Resolution 2024-33374 RESOLUTION NO. 2024-33374 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE LAND USE AND SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE, AT ITS OCTOBER 14, 2024 MEETING, DIRECTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO PROCEED WITH CONDUCTING A FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS, SUBJECT TO FUNDING AVAILABILITY, TO EVALUATE THE POTENTIAL IMPLEMENTATION OF A TRAFFIC DIVERTER(S) AT THE INTERSECTION OF CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE/PRAIRIE AVENUE AND DADE BOULEVARD TO RESTRICT ACCESS, REDUCE CUT-THROUGH TRAFFIC AND IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN THE CENTRAL BAYSHORE NEIGHBORHOOD. WHEREAS, at the June 26, 2024 City Commission meeting, Vice-Mayor Alex Fernandez, referred an item (C4 S) to the Land Use and Sustainability Committee ("LUSC" or "Committee") to discuss the installation of traffic diverters at Convention Center Drive and Dade Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the Central Bayshore neighborhood has expressed concerns with cut- through traffic and traffic congestion resulting from events at the Miami Beach Convention Center; and WHEREAS, during major special events, such as Art Week ("Art Basel") and the Miami International Boat Show, the City deploys Maintenance of Traffic ("MOT") devices and Variable Message Signs ("VMS") at the intersection of Convention Center Drive/Prairie Avenue and Dade Boulevard as well as other intersections throughout the neighborhood to prevent cut-through traffic in the Central Bayshore neighborhood; and WHEREAS, the deployment of temporary traffic diverters is also used to help prevent cut- through traffic in the Palm View neighborhood during major special events; and WHEREAS, while temporary measures have somewhat reduced cut-through traffic in the neighborhood during major special events, the installation of a permanent traffic diverter(s) at the intersection of Convention Center Drive/Prairie Avenue and Dade Boulevard will be beneficial in further reducing cut-through traffic year-round; and WHEREAS, the traffic diverter(s)would restrict northbound and southbound through traffic at Convention Center Drive; and WHEREAS, alteration of the traffic pattern would impact residents as well as visitors, and possibly help to preserve the residential integrity and quality of life of the neighborhood; and WHEREAS, the Department is currently considering three (3) potential alternatives to install a traffic diverter(s) at the intersection of Convention Center Drive/Prairie Avenue and Dade Boulevard: • Alternative 1: Installation of a traffic diverter at Convention Center Drive/Dade Boulevard (south side of the intersection); and • Alternative 2: Installation of a traffic diverter at Prairie Avenue/Dade Boulevard (north side of the intersection) • Alternative 3: Installation of a traffic diverter on Dade Boulevard; and WHEREAS, at the October 14, 2024 LUSC meeting, the Committee recommended that the Administration move forward with conducting a feasibility analysis, subject to funding availability, to evaluate the potential implementation of a traffic diverter(s) at the intersection of Convention Center Drive/Prairie Avenue and Dade Boulevard to restrict access, reduce cut- through traffic and improve the quality of life in the Central Bayshore neighborhood; and WHEREAS, if the traffic diverter is determined to be feasible, the Administration will proceed with the design, permit, and construction the proposed improvements, subject to funding availability; and WHEREAS, Dade Boulevard is a roadway under the jurisdiction of Miami-Dade County, therefore, review and approval by the Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works ("DTPW") is required prior to implementation of a traffic diverter(s)at the intersection of Convention Center Drive/Prairie Avenue and Dade Boulevard. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby accept the recommendation of the Land Use and Sustainability Committee ("LUSC"), at its October 14, 2024 meeting, directing the City Administration to proceed with conducting a feasibility analysis, subject to funding availability, to evaluate the potential implementation of a traffic diverter(s) at the intersection of Convention Center Drive/Prairie Avenue and Dade Boulevard to restrict access, reduce cut-through traffic and improve the quality of life in the Central Bayshore neighborhood. PASSED AND ADOPTED this o?O day of //Men/he/ 2024. Steven Meiner, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO NOV 2 2 2024 FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk City Atto ney Date (Sponsored by Commissioners Alex Fernandez and Tanya K. Bhatt) �IhCOPP0f,t,iEDi Resolutions - C7 U MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Eric Carpenter, City Manager DATE: November 20, 2024 TITLE: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA. ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE LAND USE AND SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE, AT ITS OCTOBER 14, 2024 MEETING, DIRECTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO PROCEED WITH CONDUCTING A FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS, SUBJECT TO FUNDING AVAILABILITY, TO EVALUATE THE POTENTIAL IMPLEMENTATION OF A TRAFFIC DIVERTER(S) AT THE INTERSECTION OF CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE/PRAIRIE AVENUE AND DADE BOULEVARD TO RESTRICT ACCESS, REDUCE CUT-THROUGH TRAFFIC AND IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN THE CENTRAL BAYSHORE NEIGHBORHOOD RECOMMENDATION The City Administration ("Administration') recommends that the Mayor and City Commission (`City Commission") adopt the Resolution (Attachment A) pursuant to the recommendation of the Land Use and Sustainability Committee ("LUSC" or "Committee"). BACKGROUND/HISTORY At the June 26, 2024 City Commission meeting, at the request of Vice-Mayor Alex Fernandez, the City Commission referred an item (C4 S) to the LUSC to discuss the installation of traffic diverters at Convention Center Drive and Dade Boulevard. The Central Bayshore neighborhood has expressed concerns with cut-through traffic and traffic congestion resulting from events in the Miami Beach Convention Center. As such, during major special events, such as Art Week (Art Basel) and the Miami International Boat Show, the City deploys Maintenance of Traffic ("MOT") devices and Variable Message Signs ('`VMS") at the intersection of Convention Center Drive/Prairie Avenue and Dade Boulevard as well as other intersections throughout the neighborhood to prevent cut-through traffic in the Central Bayshore neighborhood. The deployment of temporary traffic diverters is also used to help prevent cut- through traffic in the Palm View neighborhood during major special events. Additionally. Transportation and Mobility Department ("Department") staff coordinates with navigation platforms, such as Waze and Google Maps, to update their navigation systems with the temporary closures and redirect traffic to major throughfares. While these temporary measures have somewhat reduced cut-through traffic in the neighborhood during major special events, the installation of a permanent traffic diverter(s) at the intersection of Convention Center Drive/Prairie Avenue and Dade Boulevard will be beneficial in further reducing cut-through traffic year-round. The traffic diverter(s) would restrict northbound and southbound through traffic at Convention Center Drive. Alteration of the traffic pattern would impact residents as well as visitors, and possibly help to preserve the residential integrity and quality of life of the neighborhood. ANALYSIS Page 458 of 1993 A traffic diverter is a concrete island built to restrict certain through and/or turning vehicular movements into residential streets. It is worth noting that diverters impact access for all motorists, including residents who live in the neighborhood. Therefore, diverters should be considered only when less restrictive measures are not appropriate or are ineffective. A traffic diverter(s) at the intersection of Convention Center Drive/Prairie Avenue and Dade Boulevard would prevent the northbound and southbound through movements across the intersection while permitting certain turning movements in and out of the neighborhood. However, further analysis would be required to determine the proper diverter configuration to be implemented at this intersection. The Department is currently considering three (3) potential alternatives to install a traffic diverter(s) at the intersection of Convention Center Drive/Prairie Avenue and Dade Boulevard. The options are described below: Alternative 1: Installation of a traffic diverter at Convention Center Drive/Dade Boulevard (south side of the intersection) This alternative will only allow eastbound right turns onto southbound Convention Center Drive and northbound right turns onto eastbound Dade Boulevard at the intersection. Vehicles traveling northbound on Convention Center