Ordinance 95-3023ORDINANCE NO.95-3023 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA,AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.1605,THE UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES SALARY ORDINANCE,BY ELIMINATING CERTAIN CLASSIFICATIONS AND ESTABLISHING NEW SALARY RANGES APPLICABLE FOR ALL EMPLOYEES WITHIN A CLASSIFICATION, EXCEPT FOR EMPLOYEES IN THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE,AND PROVIDING EXCEPTIONS THERETO; ELIMINATING FUTURE SALARY INCREASES BASED ON LONGEVITY;PROVIDING FOR A REPEALER, SEVERABILITY,AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,the Mayor and City Commission wish to ensure that the City has an employee classification and compensation system which is fair and equitable and otherwise meets the objectives of the City,including but not limited to, consolidating classifications,becoming competitive with public and private employers with similar operations,and enhancing recruitment,retention,and development of a qualified and diverse applicant and employee pool;and WHEREAS,on October 5,1994,the Mayor and City Commission approved the award of a contract for a classification and compensation study to Hendricks and Associates,Inc.,(Consultant),to determine if changes were needed to the City's current classification and compensation plan;and WHEREAS,Hendricks and Associates,Inc.has completed the contracted classification and compensation study;and WHEREAS,the findings of the study have been presented to the Budget Advisory Committee and the Capital Improvements/Finance Committee;and WHEREAS,the aforesaid Committees have supported said findings;and WHEREAS,the findings of the study have also been presented to the Administration and its managers and employees;and WHEREAS,the employees were afforded an appeal period,during which the Consultant responded to all appeals;and WHEREAS,the ordinance set forth herein implements the recommendations of the Consultant and will be beneficial to the welfare of both employees and citizens of the City of Miami Beach. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,FLORIDA: 1 t SECTION 1:Sections lA,lB,2A,2B,2.lA AND 2.lB of Ordinance No.1605 are amended to read as follows: SECTION 1:GENERAL UNCLASSIFIED POSITIONS BI-WEEKLY COMPENSATION JOB CLASSIFICATION JOB CLASS NO.MINIMUM MAXIMUM AFFIRMATIVE ACTION OFFICER AGENDA COORDINATOR APPLICATION SYSTEMS MANAGER #ASSISTANT CHIEF OF POLICE ASSISTANT CITY CLERK ASSISTANT DEVELOPMENT OFFICER ASSISTANT DIRECTOR -BUILDING ASSISTANT DIRECTOR -CODE COMPLIANCE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR -PARKS ASSISTANT DIRECTOR -RECREATION ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR #ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF ASSISTANT FOR LABOR RELATIONS ASSISTANT PARKING DIRECTOR ASSISTANT PROCUREMENT DIV DIRECTOR ASSISTANT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AUTDITOR BASS MUSEUM ASSISTANT DIRECTOR BEACH PATROL CAPTAIN BUDGET OFFICER CAPITAL PROJECTS COORDINATOR CENTRAL SERVICES DIVISION DIRECTOR CHIEF ACCOUNTANT CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR CHIEF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR CHIEF ELEVATOR INSPECTOR CHIEF MECHANICAL INSPECTOR CHIEF PLUMBING INSPECTOR CHIEF STRUCTURAL PLANS EXAMINER CIVIL ENGINEER III CLAIMS COORDINATOR CODE COMPLIANCE SUPERVISOR CODE VIOLATIONS CLERK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM ANALYST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJECTS COORDINATOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR -(COMMUNITY LIAISON) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR -(FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TECHNICIAN CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT DIV DIRECTOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGER CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR CURATOR 1703 1016 1503 5002 2002 6404 3103 3104 6003 6101 1102 5102 1008 1801 1602 3002 1119 6403 5401 1117 3010 2302 1103 3141 3111 3121 3131 3140 3007 3153 2223 3405 1550 1551 1603 6423 2 1969.54 1300 .15 1668.08 2325.48 1668.08 1300 .15 1812.53 1812.53 1812.53 1812.53 2140.11 2325.48 1812.53 1812.53 1535.10 2140.11 1300 .15 1535.10 1812.53 1969.54 1812.53 1668.08 1969.54 1535.10 1535.10 1535.10 1535.10 1535.10 1668.08 1668.08 1412.76 1535.10 1013.37 1412.76 1535.10 1668.08 1668.08 1412.76 1196.51 2140.11 1812.53 1412.76 1196.51 1412.76 3151.26 2080.23 2668.89 3720.77 2668.89 2080.23 2900.08 2900.08 2900.08 2900.08 3424.18 3720.77 2900.08 2900.08 2456.17 3424.18 2080.23 2456.17 2900.08 3151.26 2900.08 2668.89 3151.26 2456.17 2456.17 2456.17 2456.17 2456.17 2668.89 2668.89 2260.38 2456.17 1621.38 2260.38 2456.17 2668.89 2668.89 2260.38 1914.41 3424.18 2900.08 2260.38 1914.41 2260.38 COMPUTER &COMMUNICATIONS DIV DIRECTOR 1501 4', CURATOR OF COLLECTIONS CURATOR OF EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COORDINATOR DEVELOPMENT,DESIGN &HISTORIC PRESERVATION SERVICES DEPUTY DIR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE COORDINATOR #EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES TRAINING COORDINATOR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS COORDINATOR EMPLOYMENT SUPERVISOR ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST EXECUTIVE OFFICE ASSOCIATE I EXECUTIVE OFFICE ASSOCIATE II FIELD AGENT FIELD INSPECTOR FILM PRINT COORDINATOR FINANCIAL ANALYST I FINANCIAL ANALYST II FINANCIAL ANALYST III #FIRE DIVISION CHIEF FIRE MARSHALL #FIRE PROTECTION ANALYST FLEET MANAGEMENT DIVISION DIRECTOR GRANTS WRITER/RESEARCHER HISTORIC PRESERVATION COORDINATOR HOUSING &COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION DIRECTOR HOUSING SPECIALIST HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATOR I HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATOR II INFORMATION TECH SPECIALIST I INFORMATION TECH SPECIALIST I -(TELECOM) INFORMATION TECH SPECIALIST II INFORMATION TECH SPECIALIST III INFORMATION TECH SPECIALIST III -(TELECOM) INTERNAL AUDITOR LABOR RELATIONS TECHNICIAN LOG CABIN DRIVER/INSTRUCTOR AIDE LOG CABIN EDUCATION COORDINATOR LOG CABIN EMPLOY SPEC/JOB COORDINATOR LOG CABIN INSTRUCTOR LOG CABIN PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST MAYOR/COMMISSIONER AIDE MEDIA SPECIALIST NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR OFFICE ASSOCIATE I (UC) OFFICE ASSOCIATE II (UC) OFFICE ASSOCIATE III (UC) OFFICE ASSOCIATE IV (UC) OFFICE ASSOCIATE V (UC) OFFICE MANAGER OFFICE OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR PARKING MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR PERSONNEL SPECIALIST PLANNING,DESIGN &HISTORIC 6427 6424 3181 3201 5211 5108 1721 1731 1552 2108 2107 1166 3020 1026 1155 1154 1153 5103 5104 5106 4302 3208 3203 3300 3303 1733 1702 1508 1509 1116 1009 7116 7112 7123 7125 7111 1123 1010 1025 1505 2113 2112 2111 2110 2109 2107 1022 1802 1711 3 1412.76 1412.76 1668.08 2325.48 1101.15 1535.10 1668.08 1812.53 1412.76 1196.51 1300 .15 1196.51 1196.51 1535.10 1300 .15 1535.10 1668.08 2140.11 2140.11 1535.10 1812.53 1300 .15 1812.53 1969.54 1412.76 1668.08 1969.54 1196.51 1196.51 1300 .15 1412.76 1412.76 1969.54 1300 .15 615.63 1412.76 1101.15 789.85 1668.08 1300 .15 1668.08 1535.10 1535.10 566.55 668.97 789.85 932.61 1101.15 1300 .15 1668.08 1412.76 1300 .15 2260.38 2260.38 2668.89 3720.77 1761.80 2456.17 2668.89 2900.08 2260.38 1914.41 2080.23 1914.41 1914.41 2456.17 2080.23 2456.17 2668.89 3424.18 3424.18 2456.17 2900.08 2080.23 2900.08 3151.26 2260.38 2668.89 3151.26 1914.41 1914.41 2080.23 2260.38 2260.38 3151.26 2080.23 985.02 2260.38 1761.80 1263.75 2668.89 2080.23 2668.89 2456.17 2456.17 906.51 1070.31 1263.75 1492.15 1761.80 2080.23 