomplished in a manner such as to avoid damage to, or misalignment of, joint assemblies, dowels and other embedded items. F. Straight edging and Surface Correction: 1. After floating has been completed and the excess water removed, but while the concrete is still in a plastic state, the surface of the concrete shall be tested for trueness with an accurate 10-foot straightedge. The straightedge shall be furnished by the Contractor. The straightedge shall be held in successive positions parallel to the road center line, in contact with the surface, and the whole area tested from one side of the slab to the other as necessary. The advance along the road shall be in successive stages of not more than one-half the length of the straightedge. Any depressions shall be immediately filled with freshly mixed concrete and struck-off, consolidated and refinished. High areas shall be cut down and refinished. Straightedge testing and surface correction shall continue until the entire surface appears to conform to the required grade and cross section. 2. As soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently to be walked on, straight edging shall again be done. All surface irregularities exceeding 'A-inch in a 10-foot shall be corrected by grinding as directed by the Engineer. G. Final Finish: As soon as the water sheen has disappeared from the surface of the pavement and just before the concrete becomes non-plastic, a light broom finish shall be given to the surface. H. Edging: 1. After the final finish has been applied, but before the concrete has become non- plastic, the edge of the pavement along each side of the strip being placed, on each side of transverse and longitudinal contraction joints and construction joints and along structure extending into the pavement, shall be carefully rounded to a '/a-inch radius except as otherwise indicated. A well-defined and continuous radius shall be produced and a smooth, dense mortar finish obtained. All concrete shall be completely removed from the top of the joint filler. 2-63 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 2. All joints shall be checked with a straightedge before the concrete has become non-plastic and, if one side of the joint is higher than the other or the entire joints is higher or lower than the adjacent slabs, corrections shall be made as necessary. I. Joints: 1. Transverse Construction Joints: Transverse construction joints shall be constructed at the end of all pours and at other locations where the paving operations are stopped for as long as 30 minutes. Construction joints, however, shall not be placed within ten feet of any other transverse joint or of either end of a section of pavement. If sufficient concrete has not been placed to form a slab at least ten feet long, the excess concrete, back to the last preceding joint, shall be removed. The joints shall be formed by placing a wood or metal bulkhead accurately and securely in place, in a plane perpendicular to the profile and center line of the pavement. 2. Transverse & Longitudinal Contraction Joints: Construction joints shall be constructed at the interval indicated in the plans and shall consist of planes of weakness created by an edging tool. The cut in the fresh concrete shall be perpendicular to the surface of the pavement, shall extend to a depth of 1/3 of its thickness (11/2"for 4" pavement) and shall have tooled edges as described above. 3. Expansion Joints: 1/2" Expansion Joints shall be formed by placing performed joint filler around all structures and foundations where pavement abuts curbs and gutters and at intervals not to exceed 100'. 4. Cleaning and Sealing Joints: Joints which are to be sealed, shall be filled with joint sealing material before the pavement is opened to traffic and as soon after completion of the curing period as is feasible. Just prior to sealing, each joint shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign material (including any membrane curing compound) and the joint faces shall be clean and surface-dry when the sealer is applied. a. The sealing material shall be applied to each joint to conform to the details shown on the drawings and in accordance with the manufacture's recommendation. The pouring shall be done in such manner that the material will not be spilled on the exposed surfaces of the concrete. Any excess material on the surface of the concrete pavement shall be removed immediately and the pavement surface cleaned. b. All cracks occurring in the pavement prior to its acceptance shall be cleaned out and sealed as specified above, except that the cracks and fractures shall be completely filled with joints sealer and any excess filler material cut down level with the pavement surface. 3.0.3. INSTALLATION OF CONCRETE PAVERS A. Install paver blocks as manufactured by licensee of Paver Systems, Inc., in accordance with the Drawings, manufacturer's recommendations, and Standard 2-64 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement Details. Paver block construction shall conform to the requirements of Interlocking Concrete Pavers Institute (ICPI). B. Where necessary to cut blocks, cutting shall be done so as leave tight joint along all adjacent edges and surfaces. Smoothly split or sawn blocks only will be accepted. C. After final vibrating/compaction there shall be no more than 1/4 inch deviation from proposed grades. D. Installation of concrete pavers in non-roadway areas shall be in accordance with the following. D. Replacement of all underground utilities that are in conflict with paver installation. E. The finished subbase shall be approved before placement of limerock base. F. The limerock base course shall be compacted to 98% of maximum dry density as per AASHTO T-180. G. The finished limerock base course shall be approved by the City or designee prior to placement of the sand leveling course. H. The uncompacted sand leveling base shall be screened over the compacted limerock base to an uncompacted thickness of 11/2 inches. The bedding course shall be treated with soil sterilizers to prohibit growth of grass and weeds. I. The paver blocks shall be laid in the pattern approved by the City of Miami Beach Public Works Department in accordance with the Standard Details. J. Construct concrete header curb in accordance with the Standard Details. E. Installation of concrete pavers in on roadways shall be in accordance with the following. K. Replacement of all underground utilities that are in conflict with paver installation. L. The finished subbase shall be approved before placement of the concrete slab. M. The concrete pavers on the roadway shall be installed over a 6-inch-thick concrete base reinforced with galvanized steel wire mesh 6X6-W1.4xW1.4 with 11/2 inches bedding between the concrete base and the concrete pavers. N. The uncompacted sand leveling base shall be screened over the concrete base to an uncompacted thickness of 1% inches. The bedding course shall be treated with soil sterilizers to prohibit growth of grass and weeds. O. Construct concrete header curb in accordance with the Standard Details. 2-65 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3.0.4. INSTALLATION OF TEXTURED PAVEMENT A. Applying a patterned and/or textured treatment to asphalt or concrete, in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Applications include the following: 1. Imprinting patterns into existing or new pavement and covering with a surface coating(s) of paint or thermoplastic. 2. Imprinting patterns into existing or new pavement and inlaying the imprint with performed thermoplastic material. 3. Colored, preprinted, preformed texturized thermoplastic material that is applied over existing pavement. 4. Colored thermoplastic material that can be imprinted and texturized during or after application to existing pavement. B. Patterns are defined as visible surface markings. Imprinted textures are defined as palpable surface markings. C. Use the location, pattern/texture type(brick, stone, etc.) and coating color as specified in the Plans. Joint openings shall not exceed % inch in width. D. Apply a patterned and/or textured treatment to asphalt or concrete in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. E. For application requiring removal and replacement of existing pavement, meet the requirements of Section 350 for cement concrete pavement; the requirements of Section 334 for Superpave asphalt or Section 337 for FC 9.5 and FC 12.5 asphalt. F. Protect treated surfaces from traffic and environmental effect until the area is completely coated / imprinted and any coating have dried or cured according to the manufacturer's instructions. Complete all utility, traffic loop detector, and other items requiring a cut and installation under the finished surface, prior to pattern installation. For asphalt roadways, apply patterned/textured pavement a minimum of 14 days after placement of the adjacent pavement. Upon completion of the installation, the Engineer will check the area at random location for geometric accuracy, as specified in the plans. If any of the chosen areas have an imprint width and depth that is less than the manufacturer's specifications, correct the entire textured area, at no additional cost to the City. Supply the specified pattern and color sample for the Engineer's use to visually determine that the material matches the color specified in the plans. For any continuous or abutting areas, i.e. all treated areas of an intersection, color material must be from the same lot/batch. Provide certification that the textured pavement was installed in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements. G. Textured pavement on crosswalks and travel lanes are to be tested for skid resistance in accordance with ASTM E303. 2-66 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3.0.5. INSTALLATION OF SIDEWALK A. Sidewalks at intersections and driveways shall be six (6) inches thick. Driveways shall include a 4-foot section at 2% maximum cross slope as per Standard Details and FDOT Index 522-03. B. Sidewalks not at intersections or driveways shall be four (4) inches thick. C. The concrete for sidewalk shall be 3,000 psi, with Integral Miami Beach Red color, and shall be City of Miami Beach approved design mix. D. The concrete shall be reinforced with 6X6-W1.4xW1.4 welded steel wire mesh. E. Wherever possible, sidewalks shall be designed with a minimum effective width of 6 feet on residential streets and 8 feet on collectors and arterials. Effective sidewalk widths shall be determined in accordance with the City of Miami Beach Street Design Guidelines and Standard Details. F. All wayfinding signage shall be installed in the back of the sidewalk wherever permitted by sight visibility, otherwise 4 feet minimum clear pedestrian path around sign shall be provided. G. Repair of Concrete Sidewalk Surface Defects: P. Remove and replace all concrete surfaces that contain surface defects, which includes, but not limited to cracking, cracks which penetrate to reinforcement or completely through non-reinforced sections regardless of width, spalling, pop-outs, honeycomb, rock pockets and other objectionable and rough conditions and other objectionable conditions deemed unacceptable to the Engineer immediately after form removal. Test unformed surfaces sloped to drain for trueness of slope, in addition to smoothness. Q. Concrete rejected for any reason is to be removed and replaced, including labor,forms and reinforcing, to meet specifications at no additional cost to the City. Compounds for adhesion or as patching ingredients may be used, if approved by the City or designee. All repair of surface defects to be made require the approval of the City or designee, as to the method and procedure. Approval of the completed work must be obtained from the City or designee. R. Remove existing sidewalk, or curb and gutter to either the nearest joint beyond or to where no remaining section is less than five (5) feet long. 3.0.6. INSTALLATION OF CURB RAMPS A. It is the policy of the City of Miami Beach Public Works Department to install truncated dome detectable warnings on the curb ramps, in compliance with the ADA Standards and PROWAG requirements for detectable warnings on walking surfaces and with FDOT standards. Curb ramps shall be directional and aligned with the crosswalk. Refer to the City of Miami Beach Street Design Guidelines. 2-67 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement B. The installation of truncated domes on curb ramp shall be in compliance with the FDOT Index 522-002 and FDOT Specifications Section 527 and associated QPL. This Specification excludes stamped concrete detectable warnings due to poor performance. C. The detectable warnings are required to have a dark-on-light or light-on-dark contrast with the surrounding concrete. Dark gray shall be the color used on the detectable warning portion of the curb ramp when applied to a curb ramp that is Miami Beach Red in color. The color of the detectable warnings shall be integral with the device material. On curb ramps constructed of material other than "standards" concrete or from colors other than Miami Beach Red, coordinate with the Public Works Department for appropriate color and contrast. D. Provide certification from an independent testing laboratory that the applied detectable warning device meets the above minimum requirements. Submit this certification for review and approval by the City or designee at least 10 days before the planned installation of any applied detectable warning device. E. At least ten (10) days before the first installation of any applied detectable warning device, submit manufacture's installation recommendations and instructions for review and approval by the City or designee. F. Special Considerations: 2 curb ramps per corner should always be used unless technically infeasible. US Access Board Public Rights-of-Way Access Advisory Committee strongly discourages single installations where possible because single ramps can: 1. Misdirect blind pedestrians who use the slope of curb ramps as a cue. 2. Increase crossing times for persons who use wheeled mobility aids and can place users into oncoming traffic at small radius corners where it is difficult to provide landing space at the bottom that is wholly within marked crossings. 3. Drivers may not be as alert to persons crossing at the apex of a corner. G. If a single diagonal curb ramp is installed because of technical infeasibility, a 48 inches clear space wholly contained within the crosswalk must be provided at the bottom of the curb ramp to allow wheelchair users enough room to maneuver off of the ramp and into the crosswalk END OF SECTION 2-68 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 02745 PAVEMENT REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. Work included under this Section covers the furnishing of all labor, equipment and material required for cutting, removing, protecting, constructing, replacing or stabilizing all existing roadways, driveways and pavements of the various types encountered, removed or damaged under this Contract. B. In addition, all existing utility castings, including valves boxes, junction boxes, handholes, pull boxes, inlets and similar structures in the areas of trench restoration, pavement replacement and pavement overlay shall be adjusted by the Contractor to bring them flush with the surface of the finished work. 1.0.2. QUALITY CONTROL A. The phrase "FDOT Specifications" shall refer to the Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, latest edition. The FDOT Specifications, are referred to herein and are hereby made a part of this Contract to the extent of such references, and shall be as binding upon the Contract as through reproduced herein in their entirety. 1.0.3. DAMAGE BY CONTRACTOR A. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection from damage from his construction operations, all pavements, including all base courses and surface courses, within the work area. B. Payment for pavement restoration will be made only where such base courses or surface courses are encountered within the limits defined in the pavement repair details shown on the Plans and/or in the City Standard Details at the rear of the Specifications. C. Any base course or surface course beyond those limits, damaged as a result of the Contractor's operation, shall be restored in accordance with the applicable requirements of these specifications, to the satisfaction of the City, and to the satisfaction of the governing authority having jurisdiction over the work area. D. Any damage to adjacent lanes of pavement will require the Contractor to resurface the entire lane width for a length, as approved by the City. When the damage amounts to 25 percent or more in any one block (approximately 600 feet), the Contractor shall resurface the entire width of the lane in which the damage occurred for the entire block. E. The Contractor is hereby notified that wherever the line for repaving for trenches extends one foot into the edge of the existing paving, he shall repave to this edge only. Full lane paving will not be required. Damage to the pavement beyond this line by the Contractorwill require that he repave the full width. 2-69 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement F. In order to protect himself from being held liable for any existing damaged pavement, including detour routes, the Contractor is advised to notify in writing the authority having jurisdiction over the street where such defective pavement exists prior to proceeding with any work in the vicinity. A copy of all such notices shall be forwarded to the City. G. No payment shall be made for pavement restoration which falls outside the above described limits and is required for thrust blocks and other appurtenant items. The cost for such work shall be included in the price bid for the applicable item. H. It is brought to the Contractor's attention that wherever the line of the nominal repaving for trenches extend to within two (2) feet of the edge of the existing paving, he shall repave to this edge. PART 2— PRODUCTS 2.0.1. MATERIALS—GENERAL A. Lime rock Base shall be as specified in Section 02526 "Concrete Pavement, Curb and Walkways". B. Asphaltic Pavement, Prime Coat and Tack Coat shall be as specified Section 02510 "Asphaltic Concrete Pavement". C. Sand cover material shall be clean and non-plastic, and shall be composed of hard durable grains, free from loam, silt rock particles and shall not contain any sticks, vegetation, grass, roots or organic matter. Local sand meeting such requirements may be used. Sand shall be subject to approval by the City. D. 1:10 Mix: Sand-cement mix for backfill within state roads shall be a 1:10 mix of Type I or II Portland Cement and Sand that shall produce a slump of 4 to 6 inches. 2.0.2. BITUMINOUS PAVING MATERIAL Asphalt cement for asphaltic concrete mixes shall be Viscosity Grade AC-20 or AC-30, homogeneous, free from water and shall meet the requirements of FDOT Specifications, Section 916-1. Unless otherwise specified, all test samples required shall be supplied by the Contractor. For friction courses, in addition to meeting the above requirements, the bituminous material shall contain 0.5% of a heat-stable, anti-stripping additive from an approved source. A. Asphaltic Concrete-Type S-I Mix shall meet the requirements of FDOT Specifications for Type S-I Asphaltic Concrete, Sections 330, 331 and 916 of FDOT Specifications. B. Asphaltic Concrete - Type I Mix shall meet the requirements of Miami-Dade County Public Works Department Specifications for Type I Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course, Section 133 of the Public Works Manual. C. Asphaltic Concrete - Type III Mix for asphaltic concrete wearing surface overlay, both machine laid and standard (skin patch), shall meet the requirements of FDOT 2-70 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement Specifications for Type III Asphaltic Concrete, Section 333-1 through Section 333-6. D. Type V paving repairs shall consist of a machine-laid asphaltic concrete wearing surface overlay, which shall be a nominal one-inch thick asphaltic concrete, meeting the material requirements of Type I repairs. See subsection 3.07, below. E. Asphaltic Concrete-Type FC-1, FC-2, FC-3 and FC-4 shall meet the requirements of D.O.T Specifications for Friction Courses, Sections 337-1 through Section 337-7. F. Emulsified Asphalt for Slurry Seal Coat shall be of the slow-setting, mixing type and shall be homogeneous, meeting the requirements of the Asphalt Institute, Grade SS- 1 or SS-1h. G. Liquid Asphalt for Prime and Tack Coat: See Section 02745 "Pavement Removal and Replacement". H. Liquid Asphalt for Sand and Asphalt Paving shall be asphalt cement, viscosity Grade AC-5 or emulsified asphalt, Grade RS-2 (anionic) conforming to the requirements of FDOT Specifications, Section 916-1 and 916-4, respectively. I. Mineral Aggregate for Slurry Seal Coat shall consist of screened sand or limestone screenings or gray granite screenings or a mixture of sand and screenings plus not less than 3%, by weight, of Type I or Type II Portland cement. PART 3— EXECUTION 3.0.1. INSTALLATION —GENERAL A. Permanent pavement repair shall be in accordance with the details shown in the Standard Details herein, with edges straight and parallel and patches rectangular in plan. Replace any paving, beyond the limits shown in the details and as called for in the specifications, as required. Where trenches are located out of the existing pavement and damage occurs to the pavement, that pavement shall also be replaced by the Contractor. B. Pavement markings removed or obliterated by the Contractor's operations shall be promptly replaced, in kind, to the satisfaction of the City of Miami Beach Public Works Department. C. All equipment necessary for construction shall be on the job site in first class working condition. Spilling or dropping of petroleum products is prohibited and all defective equipment shall be removed or replaced immediately. The Contractor shall be subject to all DERM (Department of Environmental Resources Management) regulations and clean up requirements. D. The percentages of maximum density for subgrade and lime rock base specified herein are minimum. Greater percentages of maximum density shall be obtained, if so required, by the governing authority having jurisdiction over the work location. E. Asphaltic concrete mixtures shall be obtained only from plants which comply with the 2-71 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement requirements of FDOT Specifications, Section 320 as applicable, using materials specified herein, and producing the specified mixture. General construction requirements for all hot bituminous mixtures specified herein shall conform to FDOT Specifications, Section 330, as applicable. I. Asphaltic concrete shall be laid only where the surface to be covered is intact, firm, cured and dry, and only when weather conditions are suitable. The temperature of the mixture at the time of spreading shall be within 25°F of the temperature set by the Engineer. No mixture shall be spread when the air temperature is less than 40°F nor when the spreading cannot be finished and compacted during daylight hours. F. Any mixture caught in transit by a sudden rain may be laid at the Contractor's risk, if the base is in suitable condition. Under no circumstances shall asphaltic material be placed while rain is falling, or when there is water on the area to be paved. G. Subgrade: Roadway subgrades shall be stabilized to the minimum depth shown on the drawings to a Lime rock Bearing Ratio of not less than 40. Stabilizing shall be Type B as defined in Section 160 of the FDOT Specifications. Stabilization may require the addition and thorough mixing in of crushed lime rock, course lime rock screenings, or any other stabilizing material acceptable to the City. The stabilizing material shall be applied in such quantity that, after mixing and blending, the subgrade will have a LBR of not less than 40. Stabilizing material shall be mixed or blended in the subgrade material by plowing, scarifying, disking, harrowing, blading and mixing with rotary tillers until the mixed materials are of uniform bearing value throughout the width and depth of the layer being processed. H. At least three density determinations shall be made on each day's final compaction operations on each course, and the density determinations shall be made at more frequent intervals if deemed necessary by the City. I. Lime rock Base: The lime rock base shall be constructed in accordance with Sections 200 and 911 of the FDOT Specifications, to the thickness and width indicated on the drawings. J. After spreading of the base material is completed, the entire surface shall be scarified and shaped so as to produce the exact grade and cross section after compaction. For double course base, this scarifying shall extend a depth sufficient to penetrate slightly the surface of the first course. The maximum depth of each lift shall be 8-inches. K. When the material does not have the proper moisture content to ensure the required density, wetting or drying shall be required. If the material is deficient in moisture, water will be added and uniformly mixed in by disking the base course to its full depth. If the material contains an excess of moisture, it shall be allowed to dry before being compacted. As soon as proper conditions of moisture are attained, the material shall be compacted to an average density not less than 98 percent maximum density as determined in more than one course, the density shall be obtained in each lift of the base. L. During final compacting operations, if blading of any areas is necessary to obtain the true grade and cross section, the compacting operations for such areas shall be 2-72 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement completed prior to making the density determination on the finished base. M. Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer of Record, the surface shall be "hard- planed" with a blade grader immediately prior to the application of the prime coat to remove thethin glaze or cemented surface and to allow free penetration of the prime material. The materials planed from the base shall be removed from the base area. N. If cracks or checks appear in the base, either before or after priming, which in the opinion of the City, would impair the structural efficiency of the base course, the Contractor shall remove such cracks or checks by rescarifying, reshaping, adding base material where necessary and recompacting. O. Mixing Base and Subgrade: If at any time the subgrade material shall become mixed with the base course material, the Contractor shall, without additional compensation, dig out and remove the mixture, reshape and compact the subgrade and replace the materials removed with clean base material, which shall be shaped and compacted as specified above. P. Asphaltic Concrete: The spreading, compacting and jointing the wearing surface shall be in accordance with Sections 330 and 331 of the FDOT Specifications to the thickness indicated on the drawings. 3.0.2. TEMPORARY PAVING A. Prior to commencing excavation,the asphalt surface shall be saw-cut within the limits of the allowable trench width. Temporary paving will be required along the entire route where the original paved surface is removed. Unless otherwise approved by the City, temporary paving shall be placed the same day the trench is backfilled. The trench shall be backfilled up to a level 1 inch below the existing pavement surface and a temporary, cold mixed sand/asphalt pavement shall be constructed up to the level of the existing pavement surface. The liquid asphalt shall be Grade RC-70, conforming to the requirements of FDOT Specifications, Section 916-2. The sand shall conform to the requirements of FDOT Specifications, Section 902.3 for fine aggregate. B. The cold mix is to be installed one block at a time, not crossing any intersection, or a maximum of 1,200 feet shall be completed before the Contractor may move forward with his excavation work. Backfill, compaction and temporary paving is to keep pace with the pipe installation. Written permission must be obtained from the City permitting the work to allow greater lengths than 1,200 feet. Permitting agencies may reduce the allowable limits in their permit, or for other unforeseen right-of-way conditions. C. Prior to completion of the work and within a maximum of 30 calendar days, the Contractor shall remove the 1 inch of cold mix and surplus backfill. The Contractor shall replace it with the specified compacted lime rock base course and asphaltic within the specified working limits. Municipal agencies permitting this work may accelerate the time for removal of the cold mix, at their discretion. D. The temporary pavement shall be maintained by the Contractor in a condition satisfactory to the City until its removal. Removal shall include any surplus backfill 2-73 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement material. Replacement of the temporary pavement with permanent pavement shall be made within 30 days. In replacing the temporary paving with permanent pavement, all work shall be completed in sections compatible with specified traffic maintenance procedures. E. The Contractor may elect to install a suitable temporary hot mix asphaltic pavement, to be left in-place, in lieu of cold mix, when the hot mix asphalt is left in-place and installed over properly compacted lime rock base course. This temporary pavement shall be incorporated into the specified permanent pavement restoration as part of Type I paving restoration. F. Sand seal on the lime rock base course will not be permitted in lieu of temporary paving. G. Unless otherwise approved by the City, temporary paving, shall be placed within twenty-four hours following the completion of backfilling. 3.0.3. TYPE I PAVING REPAIR (LIMEROCK BASE -ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SURFACE) A. Type I paving repairs shall be made with an 8-inch thick compacted lime rock base and a minimum 1-inch thick asphaltic concrete surface, as detailed in the Standard Details. On Public Works roads asphaltic concrete shall have a compacted thickness of 2-inch, placed in a minimum of two (2) compacted 1-inch lifts. B. Limerock for pavement base shall be Miami limerock obtained from local sources where the overburden was removed from the pits prior to mining operations. The limerock shall comply with the requirements of FDOT Specifications, Section 911. C. The backfill previously placed and compacted shall be excavated to the required depth below the existing road surface and the existing paving shall be cut back beyond all excavations, using an abrasive disc saw to trim the edges to straight and true lines, minimum width for the lime rock base shall be equal to the trench width plus 2 feet. Eight inches of lime rock base shall be placed in two layers, each layer compacted to not less than ninety-eight percent (98%) density in accordance with Section 200 of FDOT Specifications. During rolling, the base shall be wetted down, as necessary,to secure the greatest possible compaction.After rolling, the entire surface of the base shall be thoroughly scarified to a depth of not less than 3 inches and shaped to conform to and be parallel with the existing surface, then watered and rolled again. Rolling and watering shall continue until the entire depth of the base is bonded and compacted into an unyielding mass. D. If at any time the subgrade material becomes mixed with the lime rock base course materials, the Contractor shall, without additional compensation, dig out and remove the mixture, reshape and compact the subgrade and replace the materials removed with clean rock which shall be watered and rolled until satisfactorily compacted. E. After the lime rock base course has been properly prepared and is dry and ready to receive the wearing surface, a tack coat of emulsified asphalt, shall be applied at a rate of 0.10 gallon per square yard, immediately followed by the asphaltic concrete. The tack coat shall be applied to the entire lime rock base uniformly, and shall 2-74 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement thoroughly coat all surfaced. Care shall be taken to tack coat and bond the edge of surrounding pavement. F. The asphaltic concrete shall be plant mixed, using the best grade of local aggregates of approved size and gradation and mixed with an approved binder and conforming the either the State of Florida Department of Transportation Specifications, Type S-1 Asphaltic Concrete, Sections 330, 331 and 916 of FDOT Specifications,or Miami Dade County Public Works Type I, as ordered by the Engineer of Record. G. Where the width of the repair permits, the asphaltic concrete plant mix material shall be placed by means of an approved mechanical spreader and finisher. The mixture shall be compacted to true grade and cross section by means of a tandem roller weighing not less than eight tons. The compacted asphaltic concrete mixture shall not be, in any case, less than one inch in thickness. Rolling shall proceed as closely behind the spreader as possible and all material shall be completely compacted the same day it is placed. The minimum width of the wearing surface shall be the same as the base. 3.0.4. TYPE IV PAVING REPAIRS (CONCRETE SLAB— RIGID PAVEMENT) A. Type IV repairs will be used when the restoration work falls within the limits of existing rigid pavement. B. Paving repairs shall be similar to Type III paving repairs except that No. 4 reinforcing steel bars spaced 12 inches on centers both ways shall be substituted for the mesh reinforcement, and the slab shall be 8 inches thick instead of 6 inches, with the top of the concrete matching the elevation and finish of the existing pavement. The asphaltic concrete surface course is not required. 3.0.5. TYPE V PAVING REPAIRS (ASPHALTIC CONCRETE WEARING SURFACE OVERLAY) A. Type V paving repairs shall be made where noted on the plans and/or as ordered by the Engineer or Record.Type V paving repairs shall consist of a machine-laid asphaltic concrete wearing surface overlay, which shall be a nominal one-inch thick asphaltic concrete, meeting the material requirements of Type I repairs, as specified hereinabove. As used herein, "overlay" shall mean Type V paving repairs. A special wearing surface may be substituted, if required. B. In general, the overlay shall be applied in a full lane width or widths, after the permanent paving repairs over the trench have been made. Type V is usually in addition to required Type I repairs. Since the quantity of Type V repairs that may be required is usually unknown until pavement restoration work begins, Type V repairs may be established in the Proposal on a contingent basis. C. All longitudinal and transverse asphalt replacement overlay wearing surfaces shall butt into adjacent existing asphalt wearing surfaces in full lane asphaltic pavement restoration. The finish elevation of the new full lane overlay shall meet existing elevations adjacent to the new work. D. The existing asphaltic concrete surface shall be saw cut for its full depth or 1-inch 2-75 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement minimum, and then stripped back for at least 2 feet into the area to be overlaid to a second cut which shall also be in clean straight lines. The second, or interior, cut edge shall be rolled with a tandem roller weighing not less than 8 tons before the overlay is applied. The stripped area shall be used to provide a smooth transition or "feather" area between the overlay and the existing pavement. Before placing the overlay, all cut edges and the surface of the stripped area shall be tack coated with emulsified asphalt as specified herein below. E. If the Contractor requests in writing to "feather" the longitudinal edge, and if written permission is granted to "feather" the asphalt by the City a sanded mix of 70-30 type shall be used. "Feathering" shall begin 18 inches from the tapered edge. F. Prior to installing a full lane width overlay over existing asphaltic pavement the trench and shoulders over the pipe shall be sawcut and filled with asphaltic concrete to the required depth, terminating flush with the existing adjacent asphalt in accordance with the municipality having jurisdiction over the work for Types I, II or M. Type V overlay will be installed as detailed above. G. When a minor amount of asphalt surface will remain, generally with large pipe installations, after the pipe has been installed and the required longitudinal saw cutting of the asphaltic pavement completed, the Contractor may request permission to remove all the asphalt in the lane, by saw cutting the asphalt adjacent to the existing lane, then placing the Type V overlay flush with the adjacent asphalt. This would require that the Type I, II or M finish elevation be lowered 1 inch to allow for the Type V overlay. H. Before the overlay is applied, existing surfaces shall be swept clean of all dirt and debris, using a power driven broom if warranted by the size of the location to be overlaid and/or as ordered by the City. Pavement edges shall be cleared of all encroaching vegetation, loose sand, rock and all other foreign matter. When the existing surface is thoroughly clean, a tack coat of Emulsified Asphalt Grade RS-2 (anionic) shall be applied at the rate of approximately 0.10 gallon per square yard, immediately followed by the asphaltic concrete overlay. I. Machine-laid overlay shall be placed by means of an approved mechanical spreader and finisher, and the mixture shall be compacted to true grade and cross section by means of a tandem roller weighing not less than 8 tons. J. The compacted overlay shall be thicker as required to produce a smooth uniform surface free of any irregularities but shall not be less than one inch in thickness. Existing depressed areas in the asphaltic pavement, which could collect water after a rainfall shall be corrected before placing the asphaltic overlay. Rolling shall proceed as close behind the spreading of the asphaltic overlay as possible, and all materials shall be completely compacted the same day it is placed. 3.0.6. SLURRY SEAL COAT A. Slurry-seal repairs shall be made where ordered by the Engineer of Record or the City. B. Before any material is laid, the existing surface shall be cleaned with brooms or power 2-76 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement blowers. Vegetation which has overgrown the edges shall be removed. All cracks, potholes and depressions shall be brought up to grade with bituminous concrete skin patching. C. A tack coat, if required, shall consist of emulsified asphalt SS-1 h, diluted with 3 parts of water, sprayed and squeegeed or broomed at a rate of 0.1 to 0.2 gallons per square yard. D. A minimum thickness of 1/8-inch to a maximum of 1/4-inch of slurry mix shall be spread by a drag distributor at a maximum rate of 180 feet per minute. Any ridges or surplus material shall be smoothed by hand squeegee. The pavement shall be kept damp with a fog spray just ahead of the machine. E. A second coat shall not be applied to, nor traffic permitted to drive upon, the first application until it has thoroughly dried. (A dry condition is such that an automobile tire track does not show after driving on the surface). 3.0.7. ASPHALT COLD MILLING A. Cold milling of the existing pavement for a 1-inch depth shall be done by using an automated pavement planer capable of maintaining an accurate depth. Cold milling equipment shall meet the approval of the Engineer and the governing agency having jurisdiction at the location of the pavement milling operation. The Engineer's word as to the acceptability of the equipment shall be final B. After the pavement has been milled and the existing pavement removed, a tack coat shall be applied as specified above. C. The required width of 1-inch thick asphaltic concrete wearing surface of the specified wearing course shall be applied in accordance with the above specifications. D. The Contractor shall perform asphalt cold milling where called for on the plans or as required for a complete installation, when approved or requested by the City. Cold milling shall be done using an automated pavement planer capable of maintaining an accurate depth. Cold milling equipment shall meet the approval of the City and governing agency having jurisdiction at the location of the pavement milling operation. All charges for maintenance of traffic, transportation of personnel, equipment and other mobilization charges shall be considered as incidental to the cold milling operation. E. Cold asphalt milling shall be provided to improve the rideability of the finished pavement, lower the finished grade adjacent to an existing curb prior to resurfacing or to completely remove existing pavement. The overall length of the milling machine (excluding the conveyor) shall be a minimum of 18 feet, and having a minimum cutting width of six feet. The milling operation shall be operated to effectively minimize the amount of dust being emitted from the machine. Prewetting of the pavement may be required. In areas where milling is to be performed around the City utility structures such as manholes, valve boxes etc., proper caution shall be taken as not to damage any of the structures. Saw-cutting of the concrete surrounding the structure and using a pick or other means so as not to disturb the structure shall be employed to prevent 2-77 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement any damage. Prior to opening an area which has been milled to traffic, the pavement shall be thoroughly swept with a power broom or other approved equipment to remove to the greatest extent practicable, the fine material which will dust under traffic. This operation shall be conducted in a manner so as to minimize the potential for creating a traffic hazard and to minimize air pollution. F. The milling operation shall be continuous so as to complete each site without any delays. All milling operations shall be coordinated by the City Inspector. G. Traffic maintenance charges shall include the installation and maintenance of all traffic control and safety devices, in accordance with specifications outlined in the Dade County Public Works Manual. In addition, the Contractor shall provide all barricades, flashing warning lights and/or arrow boards necessary to maintain safety and warn motorists of the construction. 3.0.8. REPAIR OF DAMAGED PAVEMENT A. All damage to pavement by the Contractor as a result of Work under this project shall comply with "DAMAGE BY CONTRACTOR", above, and shall be repaired in a manner satisfactory to the City. The repair shall include the preparation of the subgrade, the placing and compacting of the lime rock base, the priming of the base, the placing and maintaining of the surface treatment. all as specified herein. B. The width of all repairs within the work area shall extend at least 12 inches beyond the limit of the damage. The edge of the pavement to be left in place shall be cut to a true edge with a saw or other acceptable method so as to provide a clean edge to abut the repair. The line of the repair shall be uniform with no irregularities. Repair of damage by the Contractor beyond the work area shall be approved by the governing agencies having jurisdiction over the work prior to commencing the work. 3.0.9. CONCRETE PAVEMENT REPAIR A. This type of repair shall be made only on Florida Department of Transportation roadways when the original pavement is concrete. B. The existing pavement shall be saw cut in straight lines as outlined by the City at the location of the replacement. The pavement shall be removed and the fill shall be mechanically compacted to 98% of the maximum density obtainable as determined by AASHTO Standard T-180. The fill in the trench and shoulders shall be brought to a depth equal to the thickness of the existing concrete pavement, but not less than 8 inches in any case. The opening thus formed, shall be filled with concrete having a design strength of 5,000 psi and made with High Early Strength Cement. The concrete slab shall be reinforced with 1/2 inch steel reinforcing rods, 12 inches on center each way, placed 2 inches above the bottom of the slab. The surface of the slab shall be struck off with a screed and finished with a wood float and brush to conform to the grade and finish of the existing pavement. Apply liquid curing compound after initial set. The Contractor shall provide adequate means to protect the slab until it has cured sufficiently to withstand vehicular traffic without spalling or breaking apart. Construction joints and expansion joints in the original pavement shall be reproduced in the repair with matching materials. 2-78 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement END OF SECTION 2-79 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement DIVISION 3—CONCRETE 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE, REINFORCING AND FORMWORK PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. Provide all labor, materials, equipment, fabrication, incidentals, transportation, placing and supervision necessary to complete all cast-in-place concrete work, its finishing, and all related work called for by the Contract Drawings and/or specifications, or reasonably inferable from either or both, as needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Work affecting this Section includes, but is not limited to: 1. Shop Drawings-Per General Conditions and as specified herein. 2. Materials and storage thereof. 3. Reinforcing-Bar and fabric. 4. Accessories of every nature, including form tie system. 5. Formwork and removal thereof, including shoring and reshoring. 6. Concrete proportions and mixes. 7. Placing of concrete. 8. Admixtures. 9. Joints, metal joint screeds and joint fillers. 10. Finishes of all types. 11. Protection and curing. 12. Patching. 13. Laboratory Testing. 1.0.2. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Unless otherwise indicated, all materials, workmanship and practices shall conform to the requirements of ACI 301-96 "Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings", except as modified by supplemental requirements hereinafter. B. All reinforced concrete structures shall conform to ACI 301, ACI 302.1 R, ACI 305, ACI 306, ACI 315, ACI 318, and ACI 350. 3-1 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement C. Concrete shall be composed of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water, so proportioned and mixed as to produce a plastic workable mixture in accordance with all requirements under this Section suitable to the specific conditions of placement. D. Work shall be performed in accordance with Contract Documents, Drawings, and/or City of Miami Beach Public Works Manual Specifications and Standard Details, in a neat and accurate manner. It is the intent of the City to obtain a complete and working installation according to these Specifications, and any items of labor, equipment, or materials which may reasonably be assumed as necessary to accomplish this end shall be supplied whether or not they are specifically shown on the project plans or stated herein. 1.0.3. STANDARDS A. ACI 301-96 Specifications for Structural Concrete. B. ACI 318-95 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete. C. Florida Building Code, latest edition. D. ACI 117-90 Standard Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials PART 2— PRODUCTS 2.0.1. GENERAL A. All reinforced concrete structures shall conform to ACI 301, ACI 302.1 R, ACI 305, ACI 306, ACI 315, ACI 318, and ACI 350. B. Concrete shall be composed of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water, so proportioned and mixed as to produce a plastic workable mixture in accordance with all requirements under this Section suitable to the specific conditions of placement. 2.0.2. CEMENT A. The cement shall be a standard brand of Portland cement manufactured within the continental limits of the United States. It shall meet the requirements of ASTM C150 "Portland Cement" and shall be Type II. B. The total alkalies in the cement (calculated as the percentage of NA2O plus 0.658 times the percentage of K2O) shall not exceed 0.40%. C. The proposed Portland Cement shall not contain more than 8% tricalcium aluminate and more than 12% tetracalcium aluminoferrite. D. Different types of cement shall not be mixed nor shall they be used alternately except when authorized in writing by the City or their designee. Different brands of cement or 3-2 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement the same brand from different mills may be used alternately. A resubmittal will be required if different cements are proposed during the Project. E. Cement shall be stored in a suitable weather-tight building so as to prevent deterioration or contamination. Cement which has become caked, partially hydrated, or otherwise damaged will be rejected. 2.0.3. FLY ASH A. If fly ash is used as supplementary cementitious material, it shall meet the physical and chemical requirements of ASTM C618 Class F, except that the loss of ignition shall not exceed 4%. Sampling and testing of fly ash shall follow the requirements of ASTM C311. B. For Type Al concrete as required for use in environmental engineering concrete structures, inclusion of fly ash or slag cement in the concrete mix is mandatory 2.0.4. SLAG CEMENT A. Slag cement shall meet the requirements of ASTM C989 including tests for effectiveness of slag in preventing excessive expansion due to alkali-aggregate reactivity as described in Appendix X-3 of ASTM C989. B. For Type Al concrete as required for use in environmental concrete structures, i.e., process structures or fluid containing structures, inclusion of fly ash or slag cement in the concrete mix, is mandatory. 2.0.5. WATER A. The water used in mixing the concrete shall be from potable water supplies that are approved by the Florida Department of Health. 2.0.6. AGGREGATES A. Fine Aggregate (Sand) in the various concrete mixes shall consist of natural or manufactured siliceous sand, clean and free from deleterious substances, and graded within the limits of ASTM C33. B. Coarse Aggregate: Coarse aggregate shall consist of gravel, broken stone or local limerock. Coarse aggregate shall be size #57 or#67 as graded within the limits given in ASTM C33 unless otherwise specified. It shall be free from adherent coatings. C. Aggregates shall be tested for gradation by sieve analysis tests in conformance with ASTM C136. D. When tested for soundness in accordance with ASTM C88, the loss resulting after five cycles shall not exceed 10 percent for fine or coarse aggregate when using either magnesium sulfate or sodium sulfate. 3-3 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement E. When tested in accordance with "Potential Reactivity of Aggregates (Chemical Method)" (ASTM C289), the ratio of silica released to reduction in alkalinity shall not exceed 1.0. F. When tested in accordance with "Organic Impurities in Sands for Concrete" (ASTM C40), the fine aggregate shall produce a color in the supernatant liquid no darker than the reference standard color solution. G. When tested in accordance with "Resistance to Abrasion of Small size Coarse Aggregate by Use of the Los Angeles Machine" (ASTM C131), the coarse aggregate shall show a loss not exceeding 42 percent after 500 revolutions, or 10.5 percent after 100 revolutions. 2.0.7. ADMIXTURES A. Air entraining agent shall be added to all concrete unless noted otherwise. The agent shall provide entrained air in the concrete in accordance with ASTM C260. B. The following admixtures are required or used for water reduction, slump increase, and/or adjustment of initial set. Admixtures permitted shall confirm to the requirements of ASTM C494. Admixtures shall be non-toxic after 30 days and shall be compatible with and made by the same manufacturer as the air-entraining admixtures. 1. Water reducing admixture shall conform to ASTM C494, Type A and shall contain no more than 0.05% chloride ions. Acceptable products are "Eucon Series" by the Euclid Chemical Company, "Master Pozzolith Series" by BASF, and "Plastocrete Series" by Sika Corporation. 2. High range water reducer shall be sulfonated polymer conforming to ASTM C494, Type F or G. The high range water reducer shall be added to the concrete at either the batch plant or at the job site and may be used in conjunction with a water reducing admixture. The high range water reducer shall be accurately measured and pressure injected into the mixer as a single dose by an experienced technician. A standby system shall be provided and tested prior to each day's operation of the job site system. Concrete shall be mixed at mixing speed for a minimum of 100 mixer revolutions after the addition of the high range water reducer. Acceptable products are"Eucon 37"or Plastol 5000 by the Euclid Chemical Company, "Master Rheobuild 1000 or Master Glenium Series" by BASF, and "Daracem 100 or Advaflow Series" by W.R. Grace. High range water reducer shall be mandatory for class Al concrete intended for placement in walls. 3. A non-chloride, non-corrosive accelerating admixture may be used where specifically approved by the City or their designee. The admixture shall conform to ASTM C494, Type C or E, and shall not contain more chloride ions than are present in municipal drinking water. The admixture manufacturer must have long- term non-corrosive test data from an independent testing laboratory (of at least a year's duration) using an acceptable accelerated corrosion test method such as that using electrical potential measures. Acceptable products are "Accelguard 80/90 or NCA" by the Euclid Chemical Company and "Daraset" by W.R. Grace. 3-4 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 4. A water reducing retarding admixture may be used where specifically approved by the Engineer. The admixture shall conform to ASTM C494, Type D and shall not contain more than 0.05% chloride ions. Acceptable products are "Eucon NR or Eucon Retarder 100" by the Euclid Chemical Company, "Pozzolith Retarder" by BASF, and "Plastiment" by Sika Corporation. C. Admixtures containing calcium chloride, thiocyanate or more than 0.05 chloride ions are not permitted C. Portland cement and reinforcing steel: Comply with ACI 301 and, with all modifications and supplements thereto listed in Part 3 of this specifications. 2.0.8. CONCRETE MIX DESIGN A. The proportions of cement, aggregates, admixtures, and water used in the concrete mixes shall be based on the results of field experience or preferably laboratory trial mixes in conformance with Section 5.3. "Proportioning on the Basis of Field Experience and/or Trial Mixtures"of ACI 318 and ACI 350. When trial mixes are used, they shall also conform to Article 3.01 of this Section of the Specifications. If field experience records are used, concrete strength results shall be from concrete mixed with all of the ingredients proposed for use on job used in similar proportions to mix proposed for use on job. Contractor shall submit verification confirming this stipulation has been followed. Field experience records and/or trial mix data used as the basis for the proposed concrete mix design shall be submitted to the City or their designee along with the proposed mix. B. Structural concrete shall conform to the following requirements. Cementitious materials refer to the total combined weight of all cement, fly ash, and slag cement contained in the mix. 1. Compressive Strength (28 day) CONCRETE CLASS COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Concrete Class Al 4,500 psi (minimum) Concrete Class A2 4,000 psi (minimum) Concrete Class B 3,000 psi (minimum) 2. Water/cementitious materials ratio, by weight CONCRETE CLASS MAXIMUM MINIMUM Concrete Class Al 0.42 0.39 Concrete Class A2 0.45 0.39 Concrete Class B 0.50 0.39 3. Slump Range a. 4" nominal unless high range water reducing admixture is used. b. 8" max if high range water reducing admixture is used 3-5 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 4. Air Content CONCRETE CLASS COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Concrete Class Al, A2 6% ± 1.5% Concrete Class B 3% Max (non air-entrained) 2.0.9. REINFORCING STEEL A. Bar reinforcing shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A615 for Grade 60 Billet Steel reinforcing. All reinforcing steel shall be from domestic mills and shall have the manufacturer's mill marking rolled into the bar which shall indicate the producer, size, type, and grade. All reinforcing bars shall be deformed bars. Smooth reinforcing bars shall not be used unless specifically called for on Drawings. B. Reinforcing supports shall include all necessary chairs, slab bolsters, concrete blocks, tie wires, dips, supports, spacers, and other devices to position reinforcing during concrete placement. Wire bar supports shall be plastic protected (CRSI Class 1). C. Precast concrete blocks to space and support the reinforcing bars may be used to support and position bottom reinforcing steel. Use concrete blocks with a strength equal to or greater than the concrete in which they are to be placed and have wires cast into them for fastening to the reinforcing bars. Moist-cure the blocks for at least three days. D. Reinforcing steel shall be accurately positioned as shown on the Drawings and shall be supported and wired together to prevent displacement, using annealed iron wire ties or suitable clips at intersections. All reinforcing steel shall be supported by concrete, plastic or plastic protected (CRSI Class 1) metal supports, spacers or metal hangers which are strong and rigid enough to prevent any displacement of the reinforcing steel. Where concrete is to be placed on the ground, supporting concrete blocks (or dobies) shall be used in sufficient numbers to support the reinforcing bars without settlement. In no case shall concrete block supports be continuous. E. All reinforcement shall be entirely free of rust, scale, grease, or other coating which might destroy or reduce its bond with the concrete. F. Reinforcing of curbs and gutters shall be in accordance with City of Miami Beach Public Works Manual Section 10 Standard Details. G. Welded wire fabric reinforcing shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A1064. Welded wire fabric shall be 6X6-W1.4xW1.4 steel to be used in all sidewalks and driveways 2.0.10. REINFORCING STEEL A. Bar reinforcing shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A615 for Grade 60 Billet Steel reinforcing. All reinforcing steel shall be from domestic mills and shall have the manufacturer's mill marking rolled into the bar which shall indicate the producer, size, 3-6 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement type, and grade. All reinforcing bars shall be deformed bars. Smooth reinforcing bars shall not be used unless specifically called for on Drawings. B. Reinforcing supports shall include all necessary chairs, slab bolsters, concrete blocks, tie wires, dips, supports, spacers, and other devices to position reinforcing during concrete placement. Wire bar supports shall be plastic protected (CRSI Class 1). C. Precast concrete blocks to space and support the reinforcing bars may be used to support and position bottom reinforcing steel. Use concrete blocks with a strength equal to or greater than the concrete in which they are to be placed and have wires cast into them for fastening to the reinforcing bars. Moist-cure the blocks for at least three days. D. Reinforcing steel shall be accurately positioned as shown on the Drawings and shall be supported and wired together to prevent displacement, using annealed iron wire ties or suitable clips at intersections. All reinforcing steel shall be supported by concrete, plastic or plastic protected (CRSI Class 1) metal supports, spacers or metal hangers which are strong and rigid enough to prevent any displacement of the reinforcing steel. Where concrete is to be placed on the ground, supporting concrete blocks (or dobies) shall be used in sufficient numbers to support the reinforcing bars without settlement. In no case shall concrete block supports be continuous. E. All reinforcement shall be entirely free of rust, scale, grease, or other coating which might destroy or reduce its bond with the concrete. F. Reinforcing of curbs and gutters shall be in accordance with City of Miami Beach Public Works Manual Section 10 Standard Details. G. Welded wire fabric reinforcing shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A1064. Welded wire fabric shall be 6X6-W1.4xW1.4 steel to be used in all sidewalks and driveways. 2.0.11. FORMS A. Burlap mats: Conform to AASHTO Specification M182. (Burleen non-staining mats.) B. Epoxy bonding agent: A two (2) component, solvent free, moisture insensitive structural epoxy adhesive conforming to ASTM C881 Type II, Sikadur 32 Hi-Mod, as manufactured by Sika Corp., Concresive 1090 Liquid by Master Builders or approved equal. C. Anchor bolts, nuts and washers shall be American made 316 stainless steel. D. Dovetail slots: Galvanized steel, 22 gauge, 1"x 1", with 5/8" throat, fiber filled. E. Forms: 1. Plywood Forms: PS-1, B-B Concrete Form, Class I, exterior type, mill oiled and edge sealed. Thickness shall be as required to support concrete at the rate placed, but not less than 3/4". 3-7 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 2. Steel Forms: Uncoated steel, 3/16"-inch minimum thickness, fabricated to close tolerances, protected only by the specified release agent, braced so as not to dent, bend or dimple under wet concrete loads, vibrator impact and tool impact. Maintain steel forms in rust free condition by use of steel wool and light grinding, followed by coats of the specified release agent. Forms should be adjustable to be brought into true alignment without steps or ridges. F. Form release agent: 1. For plywood forms use a natural non-petroleum base, non-staining and non- retarding release agent that will effectively prevent absorption of moisture and prevent bond with concrete and leaves the concrete with a paintable surface. 2. For steel forms, use an approved material that will not stain, color or otherwise affect the finish of the concrete. Form coating shall not be detectable on finished surfaces. 3. Round column forms: Provide seamless fiber forms with the three plies nearest to the interior surface of the form deckled or scarfed and overlapped to minimize spiral gaps or seams on the column surface. G. Form Ties: Steel rod type with integral waterstops and cones, and with ends or end fasteners that can be removed without spalling the concrete and which leave a hole equal in depth to the required reinforcement clearance, but not less than 2 inches from the formed face of the concrete. Wire tie, banding wire and wood spreaders will not be permitted. H. Form Inserts: 1. Bevel or chamfer strips: Wood or non-staining plastic, 3/4" wide on each leg at exposed edges of concrete members, unless otherwise noted on plans. 2. Tongue and Groove Joint Forms: Minimum 24 gauge with steel stakes and splice plates. Forms shall be designed for joints not to receive a poured seal. 3. Pipe hangers and other utility supports: AISI Type 316 stainless steel. 2.0.12. MORTAR A. Standard premixed mortar conforming to ASTM C387, Type S, or proportion 1 part Portland cement to 2 parts clean, well-graded sand which will pass a 1/8-inch screen. Portland Cement shall conform ASTM C150. B. Sand shall conform to AASHTO M45. C. Admixtures may be used not exceeding the following percentages of weight of cement: 1. Hydrated lime: 10 percent 2. Diatomaceous earth or other inert materials: 5 percent. 3-8 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement D. Consistency of mortar shall be such that it will readily adhere to concrete 2.0.13. GROUT A. Non-Shrink Grout: Non-shrink, non-metallic grout conforming to ASTM C 1107 Grade B or Grade C only. Grout must meet ASTM C 1107 at a temperature range of 50 F to 90 F at a flowable consistency. A minimum compressive strength of 5,000 pounds per square inch (psi) shall be obtained at 28 days. B. Grout for Surface Repair and Bond Coat: 1. For repair, one part Portland cement to two parts fine sand, and a 50%of water and 50% Acryl 60 or equal (Thoroseal or Acryl Set Bonding Agent by Master Builders) to produce a stiff mortar. 2. For bond coat, one part Portland cement to one part sand, and a 50% of water and 50% Acryl 60 or equal (Thoroseal or Acryl Set Bonding Agent) to produce a slurry mix. C. Moisture Barrier: Kraft paper and glass reinforcing fibers sandwiched between 2 layers of polyethylene film with a permeance rating of maximum 0.1 as per ASTM E-96, Procedure A. D. Expansion Joint Filler: 1. Preformed expansion joint filler shall be of the non-extruding and resilient bituminous type and conform to the requirements of AASHTO Designation M 213. 2. Expansion joint filler shall be gray neoprene sponge rubber that conforms to AASHTO Designation M 153, Type I. E. Joint Sealant Compound: Non-sag, 2 component, solvent free, moisture insensitive, flexible, epoxy resin conforming to the requirements ASTM C920-87 Type M, Grade NS. Additionally, the sealant must be recommended by the manufacturer to perform under continuous immersion in water. F. Polyurethane Elastomeric Sealant: Sikaflex-2c, NS/SL or approved equal. Provide a 2- component, premium-grade, polyurethane-based, elastomeric sealant. It is principally a chemical cure in a non-sag and self-leveling consistency. Sealant shall meet ASTM C-920 and Federal Specifications TT-S-00227E. 1. Joint Movement: +50%. G. Waterstops: 1. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC): Conforming to the requirements of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Specification CRD-C-572 and of the following type: a. Expansion Joints: 9-inches by 3/8-inch, ribbed center bulb. b. Construction Joint: 9-inches by 3/8-inch, flat ribbed. 3-9 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement c. Only where specified on plans at construction and expansion joints: 9-inches by 3/8-inch, split ribbed. 2. Thermoplastic butt splices shall be performed using approved prefabricated pretested fittings; do not lap splice waterstops. 3. Waterstops for impermeable joints between prefabricated structures Non-hydro expansive based on bituminous resins to seal horizontal and vertical joints; hydrostatic load resistance 7 m column of water; not soluble in water; flashpoint 315degree Celsius ASTM D92; elongation capacity at 20 degree Celsius 230% compared to its initial dimension. Suitable for tunnels, water treatment plants, sewage, septic tanks, tanks, pipelines, sewer trunk lines and for any prefabricated concrete structure in general. H. Fiber Reinforcement: Fiber reinforcement shall not be used in the concrete unless ordered buy the Engineer in writing. It shall consist of 100% virgin polypropylene fibrillated fiber dosage of 2 lbs. per cubic foot. 1. Compressive Strength: 1 psi (.006895 M Pa), ASTM C-39. 2. Flexural Strength: 288 psi (2.0 M Pa)after 7 days, 390 psi (2.7 M Pa) after 28 days; ASTM C-78. 3. Splitting Tensile Strength: 194 psi (1.3 M Pa) after 7 days, and 290 psi (2.0 M Pa) after 28 days; ASTM C-496. 4. Source: Fiber mesh Micro-Reinforcement System by Fiber mesh Company, Division of Synthetic Industries, Inc. Or approved equal. I. Provide other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation, as selected by the Contractor subject to the approval of the Engineer. J. A shrinkage reducing admixture (Teraguard) or equivalent at the rate of 2.2% by weight of cement may be used in the concrete to meet the shrinkage limitations. K. To protect the concrete slab against the elements, the Engineer may direct the Contractor to spray an evaporation retarder on the finished concrete slab immediately behind the cement finishing process at no additional cost to the City. This is not a curing compound. PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.0.1. READY MIX CONCRETE A. Concrete obtained from a ready-mix plant shall conform to the requirements of these Specifications, and all applicable portions of ASTM C94 "Ready-Mixed Concrete". 3.0.2. MIXING AND DELIVERING CONCRETE 3-10 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement A. Produce a completely uniform mixed concrete in a truck mixer for 70 to 100 revolutions at the mixing speed designated by the truck manufacturer. B. Prior to starting the discharge of the concrete at the jobsite, when water is added, record the added quantity and mix the concrete 30 additional drum mixing revolutions. Do not make more than two mix adjustments. Seek approval from the Engineer prior to using a central mixer and depositing the batch into a truck mixer. C. Transit Time Using Agitator Trucks: The maximum allowable transit time between the initial introduction of water into the mix and completely discharging all the concrete from the truck will be 60 minutes. The maximum transit time can be 90 minutes if water reducing and retarding admixture(Type D, Type G, or Type II) is used. Reject concrete exceeding the maximum transit time. D. All the concrete in a load must be in its final placement position a maximum of 15 minutes after the transit time has expired unless a time extension is approved by the Engineer. E. Adding Water to Concrete at the Placement Site: Water may be added at the placement site provided the addition of water does not exceed the water to cementitious materials ratio as defined by the mix design. After adding water, perform a slump test to confirm the concrete is within the slump tolerance range. If the slump is outside the tolerance range, reject the load. If an adjustment is made at the concrete production facility, perform a slump test on the next load to ensure the concrete is within the slump tolerance range. Do not place concrete represented by slump test results outside of the tolerance range. Include water missing from the water storage tanks upon arrival at the project site in the jobsite water added 3.0.3. PLACING CONCRETE A. Weather Restrictions 1. Concreting in Cold Weather: Do not place concrete when the air temperature at placement is below 40°F. The requirements of concreting in cold weather do not apply to precast concrete mixing and placement operations occurring in a temperature-controlled environment. 2. Concreting in Hot Weather: Hot weather concreting is defined as the production, placing, and curing of concrete when the concrete temperature at placing exceeds 85°F but is less than 100°F . Unless the specified hot weather concreting measures are in effect, reject concrete exceeding 85°F at the time of placement. Concrete temperature shall be measured per ASTM C1064. Regardless of special measures taken, reject concrete exceeding 100°F. Predict the concrete temperatures at placement time and implement hot weather measures to avoid production shutdown. B. Inspections Before Placing Concrete: Do not place concrete until the depth and character of the foundation and the adequacy of the forms and falsework have been approved by the Engineer. Do not deposit any concrete until all reinforcement is in place and has been inspected and approved by the Engineer. 3-11 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement C. Exposure to Water: Do not expose concrete other than seal concrete in cofferdams to the action of water before final setting. Do not expose such concrete to the action of salt or brackish water for a period of seven days after placing the concrete. Protect the concrete during this period by keeping salt or brackish water pumped out of cofferdams. D. Deposit concrete as nearly as possible in its final position. Do not deposit large quantities at one point and then run or work it along the forms. Take special care to fill each part of the forms, to work coarse aggregate back from the face, and to force concrete under and around reinforcing bars without displacing them. E. Use a method and manner of placing concrete that avoids the possibility of segregation or separation of aggregates. If the Engineer determines that the quality of concrete as it reaches its final position is unsatisfactory, remove it and discontinue or adjust the method of placing until the Engineer determines that the quality of the concrete as placed is satisfactory. F. Use metal or metal-lined open troughs, chutes, or other means of concrete conveyance which have no aluminum parts in contact with the concrete. As an exception, chutes made of aluminum for ready mixed concrete trucks, no longer than 20 feet, may be used. This exception does not apply to any other means of concrete conveyance. Where steep slopes are required, use chutes that are equipped with baffles or are in short lengths that reverse the direction of movement. Where placing operations would involve dropping the concrete freely more than 5 feet, deposit it through pipes, troughs, or chutes of sheet metal or other approved material. Use troughs, chutes, or pipes with a combined length of more than 30 feet only with the Engineering Department's authorization. Keep all troughs, chutes, and pipes clean and free from coatings of hardened concrete by thoroughly flushing them with water after each run or more often if necessary. G. Place concrete against supporting material that is moist at the time of concrete placement. If additional water is required, uniformly apply it ahead of the concrete placement as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor may use a moisture barrier in lieu of controlling the foundation grade moisture when approved by the Engineer. H. Place concrete in continuous horizontal layers, approximately 20 inches thick. To avoid obtaining a plane of separation or a cold joint between layers, vibrate the concrete. I. Vibrate concrete to avoid honeycomb and voids, especially at construction joints, expansion joints, valleys, and ends of form sheets. Use approved pouring sequences. J. Do not use calcium chloride or any other admixture containing chloride salts in the concrete. K. The concrete shall be placed on stabilizing or compacted subgrade to such depth that, when it is consolidated and finished, the slab thickness required by the Drawings will be obtained at all points and surface will at no point be below the grade specified for the finished surface, after application of the allowable tolerance. The concrete shall be deposited on the stabilized subgrade in a manner which will require as little re-handling 3-12 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement as possible. Placing of the concrete shall be continuous between transverse joints, without the use of intermediate bulkheads. L. Concrete shall be thoroughly consolidated against and along the faces of all forms, and along the full length and on both sides of all joint assemblies, by means of hand operated, vibrators. Vibrators shall not be permitted to come in contact with joint assembly, the subgrade, or a side form. Vibration at any one location shall not continue so long as to produce puddling or the accumulation of excessive grout on the surface. In no case shall the vibrator be operated longer than 15 seconds in any one location. M. Coloring of concrete shall be done by dry-mixing the compound and broadcasting over the fresh-poured concrete after it has been struck off. N. Placing of concrete shall be so regulated that the pressure caused by the wet concrete shall not exceed that used in the design of the forms. 0. All concrete for walls shall be placed through openings in the form spaced at frequent intervals or through tremies (heavy duct canvas, rubber, etc.), equipped with suitable hopper heads. Tremies shall be of variable lengths so the free fall shall not exceed five (5)feet and a sufficient number shall be placed in the form to ensure the concrete is kept level at all times. P. When forms are removed, surfaces shall be even and dense, free from aggregate pockets or honeycomb. To achieve this, concrete shall be consolidated using mechanical vibration, supplemented by forking and spading by hand in the corners and angle of forms and along form surfaces while the concrete is plastic under the vibratory action. Consolidation shall conform to ACI 309. Q. Care shall be taken to prevent cold joints when placing concrete in any portion of the work. The concrete placing rate shall be such as to ensure that each layer is placed while the previous layer is soft or plastic, so that the two layers can be made monolithic by penetration of the vibrators. Maximum thickness of concrete layers shall be 18 inches. The surface of the concrete shall be level whenever a run of concrete is stopped. R. Placement in Wall Forms: Concrete shall not be dropped through reinforcement steel or into any deep form, whether reinforcement is present or not, causing separation of the coarse aggregate from the mortar on account of repeatedly hitting rods or the sides of the form as it falls, nor shall concrete be placed in any form in such a manner as to leave accumulation of mortar on the form surfaces above the placed concrete. In such cases, some means such as the use of hoppers and, if necessary, vertical ducts of canvas, rubber, or metal shall be used for placing concrete in the forms in a manner that it may reach the place of final deposit without separation. In no case shall the free fall of concrete exceed 4 feet below the ends of ducts, chutes, or buggies. Concrete shall be uniformly distributed during the process of depositing, and in no case after depositing shall any portion be displaced in the forms more than 6 feet in horizontal direction. Concrete in forms shall be deposited in uniform horizontal layers not deeper than 2 feet; and care shall be taken to avoid inclined layers or inclined construction joints where such are required for sloping members. Each layer shall be placed while the previous layer is still soft. The rate of placing concrete in forms shall not exceed 5 feet of vertical rise per hour. 3-13 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3.0.4. FORMWORK A. Forms to confine the concrete and shape it to the required lines shall be used wherever necessary. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for the adequate design of all forms, and any forms which are unsafe or inadequate in any respect shall promptly be removed and replaced at the Contractor 's expense. All design, construction, maintenance, preparation, and removal of forms shall be in accordance with the FBC, ACI 347 and the requirements specified herein. B. All forms shall be true in every respect to the required shape and size, shall conform to the established alignment and grade, and shall be of sufficient strength and rigidity to maintain their position and shape under the loads and operations incident to placing and vibrating the concrete. C. Vertical Surfaces: All vertical surfaces of concrete members shall be formed, except where placement of the concrete against the ground is called for by the Engineer. D. Construction Joints: Concrete construction joints will not be permitted at locations other than those shown or specified, except as may be acceptable to the Engineer. When a second lift is placed on hardened concrete, special precautions shall be taken in the way of the number, location, and tightening of ties at the top of the old lift and bottom of the new to prevent any unsatisfactory effect whatsoever on the concrete. E. Form Ties: Wire ties for holding forms will not be permitted. No form-tying device or part thereof, other than metal, shall be left embedded in the concrete. Ties shall not be removed in such manner as to leave a hole extending through the interior of the concrete members. The use of snap-ties which cause spilling of the concrete upon form stripping or tie removal will not be permitted. If steel panel forms are used, rubber grommets shall be provided where the ties pass through the form in order to prevent loss of cement paste. Where metal rods extending through the concrete are used to support or to strengthen forms, the rods shall remain embedded and shall terminate not less than 1 inch back from the formed face or faces of the concrete. F. Careful procedures for the removal of forms shall be strictly followed, and this work shall be done with care so as to avoid injury to the concrete. No heavy loading on green concrete will be permitted. Members which must support their own weight shall not have their forms removed until they have attained at least 75 percent of the 28- day strength of the concrete as specified herein. Forms for all vertical walls and columns shall remain in place at least 2 days after the concrete has been placed. Forms for all parts of the Work not specifically mentioned herein shall remain in place for periods of time as determined by the City or their designee. 3.0.5. REINFORCING STEEL A. Reinforcing steel shall be accurately formed to the dimensions and shapes shown on the Drawings, and the fabricating details shall be prepared in accordance with ACI 315 and ACI 318, except as modified by the Drawings. B. Bending or Straightening: Reinforcement shall not be straightened or rebent in a manner which will injure the material. Bars with kinks or bends not shown shall not be 3-14 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement used. All bars shall be bent cold, unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer. No bars partially embedded in concrete shall be field-bent except as shown or specifically permitted by the Engineer. C. Reinforcing steel shall be accurately positioned as shown on the Drawings and shall be supported and wired together to prevent displacement, using annealed iron wire ties or suitable clips at intersections. All reinforcing steel shall be supported by concrete, plastic or metal supports, spacers or metal hangers which are strong and rigid enough to prevent any displacement of the reinforcing steel. Where concrete is to be placed on the ground, supporting concrete blocks (or dobies) shall be used, in sufficient numbers to support the bars without settlement, but in no case shall such support be continuous. All concrete blocks used to support reinforcing steel shall be tied to the steel with wire ties which are embedded in the blocks. For concrete over formwork, the Contractor shall furnish concrete, metal, plastic, or other acceptable bar chairs and spacers. D. The portions of all accessories in contact with the formwork shall be made of concrete, plastic, or steel coated with a 1/8-inch minimum thickness of plastic which extends at least 1/2 inch from the concrete surface. Plastic shall be gray in color. E. Tie wires shall be bent away from the forms in order to provide the specified concrete coverage. F. Bars additional to those shown which may be found necessary or desirable by the Contractor for the purpose of securing reinforcement in position shall be provided by the Contractor at its own expense. G. Reinforcement placing tolerances shall be within the limits specified in ACI 318, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. H. Welded wire fabric reinforcement placed over horizontal forms shall be supported on slab bolsters having gray, plastic-coated standard type legs as specified herein. Slab bolsters shall be spaced not less than 30 inches on centers, shall extend continuously across the entire width of the reinforcing mat, and shall support the reinforcing mat in the plane shown. I. Welded wire fabric placed over the ground shall be supported on wired concrete blocks (dobies) spaced not more than 3 feet on centers in any direction. The construction practice of placing welded wire fabric on the ground and hooking into place in the freshly placed concrete shall not be used. J. Reinforcement bar splices shall only be used at locations shown. When it is necessary to splice reinforcement at points other than where shown, the character of the splice shall be as acceptable to the City or their designee. K. Lap length for reinforcement bars shall be in a Class B Splice in accordance with ACI 318, unless otherwise shown. Laps of welded wire fabric shall be in accordance with the ACI 318. L. Reinforcing steel shall at all times be protected from conditions conducive to corrosion until concrete is placed around it. 3-15 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement M. The surfaces of all reinforcing steel and other metalwork to be in contact with concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dirt, grease, loose scale and rust, grout, mortar, and other foreign substances immediately before the concrete is placed. Where there is a delay in depositing concrete, reinforcing shall be reinspected and, if necessary, recleaned. 3.0.6. PREPARATION OF SURFACES FOR CONCRETING A. General: No concrete shall be placed until the reinforcement steel and formwork have been erected in a manner acceptable to the City or their designee. The Contractor shall notify the City or their designee not less than two working days prior to concrete placement, allowing for inspection and any corrective measures which are required. Earth surfaces shall be thoroughly wetted by sprinkling, prior to the placing of any concrete, and these surfaces shall be kept moist by frequent sprinkling up to the time of placing concrete thereon. The surface shall be free from standing water, mud, and debris at the time of placing concrete. B. Joints in Concrete: Concrete surfaces upon or against which concrete is to be placed, where the placement of the old concrete has been stopped or interrupted so that, as determined by the City or their designee, the new concrete cannot be incorporated integrally with that previously placed, are defined as construction joints. The surfaces of horizontal joints shall be given a compacted, roughened surface for good bond. Except where the Drawings call for joint surfaces to be coated, the joint surfaces shall be cleaned of all laitance, loose or defective concrete, and foreign material. Such cleaning shall be accomplished by sandblasting, followed by thorough washing. All pools of water shall be removed from the surface of construction joints before the new concrete is placed. C. Existing concrete surfaces upon or against which concrete is to be placed shall be given a roughened surface for good bond. Joint surfaces shall be cleaned of all laitance, loose or defective concrete, and foreign material. Such cleaning shall be accomplished by Thydroblasting. All pools of water shall be removed from the surface of construction joints before the new concrete is placed. D. Placing Interruptions: When placing of concrete is to be interrupted long enough for the concrete to take a set, the working face shall be given a shape by the use of forms or other means that will secure proper union with subsequent work, provided that construction joints shall be made only where acceptable to the City or their designee. E. Embedded Items: No concrete shall be placed until all formwork, installation of parts to - be embedded, reinforcement steel, and preparation of surfaces involved in the placing have been completed and accepted by the City or their designee at least 4 hours before placement of concrete. All surfaces of forms and embedded items that have become encrusted with dried grout from concrete previously placed shall be cleaned of all such grout before the surrounding or adjacent concrete is placed. F. All reinforcement, anchor bolts, sleeves, inserts, and similar items shall be set and secured in the forms where shown on the Drawings or by shop drawings and shall be acceptable to the City or their designee before any concrete is placed. Accuracy of placement is the responsibility of the City or their designee. 3-16 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement G. Casting Against Old Concrete: Where concrete is to be cast against old concrete(any concrete which is greater than 60 days of age), the surface of the old concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned and roughened by hydro-blasting (exposing aggregate) prior to the application of an epoxy bonding agent. Application shall be according to the bonding agent manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. H. No concrete shall be placed in any structure until all water entering the space to be filled with concrete has been properly cut off or has been diverted by pipes, or other means, and carried out of the forms, clear of the work. No concrete shall be deposited under water nor shall the Contractor allow still water to rise on any concrete until the concrete has attained its initial set. Water shall not be permitted to flow over the surface of any concrete in such manner and at such velocity as will injure the surface finish of the concrete. I. Openings for pipes, inserts for pipe hangers and brackets, and the setting of anchors shall, where practicable, be provided for during the placing of concrete. J. Corrosion Protection: Pipe, conduit, dowels, and other ferrous items required to be embedded in concrete construction shall be so positioned and supported prior to placement of concrete that there will be a minimum of 2 inches clearance between said items, and any part of the concrete reinforcement will not be permitted. K. Cleaning: The surfaces of all metalwork to be in contact with concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dirt, grease, loose scale and rust, grout, mortar, and other foreign substances immediately before the concrete is placed. 3.0.7. TAMPING AND VIBRATING A. As concrete is placed in the forms or in excavations, it shall be thoroughly settled and compacted, throughout the entire depth of the layer which is being consolidated, into a dense homogeneous mass, filling all corners and angles, thoroughly embedding the reinforcement, eliminating rock pockets, and bringing only a slight excess of water to the exposed surface of concrete during placement. Vibrators shall be high speed power vibrators (8,000 or 10,000 rpm) of an immersion type in sufficient number and with (at least one) standby units as required. B. Concrete in walls shall be internally vibrated and at the same time rammed, stirred, or worked with suitable appliances, tamping bars, shovels, or forked tools until it completely fills the forms or excavations and closes snugly against all surfaces. Subsequent layers of concrete shall not be placed until the layers previously placed have been worked thoroughly as specified. Vibrators shall be provided in sufficient numbers, with standby units as required, to accomplish the results herein specified with 15 minutes after concrete of the prescribed consistency is placed in the forms. The vibrating head shall be kept from contact with the surfaces of the forms. Care shall be taken not to vibrate concrete excessively or to work it in any manner that causes segregation of its constituents. 3-17 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3.0.8. FINISHING CONCRETE SURFACE A. General: Surfaces shall be free from fins, bulges, ridges, offsets, honeycombing, or roughness of any kind, and shall present a finished, smooth, continuous hard surface. Allowable deviations from plumb or level and from the alignment, profiles, and dimensions shown on the Drawings are defined as tolerances and are specified herein. These tolerances are to be distinguished from irregularities in finish as described herein. Aluminum finishing tools shall not be used. B. Formed Surfaces: After removal of forms, the finishes described below shall be applied in accordance with Article 3.13, D. Unless the finish schedule specifies otherwise, all surfaces shall receive at least a Type I finish. The Engineer shall be the sole judge of acceptability of all concrete finish work. 1. Type I - Rough: All fins, burrs and other projections left by the forms shall be removed. All holes left by removal of ends of ties, and all other holes, depressions, or voids shall be filled solid with cement grout after first being thoroughly wetted. Honeycombs shall be chipped back to solid concrete as directed, prior to patching with cement grout. Holes shall be filled with a small tool that will permit packing the hole solidly with cement grout. Cement grout shall consist of one part cement to three parts sand, and the amount of mixing water shall be as little as consistent with the requirements of handling and placing. Color of cement grout shall match the adjacent wall surface. At locations where concrete coatings are specified to be applied, epoxy-based patch material or filler surfaces compatible with the coating shall be used in lieu of cement grout specified herein. Concrete finish shall be in strict conformance to the coating / paint manufacturer's recommendations. 2. Type II - Grout Cleaned: Where this finish is required, it shall be applied after completion of Type I finish. After the concrete has been predampened, slurry consisting of one part cement (including an appropriate quantity of white cement in order to produce a color matching the surrounding concrete) and 1-1/2 parts sand passing the No. 16 sieve, by damp loose volume, shall be spread over the surface with clean burlap pads or sponge rubber floats. Any surplus shall be removed by scraping and then rubbing with clean burlap. The finish shall be kept damp for at least 36 hours after application. 