Meeting Minutes - November 12, 2024 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov/northbeachcra MEETING MINUTES NORTH BEACH COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Tuesday, November 12, 2024 – 4:30 pm Normandy Shores Golf Club, 2401 Biarritz Drive 1. Commencement & Attendance Members in Attendance: Ronnie Issenberg, Chair; Tom Richerson, Vice Chair; Omar Jimenez; Sam Latone; Romina Orozco-Encio; Manning Salazar; David Sexton, ex officio Special Guests: Tanya K. Bhatt, Miami Beach City Commissioner Albert Ventura, Assistant Director, Parking Department Michael Atkin, Urban Forester, Environment & Sustainability Department Eliut Hazzi, Police Officer, Miami Beach Police Department At 4:50 p.m., Committee Member David Sexton called the meeting to order. Committee Business 1. Welcome and Introductions Newly appointed members Omar Jimenez and Sam Latone introduced themselves to the Committee. 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes: May 14, 2024, July 16, 2024, and September 10, 2024 Minutes from the May 14, July 16, and September 10, 2024, meetings were approved by acclamation. 3. Approval of Biannual Report (January – June 2024) The biannual report was approved by acclamation. New Business 1. Altos del Mar Park Artistic/Cultural Enhancement i. Tanya K. Bhatt, Miami Beach City Commissioner North Beach CRA Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes – November 12, 2024 Page 2 of 4 Commissioner Tanya Bhatt, attending virtually, proposed using North Beach CRA funds for community initiatives, including: • Art installations or exhibitions at Altos Del Mar Park (7601 Atlantic Way). • A North Beach recycling program featuring art-decorated recycling receptacles inspired by successful projects in other areas. Commissioner Bhatt proposed using semi-permanent frames for art installations, which would allow removal, during severe weather, for example, and leveraging existing artwork, such as the World War II exhibit in Lummus Park, to reduce costs. David Sexton supported art exhibitions, citing the success of the November 2, 2024, "Love is Love" activation at Normandy Fountain, which had received a $6,400 sponsorship grant from the North Beach CRA. Assistant City Manager Rickelle Williams estimated the recycling program’s cost at approximately $10,000 and noted that funding for the Altos Del Mar cultural project could either be accommodated within the CRA’s current fiscal year budget of $175,000 or proposed for future budgets. Motions passed and transmitted via LTC # 506-2024 (November 15, 2024): Motion: In recognition of the North Beach CRA Redevelopment Plan’s goal of strengthening the cultural arts, the Committee recommends that the North Beach CRA Board explore use of North Beach CRA funds for cultural art exhibitions in Altos del Mar Park. Made by: Tom Richerson Seconded by: Romina Orozco-Encio Vote: Passed by acclamation (6-0) Motion: Recommend that the North Beach CRA Board pursue an artistic recycling program that accentuates the signature style of North Beach. Made by: Tom Richerson Seconded by: Sam Latone Vote: Passed by acclamation (6-0) Commissioner Bhatt encouraged members to attend the Allison Park Neighborhood Association’s November 19, 2024 meeting on the proposed Deauville Hotel redevelopment. Mr. Sexton requested that the developer present the proposed project to the Advisory Committee, as the site falls within CRA boundaries. A walkthrough of the North Beach CRA is also scheduled for November 25, 2024, with all members invited to join Commissioner Bhatt. Committee Business 1. Legislative Update i. Rickelle Williams, Assistant City Manager, Office of the City Manager Ms. Williams shared updates on: North Beach CRA Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes – November 12, 2024 Page 3 of 4 • A proposal sponsored by Commissioner Bhatt to expand the North Beach CRA’s boundaries to include Park View Island, requiring approval by the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners (BCC). • Discussions regarding the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency (RDA), which is being linked to the North Beach CRA and the Convention Center Hotel project. She explained the County’s actions to reconsider amending the interlocal agreement for the RDA, emphasizing the County’s desire for a permanent funding source for homeless initiatives. While the County cannot unilaterally amend the interlocal agreement, its decisions may affect CRA operations if the County considers using the CRA for long-term funding of efforts related to this issue. Old Business 1. Update: North Beach Restricted Residential Parking Permit Program i. Albert Ventura, Assistant Director, Parking Department Mr. Ventura provided updates on the new parking initiative, to clarify signage and operational hours. Residents are prohibited from parking in metered spaces before 6:00 PM, but spaces are open to all after 6:00 PM. An informational event will be held on December 1, 2024, for the community. 2. North Beach Tree and Shade Canopy i. Michael Atkin, Urban Forester, Environment & Sustainability Urban Forestry Division Mr. Atkin discussed initiatives to enhance North Beach’s canopy: • Current efforts include treating palm pits with porous bonded stone, water retention canisters, and infrastructure for pest control and fertilization. • A pilot program on 78th Street is showing positive results, prompting the City to consider expanding the program to 40 trees, at an estimated cost of $180,000. • Challenges include limited irrigation and planting areas (the right-of-way is owned by the Florida Department of Transportation), with only 70 new spots identified. Mr. Atkin clarified that CRA funds are not currently being used for tree canopy efforts. Members raised concerns about planting trees along the Beachwalk due to frequent failures. Mr. Atkin explained plans to protect shade trees by planting sea grapes and silver buttonwoods in front of them. While some members expressed concerns about obstructing condo views, Mr. Atkins confirmed that the City is in communication with building management teams. Committee Business 1. Appointment of Committee Chair and Vice Chair Ronnie Issenberg was appointed as the Chair of the Committee, and Tom Richerson was appointed as Vice Chair. North Beach CRA Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes – November 12, 2024 Page 4 of 4 Motion: To elect Ronnie Issenberg as Chair of the Advisory Committee. Made by: David Sexton Seconded by: Tom Richerson Vote: Passed by acclamation (6-0) Motion: To elect Tom Richerson as Vice Chair of the Advisory Committee. Made by: Manning Salazar Seconded by: Romina Orozco-Encio Vote: Passed by acclamation (6-0) New Business 1. Committee Member Comments Committee members discussed: funding initiatives to enhance shade in Normandy Plaza, for example, by planting trees or hanging art; improving lighting on Normandy Isle; and addressing concerns about the empty dominoes structure outside the Miami Beach Bandshell, noting that it is inactive and underutilized facility. 2. Public Comments Eliut Hazzi, Mid Beach Neighborhood Resource Officer, Miami Beach Police Department (MBPD), invited the Committee to attend the MBPD’s Block Party event on November 17, 2024 at North Shore Park (501 72 Street). 3. Adjournment A motion to adjourn was made, and the meeting concluded. Next Meeting: Tuesday, December 10, 2024, at 4:30 p.m.