Resolution 2024-33359RESOLUTION NO.2024-33359 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITYOF MIAMI BEACH,FLORIDA,ADOPTING THE CERTIFICATE OF THE RESULTS OF THE NOVEMBER 5,2024 SPECIAL ELECTION FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,AND DECLARING THE RESULTS THEREOF. WHEREAS,pursuant to Florida law and the City Code,the Miami-Dade County Canvassing Board was appointed and authorized to canvass the City of Miami Beach's November 5,2024 Special Election (the "Special Election"),which was duly conducted by the Elections Department of Miami-Dade County,Florida;and WHEREAS,the Canvassing Board was present at the Elections Department's tabulation of the returns of the Special Election;and WHEREAS,the Canvassing Board has certified the results of the Special Election;and WHEREAS,the Certificate of Election Results of the Special Election has been received and is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Composite Exhibit "A;"and WHEREAS,said Certificate reflects that1: Question "1,"as set forth below,was approved by the electorate of the City of Miami Beach. Question "2,"as set forth below,was approved by the electorate of the City of Miami Beach. Question "3,"as set forth below,was approved by the electorate of the City of Miami Beach. Question "4,"as set forth below,was approved by the electorate of the City of Miami Beach. Question "5,"as set forth below,was approved by the electorate of the City of Miami Beach. Question "6,"as set forth below,was approved by the electorate of the City of Miami Beach. Question "7,"as set forth below,was approved by the electorate of the City of Miami Beach. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,FLORIDA,that the Miami-Dade County Canvassing Board acting as the Miami Beach Canvassing Board having canvassed the returns of the November 5,2024 Special Election of the City of Miami Beach,the Mayor and City Commission hereby (i)adopt the Certificate of Election Results for said Special Election,and (ii) order that the Certificate of Election Results and this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of the November 20,2024 City Commission meeting as a permanent record of the results of said Special Election;be it further resolved that by the adoption of this Resolution,the Canvassing Board has discharged its duties for said Special Election;and be it further and finally resolved that,as a result of the City of Miami Beach's November 5,2024 Special Election,the votes upon the questions presented reflect the results as set forth in the Certificate of Election Results.The text of the ballot questions submitted to the voters in this Special Election is as follows: 1 The public measure Miami Beach Referendum 8,Approve 1 %Tax on Food and Beverage Sales for Homeless Assistance/Domestic Violence Centers was ordered removed from the ballot.Any vote cast for this public measure did not count for approval or rejection of the public measure. Miami Beach Referendum 1 Charter's "Citizens'Bill of Rights":Amending Existing Rights,Incorporating County Ethics Commission's Enforcement Shall Bill of Rights be amended: •expanding existing right to public records,right to no unreasonable postponements,and right to notice and be heard on City matters,amendments including:limits on deferring agenda items,increased public hearings and notice requirements; •incorporating Code Chapter 62 "Human Relations"classification categories (on which discrimination is prohibited)into "Nondiscrimination"rights; •incorporating Miami-Dade County Ethics Commission's powers to enforce and impose penalties (in addition to existing Circuit Court enforcement)? Yes No 24,604 5,670 81.27% 18.73% Miami Beach Referendum 2 Charter's "Citizens'Bill of Rights":Amending Circuit Court Forfeiture Remedy Shall Bill of Rights at Section (C),"Remedies,"be amended to: •provide that the "forfeiture of office or employment"judicial remedy for willful violations of the Bill of Rights is subject to terms of collective bargaining agreements (per State law);and •establish that such forfeiture remedy is within the Court's discretion instead of mandatory, based upon the Court's determination that the violator has committed repeated violations of the Bill of Rights? Yes No 20,157 8,779 69.66% 30.34% Miami Beach Referendum 3 Charter Section 1.03:Sale/Lease of City property;right-of-way vacations; management/concession agreements Shall Charter be amended,requiring for all sales/leases (10 years or more)of City property (awarded after November 5,2024)and right-of-way vacations: •majority voter approval (includes changing approval for Convention Center Campus/Parking Lots from 60%to majority); •advisory Planning Board review; •planning analysis; •appraisal; •competitive bidding (sales/leases only); •public hearing;and for management/concession agreements (10 years or more): •6/7 Commission vote; •public hearing; •advisory Planning Board review? Yes No 22,451 7,123 75.91% 24.09% 2 Miami Beach Referendum 4 Election of City Commission:Moving City's Runoff Election Date,Installation/Term Commencement,Conforming Office Terms Shall Charter be amended to provide,commencing City's November 2025 general election: •City's runoff election date shall be second Tuesday in December immediately following City's general election instead of 2 weeks after said general election; •installation/commencement of Commission members'terms shall occur on the Monday immediately following runoff election date; •to conform with above,existing Commission members'terms expiring November 2025 and November 2027 shall be respectively extended to those years'December installation date? Yes No 22,492 7,649 74.62% 25.38% Miami Beach Referendum 5 Charter Section 2.05:Public Hearings and Public Notice for Ordinances Shall Charter 2.05 be amended: •establishing process requiring two public hearings instead of one for proposed City ordinances except emergency ordinances and proposed ordinances subject to adoption procedures established in City's Zoning Ordinance;and •authorizing City's alternative optional publication of notice of proposed ordinances on a publicly accessible website in accordance with Chapter 50,Florida Statutes,instead of requiring publication of such notices only in a newspaper of general circulation within City? Yes No 23,411 7,266 76.31% 23.69% Miami Beach Referendum 6 Charter Section 2.07:"Vacancies in City Commission" Shall Charter Section 2.07 be amended to: •require election to fill vacancy unless City Commission appoints person to fill vacancy within 30 days; •provide that Commission's power to appoint shall commence upon vacancy or submittal of resignation (if filed)instead of 30 days later; •require appointments by remaining Commission members be super-majority (majority plus 1) vote instead of majority vote; •clarify election and installation dates regarding vacancies due to resignation? Yes No 20,925 9,393 69.02% 30.98% 3 Miami Beach Referendum 7 Charter Amendments:Clarifying and Conforming Certain Charter Language to Applicable Laws and/or Current Usage Shall Charter be amended to clarify that the one-year residency requirement to qualify as candidate applies to the year "immediately"prior to qualifying,and clarify filing requirements for qualifying by petition (Charter 6.03);clarify and conform to Florida law restriction against qualifying for more than 1 City office,and replace certain obsolete reference to "Commissioner"with "Commission member"(Charter 2.01 );amend Charter 1.07 to include therein all nondiscrimination classification categories in Code Chapter 62? Yes No 24,012 4,909 83.03% 16.97% BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that Question "1"was approved, Question "2"was approved,Question "3"was approved,Question "4"was approved,Question "5"was approved,Question "6"was approved,and Question "7"was approved.The subject ballot measures having received majority approval of the qualified electors of the City voting on said measures are thus hereby considered effective upon today's acceptance by the City Commission of final certification of election results. PASSED and ADOPTED this 20"day of November ATTEST: 7¥NOV 2 2 202 Rafael E.Granado,City Clerk F:\CLER\CLER\000_ELECTION\00000 2024 SPECIAL ELECTIONS\NOVEMBER Special Election\RESOLUTIONS\Resolution Adopting Certificate of Results November 5,2024 Special Election.docx APPROVED AS TO FORM &LANGUAGE &FOR EXECUTION City Attomey p)1/20z2- Date 4 ijiiiiii STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE CERTIFICATION Elections 2700 NW 87th Avenue Miami,Florida 33172 T 305-499-8683 F 305-499-8501 1TY 305-499-8480 miamidade.gov I,Christina White,Supervisor of Elections for Miami-Dade County,Florida,do hereby certify that the attached is a true and correct copy of the Official Results for the Miami-Dade County General Election conducted on November 5,2024,which included the Miami Beach Special Election: Charter's "Citizens'Bill of Rights":Amending Existing Rights,Incorporating County Ethics Commission's Enforcement Charter's "Citizens'Bill of Rights":Amending Circuit Court Forfeiture Remedy Charter Section 1.03:Sale/Lease of City property;right-of-way vacations; management/concession agreements Election