3. Type III -Smooth Rubbed: Where this finish is required, it shall be applied after the completion of the Type I finish. No rubbing shall be done before the concrete is thoroughly hardened and the mortar used for patching is firmly set. A smooth, uniform surface shall be obtained by wetting the surface and rubbing it with a carborundum stone to eliminate irregularities. Unless the nature of the irregularities requires it, the general surface of the concrete shall not be cut into. Corners and edges shall be slightly rounded by the use of the carborundum stone. Brush finishing or painting with grout or neat cement will not be permitted. C. Unformed Surfaces: The finishes described below shall be applied to unformed surfaces such as floors, slabs,flow channels and top of walls in accordance with Article 3.05 - Concrete Finish Schedule. The Engineer shall be the sole judge of acceptability of all such finish work. 3-18 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 1. Type "A" - Screeded: This finish shall be obtained by placing screeds at frequent intervals and striking off to the surface elevation required. When a Type "F"finish is subsequently to be applied, the surface of the screeded concrete shall be roughened with a concrete rake to 1/z" minimum deep grooves prior to final set. 2. Type "B" - Wood Floated: This finish shall be obtained after completion of a Type "A" finish by working a previously screeded surface with a wood float until the desired texture is reached. Floating shall begin when the water sheen has disappeared and when the concrete has sufficiently hardened so that a person's foot leaves only a slight imprint. If wet spots occur, water shall be removed with a squeegee. Care shall be taken to prevent the formation of laitance and excess water on the finished surface. The finished surface shall be true, even, and free from blemishes and other irregularities. 3. Type "C" - Cork Floated: This finish shall be similar to Type "B" but slightly smoother than that obtained with a wood float. It shall be obtained by power or band floating with cork floats. 4. Type "D"- Steel Troweled: This finish shall be obtained after completion of a Type "B" finish. When the concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent excess fine material from working to the surface, the surface shall be compacted and smoothed with not less than two thorough and complete steel troweling operations. In areas, which are to receive a floor covering such as tile, resilient flooring, or carpeting, only one troweling operation is required. The finish shall be brought to a smooth, dense surface, free from defects and blemishes. 5. Type "E" - Broom or Belt: This finish shall provide the surface with a transverse scored texture by drawing a broom or burlap belt across the surface immediately after completion of a Type "B" finish. 6. Type "F" - Swept in Grout Topping: This finish shall be applied after a completion of a Type"A"finish. The concrete surface shall be properly cleaned, washed, and coated with a mixture of water and Portland Cement. Cement grout in accordance with Section 03360"Grout" shall then be plowed and swept into neat conformance with the blades or arms of the apparatus by turning or rotating the previously positioned mechanical equipment. Special attention shall be paid to true grades, shapes and tolerances as specified by the manufacturer of the equipment. Before beginning this finish, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer and the equipment manufacturer of the details of the operation and obtain approval and recommendations of the equipment manufacturer. 7. Type "G" - Hardened Finish: Either a liquid hardened finish or an aggregate hardened finish shall be provided at the Contractor's option. 8. Type "H" - Non-Slip Finish: This finish shall be provided by applying a non-slip shake-on aggregate concurrently with the application of a Type "D" finish. Application procedure shall be in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 9. Type "J" - Raked Finish: This finish shall be provided by raking the surface as soon as the condition of the concrete permits by making depressions of +/-1/4- inch. 3-19 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3.0.9. CONCRETE FINISH SCHEDULE ITEM TYPE OF FINISH Inner face of walls of tanks, flow channels, wet wells, perimeter walls, and miscellaneous structures to be coated Exterior concrete walls below grade Exterior exposed concrete walls and columns (including top of wall) to II one foot below grade. All other exposed concrete surfaces not specified elsewhere All interior exposed concrete vertical surfaces in buildings III Interior exposed ceiling, including beams III Floors of process equipment tanks or basins, and slabs to receive B roofing material or waterproof membranes All interior finish floors of buildings and structures and walking surfaces C which will be continuously or intermittently wet All interior finish floors of buildings and structures which are not D continuously or intermittently wet Floors to receive tile, resilient flooring, or carpeting D Concrete in flow channels not specified to be coated D Exterior concrete sidewalks, steps, ramps, decks, slabs on grade and E landings exposed to weather Floors of process tanks indicated on Drawings or in the specifications F to receive cement grout topping Precast concrete form panels, hollow core planks, double tees J 3.0.10. CURING AND DAMP PROOFING A. All concrete shall be cured for not less than 14 days after placing, in accordance with the methods specified herein for the different parts of the work and described in detail in the following paragraphs. SURFACE TO BE CURED OR DAMPPROOFED METHOD Unstripped forms 1 Construction joints between footings and walls, and between floor slab 2 and columns Encasement concrete and thrust blocks 3 3-20 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement All concrete surfaces not specifically provided elsewhere in this 4 paragraph B. Method 1: Wooden forms shall be wetted immediately after concrete has been placed and shall be kept wet with water until removed. If steel forms are used, the exposed concrete surfaces shall be kept continuously wet until the forms are removed. If forms are removed within 14 days of placing the concrete, curing shall be continued in accordance with Method 4. C. Method 2: The surface shall be covered With burlap mats which shall be kept wet with water for the duration of the curing period, until the concrete in the walls has been placed. No curing compound shall be applied to surfaces cured under Method 2. D. Method 3: The surface shall be covered with moist earth not less than 4 hours, nor more than 24 hours, after the concrete is placed. Earthwork operations that may damage the concrete shall not begin until at least 7 days after placement of concrete. E. Method 4: The surface shall be sprayed with a liquid curing compound. It shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturers printed instructions at a maximum coverage rate of 200 square feet per gallon and in such a manner as to cover the surface with a uniform film which will seal thoroughly. F. Care shall be exercised to avoid damage to the seal during the curing period. Should the seal be damaged or broken before the expiration of the curing period, the break shall be repaired immediately by the application of additional curing compound over the damaged portion. G. Wherever curing compound may have been applied by mistake to faces against which concrete subsequently is to be placed and to which it is to adhere, said compound shall be entirely removed by hydroblasting just prior to the placing of new concrete. H. Curing compound shall be applied as soon as the concrete has hardened enough to prevent marring on uniformed surfaces, and within 2 hours after removal of forms from contact with formed surfaces. Repairs required to be made to formed surfaces shall be made within the said 2-hour period; provided, however, that any such repairs which cannot be made within the said 2-hour period shall be delayed until after the curing compound has been applied. When repairs are to be made to an area on which curing compound has been applied, the area involved shall first be wet-sand blasted to remove the curing compound, following which repairs shall be made as provided herein. 3.0.11. TESTING A. Field Testing of Concrete 1. The Contractor shall coordinate with the Engineer's project representative the on- site scheduling of the materials testing consultant personnel as required for concrete testing. 2. Concrete for testing shall be supplied by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner, and the Contractor shall provide assistance to the materials testing 3-21 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement consultant in obtaining samples. The Contractor shall dispose of and clean up all excess material. B. Consistency 1. The consistency of the concrete will be checked by the materials testing consultant by standard slump cone tests. The Contractor shall make any necessary adjustments in the mix as the Engineer and/or the materials testing consultant may direct and shall upon written order suspend all placing operations in the event the consistency does not meet the intent of the specifications. No payment shall be made for any delays, material, or labor costs due to such eventualities. 2. Slump tests shall be made in accordance with ASTM C143. Slump tests will be performed as deemed necessary by the materials testing consultant and each time compressive strength samples are taken. 3. Concrete with a specified nominal slump shall be placed having a slump within 1" (higher or lower)of the specified slump. Concrete with a specified maximum slump shall be placed having a slump less than the specified slump. C. Unit Weight 1. Samples of freshly mixed concrete shall be tested for unit weight by the materials testing consultant in accordance with ASTM C138. 2. Unit weight tests will be performed as deemed necessary by the Engineer and each time compressive strength samples are taken. D. Air Content 1. Samples of freshly mixed concrete will be tested for entrained air content by the materials testing consultant in accordance with ASTM C231. 2. Air content tests will be performed as deemed necessary by the materials testing consultant and each time compressive strength samples are taken. 3. In the event test results are outside the limits specified, additional testing shall occur. Admixture quantity adjustments shall be made immediately upon discovery of incorrect air entrainment. E. Compressive Strength 1. Samples of freshly mixed concrete will be taken by the materials testing consultant and tested for compressive strength in accordance with ASTM C172, C31 and C39, except as modified herein. 2. In general, one sampling shall be taken for each placement, with a minimum of one (1) sampling for each day of concrete placement operations, or for each one fifty (50) cubic yards of concrete, or for each 5,000 square feet of surface area for slabs or walls, whichever is greater. 3-22 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3. Each sampling shall consist of at least five (5) 6x12 cylinders or eight (8) 4x8 cylinders. Each cylinder shall be identified by a tag,which shall be hooked or wired to the side of the container. The materials testing consultant will fill out the required information on the tag, and the Contractor shall satisfy himself that such information shown is correct. 4. The Contractor shall be required to furnish labor to the Owner for assisting in preparing test cylinders for testing. The Contractor shall provide approved curing boxes for storage of cylinders on site.The insulated curing box shall be of sufficient size and strength to contain all the specimens made in any four consecutive working days and to protect the specimens from falling over, being jarred or otherwise disturbed during the period of initial curing. The box shall be erected, furnished, and maintained by the Contractor. Such box shall be equipped to provide the moisture and to regulate the temperature necessary to maintain the proper curing conditions required by ASTM C31. Such box shall be located in an area free from vibration such as pile driving and traffic of all kinds and such that all specimens are shielded from direct sunlight and/or radiant heating sources. No concrete requiring inspection shall be delivered to the site until such storage curing box has been provided. Specimens shall remain undisturbed in the curing box until ready for delivery to the testing laboratory but not less than sixteen hours. 5. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the temperatures of the curing box during the initial curing of test specimens with the temperature preserved between 60°F and 80°F as measured by a maximum-minimum thermometer. The Contractor shall maintain a written record of curing box temperatures for each day curing box contains test specimens. Temperature shall be recorded a minimum of three times a day with one recording at the start of the workday and one recording at the end of the workday. 6. When transported, the cylinders shall not be thrown, dropped, allowed to roll, or be damaged in any way. 7. Compression tests shall be performed in accordance with ASTM C39. For 6x12 cylinders, two test cylinders will be tested at seven days and two at 28 days. For 4x8 cylinders, three test cylinders will be tested at seven days, three at 28 days. The remaining cylinders will be held to verify test results, if needed. F. Evaluation and Acceptance of Concrete 1. Evaluation and acceptance of the compressive strength of concrete shall be according to the requirements of ACI 214, ACI 318, and ACI 350. 2. The strength level of concrete will be considered satisfactory if all of the following conditions are satisfied. a. Every arithmetic average of any three consecutive strength tests equals or exceeds the minimum specified 28-day compressive strength for the mix (see Article 2.08). b. No individual compressive strength test results falls below the minimum specified strength by more than 500 psi. 3-23 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3. In the event any of the conditions listed above are not met, the mix proportions shall be corrected for the next concrete placing operation. 4. In the event that condition 2B is not met, additional tests in accordance with Article 3.10, paragraph H shall be performed. 5. When a ratio between 7-day and 28-day strengths has been established by these tests, the 7-day strengths shall subsequently be taken as a preliminary indication of the 28-day strengths. Should the 7-day test strength from any sampling be more than 10% below the established minimum strength, the Contractor shall: a. Immediately provide additional periods of curing in the affected area from which the deficient test cylinders were taken. b. Maintain or add temporary structural support as required. c. Correct the mix for the next concrete placement operation, if required to remedy the situation. 6. All concrete which fails to meet the ACI requirements and these specifications is subject to removal and replacement at no additional cost to the Owner. G. When non-compliant concrete is identified, test reports shall be sent immediately to the Engineer for review. H. Additional Tests 1. When ordered by the Engineer, additional tests on in-place concrete shall be provided and paid for by the Contractor. 2. In the event the 28-day test cylinders fail to meet the minimum strength requirements as outlined in Article 3.10, paragraph F, the Contractor shall have concrete core specimens obtained and tested from the affected area immediately. a. Three cores shall be taken for each sample in which the strength requirements were not met. b. The drilled cores shall be obtained and tested in conformance with ASTM C42. The tests shall be conducted by a materials testing consultant approved by the Engineer. c. The location from which each core is taken shall be approved by the Engineer. Each core specimen shall be located, when possible, so its axis is perpendicular to the concrete surface and not near formed joints or obvious edges of a unit of deposit. d. The core specimens shall be taken, if possible, so no reinforcing steel is within the confines of the core. 3-24 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement e. The diameter of core specimens should be at least 3 times the maximum nominal size of the coarse aggregate used in the concrete but must be at least 2-inches in diameter. f. The length of specimen, when capped, shall be at least twice the diameter of the specimen. g. The core specimens shall be taken to the laboratory and when transported, shall not be thrown, dropped, allowed to roll, or damaged in any way. h. Two (2) copies of test results shall be mailed directly to the Engineer. The concrete in question will be considered acceptable if the average compressive strength of a minimum of three test core specimens taken from a given area equal or exceed 85% of the specified 28-day strength and if the lowest core strength is greater than 75% of the specified 28-day strength. I. In the event that concrete placed by the Contractor is suspected of not having proper air content, the Contractor shall engage a materials testing consultant approved by the Engineer, to obtain and test samples for air content in accordance with ASTM Specification C457. D END OF SECTION 3-25 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 03360 GROUT PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. The work included in this Section consists of grouting the various items listed hereinafter and indicated on the drawings. 1.0.2. RELATED WORK A. Section 03300 "Cast-in-Place Concrete, Reinforcing and Formwork". 1.0.3. SUBMITTALS A. Manufacturer's literature shall be submitted for review on the following items. 1. Nonshrink grout data shall include grout properties, mixing, surface preparation and installation instructions. 1.0.4. DELIVERY AND STORAGE A. Grouting materials shall be delivered and stored in unbroken containers with seals and labels intact as packaged by the manufacturer. 1.0.5. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. If the project includes patching, through bolt holes, epoxy anchors, and/or block outs, the manufacturer shall, if necessary, train the Contractor's employees in the mixing and curing of the epoxy grouts for each of these applications. B. Furnish one year warranty. Manufacturer's warranty shall not contain a disclaimer limiting responsibility to the purchase price of products or materials. PART 2— PRODUCTS 2.0.1. MATERIALS A. Cementitious grout shall be composed of one part of Type II Portland cement to three parts of sand. B. Non-shrink Nonmetallic Grout shall be Five Star Special Grout 150, Five Star Products, Inc.; Grout F-100, Sauereisen Cement; Masterflow 713, BASF Building Systems; NS Grout, Euclid Chemical Company, pre-mixed type, or approved equal. C. Non-shrink Metallic Grout: Master Builders Embeco 636 Plus Grout, BASF Building Systems, pre-mixed type, or approved equal. 3-26 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement D. Non-shrink Hydraulic Cement Grout shall be Waterplug, Thoro Products, BASF Building Systems; DRYLOK FastPlug Hydraulic Cement, United Gilsonite Laboratories (UGL) or approved equal. 10 E. Non-shrink shall be Five Star HP Epoxy Grout, Five Star Products, Inc., available from Coastal Construction Products, Inc. or Wall-Nu Trowelable, Steelcote Manufacturing Co., available from Florida Wire and Rigging Works, or approved equal. F. Specifications for cement and sand for mortar and grout shall be the same as those for concrete. 2.0.2. EPDXY ANCHOR GROUT A. Epoxy anchor grout shall conform to ASTM C 881 - Epoxy-Resin-Base Bonding Systems for Concrete, Type IV, Class A, B and C, Grade 3 with the exception of gel time. B. Heat deflection temperature per ASTM D 648 -- Test Method for Deflection Temperature of Plastics Under Flexural Load shall be a minimum 120 degrees. C. Manufacturer shall certify that the epoxy anchor grout will maintain 90 percent of its strength up to a temperature of 125 degrees F. D. Grout shall come in a 2 chambered cartridge with a metering system that provides the proper ratio of hardener and resin. The grout shall also come with a static mixer nozzle to thoroughly mix the hardener and resin together. E. Epoxy anchor grout shall be capable of being used in submersed applications once cured. F. Compressive strength per ASTM D 695 - Test Method for Compressive Properties of Rigid Plastics shall be 10,000 psi minimum. G. If the average working or operating temperature will be over 100 degrees F or in a high fire risk area, use cement based non-shrink grout and oversized holes. H. Overhead anchors and anchors in fire-resistive construction shall be cast-in anchors. I. Embedment of adhesive anchors/rebar shall be deep enough to develop the anchor/rebar. Embedment shall not exceed 67 percent of the member depth. J. Epoxy anchor grout shall be SET-XP by Simpson Strong-Tie Co., Inc.; Powers PE1000+ by Powers Fasteners, Inc.; RE 500 SD by Hilti, Inc.; or approved equal. 10 Items highlighted in red added for clarification to the Bid Set 3-27 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.0.1. PREPARATION A. All bonding surfaces shall be clean and dust and oil free. Grout shall be mixed and applied in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Grout Mix proportions (for grout to fill cores in reinforced masonry walls): 1. One part Portland cement, Type I or II. 2. 2-1/4 parts damp, loose sand. 3. Parts shot gravel (3/8" maximum). 4. Mix to conform to ASTM C476-83 with a minimum compressive strength of 2500 psi at 28 days, have an 8" minimum and 10" maximum slump. C. Grout shall not be placed until base concrete or masonry has attained its design strength, unless authorized otherwise by the Engineer. Surfaces that will be in contact with grout shall be free of dirt, loose rust, oil, wax, grease, curing compounds, laitance, loose concrete, and other deleterious materials. D. Mechanical, electrical, and finish WORK shall be completed prior to placement of topping or concrete/grout fill. To ensure bonding to the base slab, the base slab shall be given an exposed aggregate finish. Alternatively where accepted by the Engineer, the base slab shall be given a roughened textured surface by a close-spaced rake while the surface is green. After curing, high pressure washing shall expose the aggregates and produce not less than a 3/16-inch amplitude roughness. Jackhammers or chipping hammers shall not be used. 3.0.2. INSTALLATION A. Non shrink Grout: 1. Non shrink, nonmetallic grout shall be used for grouting precast concrete wall panel connections, column base plates, anchor bolts, reinforcing bars, pipe sleeves, and machinery supports. 2. Grout shall be mixed as close to the work area as possible and transported quickly to its final position in a manner which will not permit segregation of materials. 3. Non shrink grout shall be cured with water saturated burlap for at least three days or with an application of Super Rez Seal cure and seal compound applied immediately after grout placement. 4. Machinery set on grout pads shall not be operated until the grout has cured for at least 24 hours. 5. Expansive, non-shrink epoxy grout in the category of the DP Five Star Epoxy Grout shall be used for installation of vibrating machinery such as pumps. B. Epoxy Adhesive Anchors: Grout shall be proportioned and mixed with automatic equipment. Unless otherwise indicated, embedment shall be sufficient to develop the ultimate tensile strength of the anchor or reinforcing bar per the manufacturer's ICC- ES report but shall not be less than 8 diameters for threaded rod or 12 diameters for reinforcing or smooth bars. Holes shall be dry. 3-28 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement C. Drilled anchors and reinforcing bars shall be installed in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Holes shall be roughened with a brush on a power drill, and cleaned. Drilled anchors shall not be installed until the concrete has reached the required 28 Day compressive strength. Anchors shall not be loaded until the grout has reached its indicated strength in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. END OF SECTION 3-29 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 03400 PRECAST PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PART 1 — GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. The work under this section includes the design, casting, delivery, erection and shoring of precast prestressed concrete structures as shown on the Contract Drawings. 1.0.2. RELATED WORK A. Section 01340 "Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples". B. Section 03300 "Cast-in-Place Concrete, Reinforcing and Formwork". 1.0.3. REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES AND STANDARDS A. Without limiting the generality of other requirements of these specifications all work hereunder shall conform to the applicable requirements of the referenced portions of the following documents, to the extent that the requirements therein are not in conflict with the provisions of this Section: 1. South Florida Building Code, latest edition. 2. ACI 318, Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete. 3. PCI MNL 116, Manual for Quality Control for Plants and Production of Precast Concrete Products. 4. ASTM A416, Specification for Uncoated Seven-Wire Stress-Relieved Steel Strand for Prestressed Concrete. 1.0.4. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Fabricator shall be a recognized prestressed concrete manufacturer with minimum five (5) years' experience in the manufacture and erection of similar units and whose design, fabrication and erection operations are supervised by a Florida Registered Professional Engineer. 1.0.5. CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: The Contractor shall submit shop and erection drawings for approval, showing concrete design strength; unit dimensions; unit weights; size, number, location and stress in prestressing strands; size, number and location of reinforcing bars including reinforcing for erection and handling stresses; concrete cover over reinforcing and strands; bearing and anchorage details; concrete finish; curing method; erection marks; hoist points and shoring points. B. Design Calculations: The Contractor shall submit for approval, neat, legible and complete design calculations prior to fabrication. Calculations shall be by a Florida 3-30 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement Registered Professional Engineer whose seal shall appear on calculation sheets and shop drawings. 1. Calculations shall include predicted in-place cambers without superimposed loads, with superimposed dead loads and with superimposed dead loads and live loads. 2. Span length in calculations shall be from center of bearing to center of bearing. 3. Include bearing and anchorage details including those in the precast sections and those in the job cast concrete structure. C. Certificates: The Contractor shall submit manufacturer's test certificates on prestressing strands and reinforcing. D. Concrete Cylinder Tests: The Contractor shall submit copies of cylinder break reports by an approved commercial test laboratory, made from each casting for this project to verify that concrete has attained minimum ultimate prestressed transfer strength specified. 1.0.6. DEFINITIONS A. In these specifications, where the terms "Precast Concrete" and "Precast Concrete Specialties" are used, they shall have equivalent meaning. PART 2— PRODUCTS 2.0.1. MATERIALS A. Concrete: Minimum 7 day ultimate compressive strength 4000 of psi. Higher strength will be permitted to suit manufacturer's design. In other respects, concrete shall comply with requirements of Section 03300 "Cast-in-Place Concrete, Reinforcing and Formwork". B. Prestressing Strands: High strength 7 wire strand conforming with ASTM A416-94. Elongation test conforming with ASTM A270-90 with minimum elongation at rupture of 3.5% in 24 inches. Tests need not be made if certification of conformance with specifications is provided by manufacturer. Use strand of U.S. manufacture. C. Reinforcing Steel: ASTM A615, grade 60. D. Forms: Provide smooth units true to size, shape and detail with flat panes, sharp lines and arises, free from warp, twist, bow or similar distortions, spalling, broken edges, cracks or similar defects. Dimensional tolerances to be as provided in ACI 525 Standards Minimum Requirements for Thin Section Precast Concrete Construction. 2.0.2. FABRICATION A. General: Fabricate units accordance with approved shop drawings and approved design calculations 3-31 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement B. Unit design and fabrication: Conform with ACI Standard Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete and the Prestressed Concrete Institute Standards. Fabricator shall design joists and beams in accordance with loads indicated on drawings. Camber under dead load or deflection under total load shall not exceed 1/360 of span. C. Inserts: Install hanger inserts and sleeves in unit forms for mechanical and electrical items as provided under other sections and as shown on drawings. D. Curing: Top surface to receive water curing only. E. Marking: Distinctively mark each unit with manufacturer's name and mark indicated on erection drawings. F. Age: Units shall be minimum 10 days old before shipping or erection. 2.0.3. PREFORMED JOINT SEALANT A. The joint sealing compound shall be Quik-Seal, a preformed, cold applied, ready to use plastic joint sealing compound as supplied by Quikset Utility Vaults, Santa Ana, California; Ram-Nick by K.T. Snyder Company; or approved equal. 2.0.4. MORTAR A. Mortar used between the sections of precast concrete vaults shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. 2.0.5. NON-SHRINK GROUT A. Non-shrink grout shall be as specified in the Section 03360 "Grout". 2.0.6. QUALITY CONTROL A. Precast concrete units shall be made by an experienced manufacturer and shall be constructed as shown on the drawings and specified herein and shall be free of defects, checks and cracks. Care shall be taken in the mixing of materials, casting, curing and shipping to avoid any of the above. B. The Contractor shall notify the City a minimum of 5 days before the units are cast and 5 days before shipment is made, in order to provide for plant inspection, if the City so directs. PART 3— EXECUTION 3.0.1. ERECTION A. Erection to be by manufacturer and supervised by manufacturer's Florida Registered Professional Engineer or authorized representative. Handle and install units with precision, in conformance with drawings, details and erection drawings. 3-32 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3.0.2. INSTALLATION A. Required pads, plates and reinforcing bars shall be furnished for casting and anchorage in the adjoining work. The precast concrete units shall be installed in a workmanlike manner with the units tight and at right angles to the supporting beams or walls. The units shall be aligned and leveled in accordance with the procedures recommended by the manufacturer. Units shall be grouted by a mixture of not less than one part cement to three parts fine sand, care being taken to see that joints are filled. Damp grout that may have seeped through shall be removed before it hardens. B. All openings in the precast units shall be made by the Contractor and are the responsibility of the Contractor. Where details for an opening are not shown on the drawings, the opening shall be made in accordance with the recommendation of the manufacturer. When an opening causes a loss in carrying capacity of the unit, the adjacent units shall be designed to carry the additional dead and superimposed load transferred from the unit with the opening. The Contractor shall provide saddle headers as required. C. Extreme care shall be used to avoid damaging or soiling concrete as no repairing or cutting will be permitted. Damaged units shall be replaced at the expense of the Contractor. Wooden hammers shall be used, with pinch bars being used on unexposed parts only. 3.0.3. CLEANING AND REPAIRS A. Cleaning: Clean exposed surfaces of units of stains to a uniform appearance. Do not use caustic or acid cleaners. B. Repairs: Repair nicks or chips in exposed areas. END OF SECTION 3-33 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement DIVISION 5—METALS 05550 CASTINGS PART 1 — GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. This section specifies castings for use in this project, including water and force main valve boxes and covers. It also establishes casting requirements,including tolerances, on all castings to be furnished and installed under thisproject. 1.0.2. REFERENCES A. Materials used in the manufacture of the castings shall conform to ASTM A48 "Gray Iron Castings," for Class 30B iron. Castings shall be non-rocking. Manhole and valve box covers shall have a roadway type surface and machined mating surface. B. Proof Loading: AASHTO M306 Loading. 1.0.3. QUALIFICATIONS B. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacturing of products specified in this section with minimum five (5) years documented experience. Non-domestic castings shall conform with all marking and other requirements contained in federal and state statutes. PART 2— PRODUCTS 2.0.1. GENERAL A. Shop drawings shall be furnished for all castings supplied and said drawings shall include certified dimensions and weights of all components. Dimensions shall conform with City Standard Detail requirements. B. Finish casting dimensions shall be held to the following tolerances: Up to 4 inches, ±1/32 inch; 4 to 8 inches, ±3/64 inch; 8 to 12 inches, ±1/16 inch; 12 to 24 inches ±1/8 inch; above 24 inches, add the appropriate (minimum) value from those given above to ±1/8 inch. Note that this shall not affect the requirement that mating surfaces shall be machined and shall bear for their full length. Components shall be interchangeable with new and existing units without exceeding the tolerance add up specified above. C. Weight of castings supplied shall not vary more than ±5 percent from the certified weight supplied by the Contractor as a part of his shop drawings. D. The foundry's name (and if not domestically produced, foundry's name and country) shall be cast in the bottom of each lid. Body and lid or frame and cover shall be manufactured by the same foundry. Manufacture of the various components comprising one set, such as for example; a valve box and lid, by different manufacturers is expressly forbidden. 5-1 City of Miami Beach Bayshore Park Water Main and Force Main Replacement E. Note that name cast into the bottom of the lid shall be the name of the actual foundry doing the casting. Name of an importing, purchasing or fabricating (from components) firm will not be acceptable. Methods of attaching this information other than casting are not acceptable. F. With the shop drawings of each component, submit the name, address and county of the foundry producing the component. Further, this foundry shall not be changed during the course of the Contract without written previous notification of and written permission from the City Engineer, Engineering Division, Miami Beach Public Works Department. G. Each shipment of castings provided by the Contractor shall be accompanied by a certification specifically stating that the materials of that shipment comply with all requirements of this Specification, specifically including dimensions and tolerances, materials of manufacture, weights of components, marking and foundry of origin. This certification shall be signed, dated and sealed by a registered professional engineer licensed to practice in the state where the materials are cast or if not of domestic manufacture in the state where the supplying firm is located. H. Contractor's should be aware that it is the intent of the City to periodically check materials supplied for conformance to these specifications to include materials testing, dimensions and tolerances, component weights, marking,finish and fit, and such other matters as are necessary to assure supply of products meeting our requirements. Random testing of materials supplied will be at City expense if passed. Any retesting due to material not passing tests will be at the supplier's expense. 2.0.2. CASTINGS AND MATERIAL — GENERAL A. General materials used in the manufacture of the castings shall conform to ASTM Standard A48, "Gray Iron Castings", latest edition, for Class 30B iron. Valve box covers shall have a roadway type surface, machined mating surface and shall be non- rocking. B. Castings shall be furnished unpainted with shotblasted finish. C. Castings shall be as manufactured by U.S. Foundry 7630 ring and FD cover, or approved equal. D. Valve boxes and valve box covers: 1. For Water Facilities: a. Cast iron boxes shall be extension type with slide-type adjustment and flared base. The minimum thickness of metal shall be 3/16 inch. The word "W' shall be in the cover. The boxes shall be of such length as will be adapted, without full extension, to the depth of cover required over the pipe at the valve location. Boxes to be No. 3 for 6" and larger lines. 2. For Sewer Facilities: a. Valve boxes shall be made from Class 30B gray iron in accordance with ASTM A48. 5-2 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement b. The letter "S" shall be cast in the cover for sewer force mains. c. Bottom of cover and seat of frame shall be machined to provide a uniform contact surface. d. The boxes shall be of such length as will be adapted, without full extension, to the depth of cover required over the pipe at the valve location. e. All service valve boxes shall be No. 52, and all Main valve boxes shall be No. 53 regardless of the size. f. No. 52 valve boxes shall be U.S. Foundry 7605 ring and FB cover, or approved equal. g. No. 53 valve boxes shall be U.S. Foundry 7635 ring and FJ cover, or approved equal. PART 3— EXECUTION 3.0.1. GENERAL INSTALLATION A. Castings with cracks or other defects, shall not be installed in the work. B. The use of sloped asphaltic concrete ramp rings will not be permitted. C. The Contractor shall provide all barricades, signs and flashing warning lights necessary to warn pedestrians and motorists of the construction along the entire route of the project. D. Frames and covers or valve boxes and covers shall be set accurately to grade to conform to the finished grade of the adjacent areas. E. Castings level without tipping, to correct elevations. F. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to assure that castings are set to match existing and/or proposed finish paving grades. END OF SECTION 5-3 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement DIVISION 15— MECHANICAL 15000 BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS PART 1 — GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. The drawings and specifications shall be considered as complementary, one to the other, so that materials and work indicated, called for, or implied by the one and not by the other shall be supplied and installed as though specifically called for by both. The drawings are to be considered diagrammatic, not necessarily showing in detail or to scale all of the equipment or minor items. In the event of discrepancies between the drawings and the specifications, or between either of these and any regulations or ordinances governing mechanical work, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer of Record in ample time to permit revisions. 1.0.2. SITE INVESTIGATION A. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to visit the site of the work and become familiar with all available information regarding the location of existing facilities. Failure of the Contractor to fully inform himself of all existing conditions will not be cause for additional compensation. 1.0.3. NEW EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS A. All equipment and materials used in this installation shall be new, of the best quality and, unless otherwise noted, shall be standard catalog items of the various manufacturers. 1.0.4. STANDARDS A. The codes and standards covering mechanical work include, but are not limited to: 1. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 2. American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) 3. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 4. American Welding Society (AWS) 5. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 6. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) 7. American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 8. National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) 15-1 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 9. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA) 10. South Florida Building Code (SFBC) 11. Codes, Regulations, Ordinances, etc., of the State, County, and/or Municipality, in which the construction is located, and any political division having jurisdiction over this work. 1.0.5. CUTTING AND PATCHING A. All cutting and patching necessary for the work shall be performed by the Contractor. Where interferences occur, and departures from indicated arrangements are required, the Contractor shall coordinate the mechanical work with the other trades involved and make a determination as to changed locations and elevations of the piping and shall obtain approval from the Engineer of Record and the City for the proposed changes. 1.0.6. SAFETY REQUIEREMENTS A. In addition to the components specified and shown on the drawings and necessary for the specified performance, the Contractor shall incorporate in the design and show on the shop drawings all the safety features required by the current codes and regulations, including but not limited to those of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, and Amendments thereto. 1.0.7. METAL FASTENER A. Unless otherwise indicated, metal fasteners and related parts shall be of aluminum or American made stainless steel and shall be of adequate strength for the purpose intended. 1.0.8. PREVENTION OF ELECTROLYSIS A. Where the contact of dissimilar metals may cause electrolysis and where aluminum will contact concrete, mortar or plaster, the contact surface of the metals shall be separated using not less than one coat of zinc chromate primer and one heavy coat of aluminum pigmented asphalt paint on each surface; or where deemed necessary by the Engineer of Record, not less than one course of asphalt saturated cotton fabric cemented to both metals with flashing cement, shall be used. Finished works shall be cleaned and excess cement removed. 1.0.9. FACTORY TEST A. When equipment is required to be factory tested, the results of the tests shall be submitted to the Engineer of Record and the City and approval of the test results shall be obtained before shipment of the equipment. PART 2— PRODUCTS NOT USED 15-2 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement PART 3- EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 15-3 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 15002 FORCE MAINS PART 1 — GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. These Specifications shall govern the materials and installation requirements of the City of Miami Beach for force mains constructed in its service area. All pipe fittings and appurtenances intended for conveying or transmitting fluids under pressure shall conform to the requirements for force main materials contained in the of City of Miami Beach Public Works Manual. B. This Specification does not purport to cover all material or installation procedures which may be required, whether by the nature of the proposed work, or by the City, or by other regulatory agencies. C. It is intent of the City to obtain a complete and working installation under this project, and any items of labor, equipment or materials which may reasonably be assumed as necessary to accomplish this end shall be supplied whether or not they are specifically shown on the Plans or stated herein. 1.0.2. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. All material and installation shall be in accordance with the City's Design and Construction Standard Specifications and Details. B. The Contractor shall provide all required Certifications. 1.0.3. PERMITS, INSPECTIONS AND FEES A. The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits, official inspections and all other official fees, in connection with the work. B. Inspection by the City personnel is required in addition to, not in lieu of, County department inspections (if any). C. No installation will be accepted until it has passed all inspections, including pavement installation or replacement. 1.0.4. PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE A. Prior to commencement of the work, the Contractor shall attend a Preconstruction Meeting in accordance with Section 01100 "Special Project Requirements". 1.0.5. SUBMITTALS A. The contractor shall submit all shop drawings in accordance with Section 01340 "Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples". B. The Contractor shall furnish "As-Builts" in accordance to Section 01720 "Project Record Documents". 15-4 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement C. The contractor shall submit operating and maintenance instructions and all other submittals in accordance with Section 01730 "Operating and Maintenance Instructions". D. Where the specifications require test certification or certification that certain products or material furnished are as specified, the contractor shall deliver such certification to the City. No material or equipment shall be approved for use in the work until individual certification has been received. E. Final as-builts shall be submitted to the City at the time of final pressure testing and disinfection. 1.0.6. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS A. See Section 01016 "Safety Requirements, Hurricanes Preparedness and Protection of Property". B. Contractor shall avoid any tampering with active City facilities, such as operating valves on active mains. Any work on active mains shall be coordinated with the appropriate City personnel. PART 2— PRODUCTS 2.0.1. PIPE MATERIAL A. All material for use in the project shall be new and of recent manufacturing and shall be the products of reliable manufactures or suppliers who, otherwise specified, have been regularly engaged in the manufacture of such materials and equipment for at least five years. And that comply with the City standards & specifications, permitted plans and shall use any or all of the following materials: 1. Ductile Iron Pipe in accordance with Section 15060 "Piping and Fittings" can be used at any locations and from sizes 4"to 54". B. Ductile Iron Pipe (D.I.P.) for this pipe shall have a pressure class rating of 150 P.S.I. The interior of ductile iron pipes and fittings shall be poly-lined in accordance with AWWA/ANSI Standard C104/A21.4 or Protecto 401 Ceramic Epoxy with a minimum dry film thickness (DFT) of 40 mils. Either alternative shall require shop drawings approval prior to construction. Cement mortar lining is NOT acceptable for force mains. The outside coating of the pipe shall be asphaltic, approximately one (1) mil thick, as specified in AWWA C151, latest revision. The polyethelene wrap for ductile iron pipe encasement, shall conform to the requirement of ANSI Standard A21.5 and shall be manufactured from virgin polyethelene material. The lining shall have an eight (8) mil minimum thickness. Wrapping tape shall be of the same material. C. DIP. rubber gaskets and lubricant shall conform to the applicable requirements of ANSI Standard A21.11 15-5 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement D. On areas where there is information that indicates presence of contamination, pipe material shall be Ductile Iron and in accordance with Sections 15060 "Piping and Fittings" and 01560 "Temporary Environmental Controls". 2.0.2. CASTINGS A. Unless otherwise indicated, all materials, workmanship and practices shall be in accordance with the current edition of the ASTM A48, "Gray Iron Castings", Class 35B. Proof Loading: AASHTO M306 Loading. B. Castings shall be in compliance with Section 05550 "Castings". C. Valve Boxes and Covers for Sewer Facilities 1. Valve boxes shall be made from Class 30B gray iron in accordance with ASTM A48. 2. The letter"S" shall be cast in the cover for sewer force mains. 3. Bottom of cover and seat of frame shall be machined to provide a uniform contact surface. 4. The boxes shall be of such length as will be adapted, without full extension, to the depth of cover required over the pipe at the valve location. 5. All service valve boxes shall be No. 52, and all Main valve boxes shall be No. 53 regardless of the size. 6. No. 52 valve boxes shall be U.S. Foundry 7605 ring and FB cover, or approved equal. 7. No. 53 valve boxes shall be U.S. Foundry 7635 ring and FJ cover, or approved equal. 2.0.3. BRICK A. Concrete brick shall conform to ASTM Standard C55 "Concrete Building Brick". Clay brick may be substituted for concrete brick. Clay brick shall conform to ASTM Standard C62, "Building Brick (Solid Masonry Units Made from Clay or Shale)". B. Bricks shall have true edges and sharp corners and shall have been cured for at least 14 days before being placed. 2.0.4. VALVES A. See Section 15095 "Valves—General". B. See Section 15125 "Plug Valves". C. See Section 15130 "Miscellaneous Valves". 15-6 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.0.1. CONSTRUCTION METHODS A. Permits: The Contractor shall obtain all required right-of-way, City Building Department, and regulatory permits prior to commencing any work. B. Maintenance of traffic (MOT) shall be provided by the Contractor in accordance with Section 1 of the City of Miami Beach Public Works Manual. C. Flow Control: Flow control shall be exercised as required to ensure that no flowing sewage comes into contact with sections of the manhole or sewer pipe under construction. D. Pre-Shutdown Inspections 1. The following requirements apply to shutdowns for all non-emergency work. These requirements may be waived at the sole discretion of the City of Miami Beach Public Works Department for emergency work. 2. Shutdowns must be scheduled with the City one (1) week in advance. 3. Prior to the shutdown for tie in of any sewer mains, the City shall perform an on- site inspection in order to verify the following: a. Size of pipe b. Materials on-site 4. If this inspection does not occur or parts are missing, the shutdown will be canceled. 5. City shall be provided with a minimum of 48 hours notice for pre-shutdown inspection. 6. All shutdowns shall occur at night. 7. The City can, at any time, cancel scheduled shutdowns due to inclement weather events and/or special events. E. Flow management during construction will be done by the City with flow diversion towards the 42-inch force main on the discharge side of Pump Station 28. Please refer to Section 01120 "Sequence of Construction". F. Set-up and Verification: The Contractor's Florida Licensed Professional Surveyor and Mapper is required to recover the design baseline and verify the elevations and coordinates on a regular basis as needed. G. The Contractor is required to have a level instrument setup next to the construction site in order to control the vertical alignment of the pipe installation prior to trench backfilling. The level shall be setup daily for use by the surveyor, Contractor's foreman and City Engineer/Inspector. Any underground construction work that does not have a level properly setup will be stopped by the City Engineer/Inspector. 15-7 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement H. The Contractor is required to have a survey crew record the field information on a daily basis when there is underground pipe installation. The survey crew shall be on-site as needed to record and verify the information before it is covered. Any underground construction work that does not have the information recorded by a survey crew will be stopped by the City Engineer/Inspector. The Engineer/Inspector has the authority to order re-excavation of work that was covered without accurate survey measurements. I. The ends of existing mains shall be temporarily capped or plugged and anchored to keep them clean and the joints from blowing apart from internal pressure until the new main can be connected to them. Refer to Section 01120 "Sequence of Construction" for additional information. J. Where existing paving is damaged or removed by the Contractor, temporary paving as specified in Section 02745 "Pavement Removal and Replacement" shall be placed the same day as the ditch backfill and it shall be replaced with permanent paving, where shown on the plans, within thirty (30) days or in accordance with the local governing agency having jurisdiction. K. In addition to specific construction methods specified elsewhere, the following general requirements shall apply to the work under this project. 1. Pipe and fittings shall at all times be handled with great care to avoid damage. In loading and unloading, they shall be lifted with cranes or hoists or slid or rolled on skidways in such manner as to avoid shock. Under no circumstances shall this material be dropped or allowed to roll or slide against obstructions. Pipe and other material shall be distributed along the right-of-way in advance of installation only to the extent approved by the City. Such materials shall be so placed as to keep obstruction to traffic at a minimum. 2. Any work within the pipe and fittings shall be performed with care to prevent damage to the lining. Damaged lining shall be repaired, or the pipe section or fitting replaced as required by the City. No cables, lifting arms, hooks or other devices shall be inserted into the pipe or fitting. All lifting, pulling or pushing mechanisms shall be applied to the exterior of the pipe or fitting. 3. The Contractor's attention is called to the fact that connections to existing mains will probably involve the removal of a concrete anchor and cast iron plug; also, that the existing mains may be cast iron with poured lead Sulphur compound, or rubber gasket type joints, concrete with flanged outlet connections, or others. The Contractor should be equipped with the proper tools and equipment to make connections to any one or more of these existing mains. 4. Where required by the City and at his discretion, the Contractor shall eliminate dust annoyance to adjacent property owners by sprinkling its work area with water or by other approved means. L. When mains are to be installed within existing street areas, the Contractor shall limit the amount of ditch open at any one time to one block (approximately 600 feet). The 15-8 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement work in each block, including excavation, pipe laying, backfilling and temporary paving shall be completed before proceeding with the work in the next block. M. Boring and jacking operations and trenches remaining open to facilitate the repair of existing underground utilities damaged by the Contractor during excavation shall not be deemed a portion of the allowable 600 feet of open trench, unless otherwise decided by the City at its discretion. N. When mains are to be installed within existing street areas, the Contractor may employ more than one installation crew on the project but not less than 1200 feet shall separate any two open trench sections as defined hereinbefore. 3.0.1. INSTALLATION A. All ductile iron pipes shall be installed true and straight in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C 600 latest revision. Allowable pipe deflection shall not exceed 50% of the maximum deflection, as recommended by the pipe manufacturer. B. The centerline of the pipe shall not vary by more than two inches from the location shown on the plans and the top of the pipe shall not vary by more than two inches from the established grade, except at points where this tolerance must be changed to clear obstructions or make connections. Deviation from this location will be permitted only upon approval from the City. C. Detector Tape: All pipes shall have 3-inch-wide metal green detector tape for force mains. The words "CAUTION FORCE MAIN BURIED BELOW' on the upper side of the pipe shall be printed at 30-inch intervals along the tape. Tape shall be placed 18 inches below grade above all force mains or as recommended by manufacturer. Non- metallic tape shall be used above ductile iron pipe. D. Bedding and initial backfill shall be in accordance with approved City of Miami Beach Standard Detail. E. DI pipe shall be laid with minimum vertical cover of 48 inches. F. Vertical cover 36 inches to 48 inches below finish grade may be approved on a case- by case basis by the City of Miami Beach Public Works Department. G. For vertical cover 30 inches to 36 inches below finish grade, use ductile iron pipe Class 53. H. For vertical cover less than 30 inches below finish grade, use concrete slab as per Standard Detail 16-7; use of this Standard Detail requires written approval from the City of Miami Beach Public Works Department. I. Pipe and accessories shall be carefully lowered into the trench by means of derrick, ropes, belt slings, or other authorized equipment. Under no circumstances shall any of the water-line materials be dropped or dumped into the trench. All pipe, fittings and accessories shall be encased in Polyethylene tubing (8mil) thick. 15-9 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement J. Care shall be taken to avoid abrasions of the pipe coating. Except where necessary in making connections with other lines, pipe shall be laid with the bells facing in the direction of laying. Defects in coating are to be field repaired. K. The full length of each section of pipe shall rest solidly upon the completed pipe bed, with recesses excavated and shaped to accommodate bells, couplings, and joints. Pipe that has the grade or joint disturbed after laying shall be taken up and re-laid. L. Upon satisfactory excavation of the pipe trench and completion of the pipe bedding, up to the level of the outside bottom of the proposed pipe barrel, recesses for the pipe bells, or couplings, shall be excavated by hand digging. When the pipe is laid in the prepared trench, true to line and grade, the pipe barrel shall receive continuous, uniform support and no pressure will be exerted on the pipe joints from the trench bottom. Placing and compacting the bedding up to the level of the lower one-third of the pipe barrel shall immediately follow the installation of the pipe. M. The interior of the pipes shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign matter before being gently lowered into the trench and shall be kept clean during laying operations by means of plugs or other approved methods. During suspension of work for any reason at any time, a suitable stopper shall be placed in the end of the pipe last laid to prevent mud or other foreign material from entering the pipe. Any pipe found defective shall be immediately removed and replaced with sound pipe. N. Lines shall be laid straight and depth of cover shall be maintained as shown on the plans. Grades or pipe centerline elevations are shown on the plans. The Contractor will be permitted to use surveying instruments to maintain alignment and grade. At least one elevation shot shall be taken every one hundred feet(100') or portion thereof and deviation along the pipeline. 0. All bolts, nuts, gaskets and other joint materials for use in the pipeline shall be properly protected. P. Gaskets shall be properly stored, and care shall be exercised to keep them away from heat, light, oil, gasoline or other petroleum products. Gaskets shall be kept clean at all times and not handled with greasy or dirty hands. Gaskets shall be installed just prior to installation of pipe. Q. The joints of all pipelines shall be properly homed. The particular joint used shall be approved by the City prior to installation. R. Unless otherwise directed, pipe shall be laid with the bell ends facing in the direction of laying; and for lines on an appreciable slope, the bells shall, at the discretion of the Engineer, face upgrade. S. Push-on, restrained push-on and mechanical joints in ductile iron pipe and fittings shall be made in accordance with the manufacturer's standards except as otherwise specified herein. Joints between push-on and mechanical joint pipe and/or fittings shall be made in accordance with AWWA Standard C600, "Installation of Ductile Iron Water Mains and Their Appurtenances", except that deflection at joints shall not exceed one half of the manufacturer's recommended allowable deflection, or one-half of the allowable deflection specified in AWWA C600, whichever is the lesser amount. 15-10 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement T. Before laying push-on, restrained push-on and mechanical joint pipe and fittings, all lumps, blisters and excess bituminous coating shall be removed from the bell and spigot ends. The outside of each spigot and the inside of each bell shall be wire brushed and wiped clean and dry. The entire gasket groove area shall be free of bumps or any foreign matter which might displace the gasket. The cleaned spigot and gasket shall not be allowed to touch the trench walls or trench bottom at any time. Vegetable soap lubricant shall be applied in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations, to aid in making the joint. The workmen shall exercise caution to prevent damage to the gasket or the adherence of grease or particles of sand or dirt. Deflections shall be made only after the joint has been assembled. U. Cutting of ductile iron pipe for inserting valves, fittings, etc., shall be done by the Contractor in a neat and workmanlike manner without damage to the pipe, the lining, or the coating. Pipe shall be cut with a mechanical pipe saw. After cutting the pipe, the plain end shall be filed to remove all sharp edges and burrs. V. The pipe shall be restrained at reaction points as specified and shown on the plans. The pipe manufacturer shall instruct the Contractor in the making of such joints. In addition, mechanical restraint per Section 3.0.3. at minimum shall be placed at all bends, tees, plugs and other fittings. Encasement-type thrust anchors and collars shall be placed where indicated on the plans. W. City oversees connection between the old and new pipes and all wet taps on existing piping. ALL TAPS MUST BE WITNESSED BY THE CITY. Size-on-size taps are not allowed unless approved in writing by the City of Miami Beach Public Works Department. Tapping sleeve glands shall be tested and pass a pressure test of 100 psi for two (2) hours before the pipe is tapped. X. CITY TO OPERATE ALL EXISTING VALVES. VALVES BETWEEN EXISTING AND NEW WORK SHALL BE OPERATED BY CITY PERSONNEL. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THE CONTRACTOR'S PERSONNEL OPERATE ANY SUCH GATE OR VALVE. 3.0.2. RESTRAINING A. Unless otherwise indicated, all below ground fittings 30-inches in diameter and greater shall be provided with manufacturer proprietary restrained joints. B. Underground ductile iron fittings for DI pipe 24 inches in diameter and less shall be restrained mechanical joint fittings. C. All fittings and specific pipe joints shall be restrained as outlined below (NO SUBSTITUTIONS). MEGABOND coating system shall be provided for all EBAA products. D. All fittings and specific pipe joints shall be restrained as outlined below (or with approved equal): 15-11 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement JOINT RESTRAINT (or approved equal) Push-On DI Pipe 3-inch to 48-inch TR-Flex by U.S. pipe or Flex Ring by American; or EBAA Iron Series 1700 Megalug Fitting with DI Pipe EBAA Iron Series 1100 Megalug E. Minimum length of pipe to be restrained shall be in accordance with DIPRA Thrust Restraint Design for Ductile Iron Pipe, latest edition. F. Thrust blocks are not allowed unless specially approved by City of Miami Beach Public Works Department Engineering Division in writing. 3.0.3. SETTING OF VALVES AND BOXES A. Install where shown or specified, and set plumb. Valve boxes shall be centered on the valves and set plumb at finish grade. B. Where feasible, valves shall be located outside the area of roads and parking. Earth fill shall be carefully tamped around each valve box to a distance of 4 feet on all sides of the box, or to the undisturbed trench face if less than 4 feet. C. There shall be a valve at all branches tees and crosses except fire hydrants and fire lines. Valve shall have the top of the operating nut located at maximum of 12" below the finished grade. D. Valve boxes shall have a 12"x12"x8" reinforced concrete slab surrounding it, on paved areas at grade, and in swale areas 4" below grade for placement of sod over the slab, as per the City's Standard Details. 3.0.4. CLEANING, TESTING A. Force mains shall be cleaned and flushed prior to pressure testing, with sufficient pressure to displace all test water and to remove sand, mud, or other deposits. If necessary, other approved methods must be used to ensure the removal of all such deposits. Water used shall be metered and paid for by the Contractor. B. Mains shall be tested as a whole or in sections between line valves, unless otherwise specified or approved by the City. Unless otherwise approved by the City, the total length of pipe for any single test shall not exceed 2,000 feet. C. The complete force main system shall be pressure tested. The pressure test shall be for two (2) hours at 100 psi minimum test pressure in accordance with AWWA C600. No more than five (5) psi drop over the duration of the test. Final approval will be based on leakage test results. The maximum allowable leakage shall be determined by following AWWA formula: 15-12 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement L = SD times the square root of P 148,000 where: D = Pipe diameter in inches S = Length of lines in lineal feet P = Average test pressure in psi L = Allowable leakage for system in gallons per hour The pressure test shall be witnessed by a representative of the City of Miami Beach Public Works Department and the Engineer of Record or his representative. 3.0.5. PAVEMENT RESTORATION A. See Section 02745 "Pavement Removal and Replacement". 3.0.6. SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION A. Buried pipes shall be color coded with a blue paint as stated in the Florida Administration Code, Subparagraph 62-555.320(21)(B)3 and as required by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. If paint is applied during installation of the pipe, the paint shall be applied in a continuous line that runs parallel to the axis pipe and that is located on the top of the pipe. For pipes with an internal diameter of 24-inches or greater, paint shall be applied in continuous lines along each side of the pipe as well as along the top of the pipe. 3.0.7. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS A. As Built Drawings information, refer to Section 01725 "As-Builts Drawings". B. Force Mains: 1. All force main shall require profile drawing to show high and low elevation of the piping. Top of pipe shall be shown at each 100 ft. intervals, and finish grade. 2. Conflict manholes involving other utilities mains are to be avoided. 3. Design criteria evaluation for Air Release Valves will be required for vertical elevation changes of more than two (2) pipe diameter. END OF SECTION 15-13 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 15023 CODE AND STANDARDS PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. Without limiting the generality of the other requirements, all work herein shall conform to the applicable requirements of the following documents. All referenced specifications, codes, and standards refer to the most current issue available. 1. Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) AASHTO T-180 Standard Method of Test for Moisture—Density Relations of Soils Using a 4.54-kg (10-Ib) Rammer and a 457-mm (18- in.) Drop AASHTO M-306 Standard Specification for Drainage, Sewer, Utility, and Related Casting 2. American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) ASTM A48 Standard Specification for Iron Castings ASTM A126 Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings ASTM B62 Standard Specification for Composition Bronze or Ounce Metal Castings ASTM B92 Standard Specification for Unalloyed Magnesium Ingot and Stick For Remelting ASTM B148 Standard Specification for Aluminum-Bronze Sand Castings ASTM B209 Standard Specification for Deformed and Plant Carbon- Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement ASTM C478 Standard Specification for Circular Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections ASTM D4 Standard Test Method for Bitumen Content ASTM D1784 Standard Classification System and Basis for Specification for Rigid Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPUC) Compounds ASTM D2584 Standard Test Method for Ignition Loss of Cured Reinforced Resins 15-14 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement ASTM D2657 Standard Practice for Heat Fusion Joining of Polyolefin Pipe and Fittings ASTM D3034 Standard Specification for Type PSM Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings ASTM D3261 Standard Specification for Butt Heat Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Fittings for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe and Tubing 3. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) ANSI B16.1 Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: Classes 25, 125, and 250 4. American Water Works Association (AWWA) AWWA C104 Cement-Mortar Lining for Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings AWWA C105 Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile Iron Pipe AWWA C110 Ductile Iron and Gray Iron Fittings AWWA C111 Rubber Gasket Joints for Ductile Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings AWWA C115 Flanged Ductile-Iron Pipe With Ductile-Iron or Gray-Iron Threaded Flanges AWWA C150 Thickness Design of Ductile Iron Pipe AWWA C151 Ductile Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast AWWA C153 Ductile Iron Compact Fittings AWWA C210 Liquid-Epoxy Coatings and Linings for Steel Water Pipe and Fittings AWWA C508 Swing-Check Valves for Waterworks Service, 2-In. through 24-In. (50-mm through 600-mm) AWWA C550 Protective Interior Coatings for Valves and Hydrants AWWA C600 Installation of Ductile-Iron Mains and Their Appurtenances 5. City of Miami Beach Code of Ordinances 6. Florida Administrative Code (FAC) 7. Florida Building Code 8. International Organization for Standards (ISO) ISO 8179 Ductile Iron Pipes, Fittings, Accessories and their Joints— External Zinc-Based Coating 15-15 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 9. Miami-Dade County Code of Ordinances 10. Miami-Dade Division of Environmental Resources Management, Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER-DERM) Regulations 11. Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Regulations 12. Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) SSPC-PA 2 Procedure for Determining Conformance to Dry Coating Thickness Requirements 13. Ten State Standards B. Related standards specified elsewhere in the City of Miami Beach (City) Public Works Manual include but are not limited to the following sections. Section 1. Design Standards and Guidelines Section 8. Surveying, Drawing, and Drafting Requirements Section 9. Erosion and Sediment Control Section 10. Earthwork and Roadwork Section 13. Concrete Section 15. Sanitary Sewer Gravity Collection System Section 16. Sanitary Sewer Force Mains and Pump Stations PART 2— PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3— EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION 15-16 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 15095 VALVES —GENERAL PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. The Contractor shall provide all tools, supplies, materials, equipment, and labor necessary for furnishing, epoxy coating, installing, adjusting, and testing of all valves and appurtenant work, complete and operable, in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Where buried valves are shown, the Contractor shall furnish and install valve boxes to grade, with covers, extensions, and position indicators. B. The provisions of this Section shall apply to all valves and valve operators specified in the various sections of these specifications except where otherwise specified in the Contract Documents. Valves and operators in particular locations may require a combination of units, sensors, limit switches, and controls specified in other sections of these specifications. 1.0.2. REFERENCE SPECIFICATION, CODE AND STANDARDS A. Codes: All codes, as referenced herein, are specified in Section 01090 "Reference Standards." B. Commercial Standards: ANSI B16.1 125, Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Classes 25, ANSI B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 Pipe Threads General Purpose (Inch). ANSI/ASME B31.1 Power Piping ASTM A36 Specification for Carbon Structural Steel ASTM A48 Specification for Gray Iron Castings ASTM A126 Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges, Pipe Fittings ASTM A536 Specification for Ductile Iron Castings ASTM B61 Specification for Steam or Valve Bronze Castings ASTM B62 Specification for Composition Bronze or Ounce Metal Castings ASTM B148 Specification for Aluminum Bronze Sand Castings 15-17 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement ASTM B584 Specification for Copper Alloy Sand Castings for General Applications ANSI/AWWA C504 Specification for Rubber Seated Butterfly Valves ANSI/AWWA C507 Specification for Ball Valves, 6 Inches Through 48 Inches AWWA C508 Swing Check Valves for Waterworks Service, 2 Inches Through 24 Inches NPS AWWA C550 Specification for Protective Epoxy Interior Coatings for Valves and Hydrants 1.0.3. SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawing: Shop drawings of all valves and operators including associated wiring diagrams and electrical data, shall be furnished as specified in Section 01300 "Submittals". B. Valve Labeling: The Contractor shall submit a schedule of valves to be labeled indicating in each case the valve location and the proposed wording for the label. C. Affidavit from the manufacturers certifying that the valves furnished for this Project comply with the most recent applicable provisions of the AWWA Standards as modified herein. D. AWWA Standard Leakage and Hydrostatic Test factory test with certified test report for each valve. E. "Pre-Approved Product List," shop drawings, test and compliance certifications of all valves. 1.0.4. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Valve Testing: Unless otherwise specified, each valve body shall be tested under a test pressure equal to twice its design water working pressure. B. Bronze Parts: Unless otherwise specified, all interior bronze parts of valves shall conform to the requirements of ASTM B62. PART 2— PRODUCTS 2.0.1. VALVES A. General: The Contractor shall furnish all valves, valve operating units, stem extensions, and other accessories as shown or specified. All valves shall be new and of current manufacture. Where buried, these valves shall be provided with valve boxes, covers and valve extensions. 15-18 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement B. All valves shall be products of domestic manufacturing firms, as per the City's Public Works Manual. The manufacturer shall have a minimum of five (5) years of experience in manufacturing valves of the sizes required for this project. C. Valve bodies shall be epoxy coated cast iron conforming to ASTM A126, Grade B, ASTM A48, Class 40 or Ductile Iron ASTM A536, Grade 65 45 12. Where required to meet design operating conditions, valve bodies shall be manufactured of higher strength materials. Valve bodies shall have integral hubs for housing shaft bearings and seals'." D. All castings shall be clean and sound, without defects of any kind and no plugging, welding or repairing of defects will be permitted. All bolt heads and nuts shall be hexagonal conforming to ANSI B18.2 and shall be type 316 American made stainless steel. Gaskets shall be full face and made of natural or synthetic elastomers in conformance with ANSI B16.21 suitable for the service characteristics, especially chemical compatibility and temperature. Nonferrous alloys of various types shall be used for parts of valves as specified. Where no definite specification is given, the material shall be the recognized acceptable standard for that particular application. E. All buried valves shall be provided with valve boxes unless otherwise indicated. Valves boxes shall be as per Section 05550 "Castings" F. All buried valves and other valves located below a concrete operating deck or level, specified or noted to be key operated, shall have an operator to finish grade or deck level, non-rising stem, a 2-inch square AWWA nut with skirt, and cover or box and cover, as may be required. G. Protective Coating: Except where otherwise specified, ferrous surfaces, exclusive of American made stainless-steel surfaces, in the water passages of all valves 4 inch and larger, as well as the exterior surfaces of all submerged valves, shall receive a fusion bonded epoxy coating in accordance with AWWA C550. Flange faces of valves shall not be epoxy coated. The Contractor, through the valve manufacturer, shall certify in writing that such coating has been applied and tested in the manufacturing plant prior to shipment, in accordance with these specifications. H. Valves shall be furnished with operators, provided by the valve manufacturer. All operators of a given type shall be furnished by the same manufacturer. All valve operators, regardless of type, shall be installed, adjusted, and tested by the valve manufacturer at the manufacturing plant. Operator orientation shall be verified with the Engineer prior to installation. I. All operators, unless otherwise specified, shall turn counter-clockwise to open. Operators shall have the open direction clearly and permanently marked. All valve operators, manual, motor and pneumatic, shall be provided with the valve by the valve manufacturer.. J. Where buried, the valves shall have extensions with square nuts or floor stands. 15-19 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement PART 3— EXECUTION 3.0.1. VALVE INSTALLATION A. General: All valves , operating units, stem extensions, valve boxes, and accessories shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions and as shown and specified. Valves shall be firmly supported to avoid undue stresses on the pipe. B. Access: All valves shall be installed to provide easy access for operation, removal, and maintenance and to avoid conflicts between valve operators and structural members. C. General: 1. Resilient-seated gate valves shall be placed in vertical positions only. Horizontal placement of resilient-seated gate valves, even if supplied with bevel gearing, shall not be accepted. 2. The installation of all buried valves shall include a valve box and riser or manhole, as appropriate, in accordance with the City's Standard Details. 3. Riser pipes, valve boxes and manhole lids shall be carefully centered and set flush with the finished grade if in paving, or with the top of the ground if out of paved areas. All valve boxes shall be held in position with concrete as shown on the City Standard Details. 4. All valves shall be checked before installation to make sure they operate properly. All valves shall be thoroughly cleaned before installation, and during installation they shall be carefully aligned vertically and/or horizontally as indicated on the Plans. 5. The Contractor is advised that he is required to furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary to pressure test each valve furnished by the City, bi-directionally, prior to installation, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 6. All mechanical joint ended valves shall be connected to the abutting pipe or fittings in accordance with the requirements of Section 15060 "Piping and Fittings". 7. Upon completion of the Project, but prior to final acceptance, the Contractor in the presence of the Engineer, shall fully open each valve installed by him, except at connections to existing City mains. For valves 16-inch and larger, the Contractor shall count the number of turns required to operate each valve from a completely closed to a fully opened position, and shall paint the number on the bottom of the valve's valve box lid or manhole cover. VALVES AT CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING CITY MAINS SHALL ONLY BE OPERATED BY CITY FORCES. 8. Valves which are a part of the section of pipe being installed encased with polyethylene, shall also be encased with polyethylene in accordance with ANSI/AVWVA C105/A21.5 Method A, B or C. END OF SECTION 15-20 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 15060 PIPING AND FITTINGS PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. This section describes materials, testing, and installation of ductile-iron pipe and fittings for water. The work included in this section consists of furnishing all material, equipment, craft labor and performing all operations necessary for the supply, installation, and commissioning of all piping, fittings and accessories within the limits of work, as shown on the drawings and specified herein. B. Where references are made to other standards or codes, unless specific date references are indicated the latest edition of said standard or code shall govern. 1.0.2. WORK NOT INCLUDED UNDER THIS SECTION: A. Piping installation for various types of piping systems is specified other sections herein that constitute the Design Standards and Construction Details. Installations specified in this section are supplementary to those sections and in the case of conflict the more stringent condition shall prevail. 1.0.3. PIPING LAYOUT AND DESIGN CRITERIA: A. Field verify dimensions prior to preparation of layout and shop drawings. Obtain the following information from the drawings and specifications: 1. Elevation of the pipe centerline and of the completed ground. 2. Alignment of the pipeline. 3. Field test hydraulic gradient elevation (HGL). 4. Nominal internal diameter, ID. 5. Design internal pressure class or HGL. 6. Joint types. B. Obtain shop drawing approval prior to fabrication of piping. All items not specifically mentioned in the specifications or noted on the approved plans, but which are reasonably necessary to for a complete, functional, and satisfactory installation shall be included. 1.0.4. SUBMITTALS A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with the General Provisions. B. Provide an affidavit of compliance with standards referenced in this specification, e.g., AWWA C151, AWWA C153, etc. 15-21 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement C. Submit copy of report of pressure tests for qualifying the designs of all sizes and types of pipe and fittings that are being used in the project. The pressure test shall demonstrate that the minimum safety factor described in relevant standard is met. D. Submit piping layout profile drawings showing location and dimensions of pipe and fittings; submit after equipment and valve submittals have been reviewed and marked "Resubmittal not required." Include laying lengths of valves, meters, in-line pumps, and other equipment determining piping dimensions. Label or number each fitting or piece of pipe. Piping having identical design pressure class, laying lengths, and bell-and-spigot dimensions that is to be placed in long straight reaches of alignment may have the same identifying label or number. E. Provide the following information: 1. Lining thickness. 2. Wall thickness. 3. Material test data for this project. 4. Show deflections at push-on and mechanical joints. 5. Submit joint and fitting details and manufacturer's data sheets. F. Fully detailed drawings of all fittings proposed shall be supplied by the manufacturer with its bid. The tabulated nominal weight of each size and type of fitting shall also be supplied by the manufacturer for all items proposed. This weight shall be that of the bare casting prior to application of any lining or coating. G. Submit calculations and test data proving that the proposed restrained joint arrangement for restrained joint pipe can transmit the required forces with a minimum safety factor of 1.5. H. Submit copy of manufacturer's quality control check of pipe material and production. Include hydrostatic test records and acceptance test records. For each acceptance test, submit a stress-strain diagram showing yield strength, yield point, tensile strength, elongation, and reduction in area. Provide specimen test section dimensions and speed and method used to determine speed of testing, method used for rounding of test results, and reasons for replacement specimens, if any. Submit ring-bending test of pipe of the same diameter and pressure class as the pipe required for this project to prove ring-bending stress at 48 ksi results in a factor of safety of 2.0. I. For Ductile Iron Pipe and fittings, submit certificate that cement for mortar lining complies with ASTM C150, designating type. J. Submit test report on physical properties of rubber compound used in the gaskets. K. Submit test reports and certifications for ceramic epoxy lining as specified herein. Submit applicators qualifications. Submit manufacturer's written recommendations for application and repair of coating. 15-22 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement L. Submit drawing or manufacturer's data sheet showing flange facing, including design of facing serrations. M. Submit weld procedure specification, procedure qualification record, and welder's qualifications prior to any welding to ductile-iron pipe or fittings. 1.0.5. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. During shipping, delivery and installation of pipe and accessories, handle in a manner that is incompliance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and employ procedures that ensure delivery of an undamaged operable product. B. Exercise particular care not to damage coatings by limiting exposure or physical contact with other materials, objects, or the environment. 1.0.6. INSPECTION A. The Owner's Representative will inspect materials, production, and testing of pipes, fittings, and special pieces at manufacturer's plant. 1.0.7. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. All pipe, fittings and other materials supplied under this contract shall be subject to inspection while still on the delivery truck. It is the sole responsibility of the vendor and supplier to make prior contact with the Storekeeper or the Construction Management section and provide a minimum of 48-hours prior notice of delivery. When so notified, the City will make arrangements for inspection of the material upon arrival or within a reasonable time thereafter. Material shall not be unloaded without inspections taking place either prior to or, if necessary for examination, during the unloading procedure. The City will not be responsible for any delays or additional costs created by noncompliance with the requirement for prior notification or the requirement for thorough inspection. B. Materials shall be delivered in complete compliance with the AWWA Standards as modified herein, without damage, and shall match or exceed the quality of any samples supplied. The City absolutely reserves the right to require samples of any material supplied and to perform whatever tests considered by the Engineer, whose decision shall be final, to be in the City's best interest on said samples. Where such tests are of a destructive nature, the sample, if it passes the test will be paid for(at cost as shown by invoice) by the City. Samples failing will be immediately replaced with suitable material at the supplier's/Contractor's expense. Samples required prior to order as a condition for purchase or as a materials submittal for approval will be at the supplier's/Contractor's expense but, if approved and not used for destructive tests, may be used in the work with permission from the Engineer. C. Materials found to be defective, not in strict compliance with the quality standards of samples supplied or these specifications shall be immediately returned to the vendor at his expense. If defects are discovered at a later time, the vendor shall be required to remove said items and shall bare all costs for so doing together with any replacement costs. Rejection of items may subject the vendor to liquidated and/or actual damages as specified elsewhere herein. 15-23 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement D. Foundries supplying materials shall maintain their metallurgical records for a minimum period of two (2) years after fabrication and firms not doing so may be found in default. E. Foundries which provide cause for rejection include but are not limited to; incorrect metallurgy or metallurgy which cannot be verified to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer; foundry identification/location, size, pressure and material identification information lost, removed, non-existent, or not visible when assembled; not in complete compliance with all applicable ANSI/AWWA Standards as modified herein and/or these specifications; not in compliance with NSF/ANSI; not in compliance with approved shop drawings; out of roundness in excess of ANSI/AWWA requirements; dimensional differences in excess of ANSI/AWWA requirements; rough exterior coating; chipped, cracked, scratched or otherwise damaged interior or exterior coatings or linings; interior or exterior coatings which are too thin; coatings too thick to allow proper assembly; coatings too thick to allow proper grip by restraining gaskets or other restraining elements; pin holes or honey combing of pipe; weld spatter or excess metal in gasket grooves or the whole of the bell area; bell areas which are distorted or otherwise improperly cast; spigots which are out of round, not of proper dimension, or not beveled to an extent that will allow easy assembly of the pipe joint; gaskets which are defective or of the wrong material; lack of joint materials; improper or defective joint materials; bolting of the wrong material or size; electro galvanizing or other exterior plating when hot-dip galvanizing is required; incorrect, flawed or damaged interior coating or lining; lack or non-submittal of all required certifications; non-timely submission of certifications; incorrect/incomplete certifications or certifications lacking the signature, date and seal of a professional engineer when so required; flanges which are too thin, not a right angles to the pipe centerline, or otherwise distorted; together with all other flaws or defects which in the opinion of the Engineer, whose decision shall be final, adversely affect the assembly and/or function of the piping system as intended. PART 2— PRODUCTS 2.0.1. PIPE AND FITTINGS: DUCTILE IRON A. GENERAL 1. As used herein, "ANSI" denotes the American National Standards Institute, "AWWA" denotes the American Water Works Association, and "ASTM" denotes the American Society for Testing and Materials. 2. All pipe and fittings to be furnished hereunder shall conform to the referenced ANSI and/or AWWA Standard as modified herein, as appearing in the following sections. 3. All markings required on pipe and fittings, shall be permanent and clearly legible and located such that they will not be hidden or destroyed when assembled into the intended system. Plainly mark each length of straight pipe and each fitting at the bell end to identify the design pressure class, the wall thickness, and the date of manufacture, and the proper location of the pipe item by reference to the layout schedule. Mark the spigot end of restrained joint pipe to show clearly the required depth of insertion into the bell. 15-24 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement B. DUCTILE IRON PIPE 1. For Sewage Mains: a. DI pipe shall be centrifugally cast in metal molds or sand lined molds in accordance with AVVWA C151 of grade 60-42-10 ductile iron. The above standard covers ductile iron pipe with nominal pipe sizes from 3 inches up to and including 64 inches in diameter. b. The pipe thickness shall conform to standard pressure classes AVVWA C151 for the following sizes. The pressure class specified is the minimum permitted. NOMINAL PIPE DIAMETER (INCHES) CLASS 4 thru 12 350 14 thru 24 250 30 thru 54 150 c. Depending on design conditions, the City reserves the right to require special thickness classes of DI pipe per AWWA C151 for the following sizes. Flanged (FLG) pipe shall not be less than Class 53 as identified in Table 50.15 of AVWVA C150-91. PIPE NOMINAL PIPE CLASS TYPE OF JOINT MATERIAL DIAMETER (INCHES) DI 4 thru 12 52 MJ or PO DI 14 thru 54 51 MJ or PO DI All 53 FLG C. GASKETS 1. For Sewage Mains: a. Sewage Mains Shall use Neoprene or EDPM gaskets for typical applications and field conditions. 