2668.89 2260.38 2080.23 PRESERVATION DIVISION DIRECTOR #POLICE CAPTAIN #POLICE COMMANDER #POLICE DIVISION MAJOR POLICE PLANS &POLICIES MANAGER POLICE RECORDS SUPERVISOR PRINCIPAL PLANNER PROCUREMENT DIVISION DIRECTOR PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DIVISION DIRECTOR PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SUPERVISOR PROPERTY/EVIDENCE SUPERVISOR #PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS BUREAU ADMINISTRATOR 5200 PUBLIC INFORMATION COORDINATOR 1023 PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER 1024 REAL ESTATE ECONOMIST 3205 RECREATION SUPERVISOR II 6106 REDEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 1407 REDEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST 1007 REVENUE SUPERVISOR 1131 RISK MANAGER 1141 SECURITY SPECIALIST I 1814 SECURITY SPECIALIST II 1813 SAFETY OFFICER 1142 SANITATION COORDINATOR 4042 SENIOR AUDITOR 1118 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST 1122 SENIOR PLAN DESIGNER 3233 SENIOR PLANNER 3213 SENIOR PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST 1605 SOCIAL WORKER 7113 SPECIAL &CULTURAL EVENTS LIAISON 1027 SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER 1005 SPECIAL PROJECTS COORDINATOR 1006 STREETS &LIGHTING SUPERINTENDENT 4031 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 3105 SYSTEMS SUPPORT MANAGER 1504 TELECOMMUNICATIONS MANAGER 1502 TOURISM AND CONVENTION COORDINATOR TRAINING DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 1705 TRANSPORTATION COORDINATOR 3003 TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER 1813 UTILITY BILLING SUPERVISOR 1132 WATER &SEWER SUPERINTENDENT 4001 WELLNESS COORDINATOR 5017 SECTION 2:EXECUTIVE POSITIONS 1969.54 1969.54 1812.53 2140.11 1668.08 1196.51 1668.08 1969.54 1812.53 1535.10 1535.10 1668.08 2140.11 1535.10 1668.08 1412.76 1969.54 1535.10 1812.53 1969.54 858.28 1013.37 1412.76 1101.15 1668.08 1668.08 1412.76 1412.76 1196.51 1412.76 1535.10 2140.11 1812.53 1668.08 1196.51 1668.08 1668.08 1412.76 1668.08 1668.08 1412.76 1668.08 1969.54 932.61 3151.26 3151.26 2900.08 3424.18 2668.89 1914.41 2668.89 3151.26 2900.08 2456.17 2456.17 2668.89 3424.18 2456.17 2668.89 2260.38 3151.26 2456.17 2900.08 3151.26 1373.22 1621.38 2260.38 1761.80 2668.89 2668.89 2260.38 2260.38 1914.41 2260.38 2456.17 3424.18 2900.08 2668.89 1914.41 2668.89 2668.89 2260.38 2668.89 2668.89 2260.38 2668.89 3151.26 1492.15 3202 5006 5007 5004 5505 5506 3212 BI-WEEKLY COMPENSATION JOB CLASSIFICATION ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER #BASS MUSEUM DIRECTOR #BUILDING DIRECTOR CITY CLERK CITY MANAGER DEPUTY CITY MANAGER JOB CLASS NO. 1002 6402 3102 2001 1001 1004 4 MINIMUM 2983.56 2140.11 2325.48 2140.11 3827.89 3522.76 MAXIMUM 4773.68 3424.18 3720.77 3424.18 6124.60 5636.44 DEVELOPMENT,DESIGN &HISTORIC PRESERVATION SERVICES DIRECTOR 3200 2526.90 4043.03 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER 1003 2745.75 4393.18 FINANCE DIRECTOR 1101 2526.90 4043.03 #FIRE CHIEE 5101 2745.75 4393.18 GENERAL SERVICES DIRECTOR 1500 2526.90 4043.03 HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR 1701 2325.48 3720.77 MANAGEMENT BUDGET DIRECTOR 1115 2526.90 4043.03 PARKING DIRECTOR 1800 2325.48 3720.77 #POLICE CHIEF 5001 2745.75 4393.18 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 3001 2526.90 4043.03 RECREATION,CULTURE &PARKS DIRECTOR 6001 2325.48 3720.77 SANITATION DIRECTOR 4041 2140.11 3424.18 SECTION 2:The following classifications,formerly included in the General Unclassified,Executive and Public Safety Executive positions, are herein abolished: SECTION 1:GENERAL UNCLASSIFIED POSITIONS JOB CLASSIFICATION ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ± ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT IE ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY ± (CITY MANAGER/MOR) ADMINISTRATIVE-SECRETARY