Ordinance 2024-4672Massage Therapy Centers -North Beach Use Regulations ORDINANCE NO.2024-4672 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDING THE RESILIENCY CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,BY AMENDING CHAPTER 7, ENTITLED "ZONING DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,"ARTICLE 3, ENTITLED "OVERLAY DISTRICTS,"AT SECTION 7.3.10,ENTITLED "NORTH BEACH COMMERCIAL CHARACTER OVERLAY,"TO ESTABLISH REGULATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR MASSAGE THERAPY CENTERS WITHIN THE OVERLAY;AND PROVIDING FOR REPEALER,SEVERABILITY,CODIFICATION,AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,the North Beach area of the City includes all properties to the north of 63° Street;and WHEREAS,a large portion of the North Beach area is located within the North Shore National Register District and the Normandy Isles National Register District;and WHEREAS,a large portion of the North Beach area is located within the Normandy Isles Historic District,North Shore Historic District,Harding Townsite Historic District,Altos Del Mar Historic District,and the North Beach Resort Historic District,all of which are locally designated; and WHEREAS,properties fronting Ocean Terrace and Collins Avenue between 73rd and 75th Streets are within the Harding Townsite historic district and the North Shore National Register historic district;and WHEREAS,properties fronting Harding Avenue between 73rd and 75th Streets are within the North Shore National Register historic district;and WHEREAS,the City of Miami Beach has undertaken a master planning process for North Beach,in order to encourage the revitalization of the area by improving cultural,retail,and dining experiences for residents and visitors to the area;and WHEREAS,the Mayor and City Commission desire to adopt additional regulations on massage therapy centers to ensure public safety,establish minimum requirements,and mitigate impacts to neighborhoods in the North Beach area;and WHEREAS,the City Commission finds that it is in the best interest of its residents, businesses,and visitors to adopt regulations to protect the public health,safety,welfare,and morals;and WHEREAS,the amendments set forth below are necessary to accomplish all of the above objectives. Page 1 of 3 NOW THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,FLORIDA. SECTION 1.Chapter 7,entitled "Zoning Districts and Regulations,Article 3,entitled "Overlay Districts,"at Section 7.3.10,"North Beach Commercial Character Overlay District,"is hereby amended as follows: CHAPTER 7 ZONING DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS *** ARTICLE 3.OVERLAY DISTRICTS *** 7.3.10 NORTH BEACH COMMERCIAL CHARACTER OVERLAY DISTRICT *** Compliance with regulations (North Beach Commercial Character Overlay District). The following regulations shall apply to the overlay district.There shall be no variances allowed from these regulations.All development regulations in the underlying zoning district and any other applicable overlay regulations shall apply,except as follows: a.The following limitations shall apply to the commercial uses listed below: *** v.Massage therapy centers shall ggmply with be subject to the following regulations; 1.Such establishments shall not operate between 9:00 pm and 7:00 am in the Ocean Terrace/Harding Townsite Overlay Area. 2.Such establishments shall only be considered a permitted use in accordance with the following as part of the following developments; a.State certified schools for obtaining a massage therapy license,as a component of the main use . b.Multi-family residential buildings,apartment hotels,suite hotels or hotels,with at least 50 units,as an accessory use. c.Fitness centers,gyms and wellness centers,as a component of the main use. d.State licensed medical offices and clinics,such as physical therapy centers, as a component of the main use. 3.Such establishments shall only be only permitted as a conditional use as follows: a.within office buildings located in a commercial district,_TC district,or TC-C district,provided the mgssgge thergpy@enter is located above the first floor. Page 2 of 3 b.within multi-family residential buildings,apartment hotels,suite hotels,or hotels,with less than 50 units. SECTION 2.REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances and all section and parts of sections in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 3.CODIFICATION. It is the intention of the