Homeless Committee Meeting Minutes 02.0241 Minutes- Committee on the Homeless City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov Committee on the Homeless Meeting DATE: March 4, 2024 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE HOMELESS MEETING HELD ON FEBRUARY 13, 2024 ATTENDEES: Charlotte Tomic Karen Edelstein Corey Narson Beatriz Herrmann Tiffany Heckler ABSENTEES: Darren Cefalu Karen Fryd Ariana Hernandez-Reguant LIAISON: Janay Guerrero GUESTS: None CITY STAFF: Laura Cortes Flores (Housing and Community Services), Sgt. Jerome Berrian [Virtual attendee] (Miami Beach Police Department) I. Call to Order & Introductions Charlotte Tomic, Vice Chair The meeting was called to order at 4:34pm by the Vice-Chair. Attendance was taken. II. Approval of Prior Committee Meeting Minutes Charlotte Tomic, Vice Chair Action: Motion to approve December 2023 meeting summary made by Karen Edelstein, seconded by Tiffany Heckler. Motion passed unanimously. Action: Motion to approve January 2024 meeting summary made by Tiffany Heckler, seconded by Beatriz Hermann. Motion passed unanimously. III. Chair and Vice-Chair Nominations/Elections Janay Guerrero-Committee Liaison Action: Beatriz Herrmann made a motion to nominate Charlotte Tomic for Committee Chair; motion seconded by Karen Edelstein. Unanimous approval. Action: Corey Narson made a motion to nominate Tiffany Heckler for Committee Vice Chair, seconded by Charlotte Tomic. Motion passed unanimously. 2 Minutes- Committee on the Homeless IV. Covid-19 Update Janay Guerrero, Homeless Program Coordinator The following update(s) were provided: • There have been no recently reported COVID-19 outbreaks within the City’s contracted homeless shelters. • There are no notable concerns from staff or reported by homeless clients. At the Chair’s discretion, COVID-19 update will remain a recurring discussion item on the agenda to allow for updates and any possible ways that the Committee may assist should the COVID-19 conditions worsen again. V. Lazarus Project Update Janay Guerrero, Homeless Program Coordinator The following update(s) were provided: • The Camillus House Lazarus Project continues to provide services to Miami Beach. • Since the last update, the Lazarus Project team has transitioned one (1) client from shelter into housing. Client is still receiving medication management and additional service from Camillus House. VI. Miami Beach Police Department Update Sgt. Jerome Berrian, MBPD Homeless Resource Unit (HRU) The following updates were provided: • Police have observed an influx of homeless people migrating from out of state • The HRU continues to receive and respond to homeless-related complaints and make necessary arrests Questions Asked and Answers Q: What do you think brings people to Miami Beach from other places? A: Other places often send homeless to Miami without verifying that they have a place to stay just to move them out of their cities. It is also frequently reported that they come here to start a new life, thinking it’s better here than they place that they are coming from. Q: Do the homeless provide information on why they relocate here? A: Sometimes, but they are not always honest with the police. Some are also sent by other government agencies. Q: What services are provided for families with children? A: Homeless Outreach Services Team always has someone on call afterhours. If needed, they come out to do assessments and provide services. Police also verify that children aren’t reported as kidnapped or missing prior to being served. VII. Homeless Outreach Services Update 3 Minutes- Committee on the Homeless Janay Guerrero, Homeless Program Coordinator The following updates were provided: • It was reported in January’s meeting that the Division received a proposal from Camillus House to increase the City’s shelter bed count by 6 beds, for a total of 18 beds. This item was presented to and approved by the Mayor & City Commission on January 30th. Questions Asked and Answers Q: Why does the City not have access to or contracted beds at Chapman Partnership? A: Janay Guerrero explained that staff reached out to Chapman approximately one (1) year ago to inquire about collaborating or purchasing beds but received no response. • Beatriz stated that she may have a contact at Chapman Partnership that may be helpful to the process and will share the information. VIII. Proposed 2024 Meeting Dates The Committee discussed future meeting dates and times to determine the best scheduling with minimal conflict. Action: Beatriz Herrmann made a motion to hold future meetings on the second Tuesday of every month at 3:30pm. Motion seconded by Charlotte Tomic. Motion passed unanimously. • Future Committee meetings will be held at City Hall in the City Manager’s Small Conference Room (4th Floor), unless conflict presents or otherwise instructed. IX. Virtual Meeting Attendance Policy At the recommendation of the City Clerk, the Committee discussed adopting a policy to determine the maximum number of occurrences that a Committee member may attend the meeting virtually due to an unforeseen emergency. Any virtual appearances above the maximum allowed occurrences will still be reported as an Absence. Action: Charlotte Tomic made a motion to adopt a policy that allows up to two (2) virtual appearances due to unforeseen emergencies. Motion seconded by Beatriz Herrmann. Motion passed unanimously. X. Follow-up Items • Homeless Awareness Mural Beatriz Herrmann reported that she has identified a possible location for the mural in North Beach (The Burleigh House), and that the Board requires a sketch of the proposed art for approval. Corey Narson will touch base with the proposed artist, David Sexton, that was willing to donate the art to gage his remaining interest in painting the mural and will report outcome at the next meeting. XI. Public Right to be Heard No members of the public were present. 4 Minutes- Committee on the Homeless XII. Adjourn Meeting was adjourned at 5:17p.m. Next meeting is scheduled for March 12th at 3:30pm.