IE (CIT-MANGER/MAYOR) ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY IIE (CITY MANAGER ,/MA OR) ADMINISTRATIVE /FINANCIAL-ASSISTANT ANLYST ASSISTANT HUMAN RESOURCES-DIRECTOR ASSISTANT PURCHASING AGENT ASSISTANT REGISTRAR ASSISTANT SANITATION SUPERINTENDENT ASSISTANT TO DEPARTMENT HEAD ASSISTANT TO THE-CITY MANAGER AUD ITOR-± AUD ITOR-IE DASS MUSEUM-DIVISION DIRECTOR BUDGET ANALYST #BUILDING-DIRECTOR BUSINESS-SUPERVISOR CHIEF CURATOR CHIEF ENGINEERING INSPECTOR CLERK-TYPIST CODE-COMPLIANCE SUPERINTENDENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST ± COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST IE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST IIE JOB CLASS NO. 1013 1011 2104 2103 2102 6405 1506 4043 1602 6428 4043 1009 1008 1123 1122 6402 1118 3102 64l± 6423 310± 2110 3150 3305 3304 3303 BI-WEEKLY COMPENSATION MINIMUM MAXIMUM 937.92 1315.86 1168.92 1639.79 021.99 1194.46 1045.98 1436.95 1024.24 1436.95 1024.24 1436.95 1276.38 1790.69 1640.03 1965.31 1203-.69 1435.42 821.09 1153.09 1102.26 1314.46 1357.42 1618.74 1186.40 1435.42 1110.49 1569.18 1393.04 1955.48 1612.16 1922.53 1276.38 1790.69 2146.±7 2738.50 1393.04 1955.48 1393.04 1955.48 1393.04 1955.48 752.63 1055.92 1402.33 1767.70 897.53 1259.20 1118.49 1569.18 1276.38 1790.69 5 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR DEVELOPMENT WRITER,/RESEARCHER EMERGENCY SERVICES COORDINATOR EXAMINATIONS OFFICER EXAMINATIONS SUPERVISOR EXECUTIVE-SECRETARY (CITY MANAGER ,/MAYOR) FINANCIAL/COMPLIANCE-ANALYST HOUSING-REHABILITATION-SPECIALIST LINCOLN ROAD-DIRECTOR LOG-CADIN-INSTRUCTOR/EMPLOYMENT SPECIALIST LOG-CABIN INSTRUCTOR/JOB-COACH LOG-CABIN SOCIAL WORKER MANAGEMENT INTERN-E MANAGEMENT INTERN-IE MUSEUM INFORMATION-OFFICER PARK-€-RECREATION-MANAGER PARKS SUPERINTENDENT PENSION ADMINISTRATOR POLICE PLANNER POLICE-SYSTEMS MANAGER PROGRAMMER PROPERTY MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT PUBLICITY WRITER PURCHASING-AGENT RECREATION-SUPERINTENDENT REGISTRAR SANITATION-SUPERINTENDENT SENIOR-BUDGET ANALYST SENIOR-EXAMINATIONS-OFFICER SERVICE CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR SOCIAL,WORKER SYSTEMS-ANALYST TELECOMMUNICATIONS-ANALYST TELECOMMUNICATIONS-TECHNICIAN TRAINING-INSTRUCTOR 330± 3208 1005 1734 1732 210± 3404 3302 1032 7123 7124 7113 1205 1204 6407 6-O14 6003 1174 5505 5503 1515 44 O± 2115 1601 6101 6427 4042 1115 1733 1607 7118 1504 5202 5203 1709 1456.56 1160.02 1590.60 1221.42 1522.1± 1221.42 1276.38 1456.56 229O.95 821.99 752.63 1024.24 689.2± 752.63 12O3.03 1024.24 957.97 1257.86 1276.38 1526.06 1526.06 116O.82 1257.86 821.99 1373.61 1243.03 1024.24 1357.42 1393.84 1393.04 1024.24 1024.24 1393.94 1393.94 1070.33 937.92 2043.48 1639.79 2231.53 1713.58 2135.44 1713.58 1790.69 2043.48 2741.42 1153.09 1055.92 1436.95 966.94 1055.92 1530.04 1436.95 1142.40 1614.95 1790.69 2141.02 2141.02 1639.79 1762.46 1153.09 1645.88 1667.31 1436.95 1618.74 1955.48 1955.48 1436.95 1436.95 1955.48 1955.48 1501.61 1315.86 MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT 43O2 #SECTION 2.1:PUBLIC SAFETY EXECUTIVE POSITIONS JOB CLASSIFICATION #ASSISTANT CHIEF-GF POLICE #ASSISTANT FIRE-CHIEF #CAPTAIN OF-POLICE #CHIEF OF POLICE #EMERGENCY MEDICAL,SERVICES TRAINING-COORDINATOR #FIRE-CHIEF ##FIRE DIVISION-CHIEF #FIRE PROTECTION-ANALYST #FIRE PROTECTION-ENGINEER #POLICE COMMANDER #POLICE-DIVISION MAJOR JOB CLASS NO. 5O02 5102 5006 5001 5108 5101 5103 E5106 5111 5501 5004 6 BI-WEEKLY COMPENSATION MINIMUM MAXIMUM 2O72-.10 2545.16 2072-.10 2545.16 1986.48 2786.96 2504.64 2986.03 146O.23 2040.66 2335.899 2756.4± 2147.60 3013.01 1741.34 2443.03 2055.12 2OO3.26 1986.48 27O6.96 2147.60 3O13.0± #PUBLIC -SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS BUREAU ADMINISTRATOR 5208 1741.34 2443.03 SE CT ION 3:Effective December 11,1995,Section 4 of Salary Ordinance No. 1605,pertaining to Longevity increases at seven,ten,fifteen, twenty and twenty-five years,shall be repealed.Employees who have received increases pursuant to Section 4 prior to December 11,1995,shall continue to receive those increases but shall not receive increases for future longevity steps as herein abolished. Section-4.