of City Commission:Moving City's Runoff Election Date, Installation/Term Commencement,Conforming Office Terms Charter Section 2.05:Public Hearings and Public Notice for Ordinances Charter Section 2.07:"Vacancies in City Commission" Charter Amendments:Clarifying and Conforming Certain Charter Language to Applicable Laws and/or Current Usage WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL,AT MIAMI, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY,FLORIDA, ON THIS 15TH DAY OF NOVEMBER,2024 Enclosure 001 Supervisor of Elections Miami-Dade County Official Results CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD MIAMI-DADE COUNTY We,the undersigned,VICTORIA FERRER,County Judge,Chairperson, MIESHA DARR OUGH,County Judge,Substitute Member, CHRISTINA WHITE,Supervisor of Elections,Member,constituting the Board of County Canvassers in and for said County,do hereby certify that we met on the Fifteenth day of November,2024 A.D.,and proceeded publicly to canvass the votes given for the several offices and persons herein specified at the General Election held on the Fifth day of November,2024 A.D.,as shown by the returns on file in the office of the Supervisor of Elections.We do hereby certify from said returns as follows: For Electors for President and Vice President,the whole number of votes cast was 1,094,105 of which number the nominated electors for Donald J.Trump and JD Vance (REP)received 605,590 votes Kamala D.Harris and Tim Walz (DEM)received 480,355 votes Chase Oliver and Mike ter Maat (LPF)received 2,096 votes Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia (PSL)received 1,308 votes Randall Terry and Stephen Broden (CPF)received 476 votes Peter Sonski and Lauren Onak (ASP)received 455 votes Jill Stein and Rudolph Ware (GRE)received 3,813 votes Shiva Ayyadurai and Crystal Ellis (WRl )received 12 votes Cherunda Fox and Harlan Mc Vay Jr(WRI)received 0 votes For United States Senator,the whole number of votes cast was 1,076,114 of which Rick Scott (REP)received 585,445 votes Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (DEM)received 477,598 votes Feena Bonoan (LPF)received 4,737 votes Tuan TQ Nguyen (NPA)received 4,088 votes Be Everidge (NPA)received 4,244 votes Howard Knepper (WRl)received 2 votes For Representative in Congress,District 24,the whole number of votes cast was 254,942 of which Jesus Gabriel Navarro (REP) Frederica Wilson (DEM) Laver Spicer (WRI received 84,231 votes received 170,692 votes received 19votes For Representative in Congress,District 26,the whole number of votes cast was 194,628 of which Mario Diaz-Balart (REP) Joey Atkins (DE) 1115/2024 04:57 00 PM 002 received 138,467 votes received 56,16l votes Official Results + CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD MIAMI-DADE COUNTY For Representative in Congress,District 27,the whole number of votes cast was 329,867 of which Maria Elvira Salazar (REP) Lucia Baez-Geller (DEM) received 199,159 votes received 130,708 votes For Representative in Congress,District 28,the whole number of votes cast was 282,281 of which Carlos A.Gimenez (REP) Phil Ehr (DEM) received 183,428 votes received 98,853 votes For State Senator,District 37,the whole number of votes cast was 35,186 of which lmtiaz Mohammad (REP) Jason Pizzo (DEM) received l 5,282 votes received 19,904 votes For State Senator,District 39,the whole number of votes cast was 190,905 of which Bryan Avila (REP) Charles A.Lewis I (DEM) received 133,270 votes received 57,635 votes For State Representative,District 106,the whole number of votes cast was 74,886 of which Fabian Basabe (REP) Joe Saunders (DEM) Mo Saunders Scott (NP A) received 38,386 votes received 35,229 votes received 1,27l votes For State Representative,District 110,the whole number of votes cast was 70,088 of which Torn Fabricio (REP) Stanley "J.P."Jean-Poix (DEM) received 49,881 votes received 20,207 votes For State Representative,District 111,the whole number of votes cast was 68,180 of which David Borrero (REP) Laura F.Kelley (DEM) 1115/2024 04:57-00 PM 003 received 45,942 votes received 22,238 votes Official Results + CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD MIAMI-DADE COUNTY For State Representative,District 112,the whole number of votes cast was 55,107 of which Alex Rizo (REP) Jacqueline "Jackie"Gil-Abarzua (DEM) received 40,199 votes received 14,908 votes For State Representative,District 113,the whole number of votes cast was 61,215 of which Vicki Lopez (REP) Jacqueline "Jackie"Gross-Kellogg (DEM) received 33,46l votes received 27,754 votes For State Representative.District 114,the whole number of votes cast was 79,243 of which Demi Busatta Cabrera (REP) Matthew John Bornstein (DEM) received 46,249 votes received 32,994 votes For State Representative,District 115,the whole number of votes cast was 92,591 of which Omar Blanco (REP) Norma Perez Schwartz (DEM) received 54,952 votes received 37,639 votes For State Representative,District 116,the whole number of votes cast was 77,074 of which Daniel A.Perez (REP) Nicolas Ramos (DEM) received 52,964 votes received 24,110 votes For State Representative,District 117,the whole number of votes cast was 61,170 of which Beatrice Slawson (REP) Kevin Chambliss (DEM) received 28,823 votes received 32,347 votes For State Representative.District 118,the whole number of votes cast was 85,401 of which Mike Redondo (REP) Joel Vodola (DEM) 11 15/2024 04 57 00 PM 004 received 58,355 votes received 27.046 votes ts Official Results ++ CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD MIAMI-DADE COUNTY For State Representative,District 119,the whole number of votes cast was 84,702 of which Juan Carlos Porras (REP) Marcos Reyes (DEM) received 54,735 votes received 29,967 votes For State Representative,District 120,the whole number of votes cast was 32,665 of which James "Jim"Vernon Mooney Jr (REP) Michael Travis (DEM) received 19,962 votes received 12,703 votes For Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller,the whole number of votes cast was 1,045.244 of which Juan Fernandez-Barquin (REP) Annette Taddeo (DEM) Rubin Young (WRJ) received 580,202 votes received 464,947 votes received 95 votes For Sheriff,the whole number of votes cast was 1,048,874 of which Rosanna "Rosie"Cordero-Stutz (REP) James Reyes (DEM) received 583,505 votes received 465,369 votes For Property Appraiser,the whole number of votes cast was 1,045,246 of which Tomas Regalado (REP) Marisol Zenteno (DEM) received 595.819 votes received 449,427 votes For Tax Collector,the whole number of votes cast was 1,036,756 of which Dariel Fernandez (REP) David Richardson (DEM) received 576,892 votes received 459,864 votes For Supervisor of Elections,the whole number of votes cast was 1,038,831 of which Alina Garcia (REP) Juan-Carlos "JC."Planas (DEM) 11I5/2024 04.57-00 PM 005 received 580,061 votes received 458,770 votes d Official Results « CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD MIAMI-DADE COUTY We Certify that pursuant to Section 102112,Florida Statutes,the canvassing board has compared the number of persons who voted with the number of ballots counted and that the certification includes all valid votes cast in the election. le COUNTY JUDGE.CHAIRPERSON J ,''\,,·,~'E. LUPER VISOR OF ELECTIONS.MEMBER 11 15/2024 04 57 00 PM 006 Official Results CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD MIAMI-DADE COUNTY We,the undersigned,VICTORIA FERRER,County Judge,Chairperson, MIESHA DARROUGH,County Judge,Substitute Member, CHRISTINA WHITE,Supervisor of Elections,Member,constituting the Board of County Canvassers in and for said County,do hereby certify that we met on the Fifteenth day of November,2024 A.D.,and proceeded publicly to canvass the votes given for the several offices and persons herein specified at the Nonpartisan Election held on the Fifth day of November,2024 A.D.,as shown by the returns on file in the office of the Supervisor of Elections.We do hereby certify from said returns as follows: Retention of Justice Renatha Francis of the Supreme Court Yes 625,479 votes No 331,121 votes Retention of Justice Meredith Sasso of the Supreme Court Yes 607,862 votes No 342,114 votes Retenbon of Judge Kevin M Emas of the Third District Court of Appeal Yes 698,469 votes No 245,658 votes Retention of Judge Ivan F.Fernandez of the Third District Court of Appeal Yes 663,794 votes No 277,450 votes Retention of Judge Nonna Shepard Lindsey of the Third District Court of Appeal Yes 641,220 votes No 295,041 votes For County Court Judge,Group 29,the whole number of votes cast was 918,728 of which Christopher Benjamin Alina Salcines Restrepo 11 15/2024 04.57/00 PM 007 received 476,814 votes received 441,914 votes Official Results s CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD MIAMI-DADE COUNTY For School Board,District 3,the whole number of votes cast was 110,761 of which Joseph "Joe"Geller Martin Karp received 60.740 votes received 50,021 votes For School Board,District 7,the whole number of votes cast was 126,970 of which Mary Blanco Maxeme "Max"Tuchman received 86,182 votes received 40,788 votes For County Commissioner,District 7,the whole number of votes cast was IO 1,295 of which Cindy Lerner Raque!A.Regalado received 