City Commission,and it is hereby ordained,that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made part of the Code of the City of Miami Beach,as amended;that the sections of this Ordinance may be re-numbered or re-lettered to accomplish such intention;and that the word "ordinance"may be changed to "section"or other appropriate word. SECTION 4.SEVERABILITY. If any section,subsection,clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid,the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. SECTION 5.EFFECTIVE DATE. ,2024. ATTEST: This Ordinance shall take effect ten days following adoption. PASSED and ADOPTED this_l7_day ot _/hebe s#°Steven Meiner,Mayor7}1 vs Rafael E.Granado,City Clerk First Reading:July 26,2023 Second Reading: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LANGUAGE &FOR EXECUTION #a o)8lzoz4 Date Verified By: Thomas R.Moone Planning Director T:\Agenda\2024\9 October 2024\Planning\Massage Therapy Centers -North Beach Use Regulations -Second Reading ORD.docx Sponsored by Commissioner Alex J.Fernandez Page 3 of 3 Ordinances -RS V MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO:Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM:Eric Carpenter,City Manager DATE: TITLE: November 20,2024 5.01 p.m.Second Reading Public Hearing MASSAGE THERAPY CENTERS -NORTH BEACH USE REGULATIONS AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDING THE RESILIENCY CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,BY AMENDING CHAPTER 7,ENTITLED "ZONING DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,"ARTICLE 3,ENTITLED "OVERLAY DISTRICTS,"AT SECTION 7.3.10,ENTITLED "NORTH BEACH COMMERCIAL CHARACTER OVERLAY,"TO ESTABLISH REGULATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR MASSAGE THERAPY CENTERS WITHIN THE OVERLAY;AND PROVIDING FOR REPEALER,SEVERABILITY,CODIFICATION,AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. RECOMMENDATION The Administration recommends that the City Commission adopt the ordinance. BACKGROUND/HISTORY On September 14,2022,at the request of Commissioner Alex Fernandez,the City Commission referred a proposed amendment regarding commercial district use regulations in North Beach (C4 X)to the Land Use and Sustainability Committee (LUSC)and the Planning Board.On March 1,2023,the LUSC discussed a proposed ordinance regulating certain uses in North Beach and moved it to the Planning Board. The LUSC also bi-furcated and continued the discussion pertaining to potential regulations for massage therapy centers to the May 10,2023 LUSC meeting.On May 10,2023,the LUSC endorsed the proposed ordinance pertaining to the regulation of massage therapy centers in North Beach and recommended that the Planning Board transmit the ordinance to the City Commission with a favorable recommendation. ANALYSIS Massage therapy centers are defined as follows under the Land Development Regulations (LDRs)of the City Code: Massage therapy center means an establishment that offers,sells,or provides manipulations of the tissues or other tactile stimulation of the human body with the hand, foot,arm,leg,elbow,or part of the torso,whether or not aided by any electrical or mechanical device:and may include bathing,hydrotherapy,thermal therapy,or application of chemicals,oils,lotions,or similar preparations to the human body. The current regulations in the Art Deco/MiMo Commercial Character Overlay incorporate regulations that are applicable to the Ocean Terrace/Harding Town Site area of the overlay which limit the hours of massage therapy centers from 7:00 a.m.to 9:00 p.m.,in order to minimize potential negative impacts from such establishments. Page 944 of 1993 The proposed ordinance would make the restrictions on hours applicable to the entire North Beach Commercial Character Overlay.In addition,the ordinance provides additional regulations regarding the permitted locations of massage therapy centers as follows: Permitted Use Locations 1.State certified schools for obtaining a massage therapy license. 2.Multi-family residential buildings,apartment hotels,suite hotels or hotels with at least 50 rooms,as an accessory use. 3.Fitness centers,gyms and wellness centers,as a component of the main use. 4.State licensed medical offices and clinics,such as physical therapy centers. Conditional Use Locations 1.Within office buildings located in a commercial district,TC district,or TC-C district. 