2. Areas with chemical or hydrocarbon contamination shall use the gasket material as recommended by RER-DERM. All joints shall be equipped with Viton gaskets B. FITTINGS Fittings and Joints (Water & Force Mains) 1. Fittings shall be manufactured in accordance with AVVWA C110 for nominal pipe sizes 3 inches to 64 inches, and shall be either flanged or mechanical joint. Any other fittings, 15-25 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement not included in AWWA C110 shall conform in design and performance to the requirements of this Section. 2. Fittings shall have a pressure rating of 350 psi for 4-inch to 24-inch fittings and 250 psi minimum working pressure for 30-inch to 64-inch fittings. 3. Ductile iron pipe above grade shall be flanged. 4. Mechanical and push-on type joints shall be in accordance with AWWA C111. 5. Flanges for flanged pipe shall be in accordance with AWWA C115, shall be ductile iron, shall be manufactured in the United States, shall be rated at 250 psi maximum working pressure, and shall be similar to flange Class 125 per ANSI B16.1. Where shown on the Drawings, pipe and fittings shall be furnished with flanges similar to flange Class 250 per ANSI B16.1. Fittings shall be provided with flanges having a bolt circle and bolt pattern the same as the adjacent pipe and/or mechanical devices. 6. No raised face flanges shall be used. The raised faces shall be milled flat. 7. Flange gaskets shall be full face neoprene rubber. Gasket material (push-on) mechanical joint, gasket restrained shall be neoprene. Restraining (Water & Force Mains) 1. Unless otherwise indicated, all below ground fittings 30-inches in diameter and greater shall be provided with manufacturer proprietary restrained joints. 2. Underground ductile iron fittings for DI pipe 24 inches in diameter and less shall be restrained mechanical joint fittings. 3. All fittings and specific pipe joints shall be restrained as outlined below (NO SUBSTITUTIONS). MEGABOND coating system shall be provided for all EBAA products. 4. All fittings and specific pipe joints shall be restrained as outlined below(or with approved equal): JOINT RESTRAINT (or approved equal) Push-On DI Pipe 3-inch to 48-inch TR-Flex by U.S. pipe or Flex Ring by American; or EBAA Iron Series 1700 Megalug Fitting with DI Pipe EBAA Iron Series 1100 Megalug C. Minimum length of pipe to be restrained shall be in accordance with DIPRA Thrust Restraint Design for Ductile Iron Pipe, latest edition. D. Thrust blocks are not allowed unless specially approved by City of Miami Beach Public Works Department Engineering Division in writing. 15-26 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement Fittings Conforming to ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.11-12 (Water& Sewer Use) 1. Restrained push-on joint fittings shall be cast ductile iron for use with ductile-iron pipe as specified above. Standard mechanical joint, and push-on joint fittings shall also be ductile iron for use with ductile-iron pipe as specified above. Fittings shall have a pressure rating of 350 psi for 4-inch to 24-inch fittings and 250 psi minimum working pressure for 30- inch to 64-inch fittings. All fittings with mechanical joints, flange joints and push-on joints shall conform to ANSI/AWWA Standard C110/A21.10- 12, "Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings ". In addition, fittings with mechanical joints and push on joints shall conform to ANSI/AWWA Standard C111/A21.11-12, "Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings". 2. The weight of fittings shall be as given in ANSI/AVVWA C110/A21.11-12 for ductile-iron fittings. The weight of mechanical joint fittings shall be as established in Tables 4 through 13. The weight of flanged joint fittings shall as stablished in Tables 14 through 21. Fittings Conforming to ANSI/AWWA C153/A21.53-11 (Water & Sewer Use) 1. Fittings shall have a pressure rating of 350 psi for 4-inch to 24-inch fittings and 250 psi minimum working pressure for 30-inch to 64-inch fittings. All fittings with mechanical joints, and push-on joints shall conform to ANSI/AWWA Standard C153/A21.53-11, "Ductile-Iron Compact Fittings ". In addition, fittings with mechanical joints and push-on joints shall conform to ANSI/AWWA Standard C111/A21.11-12, "Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings" except as otherwise allowed in C153. Mechanical joint glands shall be ductile-iron only. 2. The weight of a fitting supplied under the contract shall not be less than ninety-five (95) percent of the tabulated nominal weight supplied by the manufacturer's catalog literature for that fitting. Further, the weight of fittings supplied shall not be more than five (5) percent above the same tabulated nominal weight. C. JOINTS AND ACCESSORIES Joints in below-ground piping shall be flexible push-on or Mechanical joints, except where flanged joints are required to connect to valves, meters, and other equipment. Provide unrestrained buried joints except where restrained joints are specifically shown in the drawings. Joints in aboveground or submerged piping or piping located in vaults and structures shall be grooved end or flanged. Restrained joints for piping 6 inches and larger shall be TR-Flex by U.S. pipe or Flex Ring by American; or EBAA Iron Series 1700 Megalug. Weldments for restrained joints shall be tested by the liquid penetrant method per ASTM E165. Restrained joints for field closures shall be "Megalug" by EBAA Iron. Push-On Type Joints (Single Gasket and Single Gasket with Gasket Restraint) Push-on joints shall conform to ANSI/AWWA Standard C111/A21.11-12. 1. The required number of gaskets for each push-on joint pipe plus one extra for every 50 joints or fraction thereof, shall be furnished with each order. The gaskets shall be shipped in suitable protective containers. All single gasket pipe shall be as manufactured by United States Pipe and Foundry Company (Tyton), by the American Cast Iron Pipe Company (Amarillo Fastite), by McWane, Inc. (Mix of Tyton and Fastite), Tyler/Union (Tyton) or approved equal. 15-27 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 2. Push-on joints together with both their regular and gasket-restraint gaskets shall be of the design, dimensions and tolerances of either those provided by American Cast Iron Pipe Company (Amarillo Fastite/Fast-Grip) or those provided by United States Pipe and Foundry Company (Tyton/Field Lok). No other designs will be acceptable. 3. The pressure rating shall be stamped on the restrained gasket. The restrained gasket and joint restraining system shall conform to ANSI/AVWVA Standard C111/A21.11-12 rated at the following: Size Pressure Rating (Min.) 4-inch through 12-inch 350 14-inch through 20-inch 250 24-inch 200 30-inch and above 150 4. The restrained gasket shall be manufactured a color other than black to allow for visual inspection of the pipeline. The restrained gasket color shall be consistent throughout the system and shall be inherent within the rubber, not painted. 5. This type of joint restraint shall not be used above grade or as a carrier pipe within a casing. This type of restraint shall not be used with tape wrapped pipe or with too great a coating thickness on the exterior of the pipe. Pipe which will be field cut shall be measured at the location of the cut to check that the pipe diameter and circumference are within the particular manufacturer's tolerances for a spigot Mechanical Joints 1. Mechanical joints for fittings shall conform to ANSI/AVVWA Standard C111/A21.11-12. Bolt holes for mechanical joints shall be equally spaced, and shall straddle the vertical centerline. Tee head bolts and hexagonal nuts for all mechanical joints in fittings shall be of high strength low-alloy steel with composition, dimensions and threading as specified in ANSI/AVVWA Standard C111/A21.11-12. Glands shall be of ductile-iron construction for ductile iron fittings, and cast gray iron or ductile iron for cast gray-iron fittings. 2. The proper number of gaskets, glands, bolts and nuts, all conforming to ANSI/AVVWA Standard C111/A21.11-12, plus one extra gasket for every 10 joints or fraction thereof, shall be furnished with each order. The gaskets and joint accessories shall be shipped in suitable protective containers. 3. Follower glands held in place with set screws will not be acceptable. 4. Segmented glands will not be acceptable. Mechanical Joint Megalug-Type Restraining Systems 1. In any mechanical joint or push-on joint underground piping system restrained glands may be utilized for underground pipeline. The restraint mechanism shall consist of multiple individually activated gripping surfaces to maximize the restraint capability. Rings and gripping surfaces to be ductile iron conforming to ASTM A536 "Ductile Iron 15-28 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement Castings." The ductile iron casting of the restrained gland shall be bonded powder coated. The wedge and wedge assembly shall have a bonded liquid polymer coating applied for corrosion protection. The gland shall utilize torque limiting twist off wedge actuation screws. 2. Foreign and domestic manufactured restrained glands are allowed for pipelines 24- inches and below unless otherwise required by the City due to Federal or State funded projects which require domestic manufacture. In sizes 30, 36, 42 and 48-inch the prior written permission of the Engineer is required to use non-domestic manufactured restraining glands. The country of origin shall be clearly identified on the restraining gland and shop drawing. 3. The City absolutely reserves the right to require other forms of restraint where in the opinion of the Engineer the use of this form of restraint is not in the best interest of the City and his decision shall be final. Use of this type of restraint is restricted to underground mechanical joint or push-on joint applications and in general may not be used above grade or as a substitute for flanged joints. 4. The Megalug restraint systems manufactured by EBAA Iron Sales, Eastland Texas, will be considered the standard of quality for comparison purposes and if the City has any doubts as to the durability, quality, or ability to restrain of a proffered substitute, the entity offering the substitute shall bear the entire burden of proving this equality to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer. Other manufacturers producing this type of restraint system shall submit data with their shop drawings showing that their restraint system has been in the marketplace for a minimum of three (3) years in this country. 5. Each thrust-resistant mechanical joint or push-on joint made up with this type of restraint and the pipe and fitting of which it is a part, shall be designed to withstand an axial thrust from an internal pipeline pressure of at least 150 psi at bulkhead conditions without reduction because of its position in the pipeline nor for support from external thrust blocks. 6. This type of joint restraint shall not be used above grade except as previously specified nor shall it be used as a carrier pipe within a casing. This type of restraint shall not be used with tape wrapped pipe or with too great a coating thickness on the exterior of the pipe. Outlets and Nozzles 1. Provide outlets three quarters of an inch and smaller by direct tapping Ductile Iron Pipe in accordance with AWWA C600-10, Section 4.8. Provide outlets larger than three quarters of an inch up to 2 inches by tapping the pipe and attaching a service clamp. or use a threaded welded-on boss. Use American made stainless steel clamps for exposed piping. For outlets larger than 2 inches, use a tee with a flanged outlet. For outlets larger than 2 inches in buried piping, use a tee with a restrained joint outlet. Ductile-Iron Pipe Weldments 1. All welding to ductile-iron pipe, such as for bosses, joint restraint, and joint bond cables, as applicable, shall be done at the place of manufacture of the pipe. Perform welding by skilled welders experienced in the method and materials to be used. Welders shall be 15-29 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement qualified under the standard qualification procedures of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX, Welding Qualifications. 2. Welds shall be of uniform composition, neat, smooth, full strength, and ductile. Completely grind out porosity and cracks, trapped welding flux, and other defects in the welds in such a manner that will permit proper and complete repair by welding. 3. Material for fittings with welded-on bosses shall have a Charpy notch impact value of minimum 10 ft-lbs under the conditions defined in ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51-09. Test completed welds by the liquid penetrant method per ASTM E165. Completed welds shall be inspected at the place of manufacture by the liquid penetrant method. Conform to the requirements specified in ASTM E165, Method A, Type I or Type II. The materials used shall be water washable and nonflammable. D. LININGS AND COATINGS Saltwater Intrusion and Corrosive Soils Requirements 1. The project site is considered saltwater intrusion area where the installation is subject to groundwater level variation. For these areas, the City requires the use of V-Bio Enhanced Polyethylene Encasement and ductile iron pipe with a zinc basecoat under the asphaltic topcoat. All ductile iron pipe, fittings and valves shall be wrapped with the V-Bio Polyethylene Enhanced Encasement and have the zinc protective coating factory applied. 2. For corrosive soils encountered outside of saltwater intrusion areas during construction V-Bio Polyethylene Encasement shall be installed to protect the ductile iron main, fittings and valves. 3. Zinc Basecoat: The exterior of ductile iron pipe shall be coated with a layer of arc-sprayed zinc per ISO 8179. The mass of the zinc applied shall be 200 g/m2 of pipe surface area. A finishing layer topcoat shall be applied to the zinc. The mean dry film thickness of the finishing layer shall not be less than 3 mils with a local minimum not less than 2 mils. The coating system shall conform in every respect to ISO 8179-1 "Ductile iron pipes - External zinc-based coating- Part 1: Metallic zinc with finishing layer. Ductile iron fittings shall also have a zinc protective coating sprayed on at the factory at a minimum of 3 mils. 4. The V-Bio Polyethylene Enhanced Encasement shall be accordance with AWWA C600 and ANSI/AWWA C105, "Polyethylene Encasement of Ductile-Iron Pipe Systems". Color shall be blue for potable water and green for sanitary sewer,. Polyethylene encasement for use with ductile iron pipe systems shall consist of three layers of co-extruded linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE), fused into a single thickness of not less than 8 mils. The inside layer of the polyethylene wrap to be in contact with the pipe exterior shall be infused with a corrosion inhibitor and antimicrobial biocide to control galvanic corrosion. Product: V-Bio or approved equal. 5. Polyethylene encasement for ductile-iron pipe shall be supplied as a flat tube meeting the dimensions of Table 1 in AWWA C105 and shall be supplied by the ductile-iron pipe manufacturer. 15-30 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 6. Plastic adhesive tape shall consist of polyolefin backing and adhesive which bonds to common pipeline coatings including polyethylene. Products: Canusa Wrapid Tape; Tapecoat H35; Polyken 934; AA Thread Seal Tape, Inc.; or approved equal. 7. Install the polyethylene to completely encase the pipe and fittings to provide a watertight corrosion barrier. Continuously secure overlaps and ends of sheet and tube with polyethylene tape. Make circumferential seams with two or more complete wraps, with no exposed edges. Tape longitudinal seams and longitudinal overlaps, extending tape beyond and beneath circumferential seams. Wrap bell-spigot interfaces, restrained joint components, and other irregular surfaces with wax tape or moldable sealant prior to placing polyethylene encasement. Minimize voids beneath polyethylene. 8. Place circumferential or spiral wraps of polyethylene tape at 2-foot intervals along the barrel of the pipe to minimize the space between the pipe and the polyethylene. Overlap adjoining polyethylene tube coatings a minimum of 1 foot and wrap prior to placing concrete anchors, collars, supports, or thrust blocks. Hand-wrap the polyethylene sheet, apply two complete wraps with no exposed edges to provide a watertight corrosion barrier, and secure in place with 2-inch-wide plastic adhesive tape. 9. Repair polyethylene material that is damaged during installation. Use polyethylene sheet, place over damaged or torn area, and secure in place with 2-inch-wide plastic adhesive tape. Repair polyethylene encasement at all service connections in accordance with AVVWA C600- 10, Section 4.8. Asphaltic Coating 1. All Ductile Iron pipe and fittings shall be outside-coated with an asphaltic material applied by means of the airless spray method. The exterior coating shall comply with ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51 for this type of coating, shall be smooth without pinholes, thin, bare or overly thick areas. Smoothness shall be such that when hand rubbed, no "sand paper" feeling will be experienced and such that the spigot area will readily slide through the gasket without pulling, tearing, rolling or otherwise disturbing the sealing capabilities of the gasket. Spigot ends shall be beveled prior to coating to an extent that will permit ready insertion of the spigot through the gasket area. E. Linings For Sewage Force Mains—Ceramic Epoxy 1. The interior of all ductile iron pipes and fittings shall be lined with an epoxy lining. The epoxy lining shall be Protecto 401 Ceramic Epoxy as manufactured by the Protecto Division of Vulcan Painters, Inc. All DI pipe and fittings shall be lined with a minimum dry film thickness of 40 mils, except for the gasket groove and spigot end up to six (6) inches back from the end of the spigot which shall be lined with ten (10) mils of the material. All ductile iron pipe and fittings shall be checked for dry film thickness in accordance with the Society for Protective Coatings Paint Application Standard No. 2 (SSPC-PA 2). Each pipe joint and fitting shall be marked with the date of application of the lining system and with its numerical sequence of application on that date. The pipe supplier shall furnish a certificate stating that lining applicator has complied with all specification requirements relative to the material, its application, and inspection. Surface preparation, number of coats, application of the lining material, and field touch- up shall be in strict accordance with the lining material manufacturer's recommendations. During the installation of the pipe, the lining material manufacturer 15-31 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement shall provide the services of a field engineer to instruct and demonstrate to the Contractor's personnel the procedure for the field touchup of lining where field cuts and taps were required. Holiday inspection shall be conducted using test equipment described in AWWA C210, Section In accordance with coating manufacturer's recommendation, holiday testing may be conducted any time after the coating has reached sufficient cure. F. INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION 1. Inspection a. All ceramic epoxy lined ductile iron pipe and fitting linings shall be checked for thickness using a magnetic film thickness gauge. The thickness testing shall be done using the method outlined in SSPC-PC-2 Film Thickness Rating. Re-line any pipe whose lining is below the specified minimum thickness. b. The interior lining of all pipe and fittings shall be tested for pinholes with a nondestructive 2,500 volt test. Re-line any pipe not passing the test. c. Each pipe joint and fitting shall be marked with the date of application of the lining system and with its numerical sequence of application on the date. Procedures for Sealing Cut Ends and Repairing Field Damaged Areas: 1. Remove burrs caused by field cutting of ends or handling damage and smooth out the edge of the lining if rough. 2. Remove all traces of oil, grease, asphalt, dust, dirt, etc. 3. Areas of loose or damaged lining associated with field cutting the pipe shall be repaired, if approved by the Engineer, as recommended by the pipe manufacturer. The damaged area shall be stripped back by chiseling or scraping about 1 to 2 inches into the well- adhered lining before patching. The exposed metal and the 1 to 2-inch lining overlap shall be roughened with a coarse grade of emery cloth (#40 grit), rasp or small chisel. Avoid wire brushing or similar buffing which would make the surface too smooth for good adhesion. 4. With the area to be sealed or repaired absolutely, clean and suitably roughened, apply a coat of Protecto Joint Compound by brush in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. PART 3— EXECUTION 3.0.1. General: A. Furnish and maintain all barricades and flashing warning lights necessary to warn of the construction throughout the project. 15-32 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement B. Pipe and fittings shall at all times be handled with great care to avoid damage. Exercise particular care not to injure pipe coatings. In loading and unloading, they shall be lifted with cranes or hoists or slid or rolled on skidways in such manner as to avoid shock. Under no circumstances shall this material be dropped or allowed to roll or slide against obstructions. C. All work shall be performed by skilled workmen experienced in pipeline construction. D. All pipe and fittings shall be adequately supported by clamps, brackets, straps, concrete supports, rollers or other devices as shown and/or specified. Supports or hangers shall be spaced so that maximum deflection between supports or hangers shall not exceed 0.050 inch for pipe filled with liquid, but shall not be further than 6 feet apart, whichever is closer, unless otherwise shown.All pipe supports shall be secured to structures by approved inserts or expansion shields and bolts. E. All pipe shall be thoroughly cleaned internally before being installed.All pipes, except oxygen service, air and gas, shall be flushed with water and swabbed to assure removal of all foreign matter before installation. Air and gas piping shall be tapped with a hammer to loosen scale or other foreign matter that might be within the pipe, and then thoroughly blown with a high pressure air hose. Furnish and maintain suitable air compressor. F. Whenever possible, the pipe shall be installed with minimum 48-inches of cover. Deviations shall not be installed without written approval by the Owner. G. Joints may only be opened to adjust alignment by half of the AWWA or manufacturer's recommended opening (which is smaller). H. Tie Rods: Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, the size and number of tie rods for a joint or installation shall be as recommended by the manufacturer's design chart for a working pressure of 150 psi. Tie rods shall be installed as recommended by the manufacturer. 3.0.2. EXCAVATION FOR PIPING A. Refer to Section 02314 "Excavation, Backfill and Fill for Structural Facility and Utility Systems". 3.0.3. INSTALLATION OF PIPE, FITTINGS AND VALVES A. General: 1. The design drawings are in some cases diagrammatic. They may not show every bend, off-set, elbow or other fitting which may be required in the piping for installation in the space allotted. 2. The centerline of the pipe shall not vary by more than 2 inches from the location shown on the plans and the top of the pipe shall not vary by more than 2 inches from the established grade, except at points where this tolerance must be changed to clear obstructions, or make connections. 15-33 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3. Upon satisfactory excavation of the pipe trench and completion of the pipe bedding, a continuous trough for the pipe barrel and recesses for the pipe bells, or couplings, shall be excavated by hand digging. When the pipe is laid in the prepared trench, true to line and grade, the pipe barrel shall receive continuous, uniform support and no pressure will be exerted on the pipe joints from the trench bottom. Placing and compacting the bedding up to the level of the lower one-third of the pipe barrel shall immediately follow the installation of pipe. 4. The interior of the pipes shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign matter before being gently lowered into the trench and shall be kept clean during laying operations by means of plugs or other approved methods. During suspension of work for any reason at any time, a suitable stopper shall be placed in the end of the pipe last laid to prevent mud or other foreign material from entering the pipe. 5. Any pipe found defective shall be immediately removed and replaced with sound pipe. 6. Pipe and fittings shall at all times be handled with great care to avoid damage. In loading and unloading, they shall be lifted with cranes or hoists or slid or rolled on skidways in such manner as to avoid shock. Under no circumstances shall this material be dropped or allowed to roll or slide against obstructions. Pipe and other material shall be distributed along the right-of-way in advance of installation only to the extent approved by the Engineer. Such materials shall be so placed as to keep obstruction to traffic at a minimum. 7. No cables, lifting arms, hooks or other devices shall be inserted into the pipe or fitting. All lifting, pulling or pushing mechanisms shall be applied to the exterior of the pipe or fitting. 8. Lines shall be laid straight and depth of cover shall be maintained as shown on the Plans. Grades or pipe centerline elevations are shown on the Plans. The Contractor will be permitted to use surveying instruments to maintain alignment and grade. At least one elevation shot shall be taken on each length of pipe and recorded. No abrupt changes in direction or grade will be allowed. 9. The pipe and fittings shall be restrained at reaction points and at any point shown on the Plans or as shown in City's Standard Details or as specified herein. 10. The pipe manufacturer shall instruct the Contractor on the making of restrained joints supplied as a part of the pipe and fitting purchase. 11. All bolts, nuts, gaskets and other joint materials for use in the pipeline shall be stored under cover and properly protected. 12. Gaskets shall be stored in their original packing bags or containers, and care shall be exercised to keep them away from heat, light oil, gasoline or other petroleum products. Gaskets shall be kept clean at all times and not handled with greasy or dirty hands. 13. During laying operations, do not place tools, clothing, or other materials in the pipe. 15-34 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 14. When pipe laying is not in progress, close the ends of the installed pipe by placing a child-proof and vermin-proof plug. 15. The joints of all pipelines shall be properly homed. The particular joint used shall be approved by the Engineer prior to installation. If assembly is underwater, lubricant recommended by the manufacturer for underwater use is required. 16. Unless otherwise directed, pipe shall be laid with the bell ends facing in the direction of laying and for lines of an appreciable slope, the bells shall, at the discretion of the Engineer, face upgrade. 17. Each individual length of pipe and each fitting shall be solidly and evenly bedded throughout its length on a prepared bed on the floor of the trench and not supported in position on blocks or wedges. Pipe shall only be laid when the two preceding lengths have been thoroughly embedded in place to prevent any movement or disturbance of the finished joint. Any pipe which is disturbed or found to be defective after laying shall be taken up and relaid or replaced. 18. Bolts and nuts in flanged and mechanical joints shall be tightened in accordance with the recommendations of the pipe manufacturer for a leak-free joint. The workmen shall exercise caution to prevent overstress. Torque wrenches shall be used until, in the opinion of the Engineer, the workmen have become accustomed to the proper amount of pressure to apply on standard wrenches. 19. Cutting of pipe for inserting valves, fittings, etc., shall be done by the Contractor in a neat and workmanlike manner without damage to the pipe, the lining, or the coating. Pipe shall be cut with a mechanical pipe saw. After cutting the pipe, the plain end shall be filed to remove all sharp edges and burrs. 20. Mains shall be cleaned in accordance with Section 02505 "Cleaning and Testing of Mains." 21. All underground pipe shall be color coded as required by the Florida Administrative Code as specified in Section 15002 "Force Mains". 22. No request for additional compensation or Project time (except for a non- compensable time extension at the sole discretion of the Engineer, whose decision shall be final) resulting from encountering utilities or structures not shown, or differing in location or elevation from that shown, will be considered. The Contractor shall explore sufficiently ahead of the Work to allow time for any necessary adjustments without delay to the progress of the installation. Costs due to delays occasioned by encountering underground utilities or structures which could have or should have been discovered by timely exploration ahead of the Work shall rest solely with the Contractor. 23. Limit onsite pipe storage to a maximum of one week. Use unloading and installation procedures that avoid cracking of the lining. If necessary, use plastic sheet bulkheads to close pipe ends and keep cement-mortar lining moist. Deliver the pipe alongside the pipe 15-35 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement laying access road over which the pipe trailer-tractors can travel under their own power. Place the pipe in the order in which it is to be installed and secure it from rolling. Sandbags may be used to support the pipe in the ditch but no pipe shall be laid on blocks, except by the written permission of the Engineer of Record. Do not move pipe by inserting any devices or pieces of equipment into the pipe barrel. Field repair linings damaged by unloading or installation procedures. Flanged joints, mechanical joints and push-on joints in cast iron pipe and fittings may be made under water. B. Installation of Ductile Iron Pipe 1. All ductile iron pipes shall be installed true and straight in accordance with ANSI/AVWVA C 600 latest revision. Allowable pipe deflection shall not exceed 50% of the maximum deflection, as recommended by the pipe manufacturer. 2. Push-on, restrained push-on and mechanical joints in ductile cast iron pipe and fittings shall be made in accordance with the manufacturer's standards except as otherwise specified herein. Joints between push-on and mechanical joint pipe and/or fittings shall be made in accordance with ANSI/AWVVA C600 except that deflection at joints shall not exceed one half of the manufacturer's recommended allowable deflection. 3. Before laying push-on, restrained push-on and mechanical joint pipe and fittings, all lumps, blisters and excess bituminous coating shall be removed from the bell and spigot ends. The outside of each spigot and the inside of each bell shall be wire brushed, and wiped clean and dry. The entire gasket groove area shall be free of bumps or any foreign matter which might displace the gasket. The cleaned spigot and gasket shall not be allowed to touch the trench walls or trench bottom at any time. Vegetable soap lubricant shall be applied in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations, to aid in making the joint. The workmen shall exercise caution to prevent damage to the gasket or the adherence of grease or particles of sand or dirt. Deflections shall be made only after the joint has been assembled. 4. Taps into ductile iron pipe for corporation stops shall be AVVWA tapered thread only, and the Contractor shall provide suitable equipment for this purpose as approved by the Engineer. a. For Sewage Mains: 1) After the tap has been made, and the corporation stop installed into the pipe, the lining on the inside of the pipe shall be repaired with ceramic epoxy joint compound in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. The exposed exterior surfaces of the stop shall be heavily coated with Carboline Super Hi- Gard 891 White 1898, or approved equal. 5. Any work within the pipe shall be performed with care to prevent damage to the lining. Damaged lining shall be repaired as recommended by the pipe manufacturer or the pipe section replaced as required by the Engineer. 6. Sandbags may be used to support the pipe in the trench, but no pipe shall be laid on blocks, except by the written permission of the Engineer. 15-36 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 7. Since some settling of the pipe may occur due to unfavorable ground conditions the Contractor shall exert every care in laying the pipe to the required grade. Prior to backfilling, the pipe grade and settlement shall be checked, and the Contractor shall correct any excessive deflections or high points in the line to the satisfaction of the Engineer and at no additional cost to the City. 8. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, the pipeline shall be cleaned at intervals not to exceed 30 lengths of pipe. Cleaning methods shall meet the Engineer's approval, and must be sufficient to remove silt, rocks, or other debris which may have entered the pipeline during its installation. 9. Connections to existing mains shall be coordinated as required under Section 01110 "Special Project Requirements", 1.0.6. Connections to Existing Piping. 3.0.4. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Pressure and Leakage Testing: Hydrostatically test all pressure pipe. The test pressure for sewage force mains shall be 100 psi. Test Ductile Iron Pipe mains in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C600 latest edition once all backfill is in place and fully compacted, and after all thrust blocks have cured to their design strength. Do not test against closed valves. All pumps, piping and gauges shall be furnished, installed and operated by the Contractor and all such equipment and devices and their installation shall be approved by the Engineer. Pump shall be of a non-pulsating type suitable for this application and gauge accuracy certification may be required at the Engineer of Record's discretion. All pressure and leakage testing shall be done in the presence of a representative of the City as a condition precedent to the approval and acceptance of the system. END OF SECTION 15-37 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 15064 PIPING AND FITTINGS (HDPE) PART 1 — GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. Provide and install two sections of force main by means of horizontal directional drilling (HDD) method of installation. This Work shall include all services, equipment, materials, and labor for the complete and proper installation, cleaning, pressure testing and commissioning. 1.0.2. REFERENCES A. ASTM D618 —Standard Practice for Conditioning Plastics for Testing B. ASTM D2321 — Standard Recommended Practice for Underground Installation of Flexible Thermoplastic Pipe C. ASTM D2837 — Standard Test Method for Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials D. ASTM D3035 — Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (DR-PR) Based on Controlled Outside Diameter E. ASTM D3350—Standard Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Pipe and Fittings Materials F. ASTM D2657 —Standard Practice for Heat Fusion Joining of Polyolefin Pipe and Fittings G. ASTM D3261 — Standard Specification for Butt Heat Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Fittings for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe and Tubing H. ASTM F714 — Standard Specification for Polyethylene Plastic (PE) Pipe (SDR-PR) Based on Outside Diameter I. ASTM F2620 — Standard Practice for Heat Fusion Joining Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings J. ASTM D1505 — Standard Test Method for Density of Plastics by the Density-Gradient Technique K. ASTM D1238 — Standard Test Method for Melt Flow Rates of Thermoplastics by Extrusion Plastometer L. ASTM D2837 — Standard Test Method for Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials or Pressure Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Products M. ASTM D790—Standard Test Method for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials N. ASTM D638 —Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics 15-38 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement O. ASTM D2240— Standard Test Method for Durometer Hardness P. ASTM F1473— Standard Test Method for Notch Tensile Test to Measure the Resistance to Slow Crack Growth of Polyethylene Pipes and Resins Q. ASTM D1525 — Standard Test Method for Vicat Softening Temperature of Plastics R. ASTM D746—Standard Test Method for Brittleness Temperature of Plastics and Elastomers by Impact S. ASTM D696—Standard Test Method for Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion of Plastics 1.0.3. SUBMITTALS A. Conform to requirements of Section 01300 "Submittals". B. Submit shop drawings showing design of pipe and fittings indicating alignment and grade, pipe length, laying dimensions, fabrication, fittings, flanges, gasket material, and special detail. C. Submit detailed calculations for pipe design. D. Submit details of fusion procedure for HDPE pipe. 1.0.4. QUALITY CONTROL A. Provide manufacturer's certificate of conformance to Specifications. B. Furnish pipe and fittings that are homogeneous throughout and free from visible cracks, holes, foreign inclusions, or other injurious defects. Provide pipe as uniform as commercially practical in color, opacity, density, and other physical properties. C. The City reserves right to inspect pipes or witness pipe manufacturing. Inspection shall in no way relieve manufacturer of responsibilities to provide products that comply with applicable standards and these Specifications. 1. Manufacturer's Notification: Should the City wish to witness manufacture of specific pipes, manufacturer shall provide the City with minimum three weeks' notice of when and where production of those specific pipes will take place. 2. Failure to Inspect. Approval of products or tests is not implied by the City's decision not to inspect manufacturing, testing, or finished pipes. D. Pipe manufacturer to provide services of experienced, competent, and authorized representative to visit site to advise and consult the Contractor during jointing and installation of pipe. 15-39 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 1.0.5. QUALIFICATIONS A. Manufacturer: specializing in manufacturing the products specified in this section with documented experience of minimum 5 years of pipe installations that have been in successful, continuous service for same type of service as proposed Work. PART 2—PRODUCTS 2.0.1. GENERAL A. Furnish Driscoplex 4100 FM HDPE pipe or approved equal with solid wall pipe for heat join (butt fusion) for force mains application with minimum working pressure rating of 100 psi, and with inside diameter equal to or greater than nominal pipe size indicated on drawing and conforming to ASTM F2620. B. HDPE for force mains shall be high molecular weight. The resin material shall have a standard PE code designation of PE 4710. The pipe shall contain no recycled compound except that generated in the manufacturer's own plant from resin of the same specification from the same raw material pipe. The pipe shall be homogeneous throughout and free of visible cracks, bubbles, holes, foreign inclusions, or other injurious defects. It shall be uniform in color, capacity, density, and other physical properties. C. The pipe shall conform to either Iron Pipe Size (IPS) or DIPS standard dimensions. A standard dimension ratio (SDR) of 11 shall be used whenever available. Approval from the City of Miami Public Works Department is required for any pipe with a proposed SDR greater than 11 (i.e., wall thickness is reduced.) D. The HDPE pipe shall be color coded for the intended service. The color coding shall be permanently coextruded on the pipe outside surface as part of the pipe's manufacturing process. Painting HDPE pipe to accomplish color coding is not permitted. Color coding shall be Sewer—green with the following properties. Test Nominal Pipe Properties Unit Value Method ASTM 0.960 Density gms/cm3 D1505 (black) Melt Index (MI) Condition 190 C/2.16 kg gms/10 minutes ASTM 0.08 D1238 Hydrostatic Design Basis 73 F (23°C) psi ASTM 2837 1600 Hydrostatic Design Basis 140 F (60°C) psi ASTM 2837 1000 ASTM Min 2% Color: UV Stabilizer[C] - D3350 Carbon Black 15-40 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement Flexural Modulus 2/0 Secant— 16:1 span: depth 0.5 in/ min psi ASTM D790 >120,000 Tensile Strength at Yield psi ASTM D638 3500 Type IV Elongation at Break % ASTM D638 >800 2 in/min., Type IV Bar Elastic Modulus psi ASTM D638 >175,000 Hardness Shore D ASTM 62 D2240 PENT hrs ASTM >500 F1473 Vicat Softening Temperature °F ASTM 256 D1525 Brittleness Temperature °F ASTM D746 < -103 Thermal Expansion in / in /°F ASTM D696 lx 10-4 E. All HDPE pipe installed via open cut installation shall have a#12 copper wire laid along with the pipe and attached to a terminal with a cast iron lid that maintains continuity of signal and allows for magnetic location of the pipe in the future. 2.0.2. MATERIALS FOR SANITARY SEWER A. Pipe and Fittings: Shall be manufactured from a resin listed with the Plastic Pipe Institute (PPI)as TR-4. The resin material will be a minimum cell classification of 345464C. Pipe shall be manufactured to ASTM F714 and have a minimum DR of 11 (100 psi working pressure) unless otherwise specified on plans. No recycled compounds shall be used except for those generated in manufactured plant of the same resin cell class. Material meeting requirements of cell classification in accordance with ASTM D3350. B. HDPE fittings shall be manufactured to the requirements of ASTM D3261 and fabricated fittings shall be manufactures form pipe of at least one SDR heavier pipe than the system piping and shall be pressure rated to match the system piping. The butt fusion outlets of fabricated fittings shall be machined to the same SDR as the system piping to which they are to be fused. 2.0.3. TEST METHODS FOR SANITARY SEWER A. Conditioning: Conditioning of samples prior to and during tests is subject to approval by the City. When referee tests are required, condition specimens in accordance with Procedure A in ASTM D618 at 73.4 degrees F plus or minus 3.6 degrees F and 50 percent relative humidity plus or minus 5 percent relative humidity for not less than 40 hours prior to test. Conduct tests under same conditions of temperature and humidity unless otherwise specified. 15-41 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 2.0.4. MARKING A. HDPE pipe shall be marked either continuously or on intervals not to exceed five (5) feet by indirect printing with the following information. 1. Name and/or trademark of the manufacturer 2. Nominal pipe size 3. Dimension ratio (DR) 4. The letters PE followed by the polyethylene grade per ASTM D1248, followed by the Hydrostatic Design basis in 100's of pounds per square inch (psi) 5. Manufacturing Standard Reference 6. Production Code form which time and date of manufacture can be determined 2.0.5. HDPE FUSION PROCEDURE A. A fusion procedure that follows the guidelines of ASTM F2620 Standard Practice for Heat Fusion Joining of Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings must be documented on company letterhead. B. A record or certificate of training for the fusion operator must be provided that documents training to the fundamentals of ASTM F2620. C. HDPE pipes and fittings shall be joined one to another by thermal butt fusion, saddle fusion, or socket fusion in accordance with procedures recommended by the pipe manufacturer and as outlined in ASTM D2657 Standard Practice for Heat Fusion Joining of Polyolefin Pipe and Fittings. The manufacturer shall provide fusion training services to the Contractor upon request. D. Butt fusion joining of unlike SDRs shall not be permitted. Transition from one SDR to another shall be accomplished using mechanical couplings or a transition nipple which is a short length of the heavier SDR pipe with one end machined to the lighter SDR. 2.0.6. FUSION OPERATOR A. All HDPE fusion equipment operators shall be qualified to perform pipe joining and must be certified by the equipment manufacturer. Fusion equipment operators shall have current, formal training on all fusion equipment employed on the project. Training received more than two years prior to operation with no evidence of activity within the past 6 months shall not be considered current. B. When the fusion machine operator is employed by the HDPE pipe and fusion machine supplier, the supplier shall maintain an ISO 9001 Certified Quality Management System. 15-42 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement PART 3— EXECUTION 3.0.1. VISUAL EXAMINATION A. For pipe sections, examine the full exterior circumference for bead uniformity before cutting. After cutting the pipe section, review the interior bead. All beads should have visually acceptable bead formation as shown in Fig 4 and Appendix X2 of ASTM F2620. In addition, the following characteristics are expected: 1. There shall be no evidence of cracks or incomplete fusing 2. Variations in upset bead heights on opposite sides of the cleavage and around the circumference of fused pipe joints are acceptable. 3. The apex of the cleavage between the upset beads of the fused joint shall remain above the base material surface 4. Fused joints shall not display visible angular misalignment, and outside diameter mismatch shall be less than 10% of the nominal wall thickness 5. Fusion data record review that meet criteria of section 3.0.9. A. can be used as additional verification of visual indicators. 3.0.2. FIELD HYDROSTATIC TESTING A. When practical, intermittent and/or post construction testing of all HDPE lines will be performed in accordance with ASTM F2164 Standard Practice for Field Leak Testing of Polyethylene (PE) Pressure Piping Systems Using Hydrostatic Pressure. Pass/Fail Criteria as per section 9.8 of that standard should be observed. 3.0.3. QUALIFICATION EXPIRATION A. An operator's qualification will be considered expired when one of the following conditions has been met: 1. When the fusion machine operator has not completed a fusion joint using a qualified procedure for a time period of 6 months or more, their qualification has expired. 2. When there is specific reason to question the ability of the fusion machine operator to make fused joint meeting the requirements of the specification, the qualification of the fusion machine operator shall be revoked. 3. When the fusion machine operator has passed 2 years since last qualification date, their qualification has expired. 15-43 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3.0.4. FUSION UNIT REQUIREMENTS A. OWNER OPERATED FUSION EQUIPMENT 1. If the Contractor owns butt fusion equipment, the equipment must be serviced prior to use for this project. The machine must be environmentally friendly and in satisfactory working order. The hydraulic system must be leak free. The pressure gage must be checked for accuracy and the thermometer checked. For projects with pipe quantities of 5000 LF or longer, the fusion equipment should be serviced by a service center authorized by the manufacturer. 3.0.5. FUSION EQUIPMENT A. Fusion Equipment must be maintained by a service center authorized by the manufacturer. When requested, an inspection report detailing the components inspected prior to arrival at jobsite will be provided. B. No equipment older than 5 years should be on site without engineer approval and operating inspection as well as being a 4-jaw machine capable of fusing 63" or larger pipe. C. Data Logger must be within current calibration and have accompanying records with it. 3.0.6. FUSION DATA RECORDER A. A data recorder shall be used to record all fusion welds. The device shall record the following variables of each fused joint: 1. Heater surface temperature immediately before inserting the heater plate. Alternatively, the heater plate may be measured with a pyrometer and entered into the weld record. 2. Gauge pressure during the initial heat cycle 3. Gauge pressure and elapsed time during the heat-soak cycle 4. Heater removal (dwell) time 5. Gauge pressure and elapsed time during the fusing/cool cycle 6. Drag pressure 7. Pipe diameter and wall thickness 8. Type of HDPE material (Specification and Classification) and manufacturer Fusion Machine Identification 15-44 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement B. The device shall record the operator, a unique operator ID number,the date and time of each weld. C. Records showing the device is up to date on all required calibration should be available for presentation when requested. D. All fusion welds should be traceable to the report with a permanent paint marker/pen next to fusion weld. 3.0.7. FUSION DATA RECORD REVIEW A. The fusion date record for each fused joint shall be compared to the approved fusion procedure. The reviewer shall verify the following: 1. That all data required by section 3.0.8. A. was recorded 2. Interfacial pressure was within the acceptable range 3. Heater surface temperature was within the acceptable range 4. Butt fusion pressure applied during the fusing/cool cycle was correctly calculated to include drag pressure, fell within the acceptable range for the applicable size and agrees with the recorded hydraulic fusing pressure. 5. Butt fusing pressure was reduced to a value less than or equal to drag pressure at the beginning of the heat soak cycle. 6. Fusing machine was opened at the end of the heat soak cycle, the heater was removed, and the end was brought together at the fusion pressure with the acceptable time range. 7. Cooling time at butt fusing pressure met the minimum time specified a. If the recorded data in section A is outside the limits of the acceptable range, the joint is unacceptable. b. Frequency. Records for test fusion joints should be reviewed immediately after the joint is completed. Fusion joints for jobsite fusions should be reviewed daily or before being covered with backfill. 3.0.8. CLEANING AND TESTING A. The of the piping installed under this project shall be tested as follows and as directed by the City. With exceptions as noted below, all piping installed under this Contract shall be cleaned and tested according to Section 02505 "Cleaning and Testing of Mains". END OF SECTION 15-45 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 15080 HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLING PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. The work specified in this section consists of furnishing and installing subaqueous force mains using the horizontal directional drilling method of installation. This work shall include all services, equipment, materials, labor, pressure testing, restoration of underground utilities environmental protection and restoration. The contractor is also responsible for the installation of barricades, warning signs, and flagmen, when necessary and specified. B. All labor, materials and equipment required to install a force main using horizontal directional drilling shall be furnished in accordance with the requirements of the contract documents. Work shall include and not be limited to proper installation, testing, restoration of underground utilities and environmental protection and restoration. B. The Contractor shall perform the work in such a matter that does not interfere the operations of the roads, driveways, sidewalks, and pedestrian traffic as well as to minimize local environmental conditions of the site. C. The directional drill shall be accomplished by first drilling a pilot hole to design standards; then enlarging the pilot hole to sufficient size to accommodate the pull back. D. Drilling shall be performed from the laydown area north of the canal towards the south. E. The laydown area shall be located at the intersection between West 51st Street, La Gorce Drive and Pine Tree Drive. Also, if necessary, the contractor could negotiate with the property owner adjacent to the laydown area to store equipment, material, parking, and other uses if necessary. F. The HDPE pipe shall be stringed and fused adjacent to the curve and gutter along Pine Tree Drive to minimize traffic disruption. G. The Contractor shall expose and confirm the depth and location of all utilities along the proposed alignments and within the entry and exit workspaces prior to initiating the pilot hole This shall be done to verify that the pilot hole bottom hole assembly and subsequent reaming and pullback operations do not conflict with the existing utilities. 1.0.2. RELATED SECTIONS AND STANDARDS A. SECTIONS 1. Section 15060 — Piping and Fittings 2. Section 15604 — Piping and Fittings (HDPE) 15-46 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement B. STANDARDS The following is the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) / NSF Standards and American Water Works Associations (AWWA) Standards applicable for this project. 1. ASTM D2837 Standard Test Method for Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials. 2. ASTM D3139 Standard Specification for Joints for Plastic Pressure Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals. 3. ASTM F477 Standard Specification for Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pressure Pipe. 4. ASTM F714 Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) Based on Outside Diameter. 5. ASTM D1248 Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Molding and Extrusion Materials. 6. ASTM D3350 Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Pipe and Fittings Material. 7. ASTM D3261 Butt Heat Fusion Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings. 8. ASTM F1055 Electro-Fusion Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled PE Pipe. 9. ASTM F1962 Maxi-Horizontal Directional Drilling. 10. ASTM 2620 Heat Fusion Joining of Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings. 1.0.3. SUBMITTALS Submittals shall be in accordance with Section 01300 "Submittals" and shall include: A. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer of Record with five (5) copies of his site surface and sub-surface (soil borings) examination data prior to starting work. The Engineer of Record and the governing authority will analyze this information in conjunction with the equipment and methods specified below if any changes are required. However, no changes will be permitted unless specifically authorized in writing by the Engineer of Record and the governing authority. B. Two (2) weeks prior to the start of the directional drilling work, the Contractor shall submit the directional drilling work plan for the City's review. The work plan shall include the following Information: 1. Detailed construction sequence and procedure: A plan showing details of the proposed method of construction, sequence of operations to be performed, number 15-47 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement and size of construction crew, hours to be worked, pilot hole drilling procedure, reaming procedure, pullback procedure, method of monitoring the drilling head and method of verifying pipe location for as-built drawings. 2. The technical specifications of the: drilling equipment, down-the-hole tools, guidance equipment, slurry system and disposal, data recording system, butt fusion welding, and other miscellaneous equipment or tools. 3. Drilling fluid additives and corresponding MSDS. A drilling fluid plan which details types of drilling fluids, including the non-toxic fluorescent tracking dyes, cleaning and recycling equipment, estimated flow rates, and procedures for minimizing drilling fluid escape. 4. List of personnel and their qualifications and experience including that one of the subcontractors. 5. Traffic control plan. 6. An environmental protection plan and contingency plans for possible problems. 7. Safety Plan. 8. A Contingency Plan to remediate any drilling fluid spill and or fracking under the Flamingo Waterway or along the drilling path. The plan should include the clean-up process and disposal of the spilled drilling fluid. The plan in the event of drilling fluid escape includes but is not limited to, stoppage of work, notification of applicable permitting authorities whose right-of-way is impacted by the escape of drilling fluid, procedure to confine drilling fluids/muds, and procedure for repair/plugging of fissures at no additional cost to the City. 9. Equipment: Contractor shall submit specifications of directional drilling equipment. Equipment shall include but not limited to: drilling rig, mud system, mud motors (if applicable), down-hole tools, guidance system, rig safety systems. Calibration records for guidance equipment shall be included. Specifications for any drilling fluid additives that Contractor intends to use or might use shall be submitted. 10. Material: Provide Shop Drawings of the HDPE pipe with material specifications, including size, type, diameter and Manufacturer's data and certifications on piping and jointing methods. The shop drawing shall include a Certification. B. The Contractor will be responsible for maintaining drilling logs that provide drill bit locations at least 30 feet along the drill path. In addition, logs will be kept that record the following throughout each drill pass, backream pass or pipe installation pass: 1. Drill fluid pressure 2. Drilling fluid flow rate 15-48 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3. Drill thrust pressure 4. Drill pullback pressure 5. Drill head torque 6. Horizontal distance of drill head from entry point C. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer of Record with copies of his site surface and subsurface (soil borings) examination data prior to starting work. The Engineer of Record will analyze this information in conjunction with the equipment and methods specified below to see if any changes are required. However, no changes will be permitted unless specifically authorized in writing by the Engineer of Record. D. The Contractor shall perform directional drilling in accordance with an approved drilling method. The drilling method and sequencing of the drill shall be submitted by the Contractor at the scheduled pre-construction meeting. The Contractor shall also submit, for approval, the proposed layout drawing, drilling method, along with the proposed crossings(s) configuration, including entry and exit angles, radius of curvature, and entry and exit points. 1.0.4. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The requirements set forth in this document specify a wide range of procedural precautions necessary to provide the very basic. essential aspects of a proper directional bore installation and are adequately controlled. Strict adherence shall be required under specifically covered conditions outlines in this Section. Adherence to the specifications contained herein, or the Owner's Representative approval of any aspect of any directional bore operation covered by this Section, shall in no way relieve the Contractor of their ultimate responsibility for the satisfactory completion of the Work authorized under the Contract. 1. Contractor qualifications: Directional drilling and pipe installation shall be done only by an experienced licensed Contractor specializing in directional drilling technique. The said Contractor shall have experience in directional drilling under Florida waterways. The installation Contractor shall have a satisfactory experience record of at least 3 years engaged in similar work of equal scope. If patented processes are involved based on the pipe selection, the Installer shall be licensed, trained and in good standing with the pipe Manufacturer. 2. Performance Requirements: Lateral or vertical variation in the final position of the pipe from the line and grade depicted in the drawings shall be permitted only to the extent of 4 percent, provided that such variation is not detrimentally affect the operation of the pipe 3. Certification: Pipe products shall have been tested and approved by an independent third-party laboratory for continuous use at rated pressures. Pipe and couplings 15-49 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement intended for contact with potable water shall be evaluated, tested, and certified for conformance with NSF Standard 61 by an acceptable certifying organization. B. The Contractor shall haul, string, weld, coat field joints and hydrostatically test the pipeline sections. X-ray services shall be provided for all welds. The Contractor shall provide adequate security and shall be responsible for the integrity of the pipe section until after the pullback and final test of the pipeline. C. All work performed within the right-of-ways of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), South Florida Water Management District, or other governing agencies' right-of-ways shall comply with all requirements and conditions of the governing authority, permit requirements and all requirements and conditions of these specifications. D. The Contractor shall assume all responsibilities for its permittee while complying with all FDOT,where applicable, and governing authority requirements having jurisdiction over their work. The City reserves the right to enforce any and all requirements. 1.0.5. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. The Contractor shall visit the site and determine the proximity of structures on either side of the crossings. The HDD Contractor shall provide the City with a drilling plan outlining procedures to prevent frac-out and drilling fluid or the drilling process from adversely affecting these structures. B. Prior to pre-construction meeting, HDD Contractor is to submit frac-out plan per State Water Quality Standards, pursuant to Rule 62-302, with details of the non-toxic florescent tracking dyes that the Contractor will be using with the drilling lubricant as a monitoring method with the bentonite. C. Five (5) workdays written notice to start of the actual work shall be given to the City. D. The Contractor shall install, maintain, and leave in place any sheeting, underpinning, cribbing, and other related items (other than that required for the boring and receiving pits) to support any structure or facility affected by the boring operations. The Engineer, depending upon existing conditions, may require that additional sheeting for the excavation be left in place. E. The Contractor shall assume all responsibility for the methods and means of construction, the stability and accuracy of the drilled and reamed hole and constructed pits. F. All equipment used by the Contractor on the City's property and rights-of-way may be inspected by the City or the City's representatives. G. The HDD Contractor's methods and schedule shall comply with the overall project requirements. The HDD Contractor shall be familiar with the work within the Local subsurface conditions. 15-50 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement H. The HDD Contractor shall be responsible for all cleanup of the project site, debris, materials and equipment and shall clear the site and dispose of them in accordance with contract documents. 1.0.6. SAFETY A. The Contractor shall, at all times, conform to all applicable State and Federal regulations. B. Contractor is to adhere to requirements of the United States Army Corp of Engineers Permit. C. Guided directional drilling equipment machine safety requirements will include a common grounding system to prevent electrical shock in the event of high voltage underground cable strike. The grounding system will connect all pieces of interconnecting machinery: the drill, mud mixing system, drill power unit, drill rod trailer, operator's booth, worker grounding mats and any other interconnected equipment to a common ground. The drill will be equipped with an "electrical strike" audible and visual warning system that will notify the system operators on an electrical strike. D. Operators of the drill will wear electrical shock protection equipment and operate from common grounded mats as required. PART 2— PRODUCTS 2.0.1. GENERAL EQUIPMENT A. The directional drilling equipment shall consist of a directional drilling rig of sufficient capacity to perform the bore and pullback the pipe, a drilling fluid mixing, delivery and recovery system of sufficient capacity to successfully complete the crossing, a drilling fluid recycling system to remove solids from the drilling fluid so that the fluid can be re-used, a guidance system to accurately guide boring operations, a vacuum truck of sufficient capacity to handle the drilling fluid volume, trained and competent personnel to operate the system. All equipment shall be in good, safe operating condition with sufficient supplies, materials and spare parts on hand to maintain the system in good working order for the duration of this project. B. Equipment(graders, shovels, etc.)and materials(such as groundsheets, hay bales, booms, absorbent pads) for cleanup and contingencies shall be provided in sufficient quantities by Contractor and maintained at all sites for use in the event of inadvertent leaks, sleeps or spills. 2.0.2. DRILLING SYSTEM A. Drilling Rig: The directional drilling machine shall consist of a hydraulically powered system to rotate, push and pull hollow drill pipe into the ground at a variable angle while delivering a pressurized fluid mixture to a guidable drill (bore) head. The machine shall be anchored to the ground to withstand the pulling, pushing and rotating pressure required to complete the crossing. The hydraulic power system shall be self-contained with sufficient pressure 15-51 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement and volume to power drilling operations. Hydraulic system shall be free of leaks. Rig shall have a system to monitor and record maximum pull-back pressure during pull-back operations. The rig shall be grounded during drilling and pull-back operations. There shall be a system to detect electrical current from the drill string and an audible alarm which automatically sounds when an electrical current is detected. B. Drill Head: The drill head shall be steerable by changing it's rotation and shall provide the necessary cuffing surfaces and drilling fluid jets. C. Mud Motors(if required): Mud motors shall be of adequate power to turn the required drilling tools. D. Drill Pipe: Shall be constructed of high quality 4130 seamless tubing, grade D or better, with threaded box and pins. Tool joints should be hardened to 32-36 RC. 2.0.3. GUIDANCE SYSTEM A. A Magnetic Guidance System (MGS) or proven gyroscopic system shall be used to provide a continuous and accurate determination of the location of the drill head during the drilling operation. The guidance shall be capable of tracking at all depths up to 100 feet and on any round condition hard rock. It shall enable the driller to guide the drill head by providing immediate information on the tool face, azimuth (horizontal direction), and inclination (vertical direction). The guidance system shall be accurate to ± 2 percent of the vertical depth of the borehole at sensing position at depths up to one hundred feet and accurate within 5 feet (1.5 m) horizontally. B. The Guidance System shall be of a proven type and shall be operated by personnel trained and experienced with this system. The Operator shall be aware of any magnetic anomalies on the surface of the drill path and shall consider such influences in the operation of the guidance system if using a magnetic system. 2.0.4. DRILLING FLUID SYSTEM A. Mixing System: A self-contained and closed system. It should also be properly sized to prepare and deliver the adequate volume of slurry for the bore to mix and deliver drilling fluid. The mixing system shall continually agitate the drilling fluid during drilling operations. B. Drilling Fluids: Drilling fluid shall be composed of clean water and appropriate clay additives. Water shall be from an authorized source with a pH of 8.5- 10. Water of a lower pH or with excessive calcium shall be treated with the appropriate amount of sodium carbonate or equal. The drilling fluid shall be prepared with additives that are compatible with saline water. The water and additives shall be mixed thoroughly and be absent of any clumps or clods. No potentially hazardous material may be used in drilling fluid. 15-52 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement C. Drilling Fluids Recycling System: The drilling fluid recycling system shall separate sand, dirt, and other solids from the drilling fluid to render the drilling fluid reusable. Spoils separated from the drilling fluid will be stockpiled for later use or disposal D. If necessary, the proposed HDPE pipe can be filled with potable water or drilling fluid to reduce pipe buoyancy, the pulling load, and protect the pipe during the installation with the approval of the EOR. E. Under any circumstances, the proposed HDPE can be filled with cuttings. 2.0.5. OTHER EQUIPMENT A. Pipe Rollers: Pipe rollers shall be of sufficient size to fully support the weight of the pipe while being hydro-tested and during pull-back operations. Enough rollers shall use to prevent excess sagging of pipe. B. Pipe Rammers: Hydraulic or pneumatic pipe rammers may only be used if necessary and with the authorization of the EOR. C. Restrictions: Other devices or utility placement systems for providing horizontal thrust other than those previously defined in the preceding sections shall not be used unless approved by the Engineer prior to commencement of the work. Consideration for approval will be made on an individual basis for each specified location. The proposed device or system will be evaluated prior to approval or rejection on its potential ability to complete the utility placement satisfactorily without undue stoppage and to maintain line and grade within the tolerances prescribed by the conditions of the project. PART 3— EXECUTION 3.0.1. GENERAL A. The installation shall be coordinated with the railroad companies, FDOT, municipality in which the job is to be performed, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM), Army Corps of Engineers or agency having jurisdiction over the work. The Contractor shall not begin work until he has received permission from the City and the governing authority to do so. In the event railroad companies, FDOT or governing agency require payment for any services rendered, including services required due to around-the-clock construction, the costs shall be borne by the Contractor. B. The Contractor shall obtain all necessary permits required for around-the clock operation from the various agencies having jurisdiction over the work area, if he intends to schedule work as such. Additionally, the Contractor shall furnish and install temporary noise barriers as required to comply with noise ordinances of the various agencies having jurisdiction over the work area. 15-53 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3.0.2. PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS A. Al personnel shall be fully trained in their respective duties as part of the directional drilling crew and in safety. Each person must have at least 3 years directional drilling experience. A responsible representative who is thoroughly familiar with the equipment and type work to be performed, must be always in direct charge and control of the operation. In all cases the supervisor must be continually present at the job site during the actual Directional Bore operation. The Contractor shall have a sufficient number of competent workers on the job at all times to insure the Directional Bore is made in a timely and satisfactory manner. 3.0.3. HDD INSTALLATION A. The Contractor shall: 1. Be responsible for carrying out all HDD work in strict conformance to the requirements specified in the contract drawings, specifications, and permits from all applicable agencies. This includes being in compliance with the lawful requirements and permits of the Miami Dade County Public Works Department, City of Miami Beach Public Works Department, public agencies, and owners of public utilities or other facilities respecting the safeguarding of structures, air, ground, water, and other improvements that might be endangered by the HDD. 2. All personnel shall be fully trained in safety according to OSHA 1926 and equipped in their respective responsibilities. 3. Perform the HDD simultaneously and continuously until the pipe is in final position. 4. Be responsible for means and methods of HDD, and shall ensure the safety of the Work, the Contractor's employees, the public, and adjacent property, whether public or private. 5. Maintain traffic flow at all times during the progress of the Work. Provide adequate signs, barricades, flag persons, lights and other control devices in accordance with the provisions and requirements of the FDOT standards. No lanes of traffic shall be closed without prior approval. 6. Provide erosion and sediment control to minimize erosion and the transport of sediment beyond the limits of the work area. 7. Anticipate that portions of the HDD will be below the groundwater table and dewatering will be required. 8. Verify site conditions and access prior to any preparation or mobilization work to ensure on-time and prior delivery of pipes, material and equipment. Work performed for such purposes shall be incidental to the Work. 9. Request instructions from Engineer in writing, before proceeding, if there is a conflict between manufacturer's recommendations and the Drawings or Specifications. 15-54 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 10. Be responsible for all testing, survey, and documentation of the pre/post construction site conditions, to provide as a basis of comparison for the post construction conditions to be evaluated. 11. Carry out excavation for entry, exist, recovery pits, slurry sump pits, or any other excavation as specified in the Contract documents. Drill mud shall be contained in the sump pit and hauled offsite. 12. Provide all necessary adapters, specials and connection pieces required when connecting different types and sizes of pipe or connecting pipe made by different manufacturers. 3.0.4. DRILLING PROCEDURE A. Safety: Contractor shall adhere to all applicable state, federal and local safety regulations and all operations shall be conducted in a safe manner. Safety meetings shall be conducted at least weekly with a written record of attendance and topic submitted to EOR. B. Site Preparation: Prior to any alterations to work-site, Contractor shall photograph or video tape entire work area, including entry and exit points. One copy of which shall be given to EOR and one copy to remain with shall for a period of one year following the completion of the project. C. Work site as indicated on drawings, within right-of-way, shall be graded or filled to provide a level working area. No alterations beyond what is required for operations are to be made. Contractor shall confine all activities to designated work areas. D. The Contractor shall provide all material, equipment, and facilities required for directional drilling. Proper alignment and elevation of the opening shall be consistently maintained throughout the directional drilling operation. Entrance and exist angles for the drill are at the Contractor's discretion such that the elevation profile maintains adequate ground cover to reasonably precaution against hydraulic fractures with the drilling fluid and maintain the minimum cover shown in the drawings and specified herein. E. Drill Path Survey: Entire drill path shall be accurately surveyed with entry and exit stakes placed in the appropriate locations within the areas indicated on drawings. If Contractor is using a magnetic guidance system, drill path shall be surveyed for any surface magnetic variations or anomalies. F. The position of the drill string shall be monitored by the Contactor with the downhole survey instruments. The Contractor shall compute the position in the X, every 30 feet. Serious deviations between the design position which may affect the installation of the pipeline and are beyond the control of the Contractor to correct shall be documented and immediately brought to the attention of the City for discussion and/or approval. The profile and alignment defined on the construction drawings for the bores define the minimum depth and radius of curvature. The Contractor shall maintain and provide to the City, upon request, the data 15-55 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement generated by the downhole survey stools in a form suitable for independent calculation of the pilot hole profile. G. The use of separate steering system employing a ground survey grid system, such as a "tru-tracker" or equal should be used, at the Contractors discretion, to ensure proper monitoring of the drill string. H. Environmental Protection: Contractor shall place silt fence between all drilling operations and any drainage, wetland, waterway or other area designated for such protection by contract documents, state, federal and local regulations. Additional environmental protection necessary to contain any hydraulic or drilling fluid spills shall be put in place, including berms, liners, turbidity curtains and other measures. Contractor shall adhere to all applicable environmental regulations. Fuel may not be stored in bulk containers within 200 feet of any waterbody or wetland. I. Pipe: Pipe shall be placed on pipe rollers before pulling into bore hole with rollers spaced close enough to prevent excessive sagging of pipe. J. Pilot Hole: Pilot hole shall be drilled on bore path with no deviations greater than 5 percent of depth over a length of 100 feet. If pilot does deviate from bore path more than 5 percent of depth in 100 feet, Contractor shall notify Engineer and Engineer may require Contractor to pull-back and re-drill from the location along bore path before the deviation. 1. In the event that a drilling fluid fracture, inadvertent returns or returns loss occurs during pilot hole drilling operations, Contractor shall cease drilling, wait at least 30 minutes, inject a quantity of drilling fluid with a viscosity exceeding 120 seconds as measured by a March funnel and then wait another 30 minutes. If mud fracture or returns loss continues, Contractor shall cease operations and notify Engineer. Engineer and Contractor will discuss additional options and work will then proceed accordingly. K. Reaming: Upon successful completion of pilot hole, Contractor shall ream bore hole to a minimum of 25% greater than outside diameter of pipe using the appropriate tools. Contractor shall not attempt to ream at one time more than the drilling equipment and mud system are designed to safely handle. L. Pull-back: After successfully reaming bore hole to the required diameter, Contractor shall pull the pipe through the bore hole. In front of the pipe will be a swivel and reamer to compact bore hole walls. Once pull-back operations have commenced, operations must continue without interruption until pipe is completely pulled into bore hole. During pull-back operations Contractor shall not apply more than the maximum safe pipe pull pressure at any. M. Boring pits shall be shored with sheeting, or such other materials required. Sheeting shall be driven to a sufficient depth below the invert of the carrier pipe to resist any pressure developed by the soil outside the boring pit. Sheeting when used shall terminate not less than 3 feet 6 inches above existing grade. 15-56 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement N. If pipe becomes stuck, Contractor shall cease pulling operations to allow any potential hydro-lock to subside and shall commence pulling operations. If pipe remains stuck, Contractor shall notify EOR. The EOR and Contractor will discuss options and then work will proceed accordingly. O. The bore pipe will be pulled back in one continuous section and the Contractor must utilize a swivel to minimize the rotation of the product pipe during pull back. The EOR shall always have access to any measuring or gauging devices used for horizontal drill as well as any drilling logs maintained by the Contractor. P. At the completion of the directional drilling operations, the Contractor will be required to remove all sheeting in place. If steel sheeting is used, it may be removed after installation of the carrier pipe in the bore hole, but prior to installation of the joining carrier pipe. However, should damage to the roadway, pipeline or any other adjacent structure occur, the Contactor shall leave all remaining sheeting in place and redrive and leave in place any sheeting which is required to stabilize the site and prevent additional damage from occurring. The top of all sheeting left in place shall be cut off 36-inches below finished grade. Q. Bentonite or other stabilizing gels shall be used to prevent calving of the unsupported bore hole. 3.0.5. DRILLING FLUIDS AND CUTTINGS A. To the practical extent, the Contractor shall maintain a closed loop drilling fluid system and utilize drilling tools and procedures which will minimize the discharge of any drilling fluids. B. The guided horizontal direction drilling operation is to be operated in a manner to eliminate the discharge of water, drilling mud and cutting to the canal or land areas involved during the construction process. The Contractor shall provide equipment and procedures to maximize the recirculation or reuse of drilling mud to minimize waste. All excavated pits used in the drilling operation shall be lined by Contractor with heavy duty plastic sheeting with sealed joints to prevent the migration of drilling fluids and/or groundwater. C. Pits constructed at the entry or exist point area shall be so constructed to completely contain the drill fluid and prevent its escape to the surrounding land or canal. D. Waste cuttings and drilling mud shall be processed through a solids control plant comprised as a minimum of stumps, pumps, tanks, distiller/desander, centrifuges, material handlers, and haulers all in a quantity sufficient to perform the cleaning/separating operation without interference with the drilling program. The cuttings and excess drilling fluids shall be dewatered and dried by Contractor to the extent necessary for disposal, and disposal in offsite landfills at the Contractor's expense. Water from the dewatering process shall be treated by Contractor to meet permit requirements and disposed of locally. The cuttings and water for disposal are subject to being sampled and tested. The construction site and adjacent areas will be checked frequently for signs of unplanned leaks or seeps. 15-57 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement E. All drilling mud shall be removed from entry and exit area soils such that water will percolate. All disturbed areas shall be restored to original conditions. 3.0.6. DIRECTIONAL DRILL WORK PLAN & CONTINGENGY A. The work plan shall include the following information: 1. A plan showing details of the proposed method of construction. 2. A drilling fluid plan which details types of drilling fluids, cleaning and recycling equipment, estimated flow rates, and procedures for minimizing drilling fluid escape. 3. A frac-out plan in the event of drilling fluid escape to ensure that preventive and responsive measures are implemented, including, but not limited to, the following sections. B. Contingency plan. 1. Identify sensitive environmental areas and existing structures that can potentially be affected. 2. Ensure that experienced technicians perform the horizontal directional drilling to maintain safe limits of drilling fluid pressure. 3. Provide protocol for the timely detection of frac-outs by constantly monitoring and recording observable frac-out conditions during horizontal directional drilling activities: a. Drilling fluid pressure b. Pump volume rates c. Loss of circulation d. Location of drill head 4. Field meetings shall be conducted for the workers to identify and locate sensitive areas at the site which include the waterway, adjacent residential areas, adjacent recreational areas, existing utilities, etc. 5. Understand responsibilities for timely reporting any frac-out. 6. Identify qualified competent person to serve as a single point of contact onsite for implement the frac-out plan. 7. Implement and monitor proper installation of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) during horizontal directional drilling activities. 15-58 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement C. Protocol to implement in case of frac-out 1. Work will be stopped in the event of a spill, including the recycling of drilling mud/lubricant. 2. Determine the amount of drilling mud released and potential for the release to reach waterbodies. 3. Determine the location and extended of the frac-out: a. In land: i. Implement and enforce SWPPP and isolate the area with sand bags, hay bales, or slit fence to surround and contain the drilling mud. ii. Use vacuum trucks for assistance in the removal of drilling fluid. iii. Once excess drilling mud is removed, the area will be replanted using species similar to those in the adjacent area. b. Aquatic: i. Monitor frac-out for four (4) hours to determine if the drilling mud congeals. ii. Implement and enforce SWPPP and isolate/contain area, as necessary, with the use of underwater booms and/or curtains. iii. If the fracture becomes excessively large, a spill response team would be called in to contain and cleanup excess drilling mud in the water. Phone numbers of spill response teams in the area shall be on site and provided by the Contractor. iv. If the spill affects the area that is vegetated, the area must be replanted using species similar to those in the adjacent area. v. Notify the City and EOR within the first twenty-four (24) hours. vi. Provide report of the incident no more than fifteen (15) calendar days after the incident which shall include: Photographs after cleanup conditions, frac-out incident report describing time, place, actions taken to remediate frac-out, and measures implemented to prevent recurrence. 3.0.7. INSTALLING PIPE A. The pipe installed within the boring shall be in full conformity with these specifications and as shown on the drawings. The pipe shall be installed, as to a reasonable directional drilling ability, to the exact lines grades required after having been satisfactorily approved by the Engineer from the directional drillers expected drill path plan and profile sheets provided. 15-59 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement B. The type and size of the pilot string cutting head shall be at the Contractor's discretion. The type and outside diameter of the drill pipe to be used in the pilot string shall also be at the Contractor's discretion. C. The minimum depth requirement shown in the plans shall be maintained. Lateral positioning at exist shall be no further than 5 feet left or right of planned centerline, and horizontal positioning shall be no further than 5 feet short or long of proposed exit location. Entry and exit locations, as well as intermediate centerline stationing shall be staked by the Contractor. D. Upon approval of the pilot hole location, the hole opening or enlarging phase of the installation shall begin. The type of hole opener or back reamer to be utilized in this phase shall be determined by the types of subsurface soil conditions that have been encountered during the pilot hole drilling operation. The reamer type shall be at the Contractor's discretion. E. The open borehole may be stabilized by means of bentonite drilling slurry being pumped through the inside diameter of the drill pipe and through the opening in the reamer. The slurry will also serve as an agent to carry the loose cutting to the surface through the annulus of the borehole. These cuttings and bentonite slurry are to be contained at the exit or entry side of the directional bore in pits or holding tanks. The slurry may be recycled at this time for reuse in the hole opening operation, or it shall be hauled by the contractor to an approved dump site and properly disposed. F. Each length of pipe shall be inspected and cleaned as necessary to be free o debris immediately prior to joining. 3.0.8. DAMAGED OR IMPROPERLY INSTALLED PIPE A. If the pipe or protective coating is damaged before installation or does not meet the specifications it shall be replaced at no expense to the Owner. If the pipe is damaged during installation by the Contractor's operations, is placed at the improper grade or line or cannot be advanced because of an unseen obstruction or any other reason, it shall be abandoned in place, and filled with concrete. After abandoning a pipe, an alternate installation shall be made, as directed by the EOR except for pipe that must be abandoned in place due to unseen obstructions, the cost for abandonment of pipe shall be at the expense of the Contractor. No additional payment shall be made for the pipe, which is abandoned, including dewatering, excavation, drilling, etc. 3.0.9. EXISTING UTILITIES A. The drawings show existing buried utilities that are believed to be near the directional drill alignment. There is no guarantee that these utilities are located as shown or that other utilities are not present. It is the Contractor's responsibility to locate all utilities or other subsurface obstructions that may interfere with the work. 15-60 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement B. Utility lines and structures indicated on the drawings which are to remain in service shall be protected by the Contractor from any damage as a result of the operations. Where utility lines or structures not shown on the drawings are encountered, the Contractor shall report them to the City before proceeding with the work. The Contractor shall bear the cost of repair or replacement of any utility lines or structures which are broken or damaged by the Contractor's operations. C. All utilities in close proximity to the drill pilot bore, back ream or carrier pipe installation must be exposed through a"pot-hole"or other opening, in accordance with state utility locate laws and regulations, to ensure, through visual inspection, that the drill, reamer or pipe has caused no damage to the utility and maintains adequate clearance. 3.0.10. PIPE TESTING A. The Contractor will hydrostatically test the pipe after pullback to ensure its integrity, according to testing specifications. A calibrated pressure recorder shall be used to record the pressure during the test period. This record shall be presented to the EOR and made available to the City. The Contractor will supply portable mud tanks or construct temporary mud pits to contain excess drill fluids during construction. Upon completion of the work, the Contractor shall legally dispose of any drill cuttings and excess drill fluids in accordance with DERM regulations. The Contractor shall provide as-built drawings reflecting actual installation. B. The Contractor is required to perform a pressure test prior to installation of pipe. A leakage test shall also be performed post pulling.All leakage tests shall be completed and approved prior to placing of permanent resurfacing. When leakage exceeds the amount allowed by the specifications, the Contractor, at its expense, shall locate the leaks and make the necessary repairs or replacements in accordance with the specifications to reduce the leakage to the specified limits. Any individually detectable leaks shall be repaired, regardless of the results of the tests. C. HDPE hydrostatic leak test procedure consist of filling an initial expansion phase, a test phase and depressurizing. There are two (2) alternatives for the test phase. Ensure that there is no air trapped in the test section. Failure with entrapped air can result in explosive release and result in death or serious bodily injury. Use equipment vents at high points to remove air. 1. Initial Expansion Phase: gradually pressurize the test section to test pressure and maintain test pressure for three (3) hours. During the initial expansion phase, polyethylene pipe will expand slightly. Additional test liquid will be required to maintain pressure. It is not necessary to monitor the amount of water added during the initial expansion phase. 