Ordinance 2024-4657ORDINANCE NO.2024-4657 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,FLORIDA,BY AMENDING APPENDIX A OF THE CITY CODE TO:(1)ROLLBACK ALL PARKING FEES AND RESIDENT PARKS AND RECREATION FEES (EXCLUDING-GOLF- COURSE FEES)AT THE FY 2024 RATES,INCLUDING ALL PARKING RATES THAT WERE SCHEDULED FOR AN AUTOMATIC 5-YEAR CONSUMER PRICE INDEX (CPI)ADJUSTMENT ON OCTOBER 1,2024 PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO.2019-4299;(2)PROVIDE FOR ADJUSTMENT OF ALL PARKING FEES AND RELATED RATES BY ANNUAL CPI ADJUSTMENTS WITH A 3%CAP ;AND (3)RESCIND CERTAIN PARKING RATE MODIFICATIONS APPROVED VIA ORDINANCE NO.2024-4619 TO CONFORM SUCH PARKING RATES IN ANTICIPATION OF THE 5-YEAR CPI ADJUSTMENT THAT WAS SCHEDULED TO OCCUR ON OCTOBER 1,2024;AND PROVIDING FOR REPEALER,SEVERABILITY,CODIFICATION,AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,in 2019,the Mayor and City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 2019-4299,providing,among other things,for an annual adjustment by the City Manager to certain specified fees and charges in Appendix A to the City Code,entitled "Fee Schedule,"to reflect increases in the Consumer Price Index ("CPI");and WHEREAS,certain parking fees were scheduled to adjust every five (5)years consistent with the CPI,rounded up to the nearest dollar,with the first five 5-year adjustment scheduled to occur on October 1,2024;and WHEREAS,if implemented,this 5-year automatic adjustment would have increased the discounted fee for parking by residents registered in the Resident Parking Discount Program from $1 to $2 per hour and increased the parking meter rate for the Entertainment District Parking Zone from $4 to $6 per hour for on-street parking,among other increases;and WHEREAS,pursuant to Resolution No.2024-33300,the Mayor and City Commission directed the Administration to refrain from implementing any automatic 5- year CPI parking fee increases;and WHEREAS,to mitigate the financial burden of the CPI adjustment for parking fees on the City's residents,the workforce,and its visitors,the Mayor and City Commission wish to maintain all parking fees at the FY 2024 rates during FY 2025;and WHEREAS,the fees for Parks and Recreation services have been subject to CPI increases over the years without a cap;and WHEREAS,the Mayor and City Commission wish to provide some financial relief to City residents by maintaining Parks and Recreation service fees (excluding golf course fees)at their FY 2024 levels during FY 2025;and WHEREAS,the proposed Ordinance seeks to adjust all parking fees and Parks and Recreation service fees to increase by CPI annually,with a 3%cap,with certain parking fees to be rounded to nearest cent and other parking fees as well as all Parks and Recreation service fees to be rounded to the nearest dollar starting in FY 2026,as set forth in the revised Appendix A attached as "Exhibit A";and WHEREAS,furthermore,certain parking rate modifications adopted via Ordinance No.2024-4619 in anticipation of the first five-year increase on October 1,2024 are no longer applicable and should be rescinded such that those fees remain at their FY 2024 levels to avoid any unintended conflicts in parking rates;and WHEREAS,the proposed Ordinance also seeks to adjust other fees by CPI annually,with a 3%cap starting in FY 2026 as detailed in the revised Appendix A;and WHEREAS,the Administration has determined that maintaining the parking fees and resident Parks and Recreation service fees (excluding golf course fees)at the FY 2024 rates as contemplated by this Ordinance will not materially impact the City's operational budget or affect the operations of the Parking Department or the Parks and Recreation Department. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,FLORIDA,AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1.Appendix A to the City Code,entitled "Fee Schedule,"is hereby amended and attached as "Exhibit A." SECTION 2.REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 3.SEVERABILITY. If any section,subsection,clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid,the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. SECTION 4.CQDIFICATION. It is the intention of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of the City of Miami Beach,Florida.The sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered to accomplish such intention,and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section,""article,"or other appropriate word. 2 SECTION 5.EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect ten (10)days following adoption. PASSED and ADOPTED this Q0 day of Lue n bee ATTEST: ,2024. 74 NOV 2 2 2024 s-3.-%nMenner.was o Rafael E.Granado,City Clerk Underline denotes new language Strikethrough denotes deleted language (Sponsored by Vice-Mayor Alex J.Fernandez and Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez) Co-Sponsored by Commissioner Joseph Magazine APPROVED AS TO FORM &LANGUAGE &FOR EXECUTION001p/23}i,,z.t-as-so ., 3 Fee Schedule Exhibit A NOTE S ON ANNUAL ADJUSTMENTS [A]Indexed to CPI-Rounded up to the nearest dollar -Capped at3% (B]Indexed to CPI-Rounded up to the nearest cent -Cappedat3% [C]Pass Through of Purchased Wholesale Water Charges.Rounded to the nearest cent [DJ Pass Through of Purchased Wholesale Sanitary Sewer Charges.Rounded to the nearest cent [El Solid Waste collection rate.Indexed to CPI-NO specified rounding [F}Index ed to CPI Ro unded up to the near est dollar,every 5 years (Begi nning in FY2025) [GJ Indexed to F.S.CH.205,5%increase every other year -Rounded up to the nearest dollar N/A CPI not applicable Annual Adjustment Section of Amount (Sales tax or (References shown Description are defined at thethisCodeothertaxesmayapply)end of this Appendix A) Subpart A.General Ordinances Chapter 2.Administration Article V.Finance 2-277 Fee for dishonored checks or electronic funds transfer (consistent with Florida Statute 68.065) Bank fees actually incurred by the City plus a service charge of: If face value does not exceed $50 25.00 N/A If face value exceeds $50 but does not exceed $300 30.00 N/A If face value exceeds $300 40.00 0r 5%of face value,N/Awhicheverisgreater Lien search fees: Online lien search 102.00 [A) Condominium online lien search 153.00 [A) Certified lien search 136.00 [A) Certified condominium lien search 202.00 [AJ Expedited certified lien search 333.00 [A) Expedited certified condominium lien search 399.00 [A) Article VII.Standards of Conduct Division 3.Lobbyists 2-482(a)Registration fee per issue 350.00 N/A 2-482(1)Annual registration fee 500.00 N/A Administrative Hearing Fees: Initial Fee 136.00 [A) Fee for Appeal 136.00 (A] Chapter 6.Alcoholic Beverages Article I.In General 6-2(a)Service charge for review of application for license 532.00 [A) Chapter 14.Building Regulations Part I Article II.Construction Standards Division 1.Generally 14-33(b)Delinquency penalty for violation of article: First month,10% Subsequent months,5% 14-37 Hearing requested by aggrieved owner/applicant for denial of certificate of use,determination of fees/penalties 75.00 N/Adue,and/or warn ing of potential suspension/revocation Division 2.Permit Fees 14-61(b)Double fees for starting work prior to issuance of permit,plus the following penalty: First offense 500.00 N/A Second offense 1,000.00 N/A Subsequent offenses 2,000.00 N/A 14-61(c)(1)Reinspection fee: In compliance with F.S.§553.80(2)(c),any inspection after an initial inspection and one subsequent reinspection,shall be charged a tee of four times the amount of the fee imposed for the initial inspection or first 110.00 [A) reinspection,whichever is greater,for each such subsequent reinspection. 14-61(d)Records request/Lost plans fee: Plus the cost per page reproduced: •Letter (8'/11),Legal (8 14),single-sided,per page 0.15 N/A ·Letter (8h 11),double-sided,per page 0.20 N/A •Certified documents (letter or legal)1.00 NIA Documents on Compact Discs (CDs)3.00 N/A Reproduction of documents beyond legal At cost to City NIA 14-61(e)Revised plans processing fee: Commercial minor revisions:1 to 5 pages 258.00 IA] Commercial minor revisions:6 to 35 pages 663.00 IA] Commercial major revisions:over 35 pages 28.00 per page [A] Commercial total revision when determined by the building official 50%of Original Permit NIAFee Residential minor revision:1 to 5 pages 132.00 IA] Residential minor revision:6 to 15 pages 268.00 IA] Residential major revisions:over 15 pages 28.00 per page (A] Residential total revision when determined by the building official 50%ot Original Permit NIAFee 14-61(1)Lost permit card,Fee per required signature 109.00 IA] 14-61(g)Inspection fee hourly rate: The inspection fee hourly rate is calculated at the beginning of each fiscal year based on the department's approved budget,overhead and indirect costs and the resources assigned to the inspection program 14-61(h)Plans re-review fee: First and second re-review 0,00 NIA Plans re-review fee.Pursuant to the Florida Building Commission,and in compliance with F.S..5 553.80(2)(b), when extra plans reviews are due to the failure to correct code rejections specifically and continuously noted in 323.00 IA]each rejection,each time after the third such review that plans are rejected for the same code rejections,a fee 0f $250.00 per discipline shall be attributed to plans review 14-61(i)Expedited plan review and inspection fee:Upon request from the applicant,the department may schedule an 323.00 for each review or expedited plans review by department staff.inspection requested [A] 14-61(/)Administrative processing fee for all supplementary processes and permits for work not identified in "Appendix 66.00 minimum fee [A]A" 14-61(n)Phase permits: Commercial new construction 6,418.00 [A] Commercial alteration 5,133.00 IA] Residential new construction Single-family residence 2,568.00 (A] 14-61(p)Photovoltaic fees 0.00 N/A 14-62(a)Up-front processing fee:Percent of estimated permit fee or the minimum processing fee,whichever is greater Percent of estimated permit fee rounded up to the nearest $5.00 increment 20%NIA Minimum up-front fee 69.00 [AJ 14-62(b)(4)Change of contractor 132.00 (A] 14-62(b)(4)Change of architect or engineer 132.00 [AJ 14-62(b0)(6)One--time request for building permit extension (permit must not be expired)132.00 [A] 14-62(b0)(6)Additional request tor building permit extension (permit must not be expired):50 Percent ot building permit tee 50%NIAlineitemonly Renewal of expired permits 14-62(b0)(7)New or renewed permits for expired,revoked and nullified or voided permits 25%of original permit tee NIA 14-62(b)(7)Processing fee 132.00 (A) 14-62(c)Building permit fees: Com m ercial Perm it Fees tor Building Permits: New construction minimum fee 182.00 (A] Alterations minimum permit fee 132.00 (A] Perm it fee for a building whose estim ated construction cost is equal to or less than $35 million is 1.9%0f the cost of constru ction as appro ved by the building offi cial or his or her designee,plus 1.0%of the construction 0.00 NIAcostforanyamountover$35 million but less than or equal to $100 million;and 0.25%0f costs exceeding $100 million as approved by the building official or his or her designee. Due to hurricane events,fees for minor repairs under a total value of $20,000,the above fee (14-62(c)]shall be reduced by 40%for the following period:Three months from the hurricane event to pull permit.This does not 0.00 NIAapplytoanypermitsneededforrailingrepairsandallrepairsmustbeofasubstantiallysimilardesign,quality and appearance. Residential Permit Fees for Building Permits New construction minimum permit fee 157.00 (A] Alterations m inim um permit fee 118.00 (A] Residential:Single-family,Duplex: Permit fee for a building whose estimated construction cost is equal to or less than $1.5 million is 1.7%0f the 0.00 NIAcostofconstructionasapprovedbythebuildingofficialorhisorherdesignee,plus 1.0%of the construction cost for any amount over $1.5 million as approved by the building official or his or her designee Due to hurricane events,fees for minor repairs under a total value of $20,000,the above fee (14-62(c)]shall be reduced by 40%for the following period:Three months from the hurricane event to pull permit.This does not 0.00 NIAapplytoanypermitsneededtorrailingrepairsandallrepairsmustbeofasubstantiallysimilardesign,quality and appearance. Temporary and Special Event Fees Temporary platforms for public assembly,first approval 195.00 (A] Temporary bleachers tor public assembly,first approval 195.00 (A] Temporary platforms or bleachers for public assembly,re-approval 132.00 (A] Tents excluding electric and plumbing,per tent •Up to 1,000 square feet 195.00 (A] •Each additional 1,000 square feet over 1,000 66.00 [A] Temporary structure/trusses/statues (no electrical or plumbing included)195.00 (A] Temporary chiller 643.00 (A] Temporary generator 643.00 (A] Construction trailer,per trailer 643.00 (A] Office trailer,per trailer 643.00 (A] Temporary power for construction 387.00 [A] Temporary power for test 258.00 [A] Temporary multi-seat toilet trailer,per trailer 132.00 (A] Temporary individual toilet,per event 66.00 [A] Temporary fencing 195.00 [A] Electrical installation -Small events (1-10 tents,bleachers,stages and other structures)323.00 [A] Electrical installation -Large events (more than 10 tents,bleachers,stages and other structures)643.00 [A] Mechanical installation -Small events (1-10 tents,bleachers,stages and other structures)323.00 [A] Mechanical installation -Large events (more than 10 tents,bleachers,stages and other structures)643.00 [A] Plumbing installation -Small events (1-10 tents,bleachers,stages and other structures)323.00 [A] Plumbing installation -Large events (more than 10 tents,bleachers,stages and other structures)643.00 [A) 14-63 Plumbing permit fees: Minimum plumbing permit fee 132.00 [A] This minimum does not apply to permits issued as supplementary to current outstanding permits for the same job Commercial Permit Fees for Plumbing Permits Permit fee for a building whose estimated construction cost is equal to or less than $35 million is 1.9%of the cost of construction as approved by the building official or his or her designee,plus 1.0%0f the construction 0.00 N/Acostforanyamountover$35 million but less than or equal to $100 million;and 0.25%of costs exceeding $100 million as approved by the building official or his or her designee Residential Permit Fees for Plumbing Permits Residential:Single-family,Duplex: Permit fee for a building whose estimated construction cost is equal to or less than $35 million is 1.9%0f the cost of construction as approved by the building official or his or her designee,plus 1.0%of the construction 0.00 NIA cost for any amount over $35 million but less than or equal to $100 million;and 0.25%of costs exceeding $100 million as approved by the building official or his or her designee 14-64 Electrical permit fees: Minimum electrical permit fee:This minimum does not apply to permits issued as supplementary to current 132.00 [A)outstanding permits for the same job Commercial Permit Fees tor Electrical Permits Permit fee for a building whose estimated construction cost is equal to or less than $35 million is 1.9%0f the cost of construction as approved by the building official or his or her designee,plus 1.0%of the construction 0.00 NIAcostforanyamountover$35 million but less than or equal to $100 million;and 0.25%of costs exceeding $100 million as approved by the building official or his or her designee Residential Permit Fees for Electrical Permits Residential:Single-family,Duplex: Permit fee for a building whose estimated construction cost is equal to or less than $35 million is 1.9%0f the cost of construction as approved by the building official or his or her designee,plus 1.0%of the construction 0.00 NIA cost for any amount over $35 million but less than or equal to $100 million;and 0.25%of costs exceeding $100 million as approved by the building official or his or her designee 14-65 Mechanical permit fees: Minimum mechanical permit fee.This minimum does not apply to permits issued as supplementary to current 132.00 (A]outstanding permits for the same job Commercial Permit Fees for Mechanical Permits Permit fee for a building whose estimated construction cost is equal to or less than $35 million is 1.9%of the cost of construction as approved by the building official or his or her designee,plus 1.0%of the construction 0.00 NIAcostforanyamountover$35 million but less than or equal to $100 million;and 0.25%of costs exceeding $100 million as approved by the building official or his or her designee Residential Permit Fees for Mechanical Permits Permit fee for a building whose estimated construction cost is equal to or less than $35 million is 1.9%0f the cost of construction as approved by the building official or his or her designee,plus 1.0%0f the construction 0.00 NIAcostforanyamountover$35 million but less than or equal to $100 million;and 0.25%of costs exceeding $100 million as approved by the building official or his or her designee Smoke control test •Up to 10,000 square feet 258.00 [A) •10,000 to 50,000 square feet 643.00 [A] •Over 50,000 square feet 1,286.00 [A] Elevators,escalators and other lifting apparatus: Permit for new installation or major revamping per ASME A17.1 Section 8.7 Building permit required (includes initial inspection and certificate) Installation of traction elevators and escalators,per unit •Up to three stories 3,517.00 [A] •3-10stories 4,289.00 [A] •Each additional story