Michael Kiely Conclusion LetterMIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach,1/OO Convention Contor Drive,Miami Boach,Florida 33 139 yyyw_miamiboachll_gov OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,Rafae l E.Gr an ado ,City Clerk Tel:305.673.7411,Fax 305.673.7254 Email:Ci#Clerk@miamibeachfl.gov D ecem ber 13,2024 M r.M ichael Kiely 650 W est A ve M iam i Beach,Florida 33139 SUBJECT;Marine and W aterfront Protection Authority D ear M r.M ichae l K iely: A s per your resignatio n dated 11/27/2024 ,your m em bership on the above com m ittee is now concl uded. The C ity Com m ission has requested that I convey to you its appreciation for your contribution of tim e and effo rt resulting in the successful fun ction ing of this com m itt ee,and fo r the interest show n by you thro ughout your serv ice on it. Please note that regrettably your parking pass w ill be deactivated,since your term of mem bership on the com m ittee has ended. Regards, Raid.ado City C lerk cc:Jose G onzalez,Parking Director T asha Byars,C ity Li aison