2. Test Phase—Alternate 1: immediately following the initial expansion phase, reduce test pressure by 10 psi, and stop adding test liquid. If test pressure remains steady (within 5% of the target value)for one (1) hour, no leakage is indicated. 15-61 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3. Test Phase — Alternate 2: this alternative is applicable when test pressure is 150% of the system design pressure. Immediately following the initial expansion phase, monitor the amount of make-up water required to maintain test pressure for one (1), or two (2), or three (3) hours. If the amount of make-up water needed to maintain test pressure does not exceed the amount in the attached, no leakage is indicated. 3.0.11. SITE RESTORARION A. Following drilling operations, Contractor shall de-mobilize equipment and restore the work- site to original condition. All excavations shall be backfilled and compacted to 95% of original density. Landscaping shall be subcontracted to a local professional landscaping company. B. In the event that the Contractor must abandon a drill hole before completion of the crossing, the Contractor will seal the bore hole and redrill the crossing at no additional cost to the City. C. If the pipeline becomes lodged and cannot be pulled out of the drilled hole during the installation, the Contractor shall seal the pipe and existing hole. The Contractor shall redrill a pilot hole and again commence the pulling of the pipeline. Cost of the pipe and its welding to replace the portion of the pipe not retrieved shall be borne by the Contractor. 3.0.12. RECORD KEEPING, AS-BUILTS A. Contractor shall maintain a daily project log of drilling operations and a guidance system log with a copy given to Engineer of Record at completion of project. The Contractor shall provide as-built drawings of the completed operation and certified as to accuracy by the Contractor. END OF SECTION 15-62 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 15102 TAPPING SLEEVES AND TAPPING VALVE PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE A. The Contractor shall furnish and install tapping sleeves and tapping valves, as shown on the Plans and/or as specified herein. All items not specifically mentioned in these specifications or noted on the Drawings, but which can be reasonably inferred as necessary to make a complete working installation, shall be included. B. Tapping sleeves, where shown on the Plans, shall fit the existing pipe to be tapped and the Contractor shall determine the outside diameter and type of pipe before ordering the sleeve. Field verification of dimensions is directed since actual locations, distances and levels will be governed by actual conditions. The Contractor shall adjust his work to conform to said field conditions. 1.0.2. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 15095 "Valves—General". 1.0.3. MANUFACTURE A. All valves shall be the products of domestic manufacturing firms which have been regularly engaged in the production of valves for at least 5 years. All valves specified herein shall be tested at the factory in accordance with the AWWA Standard Leakage and Hydrostatic Test as modified herein and a certified test report shall be furnished for each valve. 1.0.4. SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for all tapping sleeves and valves. B. Complete technical data and information on tapping sleeves for pipe other than cast iron shall be submitted to the Department for approval on an individual basis. C. Submit for all AWWA valves an affidavit stating that the valves and all materials used in their construction conform to the applicable requirements of AWWA as modified herein and that all tests specified have been performed and all test requirements have been met. PART 2— PRODUCTS 2.0.1. TAPPING SLEEVES A. Tapping sleeves with MJ outlets to connect MJ gate valves shall be constructed of 316 stainless steel. This shall apply to both water and sewer applications unless otherwise approved by the City. These units shall be manufactured of AISI Type 316 stainless steel passivated after welding or Type 316L. Threaded fasteners shall be Type 316 and gasketing shall be Neoprene, EPDM, or Nitrile for sanitary sewer use and SBR for potable water. A 15-63 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement standard resilient-seated gate valve shall be attached to the MJ outlet of the sleeve. B. Cast Iron tapping sleeves shall be designed to withstand a working pressure of at least 150 psi. Cast iron tapping sleeves shall be used with a flanged tapping valve. C. Full size taps (8-inch tap on an existing 8-inch main, 12-inch tap on an existing 12-inch, etc) main shall be made with a 316 stainless steel tapping MJ outlet sleeve. The inside diameter of the mechanical joint outlet fitting and branch shall be larger in diameter than nominal to allow the use of a full-size cutter. D. Tapping saddles for concrete pipe sewer mains 42-inches and larger may use a fusion bonded epoxy carbon steel saddle with 316 stainless steel straps. Large diameter saddles shall be individually approved by the City on a case by case basis. E. Each mechanical joint on the tapping sleeve shall be furnished complete with tee-head bolts and nuts complying with ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 "Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings" (latest edition). Tee-head bolts and hex nuts shall be of high strength cast iron. Bolts and nuts to join the two halves of the sleeve together shall be standard carbon steel, hex, or tee-head bolts and nuts which have been galvanized. F. The tapping sleeves, including outlet flanges shall be as dimensioned and thicknesses shall be as required by AVVWA/ANSI C110/A21.10. The tapping sleeves shall be mechanical joint ended, on the run, and shall have a connecting flange outlet, with centering groove (for all valves size 12-inch and below and for valves above 12-inch if available from the manufacturer),for connecting to the tapping valve. For tapping sleeves with outlets 12 inches and smaller, the connecting flange joint between the tapping sleeve and the tapping valve shall be in compliance with all applicable provisions of MSS Standard Practice SP60, latest revision, as developed and approved by the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, 127 Park Street N.E. Vienna, VA. 22180. For tapping sleeves with outlets larger than 12 inches, the connecting flange must provide a matching fit with tapping valves by other manufacturers. G. Each tapping sleeve shall be furnished complete with all necessary split end gaskets, longitudinal gaskets and two-piece (split) steel glands (follower glands held in place by set screws not acceptable). Gasket shall be shipped separately in suitable protective containers. Material for split end gaskets shall conform to ANSI/AVVWA Standard C111/A21.11. Material for longitudinal gaskets shall be rubber conforming to ANSI/AVWVA Standard C111/A21.11. H. Each tapping sleeve shall be furnished complete with all necessary split end gaskets, longitudinal gaskets and two-piece (split) steel glands (follower glands held in place by set screws not acceptable). Gasket shall be shipped separately in suitable protective containers. Material for split end gaskets shall conform to ANSI/AVWVA Standard C111/A21.11. Material for longitudinal gaskets shall be rubber conforming to ANSI/AVVWA Standard C111/A21.11. I. The sleeves shall be suitable for use with ductile iron pipe conforming to ANSI/AVVWA 15-64 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement Standard C151/A21.51, "Ductile-Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast in Metal Molds or Sand-Lined Molds, for Water or Other Liquids", with wall thickness and outside diameter as specified in Table 51.4 and 51.5. The sleeves shall also be suitable for use with other cast iron pipe with differing outside diameters and other types of pipe where required. J. Each tapping sleeve shall be Factory Hydrostatically tested on pipe to verify proper fit and weld integrity with zero leakage. 2.0.2. TAPPING VALVE A. Resilient-seated tapping valves shall have a mechanical joint outlet end conforming to ANSI/AWWA Standard C111/A21.11-00, "Rubber Gasket Joints of Ductile-iron and Gray- Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings," for connection to new piping and a flange inlet with centering ring, for connecting to the tapping sleeve. B. The tapping valves shall conform to the requirements listed for plug valves, including bypass valve when applicable, shall be furnished complete with all joint materials. Joint materials for the flanged inlet shall be ANSI-sized and approved and shall include a 1/8-inch thick full- faced neoprene gasket, and hot dipped galvanized carbon steel bolts and nuts with internal threads tapped or retapped after galvanizing. The flange inlet gaskets shall conform to the gasket material and property requirements set forth in ANSI/AWWA Standard C111/A21.11- 00. All gaskets and seals shall be neoprene, Buna-N, or approved equal, but not natural rubber. The mechanical joint outlets shall include the necessary joint materials conforming to the requirements of joint materials for mechanical joint ended plug vales as specified in Section 15125"Plug Valves". Bolt holes in the flanges of the mechanical joint shall be equally spaced and shall straddle the vertical centerline. Gaskets shall be shipped separately in suitable protective containers. Resilient-seated tapping valves shall be as manufactured by U.S. Pipe and Foundry Co., American Flow Control, Mueller, or approved equal. PART 3— EXECUTION 3.0.1. GENERAL A. Tap of any size to sewage force mains shall be made by a tapping specialist with credentials acceptable to the City. B. The tapping specialist shall be from any of the following: 1. EA Tapping Services 2. Hydra-Stop, a division of ADS LLC. 3. Rangeline Tapping Service, Inc. 4. T.D.W. Services Inc. 5. or approval equal C. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least seven days in advance of when he will be 15-65 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement ready to make the connection and shall have the tapping valve installed on the existing main with the new equipment satisfactory pressure tested and sufficient excavated work areas prepared for the City forces when they arrive to make the tap. D. The Contractor shall furnish and install a mechanical joint plug on the free end of the tapping valve, and shall pressure test the tapping sleeve and valve after installation on the main, but prior to tapping operations. No leakage will be permitted at any joint in either the tapping sleeve or tapping valve. The tapping sleeve and valve shall be filled with water and then pressurized at design test pressure. Duration of the test shall be determined by the City. The test shall be conducted in the presence of the Engineer, who will notify City forces of the satisfactory conclusion of the test, and arrange a definite time and date for them to arrive at the site to make the tap. No leakage shall be permitted at any joint in either the tapping sleeve/saddle or valve. E. The tapping valve requires the installation of a cast iron riser pipe complete with valve box and cover, centered over the operator, and set in concrete. F. All necessary sheeting, shoring, dewatering, excavation, backfill and compaction, surface repairs, and other items and work appurtenant to or incidental to the work shall be performed by the Contractor. G. For Concrete mains the tapping saddle shall be tested after installation at a pressure of 5 psi lower than the operating pressure of the pipeline at the time of the test. A pressure reading shall be taken from an air release valve prior to performing the pressure test on the saddle. H. The Contractor shall pressure test the tapping sleeve and valve after installation on the main, but prior to tapping operations. The test shall be conducted in the presence of the City's Inspector. No leakage will be permitted at any joint in either the tapping sleeve or tapping valve. 3.0.2. TAP BY CITY FORCES A. The Contractor shall notify the City at least 48-hours in advance of when he will be ready to make the tap and shall have the tapping sleeve and valve installed on the existing main and satisfactorily tested as specified below, with a sufficient excavated work area prepared for the City forces when they arrive to make the tap. B. The Contractor shall furnish and install mechanical joint plug on the free end of the tapping valve, and shall pressure test the tapping sleeve and valve after installation on the main, but prior to tapping operations. No leakage will be permitted at any at any joint in either the tapping sleeve or tapping valve. The tapping sleeve and valve shall be filled with water and then pressurized to the required test pressure. Duration of the test shall be determined by the City. The test shall be conducted in the presence of the City's Inspector, who will notify City forces of the satisfactory conclusion of the test, and arrange a definite time and date for them to arrive at the site to make a tap. C. A crane or other suitable equipment as approved by the City, shall be furnished by the Contractor to unload the tapping machine, position it in the trench for bolting to the valve, 15-66 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement and to reload it after the tapping operation has been completed. D. City forces will connect the tapping machine to the valve, and disconnect it after the tap is complete; however, the Contractor shall furnish suitable devices or material to support the machine in the trench for proper alignment, as required by the City. E. The Contractor shall aid the City's forces whenever and to whatever extent necessary for the tapping operation to be performed efficiently and without any undue time lost. 3.0.3. TAPPING BY NON-CITY FORCES A. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable provisions of Subsections 3.0.1. and 3.0.2., above, including installation and pressure testing of tapping sleeve and valve in the presence of the City's Inspector. B. Since cutting equipment used for this type of installation is of a special design, the Contractor shall make provisions for furnishing a tapping specialist to perform actual tapping operation. The qualifications of the tapping specialist shall be forwarded to the City prior to any tapping work. The Contractor shall also furnish all incidental equipment necessary to operate the tapping machine and perform a complete operation to the satisfaction of the Engineer. C. The tapping valve shall be installed in the horizontal position with the operator in the vertical position, and shall include a valve box cover. Tapping valves shall be left in the closed position. D. When the invert of the tapping valve is under water, interlocking sheeting and tremie concrete shall be used, unless otherwise approved by the City. Seal the perimeter of all pipes passing through the sheeting below the water table. Only minimum seepage will be permitted. The cofferdam must be designed and sealed by a State of Florida, P.E. No work will be permitted within the cofferdam until it is demonstrated to the City to be dry. Approval to remove the initial water in the cofferdam must be obtained from the City and other governmental agencies jurisdiction over the work. E. All tapping operations shall be conducted under the direct supervision of the previously approved tapping specialist. All operations shall have prior approval of the City. 3.0.4. RECORD DRAWINGS A. Record Drawings shall be prepared in accordance with Section 01720 "Project Record Documents". B. The location and elevation for each valve, tapping outlet, fitting, service line and other appurtenances along the pipeline shall be recorded by the Contractor's Florida Registered Surveyor and Mapper. END OF SECTION 15-67 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 15115 CHECK VALVES PART 1 — GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. The Contractor shall furnish and install check valves complete and operable, including all appurtenances and accessories. 1.0.2. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 15095 "Valves—General". PART 2— PRODUCTS 2.0.1. CHECK VALVE A. General 1. The swing-check valves shall be standard (plain), outside lever-and-weight or outside lever-and-spring types, for normal horizontal installations, conforming to all of the applicable requirements of the most current ANSI/AWWA Standard C508, "Swing-Check Valves for Waterworks Service, 2-in. Through 24 In. NPS", except as otherwise specified herein. The valves shall be iron body, bronze mounted and suitable for buried service. 2. Valve bonnet opening shall be large enough to allow ample clearance for direct removal of disc by hand. B. External Ferrous Items All external ferrous items, except cast iron, shall be hot-dipped galvanized in accordance with the most current ANSI/ASTM Standard A123, "Zinc (Hot-Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products", or ANSI/ASTM Standard A153, "Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware", or stainless steel. C. Flanged Valves Flanged valves shall have ends plain-faced and drilled conforming to ANSI Standard B16.1, "Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings", Class 125. Bolt holes in the flanges shall be equally spaced and shall straddle the vertical and horizontal centerline. All joint materials for flanged valves will be furnished with the valves; neoprene for sewer and SBR for water applications. D. Clapper 1. The clapper shall swing clear of the waterway when the valve opens, permitting a full flow through the valve equal to the nominal diameter of the pipe. 2. The body and clapper seating surface shall be metal to metal and shall be bronze. 15-68 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 3. The clapper disc and the clapper hinge arm, including the clapper disc cap screw, shall be bronze or cast iron. Clapper to hing arm connection shall be such that the unit cannot be unscrewed by fluid flow. E. Clapper Hinge Pin 1. The clapper hinge pinge (staff) shall be 304 stainless stell. For check valves with outside levers, the clapper hinge pin shall rest in bronze bushings and shall extend through the casing on the right-hand side when facing the valve inlet. 2. The clapper hinge pins shall rest in bronze bushings provided with a compression packing or double nitril o-ring seal and shall extend through the casing on the right- hand side when facing the valve inlet. An opening shall be provided in each of two bosses on the body for easy access to either end of the hinge pin. The openings shall be tapped and provided with plugs. F. See Part 2 of Section 15095 "Valves—General", for other components. 2.0.2. TESTING A. All check valves shall be tested at the factory in accordance with Section 5.2 of the most current ANSI/AVVVVA Standard C508 and a Certified Test Report shall be furnished with each valve. PART 3— EXECUTION 3.0.1. GENERAL A. All valves shall be installed in accordance with provisions of Section 15095 "Valves — General". Care shall be taken that all valves are well supported. END OF SECTION 15-69 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 15125 PLUG VALVES PART 1 — GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE A. The Contractor shall furnish and install plug valves, complete and operable, as shown and specified herein, appurtenances, operators, and accessories. B. Plug Valves 30-inch and larger shall have the actuator installed with a manhole structure. Space limitations may preclude full structures underground. C. Plug valves are required for this project for the 30-inch force main. The substitution of plug valves with resilient-seated gate valves will not be accepted. 1.0.2. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Section 15095 "Valves—General". 1.0.3. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The plug valve manufacturer shall have a line of parts available to support the plug valve furnished to the City. Manufacturers with a history of unsatisfactory performance or discontinuing spare parts shall be disapproved. PART 2— PRODUCTS 2.0.1. PLUG VALVES A. Plug valves shall be of the non-lubricated, eccentric seating plug type with synthetic rubber-faced plugs. All valves shall be provided with limit stops and rotate 90° from fully open to fully shut. The minimum working pressure for all valves shall be 150 psi for valves through 36-inch, and the test pressure shall be at least 270 psi for valves up through 12-inch and at least 230 psi for valves 14-inch and larger. Plug valves located at the discharge end of a pump station shall have a 100 percent port area. Plug valve 6- inch and smaller with an 80 percent minimum port area are acceptable only at locations away from lift stations. Plug valves 8-inch and larger shall be full opening with 100 percent port area. Plug valves, 8-inch and smaller shall be designed for operation in a horizontal pipeline with the valve shaft in a vertical position. Plug valves larger than 8- inch shall be designed for operation in a horizontal pipeline, with the valve shaft in a horizontal position and the operating shaft in a vertical position. The plug valves shall be as manufactured by DeZurik Company, Pratt, Kennedy, or equal as approved by the City, and shall be the standard product of a manufacturer which has produced and sold such equipment for a period of at least five (5) years. Valves shall be suitable for buried, submerged service B. Mechanical joint buried plug valves shall have ends complying with ANSI/AWWA Standard C111. "Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings". Mechanical joint gaskets, glands, tee-head bolts and hex nuts shall be included with the valve. Segmented glands or follower glands held in place by set screws will not be acceptable. Bolt holes in flanges of the mechanical joint shall be equally spaced and 15-70 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement shall straddle the vertical centerline. Gaskets shall be shipped separately in suitable protective containers. Valves shall have neoprene gaskets. Plug valves shall be operated with a standard AVVWA 2-inch square nut through a totally enclosed worm gear actuator C. Pluq valve body and plug shall be cast iron conforming to the requirements of ASTM Standard A126, "Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges and Pipe Fittings", Class B, and all nuts, bolts, springs, washers, and similar component items exposed to the operating fluid shall be AISI Type 316 stainless steel. Resilient plug facing shall be of neoprene. D. Plug valves shall be furnished with a corrosion-resistant seat consisting of a welded-in overlay of high nickel content on all surfaces contacting the plug face and shall comply with ANSI/AVVVVA Standard C507, "Ball Valves, 6 In. Through 48 In. (150 mm Through 1200 mm)", Section 3.2. E. Plug valves shall be furnished with replaceable, sleeve-type AISI Type 316 stainless steel bearings in the upper and lower journals, and shall comply with ANSI/AVVWA Standard C507, Section 3.2. F. Plug valve shaft seals shall be designed for replaceable, manually adjustable, multiple ring "V" or"U" type packing of Buna-N or neoprene. The valves shall be of the bolted- bonnet type and shall comply with ANSI/AVWVA Standard C507, Section 3. G. Plug valves shall have stops at the fully-opened and fully-closed positions. H. Plug valves shall be designed for drip-tight shut-off in wet service applications at pressure differentials up the full rating of the valve with pressure in either direction. Plug valves shall be provided with a manual operator sized to suit the maximum differential pressure across the valves. Minimum plug valve operator output torques shall equal or exceed the values specified in the following table: Plug Valve Size 150 PSI Required Actuator 100 PSI Output Torque 2" 1,063 ft-lbs 1,438 ft-lbs 14" 1,683 ft-lbs 2,225 ft-lbs 16" 2,213 ft-lbs 3,013 ft-lbs 18" 3,300 ft-lbs 4,500 ft-lbs 20" 4,388 ft-lbs 5,975 ft-lbs 24" (100%) 10,000 ft-lbs 12,790 ft-lbs 30" (100%) 15,875 ft-lbs 19,550 ft-lbs I. Manufacturer shall supply operators producing larger output torque values if so required by their valves, but in no case shall operator output torque be less than that shown for the particular valve size and pressure. J. In addition, the operator shall be capable of withstanding an input torque of 300 ft.lbs. on the operating nuts or a pull of 200 pounds on the handwheel without damage to operator components between the input and the stops. Operators on valves 30-inch and larger shall also be equipped with an AWWA input shaft stop. 15-71 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement K. All external ferrous items, except cast iron, shall AISI Type 316 stainless steel. All internal and external ferrous components and surfaces of the valves, with the exception of stainless steel and finished or bearing surfaces, shall be shop painted with two coats (10 mils min. dry film thickness) of the manufacturer's premium epoxy for corrosion resistance. Damaged surfaces shall be repaired in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. L. Manual operators for valves 8-inch and smaller shall be lever actuated unless otherwise specified elsewhere herein. M. Manual operators for valves 10-inch to 24-inch shall be totally enclosed worm gear type, permanently lubricated, suitable for buried and/or submerged conditions. N. Manual operators for valves 30-inch and larger shall be totally enclosed worm gear operators, permanently lubricated, suitable for buried and submerged operation, and shall in accordance with ANSI/AVWVA Standard C504, with AVVWA input shaft stop. O. Manual operators shall be provided with completely enclosed mounting brackets or adapters. The operators shall be equipped with adjustable stops to prevent overtravel in both the open and closed position with standard 2-inch square operating nuts with skirts as listed elsewhere herein, or with handwheel if for above ground service. All plug valves shall open by turning the operating nut or handwheel counterclockwise. Orient operators with horizontal plug shafts such that the plug rotates upward upon opening. P. All operator components between the operating nut and the adjustable stops shall be designed to withstand, without damage, an input torque of 300 ft. lbs. Q. The exterior valve surfaces shall be shop painted with two coats of asphalt varnish conforming to Federal Specifications TT-C-434A. R. Testing: Plug valves shall be tested in accordance with ANSI/AVVWA C504, "AVWVA Standard for Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves", Section 5, Subsection 5.2. The performance test (Subsec. 5.2.1) and hydrostatic test (Subsec. 5.2.3) shall be performed as stated, however the leakage test (Subsec. 5.2.2) shall be performed bidirectionally; first on one side of the valve, and then on the other. The manufacturer shall furnish a certified test report with every valve stating that the valve has met the requirements of the tests. S. The manufacturer shall certify that the plug valves are capable of operating in continuous duty service under these pressures and flow conditions. T. Each valve shall by hydrostatically tested and tested for bubble tightness after the operator has been mounted and adjusted. Copies of the hydrostatic and leakage test certification and certification of conformance shall be provided to the City or designee. 15-72 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement PART 3— EXECUTION 3.0.1. GENERAL A. The Contractor shall install valves with seats on the downstream side and unless shown otherwise, set valve (above 8-inch size) with the main axis of the plug horizontal. B. All valves shall be carefully inspected, fully opened and then tightly closed and the various nuts and bolts shall be tested for tightness before installation. Special care shall be taken to prevent any foreign matter from becoming lodged in or on the valve seat. Any valve that does not operate correctly shall be removed and replaced. C. The installation of buried eccentric plug valves shall also include furnishing and installing concrete pads and ductile iron or PVC C900 riser pipes complete with valve boxes and covers set in concrete. Each valve operator shall be supplied with an extension shaft, nut and data plate supplied by the valve manufacturer which shall be supported as previously specified and shown on the Plans. D. The one-piece extension shaft, complete with over-torque protection device, pinned AWWA 2-inch operator nut, coupling and coupling pin, and centering identification plate, shall be installed with the valve as shown in the City Standard Details. After the exact required length of the shaft has been determined by field measurements during the installation of the valve, the shaft shall be cut to size. E. The coupling shall be welded to the sized shaft and installed to the valve operator shaft with coupling pin. All welds shall be cleaned and covered with Carboline, Inc. Bitumastic 50, or approved equal. F. The centering identification plate, when installed, shall rest on top of the valve riser pipe as shown on the City Standard Details with the valve data information positioned on top. G. For all quarter-turn plug valves installed, the Contractor shall paint the underside of the valve box cover with red paint. END OF SECTION 15-73 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 15130 MISCELLANEOUS VALVES PART 1 —GENERAL 1.0.1. SCOPE OF WORK A. The Contractor shall furnish and install miscellaneous valves as shown in the drawings and as specified herein, complete and operable including accessories and, where designated, operators, all in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 1.0.2. RELATED WORK A. Section 15095 "Valves—General". PART 2 — PRODUCTS 2.0.2. AIR RELEASE VALVES A. The air release valve and flushing valve assemblies shall be installed in accordance with the details shown in the City Standard Details. B. Taps into ductile iron pipe for air release and flushing valve assemblies shall be AWWA Tapered thread only, and the Contractor shall provide suitable equipment for this purpose as approved by the Engineer. After the tap has been made, and the corporation stop installed on a pipe conveying potable water, the inside of the pipe around the stop and the exposed exterior surfaces of the stop shall be heavily coated with Carboline Super Hi-Gard 891 White 1898, or approved equal. For Sewage Mains—Automatic Air Release Valves (ARVs): A. Sewage air release valves shall be specifically designed for use on Sewage Force Mains. Valves shall automatically release air gas or vapor under pressure during system operation, NO galvanized pipe allowed. B. Automatic Air Release Valve Assemblies (AARVs): 1. The body of these valves shall be conical shaped to maintain maximum air gap with the spring-loaded float and seal plug connection combining to ensure no contact between the sewage and the seal. 2. The valve shall have a double float design with the upper float being enclosed in the upper section of the valve and shall be made of foam polypropylene. The lower float shall be in the main body of the valve and shall be constructed of foam polypropylene. 3. The body, cover flange, and lower flange shall be constructed of reinforced nylon, and shall have a funnel shaped lower body to automatically drain sewage back into the system. 15-74 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement 4. All internal metal parts are to be made from corrosion resistant 316 stainless steel produced in America, with all operating parts, in the upper and lower sections, to be nonmetallic plastic/rubber materials. 5. The hinge for operation for the opening and closing of the seal on the orifice shall be made of EPDM rubber. 6. The rolling resilient seal shall provide smooth positive opening, closing, and leak free sealing over the fluctuation of pressure differentials. 7. The lower bowl of the ARV shall be funnel shaped to assure the raw sewage to run back into the pipe. 8. All hardware shall be of stainless steel 316 produced in America bolts and nuts, and the entire valve, except to upper outlet, shall be constructed of reinforced nylon material. 9. All valves shall be equipped for backflushing maintenance with easy connection or disassembly. 10. Valves with a total weight of more than 10 pounds shall be anchored to relieve the excessive weight to the saddle and pipe. Those valves weighting less than 10 pounds will not be required to be anchored. 11. The ARV shall be no taller than 19-inches. The connection on all pipelines shall be the following sizing with an isolation valve of the same size: NOMINAL PIPE DIAMETER CONNECTION (INCHES) 8-inch and smaller 2-inch threaded 10-inch thru 16-inch 3-inch flangle/threaded 18-inch and larger 4-inch flange/threaded 12. All air and vacuum combination release valves shall be ARI Model D-025P, or approved equal. 13. Smith Blair 317 series stainless steel tapping saddle shall be used, or approved equal. 14. Size of valve shall be calculated to meet the required flow/design conditions. PART 3— EXECUTION 3.0.1. INSTALLATION A. All valves shall be installed in accordance with Section 15095"Valves—General". Care shall be taken that all valves in are well supported on each end of the valve. 15-75 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement B. Installation of both manual and automatic air release valves shall be in accordance with the Standard Details. C. All valves shall be installed in accordance with the Standard Details and manufacturer's recommendations. D. All air and vacuum release valves installed in pump stations shall have piped outlets to the nearest drain, firmly supported, and installed in such a way as to avoid splashing and wetting of floors. END OF SECTION 15-76 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement END OF TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 15-77 City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement City of Miami Beach Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement MIAMI BEALh PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 30-INCH PARALLEL FORCE MAINS CANAL CROSSING REPLACEMENT ALONG PINE TREE DRIVE (UNDER FLAMINGO WATERWAY) 2222 Ponce de Leon Blvd. Suite 300 JANUARY 2023 Coral Gables, Florida 33134 BID SET 7 L ~ DRAWINGS INDEX CITY OF MIAMI BEACH -— Li SHEET DRAWING SXfET TITLE 1 GLS TITLE SHEET.LOCATION MAI AND IGT OF DRAWINGS 2 G-02 ARRREVMTONS,SYMROLS,GENERAL NOTES AND LEGEND MAYOR: DAN GELBER 3 G-0l GENFMI NOTES •S1°s/ A G-0R mruN COMMISSIONERS: KRISTEN ROSEN GONZALEZ `w s c-0l poorosF03O1NCHfORCE PMI-I4N AND PRoiIIE WEST SIDfI 6 C-02 PROPOSED 30.CH FORCE MINN P4N AND PROFILE(WEST SIDE) DeperirrLAURA DOMINGUEZ ) [-0s PROPOSED 30-INCH FORCE MAIN-PLAN AND PROFILE IFASTSIDEI _ S CLE PROPOSED 30-INCH FORCE MAIN•PLAN AND PROFILE(EAST SIDE) ALEX J.FERNANDEZ - • . 4 1D CC* ERIT 24 FM AFRMI CROSSING DEMOLITION IUM STEVEN MEINER r sur R 1 _ �.�.12 . . . . ._., ,.,.� 12 C-0f CIVIL DETAI RICKY ARRIOLA - DETAILS (MN STANDARD DETAILS DAVID RICHARDSON IIIIIIrV,;; `PROJECT LOCATION 14 C-SO STANDARD DETAILS 15 C-11 STANDARD DETAILS .,,,,,ri.r.v. C CITY MANAGER: ALINA T.HUDAK i Y if C-12 STANDARD DETAILS 9 11 C.13 STANDARD DETAILS CITY ATTORNEY: RAFAEL A.PAZ Al GM STANDARD DETAILS P3' 19 C-IS STANDARD DETAILS CITY ENGINEER: CRISTINA ORTEGA,PE Ell .--� DA ReC,,Ppr _ 2D cu STANDARD°HAIL0ETAAS MM fr11, . 11 1 2l C-17 STANDARD DETAILS 22 C-ER STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR: JOSE GOMEZ PE,F.FES f- 23 cv STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PAN I N C-20 STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN ' 1 — 25 C-21 STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PAN 2f MOT-0l MAINTENANCE OFTMfiC-GENFMLNOTES M 2) OT-02 MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC N 205 f/ 26 MOT-0MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFC — i 29 n MOT-04 I YMINTFRAN[F OF TRAFFIC --------- Mg—Miri • I 0-02 SURVEY 3l 0-0SURVEY 32 V-033 SURVEY 33 VOL SURVEY at aT ,reirr. "I'''' iiiiiiiiiilir' O .0 0O J.RryI� f MAIN PNEP FE wpwVm.ma ma.Nu U.oortutv swam•Ro uvumP MR Sunshine . �pNIRopNNDWALEDoN0ME ,poi �L .6i..0,ORIOF S.S.O.C.O.F.TICKET*3580040085 Date.12282020 3jaM. LOCATION MAP w NOT TO SCALE ENGINEER OF RECORD: Pea REINALDO J RIVERA.PE N0.6347E Work Order 1 Sheet 1 of 33 Drawing G-01 N oat,oSynolopyl300,9,...ry,.4,OeacvRFo.2��1)9.[0 avne•R Waaiewier Sram'00,a,Ju,LIAAL.v1 Cross,5 330C:..pr. .-.asp Wernater41_BIJSE,00_:-.4%,a ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS DESCRIPTION ABBREVIATIONS+ACRONYMS DESCRIPTION PAMETATIONSFACROIWW DESCRIPTION ABBREVIATORS I ACRONYM DOICRIPTON ABBREVIATIONS+ACRONYMS DESCRIPTION MBPEVNTOM I ACRONYMS ABUTEN° NUT. DEGREE DEO. ON PIPE W _-_ DEDEO., BRENFORI£O CONCRETE PPE RCP MATER SERVICE W.SBIV. AGES AC DIAMETER DLA Pre IAD ISL RENSED RHI. SORT W. AOBTON ACG CINEMA. ON LAM LA ROH SR. WEST LINE WA ADJACENT ORM:NOIAO HO. BSTANCE ONT. LATERAL LAT. RIGHT ALES RA NTH W AID. ALG DOWN ON.L LEFT LT. NOM OFWW ROW*,RAY NANOUT MSO ALSO RAOINHA MA USHNSO DAO. ME LN RIGHT OF VAT UE RNA. WMCOIECTON TC APPROACH APR. DRILL ROLE M CR LT RN ELEVATION RIM APPROACH SIN APR.B. COVE OR. LYNG LTG RWARWN RIGHTS RIP.STS. APPOPMATE APPROX.M• DRIVEWAY 0111MT. _ NANO. NH ROAD RD NIC LENGTH L OOTSEBON O MOWN SANWA W*,SAN ASPHALT ASN. RUCTIU IRON PIPE OP IBAMBNIOM NITMY LAE SAVENUEAVENAVE MAV BISEI AT NANO. 16HANIOLLL JOINT WD ►.WORMYAMSOE BACN OF CLAS C EAST E W.L _ BW BECTON SE, VCM OF SOtSMU SSW ENT LSE a T BUNT SERVICE BEILV. BABE LIE AMOIL EOM OF PAVEMENT EOR MORE OR LESS MA SANITARY SEWER SS NOIRNNO EO. ELECTRICAL Tl3T. ANL•DISC NW BDEIWLR SMA BELL SOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS ROLLS ELECTRICAL MANHOLE NECTAR VILA WASTER NW BLASI 51. BENCH MMR BM ELECTRICAL PIAL SOS EIECTPB ION REINFORCED CONCRETE PPE M, SOUTH S SEINE-EN BETIN. ELEVATION ELEVATOR M MS SOUTH UNE SA AWAY. SNC. ENCROACHMENT EIC. TH N SOUTREW BELL TELEPROIE SIT BUCK STEEL ENAMEL BSE OMR. EMUST. NORTH LINE M STATE ROAD SR BLOCK BA. Y ESPWY. NOW ASSESSED NTN NAM STATION STA SOpAARY BOILT. OTEICEDTOG ONBCE DIAMETER OD STORM ST 50150E0 00E.. ESTI. PARALLEL PM. STORM/ATER SEWBP STB MOE BI. EXTENSOR LANG PARK PK S10NNATER ISE STA MILOMO BDO. FEDERAL FED. PARKWAY POW. STORWWWHWW1 W511001511001.00 MOO FEET FTP!' PAVBIBA PMR. STREET R. BUTTERFLY VALVE N FIREHIOANT M PIAN E. PIE STREETIOIR SHIT. MEMNON GN Fpp, I ECRB. PONT BIMWLEOIA MANOR TABU CANAL CML FLORIDA POWER SLOIR FPL PONT CA SHORN. POB BEOMSON BAIL CRIT MON O FLOW UNE FL POINT OF COMMENCE POC TEIHNOIE TEL CAST I.N PIPE CP FORCE NAN FM PONT OFCOMPU.CURVATLAE PCC TELEEEORE RAMOSE THAN CATCH BASIN CB FORMERLY KNOWN AS FNAPONT OE NE W CURVATURE PC TELEPHONE PULL BIM TEL CENTER CTR POFD PONT OF IEAERTON PI TBWORPRT CENTER URE CLAD FOUND IRON PPE FO.IP PONT OF REVERSE CURVATURE PNC TBPORA TBEN01.RS *pp CHAIN LMT FENCE _ Ga.. PONT OF TANGENCY PT TORR.E TER.M TR CLEARANCE CL. GN UNE OASLN POLYVINYLCHLORIDE PIC TERRACOTATC CONCRETE CONC. GTE VALVE OV PORTON PGT. TOP MOAN T. CONCRETE SLOG STRUCTURE HIS GOVERNMENT POWER POLE M TOP OF PIPE TOP WNOEfE MONUMENT CIA ASSR TE]MIOYEIH]I.EN: ORE PROPERTY LINE Pl.MPA TRACT WMOIOAM WN.. .011 WATER UHC LAA PROPOSED PROP. TRACTS TRSLEA CONTINUE CON. HGHANYRAN. PULL SOS PS TYPCAL . CORNER COR. WMEOURECONIECTON IC RAOUB R. VERTICAL VERT. COWRY CIT. - HOIZON. ROIQ RAILROAD RA. TATER W COURT CT INTEREST NT. REDUCER RW. LATER MAN WA CURL A.OUTTTR GD INVERT NV. REFERENCE .,E METER MIA LEGEND UNE TYPES HATCHES SECTION AND DETAIL IDENTIFICATION LABELING • SECTION KEY DETAIL KEY GRADING 110 ....... MP�RW�, SECTIONGLLOIr CETNL CALLOUT. GENERAL- _ _ _ BCTONIEPBP DETAIL /OKA GRAD. - _AS_ — A illrM - wl ow NSG Axo auleory —i--_ aro 1 — �pS.S POND GRADING 'ft'''' PNOA.v of Tms mamma RN Roy Morro xt NWA AP ANPa a A F I YSHRiIF CONT CONSIDERED NM.As uc ES NM R[a. TAE —M— —w—Av— — PWMF rAR Imr SOTTOE ••' - TARO DOLLS CRC) _� rR[x RAMP GRACING OW.1.0 caner ORAN.NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER /- _ SECTION N LOCATED L OCATED BECTON VIEW DETAIL VIEW PAVING PE BEAT SECTION LETTER DETAIL NAME CUM RETURN rJ�1 Wry, SECTION DETAIL I t 1 H .40,:117.44,...%4' SCALE Ii' 0I'j0tfff SCALE+�K !!/ . �,a 1ST P....SECTOR I MISCELLANEOUS ;q"'o IOP r"�u CUT IS .NUMBER• /� jS RI EP /"L) KEY NOTES bNAt �SECORS SHALL ALWAYS LW IDENTIFIED AB LErTE. NOTE N REFERENCED MULTPLE TIMES SHOW— ~ VI MIAMI BEACH OVJtODb MO SET RA 3C0....��..ENGINEER OF RECORD ENGINEER CARE RD ___ IBpR.GHpDD ------..— L0]RSROII INCORPoMTbNOF DTPWCOWIBIit RA. DESIGN ENGINEEROD____ LCA GORCEBNAUTILUS FNNPN AN SNASNN C.O.*CS9AN MENS NInSSN B CTTY W WDER AUW T.N.MM 1 DAOY011 PON MROBSION RA. ON.N B UOI SW LAI Al TITLE F RNA Ir M ORANN.*RE PLBLICWORRS DEPARTMENT REV ENGINEER.CASON ORTG PE 1 11 +ON REVISION RA. NTN[S nRNA D1A HN.LDDJ RIVERA. A. STANDARD ABBREVIATIONS AND LEGEND PAA-�— w.AONr1 I700 COTNENTON CENTER D EE.MAW SFAOI.FL.OIb TO GTE ART S'S MS-602-AW R PE.WAS SCALE NOT TO BONE OY AWL 1 A O OKA.001 FPA PM SPNKSKOOFIPPPMICM M Nam BPMNLFO-01].I ANS-WAN A NAMN NAN*ONL NNFMCNW.mm.61B000•...n UMK-uKuan,NA^KNNK,Be SUm_CAG OA.PA GENT. ERAL NOTES:e.rtcwsr rEoniwER PRIOR Toco so.v.NrorcawTRwT.N coxsr.ucnw. rAmx AxO E.Osw NO.wL sr sE n.enr PouaNEo oORw Axo.rrtR . r „D. CRY Rmw+r•nrE NrE MAIL 111.21.0aVow.sEMPLATON FOR PARALLEL YES • CO.TRUCTrON ORO.of ME ERE. NEWS INENCEPTENS TO MNIN.S.C.RENJE.E. •ENE TO SW CO...EY ENTER ENE ANC PROTECTION OF R...u TRITER yo A'STAS4 0,7", k.r417;Fil k'leuTTESAAT'ZE:44.1=On:Er;aAT A:F.=Z.TT MALTY TM.TRENCH SECT.FOR DIP A. Alt FEDAII=TAEAttNtEro7D=N7rAff%TorCgOr=0"="Nri= WS.LANOSCAME .400.NAY RE REQ.°FoR TR..yo sTRucToRE WT..En.,CROSSNOWTALL SEALED CALCUU.„S MON A FLORIDA LEENSE0 Yo„smo.„EN„R To RE cm FoR .ANT CESEINED LEAKS OM ANT WMIOWLT DEFECT.ANTS OR INFES SHALL GE REPLACES EVEN DRY INENCER NIRE WT. Ni.THE TOTE LEAFAGE a REL.MAT ALDEN.. • ME Cora PECToR Emu...A cuRRoe APERovE0 SET OF CONSTRUCEW PYIE W WE 14.1.AND coMADAT AT THE PRECONSTRoCTION WET.ME DoST oF 5...RE 0.411.1.VALVECOLYR OVAL.°V..SW RETALIATE. 7.PlANS ARE TO RE YOE YAILANE TO THE...FR.NSPECToR Of ME CM of Ras. INDLNDEN IN DIE OEN,PRNEDI cos,aENNTEYG woe RE REOJE.NE SNALL SF ORAL...O.32 VaLvE.01E MECH..ONNONEELMON R... WELIFEED N THE ovERAL„RoFEDT COST A' OUT"NrATIILAErSLrft:LOTROTT=P=AALMAOr7E,FLAFO=4:1.LA0== 011.1.11,40.STEN.SW S. OE Or,.YON APERor NV SYLL r.;:r.T.TE0 NOTENFor,11.ERTEN=YEN,Of THE •LArEAFAT:EAL°A0nTAILNANATi;ATLEAAN=2;'N'Or7C;:gLA'C'ZNATTtl=rAforo Zit TAFIEronoT4:7XAVErT:=.' .,w,...,....1%=1":=2; OVAL ENE MEMEL.ENCEI.ENT TOR NET.IRON ERTE.P.E. ORME SEREST..CET. R. ERT mmoDE SELL RE APPIEwo ET nl„Ttm[...NE REG OEPARIVEIrt. '1.TAIE cart os sHo RED ELL BE mcwof 0 FRFNFONERALL PROJEcT co„ OWENS,DEFECTNE FONTS OR PIPES SHALL BE REPLACE°OEN.0.1 ME TOTAL LEY.IA ND.MAT AL.., WERE RIFIYESONANIN4 SECT. S. rIFITIONS REM TON..NEED ON Ti.FOLLOW.CET Of N.SE.SENO.. W.ISFIs REM..SCFECELE N..DIE.LOCATED AT ME 1 E MYTH AND WEST N TAure SEPARATOR. pNorwx aAMuo wDx..oiw AVE PECOMP..THE COST OF HEN COMPACTOR TEST..SE NYE RY/NE GT IF RESULTS OF Duo M sE aucTaE.w.cwD rvc..D.EOR.wroncsocoxcRETEnEsrvRE sesERr.[r. MIAMIDADEWATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT. ;II"Fp.:7474;:11,1.17.E. .i:=0=17:(As'EACTSTN:TIC7=FAIrEAP:EZW=Cot RETESTED.MELTE,ET"...JEER AN0 AT THE ow/TRACTOR S NEE YPENSE .°JCT.W.c...if HOPE ANO.PEE THE NowNSLE DEAR.RATE SPECIE.N YERNY CONSTRUCT.. OE.,NW PIE DK COATE0 AND POLYNTYPPED CONFORM.To',IF RENO...of .AY oRSERNED LEANS OR MN°MOUS,OEFECTEE E.OR PPE.EY,SE REPLACED NEN MYR 1.1 PAVEM.T REV.,.TTRE y 1 Of 7 :I:AN..AEA MO S.M.MI W.Nom.THEYESS.YERECIFIE0 N THE NEM N.THE TOTAL 1.....•REL.MAT ALIONEN ww...........T of 1 a ENOINEFR.PER..NED Y.,Au FACILITIES IN ACCOROPOCE OEN ME YAKKED PLANS ". AZ An TO"FA'TA.A"TT DA.=tATIL?•;LEAAro TILT"'"7;l'H"EA;TA CTOF 7; •PRO.°PENE ANO RENT ILANTs RF AccoRomEE F.cm oF N.MAW Pu..R. V L.=0F IIE woRs ERE 17.=TO Co.,rT.7,,c....T............ .......r.,.NOT ORMENTEE0 THE EA..IS NOT TWEE EWAN.,UT.,.DOPEJETS.... U..,SPECCCATIOn it EOWIEwENTS coo,„Nor A.,,s:.=L.E,A,„ EINTING°PER SERNCF LNES ARANOONENT...At L NOT OCCuR uNTIL ME PROPOSED YORK =7,7 CRO.CASTLE •MOR TO TI.E...DOM FOR TM Di OF oury.TER.SEINER OR STORWARTER MMM TM T rLD.n tt mu Nsn Rmwasxrs EOR curs AT&T DETRE,. IF ME NSPECTIoN NoEs Nor OCCUR OR YES.ME..THE SHuro.VALI SE CANCELED. PTA.°ANT.NM,RE YERCNED VI TNE CONTYCTOR TO ELYYTE mir POSS.,OF XL%'°'°*".::::.L=Tr'"-77-----"----" IL ME cofFT.ToR 13 AOYMO TI.Yr•TREE RoRDNANATELow.TEN PERMIT Yr RE REWIRED PEW =:=1071'147ETgf'.g."Mr1=172:LTF:A%T114=Vg;;101 •FOMENTER CA FIRE VANS TAPINO.PREMLNE TO OE PRESSURE TEST.AI 1.2 PSI FOR IWO =1"ZE.°".."°,7:T=e4 Tt::°,74,°°o:."rra:,:ETT:Z.LL.:".`::,'tT, ORMYCE AINGOICTION TO ONAN ANN REWIRED PERMITS THOM TREES NOT MEYER.NEM AppRoy„„DEN.C.O.. •:=0:YTTI=NAS=C7Ai:Ur;1V"ORITAlr"EPARTIZVaNI"FLOALL".'"ALA" MC.N-4•5 OF THE AMAILWDE CODE •T"CT:FilN'D'AA:„T,141A.LIAE'IZECAAN=NA6TADAyALARIA=T EiTA.'""fArrO. LITOTES"ALTO AP= • CM 70 OPERATE ALL ETWINO ENTER NNT.RETTREIN EOM.AND N.MYR Pali BE 12. MAME IdO,.I.I.THE of.LITEN REETAL ANDER ONEARRANcE OF YR.VIROYDROJNO U4111ES TINT CONTAN ARRESTOR CEMENT NYS MCP,ARE&EJECT TO THE PRE.O.Of 40 OEM.STAYER.MO OE FOO.T.SIAIS.SKONATINE ACE RWO ANO SRO. cD"w' AND rrasrnr THERE ro R xeTm N Tr.SPECIALSPECIALPRO..FOR SERs Po anCITY OF MIAMI REACH PUBLIC WORKS MANUAL •CONTRACTOR ENALD REPT.ALL ur so,RoysoovERs ommr.ouRNo coyIRLF= 0,,,,L..,NENTN.E.E.7....ALAN,,,,gAT cum, LATEST FOTON a,THE 45.1,110.T AwNisT RATER InYli NY.Or EWORM TM. DERE...LE MYER tt.-17.,rArz.r.L40x.::7":7z...-=J...°.:.,t-.7,Tr.r4,,77.-.7-7,7r,77a7,77das CONTROL DEVICES FOR STREETS ANO HYNNTS.FLOR.NEPARTNIENT OF T.SPORTATILN OVARY BURL.PROP NLET SEDIMENT FETER Wm CM MaJEC.ATER VETE.SORES AND PAD FOR.CONTRACTOR WSW STAROARDS ALD E.AYES•Au..RE FAMICATEO TO Carty YIN TNE UTEST ED.ON .CCNTRAOTOR ENLL PROTECT MTERN.ANC EQ...SEE from MEANER.MET ANO LOCATE..0 FLEW.OF ElISTIE LITILITER AS MENE T.,APPRoviE PL.AY TO RE ..,,,..,..,,,c,,7,,,,,,,,,........, =AT AU TIVES AND.40 INIE CREATION OF NUISANCE OR...IN ME SURROUND. TENSED N THE FIELD SY CONTRACTOR.INF CONTRACTOR MALL NOTM r...,cr.,,,....,..,0”.• PETAIL IC,3.1 ST A„0.17 FICNI)OFIAL FOnlaRICH,OW 01 vl LINESBMLE ...MIRK SYLL RI PRoPERLT WEN..Of OFTSETE AT TNE CONTRACT. " 07Or1S;frIAC=tAtLINITTIEATALETvl['•rtTArCT P.A'."11AAA”INTION'TZLE=;ZAAACAT WAXit'SA""A" DEAN 1.2 STYCERO RCED DETAL FOR SE RIWTOFE.2 LP...a A GUTTER,COLLECTOR STREET DETAIL EFE STREET al.Putt YSERRET OETED 1.24 SE f Er.POST TECALNATALLAI. Pon NOSRR. ...e.nN NEBR.rw AREAS OF eoeura wvw ARs.m.sa RER-DERM WATERSEWER GENERAL NOTES. SENT,..TREETnror.v..MY...ME rAuuTa THE RIM HAS NM MOM.MONE0 ANO MAUD Iv 1. A HORIZONTAL NisTNEE oF Al LFAIrr a FEET MC PREFERABLY E FEET 10,NOE.OUTSIDE OFT.1E1,4..1.REMPATI06.40 ENT SYCNO AT CROESYSS R.N....RE...so •7.17L:go:LA:=F::•7•TrAJA7p="077,47ELN-MlNIZAS PTA"ANY:61131.:CAA 77." SHALL.ANNTANSO BMW..tt,ON I...RE SEMER PEES AFF0 YTER INES THE DET.14-21.111CORAL•M•MTIOMFOR NRRALLE\VMM MOM COM*OF mks DocEsse ARE NoT APPA WED ST CM POO RIERAIENOE COuNTREONDATICNS. rEARAZ=roZATIZAREgN7:1="ZNIAAL'OttTLACA'S"A"A'A""A"°A NETAIL INS ERUPTIONS 70 W.S..RE0.0•ENTS 00.0ERED SNEED AND SEN..AND TNE MOW. •:L DEZ,LIF:..7 NOM ACCEPTED M THE C,Of Ir gACM OR V,Off OMMIrMii „„To.. r„SE WED/ATE,REPAIR ME DOMOSACTOR ME OE..74.6 TFICAL TRENCH..FOR WIT I THE EWER PEER A.CESIONE0 ANO CO.TRuCTED FOWL TO THE NETER PIPE NE PREBNEE FIFTY INTR....COTERETF SYS TOR OROLJNO CE.LES.MAN NOYES TESTEONT TROPE OETNLINE TRACERY... 1•9111...C.LosEOuT WcovEARATION Hy MEN.W7E0 AS REN.0 SY.1.C./. THE SEVER IS EN.E0 N•NATERT.DARNER OPE.CONCRETE. DUEL I.VALY GOYA.wry BO SNORT MEE.eiAT iuEr.. SNORT. STON Dr TNEW.TER Rn Amoy.v NST.wTw WOOD.ANO CM Or.41 WY PLEUC MYR DERARTNERT RS FART or CLORE. ..THETDrer DETAIL INV NOEVAL..OR PE SEAL AMINT 12.4.Ea ACCORDANCE ERN CM lREACH PUBLIC ^ RECTOR DETAIL IN„NO.2 YAM sax '- ::::•ErT:1"A'A""A Ar LAA"'AS:E'181ZSZAFN4==NMADraZTAEVRIA".Z•TE BETEL INE POLVETHN.E.YEMBVT r.wcnE war.0 xnrtru `ppRry�oirFFATA Tit'.0FORcwHAuCif nxor.FRowNxc '.% RETNLINE MT..CET. DETAIL IN'S REST.. cu ru sTREncrNo.w.wrs. DrAumcaxrucr.NNutn¢wwowusAuuwoxoxE or THEwumwD SCHWA. ♦ .1.347 ERA„a ER c,+_ED AND arArE.E.wR.N A .IX SENO IVES YE DEmE.D AND c..,.L,ED EQUAL TO THE NEER IRK AAO PREauRE R]NAIL S TISTEDAT TOPE SE RESPONS•LE FOR SAL WC..OF Au v t,THEseSwwsauSEDN.rwrERmnuRRERPPE DR coxcRETe. NUN,.MCTEMOLOGICAL...PORE ..q E SHE RrvwEVExTc.xewRRerwr rr.TOEwOm.orrcTOME MY.nSTOa a AL®r“s.Eww.urP.avuDAT IArtrONTS or xaw rwcE WA VARA.SEVERE. DETAIL NNE rERINNVr SOLI.FOR S.M. FF O 5 OiOtrtpl]MO SET R.R. ENDREER OF RECO. EM]INEER OF RECORD BB- aHOE.ORNOm FY Nm....m.......R-@.....Ds......q 01 :INCDRPORTM"°'OMW DDMMBAL R.R. _ DEeON ENOMEER SD__ _ FNxcwa+Rs wRECTaL aM ODNEZ FE,ESEL ' LA GORCE6NAUTILUS M AM _� CITY MANAGER ADN.T.MOM ROYW AR R.R. AM DRAWNB RE ... 0 Wen.ROY WARM R.R. ]]]] Of%LEMMA SIR LO TITLE .RALEEN ry LL Fy.E A� work ort. FON CORER OWTNENTE. [T'ENDWEER.omnw aRtEOAR 1 moon ERR RFRWN AA - u-1 RASA]]W FICALEWEGRR RER tmomNNENnDN certER uaNE.NwR BEA..E�vuR RDNAEm RNERA, GENERAL NOTES NO.t PETE REMBIDN APPOSE., m-�'r0i RE w.MEn arxE RER O. _maw WrE] D..,L Dm FW WE ERnEnRM+FrDPE*rta DiMom e.N:vRro-m1T.1]wEL-Water awa....SRT.Dm.uuDn.rFNE.wo=.NrvR-TLTDm-Oman MSC-D...y�iwwR.mNDt_e.MOOS.aw.p ME ‘4/i1M11111111111111. PROF.JO'HOPE FORGE 4Mr r w ..171441" OR-LIS PS RA MOO I �`—L� $ ANP./'A! ❑ a _ \ , 111111111111W p •101 Z �I - PNIE TREE DR .� rl� —w �•� _ — „or I it ❑ 3 C-02 1 I PRG?Jo'NOPE FORCE MAIN OR-1J3 PS NA N.O.D. • • C-01 PROPOSED FORCE MAIN (WEST SIDE) KEY PLAN cu,r.a PROP JO"HDPE FORCE MANN i�l pL:_1� Nz* ����,� OR-13.5 IPS NA H.O.D. I LSI r� m_. FfA1i M/M-- I e \ .Po,-;=z n� .iG --- I I NM -1 -- C-04\ 1 �� \lo t PROP 3D'HDPE FORCE MAIN 1 , I OR-1.15 IPS NA HOD. • C-03 .®«LaR .EONa .RN N ER.. PROPOSED FORCE MAIN ,,,,,a„w,,,®o,,,,,r„�s„b,, 'r'PE (EAST SIDE) KEY PLAN PE SEAL: LPL,.f Rryf * * * °.,..4 OR FO., AEi til MIAMI BEACH 'Fh- RR ENGFEEROFRECgD DESEAGIGN EER OF NaR.wcDD rumwoRPS OIRFCrpaAE mRtzPEPlg �. PD�raNaP OrPYICaSSISENIS 3CC .. oESIw Er+MSFR AD_ LAGORCEBNAUTILUS F ��.R°'rs�ra1o�...-maxoaasLwray g CITY MANAGER AINA i.NNDAR 3 IROMmn ERR REVISION 0.R. al�Fwc•/[IXVi[M 410.ASI!OD DRAWN Sv RE am TITLE FMIBmt FAN— Pep ice— VMOrM I PAUL MOROI DEPARTMENT OTYENOwEER.wISTNA DRTEDA,PE I rDATE SOIf REVISION Rn "'cmN DY-I r-ISA S+I>r wawum�RNERA. CNECICER RER KEY PLAN — 1100 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE WPM BEACH.R.I]fN TO DATE REVISION AWL;SV f05-�- PE WANDS SCALE NOT TO SCREp„ S5r[a d ]] DrAM.Iv Oat FN Pal I..../30.0.../C.of Mem eocMiro-nw-TORNS-Vm.,a*tao.,SYR.vM CADS DFM Co.Dawns Arenas-O...9550.0 PrcrA.SAT.SAANCAD PA T J o , . A A 1 I ROTES I iZTAT4 Y/JI c.J:`"S AY VIZI I� i �?', __—_ ��WM Y>m 1M.S NCL .rJ A.IpJw 80 MO[C701-3222-02.2-1,0R.L2kAc. T MOW AREA Afl'V.ID"lP'E iCFIT MIIV [6yFn•rymL � `:SR• I _ne�mr�M nD�s w -orr�tq 00,SIam'.r/ .�.m�Sworn 2 vfw - w LN-IJ51°5'NA NO.R .Raxw20 x x�.•a __ .• — _:.-----,K0 +-s'�,�R11r__ oa irMu arwar�°c.slxc x2. .0.5 .rlYr �tl� _ ar •ro-R.w,t P.. w... ! woo.,. _ 22.1[.1 2.'o sq rxssL A44lrl ! � — •�-- 'IP orrOMIr 4.1.1 ANO ,+sqerma PREP..1V'4l Aa a•a•Rv w a �. „-.-"- _ - _ AIN R rsrs 0 A w ..Of Mlyl 11.12.'L +[ C NNI 2200.Lu _ .167- I_ u®¢�..w R.Ns J� ra-21rr.J PEE TREE DRIVE �,_�_�. orp--- 1{ _ __—.'.may"�i�; AV MO..upas Rlr.v OP COVS .rmv I v - w�7 R a 2.-L- _ -------- PICA R.g ro.I46L�[Y�g�_ a - M� `� �-{y ��� Sir�� N w v �Jf.__ v� ---- - ..� - - _ _ r2. I 11- �� Mme` IMAYS , • DI _ _ /1r` . —— — _ .4"--. f � —,�> Ilkarli LJgrA.R �._,_ c n�N11,xSP.033..Ale, :1100.0105 ro.�gd a �.� __ c_ ♦ !i r ) - : : F e LS„„,„x.a...JR.rs As Aa.. L_-- IfOI ___,.c. y c T- �- �5 .arr...16262 r.Rw CMS _ _ _ \ SP]BCRIN\B T _ _9041 102.Or Orr El 1 81 Or R ♦ R▪ * i ' � -m----`.GiGd�3 •�_1> ,.w..+�ny"u'"` 1 "".s`Er-M°"1 n RIQ tu. w',"` rsRL�'`i 69.00CTOT 900 coral oar 1..COVOOKIES I____:_ _ I --- ----- ---- -- ...---.---\-...---a----- - __�w.�. �T = —x- U�-- fATERWO I .s c °.oacn.x2. __ -__----... \`IaA)• - -.h. _ -- ITr•W �� I-- - _,_...vg JRRN'mf_— y WATERWAY I rro. 11..62.1 �"'`— IIMD 1,3 —.---,,11.=--,, .. ..r.,\ N.,omr�L� .._ �"-" '-_ J— — .. —_ 4 a s sxw sZ If r'"i-: - - J_ -�� �� r rows I wwwma,w.1.1 _ .• Imvss"_ VI► �..._— _— .. PRP.seAWEWA RIRZ MAN r"".. ,L!w x Rm- O, r.dlrs I _"- __ + .-. • r OR-1.15 PSIN RAO >.____________________j •wo w. r xe raa .rxcros � u _- Pr . I PRvs==NM!' "' w°,� PRCp.!6'"D.l WA1FR NNN - c� I PROP.AY al NI'�O ••s mR. r❑ HOR/ZLWIAI AtIOWENI 100 �•.. cp., Mw N'uROP`i.."'iri`iw MIKE MAN +e mhos'INSERTION PT FU/UAE A/PRRKAENR(NR] s. MT s.]Ic-Ol2.r-a ,s oc. rec n. PARI or RNS PRR[CI) - • .• I . � Im.r,an JLrtRVRtR I u ) PLAN VIEW �01• xr COMM. .,.rAu or PP. mamma °°`" SCALE:S-]D' SCA1G 1' 1D' 10+00 II+00 17+CO 13+00 14+00 15100 - _ 16 _-_4__- -- I (AMC MOS - i 2020 !'..IRo m 0.01r SILO noMr NI Kw•A.gLEAVOS a.�. 17 _.-_ --_. _. -_.___-_.-_- 1TQ81q'M -.__ _�_-_-� .�.�-. .R'J�,�/2 17 IMF WIC.ww mrr 129.I s"ra• flr,r, B -- -- rd - ----_----ell �- ,p ': i• -iit' • B Arm....Pa 11.x.1:gym•.ry -- .Lf .-_-- J -- _.-- 7pr' S '+�e� ° I r�.qP d LrR. r°r:..,rP.v IV.a 11 1.01 II II o --\...... J v9 -- °gyp II II Yr,. 0 I,RgR1231.101.. o.RPCP ref RI. �. �I -�\ = L aff. O L,.R.Rosl.q. JRL>.a JRa II -B -- IMp?OR-115 FORCE MN— - — '`-/ y��}-�,� 11 11R-ISf PS W RAO ROMA Or CAVAL--------II �'W- 1� �, Z KEY PIAN(NOT o• l I 1 II o SIP a.ra y, ,J' a Jr Ar I\ -16 -\��•_ -10 is, �r as Paraao Ji.Jr-IT _-_ ---__ }, F g 1! IH -`ro ��.a -11 .o :.f --- ° n ii 111�� 111:32 -....! all , II -1I uulo au � -18 1��■ „II.�� 111:. u n .� u u -« — ,le E0• Cts i Vor ay Maw JeswA.Im Jr✓ 47 �. _. - -_-. 44 � OR.Of and RM xs.vlm 11.62. . '�B r O 51 _52 PE MEAL 60 60 64 -- _. ___ 64 • r 'tea n r 8 STAE0 _� _.__ - _- _.. aRxfOo..w,Pr.wteR,R®.P.!MAIMS MEM C400.1.1.1e x62 w.on_ _� asb.Ru:c'+` PROFILE VIEW 1,10010 t.OPIES Of MIS 0000.17 MK MN SCALE.1=20' wsr Lv.RR.PRR.Rrurcr.oILCO5* 'wR W n 5 ,q VAD RA. BAiI.EEJ OF RECORD DOWER RECORD= IJEJOHOOR„000 IYnyLRMORR4^-MRLmgRN,..ORplE1R i A AA ACH .°]2.,/M,],.'7-1,--'''.'COIfIBRiCITY RRA. Mn'` 1�1 wwo oPrcmR OE aarzR P y s wR on A � E nwEER .D LA GORCE 8 NAUTILUS RER roote — NAOER AU.T.RANKmums., RE MANX wows DEPUJT.ENT CMENGINEER IPA R R RA. J7a MO L R4lM LR.1 CHECKER R. ]ISLE teN RWl= NYEOl. „m COR OLEONCFNIFI DRIVE WA.BEACH.Et SIlO 'P'�D E ; "' ' .OY REVISION )TE E..A AMU FT RA fm 22622.1101.1 sRA PROPOSED 30-INCH FORCE MAIN PLAN P..�— ' RDN43NOM.IA, I. RA-NR.-402 l"� RE (WEST SIDE) On ,A4, 4444 s ass -- w.P.n IL.m.orOosN,om/Cny of Mom R.acnNFQM,]-,]aJIR-E.,•wastewater Symms Gamer..Co.Domiino-,arnm.Ono -Otey,Iroc�n M.Laos-CAD 2..0 PE NOM. Ory , / b0vao3..s ne ,.10OP 1..0-MO uN.qW -POMP,3..OI.,nrna.Neo..I0.3...n.m . f.1WP COOP 1-1100O W1 ,a •••••••.••••••••••••,,•••••••.•••••••••••••.••••••••.••••••••••••,,W 4 rrr 1 0V9c& CO, ',444,1 - Y° M (3 a 0IS1$31110 ...am 3x09 nnaoa,c! IOJ,-101-mf NOISYdb 3.0 ON a01RV'HOI3a MP 3Nab tl31N3O Nd1N3NND 0011 - - - '.....,03,.I! KaKernoJ"n o, - NO14I.N31 be MM. 1 3/,1131X0 Guam canna3 ALIO 1N30.1,1309abOM0llxb 1 .wuaa9 -"IN+w -A a.w N.J NVId NINON 30)30d HONKIE 03S0d0Md aibl mb 113uN,J as urs a"NOT x ba au o O NCWN3b ba=WOOD c l vx-1 NNIr!Gama.WO 0,......113! "a Pomb0 nun 1Ge 1IKlGa u0UG0.0 L @ urauowalNNvuaalew-M.oaaowwsw.saal w"+aJ Sf1lUf1VN 430X01 V1 ON 1331ON3N0930 8003!ao rte`"C� tl urewaoWaluaoNauwoelox+I o f a3rv'3azi.boaaor wlambf.No.°xwu HJV O 0001°tlOP30f). tltl ObONbJO tl33NIW3 O tl33NbIN3tl'tl 1340W CLW1U10 G N T _ oz- ,..a,oNlzv unxo.tlmn..Lorin 99- - .Oi - - laliN Jwu.rax....“....7..r..........oom •.1:33NOG I 89- `° M3VA 311d0Nd 1 eo°urs°t .®as m,me wo wa.f...uw i9 - Y9 ansa ,.tl,,,.0., zs - 31 zs 1Y3.3d 9r- ,,.K ml.WfW ,W - -- - ` �, 9r NNW 11 IJj �I� la 011 Or or Ir - �1�11 9f- 9F �_ �' zr I I ' moi"' z- �:PO's // o ez- 01411P'' U G 91111(� Oz ;,." �...q„ ��// FON m v su w az _ .i. NSW I_ 91- - NIPNV Of .a,.- wnnerulel•a Wild 9/- i - 1. �. zr y, , z� rB 93,,,10N)Mild AV 9 ...ALT-3j t g_ n,M"L.Z.,.(M. J ..nr Y0 1�1-Iy��; _. W'- 0 AAAA 40111/0.0%"0=171:11.11.10 Y Of.... } jel -_ Y 41 . s f:,1,�srw JfJf,, lotus. a -.0£10'3 IV eV Sfx� -111 X' --Fr ly zl sacar xJJ_A .n.' .1141 ANIALSISAJ.400.11.1 PP, 9191+61 00+61 017+91 00+L1 00,91 00+61 91 ,0!..1:TWOS Pt-.1•TY3S .1114,10•001 alln5,03 Of VIAL,. '""` H� M3V NV1d 2.01�JJn e 1 (l73CWd PHI A/NYd Jo Jaw ao Al w.sw JY \ IA VDFW OW SA.,w Ai 1 .ms e'a2ran.,Yi.x I a• a s,00s.w AAA�AA,Emmis A.ea�r.uiwa x JAVOJ ��. \ \ of Mfl/NJIkM9l M71UGH - , I �` I a Nra on[L v b= r.o IDE LS n.,on�le uOJwanw Mmmr ON tr ��, 1 - srr-av .o, ' AM/Nal YM 70„9l da, �w wpm,an,m"N.fJ!Jla Jw on sM"!Jr ni!x , soar g5l-fi A117/ .N{+ Na 7r 30 ��` N.0( oe omit y0 - r a 3.IItld NI _... s fsr 2'.'7.b -__ -*I\ - a _ c yo. Jv.1 w.fnm rx, \ __ MO 3N3033tl13NW a �, - fwfYJ,Ja,3M nlv3 Jw 3f,.•W AFT 70;40. f' -.ra -- i _ •,Lill _ emtN_-1 -i TMYt4Wo 000.OMaNiOOJ , \ ��f.J.ff -....,......_"---...--71•-• SY, �_��� 1- -- .. r �' SA.JWI JIG oM JWb ,/ ~ � w- �- + -- - - 11 ry +.cwe ` / � � _'✓- -- J=_ _ � --Mnis yyua3Nuw> ww oofl/=y _- _ l - e� Ii . Will mrm.w 3wmw o w30Z. in;s _IP- didelli Z � � �'� ' i � ` JAW hiJ> al%rarxI • _ - till r+.4,.OLTI sww�s fO xiwu a .0?i0C ,Of �� _���- 1 ----- _ se, 14 n 'aluawal+v,..s Nur.,! M00.,(1op, 'W /> _ - ----- _-- - 30 nu WWr J.,N,a nY,Jufp. MOWN ' 1 �_ -------___ ==_ a".flwfYx,oar0EV aJxs-.mY / _- r. - i - VZI .,W'°f17,4'1.1410=.."1 4'1'.41.roWAWA' • "v ,,,.ar7Yso oa`v - - - _ ^.�f� Ir Lcaol„--.-- -__ __ J.A.w Y a. _----------- -i N LI - - i� lI 17 OP h xnu Ja MOMS Jw a PIM _ r/ ° w =fie- _ "y� kw � F. SOW.ow J...a"w ANA W.awas.,.,s �WS - `� - - . Hrn.PUPA>0043 Al w11 sr xv MIX - / a01- , - Af » _ \`SiI 1 _ _ - -r r ,in m. 'r"'. JAW rn 3fe,�r. r;ler.raW _ . -•� U I I 1 -:-.-----w---1.--...--- 3nlna 3anlaNla 1 lle.010.11 1.2110.1.0,0 Nw.oJO' r,rfm "s - A c I 1 SK+ _ rJx /.. AM TNA'- v K K _ 1-�• A0.10 Al AINAVAAJ I TWA .1010.010.3 Naouur * p1351 NM JAW -" rd I 1 6,, I Man. OW ONSISAI AOJxJa SIMYVI�e ` =-�- s rI-It wee-1 1 r !/ •omaMtII, 1 511.400Y V1550e, - 0"ow.1•IYA00v erld0.401 mu,"1r"wv.w lMII,f)7r Y - ��� a �. +1(' 1 Ny V ' ro.9 dw 0011.A0.00,OWE \ iii-a!VJ00!!0!g ...1.7.17....1„;„.... ami Jsaaw.5lm 6 I °2_t Q. ,'G j{ tlGN YN Sal STI-8,0 1 ws,sraim OVA 1.101 J.,�I'R4_ I i II " ,ir+ M/M 33.411,_451711.0i&lid ,�_...XII, .UW1 AIWA. AM,rw fa.wJr J"rwnr on aw31 ., --a"1Yoi4. n . 1 1 L I :9310.4 ��1111 �/ .IL 1'\ \ i1 +. 1360M !WIN Y� ' XT a'bl AIM 3 Y e ,421i; eQtq 3° g Y° AI.w"�-1_ d41 i A I•IY 1921 .111 t@. 6:a1@ 1 €i g $ s 1 d 4:feta: Air a It a •o„N.,, ON��' YI M a ' fY18 p : is Y ;Nil t a3 h I Y N g 111.1 gm ell 11'11: it Y r, ; 1;Nil , y t t; c 1 g Y 14'M gill 010 d I e I i i;= .a Aril li a 1 il it 111111 I 'A"h 22 11.1 Rk h , 1; Ya Y• 31 #B a ; Y° t Aril �a �Y a '.s',��' 1 t P `` 5 3? �+ I Yt Wt igg° a pvY ei . 5" -I 4 A k 1 13tet tp A 'ti, p Ha�/ _- ,. a,w.` 6 Y ie 1 p1 pi d t I1. iyk, e . E gu h� A � • 4 � � � E� Y 4 8� h Y i f•���, d 7 f Gr e a A wle I a' a 4 I SY �d1 ��1gg6�y� �I �� wilt � Y a.._ �pp �. gg, � tlp 1.1a�� I I : �«� q IpeY t� p IeE aw/11111► ► ��y � �" 1t( 1 0 A,� hh §k T ee$ ° i tq AP °AI'I A A'3if' 1 h AI 50A` A 1i 05.4 A Qa IIG 'aii y ; 1 41 A sia gill @ i d ..0.1. .I g€h Via , I@.,a I 4.1„ $4Y i<� 10k r iii 22 in Ai 0A,alias a a AbCY Mad 3� 02 a1 23 l p 0 ig Y AniA 1 Alii A.2 a! R29 tal ® �a D 19 a 0 j ! �' y ' • b h h �5 'f K v M �l v1 b b � 1 PI _ h `✓ m o ,i mi - 03nNLLN00 .,,1 8 LL , 1 r r .. .j 1 �- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- --- I I 1 YO-�133N5 III 1 I 11 y f . =: = == f A I (I'� `i Z a pi „ ' =ll� I Y d W T it��'� �01 r It,x511 S; I 41 ;g a o o � • A Its t s I AVNsa1eM 0g r I =�_-_ __ = s=_ __ _ -_ __.c- kY x�d H LL=w X111 ��1O "11 — �'` G , $Y i 3 ZH +A,� \\l i,'It I' r e �8 °9 A � �I- -"Tit it; y k .i .e og �141'i 1 1 6� I. C _ o a .. 0 o 0 aa����,�� I 1 Y q _ a l i 'ISR' 1 1 1 i 1 I. 1 a EP 1 1 11I hi1'1'1 II illi k , ;I I 5th= __ l'al-rillow-070.4i 1 't i I I. tli V81 =� tg kj r I11 �: ii 111 I i 1 N • d l I I g 1 h a 111 1 d11 I5. s�0 s il, ' SiI Illirt 1inI, 8 11 - a 1� v I I i I 1 \ ► € da t 1 11'4\ 1 i a ll 1 Itk, 1 - 1' 1 1 � A, 1 gilix • �aaa� ' `IIIu II � p n II / I jI f g __ _ gI II C I 1 , iI1 11 r II !11P II s Il' > ILII l 11 / 1 _ i Inc 1 I / 55 11 / 1110 1 - �, 'R33 1 II I..,:, � Jd , s 'RV 11 /. 1 1 . .E.. x 'E e • , f i r.:$I r / "I E 8 r'� Ij 11 11 I, la / ; i - F __ � ' I I ,� i III��II'p' I ;€m3 ` Ki 1 ,'I 1 1,.1 I 1 AO 00 '-0I 1 ,: I '1 I' -a y ch tit% • I ' Ii1 I,Yi g . .ru a g i PI; 2-,I :, 1 s_ _ g :t a�:g i1 f 'i 11`1 I � I/ : A . i ii ' ,,,,.„ I •■ ' ' ' , i, �1 „ ., I al dF LLJ 1.1 I �� it Y nY +� .Yt at I '' to ' m •. o I. ro ^ e m o �. o m d 59 1 �Q =;ea d� � i H h h "f , � � � � � b b m� - - - L - - akJ1dg .aat F 03I1N111,100 10N I NOTES : I* i I �Inm� 4 �a i!t3 3 C _t I I ^ IDR-115 rl{I HAAarl 0,11 ��i{{ I I Iq ^� __-_ _- /IRP. 444tZ' ;«�«� --w-.,_«-«_ 1 PC v Mk I. >r ror�wuuc MO A APCP RIN11^ • IC II, — __-- —__ _ I . _rIC — — ---- ROA.SICCP.PONS 0.0,I PM PC SRC.Or ^ w___ _ -�p�]�Y--- = C' - ar F - rt/..PC on fol PIC ae*sw Cr _ t .m¢ pm mr flOPS 33,..cr el Tail.:.-_r-_=. ___ . _ _____---- -- A PRIALAPPOW Of OP f0•0 I.AMU MOON PC WV e----1---"1------- ----\ ----- ---:----- .7----:--.----- --- ---- If ... ..k ')k 4'4 70%1 7:CP.7;7 4,,,,,,, 0 IA.CAC.AMC POW.1000 MR I .L 11:::::: �S - ,�•��.= -------- •I. .. I>.-'a ,R 1��— :or...,,,,,,,,,10 m;Mnr MO,. , ,owis i 77: %la ? /-- 43501•1,40 MOEN au/SME COM,Pffl. PC AVIA.PAM MP PC Pf-AS � I I - r� a r-e'- �`ir'�� g yr/, .,„„,,,,„.....,,,,s..„„„,,,,,..,..,,,,,, �]W. • �._---_�- - — m • ...1t,_ aiv>t a N]m m`Rc Pc[NSW rao¢l.Ns wwc —+ upY �� --- R 18 , --_- Ir - --� .--ice /MAO - �, +i \ POI.4/44 \ 0 LOMPOPI •�_��.O --- l_ i` __,,,,,,„7-----::-_:-----.4( ,� - , « _= —Nsp'`\` \ Ana¢. l�n x[[a,erwr�nems _ -t vT k 4.t.1S+_r�- -_ SF __ FINE TREE DRIVE -r,OyGs--- \mm` \ 5.omrn mnr<w .. l _ PP,m la �"- -> . ROP JO'HOPE ro t YAN _ \ mvirr vs rrr<. ARP/6"OL WA/EN YM' DV-/15 PS NA HOS pAsEAIM POP Off PROM.OP 10.IMPS RC�� 11 HORIZONTAL AL2WYENr FOR urirM,U `� d AC FUR/RE YPROKYEN,s Nor .v,,,,,,p.?rR PANT OF nNs,xnxnJ .>f7iRi'KAE1RMC PP «� lane Pau MP MAN C-110 CAST M P MVO PLAN VIEW MW..»»..DMO LEMOS PC R R,R«Ns E RPM SCALE.,.20' SCALE:,.20 AMACCP.1 00. C.O.. PC 0241.10P 10 15+07 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+0019+15 p DM,APPO poor..< P-IOC.5.5,P.r-..:s la IM MO..DMA Pfs.f cuv,44.PPOR0 MO 16 PC SR. ,.s.,c MEM cosi JO"EP M 16 `wow' APIN`>.ir nc �...rr... IP IR /9 /A°[i CRW\ • . 72 -r _- --. __ _ - •, ,y Ea757,A7'CP Fli 17 , a�a .w o r.`mg,..m _� II _.. __ __-_.. ,ligAc .! /II ��,1 A _ _ KEY PLAN(NOT.- I ma OM' -12 — - - - I�GVI -12 �aV 1 -20 q -- _ - - AP-1S3 Ps w NBA 'EI Y'we -20 Limipi1 IIIA _ -24 -- --- - - - --- p �Dx.Ra -24 �„1/.I� 1 _ � • Mia =� — -E I! -- • ---- - - -II NroPe PK PCSNAMAD PO, -52 — –.__ -_ -_� t _ _ __...,lw' --rDfoe9"(.fttif — -52 c 00,Rtytpr -56 — - - _.-- - -56 w.*n -60 --r _ -60 No AMID Pf 1 R.TA OT 5 .Omum4NRP..PRm..2,, DRIB•1' -64 PROFILE VIEW -64I MUST IE,ER..ON Me I,L<T.We COMM ' 4°D'IDW.E SCALE;1.-20' m S mum,ODDS. RA. ENDIFFA OF RECORD MOWER Or RECORD_OR_ NEID.BDRI000 O MI AMI BF A(H w^rWORMS MECTOR.JOIE MRS PE.P.FED IDmW,DniNwRPDWTIONDFOTPWC0Sl6AD AA SSBI ENGIEER_PO_ LA GORCE&NAUTILUS am*NM CRY WINDER HJW i.M.MK ]Ow510ma 0 TOR REPERMIT DEi OMAN By w - ROOM PACKS DEPARTMENT 2 DwvNOON R.R. mvaa Pr IMI flatLRm DECKERF MLE PROPOSED 30-INCH FORCE MAIN E.I,.,,.y� ..�y= writ...IMO CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH EL.]]1% Ow ENGINEER.DwraA DITEC�PE I . Dow REVISION R• fJ•IL<��R ]R,I RONIIAOJRNf11A. SrVtWti MO AGM DY PE sr»Q REVISION ARw.OVTS OGLE PR PLAN(EAST SIDE) Ds B«.1 Omani-.U— M Pa.Brelegm/3014PremcmfOR .e.FOP.N10100P9NOOArwcf0Y o.Mom eucMRF6M1T.I2<1014./or&W.S*.WS,.•n.C.D,O,MFM Coal GmemYS-InM00-0NP180.DPW.*n.*1 WYE.GPO fl RO r- _ I NOTES- \, / °-Ar. °,-«�as�'W fAA RcOa-T • uai.wu�a[ nnos ar �. I LPP J- '-%..: s �I. ".4.11_721,-;:40 sr,arra.. e ori —i I .w.OMR q'cwt Oawuk**.a me 1� I 'a (t 'I 1 \ _ n /NY U� rrmn�c ro¢ 1.001/At. s A.a L „.>„,,r„,,,,-... w e w. "'mi,`off I MOSS. kriroouS NO wA"rNDa•. s ker.. M ANO Pe...-0 aw • Ar kJ Oa 0 NV [ KW MAG. ,s_-1-1.---..-1. `\-H` „�.. _ _ O acr.,o at,A s.w NK terYI " rrR`{ er a• ay, /L,;— MAO .Ara ANY MIM rr ��`�., .ncOOcr My _' (W.' I.\ (E11«+".r� 11111?AY I NOV IN um aeosa.t ,'"°`+'..s Met • (VS Pie AV I+G01 I _ « .Es mi- :."".r"0Or"s " sa M�ftAa / `_`_ • MACE MAN Mt Cr AW Ow mawsnay IN Mr SExIs { 3- — -"M 1/+` +o +�: �$m.4 " Rani IV vOIXABIMA OA n rANY 0 ACP ME Vaence- l'--- on.o.ce- ...,.. _ ---+� / Fes` ~ ",a,,,�,,.- _--- freklAOROV" _ 1 / �Q/1BC1116'#E1 �- — — - snr AAA a we'NOS a*WAND 1 I R� _� !•.� _ _- _ _mjo MASA.Air Al*.Las Z ",. �•�' AiSO'NOW AREA lir' � �- v LAOIS IMA*IO SI a nAL.s✓LU00 \ u SEA or MM. - - I i �""� s siinLAPO or Dos AMA SZA aaK or.ri '"ID- - MsasAFm as uw.r"'moauw fa t — a< aPR.o rota_ t _ •$1- I =4 19 MAt r,Y.r.C0..N INE Lest ''� MAR».. cora. 004 r -- moi' narar L..1 r~~ moEo a.nM.«Lo.A.rs roe roe 11 "�' € _ -_ r r-�e ____,-i1` `� aMnaMw w _._- - `... .A or.w.Mrr.2at LrMa•R.Mo �---i, 1&00 a, ��+I ntk� \ sa we JrA.lar YJ MO o- I \% o xs cam r s.uu�•s StvAwws LAW 411, —..,•---• -..m.........••,TE-,;: =7-tr _ _ `- "rrt • s .No surarueolc i ars AMaE col¢ --�T-y�nro as - —�:_ „--4,,L•_� '.:.ra..srgn A`M p- - e I 0 PC ..Acca s� sac uo PINE TREE DRIVE t. 7.:.-t.1-4-_-...:' - \\ �KHOO - �-_-_`—� "—" - " tgSE pa43 r,�Or M Lq N'awxBOA to3 ` _- r __ + '���J---_._�laao---------I rs'u"u.Lirsawro s, .cart -=,r---. -= a�� �-�.II M„ "'art eo MaNW ME aF mc S000 SallE MOM.Ems..k FORCE MAN 7 ,o,104S0 AIM*re-oo,ortAas os to R.nMr -1 'NDN;`DIAWYC ;, wt ME AZOV NSE8IAOV R7 11(LINNAciOR uwc s 1,01 ar srsRM .` WE AY AkE van AO - I Ia S wK.7/7 coat vs ..LABOSCA.V4 TALES Marr.0 OE OE0° ID GIES ra3 PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW irsi o:R„O. SCALE:r=p• SCALE:IT.00' SCALE+'.20' IrPea 0 NOD arr., to a RSMAMT r Lla°'RDr,,'V coin coo 8 - --.- - 8 8 - 1 8 ]T Or OWN Xi OF ORE 1 4 4 8ii8 AWN. was Gat RICE'X• MRs...r (N REY PIAN OT L.-iY - 8 NVOFWOW _ __- 8 + _ _ 4 .III III IM !' 1 ' 11 ° mg C'- IBMI + I1�1���I I., + + 111. . + J 11111:uii0; 2. 1 111111 aM4 — ———————,_.." 4 0 - rill - 0 ,.., Sa 2,kSit 00.041 MM.11E-Ar kW Ild MP Aar 8 su aM.- ,r-8 8 _ - - , -8 ;;:;J ltT - _ ;'Ar I s_"IV -11 — 'i40.*NOB q°-11 -12 KM 12Nall ammaillill WARM °AWE MAN .Lr«Na r _/ -B - is�u.aM-B -■ t.tw) MIN PE SERE sr .'IA M.Sa WV kJ no Yl Yrs Qi.,ENP -. -- _ts�rta N c. Aaa`".nam -16 _. _... _. _ _16 -16 -Enna.o,. -16 ,po.raroF A'nue KB RAO 11,0" Rs/IAA _8 -- 's0--- -ASMAA _8 _12 .. -11 n¢Rrrc,, -- _-. ".00 �sJ' ,� IBES./WKS -10 - asaMNE0 w 0-RL MCA WENS NO,,rass aa.w+�tRe -10 -l+ I- rags RMO -l+ -20 - ra�cs -10-20 -20 „"°tea, w "s.nos SECTION "A" SECTION "B" SECTION "C" SECTION "D" ALN.ReN.L"",NAP OSCL4.1 Oa MDT wR ;%`ae`a.o_,.°.. SCALE:NOR 1 .]0' SCALE:"0R t .}0' YALE:NOR t .20' SCALE NOR t•.A' """:=1:."'Rotcoaa. VER 1'.Y 2£R 1 .] VER r-2' VER 1..Y W n 0101O0I3 so sr' RR ENGREFA OF RECORD DOWER OF RECORD NBO,waRlottl Fr NR.3EwrMIMO.IOaaw•wWRARMw111pREy a ,l Al /�.M L Nwr'...'Oi0VCONNENTR R.R. DEMON ENGINEER�/` 1-+ I BE AC H nscwaCITY IER ALAN L N5..HRE aw1Ez.E I.rEa s o R.R. a j LA CaORCE 6 NAUTILUS ,r 'HOW RA )m ma a 333 cop,WTI m ucnaa RE TITLE PROPOSED 6-INCH FORCE MAIN A.R.,� Pea vrLo,r.+ NATIO WORKS DEPARTMENT Cn EMOREE33 m...0.7EO,EE RA Lau CAKES 7.30 2301 173CON,ENTIONCENTERDRIVEMIAMIBEACN.r2.vu> 140 1018 N APPEL.a -�- REn9€Not RP SRA, SCALE .sM1DRn PLAN AND ADDITIONAL DETAILS ,,,,, Fr Pm Sr. VI]Do.P,e eaICa el Mery e,a5"Eo4Rli.In.AS. 38 3 33.t•NPLCaam.PM CaCiosA�:awm.Pets,n553,C..AI+ornutowI wawm_uou.w�w or 33 D"..,E taco MOTES: Rill?.70. MA IAN 'SWI.' A—_-R1� _—__ myna nuz�C ow. Mr N DY OW. DR-135 W/!PQ m,...eJo'447 112 wvmin° ."---am M w.r¢ --- 07104001.0177 on RAW*A AR 1410.1 KA 1M cuE aw:..uo Mr __ _ _ nrs 13:00 --� —.. _ _ _ ro•.ro• _ -- A.—'--_ `�`� tl rns n ur.rs 1 MO res iKor ... ��— —W _- �_-_- _ -- SCALE I IO cm,. ..my_ i �— sear vR YW NANC 11.1.011 __ - tinAu ::-----L-Nrar . .. is ..-=1, S. Vtallibliftw ioai w`n.ir m:Ro r.rr MO 111.121 ".ff.'s n"r INCROI 111 MC _ UMW S z AA rli-.•M aysniec rarer go. ME MOW. art.sA o noon 1 � _-lr -s o� —_ AMMO.0 Del. rs AS en _ A~ _—All• .. "T��/ �� i�� �i _ Iv.. A. , i -aI 1Ir � �hrs �, ---.-------i.„-C,..--,-..------.2---- w --_ `I - z,A.wao rcI45«ai.¢n w ws sr .__ W. r•rs �..��e0�� .o.s wnoum• { MOW Mr CM.ROOM.CCONTL PAT WM*. .02,--'•R 1,__2,,----* 0+0,2 : -�" I I.trAmAcma.moat ff.Au AArs MO Mtn Cf ---.. .'n`s _..ff-...T, ia. Y- __—'�- - raan"w r.o�....., t. —_ t. :Lf-111.---7-12.,;;7..--7-2. ^-0.- �I^_— -=��- - FLAMINGO 1� _ — —T yy(nl sM%��- �� WATERWAY I r00:11:11111111Mrnrµa0 001113141, — .- ��- +--""'i ns 1 Fr`MOKn moLt w, a ra.W,a...,. avows T ASSAA POSS.70 We 1111 WO uaW o222 "i.`AtlSsswc�Of M110.2[1.11 1 Cti Be KO A.Cu sm m0e..M.Fnnrz. m r r.mas.Ro • ,i 22. .° i ...o AmIA.20.2022i t w Kar wars n I Mr �,'uc wr AU PPR 6 arc Cr 1.1 1 PLAN VIEW I n wN °a Lam'" (r.R...ref I SCALE.•-30• I mom mw.Atm,12 11.1 .A..F F"'R wa z Ass.m 1 r aMAI M 11110101111,, F011.11.4 we 4RR or.Anvomrs Br Kr 01 urr 21015 10..-1.1ss At SR. 000.1 COMMA CA Of 1. • • "& QfEWY17WYY MOLES (n.a.x 141.%1,41.7,:.71 ruse: tAKITIGIAtit 1 cvotowerar sprula moo,sm.NSTC COO,A*JAVA AU MT. u CIMMICp 10 V' ti CONO.M�.Q n Vmm COMM..Acm.m Mf "10 5151f.rc 00111. n ms°'�n'n..•�w ir"'..'F F% ear.OtWW1 WAffir os w OMM.f X1100.41,0 OP w10 un¢s rcs 131r.10 FM."r-wsr KEY PIAN(NOT n.9� rsrwri ¢rov*WITS POOR, All C.. s M4.1111,11,31.C.TS In.M Mr[0401104 PTA*IC Ir Now :4, ,...i,_,,,,....,. J', ro'rb.y� scaa02.2 epr'nrs MIL aYSi MR-51-1C =was'IF 4 d^ Ai `.///� „nro ,.'*'AND KO MOW Mrr":` ARVISO 100.01•11 FON MIN 111111\ �=a, �� '" .aar.,COVIRAL.1 1.w."MA 9.40 Or 011.00, 11111 IIIIIIII 411"--11%%1111 . Eg:,,.... ir,,, , 1 ..., . .,,c A,,,,,..„„=1"E4,1,..'"-=`!=,fr=';,-tg"..,:,T . 2.20 2 !bid ar :Time i .. ,z.zrF.,ANPa.FMA,,4=,»c1,gr ---as- _ J - v¢WEAL PHOTO 1 PHOTO 2 ,* No. R.M.PO RAM PE a1...1rmm TSAR.*a Ktsi MT.,Ssiii0 A**AM Dv �'`°sa1:17; 10S M AMI $O,O,FAO]C KT O.A RA ENGRGOF RECORD. EISOIE90FKOOKS S E�.00.214000 n BEACH WALK WORKS OI.ECTOR EOR 001Q.E.FA9 OlefinOOn I.<W TION OF DIiWCOM.EMw "' ONION ENGEM FYNw YwrIL,.R,D..F�R.M1erwRnl. N u , T SET R.w U GORCE 8 NAUTILUS 04/0317022.OK BENSON RA nn K MOI IW LR ID ORAlA.18✓ c liolswes 2 O 4 .100 corrvtN 24040ON WORKSNTER DEEARTMENT TMENEKJlfL.3] ,1p aro...EEO GOONS ORTEOA,vE ON 12.211011112.2110111RA Mk Ma 11B1011312, RL3wum,RNEnA ' R T EXIT 24"FM AERIAL CROSSING ,w... F..NIA— writ..REVMKN ,FFD Of 106-1024102 PE NDA2o1 .GALE w..Nn111DEMOLITION PLAN NO DATE ry; y,n,ma ore one.D„ Fa OS PNM O,*e3OW1P 200 ,c.wCm M nr .,.ORSrMFO-]011-129..***•WSW....*sum C.a+rR.rY fain Cross,S-Ies000-ORP MN k*3. M2 it11 _CAD 0...4 INOTES M'. ®_ 2 I 1. ,N.o'p1rdWar 1 o .,0,0.06 .. - ... ..........."'7..-7. - r faMti SOAu OrWOO..AR r r'—vimi\"I�iN_ y_�•_✓h_.� ? tkT = — IS.S10.00.50S WO Warr Au P..., Rs ATM"COIALIK.00110 r 000210[02,904.0.004u 0.11,110111.110240.5 MO A.m. PA WOW.100.06 0 ALLOW0A50¢NM rat, PINE TREE DRIVE � -,,S v -wv O[aY wEau PER vZ. g _ . iiiiio,.___________ —� � 0004.11 0,ii r. kAri0.5 Z..,-..e?,..., / , . __ — l ' vaaghi rnsmc u w OW c 9 .,gC - �...._.. _. ._-_ _. lana ���� -- _ mwsl PO a snrcza e s T :. ... 1 ew arAaaTan.w- 11 E ^—w—^ 1. f Aa6 — . ,,,� r, ,' 1 llr. &w fi 4�. r wcw8 4 .'. o �-='� w—_-- .",,.A Ts�a•,, '.. 1110.1.00100100 001011.ram OMAR"Or 90510555 •A$G$ '27 yY O,•F ��A \ _ / •,_' —r—^---w—^—^�- Ill w -� FLAMINGO I IO.W.E/bkp4S.T..o..... 'W ��� , _ WATERWAY 4 II .air .r..�..u. `�'� I .NR .MRY I TO CC 1. I I .. I ® l 1 Iif * II I SO. 4 ,..„-1/40.-_______..------_____-:`III ,•'Yw—1 - ^-. .i�+- WY awlrro or 2 Isar mot reap.ua,ttnR woo'aN toll to .'Na' \�' IMI.�lno'o2.s a.Au iiiinis : ' TSN++ - ^\_ Ina.Ys wN.R.I.r> carforl _ �� ,O[MI MsmR.lnv mr ,v AMK PINE TREE Oa_ ti (Q� I� RAN NOT J r �..11111 =3 :., iiia MN 4. ;!+! DEaa� _ r "_ PE BEAL Ea. RN 7 1 ice.-Jl PINE TREE DRIVE ;, 1• ww ...... .., 2 N . R. _ _ �. .0...m Kw.re w o,0.,m... 4STA ,O e n ,b/v.WA aN Ia.R*cW.)cc Rurnv,n.ePwrn, T,x,c ebNA,b IR [� 5 01/21/7222 RA. WOW. RECORD ENGINEER OF RECORD 90_ NEIG.MTOF,T]OD U \A I! ',M BEACH x 6 C„„,.. . PEFa!) ,a.NS/An INNCORFOMTANOEWWICOI EIWS RAR 300--..... e uDINEER�� LA GGRCE B NAUTILUS F Y RE Wowy a ssw0.au.arw.mr craw cwra a WINDER KIW T.NV TES i YT,OSOa21 TP,REN6pN RA. Da MD N O41 lq 9.R m DRAWN_ C.ECN TITLE FW ams I.�, _ Pu,c WORKS DEPARTRENT CITY ENCE.ER:ugTW,MTE.,PE NWR N RA. DN,aNEaRm VA PROPOSED WINCH FORCE MAIN Pro.MO— .NR gbrl 1100 CONVENTI3 CENTER CPoVE.WN SEACM AIM NO DATE 6REM6pN MPD.WI .01-1110 MN Re PE 40434711 6CA.EEAS 6NOub -GO Z.--_ RESTORATION Dr mmT� fiw .. 0e_. FA•P.aT.n.,m.l 00.5.PWCw al Rami RW.MTFO.AIT-TA.WSW a WmY.a_VA..MAMA..Co.Cremes S AMOK PK.O550-Dnp,Im.mam.I RR Y,DC_mon.i. NIA.,NE 4 samosa. C.us r... ui.rw ..u.w... .., r4. _ . ....4 AAAA« '�� flunks .,. .i'-e[ r.. ver. ...r., *sus «v :I I'i: ,i!1Iii. ,ill , -"� i iiiii ill W. I i_ ——— -- il li! N. ill jli ill ' * i I i Ill II it lll!1'll!. 111 IIS 1111 ui ' I �'V.r 111II_Ii�l oir >,.CW -- _--_- .a.N.a �.«.. ,. , ver.«r, .iii :i:. « ..,... Be. Ex MON e.. ... l��� ' it — 111111;11;11111 II ll i .R.N.... .T.. 4 • TM WO TR, ►� —• r mai !I It! I II I!I .. il.il i1 !III " 1 4r..... Bl��I • ...MUM AAAA. _.«,. 1 �,�1 ...r..lr�. ..vers ___= r,...v r.". . Fir- 1 ,, lil'lll II.. .. . .. ,,1 IliII, II ,Y, 41 1. ! ! II! !11 L! Ii Ih h!jI. w.a 1►i 40,111,u40.11 Y&IIM'Tai 1 1 l 1 LL WI Ill/4 ....4,4. *4' MI ,vel.: +r Ns 21.1, 111 a .0 DETAIL 0 DETAIL 9 NTA. MI NTA. - NOTES 1,7.4574 TACAVATE WI EWING APE AT DR DOW Or _ INN o Iw)C atrA WS0.59,40 WrtA,ALS.5R CONBIACIOR i..r m m Wel.C-,Tp CAST—sae-- ALL. I.A [Cr..Cu , AY,CROWS WSKA DURw.a SuCTA[mow AAM C'153 CUSS,.. 1 ALL SELOR C.awD 45ewes A4D SAC S.NO SE STYLUS.STEEL w ENCASED AS KR MEW.CIMS PE SELL: INN.[nn.pf Asp PAC LIMNS W,E e:gMES eve lrr[NOREEN TO ACCOANACO E l ML�iwY[4Tz'Iw twrR moo urM[AAo�D±�r wt YW tul. A. P.J�YRwE4su.o.<WSlrYG .R.pBmlrrCNCZe9ALNS4AMI:1143"14 rWTRA5OTmU.ORMxTus RETARD ,. ,.sTNNm SEW • * F.PCR THE CORS STAIeue1 WOOLS 407DRIDSI NpSS Al ALLOWS ; STA OF a • F DR RWM RENT pubes COW M M T..uz,Awe«DT WWI.;AS ..NM.w.K wwD, . .W,mry '3.4.: �r „ �4 RREDDEiRn r n nC e`r4[on APPROWS u.[Sipes - enEY. corsO1115 WNW A.SEALED A.T. 1�b[urE�Y ALL o FINE ..Nr.eRANm lure IL RESTRAIN A v w NK E.rsT.mAc w.... y, A ^Y/1IAMI BEACH s Dlnvma doeET R.P. ENGIEEE[E OF RECORD DIANN ENGINEER Of RECORDS/I-94- EBC,�R, Flarcwassoeecraa,oPena.rz[E.— E m1-1',7:77"--°`--- Ncaaw —°`—oma-- R.R. �r DESIGN ENGINEER GO_ UI GORCE&NAUTILUS Fr rape.r.raNR[ora.tiumu:rE CET'NANNIES KIrM T.rI.MA !O.NSrlOII PE NL BET kn. U.. ii Men=SOB REVISION NA.R MS FCC a am aA LP Ea GRAWNBy RE _Bn4.r P.Rr.m ES 0EPARTBe7T CRY ENGINEER CRNTINA alma&RE I WOW.304,REVISION RP COWL Wan RASA ON RewuooA Dry., C.ECAER.REP TITLE CML DETAILS PLAN FANS..tiA P.B.N&_ *.SNJ TT ,T00 COWENBON`CENTER CLINE.AVM SEAM,SLUM sB-Em-A� PE we - FrP.e/SrnoCSyOMJPI.FESSCC,DIN.m!.cNSFOASIF-i]S[B�W..r&W.A2wer SAArna ConONrSFN CuW Crow.B-I.W-0.p00550ND.DATE - ARM.ST _NF6 SCALE AS BMDMI Cole BIYE.11-,L31.- 4.y�IMF,mmnV1 rMeO_AR WARY CA...f8 AS. 6 qac op 4 R : ii L 9B i6 .is ii lee ■ EB B yyy y W AI 12 <O d ;a C iii.Bye u = cL I,. 4 C9:3 ---1 cn of 'P- I PY P 6Y9 9d 411 f5t 3 tri g"9K! ssI P P } -I i--w—ii IF pi 8d2g° y11 + 't 'fa i d ! y. Fps` 3 �t 'YE ydsb-• 4Cg; 1011 9 ,tFz 5 A wygE 1111 15 g�i Psi 91 9hK � :ii /1I Lill : 6 i i PA hili f6 b-t9 err; ED%-- I "�xl• R" ga `t'i SII i c ,h, d; 7°. ` r i5! ix * 1 C xi vs P y 4 saawin.t, li E_;�� =1 �.3 `,-. ; iib 'IA j 5 s a 5 �j3Oo !I 9 y :d` ii.y G y 5iJ b. r p 4 1b31 3i opals ra ' P8�e {`{ { fp- a 1a -v f I b 71 § gi b10+ia . b§W i3{ II: ii 3yi ;a:!e op ig.g 3 ? �pjv Ba6 �YY; t l�1�I 205 eg rJ!! yi �pe4tl2 1 y� ( 7. erg Yy Y'g i' roG a tl{ 1 iCCCh 9ii 7 t y .0 E{ { { q Qecpbbr.. i5r, 9i .4 it _ ili y 4 r �. + r� gg Ta. a'' een: 1, 4 1 I= is ii- I: CFni i ti, I _ S%K P 'Pi! + JJ t 8 ile 1111 g g I r a fi 1,e tig 6igp n •a 16 + 8• ayg ��vr�,�ev.• 9 y F y P- yppp La v; H4i l �i:_,. r. 5 3 G}1G} 1 ra e6Esy3 Ir S• epE�'�` 1 :14 iltli hid 111 itrVr'a i a k i fills C g S.S. I 1 01 gdrdigj at �j Oi-IA! PI :1�� .9h 6 i e y Z ',id:Hu I. -, I 1 IAANNOLES/CROSSWALKS/JON T$ I MS OE 104,0E s MASCNMD L•a YORE AB , 3 D JONrs EIREEM LANE AND HAVING•wD GREATER .AN CROss/A AN ENE,.r TRACLO,DES DMTR� s ASPHALT APR.,MS r ,r4 DOCS NOT T`APPLY, TRENCH PLATES OR TEN. COLER MN MK 5 ALL IRANSa D MOR[SHALLFFRRPM•Rrl 1--.-.-RAF R O APAO DOS,AYCTED AS 5x0.1 N ME DTRE BELOW.r FiIOP W On.T.24 WEROCA BASE' ^e'--1 KAM NRC 1010COLO COMPKrO MIC �t , MM.tit tlr t3An0M ASPHALT APRON P[ S - ANOAAD alto NND[Mu[R aT NOS mlKra COM SSETIDN VIEW WUI ...-7.1 TEYPDRMY SURFACE N.T.S =X ONSTMKMWLrNLOLEE NEA, +. CYw OUST OAT.DOSE.CURB FOR RESTORADON PROJECTS 1 SECoON NEW a ASPHALT : arrtR y u°yMAm so w 90zPza r�R �N°�Aa wr MES 1 1 rC.%a NI a KL BE B'.WAGES[WHEREAS( D. / S.COLOR:1 .PLAYS TA • GRAY UNLESS OTNERMLE NOTED. 4 ALLNKDKNNG OARS NKORU1t S SHALL DMAS rC WLS ANO SHALL NAVE E YANYFAC uRER s AM THE BM RA. SHALL NOICATE lit PROWLER.SII AND GRAD. /MAIM= 163 }_.,�. _— wxINxER.cAowwKM A3Ixn 164 ''F...C h1. swrBMcx+oDlFmmEs 104 aS0.1 ArNIS 1/' ''..k TABLE 0,F IMS vr. -N: ..SONG Lr[N CURVES CURBS.AND OF t+AP T O'¢NRR TO CENTER ON SOMALW k' ''1 l� .1 'C' ELSNW STRORq(S +/]sN-YgttD et," 11 L'air ul i r TM••JONT EVANS JOIN! WNL[SYxrrnTm IA-6 •3 A 2 M EMOROMc i EXPANSION JOINTS CONTRACTION JOINTS SIM MOBI{'r 9 NT.0 ILLS ASPxKT PAVEMENT '+ \ MM., B A'r A Nh1Lr P.l.•.��'1N� ��E ry r�R.n�L>K MI[S—�I]ODD c �,SRR Rom ma ArtNKi 1�'/ WAIy! fr All. ill k'W+..:�� '+MMLlrmrl[TION :�_N......___L.. .....sFCLASS i COMMIS E �� w MI 1'.ONE P.C. 17 PLAN NEW �Nr: J ay-WAWA lili1 pMSDIOHR NAGE MB . AO°• RT.i CCYMACCf Irt6O WOWIYwAS KA Lnro MLS EK PTN /� AD CEMAGrtp IR •R LARwa ME cow PSR AAMIO _MI, �,t o��ae�ti�"a>=, a n-' T' n' AD CO F a�°A MIC c o r/ srABw,a%sum LLttIII\\'���II B B~� SECTION NEW opt.A� N.i.i 5prnoN wEJy, MK �G� '.4:01.7°'.LL rrP[C K[M•RnK$Ano CGISnYCnON SxKL BE N A¢OOANCE MTN FDD, SECTION VIEW SIDEWALK MRNTS TINS A.A.me,ommy Swat I. sNurc.WOr1s s[cnas w•3!0 Mn IAM. 9.1.S NES C Au MOM SHALL BE N ACCONOANLE OK FO,SPEOFNAIONS SECTOR REwwo ANEv..n.moats= MIC% IE.10 346-6/SU-t FOR 3B DAT COMPRESSW STRENGTH 3000 PS COSMO. BCIIS I ryp ILEO pm[M[w�Fis a"VI:: D0 10 , a L cM N YEsx 3000 PSI AND NKM¢D MDI tE-M AMBt.A PROWL y rWF OF AO TO COM.AT 5K0[MPt LA a OAKES.R CLAMS. MMT EVEArSo OM ANY ElI'cTAas CaeE. „LIZ M,cx On.NY[NT.,•[n«vrTEi[ss RtaO M CONCRETE O MASA PAVEMENT ASPHALT a M LM Sx3 E! UNLESS OMRMSE MOM GN TMs.M 1 S pOrKRSK ANO NRREtlulyi MF a t'IIW,AM 3' DR IL • NEM ES PRO AND AMI 1 ,FM USE ADJACENT 10 1 o EANSON MST REF[DNcD MN,FILLER AMD iONI YK.R[ i.=OM STANDARD MAI UNLESS O,KMMS[TORO. ^•A N o,..[R A 1 SRAM s,Ruc urrci PROWL CONTRACT.*NTS S¢NRR 10 PALMER,DML. 1 J CM R. .STANDARD GRAY uNLEsz OTNEAMSE NOR0. J ALL NrMFGRGPRG BMS SHALL E 015 MS MAD[05 ALL REINFORCING S lrtil[SroE [ S LKA u9NG[DO ASo11AL,PG.SHALL MEI SO JOKE E PLACED BALM[0¢a SOMI,D NAM MANACE PE BFAL'. [DOJOMON OGESTK YxLi ANO SHALL HAVE r •rA/ ryNA's ROR.M R[aw[YEMT a NR SO[LKA r[�ANMr WPM s Sq[LALc NSW COLD ASMK,PATO,SHOJI MEI M Au•SMORGIFC N Mn AAD w. 5 SIM NN M BM 1Mo1 PULL SODA Y OIK[VtNT s IEE SDLKN SPD R 1 R[KORbSG SIM MsnSALwe[FROM DOKSM RILLS AND.ALL AMR 3E.AMD ORAD. 4[ CN YUST E AWN M O RMN 0.bJOWO FLAGS OF _EIS 3 RAEy M MANDAGTMRR s TALL JABBING ROLItO WTO 1N BM.NCM.ALL ' B. cm PATCH NMI E SMOOTH AM,I.D.Mm ADJOINING FLAGS a SOEBKA p y WbCAR M PAOrER.Si[An aAOE. SOIAD MUM E M NAL FARM FMCS LLL N0,E ADR S ACCPrt0. ACCLAIM OF w[MM 1151 E N FDL FLAGS.PMnM KAGS SELL ROI E B3A _ 3 c ATE OF E ;T.tiV REnCH ..... = m+A:,tRGMn /o-� .MIAMI�i _— EmE.ERwLE.WIr,E. Jo.; NihNH _I.= aWM.JORT. 10-n _ ''?+11 E�A"H -_ +Ks,L.MEMmENn�nMIM 10-1H °+M•`GRo ?R 5 OtO JO/A]] RA. DOWER OF RECORD ENGINEER OF RECORD BEL 148014•01.300MIAMI BEACH NE[CLORMGR[CTOgJOEDOYEtPEFFEB ; -7-7.--ERPWCdMES[rB RR a„�T^xN��NPRAWNe gEEEReo— IAGORCE8W1UT1�U$ BIN MIA MR.EB�AyLMworGrMgAur1 CITY IA MtIER KIM T.NLM0 0[q9 35 BOL REMORA! R.R. MB MC O[1101•10.LR 3E DESION PROM NORMS DEPARTMENT Dry ERGBNEER.CRBTBM 0.1.," E ? 10600130E REMBpu ER BEA ta TIRE FNM SAW rMBR� MbACIEr+ r�CORMBTIXECENTER DRIVE SIAM BEACH.FE.331M A.N. SIS 62 Gly Ra 70 003RN1NA. SCALE STANDARD DETAILS — 'ND:DATE 3 REVISION Aran BY -�-'� PE w.nA]a M sNDMAw op. � BMW 3 d b [IwM�iD RL P.O(S,T00EE300FTopcWCM RI Mum.BANn0FO3013.1311N0 MAW S W9M+RMI ST5S.55 CPMYYIMM CPMCrow*A.1BAJOO-Mpn GM•Cm*Irno.rvD0 01 BUBPLOD_CAO PAwnp >o� ,D e e Rn. """` sw.R,�r' — ("A') 1-,R' � (-24.-) 1____' T4s04 s + 1YRMua la7 ® ") A" Bi SRs. s. B. �'.I/srixu __ „_. (_„y° (_m) " n.,pS(_,,y) SICNPO505Jk BASE51 POST BASE POST , SECTION NEW _ WFIC,HT- 300 LBS/ET We 1 RAS. ,. SVR POST SECTION Hui soc` ANNE SECTION NSVIFW 1 L11 n»” 'I N.T.SIDONT ♦ oR [ow cRrzRA RB AND O2TRR 1 [H[[EE YIII µFROPr°'1E-M�w"E Al w ABWW FLOOD..xM,"IP DR s.-115 CONCRETE sMrAa cwMSE: ,IRa,.K 4-.DR rz sato. v 1.K s-E v-.a CA ro¢s'xl,w) ` RASE POST o-Rn.EAE At w AeOPE nano cwrtRAI�, I LEVELksH 2. Er Tn.0AsE cowry LINE 9a MOM ENTIRE OD.K Asonur 'ura WI r13•14D R siMrAa count T',w EEL LNE RM CoNcREM D ENTRE WDM a',�.A 1 P i 1 FOOT EAcr sof �.„,ER SrMIEA ED 9 B MME B s wMs R,RD[»,R WDIV GE A9 W i DR g RoC �SNAE 15STRAP OFFSET 0[r MCA 5 LEVEL L`SDBWR 6 :PEDAL CNNAGE D0DRWN OrrsE 8 BOILS V12.7.1 .NE I �i�l 1053 A[aYYExaiu[;i�„a=,.�,��A.,EAi FOP SIE ”'WHER g r 7 ___l VMS xorte . PROSTREETS DSED JECTORS ACCESS TO u F SWU iiN°DAR°DETAIL APmpKD D1A,NAa s.srF4 IS GERMED rnrtRf '.211.1 U ., ,31p p'-� Ne V Onr_KR Asn A-Au, I M,vATE dPW WA.ANN..,To POPE TORARDS ROADRA.i / NINCATFD I 005 aro[u5 D c SM' Aa RO(RAGE q. 2.M ARMORED DRAINAGE 5051[4,5 REWIRED WHERE 0005 EXTOL.5 EMD. uYMP.0.E0 MAWAY SASrz4 rs REWIRED RACK D.5 a1a a J, RETAINER SPACER.TRAP T 001-.w As,4 A-0ET.w.0 o-[ RA9RR-NEA RAMO [S RWN i.r[ 2 ,I0.1.1-...P ac�P�rtn PER*SW sy n,r M RON1ar.»..1INrRMNu[ + N.. &'''�'' i IaWAA.r.EEi "WEAnWN +oa+ ,MM...,.,. " ooLLEEw,R[ET conn.1042 IV l r•,N,�EA I-I MI5T*NPw7A20( 0 TOJ7 4,-, • j., -1 �YA" IgE 3 Lyd SIDE VIEW TYPICAL SICK/ orls ASSEMBLY ILASE P051 sW Posi I ARC.F ANCHOR PLATE A.10E-w 5.72 ANC.w PLATE EAU IS W10*•SASE PATE TO �3 MIRES S POST MSN ORPLATWO)2)r- t....(2) ,4 uM 1 s.1105./1110 v MISE 1 W41 ACN.4A. ,ft; " [r0 DMO»OIErz AT n< Y rR r.NDE(2) I,-1 111 i ' ,/,,,...,,,,::: 4 - in, III:Y::-.__ SIGN RI ANK A •': : 1 R BASE Pa1-,' bwa RNc»ar�� ` l sOEwuA •'i' J l ends ROADSIDi TIERS . - 1 E 10 C0ENfON5 NR FM ID PIC.1MW SONE,,M44 501 _MSW oouND1(R) D 00030 COnCRr(ii ].IE11ER ONE SBE W STREET NAAR S.CA.. PE SEAL: R�514 507.LL ouCAT 0 ORA t T ED MN(O M ma,W SC.ATTACEO RRrt»O,CNNAA 10 0051 w APPROVED OWING 0p02.Ary 1 000 S.W r 5022.4 S[tui 1 s STRAP TO� 21 4(••)ALL 9CN ROAD a RACED M ME 50wr w BAw a DE SOEBWI TO COW, PD9ow W.KM..OEM PAM Or SEM.ISSPE Pa®LL0.WCK MM2 Or ROAD AND 4 t; I r- -M1 PRgIR.EASE] MY M[TACE M ME CIM. * N.10 M .TO Ear � _ 'DF?_.H NU RRMEr.ww*r.1Pr.[R.TWIAm»11:1 �,v_DEA Ii Assam.um rAMIOaDN i. RD«I000001..PE ON 01/31/160 '110""`mmono Dom or no 000RAWER Awl om 4� RICP_!' MaM»OrmMoo emmc01010C011001010 MOM A1/0 0.0 PAO INE w m 5 01121H23 MD BET R.R. MOIE.Of RECORD. ENGINEER OF RECORD 9B_ 1•11300110A01000Pv�IAMI BEACH —.------- :....----',.--...1,--_-0— 303— DEBION or+ASw2VREEER�_ LAGORCE&NAUTILUS fwarR..R».Y NEM LMwC.rnRR.RdEAB+rs CRY MNMDER ALP.T.NUMB T•040502022 NW REVISION TIII�a aw lq 9.R ID ER RER TREE PROBook![!,_ PEP.S IN.ONrr t PUBLIC WORKS OEPARTNENT CM ENDMEER.OW.ORTEGA K I I,OSHT,OVA RenB0N �,a A.D[s-5 l[wo[r,liN Re 4€(2 RP... STANDARD DETAILS IMO CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE ARAM BEAD,FL 12130 NO.DATE REVISION APP.By �-�- PE NaRMM SCALE AB SNOMN Mae _ m nD,rma o,.00w SII RAE PEIA[BPRea ro,N.ION MY.mBPMNRFDIDIT.ITBJOS-WREN&WEAw.w Br era CPMVs,WFY CARR Downs SAWS=-NABA MSC-Om"RVPrmrm,w,BO BEPm-C.o O... Log il ;ibj: hr v oSII9 " n r g' rr�..,..: 1e �1► rir1 IS■ d I14 Ii ft ": 1■ "I !' I I� a i R ■ t taf"E e t:E� i 15 T• A " "t 1":".'' ' �i last 1 f i � � 1 1 "!� E1oR iel�i 'ita a== = ^MEIN gi if = 6 6a SS'= ?1ti t p €ex�a i ` c.I iii! IL Ti Wg t1 1i" i'Ei ii-' 'II n 111 8 s S I ae 1 F . . . F 1a_ it E1iiii''iali1 n ._ I� t} �` 4 p4p i "a��jii2(iE1 •1 I. af�.,iM _ . 9 it 8,IYF�i,!Y f1 i^ a i�= f}53' 9 /9'&a• I 1'111 Iii iii ' ' 1 i 4 1'i -o 7 " f 14 1 I f g R " 11 Nill I i•iata1 I e{ 11 1 IPI a F t q 41 Ihhi aR e9i 1ee t e9 7 5q pft !'d as U 11 !a1 i it�� 1• 1 '-d SI t`- )I gi .��E6 - t ;e ;e a . !y1 igi I 1 4 ill 1 yy n 1 ii •1 f €a ( o P 1a a U A 1� _-,hal wF a i 9i Q I,I=' i 6€ 1 ■'ii E 1' f 12 ��;yb io y aafEi p ORR ii 0 a lig `> a Nil 1fa =.41i'i dila pr Ai; ! 'a9+"- I� !11'vvv_ 1,1' pis 11. II _II" 117 ' 11 ra ''•i yi� i 4 * r CJJi , f •,� 4if6 ea d€ I I i of ft 4 11 a■ I f11!!(a j 1'i i1 0 q Z. ao1li �` a €��Cf p ea ! 1 1 I iigi 11:i 1a€ I 1 I l Ep'I ill } I • Riid. hhhi I tl�d a - i 11R pi ;l a a, iia"i ; p1;� ;ii *' E1 �, pp g EE R UM ii i"3 VI Ela 'i c II Q i 0 i fit F E J° a si , 1L i -o } J is 9i i# 1; fs mitg G a l E J J '! j 1� !Fj d 1 1�I idi ":f 1 i I i a1 " 1 _ i�c- 1�l' i5 i} £= a 1 M1 VA; Li I' e f IIS ��AA II Aj/f 4 I 21 u 1'E I ai pi �! ail si o s hhhi 1 E' E 4 .IF i I ici i �"� at.1 1 " 4// Ihh+ 1 a re 1 i in 4 ; 1. co bii ii i;w PE 1 - - . . ag '1 II OF i,, 1---1 i..1 I Qk it g vi. 1 f ; 1 1 4 I I II A l's } g E E ! I V. I ill 1 9 it1 s BID SET Ii 7t #gig j: ao jiE ;'6 F 'lig cC p 1 7Y°11 i‘ da aril E 11111 1:,114 qQi4 i tC { �:4a. ,R I! m � ! if; IF's �R I ! 74,9r "i 3 . Ai Irs "'t ie ~1 g n n 101 �a[ iI _�--)0 s I l hh< p:'; p TT _ e� ° M tl 1 i°. iO -i r an C;1g Itt: _ i r 1 d } B ! 1 iu�rr.Y a- €!j I� NM hi 7t!IiIi � „I ill! II tpio i a° ___ I M I ! ;{i 5.att 444444456.11 i I ! {&^°FC a MI' hi 41 �a Al Ihhi il'bti I .. i cal ###a'l Ai ' # '###�t :aio 1 64 I. e elRa 4 ) :1 - 0 -fr .1 , it , q 1 I p !1 'gribn i 1 I, i R Qa 13 :m: II R F f t1 i F m i= isc j €a� I ii€ j+i° a ! fl I hill'11 ij k U '9 x 51 i Ilhhi n -111 hhhl 4 E 111 g pie s I al $d [1 I ti F }� Stg F di�i RP: !OP I II i' A L 11 p.. p a - iZII qiig ariS p ni ' °� ti iri°C! ,ie� I&p 1 �a a 3y i[ i 14 ' Pi:Fe= v 1FFii_ i 1 ig :WO F RR a rr`t i} ■� i �a Q°4(L �i�. 1 u, - N 3 -I fa if ,i, � $ �a II, . § I " irl �� ii 2R1 1 in i f t5R y.., I rnt. uinuo..la I •»...a !1 ! 9 18. ■, M �111Iiit{ -= N_ .>,� IhhI ..,_ R "s ►�!! t4 P A f .: _ E s "- p .- E ..0�.nt�.Ybii..:-s pagansm Sm MIAOW» NM Olt° : � a ;F; I 'i ' ".' G `t F0 bS 1 SECTOya NEW i 4 { •g i' g C 'F ,, 1m 11 1 111 / I I 1 .1.gil �i 11 q 4,„e *.y% viII E f..1 ' I l: t ii 7 BID SET ,040 Do s 70 IP Pr ANS « Uic y M ow n.Ns.nN CAPP TOR o.cp.. CNA Nor Pos RA W\ /•'W TE VALVE VES C .1' I.4 BMW' •s WPC.SAPS MADE uSI Hr !1M MM N �I so MR URPNK WN • SPAM. - !/a'dA.WN.LTPE '["BRASS wR SECTION VIEW I. CO rtP. .\\ \"'gb „��.�.�;`�n:�\\': _ OR APPROVED EQUAL N. COCKS O[ROMrt�ry AN ON 'W �5�I I�i'cy.\`' 1.4 DOUBLE STRAP STAINLESS STEEL SERVICE �i WIAM11SSNK W 0.FOP.••N I SADDLE 11//STAINLESS STEEL STRAPS Rvrr lRt� Ina rPKN.•a MC PRN NRa F..N .._. NNK , R.a�TpMe� 11114.111W-All D �� � TN ; 2..K * `r CORPORA,.STOP DETAIL A rt NAP TAPR.CON.. ` S� DR...XI TER MAIN . - C DasTgl:Arr. - TA.,Pi 24".. 1?YK [ .xe nus. O•wv�i[y .1r cP[grAlw INN R Da.YW 4a niyp \ \ rtlu Por SECTION VIEW % .•s[[[r".(l ENw""< .P s. ..a.[no'L I`I, I'I NR art: SECTION VIEW J SECTION NEW RNOR PPD.USE OWO[NAML 50.5.coNNLCNON a TOEI .van. [ o R.uaA4 wrOa L.KNNP r.AW m N NTS kts wows FOR A.PAm BPCRNddnAAL SAPUMO PONT& ITA aTr.. 1 N121E. ... .. r:sc.(, Nos i B[A�wc kTM NT Z sM mSANc •.oau0[r,.rt NAD P.m N NA¢w.usr n... L Mat A P-C CP..PPM.TRµ,uw.OST. 1 MOLL NNASC SS..FPI....CLASS IN 4..6.-•.AIaf NOM A NL.An AN"S S[OI.Tr IIP F On s MAIN IAM RROW[L . _ ._ ._. —_ Nrtorms•.RRA.MNK . 1420 MIANJiH -_-__.-__Fa n..LOGcu.NwwPOOP 1471 MIA�M ACH ill-- .........2,....1.,.........2,....1., T MIAMIr..2 — -M---".A..,,,.du„m„P®..rrr:E u.e RATING Nut r MN E LETTER.or ON COVER ens roRdx � MA.ESP,CRAW wR ,.....MRL 1 v-MS 1.[WINE.MY MASI STA RAI. CEN.1 ERING ail i1 . "DH /EBOY AND COVER _ 5-3/P WPM 03OR-ND _ O.ROUEN(TPP[ dRl co....*C0.LlOf ; 3- Fpron Do r0 AMT. �la me RISER PPE) R P Y tC•RIYR PPF r_.- PORT SW ROO Nr0 COVERER. 0 CLASS el»[ VALVE NdCAnNC I R II t 1/Yi SOUP EXTENSION SHAFT .PCXRYO 4.011 OM Mgr [ TURNS. W. It Y•NYF•CTUR[R I (CPOaT CW • N-I/Y PW...01 SOP.. y OPERATING Nut L 2C My x[vxr Art,TLSO I CLASS .TN OBOE _ 1 o M,c.aur[OtMl�.mrot q nwo MI¢e WTER 0.t.Ran _ 1�1_ ;14 AP �A� CDUPLNG o:� COVENT[SaRN. }I BUrrExLT VALVE ./C DOI SEC>TOON NEW rrNml Ora S L-1 PPE GT I NOa. I MOR O. ,. WARy90KN VALVES DEEPER 1NAN Al TO INSTALL AN OEMTNO Wr It 1 1111 Cu.5C.41 5000 IN(WING [ "' it ® u5[SS yGPLACE C PRODS I 2.CENTERING PLATE(STAINLESS STEEL)TO NRUDE TTC'CLLOATNC INFORMATION n YE Mlmo'w°.[n LOO TO VP R..c NWT C WNu`AiRCECrIRW Si0 ttAPOSE. vi[RI TWINS .[Pr,w..Nw r[ox•wlrmv "r'o Sul[o R T14.,&...__,,, ORAE OAW M PLANNi VIEW I i D.ORECTOt'4 GPEWNG. F. d+QUF 141RR 10'.RISER PPE 5 OFZ ni rALVF DR APPROVED ma M wa S[[N oNONIr Nwso ,/f RCI PAR EQUAL(OAE). MR.. ` , Or ATP M P?,DEVIL[n WE KRPrKAuv SEALED M C.L 0-02,n, Du5N4 e A DATANENR'r L0T00 0LED.PAtldiA SEl 10 RNP BEIREEN MD-1]0 fr.LBS.. SECTION VIEW M D MAIN TAPS MUST 13EED WATNEAFFE BE OTT?ODE.ALN j COATED NDOE AND GUT MTX 2-PART[PORT AND ROTATION TRPS DN wsr wv[NrRo ox,xv N[nnoxN caws. S t RRSbRCI AND CODNONAR'.D MrN AFFECTED STANEX0.0ER5 T No=4TIEar151,AS MANUFACNRER BT ANNSPACN CONTROLS CO.OR SECTIk r.S VIEW I Z CITY OF YAW BEACNAPUBL0*0 55 DEPARTMENT RE NOT ALLOSED UNLESS INR'WIT.OVED B,ME A v 0 ORAL NOTE PE BEAU. PoIT F� v;r"�'r rP B�.iS`�Sin �SOp A.RryP� I MitiMIsEACh ERrRNTwLAODrP.RWM. MIAM1",,I EACH ..MME.AARD M'n,Ml ACH .FLMR�.swofA. _,-.'t __ _ NNUP=EA TIPRIP•PRof ; "���•S — t4n — t+ie — (� '.1 fiEACH WR was E�?,,. I TIP WbWLE 111 DI grAI` 1 e 41/310013 MOSEY RR. ENGINEER OF REORO ETQ.EEROFRECORO� 13..RICOD — i BEACH w.1CW0.BRECAT.AOREOOPP PEF.FEa P OlAVA2INORPoR MIT.rrCNOEPSOWS NB R.Ra : . „ OEN.ENGINEER m_ OECUGDRCE&NAUTILUS F _ L.IYCYE.R.daLN Sum RM.. CJTY NA SAM ;'num= 41 M MEM.OR CRm TRf F.BoO= P.. ran as., PEWORKS DEPARMENT TTORTEGAO 11/05.0011 >atRE SB R.R. EON Stan ReA2RNA. dNr=R I2 STANDARD DETAILSIrGocDwFNnONNTERDIVE.SIASNAd,,nvvr REVISI N0.are 2S APPE MD.. 44.4.N BAOMA d. e**aFi P. rs,.WSWLpxrm,C.tVY MNManyBrc...201T.IE+.Av.a 1..1.R.I..0.11.YCs.0....111.0.Ono,ITPosV. P'O By Damr*****1,_4444.11_.4.444** ,. Omni o- a fon RTICAL SEPARATION .HHNT SPACING AT CROSSING - w�1r'mN��.PP a .da CINlswl..;we 76:1 ti.IP I`" «ww. I� Q «..wN 3 .4E,mPI ^=PIT.OF M.PCI R.� .111CTOT i^ "Y� N r ,. a... gl®©1f _ Pf„xN Of PIR R..RR S.ARM MASA.AfrawAm+.In a1 AN,114(511.1 1-4 f WV& ' w..I.V.r g I-S MN I1 e�^R'i. Q � .:�7 3 w.YT. 7�f :f ���+ d w ave wn YAaI m rwyycE MgAw �� _ TFR RA,n M ROAAINf�fl OUR MAW 1MAxda. M�u� iulonaR.5.5[, II4� uN"esiftr i io sr arA uF:�n.ew °C2.wN aoA�Nf RI-rt u,rn 4(815,.IIA�x ce rcen Mun Y. R w f 4E a lm..50.1.5... . 4”"0"`7rITP".=.7"4414.11t.'' } Tg1:11:11.Z:' w•wewro w. `>"�.v"�['...'a: as*RA WA w.a on..ON.[,. R 1.44.1., .r. �.w O. , V 44441... - M. Q 1 ip M.w'ceYrRRu°MA."n „ HI RS,rR Nun ER:471 R RdRA,rR ce 5 IAyE �..r9 4E[qo5.. r ... S.arRfarl YAll ICOR... RAIN/ A,a6l vwR $ncRsol IV PT*K.Mtn 543176 MAINS w Af.Y4ERAxm 11 .1-+...11.11N1 FAC i .'S raw. Row ( ,IaW.n. .[�.n ) 1I1I�A JM gi�� T . mh. I vrert.5 0 zzow sew U. _^ SECTION VIEW I A Ar n H Na¢i .. Zr"«P4E«.w a«I«Y.PI i ?�5= ...PI _r 1144.8 m.c wrtwsw.10.01 v P.P....w.m I soma �j aRR x �fe«..`,51°*,..Z,A "'r...n=TIT. doRso o. ..[.w m4(-a.w P.. "F 4(-a.4.. "ww'In..0a�•v--"T o.w:iewt..wovr'.srCiRA=Vm a"wcI`. aI2441`ucP,PO Mr1.........1.s`r P.V.n.1.[aww�.nII.v wirigi i +Pro a War.4i'.7.01144114E 4(a. S o.2=1.....L.r ..v...dnlN .w.4`ate rw[m vel. ^:1,Ptii' lSH ..K.NA,R.m.o Tat "_n A ti AC.. _ M ..RAI,.MIS +� f_ LAL.H —— ..K.a...w...5.... 163 hr�. I Y - .:TORidOw 16-4 FINISHED MADE +N'K.a n'pY . N`o(144.117.,'"' --yT-*1r rt.J 4. R Omrml..[ TSS/%.: Rm'�iiq I�w t..4aum AR WAS l/fflr(1�/yE b 444. • �t�@il M ..a.«5 55.5/.1.a wwopM y l e4(4yw[oa.I4( U MTh. YN. MORS t,y �% ,' / •"'sul.4Et m,[Cw la[ Cpc.R 8555/. Wm T'ITTMG TYPF ,n � AM ■f Y.w a.A NTS ,.al ow .. Im5 Y,3 ftlJ a[ml.a egt �._ 141:j .MR P """ .TN. Ate. * r4.a: �I«M, w.�-a», Pm 1(7.44 TYPE ' v...Rw4E15.44.r4Ew.R..«4444 m.. a , IME.506/1!!$ q. ;kit PK 1 T.77-- 1 i l :.5'110.0. i nm.S:w, viii ' o'I.'-°rSal. PE REAL: YRl£S spO/.RCN I MA,mn nNt lrof TO GREER 5D.o MW WK,MROES RSCOMMEWEO "00, Y F,� 1.PIPE CLEARANCES 51ta5 SE PER ERE MS WOK IS-I SAIL r Yw a5. 1,5,44E Wad Na mom RN ow.A..M..ROW vans*IA. RR * w.*JS MIAmiSEACH _I_ worn +Rs MIAn11 —s TRACER +Ra _. NRY.YE.d.n A.. RR ..«PRANw.EvOIRIaS 6. .a o9<DRo l ..M SgNAAE I.un orizt w.w SISc.Aw rnru. ti, 5 01121/80 ND SET R.R. ENGINEER OF RECpID ENGINEER OF RECORDS 11E0I14O16000 FY N.I..wn.NRN1.0.n46.�FTKldE 0 MTI A . I. I�7 CH '----R JOSE 001E2 PE F� .ORIS/2021 INCORPORATION OFmwvcowENTR RR OE&ON ENGINEER ED_ LA GQRCE&NAUTIIUS ^` n PUBLIC NWERKINAT.JOAN 5 0005/830 0000.ET N./L/�/ DRAWN ar RE i.M Worm* CRY 0005/8II a0P MASSA RA. 3011 a.[w RN.Surt>m TIRE F..SmA P5p 0..0130.1 CRY 4..048:aRNT.A pDEG.K 111062021 10R RENSION RA GRESILO vIP RErwm,RNERA. SCECRER AFR STANDARD DETAILS 1100 CO VEN7105 CENER:WIPE UAW NOFACIAFL31t]I tp 307E RENWN MP6 R'r 0'_ _ PE NO.LMn SCALE Al 5140..' ptl.. 511..E p.N.p 4ts Fd P.n 51,^CR gyilLO,PIep[0C,r of R.m RwMRFO0011-11114R-...I a WdA..Sw.r.Cal..dNYN O.n_O5.O1N 800-0004 0550 T D.*IMo.4*mn01_b R.RO GDOI.m 5 las are 1 t/:7, 1I •„de a 11 1 t1 1 6E1 Main VunS it a a tl ®®a CO v°^". i✓8 s'6 $.74ri r Msi.: da NAZA i ir'.y#i 8 ba Co W a> I �c,\�II� 1 gill, /1 ~ rc VIII 111 \% II n � x•:��Il ..,. 1! S y +r r++I. Y. r 'd ;r €; a t 6�� sb�d 1t" 9 .! °any ii Vi PE7' i1111 t, a yy° yg Yo �y y (r Q y;tgo>yi 9 qry ilii a ,',aQ� e 3 0 1 8}fir,ad „tl�g t $1.