over 10 137.00 [A] Installation of hydraulic elevator,per unit •Up to three stories 1,833.00 [A] •3-10stories 2,330.00 [A] Installation of escalator,per unit 3,423.00 [A] Installation of parking lifts,per unit 320.00 [A] Installation of robotic parking,per apparatus 4,757.00 [A] Installation of residential elevator,per unit 1,924.00 [A] Installation of wheelchair lift,chair stairs and dumbwaiter 1,549.00 [A] Elevator Repair and Maintenance Annual maintenance repair permit (not to include major revamping)956.00 [A] Repairs (value over $5,000.00)per ASME 17.1,Section 8.62 1,007.00 [A] Repairs (jack/oil lines)up to $5,000.00 399.00 [A] Repairs (cab interior/other)up to $5,000.00 399.00 [A] Roof window cleaning machine,each machine 174.00 [A] Permit for removal of elevator from service 906.00 [A] Elevator tests,temporary use,variances and compliance inspections: Emergency power test 1,721.00 [A] Elevator fire recall test,per unit 1,623.00 [A] Temporary use permit (must be renewed every 30 days)2,090.00 [A] Temporary use renewal 162.00 [A] Application for variances from codes to install or modernize equipment 827.00 [A] Annual fees for certificate of operation and inspection Certificate of operation for each unit (mandated)122.00 [A] Renewal of delinquent certificate of operation 162.00 [A] Duplicate certificate of operation (mandated)43.00 [A] Dumbwaiters,elevators and escalators-Certificate and inspection: Monitoring/jurisdictional fee 320.00 [A] Reinspection fee,each reinspection 169.00 [A] Compliance inspection if witnessed test failed,per inspection 169.00 [A] Elevator and escalator renewal late fee 241.00 [A] I Elevator expired permit renewal fee 136.00 [A] Elevator permit renewal processing fee 79.00 [A] Expedited plan review and inspection fee.Upon request from the applicant,the department may schedule an expedited plans review or inspection on an overtime basis by department staff,per each review or inspection 333.00 [A] requested Any elevator,escalator,etc.,owner who fails to comply with the order to correct a violation issued within 30 days,is subject to an administrative fine up to $500.00 in addition to any other penalty provided by law.Fines 0.00 N/A can be imposed for every 30-day period that the violation remains active These fines,before or after paid,can be appealed to the department director whose decision shall be final.No clearance for the use of the elevator shall be given until these fines have been paid or waived Elevator Lockbox 88.00 [A] Boilers and pressure vessels,installation permit fees,including initial inspections and certificate;does not include installation or connection of fuel and water lines: Boilers (as defined in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code): Annual inspection for boilers 337.00 [A] 14-66(1)Certificate of occupancy fees: Residential units R-1,R-2,and R-3,per unit 195.00 [A] All commercial occupancies except residential units,per square foot 0.07 N/A Minimum fee for commercial certificates of occupancy 323.00 [A] When a temporary certificate of occupancy or completion has been issued and the fee has been paid,the fee 0.00 N/Aforafinalcertificateofoccupancyorcompletion 14-66(1)Temporary certificate of occupancy or completion fees: 100 percent of final certificate of occupancy or completion and letter of final completion fee plus the cost of any additional required Inspections.Additional required inspections will be charge based on actual time spent 258.00 [A] on inspection multiplied Extension of temporary certificate of occupancy or completion,per period as set by the building official.100%N/APercentoffinalcertificateofoccupancyorcompletionfee: Forty-year recertification program fee: 14-67(a)Per building 1,105.00 [A) Building official approval of 6-month extension for building recertifications 1,105.00 [A) 14-67(c)New inspection report fee if recertification not completed within 90 days of building's being declared unsafe 1,162.00 [A] 14-67 (e)Late submission fee for buildings greater than 5 floors for annual structural maintenance log after a 30-day 1,162.00 [A]notice 14-69 Employee training,education,safety,and technology procurement and implementation for service 6%of each and every N/Aenhancementsurchargebuildingpermitfee 14-70 Other general fees Pursuant to Florida Statutes§553.721,in order for the department of business and professional regulation to 14-70(1)administer the Florida Building Code,there is created a surcharge to be assessed at the rate of 1.0 percent of 0.00 NIAthepermitfeeassociatedwithenforcementoftheFloridaBuildingCode.The minimum amount collected on any permit issued shall be $2.00 14-70(2)Pursuant to Miami-Dade County Ordinance 8-12(e),a surcharge to building permits for county code 0.60 NIAcomplianceprogram,per $1,000.00 of work valuation Pursuant to Florida Statutes§468.631,the building code administrator's and inspector's fund shall be funded 14-70(3)through a surcharge to be assessed at the rate of 1.5 percent of all permit fees associated with enforcement of 0.00 N/A the Florida Building Code.The minimum amount collected on any permit issued shall be $2.00 14-70(5)Sanitation surcharge for all building,electrical,plumbing,mechanical demolition permits,0.30 percent of estimated cost of project: Minimum 15.00 N/A Maximum 1,926.00 [A] 14-70(6)A separate fire safety,public works and/or zoning review fee associated with the building permit process shall be charged as outlined in appendix A.See applicable department fee sections 14-72(1)Interest and collection fees shall be charged for unpaid amounts (fees)due Documents.Requests for copies of building department records,inspection reports,logs,or similar 14-72(2)documents maintained by the building department will be charged a fee as specified in subsection 14-61(d)of appendix A Chapter 15.Zoning Review Fee Associated with Building Permit Process Planning Fees Associated with the Building Permit Process 15-31(a)Planning review fee for a commercial building permit shall be assessed at .70%of the cost of construction 0.00 N/A 15-31(a)Planning review fee for a residential building permit shall be assessed at .50%of the cost of construction 0.00 N/A 15-31(b)Double fees for work prior to issuance of permit,plus penalties shall be consistent with 14-61(b) 15-31(c)(1)Re inspection fees shall be consistent with subsection 14-61(c)(1) 15-31(0)Lost Plans fee shall be consistent with subsection 14-61(d).Planning shall not assess administrative processing fee 15-31(e)Revised Plan Review fee: Commercial (Minimum of one page charge)52.00 per page IA] Residential (Minimum of one page charge)28.00 per page [A] 15-31(1)Lost Permit Card fee shall be consistent with subsection 14-61(1) 15-31(g)Inspection Fee hourly rate.As determined by the department at the beginning of each fiscal year 15-31(h)Plans re-review fee shall be consistent with subsection 14-61(h) 15-31(i)Expedited plans review and inspections in addition to all applicable fees: Expedited plans review (not to exceed 4 hours)663.00 [A] Expedited inspection 202.00 [A) 15-31(n)Phased Permit.If department review of Phase Permit application is required,a fee consistent with subsection 14-61(n)shall be assessed 15-32(0)(1).(2)Upfront Fee shall be consistent with subsection 14-62(a) 15-32(b0)Refunds,time limitations,cancellations,change of contractors shall be processed and fees assessed consistent with subsection 14-62(b)(4),(5),(6),(7) 15-33 Certificate of occupancy or completion shall be processed and fees assessed consistent with subsection 14- 66(1) 15-35 Employee training,education,safety and technology enhancements and other surcharge will be assessed consistent with subsection 14-69,14-70(1),(2),(3),(5)as applicable 15-36(a)Interest and collection fees shall be charged for unpaid amounts (fees)due 0.00 N/A 15-36(b)Documents.Requests for copies of department records,inspection reports,logs,or other similar documents maintained by the department will be charged a fee consistent with subsection 14-61(d) Minimum Planning fee associated with a building permit 97.00 [A] Chapter 18.Businesses Article XV.Street Performers and Vendors 18-903(3)t Artist Vendor Certificate Fees: For a three-month certificate 35.00 [A] For a six-month certificate 65.00 [A] For a nine-month certificate 92.00 [A] For a one-year certificate 115.00 [A] Artist vendor and street performer lottery application 69.00 IA] Artist vendor and street performer lottery winner 136.00 [AJ Non-profit lottery application fee 181.00 [A] Chapter 42.Emergency Services Article II.Alarm Systems Division 3.Burglar Alarms 42-84(a)Renewal of alarm registration fee 10.00 N/A Chapter 46.Environment Article Ill.Litter Division 1.Generally Tree removal permit-plan review fees: Single family residential 246.00 [A] Multifamily residential 304.00 [A) Business/commercial 362.00 [A) Right-of-way /swale 246.00 [A) Permits issued after tree has already been removed are doubled 0.00 N/A Tree removal permit-site inspection fees: Single family residential 120.00 [A] Multifamily residential 120.00 [A] Business/Commercial 120.00 [A] Right-of-way /swale 120.00 [A] Plus additional inspection fee per tree (Single-family/Multifamily/Business/Commercial)34.00 (A] Plus additional inspection fee per tree (Right of Way/Swale)21.00 [A] Tree removal permit -donations /contributions in lieu of planting required mitigation trees: Mitigation Shortfall to Tree Trust Fund (per tree)1,286.00 [A] Commemorative trees: Large tree 3,963.00 [A] Medium tree 2,314.00 [A] Small tree 663.00 [A] Article X.Water Quality 46-238 (e)Environmental Plan Review Fee 182.00 [A] Chapter 50.Fire Prevention and Protection 50-3(a)Fire review fee for a commercial building permit shall be assessed at .70%of the cost of construction 0.00 N/A 50-3(a)Fire review fee for a residential building permit shall be assessed at .50%of the cost of construction 0.00 N/A 50-3(b)Double Fees for work prior to issuance of a permit,plus penalties shall be consistent with subsection 14-61(b) 50-3(c)(1)Reinspection fees shall be consistent with subsection 14-61(c)(1) 15-3(d)Lost plans fee shall be consistent with subsection 14-61(d).Fire [Department]shall not assess administrative processing fee 50-3(e)Revised Plans Review fee shall be consisted with subsection 14-61(e) 50-3(1)Lost Permit Card Fee shall be consistent with subsection 14-61(t) 50-3(g)Inspection Fee hourly rate.As determined by the department at the beginning of each year 50-3(h)Plans re-review fee shall be consistent with subsection 14-61(h) 50-3(0)Expedited plans review and inspections in addition to all applicable fees Expedited plans review (not to exceed 4 hours)333.00 [A] Expedited inspection 333.00 [A] 50-3(n)Phased Permit.If department review of Phase Permit application is requested,a fee consistent with subsection 14-61(n)shall be assessed 50-3(p)Specialty Permits.Building:Temporary/special events permits Temporary structure/trusses/stages (not including tents,platforms or bleachers)100.00 [A] Temporary platforms for public assembly,first approval 243.00 [A] Temporary bleachers for public assembly,first approval 221.00 [A] Temporary platforms/bleachers for public assembly,re-approval 32.00 (A] Tents up to 1,000 square feet per unit 184.00 [A] Tents each additional 1,000 square feet over 1,000 per unit 53.00 [A] Construction trailer,per trailer 188.00 [A] Office trailer,per trailer 188.00 [A] 50-4(a)(1),(2)Upfront Fee shall be consistent with subsection 14-62(a) 50-4(b)Refunds,time limitations,cancellations,change of contractors shall be processed and fees assessed consistent with subsection 14-62(b)(4),(5),(6),(7) 50-5(1)(a),(b)Certificate of occupancy or completion shall be processed and fees assessed consistent with subsection 14- 66(1). 50-7 Employee training,education,safety and technology enhancements and other surcharge will be assessed consistent with subsection 14-69,14-70(1),(2),(3),(5),as applicable 50-8(b)Documents,Requests for copies of department records,inspection reports,logs or other similar documents maintained by the department will be charged a fee consistent with 14-61(d) 50-9 Interest and collection fees shalt be charged for unpaid amounts (tees)due Minimum Fire fee associated with a building permit 97.00 [A] 50-10(a)Fire permits Sprinkler/standpipe systems based on area of work •Up to 2,500 square feet 784.00 [A] •2,501 to 3,000 square feet 852.00 [A] •3,001 to 5,000 square feet 984.00 [A] •5,001 to 10,000 square feet 1,342.00 [A] •10,001 to 15,000 square feet 1,470.00 [A] •15,001 to 30,000 square feet 1,995.00 [A] •30,001 to 75,000 square feet 3,564.00 [A] •75,001 to 100,000 square feet 5,231.00 [A] •100,001 to 150,000 square feet 7,451.00 [A] •150,001 to 500,000 square feet 22,155.00 [A] •Over 500,001 square feet 26,106.00 [A] Standpipe systems only (no sprinkler system)per 100 feet 333.00 [A] Fire pump acceptance testing 395.00 [A] Pressure reducing valve acceptance testing 1,099.00 [A] Minor work on existing sprinkler system (1-5 components)91.00 [A] Minor work on existing sprinkler system (6-15 components)278.00 [A] Replace sprinkler heads (more than 15) •Up to 2,500 square feet 233.00 [A] •2,501 to 3,000 square feet 266.00 (A) •3,001 to 5,000 square feet 331.00 IA] •5,001 to 10,000 square feet 396.00 IA] •10,001 to 15,000 square feet 462.00 [A] •15,001 to 30,000 square feet 656.00 [A] •30,001 to 75,000 square feet 1,441.00 [A] •75,001 to 100,000 square feet 2,094.00 [A] •100,001 square feet and up 3,073.00 [A] 50-10(a)Fire alarm system based on area of work •Up to 2,500 square feet 415.00 [AJ •2,501 to 3,000 square feet 489.00 [A] •3,001 to 5,000 square feet 558.00 [A] •5,001 to 10,000 square feet 749.00 (A] •10,001 t0 15,000 square feet 817.00 [A] •15,001 to 30,000 square feet 1,013.00 (A •30,001 to 75,000 square feet 1,536.00 IA] •75,001 to 100,000 square feet 2,029.00 [A] •100,001 to 150,000 square feet 3,235.00 IA] •150,001 t0 500,000 square feet 9,511.00 IA] •500,001 to 1,000,000 square feet 11,599.00 [A] •Repair and replace fire alarm panel only •Up to 2,500 108.00 IA] •2,501 t0 3,000 108.00 IA] •3,001 t0 5,000 128.00 IA] •5,001 t0 10,000 148.00 (A] •10,001 to 15,000 148.00 IA] ·15,001 to 30,000 185.00 IA) •30,001 to 75,000 266.00 IA] •75,001 to 100,000 539.00 IA] •100,001 t0 150,000 629.00 IA] •150,001 to 500,000 1,952.00 [A] •Over 500,000 2,264.00 [A] Installation of new single station smoke detectors •Under 5 devices,minimum 140.00 [A] •Up to 25 devices 620.00 [A] •Per additional 25 devices beyond the initial 25 or fraction thereof,above fee plus 415.00 (A] Minor work on existing fire alarm system (1-5 components)57.00 [A] Minor work on existing fire alarm system (615 components)270.00 [A] 50-10(a)Fire suppression system.Localized suppression system (cooking hood,paint booth,etc.),per unit or system.328.00 IA)Multiple systems in same area (i.e.,kitchen)will be charged at 50%of above fee for each additional system 50-10(a)Fire suppression system.Room suppression system (computer hood,electrical rooms,etc.),per unit or 852.00 IA)system Minor work on existing fire suppression system (1-5 components)79.00 [A] 50-10(b)Hydrant flow test 326.00 [A] 50-10(c)Occupant content sign 326.00 [A] 50-10(0)Pyrotechnic display permit 291.00 [A) 50-10(e)Fireworks permit 429.00 (A] 50-10(()Open burning permit 291.00 [A] 50-10(g)Bonfire permit 195.00 [A] 50-10(h)Special events fees:See subsection 50-3(p) 50-10(0)Trade shows (fee for event plans covering MBCC or similar facility hall area or part thereof)202.00 IA] 50-100)Sidewalk cafesPropane tank heaters per establishment 35.00 [A) 50-10(k)Special master cases 136.00 [A] 50-10()Documents.Requests for copies of department records,inspection reports,logs or other similar documents maintained by the department will be charged a fee consistent with subsection 14-61(d) Fees for the issuance of the fire safety permit and the annual renewal thereof 50-12(a)-(e)Assembly occupancies: Class A-occupant load greater than 1,000 persons 156.00 [A] Class Boccupant load greater than 300 but not greater than 1,000 persons 117.00 [A] Class C-occupant load of 50 or more but not>300 persons 80.00 [A] Educational occupancies: Schools (private)-educational facilities inclusive of the first to the 12th grade: Buildings up to 10,000 square feet 80.00 [A] Buildings greater than 10,000 square feet 80.00 [A) Plus,for each additional 1,000 square feet 1.56 [B) Nurseries,day care centers,kindergartens-educational facilities up to but not including the first grade 80.00 IA] Fire Administrative Fee (per hour per employee)15.00 [A] 50-12(a)(e)Health care occupancies: Private hospitals,nursing homes,limited care facilities: Up to 100 beds 192.00 [A] Over 100 beds 192.00 [A] Plus,per bed over 100 1.93 [BJ 50-12(a)-(e)Residential occupancies: Apartment buildings: 311 dwelling units 80.00 [AJ 12-50 dwelling units 109.00 IA] Over 50 dwelling units 109.00 [A] Plus,per unit over 50 3.07 (B) Hotel,motel,dormitories,lodging house or rooming house: 3-50 rental sleeping units 109.00 [A] Over 50 sleeping units 109.00 [A] Plus,per unit over 50 3.07 (B) Board and care facilities: Small facilities-not more than 16 residents 109.00 (A] Large facilities-more than 16 residents 109.00 [A] Plus,per unit over 16 3.07 [BJ 50-12(a)-(e)Mercantile occupancies: Class A-all stores having an aggregate gross area of more than 30,000 square feet or utilizing more than three 117.00 [A]levels,excluding mezzanines,for sales purposes Plus,1,000 square feet over 30,000 square feet 1.56 [BJ Class Ball stores of more than 3,000 