43,960 votes received 57,335 votes For Aventura City Commissioner Seat l,the whole number of votes cast was 14,761 of which Gustavo F.Blachman Michael Isaac Jacobs Alberto Zaltzberg received received received 7,075 votes 5,979 votes 1,707 votes For Aventura City Commissioner Seat 2,the whole number of votes cast was 14,536 of which Cindy Orlinsky Gary Pyott received received 9,796 votes 4,740 votes For Bal Harbour Council Member District 4,the whole number of votes cast was 1,272 of which David Albaum Alejandro Levy received received 538 votes 734 votes For Biscayne Park Commissioner,the whole number of votes cast was 2,036 of which Ryan Huntington MacDonald Kennedy Daniel R.Samaria L15/2024 04 5700 PM 008 received received received 801 votes 802 votes 433 votes Official Results + CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD MIAMI-DADE COUNTY For Cutler Bay Council Member Seat 2,the whole number of votes cast was 19,278 of which Brook De Melo Gomes Suzy Lord received 9,201 votes received 10,077 votes For Doral Mayor,the whole number of votes cast was 25,749 of which Christi Fraga Roxanna Garay received 20,405 votes received 5,344 votes For Doral Councilmember Seat 1,the whole number of votes cast was 24,841 of which Ivette Gonzalez Petkovich Rafael Pineyro received 9,845 votes received 14,996 votes For Doral Councilmember Seat 3,the whole number of votes cast was 23,352 of which Juan Carlos Esquivel Nicole Reinoso Irina Vilarino received 8,324 votes received 10,428 votes received 4,600 votes For El Portal Councilperson Seat 4,the whole number of votes cast was 1,029 of which Luis M.Pirela Charles Winters received received S 11 votes 518 votes For Key Biscayne Village Council,the whole number of votes cast was 13,438 of which Michael F.Bracken received 2,391 votes Franklin H.Caplan received 2,376 votes Charles Hyatt Collins received 1,314 votes Mark E.Fried received 2,004 votes Nicolas Lopez-Jenkins received 2,l 52 votes Nancy Stoner received 3,20 l votes For Medley Mayor,the whole number of votes cast was 559 of which Roberto Martell Lily Stefano 1115/2024 04 57.00 PM 009 received received 238 votes 321 votes Official Results CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD MIAMI-DADE COUNTY For Medley Council Member,the whole number of votes cast was 1,017 of which Ernesto Fuster received 180 votes Arturo "Anie"Jinete received 259 votes lvan Pacheco received 157 votes Karina Pacheco received 163 votes Lourdes Rodriguez received 258 votes For Miami Gardens Council Member Seat 5,the whole number of votes cast was 42,302 of which Karen Hunter-Jackson Linda Julien received 16,357 votes received 25,945 votes For Miami Lakes Mayor,the whole number of votes cast was 15,708 of which Josh Dieguez Tony Ferandez Yuniett Gonzalez received received received 7,320 votes 6,593 votes 1,795 votes For Miami Lakes Councilmember Seat 1,the whole number of votes cast was 14,771 of which Angelo Cuadra Garcia Mario O.Pinera Jr. received received 8,015 votes 6,756 votes For N.Bay Village Treasure Island Commissioner,the whole number of votes cast was 2,830 of which Doris Acosta Jose R.Parada Jr. received received 1,602 votes 1,228 votes For North Miami Mayor,the whole number of votes cast was I 9,652 of which Naomi Esther Blemur received 3,568 votes Daphne Campbell received 4,408 votes Alix Desulme received 7,226 votes Hector Medina received 4.450 votes 11/15/2024 04 57.00 PM 010 Official Results +++ CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD MIAMI-DADE COUNTY For North Miami Councilperson District I,the whole number of votes cast was 4,477 of which Kevin A.Burns received 1,926 votes Vanessa Pierre received 1,366 votes Fvan A Shields received 607 votes Jessica Wolland received 578 votes For North Miami Councilperson District 4,the whole number of votes cast was 6,307 of which Daniel Calixte received 1,036 votes Charlie Nacivre Charles received 1,020 votes Pierre Frantz Charles received 2,777 votes Beverly Hilton received 900 votes Bethynel "Betty"Vega received 574 votes For North Miami Beach Group 1 Mayor,the whole number of votes cast was l3,287 of which Michael Joseph Evan S.Piper received received 7,374 votes S,9l3 votes For North Miami Beach Group 3 Commissioner,the whole number of votes cast was 13,036 of which Hubert Dube Daniela Jean Margaret Mary "Margie"Love received received received 3,216 votes 6,401 votes 3,419 votes For North Miami Beach Group 5 Commissioner,the whole number of votes cast was 12,160 of which McKenzie Fleurimond Ketley Joachim received received 7415 votes 4,745 votes For North Miami Beach Group 7 Commissioner,the whole number of votes cast was 12,680 of which Eunice Flowers Ellis Keeter Maggy Belizaire Lopez Lynn Su Paule Villard 11/15/2024 04 57.00 PM 011 received 1,847 votes received 1,434 votes received 2,339 votes received 3,235 votes received 3,825 votes Official Results + CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD MIAMI-DADE COUNTY For Opa-locka Commissioners,the whole number of votes cast was 5,426 of which Retevea Bain-Walden received 476 votes Chris Davis received 851 votes Brian Dennis received 634 votes Audrey Dominguez received 746 votes Joseph L.Kelley received 1,719 votes Luis Santiago received 1,000 votes For Palmetto Bay Vice Mayor,the whole number of votes cast was 13,288 of which Mark Merwitzer Leanne Tellam received received 6,683 votes 6,605 votes For Palmetto Bay Council Member Seat 2,the whole number of votes cast was 13,031 of which Steve Cody David M.Singer received received 7,522 votes 5,509 votes for Pinecrest Councilmember Seat 3,the whole number of votes cast was 10,175 of which Shannon de]Prado Ralph Sanchez received received 6,746 votes 3,429 votes For South Miami Mayor,the whole number of votes cast was 4,970 of which Javier Femandez received 4,970 votes For South Miami Commissioner Group IL,the whole number of votes cast was 5,597 of which Daniel Guerra Danny Rodriguez received received 2,704 votes 2,893 votes For South Miami Commissioner Group III.the whole number of votes cast was 3,976 of which Brian Corey 11/15/2024 045700 PM 012 received 6 3.,976 votes Official Results CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD MIAMI-DADE COUNTY For Sunny Isles Beach Commissioner Seat l.the whole number of votes cast was 7,402 of which Patricia Alvarez received 2,630 votes George Bardrnesser received 1,355 votes Jerry Joseph received 2,855 votes Iracilda Lichtinger received 562 votes For Sunny Isles Beach Commissioner Seat 3,the whole number of votes cast was 7,360 of which Greg Capra Fabiola Stuyvesant received received 3,583 votes 3,777 votes For Virginia Gardens Council,the whole number of votes cast was 1,370 of which Richard L.Block Debra A.Conover Gabriel Ferandez received received received 404 votes 421 votes 545 votes For Cutler Cay Community Development District,Seat 3,the whole number of votes cast was 731 of which Albert Collazo Christopher T.Musser received received S 13 votes 218 votes For Cutler Cay Community Development District,Seat 4,the whole number of votes cast was 697 of which Donna Fishbein Alexandra Penn Williams received received 285 votes 412 votes For Downtown Doral South Community Development District,Seat 4, the whole number of votes cast was 887 of which Adolfo William Alfonso Francisco Bird Guillermo I.Silva Malave 1115/2024 04.57 00 PM 013 received received received 278 votes 44.1 votes 168 votes Official Results CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD MIAMI-DADE COUNTY For Downtown Doral South Community Development District,Seat 5, the whole number of votes cast was 882 0f which Lidy C.Hernandez Perez Jaime Mercado received received 447 votes 435 votes For Islands at Doral III Community Development District,Seat 4,the whole number of votes cast was 1,511 of which Victoria Gonzalez Gerardo A.Verde received received 1,037 votes 474 votes For Land.mark at Doral Community Development District,Seat 5,the whole number of votes cast was 831 of which Juan Javier De Maqua Yasenka Peterson received received 525 votes 306 votes For Majorca Isles Community Development District,Seat I,the whole number of votes cast was 675 of which Reginald Andre Theodis Tyrone Kendrick Nathan Price received received received 304 votes 214 votes 157 votes For Majorca Isles Community Development District,Seat 2.the whole number of votes cast was 673 of which Eric Moss Tamara Price 1 1 1 5 /2 0 2 4 04 5 7 0 0 P M 014 received received 332 votes 341 votes Official Results + CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD MIAMI-DADE COUNTY We Certify that pursuant to Section 102.112,Florida Statutes,the canvassing board has compared the number of persons who voted with the number of ballots counted and that the certification includes all valid votes cast in the election. COUNTY JUDGE,CHAIRPER SON Ml'IN .'.I_._,.I .,,fConJUDGE,SLBSTTTUT F EM BER25 ice 5FERVOR OF ELFCTIOS .MEMBER? 