� if�iM Z II; `fie '1 y Y. .19 T 51k Inn- ! 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Il � II � I--- . mV ' � ` 1 WI li--- ■ t I - p0 1 W — IP% 1 r - T11WA Mk 1� I -I R.{ pp°. ii ,,,,,i1 , 1 I i � I ti ar .. ii �f� y � ,`�_— ` 1 it ; I 31 ii11 z lit 5 it . 1- _ _ - SOP — ��I rrrrrr111 ill g� ti PLUG VALVE DR �xM —_ I 1?i°1Ei r 1I 1R RUG vKLE ND ACTUATOR D6rNLAMN _ MfEx ACCESS MANHdE wLL BE — PLUG vKV£NO A[NW10R -N CIX.Fl1Ci MIN,.OKRA UfAM 1W ®ItME SOMA STANDARD DETAILm � STANDARD o[ rT+•^�C >!7 SS I I 1 10/1)201]NA. SS SS �D i®m YAM MANNOIF FOR PLUG YAMS - Ir 1 ram WIVE MANDOIE FOR PLUG VALVES ��VALVE"HOU PON PLUG VALVES 23.00 WM-- SO.OR UROEN.c.,..MiN 23.00 �• EARTrE1I 23A0 SIMMES-- Sr AND URGER Dmz.s �- == OTHER,Ynurr sac 3.0103 03 1 MI 4•' I I I C \` NEN MAW .DMNDIaMM.A DAWRH....�. NN \� I I lIII"! . 1 1 I i j illy 44• OEM mew p...MpMD _ iii R.mow ... ... {Q ..; , .�., -NA AOL I `4444 : \\ 1 co,.., PAVEIIVT tt��SS TGN FOR ' }_ PLAN �n \ N.MCMPAA a -"a' -- TRENCN CUiS jy IDA PT. Y AMR><LCrtRi NAI RLL AABBIr NPI Hl OAE MN Ai A96f _ ^ ; .. _ m.,„_,.SMI Dm..D. Ra E.1 AL SLAVE A m� / NxxATt• _ --_ - . _ -SOA pG aN p ► �y J am(M MER - iz..5 Z ♦RyADPmAL6um6 `0. _.R, .1wfarz.+x -i 1811E N IND FIE I-t '� ?Av' w :yrz .4:13 H, Au m D4OrN.x g [Ria O • aeon ir come raML Ir u' tt Ir W A Py w Y A • w[ X k Ti 'iii. 1.'.A. D,.., a:PTi.3.A SECTION(Al a• 1.lJ TIs SECTION - •E 1'A- H AOTECE. AxD Dma Al mimic GIME Men ON a. I-A• PE SEAL: IWTE MN TPA 1 Mt. NOTES, o R. M-mAussi1m•'.M4,444'.`•..MD oma, -L.DANn MIX.WAD e.,.IL ROD .e`., ,,,.,,, WOW, .411,15 L Wm OOr REL A w.�"s n:,0.4 PR Oa.MA - 0,sw aw..p-o1 FAWNER RsANNTS RPM./All W m 0.1._✓ I 1[L GAYS LO .rMu LW,044€M.1-00.0 OMR 1-NM. ITER WS V i A�2a T a6 AR * NA*)6 * 0 3. e�OIL Mal/ 6I,APALA DETAIL a =E.DN2 r/MEE. SIA00AAD DETAIL A 42LDS[ eras, STANDARD DETAIN GS .�10 RNFM.r�p1n may. +•o���r6• 3q <ARIOE a I0/01/HID D x. A q.yHu .G. 11]N/m DL 03 TYPICAL nE-RooImip runuve.reua.vn LucT.wc�R... ,u.[ l9" PAVEMENT RESTORATION 1.0 PAVEMENT RESTORATION 1,1 POOLA DETAILS 1.0 o,,,AEc.+° TYPE I DEC 1.1 �66M 666M TYPE V 1.10101 Sp11.1 F 111114/154•11••• w,D -- O 1 L - 5-04431420.23 M SET _ R.R. BOWER OF RECORD ENGINEER OF RECORD 9R- M3a119oR1UaU F1 NAw MwtRHfHWO.RGAAHt.EMA1Mq 0 M! A A �1 gA CHMsf OMLM OtE 00EFS FF.F FE6 A 07128/2032 IK MGNOFO PW LOM EN]I 0/0 /��/�ly��- IOEsGN ENGINEER Com_ GORGE NAUTILUS `' ' 0 PERW T 6ET RA �/�/ ��am-rM DRAWN BY RE t—[ — •.. CITY MANAGER.ALRM T.MOAN 3 OVOS,3023 MA REVISION RA. xxa R M LEM.M DAR MOTITLE P4511‘44 N� Pap 0— ...110...110.46,0r T PUBLIC ,RENT CITY ENGINEER..MYRAOPTS..PE 1TAATE LTA REVISION RA N��R6 BM REINALm0 RIVERA `ECKER AER STANDARD DETAILS IND 00M1ENTONCcN.RDRIVE.WAW SEAM R001M REVMgN ARAM BY - - PE so.176 sc.EAS BH0'MI as sme 21 Os.,417 RPd.'AEPT.NIl00mrRRc6VCIry el Yam[YSMIFO.01]-1MRR MM.r6W,05rlu*DAM CaNJx.FM Cm.Cm.un0EIM000-Damp 43550-D..QT0/0T0NMT_E0 ID=CAD 000rp s _ , ---aoaa xray ! PRx.s.nt II a--�=x �----ans xrmno�,raR ��- :w�ae .� AOM...o - --- -L----'-'1L_"'7__ •=2"::::•-2:_—..— roRx WA � --_ aMrrw I 'T-....,---.—••—••—,•— FORE INN :-...-4----,._,.. ,.._FORCE'N"_' ? _- ,Ar..,,.0 -L- -rte \ -L- .H -- — \ — - ai:.B — — - � — ----- �- —taw r� - � \ .w „. .rt.. n,mMaR.. ._ ,w F _Io Y _- - .nr .ro au4 _. - I Ar.Y.W -A m�WPc rr m r 22.0•22000 Aikar now omr Au Ms*co.. —., — —,—_,� I---_- _—a Ambi 1,7"=''''—'..— =1*---.272'''—=..—"'—n-21.7.17=-21....:._ -_•.,-.1.-_-.,-.ft .7-...------.....-.--.=-7.--_.7.,--_-..:1 :rEll.:i.larft:":"7.7"7:: ''''::"T',.."...:."1::=,.0.1 w.W4:7 a..o�o .w+roaMRlounlC I .WxnR�Mm roG,roYasa.mYtt. /NS£R7/AN PIT � WO%CONSINuerrov n COMPLe. \ it PHASE I: EAST SIDE FM INSTALLATION. SOUTH AREA PHASE II: WEST SIDE FM INSTALLATION. SOUTH AREA ✓� SCALE:1--10' S i�ILt' 10' •iia �' cExun I hili: MST' .,PCI ajdI. 41101 11 I.■■� aimmi Ile iii XI MI 1 I PE SEAL: �'`EJ Rryf N Yr ;„ * .RP.wwP W I si.ieo0.p E M,.cop...�N..maMPR.r mo THE Tms ,w* w a lwarra MIAMI BEACH .B1nR°22 BID SOT12.12.RA /�/� �_�.�. ENGINEER OF RECORD E OEEAC RECORD sR�RHwoR PUKE woncsw�croR,wEBOMEZ PE, a o�asrron v OF '�'B S.A. v{.0— OM.EMINES2 "° LA GORCE&NAUTILUS E � BWanwo�ro.rB•PwAB g CM MPMGER KIM*HW..[ ]owvm ION �BION AA 'Ler/ l]1�w MM 11q 9.R ID _RE TITLE F. --1.--- RAM WORFB OEPMTMEyrt WA ENGWEER CRISiN..wtiEG\PE ]0. RJL EIVE"ROMA nIA BEMI=J EWER.. CHECKER R°' STORMWATER POLLUTION aOOE W N."�'— `Yp1O10'r' 1100 CONWBIRON CENTER OWE.WM BEACH.Et.001b W.'MTEz REVISION MPC By •�- - PE NO.Wn{ REALE M.HCM. PREVENTION PLAN ow 01410525 SAW--2-51-12- SAWN oM E.PM ISy,*g, 6.P?o.cSCrty el Mom BP.o,aFOA11.1bRB-WM,BWn.wM�bymiaCei*.Mfu Ca.Lmewp6-1 WJ000 O.pnO550-Cay lr/a.i»MWt_YYE�_CIIO...OE NW Jr [ 2•- ' _ -2 '�--�_ alae ernc a��� «,e...,�� mo.R.o aw x'at_ _ roArrw ...Na Rr4� -_ - - Kea am E - - _ MICE IAN A _"— — si,- —i nnlrrw ` II T== _m �"" ..AWAY.,.< - -- \` , . - Ria..ar ow..wm. __ __ ____ __ __ __ __ z___:.__ —` :tea COVIAAVIA 10 Of FR.,GrACI _,„ndia __ w all w R „=w.a,= vor .r F w F F — { �� �� i ,..r-.,_ .;rte «.,,-.m -�ANrrma-- . I « gid.a. :r { i { Rwar_ , . _ .r.,w�n Wim.-mom --- -------- -- ..-----4------.11- ----+--__-` ,A.__---- { — - -- - -air,=,.-_ -{ 1,,-.-.- ------_ ---- >_,...-_mow -e1.-•---,,,-.2:=--77_=" - - - ---- - , -- - -..N taro, A la _ - ' =---------w-- -�D E.`p "Aar*Au.wr m.w[u.. LT _ .' lor a RP ra.,..Pw A..r or MOW ' INSERTON PIT { INSERTION PIT I _ PHASE III — OPEN TRENCH FM INSTALLATION AT SOUTH ENO PHASE IV — INTERCONNECTION WITH FM AT SOUTH END a' SCALE:1•.10' SCALE:I' tp' � U Ire FGFND ������ ���� (te a " nip.a IPi f t, titg41 i PE SEAL WO3 Rny R�nN Q4 .nn.numw i*4. * `r .a,nR.ue.n..we,R, R FRb�E w.l se.e.,No wAfr nuc. rs tees R W 00 S OIRID,IJ BID BET RA, ENGINEER OF RECORD ESLINEER OF RECORD pR nBmNORS.%fO O R.xKVNRM gRECiW JOSE p0aF11E.f.fEB A 01 InNRfOMipNOF OiPWC01B11D1lB RA. DESIGN AD ft Sono.IB..BY L11,101Bf4N.APm. M MIAM! CH DI1ralAFADERALMATHI KMREVISI R.R 3oe- ucoRCEarrAunLUS — PIleC ft..OEPMTMFNi BBN REVISION RA. pn NQ R Dp oo 9.R m RER Y«1 Raoo«N DRAWN By RE I1W WiVBAnwCENTER DRrv0 MIAMI BEACH FL 33100 WY FNcwEER.aminF,DR.EDAFE ]ON RENBION RA mRt�nBIn 15IA NapD3RNERA. SCAE rrt,E STO REVEN I POLLUTION fre.w!r— P.B.wA VA,.ar.t - MD DATE REVISION APPD.B. -�-'W Re RE NCI 83476 CYECKEAA Bim*' PREVENTION PLAN c.,,, en«i 33 of 33 D,..,p o,B M Pa,APNNBSOpBFrW«WCµ.,Mars MasYRFa2011-139x8-ow.,a xi...o,S.uin CO«ubnBFN canal Doss,&10/1100-Ong,/3550-Daft Inhoma«01 Y.VIW_CAD ft.. 136 016 �� _L 8 d p Y Yd YY $ tin aYd any.i ee° °/91 i d r d F 1 p 1` p 4" a d �e9i r ;E e2 b° s yy yg i f ai 1 A till ik EI t!Itilal3 i lgp3 !!',1 a;1l1ti:i.:@$; ; a tlde II II b3.` dg Ie °° €g B i!: i gi i€i?dil!ftlii iii`i5i::iiiigelliiii 1 ill4 1 ; 1 �. ! j a5li d"sedE YE;Fi3Gai dblFddt dtl ai}�°$e3dt3•i Py°@C11iy�#ia:le °Y•id .10 ��O� _ t 11111 e e 11 € ti gk F� y E S4 q11 3 7 ....w As PI O C E P F Z a3INuNo0 ION gi $lit J g i \` / / '/ /' ' a. 1§ Ydi y2 i y2 2Z I I �♦ ° / / / c wg I \ y 1i / / / f I <W I pp.. ifapepp / / / ( i p O it I l \ / / Lee ap a / I / i S i 'iob a1 1,1 ♦ \\ , 1 / i a!aix \�l'n'l \ ta' , , ' / as I ' I l I / I I ji ki/ I '` • �` ' / z 1 111, I il t 4:. 1 ` , • 111 b \ /'i / `\ I� I\ 11 It I ;�a i i i Y I i,): 1 ♦\ / I t I I h �II i" /\ }\ LrI I f I I 1 84 ' / i'4 ` os i gr �J I• I` -r- O o t / 1 1 Y \ ♦/ / `\1 4\i i -.,,,,t, 4 / I� 1 �\ r , II _\ j NiWoir�i=Q 9��y / ,� i t I _m j, v,m . bei 1.- I 1 / Il I1 1- ... \♦K\ ( i I� i I1 ,/ a a g> 6 I 1 f ' `� I \Nii LL Q S y i 1 '4,11"1-1..... d11�`• I ♦„ "I I:: tl 1' ¢a¢a a p{AAAAd `/ 1 .` Iii 1 I II I I \h\♦ I II I'\ i I i 11• I 4 II i *. I i t M 1 I, III ,— ' I I1 I I i I ♦}_F y t `1 1 11 h n • I I1 1 ,gym - -I a i1ii y-1 '�$y1 1 \ I I = B 3SyFr¢pS -,tM11 • 11_,I / 1 1 1 *rte ® "-/l/' 11 I ,/ I II I ~J e6ba I I * 1.1 s I ! I Ill i m'''oma E r 1 i Iwl 1�1 — i% I 0 "� 1 1� —� I i r —_ f �_ I 1 — 1 _II _ _ l _- ;- I £ — I t _ —L____-_ --96r- I AII 5 d4 . ' n _081 4t I1II i� I R YS (!- , ,_ 1 V I,, {1 an 4 1 �L i�l 1--.1L_ _1 1._SI�-.LLQ _ _ Ili Q 0 4 a , cwaR AADTFS J/A-ND.OWN COE..D 11AE r.errnrtS AW Mw EV EN 01. yE.TWOOwrov4Ain.Ei[Nc"x[siu l .N.r rR n ANDS. N<wcREWLS a.cogA AS ELKS NW SSA L R 1 s1. �P �..�Mo Nmp[ nwY[Rx MEWONT ru:R Dr4�a4'rsm EEO vtir B wa mrr„Yn 1 'I° ....,, iiF "1i • ranoED..nar,.�sear IDIDi LE .. ZIVZT ID V..ED w.A.a a arz4 AP.�N.1. 0 [D EARR 'y yam . 1�pj r5 NNW T%:12 V..0 • .a4_ Y YD RN15 ■■ -,. .:.E. MAW nR. :a R c ,E Awe.ono Y.<. N. YM MARTON YI. 44 PLACID • OAR,. a Nw.AIESr.WNl .0.LEER RR aNNIEM r .mRAo ROAR GRA. . . NAw GN Of E. . Sr Fair Dai ENE KIT PRD iS NEW.AWL Ix MENS• uWLLN G WNL[LEER ,LSA Issas W CEA.I.WF V rtREE*o OHNE. aws INCapwttmARDND Dv -----.S ER.r.WM n.E ar AOL L E N SELF.R EGRIO°EELS,. I I NL[rs ¢�n aws. , NA¢m traWA Az r sANrnrs NASS AW WW1..LRE Y°�sx OA`rz Olx Yw~CMI NN.W. M[[WEN W +S«[ EMUS kW o E4CANAa ui SHALL S EAMMLio TEEN COYP..Auws Ir CONCRETE BLOCK GRAVEL FILTER A G� aA _be.IPM1011 Ma 1.111,14 la”rran.arrmv MO n. -AWH a s,-IED YIN TIE.ENw D.NRD Ma..r Eli_TER BAGS SMS RATER NAN 01.a J �..add, MLILSOS wxSNMI mY..aa•p.p.E n Y.ES DOS a 103.3 Nal A� O SECTION O SECTION NEM 1+ 0,0•00130 WD FREED n• Lr AI [WI RID STE.w xi N[�ST5 a [I vqo[<n is ArvL [YER Key.ELMS Aa[crccrtol ANo __ISM [A< I rTRA.4v�Du 1 aD r1.030.*SEEN.ALES ID vR N..NARK FE.ENR.NL KEEN / I MEN O1RTIZ1[•vAbi lis rKCEssAvr rILF HNI[.¢svH vn.NgNC ARwNO _ r r S 1111,1 r v IED rNwRED RE uRs[ RENGLLS i M[at suL.C LAO ORR nr la wr of t w mel rx[YRE[.le n M.INY a .1.113.M.•AND 4 ENwwawa0 RE a CAN. v • u rsx l:Y.IND MALA RIA 51St a[NDN'ARAa[R Aormr Mu NAA.wTRA.w.AMT.ca..a m,NN¢ .GMSC.120 ENE r WE.S.3 Y WED AND I ID 1M LEO.DYEleo15'H4 R-WNBC 355..1) LY uYo.v HDR[ Ytsx is N[¢SGRr F YANLLANIA WS ..w�rt D - ttESw OWE a NE RESIDED EDKMI s R 9.1.a NEMO MER NE M 11E.A5 EDW.LEEN a [E art n S" I•.E ARE•MON WEER NAT Ea WI[RDD[ o BE A•LEAST A.F.W 12 OSS ORS Ix[ irE1 IH.Ip 4 [s YNEMArztr Ai.Mx WEALS AND AT NASI 0 r MEND I MELON a FERVID 1ENI.SNAG r WE wl[DArzlr r r.MSS 0.0 r n.M p�� ''2101[w m•i1m'nr°:4"o.`aLwO..24410 x°eM'`w 17;NI.�fea Nrm�`D[rs` _�I"". •{ Nnw•EDRDP'SaNENr`1Lrw pa ...,- �.,,-maze,my m asps.[I 11.mlf � wAWLFUTSR.FORME NEM 94 .111.1 SJR sAIrNEF 4M mO.Ca M.MIMIC AWES MP,,1. — ("MONO •.Furs..MMMT Mr AMA,'YEW AMC w[a SELMISO OMOMME VW.AR.r tree N E.w.r.rA11.1rL M.S.•r Y< JEWS ilu rra.Lm I MIK �Ae.AOMR. fv.+rww_OL.LLM wr 121. y N4 wooer.art a WL AS EN.s.W.••OA'LL arra scr. .. .......A....�...� W' RY2ANjW1„ 344%4".:`,..°4 m'IYl WEa w WHEY rw¢ .r... .u..rr....r..r kin SNOW R EMM DID[APES• [ ___ Pi's m rrsaN D'DC 'V ..nrr...rArrw.....�r..r.•.urr��....r.. EGMsII.2305 a ANO IN V__R__aar,s.R"I.A. war FE.OGw EING. M- SOELSMI INE 2.62•ANO WENT ....r .r....... r�....erx E. rp LEN s ........,......,M;11616 ......r..1.�..w.n.ri.Nrr..r...r.r4..u• Hour Frn.Ir...A.sour Elms.m Ile r..rvu....A. j fY rtcrr.N.E¢s 11.? cr.AUS SW ArmAMOMNAarmr[WAPENNOsa. � .. :;= Yp • ..rr ..........� r... .. nvr..1.9 r...a sm.R..Ar ss [EIRE.Y. yA %1 ����•.•�� _..�I.. �..... [Y Aa- Eu 20. r[ra-s.mrrwlar.aanNN.lAa EFW.11%.°"'"7WEN•q. M AL'N►1a....r.—."...»•�.•.•...•.`...v... tfraMsm .047 nos..,.,...n.. EWORE� Q=AVAIL^'i%Mlf6 n YLr 4.'..W OF ISW s¢AMMMISS!Me 141101MAMS Su•AMMO,•r FE 01r __ LiIO.MT w vwzamc Am ENF.s cMOS. .a 01-01.S.,r Y".... o -'..e^.r•rr....y...n.........x....ru.r.... L _ ^'.».•...•._•.•..r» m r w STANDARD DETAIL ALTERNATE DETAIL ..............r.-•Stamps ,...L°`r-..... ..r..r..r.... TRENCH WITH NATIVE RACKEOI TRENCH WITH GRAVEL urrEN..r...r...................,........_....rr..,........ r ..F O MANK rr.a NIS NCS la W6•11aP s...•r ..-....r,»..v .............4..r.xr • / .o.M.4.,.As c.o.o ar-A.o s ee Har Cr IMSA __ _ ERN*R!r!N TO 1'M ED ECLW FO. a EI ..r..r ............r.... .r carr ..o as,.r.rvro.n.rw[m raw�.ser,',ft'rAmw arm Orr I 2. . RED YPAASM H•FA'4ES r14.0.5.3021rESW P 4.....Nrr.I....r.........r....-.r....r RIILEOC Br LEY S1AlEEL E 10 Y SYS E S.C.T.o[Ix AND YDY(INI12 _ • POR11.4.0.0,.f.corm..01•10,119011 a 119“11111•ImorIMMAIM MO MIMS/ES Mt SERA¢ S.a[ OF oO 11A1110E PapND[rrp[NCTE4la • _ .__ ^'..A'N"'v".+'r4'^^r'w nowt nr,o.oMx a rrx r....srAr..n N.rcWz a.N.r v.ra Mm r.R.AN. sLULESEx.A.,BE BIDS NE uwca4�o NOR rDNE L...54 11 SREALMS oWi M KW.Na .�.w.........�.w...r.�r PE SEAL: ...00..�H NO FENCES IDN ID. ID ME[.0. .....................•N .urr...`rr•°•..•.r.n.+M.r 93.Froga 11 5 001 P w`I BALS NS pp ENE.LOG.PREEMIES WE GEL. w CM°J Ery a For r eF..NS rAr..`.5.-',-=n Earr.rAAal. ott L E iE�nA RAE ALL Alp AT am.war [Rl1GION ANT)GFOIYFNT fr1NTRlII f.FNFRAI NOTES 6,4 n.i ,M n. I S me.,....D oaf.A4 O E¢D REFERS SEas YAK WED.RLr RTi .rr, / ErA[Aw EarcAa.A s./m c.Au _,^_.__� WE EWE F7 ti,,a.,ti'I /E ,, M `sn£ m. NOETDrnADaL.]SESEE NS WLImn * �;° { �1 DL ; �0N0 .WAN • ra.N„oa.wAra NPrraq.0 row...Vont/ nG.K F 2iacADE. R.N.AICA.r wmum rW AML.E AIME NEES OF GE WOW.AN NOT E..WEED.EN NSNOWGain T11. W W MIAMI BEACH D ND SE RA FFJmOFREGDE EANEEAOFRKORD NR E30BON.000 FY Mink th RIaLCSNGRR.WECTM—'"E"E.[.EEs : : I'''''Iw1bNOF0iRNNE.Bp. DESIGN ENGINEER Ao LA GORGE B NAUTILUS Hera.[Ew..Y.wEYoro.Al..EUPr. LIT'.NNNGER KNJN T.MgrE DYafAII PERMT.ET .. a..�., DRAWN fl. PwLCWORKS DEPARNFsr *1TSWGNEER.AE.TRAGRIEGR NE I III G2 0405/2022 OYBENSON R.R. MkMEi°1E[nn(LAO sAIE 0 GKCMER Rw TITLE STORMWATER POLLUTION 1 20 COEWENTgN CENTER OPoVE,AMMSF .FL 33131 R9EPt ra RNfIN. SCJ F.b.p Ems.'— Pap EM W.N 016,1 ND. GATE m-�•-N• PE nD.wTE SCALE Ae PREVENTION PLAN da 312•g972 m.AE 2.{1_2:1_ ...... ca FY PEN/52.1.2200...3.2 Y 1.1......2-201,123.0 Eater•WE.E.Sy..CE....IFIE Cs.Cro.•On,DSSD-EDa.Imu.mato.1.M S.w-GOGEao GENERAL NOTES 1. CRAMS LOWENO.2•64S FIE Pi ACCORMA.WISH SHE IROACE REAM R....EMS W.OF cErram. '. IVATAg:IT..1.7E'i A X.A.7u`47.••";47.1"..:E'0,7,7=7Ts7 r El Lg IsEl'og E"="TEV.E E. ROC of REPAAuro BE rvcs.40E0 Es PAANTENANcE oF TRAPHRE . DAY"'17E=O=E'EriTETEI:r.•• :"AAT:H=6".1.:Eirf:=A°ArEtkle"" lorsiERE Eo.E14•14eLs,•rnztf skunoor=o 07,ER DATA THAoAco.THE ErAINEEE so THE Foci 't`EETA"==2;ors.:1".°E=TEE.74go`ELOt=ro"..4.1r.r.V.s":o=r;::Zi THE MOAK r 1.0w.5 RE-HARNEo so AM ACCEPT..Eva. E. As DETERRNED r.THE EvERARER THE sown...Ton s......cz,EEE A.R..EoHE Art.s=. .2;orosEEFE,1 Arsor-ATEvo[mous.AND REcronNo THE sta.&HAL 1.RE REcLuoro Ex EAsFEEENANcE ' 11:rorf•EfEl r".....E.EA=IIIT gAnk‘c."•"4.27E7=7=7''''"`"`"'''' ':=ZT"'"E;AT'''`ZSrE'El.t•E=ss=r''"'"'''''''''''T 'ro'LITER'vr..:rELOTT=E'ATEATEH=n'". .TE==lo•TEr'''' W`CETELZIE7== ''''...7,..."17::::.TETE="cfc.TT'EsnE17..T TEA:T:7g Arrol'o,=•.0."=1"° I.>"1* F I.lls AsEEESED re CORATRucriox THERE SIGNS SAALL BE RESTORED TO THEM ORM.POW...COST maw awe ere.... .A. e to‘ of 1111.00RAAN,RELocATEEsmo NEsERREalsHE maxi E.,•E111.1111.El RANTENA•acE os MO VD WAP) Twoc I rtt r-I I MICK Av., 4.7 ammo THE mien WALL RE E.E.LKEED NIAMEMEAMCE oS TRAM, . • • • .. • DROPOFFS • 1. REA Nov offs THE ccofrLsciorts AnsEfrooN is DIREc720 so EIAARARR mum:Ems AneEs 2 oF ':'.. ..:',V.A.,...i•W;.k";A II,THE CONTRACTOR WELL USE HOULE.TREATIREEES MEAL EWEN No EARMIEARE EtauIRRE AI P !..ii Ewe 1A.A.Cor TO EC r•CsuLASO Ai lAWEFIAUCE OF TRAFFIC. ,<,P MEAL OM. 0 SIGNALS: :';‘,1‘ u•u IT 'TrIT"...nTF=AL;fOrPIr.o=rjO=7/o="'"./a....o'..r•rro6=TO.::''' , woownw oT ow COSMO HA TTIC Sr..WEEMS THE COMERACion EIRALIKARE Fuss k.5 RER•cosanscr EDE THE E.ANTEIHAREE o•THE WW1.oR EDEPREARY TRAMS ElOPREEEIVIIIIEN EHE ARGEERE WM,cos•of RELOUSING MORA Mx.P.M AROviontomo Knave. .::. Xs==""°,"..71;::"""""'""'"°"""^"'`"""A'" c.,:,,4..• '', V . ,,,•cERETRAcsori ERA.....AANTARI.....E COIRARECATEA Of ExISTIRE or.TEA•FoRARN. Al V :1:Es,HALIETroo.voltrE:c,rEcT oR ARR.Lararo Exar,ElocrioN CONERACTORE SHALE.. 0;g :%:Xggggggg& MEOW.1....A.LtiErA=CTIL YOE L SI EICLIE:;07:VITEMOCE Of TIME. WORK ZONE LIMITS i /WPM SPA I s7 aLsr2ArLpis 'Zo==./.11%EnOTA.s.TANT;o7HTTUZOT:=ICT/CcAsclg:FI'Ati=oll" IF F S INTERSECTIONS: 1.ACOACEMIS PETERSESTSYM MALL NOE DE CCOISSMEIREED ENEELEAVEROSET orkEta MESTER Cr THE Z.RITERSEETE.1.71Ass RE RECCOYERS,C.SED TAM CAI A COXIIKUOOS RALE EASES UNTIL COWLES! °I• .=.71:X.A.',coNcRE7E=g ACCC•AdocA.TE:P....r.g..FM ,,,,,,,A,z.. PEDESTRIAN,BICYCLES AND WHEELCHAIRS T FT Tor Go oT EAR,Aont,o4+on virgF:Lto.DAT F/cowwwwe ANT coop oN :tlf•Tro."%7E2oV/Iss oR rnoTEETED•sr.EARR=ETT.........ZAAH'."=:E'r'fiAT-tRVE :1=7:E7ErEgErE'ICE"c"...E A'...'gXETELEHAR4 PA`c".rsZ•fr.=EnE9s"AT:sAtr-',EXA7i:os EIREFFIc. FrEE,EOP::,CarS;iT:0:.,:,,k/T.0▪YAW.T.TRAVEL PATH....EA SMALL PE SEAL: ENGINEERING NOTES n. =c-,,,•z—.4:17...==r-r.t.:747:74......7.1,—:—.zoTra.r,...;:e-.. of • ',, „to...L.nEcuuTore AGE...or-Wife OM Lai ELAN PI ACCORDANCE WH 7,E CONTRA4ToR s ..........o sER•Hope NEL LIAM * * * .r1.1 Mu„EXE OE%7:04.,ROM AND Mtn Er 1 STATE 0G C...E. g Ammo[ono Of 116 OXAMME ARE MOE 4.:( {EIC, A....Er A"T""""'" . NAL, 6— /OW WOW MOSE, DR. ENGNEER OF RECORD EWINEER OF RECORD_LIR .s......... 1 MIAMI BEACH •OTOW2023 locoRFORATION OF OTWICOWIENTS RAMC WORW MEV..10W OW.PE.AM ‘,..,... ..,,,,,,T sE., CITY MANAGER WINA,HUDAK I 040/4021 WS REVISION RA. RA. 3C0 RA. DM FDC/OE DCA OA/So D SO OEM.ENCANEER AD DRAWN By RE LA GORCE&NAUTILUS WA Now WA 1st LIWIWw10•61•140T IDIMERAL 101814 Owe,Reform. TITLE F.... hos NB_ W.OW.I RAM WON W DEFFAIMIENT CITY EWA..WORM.ORTEGA.PE I WWI. WA REvISICA RJR orAA was.,c0111 11IN RGNALDO„i RAWRA. CHECAER KR MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC PLAN _ IMO CONVENTION CENTER DONE WADI BEACH.FLU. 402 PE so83475SCALE AS OHO. NO3 DATE REVISION305-602-*ID SY (GENERAL NOTES) or. _MOW gest_a_d_at_ Own. '—MI-V.--- RD PAD WWWWWWFwASAGry al Wow SaADRFO•2011•121.11 WOK A WAFIAWN Swum Com/WPM CAW Ow..IMODOITO•OFAr D..•GNAT INDITIONAOT_Do wooLuo GA.. 3 y : , . A4 , )1,- -,,,, . . k,,.. - „„4,- .. ____ . y y tea/ s l. PINE TREE DRIVE j 'r"/ --- FF I ,,,,,k .,-, , . ... _ _..... .. _ _.- k, _ , •._. • , i ,\ , .... . .N• ...„, . . , .. i ..... ,.. \. , , .., , ,_ .. 4.0 111 PHASE I: EAST SIDE FM INSTALLATION. SOJfH ARTA LEGEND YALE:1'.Sp' WORN AREA r----, LANE IDENOFICIOON•DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC ADVANCE WARNING ARROW BOARD CI yy NEW JERSEr BARRIERS t-Y lIYR .�, i1 Lam. P e A - - .. allik `' a D �4-, E S tMS • _ k 3I � 411 .'_ _ 11.a, i r•, NBA' 1 or ro scF^ .. LL t 'Y' • g 4 ,,....,, PLAN N ALS,('41 Ev._. . . . , „-,..„, -,,,,,,,, „ , . t- . . . V210o 1, - S 1 1 1 .61, 1 i , ..., 4,713 , ' i fit .9 illt lik- ,•••• \__...,4 1 u:YaiTI will 1111,110:17,/,,,,,,077 1 } '� rmc —� TAROT PE SEAL: R 1#1 l , ;2 0,..0P0,R,,% tee s r Y -1, F„DF E PHASE I: EAST SIDE FM INSTALLATION. NORTH AREA .EwRR„RR.. "”".^ sgw.lEs'P' SCALE:,'.BO' nortsto 021.1 OF vs a.m.6A2 not .TROONES SAVOR 6.MAUR NO. 10S[ H .uRl wvegpwAtnnMNoe cpRA. W W 5 OtgtGpyJ 9GSEf R.R. ENGINEER OF RECGRG ENONEER OF RECORD RR NFIW�RNOOG FYN....NS.wM.NO...........„.S 2 M IA`..MI BEACH �G.IG Waw.DS�CIA.JOw00EFi PE,— ` Oa/1''"pP.WRPORA1bNOFDiPWCONNE— RA. GBSION ENGINEER AD OWS,l0II ERwr4Er Q—^ LA GORGE&NAUTILUS OTT MANAGER ALI.r.Nw.N 224060032 ESN REVISION R.R. ORAENN By —....R.Nnir. k NORMS DEPARTMENT I CR 'a'�CARES 1110 2i0l9^ DECKER RER TITLE MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC PLAN +I�• P�F A _ wno,r I ,3w COWENDON`CENTER CONE.MAW REACH Fl IMO mvEMDR�R_CRrrw ORIERArttNVFA3,SOY REVISION NK :YO: RBNAIOGJRNERII, F.P./2.7...2100-66...6012a1.mB..FNRFoav-ta,B-W.,.,aw.w.., REVISION ArrGBr - - NO 0476 Brw�.AS e,onN (EAST SIDE) or sl..t Mrd o.�.IB_Will_ So..cON.�ewFN c.r r�w.P s.,eGaoo-G..a.nsso-o.w IN.,n,.mNDt_Be F.wo SCD o.,.. , 12 B•s 6 y \ ' y ` PINE TREE DRIVE - I i % :� DI w \ 1 t < _- § z n, — —' t� r �. .. • z . .„ ,,,,,, n i',,,,l- . \i'>: 0 /°:;) RP PHASE II: WEST SIDE FM INSTALLATION. SOU1H AREA I LEGEND SGCE., 60 WORD AREA r----, LANE IDENTIFICATION E DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC ADVANCE WARNING ARROW BOARD w NEW JERSEY BARRIERS C r,t , r K :.F:Norio 2 1_ . .,..:,AP 1 -#11 . , , t ,:. . �Y--fyi • P } u VIN c4^ 11 WI PEI > R..,„,.1;V, ■ II 0� N 1 _ .. 1G_ H t4 S. \IIIIFI 11 I li��• .117 1 4. •J .,y.. 4 ' S I 11llll➢ILII` ,�LjT --Attu,' „... at.'. ! 1 B ",'[p, PE SEAL: ic' + — Il WON.Rry K F:PA..Rs JB A1� I No am 6 PHASE II: WEST SIDE FM INSTALLATION. NORTH AREA ^EN"°°'RE^^'E°"DI° ;R..OR N E•�'' SCALE:1•v NOT M I BE ACH 5 017170/2 BID SEM RA ENGINEER OFREOORO SAGO..OFRECORD EA NEIO■ORrIOOD wxr[vErtOo u Fuc..acca[.. A,M I N■1LVIORKB■/0cTON......RZ m FF.. ;0TH/2/2 I gOpPoBMTIONOF Ern....as nn DESIGN ENGINEER AD LA GORGE&NAUTILUS RN 111.0.ILNN■NY■L6mN-NDTWmrtNI.R ry CITY WNAGER ALINA T.MUMS 10/1/0570/2 VA REVISION RA. BV RE PUBLIC VgRKB OEPMTMENi 5m FOn N I[q Rq.SAM ID TOREv Raman. FT.Y..N= PFR.N W.AI Orbe, 1500 CONVEuiR PUBLIC RDRNE.ATMENT CH,RBBIM or,.FNGNEER CN,,,,, EOAPE Af 01 SON REVISION AK Dar,mS(La..mBI RErNum,.vERA CHECKER ASSN.. MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC PLAN .nm TANA NO.WYE REVISION AFVD.+ 'f0T PE NO SUM SCALE AB- (WEST SIDE) c.A. Blmzm Bn� m D,...y Fi P.m S6ne15p6700F,.5N WCIry.I M.m BucNIMFQ1011-1]0-1(9-Wew S W.abra,SFUIO C.v.bmFY Canal CO.,61....0-O...V 7550.Mpg.......,_BN S.YW_CAD OwnP M; ff S � .Si r k .. ._ . , 1. , ,, ir Ibemsr LE, , ♦ .. .r..,.. 7 i. -. '4' --• ♦ 37111 Roo PLAIT i AP d; I . D `------- c .,....e-, 4-1 F F .— - a F . uu 4R b 5 f■ r -.ow��!' _ .. - ITl'il - ItOk Sle Roe a I n TY/ 1 I 1e ., . , - k >� 1 I ills 4 ... . _. _ . ,it _ .40_ 4,,,_ iiiii Ai.. 4 PHASE III — OPEN TRENCH FM INSTALLATION AT SOUTH END PHASE IV — INTERCONNECTION WITH FM AT SOUTH ENDS C SCALE:t'•AO' SCALE:t'.b' am 01 •.".,;b......,.. r ...,,,„,,, , . . , , •__ 111 LEGEND , {16118t79TJ!� r----i = '1111.111111111: . WORN AREA ml,1111 11111111111 A L----J - �In 11111111111. _ I '1 4111111117#iris - LANE IDENTlFICA40N•DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC 31IIIIm 11111a �,=� ADVANCE WARNING ARROW BOARD fl 1 ,� a NEW.ERBF.BARRIERS '.Al11IIlIll P-__ ------ - - '- - - 2 2 11111:1:IIIIE PE SEAL: A N Te i ApN1tt PNwvEwa�r--rm, rxRMAURn ,9oRO a ' 40NALE�` W AA 4�,^I 1� 5 0tnvaT3 BD SET RA_ ENGINEER OF RECORD ENG4EOI OF RECORD Mi NEIOIMORND00 0 101 'BEACH wrc MVRNEar�elaRaEDanET.E.r FEe ora'aoa RCDRRDRA 0."-aneox-. RA. -� DESIGN ENGINEER M IA GORCE&NAUTILUS Erw�,.Am — g t1 tIJJ 3 ` ' t OTT.M1MGER URN T.NIpMt ] DWLJOY! RA 6ET RA. CMBM1 RE &myP.08 RM.. T MM.3 BOBNN REVISION OR. SDN A LEO la NR se RER TIME. Fen M.- RAP MAI OM I NORNSDEPM..T CT'ENGINEER.GMTSNtl1TEM PE wows"NN REVISION RA SRM.111]1 CNECNER t 1N EpNENDONNLCENTER DR.MMBEAOL RM. REVISION .caner .-102-...2 ne PE 0.a]an SCALE MM.. MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC PLAN 1•10 OVE dl 9101EISP v..[_ata. DmPW MDT. Fm PM ISAININMOSAINAMON el Mem BSM1F0.2017.11HEB Maw a MM..S.M.CemWmEM Ca.Cm..5-1.0000-M.G.-OmpINenmme1 INNND_CMOrwYp ROUTE TOPOGRAPHIC AND HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY LEGENDS NEREVIATIONS Right of Way of Pine Tree Drive,south of West 51st Street,Section 14 and 23,Township 53 South,Range 42 East, City of Miami Beach,Miami-Dade County,Florida. COVEPE0 6143, ,3310 , - 04 UTILITY FITTINGS(FOR OTHER FITTINGS REFER TO SKETCH) r ,.K; Project ��i t _-IN --- -" "'• nap �r ,,, • ab■0503 STRIKTUE NAME STATION IOFFSET NORTHING I EASTINO STR.runs DETAILS .......... _ 370 3•10+.5,0!+wm.! p.»t4m 300.1 4 131.3316 F.!x3316 e.e •• �,..44.. • , w'+ . 5. EB rl '%%� - , r(O,a .sluff, '�� �\ 11111 IIID��` rn3: �nmir 111111 IIIIIC CYC ® .333.1860„ 103 01 1.0 0 5,3 M3a.r,••>. ,� Ogllll grII(1111I IIII��„ Ml+wv OIIIIII g,Y lllllfllll:. 1VC p on 3 1M m•osv800 Ot t..4.0incv•rl M,ppRe-eco.• T..• 111111:1 II 1111 , ®'. --.-t E x tar. �UW It 1 1111111 d_ O . 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Page 1 of 4 ` / ROUTE TOPOGRAPHIC AND HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY LEOEMO a ANEEEVIATIONM Right of Way of Pine Tree Drive,south of West 51st Street,Section 14 and 23,Township 53 South,Range 42 East, aa;Ea++, City of Miami Beach,Miami-Dade County,Florida. w .f r 0 10 20 '�" ;"`n,:ru„�° WC.LINE MA 13.40 MME1001704.403.4r SME w,. :,a..n Ka.n, S• ` rr .. ,r ji ,,,./.1.:::.:74.°`"`''.,.,,. SCALE:I'=20' EN.VALI& ip\ 1 I ka I 113 I { - ppr.{ rx a... . ,F ..s,.aIlll 1 { 1M I 'pt __.ra pump a,r u.rr ©' ,p , , IV ...?"...il \ ll'i ' ' L , .,,, • n, "I •`... a, 11 "�:� i I } `4 , W,,.'.r .o.WALE LL(..tax, • 1�' L \ I \I 3 tri 3 M by 'FJ 1ii • ,{ rrz R ISM °.w,'°” ` 01 %%Olt • x. papa . T::: '...,,..„ .,0 :.•' ::: ifil,...=....:„ 41 • 2 ,.eu..,,u ,.a WO $ r,A 1 :1. P`g SEC MGT.1430 te0 10, wan , YYYIa m d Z LL T .,, •. } r w. W ¢ o i e 3�� 4.�'^.i v 4n.p t .� • q A iia,��✓ r J rA N O .1 I �:. ::- o 0o. .,.rax.--. z $ 1 re . - g 6 fig' i c..,a, .e.9.`.. --,--- t __ s:r.. 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Page 1 of 4 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SECTION 2-11.16 OF THE CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDITIONS WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE Construction Type: HEAVY Building Construction generally is the construction of sheltered enclosures with walk-in access for the purpose of housing persons, machinery, equipment, or supplies. It includes all construction of such structures, the installation of utilities and the installation of equipment, both above and below grade. Note: Where multiple construction is "incidental" in function, the construction is considered a part of the building project for wage determination purposes. NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES FAIR WAGE AFFIDAVIT LCPTRACKER — CONTRACTOR QUICK START GUIDE 2023 INDEX RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS CONSTRUCTION TYPE: HEAVY A. SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDITIONS MINIMUM WAGES AND POSTING OF INFORMATION 1-3 LIABILITY FOR UNPAID WAGES; PENALTIES; WITHHOLDING 3 PAYROLLS; BASIC RECORDS; REPORTING 3-5 SUBCONTRACTS 5 COMPLAINTS AND HEARINGS; CONTRACT TERMINATION AND DEBARMENT 5-7 APPRENTICES AND TRAINEES 7-8 OTHER STATE AND FEDERAL WAGE LAWS........................... 9 B. WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULES BRICKLAYERS 1 CARPENTERS 2-4 ELECTRICAL WORKERS 5-6 ELECTRICAL WORKERS (ELECTRIC SIGN) 7 INSULATORS &ASBESTOS WORKERS 8 IRONWORKERS 9 LABORERS 1 0-1 1 MILLWRIGHTS, MACHINERY ERECTORS& DIVERS 12 OPERATING ENGINEERS 13-15 PAINTERS/WALL COVERINGS INSTALLATION 16-17 PILEDRIVERS, BRIDGE CARPENTERS & DIVERS 18-19 PIPEFITTERS (AIR CONDITIONING, REFRIGERATION, AND HEATING) 20-23 PLUMBERS .......... 24-25 ROOFERS .26-27 SHEET METAL WORKERS ............... 28-29 INDEX RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS CONSTRUCTION TYPE: HEAVY WELDERS 30 C. NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES D. FAIR WAGE AFFIDAVIT E. LCPTRACKER - CONTRACTOR QUICK START GUIDE SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDITIONS TO BIDDERS Bidders are advised that the provisions of§ 2-11.16 et seq., Code of Miami-Dade County (the "Code"), pertaining to Responsible Wages on County Construction Contracts, will apply to any contract awarded pursuant to this bid. By submitting a bid under these provisions, a bidder agrees to comply with these provisions of the Code and to acknowledge awareness of the penalties for non-compliance. A copy of the Code may be obtained from the department issuing the specifications for this bid or online at http://www.municode.com/resources/gateway.asp?pid=10620&sid=9. This Supplemental General Conditions is organized with the following sections: 1. Minimum Wages and Posting of Information 2. Liability for Unpaid Wages, Liquidated Damages and Withholding 3. Payrolls Records, Reporting and Inspection of Records 4. Subcontracts 5. Complaints, Hearings and Contracts Termination and Debarment 6. Apprentices and Trainees 7. Other State and Federal Wage Laws 1. MINIMUM WAGES AND POSTING OF INFORMATION A. Minimum Wages All employees working on the project must be paid the combined dollar value (hourly rate and benefits) listed in the Wages and Benefits Schedule for work being performed. Payment to workers shall be made in the form of check, money order or direct deposit. Cash payments are not allowed. The rates paid shall be no less than those contained in the Wages and Benefits Schedule regardless of any contractual relationship that may exist between the contractor and the workers hired to perform under the contract. For any classification of workers, the hourly rate paid must equal the sum of the base rate and the fringe benefit rates listed for that classification in the Wages and Benefits Schedule. Paying below the base rate is not acceptable, even if the value of the fringe benefits exceeds the value of the required contribution. Paying the base wage rate or above and making payments to legitimate fringe benefits providers on behalf of workers is acceptable. Wages and benefits listed in the Wages and Benefits Schedule will be reviewed and increased, if appropriate, once a year, on January 1st. The rates for wages and benefits to be paid for work performed under this contract and during each subsequent calendar year will be the rate in effect on January 1st of the year in which the work is performed. B. Fringe Benefits - 1 - The contractor, or any subcontractor under the contractor, may pay the base rate to the employee plus pay contributions to employee benefit plans; or, pay the base rate plus the benefit rate in the Wages and Benefits Schedule in the form of check, money order or direct deposit, but not cash. If the value of the fringe benefits is less than the hourly amount required in the wage schedule the difference must be paid to the employee as an increase to their base pay. Payments made to health insurance companies for hospitalization and medical costs, to dental insurance companies for dental costs, retirement plans, and life insurance companies for life insurance are fringe benefits. Payments made irrevocably to a trustee or third party pursuant to a bona fide fringe benefit fund, plan or program for health, life, death, and dismemberment, dental, vision insurance and retirement/pension can be credited towards meeting the required wages. These payments must be made not less often than quarterly. Annual payments to a fringe benefit fund, plan or program will not be accepted. C. More than One Classification Workers must be paid the appropriate base rate and fringe benefits on the Wages and Benefits Schedule for the classification of work actually being performed without regard to skill. Workers performing work in more than one classification may be paid at the rate listed for each classification for the time they worked; however, the employer's payrolls must accurately show the time spent in each classification in which work is performed. This does not apply to workers performing tasks that are incidental to the trade they are working in, such as handling materials they will be installing or cleaning up the worksite after they complete their work. D. Classification Not Listed in the Wage Schedule If you do not find a wage classification in the Wages and Benefits Schedule that describes the work actually being done, you must contact Small Business Development. Questions concerning the comparability of worker classifications or the applicability of Davis Bacon classifications will be determined by the County. E. Complaints by Workers Any complaints of underpayment by the workers should be filed with: Internal Services Department Small Business Development Division 111 NW 1ST Street, 19TH Floor Miami, FL 33128 Telephone: (305) 375-3111 FAX: (305) 375-3160 Email: SBDMAIL@MIAMIDADE.GOV Neither the contractor nor any subcontractor on the project may terminate an employee - 2 - performing work on the contract because of such employee's filing a complaint regarding underpayment of required wage rates. F. Posting of Wages The contractor and all subcontractors must permanently post the Wages and Benefits Schedule, together with a notice of the fines that may be assessed to the contractor or subcontractor, for failure to pay the required wage rates, at the site where the contract work is being performed in a prominent and accessible place where it can be easily seen by the workers. Failure to post the Wages and Benefits Schedule is a violation. 2. LIABILITY FOR UNPAID WAGES; PENALTIES; WITHHOLDING A. Compliance by Bidders In the event of underpayment of the required wage rates, the contractor shall be liable to the underpaid employee for such underpayment. In addition, the contractor shall pay a penalty in accordance with the requirements of the Code and section 2B below. Contractors must pay all back wages and penalties on previous contracts before being awarded or participating on a new contract. B. Penalties In addition to any under payment due to employees, contractors may be fined a penalty in an amount equal to twenty percent (20%) of the first underpayment; forty percent (40%) of the amount of the second underpayment; for the third and successive underpayments, a penalty in an amount equal to sixty percent (60%) of the underpayment. A fourth underpayment violation within a three (3) year period shall subject the contractor to debarment to be initiated by SBD in accordance with the debarment procedures of the County. A fourth underpayment violation shall also constitute a default of the subject contract and shall be cause for suspension or termination. If the required payments are not made within the specified period of time, the non-complying contractor and principal owners thereof shall be prohibited from bidding on or otherwise participating in County contracts for a period not to exceed three (3) years. C. Withholding Contractor Payments The County may stop payment of monies to the contractor necessary to pay any wages that are required, and any penalties owed by the contractor or subcontractor. The withheld monies shall be given to the employee in accordance with the provisions of Section 5. "Complaints and Hearings; Contract Termination and Debarment". 3. PAYROLL; BASIC RECORDS; REPORTING A. Payroll Records - 3 - The contractor and all subcontractors must keep accurate written records, signed under oath as true and correct, showing payment of the required wages. These records must include the name, social security number of each worker, his or her address, correct classification, per hour rates of wages paid (including rates of contributions or costs anticipated for legitimate fringe benefits), and daily and weekly number of hours worked on this project. Contractors employing apprentices or trainees under approved programs shall keep records of the registration or apprenticeship programs, the certification of trainee programs, the registration of the apprentices and trainees, and wage rates as required by the applicable programs, in accordance with the provisions of Section 6 "Apprentices and Trainees". B. LCPtracker Each contractor and every low-tier subcontractor is required to submit all certified payrolls and labor compliance documentation electronically by the 10th of every month for the previous month using LCPtracker, a web-based Certified Payroll Management System (www.lcptracker.net). The system is managed by Small Business Development ("SBD"), a division of the Internal Services Department. The use of the system is mandatory, pursuant to Miami-Dade County Ordinance No. 18-33. Each contractor and subcontractor on applicable contracts will be provided a username and password to access LCPtracker system. Use of the system will involve data entry of weekly payroll information including: employee name, social security number, trade classification, total hours and fractions of hours for every type of trade classification work performed on the project, and wage and benefits paid. LCPtracker' s software can also interface with most payroll and accounting software programs that are capable of generating a CSV (comma delimited file). If your program does not have this capability, LCPtracker may be able to build an interface to communicate with your accounting software. Hands-on training sessions for the LCPtracker system is available. To RSVP, please visit https://mdcsbd.gob2q.com/events.asp and select the training session you would like to attend. If you are not able to attend a training class in person, there are other free training options available for contractors: Option 1: Web-Based Training Sessions. Online and live training sessions facilitated by members of LCPtracker' s Customer Support Team are offered several times per month. All you need to participate is a computer with internet access, an email address, and access to a phone. • Go to the LCPtracker Website: www.lcptracker.net • Enter your username/password - Select "Watch Now" on the Projects tab and register for the Online training sessions - 4 - Option 2: Computer-Based Training Courses. Pre-recorded videos can be viewed at any time by logging into the LCPtracker website (www.lcptracker.net) and following these simple steps: - Enter your username/password • Select the "Training Materials" link located at the top of the page • Select Contractor Training Videos C. Inspection of Records The contractor or subcontractor must make these records available for inspection and copying by an authorized representative of the County and shall allow such representatives to interview employees during working hours on the job. If the contractor or subcontractor fails to submit the reports or make the records on which they are based available, the County may, after written notice to the contractor, cause the stoppage of payments. Also, failure to submit the reports upon request or make the records available may be reason for debarment. The prime contractor is responsible for the submission of the information required and for the maintenance of records and provisions of access to same by all subcontractors. 4. SUBCONTRACTS The contractor must insert into any subcontracts the clauses set forth in paragraphs 1 through 6 of this Supplemental General Conditions and a clause reminding their subcontractors to include these paragraphs in any lower tier subcontract. The prime contractor will be responsible for compliance by all subcontractors and their lower tier subcontractors with the clauses set forth in paragraphs 1 through 6 of this Supplemental General Conditions. In the event of non-payment or underpayment of the required wages, the prime contractor shall be liable to the underpaid employees of the subcontractor for each underpayment. 5. COMPLAINTS AND HEARINGS; CONTRACT TERMINATION AND DEBARMENT A. Complaints Upon receipt of a written complaint or identification of a violation pertaining to an employee wage underpayment of the required overall hourly rates, the County will investigate the complaint and notify the contractor or subcontractor employing said workers of the complaint/violation. The notice shall include a brief description of the said complaint/violation, the dollar amount that the contractor or subcontractor is liable for in back wages and fines, the required corrective action(s) to be taken and the due date for payment of back wages and fines or to request a compliance meeting. Failure to comply or request a compliance meeting within the due date specified shall constitute a waiver of the contractor's or subcontractor's right to a compliance meeting, and that such waiver shall constitute an admission of the complaint/violation. The County may withhold from the contractor so much accrued payments as may be considered necessary by the Contracting Officer to pay employees of the contractor or subcontractor under - 5 - them for the performance of the contract work, the difference between the combined overall hourly wage rate and benefits required to be paid by the contractor/subcontractor to the employee on the work and the amounts received by such employee where violations have been found. Any employee of a contractor or subcontractor who performed work on a contract subject to this section, may instead of adhering to the County administrative procedure, but not in addition to such procedure, bring an action by filing suit against the contractor or subcontractor in any court of competent jurisdiction to enforce these provisions and may be awarded back pay, benefits, attorney's fees, costs. The applicable statute of limitations of such a claim will be two (2) years as provided in Section 95.11(4)(c), Florida Statutes, in an action for payment of wages. The court may also impose sanctions on the employer, including those persons or entities aiding or abetting the employer, to include wage restitution to the affected employee and damages payable to the covered employee in the sum of up to five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each week each employer is found to have violated these provisions. B. Hearings A contractor or subcontractor has the right to an administrative hearing to appeal a determination of non-compliance within (30) days of the notice. To request a hearing the contractor or subcontractor must file a written request along with a $250.00 non- refundable filing fee with the County Mayor or his or her designee. Upon timely receipt of a request for an administrative hearing request, the County Mayor shall appoint a hearing officer and fix a time for an administrative hearing thereon. A notice of hearing (together with a copy of SBD's determination of non-compliance) shall be served upon the contractor (or subcontractor). Upon completion of the hearing, the hearing officer shall submit proposed written findings and recommendations to the County Mayor within a reasonable time. The County Mayor or designee will review the findings and recommendations of the Hearing Officer and decide to accept or reject the recommendations of the Administrative Hearing Officer either with or without modifications. C. Penalties If the County Mayor or designee determines that the contractor or subcontractor substantially or repeatedly failed to comply, the non-complying contractor or subcontractor and the principal owners thereof shall be prohibited from bidding or otherwise participating in County contracts for the construction, alteration and/or repair, including painting or decorating, of public buildings or public works for a period of three years. The County Mayor or designee may order the withheld amount equal to any underpayment remitted to the employee. In addition, the County Mayor or designee may order payment of a penalty to the County. If the required payment is not made - 6 - within a reasonable period, the County Mayor or designee may order debarment as described above. A breach of the clauses contained in this Supplemental General Conditions shall be deemed a breach of this contract and may be grounds for termination of the contract, and for debarment. 6. APPRENTICES AND TRAINEES A. Apprentices Apprentices will be permitted to work at less than the rate listed in the Wages and Benefits Schedule for the work they perform when they are employed pursuant to and individually registered in a legitimate apprenticeship program registered with the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, or with a state apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau, or if a person is employed in his or her first 90 days probationary employment who is not individually registered in the program, but who has been certified by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training or a state apprenticeship agency (where appropriate) to be eligible for probationary employment as an apprentice. All apprentices participating on a project must approved in LCPtracker by SBD. LCPtracker will not allow a contractor to enter an apprentice on its certified payrolls until SBD has received and approved the Apprenticeship Certification, which is only valid for 90 days after issuance. To obtain SBD's approval, the Program Sponsor must submit the Apprenticeship Certification to: Internal Services Department Small Business Development Division 111 NW 1ST Street, 19TH Floor Miami, FL 33128 Telephone: (305) 375-3111 FAX: (305) 375-3160 Email: SBDMAILaMIAMIDADE.GOV Any worker listed as an apprentice on a payroll at an apprentice wage rate, who is not registered or otherwise employed as stated above, must be paid not less than the wage on the Wages and Benefits Schedule for the classification of work actually performed. B. Apprentice Ratio The number of apprentices shall not be greater than the ratio listed in the Wages and Benefits Schedule. If the number of apprentices working on the project, is greater than the ratio permitted, the apprentices must be paid the wage rate on the Wages and Benefits Schedule for the work performed. Where a contractor is performing construction on a project in a locality other than that in which its program is registered, the ratios and wage rates (expressed in the percentages of the journeyman's hourly rate) specified in the contractor's or subcontractor's registered program shall be - 7 - observed. Every apprentice must be paid at least the rate specified in the registered program for the apprentice's level of progress, expressed as a percentage of the journeyman hourly rate specified in the applicable schedule. C. Apprentice Fringe Benefits Apprentices shall be paid fringe benefits in accordance with the provisions of the apprenticeship program. If the apprenticeship program does not specify fringe benefits, apprentices must be paid the full amount of fringe benefits listed on the wage determination for the applicable apprentice classification; fringe benefits shall be paid in accordance with that determination. In the event the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, or a state apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau, withdraws approval of an apprenticeship program, the contractor will no longer be permitted to utilize apprentices at less than the applicable predetermined rate for the work performed until an acceptable program is provided. D. Trainees The rules for trainees are similar to those of apprentices. Except as provided in 29 C.F.R. § 5.16, trainees cannot work for less than the predetermined rate listed in the Wages and Benefits Schedule unless they are registered in a program certified by the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. The ratio of trainees to journeymen on the job site must not be greater than permitted under the plan approved by the Employment and Training Administration. Every trainee must be paid at not less than the rate specified in the approved program for the trainee's level of progress, expressed as a percentage of the journeymen hourly rate specified in the applicable wage determination. Trainees must be paid fringe benefits in accordance with the Trainee Program. If the Trainee Program does not specify fringe benefits, trainees shall be paid the full amount of fringe benefits listed on the wage determination unless the administrator of the wage and hour division determines that the rate is an apprenticeship program associated with the corresponding journeyman wage rate on the wage determination, which provides for less than the full fringe benefits for apprentices. E. Summary of Apprentices and Trainees Any worker who is not registered in a training plan approved by the Employment and Training Administration must be paid not less than the wage rate on the Wages and Benefits Schedule for the work actually performed without regard to skill. In addition, if the number of apprentices and trainees are in excess of the ratio permitted under the registered program, then the wages that must be paid are those listed on the Wages and Benefits Schedule for the work actually performed by the apprentices or trainees. If the Employment and Training Administration cancels approval of an apprenticeship or training program, the contractor will no longer be permitted to pay the trainee or apprenticeship rate. - 8 - 7. OTHER STATE AND FEDERAL WAGE LAWS All Miami-Dade County contracts require contractors to comply with all applicable state and federal wage laws including payment of overtime. To obtain information regarding these laws, please visit the U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hours Division at www.dol.gov/whd. - 9 - MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE BRICKLAYERS Bricklayers $ 27.50 $ 5.40 $ 3.15 $ 36.05 (1) Per hour health benefit includes hospitalization, medical, life,vision and dental insurance. NOTE: Apprentices will be permitted to work at these rates when they are employed pursuant to and individually registered in a legitimate apprenticeship program registered with the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training,or with a state apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau. In Florida this agency is the Florida Department of Education,Division of Career and Adult Education,Apprenticeship Section-http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/apprenticeship. Please see page 6 of the Supplemental General Conditions for more information. Apprentices: 1st 6 month period $ 17.88 $ 5.40 $ 3.15 $ 26.43 2nd 6 month period $ 19.25 5 5.40 $ 3.15 $ 27.80 3rd 6 month period $ 20.63 S 5.40 $ 3.15 $ 29.18 4th 6 month period $ 22.00 S 5.40 $ 3.15 $ 30.55 5th 6 month period $ 23.38 S 5.40 $ 3.15 $ 31.93 6th 6 month period $ 24.75 $ 5.40 $ 3.15 $ 33.30 Apprentice Ratio: There shall be one(1)apprentice for every three(3)journeymen. Scope of work under this trade includes but is not limited to: all forms of masonry construction, including all brick, stone, concrete block, marble,cement, plaster, mosaic,tile,terrazzo,terra cotta,glass block, refractory materials, and pointing-cleaning-caulking. The complete installation of all forms of masonry panels including the on-site fabrication, all integral elements of masonry construction and all forms of substitute masonry materials or building systems thereto utilized. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE CARPENTERS Carpenters $ 25.65 $ 5.50 $ 6.65 $ 37.80 Foreman(5 or more workers) $ 27.78 $ 5.50 $ 6.65 $ 39.93 Foreman(12 or more workers) $ 31.54 $ 5.50 $ 6.65 $ 43.69 General Foreman (2 or more Foreman) $ 33.84 $ 5.50 $ 6.65 $ 45.99 ADDrentices: NOTE: Apprentices will be permitted to work at these rates when they are employed pursuant to and individually registered in a legitimate apprenticeship program registered with the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training,or with a state apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau. In Florida this agency is the Florida Department of Education,Division of Career and Adult Education,Apprenticeship Section-http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/apprenticeship. Please see page 6 of the Supplemental General Conditions for more information. 1st 6 month period $ 15.90 $ 5.50 $ 6.65 $ 28.05 2nd 6 month period $ 17.19 $ 5.50 $ 6.65 $ 29.34 3rd 6 month period $ 18.47 $ 5.50 $ 6.65 $ 30.62 4th 6 month period $ 19.75 $ 5.50 $ 6.65 $ 31.90 5th 6 month period $ 21.03 $ 5.50 $ 6.65 $ 33.18 6th 6 month period $ 22.32 $ 5.50 $ 6.65 $ 34.47 7th 6 month period $ 23.60 $ 5.50 $ 6.65 $ 35.75 8th 6 month period $ 24.88 $ 5.50 $ 6.65 $ 37.03 (1)Per hour health benefit includes hospitalization, medical, life,vision and dental insurance. Acoustic Ceilings The unloading,distribution and installation of all materials and component parts of all types of acoustic ceilings and plenums, regardless of their material composition or method of manner of their installation, attachment or connection, including, but not limited to the following items: all hangers, carrying channels, cross furring, stiffeners, braces, all bars regardless of materials or methods of attachment, all integrated gypsum wall board ceiling heat panels, fill, all main tees, cross tees, splines, splays, wall and ceiling angles or moldings, all backing board and all finish ceiling materials regardless of method of installation excepting acoustic plaster. Doors The unloading, distribution and installation of all prefinished wooden doors, hollow metal doors, overhead or mechanical doors, whether steel, aluminum or plastic and all supporting systems. Install all hollow metal jambs and hardware on doors whether they be interior or exterior. Floor Covering Carpeting including all measuring, lay-outs, remaking,cutting,fitting, sewing, binding, sizing, laying,stretching, repairing and installation, either by hand or power machine. The installation of resilient flooring to include the laying of all cork, linoleum, asphalt, mastic, plastic, rubber tile,whether nailed or laid in with Lino paste,glue,mastic or substitute materials.All wood flooring,whether nailed or laid in mastic. All necessary preparatory work including the scraping, filling of holes, nailing, lay of paper or other underlayments. The sanding or refinishing of all wood floors either by hand or power machine. Pape 2 of 31 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE CARPENTERS,Continued Forms The fabrication and re-fabrication of all forms and dismantling of forms when they are to be reused. This includes removable corrugated metal forming systems and all other patented forming systems. When power rigging is used in the setting or dismantling of forms,and the necessary false work, all handling, rigging and signaling. The setting, leveling and aligning of all templates for anchor bolts for structural members, machinery, and the placing, leveling, bracing, burning and welding for all bolts. The installation of embedded materials where attached to forms and/or embedded materials for machinery. Framing in connection with the setting of bulkhead; fabrication of screeds and stakes for floors and form for articles. The handling of lumber, fabricated forms and form hardware installed by carpenters. The building and moving of all scaffolding for runways and staging.The cutting or framing of openings for piles,conduit,ducts,when they pass through floors,partitions or forms.All rigging,setting,aligning and hand signaling when setting up pre-cast units. Furniture The loading, unloading, handling, dismantling, distribution, erection, stockpiling, refurbishing, and installation of all modular and systems office furniture and all components parts,new and refurbished. Lathing The prefabricating, erecting,construction, furring, making and erecting of brackets, clips and hangers,wood,wire and metal lath to which plaster-type materials are applied;corner beads,arches erected for the purpose of holding plaster or cement. The rigging, erecting,staying and fastening in any manner of all pre-cast aggregate panels of all types.All carrying bars, purlins and furring, regardless of size; light iron and metal furring of all descriptions for the receipt of metal lath, rock lath and all light iron when studs are to receive metal lath or rock lath for the application of plaster; and all other light iron furring erected to receive lath and plaster. The nailing,typing and fastening of all wire and metallic lath such as wire cloth,wire mesh,expanded metal lath, hyrib and flat expanded metal lath and wire of all descriptions as well as the placing of all hangers to support suspended ceilings or any of the above types of light iron and metal furring which receive lath and plaster; the placing of all types of floor lath,such as hyrib lath, paperback steeltex floor lath, Penn metal rib,etc. The tying, nailing,clipping or fastening, mechanical or otherwise,of all types of lath regardless of size, such as wood lath, plasterboard, button board, flaxilinum board, bishopric, celetex, gypsum lath, foam and Styrofoam, rock lath or any and all other types of material erected to receive or hold plaster. The erection of all metal plastering accessories such as metal corner beads and other plastering accessories which are covered and/or serve as a ground of screed for plaster. Material Procedures The unloading, handling and erection and power rigging in connection with laminated wood arches, trusses and decks. All power rigging and signaling of Carpenters' materials. The operation and maintenance of small air compressors generators, electric or gasoline power motors for the operation of woodworking machinery. The unloading, handling and distribution of materials erected and installed. by carpenters.All prefabricated,manufactured and finished materials regardless of packing,shall be unloaded distributed and installed by the Carpenters. This shall include, but not be limited to all forms, templates, bolt, cabinets and all materials normally installed by Carpenters. Underpinning, lagging, bracing, propping and shoring, raising and moving of all building structures of parts thereof by the use of jack, power rigging or other methods shall be the work. This includes the unloading and setting of modular units and all work related thereto. The assembly and erection of pole and pre- engineered buildings. Page 3 of 31 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE CARPENTERS,Continued Railing The installation of all construction of temporary guardrails, barricades and /or safety devices. The unloading, handling, distribution, installation and backing necessary for all aluminum,vinyl, plastic or wood handrails and guardrails. Scaffolding The erection and dismantling of all scaffolding in excess of fourteen (14) feet. The erection, dismantling, unloading, loading, and handling of all material and equipment for all specialty scaffolding. Sink Tops and Cabinets The unloading,distribution and installation of all sink tops,cabinets, hoods base and wall units. Weather and Spray Protection The fabrication, erection and removal of frames, enclosures of buildings or scaffoldings, the draping of tarps, visqueen or similar coverings when secured by wire, nailing, bolting or clamps. The handling and setting up of all temporary enclosures. Windows,Walls and Partitions The installation, erection and/or application of all material component parts of wall and partitions regardless of all materials composition or method or manner of their installation,attachment of connection, including but not limited to the following items: All floor and ceiling runners, studs, stiffeners, cross bracings, Te-Blocking, resilient channels, furring channels, doors and windows including frames, casing, molding, base, accessory trim items, gypsum drywall materials, the making and installing of all backing for fixtures and welding of studs or other fasteners to receive materials being applied; laminated gypsum systems backing board, finish board, fireproofing of beams and columns, fireproofing of chase, sound and thermal installation materials, fixture attachments including all layout work, preparation of all openings for lighting, air vents or other purposes, all toilet partitions and insulated translucent wall and ceiling systems,and all other necessary or related work. The erection of exterior metal studs and the installation windows metal or wood and those attached to metal studs. The installation of rockwool, cork, fiberglass, tectum, Styrofoam and other insulation material used form sound of weatherproofing, the renewal for caulking and replacing of staff bead, brick mold and all Oakum, caulking, substitutes and all other caulking in connection there with, and the installation of chalkboards,cork and tack boards. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADEfWORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE ELECTRICAL WORKERS Electrician-Wiremen 38.71 $ 6.00 $ 5.81 $ 50.52 Electrician-Cable Splicer $ 39.21 $ 6.00 $ 5.88 $ 51.09 Welder $ 39.21 $ 6.00 $ 5.88 $ 51.09 Foremen - Required on any Job where 3-9 electricians are employed,one shall be designated foreman.One(1)additional electrician shall be designated foreman If there are 10-14 $ 42.58 $ 6.00 $ 6.39 $ 54.97 electricians,and one(1)additional for 15-21 electricians. General Foremen(22 or more Electricians) $ 46.45 $ 6.00 $ 6.97 $ 59.42 Per Hour Premiums: $1.00 per hour to the per hour wage rate for electricians working in hazardous locations,above or below ground in high places such as silos,hangers, beacon lights,or other similar structures where a free fall of 30 feet or more is possible. Apprentices: NOTE: Apprentices will be permitted to work at these rates when they are employed pursuant to and individually registered in a legitimate apprenticeship program registered with the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training,or with a state apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau. In Florida this agency is the Florida Department of Education,Division of Career and Adult Education, Apprenticeship Section - http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/apprenticeship. Please see pages 7-8 of the Supplemental General Conditions for more information. 1st Year $ 19.26 $ 4.57 $ 0.58 $ 24.41 2nd Year $ 20.36 $ 4.57 $ 3.05 $ 27.98 3rd Year $ 22.54 $ 4.57 $ 3.38 $ 30.49 4th Year $ 24.72 $ 4.57 $ 3.71 $ 33.00 5th Year $ 29.03 $ 4.57 $ 4.35 $ 37.95 APPRENTICE RATIO: Two (2) Apprentices to (1-3) Wiremen, four (4) Apprentices to (4 to 6) Wiremen, six (6) Apprentices to(7 to 9)Wiremen (1) Per hour health benefit includes hospitalization, medical, life vision and dental insurance. Scope of work under this trade includes but is not be limited to: installation, inspection, operation, maintenance, service, repair, testing or retrofit of all energized and de-energized electrical power and communications conductors, electrical materials, electrical devices and electrical power distribution equipment,or a part of there which generates,transmits,transforms or utilize electrical energy in any form AC or DC voltages for heat, light or power used in the construction, alteration, temporary power, maintenance, service and repair of public and private premises including building,floating buildings, structures, bridges, street, highway and tunnel work including all signaling, shafts, dams or levees, river and harbor work, airports, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, yards, lots, parking lots, carnivals, tradeshows, events and industrial substations, The installations of electrical conductors and electrical distribution equipment that connect to the supply of electricity, installations used by an electric utility that are not an integral part of a generating plant, substation or control center and all electrical raceways of whatever form for electrical and communications conductors and fiber optics. Page 5 of 31 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE ELECTRICAL WORKERS,Continued As related to an electrical system in its entirety,the chasing,channeling,opening and closing of places above and below ground, placement, installation or temporary installation,erection, inspection,operation,welding, maintenance,service, repair,testing or connection of any electrical conductors, electrical lighting fixtures, appliances, instrumentation apparatus, raceway systems, conduit systems , pipe systems, underground systems, cable tray systems, grounding, bonding systems, lightening protection systems, power-generating green technology systems or other systems of renewable energy including but not limited to photovoltaic, solar, wind turbine, hydro-generation, geothermal or tidal systems, electric vehicle technology, electrical power conductors and communications conductors for energy management systems, electrical power conductors and communications conductors for building automation systems, railroad, signalman, maintainer and railroad communication, nuclear, or the erection,alteration, repair,modification,splicing,termination of electric transmission lines on private property,structured cabling systems for transmission of voice, data, video, notification, warning systems, smoke and fire alarm systems, other life safe safety and security systems and appurtenances. The installation of electrical lighting, heating and power equipment, fiber optics, and the installation and connecting of all electronic equipment, including computing machines and devices, monitoring of radiation hazards where such monitoring work is not preempted or performed by an electrical utility, the installation of all temporary power and light wiring, high-voltage cable splicing and terminations, breaker testing and the commission and decommission of electrical control systems. Clean, service, repair, replace, operate and adjust high and low voltage switchgear; transformers, conductors, connectors, breakers, fuses and buses. Operations, maintenance and repair of high voltage electrical power connections,circuit protection devices and associated switchgear. Pre-fabricated parts and materials shall be unloaded, distributed and installed by employees covered under this trade and working for the electrical contractor. There are no restrictions on an employers utilization of pre-fabricated or pre- assembled parts,fixtures or other materials when obtained from a third party supplier,except as set forth above. Page 6 0131 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE ELECTRICAL WORKERS(ELECTRIC SIGN) Electrician - Wireman $ 38.71 $ 6.00 $ 5.81 $ 50.52 Foreman - Requ,reo on any job where ten(10)Electricians are employed,one shall be $ 42.58 $ 6.00 $ 6.39 $ 54.97 designated foreman. Per Hour Premiums: $2.00 per hour to the per hour wage rate for Electrician working in high places, seventy-five feet (75') above the ground floor except safety-guarded swing stage,walkways,or 2 man remote baskets. Apprentices: NOTE: Apprentices will be permitted to work at these rates when they are employed pursuant to and individually registered in a legitimate apprenticeship program registered with the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training,or with a state apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau. In Florida this agency is the Florida Department of Education, Division of Career and Adult Education, Apprenticeship Section - http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/apprenticeship. Please see pages 7-8 of the Supplemental General Conditions for more information. 1st Year $ 19.26 $ 4.57 $ 0.58 $ 24.41 2nd Year $ 20.36 $ 4.57 $ 3.05 $ 27.98 3rd Year $ 22.54 $ 4.57 $ 3.38 $ 30.49 4th Year $ 24.72 $ 4.57 $ 3.71 $ 33.00 5th Year $ 29.03 $ 4.57 $ 4.35 $ 37.95 APPRENTICE RATIO: Two (2) Apprentices to (1-3) Wiremen, four (4) Apprentices to (4 to 6) Wiremen, six (6) Apprentices to(7 to 9)Wiremen (1) Per hour health benefit includes hospitalization, medical, life vision and dental insurance. Scope of work under this trade includes but is not be limited to: the installation, alteration, dismantling or removing of all illuminated signs, non illuminated signs or displays, whether luminous tube, light emitting diodes, receptacle, plastic, reflector type, plaques and panels. The installation of all interior neo tubing and light emitting diodes for lighting or decorating all secondary conduit work, flashers, timers or other auxiliary equipment, also the steel structures for the support of signs or displays. In the event of billboards or displays not served from an existing building or group of buildings and which in itself is an individual entity, having its own service and meter, all such service conduit meter and secondary conduit. Also covered is the service, maintenance and patrolling of all electrical equipment on signs, displays, and tube lighting after they have been erected and in operation. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR j COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT 1 VALUE INSULATORS&ASBESTOS WORKERS * Insulators or Asbestos Workers $ 24.05 $ 8.82 $ 7.15 $ 40.02 Foreman (1 to 4 workers) $ 24.55 $ 8.82 $ 7.15 $ 40.52 Foreman (5 or more workers) $ 24.80 $ 8.82 $ 7.15 $ 40.77 General Foreman (15 or more workers) $ 25.55 $ 8.82 $ 7.15 $ 41.52 *These rates were updated pursuant to Section 2-11.16 of the County Code to reflect the rates in local area non- discriminatory negotiated contracts between organizations which represent employees and contractors effective January 1, 2023. Per Hour Premiums: $0.25 for time spent in or on a boatswain chair or swinging scaffold, suspended by cable or ropes. Employees required on industrial work, to work on a boatswain chair or swinging scaffold suspended by cable or ropes will be paid 5%above the Insulator or Asbestos workers wage rate. On light Industrial work, a Foreman are required for eight (8) workers at a rate of 10% over the Insulators /Asbestos Workers rate. General Foreman will be required when there are one (1) Foreman or more at 15% over the Insulators/Asbestos Workers rate. Apprentices: NOTE: Apprentices will be permitted to work at these rates when they are employed pursuant to and individually registered in a legitimate apprenticeship program registered with the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training,or with a state apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau. In Florida this agency is the Florida Department of Education,Division of Career and Adult Education, Apprenticeship Section - http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/apprenticeship. Please see pages 7-8 of the Supplemental General Conditions for more information. 1st Year $ 15.15 $ 8.82 $ 7.15 $ 31.12 2nd Year $ 16.84 $ 8.82 $ 7.15 $ 32.81 3rd Year $ 19.24 $ 8.82 $ 7.15 $ 35.21 4th Year $ 21.65 $ 8.82 $ 7.15 $ 37.62 APPRENTICE RATIO: One(1)Apprentice to two(2)Insulators or Asbestos Workers.A one(1)to one(1) ratio is permitted on overtime hours on job sites requiring the work of only two (2) men. For duct work jobs three (3) Apprentices to (1) Insulator or Asbestos Worker (1) Per hour health benefit includes hospitalization, medical, life,vision and dental insurance. Scope of work under this trade includes but is not be limited to: the preparation, fabrication, application, alteration, erection, assembling molding, spraying, pouring, mixing, hanging,adjusting, repairing, dismantling, reconditioning, maintenance, finishing and/or weatherproofing of cold or hot thermal, insulation with such materials as may be specified when these materials are to be installed for thermal, fireproofing and acoustical purposes in voids, or to create voids, or on either piping, fittings, valves, boilers, ducts, flues, tanks, vats equipment, or on any cold or hot surfaces for the purpose of thermal control. Exclude is the manufacture or pipe covering and/or fittings in one piece halves or the facing of flexible blanket duct insulation. Preparation and application of all exterior material, excluding factory applied for the purpose of weatherproofing or protection, etc. This is also to include all labor connected with the handling and distribution of thermal insulation materials on the job premises and all other such work for the purpose of thermal control. All exterior material, excluding factory applied for the purpose of weatherproofing or protection, etc.,shall be prepared and applied by the Asbestos Workers. This is also to include all labor connected with the handling and distribution of thermal insulation materials on the job premises. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR I PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE INSULATORS&ASBESTOS WORKERS,Continued It shall also includes firestopping or fireproofing technicians, &apprentices engaged in the manufacture, fabrication, assembling, molding, handling, erection, spraying, pouring, mixing, hanging, preparation, application, adjusting, alteration, repairing, dismantling, reconditioning, testing, and maintenance of the following, when applied by machine or other application methods of all firestopping materials including, but not limited to: intumescent firestop sealant, intumescent firestop blocks, elastomeric firestop sealant, self-leveling firestop sealant, trowel able firestop compound, firestop collars, composite sheets, putty pads, fire containment pillows, wrap strips, putty sticks, firestop mortar, firestop mastic, refractory ceramic fiber blanket for kitchen exhaust and fire rated duct systems, or other materials used in connection with labor, and to include other fire protection materials such as boots and cable coatings which are connected with the handling or distribution of the above insulating materials, or the repair and maintenance of all equipment,on job premises. The types of work shall include but not be limited to: top of wall, curtain wall, fire rated wall penetrations,grease ducts,stairwell pressurization systems, beam, column, and deck fireproofing, application of materials or devices within or around penetrations and openings in all rated wall or floor assemblies in order to prevent the passage of fire, smoke, or other gases. The application include all components involved in creating the rated barrier at perimeter slab edges and cavities, the head of gypsum board or concrete walls,joints between rated wall or floor components,and sealing of penetrating items and blank openings. The unloading and distribution on the job site of all insulation material and related material and equipment, the assembling, dismantling of scaffolding and clean up when necessary. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE IRONWORKERS Ironworkers $ 27.00 $ 6.00 $ 6.07 $ 39.07 Foreman* $ 29.70 $ 6.00 $ 6.07 $ 41.77 General Foreman * $ 32.40 $ 6.00 $ 6.07 $ 44.47 * A foreman is required when two (2) or more Ironworkers are employed by one employer, one shall be a foreman. When a crew exceeds twelve (12)or more, another foreman is required. A general foreman is required if three (3) or more Ironworker Foreman are employed on a job. Per Hour Premiums: Diving Pay add $40.00 rental plus$5.00 to the Ironworker's wage rate. Apprentices: NOTE: Apprentices will be permitted to work at these rates when they are employed pursuant to and individually registered in a legitimate apprenticeship program registered with the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training,or with a state apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau. In Florida this agency is the Florida Department of Education,Division of Career and Adult Education, Apprenticeship Section - http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/apprenticeship. Please see pages 7-8 of the Supplemental General Conditions for more information. 1st 6 months-800 Hours $ 16.20 $ 6.00 $ $ 22.20 2nd 6 months-800 Hours $ 17.55 $ 6.00 $ $ 23.55 3rd 6 months-800 Hours $ 18.90 $ 6.00 $ - $ 24.90 4th 6 months-800 Hours $ 20.25 $ 6.00 $ - $ 26.25 5th 6 months-800 Hours $ 21.60 $ 6.00 $ $ 27.60 6th 6 months-800 Hours $ 22.95 $ 6.00 $ - $ 28.95 7th 6 months-800 Hours $ 24.30 $ 6.00 $ - $ 30.30 APPRENTICE RATIO: One (1) Apprentice to four (4) Ironworkers. Ornamental work one (1) Apprentice to two (2)Ironworkers (1)Per hour health benefit includes hospitalization, medical, life,vision and dental insurance. Scope of work includes but is not limited to: erection and installation of all bridges, structural, ornamental, reinforcing, and reinforcing ironwork; which includes but is not limited to the following: reinforcing steel (rebar), post tensioning (cables), structural steel and iron, miscellaneous steel and iron,stairs-joist-decking,curtains and window walls,storefronts-windows, metal doors (manual and electric), glass doors (manual and electric) glass slider doors, screens -fences, tilt walls- precast- stone,space frames-skylights, pre-engineered metal buildings,cladding covers(all types), column covers(all types), towers- cranes - hoists, standing seam metal roofs, handrails - rails (all types), rigging - welding, conveyors - erectors and maintenance,glazing-caulking-sealants and louvers-fixed. Page 10 of 31 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE This classification cannot be used for unskilled employees performing work in other trades OR for employees in other trades that handle their own materials and/or must clean up after their work is performed. Employees must be paid in accordance with the type of work being performed without regard to skill. LABORERS Laborer $ 19.00 $ 4.25 $ 3.41 $ 26.66 Per Hour Premiums: Laborer Foreman( For every 4 laborers) - $2.00 per hour on top of the highest paid laborers General Foreman(15 or more laborers)-$3.00 per hour on top of the highest paid laborers $2.00 - Mason and Plaster Tenders, Concrete Placement-Patch men, and Finisher Tenders, Scaffold Builders, Strippers and Wreckers (Demolition), Electric and Air-Hammers, Concrete Grinders, Saws, Coring Machines, Nozzle and Hopper & Mixers, Cutting Torch, Hydro-Blasting (Pressure Washing), Chain Saw. $3.50 - Sidewalks and curb and gutter form builders and setters, Plaster and Concrete Finish and Repair, Loader, Lulls, Forklifts and Bobcats, Water Sewer and Storm Drain Pipe layers, Asbestos Removal, Hazardous Waste, and Lead Removal, Remediation and Handling. Contracts for the inspection of sewer lines for leakage and damage through the use of Closed Circuit T.V. inspections and the simultaneous sealing of leaks or other damage in the lines as the machine inspects the sewer line is covered under the Responsible Wages and Benefits. Contracts for inspection only are not covered. Workers performing on a Closed Circuit T. V. crew should be classified and paid as laborer. The CCTV Operator should receive the $3.00 per hour supplement for Water Sewer& Storm Drain Pipelayers. The rate for the Vactor Trucks Operator is listed under the Operating Engineers Wage Schedule. Apprentices: NOTE: Apprentices will be permitted to work at these rates when they are employed pursuant to and individually registered in a legitimate apprenticeship program registered with the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training,or with a state apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau. In Florida this agency is the Florida Department of Education, Division of Career and Adult Education, Apprenticeship Section - http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/apprenticeship. Please see pages 7-8 of the Supplemental General Conditions for more information. 1st 6 month period $ 15.20 $ 4.25 $ 3.41 $ 22.86 2nd 6 month period $ 16.15 $ 4.25 $ 3.41 $ 23.81 3rd 6 month period $ 17.10 $ 4.25 $ 3.41 $ 24.76 4th 6 month period $ 18.05 $ 4.25 $ 3.41 $ 25.71 APPRENTICE RATIO: After employing one (1) Laborer, the next laborer employed may be an apprentice, after employing four (4) Laborers, an apprentice shall be employed as the next laborer employed.After the first apprentice is employed,the ratio of Apprentices to Laborers shall not exceed one(1)Apprentice for three(3)Laborers (1) Per hour health benefit includes hospitalization, medical, life,vision and dental insurance. Scope of work includes tending masons, plasterers, carpenters and other building and construction crafts. Tending shall consist of preparation of materials and the handling and conveying of materials. Unloading, handling and distributing of all materials, fixtures, furnishings and appliances from point of delivery to point of installation. Cleaning and clearing of all debris. Ageing and curing of concrete, mortar and other materials. Scaffolds: The erection, planking and removal of all scaffolds for lathers, plasterers, bricklayers and other construction trades. Building planking or installation and removal of all staging, swing and hanging scaffolds, including maintenance thereof up to a height of three(3) bucks. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE LABORERS,Continued Excavations and Foundations, Site Preparation and Clearance, Transportation and Transmissions Lines: Excavation for building and all other construction, digging of trenches, piers, foundations and holes, digging, lagging, sheeting, cribbing, bracing and propping of foundations, holes, caissons, cofferdams, dams, dikes, and irrigation trenches, canals and all handling filling and placing of sand bags connected therewith. All drilling, blasting and scaling on the site or along the right of way, as well as all access roads, reservoirs, including areas adjacent or pertinent to the construction site, installation of temporary lines. Preparation and compacting of roadbeds for highway construction and the preparation of trenches, footings, etc. for cross country transmission or underground lines or cables. On site preparation and right-of-way clearance, for construction of any structures or the installation of traffic and transportation facilities such as highways, pipelines, electrical transmission lines,dam sites and reservoir areas,access roads,etc. Concrete, Bituminous Concrete and Aggregates: Mixing, handling, conveying, pouring,vibrating,gunniting and otherwise placing concrete or aggregates,whether done by hand or other process. Wrecking,stripping,dismantling and handling concrete forms and falsework. Placing of concrete or aggregates whether poured, pumped,gunnited,or placed by any other process. All vibrating, grinding, spreading,flowing, puddling, leveling and strike off of concrete aggregates by floating rodding or screeding, by hand or mechanical means prior to finishing. The filling and patching of voids,crevices etc.to correct defects in concrete. Streets, Ways and Bridges: Work in the excavation, preparation, concreting, ramming, curbing, flagging and surfacing of streets, ways, courts, underpasses, overpasses, bridges, approaches, and slope walls and the grading and landscaping thereof. Cleaning, grading, fence or guard rail, installation and/or removal for streets, highways, roadways, apron, runways, sidewalks, parking areas, airports, approaches and other similar installations. Preparation, construction and maintenance of roadbeds and sub grade for all paving, including excavation,dumping and spreading of sub grade material, ramming or otherwise compacting, setting, leveling, and securing or bracing of metal or other road forms and expansion joints, Cutting of concrete for expansion joints. Setting of curb forms and the mixing, pouring, cutting, flowing and strike-off of concrete used there for. The setting, leveling and grouting of all pre-cast concrete or stone curbs sections. Installation of all joints, removal of forms and cleaning, stacking, loading,oiling and handling. Grading and landscaping in connection with paving work. Trenches, Manholes, Handling and Distribution of Pipe, etc.: Cutting of streets and ways for laying pipes, cables or conduits for all purposes; digging of trenches, manholes, etc.; handling and conveying all materials; concreting, backfilling, grading,and resurfacing and all other labor connected therewith. Sewers, Drains, Culverts and Multiplate: Unloading, sorting, stockpiling,wrapping, coating, treating, handling, distribution and lowering or raising of all pipe and multiplate. All digging, driving of sheet piling, lagging, bracing, shoring and cribbing, breaking of concrete back-filling,tamping, re-surfacing and paving of all ditches in preparation for the laying of pipe. Pipelaying, leveling and making of the joint of any pipe used for main or side sewers and storm sewers,and all pipe for drainage. Underpinning, Lagging, Bracing, Propping and Shoring; Drilling and Blasting; Signal Men; General Excavation and Grading and Landscaping of all sites for all purposes;and wrecking(demolition). Construction Cleaners, Janitors, Fire Watchers, Hole Watchers, Material Handlers, Escorts and Equipment Monitors, Decontamination Workers, Flaggers and Landscapers, Mowers, Guardrail and Fence Erectors, Rod Carriers and Pressure Washina. Page 12 o131 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE MILLWRIGHTS, MACHINERY ERECTORS&DIVERS Millwrights, Machinery Erectors $ 32.75 $ 5.50 $ 12.58 $ 50.83 Foreman - (2 to 10 Millwrights) $ 35.04 $ 5.50 $ 12.58 $ 53.12 General Foreman - (2 or more Foremen and can serve as a Crew Foreman) $ 36.03 $ 5.50 $ 12.58 $ 54.11 Diver-wet dry days (2) $ 38.79 $ 5.50 $ 12.58 $ 56.87 Per Hour Premiums: On wet days,a Diver shall be paid the Diver rate and penetration pay of$2.00 per foot per day in excess of twenty(20)feet after entering an enclosed structure that has no direct path to the surface. Apprentices: NOTE: Apprentices will be permitted to work at these rates when they are employed pursuant to and individually registered in a legitimate apprenticeship program registered with the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training,or with a state apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau. In Florida this agency is the Florida Department of Education,Division of Career and Adult Education, Apprenticeship Section - http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/apprenticeship. Please see pages 7-8 of the Supplemental General Conditions for more information. 1st Year $ 21.29 $ 5.50 $ 12.58 $ 39.37 2nd Year $ 24.56 $ 5.50 $ 12.58 $ 42.64 3rd Year $ 27.84 $ 5.50 $ 12.58 $ 45.92 4th Year $ 31.11 $ 5.50 $ 12.58 $ 49.19 (1) Per hour health benefit includes hospitalization, medical, life vision and dental insurance. (2) Diver classification applies to any Millwright that performs beneath the water surface. Scope of work includes but is not limited to: installation, assembly, and, when necessary, dismantling machinery in factories, power plants, and construction sites. 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J Z Ln Ln E NY U > 01C) 'O c c " 7 V W a) O U a) O ,` 7 0a1 C 17 ,O m n) 7 > > ,`o ~ Z D U d i > mp1~ F- — i J a) J c c c i Z ,,, - p ,0 1' C1L - — fd Ll E E O = C O 0 m 7 ` U — J .viL Y g It d V O � ddd 0 < = 0I- v,ciu -,5 co O c15 7 15 ga) E 2 p c Ds tn _ca z N d C `1 `1 co 0 O'• ul ON Gl rn O �7 �' 2's n3 " w O= ~ w Lu LL 0 E U p '_ mi E c cc c pc Lcc _ c rco C v j m Y o -0 .0 CO . o+ 0 < < Uma�omcococoODUUUU UO �UOOOOOOOLL LOL_ Li U 000 = H MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT i VALUE OPERATING ENGINEERS,Continued Hoists, 2&3 Drum Only $ 33.69 $ 7.05 $ 4.50 $ 45.24 Hydraulic Backhoe $ 28.75 $ 7.55 $ 5.00 $ 41.30 Inside Elevators,Temporary Only $ 25.00 $ 7.55 $ 5.00 $ 37.55 Locomotive Operator $ 25.00 $ 7.55 $ 5.00 $ 37.55 Lowboy Truck $ 25.00 $ 7.55 $ 4.50 $ 37.05 Mechanic I $ 28.93 $ 7.05 $ 4.50 $ 40.48 Mechanic II $ 28.75 $ 7.55 $ 5.00 $ 41.30 Mechanic's Helper $ 24.06 $ 7.05 $ 4.50 $ 35.61 Milling Machine $ 15.00 $ - $ - $ 15.00 Motor Grader $ 30.47 $ 7.55 $ 5.00 $ 43.02 Motor Mixing Pump(All types) $ 25.00 $ 7.55 $ 5.00 $ 37.55 Off-Road Trucks $ 25.07 $ 7.05 $ 4.50 $ 36.62 Oiler, Driver Oiler,Crawler Crane $ 24.06 $ 7.05 $ 4.50 $ 35.61 Oiler/Driver/Flagman $ 24.70 $ 7.05 $ 4.50 $ 36.25 Pan $ 25.00 $ 7.55 $ 5.00 $ 37.55 Pavement Breaker $ 25.00 $ 7.55 $ 5.00 $ 37.55 Pumps/Dewatering Systems 4 in.and over $ 25.07 $ 7.05 $ 4.50 $ 36.62 Roller $ 25.07 $ 7.05 $ 4.50 $ 36.62 Scraper $ 25.07 $ 7.05 $ 4.50 $ 36.62 Spreading/Finishing Machine $ 25.00 $ 7.55 $ 5.00 $ 37.55 Straddle Buggy/Travel Lift $ 28.93 $ 7.05 $ 4.50 $ 40.48 Tack Truck $ 25.00 $ 7.55 $ 5.00 $ 37.55 Trackhoe $ 28.93 $ 7.05 $ 4.50 $ 40.48 Tractors $ 25.07 $ 7.05 $ 4.50 $ 36.62 Trenching and Ditching Machine $ 25.00 $ 7.55 $ 5.00 $ 37.55 Utility Operator,Less than 6 Pieces of Miscellaneous Equipment $ 25.07 $ 7.05 $ 4.50 $ 36.62 Vactor Truck $ 23.87 $ - $ - $ 23.87 Vacuum Pump $ 25.00 $ 7.55 $ 5.00 $ 37.55 Water Truck Driver $ 25.00 $ 7.55 $ 5.00 $ 37.55 Welder $ 28.93 $ 7.05 $ 4.50 $ 40.48 Welding Machines,three(3)or more $ 25.07 $ 7.05 $ 4.50 $ 36.62 Winch Truck $ 25.00 $ 7.55 $ 5.00 $ 37.55 Yard Crane $ 28.75 $ 7.55 $ 5.00 $ 41.30 Page 15 o/SI MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE OPERATING ENGINEERS,Continued Apprentices: NOTE: Apprentices will be permitted to work at these rates when they are employed pursuant to and individually registered in a legitimate apprenticeship program registered with the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training,or with a state apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau. In Florida this agency is the Florida Department of Education,Division of Career and Adult Education, Apprenticeship Section - http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/apprenticeship. Please see pages 7-8 of the Supplemental General Conditions for more information. 1st 6 months $ 21.56 $ 7.55 $ 5.00 $ 34.11 2nd 6 months $ 22.14 $ 7.55 $ 5.00 $ 34.69 3rd 6 months $ 22.71 $ 7.55 $ 5.00 $ 35.26 4th 6 months $ 23.29 $ 7.55 $ 5.00 $ 35.84 5th 6 months $ 23.86 $ 7.55 $ 5.00 $ 36.41 6th 6 months $ 24.44 $ 7.55 $ 5.00 $ 36.99 7th 6 months $ 25.01 $ 7.55 $ 5.00 $ 37.56 8th 6 months $ 25.88 $ 7.55 $ 5.00 $ 38.43 (1) Per hour health benefit includes hospitalization, medical, life vision and dental insurance. APPRENTICE RATIO: Three(3)Apprentices to one(1) Operator. Apprentices must be under the supervision of an Operator MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE PAINTERS/WALL COVERING INSTALLATIONS Painter-Commercial $ 17.53 $ 6.72 $ 5.83 $ 30.08 Painter-Industrial $ 21.76 $ 6.72 $ 5.83 $ 34.31 Painter- Bridge $ 31.00 $ 6.72 $ 7.99 $ 45.71 Painter(Highway/Parking Lot Striper) $ 15.00 $ - $ - $ 15.00 Operator(Spray Nozzleman) $ 15.00 $ - $ - $ 15.00 Operator(Striping Machine) $ 15.07 $ - $ - $ 15.07 Per Hour Premiums: $1.00 Charge person working up to 5 employees $1.50 Charge person working 6 or more employees $1.00 General Foreman above highest paid charge person $1.00 Swing-Stage $2.00 Thermal-Spay/Metalizing $ .50 Apprentices - steel, swing/stage, tanks, lead/asbestos abatement, power facilities, catalyzed epoxies, urethanes, HIPAC coatings Industrial Rates are used on Water Treatment Plants, Pump Stations,Elevated/Ground Storage Tanks and Communication Towers. Apprentices: NOTE: Apprentices will be permitted to work at these rates when they are employed pursuant to and individually registered in a legitimate apprenticeship program registered with the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training,or with a state apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau. In Florida this agency is the Florida Department of Education,Division of Career and Adult Education,Apprenticeship Section - http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/apprenticeship. Please see pages 7-8 of the Supplemental General Conditions for more information. 1st 6 months $ 11.39 $ 6.72 $ 1.67 $ 19.78 2nd 6 months $ 12.27 $ 6.72 $ 1.67 $ 20.66 3rd 6 months $ 13.15 $ 6.72 $ 1.67 $ 21.54 4th 6 months $ 14.02 $ 6.72 $ 1.67 $ 22.41 5th 6 months $ 14.90 $ 6.72 $ 1.67 $ 23.29 6th 6 months $ 15.78 $ 6.72 $ 1.67 $ 24.17 7th and 8th 6 months $ 16.65 $ 6.72 $ 1.67 $ 25.04 APPRENTICE RATIO:One(1)Apprentice to three to every one(1)Painter/Wall Covering Installer (1) Per hour health benefit includes hospitalization,medical, life,vision and dental insurance. Scope of work under this trade includes but is not limited to: preparation, application and removal of all types of coatings and coating systems in relation to all painting, decorating, protective coatings, coating and staining of concrete floors and toppings, waterproofing, masonry restoration,fireproofing,fire retarding,metal polishing, refinishing,sealing, lining,fiber glassing, E-glass fiberglass,carbon fiber,encapsulating, insulating,metalizing,flame spray,the application of exterior insulating finishing systems. Page 17 of 31 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE PAINTERS/WALL COVERING INSTALLATIONS,Continued Each and all such applications, and similar or substitute applications, on all surfaces, interior and exterior,to include, but not to be limited to: residences; buildings; structures; industrial, power, chemical and manufacturing plants; bridges; tanks; vats; pipes; stacks; light and high tension poles; parking, traffic and air strip lines; trucks; automobile and railroad cars; ships; aircraft; and all machinery and equipment; Any and all material used in preparation, application or removal of any paint, coatings or applications, including, but not limited to: the handling and use of thinners, dryers, sealers, binders, pigments, primers, extenders, air and vapor barriers, emulsions, waxes, stains, mastics, plastics, enamels, acrylics, epoxies, epoxy injection and T-Lock welding, alkalis, sheet rubber, foams, seamless and tile-like coatings,etc.; All preparation for and removal of any and all materials for finishes, such as deep cleaning, patching, all levels of finishing, taping/finishing skim coating, pointing, caulking, high pressure water, chemical and abrasive blasting, environmental blasting, wet/dry vacuum work, chemical stripping, scraping, air tooling, bleaching, steam cleaning, asbestos and lead abatement/removal; mold remediation and vapor barrier systems; The inspection of all coatings and/or coating systems during their applications. WALL COVERING INSTALLATION All material applied to walls or ceilings with adhesive, staples,tacks, by stretching or adhered by any other method, including all papers,vinyl,flexible woods,fabrics, borders, metals upholstered wall systems,the fabric covered panels made of plastic/wood or pre-finished products of micro fiberglass, etc., acrovin and various plastic wall coverings such as wainscot, caps, corner moldings and accessories; Any and all preparation of walls and ceilings such as scraping or any methodology for removal of existing materials, including patching,leveling,skim coating and priming. Page 18 of 31 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE PILEDRIVERS. BRIDGE CARPENTERS&DIVERS Piledrivers and Bridge Carpenters $ 25.45 $ 4.60 $ 7.05 $ 37.10 Foreman $ 28.95 $ 4.60 $ 7.05 $ 40.60 (All piledriving crews shall consist of at least one paid foreman) Divers (Wet days up to 59'or Dry days) $ 29.90 $ 4.60 $ 7.05 $ 41.55 Diver Tenders $ 29.90 $ 4.60 $ 7.05 $ 41.55 Diver Foreman $ 33.40 $ 4.60 $ 7.05 $ 45.05 Diver Wet Days- The diver and tender must receive the diver rate with a premium pay of$1.00 per hour/per foot per day for(60'-100'). Over 100'will be negotiated between the diver and the employer. Foreman Wet Days-The foreman must receive the foremen rate with a premium pay of$2.00 per hour/per foot per day for(50'-100'). Over 100'will be negotiated between the diver and the employer. For Effluent Diving(working in hazardous waters such as waste water treatment plant/tanks,sewer pipes or storm water out fall pipes)the diver and tender must receive 1.5 times the diver and tender base rate and on wet days the diver and tender must also receive a premium pay of$1.00 per foot per day for(60'-100')and over 100'will be negotiated between the diver and the employer. Penetration:$1.00 per foot per day in excess of 20'after entering an enclosed structure that has no direct path to the surface. Per Hour Premiums: $0.50 Certified Welders Apprentices: NOTE: Apprentices will be permitted to work at these rates when they are employed pursuant to and individually registered in a legitimate apprenticeship program registered with the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training,or with a state apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau. In Florida this agency is the Florida Department of Education,Division of Career and Adult Education,Apprenticeship Section-http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/apprenticeship. Please see page 6 of the Supplemental General Conditions for more information. 