Resolution 2024-33392 RESOLUTION NO. 2024-33392 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, INITIATING THE PROCEDURE FOR HISTORIC DESIGNATION SET FORTH IN SECTION 2.13.9 OF THE MIAMI BEACH RESILIENCY CODE, AND REQUESTING THE DESIGNATION OF THE FILLMORE MIAMI BEACH AT JACKIE GLEASON THEATER, LOCATED AT 1700 WASHINGTON AVENUE, AS AN INDIVIDUAL HISTORIC SITE. WHEREAS, The Fillmore Miami Beach at Jackie Gleason Theater (the "Fillmore Theater"), located at 1700 Washington Avenue in Miami Beach, was originally opened as the Miami Beach Auditorium in 1950, and has served as a prominent venue for entertainment and cultural events in the City of Miami Beach for over seven decades; and WHEREAS, the Fillmore Theater holds a unique place in the cultural and architectural heritage of Miami Beach, having hosted countless performances, films, and live shows that have contributed to the city's identity as a vibrant cultural hub; and WHEREAS, the building's original architectural style, including its distinctive design elements and historical significance as a venue for major performances, underscores its importance to the community's cultural history; and WHEREAS, a request for designation as an individual historic site may be initiated by Resolution of the City Commission; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission recognize the Fillmore Theater as a significant historical and cultural landmark deserving of preservation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby initiate the procedure for historic designation set forth in Section 2.13.9 of the Miami Beach Resiliency Code for The Fillmore Miami Beach at Jackie Gleason Theater, located at 1700 Washington Avenue, as an individual historic site. PASSED AND ADOPTED this o2V day of /4't'oteer2024. ATTEST: / Ai NOV 2 2 2024 teven Meiner, Mayor Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO (Sponsored by Vice Mayor Alex J. Fernandez) FORM&LANGUAGE &FOR EXECUTION tlt5J ZOZ — ity ttomey Date It,c'oPt:)F;iE[ ' H ''''_ Resolutions - C7 AO MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: City Attorney Ricardo J. Dopico DATE: November 20, 2024 TITLE: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, INITIATING THE PROCEDURE FOR HISTORIC DESIGNATION SET FORTH IN SECTION 2.13.9 OF THE MIAMI BEACH RESILIENCY CODE, AND REQUESTING THE DESIGNATION OF THE FILLMORE MIAMI BEACH AT JACKIE GLEASON THEATER, LOCATED AT 1700 WASHINGTON AVENUE, AS AN INDIVIDUAL HISTORIC SITE. RECOMMENDATION BACKGROUND/HISTORY ANALYSIS The attached Resolution was prepared at the request of the sponsor,Vice-Mayor Alex Fernandez. FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT N/A Does this Ordinance require a Business Impact Estimate? (FOR ORDINANCES ONLY) If applicable, the Business Impact Estimate (BIE)was published on: See BIE at: https://www.miamibeachfl.qov/city-hall/city-clerk/meetinq-notices/ FINANCIAL INFORMATION CONCLUSION Applicable Area Citywide Page 543 of 1993 Is this a "Residents Right to Know" item, Is this item related to a G.O. Bond pursuant to City Code Section 2-17? Project? No Was this Agenda Item initially requested by a lobbyist which, as defined in Code Sec. 2-481 t includes a principal engaged in lobbying? No If so, specify the name of lobbyist(s) and principal(s): Department City Attorney Sponsor(s) Commissioner Alex Fernandez Co-sponsor(s) Condensed Title Designate The Fillmore Theater as an Individual Historic Site. (Fernandez) CA Page 544 of 1993