1,15/2024 04.57 U6 PM 9 015 Official Results t r + CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD MIAM I-DADE COUNTY We,the undersigned,VICTORIA FERRER,County Judge,Chairperson,MIESHA DARROUGH,County Judge,Substitute Member,CHRISTINA WHITE,Supervisor of Elections,Member,constituting the Board of County Canvassers in and for said County,do hereby certify that we met on the Fifteenth day of November,2024 A.D., and proceeded publicly to canvass the votes given for the Proposed Amendments to the Constitution of the State of Florida and Proposed Amendments to the Constitution of the State of Florida Referendums on the Fifth day of November,2024 A.D as shown by the returns on file in the office of the Supervisor of Elections.We do hereby certify from said retums as follows. N0.1 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ARTICLE IX,SECTION 4;ARTICLE XII PARTISAN ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARDS Proposing amendments to the State Constitution to require members of a district school board to be elected in a partisan election rather than a nonpartisan election and to specify that the amendment only applies to elections held on or after the November 2026 general election.However,partisan primary elections may occur before the 2026 general election for purposes of nominating political party candidates to that office for placement on the 2026 general election ballot. Yes for Approval No for Rejection NO.2 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ARTICLE I,SECTION 28 RIGHT TO FISH AND HUNT 569,902 415,078 votes votes Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to preserve forever fishing and bunting,including by the use of traditional methods,as a public right and preferred means of responsibly managing and controlling fisb and wildlife.Specifies that the amendment does not limit the authority granted to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission under Section of Article IV of the State Constitution. Yes for Approval No for Rejection 659,670 348,269 votes votes N0.3 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ARTICLE X,SECTION 29 ADULT PERSONAL USE OF MARIJUANA Allows adults 2l years or older to possess,purchase,or use marijuana products and marijuana accessories for non-medical personal consumption by smoking,ingestion, or otherwise;allows Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers,and other state licensed entities,to acquire,cultivate,process,manufacture,sell,and distribute such products and accessories.Applies to Florida law,does not change,or immunize violations of, federal law.Establishes possession limits for personal use.Allows consistent legislation Defines terms.Provides effective date. Yes for Approval No for Rejection 11 15/2024 04 57 00 PM 016 510,124 525,479 votes votes Official Results + CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD MLAMI-DADE COUNTY N0.4 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ARTICLE 1,NEW SECTION AMENDMENT TO LIMIT GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE WITH ABORTION No law shall prohibit,penalize,delay,or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient's health,as determined by the patient's healthcare provider.Ths amendment does not change the Legislature's constitutional authority to require notification to a parent or guardian before a minor has an abortion. Yes for Approval No for Rejection 618,188 435,185 votes votes N0.5 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ARTICLE vn,SECTION 6;ARTICLE XII ANNUAL ADJUSTMENTS TO THE VALUE OF CERTAIN HOMESTEAD EXEMPTIONS Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to require an annual adjustment for inflation to the value of current or future homestead exemptions that apply solely to levies other than school district levies and for which every person who has legal or equitable title to real estate and maintains thereon the permanent residence of the owner,or another person legally or naturally dependent upon the owner is eligible. This amendment takes effect January I,2025. Yes for Approval No for Rejection 727,312 289,333 votes votes N0.6 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ARTICLE VI,SECTION 7 REPEAL OF PUBLIC CAMPAIGN FINANCING REQUIREMENT Proposing the repeal of the provision in the State Constitution which requires public financing for campaigns of candidates for elective statewide office who agree to campaign spending limits Yes for Approval No for Rejection 518,693 474,734 votes votes COUNTY NONBINDING STRAW BALLOT PUBLIC WI-FI County Nonbinding Straw Ballot Public Wi-Fi Yes for Approval No for Rejection 777.088 235.691 votes votes BALHARBOUR LEVY HOMELESS/DOMESTIC ABUSE TAX BalHarbour Levy Homeless/Domestic Abuse Tax Yes for Approval No for Rejection 11 15/2024 04.57.00 PM 017 436 899 votes votes r Official Results + CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CAN ASSING BOARD MIA MI-DADE COUNTY CUTLERBAY PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT MODES OF COMM CutlerBay Public Engagement Modes of Comm Yes for Approval No for Rejection 16.925 3,380 votes votes CUTLERBAY TOWN LAWS ENVlRONMENT STEWARDSHIP CutlerBay Town Laws Environment Stewardship Yes for Approval No for Rejection 17,230 3,193 votes votes DORAL CLARIFY FORM OF GOVERNMENT Doral Clarify Form of Government Yes for Approval No for Rejection 10,965 12,861 votes votes DORAL CREA TE COMMITTEES/APPOINTMENT MEMBERS Doral Create Committees/Appointment Members Yes for Approval No for Rejection 12,868 10,813 votes votes DORAL COUNCIL AUTH MAYOR/GOVERN ENTITIES Doral Council Auth Mayor/Gover Entities Yes for Approval No for Rejection 14,666 9,147 votes votes DORAL SERVlCE MAYOR POSITION COUNCILMEMBER Doral Service Mayor Position Councilmember Yes for Approval No for Rejection 15,406 8,531 votes votes DORAL MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBER COMPENSATION Doral Mayor and Councilmember Compensation Yes for Approval No for Rejection 11 15/2024 04-57.00 PM 018 12.811 11,174 votes votes Official Resnlts + CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD MAMI-DADE COUNTY DORAL PROCESS APPOINT CITY MANAGER Doral Process Appoint City Manager Yes for Approval No for Rejection 16,189 7,372 votes votes DORAL PROCESS APPOINT CITY BOARDS/AGENCIES Doral Process Appoint City Boards/Agencies Yes for Approval No for Rejection 15,132 9.266 votes votes DORAL ELIMINATION RUN-OFF ELECTIONS Doral Elimination Run-off Elections Yes for Approval No for Rejection 12,775 12,115 votes votes DORAL APPOINT CHRTR REV COMM/REQ MEMBERS Doral Appoint Chrtr Rev Comm/Req Members Yes for Approval No for Rejection 11,398 12.804 votes votes DORAL OFC CHRTR ENFORCE/OFC INSP GENERAL Doral Ofc Chrr Enforce/Ofc Insp General Yes for Approval No for Rejection 19,042 5.381 votes votes MIA CONTINUOUS RESIDENCY MAYOR/COMMISSIONER Mia Continuous Residency Mayor/Commissioner Yes for Approval No for Rejection 111,834 15,626 votes votes MIA REV DEVELOP PARROT JUNGLE WATSON ISLAND Mia Rev Develop Parrot Jungle Watson Island Yes for Approval No for Rejection 11 15/2024 04 57 00 PM 019 74,386 52.619 votes votes Official Results +« CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD MIAMI-DADE COUNTY MIA REV MIXED-USE LEASES ON WATSON ISLAND Mia Rev Mixed-Use Leases on Watson Island Yes for Approval No for Rejection MIA CHANGE RUNOFF DATE Mia Change Runoff Date Yes for Approval No for Rejection 77,582 47,780 79,929 45,773 votes votes votes votes MIABCH CITIZENSBILLRIGHTS ETHICS COMMISSION MiaBch CitizensBil]Rights Ethics Commission Yes for Approval No for Rejection 24,604 5,670 votes votes IABCH CITIZENSBILLRIGHTS CIRCOURT/FORFEIT MiaBch Citizens BillRughts CirCour'Forfeit Yes for Approval No for Rejection 20,157 8,779 votes votes MIABCH SALE/LEASE CITY PROPERTY AGREEMENTS MiaBch Sale/Lease City property agreements Yes for Approval No for Rejection 22,451 7,123 votes votes MIABCH RUNOFF ELECTION DATE/INSTALL/OFCTERM MiaBcb Runoff Election Date/Tnstall/OfcTerm Yes for Approval No for Rejection 22,492 7,649 votes votes MIABCH PUBLIC HEARINGS/NOTICE ORDINANCES MiaBch Public Hearings/Notice Ordinances Yes for Approval No for Rejection II/I5/2024 0457-00 PM 020 23,411 7,266 votes votes Official Results ++ CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD MIAMI-DADE COUNTY IABCH VACANCIES IN CITY COMMISSION MiaBch Vacancies in City Commission Yes for Approval No for Rejection 20,925 9.393 votes votes MIABCH CHARTER LANGUAGE TO LAW/CURRENT USE MiaBch Chanter Language to Law/Current Use Yes for Approval No for Rejection 24,012 4,909 votes votes MIAGARDENS CITY MANAGER RESIDENCY REQUIRE MiaGardens City Manager Residency Require Yes for Approval No for Rejection 23,51 l 18,108 votes votes MIASPRINGS TERMS OF OFC/NOVEMBER ELECTIONS MiaSprings Terms of Ofc/November Elections Yes for Approval No for Rejection 3,074 3,694 votes votes NBAYVILLAGE PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENTS NBay Village Public Notice Requirements Yes for Approval No for Rejection 2,347 508 votes votes NBA YVILLAGE EMPLOYEES VILLAGE CLERK'S OFC NBayVillage Employees Village Clerk's Ofc Yes for Approval No for Rejection 2,391 433 votes votes NBAYVILLAGE CONT RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT NBayVillage Cont Residency Requirement Yes for Approval No for Rejection 1+15/2024 04/57/00 PM 021 2,679 211 6 votes votes rs Official Results + CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD MLAMI-DADE COUNTY NBAYVILLAGE QUALIFYING PERIOD NBayVillage Qualifying