CRA Resolution 025-2024RESOLUTION NO.025-2024 A RESOLUTION OF THE CHAIRPERSON AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF THE NORTH BEACH COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (NORTH BEACH CRA)ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE NORTH BEACH CRA ADVISORY COMMITTEE AT ITS NOVEMBER 12,2024 MEETINGTO EXPLORE THE USE OF CRA FUNDS TO ACQUIRE AND INSTALL,SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,PERMANENT OR SEMI- PERMANENT DISPLAY STATIONS AT ALTOS DEL MAR PARK,FOR THE EXHIBITION OF ARTWORK AND CULTURAL MATERIALS,SIMILAR TO THE PROGRAM CONCEPTUALIZED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FOR LUMMUS PARK IN SOUTH BEACH. WHEREAS,the North Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (North Beach CRA)Redevelopment Plan (the Redevelopment Plan),approved by CRA Resolution No. 003-2021 and Miami Beach City Commission Resolution No.2021-31709,includes Redevelopment Goal 3:Strengthen Cultural Arts,Branding &Marketing,and Communication;and WHEREAS,Redevelopment Goal 3 emphasizes the importance of communicating an authentic brand featuring the area's unique assets,through a variety of activities including,but not limited to,all activities associated with arts and cultural heritage, branding,marketing,and communications;and WHEREAS,during the public design charrette to create the North Beach CRA Redevelopment Plan,participants expressed a need to improve existing parks/green spaces and add more cultural and arts spaces to the available civic uses within North Beach;and WHEREAS,the North Beach CRA is committed to enhancing arts and cultural initiatives in the North Beach Redevelopment Area and seeks to leverage arts and culture as a key community development strategy and a core sector of comprehensive community planning and development,including through the installation of public art displays and cultural programming;and WHEREAS,the City of Miami Beach is planning to implement at Lummus Park in South Beach a program of rotating cultural and artistic exhibitions using display stations, providing a platform for showcasing artwork and other cultural materials in a public setting;and WHEREAS,Altos del Mar Park,a city-owned asset located in the North Beach CRA Redevelopment Area,represents a suitable and underutilized location for expanding similar arts and cultural initiatives,with the goal of bringing engaging exhibits to a wider audience and creating opportunities for local and regional artists to showcase their work; and ' WHEREAS,the proposed program for Altos del Mar Park will involve the acquisition and installation of permanent or semi-permanent display stations to exhibit artwork and other cultural materials,enabling simultaneous exhibitions with Lummus Park during specific months or seasons (such as National Women's Month),or rotating exhibits for on a non-time-sensitive basis between the two locations;and WHEREAS,the North Beach CRA desires to collaborate with the City of Miami Beach to cover the initial costs associated with the acquisition and installation of display stations at Altos del Mar Park,subject to funding availability or budget appropriation in the Fiscal Year (FY)2025 budget and with approval by the City of Miami Beach;and WHEREAS,the North Beach CRA desires to partner with the City of Miami Beach, from time to time,subject to funding availability,on incremental expenses for the procurement,maintenance,and rotation of artwork and cultural materials,subject to funding availability or budget appropriation in the FY 2025 budget,orto be made a priority for funding in the FY 2026 budget;and WHEREAS,the North Beach CRA Advisory Committee approved a motion at its November 12,2024 recommending that the Board of the North Beach CRA explore, subject to approval by the City of Miami Beach,the use of CRA funds to install display stations at Altos del Mar Park for the exhibition of artwork and cultural materials. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CHAIRPERSON AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF THE NORTH BEACH COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY,that the Chairperson and Members of the Board of the North Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)hereby accept the recommendation of the North Beach CRA Advisory Committee at its November 12,2024 meeting to explore the use of CRA funds earmarked for arts and culture programs and initiatives to acquire and install,subject to approval by the City of Miami Beach, permanent or semi-permanent display stations at Altos del Mar Park,for the exhibition of artwork and cultural materials,similar to the program conceptualized by the City of Miami Beach for Lummus Park in South Beach. PASSED and ADOPTED THIS 20 day ot _(e.2024. ATTEST: ~NOV 2 2 2021 ranado,City Clerk Steven Meiner,Chairperson (sponsored by Board Member Tanya K.Bhatt)APPROVED AS TO FORM &LANGUAGE &FOR EXECUTION22.st« City Attorney Date North Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (NBCRA)3 MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO:Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM:City Attorney Ricardo J.Dopico DATE:November20,2024 TITLE:A RESOLUTION OF THE CHAIRPERSON AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF THE NORTH BEACH COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (NORTH BEACH CRA)ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE NORTH BEACH CRA ADVISORY COMMITTEE AT ITS NOVEMBER 12,2024 MEETING TO EXPLORE THE USE OF CRA FUNDS TO ACQUIRE AND INSTALL,SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,PERMANENT OR SEMI- PERMANENT DISPLAY STATIONS AT ALTOS DEL MAR PARK,FOR THE EXHIBITION OF ARTWORK AND CULTURAL MATERIALS,SIMILAR TO THE PROGRAM CONCEPTUALIZED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FOR LUMMUS PARK IN SOUTH BEACH. RECOMMENDATION BACKGROUND/HISTORY ANALYSIS The attached Resolution was prepared at the request of the sponsor,Commissioner Tanya K. Bhatt. FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT The sponsor of this item requests that CRA staff be prepared to address the fiscal impact of this proposed measure at the City Commission meeting. Does this Ordinance require a Business Impact Estimate? (FOR ORDINANCES ONLY) If applicable,the Business Impact Estimate (BIE)was published on: See BIE at:https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/city-clerk/meeting-notices/ FINANCIAL INFORMATION CONCLUSION Page 1934 of 1993 Applicable Area North Beach Is this a "Residents Right to Know"item, pursuant to City Code Section 2-172 No Is this item related to a G.O.Bond Project? No Was this Agenda Item initially requested by a lobbyist which,as defined in Code Sec._2.481, includes a principal engaged in lobbying?No If so,specify the name of lobbyist(s)and principal(s): Department City Attorney Sponsor(s) Commissioner Tanya K.Bhatt Co-sponsor(s) Condensed Title Explore Installation of Display Stations at Altos Del Mark Park for Art and Cultural Exhibitions. (Bhatt)CA Page 1935 of 1993