square feet but not more than 30,000 square feet aggregate gross area,117.00 [A]or utilizing floors above or below the street floor level for sales 117.00 [A] Class C-all stores of not more than 3,000 square feet gross area used for sales purposes on one story only 80.00 (A] 50-12(a)-(e)Business occupancies: General offices,including doctors',dentists',and outpatient clinics (ambulatory): Up to 5,000 square feet 80.00 [A] Over 5,000 square feet 80.00 [A] Plus,for each additional 1,000 square feet 1.56 [BJ Colleges and university instructional buildings,classrooms under 50 persons and instructional laboratories 80.00 [A] Plus,for each classroom 1.56 [BJ 50-12(a)-(e)Industrial occupancies: General industrial occupancies-industrial operations conducted in buildings of conventional design suitable for various types of industrial processes;subject to possible use for types of industrial processes with high density of employee population: Up to 5,000 square feet 80.00 [AJ Over 5,000 square feet 80.00 [AJ Plus,for each additional 1,000 square feet 1.56 [BJ Special purpose industrial occupancies-industrial operations in buildings designed for and suitable only for particular types of operations,characterizes by a relatively low density of employee population,with much of the area occupied by machinery or equipment Up to 5,000 square feet 117.00 [A] Over 5,000 square feet 117.00 [AJ Plus,for each additional 1,000 square feet 1.93 [BJ High hazard industrial occupancies-buildings having high hazard materials,processes,or contents: Up to 5,000 square feet 156.00 (A] Over 5,000 square feet 156.00 [AJ Plus,for each additional 1,000 square feet 2.33 [BJ 50-12(a)-(e)Storage occupancies: Low hazard contents-classified as those of such low combustibility that no self-propagating fire therein can 80.00 [A]occur Ordinary hazard contents-classified as those that are likely to burn with moderate rapidity or to give off a considerable volume of smoke: Up to 10,000 square feet 117.00 [A] Over 10,000 square feet 117.00 [AJ Plus,for each additional 2,000 square feet 1.56 [BJ High hazard contents-classified as those that are likely to burn with extreme rapidity or from which explosions are likely: Up to 5,000 square feet 156.00 [AJ Over 5,000 square feet 156.00 IA] Plus,for each additional 1,000 square feet 1.56 [BJ 50-12(a)-(e)Marinas: 3 to 12 boat slips 80.00 [AJ 13 to 50 boat slips 156.00 IA] Over 50 boat slips 156.00 [A] Plus,per slip over 50 2.33 (BJ 50-12(a)-(e)Hazardous material permit fee 202.00 [AJ Late permit fee,after 30 days 333.00 IA] Late permit fee,after 90 days 663.00 IA] 50-12(a)-(e)Placard fee for hazardous materials 69.00 IA] Chapter 58.Housing Article Ill.Property Maintenance Standards Division 2.Administration Subdivision II.City Manager's Designee 58-233 Appeals from actions or decisions of city manager's designee 333.00 (AJ Division 3.Minimum Standards Administrative charges for providing notice to the owner of any lot,parcel or tract of land within the city of the 58-301(b)failure of the owner to keep such premises clean and free of vegetation in accordance with city ordinances and 102.00 IA]a request to remedy the condition within a certain timeframe (or else the city will remedy the situation and bill the owner for the associated costs) Chapter 62.Human Relations Article II.Discrimination Division 3.Regulations 62-162(0)(4)Registering the declaration of registered domestic partnership 50.00 NIA Amending or terminating the declaration of registered domestic partnership 25.00 NIA Chapter 66.Marine Structures,Facilities and Vehicles Article Ill.Piers,Docks and Boat Ramps 66-114(a)Plans review fee shall be consistent with subsection 14-61(h).Up-front processing fee shall be consistent with subsection 14-62(a) 66-114(b)Reinspection fees shall be consistent with subsection 14-61(c)(1) Chapter 74.Peddlers and Solicitors Article II.Charitable Solicitations Division 2.Permit 74-72 Permit fee 10.00 N/A Chapter 82.Public Property Article Ill.Use of Public Property Division 2.Revocable Permit 82-92(9)Application tee 1,323.00 [AJ Mailing fee,per address within 375 feet of subject property 0.69 [BJ Involving use of city property 3,963.00 [AJ 82-95(b)Non-waterfront property for single-family use,per square foot subject to permit 0.63 [BJ Maximum 9,906.00 [AJ Non-waterfront property for multifamily or commercial use,per square foot subject to permit 1.22 [BJ Waterfront property,regardless of use,per square foot subject to the permit 1.69 [BJ 82-96(g)Commercial Outdoor Fee Based Activity permit tee 268.00 [A] 82-96(g)Commercial Outdoor Fee Based Activity application fee 69.00 [A] Article IV.Use in Public Rights-ot-Way Division 2.Temporary Obstructions 82-151(c)(4)Base fee 43.00 [A] Plus,per lineal foot of street obstructed,per day 0.35 [BJ 82-151(e)Applications for hearing 102.00 [AJ Division 3.Newsracks Subdivision I.Administration and Enforcement 82-204(a)1)Newsrack removal fee 69.00 [AJ News rack storage fee per day 6.63 [BJ 82-204(a)(2)Removal and storage fee deposit upon filing of a request for hearing 35.00 [AJ 82-204(b)Reinspection fee 33.04 [BJ Subdivision Ill.Registration 82-231 (b)(3)a Per publisher,for any number of newsracks 10.16 [BJ 82-231 (b)(3)b At initial registration,per newsrack 10.34 [BJ Registration of at least 20 newsracks,per newsrack 5.19 [BJ Division 4.Pay Telephones Subdivision II.Permit 82-307(a)Annual fee for pay telephones provided by local exchange companies for local service only 491.00 [A] 82-307(b)Annual fee for all other pay telephones providers,for each pay telephone installed 862.00 [AJ Or,if a commission is paid to a private premises owner,an initial permit fee shall be paid of 333.00 [AJ Upon renewal,an additional permit fee shall be paid,equal to the difference between $650.00 and the commission paid to the private premises owner,plus $250.00 82-307(c)The first $250.00 of all annual permit fees shall be nonrefundable 82-307(d)Late payments,per month 25.00 NIA Subdivision Ill.Regulations 82-341(0)Retroactive annual permit fee for existing pay telephones: Minimum 136.00 [AJ Maximum 862.00 [AJ Article V.Beaches Division 2.Restricted Areas 82-468(c)Kiteboard operator permit (Note:Permit duration for 5 years)64.00 [AJ Chapter 86.Sales Article II.Garage Sales Division 2.Permit 86-56(b)Permit,each (for non-on line application)20.00 N/A Article Ill.Nonprofit Vending and Distribution Division 2.Permit 86-173 Permit fee,per application,not less than 20.00 N/A Division 4.Enforcement Chapter 90.Solid Waste Article Ill.Collection and Disposal Division 3.Rates,Charges,Billing Procedures 90-137(a)t Single-family residences,per month-49.65 (E] t Apartments,condominiums with less than nine (9)dwelling units,per month per dwelling unit 45.22 [E) Article IV.Private Waste Collectors/Contractors Division 4.Specialty Contractors Subdivision II.Roloft Waste Container Contractors 90-276(2)Annual Permit Fee 1,246.00 [A] 90-278(1)When rolloff is located in parking meter spaces,per meter,per day 5.00 N/A 90-278(4)Failure to timely submit the monthly report 50.00 N/A 90-278(6)Failure to timely pay license fee 50.00 N/A Subdivision IV.Hazardous,Biohazardous Waste Containers 90-332(b)Annual fee,each permit 35.00 [A) Chapter 98.Streets and Sidewalks Article Ill.Excavations Division 2.Permit 98-92(c)(1)Street excavation permit: so lineal feet or less 484.00 [A) Each additional lineal foot 4.06 [BJ 98-92(c)(2)Sidewalk repair permit: 50 lineal feet or less 398.00 [A) Each additional lineal toot 4.06 [BJ Note:the FY 2025 fees will be calculated upon the receipt of the Miami-Dade County notification and CPI percentage in October.Once received,the solid waste fees wilt be updated 98-92(c)(3)Sidewalk construction permit: 50 lineal feet or less 398.00 IA] NOTE:Annual adjustment/Indexing provision moved to Footnote E Each additional lineal foot 4.06 [BJ 98-92(c)(4)Paving or resurfacing of parkway or shoulder area permit: 25 lineal feet or less 398.00 IA] Each additional lineal foot 8.59 [BJ 98-92(c)(5)Landscaping,per tree 140.00 [A) 98-92(c)(6)Landscaping,bedding 140.00 [A) 98-92(c)(7)Building line and grade survey permit. 50 lineal feet or less 484.00 [A) Each additional lineal foot 9.60 [BJ 98-92(c)(8)Driveway construction permit,each driveway 174.00 IA) 98-92(c)(9)Flume excavation permit,each excavation 398.00 IA) 98-92(c)(10)Utility placement permit,poles,splice pits,manholes,hand holes,catch basins,pedestals,vaults and auger 398.00 [A)holes Plus,for each additional,per block on same permit 19.19 [BJ Underground utility service connection right-of-way excavation permit,each water,gas,electric,telephone, 98-92(c)(11)cable,television or sanitary sewer connection from base building line to the utility located within the public 398.00 [A) right-of-way 98-92(c)(12)Groundwater monitoring wells,each well 398.00 [A) 98-92(c)(13)Permit renewal fee:90-day extension ot permit fee expiration date 174.00 [A) 98-92(c)(14)tter-the-tact permit fee.For any work described in (1)through (12),(16)and (17)herein,performed without proper permits and inspections,quadruple the fees 98-92(c)(15)Reinspection fees.When additional inspection is required for work previously inspected and rejected by the 155.00 [A)department of public works,a reinspection fee will be required,for each reinspection 98-92(c)(16)Dewatering permit fee 484.00 [A) Blocking of right-of-way 98-92(c)(17)Note:For major thoroughfares,full day permit is defined as five hours and 30 minutes between 10:00 a.m.and 3:30 p.m.,pursuant to Resolution No.2016-29583 Standard review (full day permit) •Local road 426.00 [A) •Collector road 567.00 [A) •Major thoroughfares 1,323.00 IA Priority review (same day permit review) •Local road 511.00 [A) •Collector road 679.00 [A) •Major thoroughfare 1,323.00 (A] Consecutive multi-day additional fee (per day)77.00 [A]For local and collector roads Consecutive multi-day additional fee (per day)1,323.00 [A)For major thoroughfares Partial day permit (4 hours or less) •Local road 215.00 [AJ •Collector road 286.00 IA] Blocking Right-ot-Way (local &Collector)-$0.28 per LF and $0.06 per S.F $0.35 per LF and $0.09 [BJperS.F. Blocking Right-ot-Way (arterial)-$2.67 per LF and $0.33 per S.F $3.33 per LF and $0.43 (]perS.F. 98-92(c)(18)Revocable permit Application fee,involving city property 5,479.00 [AJ Mailing fee,per address within 375 feet 0.70 [BJ 98-92(c)(19)Coastal review 1,216.00 [AJ 98-92(c)(20)Sewer capacity certification letter application 209.00 [AJ 98-93(a)Public Works review fee for a commercial building permit shall be assessed at.70%of the cost of construction 0.00 N/A 98-93(a)Public Works review fee for a residential building permit shall be assessed at .50%of the cost of construction 0.00 N/A 98-93(b)Double Fees for work prior to issuance of permit,plus penalties shall be consistent with subsection 14-61(b) 98-93(c)(1)Reinspection tees shall be consistent with subsection 14-61(c)(1) 98-93(d)Lost Plans fee shall be consistent with subsection 14-61(d).Planning shall not assess administrative processing fee 98-93(e)Revised Plans Review fee Commercial (Minimum of one page charge)52.00 per page [A] Residential (Minimum of one page charge)28.00 per page [A] 98-93(1)Lost Permit Card fee shall be consistent with subsection 14-6l(f) 98-93(g)Inspection Fee hourly rate.As determined by the department at the beginning of each fiscal year 98-93(h)Plans re-review fee shall be consistent with subsection 14-61(h) 98-93(i)Expedited plans review and inspections in addition to all applicable fees Expedited plans review (not to exceed 4 hours)663.00 IA) Expedited inspection 202.00 [AJ 98-93(n)Phased Permit.If department review of Phase Permit application is required,a fee consistent with subsection 14-61(n)shall be assessed 98-94(a)(1),(2)Upfront Fee shall be consistent with subsection 14-62(a) 98-94(b)Refunds,time limitations,cancellations,change of contractors shall be processed and fees assessed consistent with subsection 14-62(b)(4),(5),(6),(7) 98-95 Certificate of occupancy or completion shall be processed and fees assessed consistent with subsection 14- 66(1) 98-97 Employee training,education,safety and technology enhancements and other surcharge will be assessed consistent with subsection 14-69,14-70(1),(2),(3),(5)as applicable 98-98(b)Documents.Requests for copies of department records,inspection reports,togs or other similar documents maintained by the department will be charged a fee consistent with subsection 14-61(d) 98-99 Interest and collection fees shall be charged for unpaid amounts (fees)due Minimum Public Works fee associated with a building permit 97.00 [AJ 98-101 Temporary and special event fees Temporary platforms for public assembly,first approval 40.00 [A] Temporary bleachers for public assembly,first approval 35.00 IA] Tents up to 1,000 square feet per unit (excluding electric and plumbing)40.00 [A] Tents each additional 1,000 square feet over 1,000 per unit (excluding electric and plumbing)28.00 [A] Construction trailer,per trailer 40.00 [A] Office trailer,per trailer 40.00 [A] Temporary power for construction 40.00 [A] Temporary toilet/outhouse 23.00 [A] Article V.Maintenance of Sidewalks and Swale Areas Chapter 102.Taxation Article IV.Resort Tax Division 4.Tax 102-310(b)Resort tax registration fee: At time of registration 35.00 [A] If compelled to register because of failure or refusal to pay 100.00 N/A 102-311(h)Dishonored checks (consistent with Florida Statute 68.065) Bank fees actually incurred by the City plus a service charge of: If face value does not exceed $50 25.00 N/A If face value exceeds $50 but does not exceed $300 30.00 N/A It face value exceeds $300 40.00 or 5%0f face value,N/Awhicheverisgreater 102-314(1)Reporting fee: Initial late reporting fee 50.00 N/A Plus,for each 30-day late period 25.00 N/A Maximum 500.00 N/A Article V.Local Business Tax 102-379(0)Business Tax Receipt Application 63.00 [A] The following numbers shall refer to the Occupation Annual Permit Fee/Business Tax by Business Tax CategoryCodeforeach business tax category. A 95000200 Accountant,auditor;requires state license 328.00 (G) 95000300 Acupuncturist;requires state license 285.00 (G] 95000301 Addictions recovery facility 1,279.00 (G) 95000302 Adult day care center 385.00 (G) 9500303 Adult family care home: 1.First 10 beds 247.00 (G] 2.Each additional bed 9.00 (GI 95000304 Ambulatory surgical center (ASC)411.00 (G) 95000400 Assisted living facility (ALF): 1.First 10 beds 260.00 (GI 2.Each additional bed 9.00 (G) 95000500 Advertising,all kinds 285.00 (G) 95901000 Adult entertainment establishments;must be 300 ft.from schools and churches 8,152.00 [G] Agents,bureau,brokers,operators or dealers of all kinds,including commercial,insurance,loans,claims, 95000601 transportation,manufacturer or any other kind of business or occupation except pawnbrokers,for each class of business handled,etc.,unless covered elsewhere in this section;appropriate license required: 1.Each firm 285.00 [G] 2.Ea.individual as salesman 123.00 (GI 3.Ea.individual as broker 285.00 [G] 4.Business broker 285.00 [G] s.Business consultant 328.00 (GI Alcohol beverage establishments selling beer,wine and/or liquor for consumption on premises: 95000700 1.Open after midnight,closing no later than 2:00 a.m.1,609.00 [G] 95000701 2.Open after 2:00 a.m.,closing no later than 5:00 a.m.5,348.00 (G] All other businesses not specifically named (per $102-380 of this Code): 95240015 1.General business office uses 245.00 [G] 95240030 2.Heavy/industrial 417.00 (G] Alterations/tailor: 95000550 1.Each shop 249.00 (G] 95000551 2.In another shop 123.00 [G] 95000800 Antique dealer,those who deal in preowned merchandise are not required to obtain a secondhand dealer 645.00 (G]license 95700000 Apartment buildings (rental),not including kitchens and bathrooms;(insurance and state license required): 1.4 rental units or less No fee [G] 2.5-15rental units 96.00 [G] Each additional rental unit 9.00 (G] N/A Apartment buildings (condominium);needs certificate of use only No fee (G) 95001000 Appraiser 285.00 [G] 95001100 Arcade:285.00 (GI 95011801 1.Each coin machine (game/jukebox)131.00 (GI 95001200 Architect;state license required 328.00 (GI 95001300 Armored car service 328.00 (GI 95001400 Arms,ammo,pistols,knives,etc.: 1.Dealer,alone or in connection with any other business 645.00 (G] 2.Each employee 113.00 (GI 95001401 3.Starting,tear gas and B.B.guns 645.00 (G) 95001500 Artists,including,retouching,sketching,cartooning,crayon or ferrotype or other similar line 131.00 (G) 95001600 Attorneys;appropriate license required 328.00 (G] 95001650 Auction business;state license required 5,348.00 (G] 95003602 Auto teller machine (off premises of financial institution)(each machine)285.00 (G] Auto/truck. 