Period Yes for Approval No for Rejection 2,238 477 votes votes NBA YVILLAGE SINGLE FAMILY PROPERTY NBayVillage Single Family Property Yes for Approval No for Rejection 2,253 616 votes votes NBA YVILLAGE LIMIT ON VILLAGE DEBT NBay Village Limit On Village Debt Yes for Approval No for Rejection 1,959 798 votes votes NBAYVILLAGE CHRTR NONSUBSTANTIVE/TECHUPDATE NBayVillage Chrtr Non$Substantive/TechUpdate Yes for Approval No for Rejection 2,177 590 votes votes PINECREST TERM LIMITS MAYOR/COUNCILMEMBER Pinecrest Term Limits Mayor/Councilmember Yes for Approval No for Rejecton 4,233 6,036 votes votes PINECREST PARTIAL TERMS OFC LESS TWO YEARS Pinecrest Partial Terms Ofc Less Two Years Yes for Approval No for Rejcection 4,605 5,521 votes votes PINECREST CALC TERM LIMITS/GAP IN SERVICE Pinecrest Calc Term Limits/Gap in Service Yes for Approval No for Rejection I!15/2024 04-5700 M 022 3,797 6.188 votes votes Official Results + CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD AMI-DADE COUNTY PINECREST METHOD FILLING VACANCIES IN OFC Pinecrest Method Filling Vacancies in Ofc Yes for Approval No for Rejection 5,306 4,603 votes votes PINECREST UPDATE CHRTR ELECTIONS TIMELINES Pinecrest Update Chrtr Elections Timelines Yes for Approval No for Rejection 6,429 3,449 votes votes SOUTHMIA PURCHASE LIMIT ORDINANCE CITY COMM SouthMia Purchase Limit Ordinance City Comm Yes for Approval No for Rejection 3,271 2,212 votes votes SOUTHMIA FOUR YEAR TERM OFFICE CITY MAYOR SouthMia Four year term Office City Mayor Yes for Approval No for Rejection 4,235 1,368 votes votes SOUTHMIA BOND P AR.KS/REC/PUBLICWORKS/SAFETY South.Mia Bond Parks/Rec/PublicWorks'Safety Yes for Approval No for Rejection 3,263 2,160 votes votes SURFSIDE RESID LOTS BW COLLINS/HARDING A VE Surfside Resid Lots b/w Collins/Harding Ave Yes for Approval No for Rejection 1,483 1,171 votes votes SURFSIDE RESID LOTS WEST OF HARDING A VE Surfside Resid Lots West of Harding Ave Yes for Approval No for Rejection 1115/2024 0457 00 PM 023 1,510 1,126 votes votes Official Results ++ CERTIFICATE OF COLT CANVASSING BOARD MIAI-DADE COUNTY SURFSIDE PROHIBITION OF LOT SUBDIVISION Surfside Prohibition of Lot Subdivision Yes for Approval No for Rejection 1,414 1.205 votes votes SURFSIDE COLLECTION OBLIGATIONS DUE TO TOWN Surfside Collection Obligations due to Town Yes for Approval No for Rejecton 1.567 1.037 votes votes SURFSIDE PROHIBIT DEVCONSTR POINT LAKE Surfs:de Pohbt Dev/Const Point Lake Yes for Approval No for Rejection 1,641 936 votes votes WESTMLA AMEND CHARTER COMM CITYWIDE SEATS WestMia Am end Charter Comm citywide seats Yes for Approval No for Rejection 1,554 1,071 votes votes WESTMIA CHANGE MAYOR TERM TO FOUR-YEAR TERM WestMia Change Mayor Term to Four-year Term Yes for Approval No for Rejection 1.700 1,019 voles votes We Certify that pursuant to Section 102.112,Florida Statutes.the canvassing board has compared the number of persons who voted with the number of ballots counted and that the certification includes all vahd votes cast in the election. COUNTY JUDGE.CHAIRPERSON 115202404 5700 PM 024 9 SUMMARY REPT-GROUP DETAIL Official General Election OFFICIAL RESULTS Miami-Dade County,FL November 5,2024 Run Date:11/15/24 04:19 PM Report EL45A Page 001 TOTAL VOTES %ED VBM EV PRECINCTS COUNTED (OF 762).762 100.00 REGISTERED VOTERS -TOTAL 1525.474 BALLOTS CAST·TOTAL.1104,596 215.213 291,659 597,724 BALLOTS CAST-BLAMK.36,025 3.26 10,260 5,269 20.496 VOTER TURNOUT-TOTAL 72.41 VOTER TURNOUT-BLANK 2.36 President and Vice President VOTE FOR)1 Donald J.Trump (REP)605,590 55.19 121,757 115.221 368,612 Kamala D.Harris (DEM)480.355 43.78 87,906 170.153 222.296 Jill Stein (GRE).3,813 .35 1,229 1.113 1,471 WRITE-IN.3,116 .28 898 1,014 1,204 Chase Oliver CLPF)2,096 .19 640 647 809 Claudia De la Cruz (PSL)1.308 .12 388 395 525 Randall Terry (CPF)476 .04 149 126 201 Peter Sonski (ASP)455 .04 108 180 167 Total 1097.209 213.075 288,849 595,285 Over Votes 2,072 605 1,053 414 Under Votes 5.315 1,533 1,757 2,025 United States Senator VOTE FOR)1 Rick Scott (REP).585,445 54.36 114.413 114,050 356.982 Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (DEM)477,598 44.35 87,571 169.392 220,635 Feena Bonoan (LPF)4.737 .44 1,518 1,102 2.117 Ben Everidge (NPA)4.244 .39 1.226 1.064 1.954 Tuan TQ Nguyen (NPA).4.088 .38 1,295 949 1.,844 WRITE-IN.888 .08 273 197 418 Total 1077.000 206,296 286,754 583,950 Over Votes 734 127 379 228 Under Votes 26,861 8,790 4.525 13,546 Representative Congress Dist 24 VOTE FOR)1 Frederica Wilson (DEM).170,692 66.80 35.601 52.829 82,262 Jesus Gabriel Navarro (REP)84.231 32.97 21,295 17,624 45.312 WRITE-IN.592 .23 141 174 277 Total 255.515 57,037 70.627 127,851 Over Votes 172 31 103 38 Under Votes 12,108 3,770 2.835 5,503 Representative Congress Dist 26 VOTE FOR)1 Mario Diaz-Balart (REP).138,467 71.14 30,832 26.338 81,297 Joey Atkins (DEM).56,161 28.86 12,148 20,558 23,455 Total 194,628 42,980 46.896 104,752 Over Votes 34 7 10 17 Under Votes 7,773 2,651 1.589 3,533 •.}di#M • v&,.F 1/1 )/l•t€ 025 SUMMARY REPT-GROUP DETAIL Official General Election OFFICIAL RESULTS Miami -Dade County,FL November 5,2024 Run Date:11/15/24 04:19 PM Report EL45A Page 002 TOTAL VOTES %ED VBM EV Representative Congress Dist 27 VOTE FOR)1 Maria Elvira Salazar (REP).199,159 60.38 34,168 44,214 120,777 Lucia Baez-Geller (DEM).130,708 39.62 19.686 52,390 58,632 Total 329.867 53,854 96,604 179,409 Over Votes 74 10 19 45 Under Votes 11,661 2,948 3,479 5,234 Representative Congress Dist 28 VOTE FOR)1 Carlos A.Gimenez (REP).183,428 64.98 32,403 33,074 117,951 Phil Ehr (DEM).98,853 35.02 16,836 33,940 48,077 Total 282,281 49,239 67,014 166,028 Over Votes 47 6 16 25 Under Votes 10,435 2,680 2,466 5,289 State Senator District 37 VOTE FOR)1 Jason Pizzo (DEM).19,904 56.57 3,556 7,783 8,565 Imtiaz Mohammad (REP)15,282 43.43 3,868 3,202 8,212 Total 35,186 7,424 10,985 16,777 Over Votes 29 1 8 20 Under Votes 4,019 1,053 962 2,004 State Senator District 39 VOTE FOR)1 Bryan Avila (REP).133,270 69.81 27,832 25,727 79,711 Charles A.Lewis I (DEM)57,635 30.19 12,456 20,885 24,294 Total 190,905 40,288 46,612 104,005 Over Votes 20 6 6 8 Under Votes 12,596 3,944 2,282 6,370 State Representative Dist 106 VOTE FOR)1 Fabian Basabe (REP).38,386 51.26 8,810 9,204 20,372 Joe Saunders (DEM)35,229 47.04 6,615 14,011 14,603 Mo Saunders Scott (NPA).1.271 1.70 425 280 566 Total 74,886 15,850 23,495 35,541 Over Votes 12 2 6 4 Under Votes 5,219 1,594 1.377 2,248 State Representative Dist 110 VOTE FOR)1 Tom Fabricio (REP)49,881 71.17 10,028 8,937 30,916 Stanley ").P."Jean-Poix (DEM)20,207 28.83 4,323 7,184 8,700 Total 70,088 14,351 16,121 39,616 Over Votes 7 0 2 5 Under Votes 4,298 1,359 757 2.182 026 SUMMARY REPT-GROUP DETAIL Official General Election OFFICIAL RESULTS Miami -Dade County,FL November 5,2024 Run Date:11/15/24 04:19 PM Report EL45A Page 003 TOTAL VOTES %ED VBM EV State Representative Dist 111 VOTE FOR)1 David Borrero (REP).45,942 67.38 9,427 8,846 27,669 Laura F.Kelley (DEM)22,238 32.62 4,330 8,662 9,246 Total 68,180 13,757 17,508 36,915 Over Votes 8 2 3 3 Under Votes 4,053 1,199 845 2,009 State Representative Dist 112 VOTE FOR)1 Alex Rizo (REP)40.199 72.95 8,828 8,516 22,855 Jacqueline "Jackie"Gil-Abarzua (DEM)14,908 27.05 3,570 5,558 5,780 Total 55,107 12,398 14,074 28,635 Over Votes 7 0 4 3 Under Votes 3,994 1,342 608 2,044 State Representative Dist 113 VOTE FOR)1 Vicki Lopez (REP).33,461 54.66 7,336 7,770 18,355 Jacqueline "Jackie"Gross-Kellogg (DEM)27,754 45.34 4,862 10,082 12,810 Total 61,215 12,198 17.852 31,165 Over Votes 13 4 5 4 Under Votes 3,694 1,093 880 1,721 State Representative Dist 114 VOTE FOR)1 Demi Busatta Cabrera (REP).46,249 58.36 7,617 11.328 27,304 Matthew John Bornstein (DEM)32,994 41.64 4,841 13,320 14,833 Total 79,243 12,458 24,648 42,137 Over Votes 23 2 9 12 Under Votes 4,719 1,059 1,336 2,324 State Representative Dist 115 VOTE FOR)1 Omar Blanco (REP).54,952 59.35 8,477 11,754 34,721 Norma Perez Schwartz (DEM).37,639 40.65 4,636 15,707 17,296 Total 92,591 13,113 27,461 52,017 Over Votes 12 0 6 6 Under Votes 4,621 943 1,314 2,364 State Representative Dist 116 VOTE FOR)1 Daniel A.Perez (REP)52,964 68.72 7,940 11,742 33,282 Nicolas Ramos (DEM)24,110 31.28 3,830 9,320 10,960 Total 77,074 11,770 21,062 44,242 Over Votes 17 5 5 7 Under Votes 4,381 1,031 974 2,376 027 SUMMARY REPT-GROUP DETAIL Official General Election OFFICIAL RESULTS Miami-Dade County,FL November 5,2024 Run Date:11/15/24 04:19 PM Report EL45A Page 004 TOTAL VOTES %ED VBM EV State Representative Dist 117 VOTE FOR)1 Kevin Chambliss (DEM)32,347 52.88 6.617 9.222 16.508 Beatrice Slawson (REP)28,823 47.12 5,629 4.168 19.026 Total 61,170 12.246 13.390 35.534 Over Votes 8 1 3 4 Under Votes 3.468 880 611 1,977 State Representative Dist 118 VOTE FOR)1 Mike Redondo (REP)58,355 68.33 9.836 11,525 36,994 Joel Vadala (DEM).27,046 31.67 4,478 10,281 12,287 Total 85,401 14,314 21.806 49,281 Over Votes 10 0 4 6 Under Votes 4,773 1.227 1.083 2,463 State Representative Dist 119 VOTE FOR)1 Juan Carlos Porras (REP)54,735 64.62 8,330 9,816 36,589 Marcos Reyes (DEM)29.967 35.38 4.224 10,840 14,903 Total 84.702 12,554 20,656 51,492 Over Votes 22 2 5 15 Under Votes 3,923 870 888 2,165 State Representative Dist 120 VOTE FOR)1 James "Jim"Vernon Mooney Jr.