Resolution 2024-33330RESOLUTION NO.2024-33330 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,FLORIDA,DIRECTING THE CITY ADMINISTRATION TO BEGIN DEVELOPING A WELL-STRUCTURED SUCCESSION PLAN TO ENSURE A SEAMLESS TRANSITION FOR THE NEXT MIAMI BEACH CHIEF OF POLICE AS THE CURRENT POLICE CHIEF APPROACHES THE END OF THE DEFERRED RETIREMENT OPTION PROGRAM (DROP). WHEREAS,the City of Miami Beach (the "City")is a unique,coastal community which is not only a tourist destination,but more importantly,a premier place to live,and should always be treated as such with the highest level of public safety;and WHEREAS,to that end,the current Chief of Police is within two (2)years of the end of his participation in the Deferred Retirement Option Program ("DROP),signaling the urgent need for leadership transition planning;and WHEREAS,it is unquestionably in the best interest of the City to maintain continuity in the leadership of the P olice D epart m ent to ensure public safety and the continued im ple m entation of eff ective law enfo rcem ent strategies;and WHEREAS,a w ell-structured succession plan w ill pro vide for the sm ooth transitio n of leadership,avoid disruptions in the functio ning of the Police D epart m ent,and m aintain the trust of the com m unity;and WHEREAS,succession planning involves the identificatio n and preparation of potential intern al and extern al candidates w ho are capable of assum ing the role of C hief of P olice,as w ell as the creation of a tim e line and ro adm ap for the transition;and WHEREAS,the proposed tim eline sho uld include benchm a rks,such as the fo llow ing:no later than 12 m o nths prior to the concl usion of the P olice C hief's part icipation in D R O P the im ple m entation of leade rship transition plans should begin;no later than the 6-m onth m ark interim arrangem e nts or a perm ane nt selection should be finalized;and no later than the 3- m onth m ark the re should be final preparations fo r a full leade rship handover and executio n of new directives;and WHEREAS,the C ity A dm inistration should ensure that the succession plan include s opport unitie s fo r leadership developm ent,m e ntorship,and profe ssional grow th for potential candidates w ithin the Police D epartm ent;and WHEREAS,the idea l successor w ill possess extensive experience in leadership criteria including,but no t lim ited to,the fo llow ing : a.21st-ce ntury policing practices b.H ig h-tech solutions c.C om m un ity policin g d.Fostering part nerships w ith stakeholde rs in the industry (i.e .,Sheriffs O ffice) e.U nion N egotiations f.Pro ven ability to w ork colla boratively w ith unio ns,addressing concern s w hile ensuring com pliance w ith C ity policies. g.D em o nstrated focus on recruiting qualified perso nnel to m eet the gro w ing needs of the D epartm e nt. h.C apable of enhancing m orale w ithin the D epartm ent,fostering a positive work environm ent,and leading by exam ple. i.M ust be able to im plem ent C ity com m ission policies eff ectively,ensuring that the Departm ent rem ains responsive to com m unity needs and C ity C om m ission priorities,including public safety initiatives and m odern ization eff orts;a nd W HEREAS,a carefully designed succession plan is critical to ensuring that the next C hief of Police is w ell-prepared to lead the departm ent and to continue the Depart m ent's com m itm e nt to transparency,accountability,and com m unity engagem ent,and the C ity A dm inistration is hereby directed to develop a com prehensive succession plan fo r the position of C hief of Police in anticipation of the current C hief's retirem ent;and W HEREAS,the succession plan shall include strategies for identifying and developing potential candidates;and W HEREAS,it is essential to evaluate intern al leaders w ho have dem onstrated stro ng leade rship skill s (including handling personnel issues),alignm e nt w ith C ity C om m ission policies, and w ho have gained the trust and boosted the m orale fo r Police Departm ent personnel (including unio n relations);and W HEREAS,considering extern al applicants m ay bring fresh perspectives,innovation, and leade rship approaches;how ever,extern al candidates should have extensive experience leading large de partm ents,along w ith experience with tourism ,large-scale events,cro w d control,w orking in high-pro file m edia m arkets,navigating union dynam ics,and recruiting talent from diverse backgrounds;and W HEREAS,the C ity A dm inistration shall provide regular updates to the Mayor and C ity C om m ission on the pro gress of the succession plan's developm e nt and im plem entation. NO W THEREFO RE,BE IT DULY RESO LVED THAT THE MAYOR AND CITY CO M M ISSIO N O F THE CITY O F MIAM I BEACH,FLO RIDA,hereby direct the City A dm inistration to begin developing a w ell-structured succession plan to ensure a seam less transition fo r the next M iam i Beach C hief of Police as the current Police C hief appro aches the end of the D eferred Retirem ent Option Pro gram (D R O P ). PASSED and ADO PTED this 1!__da~,2024 . ATT EST:~ --s.I112%2$.1}APPROVED AS TO1jok"",;rosii'&iii@ieE 73,9ME%.65 &FOR EXECUTIONEE 2= (S ponsored by M ayor S teven M einer) Co-Sponsored by Commissioner David Suarez Co-Sponsored by Commissioner Joseph Magazine c A""i Date 2 Resolutions -C7 AB MIAMIBEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO:Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM:City Attorney Ricardo J.Dopico DATE:October 30,2024 TITLE:A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,FLORIDA,DIRECTING THE CITY ADMINISTRATION TO BEGIN DEVELOPING A WELL-STRUCTURED SUCCESSION PLAN TO ENSURE A SEAMLESS TRANSITION FOR THE NEXT MIAMI BEACH CHIEF OF POLICE AS THE CURRENT POLICE CHIEF APPROACHES THE END OF THE DEFERRED RETIREMENT OPTION PROGRAM (DROP). RECOMMENDATION BACKGROUND/HISTORY ANALYSIS The attached Resolution was prepared at the request of the sponsor,Mayor Steven Meiner. FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT None at this time. Does_this_ordinance require a Business Impact Estimate? (FOR ORDINANCES ONLY) If applicable,the Business Impact Estimate (BIE)was published on: See BIE at:htt s://www.miamibeachfl.ov/cit -hall/ci -clerk/meetin $6 FINANCIAL INFORMATION CONCLUSION Applicable Area Citywide Page 725 of 2497 Is this a "Residents Right to Know"item, pursuant to City Code Section 2-172< N o Is this item related to a G.O.Bond Project? N o Was_this_Agenda Item initially _requested by a lobbyist which,as_defined_in_Code Sec._2-481, includes a principal engaged in lobbying?No If so ,spe cify the nam e of lobbyist(s)and principal(s): Department C ity A tt orn e y Sponsor(s) M ayor Steven M ein er Co-sponsor(s) Condensed Title D irect C ity A d m inistratio n to D evelo p a S uccession Plan for the Chief of Police.(M eine r)C A Page 726 of 2497