(a)When an emp loy ee shall hav e -c omp leted -s ev en yea rs -o f emp loym ent ,he sha ll b e p aid -a s um equal to-t wo -an d one half per cen t {2$k)ef h is-b ase-p ay in -a ddit ion to-th e am ou nt he is pa id und er Section l hereof. (b)-When an emp loy ee-shall hav e-c omp leted ten years of employme nt; he sh al l b e p aid -a-s um-e qu al to-f ive-p er c ent (E k)of-h is -b ase pay in addition to-t he am ou nt he is paid-u nder Section ± hereof . (e)When an emp l oye e sh all -h av e-c omp leted fifteen -y ears -of emp loym en t ;he-shall-b e-p aid a su m equ al to sev en and on e half per cent (7$)ef h is b ase p ay in -a ddit ion -t e t he am ou nt he is pa id-u nd er Section l hereof (d)When an emp l oyee h all -h av e -c omp leted-tw enty-y ears of emp loym en t ,he-s hall b e p aid -a-su m equ al te t en p er cen t 410%) ef h i s -b a se-p ay in -a ddition to th e -a mou nt he is-p aid u nder Se ct ion.1 hereof. (e}When an emp l oyee sh all hav e-comp leted tw enty-fiv e y ea rs -o f emp loym en t ,he-s hall b e p aid -a su m equ al to elev en p er c ent (1 lk}of h i s b ase p ay in a ddition to t he a mo unt he-is paid und er e etion l hereof . Fe r provi sion s of th is-S ection ,len gth -o f -e mp loy me nt shall in elu d e all tim e-sp en t as an emp loy ee in the Un classified -o rs-C lassified Se rv ice regardles s-o f -s ta tu s,for w hieh comp en sation has been paid -an d time-wh i l e-en a pp rov ed mi litary -l eave for -s erv ice in th e n±m ed Forces -o f th e-Unit ed Sta t es prov ided howev er ,th at in th e-e ven t an emp loye e is ab sen t frem h is -du t ies becau se of -serv ice-con nected in jury ,fors wh ieh We±]man 's-C omp en sation is-p ayab le,is -c ertified b y th e-C ity Phys ician te be phy si ea lly -a b l e t e-r etu mn to-h is -du ties,an d fails -t o -d e-s o,the per iod betw e en su ch certifica t ion an d the emp loyee's -a ctu al retu rn te h is -du t ies sh all not-b e -d eemed te b e-s ervice-t ime-w ithin the-me an in g of th is -s u b paragraph . SE CT I ON 4 :Notwithstanding Sections 1 and 3 above,if an employee's salary prior to the effective date of this ordinance is greater than the salary range maximum for his/her job classification set forth in this ordinance,such employee shall continue to receive the same greater salary after the effective date of 7 SE C T I O N 6 : SE CT I O N 7 : SE C T I O N 8 : this ordinance,except that extra pay received for extra or hazardous duties performed,uniforms,and other like causes, shall cease when no longer applicable. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. If any section,subsection,clause,or provision of this ordinance is held invalid,the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. This ordinance shall take effect on the 11th day of December 1995. *Pay for Performance classification #Positions moved from other sections. PA S SED and AD OPTED this 6th day of December ,1995. ATTEST: %#e 1st reading 11/21/95 2nd reading 12/6/95 TCA:AJG:jr FORM APPROVEDe%a»-u e 1/ 8 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 coonssro MEMoA N v No.'7@-95 T O : FROM: SUBJECT: M ayor Seym our Ge lber and M em be rs of the C ity C om m ission Jose Garcia-Pedrosa~ City Manager ty'Y D A T E :December 6,1995 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES SALARY ORDINANCE NO.789 AND UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES SALARY ORDINANCE NO.1605 -HENDRICKS CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STUDY ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission adopt these Ordinances on second reading,abolishing and establishing certain classifications,establishing and revising certain salary ranges,and eliminating future longevity pay increases in accordance with the recommendations made by Classification and Compensation Study consultant Charles Hendricks. BACKGROUND: On November 21,1995,the Commission met and approved the Classification and Compensation Study on first reading.This process will improve the City's formal structure for determining the proper allocations of positions to job classifications and for designating salary ranges for classifications.On October 5,1994,the Mayor and City Commission approved awarding a contract for a Classification and Compensation Study to Hendricks and Associates,Inc.The purpose of the project was to evaluate current City jobs and job classifications in order to design and implement a classification and compensation system which is fair and equitable and otherwise meets the objectives of the City.The Fraternal Order of Police,the International Association of Fire Fighters,and the City Attorney's Office asked not to be included in the project.The Commission recommended that the Classification and Compensation study go before the Audit Committee for review.On November 15,1995,the Audit Committee met and recommended that the City Manager be responsible for following up on any individual questions or concerns resulting from the study. The components of the project included: 1 .Developing methodology and criteria by which to determine appropriate classifications for positions and to determine appropriate pay ranges. A G E N DA IT E M D A TE 3B8 12-(9S PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES SALARY ORDINANCE NO.789 AND UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES SALARY ORDINANCE NO.1605 -HENDRICKS CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STUDY Page Two 2.Developing a sound classification system which accurately describes and evaluates the duties performed and the knowledge,skills,and abilities required for each job classification which facilitates accurate comparative analysis of positions and classifications,especially in regards to relative compensation. 3.Assigning each position to the appropriate classification,consolidating classifications where possible. 4.Reviewing and revising or developing job specifications,including the identification and addition of ADA "essential job functions". 5.Determining if classifications are appropriately compensated on an internally consistent basis and relative to comparable municipalities and private sector agencies on a local and national scale. 6.Developing a fair and equitable pay system,competitive with public and private employers with similar operations and which provide internal equity. 7.Assigning each classification to a pay range. 8.Analyzing exempt and non-exempt classification designations as mandated by the Fair Labor Standards Act. 9.Proposing a pay-for-performance system and implementation methodology for managerial/executive employees. 10.Providing the City with the methodology used in all phases of the project and training Human Resources Department staff fully to utilize such methodologies to maintain the classification and pay system after the project is complete. 11 .Recommending revisions to ordinances,procedures,and rules to facilitate the implementation and maintenance of the classification and compensation plan. 12.Developing procedure for appeals and responding to appeals from employees regarding the results of the project. 