(REP).19,962 61.11 4,224 3,045 12,693 Michael Travis (DEM).12,703 38.89 2.767 3,685 6.251 Total 32,665 6,991 6.,730 18,944 Over Votes 2 0 0 2 Under Votes 1.709 478 320 911 Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller VOTE FOR)1 Juan Fernandez-Barquin (REP)580.202 55.40 111.303 117,439 351,460 Annette Taddeo (DEM).464.947 44.40 86.800 161.430 216.717 WRITE-IN.2,074 .20 567 540 967 Total 1047.223 198,670 279.409 569.144 Over Votes 579 100 281 198 Under Votes 54.339 16,443 9,514 28,382 Sheriff VOTE FOR)1 Rosanna "Rosie"Cordero-Stutz (REP).583,505 55.63 112.486 117,576 353.443 James Reyes (DEM).465.369 44.37 86.519 162.218 216.632 Total 1048.874 199,005 279.794 570.075 Over Votes 263 46 83 134 Under Votes 53,004 16.162 9,327 27.515 028 SUMMARY REPT-GROUP DETAIL Official General Election OFFICIAL RESULTS Miami-Dade County,FL November 5,2024 Run Date:11/15/24 04:19 PM Report EL45A Page 005 TOTAL VOTES %ED VBM EV Property Appraiser VOTE FOR)1 Tomas Regalado (REP).595,819 57.00 113,911 123,828 358,080 Marisol Zenteno (DEM)449,427 43.00 84,303 154,854 210,270 Total 1045,246 198,214 278,682 568,350 Over Votes 143 28 42 73 Under Votes 56,752 16,971 10,480 29,301 Tax Coll ector VOTE FOR)1 Dariel Fernandez (REP)576,892 55.64 111,122 115,634 350,136 David Richardson (DEM)459,864 44.36 84,980 160,685 214,199 Total 1036,756 196,102 276.319 564,335 Over Votes 137 28 45 64 Under Votes 65,248 19,083 12,840 33,325 Supervisor of Elections VOTE FOR)1 Alina Garcia (REP)580,061 55.84 112,541 115,541 351,979 Juan-Carlos "J.C."Planas (DEM)458,770 44.16 83,316 162,766 212,688 Total 1038,831 195,857 278,307 564,667 Over Votes 119 23 48 48 Under Votes 63,191 19.,333 10,849 33,009 Justice Supreme Court Renatha Francis VOTE FOR)1 Yes 625,479 65.39 121,365 148,235 355.879 No.331,121 34.61 58,688 110,944 161,489 Total 956,600 180,053 259.179 517,368 Over Votes 497 57 193 247 Under Votes 145,044 35,103 29,832 80.109 Justice Supreme Court Meredith Sasso VOTE FOR)1 Yes 607,862 63.99 117,480 143,339 347,043 No.342,114 36.01 60,736 115,042 166,336 Total 949,976 178,216 258,381 513,379 Over Votes 232 28 92 112 Under Votes 151.933 36,969 30,731 84,233 3rdDist Court Appeal Kevin M.Emas VOTE FOR)1 Yes 698,469 73.98 126,132 193,805 378.532 No.245,658 26.02 51,545 62,784 131,329 Total 944,127 177.677 256,589 509,861 Over Votes 374 54 137 183 Under Votes 157,640 37,482 32.478 87,680 029 SUMMARY REPT-GROUP DETAIL Official General Election OFFICIAL RESULTS Miami -Dade County,FL November 5,2024 Run Date:11/15/24 04:19 PM Report EL45A Page 006 TOTAL VOTES %ED VBM EV 3rdDist Court Appeal Ivan F.Fernandez VOTE FOR)1 Yes 663,794 70.52 123,861 170,202 369,731 No.277,450 29.48 52.952 86,146 138,352 Total 941.244 176.813 256,348 508,083 Over Votes 243 30 96 117 Under Votes 160,654 38,370 32.760 89,524 3rdDist Court Appeal Norma Shepard Lindsey VOTE FOR)1 Yes 641.220 68.49 121.574 167,455 352,191 No.295,041 31.51 54,387 87 .489 153,165 Total 936,261 175,961 254.944 505,356 Over Votes 218 35 85 98 Under Votes 165,662 39,217 34,175 92,270 County Judge Group 29 VOTE FOR)1 Christopher Benjamin.476,814 51.90 89,725 143.271 243,818 Alina Salcines Restrepo.441,914 48.10 82,214 109,115 250,585 Total 918,728 171,939 252,386 494,403 Over Votes 407 51 134 222 Under Votes 183,006 43,223 36,684 103,099 County Commissioner District 7 VOTE FOR)1 Raquel A.Regalado 57,335 56.60 8,612 16,118 32,605 Cindy Lerner 43,960 43.40 6,250 17,436 20,274 Total 101.295 14,862 33,554 52,879 Over Votes 54 4 21 29 Under Votes 12,956 2.812 3,208 6,936 School Board Member District 3 VOTE FOR)1 Joseph "Joe"Geller 60,740 54.84 11,563 21.751 27.426 Martin Karp.50,021 45.16 10 .526 14,193 25,302 Total 110,761 22,089 35,944 52,728 Over Votes 62 11 23 28 Under Votes 24.561 6,405 6,152 12,004 School Board Member District 7 VOTE FOR)1 Mary Blanco.86,182 67.88 14,315 17,695 54,172 Maxeme "Max"Tuchman.40,788 32.12 6,073 15,514 19,201 Total 126,970 20,388 33,209 73,373 Over Votes 31 2 15 14 Under Votes 17,470 3,477 3,315 10,678 030 SUMMARY REPT-GROUP DETAIL Official General Election OFFICIAL RESULTS Miami -Dade County,FL November 5,2024 Run Date:11/15/24 04:19 PM Report EL45A Page 007 TOTAL VOTES ¥ED VBM EV Aventura City Commissioner Seat 1 VOTE FOR)1 Gustavo F.Bl achman .7,075 47.93 1.230 2,1B5 3,660 Michael Isaac Jacobs.5,979 40.51 962 2.145 2,872 Alberto Zaltz2berg.1.707 11.56 278 584 845 Total 14,761 2,470 4,914 7,377 Over Votes 11 3 4 4 Under Votes 3,680 776 1.110 1,794 Aventura City Commissioner Seat 2 VOTE FOR)1 Cindy Orlinsky.9,796 67.39 1.624 3,312 4,860 Gary Pyott .4,740 32.61 811 1,590 2,339 Total 14,536 2,435 4,902 7,199 Over Votes 7 2 5 0 Under Votes 3,909 812 1.121 1,976 Bal Harbour Council Member District 4 VOTE FOR)1 Alejandro Levy.734 57.70 163 275 296 David Albaum 538 42.30 119 213 206 Total .1,272 282 488 502 Over Votes .0 0 0 0 Under Votes.281 65 99 117 Biscayne Park Commissioner VOTE FOR)3 MacDonald Kennedy.802 39.39 255 272 275 Ryan Huntington 801 39.34 278 249 274 Daniel R.Samaria.433 21.27 160 106 167 Total 2,036 693 627 716 Over Votes 0 0 0 0 Under Votes 2.881 1,014 798 1,069 Cutler Bay Council Member Seat 2 VOTE FOR)1 Suzy Lord 10.077 52.27 1.439 3,278 5,360 Brook De Melo Gomes 9,201 47.73 1,543 1.848 5,810 Total 19.278 2,982 5,126 11,170 Over Votes 5 0 2 3 Under Votes 3,096 605 580 1.911 Doral Mayor VOTE FOR)1 Christi Fraga 20,405 79.25 4,030 5,062 11,313 Roxanna Garay.5,344 20.75 1,018 1.579 2,747 Total 25,749 5,048 6,641 14,060 Over Votes 9 1 5 3 Under Votes 1,755 451 282 1,022 031 SUMMARY REPT-GROUP DETAIL Official General Election OFFICIAL RESULTS Miami -Dade County,FL November 5,2024 Run Date:11/15/24 04:19 PM Report EL45A Page 008 TOTAL VOTES %ED VBM EV Doral Councilmember Seat 1 VOTE FOR)1 Rafael Pineyro.14,996 60.37 2,811 3,602 8,583 Ivette Gonzalez Petkovich 9,845 39.63 2,062 2,860 4,923 Total 24,841 4,873 6,462 13,506 Over Votes 7 0 3 4 Under Votes 2,665 627 463 1,575 Doral Councilmember Seat 3 VOTE FOR)1 Nicole Reinoso.10,428 44.66 1,977 2,858 5,593 Juan Carlos Esquivel.8.324 35.65 1,696 1,887 4,741 Irina Vilarino.4,600 19.70 966 1,242 2,392 Total 23,352 4,639 5,987 12.726 Over Votes 9 1 2 6 Under Votes 4,152 860 939 2,353 El Portal Councilperson Seat 4 VOTE FOR)1 Charles Winters 518 50.34 143 147 228 Luis M.Pirela.511 49.66 190 134 187 Total 1,029 333 281 415 Over Votes 0 0 0 0 Under Votes 135 34 26 75 Key Biscayne Village Council VOTE FOR)3 Nancy Stoner 3,201 23.82 664 1,262 1,275 Michael F.Bracken 2,391 17.79 495 950 946 Franklin H.Caplan 2,376 17.68 469 967 940 Nicolas Lopez-Jenkins 2,152 16.01 514 715 923 Mark E.Fried.2,004 14.91 389 812 803 Charles Hyatt Collins 1,314 9.78 265 475 574 Total 13,438 2,796 5,181 5,461 Over Votes 30 3 18 9 Under Votes 6,368 1,839 1,764 2,765 Medley Mayor VOTE FOR)1 Lily Stefano 321 57.42 75 173 73 Roberto Martell 238 42.58 95 50 93 Total 559 170 223 166 Over Votes 1 1 0 0 Under Votes 16 4 1 11 032 SUMMARY REPT-GROUP DETAIL Official General Election OFFICIAL RESULTS Miami-Dade County,FL November 5,2024 Run Date:11/15/24 04:19 PM Report EL45A Page 009 TOTAL VOTES ¥ED VBM EV Medley Council Member VOTE FOR)2 Arturo "Artie"Jinete 259 25.47 86 102 71 Lourdes Rodriguez.258 25.37 44 164 50 Ernesto Fuster.180 17.70 53 92 35 Karina Pacheco.163 16.03 63 36 64 Ivan Pacheco 157 15.44 56 39 62 Total 1,017 302 433 282 Over Votes 0 0 0 0 Under Votes 135 48 15 72 Miami Gardens Council Member Seat 5 VOTE FOR)1 Linda Julien 25,945 61.33 5,042 7,220 13,683 Karen Hunter-Jackson.16,357 38.67 3,904 4,226 8,227 Total 42,302 8,946 11,446 21,910 Over Votes 26 2 10 14 Under Votes 3,448 832 660 1,956 Miami Lakes Mayor VOTE FOR)1 Josh Dieguez 7,320 46.60 949 1,926 4,445 Tony Fernandez.6,593 41.97 957 1,596 4,040 Yuniett Gonzalez 1,795 11.43 343 404 1,048 Total 15.708 2,249 3,926 9,533 Over Votes 7 1 0 6 Under Votes 1,149 238 233 678 Miami Lakes Councilmember Seat 1 VOTE FOR)1 Angelo Cuadra Garcia.8,015 54.26 1,118 1,822 5,075 Mario 0.Pinera Jr.6,756 45.74 976 1,908 3,872 Total 14,771 2,094 3,730 8,947 Over Votes 2 0 0 2 Under Votes 2,091 394 429 1,268 N.Bay Village Treasure Island Commissioner VOTE FOR)1 Doris Acosta 1.602 56.61 419 444 739 Jose R.Parada Jr.1,228 43.39 362 307 559 Total 2,830 781 751 1,298 Over Votes 1 0 1 0 Under Votes 359 109 71 179 North Miami Mayor RECOUNT SEE ADDENDUM VOTE FOR)1 Alix Desulme 7,202 36.81 1.112 2.230 3,860 Hector Medina .4,422 22.60 951 1,191 2,280 Daphne Campbell 4,391 22.44 948 827 2,616 Naomi Esther Blemur 3,549 18.14 901 744 1,904 Total 19,564 3,912 4,992 10,660 Over Votes 26 7 12 7 Under Votes 1,753 440 340 973 033 SUMMARY REPT-GROUP DETAIL Official General Election OFFICIAL RESULTS Miami -Dade County,FL November 5,2024 Run Date:11/15/24 04:19 PM Report EL45A Page 010 TOTAL VOTES %ED VBM EV North Miami Councilperson District 1 VOTE FOR)1 Kevin A.Burns.1,926 43.02 389 600 937 Vanessa Pierre.1.366 30.51 370 270 726 Evan A.Shields 607 13.56 132 219 256 Jessica Wolland 578 12.91 123 171 284 Total 4,477 1.014 1,260 2,203 Over Votes 0 0 0 0 Under Votes 675 174 146 355 North Miami Councilperson District 4 RECOUNT SEE ADDENDUM** VOTE FOR)1 Pierre Frantz Charles 2.775 44.03 48B 770 1,517 Daniel Calixte.1,033 16.39 200 244 589 Charlie Nacivre Charles.1,020 16.18 