1st year $ 17.05 $ 4.60 $ 7.05 $ 28.70 2nd year $ 19.09 $ 4.60 $ 7.05 $ 30.74 3rd year $ 20.87 $ 4.60 $ 7.05 $ 32.52 4th year $ 22.91 $ 4.60 $ 7.05 $ 34.56 APPRENTICE RATIO:Two(2)Apprentices to three(3)Piledrivers/Bridge Carpenter (1) Per hour health benefit includes hospitalization,medical,life,vision and dental insurance. Scope of work under this trade includes but is not be limited to: all work historically related to piledrivers, welders, drillers, burners, riggers, divers, bridge, deck and wharf builders, signaling, and highway construction. Such work includes, but is not limited to, the following kinds, classes, or descriptions of work: fabricating, erecting, dismantling, loading, unloading, moving, spotting,and handling of all piledriving equipment on the jobsite; Paige 19 of 31 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE PILEDRIVERS,BRIDGE CARPENTERS&DIVERS,Continued Jobsite moving and spotting of barges used in connection with piledriving work; anchoring, bolting, boom-tending, bracing, building, burning, capping, caulking, cutting, chipping of all types of piles, dismantling, drilling, erecting, fabricating, fitting, handling, lagging, loading, moving,plumbing, rafting,securing,signaling,spotting,welding,wrapping,and tying back, unloading and removing, all materials of any kind, make, shape or composition, whether prestressed or post stressed concrete, pipe, corrugated shell where power rigging is used, sand piles, sheet piles, auger cast type piling, wood, plastic, fiberglass, steel or any metal or synthetic which is used or installed in, or for, the building, construction, alteration, maintenance, or repair of wharfs, bridges, docks, piers, bulkheads, trestles, offshore drilling platforms of oil, gas, or any other purpose, coal docks, cofferdams,tunnels,seawalls,seawall caps,boardwalks,deck,and temporary flotation devices; Pilings used in retaining walls,reservoirs,ditches,canals,spillways,cuts,or in any place where retaining walls are used,made of any kind of material, whether temporary or permanent; weights for piers, caissons, and test piles; Test piles and other test materials, including the securing of such materials except for independent testing equipment done by an independent testing laboratory; Foundation work, including all piling,whether cast-in-place, poured-in-place,driven,jetted,augured, pre-augured or placed,and all caisson,drilled shaft and vibro-flotation foundations; The splicing, heading, placing of stringers for frame work, fabrication and placing of wailing, spring and fender lines of any material described above; The driving, vibrating, jetting, sinking, or screwing of all materials described above, whether by steam, pneumatic, hydraulic, electric,diesel,gravity,or vibratory hammer power; All other work in connection with drilling of any holes,shafts or caissons,for foundation work, spotting, aligning, monitoring, plumbing, and leveling of all drilling equipment whether the drilling is vertical, diagonal,on land or water,and is performed by equipment mounted on trucks,cranes, platforms or barges,or any other kind of mounted or self-contained water or land unit; and the handling, loading, unloading, changing, setting up, repairing, welding, or maintenance of the drilling equipment on the job site. The fabrication and placing of all decking and guards on all docks,wharfs,and piers on the jobsite. All labor(except the work of the Operating Engineers and Oilers) employed in the actual operation of Piledriving equipment used from whatever purpose, including the operation of deck winches. The operation of vibratory hammer controls, hammer throttle values and panels not permanently fixed to a crane within reach of the Operator work. Diving: shall be defined as any work performed beneath the water surface,which require individual external life support systems for safe and efficient performance. All underwater construction and reconstruction and the salvage of, and removing of, underwater structures; underwater inspection and repair of hulls, docks, bridges and dams, underwater pipelines, sewages and water systems, underwater suction and discharge lines such as those used at chemical plants, pull mills, and desalinization plants; inspecting, surveying , removing, rescuing, and recovering of all objects below water surfaces; all underwater work necessary on offshore oil platforms permanent or temporary, including all offshore floating drill rights and offshore jack up platforms; all underwater work on pipelines and hookups including oil, gas, water sewage systems; the laying of under water power and telephone cables; offshore marine mining and dredging operations using divers in any phase of tier work; all petroleum, fisheries, oceanographic, research and experimental work, nuclear reactors where the use of divers is necessary; all underwater demolition and blasting work requiring divers. Page 20 of 31 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE PIPEFITTERS,AIR CONDITIONING &REFRIGERATION R-1 ALL PIPING NOT FOR AIR CONDITIONING WORK;AND,COMMERCIAL UNLIMITED,ALL PIPING SYSTEMS OVER 100 TONS Pipefitter,Air Conditioning&Refrigeration $ 40.78 $ 7.85 $ 6.30 $ 54.93 R-2 COMMERCIAL LIMITED,PIPING LIMITED,ALL AC REFRIGERATION,PIPING UP TO 100 TONS Pipefitter,Air Conditioning&Refrigeration $ 32,62 $ 7.85 $ 5.95 $ 46.42 R-3 COMMERCIAL AC,REFRIGERATION,ICE MACHINES,SELF CONTAINED AND SPLIT SYSTEMS UP TO 50 TONS Pipefitter,Air Conditioning&Refrigeration $ 26.51 $ 7.60 $ 5.35 $ 39.46 R-4 UNLIMITED RESIDENTIAL AND LIGHT COMMERCIAL UP TO 10 TONS Pipefitter,Air Conditioning&Refrigeration $ 22.43 $ 7.60 $ 1.00 $ 31.03 Foreman-Required for five(5)or more workers;also required on all jobs 150 tons or $ 46.90 $ 7.85 $ 6.30 $ 61.05 over. A foreman may supervise up to 9 Pipefitter,Air Conditioning&Refrigeration Workers. General Foreman -Required when three(3)foremen are required.A General $ 50.98 $ 8.35 $ 6.40 $ 65.73 Foreman may supervise up to five(5)foreman. Apprentices: NOTE: Apprentices will be permitted to work at these rates when they are employed pursuant to and individually registered in a legitimate apprenticeship program registered with the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training,or with a state apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau. In Florida this agency is the Florida Department of Education,Division of Career and Adult Education, Apprenticeship Section - http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/apprenticeship. Please see pages 7-8 of the Supplemental General Conditions for more information. 1st year $ 18.35 $ - $ 0.35 $ 18.70 2nd year $ 20.39 $ 6.15 $ 0.35 $ 26.89 3rd year $ 24.47 $ 6.15 $ 0.35 $ 30.97 4th year $ 26.51 $ 6.15 $ 3.74 $ 36.40 5th year $ 28.55 $ 6.15 $ 3.90 $ 38.60 APPRENTICE RATIO: One(1)Apprentice to one(1) Pipefitter,Air Conditioning &Refrigeration Worker (1) Per hour health benefit includes hospitalization, medical, life vision and dental insurance. Scope of work under this trade includes but is not be limited to: All piping, setting and hanging of all units and fixtures for air conditioning, cooling, heating, roof cooling, refrigeration, ice making, humidifying, dehumidifying, dehydrating, by any method, and the charging and testing,servicing of all work after completion. The installation and service of all circulating water lines when used for the distribution of heat and heat transfer equipment on ornamental pools,commercial and residential pools and spas,display fountains and aquariums. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE PIPEFITTERS,AIR CONDITIONING&REFRIGERATION,Continued All piping, handling and setting of equipment in connection with central distributing filtration treatment stations, boosting stations, water treatment, waste and sewage disposal plants, central chlorination and chemical treatment work and all underground supply lines to cooling wells, suction basins, filter basins, settling tanks, aeration basins or tanks and lift stations. (This applies to public work when installed or serviced and would apply to private work after its completion and or under pubic operation.) The handling, assembling and erecting of all economizers, super heaters, regardless of mode or method of making joints, hangers and erection of same,when used in connection with the pipefitting industry. All internal and external piping on boilers, heaters, tanks and evaporators, water legs, water backs and water grates, boiler compound equipment,etc.,when in connection with the pipefitting industry. The setting and erecting of all boiler feeders, water heaters, filters, water softeners, purifiers, condensate equipment, pumps, condensers,coolers and all piping for same when used in connection with the pipefitting industry. The setting and erecting of all underfeed stokers, fuel burners and piping, including gas, oil, power fuel, hot and cold air piping and all accessories and parts of burners and stokers,etc.,when used in connection with the pipefitting industry. Make-up water supply from main to equipment installed by Pipefitters. All meters for measuring a volume of any substance,when used in connection with the pipefitting industry. The setting and hanging of all units or fixtures for ice making when unit must be assembled before operation. (Shipping bolts, grids and other parts are to be removed or put in place.) All solar systems, piping and collectors of every description when used in connection with the pipefitting industry. The installation and service of hydraulic or pneumatic door openers when in connection with industrial, manufacturing and commercial applications.Airports included. All gas piping from the main to the meter.All distribution lines The assembling,erecting, handling and setting of tanks used in connection with the pipefitting industry The setting, erecting and piping for all smoke consuming and smoke washing and regulating devises, when used in connection with the pipefitting industry. The setting,erecting and piping of instruments, measuring devices,thermostatic controls,gauge boards and other controls used in connection with power,heating refrigeration,air conditioning,manufacturing, mining and industrial work. The setting and erection of all oil heaters, oil coolers, storage and distribution tanks, transfer pumps and mixing devices and piping thereto,when used in connection with the pipefitting industry. Installation of drain lines from equipment installed by Pipefitters where drain lines drop to a safe waste,floor drain, roof or any open fixture and where drain lines are not directly connected to a sanitary systems Recovery condensate systems in their entirety. The setting, erecting and piping of all cooling units, pumps, reclaiming systems and appurtenances in connection with transformer and piping to switches of every description. The installation and service of vacuum cleaning equipment and piping when used in connection with manufacturing plants, maintenance facilities,airport terminals, Dost offices,etc. Page 22 of 31 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE PIPEFITTERS,AIR CONDITIONING&REFRIGERATION,Continued The installation and service of vacuum systems when used in connection with manufacturing plants, maintenance facilities, airport terminals, post offices,etc. The installation and service of oxygen systems when used in connection with manufacturing, commercial&industrial application. All sheet lead lining for tanks or vats for all purpose,when in the category of industrial work. All piping for railing work and racks of every description,whether screwed or welded when assigned by the Contractor. All power plant piping of every description,as it applies to the pipefitting industry. The unloading, handling and setting of all sterilizers, laundry and cleaning equipment will be done by composite crew. Steam and oil lines will be done by this trade classification. Laying out, cutting, bending and fabricating of all pipe work of every description by whatever mode or method, when used in connection with the pipefitting industry. All acetylene and arc welding, brazing, lead burning, soldered and wiped joints, caulked joints, expanded joints, rolled joints or any other mode or method of making joints used in connection with the pipefitting industry including pipe fusing. The laying out and cutting of all holes,chases and channels,the setting and erection of bolts, inserts, stands, brackets,supports, sleeves, thimbles, hangers, conduit and boxes, used in connection with the pipefitting industry. Hangers, supports, brackets requiring off site fabrication may be purchased from miscellaneous metal or structural steel fabricators. The handling and using of all tools and equipment that may be necessary for the erection and installation of all work and materials used in connection with the pipefitting industry. The operation, maintenance, repairing, servicing, test and balance, and dismantling of all work installed by this trade classification. All soot blowers and soot collecting piping systems,when used in,connection with the pipefitting industry. All piping for artificial gases, natural gases, holders and equipment for same, chemicals, minerals and by products and refining of same,when used in connection with the pipefitting industry. All ash collecting and conveyor piping systems, including all air washing and dust collecting piping and equipment, accessories and appurtenances and regulating devices,etc.,when used in connection with the pipefitting industry. All pneumatic transit tube work and all piping for carrying systems by vacuum. All process piping and equipment for refining,manufacturing,and industrial purposes. The installation and service of all piping systems and equipment with grease pressure lubricating and hydraulic lifts in connection with industrial manufacturing,commercial and maintenance facilities applications(excluding schools). Service station installations optional pertaining to grease pressure and hydraulic lift installations until assigned. The installation of all related piping, fuel storage tanks and exhaust piping for emergency generators, manufacturing plants, airports, post offices and industrial applications. The installation and service of all air piping and related equipment in connection with manufacturing plants, industrial, airports, post offices,etc. Saye 13 01 31 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE PIPEFITTERS,AIR CONDITIONING &REFRIGERATION,Continued The installation and service of all fuel oil, gasoline and cleaning solvent piping and related equipment in connection with manufacturing plants, industrial, airports, post offices. Maintenance facilities and service stations optional until assigned. The installation and service of all oxygen and acetylene piping systems and related equipment in connection with manufacturing plants or remote distribution systems and industrial applications. Maintenance facilities and service stations optional until assigned. The setting,erecting and piping of all cooling towers and evaporative condensers. All work related to the removal and replacement of CFC Refrigerants as mandated by the federal,state and local laws. All Work done in the pipefitter industry to comply with any environmental rules or regulations as set forth by federal, state, or local governments. Equipment used on building and construction work in conjunction with the work of the trade,as a time and labor saving device, shall be operated by qualified Employees under this trade classification. The operation of pumps, air compressors and welding machines when used in conjunction with work covered by the pipefitters, shall be done by this trade classification. The testing and balancing of all piping systems or component parts thereof and solar systems, shall be done by this trade classification. Temporary mechanical equipment and air conditioning systems shall be installed and serviced by this trade classification. The unloading and handling from curbstone delivery,all equipment(including cooling towers) materials,the erection, installation of all tubing and piping,the setting and hanging of all units and fixtures which are included and necessary to make and complete an air conditioning, refrigeration, heating, piping installation,and solar installation, including the charging, testing, air and water balancing, servicing and maintenance of same and warranty of same. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE PLUMBERS Plumbers $ 30.78 $ 6.90 $ 5.34 $ 43.02 Foremen (10 or more employees) $ 35.42 $ 6.90 $ 5.34 $ 47.66 General Foremen (16 or more employees) $ 40.05 $ 6.90 $ 5.34 $ 52.29 Apprentices: NOTE: Apprentices will be permitted to work at these rates when they are employed pursuant to and individually registered in a legitimate apprenticeship program registered with the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training,or with a state apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau. In Florida this agency is the Florida Department of Education,Division of Career and Adult Education, Apprenticeship Section - http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/apprenticeship. Please see pages 7-8 of the Supplemental General Conditions for more information. 1st year $ 16.62 $ 3.44 $ 0.40 $ 20.46 2nd year $ 17.54 $ 4.99 $ 1.85 $ 24.38 3rd year $ 18.78 $ 5.09 $ 2.03 $ 25.90 4th year $ 20.01 $ 5.15 $ 2.03 $ 27.19 5th year $ 23.09 $ 5.06 $ 2.03 $ 30.18 (1) Per hour health benefit includes hospitalization, medical, life,vision and dental insurance. Scope of work under this trade includes but is not be limited to: the installation of appliances, piping and plumbing fixtures to be done by plumber and plumbers apprentices. All job site unloading from tailgate and after, all of the handling and rigging of materials,fixtures,appliances having waste,water or gas connections,tools and equipment,for use in the work covered shall be done by plumbers and plumber apprentices. Also included, where required, cement under tubs and all cementing of pipe supports and columns for piping systems. All filling and testing fixtures and pipes as required, including the layout and hook-up of water hoses for tests.Additionally where required: covering of fixtures for protection,grouting of all fixtures and cementing of all plumbing pipe chases and sleeves. Plumber shall mean any person employed by a firm or corporation lawfully licensed to contract for and install work covered by the Plumbing Code of Miami-Dade County. The scope of work shall be, but not limited to as follows: All piping, setting and hanging of all units and fixtures for plumbing systems, water, waste, floor drains, drain gates, supply, leader, soil pipe, grease traps, sewage and vent lines. All cold, hot and circulating water lines, piping for house pumps, cellar drains, ejectors, house tanks, pressure tanks, swimming pools, ornamental pools, display fountains, drinking fountains, aquariums, plumbing fixtures and appliances, and the handling and setting of the above mentioned equipment. All piping in connection with central distributing filtration treatment stations, boosting stations, water and sewage disposal plants, central chlorination and chemical treatment work,and all underground supply lines to cooling wells,suction basin,filter basins, settling basins, and aeration basins or tanks and lift stations on private property. All potable water mains for whatever source, including branches and fire hydrants, etc. All potable water services from mains to buildings, including water meters and water meter foundations.All piping for potable water filters, water softeners, water meters and the setting of the same. All meters for measuring a volume of any substance, when used in connection with the plumbing industry. The laying out and cutting of holes, chases and channels, the setting and erection of bolts, inserts, stands, brackets, supports and boxes used in connection with the plumbing industry. The handling and using of all tools and equipment that may be necessary for the erection and installation of all work and material used in connection with plumbing. Laying out, cutting, bending and fabricating of all pipe work of every description, by whatever mode or method, when used in connection with the plumbing industry. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE PLUMBERS,Continued Prepare and grade trenches either manually or with machines in connection with the plumbing. The setting and hanging of all units or fixtures for ice making when units are complete and ready for operation. All Solar systems, piping and collectors of every description when used. All gas piping on the building side of meter, all piping of air systems including the assembling, erecting, handling and setting of all equipment used in the systems. The assembling, erecting, handling and setting of tanks, piping of instruments, measuring devices, thermostatic controls, gauges boards and other controls, oil heaters, oil coolers, storage and distribution tanks,transfer pumps and mixing devices and piping thereto. Installation of drain lines from equipment installed by pipefitters where directly connected to a sanitary system and condensate drain as part of system. Down spouts and drainage area soil pipes, catch basins, manholes, drains, gravel basins, storm water sewers, septic tanks, cesspools,water storage tanks,air conditioning and heating drain directly connected to storm drains and condensation systems. The installation and service of vacuum cleaning equipment and piping, vacuum systems and the installation and service of oxygen systems. All acetylene and arc welding, brazing, lead burning, soldering and wiped joints, caulked, expanded and rolled joints,or any other mode or method of making joints in connection with the plumbing industry. Inspections of sewer lines for leak and damages through the use of video camera inspections and the repairing of any leaks or replacing pipes. Smoke testing on sanitary piping systems and the repairing of damaged pipes; domestic water piping, reclaim water and irrigation water distribution; water pipe locating and leak detection and repairs of all water services,water distribution, irrigation and reclaim water piping. All reclaim water systems and water harvesting systems installed and maintained by the plumbers including underground tank, above ground tanks,pumps and filters and filtering systems. Page 26 of 31 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE ROOFERS Roofers $ 25.59 $ 6.47 $ 2.50 $ 34.56 Foreman $ 27.59 $ 6.47 $ 2.50 $ 36.56 Helper 1st year $ 12.80 $ 6.47 $ 2.50 $ 21.77 Helper 2nd year $ 15.35 $ 6.47 $ 2.50 $ 24.32 Helper 3rd year $ 17.91 $ 6.47 $ 2.50 $ 26.88 (1) Per hour health benefit includes hospitalization,medical,life,vision and dental insurance. The application and installation of the following types of work: All forms of elastomeric,elasto-plastic and thermo-plastic roofing systems, both sheet and liquid applied, whether single-ply or multi-ply. These shall include but not be limited to Polyvinyl chloride systems (PVC), Butyl Rubber, ethylene propylene diene monomer (EDPM), Polyisobutylene (PIB), Chlorinated polyethylene (CPE), Chlorosulfonated polyethylene (CSPE), Neoprene, Nitrile Alloy (NBP), Ethylene Interpolymers (EIP), Thermoplastic Polyolefins(TPO), Ethylene Tetra Fluoro Ethylene(ETFE). All base flashings,curb flashings and counter flashings of elastomeric,elasto-plastic or thermos-plastic composition as outlined in (1)used to roof or waterproof intersections of horizontal surfaces. All components of elastomeric,elasto-plastic and thermos-plastic roofing systems used to seal the roof, including but not limited to nailers, blocking, ballast of all types of walkways, reinforcements, preformed panels, protection boards, plaza pavers, expansion joints,pitch pans,scupper flashing,drain flashings,compression seal,termination bars,caulking,and sealants. All insulations applied with the above systems,whether laid dry,mechanically fastened or attached with adhesives. All forms of composite insulations having nailable surfaces or any other means of attachments (e.g. plywood, pressboard, chipboard, drywall, or other laminates) bonded to the insulation wherever such composite insulations are used as an integral thermal insulating component of the roofing system. All types of aggregates, blocks, bricks, stones, pavers, soils, overburdens, vegetation or units of photovoltaic cell construction used to ballast or protect these elastomeric,elasto-plastic and thermo-plastic systems. All solar or photovoltaic cell-type integrated roof membranes used to transform solar energy to electrical energy. All types of aggregates, blocks, bricks, stones, pavers, soils, overburdens, vegetation or units of photovoltaic cell construction used to ballast or protect inverted roof membrane assembly (IRMA) roofs or roofs of similar construction where the insulation is laid over the roof membrane. All sealing and caulking of seams and joints on these elastomeric, elasto-plastic and thermos-plastic systems to ensure that these systems are watertight. All cleaning, preparing, priming and sealing of surfaces to be roofed, whether done by roller, mop, swab three-knot brush, squeegees,spray systems or any other means of application. All handling, hoisting, lifting and storing of all roofing materials. All tear off and/or removal of any type of roofing including ballast and all overburdens, all spading,sweeping,vacuuming and/or cleanup of any and all areas of any type where an elastomeric,elasto-plastic or thermos-plastic or similar product as listed above to be re-laid or any cleanup of any materials on any construction site and operation of equipment that are used these roofing systems under the roofing trade. Page 27 of 31 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE ROOFERS,Continued All components of water recapturing systems that is an integral part of these types of roofing systems that protect against water and moisture mitigation or intrusion. All components of rooftop and sub-surface water recapture or rainwater harvest systems that are an integral part of these type roof systems where the primary purpose is to control and manage water run-off. All water and flood testing of all roofing systems. All substitutions, improvements,changes,modifications and/or alternatives to roofer jurisdiction or materials listed above. All other materials, equipment and/or applications necessary or appropriate to complete, perform or apply the processes and/or materials under this trade. Page 29 of 31 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL I PER HOUR PER HOUR I PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) 1 BENEFIT VALUE SHEET METAL WORKERS Commercial Sheet Metal Workers $ 27.90 $ 8.11 $ 5.77 $ 41.78 Foreman (4- 10 workers) $ 30.69 $ 8.11 $ 5.77 $ 44.57 General Foreman (2 or more Foreman) $ 32.09 $ 8.11 $ 5.77 $ 45.97 Industrial Sheet Metal Workers $ 37.09 $ 8.11 $ 6.06 $ 51.26 Foremen(4-10 workers) $ 42.65 $ 8.11 $ 6.06 $ 56.82 General Foremen(2 or more Foremen) $ 44.51 $ 8.11 $ 6.06 $ 58.68 Industrial Rate are used for Garbage Disposal Plants and Water&Sewer Treatment Plants. Apprentices: NOTE: Apprentices will be permitted to work at these rates when they are employed pursuant to and individually registered in a legitimate apprenticeship program registered with the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training,or with a state apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau. In Florida this agency is the Florida Department of Education,Division of Career and Adult Education, Apprenticeship Section - http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/apprenticeship. Please see pages 7-8 of the Supplemental General Conditions for more information. Commercial Apprentice 1st 6 months $ 15.35 $ 8.11 $ 3.18 $ 26.64 2nd 6 months $ 15.35 $ 8.11 $ 3.18 $ 26.64 3rd 6 months $ 16.74 $ 8.11 $ 3.46 $ 28.31 4th 6 months $ 18.14 $ 8.11 $ 3.76 $ 30.01 5th 6 months $ 19.53 $ 8.11 $ 4.04 $ 31.68 6th 6 months $ 20.93 $ 8.11 $ 4.33 $ 33.37 7th 6 months $ 22.32 $ 8.11 $ 4.62 $ 35.05 8th 6 months $ 23.72 $ 8.11 $ 4.91 $ 36.74 Industrial Apprentice 1st 6 months $ 20.40 $ 8.11 $ 3.34 $ 31.85 2nd 6 months $ 20.40 $ 8.11 $ 3.34 $ 31.85 3rd 6 months $ 22.25 $ 8.11 $ 3.64 $ 34.00 4th 6 months $ 24.11 $ 8.11 $ 3.94 $ 36.16 5th 6 months $ 25.96 $ 8.11 $ 4.24 $ 38.31 6th 6 months $ 27.82 $ 8.11 $ 4.55 $ 40.48 7th 6 months $ 29.67 $ 8.11 $ 4.85 $ 42.63 8th 6 months $ 31.53 $ 8.11 $ 5.16 $ 44.80 APPRENTICE RATIO: Three(3)Apprentices to three(3)Sheet Metal Workers (1) Per hour health benefit includes hospitalization, medical, life vision and dental insurance. Page 29 of 31 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE SHEET METAL WORKERS,Continued Scope of work under this trade includes but is not be limited to: (a) manufacture, fabrication, assembling, handling, erection, installations, dismantling, conditioning, adjustment, alteration, repairing and serving of all ferrous or nonferrous metal work and all other materials used in lieu thereof and of all HVAC systems, air veyor systems, exhaust systems and air-handling systems regardless of materials used including the setting of all equipment and all reinforcements in connection therewith; (b) all lagging over insulation and all duct lining; (c) testing and balancing of all air-handling equipment and duct work; (d) the preparation of all shop and field sketches whether manually drawn or computer assisted used in fabrication and erection, including those taken from original architectural and engineering drawings or sketches; and, (e) installation of proprietary and non proprietary metal roofing. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY §2-11.16 CODE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS SCHEDULE 2023 "HEAVY CONSTRUCTION" TRADE/WORK LEVEL PER HOUR PER HOUR PER HOUR COMBINED CLASSIFICATION WAGE RATE HEALTH PENSION DOLLAR BENEFIT(1) BENEFIT VALUE WELDERS- Receive rate prescribed for craft performing operation to which welding is incidental. For any class of laborers or mechanics which is not listed in the wage determination and which is to be employed under the contract, Small Business Development for a wage determination. Questions concerning the comparability of worker classifications or the applicability of Davis-Bacon classification shall be determined by the County. Please Contact: Internal Services Department Small Business Development Division The Stephen P. Clark Center 111 N.W. 1st Street- 19th Floor Miami, Florida 33128-1906 Phone Number: (305) 375-3111 Fax Number: (305) 375-3160 NOTICE MIAMI13 COUNTY County Code §2-11 .16 NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES WORKING ON COUNTY CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS RESPONSIBLE WAGES AND BENEFITS MINIMUM WAGE You must be paid not less than the required base hourly rate and benefits listed in the Wages and Benefits Schedule for every hour worked. You may not be paid below the base rate even if the value of the fringe benefits provided to you exceeds the value of the health and pension required in the schedule. Additionally, you must be paid not less than the combined dollar value (Base Rate + Health + Pension Benefit) listed in the wage and benefits schedule posted with this notice for the type of work you are performing if benefits are not provided. OVERTIME You must be paid time and one-half of your rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a week. APPRENTICES & TRAINEES Apprentices/trainees rates apply only to apprentices and trainees properly registered under an approved Federal or State apprenticeship or training program. SANCTIONS Sanctions for a first-time offender are 20% of the amount of underpayment payable to the County. The sanctions increase to 40%for the second underpayment and 60%for the third underpayment. Contractors found to have underpaid a fourth time may be subject to suspension or termination in accordance with the contract terms and debarment in accordance with the debarment procedures of the County. COMPLAINTS Written complaints of underpayment should be filed with: Internal Services Department Small Business Development Division 111 NW 1ST Street, 19TH Floor Miami, FL 33128 Telephone: (305) 375-3111 FAX: (305) 375-3160 Email: SBDMAILMIAMIDADE.GOV MIAMI-QADE Internal Services Department COUNTY Small Business Development 1 l l NW I Street, 10 Floor Miami,Florida 33128 miamidade.gov T 305-375-3111 F 305-375-3160 FAIR WAGE AFFIDAVIT Before me, the undersigned authority appeared the (PRINT NAME) of (PRINT TITLE) (PRINT NAME OF BIDDER OR PROPOSER) who attests that shall pay workers on (PRINT NAME OF BIDDER OR PROPOSER) the project minimum wage rates in accordance with Responsible Wages and Benefits, Section 2- 11.16 of the Code of Miami-Dade County and the Labor Provisions of the contract documents. State of FLORIDA County of Miami-Dade Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this day of , 20 Personally, known or produced identification. (Signature of Notary Public -State of Florida) (Print,Type,or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public) Type of identification produced: Contractor Quick Start Guide Version: 2 Date: 8/3/2022 ILCPtracker 111 E.Chapman Ave.Orange,CA 92866 LCPtracker Table of Contents Contractor Quick Start Guide 3 Contacting LCPtracker Support 3 LCPtracker Training Options 4 Add/Edit Employee 4 Add/Edit Employee Information 4 Default Hourly Paid Fringes (As paid to Fund on behalf of employee) 5 Default Other Deductions Notes 5 1. Payroll Records Tab 5 1. Copy Payroll 5 2. Upload from a Payroll System Export File 6 3. Upload from the Excel Spreadsheet 7 4. Direct Payroll Subscription/Interface (DPI) 8 5. Manual Entry 8 Amounts Paid (top section of the Payroll Record Entry Form) 8 Classifications 9 Hours Worked Each Day for This Project Only 9 Fringes/Contributions Paid to Other (Not Employee) for This Project Only 10 Paycheck— Deductions, Payments, and Notes 11 Saving the Payroll Record 12 2. Notices Tab 13 3. Certification Tab 13 Certification Wizard - Step 1 of 2 14 Certification Wizard - Step 2 of 2 14 State Specific Uploads 15 California DIR XML Upload 15 Washington L&I XML Upload 15 Illinois DOL Export Upload 16 Page 2 of 18 714-669-0052 x 4 Email: supportajlcjtracker.com Web: Icptracker.com I ©LCPtracker, Inc. —Confidential. Do not release or distribute in any way without express written consent of LCPtracker. Inc. LcPtracer Contractor Quick Start Guide At LCPtracker(Labor Compliance Program Tracker), we are aware that using a Prevailing Wage Software may be a new undertaking for many Contractors. We have designed this guide to explain what LCPtracker is used for and how to start using the software. The LCPtracker service is a paperless, online system of entering Certified Payroll Reports (CPRs). Payroll data may be entered directly into the system or uploaded from major construction accounting systems or payroll programs. This service eliminates the need for Contractors to submit paper documents and forms while providing an online database that stores all CPRs. All contract-specific wage rates, fringe rates and worker crafts/classifications are online within the system, and Contractors may then select craft/classifications from a drop-down menu. Potential errors in wage rates or work classification entries can be flagged to Contractors preemptively, allowing them to submit data with corrections implemented. (This is contingent on how the Administrator set up their Project validations). Once you have submitted your CPR, an electronic version will be available, and you will have access to all Contractor reports within LCPtracker. It is important to understand that the LCPtracker validation rules operate to assist you in your compliance process only insofar as the correct classifications are chosen by the user, and the correct data is entered by the user. Contacting LCPtracker Support There is no cost to Contractors for this service or for online training. We have a dedicated Support staff available Monday through Friday from 5:00am until 5:30pm PST. Contractors may access the various options for training after receiving a User ID and password, which will be sent by a "no reply" email address from LCPtracker(i.e., NOREPLY@LCPtracker.com). This email, with login instructions, will be sent to Contractors once they're assigned to an account in LCPtracker by your Agency or Prime Contractor. Every Contractor account is created by the Agency or their Prime Contractor. Complete and full support is offered directly to Contractors by LCPtracker for any technical questions on the use of the software. Contact LCPtracker Support: Adive Insights- crtr C":r.;� Training Materials Support Logout Live Chat Co-Browse • 714-669-0052 option 4;or • Support@LCPtracker.com;or • Live Chat Page 3 of 18 Phone: 714-669-0052 x 4 Email: support@Icptracker.com Web: Icptracker.com I©LCPtracker, Inc. —Confidential. Do not release or distribute in any way without express written consent of LCPtracker, Inc. LCPtracker If you send the Support Team an email or prefer to leave a voice message, LCPtracker asks that you include the information listed below (because of the high number of users stored within LCPtracker, we cannot look up your account with only your company name or project you are working on). • Your Company Name • Your User ID • Your Name and Phone Number • What the Issue is— please be a specific as possible so we can re-create the issue LCPtracker Training Options Contractors can access the various options for training after receiving a User ID and password. An email with login instructions will be sent to Contractors once they are assigned to an account in LCPtracker. Every Contractor account is created by the Agency or their Prime Contractor. Era EMU Sinn .. tracker (A) TEST DATABASE -FEDERAL Reports • •►°;':1"""`"'. • T. DauyReporter LCPcerti*ed WELCOME ABC Roofing Need training'Check out cur or-demand nin ve ,deosl Watch Now Add/Edit Employee This section is used to enter Contractor employee's personal information. To add an employee into system or edit someone already in system, click Set Up'and then Add/Edit Employee'. ilrtrtr.itl _ Add/Edit Employee Company Information Add(Edt Craft Name Fringe Benefits Maintenance Copy Employees Add/Edit Work Order Subcontractor Setup AddlRemove County Match Add/Edit Additional Users Edit Login Password Add/Remove Craft Match Edlt/Reset eSignat re Add/Remove Pro ed Match Add/Edit Employee Information Enter the appropriate employee information in the data fields. Tab key or mouse click to move between fields. Any RED asterisk field(*) is required by the Agency, and the system will not save unless the information is entered in the required fields. Page 4 of 18 Phone: 714-669-0052 x 4 Email: suoport(c�lcptracker.com WebIcptracker.com I©LCPtracker, Inc. —Confidential. Do not release or distribute in any way without express written consent of LCPtracker. Inc. LCPtracker Default Hourly Paid Fringes (As paid to Fund on behalf of employee) This section is known as a 'time saver'. It is optional to fill in the hourly fringe rates in this section. This will allow for ease of use when entering payroll records manually, as you will be able to click the 'Calculate Fringes' button on the Payroll Entry screen, and the system will perform the mathematical calculation of the hourly fringes multiplied by the hours worked. *If there are any predetermined increases, or your Union updates once a year, you will need to come back to this section and update your fringes accordingly. **If you have multiple projects with different fringe rates, built in increases, or everyone has the same fringes and you only want to enter those dollar values once, skip this section and use the 'Fringe Benefit Maintenance' table to enter your hourly fringe rates into system. Note: Any fringe amount entered in this section will supersede the fringe amount entered in that time saver section of the employee setup. - Default Hourty Paid Fnnges(As paid to Fund on behalf of emp.oyee; Vac Hol'Dues Health&Welfare Pension Ali Other Tra n ng * ** * DO NOT USE - Not allowed by ** Use to enter vision, dental, life, and Accidental Responsible Wages & Benefits Death & Dismemberment insurance Only Default Other Deductions Notes Any deduction that is permissible according to the USDOL or your Agency (such as IRS garnishments, child support, a company loan, etc.) would fall under the 'other' deduction section. Any amount listed in 'other' will then dictate that 'other deduction notes' are required. 1. Payroll Records Tab There are five methods of payroll entry available to all Contractors: 1. Copy Payroll feature in LCPtracker 2. Upload from a payroll system export file 3. Upload from the Excel spreadsheet 4. Direct Payroll Subscription / Interface (DPI) 5. Manual entry 1. Copy Payroll This option is only available if a week of payroll has been previously completed. In the Payroll Records tab, click the 'Copy Previous Payroll' button, select the project, then select the CPR to be copied. Page 5of18 Pnone 714-669-0052 x 4 Email: support(a�lcptracker.com Web: Icptracker.com I © LCPtracker, Inc. -Confidential. Do not release or distribute in any way without express written consent of LCPtracker. Inc. WV tracke r Proleds C 1.Payroll Records ., , ..•, ... r. t-.:,,,,.;. Payroll Records Enter Records [bred Payroll Subscnpbon Edd Certified Payroll Records Copy Previous Payroll Recovery Ad Addition' al Data Entry Edt Uncertified Payroll Record[; SHWA 1391 Adblionat Data Entry Upload Records HUD Additional Data Entry 2. Upload from a Payroll System Export File In the Payroll Records tab, click the 'Upload Records' button, then click the 'Accounting Systems' button, you will see a partial list of the payroll companies that we have partnered with to create a payroll interface, or export file. To see a complete list of payroll interfaces available, please visit :vww.lcptracker.com, and click the 'Resources' tab, then select 'Partners'. If you do not find your payroll company and would like to see if there is an opportunity to partner, please fill out the informational form listed under the "Upload Records" section and someone from LCPtracker will contact you. • I Payroll Records - ..,..::r�.. 1,. \ :::.. er i LCPcedified Accnunlaq Systems Select week end date Click below your accounting system to learn how to access the upload file Select aprgect:. 1-C�P•ayr.,._ se ea r rgec- • 2 Constru1pn Pafita Soled a location Iv I 3.i=oundatwi Software Calculate rnnges automatically O Use'NOT AVAILAB • crafts is unmatched 4 Pay-Net Software Please note that the Excel Upload Template will : be landed to 200 payroll records per upload 5 Payette•Spdwaie If your file contains more than 200 payroll r• • ._ please break up the file:nto multiple uploads Select the file to upload 6-Paytoah Software rQhooseFde j No file chos: 7 Quantum Software .,.-....,.t, s S,;tanu Upload Help Download spreadsheet template 6.Vrewpomt Software S.sterns button to access in[ormatian regarding accounting,'payroll system 9.Deafer-Chaney If your accounting system is not fisted click alff to request an interface be created Qct:• Click on the name of your payroll company, and a list of directions on how to obtain your export file will be available, or you will see a request that you contact your payroll company directly for instructions on how to obtain that export file. Page 6 of 18 714-669-0052 x 4 Email: support@lcptracker.com Web: Icptracker.com © LCPtracker, Inc. —Confidential. Do not release or distribute in any way without express written consent of LCPtracker, Inc. ILPtracker Once you have the export file, you can use it to upload your CPR using the "Upload Records" button. 3. Upload from the Excel Spreadsheet There is an Excel spreadsheet template available for you to download in the same 'Upload Records' section mentioned above. There is a legend as well as instructions available on the Excel template. Information can be manually entered into this Excel spreadsheet, or you can confer with your IT department to see if they can utilize this spreadsheet to create a report out of your existing payroll system. 6 1 Payroll Records I 2 Notices 3 Cerlecatlm t Reports eazurnertis Set Up Dally Reporter li LCPcertfied %skied tiewrds Select week end date J Select a project: Select a locohor Calculate Innges automattctey 2 Use NOT AVAILABLE II crafts rs unmatched Please note that Me E+:cel Upload Template mit nor be boned t0 200 payrst'ecoids per upload I'v011r the contains more than 200 payroll records please treat,up the NeNo multiple 0000,35 Select the ate to 4Ol0ad L Choose File No rile chosen Accounting cisterns Upload lr =^Date I Clrct on the Aarounting Systems button to access rnlonnatwn regard •acccurMg'payrol system mterraces Ar ,,Oa ca .Y -'at -'A A - .d i e'.. a a,„ ,..n. 11 w... 4 ) rrr.rtir r.ri.tr 0,,,...... e . -..at- A. _ _ .. by..ram..- s - 1 a �. M.. Visa .oreeee a r.e 1 .µ.w.. n kW... A n. It4Nu l uNl Oil cutkw) bola n y.rwTreN M nasal.er[a nom.sums ne...a ..I am./(( -, M•.aa+.e*or.Wg.w...yw..o.u.a er.mm.;V�p .,n.am.I.w a..u.....al.,m...w...hum Tag r. ...aer g {Vow.Cum.,.Anem a-tem l•AgNl..n.I.er.IVNp lVnnq.w lr..i.........ry.x. 6a.r1 'Neer Inn,I.*a Vebrr..r.awa.m..r A....n. AWN.*lr ',.Cam a AWN.* ..ONo.404 rolr N an ew. no Meg lca wrrrat./.ranl a.wwwaar �rw•• (Pam 16...... nN.M. Fn..naasiu.aer.. 1.1......!P.ramp:P 00$ay. inpa,.y r•rmw Eno..by EyVy.&.a..",W b P.n.M at fenpeFenpn6,e-.a.. 'Ya+ +... ...1..........1.......V. bn _ I mgn NA to Um.'. VIP WAN..r"MIMI PIPrra.Van. e,.. .'" l...,rsw.74"1..r.""7"...g) lcM.rr Sema"rrMM Pg..an ew.•oPareS rrwp arroUr.r .Ma+r.r.p M.r W.gMfin MtoY ! AW...r.r rer.r4raai.la r sow r...y b r)ec.ray Tw M`ae...rn . MOW.WM MNP/p/ MOW M.Meei r pg..PP.,.Ms 0..1 Page 7 of 18 Phone: 714-669-0052 x 4 Email: supportIcptracker.com Web: Icptracker.com I©LCPtracker, Inc. —Confidential. Do not release or distribute in any way without express written consent of LCPtracker, Inc. EnteringFringe Benefits on LCPTracker .__ ....,_. . ,..„:,,,a.za 2 NoticesIllarliii% ilCaeDownents , Daiy R . ,.,..., _, d• \r ':Peek End Date a21.2U19 Contractor CMC PRIME CONTRACTOR �a Prefect CMC RWB TEST CONTRACT-HIGHWAY Sub To age �a\ Employee ANDERSON ALECIA Contract ID test �1\eu 0" es (* 0 s Foreman !s Owner!Operator This is an hourly rate of eCJ' Gross Employee Wages Paul in Lieu These fields are Hourly rate fields(Usually No Fringes) Rate m Lieu of Fay This Protect of Fringes Total Fringes(Cash '(\\g c\c\ o� ,Usually No Cash Fringes) Base Overtime Doubfetime Fringes) funds paid instead of ringed Hawk Hourly Hourly o '�` ou Gas ��`'1` O' .\ 500000 °°° 0.000 Fringes Benefits. Funds X\ ge* o�G • c.lassficatlo �to��e �. _F. . ... paid directly to the F.'.:; ,'lade County Responsible Wages Miami-DDade County ELECTRICAL WORKER Electrician- I Edltl .roe employee and not paid . Hours Worked Each Day for This Project Only Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Total Hours into an approved pIan. 6/15+7019 6/16/2019 6/172019 6/18/2019 6/19/2019 6202019 6212019 Regular Time 0.00 0.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 40.00 Overtime at 1 5 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Double-Time 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0,00 1).00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 40.00 Total Hours All 40.00 Projects Worked . Fringes i Contributions paid to others i not employee!far This Po rject OMv(Rate Times the N of Hours Worked) Voluntary Contributions Ul VacMoliDuee Included in Gross Emp PayrEase Hourly Rate for all Projects More Vac: : Hol Dues Health 8 Wetl Pension At(cher Training Li Some or Al Fringes Paid to Employee 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Pension Medical n Voluntety Contributions Included in Gross Emp F'ey More Mom R\\\ 0.000 0.000 Calculate Fringes Paid into approved Plan. Paid into approved Plan -Health Insurance . Pension Plan -Dental Insurance - 401K -Vision Insurance -Life Insurance Page 8 of 18 -Accident Death & Dismemberment Week End Date 6/312018 Contractor Darren's Demo Project M59 Reaaignrrient Sub To Employee- DUCK, DONALD Contract ID 5 Is Foreman is Owner/Operator Gross Employee Wages Paid in Lieu These fields are Hourly rate fields(Usually No Fringes) Rale In Lieu of Pay This Projeii of Fringes(Total Fringes(Cash (Usually No Cash Fringes) Base Ove,Urne Doublellrne Fringes) Fringes) Hourly Hourly Hourly 0.000 0.000 50,400 0.000 0.000 0.000 Gross Employee Pay This Protect- The amount of basic wages paid for this project only. This is typically the hourly rate of pay multiplied by the hours worked (it could be more complex with Lump S u m overtime figured in). Payments Wages Paid-in-Lieu of Fringes - The amount paid to the employee instead of fringe benefits paid to a plan, fund or program- This amount is sometimes included in the Gross Employee Pay this Project depending on the accounting system and the agency reporting requirements. (Whether you are a Union Shop or Open Shop typically determines whether you pay these required fringes to an approved plan, fund or program, or pay them directly to the employee in cash.) This amount would be the rate-in-lieu of Fringes multiplied by the number of hours worked. Rate-in-lieu of fringes - The hourly rate paid-in-lieu of fringes. If you pay your employees directly Rates for the required fringe benefit instead of paying into an approved plan, fund or program, please list the hourly rate paid here. Base Hourly - The hourly rate of pay not including fringes. Some accounting systems include taxable fringes and fringes paid-in-lieu in this amount, do not Include those in this field. Overtime Hourly -- The hourly rate of pay multiplied by a factor of 1.5. Do not include fringe benefits in this equation. unless specifically called for by your Awarding Body. Doubletime Hourly -- The hourly rate of pay multiplied by a factor of 2. Do not include fringe benefits in this equation, unless specifically called for by your Awarding Body. Page 9 of 18 LCPtracker 4. Direct Payroll Subscription/Interlace IDPII This option allows you to choose to have LCPtracker map your existing payroll so that you may use it (as a PDF or .CSV file) as an upload file. Once you have it, you can use it to upload your CPR from that 'Upload Records' button. ��rr'��.�':� 1 Payroll Recrr d � -- suminue Lewd Enter Records Died Payrol Subscription Ede Certified Payroll Recalls Copy Previous Payroll Recovery Act Additional Data Entry Edit Uncertified Payroll Records FHWA 1391 Additional Data Entry Upload Records 1-0.113 Additional Data Entry 5. Manual Entry For Manual Entry, in the `Enter Records' tab, you will enter a record each week for every employee that performs work covered by prevailing wages on their project. Frim L _ fltG Record — j Direct Payndt Subscription Edit Certified Payroll Records Copy Previous Payroll Recovery Ad Additional Data Entry E6t Ihfcrrtifred Payroll React FHWA 1391 Additional Data Entry Upload Records HUD Addronai Data Entry If your employee works in more than one classification (i.e., they've worked 20 hours as a Carpenter and 20 hours as a Power Equipment Operator) enter two separate pay records to show that they are being paid according to the work performed. Amounts Paid (top section of the Payroll Record Entry Form) Enter the appropriate amounts in the appropriate sections. Keep in mind this is just a transfer of historical data from your already existing payroll records. 1. Gross Employee Pay This Project—The amount of basic wages paid for this project only. This is typically the hourly rate of pay multiplied by the hours worked (it could be more complex with overtime figured in). 2. Wages Paid-in-Lieu of Fringes—The amount paid to the employee instead of fringe benefits paid to a plan, fund or program. This amount is sometimes included in the Gross Employee Pay this Project depending on the accounting system and the agency reporting requirements. (Whether you are a Union Shop or Open Shop typically Page 10 of 18 714-669-0052 x 4 Email: support@lcptracker.com Web: Icptracker.com I © LCPtracker, Inc. —Confidential. Do not release or distribute in any way without express written consent of LCPtracker. Inc. lLCPtracker determines whether you pay these required fringes to an approved plan, fund or program, or pay them directly to the employee in cash.) This amount would be the rate- in-lieu of Fringes multiplied by the number of hours worked. 3. Rate-in-lieu of fringes—The hourly rate paid-in-lieu of fringes. If you pay your employees directly for the required fringe benefit instead of paying into an approved plan, fund, or program, please list the hourly rate paid here. 4. Base Hourly— The hourly rate of pay not including fringes. Some accounting systems include taxable fringes and fringes paid-in-lieu in this amount, do not include those in this field. 5. Overtime Hourly—The hourly rate of pay multiplied by a factor of 1.5. Do not include fringe benefits in this equation, unless specifically called for by your Agency. 6. Doubletime Hourly—The hourly rate of pay multiplied by a factor of 2. Do not include fringe benefits in this equation, unless specifically called for by your Agency. Payroll record gentry to • Week End Date 6/3/2018 Contractor Darren's Demo Project M59 Realignment Sub To Employee DUCK DONALD Contract ID 5 Is Foreman Is Ovmer/Operator Gross Employee Wages Paid in Lieu These fields are Hourly rate fields(Usually No Fringes) Rate in Lieu of Pay This Project of Fringes(Total 4 5 6 Fringes(Cash (Usually No Cash Fringes) Base Overtime Doubletime Fringes) Fringes) Hourly Hourly Hourly 0.000 0.000 50.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Classifications This section lists the craft and classification that your employee worked on your project and will be paid for. If you mistakenly choose the wrong classification on the original entry page, you may change it here by clicking on the Edit button. (Remember that if your employee worked in more than one classification within this work week, you would need to enter a separate payroll record for that classification). Classifications h Federal\':ages Huron County,Ml Carpenter Carpenter-Pending USDOL F12.'01.'2017 H; :h::a: Flit Hours Worked Each Day for This Project Only Enter the hours worked each day. Page 11 of 18 Phone: 714-669-0052 x 4 Email: support@lcptracker.com Web: Icptracker.com I© LCPtracker, Inc. —Confidential. Do not release or distribute in any way without express written consent of LCPtracker, Inc. Page 12 of 18 tLCPtracker The first row is for regular time worked(1), the second row is for overtime worked(2) and the third row for is for double time worked(3). ONLY enter hours worked on this prevailing wage job for this week. The system will total each type of hours worked, the days worked and the week under the totals hours column(4). - Hours Worked Each Day for This Project Only 4 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total Hours 5/28/2018 5/29/2018 5/30/2018 5/31/2018 6/1/2018 6/2/2018 6/3/2018 1 Regular Time 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 Overtime at 1.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 Double-Time 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Note: If turned on by the Administrator, you may see an additional field 'Total Hours All Projects Worked' listed in the hours section. If so, this field will require a manual entry for your employee's full hours worked that week. - Hours Worked Each Day for This Project Only Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total Hours 4/8/2019 4/9/2019 4/10/2019 4/11/2019 4/12/2019 4/13/2019 4/14/2019 Regular 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 Lme Overtime at 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.5 Double- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Time Total 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 Total Hours 40.00 AD Projects Worked Fringes/Contributions Paid to Other (Not Employee) for This Project Only You may utilize this section in two different ways: 1. Auto calculate 2. Manual entry • Fringes!Contributions paid to others(not employee)for This Project Only(Rate Times the#of Hours Worked) * 2 ** * Voluntary Contributions VaclHoVDues Included in Gross Emp Pay Vac r Hol'Dues Health&Welt Pension All Other Training for all Projects Some or All Fringes Paid to Employee 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Pension Medical s;nt.1 ontrib lions Included in Gross Emp.Pay More More- 0 0 I Calculate Fringes * DO NOT USE - Not allowed by ** Use to enter vision, dental, life, and Accidental Responsible Wages & Benefits Death & Dismemberment insurance Only Phone: 714-669-0052 x 4 Email: support@Icptracker.com Web: Icptracker.com I©LCPtracker, Inc. -Confidential. Do not release or distribute in any way without express written consent of LCPtracker, Inc. L tracker Auto Calculate: The first is by simply clicking the 'Calculate Fringes' button so that the system automatically calculates the fringe benefit rates paid. Manual Entry: This only works if you filled out the hourly fringe benefit rates in the Add/Edit Employee screen (or the Fringe Benefit Maintenance section, also available in the Set Up tab). This function multiplies the hours worked times the fringe benefit rate to get the values. The second way is to manually enter the total amounts paid per section (Vac/Hol/Dues, Health & Welfare, Pension, etc.)from your payroll register or paystubs. Mark the appropriate check boxes as required. If they are checked in the Add/Edit Employee setup, then that value carries over. Paycheck — Deductions, Payments, and Notes Values entered in this section apply to all hours worked on all projects during the week. • Paycheck-Deductions.Payments and Notes(For All Projects Worked This Week) *Single Paycheck Multiple Paychecks Deductions 1 2 Fed Tax Social Security Medicare State Tax Local Taxes/SDI Other Vac'Dues Savings Total Deductions 0.000 + 0.000 + 0.000 + 0.000 + 0.000 + 0.000 + 0.000 + 0.000 = 0.000 Payments(It induded in paycheck) Tray/Subs 3 Gross Pay M Projects) Paycheck Amount Check Number` 6 Payment Date 7 0.000 0.000 4 0.000 5 ;. Notes 81 Otherpodurion Notes 9 1. Deductions - the 'Total Deductions' box will add as you enter values in the taxes, other deductions, Vac/Dues and Savings fields. 2. Other Deduction - this field is for permissible deductions that do not fall into the other available fields. If you put an amount in the 'Other' deductions field, an `Other Deduction Note' will become required. 3. Trav/Subs -this field is for travel or subsistence paid to your employee. This amount does figure into the mathematical calculation that the system to ensure that Gross and Net pays are correct. 4. Gross Pay All Projects—the gross amount on the paycheck for the week including all projects worked. 5. Paycheck Amount—this is also referred to as Net pay. This is the actual amount of pay the employee received. 6. Check Number — you have the option of putting different information in this field. If you hand out actual checks to your employees, please enter the check number in this field. If Page 13 of 18 Phone: 714-669-0052 x 4 Email: supportCa�Icptracker.com Web: Icptracker.com I © LCPtracker, Inc. —Confidential. Do not release or distribute in any way without express written consent of LCPtracker, Inc. LCP • tracker you utilize direct deposit and no check numbers exists, enter`DD'. 7. Payment Date —this is the actual date of the paycheck. Not all Agencies require this field. 8. Notes—this is a section that allows you to communicate anything out of the ordinary that you would like your Agency to know. 9. Other Deduction Notes— if you entered a permissible deduction in the above-mentioned field, then you will be required to leave a note describing that deduction. Please remember to be transparent in your notes entered. We recommend that you list what the actual deduction is, and not write "other deduction" or"N/A". Saving the Payroll Record When you have completed all the above-mentioned fields, Click Save. SAVE WITH NO NOTICES Payroll Record Saved With a successful save you will get this message: When you are done entering the payroll records, check Notices.then certify the data you are submitting. The"Certification'tab is where you complete the process to submit your CPR to the Agency you are reporting to Enter another record for a afferent employee? Yes No SAVE WITH NOTICES If you do not get this message, look for the RED message on the screen. You may have to scroll When you are done entering the payroll records, through the payroll record to see what you have check Notices then certify the data you are missed that may be a required field. submitting The"Certification'tab is where you complete the process to submit your CPR to the Agency you are reporting to Warning There is 1 notice Enter another record for a different employee? Yes Page 14 of 18 714-669-0052 x 4 Email: support anlcotracker.com Web: Icptracker.com I© LCPtracker, Inc. —Confidential. Do not release or distribute in any way without express written consent of LCPtracker, Inc. lLcPtracer 2. Notices Tab Once you have entered all payroll records for the week, go to the `2. Notices' tab to check and see if you have any payroll Notices. After your records have been saved: there could be issues ranging from forgetting to add an employee ID or phone number to forgetting to enter the Gross Employee Pay This Project field at the top of the Payroll Record Entry screen, this will display in the Notices tab. If an employee is displayed on the notices screen (see below), the notice will need to be cleared. Project ��Pn, r;, PMv .( I NaYu ) 'y�7"'}1''T]YY >. . Projectp -noir: .. CHARNIEL. ll.rben Hoover Don 6(3/2018 Florida Laborer ` .J AL/EXAM/ER/ER a. To clear the notice, click on the Edit button to the right of the employee's name. This will take you back into the Payroll Record Entry screen. Scroll down the bottom and you will see detailed notes on exactly what your notice is. If you do not understand the notice, there are options on how to get help. You can click on the Video Assistance 'Play Now' button and you will see a video that explains what the notice is and how to address it, or you can contact our department and they will assist you. All Notices must be cleared to certify the payroll. 3. Certification Tab It's time to certify your payroll! You will do this for each week beginning when you first start work on your project until the last week on the project. There are three options available to you when you certify your payroll: 1. Certify a payroll for a week during which work was performed 2. Certify a payroll for a week during which no work was performed (non-work week payroll) 3. Certify a payroll for multiple consecutive weeks during which no work was performed Page 15of18 714-669-0052 x 4 Email: supoortc lcptracker.com Web: Icptracker.com I© LCPtracker, Inc. —Confidential. Do not release or distribute in any way without express written consent of LCPtracker. Inc. ILCPtracker Certification Wizard - Step 1 of 2 •,,.yyt ,, ,r..p,.,,, Pte}C1 Last CPR Info Date 1/28120181 Papd Maslow 64 To certify your payroll: I M59 Realignment Is X • • Choose your project Work perfom d this week? • Choose the type of payroll you are certifying -Work activkyto be reported for this week • Choose your week ending date (if you No works mryto be reported for this week No work activity to be repotted for multiple consecutive weeks choose multiple consecutive weeks, Week End Date you will enter the start date and the last 06/03/2018 T date) PayroN Number • Enter your name as the person certifying your ' payroll Name of Person Certifying • Enter your title Mickey Mouse • Click next rye Payroll Manager cel II... Help Certification Wizard - Step 2 of 2 The Statement of Compliance (SOC) portion of your certified payroll report will display. You now need to denote how you pay your fringe benefits (if you do both, you may choose both): • 4a— paid into an approved plan, fund, or program • 4b— paid in cash to the employee • 4c—section to note any exceptions you might have, per craft/classification. If you have any final remarks that you'd like to leave for your Agency, there is a section available to you to do so. Note: this field is mandatory is you are recertifying a CPR. You may also click on a checkbox to note if your CPR is a final. Enter your eSignature and click Save. This completes your CPR, and it will pop up in another window so long as you have your pop-up blocker turned off. (If you forget your e- Signature, go back to the Set Up tab, edit your eSignature, and then go back to the Certification Tab and follow the above procedures again.) eSiprlah.re Fa_==-wc•J You have now completed certifying your payroll. Your CPRs are electronically sent to your Administrator, and unless otherwise specified, there is no need to send or print out a hardcopy unless you would like to do so for your own records. Remember that your CPR's will always be stored in your account to access at any time, so you may decide not to print out hardcopies. Page 16 of 18 Phone 714-669-0052 x 4 Email: support@lcptracker.com Web: Icptracker.com I© LCPtracker, Inc. —Confidential. Do not release or distribute in any way without express written consent of LCPtracker, Inc. , IIi ': ,w•• tracker :mak State Specific Uploads California DIR XML Upload If you perform work on a California Public Works project, you also need to upload your payroll to the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) eCPR system. Once you've certified your payroll, you can download the DIR XML file to upload. Instructions to find and upload this file: • Click on the Projects tab • Click on the Certified Payrolls tab • Locate the week ending payroll file you need • Click on the DIR XML button (make sure your pop-up blockers are off) • Save this file to your desktop • Upload into the DIR eCPR system Certified Payrolls , .. Project Police Station Renovation I BAILEY FENCE COMPANY,INC I KPB1 • j He.ip .Payroll CerericatiOns 03x16,2013 YES St omitted Edit J Report DIR XML 0 setails I 03/02/2018 YES UPDATED Edit I Report J DIR L I Details j ' Paye 1 Washington Lal KM. Upload Beginning in January 2020, weekly certified payroll reports are required to be filed online with Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, or WA L&I, at least once a month for all public works projects. Once you've certified your payroll, you can download the WA L&I XML file to upload. Instructions to find and upload this file: • Click on the Projects tab • Click on the Certified Payrolls tab • Locate the week ending payroll file you need • Click on the WA L&I XML button (make sure your pop-up blockers are off) • Save this file to your desktop Page 17 of 18 714-669-0052 x 4 Email: support(cr�lcptracker.com Web: Icptracker.com I© LCPtracker, Inc. —Confidential. Do not release or distribute in any way without express written consent of LCPtracker. Inc. LCi !tracker • Upload into the WA State PWIA portal WASHINGTON SOUND EXPANSION i Prod11202019 • Payton CeNMaDOin Woek Earl Data ►wtermmg AccaptStatus 07/0612019 YES Submitted Edt 3 Report 3 WA MI XML 3 Details Illinois DOL Export Upload Beginning in September 2020, weekly certified payroll reports are required to be filed online with the Illinois Department of Labor, or IDOL, by the 15th of each month for all state-funded public works projects. Once you've certified your payroll, you can download the IL DOL XML file to upload. Instructions to find and upload this file: • Click on the Projects tab • Click on the Certified Payrolls tab • Locate the week ending payroll file you need • Click on the IL DOL Export button (make sure your pop-up blockers are off) • Save this file to your desktop • Make any manual additions/adjustments to the CSV file • Upload into the IDOL portal 1 WELCOME AMERICAN PAVING Proem BRIDGE RETROFIT M-44 PROJECT I PARKER CONTRACTING I ted Fiernonder.You have temporary remota N caddy.Cid*on the mace"Ede'Wenn Ic •the records alt. 1n03113,2020 *dtn I YES J Sena: I ROM Export L • 110312021) 'I S S.h,.,, ��J IL.1 .. � ^ 01200019 I NO SUNINted I can ".rt IL DOL .. T _ 01 26.201 vE5 Solwn.rtv,f 1 r01.04-1VES. Raulanllyd bt Repo"41 aDOL Export ; *. ... • • i!r..i.-.11 on..,,.1 n I ra.aa..I Should you find that you have any further questions, please consult either the Contractor User Manual or call our department. Page 18 of 18 714-669-0052 x 4 Email: support@Icptracker.com Web: Icptracker.com © LCPtracker, Inc. —Confidential. Do not release or distribute in any way without express written consent of LCPtracker, Inc. DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS Divi xot`i of ru)0 P_A'fr rD r oa official 3eotr a/Fluiidit ri°rtrxu Department of State / Division of Corporations / Search Records / Search by Entity Name / Detail by Entity Name Florida Profit Corporation RIC-MAN INTERNATIONAL, INC. Filing Information Document Number G48151 FEI/EIN Number 59-2300398 Date Filed 07/11/1983 State FL Status ACTIVE Last Event AMENDMENT Event Date Filed 09/21/1988 Event Effective Date NONE Prpal Address 1545 NW 27th Avenue Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Changed: 02/16/2017 fling Address 1545 NW 27th Avenue Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Changed: 02/16/2017 Registered Agent Name&Address JANKOWSKI, LISA M 1545 NW 27th Avenue Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Name Changed: 01/31/2011 Address Changed: 02/16/2017 Officer/Director Detail Name&Address Title President JANKOWSKI, MICHAEL ROBERT 1545 NW 27th Avenue Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Title STD JANKOWSKI, LISA M 1545 NW 27th Avenue Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Title VP JANKOWSKI, PAUL C JR 1545 NW 27th Avenue Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Title Secretary DIAZ,ANDRES G 1545 NW 27th Avenue Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Annual Repoi Report Year Filed Date 2021 04/26/2021 2022 01/25/2022 2023 04/24/2023 Document Imam 04/24/2023—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 01/25/2022—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/26/2021--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 05/01/2020--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/30/2019--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/24/2018--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 02/16/2017--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 03/25/2016--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/17/2015--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/23/2014--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 92/06/2013--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 02/09/2012--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 01/31/2011—ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 01/08/2010--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 03/20/2009--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 01/21/2008--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 03/21/2007--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 07/08/2006--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/26/2005--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 03/12/2004--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format i 04/21/2003--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/01/2002--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 05/08/2001--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 02/09/2001--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 02/20/2000--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/29/1999--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 05/08/1998--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/08/1997--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/24/1996--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 04/26/1995--ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format BID SUBMITTAL QUESTIONNAIRE-CONSTRUCTION SECTION 1 -BID CERTIFICATION This certification/questionnaire is REQUIRED and must be fully completed and submitted electronically. Solicitation No: Solicitation Title: BID NUMBER PROJECT TITLE BIDDERS NAME:RIC-MAN INTERNATIONAL NO.OF YEARS IN BUSINESS 40 NO.OF YEARS IN BUSINESS LOCALLY 40 NO.OF EMPLOYEES'55 OTHER NAME(S)BIDDER HAS OPERATED UNDER IN THE LAST 10 YEARS:non. BIDDER PRIMARY ADDRESS(HEADQUARTERS)'.1545 rw 27th to CITY:POMPANO BEACH STATE:FL ZIP CODE:33009 TELEPHONE Na'.9544201042 TOLL FREE NO.- FAX NO.:9541260717 BIDDER LOCAL ADDRESS:1100 no 163,4.1 CITY:north 01160,1 beach STATE:0 ZIP CODE'.33162 PRIMARY ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT MICHAEL JANKOWSKI ACCOUNT REP TELEPHONE NO.'9544261042 ACCOUNT REP TOLL FREE NO.: ACCOUNT REP EMAIL Md 1c.nean.ul FEDERAL TAX IDENTIFICATION NO 50.2300390 By virtue of submitting a bid,bidder agrees:a)to complete and unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions of this document,inclusive of this solicitation,all specifications,attachments,exhibits and appendices and the contents of any Addenda released hereto;b)to be bound,at a minimum,to any and all specifications,terms and conditions contained herein or Addenda;c)that the bidder has not divulged,discussed,or compared the proposal with other bidders and has not colluded with any other bidder or party to any other bid;d)that bidder acknowledges that all information contained herein is part of the public domain as defined by the State of Florida Sunshine and Public Records Laws;e)the bidder agrees if this bid is accepted,to execute an appropriate City of Miami Beach document for the purpose of establishing a formal contractual relationship between the bidder and the City of Miami Beach, Florida,for the performance of all requirements to which the bid pertains;and f)that all responses,data and information contained in the bid submittal are true and accurate. The individual named below affirms that s/he:is a principal of the applicant duly authorized to execute this questionnaire,and that the contents of said document(s)are complete,true,and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. Name of Bidder's Authorized Representative: Title of Bidder's Authorized michael jankowski Representative: president SFCTION ? .. ACKNfWI_Ff(;FMFNT OF ADf)FN1)1.11\. After issuance of solicitation, the City may release one or more addendum to the solicitation, which may provide additional information to bidders or alter solicitation requirements. The City will strive to reach every bidder having received solicitation through the City's e-procurement system. However, bidders are solely responsible for assuring they have received any and all addendum issued pursuant to solicitation.This Acknowledgement of Addendum section certifies that the bidder has received all addendum released by the City pursuant to this solicitation. Failure to obtain and acknowledge receipt of all addenda may result in proposal disqualification. Enter Initial to Enter Initial to Enter Initial to Confirm Confirm Confirm Receipt Receipt Receipt mj Addendum 1 Addendum 6 Addendum 11 mj Addendum 2 Addendum 7 Addendum 12 mj Addendum 3 Addendum 8 Addendum 13 Addendum 4 Addendum 9 Addendum 14 Addendum 5 Addendum 10 Addendum 15 If additional confirmation of addendum is required,submit under separate cover. SECTION 3-QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Provide the names of each owner (stockholder, sole proprietor, and partner), director, or officer of the company, below. Submit additional names on a separate sheet if required. lirectorship/Offic lisa jankowski 50 paul jankowski 50 2.Provide at least three(3)references of work similar in size and nature as the work referenced in solicitation. Project No. BID NUMBER Project Title PROJECT TITLE Reference No.1 Firm Name:SEE REFERENCE LIST Contact Individual Name and Title: Address: Telephone: Contact's Email: Narrative on Scope of Services Provided: Reference No.2 Firm Name:SEE REFERENCE LIST Contact Individual Name and Title: Address: Telephone: Contact's Email: Narrative on Scope of Services Provided: Reference No.3 Firm Name:SEE REFERENCE LIST Contact Individual Name and Title: Address: Telephone: Contact's Email: Narrative on Scope of Services Provided: Additional Reference Firm Name:SEE REFERENCE LIST Contact Individual Name and Title: Address: Telephone: Contact's Email: Narrative on Scope of Services Provided: 3.Has the applicant company's construction license(s)been revoked during the last five(5)years? YES NO If yes,why? 4.Have any owners, directors, officers, or agents of the a licant company had a license revoked during the last five(5)years? YES NO If yes,why? 5.Is the applicant company current) barred by a governmental agency,from bidding work as a prime or subcontractor? YES NO If yes,state debarment period and the reason(s)for debarment? 6. Has a surety completed, or paid for completion, of a project on behalf of the applicant company, within the last five(5) years? YES NO If yes,why? 7. Has the applicant company or any of its owners, directors, officers, or agents been convicted of a crime or had a claim that was filed in a court and mediated or arbitrated durin the last five(5)years? YES NO If yes,why? see litigation history 8.Is an affiliate of the applicant com an prequalified b the City of Miami Beach to bid on construction work? YES NO If yes,state the name of the affiliate? 9.Is the applicant company a parent,subsidiary,or holding company for another construction company? YES NO If the answer is"yes,"identify the company and type of relationship(s),below: ipe of affiliation t,' ibsidiary) Period of affiliation 10. Is an owner,director,officer,or agent of the applicant company affiliated with another company? YES NO If the answer is"yes,"provide the following information for each individual and the affiliated company. Period of Type U'dYuiaitoii(e.g. 1r, ffiliated co Mme officer,director,owner or affiliatir employee) lisa jankowski sterling properties paul jankowski sterling properties 11.Is the applicant company current! the debtor in a bankru tc case or file for bankruptcy during the last five(5)years? YES NO If yes,explain and attach,as applicable, the relevant case and court documents,including(but not limited to):the original petition,including the case number and the date that the petition was filed; a copy of the bankruptcy court's discharge order, and any other document that ended the case, if no discharge order was issued. 12.Has any owner, director, officer, or agent for the applicant company, or has any business organization in which any such person was an owner, director, officer, or agent filed for or been discharged in bankruptcy within the past five(5) years? YES NO If yes,explain and attach a copy of the discharge order,order confirming plan and if a Corporate Chapter 7 case,a copy of the notice of commencement. 13. Has any owner, director, officer, or agent of the applicant company owned or managed a construction company under any other name in the last five(5)years? YES NO If yes,explain. 14.Has the applicant company been assessed or paid liquidated damages on any project during the past five(5)years,whether the project was publicly or privately owned? YES NO If yes,explain. 15.Are there currently any liens, suits, or judgments of record pending against any owner, director,officer,or agent for the company that is related to construction activities of a business organization? YES NO If yes,explain. 16.Has the applicant company or any of its owners,officers,or partners ever been convicted(criminal)or found liable(civil)for making either a false claim or material misrepresentation to any public agency or entity? YES NO If yes,explain. 17. Has the applicant company or any of its owners, officers, or partners ever been convicted of any a federal or state crime? YES NO If yes,explain. 18. Is any officer, director, employee or agent, or immediate family member (spouse, parent, sibling, and child) of any officer, director,employee or agent,an employee of the City of Miami Beach? YES NO If yes,state name,title and share of ownership Title .are o1 e+uwnersmt 19. Pursuant to City Ordinance No.2016-3990, the City shall not enter into a contract with a business unless the business represents that it does not and will not engage in a boycott as defined in Section 2-375(a) of the City Code, including the blacklisting, divesting from, or otherwise refusing to deal with a person or entity when such action is based on race, color, national origin,religion,sex,intersexuality,gender identity,sexual orientation,marital or familial status,age or disability.Does the applicant agree to be comply with this prohibition? YES NO 20.1s the applicant a small business concern owned and controlled by a veteran(s)(certified by the State of Florida Department of Management Services or a service-disabled veteran business enterprise(certified by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs). YES NO f7inrfifvinn AgencCmrtifieatinn Tune 21. Equal Benefits for Employees with Spouses and Employees with Domestic Partners. Purchases hereunder are subject to the requirements of Equal Benefits for Domestic Partners Ordinance 2005-3494 that requires suppliers with more than 51 employees and City volume greater than$100,000 to provide"Equal Benefits"to their employees with domestic partners,as they provide to employees with spouses.The Ordinance applies to all employees of a supplier who works within the City limits of the City of Miami Beach,Florida; and the Contractor's employees located in the United States, but outside of the City of Miami Beach limits,who are directly performing work on the contract within the City of Miami Beach. A. Does the applicant provide or offer access to any benefits to em to ees with spouses or to spouses of employees? YES NO B. Does your company provide or offer access to any benefits to employees with(same or opposite sex)domestic partners*or to domestic partners of employees? YES NO C. Please check all benefits that apply to your answers above and list in the"other"section any additional benefits not already specified.Note:s benefits are provided to employees because they have a spouse or domestic partner,such as bereavement leave;other benefits are pro% directly to the spouse or domestic partner,such as medical insurance. irm Provides for Empic.. "'•m Provides for Employenn c-rm does not Provide. h Spouse, ith Dome +rtm enefit Health yes yes Sick Leave yes yes Family Medical Leave yes yes Bereavement Leave yes yes 22.Moratorium on Travel to and the Purchase of Goods or Services from Mississippi.Pursuant to Resolution 2016-29375,the City of Miami Beach,Florida prohibits the purchase of goods or services sourced in Mississippi. Are any of the products for which the applicant is seeking to be prequalified sourced in Mississippi? ❑ YES NO If yes,explain. 23.Financial Capacity.At time of request by the City,bidder shall request that Dun&Bradstreet submit its Supplier Qualifier Report directly to the City,with bid or within three(3)days of request.Bidder shall arrange for Dun&Bradstreet to submit a Supplier Qualification Report(SQR)directly to the City. No proposal will be considered without receipt(when requested), by the City, of the SQR directly from Dun& Bradstreet.The cost of the preparation of the SQR shall be the responsibility of the bidder.The bidder shall request the SQR report from D&B at: https:llsuppl ierporta I.dnb.com/webapp/wcslstores/servlet/$uppli erPortal?storeld=11696 Bidders are responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in its SQR. It is highly recommended that each bidder review the information contained in its SQR for accuracy prior to submittal to the City and as early as possible in the solicitation process.For assistance with any portion of the SQR submittal process,contact Dun&Bradstreet at 800-424-2495. 24. Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment Certification Form;APPENDIX A,44 C.F.R.PART 18 CERTIFICATION REGARDING LOBBYING:Certification for Contracts,Grants,Loans,and Cooperative Agreements The undersigned Contractor certifies,to the best of his or her knowledge,that: 1.No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid,by or on behalf of the undersigned,to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of an agency,a Member of Congress,an officer or employee of Congress,or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract,the making of any Federal grant,the making of any Federal loan,the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension,continuation,renewal,amendment,or modification of any Federal contract,grant,loan,or cooperative agreement. 2. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency,a Member of Congress,an officer or employee of Congress,or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned snail complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying,"in accordance with its instructions. 3. The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts,subgrants,and contracts under grants,loans,and cooperative agreements)and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into.Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by 31, U.S.C.§1352(as amended by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995).Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than$10,000 and not more than$100,000 for each such failure.The undersigned Contractor certifies or affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of each statement of its certification and disclosure, if any.In addition,the Contractor understands and agrees that the provisions of 31 U.S.C.§3801 et seq.,apply to this certification and disclosure,if any. By virtue of submitting bid,bidder certifies or affirms its compliance with the Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment Certification. Name of Bidder's Authorized Representative: Title of Bidder's Authorized michael jankowski Representative: president 25.Suspension And Debarment Certification The Contractor acknowledges that: (1)This Contract is a covered transaction for purposes of 2 C.F.R.pt.180 and 2 C.F.R.pt.3000.As such the contractor is required to verify that none of the Contractor,its principals(defined at 2 C.F.R.§180.995),or its affiliates(defined at 2 C.F.R.§180.905)are excluded(defined at 2 C.F.R.§180.940)or disqualified(defined at 2 C.F.R.§180.935). (2)The Contractor must comply with 2 C.F.R.pt. 180,subpart C and 2 C.F.R.pt.3000,subpart C and must include a requirement to comply with these regulations in any lower tier covered transaction it enters into. (3)This certification is a material representation of fact relied upon by the City.If it is later determined that the Contractor did not comply with 2 C.F.R.pt. 180,subpart C and 2 C.F.R.pt.3000,subpart C,in addition to remedies available to the City,the Federal Government may pursue available remedies, including but not limited to suspension and/or debarment. (4)The Contractor agrees to comply with the requirements of 2 C.F.R.pt.180,subpart C and 2 C.F.R.pt.3000,subpart C while this offer is valid and throughout the period of any contract that may arise from this offer.The Contractor further agrees to include a provision requiring such compliance in its lower tier covered transactions." By virtue of submitting bid,bidder certifies or affirms its compliance with the Suspension and Debarment Certification. Name of Bidder's Authorized Representative: Title of Bidder's Authorized michael jankowski Representative: president 26.Suspension,Debarment,Or Contract Cancellation. Has bidder ever been debarred,suspended or other legal violation,or had a contract cancelled due to non-performance by anpublic sector agency? YES n NO If answer to above is"YES,"bidder shall submit a statement detailing the reasons that led to action(s): 27.Small And Disadvantaged Business Certification Pursuant to Resolution 2020-31519, the City is tracking the Small and Disadvantaged Businesses, as certified by Miami-Dade County that have been certified as Small or Disadvantaged Business by Miami-Dade County. Does bidder possess Small or Disadvantaged Business certification by Miami-Dade County? YES NO 28.LGBT Business Enterprise Certification Pursuant to Resolution 2020-31342,the City is tracking the utilization of LGBT owned firms that have been certified as an LGBT Business Enterprise by the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce(NGLCC). Does bidder possess LGBT Business Enterprise Certification by the NGLCC? YES NO 29.Cone Of Silence Pursuant to Section 2-486 of the City Code,all procurement solicitations once advertised and until an award recommendation has been forwarded to the City Commission by the City Manager are under the "Cone of Silence." The Cone of Silence ordinance is available at https:Hlibrary.municode.com/fl/miami beach/codes/code of ordinances?nodeld=SPAGEOR CH2AD ARTVIISTCO DIV4PR S2-486COSI Any communication or inquiry in reference to this solicitation with any City employee or City official is strictly prohibited with the of exception communications with the Procurement Director,or his/her administrative staff responsible for administering the procurement process for this solicitation providing said communication is limited to matters of process or procedure regarding the solicitation.Communications regarding this solicitation are to be submitted in writing to the Procurement Contact named herein with a copy to the City Clerk at rafaelgranado@miamibeachfl.gov By virtue of submitting bid,bidder certifies that it is in compliance with the Cone of Silence Ordinance,pursuant to Section 2-486 of the City Code. 30.Code Of Business Ethics Pursuant to City Resolution No.2000-23789, the Bidder shall adopt a Code of Business Ethics prior to executing a contract with the City.The Code of Business Ethics shall be submitted to the Procurement Department with its response or within three(3)days of request by the City.The Code shall,at a minimum,require the Bidder,to comply with all applicable governmental rules and regulations including,among others,the conflict of interest,lobbying and ethics provision of the City Code.In lieu of submitting Code of Business Ethics,bidder may indicate that it will adopt,as required in the ordinance,the City of Miami Beach Code of Ethics,available at http://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/procurement/procurement-related-ordinance-and-procedures/ Bidder will submit firm's Code of Business Ethics within three(3)days of request b the City? YES NO Bidder adopts the City of Miami Beach Code of Business Ethics? YES Q NO 31. Lobbyist Registration&Campaign Contribution This solicitation is subject to,and all bidders are expected to be or become familiar with,all City lobbyist laws,including lobbyist registration requirements and prohibition on campaign contributions,including: • Lobbyist Registration Requirements sections 2-397 through 2-485.3 of City Code (https://library.municode.com/fl/miami beach/codes/code of ordinances?nodeld=SPAGEOR CH2AD ARTVIISTCO DIV3L0) • Campaign Contribution Requirements sections 2-487 and 2-488 of City Code (https://library.municode.com/fl/miami beach/codes/code of ordinances?nodeld=SPAGEOR CH2AD ARTVIISTCO DIV5CAFIRE) By virtue of submitting bid, bidder certifies or affirms that they have read and understand the above Lobbyist Registration &Campaign Contribution Requirements. 