95008302 1.Body shop/garage/storage 420.00 (G) 95000630 2.Broker (no vehicles on premises)285.00 (G] 95001704 3.Dealer 565.00 (G] 4.Reserved 5.Reserved 95008303 6.Painting 489.00 (G] 95001707 7.Parking arage 328.00 (GI 95001701 8.Rental agency 2,013.00 (G] 95001703 9.Sub rental agency (no cars on location)645.00 (G] 95001900 10.Auto shipper (required bond)645.00 (GI 95008305 11.Wash and detailing,mobile 378.00 (GI 95008307 12.Wash and detailing and gas station,etc.285.00 (G) Automobile for hire,limousines,except sightseeing busses: 95001708 1.Each automobile 446.00 (G] 95001709 2.Each private or nursery bus,per bus 285.00 (G] 95001705 3.Limousine service 386.00 (GI 95001706 Each limousine (insurance required)123.00 (G) B 95002000 Baggage and transfer business,including moving companies 405.00 (G] 95002100 Bail bonds 285.00 (G] 95002200 Bakery,wholesale;state agricultural license required NOTE:For any retail sales a separate business tax receipt is required: 1.Five employees or less 157.00 [G) 2.Six to 25 employees 345.00 [G) 3.Over 25 employees 420.00 (G) 95002400 Barbershop (with or without manicurist and shoeshine stands,each shop);requires a state license;each barber needs to have his own business tax receipt: 1.With one to five chairs 285.00 [G] 2.With six to ten chairs 351.00 (G] 3.With 11 to 15 chairs 432.00 (G] 4.Each chair over 15 33.00 (G] 95002401 Barber;requires state license 33.00 (G] 95000665 Baths,Turkish,mineral,sun or similar 285.00 (G] Beach front concession: 2002600 1.Uplandtee,perunit 32.00 IA] Maximum UplandFee,PrimaryProperty 21,229.00 (A 95002601 2 Per equ ip,activity/location 1,126.00 (AI 95002700 Beauty parlors,hairdressing,facial,nail shop,etc.,each shop;state license required;each manicurist/beautician needs to have their own business tax receipt: 1.With one to five chairs 285.00 (G] 2.With six to ten chairs 351.00 [G] 3.With 11 to 15 chairs 432.00 [G] 4.Each chair over 15 33.00 (G) 95002701 Beautician;state license required 33.00 (G] 95002750 Bed and breakfast inn;state license required 1.From one to 15 rooms 260.00 (G] 2.Each additional room 26.00 (G] 95002800 Bicycle,rent and repair 285.00 (G)NOTE:Retail sales needs separate business tax receipt 95002900 Billiards,pool tables (each table)157.00 (G) 95002901 Birth center: 1.First 10 beds 247.00 (G) 2.Each additional bed 9.00 (G] 95003100 Boardinghouse (as defined in section 17-1 0f this Code): 1.From one to 15 rooms 241.00 (G] 2.Each additional room 26.00 [G] Boat,ship,watercraft,surfboards;insurance required: 95003407 1.Boat slips 96.00 [G] 95003402 2.Commercial passenger boat (per boat)123.00 (G 95003406 3.Commercial docks 173.00 (G) 95003403 4.Charier (per boat)123.00 (G) 95003410 5.Dealer (new)565.00 (G] 95000603 6.Dealer broker (used)489.00 (G) 95003408 7.Docks (per linear foot)8.00 (G) 95003416 8.Ferry terminal 858.00 [G] 95009550 9.House barges 293.00 [G] 95003200 10.Livery (renting)requires special approvals and insurance: One to eight boats 378.00 (GI Each additional five boats or fraction 96.00 (G] 11.Boat or surfboard rentals,as an accessory use in hotels under current zoning ordinance (requires special99003417approvalsandinsurance): One to eight units (total ot both)378.00 (G] Each additional five units (total ot both)96.00 (GI 95003412 12.Yards and ways doing repair work 645.00 (G] 95003401 13.Sightseeing,excursion 808.00 (GI 95003418 14.Storage bases and sheds 808.00 (G] 95003404 15.Towing and lightering 285.00 (G] 95003415 16.Water taxi: One lo three boats 432.00 (GI Each additional boat 173.00 (GI 95003550 Bowling alley,per alley 96.00 (G] 95003600 Building and loan associations,mortgage companies,saving and loan associations,financial institutions (each 970.00 (G)branch thereof);state license required C 95003700 Cabanas (each)23.00 (G] 95003900 Carpet and rug cleaning 328.00 (GI 95000659 Casting office 285.00 (G] 95004100 Caterers;state license required 405.00 [G] Caterers operating mobile unit,designed and intended for the purpose of vending from such mobile unit 95004101 sandwiches,pastries,candy,beverages,soft drinks and like items to workmen on construction sites,city 438.00 (G) shops,and yards (one such permit shall be issued for each construction and stale licensed required). 95004150 Cannabidiol (CBD) 1.First $1,000.00 of value or less 288.00 (G) 2.Each additional $1,000.00 -$99,999.00 29.00 (G) 3.From $100,000.00 -$199,000.00 2,956.00 (G) 4.From $200,000.00 -$499,000.00 4,433.00 [G] 5.From $500,000.00 and over 5,911.00 (GI N/A Charitable,etc.,organizations;occasional sales,fundraising N/A NIA 95004200 Check cashing office 285.00 (G) 95004500 Chiropractor 328.00 (G) 95001264 Cigarettes and Tabacco -Mobile On-Premise 345.00 (G) 95001265 Cigarettes and Tabacco Products Retail 1.First 1,000.00 of value or less 288.00 (GI 2.Each additional $1,000.00 -$99,999.00 29.00 (G] 3.From $100,000.00 -$199,000.00 2,956.00 [G] 4.From $200,000.00 -$499,000.00 4,433.00 (GI 5.From $500,000.00 and over 5,911.00 (GI 95001266 Cigars and Tobacco Products Manufacture (i.e.Cigar Rollers) 1.Five employees or less 157.00 (GI 2.Sixt0 25 employees 345.00 (G] 3.Over 25 employees 420.00 (GI 95004700 Clerical office (mail order,requires bond)285.00 [G] 95004800 Clinic,medical,dental 432.00 (GI Closing out sale: 95004900 Good for 30 days 1,028.00 [G] 95004901 Additional 15-day periods 645.00 (G) 95005000 Coin dealers 285.00 [G] Coin operated merchandise or service vending machines,except machines vending newspapers or drinking cups not otherwise provided for herein: 95011305 Distributor,coin operated machine 378.00 [G] 95005101 1-cent to 25-cent machines (each mach.)33.00 [G] 95005102 25-cent machines and over (each mach.)54.00 [G) 95005200 Collection agency 285.00 [G) 95005201 Community residential home: 1.First 10 beds 247.00 [G) 2.Each additional bed 9.00 [G) 95005202 Comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facility 411.00 (G) 95005203 Comprehensive inpatient rehabilitation facility 1,279.00 (G) 95004602 Computer Consultant 328.00 [G) 95004603 Construction Consultant 328.00 [G) 95004600 Consultant,advisor,practitioners 328.00 [G] 95004607 Management Consultant 328.00 (GI 95800000 Condo (no state license required) 95400000 Conditional use 95005300 Convention service bureau 285.00 (GI 95004604 Cosmetic Consultant 328.00 (G) 95019802 Counselor,marriage,etc.328.00 [G) 95005500 Court reporter 285.00 [G] 95240028 Credit bureau 285.00 (G] 95000627 Currency exchange 285.00 (G] D Dance hall/entertainment establishment;(for entertainment establishments without dancing,see entertainment establishments): 1.Dance hall/entertainment establishment without alcohol (see subsection 142-1362(b)for after-hours95005800 1,609.00 [G)dance halls) 95005805 2.Dance halt/entertainment establishment with alcohol 285.00 [G] 3005825 Additionally,for occupancy loads of 200 or more,nightclub fee of $3.00 per person occupant load,based 6.00 (GIuponmax.occupant load from building/fire department 95009101 Dance Studio 285.00 (G] 95015701 Day care center,nursery school HRS state license required 405.00 (G) 95015702 Day/night treatment with community housing 1,279.00 [G] Dealers in pre-owned/secondhand merchandise: 95017000 1.Goods other than wearing apparel 489.00 (G] 95017001 2.Wearing apparel 553.00 (G) 95005910 Dental hygienists;state license required 285.00 (G) 95005900 Dentist;state license required 328.00 [G] 95000675 Designer 328.00 (G] 95006100 Dietician;state license required 328.00 (G] 95006200 Doctors,physicians (all others);state license required 328.00 [G] 95006300 Doctors,hospital staff;state license required 173.00 [G] 95006400 Doctors,physicians'assistant;state license required 96.00 (G] 95006500 Dog grooming or small animal clinic 328.00 (G) E 95006600 Electric light company 13,539.00 (G) 95006700 Electrologists;state license required 328.00 [G) 95006800 Employment agency (bond required)285.00 [G] 95006801 End-stage renal disease center 1,279.00 (G) 95006900 Engineers,all;state license required 328.00 [G] Entertainment establishments;(see dance hall/entertainment establishment for establishments with dancing) 95240029 Entertainment establishments without dance hall 285.00 [G] 95007100 Equipment rental 285.00 (G] 95006801 Escort service (bond required)285.00 [G] Express mail service: 1.P.O.box rentals,packing and sending;on-site copy,fax,money order,office supplies,stamps,money wire95007250 565.00 [G]agent,notary,passport photos 95007251 2.All of number 1,plus answering service (5 phones):651.00 [G] Each additional phone 34.00 [G] F 95004606 Fashion Consultant 328.00 (G] 95012302 Finger Printing 285.00 (G] 95007400 Fire prevention service 285.00 [G] 95007500 Florist 328.00 (GI 95007600 Flower stand,selling cut or potted flowers or plants 249.00 (G] 95007700 Food sales (retail inventory)each business,if zoning permits,will be allowed to sell any retail food item, however,all items will be totaled in their inventory assessment;state license required: 95007701 1.1st $1,000.00 of value or less 334.00 (G) 2.Each $1,000.00-$89,999.00 of value 33.00 (G) 3.From $90,000.00-$199,999.00 of value 3,426.00 (G] 4.From $200,000.00-$499,999.00 of value 5,136.00 (G) 5.From $500,000.00 and over 6,845.00 (G) 95007104 Formal rental 285.00 (G) 95007900 Fortunetellers,palmists,clairvoyants,astrologers,phrenologists,physiognomist,numerologists,mind readers 2,680.00 (G)and others of a similar nature 95007950 1.Where not gratuitous,not in a nightclub or accessory to main business,each individual 645.00 (GI Provided that before tax receipt is issued to any persons pursuant to the foregoing item,a report must be made by the police department to the effect that the applicant has no record or conviction in any case involving a felony,and the application must be accompanied by three or more references 95008000 Fruit,nut,packing,shipping,subject to the provisions of this chapter:382.00 (G] 95008002 1.As an accessory 96.00 (G] Fuel dealers,bottled gas,etc.: 95008100 1.Fuel oil dealer 489.00 (G] 95008101 2.Fuel bottled gas dealer 241.00 (G) 95008120 3.Wood yard dealer 191.00 (G) 95008200 Funeral home 1,002.00 (G) G 95008001 Gallery 515.00 (G] Garbage,waste contractor insurance required;see Chapter 90,Article IV for alt requirements;state license required 95008404 1.Bi0hazardous 808.00 (G) 95008401 2.Franchise 808.00 (G] 95008403 3.Hazardous 808.00 (G) 95008402 4.Recycling (DERM permit)808.00 (G) 95008400 5.Roll off 808.00 (G] 95008500 Gas companies 13,539.00 (G) 95008550 Gasoline wholesale dealer 4,015.00 (G) 95008600 1.Where only fuel oil not more volatile than diesel oil and (not exceeding 15,000 barrels in quantity is stored 943.00 (G] General merchandise retail sales (see also merchants category): Merchant sales (based on cost of inventory): 95012065 1.1st$1,000.00 0t value or less 345.00 (G] 95012065 2.Each additional $1,000.00-$99,999.00 29.00 (G) 95012066 3.From $100,000.00--$199,000.00 3,426.00 (G) 95012066 4.From $200,000.00--$499,000.00 5,136.00 (G) 95012966 5.From $500,000.00 and over 6,848.00 (G] 95008802 Golt driving courses 173.00 (G] 95008801 Golf miniature courses 386.00 (G) 95008800 Golf pro 285.00 (G] 95006150 Guard,watchman,patrol agency;state license required 328.00 (G] H 95021500 Hall for hire 191.00 (GI 95006255 Healers,magnetic 808.00 (G) 95009100 Health club,gym (a letter of approval or exemption from state department of agriculture and consumer 285.00 (G)services required) 95009200 Health maintenance plan 285.00 (G) 95006201 Hearing Aid Specialist 328.00 (G) 95000619 Home based business (plus occupation)44.00 (G) 95006200 Homeopathic physicians;state license required 328.00 (GI 95006201 Homes for special services 1,279.00 (GI 95000618 Home Health Agency 285.00 (GI 95000650 Hookah Lounge 345.00 (G) 95000651 Hookah Lounge -as accessory to main occupation 96.00 (G) 95006202 Hospice facility 328.00 (G] Hotel;state license required: 95009500 1.First 15 rooms 328.00 (G) 2.For each additional room over 15 25.00 (GI 95009503 Hotel Rooms with Kitchens;state license required: 1.First 15 rooms 328.00 (GI 2.For each additional room over 15 25.00 (GI 95009600 Hypnotist,hypnotherapist 285.00 (G] I 95009700 Immigration service 285.00 (GI 95009800 Import and export dealer 285.00 (G) 95009900 Income tax service: 1.Reserved 285.00 (G) 2.Inside only 95010000 Installers,floor covering,carpet,tiles,glass,etc.285.00 (G] 95000606 Insurance agency 285.00 (G] 95010200 1.Adjuster 285.00 (G) 95000649 2.Insurance broker 285.00 (G) 95010100 3.Casualty and liability 413.00 (G] 95010105 4.Company 413.00 (G] 95010101 5.Fire 413.00 (G) 95010102 6.Industrial 413.00 (GI 95010103 7.Life 413.00 (G) 95010104 Intensive inpatient treatment center/facility 1,279.00 (G] 95010105 Intensive outpatient treatment center/facility 411.00 (G] 95010300 Interior decorators whose business is confined to furnishing curtains,draperies,hangings,furniture,etc.,328.00 (G)exclusively 95010301 Interior designers;state license required 328.00 (G] 95010302 Intermediate care facility for the developmentally disabled 1,279.00 (G] 95010400 Investment counselor;state license required 285.00 (G) J 95010500 Janitorial and maid service (bond required)328.00 (G] Jewelers shall be required to pay merchant's business tax determined as follows;(based on cost of inventory):345.00 (G) 95010600 1.First $1,000.00 of value or less 345.00 (GI 95010600 2.Each additional $1,000.00-$99,999.00 29.00 (G) 95010601 3.From $100,000.00--$199,000.00 3,426.00 (G] 95010601 4.From $200,000.00--$499,000.00 5,136.00 (GI 95010601 5.From $500,000.00 and over 6,848.00 (G) K 95010700 Key machines 44.00 (G) L 95010900 Laboratory (chemical,dental,optical,x-ray,etc.)(independent);state license required 378.00 (G] 95010901 Laboratory technicians,including the taking of blood pressure 328.00 (GI 95011000 Land development companies;state license required 1,738.00 (GI 95011100 Landscape architects,contractors,nursery men,etc.328.00 (G) 95011200 Landscape maintenance 78.00 (G) 95015601 Laser photo printing service 260.00 (G) 95011302 Laundry dry cleaners 489.00 (G] 95011303 Laundry dry cleaners (remote location)157.00 (G] 95011304 Laundry coin operated location,each (includes accessory folding and hand ironing)328.00 (G) 95011305 Laundry (coin equipment distributor)378.00 (G) 95011307 Each machine 9.00 [G] 95011307 Laundry,coin operated equipment not licensed by one of the above listings,each machine 9.00 (G) 4007701 Liquor sales/merchant sales (based on cost of inventory): 1.First $1,000.00 of value or less 334.00 (GI 2.Each additional $1,000.00--$99,999.00 33.00 (GI 3.From $100,000.00--$199,000.00 3,426.00 (G] 4.From $200,000.00--$499,000.00 5,136.00 (G] 5.From $500,000.00 and over 6,848.00 (G) 95011400 Locksmith 328.00 (G) M Machine and games,mechanical photographs,consoles,jukeboxes,picture-taking,record-making,or other similar machines: 95011800 Distributors 1,028.00 (GI 95011802 Each machine 131.00 (G] 95004705 Mail order business;bond required 285.00 (G] 95011600 Manufacturers,all products;to include any assembling or processing operations otherwise mentioned in this 378.00 (G)section 95011700 Manufacturer representative 285.00 (GI 95240008 Marine appraiser,surveyor,testing 285.00 (G] 95011999 Massage clinic;state license required 285.00 (G] 95012000 Massage therapist;state license required 61.00 (G] 95012050 Med Spa (i.e.Botox,Fillers,Etc.)432.00 (G) Medical cannabis/marijuana Merchants,all persons engaged in the business of selling medical cannabis,as defined in chapter 6,article Ill, or chapter 14,division 10,of any kind,sort or description,except as otherwise specifically provided by this section,shall be required to pay a merchant's business tax,determined as follows,based on cost of inventory: 95012100 1.First $1,000.00 of value or less 334.00 (G) 95012100 2.Each additional $1,000.00-$99,999.00 34.00 (G) 95012100 3.From $100,000.00--$199,000.00 3,426.00 (G] 95012100 4.From $200,000.00--$499,000.00 5,136.00 (GI 95012100 5.From $500,000.00 and over 6,848.00 (G] 6.Cost per employee for medical marijuana treatment center;and reimbursement for law enforcement 95012100 and/or consultant review,as agents of planning department,plus recovery for law enforcement or consultant 56.00 [G] review. Background check fee for each employee at medical marijuana treatment center 154.00 (G) 95012101 Medication and methadone maintenance treatment facility: 1.First $1,000.00 of value or less 319.00 (G] 2.Each additional $1,000.00-$199,000.00 32.00 (G) 3.From $100,000.00-$199,000.00 3,262.00 (G) 4.From $200,000.00-$499,000.00 4,890.00 (G) 5.From $500,000.00 and over 6,521.00 (G) 95012300 Med Spa 9S017601 Mental Health Counselor 328.00 (G) Merchants,all persons engaged in the business of selling merchandise ot any kind,sort or description,except as otherwise specifically provided by this section,shall be required to pay a merchant's business tax, determined as follows;based on cost of inventory. 