Drive will not be able to cross Dade Boulevard to Prairie Avenue; and vehicles traveling southbound on Prairie Avenue will not be able to cross Dade Boulevard to Convention Center Drive. Additionally, vehicles traveling northbound will not be able to make a left turn onto westbound Dade Boulevard; and vehicles traveling westbound on Dade Boulevard will not be able to make a left turn onto Convention Center Drive. This alternative would require the elimination of the dedicated westbound left turn lane on Dade Boulevard as well as the northbound left turn lane on Convention Center Drive. A structural analysis will be required to ascertain that the bridge on Convention Center Drive can support the additional weight of the concrete traffic diverters; and a traffic recirculation study will be required to assess the impacts of the traffic modifications on the surrounding roadway network. Alternative 2: Installation of a traffic diverter at Prairie Avenue/Dade Boulevard (north side of the intersection) This alternative will only allow westbound right turns onto northbound Prairie Avenue and southbound right turns onto westbound Dade Boulevard at the intersection. Vehicles traveling northbound on Convention Center Drive will not be able to cross Dade Boulevard to Prairie Avenue; and vehicles traveling southbound on Prairie Avenue will not be able to cross Dade Boulevard to Convention Center Drive. Additionally, vehicles traveling westbound on Dade Boulevard will be able to make a left turn onto Convention Center Drive. Vehicles traveling northbound on Convention Center Drive will be able to make a left turn onto westbound Dade Boulevard as well as make a right turn onto eastbound on Dade Boulevard. A traffic study will be required to determine the feasibility of eliminating or repurposing the northbound through lane on Convention Center Drive to either a left turn lane or right turn lane. This alternative would prohibit eastbound left turns from Dade Boulevard onto Prairie Avenue which will affect access to Miami Beach Senior High School. Furthermore, this alternative would require the elimination of the dedicated eastbound left turn lane on Dade Boulevard as well as the southbound left turn lane on Prairie Avenue. It is worth noting that the Department is currently in the design phase of a dedicated pick-up and drop-off lane along Dade Boulevard in front of Miami Beach Senior High School. In order to minimize the impact to the current school pick-up and drop-off operations on Prairie Avenue, this traffic diverter alternative, if feasible, would need to be coordinated with the implementation of the pick-up and drop-off lane. Alternative 3: Installation of a traffic diverter on Dade Boulevard This alternative consists of constructing an east-west oriented median island at the center of the intersection of Dade Boulevard/Prairie Avenue/Convention Center Drive to prohibit northbound and southbound vehicular traffic movements through the intersection. Eastbound and westbound left turns from Dade Boulevard onto Prairie Avenue and Convention Center Drive, respectively, would not be affected. This configuration would allow the most turning movements to and from Prairie Avenue and Convention Center Drive, and, as such, would be the least intrusive of all three (3) alternatives. Page 459 of 1993 At the October 14, 2024 LUSC meeting, the Committee recommended that the Administration move forward with conducting a feasibility analysis, subject to funding availability, to evaluate the potential implementation of a traffic diverter(s) at the intersection of Convention Center Drive/Prairie Avenue and Dade Boulevard to restrict access, reduce cut-through traffic and improve the quality of life in the Central Bayshore neighborhood. In order to enhance the quality of life and reduce cut-through traffic in the Central Bayshore neighborhood year-round, the Department is prepared to engage one of the City's pre-qualified rotational transportation consultants to conduct a feasibility analysis and prepare final design drawings for the installation of a traffic diverter(s) at the intersection of Convention Center Drive/Prairie Avenue and Dade Boulevard. If the traffic diverter is determined to be feasible, the Administration will proceed with the design, permit, and construction the proposed improvements, subject to funding availability. It is important to note that Dade Boulevard is a roadway under the jurisdiction of Miami-Dade County, therefore, review and approval by the Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works ("DTPW") is required prior to implementation of a traffic diverter(s) at the intersection of Convention Center Drive/Prairie Avenue and Dade Boulevard. FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT The estimated cost to conduct a feasibility analysis and prepare final design drawings for a traffic diverter(s) at the intersection of Convention Center Drive/Prairie Avenue and Dade Boulevard is approximately $335,000. Funding has not been identified, budgeted, or appropriated at this time. Should the City Commission adopt a resolution accepting the recommendation of the LUSC, the Administration will prioritize the feasibility analysis and final design drawings, subject to funding appropriation through a Fiscal Year 2024/2025 budget amendment. Does this Ordinance require a Business Impact Estimate? (FOR ORDINANCES ONLY) If applicable, the Business Impact Estimate (BIE) was published on: See BIE at: https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-halllcity-clerk/meeting-notices/ FINANCIAL INFORMATION TBD CONCLUSION Should the City Commission adopt a resolution accepting the recommendation of the LUSC, the Administration is prepared to engage one of the City's pre-qualified rotational transportation consultants, subject to City Commission approval of a Fiscal Year 2024/2025 budget amendment, to conduct a feasibility analysis and prepare final design drawings for the implementation of a traffic diverter(s) at the intersection of Convention Center Drive/Prairie Avenue and Dade Boulevard to restrict access, reduce cut-through traffic, and improve the quality of life in the Central Bayshore neighborhood. If the traffic diverter is determined to be feasible and the design is approved by the Miami-Dade County DTPW, the Administration will identify funding for the construction of the proposed improvements through a future capital budget process. Page 460 of 1993 In the meanwhile, the Administration will continue to implement temporary traffic diversions and neighborhood protection strategies during major special events to restrict access and reduce cut- through traffic in the Central Bayshore neighborhood. Applicable Area South Beach Is this a "Residents Right to Know" item, Is this item related to a G.O. Bond pursuant to City Code Section 2-17? Project? No No Was this Agenda Item initially requested by a lobbyist which, as defined in Code Sec. 2-481, includes a principal engaged in lobbying? No If so, specify the name of lobbyist(s) and principal(s): N/A Department Transportation and Mobility Sponsor(s) Commissioner Alex Fernandez Co-sponsor(s) Commissioner Tanya K. Bhatt Condensed Title Accept Recommendation, (LUSC) to Install Traffic Diverters at CC Drive & Dade Blvd. (Fernandez/Bhatt) TR Page 461 of 1993 Committee Referrals - C4 S MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Commissioner Alex Fernandez DATE: June 26, 2024 TITLE: REFERRAL TO LAND USE AND SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE TO DISCUSS INSTALLING TRAFFIC DIVERTERS AT CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE AND DADE BOULEVARD. RECOMMENDATION Please place on the June 26, 2024 agenda a referral to the Land Use and Sustainability Committee ("LUSO") to discuss the installation of traffic diverters at Convention Center Drive and Dade Boulevard. Currently there are temporary diverters that the City uses to prevent traffic from entering the Palm View neighborhood by Convention Center attendees during high impact events. I would like for the Administration to evaluate and be ready to present several options best fit to address traffic diversion at Convention Center Drive and Dade Boulevard. BACKGROUND/HISTORY ANALYSIS FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT NA Does this Ordinance require a Business Impact Estimate? (FOR ORDINANCES ONLY) The Business Impact Estimate (BIE)was published on . See BIE at: https:/lwww.miamibeachfl.govicity-hall/city-clerk/meeting-noticesi FINANCIAL INFORMATION CONCLUSION Page 462 of 1993 Applicable Area Citywide Is this a "Residents Right to Know" item, Is this item related to a G.O. Bond pursuant to City Code Section 2-17? Project? Yes No Was this Agenda Item initially requested by a lobbyist which, as defined in Code Sec. 2-481, includes a principal engaged in lobbying? No if so, specify the name of lobbyist(s) and principal(s): Department Office of Commissioner Alex Fernandez Sponsor(s) Commissioner Alex Fernandez Co-sponsor(s) Page 463 of 1993