13.Estimating implementation cost of classification and compensation changes. «4.' PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES SALARY ORDINANCE NO.789 AND UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES SALARY ORDINANCE NO.1605 -HENDRICKS CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STUDY Page Three 14.Conducting verbal,on-site presentations of findings at formal meetings such as City Commission,Personnel Board,Budget Advisory Committee,Capital Improvements/Finance Committee,AFSCME bargaining unit,and conducting informal meetings as necessary. 15.Researching and investigating to ensure that all methodologies,procedures,results,and interpretations are valid,reliable,cross-cultural,and legally defensible for the purposes used. 16.Conducting all phases of the project in a manner consistent with the City's commitment to enhancing diversity and competitiveness in the job market. ANALYSIS Adoption of the findings of this project will facilitate the City's goals to enhance the City's competitiveness in the job market and to attract and retain the most diverse group of qualified applicants. The Classification and Compensation Study has determined appropriate classification titles for City positions.Job classifications are consolidated to facilitate maintenance of the plan and to streamline and simplify the hiring and promotional processes. The Classification and Compensation Study has determined salary ranges for job classifications. These proposed ranges incorporate important changes to the compensation system.One important change is that employees'ability to get future salary increases based solely on longevity will be eliminated.Longevity increases have little to do with competitiveness or motivation to serve the citizens of Miami Beach. Implementation of the project would provide a structured classification and compensation plan with established criteria for each classification and pay range to properly allocate new positions and to audit and evaluate existing positions to determine the proper job classifications and rate of pay in a fair and equitable manner. Updated job specifications were prepared as part of this project including the identification of "Essential Job Functions"to comply with Americans'With Disabilities Act (ADA).The ADA mandates and allows for proper placement of new hires and existing employees who have or may develop disabilities. A "pay-for-performance"system for managerial/executive classifications has been recommended with the concept being adapted for use throughout all employee levels. ,. «PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES SALARY ORDINANCE NO.789 AND UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES SALARY ORDINANCE NO.1605 -HENDRICKS CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION STUDY Page Four The Human Resources Department has already designed a performance evaluation system (with input from employee Unions,work groups,and managers)that will focus on goal setting and achievements and will be linked to compensation. The consultant has ensured compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act by recommending for each position an exempt or non-exempt designation,i.e.,eligibility for overtime payment. The immediate cost to implement the proposed salary range and classification changes is estimated at $150,000.Funding for implementation is in the budget appropriations for each department during the 1995-96 period. The findings of this study have been reviewed by the Budget Advisory Committee,the Personnel Board,and the Capital Improvements/Finance Committee.The AFSCME bargaining unit has also expressed support of the project.The current AFSCME contract already includes acceptance of the proposed changes.e.g."...the longevity system and the two tier pay plan,currently in place and as provided for under the attached Agreement,will cease for all bargaining unit members ..." CONCLUSION: It is recommended that the amendments to Ordinance No.1605 and Ordinance No.789 be adopted on second reading.4JGP:DRM:TCA:LK:lk