95012065 1.First $1,000.00 of value or less 345.00 (G) 95012065 2.Each additional $1,000.00-$99,999.00 29.00 (G) 95012066 3.From $100,000.00-$199,000.00 3,426.00 (G) 95012066 4.From $200,000.00-$499,000.00 5,136.00 (G) 95012066 5.From $500,000.00 and over 6,848.00 (G) 95012200 Messenger service (exclusive of telegrams)157.00 [G] 95006207 Midwife 328.00 (G) 95000625 Model,talent agency;state license required 285.00 (GI 95012400 Money broker 285.00 (G] 95012500 Money order agency 96.00 (G] 95012550 Monogram,silkscreen,retail 285.00 (G) 95000610 Mortgage broker,all firms;state license required:285.00 (GI 95000610 1.Each additional broker connected therewith 285.00 (G) 95000652 2.Salesman;state license required 123.00 [G] Motor scooter,motorcycle,rental agency;insurance required: 95012800 1.1 lo 20 units 489.00 (G] 95012800 2.Each unit over 20 33.00 (G) Movie theater: 95012900 1.One screen 1,609.00 (G] 95012901 2.Each additional screen 173.00 (G) N Nail Salon 95002702 1.With one to five chairs 285.00 (G] 95002702 2.With six to ten chairs 351.00 (G) 95002702 3.With 11 to 15 chairs 432.00 (G) 95002702 4.Each chair over 15 33.00 (GI 95002701 Manicurist;state license required 33.00 (G) 95013300 Newspapers or periodicals 260.00 [G] Newsstand sidewalk 96.00 (G] Nightclub (same as dance hall/entertainment establishment): 1.Dance hall/entertainment establishment without alcohol (see subsection 142-1362(b)for after-hours95005800 1,609.00 (GIdancehalls) 95005805 2.Dance hall/entertainment establishment with alcohol 285.00 (G] 95005850 Notary Public 285.00 (G] 95013500 Nurses Hospital Staff 96.00 (G) 95013400 Nurses Registered,LPN,ARNP 285.00 (G) 95013600 Nursing homes and private hospital;state license required 1,343.00 (G] 95004608 Nutrition Consultant 328.00 (G] 0 95019801 Occupational Therapist 328.00 [G] 95013800 Office,other than listed 285.00 (G] 95013900 Optician;state license required 328.00 (G)NOTE:Retail sales needs separate merchant sales business tax receipt 95014000 Optom etrist;state license required 314.00 (G)NOTE:Retail sales needs separate merchant sales business tax receipt 95014001 Organ and tissue procurement facility 411.00 (G) 95240018 Orthodontist;state license required 328.00 (G) 95014200 Osteopath;state license required 328.00 (G] 95014201 Outpatient treatment facility 411.00 (G) p 95014202 Pain management clinics: 1.First $1,000.00 of value or less 319.00 (G) 2.Each additional $1,000.00--$199,000.00 32.00 (G) 3.From $100,000.00-$199,000.00 3,262.00 (GI 4.From $200,000.00--$499,000.00 4,890.00 (GI 5.From $500,000.00 and over 6,521.00 (G) 95014350 Paper hanger 285.00 (G) 95014400 Paramedic 285.00 (GI 95014401 Paramedic Hospital Staff 96.00 (G) 95014500 Parking lot 328.00 [G) 95001707 1.Parking garage 328.00 (G) 95014507 2.Under-utilized 328.00 (G) 95014502 3.Provisional 328.00 (G) 95014506 4.Temporary lot 328.00 [G) 95014505 5.Parking valet tot only 328.00 [G) 95014504 6.Self-parking lot 328.00 [G) 7.Valet parking (per location);insurance required.A letter of permission from the owner,lessee or operator 99020700 of the business from which the valet service is operating must be submitted prior to the issuance of a valet 378.00 (G) parking business tax receipt. Each additional location 191.00 (G) 95014600 Party planner 285.00 (GI 95014700 Pathologist;all 328.00 (GI 95017003 Pawnbroker,selling other than articles taken on pledge must also have a regular merchant's business tax 1,343.00 (G)receipt,no tax receipt issued to pawnbrokers shall be transferred from the person to whom it was issued 95007300 Pest control;state license required 378.00 (G) 95004850 Pharmacy store;state license required 95004850 1.First $1,000.00 of value or less 334.00 (G) 95004850 2.Each additional $1,000.00--$99,999.00 34.00 (G) 95004850 3.From $100,000.00--$199,000.00 3,426.00 (G) 95004850 4.From $200,000.00--$499,000.00 5,136.00 (G) 95004850 5.From $500,000.00 and over 6,848.00 (GI 6.Cost per employee for medical marijuana treatment center;and reimbursement for law enforcement 95004850 and/or consultant review,as agents of planning department,plus recovery tor law enforcement or consultant 56.00 (G)review Each employee must obtain a business tax receipt pursuant to 5 142-1503(g) 95015000 Phlebotomist;state license required 328.00 (G) 95015100 Photography,studio,film developing/printing on-site 328.00 (G) 95015101 Photography,drop oft developing only,not done on-site 191.00 (G] 95015300 Physiotherapist;state license required 328.00 (G) 95015400 Picture framing 161.00 (G) 95015500 Podiatrist;state license required 328.00 (G) 95015550 Postal box rentals 285.00 (G) N/A Postage stamp sales: 1.Stamp machine distributor 285.00 (G) 2.Each machine 23.00 (G) NOTE:Retail sales of postage stamps needs separate merchant sales business tax receipt 95015570 Prescribed pediatric extended care center 1,279.00 (G) 95015600 Printing,copying service 260.00 (G) 95015602 As accessory to main occupation 96.00 (G) 95006000 Private investigative agency;department ot state license required 328.00 (G] 95015700 Private schools,schools,tutorial services,colleges or other educational or training institutions operating tor 405.00 (G]profit,for each place of business 95015800 Process service 285.00 (GI 95000657 Production company 285.00 (G] 95006265 Professional association,corporation 328.00 (G] Promoter;bond required: 95050199 1.Single event/single location (less than 150 permitted occupancy)113.00 (G) 95050199 2.Single event/single location (greater than 150 permitted occupancy)225.00 (G] 95050200 3.Multiple event/single location (less than 150 permitted occupancy)113.00 (G] 95050200 4.Multiple event/single location (greater than 150 permitted occupancy)225.00 [G] 95050201 5.Multiple event/multiple location (less than 150 permitted occupancy)285.00 (G) 95050201 6.Multiple event/multiple location (greater than 150 permitted occupancy)565.00 (GI 95015900 Property management,or the business ot opening and closing ot homes,or both 328.00 (GI 95015900s Shell BTR 328.00 (G) 95240019 Psychiatrist;state license required 328.00 [G] 95016000 Public relations 285.00 [G) 95016100 Publisher 285.00 (G] Q R 95000670 Real estate brokerage firm,corp.;state license required:285.00 (G] 95000607 1.Each broker with firm 285.00 (G) 95000652 2.Each salesman with firm 123.00 (G) 95000660 Rehabilitation agency 411.00 (G) 95016300 Repair shops including upholstering,furniture repairing,knife and lawnmower sharpening/repair,etc.,for each 328.00 (G)place of business 95004703 Reservation Office 285.00 (GI 95016320 Residential treatment center for children and adolescents 1,279.00 (GI 95016330 Residential treatment facility 1,279.00 (G) Restaurant and bars: 95016400 Restaurants,drugstores or other establishments serving food permitting the operation of cafe,cafeteria,260.00 [G}dining room,tearoom or restaurant takeout with chairs,or stools,each to count as one seat 1.Per chair up to 50 (not include sidewalk cafe area)10.00 [G} 2.Per chair 51 and up (not include sidewalk cate area)11.00 [G} 3.No chairs 260.00 [G} Bar (no restaurant);appropriate state licenses required.Restaurant,add occupancy code load.See95016400 260.00 (G}"Nightclubs"for additional fees if applicable.See "Dance halls"for additional fees if applicable. 95000702 5.No sale of alcohol beverage for on-premises consumption 95016650 Rink,skating,bike or others,owners or persons maintaining same;need commission approval 191.00 (G) 95016600 Roominghouses,lodginghouses,boardinghouses or hostels;state license required: 1.One to 20 rooms 241.00 (GI 2.Each room over 20 Any apartment house,hotel or any other place serving meals or food other than a boardinghouse,requires a 9.00 (G] restaurant license. s Sailmaker 285.00 [G} 95016800 Sales office,developers,temporary 378.00 (G) 95013600 Sanitarium or institution of like character 1,343.00 (GI 95017001 Secondhand dealers/dealers in preowned merchandise: 1.Goods other than wearing apparel 489.00 [G} 2.Wearing apparel 553.00 (G) 95017100 Service station: 1.One pump 191.00 (G] 2.Each additional pump (GI78.00NOTE:Retail sales needs separate merchant sales business tax receipt 95017200 Shoe repairing 249.00 (G] 95017300 Transient short-term rental (state license required)each rental unit 80.00 [G} 95017400 Sightseeing buses (each bus);insurance required 808.00 (G) 95017500 Sign writers 328.00 (G) 9517550 Smoke Shop 1.First 1,000.00 of value or less 288.00 (G) 2.Each additional $1,000.00 -$99,999.00 29.00 [G} 3.From $100,000.00 -$199,000.00 2,956.00 (G] 4.From $200,000.00 -$499,000.00 4,433.00 (G) 5.From $500,000.00 and over 5,911.00 (G) 95017600 Sociologist or marriage counselor;state license required 328.00 [G} 95017650 Social Media Management/Web Services 285.00 [G} 95006209 Social worker (LCSW);state license required 328.00 (GI Soda fountain/ice cream parlor,provided that soda fountains operated in connection with regularly taxed 95017700 restaurants do not require an additional business tax receipt.This tax receipt is restricted to soda,frozen yogurt 191.00 (G)and ice cream products.Any other item such as sandwiches,hot dogs,pastry,etc.,will require a restaurant business tax receipt.State license required. 95017900 Sound recording operator 285.00 [G) 95017905 Sound recording studio 489.00 (G) 95018300 Stockbrokers (full service);state license required:2,013.00 (G) 1.One to five employees 164.00 (G) 2.Six to 15 employees 328.00 (G) 95018305 3.Sixteen to 20 employees 489.00 (G) 4.Stockbroker salesman (each)123.00 (G) 95000621 5.Contact Stockbroker 285.00 [G) 95021101 Storage yard 489.00 [G) 95018550 Swimming pools (concessions)328.00 (GI T 95018405 Tailor/alterations (each shop):249.00 (G) 1.As an accessory to main occupation 123.00 (G) 95000659 Talent/modeling agency;state license required 285.00 (G) 95017800 Tanning salon/solarium 328.00 (GI Tattoo: 95006250 1.Tattoo establishment;state license required 328.00 (G) 95006250 2.Tattoo artist/body piercing (each person];state license required 328.00 (G] 95018500 Tag collection agencies,includes auto tags,driver's license,hunting and fishing licenses,boat registration,328.00 (G)etc.): 95018510 1.As an accessory to main occupation 123.00 (G) 95000201 Tax service 328.00 (G] 95018700 Telegraph companies,money wire 285.00 (G) 95018800 Telephone Answering Service 285.00 (G] Telephone: 1.Call Center 285.00 (G) 2.Reserved 95019000 3.Sales office 285.00 (G) All persons engaged in the business of selling merchandise of any kind,sort or description,except as otherwise specifically provided by this section,shall also be required to pay a merchants business tax. 95019100 Television rental 285.00 (G] Tennis: 95019500 1.Tennis court 285.00 (G] 95019300 2.Tennis pro 285.00 [G] 95012902 Theaters;live shows: 1.Zero to 49 seats 772.00 (G] 2.Fifty seats and over 1,609.00 (G] Theatrical: 1.Theatrical performances (charity)NIA N/A 95000614 2.Theatrical agency 285.00 (GI 95000616 3.Theatrical producer 285.00 (G) 95006203 Therapist;state license required 328.00 (GI 95019900 Ticket office 285.00 (GI 95020000 Towel and linen supply service 328.00 (G] 95021400 Tow truck/wrecker service,each truck,insurance required 260.00 (G] 95021401 Tow truck/Wrecker immobilization,insurance required 285.00 (G) 95020100 Tow truck,wrecker associated with a service station (each truck),insurance required 260.00 (G) 95020105 Transitional living facility 1,279.00 (G) 95020200 Transportation Public 328.00 (G) 95020201 Transportation service (each vehicle),including,but not limited to,vans,cars,etc.;insurance required 328.00 (G) 95003401 Transportation Sightseeing,Excursion 808.00 (G) 95020300 Travel bureau;state certificate required 285.00 (G) Tour: 95020302 1.Agency;state certificate required 285.00 (G] 95020301 2.Operator;state certificate required 285.00 (G) 95020304 3.Service and information (sold elsewhere)285.00 (G) 95015702 Tutorial service 405.00 (G] 95020400 Typing,word processing,resume,letter writing service 285.00 (G) 95020410 1.Agency (done off-premises)96.00 (G) u 95020500 Urgent care facility 411.00 (G] V 99020700 Valet parking (see parking)378.00 (G) 95020800 Vaping (E-Cigarettes) 1.First $1,000.00 of value or less 288.00 (G) 2.Each additional $1,000.00 -$99,999.00 29.00 (G) 3.From $100,000.00 -$199,000.00 2,956.00 (G] 4.From $200,000.00 -$499,000.00 4,433.00 (G) 5.From $500,000.00 and over 5,911.00 (G] 95300000 Veterinarian or veterinarian surgeon 328.00 (G] 95021000 Video rental (each location),includes accessory rental of tape players and camcorders:345.00 (G) 95021005 1.As an accessory to main occupation 96.00 (GI Vitamin Shop,based on the value of the establishment's total retail inventory w 95021100 Warehouse or storage yard 489.00 (G) 95021200 Wholesale dealers 489.00 [G) 95021300 Window cleaning and janitorial service;bond required 328.00 (G] 95021320 Women's health clinic 411.00 (G) X y z 102-380 City business tax for businesses not otherwise named or enumerated: General business /office uses 252.00 (G] Heavy/industrial uses 429.00 (G) 102-384 Fee for hearing when licensee or permittee fails to comply with notice of violation or when requested by 75.00 N/Aaggrievedapplicant/licensee Chapter 106.Traffic and Vehicles Article I.Metered Parking 106-55(a)(1)Parking meter rates for Entertainment District Parking Zone: Per hour for on-street -24 hours a day,seven (7)days a week 4.00 (8I Per hour tor oft-street-24 hours a day,seven (7)days a week 2.00 (B8) 106-55(a)(2)Parking meter rates tor South Beach Parking Zone: Per hour for on-street-9 A.M.to 3A.M.4.00 (B) Per hour for off-street-9 A.M.to 3A.M.2.00 () 106-55(a)(3)Parking meter rates for East Middle Beach Zone: Per hour tor on-street-9 A.M.to 3A.M.3.00 [BJ Per hour tor off-street--9 A.M.to 3A.M.2.00 (8I 106-55(a)(4)Parking meter rates for West Middle Beach Zone: Per hour for on-street-8 A.M.t06P.M.1.00 (I Per hour tor off-street-8 A.M.to 6P.M.1.00 (B) 106-55(a)(5)Parking meter rates for North Beach Zone: Per hour tor on-street-8 A.M.to6P.M.1.00 (I Per hour for off-street-8 A.M.to6P,M.1.00 (B8) 106-55(b)(1)7th Street Garage Rates and Charges: Transient rate per hour and any portion thereof up to four (4)hours 2.00 (al Transient rate per hour from fourth (4th)hour up to theninth(9th)hour 15hours 1.00 (I Maximum dailyrate(or any time exceeding15hoursup to24hours 20.00 () Lost ticket charge (Maximum daily rate)20.00 (B8) Maximum dailyratetor any time exceeding nine (9)hours/Event Flat Rate/LostTicket Rate 9th+otur Rate [] Monthly parking,per month,per permit (not including applicable sales tax)128.00 IA] Weekend/event flat rateper vehicle (Friday,Saturday and Sunday(rom8:00p .mn.t0 500 a.mn.)15.00 (B8) 106-55(b)(2)12th Street Garage Rates and Charges: Transient rate per hour and any portion thereof up to four (4)hours 2.00 () Transient rate per hour from fourth (4th)hour up to the ninth (9th)hour 15hours 1.00 [l!] Maximumdailyratetor any time exceeding nine (9)hoturs/Event Flat Rate/LostTicket Rate 9thour Rate (] Maximum dailyrate for anytime exceeding15hoursup to 24hours 20.00 (.B.] Lost ticket charge (Maximum dailyrate)20.00 (8) Monthly parking,per month,per permit (not including applicable sales tax)128.00 [A] 106-55(b0)(3) 106-55(b)(4) 106-55(b)(5) 106-55(b)(6) Weekend/event flat rate per vehicle (Friday,Saturday and Sundaytrom 8.00 p.m.,to 500 a.m.) 13th Street Garage Rates and Charges: Transient rate per hour and any portion thereof up to four (4)hours Transient rate per hour trom fourth (4th)hour up to the ninth (9th)hour 15hours Maximum daily rate tor any time exceeding nine (9)hours/Event tat Rate/LostTicket Rate Maximum dailyrate for any time exceeding 15 hours up to 24 hours Lost ticket charge(Maximum dailyrate) Monthly parking,per month,per permit (not including applicable sales tax) Weekend/event flat rate per vehicle (Friday,SaturdayandSundayfrom 8:00 p.m.to 500 a.m.) 16th Street Garage Rates and Charges: Tr ansi ent rat es ; Transient rate per hotur and any portion thereof up to four (4)hours Transient rate per hour from fourth(4th}hour up to the ninth (9th}hotu 0to1hour 1to2hours 2to3hours 3to6hours 6 (o.24 hours Maximum daily rate forany time exceedingnine(9)h ours/EventFatRate/LostTicketRate Lost ticket charge(Maximum daily rate) Monthly parking,per month,per permit (not including applicable sales tax) W eekend/ev ent flat rate per vehicl e (Friday,Sat urd ay and Su nday trom 800 p.m.to 500a.m.) 17th Street Garage Rates and Charges: Transient rates· Transient rate per hour and any portion thereof up to four (4)hours Transient rate per hotur from fourth (4th}hourup to the ninth (9th}hotut 2t03hours 6to7hours 7to8hours B to 15 hours 15 to 24 hours Maximum daily rate tor any time exceeding nine (9)ours/Event Fat Rate/LostTicket Rate Lost ticket charge (Maximum daily rate) Monthly parking,per month,per permit (not including applicable sales tax) Event flat ratepervehicle Employee Value Coupon-Lincoln Road (EVC-LR)daily (17th Street Garage only) City Hall Garage Rates and Charges: Tran si ent rates: Transientrateperhourandanyportionthereof up to four (4)hours Transient rate per hour from fourth (4th hotur up to the ninth (9th)hour 0to1hour 1 to 2 hours 2103hours 3t04hours 4to6hours 5to6hours 6to7hours 7t08hours 8 to 15 hours 15 to 24 hours Maximum daily rate tor any time exceeding nine (9)hours/Event Flat Rate/tost Ticket Rate Lost ticket charge(Maximum daily rate) Monthly parking,per month,per permit (not including applicable sales tax) Event flat rate pervehicle 2.00 9th Hour Rate 20.00 20.00 128.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 10.00 20.00 9thHourRate 20.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 6 00 8.00 9.00 10.00 12.00 20.00 9th Hour Rate 20.00 128.00 4thhourrateper24hour period 8.00 2.00 1.