Homeless Committee Meeting Minutes 07.2023
I. Call to order & Introductions, 2 min
Darren Cefalu, Chair
Action: Meeting called to order at 3:40 p.m. The following Committee members were present:
Darren Cefalu Lori Bakkum Charlotte Tomic
Michal Weinstein Karen Fryd Beatriz Hermann
Corey Narson Karen Edelstein
II. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes, 2 min
Darren Cefalu, Chair
Action: Motion to approve prior minutes made by Charlotte Tomic; seconded by Corey Narson. Unanimous
III. COVID-19 Update
Janay Guerrero, Homeless Program Coordinator
The following update(s) were provided:
• Shelters still have their respective COVID-19 restrictions in place
• Reports have been status quo; no major outbreaks reported
IV. Lazarus Project Update
Janay Guerrero, Homeless Program Coordinator
The following update(s) were provided:
• Lazarus staffing has increased to include Nurse Practitioner
V. Miami Beach Police Dept. presentation, 10 min
Sgt. Jerome Berrian, MBPD
• Initiated comprehensive plan with Homeless Outreach Services Team, Sanitation Division, and Code
Compliance to address high-impact areas of concern
• Conducts drone detail every Wednesday for visuals of encampments in the Dunes
• 1745 James Ave. has been invaded by homeless persons. Demolition has been delayed.
• Committee member inquired about Police efforts to address homelessness. Sergeant Berrian informed
that services are always offered first, and that arrests only take place if a crime is being committed.
VI. Homeless Outreach presentation, 10 min
Janay Guerrero, Homeless Program Coordinator, Housing & Community Services
• The Department is seeking to repurpose unutilized FY 2023 Lazarus Project funds to Camillus Health
Concern to provide specialized medical outreach services to the homeless population of Miami Beach.
The item will be presented for approval at the July 26th Commission meeting.
• Extended outreach services commenced on June 29th, providing outreach, shelter placements, and
relocation services until 6pm on Thursdays and Fridays, and 7:30am-6:00pm on Saturdays and Sundays.
Committee on the Homeless
July 11, 2023
Zoom meeting location emailed/posted
• For Fiscal Year 2023, the Homeless Outreach Services Team has facilitated 394 shelter placements, and
240 relocations.
VII. Follow-Up Items
1. Affidavit of City Affiliation
A. Board & Committee members were reminded to submit Affidavits of City Affiliation and
Source of Income Statement to City Clerk’s office.
2. Mt. Sinai Donations
A. Committee discussed donating clothing to Mt. Sinai for homeless individuals to utilize upon
discharge and will consider making a motion at the September meeting to collectively
donate as a Committee
VIII. Public Right to be Heard, 5 min
• No public concerns.
IX. Adjourn, 1 min
Darren Cefalu, Chair
Meeting adjourned at 5:37p.m.
Next Meeting:
September 12, 2023