2.Within multi-family residential buildings,apartment hotels,suite hotels or hotels with less than 50 units. In all other locations in North Beach,massage therapy centers would be prohibited. When properly regulated and operated,massage therapy centers provide beneficial services to the community,and the proposed regulations are intended to better define locations for massage therapy centers to operate. PLANNING BOARD REVIEW On June 27,2023,the Planning Board held a public hearing and transmitted the proposed ordinance to the City Commission with a favorable recommendation (6-0). UPDATE On July 26,2023,the City Commission approved the subject ordinance at First Reading,with no changes,and scheduled Second Reading /Adoption for September 13,2023.The City Commission also waived the applicable fees based on the proposed amendment implementing best practices in urban planning. On September 13,2023,the item was deferred to December 13,2023,with no discussion.On December 13,2023,the item was deferred to January 31,2024,with no discussion,and on January 31,2024,the item was deferred to April 3,2024,with no discussion.The item was not reached at the April 3,2024,meeting and was moved to the May 15,2024 meeting. On May 15,2024,at the request of the item sponsor,the City Commission referred the item to the LUSC (RS G).On June 10,2024 the item was deferred to a future LUSC meeting.On September 5,2024,the LUSC discussed the proposal and recommended that the City Commission adopt the ordinance at Second Reading,with an amendment to allow massage therapy centers at the first floor in commercial districts,subject to CUP approval.This amendment is included in the revised ordinance for Second Reading. FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT No Fiscal Impact Page 945 of 1993 Does this Ordinance require a Business Impact Estimate?Yes (FOR ORDINANCES ONLY) If applicable,the Business Impact Estimate (BIE)was published on:9/27/2024. See BIE at:https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city-hall/city-clerk/meeting-notices/ FINANCIAL INFORMATION Not Applicable CONCLUSION The Administration recommends the City Commission adopt the ordinance. Applicable Area North Beach Is this a "Residents Right to Know"item, pursuant to City Code Section 2-172 Yes Is this item related to a G.O.Bond Project? No Was this Agenda Item initially requested by a lobbyist which,as defined in Code Sec.2.-481, includes a principal engaged in lobbying?No If so,specify the name of lobbyist(s)and principal(s): Department Planning Sponsor(s) Commissioner Alex Fernandez Co-sponsor(s) Condensed Title 5:01 p.m.2nd Rdg,Massage Therapy Centers -North Beach Use Regs.(Fernandez)PL Page 946 of 1993 4N I v NEIGHBORS SUNDAY NOVEMBER 10 2024 A r 0A Market Basket Brie.Supreme Oval,T-ounce hunk. Mi0a HOA IDA Aldi Emporium Selection La Bonne Vie Brie.La Bonne Vie Camembert. Brie. Food facility listeria gets cheese sold by Aldi and other chains recalled in 12 states Y DAVID J.NEAL dneal@miamherald.com Soft cheeses sold under several brands have been recalled from California, Texas,Missouri and nine other states after listeria was found in the manu- facturing facility. Savencia Cheese USA is based in New Holland, Pennsylvania,but said in its FDA-posted recall notice that the problem was in the company's Lena,Illinois,facility. ""Through routine test- ing,it was identified that processing equipment at the site may have been contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes," the notice said."While finished product resting has not identified contam- inated product,we have initiated a voluntary recall to retrieve the potentially affected product." AII of the cheeses re- called have a best by date of 12/24/2024. o Aldi Emporium Se- lection Brie,8-ounce wheel,UPC Nos. 004149811132 and 041498111328. •Market Basket Bric, 8-ounce wheel,UPC Nos. 004970566630 and 049705666302. Supreme Oval,7- ounce hunk,UPC Nos. 07144850421 and 071448504214. o La Bone Vie Brie, 8-ounce wheel,no UPC number. o La Bonne Vie Cam- embert,8-ouncc wheel, no UPC number. w Industrial Brie,8- ounce hunk,UPC No. 077901005229. The cheeses wcnt to stores in California,Texas, Missouri,Illinois,Indiana, Massachusetts,Connccti- cut,Iowa,New Jersey, Oregon,Colorado and Washington. Listeria infects about 1,600 people cach year in the United States,accord- ing to the CDC,killing about 260.The most like- ly to get the worst of liste- ria's effects are adults over 65,children under 5 and people with damaged immune systems.Preg- nant