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 9th Hour Rate 20.00 128.00 16.00 (BI [.BJ [.BJ (B] [.BJ [.BJ [A] (BI (] (] [.BJ [.BJ [.BJ (B8) [.BJ (B] [.BJ [AJ (B8I (] (] [.BJ [.BJ (B8) (8I (I (BI (I (8I [.BJ (] [BJ [AJ [.BJ (BI (D] [B] (B8I [BJ [.BJ [.BJ (B8) (B8I [.BJ [.BJ [.BJ (B8) [] [.BJ [A] [BJ 106-55(b0)(7)Pennsylvania Avenue Garage Rates and Charges: Tra nsient rates: Ta nsi ent rate per hour andany portion the reof upto fo ur (4)hou rs 2.00 [] Transientrateperhour from fourth (4th)hour up to the ninth(9th}hour 1.00 (] 0to1hour 2.00 (8I 1to2hours 4.00 (B8) 2to3hours 6.00 (B8I 3to4hours 8.00 (I 4to5hours 9.00 (8I 5to6hours 10.00 (BI 6to7hours 11.00 (I 7108hours 12.00 (BJ 8to 15 hours 15.00 (B8) 15 t0 24 hours 20.00 (8I Maximum daily rate for any time exceeding nine (9)ours/Event Fat Rate/LostTicket Rate 9th Hour Rate [B] Lost ticket charge (Maximum daily rate)20.00 (BI Monthly parking,per month,per permit (not including applicable sales tax)128.00 [A] Event flat rate pervehicle 16.00 (I 106-55(b)(8)Sunset Harbor Garage Rates and Charges: Transient rates ; Transientrateper hour and any portionthereof up to four (4)hours 2.00 [0] Hansient rate per hour from fourth(4th)hour up to the ninth (9th)hotu 1.00 (0) 0to1hour 2.00 (BI 1to2hours 4.00 (BI 2to3hours 6.00 (B8) 3to4hours 8.00 (8I 4to6hours 9.00 (BI 5to6hours 10.00 (B8) 6to7hours 11.00 (I 7to8hours 12.00 (BJ 8 to 15 hours 16.00 (BI 15 t0 24 hours 20.00 (B8) Maximumdailyrateforanytimeexceedingnine(9)hours/EventFatRate/Lost Ticket Rate 9thHourRate (0) Lost ticket charge (Maximum daily rate)20.00 () Monthly parking,per month,per permit (not including applicable sales tax)128.00 [AJ Event flat rate per vehicle 15.00 (BI 106-55(b)(9)42nd Street Garage Rates and Charges: Transient rate per hour and any portion thereof up to six(6}eight(8)hours 1.00 (I Maximum daily rate tor any time exceeding six (6)hours up to 24 hours/Lost Ticket Charge 6th Hour Hat e (B] Maximum dailyratetor anytime exceedingeight (8)hoursup to 24 hours 8.00 (B8) Lost ticket charge(Maximum dailyrate)8.00 (8) Monthly parking,per month,per permit (not including applicable sales tax)91.00 [A] 106-55(b)(10)Convention Center Garage Rates and Charges: Transient rates: Transient rate per hour and any portion thereof up to four (4)hours 2.00 [] Transientrateper hour from fourth (4th)houruptotheninth (9th)hour 1.00 [] 0to1hour 2.00 (8I 1to2hours 4.00 (B) 2to3hours 6.00 (B8I 3104hours 8.00 (B8) 4to5hours 9.00 (8I 5to6hours 10.00 (BJ 6to7hours 11.00 [BJ 7to8hours 12.00 (BI 8 t0 15 hours 16.00 (8I 15 to 24 hours 20.00 (B8I Maximum daily rate tor any time exceeding nine (9)hours/Event Flat Rate/LostTicket Rate 9th Hour Rate (] Lost ticket charge(Maximum dailyrate)20.00 (BI Monthly parking,per month,per permit (not including applicable sales tax)128.00 [A] Event (lat rateper vehicle 20.00 (8I 106-55(b)(11)P71-AG"Street and Collins Avenue Municipal Parking Lot Rates and Charges: Non-resident flat Rate 24 hours daily 20.00 (B8I Registered resident flat rate 24 hours daily 6.00 (8I Registered resident hourly rate 1.00 (I Monthly parking,per month,per permit (not including applicable sales tax)125.00 [A] 106-55(b)(12)Collins Park Garage Rates and Charges: Transient rates: Hransient rateper hour and any portion thereof upto four (4)hours 2.00 (] Transient rateper hour from fourth (4th)hotut upto the ninth (9th}hotut 1.00 [) 0to1hour 2.00 (I 1to2hours 4.00 (I 2to3hours 6.00 (8I 3to4hours 8.00 (BI 4106hours 9.00 (8l 5to6hours 10.00 (8I 6to7hours 11.00 (B8I 7to8hours 12.00 (BI 8 to 15 hours 15.00 (8I 15 to 24 hours 20.00 (8) Maximum daily rate for any timeexceeding nine(9)hours/Event Flat Rate/LostTicket Rate 9th Hour Rate [) Lost ticket charge(Maximum daily rate)20.00 (B8) Monthly parking,per month,per permit (not including applicable sales tax)128.00 [A] Event flat ratepervehicle 15.00 () 106-55(c)(1)a.Monthly permit rate for facility-specific monthly parking in municipal lots (not including applicable sales tax)91.00 [A] 106-55(c)(1)b.Rates for facility-specific monthly parking in municipal parking garages: Monthly parking,per month,per permit (not including applicable sales tax)See each facility Deposit required for each access card (permit)10.00 N/A Lost access card replacement fee 33.00 (A) 106-55(c)(1)c Rates for on-street area 91.00 IA] 106-55(d)Special realtor permit,per permit placard per month (not including applicable sales tax)10.00 [A] 106-55(e)Monthly fee for reserved/restricted on-street spaces,per linear 20 feet of reserved space,per month 96.00 IA] Installation of new and replacement signs 40.00 [A] 106-55(1)Fee for valet storage spaces,per day 42.00 [A] 106-55(g)(1)Administrative service fees for all space rental requests: Amount assessed for any space rental of five spaces or less 28.00 [A] Amount assessed for any space rental of six to 10 spaces 33.00 [A] Amount assessed for any space rental of 11 spaces or more 40.00 [A] 106-55(g)(2)Fee for valet ramp space rental,per day 42.00 [A] 106-55(g)(3)Fee for construction space rental,per day 47.00 [A] 106-55(g)(4)Fee for production and film space rental,per day 16.00 [A] 106-55(g)(4)Fee for production company recreational vehicle (PCRV),per month (not including applicable sales tax)83.00 [A] 106-55(g)(5)Fee for special event space rental,per day 33.00 [A] 106-55(g)(5)Fee for special event space rental,per day for non-profit organizations 16.00 IA] 106-55(0)(1)Fees for temporary parking meter removal: Removal of any post,per space 65 00 [A] Cost for reinstallation of the post,per space 65.00 IA] Removal and reinstallation Amount to due pay to the parking department in advance,per space 128.00 [A] 106-55(h)(2)Fee for the private removal of a parking space or loading zone shall be the greater of the rate as the fee in lieu of 40,000.00 NI/Arequiredparking(as established in the Land Development Regualtions)or,per space 106-55(0)Fee per hotel hang tag,per day 16.0_0 [A] 106-55()(3)Miami Beach registered resident discounted hourly rate at on-street meters,off-street meters and garages,per 1.00 (BIhour 106-55(m)Fee for each daily restricted residential parking visitor permit (valid for 24-hour period)3.00 (B 106-55(n)Smartway city-wide decal per year 128.00 [A] 106-55(0)Annual residential scooter and motorcycle parking permit,per scooter or motorcycle 128.00 [A] 106-55(p)Freight loading zone (FLZ)permit: Annual permit fee for each vehicle 458.00 [A] Semiannual permit fee for each vehicle 230.00 [A Annual permit fee for up to five vehicle permits if fleet of over ten vehicles is operated 1,876.00 [A] Semiannual permit fee for up to five vehicle permits if fleet of over ten vehicles is operated 939.00 [A] 106-55(4)Alley loading (AL)permit: Annual permit fee for each vehicle 230.00 [A] Semiannual permit fee for each vehicle 116.00 [A] Annual permit fee for up to five vehicle permits if fleet of over ten vehicles is operated 939.00 [A] Semiannual permit fee for up to five vehicle permits if fleet of over ten vehicles is operated 471.00 [A] 106-55(r)Hostel/Bed &Breakfast (B&B)in Restricted Residential Zones Fee for each permit per vehicle per day (valid for 24-hour period)3.00 (I 106-101(2)Construction Parking Management Plan Fee 171.00 [AJ Chapter 110.Utilities Article II.Water Division 1.Generatty 110-39(e)Meter test fees:(if meter found to be working properly) Up to 1 inch 69.00 (A] 1.5 to 2 inches 136.00 IA] 3 inches and greater 366.00 [A] 2nd Request within a 12-month period Up to 1 inch 102.00 [A] 1.5 to 2 inches 169.00 (A] 3 inches and greater 399.00 (A] 110-39(g)Unauthorized use of city water/meter tampering 100.00 NIA Unauthorized use of city water/meter tampering (2nd occurrence)200.00 NIA Unauthorized use of city water/meter tampering (3rd occurrence and each subsequent occurrence).(In addition,the owner and/or consumer shall pay all costs associated with keeping the service off,including,but 300.00 NIA not limited to,all utility expenses,materials,cost of equipment,and reasonable attorney fees) 110-42(b)Unauthorized turn-on of service 100.00 NIA Unauthorized turn-on of service (2nd occurrence)200.00 NIA Unauthorized turn-on of service (3rd occurrence and each subsequent occurrence).(In addition,the owner and/or consumer shall pay all costs associated with keeping the service off,including,but not limited to,all 300.00 NIA utility expenses,materials,cost of equipment,city labor costs,and reasonable attorney's fees and costs) 110-43(c)Turn-on fee 35.00 [AJ Article ill.Stormwater Utility 110-109(c)Stormwater utility service charge per equivalent residential unit (ERU)effective with billings an or after the following dates shall be as follows:ttt October 1,2019 31.86 [BJ Article IV.Fees,Charges,Rates and Billing Procedure Division 2.Rates,Fees and Charges 110-166(a)Minimum service charge. 110-166(a)(1)Individual Metered Residential Service Base Facility Charge (per meter size) %-inch.....10.08 (c) 1-inch.....10.52 (CI 1h-inch....11.55 [CI 2-inch...12.58 (c) 3-inch...13.21 (CI 4-inch .....15.21 (c) Water Consumption Charge (per 1,000 gallons) o to 8,000 Gallons.....1.16 (CI.8,001 t0 16,000 Gallons .....3.21 (CI 16,001 ta 24,000 Gallons ...4.75 (C).Above 24,000 Gallons.6.49 [C] Purchased Water Pass-Through Rate (per 1,000 gallons) All Water Use..2.72 [C] 110-166(a)(2)Master-Metered Multifamily Residential Service Base Facility Charge (per meter size) %-inch.10.08 (CI 1-inch.....21.76 (CI 1/-inch .....41.49 (CI 2-inch.65.00 (CI 3-inch .....125.52 (c) 4-inch .....194.92 (c) 6-inch.....390.50 [C] 8-inch .....616.66 (c) 10-inch.885.22 [C] 12-inch.....1,636.41 [C] Water Consumption Charge (per 1,000 gallons)[] Block 1.2.05 (CJ.Block 2 .....3.48 (CJ Block 3 .....4.64 (CJ Purchased Water Pass-Through Rate (per 1,000 gallons) #All Water Use ...2.72 (CJ []Usage blocks by meter size: Nate:ttt The FY 2025 Stormwater rate has been adjusted by CPI Block 1SizeofMeter(gallons) %-inch 0to 16,000 1-inch o to 40,000 1.5-inch Oto 80,000 2-inch Oto 128,000 3-inch 0 to 256,000 4-inch o to 400,000 6-inch Oto 800,000 8-inch o to 1,280,000 10-inch Oto 1,840,000 12-inch o to 3,400,000 110-166(a)(3)Nonresidential Service Base Facility Charge (per meter size) %-inch.10.08 (CJ 1-inch....21.76 (CJ 1/-inch....41.49 (CI 2-inch.65.00 (CJ 3-inch.125.52 (CJ 4-inch .....194.92 (CJ 4 6-inch.....390.50 (c) 8-inch .....616.66 (c) 10-inch.885.22 IC) 12-inch .....1,636.41 (CI Water Consumption Charge (per 1,000 gallons)[] *Block 1 .....2.05 (CI *Block 2.3.48 (c) *Block 3...4.64 (c) Purchased Water Pass-Through Rate (per 1,000 gallons) *All Water Use .....2.72 (CJ []Usage blocks by meter size: Block 1SizeofMeter(gallons) -inch Oto 16,000 1-inch o to 40,000 1.5-inch Oto 80,000 2-inch o to 128,000 3-inch Oto 256,000 4-inch Oto 400,000 6-inch Oto 800,000 8-inch Oto 1,280,000 10-inch Oto 1,840,000 12-inch 0 t0 3,400,000 110-166(a)(4)Individual Metered Residential Irrigation Service Base Facility Charge (per meter size).%-inch.10.08 (C].1-inch..10.52 (CI.1-inch...11.55 (CI.2-inch.12.58 (cI.3-inch....13.21 (c).4-inch.....15.21 (c) Water Consumption Charge (per 1,000 gallons) #0 to 16,000 Gallons ..3.20 (c).Above 16,000 Gallons .6.49 (CI Purchased Water Pass-Through Rate (per 1,000 gallons).All Water Use.....2.72 (CI 110-166(a)(5)Master-Metered Multifamily Residential Irrigation Service Base Facility Charge (per meter size).%-inch.....10.08 (CI.1-inch.....21.76 (C).1/-inch.41.49 (c) kr 2-inch.65.00 (c).3-inch....125.52 (CI.4-inch .....194.92 (CI.6-inch .....390.50 (c) tr 8-inch.616.66 (CI.10-inch .....885.22 (C).12-inch .....1,636.41 (CI Water Consumption Charge (per 1,000 gallons)[] tr Block 1 .3.20 (C].Block 2..6.49 (c) Purchased Water Pass-Through Rate (per 1,000 gallons).All Water Use.....2.72 (CI []Usage blocks by meter size: Block 1SizeofMeter(gallons) %-inch 0 t0 32,000 1-inch o to 80,000 1.5-inch Oto 160,000 2-inch 0 t0 256,000 3-inch 0 t0 512,000 d-inch 0 to 800,000 6-inch Oto 1,600,000 8-inch O to 2,560,000 10-inch o to 3,680,000 12-inch 0 to 6,880,000 110-166(a)(6)Nonresidential Irrigation Service Base Facility Charge (per meter size).%-inch.10.08 (CI r 1-inch .....21.76 (CI.1/-inch...41.49 (C].2-inch...65.00 (C].3-inch .....125.52 [C].4-inch ····•194.92 (CI.6-inch....390.50 (CI.8-inch...616.66 (c).10-inch ....885.22 (CI k 12-inch.1,636.41 (CI Water Consumption Charge (per 1,000 gallons)[].Block 1 .....3.20 (CI.Block 2 .....6.49 (c] Purchased Water Pass-Through Rate (per 1,000 gallons).All Water Use.2.72 (CI []Usage blocks by meter size: Size ot Meter B8tock1 (gallons) %-inch o to 32,000 1-inch o to 80,000 1.5-inch 0 to 160,000 2-inch Oto 256,000 3-inch Oto 512,000 4-inch Oto 800,000 6-inch O to 1,600,000 8-inch Oto 2,560,000 10-inch Oto 3,680,000 12-inch O to 6,880,000 110-166(1)Fire sprinkler system Base Facility Charge (per meter size) 2-inch.....12.37 (BJ 3-inch.22.71 (BJ 4-inch...34.37 [BJ 6-inch..66.70 (B] 8-inch.....105.53 (B] 10-inch.....150.81 [BJ 110-166(g)Tapping fee,per size of tap in inches: ¾-inch ...6,163.00 [A] 1-inch.6,244.00 [A] 1-inch...6,744.00 [A] 2-inch.....6,758.00 [A) 3-inch...7,432.00 (A] 4-inch.8,174.00 [A] 6-inch.....8,992.00 [A] 110-166lg)Tapping fee,per size of tap in inches: %.6,163.00 [A] 1.6,244.00 [A] 1h.....6,744.00 [A] 2 .....6,758.00 [A] 3.....7,432.00 [A] 4..8,174.00 IA] 6..8,992.00 [A] 110-166(h)Guarantee of payment deposit,per service in inches: ¾.....40.00 N/A 1....50.00 NIA 1½.60.00 NIA 2 .....100.00 NIA 3..500.00 NIA 4....600.00 NIA 6....1,000.00 N/A 8....1,500.00 NIA 110-166(i)Re-read fee (Charged if meter found to be working property)35.00 [A] 110-166(/)Special read fee 35.00 [A] 110-166(k)Servicing a meter found damaged,destroyed or missing will require actual replacement cost plus all costs associated with replacement of meter 110-166(l)Field visit fee: Normal business hours 35.00 [A] After normal business hours 69.00 [A] Hydrant Administrative Fee 35.00 [A] 110-167(a)Water impact fee,per meter size in inches: ¾.....155.00 NIA %.230.00 NIA 1...385.00 NIA 1½.....775.00 N/A 2..1,240.00 N/A 3..2,480.00 N/A 4..3,875.00 N/A 6.....7,750.00 N/A 8..12,400.00 N/A Larger than 8 inches,based on relative meter capacities 0.00 NIA 110-168(a)(1)Individual metered residential service: Base facility charge (all meter sizes) 4 All meter sizes.....9.95 (DJ Sewer consumption charge (per 1,000 gallons) l All gallons (based on metered water consumption)..5.02 [DJ Purchased sanitary sewer pass-through rate (per 1,000 gallons) #AU gallons (based on metered water consumption.....6.64 [DJ 110-168(a)(2)Master-metered multifamily residential service: Base facility charge (per meter size) 4 %-inch.9.95 [DJ #1-inch.22.23 [DJ.1/-inch.42.68 (D) l 2-inch .....67.23 [DJ 4 3-inch.132.70 [DJ 4 4-inch...206.35 (D) ¥6-inch...410.95 [DJ ¥8-inch.656.43 [DJ l 10-inch.942.86 (D).12-inch .....1,761.18 [DJ Sewer consumption charge (per 1,000 gallons):.All gallons (based on metered water consumption)....5.02 [DJ Purchased sanitary sewer pass-through rate (per 1,000 gallons): 4 All gallons (based on metered water consumption).....6.64 [DJ 110-168(a)(3)Nonresidential service: Base facility charge (per meter size) r %-inch.9.95 [DJ 4 1-inch .....22.23 [DJ #1-inch.42.68 [DJ $2-inch .....67.23 [DJ k 3-inch.132.70 [DJ.4-inch..206.35 [DJ 4 6-inch...410.95 [DJ 4-8-inch...656.43 [DJ 4 10-inch.942.86 [DJ.12-inch .....1,761.18 [DJ Sewer consumption charge (per 1,000 gallons):.All gallons (based on metered water consumption)...5.02 [DJ Purchased sanitary sewer pass-through rate (per 1,000 gallons): 4 All gallons (based on metered water consumption).6.64 (D) 110-169(a)Sewer impact fee,per meter size in inches: ¼.....235.00 NIA ¾.....350.00 NIA 1 ....585.00 NIA 1..1,175.00 NIA 2 .....1,880.00 NIA 3..3,760.00 NIA 4..5,875.00 NIA 6..11,750.00 NIA 8..18,800.00 NIA Larger than 8 inches,based on relative meter capacities 0.00 N/A 110-170(a)Submeter service inspection 69.00 [A] Sanitary sewer lateral cap and sealing 934.00 [AJ Division 3.Billing Procedure 110-191(1)Dishonored checks (consistent with Florida Statute 68.065) Bank fees actually incurred by the City plus a service charge of: If face value does not exceed $50 25.00 N/A If face value exceeds $50 but does not exceed $300 30.00 N/A It face value exceeds $300 40.00 or 5%of face value,NIAwhicheverisgreater 110-192(b)Disconnect charge (includes connecting after payment)(If disconnected for nonpayment all future payments 57.00 IA]must be made by ACH bank transfers or by a city accepted credit/debit card) 110-192(e)Unauthorized turn-on after disconnect 100.00 N/A Unauthorized turn-on after disconnect (2nd occurrence)200.00 N/A Unauthorized turn-on after disconnect for cause (3rd occurrence and each subsequent occurrence)(In addition,the owner and/or consumer shall pay all costs associated with keeping the service oft including,but 300.00 N/Anotlimitedto,all utility expenses,materials,cost of equipment,city labor costs,and reasonable attorney's fees costs) Resiliency Code: Chapter 2.Administration and Review Procedures Cost recovery Review and Report by outside source N/A NIA Fees for the administration of land development regulations General Fees for Public Hearing Application for preliminary evaluation for public hearing 663.00 [A] Application for public hearing.See Sec. for applicable waivers 3,304.00 [A] Fee may be reduced by a Fees for design review board or historic preservation board -For nonprofits proposing art in public places 4/7 the affirmative vote of N/Aand/or non-commercial artistic murals,graphics and images the city commission via resolution The nonprofit corporation must be in operation for a minimum of one year,must maintain its tax-exempt status in good standing with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)and must provide access of its financial statements to the city,in order to assist the city commission in determining the economic viability and/or necessity for the waiver of fees. Application for clarification of previously approved board order 1,983.00 [A] Application for amendment to an approved board order 3,304.00 (A] Application for extensions of time of a previously approved board (non-administrative)1,983.00 [A] Application for after the fact approval 3 times original fee N/A Advertisement (Additional fees may apply based on notice requirement for LOR.Comp.Plan and corresponding 1,983.00 [A]map amendments) Mail Notice (per address)6.43 () Posting (per site)136.00 [A] Withdrawal or continuance prior to public hearing 663.00 [A] Deferral of a public hearing 1,983.00 [A] Amendment of the Land Development Regulations,Zoning Map,Comprehensive Plan,and Future Land Use Map Amendment to the permitted,conditional or prohibited uses in a zoning category (per use)3,304.00 [A] Amendment to the permitted,conditional or prohibited uses in the comprehensive plan 3,304.00 [A] Amendment to the zoning map designation (per square foot of lot area)up to 5,000 sq.ft.0.69 (BJ Amendment to the zoning map designation (per square foot of lot area)5,001 sq.ft.and greater 0.97 (8) Amendment of future land use map of the comprehensive plan (per square foot of lot area)up to 5,000 sq.ft.0.69 (B) Amendment ot future land use map ot the comprehensive plan (per square foot of lot area)5,001 sq.ft.and 0.97 (8)greater Amendment to the land development regulations (per section being amended)13,205.00 IA] Amendment to the comprehensive plan (per goal,policy,or objective being amended)13,205.00 [A] 2.5.2 Conditional Use Permit Application for conditional use permit for an assisted living facility (per bed)136.00 [A] 2.5.3 Design Review Application for Design Review Board approval (per gross square foot)0.43,up to a maximum of (I$40,000.00 2.5.4 Land/Lot Split See application fees under General Fees Chapter 2 Article 1 Variances Per variance requested-See section for applicable waivers 993.00 [A] 2.13.7 Certificate of Appropriateness Application for GOA (per gross square foot)0.43,up to a maximum of (8]$40,000.00 2.13.1 Historic Designation Application for district designation (per platted lot)136.00 (A] Planning Director determination of architectural significance (142-108)3,304.00 [A] Staff Review and Miscellaneous Fees Preliminary zoning review (Dry Run)up to 5,000 sq.ft.3,304.00 [A] Preliminary zoning review (Dry Run)per square foot fee beyond 5,000 sq.ft.0.43,up to a maximum of [BJ$40,000.00 Board Order Recording up to 10 pages (11+pages will be assessed a per page fee)136.00 [AJ Status Reports 1,323.00 [AJ Progress Reports 3,304.00 [AJ Failure to appear before a board for Status or Progress Report 3,304.00 [A] Zoning Verification letter (per address or folio -includes 1 hour of research)For abutting properties within the same zoning district,one fee shall apply for single or multiple letters with different addresses and/or folios,333.00 [AJ provided the same information being requested applies to all addresses and/or folios. Zoning Interpretation Letter (includes 4 hours of research)1,323.00 [A] Research per hour fee 202.00 [A] Chapter 3.Concurrency and Mobility Fees 3.3.4 Mobility Fee Administration Fee 515.00 [A] 3.3.4 Review of Estimate of Concurrency Mitigation 258.00 [AJ 3.3.4 MOBILITY FEE Residential Single-family with a unit size less than 3,500 sq.ft.