Homeless Committee Meeting Minutes 09.20231
Minutes- Committee on the Homeless
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov
Committee on the Homeless Meeting
SEPTEMBER 12, 2023
Darren Cefalu Tiffany Heckler Charlotte Tomic
Karen Fryd Beatriz Hermann
Corey Narson Karen Edelstein
Lori Bakkum
Janay Guerrero
I. Call to Order & Introductions
Darren Cefalu, Chair
Meeting called to order at 4:34pm. Attendance was taken.
II. Approval of Prior Committee Meeting Minutes
Darren Cefalu, Chair
Action: Motion to approve prior minutes made by Charlotte Tomic; seconded by Karen
Edelstein. Motion passed unanimously.
III. Covid-19 Update
Janay Guerrero, Homeless Program Coordinator
The following update(s) were provided:
• Camillus House experienced a COVID-19 outbreak in July with 40+ cases.
Clients who tested positive were isolated. New intakes were tested upon entry
into shelter and again five (5) days later. Outbreak has subsided and operations
have resumed as normal.
IV. Lazarus Project Update
Janay Guerrero, Homeless Program Coordinator
The following update(s) were provided:
• The Camillus House Lazarus Project continues to provide services to the
homeless population of Miami Beach.
Minutes- Committee on the Homeless
V. Miami Beach Police Department Update
Sgt. Jerome Berrian, MBPD Homeless Resource Unit (HRU)
The following updates were provided:
• Daily early morning details will continue past the original end date of September
30th. Police Department has received positive responses from the community
regarding the details.
• During early morning details, Police have observed an increased number of
homeless individuals that are new to Miami Beach.
• Reduced homeless census count can be attributed to the City’s services and
unified missions.
VI. Homeless Outreach Services Update
Janay Guerrero, Homeless Program Coordinator
The following updates were provided:
• The City’s Homeless Services Team participated in the Miami-Dade County Point
in Time Censes on August 24th. The unsheltered census count for Miami Beach
was 152.
• The proposed agreement with Camillus Health Concern to provide medical
outreach services on Miami Beach was approved by Commission and has been
routed to Camillus Health Concern for signatures.
• For Fiscal Year 2023, the Homeless Outreach Services Team has facilitated 500
shelter placements and 287 relocations.
VII. Follow-up Items
• Mt. Sinai donations
▪ Committee members will consider donating clothes to individually to gage
the need and further determine the demand is great enough to propose a
motion of donating as a Committee.
• Homeless Awareness Mural
▪ Mural is still pending approval of space in North Beach. The chosen artist
is still willing to donate the art.
VIII. Public Right to be Heard
• No public comments.
IX. Adjourn
Meeting was adjourned at 5:36p.m.
Next meeting is scheduled for October 17th, 2023 at 4:30pm.