32.NON-DISCRIMINATION The Non-Discrimination ordinance is available at: haps://Iibrary.municode.comlfi/miami beach/codes/code of ordinances?nodeld=SPAGEOR CH2AD ARTVIPR DIV3COPR S2-375NSCCOREWA By virtue of submitting bid,bidder agrees it is and shall remain in full compliance with Section 2-375 of the City of Miami Beach City Code. 33. FAIR CHANCE REQUIREMENT The Fair Chance Ordinance No.2016-4012 is available at: https://library.municode.com/fl/miami beach/codes/code of ordinances?nodeld=SPAGEOR CH62HURE ARTVFACHOR By virtue of submitting bid, bidder certifies that it has adopted policies, practices and standards consistent with the City's Fair Chance Ordinance. Bidder agrees to provide the City with supporting documentation evidencing its compliance upon request. Bidder further agrees that any breach of the representations made herein shall constitute a material breach of contract,and shall entitle the City to the immediate termination for cause of the agreement,in addition to any damages that may be available at law and in equity. 34. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES Please refer to Section 287.133(2)(a),Florida Statutes,available at: https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2012/287.133 By virtue of submitting bid,bidder agrees with the requirements of Section 287.133, Florida Statutes,and certifies it has not been placed on convicted vendor list. 35.Veteran Business Enterprises Preference Pursuant to City of Miami Beach Ordinance No. 2011-3748, https://library.municode.com/fl/miami beach/codes/code of ordinances? nodeld=SPAGEOR CH2AD ARTVIPR DIV3COPR S2-374PRPRPRVECOGOCOSE the City shall give a preference to a responsive and responsible bidder which is a small business concern owned and controlled by a veteran(s)or which is a service-disabled veteran business enterprise,and which is within five percent(5%)of the lowest and best bidder,by providing such bidder an opportunity of providing said goods or contractual services for the lowest responsive bid amount.Whenever, as a result of the foregoing preference, the adjusted prices of two(2)or more bidders which are a small business concern owned and controlled by a veteran(s)or a service-disabled veteran business enterprise constitute the lowest bid pursuant to an ITB,RFP,RFQ, ITN or oral or written request for quotation,and such bids are responsive,responsible and otherwise equal with respect to quality and service,then the award shall be made to the service-disabled veteran business enterprise. Is the bidder a service-disabled veteran business enterprise certified by the State of Florida? YES NO Is the bidder a service-disabled veteran business enterprise certified by the United States Federal Government? YES NO CONTINUED ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE. 36.Sub-Contractors Providing Services to this Project: Subcontractor Work to be completed %of Work to be performed Name: tbd Tel: TBD Email: Name: Tel: Email: Name: Tel: Email: Name: Tel: Email: Name: Tel: Email: Name: Tel: Email: Name: Tel: Email: Name: Tel: Email: Name: Tel: Email: Name: Tel: Email: Name: Tel: Email: ,4 - Ron DeSantis, Governor Melanie S. Griffin,Secretary <4FI nda , , 4_ ��� itx .... , irr _...‘,...,..4_, ., ...,,.. „ s.. q `moi. • .,. STATE OF FLORIDA °RE`s DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR HEREIN IS CERTIFIED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 489, FLORIDA STATUTES t — , ,� _ ,,,i i — , . il . . • • .-- II 1 DIAZ, ANDRES GERARDO Ifig RIC-MAN INTERNATIONAL, INC C7 1545 NW 27TH AVE �► ••• POMPANO BEACH FL 33069 • LICENSE NUMBER: CGC1526106 EXPIRATION DATE: AUGUST 31, 2024 Always verify licenses online at MyFloridaLicense.com ] .i!.." El ;�'i. `• r Do not alter this document in any form. •.1 Teti 'o': This is your license. It is unlawful for anyone other than the licensee to use this document. ''. Ron DeSantis,Governor Melanie S. Griffin,Secretary , Florida 4.. _. _11, �_ = r STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD THE UNDERGROUND UTILITY & EXCAVATION CO HEREIN IS CERTIFIED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 489, FLORIDA STATUTES �•t i j =` \: • ' -zit: i'�` • :lip•' _., /J l'��� 41 y 1 BRENNEN, LAURENCE H4 • s ‘�,� RIC-MAN INTERNATIONAL INC ;Cis* X111 JACARANDA COURT COURT IVA& 1 ROYAL PALM BEACH : L 33411 ... ,,,,......... ,....r.-„azgl : ,P, •e° . LICENSE NUMBER: CUC056824 EXPIRATION DATE: AUGUST 31, 2024 Always verify licenses online at MyFloridaLicense.com 'f"40 &'..;Fii Do not alter this document in any form. 4 i ii.. "� This is your license. It is unlawful for anyone other than the licensee to use this document. Reclaimed Water Transmission Main Deerfield Beach, Florida INT'L INC. P�MOw NO BEACH,FIOR��P' ROLE Ric-Man International served as the prime contractor DESCRIPTION OF THE The Work included installation of new reclaimed water pipes through open cut and/or SCOPE OF THE WORK horizontal directional drilling,fittings,valves,master meter,restoration of pavement, milling and restoration,lining of existing pipe,and all ancillary work required to complete the project satisfactory to the County.Location extended from the North Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant along Powerline Road,SW 10th Street,Quiet Waters Park,Hillsboro Blvd,and NW 39th Avenue to Hillsboro Canal. OWNER Broward County WWS CLIENT Michael Hagerty PHONE 954-731-3217 EMAIL Mhagerty@broward.org ADDRESS 2555 W.Copans Rd Pompano Beach,FL 33069 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International,Inc. Andres G.Diaz-General Manager Michael Jankowski-Project Manager Luis Hernandez-Superintendent CONSTRUCTION COST $23,474,575.95 FINAL COST $ COMPLETION DATE 2021 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK WATER MAIN Design-Build Project No New Reclaimed Water 30,564 LF OF 24"-42"DIP FPL Undergrounding No Main Open Cut&1211 LF of 42" Residences No Via HDD Businesses Yes Water Meters Connected Fire Hydrants 0 0 STREETSCAPE STORMWATER DRAINAGE Trees 200 Manholes 0 Sidewalks&Driveways No Catch Basins 0 Curb&Gutter No Drainage Mains 0 Decorative Pavers No Pump Stations 0 ROADWAY SANITARY SEWER Milling&Resurfacing 49,000 SY Sanitary Manholes 0 Swale Reconstruction 13750 SY Sanitary Sewer Main 0 Signalization No Sewer Pip Bursting 0 Roadway Reconstruction 24,000 SY Sewer Pump Stations 0 Force Main Reclaimed Water Transmission Main Bid Package 2 $CI 4 Coconut Creek, Florida lit INC. ro~MND EACH,FLOw ' ROLE Ric-Man International served as the prime contractor DESCRIPTION OF THE The work included installation of new reclaimed water pipes through open cut,fittings, SCOPE OF THE WORK valves,master meter,restoration of South Florida Water Management District(SFWMD) canal right-of-way,restoration of pavement,milling and restoration and all ancillary work required to complete the project. Located at the north end of NW 39th Avenue at the Hillsboro Canal and continues west within the SFWMD canal right-of-way and ends at the intersection of North University Drive and the Hillsboro Canal. OWNER Broward County WWS CLIENT Michael Hagerty PHONE 954-731-3217 EMAIL Mhagerty@broward.org ADDRESS 2555 W.Copans Rd Pompano Beach,FL 33069 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International,Inc. Andres G.Diaz-General Manager Michael Jankowski-Project Manager Luis Hernandez-Superintendent CONSTRUCTION COST $3,765,092.91 FINAL COST $ COMPLETION DATE 2021 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK RECLAIMED WATER MAIN Design-Build Project No New Water Main 27,172 LF of 24"DIP FPL Undergrounding No Rear Easement Services 0 Residences Yes Water Meters Connected 0 Businesses Yes Fire Hydrants 0 STREETSCAPE STORM WATER DRAINAGE Trees No Manholes 0 Sidewalks&Driveways No Catch Basins 0 Curb&Gutter No Drainage Mains 0 Decorative Pavers Yes Pump Stations 0 ROADWAY SANITARY SEWER Milling&Resurfacing 2400 SY Sanitary Manholes 0 Swale Reconstruction No Sanitary Sewer Main 0 Signalization No Sewer Pip Bursting 0 Roadway Reconstruction No Sewer Pump Stations 0 Force Main Utility Analysis Zone 113B RIC-MAN Lauderdale Lakes, Florida INT'L INC. PO'NPAHO BEACN.FLORA01" ROLE Ric-Man International served as the prime contractor DESCRIPTION OF THE Scope includes, but is not limited to, the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, SCOPE OF THE WORK services, and incidentals for the construction of the infrastructure site work. The work will include site preparation, earthwork, sanitary sewer system installation, water systems installation, roadway and walkway restoration and construction, landscape restoration, restoring existing irrigation systems, pavement marking restoration and site furnishings. The general location of UAZ 113B is bordered on the north by the Middle River Canal, on the east by NW 31st Avenue, on the south by NW 19th Street and on the west by N State Road 7. OWNER Broward County WWS . ;�' CLIENT Jeff Clark PHONE 954-831-0934 -• i EMAIL Jclark@broward.org ,, '. - ADDRESS 2555 W. Copans Rd 41 Pompano Beach, FL 33069 / u r.. GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International, Inc. ' . Andres G. Diaz- General Manager _--.ii:; Judith Gomez- Project Manager k,;t; Javier Gonzalez- Superintendent Tthilii.;,,,..,. Sli • , CONSTRUCTION COST $27.5 million ,► _, FINAL COST $28.9 million '''",` /is ,r..'. COMPLETION DATE 2020 r r . - 4'a; CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK WATER MAIN Design-Build Project No New Water Main 60760 LF OF 6-16" DIP FPL Undergrounding No Rear Easement Services 0 Residences Yes Water Meters Connected 355 Businesses Yes Fire Hydrants 135 STREETSCAPE STORMWATER DRAINAGE Trees 223 Manholes 13 Sidewalks& Driveways Yes Catch Basins 3 Curb & Gutter Yes Drainage Mains 1600 LF of 18"to 42"RCP Decorative Pavers No Pump Stations 0 ROADWAY SANITARY SEWER Milling & Resurfacing Yes Sanitary Manholes 152 ea Swale Reconstruction Yes Sanitary Sewer Main 37,650 LF of 8"to18" PVC Signalization No Sewer Pip Bursting 450 LF of 8" Roadway Reconstruction Yes Sewer Pump Stations 2 Force Main 1280 LF 4-6" DIP Central Seacrest Corridor Utility Improvements- ft1C•NI,gN Ph II NNT'ANNC. Boynton Beach, Florida �"OM�ANOSlACN,FL� ROLE Ric-Man International served as the CMAR DESCRIPTION OF THE The project includes but is not limited to pipe bursting potable water main SCOPE OF THE WORK replacements, reclaimed water main extensions, a forcemain and stormwater system upgrades, including landscape removal and relocation, exfiltration trench installations, pavement overlay and miscellaneous upgrades to driveway aprons and sidewalks. The project area is bordered on the north by the south right-of way line S.W 4th Avenue, on the east by the FEC Railroad, on the south by Woolbright Road, and on the west by Interstate 95. OWNER City of Boynton Beach CLIENT Joseph Paterniti, Utility Director PHONE (561)742-6423 • EMAIL Paternitij@bbfl.us ADDRESS 124 E. Woolbright Rd Boynton Beach, Fl 33435 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International, Inc. , Andres Diaz-General Manager �'i• '�'' Russell Morris-Project Manager .4 Luis Hernandez—General Super CONSTRUCTION COST $12.5 million COMPLETION DATE 2020 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK WATER MAIN Design-Build Project Yes New Water Main 30,000 LF(20,000 Via FPL Undergrounding No pipe bursting; 10,000 via Residences 700 HDD Businesses 0 Connected 175 Fire Hydrants 700 65 STREETSCAPE STORMWATER DRAINAGE Large Trees Yes Manholes 11 Sidewalks& Driveways 12,779 LF Catch Basins 37 Curb& Gutter 196 LF Drainage Mains 3690 LF Decorative Pavers 110 SY Pump Stations 0 ROADWAY SANITARY SEWER Milling& Resurfacing Yes Sanitary Manholes 0 Swale Reconstruction Yes Sanitary Force Main 4320 LF of 10 Inch Signalization No Sewer Lining 0 Roadway Reconstruction Yes Sewer Pump Stations 0 Springtree Water/Waste Water Treatment Plant fit1C-M4N Off-Site Drainage and Utilities Improvements iNT'AINC. Sunrise, Florida AwireewcH,F�aR,uP ROLE Ric-Man International served as the prime contractor DESCRIPTION OF THE Project consisted of a new 8-inch potable water main connecting to the existing plant SCOPE OF THE WORK loop and extending along N.W. 44th Street east to the adjacent high school. Overall drainage improvements to the plant and neighboring golf course to the south that will include the filling of existing detention areas,a lake expansion, and the construction of a conveyance system between the two sites. Discharge from the plant site into the existing lake will be directed through an existing control structure to be modified to consist of a 6 ft. wide weir at elevation 6.60' NAVD and a 3" bleed down orifice at elevation 3.95' NAVD. Offsite discharge from the lake into the City's master canal system will be directed through a proposed control structure consisting of a two stage weir with a 20 ft.wide weir at elevation 4.95' NAVD, 60 ft.wide weir at elevation 7.00' NAVD, and two 6"bleed down orifices at elevation 3.95' NAVD. Disposal of 1600 cy of contaminated soil and 1713 cy of lake excavation. OWNER City of Sunrise "A. r ` " 'i+4,4,. CLIENT Tim Welch PHONE 954-888-6055 EMAIL Twelch@sunrisefl.gov , 0� * I* '� ADDRESS 1070 W Oakland Park Blvd_ Sunrise, FL 33351 ;, GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International, Inc. -- Andres G. Diaz General Manager # Michael Jankowski - Project Manager ' Luis Hernandez General Superintendent - - r I'' ' a: b,.Yy >ori CONSTRUCTION COST $1.8 million � �" $amu'' FINAL COST $2.1 million .,.. COMPLETION DATE 2019 ' CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK WATER MAIN Design-Build Project No New Water Main 2600 LF of 6"to 8" FPL Undergrounding No Rear Easement Services 0 Residences No Water Meters Connected 1 Businesses Yes Fire Hydrants 6 STREETSCAPE STORMWATER DRAINAGE Large Trees Yes Manholes 13 Sidewalks& Driveways Yes Catch Basins 3 Curb&Gutter Yes Drainage Mains 1600 LF of 18"to 42"RCP Decorative Pavers Yes Pump Stations 0 ROADWAY SANITARY Milling& Resurfacing Yes Sanitary Manholes 0 Swale Reconstruction Yes Force Main 800 LF of 16 Inch Signalization No Sewer Lining 0 Roadway Reconstruction Yes Sewer Pump Stations 0 South Miami Heights Phase B R c'M N Miami, Florida INT'IINC. �.o sewcH,Flo ROLE Ric-Man International served as the prime contractor DESCRIPTION OF THE Project consisted of design, construction, and construction management associated SCOPE OF THE WORK with the work related to earthwork, pavement reconstruction, sidewalk construction, water main improvements, fire hydrant Installation,water meters relocated from rear to front of home, landscaping and streetscape/planting improvements OWNER Miami Dade Water and Sewer Department - CLIENT Alex Valdes PHONE (786)299-9008 EMAIL Alexis.valdes@miamidade.gov likr . -<w ADDRESS 3071 SW 38th Ave r . 0 `� Miami, FL 33146 q GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International, Inc. `--��- . Andres Diaz-DB Manager ,.: Michael Jankowski - Project Manager Luis Hernandez-Superintendent CONSTRUCTION COST $15.7 millions �`.. COMPLETION DATE 2019 <? +M CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK WATER MAIN Design-Build Project Yes New Water Main 76,000 LF of 6-16" DIP FPL Undergrounding No Rear Easement Services 1022 Residences 1250 Water Meters Connected 743 Businesses 30 Fire Hydrants 100 STREETSCAPE STORMWATER DRAINAGE Large Trees Yes Manholes 0 Sidewalks& Driveways Yes Catch Basins 0 Curb&Gutter Yes Drainage Mains 0 Decorative Pavers Yes Pump Stations 0 ROADWAY SANITARY SEWER Milling& Resurfacing Yes Sanitary Manholes 0 Swale Reconstruction Yes Sanitary Sewer Main 0 Signalization Yes Sewer Lining 0 Roadway Reconstruction Yes Sewer Pump Stations 0 South Miami Heights Phase A $C-MAN Miami, Florida INT' INC. b'M'ANO 6lACH,FLORAtak ROLE Ric-Man International served as the prime contractor DESCRIPTION OF THE Project consisted of design, construction, and construction management associated SCOPE OF THE WORK with the work related to earthwork, pavement reconstruction, sidewalk construction, water main improvements, fire hydrant Installation,water meters relocated from rear to front of home, landscaping and streetscape/planting improvements. OWNER Miami Dade Water and Sewer Department CLIENT Alex Valdesil PHONE (786)299-9008 EMAIL Alexis.valdes@miamidade.gov ADDRESS 3071 SW 38th Ave i iiiSirlih' Miami, FL 33146 • GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International, Inc. ;. . _, ;I i, alat.... 401, Andres Diaz- DB Manager Michael Jankowski - Project Manager , Luis Hernandez-Superintendent _ • CONSTRUCTION COST $15.5 million '� t `v "' FINAL COST $15.6 million ^ ' •'�� . ill s=`. 1� COMPLETION DATE 2018 .-.x .0 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK WATER MAIN Design-Build Project Yes New Water Main 72,000 LF of 8-16" DIP FPL Undergrounding No Rear Easement Services 823 Residences 1275 Water Meters Connected 744 Businesses 50 Fire Hydrants 100 STREETSCAPE STORMWATER DRAINAGE Large Trees Yes Manholes 0 Sidewalks& Driveways Yes Catch Basins 0 Curb&Gutter Yes Drainage Mains 0 Decorative Pavers Yes Pump Stations 0 ROADWAY SANITARY SEWER Milling& Resurfacing Yes Sanitary Manholes 0 Swale Reconstruction Yes Sanitary Sewer Main 0 Signalization Yes Sewer Lining 0 Roadway Reconstruction Yes Sewer Pump Stations 0 Miracle Mile & Giralda Streetscape it1C-MAN Coral Gables, Florida INT' INC. - ENFS , ROLE Ric-Man International served as the CMAR DESCRIPTION OF THE Project included improvements to the streetscape to enhance the pedestrian SCOPE OF THE WORK experience and sense of place along Miracle Mile (approximately 2600 feet). Construction of new curb, gutter, drainage, paving, striping, signage, widening of sidewalks. Improvements of existing paseos (walkways). Installation of trash receptacle, kiosks, benches, newspaper stands, bollards and valet stations. Installation of ornamental lights and pedestrian lighting. OWNER City of Coral Gables • /p, CLIENT Peter Iglesias, City Manager ; » • ; PHONE (305)297-5290 -. EMAIL piglesias@coralgables.com Ai ' ..'ADDRESS 405 Biltmore Way _ Coral Gables, FL 33134 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International, Inc. Andres G Diaz-General Manager Michael Jankowski-Project Manager Luis Hernandez-Superintendent .Y r M1 CONSTRUCTION COST $21 million y ./. ,,;a,= FINAL COST $24 million .• _ 3 i ._ _*+� COMPLETION DATE 2018 1,. �>"_ `'� _ ,.`1- a. ,s CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK WATER MAIN Design-Build Project Yes New Water Main 0 FPL Undergrounding Yes Rear Easement Services 0 Residences 0 Water Meters Connected 0 Businesses 100 Fire Hydrants 0 STREETSCAPE STORMWATER DRAINAGE Large Trees Yes Manholes 11 Sidewalks& Driveways Yes Catch Basins 44 Curb&Gutter Yes Drainage Mains 20,202 LF Decorative Pavers Yes Pump Stations 0 ROADWAY SANITARY SEWER Milling& Resurfacing Yes Sanitary Manholes 0 Swale Reconstruction No Sanitary Sewer Main 0 Signalization Yes Sewer Lining 0 Roadway Reconstruction No Sewer Pump Stations 0 Gateway Park Pedestrian Access Improvements �r� RIC MAIy Sunny Isles, Florida M.A `INC. POyP40,10 __FlOa1Di' ROLE Ric-Man International served as the prime contractor DESCRIPTION OF THE Project consisted of design, construction, and construction management of a pedestrian SCOPE OF THE WORK bridge over the west bound ramp of State Road 826(aka Sunny Isles Boulevard)to connect a parcel of City -owned property that lies between east bound and west bound SR 826 ramps.110 foot long steel bridge frame. OWNER City of Sunny Isles CLIENT Bill Evans PHONE 954-234-8611 • EMAIL ADDRESS 18070 Collins Ave ' Sunny Isles,FL 33160 4 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International,Inc. r. Rene Castillo-DB Manager Andres G.Diaz-General Manager I 1 1; Michael Jankowski-Project Manager/Super _. $ 7 t . CONSTRUCTION COST $2.1 million . ,1•1 FINAL COST $1.8 million 2--IS ''4111111 t. ._ COMPLETION DATE 2017 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK WATER MAIN Design-Build Project Yes New Water Main 0 FPL Undergrounding No Rear Easement Services 0 Residences No Water Meters Connected 0 Businesses Yes Fire Hydrants 0 STREETSCAPE STORMWATER DRAINAGE Large Trees Yes Manholes 0 Sidewalks&Driveways Yes Catch Basins 1 Curb&Gutter Yes Drainage Mains 0 Decorative Pavers Yes Pump Stations 0 ROADWAY SANITARY SEWER Milling&Resurfacing No Sanitary Manholes 0 Swale Reconstruction Yes Sanitary Sewer Main 0 Signalization No Sewer Lining 0 Roadway Reconstruction No Sewer Pump Stations 0 OTHERS ELEVATORS 2 AC SYSTEM 1 FIRE ALARM 1 SUMP PUMPS 1 ROOFING 1 LED LIGHTING(COLOR CHANGING LIGHTS ON BRIDGE) SR 823/NW 57 AVE FROM W. 65TH ST TO W. OC-PIAN 84TH ST. INTZAINC. Hialeah/Opa Loca, Florida •e�oaEAcM,,,A�` ROLE Ric-Man International served as the prime contractor DESCRIPTION OF THE Upgrade SR 823 Red Road by SCOPE OF THE WORK adding 1 NB and 1 SB travel Ci,.r lane, raised medians, landscaping, intersection access ' management, lighting r 1;' - my signalization, new 54"water — _ main and intersection -----_ improvements at W 84 th Street ....11 OWNER FDOT/Central Florida CLIENT Nelson Cespedes PHONE 786-552-8142 '1.--, • 444P EMAIL ncesp@miamidade.gov �•, ADDRESS 3071 SW 38th Ave it Miami, FL 33136 ' i , ` GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International, Inc. _ '' , Andres G. Diaz-General Manager Michael Jankowski - Project Manager ,. , Luis Hernandez-Superintendent CONSTRUCTION COST $20,865,766.28 FINAL COST $20,865,766.28 COMPLETION DATE 2017 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK WATER MAIN Design-Build Project No New Water Main 2600 LF of 54" FPL Undergrounding No Rear Easement Services 0 Residences No Water Meters Connected 1 Businesses Yes Fire Hydrants 6 STREETSCAPE STORMWATER DRAINAGE Large Trees Yes Manholes 13 Sidewalks& Driveways Yes Catch Basins 3 Curb &Gutter Yes Drainage Mains 1600 LF of 18"to 42"RCP Decorative Pavers Yes Pump Stations 0 ROADWAY SANITARY Milling& Resurfacing Yes Sanitary Manholes 0 Swale Reconstruction Yes Force Main 800 LF of 16 Inch Signalization No Sewer Lining 0 Roadway Reconstruction Yes Sewer Pump Stations 0 Central Bayshore i�1C'MAW Miami Beach, Florida INr7ANC. ROLE Ric-Man International served as the prime contractor DESCRIPTION OF THE Project consisted of design, construction, and construction management associated SCOPE OF THE WORK with the work related to earthwork, pavement reconstruction, overhead utility undergrounding, sidewalk construction, water main improvements, storm drainage infrastructure installation, drainage, raising of the roads, driveway harmonization, multiuse bike lane, dewatering, fire hydrant Installation, street lights, landscaping and streetscape/planting improvements. OWNER City of Miami Beach Capital Improvement Projects Office(CIP) CLIENT Jose Velez PHONE (305)673-7071 EMAIL josevelez@miamibeachfl.gov ADDRESS 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International, Inc. Andres G. Diaz-General Manager Michael Jankowski -Project Manager Luis Hernandez-Superintendent CONSTRUCTION COST $18 million COMPLETION DATE Ongoing CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK WATER MAIN Design-Build Project Yes New Water Main 10,000 LF of 8"-10" DIP FPL Undergrounding Yes Rear Easement Services 0 Residences 250 Water Meters Connected 350 Businesses 0 Fire Hydrants 10 STREETSCAPE STORMWATER DRAINAGE Large Trees Yes Manholes 50 Sidewalks& Driveways Yes Catch Basins 60 Curb&Gutter Yes Drainage Mains 30,000 LF Decorative Pavers Yes Pump Stations 1 ROADWAY SANITARY SEWER Milling&Resurfacing Yes Sanitary Manholes 0 Swale Reconstruction Yes Sanitary Sewer Main 0 Signalization No Sewer Lining 0 Roadway Reconstruction Yes Sewer Pump Stations 0 MA Sunset Islands 3 & 4 SC- JV Miami Beach, Florida INT' INC. roMMNO eEAGX,f1.OMOA ROLE Ric-Man International served as the prime contractor DESCRIPTION OF THE Project consisted of design, construction, and construction management SCOPE OF THE WORK associated with the work related to earthwork, pavement reconstruction, overhead utility undergrounding, sidewalk construction, water main improvements, storm drainage infrastructure installation, sewer main and structure lining, new conduits, conductors and service point for the existing street lights and streetscape/planting improvements. OWNER City of Miami Beach Capital Improvement Projects Office CLIENT (CIP) Mina Samadi, Senior Capital Project {��� PHONE Coordinator EMAIL (305) 673-7071 rt. ADDRESS Minasamadi@miamibeachfl.gov 1700 Convention Center Drive • I , , 1 t •• Miami Beach, FL 33139 1 j ry i T �l ' 'frg&' GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International, Inc. _•�,. Andres Diaz-General Manager J, )1 Paul Jankowski - Project Manager Luis Hernandez -Superintendent CONSTRUCTION COST $11.1 million COMPLETION DATE 2016 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK WATER MAIN Design-Build Project Yes New Water Main 7270 If of 8" DIP FPL Undergrounding 6500 LF Rear Easement Services 0 Residences 350 Water Meters 350 Businesses 0 Connected Fire Hydrants STREETSCAPE STORMWATER DRAINAGE Large Trees 10 Manholes 0 Sidewalks& Driveways 2,800 SY Catch Basins 115 Curb&Gutter 16,000 If Drainage Mains 6895 If of 18"-30" A2000 Decorative Pavers No Pump Stations 2 ROADWAY SANITARY SEWER Milling& Resurfacing 20,000 SY Sanitary Manholes 0 Swale Reconstruction No Sanitary Sewer Main 0 Signalization No Sewer Lining 6,700 If Roadway No Sewer Pump Stations 0 Reconstruction Monceaux Road Group I Drainage and Utility it�M N Improvements Project INT'LINC. City of West Palm Beach, FL ^�r.,,, macs, f�wao� ROLE Ric-Man International served as the prime contractor DESCRIPTION OF THE Storm water System improvements consisted of removal and replacement of the existing SCOPE OF THE WORK storm water system infrastructure;including storm inlets,manholes,exfiltration trenches, and other miscellaneous appurtenances. Responsible for all sheeting and shoring, dewatering and all by-pass pumping of the storm sewer system. Water main improvements consisted of grouting of the existing water main system (including removal of the water services/meter boxes and fire hydrants) and replacement with a new 8" DIP class 52 , cement lined water main system (Including water services, valves and fire hydrants).Temporary 2"water mains and for all by-pass piping of the water main system. Sanitary sewer improvements consisted of removal and replacing existing sanitary sewer Infrastructure including manholes, laterals and cleanouts with 8" and 18" PVC SDR 26 sewer mains, concrete manholes, and 6" PVC laterals with cleanouts. Roadway construction consisted of removal and replacement of existing roadway, sidewalks,curbs, and driveways within the right-of-way. MOT and access to all properties at all times. Traffic signage and pavement markings conforming to city and FDOT standards OWNER City of West Palm Beach CLIENT Tracy Ward,Project Manager PHONE (561)4944103 f EMAIL tward@wpb.org . ADDRESS 401 Clematis Street #M' West Palm Beach,FL 33401 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International,Inc. am } Rene Castillo,President y — Andres Diaz,Project Manager Guadalupe Guzman,Foreman CONSTRUCTION COST $3.3 million • • COMPLETION DATE January,2016 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK WATER MAIN Design-Build Project No Water Main 4,050 LF(3-to 8-inch DIP) Conduit Yes Fire Hydrants 10 Residences 50 homes Meters 52 Businesses 10 businesses Water Services 52 LIGHTING STORM DRAINAGE Conduit 43,790 LF(4-to 16-Inch) Catch Basins 46 Inlets Wire 498 Drainage Mains 2040 LF(15-to 48-inch RCP) Pull Boxes 844 Exfiltration Trench 1660 LF(30-to 42-inch) Electrical service station 4-inch and 16-inch ROADWAY SANITARY SEWER Roadway Reconstruction 15,700 SY Manholes 15 Sidewalk Reconstruction 5,460 SY Sewer Main 3180 LF(8-to 18-inch PVC) Driveways 8,900 SY Sanitary Laterals 78 single BISCAYNE BLVD. 36" FORCMAIN CONNECTION TO 72" flCeM,q,N TRANSMISSION LINE INT' INC. Miami, FloridaEINO ROLE Ric-Man International served as the Sub DESCRIPTION OF THE Installation of 36" Force Main, including concrete removal for encased wye,hazardous gas SCOPE OF THE WORK inspection,flowable fill around wye,temporary paving markings,temporary restorations, additional backfill,pipe bedding,touchup coating with 2 part epoxy and making connection to provide a complete replacement. Exploration of 72"gravity sewer connection,and utility investigation,including temporary restoration and soft dig. OWNER Miami Dade Water&Sewer CLIENT Nelson Cespedes PHONE (786)552-8142 4 11411EMAIL NCESPCc�miamidade.gov ADDRESS 4900 LeJeune Rd a_ r Coral Gables, FL GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International, Inc. # Andres Diaz-Project Manager Luis Hernandez—Superintendent Michael Jankowski-Asst.Super. CONSTRUCTION COST $413,568.00 COMPLETION DATE 2016 '* CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK WATER MAIN Design-Build Project No New Water Main 0 FPL Undergrounding No Rear Easement Services 0 Residences No Water Meters Connected 0 Businesses Yes Fire Hydrants 0 STREETSCAPE STORMWATER DRAINAGE Trees No Manholes 0 Sidewalks No Catch Basins 0 Driveways No Drainage Mains 0 Curb&Gutter No Pump Stations 0 Decorative Pavers ROADWAY SANITARY SEWER Milling&Resurfacing Yes Sanitary Manholes Swale Reconstruction No Gravity Sewer Signalization No Sanitary Force Main 1000 LF of 36"DIP with Roadway Reconstruction Yes Connection to a 72" Sewer Lining 0 Sewer Pump Stations 0 EMERGENCY INSTALLATION OF TWO (2) 54-INCH BUTTERFLY VALVES LOCATED AT WEST 4TH AVENUE ittC-MAN (RED ROAD) AND WEST 83RD STREET AND WEST 2ND INT'%INC. AVENUE AND WEST 13TH STREET =BEACH.F�O= - Hialeah, Florida ROLE Ric-Man International served as the Prime DESCRIPTION OF THE The Project,including mobilization and demobilization,consists of installation of one(1)54- SCOPE OF THE WORK inch butterfly valve at West 2nd Avenue and south of West 14th Street and removal and replacement of one(1)54-inch butterfly valve at West 4th Avenue and West 83rd Street; installation of Department furnished butterfly valves and adaptors;dewatering the main; excavation;sodding,cleaning and disinfection;and other appurtenant and miscellaneous items and work for a complete,satisfactory and functional installation of the project in Miami-Dade County,Florida. OWNER Miami Dade Water&Sewer CLIENT Nelson Cespedes lf�.f-- PHONE (786)552-8142 . r"`�; : 9• • EMAIL NCESP@miamidade.gov .' ` ` ADDRESS 4900 LeJeune Rd ' Coral Gables, FL _AIS. ='T GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International, Inc. c'''' —F _ Andres Diaz-Project Manager Luis Hernandez—Superintendent Michael Jankowski-Asst.Super. �; CONSTRUCTION COST $727,865.85 COMPLETION DATE 2016 'i"- • z CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK WATER MAIN Design-Build Project No New Water Main 0 FPL Undergrounding No Rear Easement Services 0 Residences No Water Meters Connected 0 Businesses Yes Butterfly Valves 2 54-Inch Valves STREETSCAPE STORM WATER DRAINAGE Trees No Manholes 0 Sidewalks No Catch Basins 0 Driveways No Drainage Mains 0 Curb&Gutter No Pump Stations 0 Decorative Pavers ROADWAY SANITARY SEWER Milling&Resurfacing Yes Sanitary Manholes Swale Reconstruction No Gravity Sewer Signalization No Sanitary Force Main Roadway Reconstruction Yes Sewer Lining 0 Sewer Pump Stations 0 Golf Village Water Main Improvements Sunrise, Florida INTLINC. %Pio GCH,fLOftiol' ROLE Ric-Man International served as the prime contractor DESCRIPTION OF THE Project consisted of the replacement of aging potable water mains with new 6" SCOPE OF THE WORK (approx. 41,0001f) and 8" (approx. 3,700 If) DIP water mains,valves, hydrants and services in the area described above, along with the abandonment of the existing water distribution system and appurtenances,site restoration and roadway milling and overlay OWNER City of Sunrise CLIENT Guarionex De Los Santos ,. (954) 572-2274 __... A.; - PHONE GDeLosSantos@Sunrisefl.gov / ' EMAIL 10770 W. Oakland Park Blvd ADDRESS Sunrise, FL 33351 . 3. • GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International, Inc. _ ' Michael Jankowsi - Project Manager Luis Hernandez - Superintendent CONSTRUCTION COST $5.5 million ` = "" FINAL COST $5.5 miilion COMPLETION DATE 2016 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK WATER MAIN Design-Build Project No New Water Main 44,000 If of 6"-8" DIP FPL Undergrounding No Rear Easement Services 0 Residences 575 Water Meters 1025 Businesses 0 Connected 120 Fire Hydrants STREETSCAPE STORMWATER DRAINAGE Large Trees Manholes 0 Sidewalks& Driveways Catch Basins 0 Curb&Gutter Drainage Mains 0 Decorative Pavers Pump Stations 0 ROADWAY SANITARY SEWER Milling & Resurfacing 112,000 SY Sanitary Manholes 0 Swale Reconstruction No Sanitary Sewer Main 0 Signalization No Sewer Lining 0 Roadway No Sewer Pump Stations 0 Reconstruction Twin Lakes South Neighborhood Improvement ctiM'AN Oakland Park, Florida INT' INC• FANO WCN,fop)' ROLE Ric-Man International served as the Prime DESCRIPTION OF THE The project includes but is not limited Infrastructure improvements including drainage, SCOPE OF THE WORK sewer,paving,sidewalk landscaping,signing and FPL undergrounding.Twin South Neighborhood in the city of Oakland Park and bounded by Powerline Road, NW 16th Avenue, Prospect Road,and NW 14th Street. • OWNER Broward County ' CLIENT Pat MacGregor PHONE (954) EMAIL pamacgregor@broward.org ir., ADDRESS 2555 West Copans Road '4i se , Pompano Beach, FL 33069 r c I GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International, Inc. ',. +�.�,,''. Andres Diaz-Project Manager :r '' • ' Luis Hernandez-Superintendent `;#�� '` CONSTRUCTION COST $4,032,144.45 COMPLETION DATE 2015 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK WATER MAIN Design-Build Project No New Water Main 0 FPL Undergrounding Yes Rear Easement Services 0 Residences yes Water Meters Connected 0 Businesses 0 Fire Hydrants 0 STREETSCAPE STORM WATER DRAINAGE Trees 450 Manholes 9 Sidewalks 30,000 LF Catch Basins 57 Driveways 12,200 SY Drainage Mains 8050 LF of 15"-30" RCP Curb&Gutter 2,200 LF Pump Stations 0 Decorative Pavers ROADWAY SANITARY SEWER Milling&Resurfacing 10,000 SY Sanitary Manholes 49 Swale Reconstruction Yes Gravity Sewer 11,515 LF of 8-10" PVC Signalization No Sanitary Force Main 3547 LF of 6"DIP Roadway Reconstruction 15,000 LF Sewer Lining 0 Sewer Pump Stations 1 MAk SR 826 SECTION 5 PROJECT 48-INCH PCCP-NW 2ND AVE SC. Miami, Florida INT'LINC. 19O4MNo se..cu,rtfD.' ROLE Ric-Man International served as the Sub DESCRIPTION OF THE Project consisted of 48" PCCP including restrained pipe,fittings,closures and connections SCOPE OF THE WORK to existing 48" PCCP.The path of the pipe was on NW 72nd Ave a 6-lane road with extreme heavy traffic.Several businesses existed along the path requiring difficult coordination and access at all times.The worked involved;critical demolition of existing PCCP, removing sewage from existing pipe,sheeting and shoring,extensive de-watering,deep excavations, installation of access manholes and air releases,dealing with heavy traffic,working on weekends,nights and multiple crews. Difficult utility support and crossings.The project had tight time restraints due to existing lines requiring minimal shut down period.We succeeded in completing the Installation and connection within the scheduled time frame. OWNER DOT/Miami Dade Water&Sewer i ill CLIENT Larry Goodwin/Pedro Vigil PHONE (786)295-3754(305)205-5152 a , EMAIL goodwin@miamidade.gov/vigilp@miamidade 1 --. .gov ADDRESS 4900 LeJeune Rd � 1 _ Coral Gables, FL — t ,3 - it i GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International, Inc. t.. tea,. > Andres Diaz-Project Manager ".x Luis Hernandez—Superintendent Michael Jankowski-Asst.Super. CONSTRUCTION COST $521,573.48 COMPLETION DATE 2015 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK WATER MAIN Design-Build Project No New Water Main 0 FPL Undergrounding No Rear Easement Services 0 Residences No Water Meters Connected 0 Businesses Yes Fire Hydrants 0 STREETSCAPE STORM WATER DRAINAGE Trees No Manholes 0 Sidewalks No Catch Basins 0 Driveways No Drainage Mains 0 Curb&Gutter No Pump Stations 0 Decorative Pavers ROADWAY SANITARY SEWER Milling&Resurfacing Yes Sanitary Manholes Swale Reconstruction No Gravity Sewer Signalization No Sanitary Force Main 150 LF of 48" PCCP,40 LF of Roadway Reconstruction Yes 48" DIP Sewer Lining 0 Sewer Pump Stations 0 GARDEN ACRES INDUSTRIAL AREA SANITARY SEWER 00MAH SYSTEM INT'"INC. Oakland Park, Florida 4.04rMNo.e,► °" ROLE Ric-Man International served as the Prime DESCRIPTION OF THE The project encompassed but not limited to providing all design,labor and material and SCOPE OF THE WORK securing all required easements,for all aspects of the installation of a shallow sanitary sewer equipped with grinder pumps and service connections for individual properties in project area,that connects to the city's existing sanitary sewer system.. OWNER City of Oakland ParkPI ' • ` CLIENT Marion Loban �1 +u ma ia7 PHONE (305)453-5804 •r._ ~ , EMAIL "'��.. ADDRESS 3650 NE 12th Ave , M • `�` Oakland Park, FL 33334 sis •#t GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International,Inc. ••` T X Andres Diaz-Project Manager Luis Hernandez-Superintendent CONSTRUCTION COST $699,960.95 COMPLETION DATE 2015 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK WATER MAIN Design-Build Project Yes New Water Main 797 LF of 6-8" DIP FPL Undergrounding Yes Rear Easement Services 0 Residences yes Water Meters Connected 24 Businesses 0 Fire Hydrants 2 STREETSCAPE STORM WATER DRAINAGE Trees No Manholes 0 Sidewalks No Catch Basins 0 Driveways No Drainage Mains 0 Curb&Gutter No Pump Stations 0 Decorative Pavers ROADWAY SANITARY SEWER Milling&Resurfacing No Sanitary Manholes 49 Swale Reconstruction 1248 SY Gravity Sewer 11,515 LF of 8-10"PVC Signalization No Sanitary Force Main 3547 LF of 6"DIP Roadway Reconstruction 4200 SY Sewer Lining 0 Sewer Pump Stations 12 Cape Coral Area 3 Contract II Utilities Extension g%C-MAN Project INT''INC. % City of Cape Coral, Florida ,,,,No sem,,,f"ww ROLE Ric-Man International served as the prime contractor DESCRIPTION OF THE The project consisted of potable water,irrigation,sanitary sewer,storm water drainage, SCOPE OF THE WORK and hardscape infrastructure improvements to a neighborhood composed of 844 homes and 2 bridges in Cape Coral,Florida.Potable water improvements included Installing 39,800 feet of 6-to 8-inch PVC water main with 438 services for 734 meters,34 fire hydrants,and an aerial crossing.Irrigation improvements included installing 43,790 feet of reclaimed 4-to 16-inch irrigation mains with 498 irrigation services for 844 meters,as well as a 4-inch and a 16-inch aerial crossing.Storm water drainage improvements included installing,5,200 feet of 15-to 36-Inch HDPE&PVC main,400 feet of 12x18-to 24x38-Inch elliptical HDPE main,and 127 Inlet structures.Sanitary sewer improvements Included installing 41,100 feet of 8-inch PVC gravity sewer mains up to 16-feet deep including 98 manholes structures and 540 single and double services,2 wastewater lift stations,and 5,620 feet of force main.Hardscape and landscape improvements included 100,000 square yards of roadway reconstruction and hardscape restoration,95,000 square yards of swale reconstruction,and 11,700 square yards of driveways. OWNER City of Cape Coral CLIENT Paul Clingham,Project Manager PHONE (239)574-0464 , 4"*. X' 1. ., •EMAIL pclingha@capecoral.net 'r r. • • ADDRESS 1015 Cultural Park Blvd t '. �,� •. A. Cape Coral,FL 33990 s ' - - �1 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International,Inc. " t f. Rene Castillo,President fit, - . Andres Diaz,Project Manager ..., f' Luis Hernandez,Superintendent — 4Namair- ._._ CONSTRUCTION COST $9.7 million h`r ` 464,1111111104 ,- COMPLETION DATE April,2015 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK WATER MAIN Design-Build Project No Water Main 39,800 LF(6-8 Inch PVC) Conduit 0 Fire Hydrants 34 Residences 844 homes Meters 734 Businesses Water Services 438 IRRIGATION STORM DRAINAGE Reclaimed 43,790 LF(4-to 16-Inch) Catch Basins 127 Inlets Services 498 Drainage Mains 5,200 LF(15-to 36-inch HDPE Meters 844 &PVC) Aerial Crossing 4-inch and 16-inch Elliptical HDPE main 400 LF LF(12x18 to 24x38- inch) ROADWAY SANITARY SEWER Roadway Reconstruction 100,000 SY Manholes 98 Swale Reconstruction 95,000 SY Sewer Main 41,100 LF(8"PVC) Driveways 11,700 SY Sanitary Laterals 540 single and double Bridges 2 Lift Stations 2 Forcemain 5,620 LF City of R re Pi C ty Weston Drainage Improvements City of Weston, FL INT1L" INC. ��um_ H.r dr' ROLE Ric-Man International served as the prime contractor DESCRIPTION OF THE This neighborhood improvement project consisted of major storm water drainage SCOPE OF THE WORK infrastructure Improvements to 12 separate locations throughout the City of Weston, directly impacting over 1,400 residences and local businesses,specifically,replacing existing drainage mains at 8 separate sites and large diameter culvert pipes connecting canals beneath roads at 4 separate sites.Total drainage improvements include the installation of 8,500 feet of 15-to 72-inch CAP and RCP drainage mains and 400 feet of 53x93-inch CAP and RCP elliptical drainage main up to 14 feet deep,as well as 73 inlets and 34 manholes.Additional utility improvements included installing 60 feet of 8-inch ductile iron water main and 50 feet of 8-to 10-inch PVC gravity sewer main.Streetscape improvements included 15,900 square yards of milling and resurfacing,800 square yards of sidewalk and driveway restoration,and 850 feet of curb and gutter.Landscape improvements included 15,000 square yards of swale reconstruction as well as protecting, removing,or relocating 180 trees and setting 2 tons of riprap. OWNER City of Weston CLIENT John Flint,Project Manager PHONE (954)385-2000 EMAIL Jflint@westonfl.org ADDRESS 17200 Royal Palm Blvd Weston,FL 33326 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International,Inc. Rene Castillo,President Andres Diaz,Project Manager Michael Jankowski,Superintendent CONSTRUCTION COST $1.9 million COMPLETION DATE August 2014 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK DRAINAGE Design-Build Project No Drainage Mains 9,000 LF(15-72-inch CAP& Conduit No RCP) Residences 1400 homes&businesses Manholes 34 Businesses Inlets 73 500 ROADWAY Milling&Resurfacing 16,000 SY Striping Ak Northeast 38th Street Reconstruction �iC-M City of Oakland Park, Florida INT'L"INC. fteiNO sEAGNomOR1W` ROLE Ric-Man International served as the prime contractor DESCRIPTION OF THE As part of an FDOT funded project,Ric-Man performed drainage,sewer,and roadway SCOPE OF THE WORK infrastructure improvements to the City of Oakland Park's Northeast 38th St.from Northeast 11th Ave.to North Andrews Ave. Drainage construction included the installation of 1,400 feet of 18-to 48-inch RCP and 60 drainage structures.Utility construction included the demolition or abandonment of existing sanitary utilities and the installation of 450 feet of 6-to 10-inch PVC sewer main,11 laterals,and 4 manholes;as well as 12,500 feet of telecom and electrical conduit.Roadway and landscape improvements included 17,800 square yards of road construction,8,750 square yards of sidewalk&driveway construction,1,300 square yards of decorative paver work,the planting or relocating of over 80 trees,as well as new landscape plantings and new irrigation. OWNER City of Oakland Park :+r�... - CLIENT Ronald Desbrunes P.E.,Project Manager — R PHONE (954)630-4482 EMAIL RonaldD@oaklandparkfl.gov 4' ,� ADDRESS 5399 North Dixie Highway,Suite 3 h ' ; • Oakland Park,FL 33334II - -� GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International,Inc. - Andres G.Diaz P.E.,Project Manager Luis Hernandez,Superintendent 1 . Paul R.Jankowski,Assistant Superintendent �, I . CONSTRUCTION COST $3.4 million COMPLETION DATE September,2014 . CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK WATER MAIN Design-Build Project No Water Main 200 LF Conduit 12,500 LF(telecom&electric) Fire Hydrants 0 Residences 320 Rear Easement Services 0 Businesses 24 Water Services 45 STREETSCAPE STORM DRAINAGE Trees 82 Manholes&Catch Basins 14 Manholes,38 Catch Basins Decorative Lighting Yes Drainage Mains 1,400 LF(18"-48"RCP) Sidewalks&Driveways 8,750 SY Hydrodynamic separators 4 Curb&Gutter 14,500 LF Control Structures 4 Decorative Pavers 1,300 SY De-silt Existing Main 7,700 LF(24"-60"pipe) ROADWAY SANITARY SEWER Milling&Resurfacing 17,800 SY Manholes 4 Roadway Reconstruction 0 SY Sewer Main 450 LF(6"-10"PVC) Swale Reconstruction 9,200 SY Sanitary Laterals 11 Signalization Yes Pump Stations 0 Belvedere Homes Infrastructure Improvements, R%C•M4N Phase 2 INT ' INC. Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department rr u,C,,,L°9aa ROLE Ric-Man International served as the prime contractor DESCRIPTION OF THE Project consisted of potable water,sanitary sewer,stormwater drainage, and hardscape SCOPE OF THE WORK Infrastructure improvements to a neighborhood of over 200 homes.Water improvements included the installation of 9,700 feet of 4-to 8-inch DIP and PVC water main with over 100 services and 16 fire hydrants. Sewer Improvements included installing of 8,800 feet of 4-to 6-Inch PVC vacuum sewer main with 127 valve pits and service laterals. Drainage improvements included the installation of 3,000 feet of 15-to 42-inch RCP main up to 12 feet deep and 43 manholes and inlets. Hardscape improvements Included over 20,000 square yards of roadwork,over 24,000 square yards of swale reconstruction,and 9,000 square yards of existing sidewalk and driveway replacement. OWNER Palm Beach County WUD CLIENT Joseph Tanacredi,P.E. Project Manager PHONE (561)493-6000 EMAIL jtanadcredi@pbcwater.com 8100 Forest Hill Boulevard West Palm Beach,FL 33413 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International,Inc. Andres Diaz-Project Manager Michael Jankowski- Superintendent CONSTRUCTION COST $3.1 million COMPLETION DATE 2014 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK WATER MAIN Design Build No Water Main 9,700 LF(4"-8"DIP&PVC) FPL Undergrounding No Water Services 18 single&100 double Residences 218 Water Meters 0 Businesses 0 Fire Hydrants 16 ROADWAY Milling&Resurfacing 3,200 SY Storm Drainage Swale Reconstruction 24,000 SY Structures 43 Roadway Reconstruction 20,600 SY Drainage Mains 3,000 LF(15"-42"RCP) Pump Stations 0 Streetscape Manholes 0 Sidewalks 3,300 SY Driveways 5,700 SY Sanitary Sewer Vacuum Sewer Main 8,800 LF(4"-6"PVC) Valve Pits 127 Sewer Pits 127 City of Weston Force Main Improvements %Ci-M4ilf Project Areas 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 INT*L" INC. City of Weston, Florida 1„ SEACN� ROLE Ric-Man International served as the prime contractor DESCRIPTION OF THE This neighborhood improvement project consisted of stormwater drainage force main and SCOPE OF THE WORK streetscape improvements to 5 separate locations throughout the City of Weston,directly impacting several businesses and a school.Stormwater drainage improvements included the installation of 8,500 feet of 8-to 16-inch DIP force main and 15 48-inch manhole air- release valve structures,work that required 280 feet of directional drilling and 2 bore pits. Streetscape improvements included over14,000 square yards of milling&resurfacing,270 square yards of sidewalk restoration,and 350 feet of curb&gutter.Landscape improvements included 7,800 square yards of swale reconstruction and 17,000 square yards of swale restoration. OWNER City of Weston CLIENT John R.Flint,City Manager l 4 t) PHONE (954)385-2000 •• t `+• t ice`:' EMAIL iflint@westonfl.org ADDRESS 17200 Royal Palm Boulevard - Weston,Florida 33326 ly ` ,,. .-' ' • Y i" GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International,Inc. i° •. 20e, ... - PERSONNEL Andres Diaz,Project Manager Michael Jankowski,Superintendent "�`.. - '- PROJECT COST $2.1 million .• „' �; t-k COMPLETION DATE October 2014 • '`l '• . ,e.- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK WATER MAIN Design-Build Project No Water Main 0 N.I.P. Yes Water Services 0 Schools 1 Pump Station 0 STREETSCAPE STORM WATER FORCE MAIN Curb&Gutter 350 LF Force Main 8,540 LF(8-16"DIP) Sidewalk Restoration 270 SY Directional Drill 280 LF Drainage Structures 15 manhole air-release valve Tapping Sleeves 9(up to 16x30"DIP) ROADWAY SANITARY SEWER Milling&Resurfacing 14,100 SY Sewer Main 0 Swale Reconstruction 7,800 SY Sanitary Structures 0 Swale Restoration 17,000 SY Pump Stations 0 Surfside Utility Upgrade Project ctiC-MAN Miami Dade County INT'L INC. PoMp4NO BEACH,FLOROp ROLE Ric-Man International served as the prime contractor DESCRIPTION OF THE The project consisted of water,drainage and sewer Infrastructure improvements to the Town,as SCOPE OF THE WORK well as the restoring 167,000 square yards of road,33,000 square yards of swale,1,800 square yards of sidewalk and driveways,and 34,600 feet of curb&gutter.Water construction included replacing a 31,500-foot water main consisting of 4-to 8-Inch DIP and PVC pipe with 950 services;as well as relocating the existing water meters of over 1,600 homes from their rear easements to the front of the homes-work which required daily coordination between RMI and town representatives &residents.Drainage construction consisted of installing 5,500 feet of 10-to 36-Inch DIP and RCP pipe,47 structures,9 wells,and 3 pump stations.Sewer construction consisted of rehabilitating a 49,500-foot sewer system consisting of 8-to 15-inch CIP pipe,over 2,000 laterals,166 structures, and 2 pump stations;as well as point-repairing 5,800 feet of the existing sewer main and installing 2,500 feet of new 12-inch PVC force main. OWNER Town of Surfside CLIENT Randy Stokes PHONE (786)459-5131 EMAIL Rstokes@townofsurfsidefl.gov , ADDRESS 9293 Harding Avenue `+ Surfside,FL 33154 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Ric-Man International,Inc. ` , it, Rene Castillo,Sr.-Project Manager � Luis Hernandez,General Superintendent Paul R.Jankowski-Assistant Project Manager Michael Jankowski-Assistant Superintendent CONSTRUCTION COST $18.3 million COMPLETION DATE July 2013 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK WATER MAIN Design Build No Water Main 31,500 LF(4-8"PVC) FPL Undergrounding 23,300 LF Rear Easement Services 355 HDD;700 Open Cut Residences 1,600 Water Services 632 single,323 double Businesses 65 Fire Hydrants 46 ROADWAY Milling&Resurfacing 167,000 SY Storm Drainage Swale Reconstruction 18,333 SY Structures 41 Roadway Reconstruction 6,750 SY Drainage Mains 5,500 LF(10"-36"DIP/RCP) Signalization yes Pump Stations 3 Disposal Wells 9 Streetscape Control Structure 6 Curb&Gutter 34,600 LF Decorative Pavers 320 SY Sanitary Sewer Sidewalks&Driveways 1,500 SY Manholes 166(Rehab of Existing) Large Trees 25 Sewer Main 5,800 LF Repair 2,500 LF,New 46,600 LF Pump Stations 2(Rehab.of Existing) PROJECT EXPERIENCE • Ric-Man International, Inc.-Pompano Beach, FL -Director, Stockholder(2003-Present) -Director, Stockholder, and Vice President (1983-2003) Ric-Man Construction, Inc. -Sterling Heights, MI -Director, Stockholder(1983-2003) • Managing Member Experience-2003 to Present -Sterling Developers-Sterling Heights, MI -Sterling Properties Fl LLC-Pompano Beach, FL -Sterling Properties MI LLC-Sterling Heights, MI -PJ-19-Sterling Heights, MI -Washington Street Holdings-Royal Oak, MI PAUL C. JANKOWSKI • Managing Partner Experience-1983 to 2003 PRINCIPAL - Ledds Enterprises-Sterling Heights, MI - Ledds Development Company-Sterling Heights, MI -Chris Nelson &Sons, Inc. -Sterling Heights, MI EXPERIENCE -Haven Ridge Sand & Gravel -Troy, MI Mr. Jankowski has over 53 years of -Shelby Plaza-Shelby Township, MI construction experience in South Florida • Paul Jankowski Builders-Sterling Heights, MI and Michigan. He began working under Construction Project Manager (1972-1983) his father Paul Jankowski Sr.,the founder of Paul Jankowski Builders and his Residential Development father-in-law Richard Mancini, the •Troy Lake Estates-Troy, MI founder of Ric-Man Construction Inc., •Hickory Ridge-Troy, MI Richard Mancini Equipment Co., Ledds • Bridgewater Estates-Troy, MI Development Co., and Ric-Man • Brookewood Estates-Sterling Heights, MI International Inc. Mr. Jankowski is •-Land acquisition, mining, site development and infrastructure. responsible for land acquisition and •-Design-build and finance of over 190 homes development,design-build construction, vertical and underground bidding and Commercial Development construction management, and all • 1701 Green Road-Pompano Beach, FL financial, legal, and real estate •-49,500 Sq. Ft. Multi-tenant Office/Warehouse Space operations. Mr. Jankowski's experience includes the design-build of a variety of • 1901 Green Road -Pompano Beach, FL projects including 100,000 square foot •-76,500 Sq. Ft. Multi-tenant Office/Warehouse Space commercial buildings, 100,000 square •5061 Southwest 13th Avenue-Pompano Beach, FL foot office buildings, a 1 million square foot industrial building, a 550 unit multi- •-48,000 Sq. Ft. Multi-tenant Office/Warehouse Space residential apartment building, •3150 Southwest 13th Avenue-Pompano Beach, FL residential custom homes, land •-49,000 Sq. Ft. Multi-tenant Office/Warehouse Space development,and underground utilities. Allied Signal Automotive Sterling Heights,Michigan 137,000 square foot, 2-story, development equipped with 2 elevators built to accommodate a 500-employee airbag safety research facility with an enclosed test-track for simulating car crashes. Michigan State Police Forensic Laboratory Construction included two 60-ton cranes,six 20-ton Sterling Heights,Michigan cranes, and a 40-foot deep shaft in the warehouse. 16,000 square foot development was built to suite the State of Michigan's Forensic Laboratory. Washington Street Holdings Laboratories were built to accommodate services for Royal Oak,Michigan body fluid identification, crime-scene response, Mixed parking structure equipped with a 2-story firearm and tool-mark investigation, latent prints, elevator leading to a 22,000 square foot commercial and controlled substance and trace evidence office building. Office building was equipped with a analysis. 3-story elevator leading to 5, roof-top-located 2,300 square foot condominiums. A one-of- a-kind mixed Harbor Club North Condominiums&Yacht Club commercial & residential development for Royal Harrison Township,Michigan Oak's elegant downtown district. 200-slip Marina with a 6,400 square foot, 3-story, clubhouse equipped with an elevator, banquet hall, Henry Ford Medical Center conference rooms, an in-ground pool, recreation Clinton Township,Michigan center, and a commercial kitchen. 19,500 square foot medical development built to accommodate the Henry Ford Macomb Hospital's Titan Tire Plant Expansion Behavioral Health Services and Family Medicine Bryan,Ohio departments. $16 million, 210,000 square foot plant expansion completed in 7 months for the tire manufacturer who makes the largest tires in the world. D/B Sunny Isles Beach Gateway Pedestrian Bridge Owner: City of Sunny Isles-$2.3 million Commercial Construction project Building of 2 bridge towers and elevators systems Installation of 106 ft long prefabricated bridge across State Rd. 826 a ga4S\ N C. P � C� P M AORD NF BA N PROJECT EXPERIENCE Project: 30 Inch Raw Water Main Repair Owner: City of Hollywood-$257,800.00 Role: General Manager The work performed consists of the replacement of 30-inch cast iron raw water main to 24-inch ductile iron raw water main. Project: 60-INCH Force Main (NL-1A) (West Segment)Along NW 162ND Street From NW 6th Ave to N.E.8th Ave Owner: Miami Dade Water& Sewer-$19,314,785.95 Role: Project Manager/President MICHAEL JANKOWSKI The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, the furnishing and installation of approximately 10,000 linear feet of 60- inch PCCP with T-Lock lining, including the corresponding fittings and PRESID T valves; connection to existing 72-inch PCCP slip-lined with 63" HDPE force main at intersection of NW 159th Street and NW 6th EXPERIENCE Avenue and connection to a proposed 60-inch PCCP force main Mr. Jankowski has 14 (being constructed by others under Contract No. S-944) at NE 161st years of St and NE 8th Ave and leaving a stub out for future construction management experience connection at NW 162nd Street and NW 2nd Avenue;furnishing and since 2009. In Southeast Florida, he has installing Automatic Air Release Valves;furnishing and worked with municipalities from Miami- installing required 60-inch Flanged Plug valves; valve access Dade to Palm Beach County and has manholes;access manholes;temporary pavement installation and been instrumental in the completion of removal;pavement restoration,surface and sodding restoration;tree major infrastructure improvement and relocations; pavement markings restoration; MOT and public neighborhood improvement projects. outreach coordination His responsibilities include coordinating construction activities with outside Project: 60-Inch Force Main (NL-1A)Between the Intersections of agencies, reviewing contractual NE 151 St& Biscayne Blvd and NE 163 ST&NE 8 Ave requirements to meet client's Owner: Miami Dade Water&Sewer-$25,527,995.49 expectations, coordination of Role: Project Manager/President maintenance of traffic throughout The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, the furnishing and construction phases, conducting field installation of approximately 12,500 linear feet of 60-inch PCCP, inspections of water and drainage including the corresponding fittings and valves; microtunnel systems, documenting field change to installation at NE 151st Street and Biscayne Boulevard including two the design, assisting in processing and (2) 30-feet deep shafts, and approximately 600 linear feet of 84-inch obtaining permits, reviewing and steel casing and 60-inch PCCP; approximately 200 linear feet of 84- updating construction project schedule, inch steel casing and 60-inch PCCP at FEC Right-of-Way; furnishing and working closely with Public and installing one (1) 72-inch by 60-inch tapping saddle and one (1) Information Officers in disseminating the 60-inch tapping valve required to make a tapping connection to an project schedule to residents and existing 72-inch force main at NE 151 Street east of Biscayne businesses Boulevard; furnishing and installing six (6) Air Release Valves and EDUCATION fifteen (15) Automatic Air Release Valves; furnishing and installing •Lynn University Boca Raton, FL six(6)60-inch Flanged Plug valves; relocation of approximately 1,400 • Bachelor of Science in Business linear feet of 12-inch ductile iron water main including one(1) fire Management—2011 hydrant assembly;furnishing and installing approximately 270 linear •Studied Infrastructure in Rome, Italy— feet of 16-inch force main; furnishing and installation of 28 access 2010 manholes;furnishing and installation of approximately 50 feet of 18- inch HDPE storm drainage pipe, approximately 50 feet of exfiltration OSHA 3015 Excavation,Trenching and Soil Mechanics trench and 2 storm inlets OSHA 10 Hour Training Project: Roadway Improvements to NW 107th Avenue from NW 138th Street to NW 166th Street milling and restoration, lining of existing pipe, and Owner: Miami Dade Water & Sewer- all ancillary work required to complete the project $23,325,575.00 satisfactory to the County. Location extended from Role: Project Manager/President the North Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant The work includes all design and construction along Powerline Road, SW 10th Street, Quiet services necessary to perform roadway Waters Park, Hillsboro Blvd, and NW 39th Avenue construction of a roadway with a typical section to Hillsboro Canal that consists of a five (5) lane undivided roadway facility with intermittent left turn lanes,continuous Utility analysis Zone 113B stormwater system, sidewalks, curb and gutters, Owner: Broward County WWSS—28.1 million pavement markings, signage, signalization, Reference: Alan Garcia, PWD Director - 954-831- lighting, and landscaping on NW 107 Avenue from 0903 NW 138 Street to NW 166 Street. The work also Role: Vice President includes all design and construction services The project consisted of the furnishing of all labor, necessary to construct a canal along the west side materials, equipment, services and incidentals for of the NW 107 Avenue project limits as well as the the construction of the infrastructure site work.The design and installation of a water main and sewer work will include site preparation, earthwork, main as well as all appurtenances. sanitary sewer system installation (38,100 LF of 8- 18" PVC), water systems installation (59,820 LF of DB Services of 36- inch Diameter Sanitary Sewer DIP 6-16") (940 LF of 6-12" HDD) (440 services), FM Along NW 107th Ave roadway and walkway restoration and Role: Superintendent construction, landscape restoration, restoring The project consists of replacing the existing 24- existing irrigation systems, pavement marking inch force main on NW 107 Ave from south of NW restoration and site furnishings an intercoastal 7 street to NW 25 street with a new 36-inch force waterway crossing Partial roadway reconstruction main into the existing force main system in order of failing existing roadway 75,000 SY of existing to reduce system operating pressures and increase roadway milling and resurfacing New sidewalk and system capacity within the areal*orb 1, driveway apron construction Project: Reclaimed Water Transmission Main Bid D/B Central Seacrest Corridor Utility Package 2 Improvements Ph 2 Owner: Broward County WWS PAMPAOwner: City of Boynton Beach-$12.5 million Reference: "~�+•.. A,,, BE °' Reference: Joe Paterniti 561-751-6423 Role: Vice President "` - Role: Vice President The work included installation of 27,172 LF of new City of Boynton Beach Project—Design Build 24" reclaimed water pipes through open cut, Installation of over 30,000 LF of new 8" watermain fittings,valves, master meter, restoration of South and fire hydrants via Pipe Bursting Installation of Florida Water Management District(SFWMD)canal 700+ new water service meters. Construction of right-of-way, restoration of pavement, milling and over 80,000 SY of drainage swales and new restoration and all ancillary work required to landscaping Installation of 5,000 LF of new 10" complete the project. Located at the north end of force-main including an intercoastal waterway NW 39th Avenue at the Hillsboro Canal and crossing Partial roadway reconstruction of failing continues west within the SFWMD canal right-of- existing roadway 75,000 SY of existing roadway way and ends at the intersection of North milling and resurfacing New sidewalk and University Drive and the Hillsboro Canal driveway apron construction throughout the neighborhood Reclaimed Water Transmission Main Owner: Broward County WWS Springtree WWTP On-Site & Off-Site Drainage & Reference: Utilities Improvements Role: Vice President Owner: City of Sunrise -$2.8 million The Work included installation of 31,000 24"to 42" Reference:Tim Welch 954-888-6055 If of new reclaimed water pipes through open cut Role:Vice President and/or horizontal directional drilling, fittings, Installation of over 1,500 LF of Drainage pipe and valves, master meter, restoration of pavement, structures up to 42" in Dia. Installation of 2,500 LF of new 8" watermain and hydrants Installation of east 1,000 LF of new Reclaim water force-main ranging from 6" to 16" in Dia. Full pavement and roadway D/B Neighborhood No. 8: Central Bayshore South reconstruction Lake expansion and outfall Right-of-Way Infrastructure Improvements installation Safe disposal of over 1,600 CY of Owner: City of Miami Beach -$18 million contaminated soil Completed 3 months ahead of Role: Asst. Super schedule. Installation of over 10,000 ft of DIP WM Installation of 20,000 ft of new storm water system, South Miami Heights Phase A D/B including pumping stations and outfalls Owner: Miami Dade water and sewer - $17.9 Pavement restoration and traffic mediation million systems Reference: Alexis Valdez 786-299-9008 Role: Project Manager Project: Miracle Mile/Giralda Ave Streetscape Scope of work included the surveying, CMAR geotechnical investigations, locating existing Owner: City of Coral Gables utilities, engineering and design work, technical Reference: Peter Iglesias specifications, permitting and construction of Construction Cost: $21 million (2016-2018) approximately 63,336 linear feet of 8-inch ductile Role:Assistant Superintendent iron water main pipe and fittings; 8,421 linear feet Construction of new curb, gutter, drainage, and of 12-inch ductile iron water main pipe and fittings; other infrastructure assessment and 4,327 linear feet of 16-inch ductile iron water main improvements along both sides of the full length of pipe and fittings; and 5,550 linear feet of 6-inch Miracle Mile. Street improvements including ductile iron water main pipe and fittings.As well as paving, striping and signage. Street design fire hydrant assemblies, approximately 664 dual included a restructuring of on-street parking from water services and approximately 40 single water diagonal to parallel. Widening of existing services with approximately 1,368 water service sidewalks including ADA accessible ramps,expand conversions from rear to front.The project location sidewalk design, sidewalk elements and mid-block for Phase A is the area bounded by S.W. 168 Street. mini parks. Installation of ornamental lights and to the north,S.W. 184 Street.to the south,S.W. 122 pedestrian lighting. New landscaping, tress, Avenue to the west, and S.W. 115 Avenue to the groundcover and irrigation east FDOT SR 823/NW 57TH AVE/RED ROAD South Miami Heights Phase B D/B Owner: FDOT/MDWASD—$20,865,766.28 Owner: Miami Dade water and sewer - $15.7 Reference: Nelson Cespedes 305-607-0799 million Role: Asst. Super Reference: Alexis Valdez 786-299-9008 Project mainly consisted of the installation of 4,848 Role: Project Manager feet of 54-inch bar-pipe through Red Road, Scope of work included the surveying, including crossing an existing 48-inch Forcemain geotechnical investigations, locating existing (installed by us in 2004). As part of the work, we utilities, engineering and design work, technical had to install the new main through the specifications, permitting and construction of intersection of Opa-Locka Blvd/NW138 St,and Red approximately 63,928 linear feet of 8-inch ductile Road. Given our past performance with FDOT we iron water main pipe and fittings; 8,371 linear feet were able to guarantee completing the crossing of 12-inch ductile iron water main pipe and fittings; during a weekend. Despite some challenges, we 3,217 linear feet of 16-inch ductile iron water main were able to keep our promise.Traffic was restored pipe and fittings; and 500 linear feet of 6-inch by Sunday afternoon ductile iron water main pipe and fittings.As well as fire hydrant assemblies, approximately 664 dual Project: DERM01-WASD-NLE-WEST 54" PCCP water services and approximately 40 single water Force Main services with approximately 1,022 water service Owner: Miami-Dade Water&Sewer Department conversions from rear to front.The project location Reference: Nelson Cespedes-786-552-8142 for Phase A is the area bounded by S.W. 168 Street. Construction Cost: $6,649,092 - 2005 (9,100 LF of to the north,S.W. 184 Street.to the south,S.W. 122 54"PCCP) Avenue to the west, and S.W. 115 Avenue to the Role: Asst. Super. Project consisted 54" PCCP near Opa-Loka Airport, existing PCCP, removing sewage from existing NW 57th Ave and Le-Jeune Rd. Construction pipe,sheeting and shoring, extensive de-watering, required 54" Plug valves,fittings,access manholes, deep excavations, installation of access manholes air releases, restrained pipe, interior lining, and air releases,dealing with heavy traffic,working extensive de- watering, deep excavations over 18- on weekends, nights and multiple crews. Difficult foot-deep, sheeting and shoring. We constructed utility support and crossings. The project had tight open cut excavation of 30-foot canal, and also NW time restraints due to existing lines requiring 57th avenue. Extensive coordination with airport minimal shut down period. We succeeded in personnel, DOT, including the blocking off South completing the Installation and connection within Florida Water Management canal within their strict the scheduled time frame. guidelines and safety protocols. Our crews worked thru the weekends and nights to minimize impacts Monceaux Road Group I Drainage and Utility to NW 57th Ave. The project also included the use Improvements Project and coordination of SBEs.Access to businesses,on Owner: City of West Palm Beach$3.3 million ramps,and the airport was a daily necessity. Reference:Tracy Ward 561-494-1103 Role: Asst. Super. Weston Force Main and Drainage Improvements Storm water System improvements consisted of Owner: City Of Weston$4.3 million removal and replacement of the existing storm Reference: Bryan Williams 954-448-5828 water system infrastructure;including storm inlets, Role: Superintendent manholes, exfiltration trenches, and other Project mainly consisted in the installation of 8,000 miscellaneous appurtenances. Responsible for all feet of 16- inch DIP and 8,800 feet of up to 72-inch sheeting and shoring, dewatering and all by-pass Pipe, including several culverts crossing main City pumping of the storm sewer system. Water main thoroughfare roads, requiring lane shifting, road improvements consisted of grouting of the existing closures and many detours. This project required water main system (including removal of the water FDOT lane closure coordination services/meter boxes and fire hydrants) and replacement with a new 8" DIP class 52 , cement Sunset Island III and IV D/B lined water main system (Including water services, Owner: City of Miami Beach -$10,910,593.00 valves and fire hydrants). Temporary 2" water Reference: Jeff Crews (954)481-2812 x 235 mains and for all by-pass piping of the water main Role: Asst Super system . Sanitary sewer improvements consisted Project consisted in the design and construction of of removal and replace existing sanitary sewer two stormwater pump stations each in excess of Infrastructure including manholes, laterals and 180hp. Over 7,000 feet of stormwater collection cleanouts with 8" and 18" PVC SDR 26 sewer system up to 72-inch pipe and 118 drainage mains,concrete manholes,and 6"PVC laterals with structures. The project also included 7,270 feet of cleanouts. Roadway construction consisted of new 8-inch water main, undergrounding of removal and replacement of existing roadway, franchise utilities (i.e. FP&L), gravity sewer sidewalks, curbs, and driveways within the right- rehabilitation, street lighting and reconstruct and of-way. MOT and access to all properties at all raising of the roads times. Traffic signage and pavement markings conforming to city and FDOT standards Section 5 Project 48-Inch PCCP - NW 72nd Ave from NW 8th St thru NW 12 St For Golf Village Water Main Improvements Condotte/Community/De Moya Joint Venture Owner: City of Sunrise Owner: MDWASD—$450,000 Reference: Guarionex De Los Santos (954) 572- Reference: Nelson Cespedes 305-607-0799 2274 Role: Asst. Super Role: Superintendent Project consisted of 48" PCCP including restrained Project consisted of the replacement of aging pipe, fittings, closures and connections to existing potable water mains with new 6" (approx. 41,0001f) 48" PCCP. The path of the pipe was on NW 72nd and 8" (approx. 3,700 If) DIP water mains, valves, Ave a 6-lane road with extreme heavy traffic. hydrants and services in the area described above, Several businesses existed along the path along with the abandonment of the existing water requiring difficult coordination and access at all distribution system and appurtenances, site times. The worked involved; critical demolition of restoration and roadway milling and overlay Role:Asst. Super D/B Sunny Isles Beach Gateway Pedestrian Bridge Provided all design, materials, equipment, and Owner: City of Sunny Isles -$2.3 million performed installation of 800 feet of 6- to 8-inch Role:Asst. Super DIP water main, 2,500 feet of 2-inch HDPE sanitary Commercial Construction project Building of 2 force main, and a 1,700 foot 4- to 6-inch PVC bridge towers and elevators systems Installation of gravity sewer collection system.The sewer system 106 ft long prefabricated bridge across State Rd. was equipped with 12 grinder pumps and service 826 connections for individual properties in the project area that connects to the City's existing sewer Twin Lakes South NIP— system. As part of our scope, Ric-Man was also Owner: Broward County W&W Division responsible for the development of a cost-effective Role:Asst. Super—$4.2 million, 2014 method for providing power to grinder pumps, as Project consisted of sanitary sewer, stormwater well as a methodology for payment of electrical drainage, and roadway infrastructure power costs. improvements to a neighborhood of 300 homes. Sanitary construction included installing 3,500 feet SW 6&7 Utilities Extension Project Area 3 of 6-inch DIP force main and 11,500 feet of 8-to 10- Owner: City of Cape Coral- 9.7 million inch PVC gravity sewer,49 manholes up to 19-feet Reference: Paul Clingham, Utilities Director - 239- deep, and 1 pump station. Stormwater drainage 574-0464 construction included installing 8,000 feet of 15-to Role:Asst. Superintendent 30-inch RCP drainage, including French drain, and The project consisted of potable water, irrigation, 66 drainage manholes. Roadway improvements sanitary sewer, stormwater drainage, and included the reconstruction and final paving of hardscape infrastructure improvements to a 36,000 SY of road, construction of over 20,000 SY neighborhood composed of 844 homes and 2 of driveway & sidewalk and 2,200 feet of curb & bridges in Cape Coral, Florida. Potable water gutter, and the planting or relocating over 250 improvements included installing 39,800 feet of 6- trees. to 8-inch PVC water main with 438 services for 734 meters, 34 fire hydrants, and an aerial crossing. Northeast 38th Street Reconstruction Irrigation improvements included installing 43,790 Owner: City of Oakland Park—$3.4 million feet of reclaimed 4-to 16-inch irrigation mains with Contact: Ronald Desburnes, P.E. 498 irrigation services for 844 meters, as well as a Role:Asst Super 4-inch and a 16-inch aerial crossing. Stormwater As part of a FDOT funded project (LAP), Ric-Man drainage improvements included installing, 5,200 performed drainage, sewer, and roadway feet of 15-to 36-inch HDPE &PVC main,400 feet of infrastructure improvements to the City of Oakland 12x18-to 24x38-inch elliptical HDPE main, and 127 Park's Northeast 38th St. from Northeast 11th Ave. inlet structures. Sanitary sewer improvements to North Andrews Ave. Drainage construction included installing 41,100 feet of 8-inch PVC gravity included the installation of 1,614 feet of 18- to 48- sewer mains up to 16-feet deep including 98 inch RCP and 60 drainage structures. Utility manhole structures and 540 single and double construction included the demolition or services, 2 wastewater lift station,and 5,620 feet of abandonment of existing sanitary utilities and the 6-inch PVC force main. Hardscape and landscape installation of 450 feet of 6- to 10-inch PVC sewer improvements included 100,000 square yards of main, 11 laterals,and 4 manholes;as well as 12,500 roadway reconstruction and hardscape feet of telecom and electrical conduit. Roadway restoration, 95,000 square yards of swale and landscape improvements included 17,800 reconstruction, and 11,700 square yards of square yards of road construction, 8,750 square driveways. yards of sidewalk & driveway construction, 1,300 square yards of decorative paver work, the Belvedere Homes,Phase 2 planting or relocating of over 80 trees, as well as Owner: Palm Beach County,FL new landscape plantings and new irrigation. Role:Asst. Super/Asst PM —$2.7 million, 2014 Project consisted of extensive sewer,drainage,and Garden Acres Sanitary System-Design Build water infrastructure improvements through a Owner: City of Oakland Park, FL — $700,000, 2013 neighborhood of over 200 homes, as well as over Reference: Harvey Rambarath, PE 954-630-4478 6,000 square yards of road and sidewalk reconstruction and over 21,000 square yards of Owner: Broward County W&WS Div.—$1.3 million landscaping. Sewer construction included the Reference: Pat MacGregor 954-831-0904 installation of 7,700 feet of 4-to 6-inch PVC vacuum Role:Assistant Superintendent sewer pipe with over 110 valve pits and service Project consisted of water main and roadway laterals. Drainage construction included the infrastructure improvements along Cypress Creek installation of 3,000 feet of 15- to 42-inch RCP Road from 1-95 to Dixie Highway, and on Dixie drainage pipe with over 40 drainage structures. Highway to Northeast 56th Street. Water Water construction included the installation of construction consisted of installing 8,500 feet of 6- 8,400 feet of DIP and PVC water main with over 200 to 16-inch DIP water main with 13 wet taps, 11 fire services. hydrants, and 18 new water services. Roadway construction included 12,000 square yards of Oakland Park BP3 Water Main asphalt road & concrete sidewalk work as well as Owner: City of Oakland Park, FL$2.2 million, 2013 1,000 square yards of swales restoration. This Reference: John M. Perez 954-630-447 project required FDOT and Broward County lane Role: Assistant Superintendent closure coordination from 1-95 off-ramp to Dixie Project consisted of water, drainage, and road Highway. infrastructure improvements to 6 disconnected sites near Oakland Park Blvd. between NW 31st Venetian Causeway Water Main Crossings Ave. and NW 18th Ave. Water construction Owner: Miami Beach, Florida—$1.0 million,2011 consisted of installing 8,200 feet of 6- to 8-inch Reference: Robert Rodriguez, Capital Projects ductile iron pipe with 62 services, and 1,200 feet of Coord. 6-inch PVC directional drill. Drainage construction Phone:305- 673-7070 consisted of installing 3,900 feet of 15-inch RCP and Role:Assistant Superintendent 37 drainage structures. Road construction Project consisted of water infrastructure consisted 34,000 square yards of asphalt,concrete, improvements to the San Marino, Dilido, and Rivo and sidewalk reconstruction. Alto islands along the Miami Beach portion of the Venetian Causeway. Water construction consisted Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project of installing 2,800 linear feet of 4-to 16-inch ductile Owner:Town of Surfside iron water main, 33 water services, and 6 new fire Role: Asst. Super—$18.3 million, 2013 hydrants. Construction required complex M.O.T.to The project consisted of water, drainage, and contend with heavy vehicle and pedestrian traffic; sewer infrastructure improvements to The Town, as well as direct coordination between multiple city as well as the restoring 167,000 square yards of departments and the contractor performing future road, 33,000 square yards of swale, 4,400 square roadway improvements. yards of sidewalk &driveways, and 34,600 feet of curb & gutter. Water construction included replacing a 31,500-foot water main system consisting of 4-to 8-inch DIP and PVC pipe with 950 services; as well as relocating the existing water meters of over 1,600 homes from their rear easements to the front of the homes —work which required daily coordination between Ric-Man and Town representatives & residents. Drainage construction consisted of installing 5,500 feet of 10- to 36-inch DIP and RCP pipe,47 structures, 9 wells, and 3 pump stations.Sewer construction consisted of rehabilitating a 49,500-foot sewer system consisting of 8- to 15-inch CIP pipe, over 2,000 laterals, 166 structures, and 2 pump stations; as well as point-repairing 5,800 feet of the existing sewer main and installing 2,500 feet of new 12-inch PVC force main 1B2 Water Main Improvement PROJECT EXPERIENCE Project: 30 Inch Raw Water Main Repair ""' Owner: City of Hollywood-$257,800.00 r Role: General Manager . . The work performed consists of the replacement of 30-inch cast iron raw water main to 24-inch ductile iron raw water main. 60-INCH Force Main (NL-1A) (West Segment)Along NW 162ND Street From NW 6th Ave to N.E. 8th Ave Owner: Miami Dade Water&Sewer-$19,314,785.95 Role: General Manager ANDRES G. DIAZ, PE. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, the furnishing and GENERAL MANAGER/ installation of approximately 10,000 linear feet of 60- inch PCCP with T-Lock lining, including the corresponding fittings and SR. PROJECT MANAGER valves; connection to existing 72-inch PCCP slip-lined with 63" HDPE force main at intersection of NW 159th Street and NW 6th Avenue and connection to a proposed 60-inch PCCP force main EXPERIENCE (being constructed by others under Contract No. S-944) at NE 161st Mr. Diaz has over 19 years of roadway, St and NE 8th Ave and leaving a stub out for future infrastructure, and underground utility connection at NW 162nd Street and NW 2nd Avenue;furnishing and installing Automatic Air Release Valves;furnishing and construction and design experience. More installing required 60-inch Flanged Plug valves; valve access recently he has been responsible for the manholes;access manholes;temporary pavement installation and coordination and construction of large removal;pavement restoration,surface and sodding restoration;tree diameter pipe in main thoroughfare roads. relocations; pavement markings restoration; MOT and public His proactive and hands-on approach outreach coordination toward communicating with clients has helped Ric-Man International improve our 60-Inch Force Main (NL-1A) Between the Intersections of NE 151 St relationships with the different & Biscayne Blvd and NE 163 ST&NE 8 Ave municipalities he has worked with. Owner: Miami Dade Water&Sewer-$25,527,995.49 Role: General Manager EDUCATION The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, the furnishing and installation of approximately 12,500 linear feet of 60-inch PCCP, • Florida International University— including the corresponding fittings and valves; microtunnel Miami, FL Bachelor ofScience in installation at NE 151st Street and Biscayne Boulevard including two Civil Engineering ''PAIA (2) 30-feet deep shafts, and approximately 600 linear feet of 84-inch steel casing and 60-inch PCCP; approximately 200 linear feet of 84- CERTIFICATIONS inch steel casing and 60-inch PCCP at FEC Right-of-Way; furnishing • FL Professional Engineer#78185 and installing one (1) 72-inch by 60-inch tapping saddle and one (1) • NPDES, HazMat&Nuclear Gauge 60-inch tapping valve required to make a tapping connection to an Safety existing 72-inch force main at NE 151 Street east of Biscayne • Army Corps of Engineers QC Boulevard; furnishing and installing six (6) Air Release Valves and fifteen (15) Automatic Air Release Valves; furnishing and installing Certification six(6)60-inch Flanged Plug valves; relocation of approximately 1,400 • OSHA,30-hourtraining linear feet of 12-inch ductile iron water main including one(1) fire Certification hydrant assembly;furnishing and installing approximately 270 linear • OSHA 3015-Excavation,Trenching feet of 16-inch force main; furnishing and installation of 28 access &Soil Mechanics manholes;furnishing and installation of approximately 50 feet of 18- • FL Engineering Society—Broward inch HDPE storm drainage pipe, approximately 50 feet of exfiltration Chapter President Award trench and 2 storm inlets • Work Zone Traffic Control — M.O.T. Advanced Level Cert Roadway Improvements to NW 107th Avenue and/or horizontal directional drilling, fittings, from NW 138th Street to NW 166th Street valves, master meter, restoration of pavement, Owner: Miami Dade Water& Sewer- milling and restoration, lining of existing pipe, and $23,325,575.00 all ancillary work required to complete the project Role: General Manager satisfactory to the County. Location extended from The work includes all design and construction the North Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant services necessary to perform roadway along Powerline Road, SW 10th Street, Quiet construction of a roadway with a typical section Waters Park, Hillsboro Blvd, and NW 39th Avenue that consists of a five (5) lane undivided roadway to Hillsboro Canal. facility with intermittent left turn lanes, continuous stormwater system, sidewalks, curb and gutters, Utility analysis Zone 113B pavement markings, signage, signalization, Owner: Broward County WWSS—$28,115,925.52 lighting, and landscaping on NW 107 Avenue from Reference: Alan Garcia, PWD Director- 954-831- NW 138 Street to NW 166 Street. The work also 0903 includes all design and construction services Role: Senior Project Manager necessary to construct a canal along the west side The project consisted of the furnishing of all labor, of the NW 107 Avenue project limits as well as the materials, equipment, services and incidentals for design and installation of a water main and sewer the construction of the infrastructure site work.The main as well as all appurtenances. work will include site preparation, earthwork, sanitary sewer system installation (38,100 LF of 8- DB Services of 36- inch Diameter Sanitary Sewer 18" PVC), water systems installation (59,820 LF of FM Along NW 107th Ave DIP 6-16") (940 LF of 6-12" HDD) (440 services), Owner: Miami Dade Water& Sewer-$8,954,735.95 roadway and walkway restoration and Role: General Manager construction, landscape restoration, restoring The project consists of replacing the existing 24- existing irrigation systems, pavement marking inch force main on NW 107 Ave from south of NW restoration and site furnishings 7 street to NW 25 street with a new 36-inch force main into the existing force main system in order FDOT SR 823/NW 57TH AVE/RED ROAD to reduce system operating pressures and increase Owner: FDOT/MDWASD—$20,865,766.28 system capacity within the area. Reference: Nelson Cespedes 305-607-0799 Role: Senior Construction Manager Reclaimed Water Transmission Main Bid Package Project mainly consisted of the installation of 2 4,848 feet of 54-inch bar-pipe through Red Road, Owner: Broward County WWS including crossing an existing 48-inch Forcemain Reference: (installed by us in 2004). As part of the work, we Role: General Manager had to install the new main through the The work included installation of 27,172 LF of new intersection of Opa-Locka Blvd/NW138 St, and 24" reclaimed water pipes through open cut, Red Road. Given our past performance with FDOT fittings, valves, master meter, restoration of South we were able to guarantee completing the Florida Water Management District(SFWMD)canal crossing during a weekend. Despite some right-of-way, restoration of pavement, milling and challenges, we were able to keep our promise. restoration and all ancillary work required to Traffic was restored by Sunday afternoon. complete the project. Located at the north end of NW 39th Avenue at the Hillsboro Canal and Project: C/M Central Seacrest Corridor Utility continues west within the SFWMD canal right-of- Improvements Ph 2 way and ends at the intersection of North Owner: City of Boynton Beach —$12.5 million University Drive and the Hillsboro Canal Reference: Joe Paterniti 561-751-6423 Role: Senior Project Manager Reclaimed Water Transmission Main City of Boynton Beach Project— Design Build Owner: Broward County WWS Installation of over 30,000 LF of new 8" watermain Reference: and fire hydrants via Pipe Bursting Installation of Role: General Manager 700+ new water service meters Construction of The Work included installation of 31,000 24" to 42" over 80,000 SY of drainage swales and new If of new reclaimed water pipes through open cut landscaping Installation of 5,000 LF of new 10" force-main including an intercoastal waterway Owner: City of Miami Beach -$10,910,593.00 crossing Partial roadway reconstruction of failing Reference: Jeff Crews (954) 481-2812 x 235 existing roadway 75,000 SY of existing roadway Role: Construction Manager milling and resurfacing New sidewalk and Project consisted in the design and construction of driveway apron construction throughout the two stormwater pump stations each in excess of neighborhood 180hp. Over 7,000 feet of stormwater collection system up to 72-inch pipe and 118 drainage Project: D/B Sunny Isles Beach Gateway structures. The project also included 7,270 feet of Pedestrian Bridge new 8-inch water main, undergrounding of Owner: City of Sunny Isles—$2.3 million franchise utilities (i.e. FP&L), gravity sewer Role: Senior Project Manager rehabilitation, street lighting and reconstruct and Commercial Construction project Building of 2 raising of the roads. bridge towers and elevators systems. Installation of 106 ft long prefabricated bridge across State Springtree WWTP On-Site&Off-Site Drainage& Rd. 826 Utilities Improvements Owner: City of Sunrise—$2.8 million South Miami Heights—Phase A D/B Reference: Tim Welch 954-888-6055 Owner: MDWASD—$17,953,664.33 Role: Senior Project Manager Reference: Alexis Valdes 786-268-5322 Installation of over 1,500 LF of Drainage pipe and Role: Design-Build Manager structures up to 42" in Dia. Installation of 2,500 LF Scope of work included the surveying, of new 8" watermain and hydrants. Installation of geotechnical investigations, locating existing 1,000 LF of new Reclaim water force-main ranging utilities, engineering and design work, technical from 6" to 16" in Diameter. Full pavement and specifications, permitting and construction of roadway reconstruction. Lake expansion and approximately 63,336 linear feet of 8-inch ductile outfall installation safe disposal of over 1,600 CY of iron water main pipe and fittings; 8,421 linear feet contaminated soil Completed 3 months ahead of of 12-inch ductile iron water main pipe and fittings; schedule. 