Homeless Committee Meeting Minutes 05.20241
Minutes- Committee on the Homeless
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139,
Committee on the Homeless Meeting
DATE: May 14, 2024
MAY 14, 2024
Charlotte Tomic, Chair
Corey Narson
Karen Edelstein
Beatriz Herrmann
Ariana Hernandez
Tiffany Heckler, Vice-Chair
Janay Guerrero
Chris McClenic
Luis F. Atencio
Marcela Paz (Virtual)
Janay Guerrero, Program Coordinator, Office of Housing Community Services
Laura Cortes Flores, Office of Housing and Community Services
Police Officer Alan Perez [Virtual attendee], Miami Beach Police Department,
Daren Hooper, City Attorney’s Office .
I. Call to order & Introductions
Charlotte Tomic, Chair
The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m. by the Chair. Attendance was taken
by the liaison.
II. Approval of Prior Committee Meeting Minutes
Charlotte Tomic, Chair
Action: Item deferred to next meeting.
III. Ethics Training
Daren Hooper, City Attorney’s Office
Darren Hooper presented to the Committee and explained the basics of the Sunshine
Minutes- Committee on the Homeless
Law, which is found in our state constitution and statute. This law ensures the public's right
to attend and access meetings of public officials. It has three main requirements: meetings
must be publicly noticed by the City Clerk's office), open to the public, and minutes must
be taken (by City staff). The law applies to elected bodies like the Mayor and City
Commissioners, as well as appointed officials and advisory board members. Board
members can only discuss committee business at publicly noticed meetings. Committee
business includes any matter that could foreseeably come before the committee, so
members should not discuss these topics outside of official meetings. This includes
communication via email, text, phone calls, social media, or in-person conversations. One
exception allows sharing background information, like academic or news articles, by
sending it to city staff to distribute as blind copies to avoid accidental Sunshine Law
violations. Violations can carry civil penalties up to $500 or criminal penalties, including up
to 30 days in jail for intentional violations. The Sunshine Law is related to the Public
Records Act, which allows citizens to inspect and copy public records. This includes
emails exchanged with city staff, city commissioners, the public in your capacity as a
committee member, and all meeting minutes and motions. Members are responsible for
maintaining their emails, but cc’ing city staff can help ensure records are preserved.
IV. Covid-19 Update
Janay Guerrero, Homeless Program Coordinator
The following updates were provided:
• There have been no reported COVID-19 outbreaks within the City’s contracted
homeless shelters.
Questions Asked and Answers
Q: Are there any places facilitating the COVID-19 vaccination for homeless persons?
A: If persons experiencing homelessness request this service, our office can refer them
to Camillus Health Concern, who will connect them to agencies that can still provide
vaccination services.
V. Lazarus Project Update
Janay Guerrero, Homeless Services Program Coordinator
The following updates were provided:
• Currently the Lazarus Project have two individuals that have accepted medication
management for mental health conditions.
VI. Miami Beach Police Department Update
Officer. Alan Perez, MBPD Homeless Resource Unit (HRU). [Sgt.Jerome Berrian was not
The following updates were provided:
During the last month, the Police Department actively engaged with the homeless
community and recorded the following:
• The Marchman petition program is making diligent progress. Currently, there are
seven individuals enrolled in the program, which provides a 90-day treatment plan.
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This initiative serves as a valuable tool for assisting chronically homeless individuals
struggling with substance abuse, helping them transition away from life on the streets.
Questions Asked and Answers
Q: How are the individuals that are in the program progressing?
A: For the individuals that have been placed just one person have left the program. The
other partifcipants are showing a positive progress and are continuing with the program.
Q: Where is the center for treatment?
A: For female participants, we are partnering with Concept House, while male
participants are placed at New Hope.
VII. Homeless Outreach Services Update
Janay Guerrero, Homeless Services Program Coordinator
The following updates were provided:
• During the current fiscal year, the Division has facilitated 308 shelter placements
and 108 family reunifications.
Questions Asked and Answers
Q: Are the numbers of homelessness are going down or up?
A: The requests for services are increasing. It is beneficial that the program has
acquired more bed in Camillus house. As the program expand a better service we can
Q: Are there more immigrant families coming to Miami Beach?
A: We do not encounter immigrant families on a daily basis. However, when we do, we
have a great working relationship with Hermanos de la Calle, who can assist immigrants
with relocation and shelter placement. The program collaborates with other agencies,
and if there's a case where families need placement, we facilitate that process, including
covering the cost for a night in a hotel if necessary.
Q: What is the protocol the program uses when the beds are full?
A: If all of our contracted beds are filled, we utilize our relationships and partnerships
with other shelter providers that may be able to assist us with placement. If a family with
minor children is experiencing homelessness, we cover the temporary stay at a hotel
until shelter becomes available.
Q: How often are all of the beds filled?
A: It doesn’t happen often. However; placement into an available bed also depends on
whether or not a person requires specific accommodations.
Q: How are clients transported?
A: The program utilizes City vehicles that are assigned to the Department for client
Public attendee, Marcela Paz Cohen, requested an update regarding a client. Janay
Guerrero informed that we are unable to provide specific information regarding any client
in a public meeting without consent. Janay informed that the team has encountered the
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referenced individual to offer services. Marcela Paz proceeded to request that the
percentage of people who receive help at the walk-in center be reported at the next
meeting. Marcela Paz further requested information regarding identification services
provided by the City. Janay advised that the City assists with identification services,
including Identification Card fee waivers, birth certificates for US citizens, and
naturalization certificate replacements. Marcela was provided with the contact information
of the office for any other additional services as well as office hours.
VIII. Old Business/Discussions Follow-up
• Homeless Awareness Mural
Action: Item deferred to next meeting
• Clothing Drive: Charlotte proposes to begin collecting donations in September. It
will be important to contact Denise to determine the necessary supplies or
donations and create a list. Janay Guerrero will email Denise regarding this
• Connections with Chapman Partnership for possible collaboration: Charlotte
shared that she is connecting with the shelter to schedule a meeting with a
IX. New Business/ Discussions
• Mission Statement
Action: Item deferred to next meeting.
• Appropriate terminology to identify unsheltered homeless persons
Ariana Hernandez – Reguant
Action: Item deferred to next meeting.
X. Public Right to be Heard
• No public members requested to be heard
XI. Adjournment
• Meeting was adjourned at 4:06 p.m.
Next meeting is scheduled for June 11th at 3:30 p.m.