193 213 614 Beverly Hilton.900 14.28 168 303 429 Bethyne]"Betty"Vega 575 9.12 159 174 242 Total 6,303 1,208 1,704 3.,391 Over Votes 9 1 7 1 Under Votes 473 105 82 286 North Miami Beach Group 1 Mayor VOTE FOR)1 Michael Joseph.7,374 55.50 1,843 1.,850 3,681 Evan S.Piper 5,913 44.50 1,504 1.831 2.578 Total 13.,287 3.,347 3,681 6,259 Over Votes 8 1 4 3 Under Votes 1.846 583 309 954 North Miami Beach Group 3 Commissioner VOTE FOR)1 Daniela Jean 6.401 49.10 1.522 1.846 3,033 Margaret Mary "Margie"Love 3.419 26.23 838 1,018 1,563 Hubert Dube.3.216 24.67 905 727 1,584 Total 13,036 3.265 3,591 6.180 Over Votes 10 2 6 2 Under Votes 2,095 664 397 1,034 North Miami Beach Group 5 Commissioner VOTE FOR)1 McKenzie Fleur imond 7,415 60.98 1,827 2,075 3,513 Ketley Joachim.4,745 39.02 1,188 1,330 2.227 Total 12,160 3.015 3,405 5,740 Over Votes 5 1 4 0 Under Votes 2,976 915 585 1,476 034 SUMMARY REPT-GROUP DETAIL Official General Election OFFICIAL RESULTS Miami -Dade County,FL November 5,2024 Run Date:11/15/24 04:19 PM Report EL45A Page 011 TOTAL VOTES %ED VBM EV North Miami Beach Group 7 Commissioner VOTE FOR)1 Paule Villard .3,825 30.17 759 1,133 1,933 Lynn Su .3,235 25.51 762 1,149 1,324 Maggy Belizaire Lopez 2,339 18.45 689 485 1,165 Eunice Flowers.1.,847 14.57 474 463 910 Ellis Keeter 1.434 11.31 489 295 650 Total 12,680 3,173 3,525 5,982 Over Votes 16 4 8 4 Under Votes 2,445 754 461 1,230 Opa-locka Commissioners VOTE FOR)2 Joseph L.Kelley.1,719 31.68 529 454 736 Luis Santiago .1,000 18.43 257 213 530 Chris Davis.851 15.68 248 248 355 Audrey Dominguez 746 13.75 200 243 303 Brian Dennis 634 11.68 212 180 242 Retevea Bain-Walden 476 8.77 102 151 223 Total 5,426 1,548 1,489 2,389 Over Votes 10 6 4 0 Under Votes 3,364 954 651 1,759 Palmetto Bay Vice Mayor VOTE FOR)1 Mark Merwitzer.6,683 50.29 860 2,247 3,576 Leanne Tellam.6,605 49.71 975 2,252 3,378 Total 13,288 1,835 4,499 6,954 Over Votes 8 0 5 3 Under Votes 1.443 254 364 825 Palmetto Bay Council Member Seat 2 VOTE FOR)1 Steve Cody .7,522 57.72 1,004 2,754 3,764 David M.Singer 5,509 42.28 792 1,670 3,047 Total 13,031 1,796 4,424 6,811 Over Votes 10 1 7 2 Under Votes 1,698 292 437 969 Pinecrest Councilmember Seat 3 VOTE FOR)1 Shannon del Prado.6,746 66.30 674 2,902 3,170 Ralph Sanchez 3,429 33.70 449 982 1,998 Total.10,175 1,123 3,884 5,168 Over Votes .4 0 1 3 Under Votes .905 148 285 472 South Miami Mayor VOTE FOR)1 Javier Fernandez 4,970 100.00 907 1,741 2,322 Total 4,970 907 1,741 2,322 Over Votes 0 0 0 0 Under Votes 1,240 271 352 617 035 SUMMARY REPT-GROUP DETAIL Official General Election OFFICIAL RESULTS Miami-Dade County,FL November 5,2024 Run Date:11/15/24 04:19 PM Report EL45A Page 012 TOTAL VOTES %ED VBM EV South Miami Commissioner Group II VOTE FOR)1 Danny Rodriguez 2,893 51.69 563 1,059 1,271 Daniel Guerra 2,704 48.31 509 873 1.322 Total 5,597 1.,072 1,932 2.593 Over Votes 8 0 4 4 Under Votes 605 106 157 342 South Miami Commissioner Group III VOTE FOR)1 Brian Corey.3,976 100.00 747 1,362 1,867 Total 3,976 747 1,362 1,867 Over Votes 0 0 0 0 Under Votes 2,234 431 731 1,072 Sunny Isles Beach Commissioner Seat 1 VOTE FOR)1 Jerry Joseph 2,855 38.57 772 849 1,234 Patricia Alvarez 2,630 35.53 848 642 1,140 George Bardmesser.1,355 18.31 428 281 646 Iracilda Lichtinger 562 7.59 147 208 207 Total 7,402 2.195 1,980 3,227 Over Votes 8 2 1 5 Under Votes 1,763 629 418 716 Sunny Isles Beach Commissioner Seat 3 VOTE FOR)1 Fabiola Stuyvesant 3,777 51.32 1.132 1,030 1,615 Greg Capra.3,583 48.68 1,066 939 1,578 Total 7,360 2,198 1,969 3,193 Over Votes 7 2 2 3 Under Votes 1,806 626 428 752 Virginia Gardens Council VOTE FOR)3 Gabriel Fernandez.545 39.78 152 178 215 Debra A.Conover 421 30.73 104 156 161 Richard L.Block 404 29.49 121 125 158 Total 1,370 377 459 534 Over Votes 0 0 0 0 Under Votes 2,029 682 450 897 Cutler Cay Comm Dev Dist Seat 3 VOTE FOR)1 A1 bert Co 11 azo.513 70.18 148 96 269 Christopher T.Musser 218 29.82 54 56 108 Total 731 202 152 377 Over Votes 1 0 1 0 Under Votes 142 39 30 73 036 SUMMARY REPT-GROUP DETAIL Official General Election OFFICIAL RESULTS Miami -Dade County,FL November 5,2024 Run Date:11/15/24 04:19 PM Report EL45A Page 013 TOTAL VOTES %ED VBM EV Cutler Cay Comm Dev Dist Seat 4 VOTE FOR)1 Alexandra Penn Williams.412 59.11 127 91 194 Donna Fishbein.285 40.89 64 56 165 Total 697 191 147 359 Over Votes 1 0 1 0 Under Votes 176 50 35 91 Downtown Doral South Comm Dev Dist Seat 4 VOTE FOR)1 Francisco Bird.441 49.72 86 105 250 Adolfo William Alfonso 278 31.34 61 49 168 Guillermo J.Silva Malave 168 18.94 32 42 94 Total 887 179 196 512 Over Votes 0 0 0 0 Under Votes 216 45 40 131 Downtown Doral South Comm Dev Dist Seat 5 VOTE FOR)1 Lidy C.Hernandez Perez.447 50.68 99 94 254 Jaime Mercado 435 49.32 79 100 256 Total 882 178 194 510 Over Votes 0 0 0 0 Under Votes 221 46 42 133 Islands at Doral III Comm Dev Dist Seat 4 VOTE FOR)1 Victoria Gonzalez.1,037 68.63 274 199 564 Gerardo A.Verde 474 31.37 122 90 262 Total 1.511 396 289 826 Over Votes 0 0 0 0 Under Votes 312 78 51 183 Landmark At Doral Comm Dev Dist Seat 5 VOTE FOR)1 Juan Javier De Maqua.525 63.18 114 75 336 Yasenka Peterson 306 36.82 50 90 166 Total 831 164 165 502 Over Votes 1 1 0 0 Under Votes 197 48 21 128 Majorca Isles Comm Dev Dist Seat 1 VOTE FOR)1 Reginald Andre.304 45.04 58 67 179 Theodis Tyrone Kendrick.214 31.70 46 39 129 Nathan Price 157 23.26 42 42 73 Total 675 146 148 381 Over Votes 0 0 0 0 Under Votes 82 20 15 47 037 SUMMARY REPT-GROUP DETAIL Official General Election OFFICIAL RESULTS Miami -Dade County,FL November 5,2024 Run Date:11/15/24 04:19 PM Report EL45A Page 014 TOTAL VOTES %ED V8M EV Majorca Isles Comm Dev Dist Seat 2 VOTE FOR}1 Tamara Price 341 50.67 73 84 184 Eric Moss 332 49.33 72 61 199 Total 673 145 145 383 Over Votes 0 0 0 0 Under Votes 84 21 18 45 ConsAmendl Partisan Election Sch8rd Members VOTE FOR)1 Yes 569,902 57.86 113,979 127.747 328,176 No.415,078 42.14 71,115 134,356 209,607 Total 984,980 185,094 262,103 537,783 Over Votes 435 48 146 241 Under Votes 116.726 30,071 26,955 59,700 ConsAmend2 Right to Fish and Hunt VOTE FOR}1 Yes 659,670 65.45 130,886 155,925 372,859 No.348,269 34.55 60,016 110,766 177,487 Total 1007.939 190,902 266,691 550,346 Over Votes 492 69 162 261 Under Votes 93,710 24,242 22,351 47,117 ConsAmend3 Adult Personal Use of Marijuana VOTE FOR)1 No.525,479 50.74 93,051 123,439 308,989 Yes 510,124 49.26 104,277 150,623 255,224 Total 1035,603 197,328 274,062 564,213 Over Votes 564 61 216 287 Under Votes 65,974 17,824 14,926 33,224 ConsAmend4 Limit Govt Interference Abortion VOTE FOR}1 Yes 618,188 58.69 124,131 192,050 302,007 No.435,185 41.31 78,777 86,454 269,954 Total 1053,373 202,908 278,504 571,961 Over Votes 886 111 303 472 Under Votes 44,963 12.167 7,737 25,059 ConsAmend5 Adjust Value Homestead Exempt VOTE FOR)1 Yes 727,312 71.54 137,048 191,187 399,077 No.289,333 28.46 56,229 80,094 153,010 Total 1016,645 193,277 271,281 552,087 Over Votes 519 56 179 284 Under Votes 82,058 21,853 15,084 45,121 038 SUMMARY REPT-GROUP DETAIL Official General Election OFFICIAL RESULTS Mi ami-Dade County,FL November 5,2024 Run Date:11/15/24 04:19 PM Report EL45A Page 015 TOTAL VOTES ¥ED VBM EV ConsAmend6 Repeal Campaign Finance Req VOTE FOR)1 Yes 518,693 52.21 102,742 120,741 295.210 No.474,734 47.79 85,461 146,038 243.235 Total 993,427 188,203 266,779 538,445 Over Votes 719 85 232 402 Under Votes 105,076 26,898 19,533 58,645 County Nonbinding Straw Ballot Public Wi-Fi VOTE FOR)1 Yes 777,088 76.73 152.295 214,066 410,727 No.235.691 23.27 41,575 56,310 137,806 Total 1012,779 193,870 270,376 548,533 Over Votes 389 57 105 227 Under Votes 86.054 21,259 16,063 48,732 BalHarbour Levy Homeless/Domestic Abuse Tax VOTE FOR)1 No.899 67.34 207 339 353 Yes 436 32.66 102 162 172 Total 1,335 309 501 525 Over Votes 2 1 0 1 Under Votes 204 37 75 92 CutlerBay Public Engagement Modes of Comm VOTE FOR)1 Yes 16,925 83.35 2,602 4,589 9,734 No.3,380 16.65 559 638 2,183 Total 20,305 3.161 5,227 11,917 Over Votes 3 1 0 2 Under Votes 2,038 425 449 1,164 CutlerBay Town Laws Environment Stewardship VOTE FOR)1 Yes 17,230 84.37 2,732 4,611 9.887 No.3,193 15.63 448 644 2,101 Total 20,423 3,180 5.255 11,988 Over Votes 5 2 2 1 Under Votes 1,918 405 419 1,094 Doral Clarify Form of Government VOTE FOR)1 No.12,861 53.98 2,344 3,519 6,998 Yes 10,965 46.02 2,306 2,666 5.993 Total 23,826 4.650 6,185 12,991 Over Votes 10 0 1 9 Under Votes 3,629 850 699 2,080 039 SUMMARY REPT-GROUP DETAIL Official General Election OFFICIAL RESULTS Miami -Dade County,FL November 5,2024 Run Date:11/15/24 04:19 PM Report EL45A Page 016 TOTAL VOTES %ED VBM EV Doral Create Committees/Appointment Members VOTE FOR)1 Yes 12,868 54.34 2,632 3,437 6,799 No.10,813 45.66 1,984 2,762 6,067 Total 23,681 4,616 6,199 12,866 Over Votes 9 1 0 8 Under Votes 3,775 883 686 2,206 Doral Council Auth Mayor/Govern Entities VOTE FOR)1 Yes 14,666 61.59 2,946 3,919 7,801 No.9,147 38.41 1,719 2,286 5,142 Total 23,813 4,665 6,205 12,943 Over Votes 7 0 0 7 Under Votes 3,645 835 680 2,130 Doral Service Mayor Position Councilmember VOTE FOR)1 Yes 15,406 64.36 2,929 4,337 8,140 No.8,531 35.64 1,737 1,912 4,882 Total 23,937 4,666 6,249 13,022 Over Votes 11 0 1 10 Under Votes 3,517 834 635 2,048 Doral Mayor and Councilmember Compensation