women can suffer miscarriages and still- births.Most people will deal with fever,muscle aches,headaches,flu-like symptoms,possibly confu- sion and seizures. David ].Neal: 305-376-3559, @David]Neal CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MASSAGE THERAPY CENTERS-NORTH BEACH USE REGULATIONS ORDINANCE AMENDING THE NORTH BEACH COMMERCIAL CHARACTER OVERLAY TO ESTABLISH REGULATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR MASSAGE THERAPY CENTERS WITHIN THE OVERLAY NOVEMBER 20,2024 CITY COMMISSION MEETING NOTE IS HFRFY GIVE'that Gn Mvemer 20 2024,at50lpm..ot as soon thereafter as the mnatter can be heard the Mayor and Cty Commissioners at tie City t Mam each wl hld a Sten4 ReudiyPwlic Heuring an the 'ellowng cosed Ordinarce MASSAGE II RAPYCKHIIHS-AOR IHI BLACI USE 3GULATI0LS AN ORDINANCE OE THE MAYOR AN CIY COMMISSION OF THE CIIY OK 'VIA'WI B8EACH,FLORICA,AIENCING THE RSI IFCY CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI AF ACH,Y AVENDING CHAPIER 7 HIED ZONIAG DISTRICTS AYO REGULATIONS."AI'CLE 3.ENTITLEO OVERLAY OISTRICTS,"AT SECTION Z3 10.EN'ITLEDO OATH BFACH COVFRCAL CHARA CTER OVERLAY,"TO ESTAB LISH REGULATIONS AO REQUIRE#ENIS FOR MASSAGE THERAP Y CENTERS WITHIN THE OVERLAY,ANDO PROVING FOR REPEALER,SEVERABILITY,CODIFICATION,ADO A'LFTCCTIVE DATE Ths Ordnance is bcmng heard pursuant to Chapter 2,Article IV at the eslency Code lqunes may be drecled ta the Pang Department at 305 673 7550 Dunnq the Mamer 20,204,Cmmsson Meeting,the City at Marr Beach wl hast a +yd Comnussic Meetng During the Hynd Commsson Meeting,the City Commissan wit be physically present in the Cammisien CMner.located it I700 Catie Cntr Drive.3'Flt,Mamt Beach,Fri 33139 Members ot the pub'ic wto wis to attcnd ts Ccmmissicn Meetrg pde public ommrcnt n person may appear at tte Commission Chamber Applicants and members of the pub wo ws to particpate or rvde omen vttuaty durn,he Cormsson Meetng may jn the web nu at h[s//mnamnbQeu h!AGL(GT.5LU&1328/6l'va teetoe at 1305 224.1968 (US)or 888.4/5.4499 {#Fee)Web2r I:8139285/6/1.Members o!he pul wanting to peak vrtally an an m dunng the meeting must cc the "ravse hand"cn t using the loom ap or press 9 cn the telephone to tatse tent hand (TERESI[D PARTIS 2re rv'ed {o take pant r this reeting be 'eesend by an scent The ublc may submr wrotten comments on Comrssvcn Meetung Items by ether sutrdtg an eComrmant (rough the agenda age al l s /[Au.flat .cahlL /'yha/I.La nda and kckong the comment butbc ccn in he "Current and Uoccmg Meet rgs"section o by eraliq yC SgIKgigrb&A'lg wth the Agenda item Mumper in the subject me.Ccmrenots receed,n ether tormnat,wll be accepted unt+5.00 pm,the day before the mvetng Al suumissons wit be torwatdcd to the Mayo and Commsscners and rciuded n the meetnq record. Copes at Agenda items are avaab'c tor ubtc nectar at.https.//wt.m narutcact!L.aoy/ca(y bail/ulyclerk/and Is meetng.o any ltem herein,may be continued,and under such circumstances,additional lqal notice need not be proded Pursuant to Sect0n 286.0105,Ha.Stat,the City hercby advses !e pub'chat 'a erscdes to appeal ay dcascn made by the Gty Carrmsson concerning any matter cnsdered at its meeting or its hearg,such perscn must ensure that 3 veratm record at the proceed ngs s made,wtvh teccd ndudes the testnony and endence upon wnvch the appeal s to be base 7hs note does not ccosttule consent ty the ty 'or the ntcdctin or adussen o'otterwse inadmissble or nevat evdene,des tau!cue chai'enges appeals no oterwse a@wed vpluw To redutst 'ts matena n an alternate tcrmat,scn /anguage terpeter ('yeday ncc 'tcured)ntrraticn c access (or persons wth d.sates,and/or any accommodatan to revew any document at panic.pale r any Cty sponsored proceedngs, cal 30$604 2489 and select 1tot Fnq'ish or ?'or Sparish,'hen 6ton £,It usets may call va ?I +Inda Re'ay Servce) The City Cormsscn Meeting w e broadcast ve cn Mari Beat TV (MTV),wewale ona the City's webste at hp //it mar.beach!l gyviaoysifmrVmh tL as well as on Jreerelne Cale channel 660 1 2004 (HD)ATT U-verse channel 99,Ho:wt Gcmmuncatons channel 395,and HCKU dee n PEG IV channel,and or socrai media al ttps//sw 'bckarr/tytmiamrbcac Io review the Busmess lmnuact Estimates fat the above proposed Ordnance.please vs httos L/we ma mbeach!t.goz/'cuthalt/'utyclerk/meet.nq notesi tuba teetnq attendees can park at the City Ha!Garage,'755 Medan Avenue.amBeach,Fori0a 33139 Hat2el E.Grarado,Cyerk City at Mumn Beah AG ctkG ramps±".cat 40:11z00409 Page 950 of 1993