4,327 linear feet of 16-inch ductile iron water main pipe and fittings; and 5,550 linear feet of 6-inch Section 5 Project 48-Inch PCCP- NW 72nd Ave ductile iron water main pipe and fittings. As well as from NW 8th St thru NW 12 St For fire hydrant assemblies, approximately 664 dual Condotte/Community/De Moya Joint Venture water services and approximately 40 single water Owner: MDWASD—$450,000 services with approximately 1,368 water service Reference: Nelson Cespedes 305-607-0799 conversions from rear to front. Role: Senior Construction Manager Project consisted of 48" PCCP including restrained Miracle Mile/Giralda Ave Streetscape CMAR pipe, fittings, closures and connections to existing Owner: City of Coral Gables—$21 million (2016- 48" PCCP. The path of the pipe was on NW 72nd 2018) Ave a 6-lane road with extreme heavy traffic. Reference: Peter Iglesias W V tiE Several businesses existed along the path Role: Senior Project Manager 44101orka, requiring difficult coordination and access at all Construction of new curb, gutter, drainage, and times. The worked involved; critical demolition of other infrastructure assessment and existing PCCP, removing sewage from existing improvements along both sides of the full length of pipe, sheeting and shoring, extensive de-watering, Miracle Mile. Street improvements including deep excavations, installation of access manholes paving, striping and signage. Street design and air releases,dealing with heavy traffic,working included a restructuring of on-street parking from on weekends, nights and multiple crews. Difficult diagonal to parallel. Widening of existing utility support and crossings. The project had tight sidewalks including ADA accessible ramps,expand time restraints due to existing lines requiring sidewalk design, sidewalk elements and mid-block minimal shut down period. We succeeded in mini parks. Installation of ornamental lights and completing the Installation and connection within pedestrian lighting, pavement marking restoration the scheduled time frame. and site furnishings Northeast 38th Street Reconstruction Sunset Island III and IV D/B Owner: City of Oakland Park—$3.4 million Contact: Ronald Desburnes, P.E. Manager Role: Construction Manager Provided all design, materials, equipment, and As part of a FDOT funded project (LAP), Ric-Man performed installation of 800 feet of 6- to 8-inch performed drainage, sewer, and roadway DIP water main, 2,500 feet of 2-inch HDPE sanitary infrastructure improvements to the City of Oakland force main, and a 1,700 foot 4- to 6-inch PVC Park's Northeast 38th St. from Northeast 11th Ave. gravity sewer collection system.The sewer system to North Andrews Ave. Drainage construction was equipped with 12 grinder pumps and service included the installation of 1,614 feet of 18- to 48- connections for individual properties in the project inch RCP and 60 drainage structures. Utility area that connects to the City's existing sewer construction included the demolition or system. As part of our scope, Ric-Man was also abandonment of existing sanitary utilities and the responsible for the development of a cost-effective installation of 450 feet of 6- to 10-inch PVC sewer method for providing power to grinder pumps, as main, 11 laterals, and 4 manholes;as well as 12,500 well as a methodology for payment of electrical feet of telecom and electrical conduit. Roadway power costs. and landscape improvements included 17,800 square yards of road construction, 8,750 square Weston Force Main and Drainage Improvements yards of sidewalk & driveway construction, 1,300 Owner: City Of Weston $4.3 million square yards of decorative paver work, the Reference: Bryan Williams 954-448-5828 planting or relocating of over 80 trees, as well as Role: Senior Construction Manager new landscape plantings and new irrigation. Project mainly consisted in the installation of 8,000 feet of 16- inch DIP and 8,800 feet of up to Broadview Park BP3 72-inch Pipe, including several culverts crossing Owner: Broward County W&W Division —$14MM main City thoroughfare roads, requiring lane Reference: Pat MacGregor 954-831-0904 shifting, road closures and many detours. This Role: Construction Administrator/Engineer project required FDOT lane closure coordination Project consisted of the installation of 47,000 feet of 8- to 10-inch PVC sewer mains with 190 P0173 Emergency Repair and Valve Replacement structures, 20,000 feet of 15- to 24-inch RCP Owner: MDWASD—$380,000 drainage mains with 274 structures, 1 lift station, Reference: Nelson Cespedes 305-607-0799 landscaping, streetscapes, road reconstruction, Role: Construction Manager milling & resurfacing. Project consisted of the removal of inoperable 54- inch valves on Red Road and W 3'd Avenue. This Broadview Park, BP2 included around the clock work and implementing Owner: Broward County W&W Division — significant MOT plans $17.5MM Reference: Pat MacGregor 954-831-0904 Role: Construction Administrator/Engineer Ai, Project consisted of sewer and drainage ,�AVissOW31111# infrastructure improvements to a neighborhood of r 760 homes. Sewer installation included 36,500 feet of 6-to 20-inch PVC and DIP gravity sewer with 150 manholes, 3 sewer lift stations, and 14,500 feet of 6- to 12-inch force main. Drainage installation included 16,700 feet of 15- to 24-inch RCP and HDPE pipe and 170 structures.The project required the full reconstruction of 100,000 SY of asphalt including two 1-1/2-inch lifts. This design also included the reclaiming of 65,000 SY of swales for additional drainage storage. Garden Acres Sanitary System - Design Build Owner: City of Oakland Park, FL — $700,000, 2013 Reference: Harvey Rambarath, PE 954-630-4478 Role: Design-Build Project Manager/ Construction ' " PROJECT EXPERIENCE Project: 60-INCH Force Main (NL-1A) (West Segment)Along NW 162ND Street From NW 6th Ave to N.E.8th Ave v Owner: Miami Dade Water& Sewer-$19,314,785.95 Role: General Superintendent The scope of work includes, but is not limited to,the furnishing and installation of approximately 10,000 linear feet of 60- inch PCCP with T-Lock lining, including the corresponding fittings and r., valves; connection to existing 72-inch PCCP slip-lined with 63" ,t w • HDPE force main at intersection of NW 159th Street and NW 6th Avenue and connection to a proposed 60-inch PCCP force main LUIS HERNANDEZ (being constructed by others under Contract No. S-944) at NE 161st GENERAL St and NE 8th Ave and leaving a stub out for future connection at NW 162nd Street and NW 2nd Avenue; furnishing and SUPERINTENDENT installing Automatic Air Release Valves; furnishing and installing required 60-inch Flanged Plug valves; valve access manholes;access manholes; temporary pavement installation and EXPERIENCE removal;pavement restoration,surface and sodding restoration;tree Mr. Hernandez has over 29 years of relocations; pavement markings restoration; MOT and public experience in South Florida working for outreach coordination municipalities from Monroe County through Palm Beach County. He has Project: 60-Inch Force Main (NL-1A) Between the Intersections of successfully completed seven NE 151 St&Biscayne Blvd and NE 163 ST&NE 8 Ave Owner: Miami Dade Water&Sewer-$25,527,995.49 neighborhood improvement projects from Role: General Superintendent 21,000 to 105,000 feet of water mains and The scope of work includes, but is not limited to,the furnishing and sanitary sewers. Luis is also familiar with installation of approximately 12,500 linear feet of 60-inch PCCP, directional drilling, micro tunnel, pump including the corresponding fittings and valves; microtunnel stations, and aerial crossings. Mr. installation at NE 151st Street and Biscayne Boulevard including Hernandez is one of Ric-Man two (2) 30-feet deep shafts, and approximately 600 linear feet of 84- International's most esteemed employees inch steel casing and 60-inch PCCP;approximately 200 linear feet of for his commitment to excellence and 84-inch steel casing and 60-inch PCCP at FEC Right-of-Way; willingness to do what's necessary to furnishing and installing one(1) 72-inch by 60-inch tapping saddle perform his duties and please our clients. and one (1) 60-inch tapping valve required to make a tapping He has shown great zeal in handling several connection to an existing 72-inch force main at NE 151 Street east crews and of Biscayne Boulevard; furnishing and installing six(6) Air Release projects simultaneously while Valves and fifteen (15)Automatic Air Release Valves;furnishing and maintaining the highest standards installing six (6) 60-inch Flanged Plug valves; relocation of approximately 1,400 linear feet of 12-inch ductile iron water main CERTIFICATIONS including one(1) fire hydrant assembly;furnishing and installing approximately 270 linear feet of 16-inch force main;furnishing and • Occupational Safety& Health installation of 28 access manholes;furnishing and installation of Association — 10 Hour Training approximately 50 feet of 18-inch HDPE storm drainage pipe, • Occupational Safety&Health approximately 50 feet of exfiltration trench and 2 storm inlets Association—Competent Person Excavation &Trench as well as DB Services of 36-inch Diameter Sanitary Sewer FM Along NW 107th Permit Required Confined Space Ave • OSHA 3015- Excavation, Owner: Miami Dade Water&Sewer-$8,954,735.95 Trenching &Soil Mechanics Role: General Superintendent • First Aid/CPR Certified The project consists of replacing the existing 24-inch force main on NW 107 Ave from south of NW 7 street to NW 25 street with a new 36-inch force main into the existing force main system in order to reduce system operating pressures and increase FDOT SR 823/NW 57TH AVE/RED ROAD system capacity within the area. Owner: FDOT/MDWASD—$20,865,766.28 Reference: Nelson Cespedes 305-607-0799 Project: Reclaimed Water Transmission Main Bid Role: General Superintendent Package 2 Project mainly consisted of the installation of 4,848 Owner: Broward County WWS feet of 54-inch bar-pipe through Red Road, Reference: including crossing an existing 48-inch Forcemain Role: General Superintendent (installed by us in 2004). As part of the work, we The work included installation of 27,172 LF of new had to install the new main through the 24" reclaimed water pipes through open cut, intersection of Opa-Locka Blvd/NW138 St,and Red fittings,valves, master meter, restoration of South Road. Given our past performance with FDOT we Florida Water Management District(SFWMD)canal were able to guarantee completing the crossing right-of-way, restoration of pavement, milling and during a weekend. Despite some challenges, we restoration and all ancillary work required to were able to keep our promise.Traffic was restored complete the project. Located at the north end of by Sunday afternoon. NW 39th Avenue at the Hillsboro Canal and continues west within the SFWMD canal right-of- Section 5 Project Installation of 48-Inch PCCP way and ends at the intersection of North Owner: MDWASD—$450,000 University Drive and the Hillsboro Canal Reference: Nelson Cespedes (786-552-8142) Role: Superintendent Reclaimed Water Transmission Main This project was performed for Condotte/CAC/De Owner: Broward County WWS Moya,J.V. and it was located on NW 72nd Reference: Avenue from NW 8th Street thru NW 12th Street. Role: General Superintendent The project consisted of 48" PCCP including The Work included installation of 31,000 24" to restrained pipe,fittings, closures and connections 42" If of new reclaimed water pipes through open to existing 48" PCCP.The path of the pipe was on cut and/or horizontal directional drilling, fittings, NW 72nd Ave a 6 lane road with extreme heavy valves, master meter, restoration of pavement, traffic. Several businesses existed along the path milling and restoration, lining of existing pipe, requiring difficult coordination and access at all and all ancillary work required to complete the times. The worked involved;critical demolition of project satisfactory to the County. Location existing PCCP, removing sewage from existing extended from the North Regional Wastewater pipe, sheeting and shoring, extensive de- Treatment Plant along Powerline Road,SW 10th watering, deep excavations, installation of access Street, Quiet Waters Park, Hillsboro Blvd, and NW manholes and air releases, dealing with heavy 39th Avenue to Hillsboro Canal traffic,working on weekends, nights and multiple crews. Difficult utility support and crossings. The Miracle Mile/Giralda Ave Streetscape CMAR project had tight time restraints due to existing Owner: City of Coral Gables—$21 million (2016-„ lines requiring minimal shut down period. We 2018) JEAt succeeded in completing the Installation and Reference: Peter Iglesias connection within the scheduled time frame. Role: General Superintendent111111 Construction of new curb, gutter,drainage, and 01410100 Utility analysis Zone 113B other infrastructure assessment and Owner: Broward County WWSS -$28.115,925.52 improvements along both sides of the full length Reference: Alan Garcia, PWD Director-954-831- of Miracle Mile. Street improvements including 0903 paving,striping and signage. Street design Role: General Superintendent included a restructuring of on-street parking from The project consisted of the furnishing of all labor, diagonal to parallel. Widening of existing materials, equipment, services and incidentals for sidewalks including ADA accessible ramps, the construction of the infrastructure site work.The expand sidewalk design,sidewalk elements and work will include site preparation, earthwork, mid-block mini parks. Installation of ornamental sanitary sewer system installation (38,100 LF of 8- lights and pedestrian lighting. New landscaping, 18" PVC), water systems installation (59,820 LF of tress, groundcover and irrigation DIP 6-16") (940 LF of 6-12" HDD) (440 services), roadway and walkway restoration and construction, landscape restoration, restoring Florida Water management canal within their strict existing irrigation systems, pavement marking guidelines and safety protocols. Our crews worked restoration and site furnishings. thru the weekends and nights to minimize impacts to NW 57th Ave. The project also included the use Emergency Repair of 54-Inch PCCP Flagler and coordination of SBEs. Access to businesses, Interceptor on ramps, and the airport was a daily necessity Owner: Miami-Dade Water&Sewer Department- $951,180 Project: Nautilus Neighborhood Improvements Reference: Nelson Cespedes -786-552-8142 Owner: City of Miami Beach Role: Superintendent Reference: Aurelio Carmenates,P.E.,Project Mgr. This project required the replacement of 1,180 54" (305-431-2110) PCCP in heavy traffic with extensive MOT, Construction Cost: $34.2 Mil -2010 requiring sheeting and shoring, deep excavations, Role: Superintendent dewatering. Connecting to existing 54" PCCP with Design-build project consisted of water, drainage, closures, also required air release valves, access and roadway infrastructure improvements to a manholes, pipe lining at joints, paving, concrete neighborhood composed of 770 homes and 35 flat work, off duty police, bypass pumping in an businesses. Water construction included installing urban environment. 34,000 feet of 8- inch DIP main (connecting hundreds of homes in both the front and rear). Replacement of 48" FM Project No. 9088 Drainage construction included installing 17,000 (Design/Build) feet of 18- to 54-inch HDPE and RCP drainage Owner: Broward County WWSS-$4,418,669 mains;connecting over 250 structures and 6 pump Reference: Alan Garcia, PWD Director-954-831- stations. Roadway and landscape construction 0903 included 134,000 SY of roadwork, 6,000 SY of Role: Superintendent sidewalks & driveways, 24,000 SY of swale The Project was located in an Urban Area adjacent reconstruction, planting or relocating over 1,100 to Florida's turnpike. The project consisted of 48" trees. force main relocation,requiring careful demolition of existing pipe, connections to existing FM, Broadview Park BP 2 NIP shoring and de-watering,deep excavation,difficult Owner: Broward County WWSS-$17.2 million access and coordination to Florida's Turnpike Reference: Pat Sweet,Project Manager-954-931- traffic. Support and exploration of main gas lines 3732 and other utilities.Restoration of road and property Role: Superintendent coordination to Florida's Turnpike traffic. Support Project consisted of sewer and drainage and exploration of main gas lines and other infrastructure improvements to a neighborhood of utilities. Restoration of rQadand property adjacent 760 homes. Sewer installation included 36,500 feet to residences. kW iv,pipp of 6-to 20-inch PVC and DIP gravity sewer with 150 iper .manholes, 3 sewer lift stations, and 14,500 feet of Project: DERM01-WASD-NLE-WEST 54" PCCP gime 6- to 12-inch force main. Drainage installation Force Main Owner: Miami-Dade Water&Sewer +r ncluded 16,700 feet of 15- to 24- inch RCP and Department Reference: Nelson Cespedes-786- HDPE pipe and 170 structures.The project required 552-8142 the full reconstruction of 100,000 SY of asphalt Construction Cost: $6,649,092-2005 (9,100 LF of including two 1-1/2-inch lifts. This design also 54"PCCP) included the reclaiming of 65,000 SY of swales for Role: Superintendent drainage storage. Project consisted 54" PCCP near Opa-Loka Airport, NW 57th Ave and Le- Jeune Rd. Construction Broadview Park BP 1 NIP required 54" Plug valves,fittings,access manholes, Owner: Broward County WWSS Construction air releases, restrained pipe, interior lining, $10.4 Mil -2010 extensive de-watering, deep excavations over 18- Role: Superintendent foot-deep, sheeting and shoring. We constructed Project consisted infrastructure improvement to a open cut excavation of 30-foot canal, and also NW neighborhood of over 2,000 residences, 6 57th avenue. Extensive coordination with airport businesses, and a major road crossing. Water personnel, DOT, including the blocking off South improvements consisted of installing 105,000 feet of 8-to 16-inch ductile iron water and transmission Project: Flamingo Lummus Streetscape main, 135 new fire hydrants, and 28 insertion Improvements BP 10E valves and blow-off valves. Roadway Owner: City of Miami Beach -$4.4 million improvements included the milling & resurfacing Reference:Thais Vieira, R.A., Capital Projects of 25,000 SY of road, the reconstruction of 22,000 Coord. -305-673-7071 SY of asphalt driveway & concrete sidewalk and Role: Superintendent 58,000 SY of swale, and the removal of 17 large Project consisted of water, drainage, and roadway trees. infrastructure improvements to a neighborhood composed of 1,600 residences and 65 businesses. Town of Surfside Utility Upgrade Project Water construction included installing 4,600 feet of Owner: Town of Surfside--$18.3 million new 6-to 8-inch DIP and abandoning 5,100 feet of Reference: Randy Stokes, Project Manager- 954- existing water main. Drainage construction 494-7497 included installing 3,500 feet of 15-to 48-inch HDPE Role: Superintendent and RCP connecting over 70 structures and gravity Project consisted of water, drainage, and roadway wells,as well as 900 feet of 3-by 5-foot box culvert. infrastructure improvements to a neighborhood Roadway construction included over 36,000 SY of composed of 770 residences and 35 businesses. roadwork, 4,500 SY of sidewalk, driveway and Water construction included installing 34,000 feet paver work, 9,500 feet of curb &gutter, 65,000 SY of new 8-inch DIP (connecting hundreds of homes of swale reconstruction,planting or relocating over in both the front and rear) and abandoning 17,000 200 trees; as well as signalization, decorative feet of existing water main. Drainage construction lighting, and installing 1,000 feet of FPL conduit. included installing 17,000 feet of 18- to 54-inch This project required major coordination with HDPE and RCP;connecting over 250 structures and residents, a school, public transportation, 6 pump stations. Roadway construction included restaurants, nightclubs, and other businesses to 134,000 SY of roadwork, 6,000 SY of sidewalks & minimize our impact on residents and commerce. driveways, 2,500 feet of curb & gutter, 24,000 SY of swale reconstruction,planting or relocating over SW 6& 7 Utilities Extension Project Area 3 1,100 trees. This project required major Owner: City of Cape Coral-9.7 million coordination with homeowners, businesses, two Reference: Paul Clingham, Utilities Director- 239- schools, a hospital, and public transportation to 574-0464 minimize our impact on residents and commerce. Role: Superintendent The project consisted of potable water, irrigation, Belvedere Homes Infrastructure Imp. Ph. 2 sanitary sewer, stormwater drainage, and Owner: Palm Beach County Utilities Dept. -$3.1 hardscape infrastructure improvements to a million neighborhood composed of 844 homes and 2 Reference: Joseph Tanacredi, Project Mgr. -561- bridges in Cape Coral, Florida. Potable water 493-6088 improvements included installing 39,800 feet of 6- Role: Superintendent to 8-inch PVC water main with 438 services for 734 Project consisted of potable water, sanitary sewer, meters, 34 fire hydrants, and an aerial crossing. stormwater drainage,and hardscape infrastructure Irrigation improvements included installing 43,790 improvements to a neighborhood of over 200 feet of reclaimed 4-to 16-inch irrigation mains with homes. Water improvements included the 498 irrigation services for 844 meters, as well as a installation of 9,700 feet of 4-to 8-inch DIP and PVC 4-inch and a 16-inch aerial crossing. Stormwater water main with over 100 services and 16 fire drainage improvements included installing, 5,200 hydrants. Sewer improvements included installing feet of 15-to 36-inch HDPE &PVC main,400 feet of of 8,800 feet of 4- to 6-inch PVC vacuum sewer 12x18-to 24x38-inch elliptical HDPE main, and 127 main with 127 valve pits and service laterals. inlet structures. Sanitary sewer improvements Drainage improvements included the installation included installing 41,100 feet of 8-inch PVC gravity of 3,000 feet of 15- to 42-inch RCP main up to 12 sewer mains up to 16-feet deep including 98 feet deep and 43 manholes and inlets. Hardscape manhole structures and 540 single and double improvements included over 20,000 square yards services, 2 wastewater lift station,and 5,620 feet of of roadwork, over 24,000 square yards of swale 6-inch PVC force main. Hardscape and landscape reconstruction, and 9,000 square yards of existing improvements included 100,000 square yards of sidewalk and driveway replacement. roadway reconstruction and hardscape restoration, 95,000 square yards of swale reconstruction, and 11,700 square yards of driveways. A /0/ iNcl POMPANO BpC% , PROJECT EXPERIENCE Section 5 Project Installation of 48-Inch PCCP Owner: Miami-Dade Water&Sewer Department-$450,000. Reference: George Aguiar (786-229-0859), Pedro Vigil (305- 205- (111111.44:: 5152), Nelson Cespedes (786-552-8142), Larry Goodwin (786-295- 3754) Role: Principal /Project Manager This project was performed for Condotte/CAC/DeMoya, J.V. and it was located on NW 72nd Avenue from NW 8th Street thru NW 12th Street. The project consisted of 48" PCCP including restrained pipe, fittings, closures and connections to existing 48" PCCP. The path of the pipe was on NW 72nd Ave a 6 lane road with extreme heavy traffic. Several businesses existed along the path requiring difficult coordination and access at all times. The worked involved;critical BENE L. CASTILLO demolition of existing PCCP, removing sewage from existing pipe, sheeting and shoring, extensive de-watering, deep excavations, Senior Estimator installation of access manholes and air releases, dealing with heavy traffic, working on weekends, nights and multiple crews. Difficult utility support and crossings. The project had tight time restraints EXPERIENCE due to existing lines requiring minimal shut down period. We succeeded in completing the Installation and connection within the Mr. Castillo, President, has 52 years of scheduled time frame. experience in overseeing the construction operations of a multi- DERM01-WASD-NLE-WEST 54" PCCP Force Main million-dollar company. He oversees Owner: Miami-Dade Water&Sewer Department-$6,649,092 approximately $40 million worth of Reference: Nelson Cespedes-786-552-8142 projects per year; these projects include Role: General Manager/Project Manager the construction and design-build of Project consisted 54" PCCP near Opa-Loka Airport, NW 57th Ave sanitary sewers, water mains, force and Le-Jeune Rd. Construction required 54" Plug valves, fittings, mains, drainage, pump stations, access manholes, air releases, restrained pipe, interior lining, directional drilling, aerial crossings, extensive de-watering, deep excavations over 18 foot deep, micro-tunnels, and jack & bores. His sheeting and shoring. We constructed open cut excavation of 30 work has included ten major foot canal,and also NW 57th avenue. Extensive coordination with neighborhood improvement projects airport personnel, DOT, including the blocking off South Florida with as many as 2,100 homes;including, Water Management canal within their strict guidelines and safety streetscape, lighting, and signalization. protocols. Our crews worked thru the weekends and nights to Mr. Castillo has a love for the minimize impacts to NW 57th Ave. The project also included the improvement of Florida's infrastructure use and coordination of SBEs. Access to businesses, on ramps, and thereby reducing the impact to the the airport was a daily necessity. environment and wildlife which he enjoys photographing. Oleta River 54" Emergency Repair Owner: Miami-Dade Water&Sewer Department-$390,772 Reference: Rod Lovett- 305-254-5871/305-607-1446 CERTIFICATIONS Role: General Manager/Project Manager • Army Corps of Engineers- This project is located on NE 163rd Street in North Miami Beach. Contractor Quality Control Mgmt. The project was an emergency repair of a ruptured 54" PCCP • Work Zone Traffic Control- requiring immediate response and construction. The construction Intermediate Certification required extensive MOT on a 7 lane DOT roadway, demolition of • Occupational Safety&Health existing pipe, shoring, de-watering, deep excavation, night and Association-10-Hour Training weekend work as well as multiple crews. The work was completed ahead of schedule. Replacement of 48" FM Project No. 9088 NE 163rd Street Emergency Repair of 42-Inch PCCP (Design/Build) Owner: Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Department- Owner: Broward County WWSS - $4,418,669 $848,027 Reference: Alan Garcia, PWD Director -954-831-0903 Reference: Joe Armao - 786-586-4198 Role: General Manager/Project Manager Role: General Manager/Project Manager The Project was located in an Urban Area adjacent Project was an emergency repair of a failing 42" to Florida's turnpike. The project consisted of 48" PCCP Force Main requiring replacement right to the force main relocation, requiring careful demolition Master Pump Station wet well. Extensive DOT MOT of existing pipe, connections to existing FM, shoring on NE 163rd St, demolition of existing PCCP pipe, and de-watering, deep excavation, difficult access sheeting and shoring, deep excavations, de- and coordination to Florida's Turnpike traffic. watering, extensive by-pass pumping, use of link- Support and exploration of main gas lines and other seals, closures and pipe alignment to existing utilities. Restoration of road and property adjacent connection points. to residences. ri/j0... f _441111111041 , li CO inn_ , _woo lite -- PO 111PAN08EACIA r �� .1 PROJECT EXPERIENCE likkikk Project: 60-INCH Force Main (NL-1A) (West Segment)Along NW 162ND Street From NW 6th Ave to N.E.8th Ave Owner: Miami Dade Water&Sewer- $19,314,785.95 Role: General Superintendent 1. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to,the furnishing and E;i „ installation of approximately 10,000 linear feet of 60- inch _, . PCCP with T-Lock lining, including the corresponding fittings and ' valves; connection to existing 72-inch PCCP slip-lined with 63" HDPE force main at intersection of NW 159th Street and NW 6th Avenue and connection to a proposed 60-inch PCCP force main JUDITH GOMEZ (being constructed by others under Contract No. S-944) at NE 161st PROJECT MANAGER St and NE 8th Ave and leaving a stub out for future connection at NW 162nd Street and NW 2nd Avenue; furnishing and installing Automatic Air Release Valves;furnishing and EXPERIENCE installing required 60-inch Flanged Plug valves; valve access manholes; access manholes;temporary pavement installation and Mrs. Gomez has over 17 years of Vertical removal;pavement restoration,surface and sodding restoration;tree and Horizontal Construction. More recently relocations; pavement markings restoration; MOT and public she has been responsible for the outreach coordination coordination and construction of small and large diameter pipe in neighborhood 60-Inch Force Main (NL-1A)Between the Intersections of NE 151 St improvement, streetscapes, lighting, & Biscayne Blvd and NE 163 ST&NE 8 Ave signalization, and drainage. Her proactive and hands-on approach toward Owner: Miami Dade Water& Sewer communicating with municipalities, Role: Project Manager agencies and clients has provided The scope of work includes, but is not limited to, the furnishing and outstanding relationships with clients. installation of approximately 12,500 linear feet of 60-inch PCCP, including the corresponding fittings and valves; microtunnel EDUCATION installation at NE 151st Street and Biscayne Boulevard including two • Westwood College- (2) 30-feet deep shafts, and approximately 600 linear feet of 84-inch Advertising/Marketing 2010 steel casing and 60-inch PCCP; approximately 200 linear feet of 84- • Ashworth Community College- inch steel casing and 60-inch PCCP at FEC Right-of-Way; furnishing Project Management Certification and installing one (1) 72-inch by 60-inch tapping saddle and one (1) 2008 60-inch tapping valve required to make a tapping connection to an existing 72-inch force main at NE 151 Street east of Biscayne Boulevard; furnishing and installing six (6) Air Release Valves and fifteen (15) Automatic Air Release Valves; furnishing and installing HIGHLIGHTS & six(6)60-inch Flanged Plug valves; relocation of approximately 1,400 CERTIFICATIONS linear feet of 12-inch ductile iron water main including one(1) fire OSHA 10 Hour Training hydrant assembly;furnishing and installing approximately 270 linear • feet of 16-inch force main; furnishing and installation of 28 access manholes;furnishing and installation of approximately 50 feet of 18- inch HDPE storm drainage pipe,approximately 50 feet of exfiltration trench and 2 storm inlets Utility Analysis Zone 113B South Miami Heights Phase B D/B Owner: Broward County WWSS—$28,115,925.52 Owner: Miami Dade water and sewer - $15.7 Reference: Alan Garcia, PWD Director-954-831- million 0903 Reference: Alexis Valdez 786-299-9008 Role: Project Manager Role: Project Manager The project consisted of the furnishing of all labor, Scope of work included the surveying, materials, equipment, services and incidentals for geotechnical investigations, locating existing the construction of the infrastructure site work.The utilities, engineering and design work, technical work will include site preparation, earthwork, specifications, permitting and construction of sanitary sewer system installation (38,100 LF of 8- approximately 63,928 linear feet of 8-inch ductile 18" PVC), water systems installation (59,820 LF of iron water main pipe and fittings; 8,371 linear feet DIP 6-16") (940 LF of 6-12" HDD) (440 services), of 12-inch ductile iron water main pipe and fittings; roadway and walkway restoration and 3,217 linear feet of 16-inch ductile iron water main construction, landscape restoration, restoring pipe and fittings; and 500 linear feet of 6-inch existing irrigation systems, pavement marking ductile iron water main pipe and fittings.As well as restoration and site furnishings fire hydrant assemblies, approximately 664 dual water services and approximately 40 single water Miracle Mile/Giralda Ave Streetscape CMAR services with approximately 1,022 water service Owner:City of Coral Gables-$21 million conversions from rear to front.The project location Reference: Peter Iglesias for Phase A is the area bounded by S.W. 168 Street. Role: Project Manager to the north,S.W. 184 Street. to the south, S.W. 122 Construction of new curb, gutter, drainage, and Avenue to the west, and S.W. 115 Avenue to the other infrastructure assessment and east improvements along both sides of the full length of Miracle Mile. Street improvements including paving, striping and signage. Street design included a restructuring of on-street parking from diagonal to parallel. Widening of existing sidewalks including ADA accessible ramps,expand sidewalk design,sidewalk elements and mid-block mini parks. Installation of ornamental lights and pedestrian lighting. New landscaping, tress, groundcover and irrigation South Miami Heights—Phase A D/B Owner: MDWASD—$17,953,664.33 Reference: Alexis Valdes 786-268-5322 Role: Project Manager ��. Scope of work included the surveying, Vr �� geotechnical investigations, locating existing 9•••••••••••••000011111.11111.1111118.111.1111J16 utilities, engineering and design work, technical specifications, permitting and construction of approximately 63,336 linear feet of 8-inch ductile iron water main pipe and fittings; 8,421 linear feet of 12-inch ductile iron water main pipe and fittings; 4,327 linear feet of 16-inch ductile iron water main pipe and fittings; and 5,550 linear feet of 6-inch ductile iron water main pipe and fittings.As well as fire hydrant assemblies, approximately 664 dual water services and approximately 40 single water services with approximately 1,368 water service conversions from rear to front • , PROJECT EXPERIENCE • Reclaimed Water Transmission Main Bid Package 1 4111 ' " Owner: Broward County WWS-$23 million A, Reference: Alan Garcia, PW Director-954-831-0903 • " Role: Superintendent • The Work included installation of 31,000 24" to 42" LF of new reclaimed water pipes through open cut and/or horizontal directional drilling, fittings, valves, master meter, restoration of pavement, milling and restoration, lining of existing pipe, and all ancillary work required to complete the project satisfactory to the County. Location Aki extended from the North Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant along Powerline Road, SW 10th Street, Quiet Waters Park, Hillsboro EDI CATUERA Blvd, and NW 39th Avenue to Hillsboro Canal. Utility Analysis Zone 113B OREMAN Owner: Broward County WWSS- 28.4 million Reference: Alan Garcia, PWD Director -954-831-0903 EXPERIENCE Role: Foreman The project consisted of the furnishing of all labor, materials, Mr. Catuera has 19 years of construction equipment, services and incidentals for the construction of the management experience since 2004. In infrastructure site work. The work will include site preparation, Southeast Florida, he has worked with earthwork, sanitary sewer system installation (38,100 LF of 8-18" municipalities from Miami-Dade to PVC), water systems installation (59,820 LF of DIP 6-16") (940 LF of Palm Beach County and has been 6-12" HDD) (440 services), roadway and walkway restoration and instrumental in the completion of major construction, landscape restoration, restoring existing irrigation infrastructure improvement and systems, pavement marking restoration and site furnishings neighborhood improvement projects. His responsibilities include coordinating South Miami Heights Phase A D/B construction activities with outside Owner: Miami Dade water and sewer-$17.9 million agencies, reviewing contractual Reference:Alexis Valdez 786-299-9008 requirements to meet client's Role: Foreman expectations, coordination of Scope of work included the surveying, geotechnical investigations, maintenance of traffic throughout locating existing utilities, engineering and design work, technical construction phases, conducting field specifications, permitting and construction of approximately 63,336 inspections of water and drainage linear feet of 8-inch ductile iron water main pipe and fittings; 8,421 systems, documenting field change to linear feet of 12-inch ductile iron water main pipe and fittings; 4,327 the design, assisting in processing and linear feet of 16-inch ductile iron water main pipe and fittings; and obtaining permits, reviewing and 5,550 linear feet of 6-inch ductile iron water main pipe and fittings. updating construction project schedule, As well as fire hydrant assemblies, approximately 664 dual water and working closely with Public services and approximately 40 single water services with Information Officers in disseminating the approximately 1,368 water service conversions from rear to front. project schedule to residents and The project location for Phase A is the area bounded by S.W. 168 businesses Street. to the north, S.W. 184 Street. to the south, S.W. 122 Avenue EDUCATION to the west, and S.W. 115 Avenue to the east. OSHA 3015 Excavation,Trenching and South Miami Heights Phase B D/B Soil Mechanics Owner: Miami Dade water and sewer-$15.7 million OSHA 10 Hour Training Reference:Alexis Valdez 786-299-9008 Role: Foreman The Project consists of the replacement of the existing undersized and deteriorated water mains and existing main loop closures in order to improve system pressure and provide fire flow protection, and for water service conversions (transfer of services from the rear to the front of properties and replacement of certain Project mainly consisted of the installation of existing old services in front of properties to meet 4,848 feet of 54-inch bar-pipe through Red Road, new standards) in the South Miami Heights Area including crossing an existing 48-inch Forcemain Phase B of unincorporated Miami-Dade County, (installed by us in 2004). As part of the work,we Florida. The Project location for Phase Bis the area had to install the new main through the bounded by S.W. 184 intersection of Opa-Locka Blvd/NW138 St, and Red Road. Given our past performance with FDOT Project: Miracle Mile/Giralda Ave Streetscape we were able to guarantee completing the CMAR crossing during a weekend. Despite some Owner: City of Coral Gables challenges,we were able to keep our promise. Reference: Peter Iglesias Traffic was restored by Sunday afternoon Construction Cost: $21 million (2016-2018) Role:Assistant Superintendent Weston Force Main and Drainage Improvements Construction of new curb, gutter, drainage, and Owner:City Of Weston -$4.3 million,2015 other infrastructure assessment and Reference: Bryan Williams 954-448-5828 improvements along both sides of the full length of Role: Foreman Miracle Mile. Street improvements including Project mainly consisted in the installation of 8,000 paving, striping and signage. Street design feet of 16-inch DIP and 8,800 feet of up to 72" Pipe, included a restructuring of on-street parking from including several culvert crossing main City diagonal to parallel. Widening of existing thoroughfare roads, requiring lane shifting, road sidewalks including ADA accessible ramps,expand closures and many detours. sidewalk design, sidewalk elements and mid-block mini parks. Installation of ornamental lights and Northeast 38th Street Reconstruction pedestrian lighting. New landscaping, tress, Owner: City of Oakland Park—$3.4 million groundcover and irrigation Contact: Ronald Desburnes, P.E. Role: Foreman DERM01-WASD-NLE-WEST 54" PCCP Force Main As part of a FDOT funded project (LAP), Ric-Man Owner: Miami-Dade Water&Sewer Department performed drainage, sewer, and roadway Reference: Nelson Cespedes-786-552-8142 infrastructure improvements to the City of Oakland Construction Cost $6,649,092-2005(9,100 LF of Park's Northeast 38th St. from Northeast 11th Ave. 54"PCCP) to North Andrews Ave. Drainage construction Role: Foreman included the installation of 1,614 feet of 18- to 48- Project consisted 54" PCCP near Opa-Loka Airport, inch RCP and 60 drainage structures. Utility NW 57th Ave and Le-Jeune Rd. Construction construction included the demolition or required 54" Plug valves,fittings, access abandonment of existing sanitary utilities and the manholes, air releases,restrained pipe, interior installation of 450 feet of 6- to 10-inch PVC sewer lining,extensive de-watering,deep excavations main, 11 laterals,and 4 manholes;as well as 12,500 over 18-foot-deep, sheeting and shoring.We feet of telecom and electrical conduit. Roadway constructed open cut excavation of 30-foot canal, and landscape improvements included 17,800 and also NW 57th avenue. Extensive coordination square yards of road construction, 8,750 square with airport personnel, DOT, including the yards of sidewalk & driveway construction, 1,300 blocking off South Florida Water Management square yards of decorative paver work, the canal within their strict guidelines and safety planting or relocating of over 80 trees, as well as protocols. Our crews worked thru the weekends new landscape plantings and new irrigation. and nights to minimize impacts to NW 57th Ave. The project also included the use and Sunset Islands 3 and 4 coordination of SBEs. Access to businesses, on Owner: City of Miami Beach -$10.9 million,2017 ramps, and the airport was a daily necessity Reference: Mina Samadi Role: Foreman FDOT SR 823/NW 57TH AVE/RED ROAD Project consisted of design, construction Owner: FDOT/MDWASD—$20,865,766.28 management associated with the work related to Reference: Nelson Cespedes 305-607-0799 earthwork, pavement reconstruction, overhead Role: Foreman utility undergrounding, sidewalk construction, water main improvements, storm drainage infrastructure installation,sewer main and structure lining, new conduits, conductors and service point for the existing street lights and streetscape/planting improvements Golf Village Water Main Improvements Owner: City of Sunrise Reference: Guarionex De Los Santos (954) 572- 2274 Role: Foreman Project consisted of the replacement of aging potable water mains with new 6" (approx. 41,0001f) and 8" (approx. 3,700 If) DIP water mains, valves, hydrants and services in the area described above, along with the abandonment of the existing water distribution system and appurtenances, site restoration and roadway milling and overlay Twin Lakes South NIP—Broward County W&W Division Foreman—$4.2 million,2014 Project consisted of sanitary sewer,stormwater drainage, and roadway infrastructure improvements to a neighborhood of 300 homes. Sanitary construction included installing 3,500 feet of 6-inch DIP force main and 11,500 feet of 8- to 10-inch PVC gravity sewer,49 manholes up to 19-feet deep,and 1 pump station.Stormwater drainage construction included installing 8,000 feet of 15-to 30-inch RCP drainage,including kg hi:. French drain, and 66 drainage manholes. Roadway improvements included the reconstruction and final paving of 36,000 SY of road, construction of over 20,000 SY of driveway &sidewalk and 2,200 feet of curb&gutter, and oiklist) the planting or relocating over 250 trees. Ft. D/B Neighborhood No. 8: Central Bayshore South ar ' Right-of-Way Infrastructure Improvements Owner: City of Miami Beach -$18 million Role: Project Manager Installation of over 10,000 ft of DIP WM Installation of 20,000 ft of new storm water system, including pumping stations and outfalls Pavement restoration and traffic mediation systems. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Utility analysis Zone 113B Owner: Broward County WWSS—28.1 million Reference: Alan Garcia, PWD Director -954-831-0903 Role: Foreman The project consisted of the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, services and incidentals for the construction of the infrastructure site work. The work will include site preparation, earthwork, sanitary sewer system installation (38,100 LF of 8-18" PVC), water systems installation (59,820 LF of DIP 6-16") (940 LF of JOSEPH MENDOZA 6-12" HDD) (440 services), roadway and walkway restoration and construction, landscape restoration, restoring existing irrigation FOREMAN systems, pavement marking restoration and site furnishings. South Miami Heights Phase A D/B EXPERIENCE Owner: Miami Dade water and sewer- $17.9 million Reference:Alexis Valdez 786-299-9008 Mr. Mendoza has 23 years, since 2000, Role: Foreman of construction management experience Scope of work included the surveying, geotechnical investigations, since 2000. In Southeast Florida, he has locating existing utilities, engineering and design work, technical worked with municipalities from specifications, permitting and construction of approximately 63,336 Miami-Dade to Palm Beach County linear feet of 8-inch ductile iron water main pipe and fittings; 8,421 and has been instrumental in the linear feet of 12-inch ductile iron water main pipe and fittings; 4,327 completion of major infrastructure linear feet of 16-inch ductile iron water main pipe and fittings; and improvement and neighborhood 5,550 linear feet of 6-inch ductile iron water main pipe and fittings. improvement projects. His As well as fire hydrant assemblies, approximately 664 dual water responsibilities include coordinating services and approximately 40 single water services with construction activities with outside approximately 1,368 water service conversions from rear to front. agencies, reviewing contractual The project location for Phase A is the area bounded by S.W. 168 requirements to meet client's Street. to the north, S.W. 184 Street. to the south, S.W. 122 Avenue expectations, coordination of to the west, and S.W. 115 Avenue to the east. maintenance of traffic throughout construction phases, conducting field South Miami Heights Phase B D/B inspections of water and drainage Owner: Miami Dade water and sewer- $15.7 million systems, documenting field change to Reference: Alexis Valdez 786-299-9008 the design, assisting in processing and Role: Foreman obtaining permits, reviewing and The Project consists of the replacement of the existing undersized updating construction project schedule, and deteriorated water mains and existing main loop closures in and working closely with Public order to improve system pressure and provide fire flow protection, Information Officers in disseminating and for water service conversions (transfer of services from the rear the project schedule to residents and to the front of properties and replacement of certain existing old businesses services in front of properties to meet new standards) in the South EDUCATION Miami Heights Area Phase B of unincorporated Miami-Dade County, OSHA 3015 Excavation, Trenching and Florida. The Project location for Phase Bis the area bounded by S.W. Soil Mechanics 184 OSHA 10 Hour Training Project: Miracle Mile/Giralda Ave Streetscape CMAR Owner: City of Coral Gables Reference: Peter Iglesias Construction Cost: $21 million (2016-2018) Role: Foreman Construction of new curb,gutter,drainage, and other 60 drainage structures. Utility construction included infrastructure assessment and improvements along the demolition or abandonment of existing sanitary both sides of the full length of Miracle Mile. Street utilities and the installation of 450 feet of 6-to 10-inch improvements including paving, striping and PVC sewer main, 11 laterals, and 4 manholes; as well signage. Street design included a restructuring of on- as 12,500 feet of telecom and electrical conduit. street parking from diagonal to parallel. Widening of Roadway and landscape improvements included existing sidewalks including ADA accessible ramps, 17,800 square yards of road construction, 8,750 expand sidewalk design, sidewalk elements and mid- square yards of sidewalk & driveway construction, block mini parks. Installation of ornamental lights and 1,300 square yards of decorative paver work, the pedestrian lighting. New landscaping, tress, planting or relocating of over 80 trees, as well as new groundcover and irrigation landscape plantings and new irrigation. DERM01-WASD-NLE-WEST 54" PCCP Force Main Sunset Islands 3 and 4 Owner: Miami-Dade Water& Sewer Department Owner: City of Miami Beach - $10.9 million,2017 Reference: Nelson Cespedes- 786-552-8142 Reference: Mina Samadi Construction Cost: $6,649,092-2005 (9,100 LF of Role: Foreman 54"PCCP) Project consisted of design, construction Role: Foreman management associated with the work related to Project consisted 54" PCCP near Opa-Loka Airport, earthwork, pavement reconstruction,overhead utility NW 571h Ave and Le-Jeune Rd. Construction required undergrounding, sidewalk construction, water main 54" Plug valves, fittings, access manholes, air improvements, storm drainage infrastructure releases, restrained pipe, interior lining,extensive de- installation, sewer main and structure lining, new watering, deep excavations over 18-foot-deep, conduits, conductors and service point for the sheeting and shoring. We constructed open cut existing street lights and streetscape/planting excavation of 30-foot canal, and also NW 57th improvements. avenue. Extensive coordination with airport personnel, DOT, including the blocking off South Golf Village Water Main Improvements Florida Water Management canal within their strict Owner: City of Sunrise guidelines and safety protocols. Our crews worked Reference: Guarionex De Los Santos (954) 572-2274 thru the weekends and nights to minimize impacts to Role: Foreman NW 57th Ave. The project also included the use and Project consisted of the replacement of aging potable coordination of SBEs. Access to businesses, on water mains with new 6" (approx. 41,0001f) and 8" ramps, and the airport was a daily necessity (approx. 3,700 If) DIP water mains, valves, hydrants and services in the area described above, along with Weston Force Main and Drainage Improvements the abandonment of the existing water distribution Owner: City Of Weston -$4.3 million, 2015 system and appurtenances, site restoration and Reference: Bryan Williams 954-448-5828 roadway milling and overlay Role: Foreman Project mainly consisted in the installation of 8,000 Twin Lakes South NIP— feet of 16-inch DIP and 8,800 feet of up to 72" Pipe, Owner: Broward County W&W Division including several culvert crossing main City or Role: Foreman—$4.2 million, 2014 thoroughfare roads, requiring lane shifting, road Project consisted of sanitary sewer, stormwater closures and many detours. drainage, and roadway infrastructure improvements to a neighborhood of 300 homes. Sanitary Northeast 38th Street Reconstruction construction included installing 3,500 feet of 6-inch Owner: City of Oakland Park—$3.4 million DIP force main and 11,500 feet of 8- to 10-inch PVC Contact: Ronald Desburnes, P.E. gravity sewer, 49 manholes up to 19-feet deep, and 1 Role: Foreman pump station. Stormwater drainage construction As part of a FDOT funded project (LAP), Ric-Man included installing 8,000 feet of 15- to 30-inch RCP performed drainage, sewer, and roadway drainage, including French drain, and 66 drainage infrastructure improvements to the City of Oakland manholes. Roadway improvements included the Park's Northeast 38th St.from Northeast 11th Ave. to reconstruction and final paving of 36,000 SY of road, North Andrews Ave. Drainage construction included construction of over 20,000 SY of driveway & the installation of 1,614 feet of 18-to 48-inch RCP and sidewalk and 2,200 feet of curb & gutter, and the planting or relocating over 250 trees. feet of 6-inch PVC force main. Hardscape and landscape improvements included 100,000 square D/B Neighborhood No.8: Central Bayshore South yards of roadway reconstruction and hardscape Right-of-Way Infrastructure Improvements restoration, 95,000 square yards of swale Owner: City of Miami Beach -$18 million reconstruction, and 11,700 square yards of Role: Foreman driveways. Installation of over 10,000 ft of DIP WM Installation of 20,000 ft of new storm water system, including pumping stations and outfalls Pavement restoration and traffic mediation systems. Garden Acres Sanitary System - Design Build Owner: City of Oakland Park, FL — $700,000, 2013 Reference: Harvey Rambarath, PE 954-630-4478 Role: Design-Build Project Manager/ Construction Manager Provided all design, materials, equipment, and performed installation of 800 feet of 6- to 8-inch DIP water main, 2,500 feet of 2-inch HDPE sanitary force main, and a 1,700 foot 4-to 6-inch PVC gravity sewer ;; T collection system. The sewer system was equipped with 12 grinder pumps and service connections for individual properties in the project area that connects 400•••••••••••••00] to the City's existing sewer system. As part of our scope, Ric-Man was also responsible for the development of a cost-effective method for providing power to grinder pumps, as well as a methodology for payment of electrical power costs SW 6& 7 Utilities Extension Project Area 3 ANC. Owner: City of Cape Coral-9.7 million Reference: Paul Clingham, Utilities Director - 239- 574-0464 Role: Superintendent The project consisted of potable water, irrigation, sanitary sewer, stormwater drainage, and hardscape infrastructure improvements to a neighborhood RID composed of 844 homes and 2 bridges in Cape Coral, Florida. Potable water improvements included AL � installing 39,800 feet of 6- to 8-inch PVC water main with 438 services for 734 meters,34 fire hydrants,and an aerial crossing. Irrigation improvements included installing 43,790 feet of reclaimed 4- to 16-inch irrigation mains with 498 irrigation services for 844 meters, as well as a 4-inch and a 16-inch aerial crossing. Stormwater drainage improvements included installing, 5,200 feet of 15- to 36-inch HDPE &PVC main,400 feet of 12x18-to 24x38-inch elliptical HDPE main, and 127 inlet structures. Sanitary sewer improvements included installing 41,100 feet of 8- inch PVC gravity sewer mains up to 16-feet deep including 98 manhole structures and 540 single and double services, 2 wastewater lift station, and 5,620 PROJECT EXPERIENCE Project: 60-INCH Force Main (NL-1A) (West Segment)Along NW t 162ND Street From NW 6th Ave to N.E.8th Ave Owner: Miami Dade Water&Sewer-$19,314,785.95 Role: General Superintendent -° The scope of work includes, but is not limited to,the furnishing and installation of approximately 10,000 linear feet of 60- inch (f kms: 40 PCCP with T-Lock lining, including the corresponding fittings and '',4" 'S. Fi valves; connection to existing 72-inch PCCP slip-lined with 63" HDPE force main at intersection of NW 159th Street and NW 6th Avenue and connection to a proposed 60-inch PCCP force main (being constructed by others under Contract No. S-944) at NE 161st GUADALUPE GUZIVIAN St and NE 8th Ave and leaving a stub out for future connection at NW 162nd Street and NW 2nd Avenue;furnishing and installing Automatic Air Release Valves;furnishing and FOREMAN installing required 60-inch Flanged Plug valves; valve access manholes; access manholes;temporary pavement installation and EXPERIENCE removal;pavement restoration,surface and sodding restoration;tree relocations; pavement markings restoration; MOT and public Mr. Guzman has over 26 years of outreach coordination roadway and underground infrastructure construction experience Project: 60-Inch Force Main (NL-1A)Between the Intersections of since 1997, with up to 72 -inch pipelines. NE 151 St& Biscayne Blvd and NE 163 ST& NE 8 Ave In South Florida, he has installed water, Owner: Miami Dade Water& Sewer-$25,527,995.49 sanitary sewer,and stormwater Role: General Superintendent drainage utilities for municipalities from The scope of work includes, but is not limited to,the furnishing and Miami Dade County and has been installation of approximately 12,500 linear feet of 60-inch PCCP, instrumental in the successful including the corresponding fittings and valves; microtunnel completion of over ten neighborhood installation at NE 151st Street and Biscayne Boulevard including improvement projects. Mr. Guzman is two (2) 30-feet deep shafts, and approximately 600 linear feet of 84- also experienced in directional drilling, inch steel casing and 60-inch PCCP; approximately 200 linear feet of pump station installation, and aerial 84-inch steel casing and 60-inch PCCP at FEC Right-of-Way; crossings. furnishing and installing one (1) 72-inch by 60-inch tapping saddle P and one (1) 60-inch tapping valve required to make a tapping Ai ai connection to an existing 72-inch force main at NE 151 Street east M f of Biscayne Boulevard;furnishing and installing six (6) Air Release Valves and fifteen (15) Automatic Air Release Valves; furnishing and installing six (6) 60-inch Flanged Plug valves; relocation of approximately 1,400 linear feet of 12-inch ductile iron water main including one(1) fire hydrant assembly;furnishing and installing approximately 270 linear feet of 16-inch force main;furnishing and installation of 28 access manholes;furnishing and installation of approximately 50 feet of 18-inch HDPE storm drainage pipe, EDUCATION approximately 50 feet of exfiltration trench and 2 storm inlets OSHA 3015 Excavation,Trenching and Project: Reclaimed Water Transmission Main Bid Package 2 Soil Mechanics Owner: Broward County WWS OSHA 10 Hour Training Reference: Role: Foreman The work included installation of 27,172 LF of new 24" reclaimed water pipes through open cut, fittings, valves, master meter, restoration of South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) canal right-of-way, restoration of pavement, milling both sides of the full length of Miracle Mile. Street and restoration and all ancillary work required to improvements including paving, striping and complete the project. Located at the north end of signage. Street design included a restructuring of on- NW 39th Avenue at the Hillsboro Canal and street parking from diagonal to parallel. Widening of continues west within the SFWMD canal right-of- existing sidewalks including ADA accessible ramps, way and ends at the intersection of North University expand sidewalk design, sidewalk elements and mid- Drive and the Hillsboro Canal block mini parks. Installation of ornamental lights and pedestrian lighting. New landscaping, tress, Utility analysis Zone 113B groundcover and irrigation. Owner: Broward County WWSS–28.1 million Reference: Alan Garcia, PWD Director -954-831-0903 DERM01-WASD-NLE-WEST 54" PCCP Force Main Role: Foreman Owner: Miami-Dade Water&Sewer Department The project consisted of the furnishing of all labor, Reference: Nelson Cespedes- 786-552-8142 materials, equipment, services and incidentals for the Construction Cost: $6,649,092 -2005 (9,100 LF of construction of the infrastructure site work. The work 54"PCCP) will include site preparation, earthwork, sanitary Role: Foreman sewer system installation (38,100 LF of 8-18" PVC), Project consisted 54" PCCP near Opa-Loka Airport, water systems installation (59,820 LF of DIP 6-16") NW 57' Ave and Le-Jeune Rd. Construction required (940 LF of 6-12" HDD) (440 services), roadway and 54" Plug valves, fittings, access manholes, air walkway restoration and construction, landscape releases, restrained pipe, interior lining,extensive de- restoration, restoring existing irrigation systems, watering, deep excavations over 18-foot-deep, pavement marking restoration and site furnishings sheeting and shoring. We constructed open cut excavation of 30-foot canal, and NW 57th avenue. Springtree WWTP On-Site& Off-Site Drainage& Extensive coordination with airport personnel, DOT, Utilities Improvements including the blocking off South Florida Water Owner: City of Sunrise -$2.8 million Management canal within their strict Reference: Tim Welch 954-888-6055 Role: Foreman Weston Force Main and Drainage Improvements Installation of over 1,500 LF of Drainage pipe and Owner: City Of Weston - $4.3 million, 2015 structures up to 42" in Dia. Installation of 2,500 LF of Reference: Bryan Williams 954-448-5828 new 8" watermain and hydrants Installation of 1,000 Role: Foreman LF of new Reclaim water force-main ranging from 6" Project mainly consisted in the installation of 8,000 to 16" in Dia. Full pavement and roadway feet of 16-inch DIP and 8,800 feet of up to 72" Pipe, reconstruction Lake expansion and outfall installation including several culvert crossing main City Safe disposal of over 1,600 CY of contaminated soil thoroughfare roads, requiring lane shifting, road Completed 3 months ahead closures and many detours. of schedule. +.1 01, Sunset Islands 3 and 4 D/B Neighborhood No. 8: Central Bayshore South * Owner: City of Miami Beach - $10.9 million, 2017 Right-of-Way Infrastructure Improvements — r Reference: Mina Samadi Owner: City of Miami Beach -$18 million Role: Foreman Role: Foreman Project consisted of design, construction Installation of over 10,000 ft of DIP WM management associated with the work related to Installation of 20,000 ft of new storm water system, earthwork, pavement reconstruction, overhead utility including pumping stations and outfalls pavement undergrounding, sidewalk construction, water main restoration and traffic mediation systems improvements, storm drainage infrastructure installation, sewer main and structure lining, new Project: Miracle Mile/Giralda Ave Streetscape CMAR conduits, conductors and service point for the Owner: City of Coral Gables existing street lights and streetscape/planting Reference: Peter IglesiasConstruction Cost: $21 improvements. million (2016-2018) Role: Foreman Monceaux Road Group I Drainage and Utility Construction of new curb,gutter, drainage, and other Improvements Project infrastructure assessment and improvements along Owner: City of West Palm Beach $3.3 million Reference:Tracy Ward 561-494-1103 North Andrews Ave. Drainage construction included Role: Asst. Super. the installation of 1,614 feet of 18-to 48-inch RCP and Storm water System improvements consisted of 60 drainage structures. Utility construction included removal and replacement of the existing storm water the demolition or abandonment of existing sanitary system infrastructure; including storm inlets, utilities and the installation of 450 feet of 6-to 10-inch manholes, exfiltration trenches, and other PVC sewer main, 11 laterals, and 4 manholes;as well miscellaneous appurtenances. Responsible for all as 12,500 feet of telecom and electrical conduit. sheeting and shoring, dewatering and all by-pass Roadway and landscape improvements included pumping of the storm sewer system. Water main 17,800 square yards of road construction, 8,750 improvements consisted of grouting of the existing square yards of sidewalk & driveway construction, water main system (including removal of the water 1,300 square yards of decorative paver work, the services/meter boxes and fire hydrants) and planting or relocating of over 80 trees, as well as new replacement with a new 8" DIP class 52,cement lined landscape plantings and new irrigation. water main system (Including water services, valves and fire hydrants).Temporary 2"water mains and for Garden Acres Sanitary System - Design Build all by-pass piping of the water main system .Sanitary Owner: City of Oakland Park, FL — $700,000, 2013 sewer improvements consisted of removal aon Reference: Harvey Rambarath, PE 954-630-4478 replace existing sanitary sewer Infrastructure Role: Foreman including manholes, laterals and cleanouts with 8" Provided all design, materials, equipment, and and 18" PVC SDR 26 sewer mains, concrete performed installation of 800 feet of 6- to 8-inch DIP manholes, and 6" PVC laterals with cleanouts. water main, 2,500 feet of 2-inch HDPE sanitary force Roadway construction consisted of removal and main, and a 1,700 foot 4-to 6-inch PVC gravity sewer replacement of existing roadway, sidewalks, curbs, collection system. The sewer system was equipped and driveways within the right-of-way. MOT and with 12 grinder pumps and service connections for access to all properties at all times. Traffic signage individual properties in the project area that connects and pavement markings conforming to city and FDOT to the City's existing sewer system. As part of our standards scope, Ric-Man was also responsible for the development of a cost-effective method for providing Twin Lakes South NIP — Broward County W&W power to grinder pumps, as well as a methodology Division for payment of electrical power costs Foreman—$4.2 million, 2014 Project consisted of sanitary sewer, stormwater Belvedere Homes,Phase 2 drainage, and roadway infrastructure improvements Owner: Palm Beach County, FL to a neighborhood of 300 homes. Sanitary Role: Foreman—$2.7 million, 2014 construction included installing 3,500 feet of 6-inch Project consisted of extensive sewer, drainage, and DIP force main and 11,500 feet of 8- to 10-inch PVC water infrastructure improvements through a gravity sewer, 49 manholes up to 19-feet deep, and 1 neighborhood of over 200 homes, as well as over pump station. Stormwater drainage construction 6,000 square yards of road and sidewalk included installing 8,000 feet of 15- to 30-inch RCP reconstruction and over 21,000 square yards of drainage, including French drain, and 66 drainage landscaping. Sewer construction included the manholes. Roadway improvements included the installation of 7,700 feet of 4- to 6-inch PVC vacuum reconstruction and final paving of 36,000 SY of road, sewer pipe with over 110 valve pits and service construction of over 20,000 SY of driveway & laterals. Drainage construction included the sidewalk and 2,200 feet of curb & gutter, and the installation of 3,000 feet of 15- to 42-inch RCP planting or relocating over 250 trees. drainage pipe with over 40 drainage structures.Water construction included the installation of 8,400 feet of Northeast 38th Street Reconstruction DIP and PVC water main with over 200 services. Owner:City of Oakland Park—$3.4 million Contact: Ronald Desburnes, P.E. Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project Role: Foreman Owner:Town of Surfside As part of a FDOT funded project (LAP), Ric-Man Role: Foreman—$18.3 million, 2013 performed drainage, sewer, and roadway The project consisted of water, drainage, and sewer infrastructure improvements to the City of Oakland infrastructure improvements to The Town, as well as Park's Northeast 38th St.from Northeast 11th Ave.to the restoring 167,000 square yards of road, 33,000 square yards of swale,4,400 square yards of sidewalk not limited to, curb&gutter improvements and & driveways, and 34,600 feet of curb &gutter. Water storm water improvements of 36-to 72-inch construction included replacing a 31,500-foot water pipelines main system consisting of 4- to 8-inch DIP and PVC pipe with 950 services; as well as relocating the existing water meters of over 1,600 homes from their rear easements to the front of the homes — work which required daily coordination between Ric-Man and Town representatives & residents. Drainage construction consisted of installing 5,500 feet of 10- to 36-inch DIP and RCP pipe, 47 structures, 9 wells, and 3 pump stations.Sewer construction consisted of rehabilitating a 49,500-foot sewer system consisting of 8- to 15-inch CIP pipe, over 2,000 laterals, 166 structures, and 2 pump stations; as well as point- repairing 5,800 feet of the existing sewer main and installing 2,500 feet of new 12-inch PVC force main Flamingo-Lummus BP-10E Streetscape Owner:City of Miami Beach, FL Role: Foreman—$4.4 million, 2011 Design-build project consisted of water, drainage, and roadway infrastructure improvements to a neighborhood of 1,600 residences and 65 businesses. Water construction included installing 4,600 LF of 6- to 8-inch DIP and abandoning 5,100 LF of existing water main. Drainage construction included installing 3,500 LF of 15-to 48-inch HDPE and RCP connecting over 70 structures and gravity wells,as well as 900 LF of 3x5-foot box culvert. Roadway and landscape \* INC construction included over 36,000 SY of roadwork, • 4,500 SY of sidewalk, driveway & paver work, 9,500 LF of curb & gutter, 65,000 SY of swale reconstruction, planting or relocating over 200 trees; as well as signalization, decorative lighting, and installing 1,000 LF of FPL conduit. This project required major coordination with residents, a school,public transportation, restaurants, nightclubs, and ORD other businesses to minimize our impact on C residents,tourists, and commerce. Prairie Avenue, Phase II Owner: City of Miami Beach, FL Role: Foreman Project consisted of drainage roadway, landscaping, and hardscape improvements including coordination with the Public Works Department,Miami Beach High School, and the Prairie Avenue Neighborhood Associations Poinsettia Ave&33rd Street Owner:City of West Palm Beach Role: Foreman Project with proposed improvements including, but PROJECT EXPERIENCE 441 . ;' Project: Reclaimed Water Transmission Main Bid Package 2 Owner: Broward County WWS • r , Reference: 4 Role: Asphalt Superintendent ' ♦'. The work included installation of 27,172 LF of new 24" reclaimed water pipes through open cut, fittings, valves, master meter, • restoration of South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) canal right-of-way, restoration of pavement, milling and restoration and all ancillary work required to complete the project. Located at WAYNE WILLIAMS the north end of NW 39th Avenue at the Hillsboro Canal and continues west within the SFWMD canal right-of-way and ends at the ASPHALT intersection of North University Drive and the Hillsboro Canal SUPERINTENDENT Reclaimed Water Transmission Main Owner: Broward County WWS Reference: EXPERIENCE Role: Asphalt Superintendent Mr. Williams has over 30 years of The Work included installation of 31,000 24" to 42" If of new roadway,infrastructure,and underground reclaimed water pipes through open cut and/or horizontal utility design experience. More recently directional drilling, fittings, valves, master meter, restoration of he has been responsible for the pavement, milling and restoration, lining of existing pipe, and all coordination and construction of small ancillary work required to complete the project satisfactory to the and large diameter pipe in main County. Location extended from the North Regional Wastewater thoroughfare roads, concrete flat work, Treatment Plant along Powerline Road, SW 10th Street, Quiet Waters Park, Hillsboro Blvd, and NW 39th Avenue to Hillsboro lighting, signalization, and drainage. His Canal. proactive and hands-on approach toward communicating with municipalities, D/B Central Seacrest Corridor Utility Improvements Ph 2 agencies and clients has provided Owner: City of Boynton Beach-$12.5 million outstanding relationships with clients. Reference: Joe Paterniti 561-751-6423 Role: Project Manager City of Boynton Beach Project— Design Build Installation of over 30,000 LF of new 8" watermain and fire hydrants EDUCATIONvia Pipe Bursting Installation of 700+ new water service meters Construction of over 80,000 SY of drainage swales and new • OSHA- 10 Hour landscaping Installation of 5,000 LF of new 10" force-main including • OSHA- 30 Hour aukwatimemo an intercoastal waterway crossing Partial roadway reconstruction of failing existing roadway 75,000 SY of existing roadway milling and resurfacing New sidewalk and driveway apron construction throughout the neighborhood D/B South Miami Heights Phase A Owner: MDWASD—$17,953,664.33 Role: Ashpalt Superintendent Scope of work included the surveying, geotechnical investigations, locating existing utilities, engineering and design work, technical specifications, permitting and construction of approximately 63,336 linear feet of 8-inch ductile iron water main pipe and fittings; 8,421 linear feet of 12-inch ductile iron water main pipe and fittings;4,327 linear feet of 16-inch ductile iron water main pipe and fittings; and 5,550 linear feet of 6-inch ductile iron water main pipe and fittings. As well as fire hydrant assemblies, approximately The work will include site preparation, earthwork, 664 dual water services and approximately 40 sanitary sewer system installation (38,100 LF of 8- single water services with approximately 1,368 18" PVC),water systems installation (59,820 LF of water service conversions from rear to front. DIP 6-16") (940 LF of 6-12" HDD) (440 services), roadway and walkway restoration and Utility analysis Zone 113B construction, landscape restoration, restoring Owner: Broward County WWSS—$28,115,925.52 existing irrigation systems, pavement marking Role: Asphalt Superintendent restoration and site furnishings The project consisted of the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment,services and incidentals for the construction of the infrastructure site work. D/B South Miami Heights Ph B Owner: Miami Dade Water and Sewer-..4001.1.11111.11.1."1"111111.1.111\*„. $15,732,076.54 Reference: Alexis Valdez 786-299-9008 Role: Asphalt Superintendent Installation of over 30,000 LF of new 8"watermain. and fire hydrants via Pipe Bursting Installation of°° 700+ new water service meters Construction of over 80,000 SY of drainage swales and new landscaping Installation of 5,000 LF of new 10" force-main including an intercoastal waterway crossing Partial roadway reconstruction of failing existing roadway 75,000 SY of existing roadway milling and resurfacing New sidewalk and driveway apron construction throughout the neighborhood Springtree WWTP On-Site&Off-Site Drainage& Utilities Improvements . Owner: City of Sunrise-$2.8 million Reference:Tim Welch 954-888-6055 Role: Asphalt Superintendent Installation of over 1,500 LF of Drainage pipe and structures up to 42" in Diameter. Installation of %awl 2,500 LF of new 8" watermain and hydrants.Installation of 1,000 LF of new Reclaim water force- LORID main ranging from 6" to 16" in Dia. Full pavement':* and roadway reconstruction. Lake expansion and ir outfall installation. R1C-MgH REFERENCES INT'L INC. sewcI,rl� Town of Surfside Utility Upgrade Project Randy Stokes -Asst. Director 954-494-7494 Email:rstokes@townofsurfsidefl.gov Broward County WWWS Alan Garcia, P.E.-Director 954-831-0973 Email:agarcia@broward.org Palm Beach Utilities Dept. Joseph Tanadredi, Project Manager 561-493-6088 Email:jtanacredi@pbcwater.com City of Plantation John Michael Perez, Project Manager 954-630-4475 Email:jmptml@hotmail.com City of Miami Beach Sabrina Baglieri,Senior Project Coordinator 305-673-7091 Email:sabrinabaglieri@miamibeachfl.gov City of Sunrise Tim Welch,Utilities Director 954-888-6055 Twelch@sunrisefl.gov City of Coral Gables Peter Iglesias,Assistant City Manager 305-460-5204 Miami Dade Nelson Cespedes 786-552-8803 City of Weston Karl Thompson,Assistant City Manager 954-385-2000 kthompson@westonfl.org City of Miami Beach David Martinez,Capital Improvement Director 305-673-7091 Miami Dade Water&Sewer Department Alexis Valdes 786-299-9008 Email:Alexis.valdes@miamidade.gov APPENDIX A ''ate Bid Price Form MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE BID. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RENDER BID NON-RESPONSIVE. Bid Price Form FAILURE TO SUBMIT THIS BID PRICE FORM FULLY COMPLETED ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE FOR BIDS SHALL RENDER THE BID NON-RESPONSIVE AND BIDDER SHALL RECEIVE NO FURTHER CONSIDERATION. The TOTAL BASE BID amount includes the all-inclusive total cost for the work specified in this bid, consisting of furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, shoring, supervision, mobilization, demobilization, overhead and profit, insurance, permits, and taxes to complete the work to the full intent as shown or indicated in the contract documents. The city will not accept any revision to the total base bid sum, divisions, line item totals, or add alternates, after the deadline for receipt of bids. In the event of discrepancy between the sum of the items in the schedule of values and the total base bid, the Bidder agrees that the total base bid shall govern. In the absence of a numerical value for any item or division, the City shall interpret as no bid for the division, which may disqualify Bidder. The allowance items that have been delineated below shall be used only upon the City's discretion, as needed. In the event that an allowance is not used in its entirety, any remaining balance shall be reflected on a deductive change order. TOTAL BASE BID TOTAL BASE BID AMOUNT $ 4,528,480.00 1 Indemnification of Cit $25.00 Off-Dut Police Officer Allowance $15,000.00 Flow Management During Construction Allowance $90,000.00 Permit Allowance $84,000.00 GRAND TOTAL (TOTAL BASE BID AMOUNT+INDEMNIFICATION OF CITY+OFF-DUTY POLICE ALLOWANCE+FLOW MANAGEMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION ALLOWANCE+PERMIT ALLOWANCE) $ 4,717,505.00 'See Section 0100, Sub-section 12. ADDITIVE ALTERNATES (In order of priority) Selection of additive alternates, if any, will be made pursuant to Section 0100, No. 10 Method of Award. Unit Total Item Description Quantit U/M Cost Quantic _X_Unit Cost NOT APPLICABLE DEDUCTIVE ALTERNATES (In order of priority) Selection of deductive alternates, if any, will be made pursuant to Section 0100, No. 10 Method of Award. Unit Total Item Description Quantit U /M Cost (Quantit _X_Unit_Cost NOT APPLICABLE SUBMITTED VIA SURETY 2000 End of Bid Price Form. APPENDIX B miAAAIBEAkc -'' BID BOND FORM Only applicable if checked in the Invitation to Bid Summar 11/10/23,4:09 PM Surety 2000 SFL11096230 Bid Bond EXECUTED Created on 11/09/2023 11:56 AM Ed'View Executed & Signed Document Last updated on 11/10/2023 03:57 PM Principal Ric-Man International, Inc. 1545 NW 27th Ave Pompano Beach, FL, 33069 US 954-426-1042 Owner/Obligee City of Miami Beach, Florida 1755 Meridian Avenue 3rd Floor Miami Beach, FL, 33139 US 305-673-7490 Surety Arch Insurance Company 3 Parkway Ste 1500 Philadelphia, PA, 19102 US 215-606-1612 i Bond Details General Information Documents Bond Number Bid Date Estimated SFL11096230 Contract Price https://dashboard.surety2000.com/#/bond/700826 1/3 11/10/23,4:09 PM Surety 2000 ;•:..141 Sucety2000 Project Description Re-bid Force Mains Canal Crossing Replacement- Pine Tree Drive Bid Bond Details Bid Security% Bid Security Max 5 % Not Set Contractor Vendor ID Contract ID Number 8551167136 2024-016-LB Bid Security Amount Spelled Out Five Percent of Proposal Price Additional Details Total Base Bid Dollar Amount (REQUIRED) Five Percent of Proposal Price (5% of PP.) Signatures Contractor Attorney in Fact Signature Signature https://dashboard.surety2000.com/#/bond/700826 2/3 11/10/23,4:09 PM Surety 2000 Sutety2000 © Surety 2000 https://dashboard.surety2000.com/#/bond/700826 3/3 BID BOND Page 1 of 2 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, as Principal, hereinafter referred to as Contractor, and as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Miami Beach, Florida, as a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the City, in the sum of five percent (5%)of the Contractor's Total Base Bid amount of$ lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally by these presents. WHEREAS, the Contractor contemplates submitting or has submitted, a Bid to the City for the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, machinery, tools, apparatus, means of transportation for, and the performance of the Work covered in the Bid Documents which include the Project Manual, the detailed Plans and Specifications, and any Addenda thereto, for the following solicitation. Bid No.: Title: WHEREAS, it was a condition precedent to the submission of said Bid that a cashier's check, certified check, or Bid Bond in the amount of five percent(5%)of the Total Base Bid be submitted with said Bid as a guarantee that the Contractor would, if awarded the Contract, enter into a written Contract with the City for the performance of said Contract, within ten (10) consecutive calendar days after notice having been given of the Award of the Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the Contractor within ten (10) consecutive calendar days after notice of such acceptance, enters into a written Contract with the City and furnishes the Performance and Payment Bonds, satisfactory to the City, each in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price, and provides all required Certificates of Insurance, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise the sum herein stated shall be due and payable to the City of Miami Beach and the Surety herein agrees to pay said sum immediately, upon demand of the City, in good and lawful money of the United States of America, as liquidated damages for failure thereof of said Contractor. BID BOND Page 2 of 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Principal and the said Surety have duly executed this bond the day of , 20 . ATTEST: PRINCIPAL: (Contractor Name) Signature Print Name(Principal) Title SURETY: (Surety Name) Attorney-in-Fact(Print Name) Signature (CORPORATE SEAL) (Power of Attorney must be attached.) APPENDIX C I AM I b SCHEDULE OF VALUES MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE BID OR WITHIN THREE (3) DAYS OF REQUEST BY THE CITY. SCHEDULE OF VALUES Bidders should fully complete the Schedule of Values to include quantities, units of measure, unit pricing, and totals. The cost of any item(s) of work not covered by a specific contract unit price shall be included in the contract unit price to which the item(s) is most applicable. Both unit price and extended total prices must be stated in units of quantity specified in the bidding specifications. Bidder agrees that any unit price listed in the Bid is to be multiplied by the stated quantity requirements in order to arrive at the total. LINE EST. UNIT COST TOTAL ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY U/M (A) (B) (AxB = C) 1 Mobilization 1 L.S. $763,000.00 $763,000.00 30" HDEP pipe and fitting for 2 sewer force main by HDD 1850 Linear Feet $ 170.00 $ 314,500.00 Installation 30"HDPE pipe and 3 fitting for sewer force main via 1850 Linear Feet $590.00 $ 1,091,500.00 HDD 4 30"Zinc coated ductile iron pipe 280 Linear Feet $ 2300.00 $ 644,000.00 and fitting for sewer force main Installation 30"zinc coated and 5 polywrapped ductile iron pipe, 280 Linear Feet $ 740.00 $ 207,200.00 fitting and plug valves for sewer force main 6"zinc coated ductile iron pipe, 6 fitting and plug valves for sewer 100 Linear Feet $ 190.00 $ 19,000.00 force main Installation 6"zinc coated and 7 polywrapped ductile iron pipe, 100 Linear Feet $ 130.00 $ 13,000.00 fitting and plug valves for sewer force main 30"Mechanical joint plug valves 8 with manholes for sewer force 7 Each $ 69,000.00 $ 483,000.00 main Installation 30"mechanical joint 9 plug valves with manholes for 7 Each $1500.00 $10,500.00 sewer force main Construction automatic air 10 release valve assemblies 4 Each $ 7200.00 $28,800.00 (AARVs)for sewer force mains Cut-in connections to existing 30"cast iron force main at: Pine 11 Tree Drive Sta: 10+19.84, 1 L.S. $ 485,000.00 $485,000.00 10+32.42, 18+63.49, 18+67.14 Cut-in connections to existing 6" cast iron force main at: Pine 12 Tree Drive and West 51st Street 1 L.S. $ 7000.00 $7000.00 (Sta:17+93.44) Constructing limerock base for 13 Type"1"permanent pavement 630 SY $ 68.00 $ 42,840.00 repairs Constructing Type"I"concrete 14 surface course permanent 630 SY $ 33.00 $ 20,790.00 pavement repairs Constructing Type"V" permanent pavement repairs for roadway 15 (nominal 1-inch-thick machine- 1800 SY $ 14.00 $ 25,200.00 laid asphaltic concrete friction surface overlay) Cold milling roadway surface 16 course for permanent pavement 1800 SY $ 6.30 $11,340.00 repairs(nominal 1 inch thick) Replacing pavement markings damaged, removed, or 17 obliterated by the Contractor's 1 L.S. $ 9400.00 $9400.00 operation 18 Concrete sidewalk restoration to 250 SF $ 13.00 $ 3250.00 match existing 19 Concrete curb and gutter 920 LF $ 48.00 $44,160.00 restoration to match existing 20 Paver/brick driveway restoration 150 SY $ 140.00 $ 21,000.00 to match existing 21 Restoring sodded and 300 SY $ 16.00 $4800.00 landscaped areas 22 Maintenance of Traffic(MOT) 1 L.S. $ 244,000.00 $ 244,000.00 Sheeting and shoring ordered 23 left in place by the Engineer 2000 S.F. $ 6.30 $ 12,600.00 24 Trench overcut in 1-foot depth 380 LF $ 20.00 $ 7600.00 increments,for any size pipe Furnishing and installing 25 additional suitable backfill 500 CY $ 30.00 $ 15,000.00 material TOTAL BASE BID AMOUNT $ 4,528,480.00 End of Schedule of Values. APPENDIX D MIi ' '\ i f\ I b Prevailing Wage and Local Workforce Participation Programs Only applicable if checked in the Invitation to Bid Summary The Requirements of the Prevailing Wage and Local Workforce Participation Programs shall apply to the award of this project. The purpose of this appendix is to summarize, for clarity, the requirements of the City's Prevailing Wage and Local Workforce Program Requirements. In the event of any omissions or conflicts, the requirements of the City Code, with respect to these programs, shall prevail. I. MINIMUM WAGES AND BENEFITS 1. Employee Compensation. The rate of wages and fringe benefits, or cash equivalent, for all laborers, mechanics and apprentices employed by the Contractor or subcontractor on the work covered by the contract, shall be not less than the prevailing rate of wages and fringe benefit payments or cash equivalence for similar skills or classifications of work as established by the Federal Register last published by the United States Department of Labor prior to the date of issuance of this solicitation. (reference: Sec 31-27). 2. Notice Requirement. On the date on which any laborer or mechanic commences work on a construction contract to which this article applies, the Contractor shall be required to post a notice in a prominent place at the work site stating the requirements of this article. (reference: Sec 31-29). 3. Certified Payrolls. With each payment application, Contractor shall submit a copy of all payrolls, including (at a minimum) the name and zip code for the covered employee, to the City accompanied by a signed "Statement of Compliance" indicating that the payrolls are correct and complete and that each laborer or mechanic has been paid not less than the proper prevailing wage rate for the work performed. Beginning, January 30, 2018, all payroll submittals shall be completed electronically via the City's electronic compliance portal, LCP Tracker. No payment application shall be deemed accepted until such time as the Procurement Department has confirmed that a certified payroll for the applicable payment application has been accurately submitted in LCP Tracker. a. LCP Tracker Training. The Procurement Department offers ongoing training in LCP Tracker to all contractors. To schedule a training session, contact Monica Garcia at MonicaGarcia(a)MiamiBeachFL.gov or at 305-673-7490. II. LOCAL WORKFORCE PARTICIPATION GOALS 1. Responsible Contractor Affidavit (RCA). As a condition of being responsive to the requirements of the solicitation and eligible to be considered for award, the Contractor shall submit a Responsible Contractor Affidavit affirming that it will make its best reasonable efforts to promote employment opportunities for Miami-Dade County residents by seeking to achieve a project goal of having thirty percent (30%) of all construction labor hours performed by Miami-Dade County residents.The Contractor shall also affirm that it will make its best reasonable efforts to promote employment opportunities for Miami Beach residents. Failure to submit the RCA shall result in the bid or proposal being disqualified and deemed non-responsive. 2. Workforce Performance Report. Before its final application for payment, the Contractor shall submit its final Certified Payroll in LCP Tracker, which shall be deemed its final Workforce Performance Report. If the project goal of thirty percent (30%) of all construction labor hours to be performed by Miami-Dade County residents is not met, the Contractor shall submit supporting documentation verifying reasonable efforts to promote employment opportunities for Miami Beach and Miami-Dade County residents. No final payment application may be approved without this information. Balance of Page Intentionally Left Blank LOCAL WORKFORCE PARTICIPATION PROGRAM Responsible Contractor Affidavit Form I In accordance with Article Ill,Section 31-40 of the Miami Beach Code,all contractors and subcontractors of any tier performing on a city contract valued in excess of$1,500,000 for(i)the construction,demolition,alteration and/or repair of city buildings or city public works projects,or(ii)a contract valued in excess of$1,500,000 which provides for privately-funded construction, demolition, alteration and/or repair of buildings or improvements located on city-owned land,and which are subject to Section 31-40 of the Miami Beach Code shall comply with the requirements of the Local Workforce Participation Program. The undersigned Contractor affirms that, should it be awarded the contract pursuant to this solicitation, it shall comply with the following: i. The Contractor will make its best reasonable efforts to promote employment opportunities for local Miami-Dade County residents and seek to achieve a project goal of having thirty percent (30%)of all construction labor hours performed by Miami-Dade County residents. ii. The Contractor will also make its best reasonable efforts to promote employment opportunities for Miami Beach residents. To verify workers' residency, Contractor(s)shall provide the residence address of each worker. MICHAEL JANKOWSKI PRESIDENT Print Name of Affiant Print Title of Affiant ignature of Affiant RIC-MAN INTERNATIONAL, INC 11/20/23 Name of Firm Date 1100 NE 163 ST NMB FL 33162 Address of Firm State Zip Code APPENDIX E miAmIBEAci : Trench Safety Act Certification Only applicable if checked in the Invitation to Bid Summary TRENCH SAFETY ACT CERTIFICATION PAGE 1 OF 1 IF APPLICABLE, THIS FORM MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR BID TO BE DEEMED RESPONSIVE. On October 1, 1990 House Bill 3181, known as the Trench Safety Act became law. This incorporates the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) revised excavation safety standards, citation 29 CFR.S.1926.650, as Florida's own standards.The Bidder, by virtue of the signature below, affirms that the Bidder is aware of this Act, and will comply with all applicable trench safety standards. Such assurance shall be legally binding on all persons employed by the Bidder and subcontractors.The Bidder is also obligated to identify the anticipated method and cost of compliance with the applicable trench safety standards. BIDDER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE TOTAL BASE BID INCLUDES THE COSTS FOR COMPLYINJG WITH THE FLORIDA TRENCH SAFETY ACT. THESE ITEMS ARE A BREAKOUT OF THE RESPECTIVE ITEMS INVOLVING TRENCHING AND WILL NOT BE PAID SEPARATELY. THEY ARE NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH BID ITEMS IN THE SCHEDULE OF VALUES, NOR BE CONSIDERED ADDITIONAL WORK. The Bidder further identified the costs and methods summarized below: Quantity Unit Description Unit Price Price Extended Method SLOPE BANKS/TRENCH BOX LF 400 $4.00 $1600.00 Total $ 1600.00 RIC-MAN INTERNATIONAL, INC Name of Bi••� Autho -• ignature of Bidder CONSIDERATION FOR INDEMNIFICATION •F CITY Consideration for Indemnification of City $25.00 ElCost for compliance to all Federal and State requirements of the Trench Safety Act* [NOTE: If the box above is checked,the Bidder must fill out the foregoing Trench Safety Act Form in order to be considered responsive.] 5 YEAR LITIGATION HISTORY Case Number Case Style Case Type Filing Date Case Status Access Level Terracon Consultants Inc COS021001873 Plaintiff vs.RIC-Man 'SC Damages>$2,500- 2/24/2021 Disposed ANONYMOUS International Inc $5,000 Defendant ER Insurance Associates COCE21042392 LLC Plaintiff vs.RIC- *CC Damages>$15,000• 7/30/2021 Disposed ANONYMOUS MAN INTERNATIONAL, $30,000 INC.,et al Defendant Norman Campbell,et al CACE22009315 Plaintiff vs.City Of Neg-Premises Liability 6/23/2022 Pending ANONYMOUS Lauderdale Lakes,et al Commercial Defendant Crown Castle Fiber LLC COCE23031629 Plaintiff vs.Ric-Man "CC Damages>$15,000• 4/6/2023 Disposed ANONYMOUS International Inc $30,000 Defendant ATTACHMENT D INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS If the requirement applies, Bidder agrees it shall fully comply with the following insurance requirements: TYPE 10 — CONSTRUCTION W/O DESIGN AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (INSTALLATION FLOATER) INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall maintain the below required insurance in effect prior to awarding the contract and for the duration of the contract. The maintenance of proper insurance coverage is a material element of the contract and failure to maintain or renew coverage may be treated as a material breach of the contract,which could result in withholding of payments or termination of the contract. A. Workers' Compensation Insurance for all employees of the Contractor as required by Florida Statute Chapter 440 and Employer Liability Insurance with a limit of no less than $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease. Should the Contractor be exempt from this Statute, the Contractor and each employee shall hold the City harmless from any injury incurred during performance of the Contract. The exempt Contractor shall also submit (i) a written statement detailing the number of employees and that they are not required to carry Workers' Compensation insurance and do not anticipate hiring any additional employees during the term of this contract or(ii) a copy of a Certificate of Exemption. B. Commercial General Liability Insurance on an occurrence basis, including products and completed operations, property damage, bodily injury and personal & advertising injury with limits no less than $2,000,000 per occurrence. If a general aggregate limit applies, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. C. Automobile Liability Insurance covering any automobile, if Contractor has no owned automobiles,then coverage for hired and non-owned automobiles,with limit no less than $2,000,000 combined per accident for bodily injury and property damage. D. Builders Risk Insurance utilizing an "All Risk" coverage form, with limits equal to the completed value of the project and no coinsurance penalty. (City of Miami Beach shall be named as a Loss Payee on this policy, as its interest may appear. This policy shall remain in force until acceptance of the project by the City.) E. Umbrella Liability Insurance in an amount no less than $2,000,000 per occurrence. The umbrella coverage must be as broad as the primary General Liability coverage. F. Contractors' Pollution Legal Liability (if project involves environmental hazards), with limits no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence or claim, and $2,000,000 policy aggregate. Additional Insured - City of Miami Beach must be included by endorsement as an additional insured with respect to all liability policies (except Professional Liability and Workers' Compensation) arising out of work or operations performed on behalf of the Contractor including materials, parts, or equipment furnished in connection with such work or operations and automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed in the form of an endorsement to the Contractor's insurance. Notice of Cancellation - Each insurance policy required above shall provide that coverage shall not be cancelled, except with notice to the City of Miami Beach do EXIGIS Insurance Compliance Services. Waiver of Subrogation — Contractor agrees to obtain any endorsement that may be necessary to affect the waiver of subrogation on the coverages required. However, this provision applies regardless of whether the City has received a waiver of subrogation endorsement from the insurer. Acceptability of Insurers — Insurance must be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of A:VII or higher. If not rated, exceptions may be made for members of the Florida Insurance Funds (i.e. FWCIGA, FAJUA). Carriers may also be considered if they are licensed and authorized to do insurance business in the State of Florida. Verification of Coverage — Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and amendatory endorsements, or copies of the applicable insurance language, effecting coverage required by this contract. All certificates and endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. However, failure to obtain the required documents prior to the work beginning shall not waive the Contractor's obligation to provide them. The City reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements, required by these specifications, at any time. CERTIFICATE HOLDER MUST READ: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH do EXIGIS Insurance Compliance Services P.O. Box 947 Murrieta, CA 92564 Kindly submit all certificates of insurance,endorsements, exemption letters to our servicing agent, EXIGIS, at: Certificates-miamibeach(a�riskworks.com Special Risks or Circumstances - The City of Miami Beach reserves the right to modify these requirements, including limits, based on the nature of the risk, prior experience, insurer,coverage, or other special circumstances. Compliance with the foregoing requirements shall not relieve the Contractor of his liability and obligation under this section or under any other section of this agreement.