VOTE FOR)1 Yes 12,811 53.41 2,595 3,205 7,011 No.11,174 46.59 2,078 3,064 6,032 Total 23,985 4,673 6,269 13,043 Over Votes 10 1 3 6 Under Votes 3,470 826 613 2,031 Doral Process Appoint City Manager VOTE FOR)1 Yes 16,189 68.71 3,084 4,540 8,565 No.7,372 31.29 1.480 1,655 4,237 Total 23,561 4,564 6.195 12,802 Over Votes 3 1 0 2 Under Votes 3,901 935 690 2,276 Doral Process Appoint City Boards/Agencies VOTE FOR)1 Yes 15.132 62.02 2,978 4,147 8,007 No.9,266 37.98 1,794 2,222 5,250 Total 24,398 4,772 6,369 13,257 Over Votes 9 1 1 7 Under Votes 3,038 722 503 1,813 040 SUMMARY REPT-GROUP DETAIL Official General Election OFFICIAL RESULTS Miami-Dade County,FL November 5,2024 Run Date:11/15/24 04:19 PM Report EL45A Page 017 TOTAL VOTES %ED VBM EV Doral Elimination Run-off Elections VOTE FOR)1 Yes 12.775 51.33 2,613 3.338 6,824 No.12,115 48.67 2.291 3,122 6,702 Total 24,890 4,904 6,460 13,526 Over Votes 13 1 5 7 Under Votes 2,542 590 408 1,544 Doral Appoint Chrtr Rev Comm/Req Members VOTE FOR)1 No.12,804 52.90 2,439 3,336 7,029 Yes 11,398 47.10 2,274 3,026 6.098 Total 24,202 4,713 6,362 13,127 Over Votes 11 1 5 5 Under Votes 3.232 781 506 1,945 Doral Ofc Chrtr Enforce/Ofc Insp General VOTE FOR)1 Yes 19,042 77.97 3,620 5,477 9,945 No.5,381 22.03 1,150 945 3,286 Total 24,423 4,770 6,422 13,231 Over Votes 9 0 1 8 Under Votes 3,013 725 450 1,838 Mia Continuous Residency Mayor/Commissioner VOTE FOR)1 Yes 111,834 87.74 23,476 32,051 56,307 No.15.626 12.26 3,996 3,191 8.439 Total 127,460 27,472 35,242 64,746 Over Votes 48 6 19 23 Under Votes 19.604 5,452 3.643 10,509 Mia Rev Develop Parrot Jungle Watson Island VOTE FOR)1 Yes 74,386 58.57 16,865 20,206 37,315 No.52,619 41.43 10,676 14.772 27,171 Total 127,005 27.541 34,978 64,486 Over Votes 81 15 29 37 Under Votes 20,026 5,374 3,897 10.755 Mia Rev Mixed-Use Leases on Watson Island VOTE FOR)1 Yes 77,582 61.89 17,724 20,851 39,007 No.47,780 38.11 9,433 13,795 24,552 Total 125,362 27.157 34,646 63,559 Over Votes 47 6 14 27 Under Votes 21,703 5.767 4,244 11,692 041 SUMMARY REPT-GROUP DETAIL Official General Election OFFICIAL RESULTS Mi ami -Dade County,FL November 5,2024 Run Date:11/15/24 04:19 PM Report EL45A Page 018 TOTAL VOTES %ED VBM EV Mia Change Runoff Date VOTE FOR)1 Yes 79,929 63.59 17,576 22.641 39.712 No.45,773 36.41 9,564 12,134 24,075 Total 125.702 27,140 34.775 63,787 Over Votes 30 6 6 18 Under Votes 21,380 5,784 4,123 11,473 MiaBch CitizensBillRights Ethics Commission VOTE FOR)1 Yes 24,604 81.27 4,609 8.161 11,834 No.5,670 18.73 1,227 1.547 2,896 Total 30.274 5,836 9,708 14,730 Over Votes 15 0 12 3 Under Votes 6,145 1,639 1.525 2,981 MiaBch CitizensBillRights CirCourt/Forfeit VOTE FOR)1 Yes 20,157 69.66 3.772 6.616 9,769 No.8.779 30.34 1.727 2,749 4,303 Total 28.,936 5,499 9,365 14,072 Over Votes 11 1 5 5 Under Votes 7.487 1,975 1,875 3.637 MiaBch Sale/Lease City property agreements VOTE FOR)1 Yes 22,451 75.91 4,171 7,501 10,779 No.7.123 24.09 1,483 2,025 3,615 Total 29,574 5,654 9,526 14,394 Over Votes 6 1 3 2 Under Votes 6,854 1.820 1,716 3,318 Mi aBch Runoff Election Date/Install/OfcTerm VOTE FOR)1 Yes 22,492 74.62 4,220 7,522 10.,750 No.7.649 25.38 1.614 2,194 3,841 Total 30.141 5,834 9,716 14.591 Over Votes 10 2 4 4 Under Votes 6,208 1,639 1,465 3,104 Mi aBch Public Hearings/Not ice Ordinances VOTE FOR)1 Yes 23,411 76.31 4,592 7,544 11,275 No.7.,266 23.69 1,396 2.321 3,549 Total 30.677 5,988 9,865 14,824 Over Votes 12 1 8 3 Under Votes 5.,670 1.486 1.312 2,872 042 SUMMARY REPT-GROUP DETAIL Official General Election OFFICIAL RESULTS Miami -Dade County,FL November 5,2024 Run Date:11/15/24 04:19 PM Report EL45A Page 019 TOTAL VOTES %ED VBM EV Mi aBch Vacancies in City Commission VOTE FOR)1 Yes 20.925 69.02 4,278 6,686 9,961 No.9,393 30.98 1,613 3,077 4,703 Total 30,318 5,891 9,763 14,664 Over Votes 9 1 5 3 Under Votes 6.032 1,583 1,417 3,032 Mi aBch Charter Language to Law/Current Use VOTE FOR)1 Yes 24,012 83.03 4,375 8,192 11,445 No.4,909 16.97 1,114 1,158 2,637 Total 28,921 5,489 9,350 14,082 Over Votes 4 0 1 3 Under Votes 7,434 1.986 1.834 3.614 Mi aGardens City Manager Residency Require VOTE FOR)1 Yes 23.511 56.49 5,247 5,823 12,441 No.18,108 43.51 3,534 5,325 9,249 Total 41.619 8,781 11,148 21,690 Over Votes 17 4 4 9 Under Votes 4,002 986 843 2,173 MiaSprings Terms of Ofc/November Elections VOTE FOR)1 No.3,694 54.58 1,108 1,080 1.506 Yes 3,074 45.42 904 749 1.421 Total 6,768 2,012 1,829 2,927 Over Votes 1 0 0 1 Under Votes 567 221 108 238 NBayVillage Public Notice Requirements VOTE FOR)1 Yes 2.347 82.21 637 628 1,082 No.508 17.79 131 130 247 Total 2.855 768 758 1,329 Over Votes 1 0 0 1 Under Votes 327 122 59 146 NBay'Village Employees Village Clerk's Ofc VOTE FOR)1 Yes 2,391 84.67 639 664 1,088 No.433 15.33 120 96 217 Total 2,824 759 760 1,305 Over Votes 1 0 0 1 Under Votes 358 131 57 170 043 SUMMARY REPT-GROUP DETAIL Official General Election OFFICIAL RESULTS Miami -Dade County,FL November 5,2024 Run Date:11/15/24 04:19 PM Report EL45A Page 020 TOTAL VOTES %ED VBM EV NBayVillage Cont Residency Requirement VOTE FOR)1 Yes 2.679 92.70 718 723 1.,238 No.211 7.30 67 45 99 Total 2,890 785 768 1,337 Over Votes 1 0 0 1 Under Votes 292 105 49 138 NBayVillage Qualifying Period VOTE FOR)1 Yes 2,238 82.43 604 616 1.018 No.477 17.57 134 115 228 Total 2,715 738 731 1,246 Over Votes 0 0 0 0 Under Votes 468 152 86 230 NBayVillage Single Family Property VOTE FOR)1 Yes 2,253 78.53 605 621 1.,027 No.616 21.47 176 142 298 Total 2,869 781 763 1.,325 Over Votes 0 0 0 0 Under Votes 314 109 54 151 NBayVillage Limit On Village Debt VOTE FOR)1 Yes 1,959 71.06 559 489 911 No.798 28.94 192 242 364 Total 2,757 751 731 1.275 Over Votes 0 0 0 0 Under Votes 426 139 86 201 NBayVillage Chrtr NonSubstantive/TechUpdate VOTE FOR)1 Yes 2,177 78.68 590 609 978 No.590 21.32 155 138 297 Total 2,767 745 747 1.275 Over Votes 0 0 0 0 Under Votes 416 145 70 201 Pinecrest Term Limits Mayor/Councilmember VOTE FOR)1 No.6,036 58.78 620 2,349 3,067 Yes 4,233 41.22 529 1,543 2.161 Total 10,269 1.149 3,892 5,228 Over Votes 10 0 5 5 Under Votes 782 122 251 409 044 SUMMARY REPT-GROUP DETAIL Official General Election OFFICIAL RESULTS Miami -Dade County,FL November 5,2024 Run Date:11/15/24 04:19 PM Report EL45A Page 021 TOTAL VOTES %ED VBM EV Pinecrest Partial Terms Ofc Less Two Years VOTE FOR)1 No.5,521 54.52 629 2,014 2,878 Yes 4,605 45.48 498 1,843 2,264 Total 10,126 1,127 3,857 5,142 Over Votes 7 0 4 3 Under Votes 928 144 287 497 Pinecrest Cale Term Limits/Gap in Service VOTE FOR)1 No.6,188 61.97 661 2,358 3,169 Yes 3,797 38.03 446 1,455 1,896 Total 9,985 1.107 3,813 5,065 Over Votes 4 1 2 1 Under Votes 1,072 163 333 576 Pinecrest Method Filling Vacancies in Ofc VOTE FOR)1 Yes 5,306 53.55 597 2,023 2,686 No.4,603 46.45 504 1,754 2,345 Total 9,909 1.101 3,777 5,031 Over Votes 5 0 4 1 Under Votes 1.147 170 367 610 Pinecrest Update Chrtr Elections Timelines VOTE FOR)1 Yes 6,429 65.08 682 2,586 3,161 No.3,449 34.92 406 1,201 1,842 Total 9,878 1.088 3,787 5,003 Over Votes 5 0 4 1 Under Votes 1,178 183 357 638 SouthMia Purchase Limit Ordinance City Comm VOTE FOR)1 Yes 3,271 59.66 644 1,076 1,551 No.2,212 40.34 382 786 1,044 Total 5,483 1,026 1,862 2,595 Over Votes 2 0 2 0 Under Votes 713 154 217 342 SouthMia Four year term Office City Mayor VOTE FOR)1 Yes 4,235 75.58 801 1,449 1,985 No.1.368 24.42 246 451 671 Total 5,603 1,047 1,900 2.656 Over Votes 3 0 1 2 Under Votes 592 133 180 279 045 SUMMARY REPT-GROUP DETAIL Official General Election OFFICIAL RESULTS Mi ami -Dade County,FL November 5,2024 Run Date:11/15/24 04:19 PM Report EL45A Page 022 TOTAL VOTES %ED VBM EV SouthMia Bond Parks/Rec/Publ icWorks/Safety VOTE FOR)1 For Bonds 3.263 60.17 656 1.,099 1,508 Against Bonds 2,160 39.83 365 749 1,046 Total 5,423 1,021 1,848 2,554 Over Votes 2 0 2 0 Under Votes 773 159 231 383 Surfside Resid Lots b/w Collins/Harding Ave VOTE FOR)1 Yes 1,483 55.88 389 508 586 No.1,171 44.12 282 354 535 Total 2,654 671 862 1.121 Over Votes 1 0 0 1 Under Votes 298 84 86 128 Surfside Resid Lots West of Harding Ave VOTE FOR)1 Yes 1,510 57.28 389 533 588 No.1,126 42.72 277 324 525 Total 2.636 666 857 1.113 Over Votes 1 0 0 1 Under Votes 316 89 91 136 Surfside Prohibition of Lot Subdivision VOTE FOR)1 Yes 1.414 53.99 356 486 572 No.1,205 46.01 309 369 527 Total 2.619 665 855 1,099 Over Votes 2 1 0 1 Under Votes 332 89 93 150 Surfside Collection Obligations due to Town VOTE FOR)1 Yes 1,567 60.18 415 561 591 No.1.037 39.82 249 285 503 Total 2.604 664 846 1.094 Over Votes 0 0 0 0 Under Votes 349 91 102 156 Surfside Prohibit Dev/Constr Point Lake VOTE FOR)1 Yes 1,641 63.68 419 579 643 No.936 36.32 237 254 445 Total 2,577 656 833 1,088 Over Votes 1 0 1 0 Under Votes 375 99 114 162 046 SUMMARY REPT-GROUP DETAIL Official General Election OFFICIAL RESULTS Miami -Dade County,FL November 5,2024 Run Date:11/15/24 04:19 PM Report EL45A Page 023 TOTAL VOTES %ED VBM EV WestMia Amend Charter Comm citywide seats VOTE FOR)1 Yes 1,554 59.20 208 364 982 No.1,071 40.80 106 292 673 Total 2,625 314 656 1,655 Over Votes 1 0 0 1 Under Votes 452 81 70 301 WestMia Change Mayor Term to Four-year Term VOTE FOR)1 Yes 1,700 62.52 230 372 1,098 No.1,019 37.48 97 306 616 Total 2,719 327 678 1,714 Over Votes 0 0 0 0 Under Votes 359 68 48 243 047