(Per unit)'2,368.41 [BJ Single-family with a unit size between 3,500 and 7,000 sq.ft.(Per unit)'3,155.73 (B) Single-family with a unit size greater than 7,000 sq.ft.(Per unit)'3,944.34 (8) Multifamily apartments (Per unit)1,942.69 [B] Non-elderly and elderly low and moderate income housing (Per unit)0.00 (B] Workforce housing (Per unit)0.00 (8] Co-living/micro apartments (Per unit)971.99 [B] Recreation and Entertainment Marina (including dry storage)(Per berth)394.95 [BJ Golf course (Per hole)4,976.58 [B] Move theater (Per screen]29,265.70 (B) Outdoor commercial recreation (Per acre)'2,345.32 (B) Community center/civic/gallery/lodge/museum (Per sq.ft.)2.40 [BJ Indoor commercial recreation/health club/fitness (Per sq.ft.)5.84 [BJ Institutional Continuing care facility/nursing home/memory care/congregate care 948.91 [BJfacility/assisted/independent living (Per bed) Private school (Pre-K-12)(Per sq.ft.)2.69 [B] Place of worship,including ancillary and accessory buildings (Per sq.ft.)2.29 (B) Day care center (Per sq.ft.)4.98 (8) Industrial Warehousing/manufacturing/industrial/production (under roof)(Per sq.ft.)1.98 [B] Mini-warehousing/boat/RVs and other outdoor storage (Per sq.ft.)'0.61 [BJ Distribution/fulfillment center/package delivery hub (Per sq.ft.)2.76 (] Office General office/research/higher education/financial/bank (Per sq.ft.)4.29 (BJ Medical/dental/clinic/veterinary/hospital (Per sq.ft.)9.76 (8) Service/Retail/Nonresidential Retail sales/personal and business services (Per sq.ft.)12.97 [BJ Pharmacy/dispensary/pain management clinic (Per sq.ft.)19.76 [BJ Supermarket (Per sq.ft.)21.00 [B] Takeout restaurant with no seating (Per sq.ft.)14.22 (8] Restaurant with seating (Per seat)'1,124.59 (8) Restaurant drive-thru (Per drive-thru)"11,681.67 [BJ Bar/night club/pub without food service (Per sq.ft.)"33.51 [BJ Motor vehicle and boat sales/service/repair/cleaning/parts (Per sq.ft.)8.04 (B] Hotel/lodging (Per room)"2,206.83 [BJ Convenience retail (Per sq.ft.)'24.99 (BJ Motor vehicle fueling (Per fuel position)8,223.34 [B] Bank drive-thru lane,stand-alone ATM Or ATM drive-thru lane (Per drive-thru lane and/or per AIM)15,605.48 [BJ Footnotes for mobility fees imposed pursuant to Section 3.3: 1Floor area is based on areas that count towards the maximum unit size pursuant to the single-family district regulations. 2The sq.ft.for any buildings or structure shall not be excluded from the acreage. 3 Acreage for any unenclosed material and vehicle storage shall be converted to sq.ft. 4 Areas under a canopy tor seating,display,storage and sales shall be converted to sq.ft. 5 Separate fees are associated with any drive-thru lane(s)associated with a restaurant. 6 Restaurant/bar/night club and/or retail sales,that are not exclusive to hotel guests only,shall be calculated based on the separate applicable land use classification. 7 Convenience retail rates are separate from the fee due for vehicle fueling positions.Rates Per vehicle fueling Position also apply to gas stations and service stations with fuel pumps.The fee for any restaurant square footage,seating or drive-thru in a convenience store will be based on the individual fee rate for the land use,not the convenience store rate. 8 Bank building square footage falls under office and is an additive tee beyond the tee due for bank/ATM drive- thru lanes or free-standing ATM's.These rates are per drive-thru lane for the bank and per drive-thru lane with an ATM.The freestanding AIM is for an ATM only and not an ATM within or part of another non-financial building, such as an ATM within a grocery store Chapter 5.Oft-Street Parking Article V.Parking Impact Fee Program 5.4.1 Fee in Lieu ot Parking One Time Fee 40,000.00 N/A Yearly Fee 800.00 N/A Article VII.Surplus and Under-Utilized Parking Spaces 5.5.1,5.5.2 Lease of under-utilized parking spaces,application fee 288.00 [A] Additional fee regarding application for lease of under-utilized parking spaces,per space 6.00 NIA Chapter 6.Signs Article IV.Temporary Signs 6.3.l Maximum amount of bond for temporary signs 6 square feet or larger 300.00 N/A 6.3 Permit tor real estate sign in single-family residential districts,non-online applications,per primary sign 17.00 [AJ] 6.3 Permit fee for real estate signs for multifamily,commercial,industrial,vacant land (other than residential),non-35.00 [AJonlineapplications,per sign 6.1.6,6.3.4;and Minimum bond amount for temporary balloon signs 500.00 N/A6.3.5 Chapter 7.Zoning Districts and Regulations Article II.District Regulations 7.2.15:PS Performance Standard District 7.2.15 In-lieu-of payment for open space requirement,per square foot of open space not provided 6.63 [BJ Town Center Central Core (TC-C)District 7.2.14 Public benefits,per unit identified in LDRs 3.99 [BJ Article V.(7.5.1)Supplementary District Regulations Division 1.Generally Sustainable roof fee,per square foot 3.99 [BJ Subpart B.Land Development Regulations Special Events Fees Application fee 333.00 [A] Late Application fee 333.00 [A] Permit Fee based on 1-1499 attendees 333.00 [A] Permit Fee based on 1500+attendees 663.00 [AJ Reinstatement Fee based on 1-1499 attendees 333.00 [AJ Reinstatement Fee based on 1500+attendees 663.00 (AJ Security Deposit -up to 150 attendees 2,643.00 [AJ Security Deposit -151-1499 attendees and up to 150 with City Services 5,285.00 [AJ Security Deposit -1500-5000 attendees 10,570.00 [AJ Security Deposit -5000+attendees 21,140.00 [AJ Security Deposit-Collins Parks 21,140.00 [A] Film -East Vehicle Beach Access Pass-102.00 (A]June 1-September 30 Film -East Vehicle Beach Access Pass-202.00 IA]October 1-May 31 Film -West Vehicle Beach Access Pass-[AJ102.00June1-September 30 Film -West Vehicle Beach Access Pass-202.00 (AJOctober1-May 31 Special Events-East Access Pass 202.00 [AJ(SE Vehicle Beach Access Pass) Special Events -West Access Pass 202.00 [AJ(Non-Beach Vehicle Access Pass) Park Fees First 15 days 0.42 per square foot (BJ Each Additional Day 0.06 per square foot [BJ Convention Center Parks -First 15 days 0.53 per square foot (BJ Convention Center Parks -Each Additional Day 0.06 per square foot [BJ Pop-Up Venue Fees Application Fee 333.00 (A) Beach Square Footage (East)0.35 cents per square [BJfoot Non-beach Square Footage (West)0.35 cents per square [BJfoot Charge =25%of total Lummus Park user fee cost of City services for NIA the event Charge =25%of total Lincoln Road user tee cost of City services for NIA the event Charge =25%0f total 1100 BIk Lincoln Road user fee cost of City services for NIA the event Charge =25%0f total Collins Park cost of City services for NIA the event Charge =25%0f total Soundscape Park cost of City services for NIA the event Banner Admin Fee $68.00 per light pole [AJbannerapplication Banner fee (For Profits)$68.00 per light pole [A]banner application Banner fee for (Non-Profits)$35.00 per light pole (AJbannerapplication Wedding Permit $169.00 permit (A] Teambuilding $169.00 permit (A) Sampling Permit $2,644.00 permit [AJ Ambient Entertainment Permit Fee 250 NIA Parks and Recreation Fees and Charges Sports Field Fees: Fairway Park-No Admission -Day -Resident 191.00 [AJ Fairway Park-No Admission -Day -Non-Resident 469.00 (A) Fairway Park-Admission -Day -Resident 315.00 [AJ Fairway Park -Admission -Day --Non-Resident 780.00 (A] Fairway Park--No Admission -Evening -Resident 315.00 [AJ Fairway Park--No Admission -Evening-Non-Resident 780.00 (A] Fairway Park--Admission -Evening -Resident 441.00 (A] Fairway Park-Admission -Evening -Non-Resident 1,089.00 (A] Flamingo Park --Baseball Stadium -Day -Resident 441.00 (A) Flamingo Park--Baseball Stadium -Day--Non-Resident 1,089.00 (A] Flamingo Park--Baseball Stadium -Eve -Resident 752.00 (A] Flamingo Park --Baseball Stadium -Eve -Non-Resident 1,555.00 [A] Flamingo Park --Memorial Field -Day -Resident 627.00 IA] Flamingo Park--Memorial Field -Day--Non-Resident 1,323.00 [A) Flamingo Park -Memorial Field -Eve -Resident 939.00 (A] Flamingo Park -Memorial Field -Eve -Non-Resident 1,983.00 [AJ Flamingo Park-Memorial Field-Day-Resident -Entire Facility 1.251.00 (A] Flamingo Park-Memorial Field -Day -Non-Resident -Entire Facility 2,644.00 [A] Flamingo Park--Memorial Field -Eve -Resident -Entire Facility 1,876.00 [A] Flamingo Park-Memorial Field-Eve -Non-Resident-Entire Facility 3,963.00 [A) Flamingo Park -Softball -Day-Resident 191.00 (A] Flamingo Park --Softball -Day -Non-Resident 469.00 (A] Flamingo Park--Softball--Eve -Resident 377.00 [A] Flamingo Park--Softball --Eve --Non-Resident 781.00 IA] Flamingo Pool -Water Aerobics -Residents No fee (A] Flamingo Pool -Water Aerobics -Non-Residents 21.00 [A] North Beach O ceanside -Pavili on --Resident 159.00 (A] North Beach Oceanside -Pavilion -Non-Resident 393.00 [A] North Beach Oceanside-Janitorial Fee-Resident 96.00 (A] Nort h Beach O ceanside -Janitorial Fee-Non-Resident 102.00 [A] Normandy Isle Park--Pavilion -Resident 159.00 [A] Normandy Isle Park-Pavilion -Non-Resident 393.00 (A) Normandy Isle Pool -Water Aerobics -Residents No fee (A] Normandy Isle Pool -Water Aerobics -Non-Residents 21.00 [A] North Shore Park-Resident 191.00 (A] North Shore Park-Non-Resident 469.00 [A] Polo Park--No Admission -Day --Resident 191.00 (A] Polo Park--No Admission -Day -Non-Resident 469.00 [A] Flamingo Park-Gated Field (Soccer]-No Admission-Day-Resident 191.00 (A] Flamingo Park--Gated Field (Soccer)-No Admission -Day -Non-Resident 469.00 (A] Flamingo Park-Gated Field (Soccer)-Admission -Eve-Resident 377.00 (A] Flamingo Park--Gated Practice Field --Admission-Eve -Non-Resident 781.00 [A] Building Rental Fees: Muss Park Pavilion Rental -Resident 222.00 [A] M uss Park Pavilion Rental -N on-Resident 546.00 (A] North Shore Park--Multipurpose/Auditorium -No Admission Charge -Resident 627.00 [AJ North Shore Park--Multipurpose/Auditorium --No Admission Charge -Non-Resident 1,555.00 [A] North Shore Park-Multipurpose/Auditorium --Admission Charge -Resident 878.00 [A] North Shore Park--Multipurpose/Auditorium -Admission Charge -Non-Resident 2,331.00 IA] Nor th Shor e Park -G am eroom -No Adm ission -Resident 377.00 (A] North Shore Park Youth Center -Arts and Craft -No Admission -Resident 315.00 (A] North Shore Park Youth Center-Arts and Craft-No Admission -Non-Resident 781.00 (A] North Shore Park Youth Center-Arts and Craft-Admission-Resident 377.00 [A] North Shore Park Youth Center --Arts and Craft -Admission -Non-Resident 1,167.00 [A] North Shore Park Youth Center -Gameroom -No Admission -Resident 315.00 [A] North Shore Park-Gameroom --No Admission --Non-Resident 781.00 [A] North Shore Park--Gameroom -Admission -Resident 441.00 [A] North Shore Park --G am eroom -Adm ission -Non-Resident 1,167.00 (A] North Shore Park-Danceroom-No Admission-Resident 316.00 IA] N or th Shore Park-Dance room -No Adm ission -Non-Resident 781.00 [A] North Shore Park-Dance ro om -A dm ission-Resident 377.00 [A] Nort h Shor e Park -Dance room -Adm ission -Non-Resident 1,167.00 [A] North Shore Park-Gymnasium -No Admission -Resident 627.00 [A] North Shore Park--Gymnasium --No Admission --Non-Resident 1,555.00 [A] North Shore Park-Gymnasium -Admission -Resident 878.00 [A] North Shore Park--Gymnasium --Admission -Non-Resident 2,331.00 [A] Open Space Rentals at Fisher,Flamingo,North Beach Open Space and Palm Island Parks -Residents 128.00 [A] Open Space Rentals at Fisher,Flamingo,North Beach Open Space and Palm Island Parks -Non-Residents 312.00 IA] Pavilion Rentals at Fairway,Crespi,Tatum and Stillwater Parks -Resident 159.00 (A] Pavilion Rentals at Fairway,Crespi,Tatum and Stillwater Parks -Non-Resident 393.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center-Arts and Craft-No Admission-Resident 315.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center-Arts and Craft-No Admission --Non-Resident 781.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center-Arts and Craft -Admission -Resident 377.00 (A] Scott Rakow Youth Center-Arts and Craft -Admission -Non-Resident 1,167.00 (A] Scott Rakow Youth Center-Game room -Resident 315.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center-Game room-Non-Resident 781.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center-Gymnasium-Resident 627.00 [A) Scott Rakow Youth Center-Gymnasium Nan-Resident 1,555.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center -Ice Rink Party Rental --Non-Groups -Non-Resident 624.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center-Ice Rink Party Rental-Groups-Resident 627.00 [A) Scott Rakow Youth Center -Ice Rink Party Rental-Groups -Non-Resident 1,555.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center-Ice Rink Party Rental-ice time+patio+set-up-Resident 315.00 [A) Scott Rakow Youth Center -Ice Rink Party Rental -ice time +patio +set-up-Non-Resident 781.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center -Bowling Party Rental --bowling +patio +set-up -Resident 338.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center -Bowling Party Rental -bowling +patio +set-up -Non-Resident 546.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center -Adult-Weekday -Learn to Swim -Resident 105.00 [A) Scott Rakow Youth Center -Adult-Weekday -Learn to Swim -Non-Resident 198.00 [A) South Pointe Park-Field Rental-Resident 315.00 [A] South Pointe Park-Field Rental -Non-Resident 781.00 [A] Miscellaneous -Room Rental --No Admission -Resident 315.00 [A] Miscellaneous -Room Rental --No Admission --Non-Resident 781.00 [A] Miscellaneous -Room Rental -Admission -Resident 441.00 [A) Miscellaneous -Room Rental -Admission -Non-Resident 1,167.00 [A] Pool Rental Fees: Rental -Statting Fee -Hourly 47.00 [A) Additional Hour Fee -Pavilions (Fairway,NIP,Crespi,Tatum,Stillwater)33.00 [A] Additional Hour Fee -Open Spaces &courts (Fisher,Palm Island,Flamingo)33.00 [A] Additional Hour Fee -Fields (NSYPC,Fairway,NIP,Polo)47.00 [A) Additional Hour Fee -Auditorium 96.00 [A) Additional Hour Fee -Gymnasium (NSPYC &SRYC)65.00 [A] Additional Hour Fee -Indoor Room 65.00 [A] Additional Hour Fee -Flamingo Fields(Memorial,Baseball,Softball,Soccer Cage)65.00 (A] Flamingo and Normandy Isle Pool -Party Rental up to 25 guests -Resident 65.00 [A] Flamingo and Normandy Isle Pool--Party Rental up to 25 guests -Non-Resident 393.00 [A] Flamingo and Normandy Isle Pool-additional guest 26 to 40-Resident 5.03 [BJ Flamingo and Normandy Isle Pool-additional guest 26 to 40-Non-Resident 6.24 [BJ After School Program Fees: After School Program Resident 752.00 [A] After School Program Non-Resident 1,710.00 [A) After School Program Resident Sibling 377.00 [A] After School Program Tier 3 Financial Aid --Resident 377.00 [A) After Schaal Program Tier 3 Financial Aid Sibling-Resident 191.00 [A] After School Program Tier 2 Financial Aid -Resident 191.00 [A] After School Program Tier 2 Financial Aid Sibling-Resident 96.00 [A] After School Program Tier 1 Financial Aid -Resident 128.00 [A] After School Program Tier 1 Financial Aid Sibling-Resident 65.00 [A] Teen Club-Resident 0.00 [A] Teen Club -Non-Resident 1,710.00 [A] Summer Camp Program Fees: Summer Camp Program Resident 803.00 [A] Summer Camp Program Non-Resident 1,416.00 [A) Summer Camp Program Resident Sibling 403.00 [A] Summer Camp Program Tier 3 Financial Aid-Resident 403.00 [A] Summer Camp Program Tier 3 Financial Aid Sibling-Resident 203.00 [A] Summer Camp Program Tier 2 Financial Aid-Resident 203.00 [A] Summer Camp Program Tier 2 Financial Aid Sibling-Resident 103.00 [A] Summer Camp Program Tier 1 Financial Aid --Resident 128.00 [A] Summer Camp Program Tier 1 Financial Aid Sibling-Resident 65.00 [A] Summer Camp Program Weekly Camp-Resident 128.00 [A] Summer Camp Program Weekly Camp -Non-Resident 312.00 [A] Specialty Camp Program Fees: Coding Camp -Resident 366.00 [A) Coding Camp-Non-Resident 842.00 [A] lce Hockey Camp -Resident 275.00 [A] lce Hockey Camp -Non-Resident 701.00 [A] Sports Camp -Baseball --Resident 191.00 [A] Sports Camp-Baseball-Non-Resident 421.00 [A] Sports Camp-Basketball -Resident 191.00 {A] Sports Camp -Basketball-Non-Resident 421.00 [A] Sports Camp-Beach Adventures -Resident 163.00 [A] Sports Camp-Beach Adventures -Non-Resident 340.00 [A] Sports Camp-Flag Football-Resident 191.00 [A] Sports Camp-Flag Football-Non-Resident 421.00 [A] Sports Camp -Soccer--Resident 191.00 [A] Sports Camp -Soccer--Non-Resident 421.00 [A] Sports Camp -Tennis -Resident 191.00 [A] Sports Camp -Tennis -Non-Resident 421.00 [A] Theater Camp-Resident 184.00 IA] Theater Camp-Non-Resident 421.00 [A] Yoga and Zumba Camp-Resident 244.00 [A] Yoga and Zumba Camp -Non-Resident 624.00 [A) Culinary Kids Camp -Resident 315.00 [A] Culinary Kids Camp-Non-Resident 781.00 [A) Dance Camp-Resident 214.00 [A) Dance Camp-Non-Resident 546.00 [A) Fine Arts Camp-Resident 244.00 [A] Fine Arts Camp -Non-Resident 624.00 [A] Ice Skating Camp -Resident 275.00 [A] Ice Skating Camp-Non-Resident 701.00 IA] Junior Guard Start Camp-Resident 222.00 [A) Junior Guard Start Camp -Non-Resident 546.00 [A) Junior Police Camp -Resident 191.00 [A) Junior Police Camp -Non-Resident 421.00 [A] Mad Scientists Ca mp -Resident 191.00 [A) Mad Scientists Camp -Non-Resident 421.00 [A] So Be Great Adventures Camp-Resident 284.00 [A] SoBe Great Adventures Camp -Non-Resident 701.00 [A] Water Sports Camp-Resident 315.00 [A) Water Sports Camp -Non-Resident 781.00 [A) Get Fit Camp --Resident 184.00 [A Get Fit Camp -Non-Resident 421.00 [A) Camp for Tots -Resident 471.00 [A) Camp for Tots -Non-Resident 1,052.00 [A) Spring Break Camp -Resident 128.00 {A] Spring Break Camp -Non-Resident 312.00 (A] Winter Break Camp-Resident 203.00 [A] Winter Break Camp-Non-Resident 499.00 [A] No School Day Package (School Year)-Resident 503.00 [A] No School Day Package (School Year)--Non-Resident 1,244.00 [A] Sports Spring Break Camp-Resident 191.00 [A) Sports Spring Break Camp -Non-Resident 421.00 (A) Class Fees: Playtime -School Vear-Resident 610.00 (A) Playtime-School Year-Non-Resident 1,512.00 [A] Adult Ceramics -Monthly --Resident 36.00 [A) Adult Ceramics-Monthly-Non-Resident 67.00 [A) Zumba,per class -Resident 9.00 (A) Zumba,per class-Non-Resident 16.00 [A) Yoga,per class -Resident 9.00 [A] Yoga,per class -Non-Resident 16.00 [A) Miscellaneous Class -Resident,Per Hour 16.00 [A) Miscellaneous Class -Non-Resident,Per Hour 28.00 (A] Special Populations -Resident 0.00 {A) Special Populations -Non-Resident 73.00 IA] Public Skating Sessions Child -Resident 8.00 {A] Public Skating Sessions Child-Non-Resident 14.00 [A) Public Skating Sessions Adult-Resident 8.00 {A] Public Skating Sessions Adult --Non-Resident 18.00 {A) Freestyle Skating -Resident 16.00 [A] Freestyle Skating -Non-Resident 24.00 [A] Freestyle Skating -10 sessions pack -Residents Only 103.00 [A] Private Ice Lesson Fee -Resident 10.00 [A] Private Ice Lesson Fee -Non-Resident 21.00 [A) Ice Skate Rental Fee -Resident 7.00 [A) Ice Skate Rental Fee -Non-Resident 11.00 [A] Group Lessons-Resident 93.00 [A] Group Lessons -Non-Resident 178.00 [A) Youth Ice Hockey -Resident 21.00 [A] Youth Ice Hockey--Non-Resident 39.00 [A] Stick and Puck-Resident 15.00 [A] Stick and Puck -Non-Resident 28.00 [A] Adult Ice Hockey --Resident 16.00 [A) Adult Ice Hockey-Non-Resident 28.00 [A) Senior Scenes -Resident 0.00 [A) Senior Scenes-Non-Resident 0.00 [A) Entrance Fees: Pool Entrance Adult-Resident 0.00 [A) Pool Entrance Adult-Non-Resident 18.00 [A) Pool Entrance Youth -Resident 0.00 [A) Pool Entrance Youth -Non-Resident 12.00 [A) Youth Center Day Pass -Resident 0.00 [A) Youth Center Day Pass-Non-Resident 11.00 [A) Fitness Center -Monthly -Resident 28.00 [A] Fitness Center-Monthly-Non-Resident 50.00 [A] Open Gym I Volleyball-Resident 0.00 [A) Open Gym /Volleyball --Non-Resident 11.00 [A] Athletics Fees: Pee Wee Soccer Season --Resident 33.00 [A] Pee Wee Soccer Season --Non-Resident 312.00 [A) Primer Soccer Season --Resident 33.00 [A] Primer Soccer Season --Non-Resident 312.00 [A) Juniors Flag Football-Resident 33.00 [A) Juniors Flag Football-Non-Resident 312.00 [A) Middle School Flag Football-Resident 33.00 [A] Middle School Flag Football-Non-Resident 312.00 [A) Primers Basketball Clinics -Resident 33.00 [A) Primers Basketball Clinics-Non-Resident 312.00 [A) Juniors Basketball C linics -Resident 33.00 [A) Juniors Basketball Clinics-Non-Resident 312.00 [A) Middle School Basketball Season -Resident 33.00 [A] Middle School Basketball Season -Non-Resident 312.00 [A] Mini Soccer Clinics-Resident 33.00 [A) Mini Soccer Clinics-Non-Resident 312.00 [A] Travel Soccer Development --Resident 154.00 [A] Travel Soccer Development-Non-Resident 338.00 [A) Primer Basketball League-Resident 33.00 [A] Primer Basketball League-Non-Resident 312.00 [A) Junior Basketball League-Resident 33.00 [A) Junior Basketball League -Non-Resident 312.00 [A] Travel Soccer -Resident 566.00 [A) Travel Soccer-Non-Resident 701.00 [A) Aquatics Fees: Little Ballers -Resident 33.00 [A] Little Ballers -Non-Resident 312.00 [A) PeeWee Basketball -Resident 33.00 [A] PeeWee Basketball -Non-Resident 312.00 [A) Scott Rakow Youth Center -Infant/Toddler -Weekend -Resident 72.00 [A) Scott Rakow Youth Center -Infant/Toddler -Weekend -Non-Resident 127.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center-Pre-School--Weekend --Resident 72.00 [A) Scott Rakow Youth Center-Pre-School-Weekend -Non-Resident 127.00 [A) Scott Rakow Youth Center-Level 1 -Weekend -Resident 72.00 [A) Scott Rakow Youth Center -Level 1 -Weekend -Non-Resident 127.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center-Level 2 -Weekend -Resident 72.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center -Level 2 -Weekend -Non-Resident 127.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center -Level 3/4-Weekend -Resident 77.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center -Level 3/4 -Weekend -Non-Resident 145.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center --Teen/Adult --Weekend--Resident 77.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center-Teen/Adult-Weekend -Non-Resident 145.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center -Infant/Toddler -Weekday -Resident 208.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center -Infant/Toddler -Weekday-Non-Resident 376.00 (A] Scott Rakow Youth Center-Pre-School--Weekday-Resident 208.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center-Pre-School-Weekday-Non-Resident 376.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center -Level 1 -Weekday -Resident 208.00 IA] Scott Rakow Youth Center -Level 1-Weekday --Non-Resident 376.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center -Level 2-Weekday --Resident 208.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center -Level 2 -Weekday --Non-Resident 376.00 [AJ Scott Rakow Youth Center -Level 3-Weekday -Resident 221.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center -Level 3-Weekday -Non-Resident 421.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center -Adult-Weekday -Learn to Swim -Resident 105.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center -Adult-Weekday -Learn to Swim -Non-Resident 198.00 [A] Seahawks -Pre-Swim Team--Resident 228.00 [A] Seahawks -Pre-Swim Team-Non-Resident 421.00 [A) Seahawks -Int-Swim Team --Resident 239.00 [A] Seahawks -Int-Swim Team --Non-Resident 463.00 [A] Seahawks -Adv-Swim Team -Resident 258.00 [A] Seahawks -Adv-Swim Team -Non-Resident 491.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center-Water Polo-Resident 244.00 [A] Scott Rakow Youth Center-Water Polo-Non-Resident 470.00 [A] Flamingo/Normandy Isle Pool-Infant/Toddler-Resident 47.00 [A] Flamingo /Normandy Isle Pool --Infant/Toddler --Non-Resident 81.00 [A] Flamingo /Normandy Isle Pool -Aqua Babies I-Resident 0.00 [A] Flamingo/Normandy Isle Pool -Aqua Babies II-Resident 47.00 [A] Flamingo/Normandy Isle Pool -Aqua Babies II -Non-Resident 81.00 [A] Flamingo/Normandy Isle Pool-Level 1 and 2-Resident 47.00 [A] Flamingo /Normandy Isle Pool-Level 1 and2 -Non-Resident 81.00 [A] Flamingo /Normandy Isle Pool-Level 3 and 4 -Resident 47.00 [A] Flamingo /Normandy Isle Pool--Level 3 and 4 -Non-Resident 81.00 [A] Flamingo /Normandy Isle Pool --Teen and Adults -Resident 47.00 IAJ Flamingo /Normandy Isle Pool--Teen and Adults -Non-Resident 81.00 [A] Tennis Fees: Court Fees -Resident 10.00 [A] Court Fees -Non-Resident 18.00 [A] Annual Memberships -Adult Resident -Light Fee Included 327.00 [A] Annual Memberships -Adult Non-Resident -Light Fee Included 813.00 [A] Annual Memberships -Senior (65+)Resident-Light Fee Included 229.00 [A] Annual Memberships -Senior (65+)Non-Resident -Light Fee Included 641.00 [A] Annual Memberships -Youth Resident (under 18)-Light Fee Included 98.00 [A] Annual Memberships -Youth Non-Resident (under 18)-Light Fee Included 401.00 [A) Annual Memberships-Family Resident-Light Fee Included 704.00 [A] Annual Memberships -Family Non-Resident -Light Fee Included 1,774.00 [A) Light Fee -Non-Member-Resident 6.00 [A] Light Fee -Non-Member-Non-Resident 7.00 [A] Swim Pass. Youth Non-Resident (pool pass)57.00 [A] Adult-Non-Resident (pool pass)102.00 [A] Golt Fees -Miami Beach Golt Club: Summer (5/1-10/31): MBGC Summer Rack Rate (5/1 -10/31)158.00 [A] MBGC Summer Weekday (South Florida Resident)105.00 (A] MBGC Summer Weekend (South Florida Resident)126.00 (A] MBGC Summer Weekday (Miami Beach Resident)77.00 (A] MBGC Summer Weekend (Miami Beach Resident)97.00 [A] Shoulder (11/1-12/15): MBGC Shoulder Rack Rate (11/1-12/15)171.00 [A] MBGC Shoulder South Florida Resident 133.00 IA) MBGC Shoulder Miami Beach Resident 97.00 (A] Peak (12/16-4/30): MBGC Peak Rack Rate (12/16-4/30)265.00 (A] MBGC Peak South Florida Resident 158.00 (A] MBGC Peak Miami Beach Resident 122.00 (A] cart Rates: MBGC Cart Rate 18 Holes 34.00 [A] MBGC Cart Rate 9 Holes 23.00 IA] Membership Dues -Miami Beach Golf Cub: Resident: MBGC Resident Single 5,020.00 IA) MBGC Resident Husband and Wife 6,473.00 [A] MBGC Resident Each Dependent Under 18 Years of Age 663.00 [A] Non-Resident: MBGC Non-Resident Single 7,925.00 IA] MBGC Non-Resident Husband and Wife 9,906.00 (A] MBGC Non-Resident Each Dependent Under 18 Years of Age 993.00 [AJ Driving Range: MBGC Small Bucket 16.00 (A] MBGC Large Bucket 23.00 [A] Golt Fees -Normandy Shores Golt Club: Summer (5/1-10/31): NSGC Summer Rack Rate (5/1-10/31)109.00 (A] NSGC Summer Weekday (South Florida Resident)78.00 (A] NSGC Summer Weekend (South Florida Resident)90.00 (A] NSGC Summer Weekday (Miami Beach Resident)66.00 [A] NSGC Summer Weekend (Miami Beach Resident)80.00 [A] NSGC Miami Beach Resident Junior 10.00 [A] Shoulder (11/1-12/15): NSGC Shoulder Rack Rate (11/1-12/15)122.00 (A] NSGC Shoulder South Florida Resident 90.00 (A] NSGC Shoulder Miami Beach Resident 80.00 [A] NSGC Miami Beach Resident Junior 10.00 IA) Peak (12/16-4/30): NSGC Peak Rack Rate (12/16 -4/30)160.00 (A] NSGC Peak South Florida Resident 102.00 [A] NSGC Peak Miami Beach Resident 86.00 [A] NSGC Peak Miami Beach Resident Junior 10.00 (A] Cart Rates: NSGC Cart Rate 18 Holes 34.00 [A] NSGC Cart Rate 9 Holes 23.00 [A] Membership Dues -Miami Beach Golf Cub: Resident: NSGC Resident Single 2,832.00 [A] NSGC Resident Husband and Wife 4,248.00 [A] NSGC Resident Each Dependent Under 18 Years of Age 515.00 [A] Non-Resident: NSGC Non-Resident Single 4,248.00 [A] NSGC Non-Resident Husband and Wife 6,160.00 [A] NSGC Non-Resident Each Dependent Under 18 Years of Age 771.00 [A] NSGCJunior 1,286.00 [A] Ordinances -R5 C MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO:Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM:City Attorney Ricardo J.Dopico DATE:November 20,2024 9:25 a.m.Second Reading Public Hearing TITLE:AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,FLORIDA,BY AMENDING APPENDIX A OF THE CITY CODE TO: (1)ROLLBACK ALL PARKING FEES AND RESIDENT PARKS AND RECREATION FEES (EXCLUDING-GOLF-COURSE FEES)AT THE FY 2024 RA TES,INCLUDING ALL PARKING RATES THAT WERE SCHEDULED FOR AN AUTOMATIC 5-YEAR CONSUMER PRICE INDEX (CPI)ADJUSTMENT ON OCTOBER 1,2024 PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO.2019-4299;(2)PROVIDE FOR ADJUSTMENT OF ALL PARKING FEES AND RELATED RATES BY ANNUAL CPI ADJUSTMENTS WITH A 3%CAP;AND (3)RESCIND CERTAIN PARKING RATE MODIFICATIONS APPROVED VIA ORDINANCE NO.2024-4619 TO CONFORM SUCH PARKING RATES IN ANTICIPATION OF THE 5-YEAR CPI ADJUSTMENT THAT WAS SCHEDULED TO OCCUR ON OCTOBER 1,2024;AND PROVIDING FOR REPEALER,SEVERABILITY,CODIFICATION,AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. RECOMMENDATION The proposed Ordinance was approved on First Reading at the October 30,2024 City Commission meeting.No changes have been made between First and Second Reading. BACKGROUND/HISTORY ANALYSIS The attached Ordinance was prepared at the request of Vice-Mayor Alex J.Fernandez and Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez for consideration by the Mayor and City Commission. In 2019,the Mayor and City Commission adopted Ordinance No.2019-4299,providing,among other things,for an annual adjustment by the City Manager to certain specified fees and charges in Appendix A to the City Code,entitled "Fee Schedule,"to reflect increases in the Consumer Price Index ("CPI"). Certain parking fees were scheduled to adjust every five (5)years consistent with the CPI, rounded up to the nearest dollar,with the first five 5-year adjustment scheduled to occur on October 1,2024.If implemented,this 5-year automatic adjustment would have increased the discounted fee for parking by residents registered in the Resident Parking Discount Program from $1 to $2 per hour and increased the parking meter rate for the Entertainment District Parking Zone from $4 to $6 per hour for on-street parking,among other increases. Pursuant to Resolution No.2024-33300,the Mayor and City Commission directed the Administration to refrain from implementing any automatic 5-year CPI parking fee increases. To mitigate the financial burden of the CPI adjustment for parking fees on the City's residents,the Page 638 of 1993 workforce,and its visitors,the sponsors of this Ordinance wish to maintain all parking fees at the FY 2024 rates during FY 2025. The fees for Parks and Recreation services have been subject to CPI increases over the years without a cap.The Mayor and City Commission wish to further provide some financial relief to City residents by maintaining Parks and Recreation service fees (excluding golf course fees)at their FY 2024 levels during FY 2025. The proposed Ordinance seeks to adjust all parking fees and Parks and Recreation service fees to increase by CPI annually,with a 3%cap,with certain parking fees to be rounded to nearest cent and other parking fees as well as all Parks and Recreation service fees to be rounded to the nearest dollar starting in FY 2026,as set forth in the revised Appendix A attached as "Exhibit A." Furthermore,certain parking rate modifications adopted via Ordinance No.2024-4619 in anticipation of the first five-year increase on October 1,2024 are no longer applicable and will be rescinded such that those fees remain at their FY 2024 levels to avoid any unintended conflicts in parking rates;and The proposed Ordinance also seeks to adjust other fees by CPI annually,with a 3%cap starting in FY 2026 as detailed in the revised Appendix A;and The Administration has determined that maintaining the parking fees and resident Parks and Recreation service fees (excluding golf course fees)at the FY 2024 rates as contemplated by this Ordinance will not materially impact the City's operational budget or affect the operations of the Parking Department or the Parks and Recreation Department. FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT The fiscal impact of this measure,FY 2025 is estimated at approximately $5,302,000 across all Parking funds and $105,300 for Parks and Recreation fees (non-golf courses).. Does this Ordinance require a Business Impact Estimate?Yes (FOR ORDINANCES ONLY) If applicable,the Business Impact Estimate (BIE)was published on:11/5/2024. See BIE at:https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/city-clerk/meeting-notices/ FINANCIAL INFORMATION CONCLUSION Applicable Area Citywide ls this a"Residents Right to Know"item, pursuant to City Code Section 2-172 No Is this item related to a G.O.Bond Project? No Page 639 of 1993 Was this Agenda Item initially requested by a lobbyist which,as defined in Code Sec._2-481, includes a principal engaged in lobbying?No If so,specify the name of lobbyist(s)and principal(s): Department City Attorney Sponsor(s) Commissioner Alex Fernandez Co-sponsor(s) Commissioner Joseph Magazine Condensed Title 9:25 a.m.2nd Rdg,Amend Appendix A-Fee Schedule,Retroactive to October 1,2024. (AFIKRGIJM)CA Page 640 of 1993