Homeless Committee Meeting Minutes 06.2023 Agenda I. Call to order & Introductions, 2 min Darren Cefalu, Chair Action: Meeting called to order at 3:40 p.m. The following Committee members were present: Darren Cefalu Lori Bakkum Charlotte Tomic Michal Weinstein Karen Fryd Beatriz Hermann Corey Narson Karen Edelstein II. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes, 2 min Darren Cefalu, Chair Action: Motion to approve prior minutes made by Karen Fryd; seconded by Beatriz Hermann. Unanimous approval. III. COVID-19 Update Janay Guerrero, Homeless Program Coordinator The following update(s) were provided: • Shelters still have their respective COVID-19 restrictions in place • Reports have been status quo; no major outbreaks reported IV. Lazarus Project Update Janay Guerrero, Homeless Program Coordinator The following update(s) were provided: • Homeless Outreach Services has referred 16 chronically homeless individuals/clients to the Lazarus Project • One (1) referred client has been reported as deceased V. Miami Beach Police Dept. presentation, 10 min Sgt. Jerome Berrian, MBPD Item not heard. Miami Beach PD representative was not present. VI. Homeless Outreach presentation, 10 min Janay Guerrero, Homeless Program Coordinator, Housing & Community Services • The Homeless Outreach Services Team has joined Miami Beach Police on early morning outreach missions, beginning at 6am daily, to offer assistance to the homeless population. • Two (2) candidates have been identified for the extended outreach team and are currently in process via the City’s Human Resources Department. Extended outreach will begin upon completion of City processes. • For Fiscal Year 2023, the Homeless Outreach Services Team has facilitated 353 shelter placements, and 222 relocations. Committee on the Homeless June 13, 2023 Virtual: Zoom meeting location emailed/posted 4:30pm VII. Follow-Up Items 1. Affidavit of City Affiliation A. Board & Committee members were reminded to submit Affidavits of City Affiliation and Source of Income Statement to City Clerk’s office. 2. Mural for Homeless Awareness A. Corey Narson reported that Commissioner Fernandez has a new assistance and they are currently going through processes. She will keep the Committee posted on the outcomes and updates. VIII. Public Right to be Heard, 5 min The following concerns were brought forth as a relayed message from the public: 1. Homeless patients being released from Mt. Sinai in hospital gowns and roaming the Mid-beach area. A. Information was provided on homeless patients often self-discharging against medical advice and without original clothing. B. Discussion of creating essential bags for homeless patients containing clothes and other useful items 2. Public and tourists providing alcohol to homeless persons on the streets A. Discussion determined that homeless persons often share alcohol amongst each other, although this behavior is often discouraged by Homeless Outreach Services and Police. 3. Homeless person on the street that needs eyeglasses A. Homeless Outreach staff knows of the mentioned client and will reach out to offer services and potential resources. It was also mentioned that Lindsey Hopkins offers affordable eyeglasses on a sliding scale based on income. IX. Adjourn, 1 min Darren Cefalu, Chair Meeting adjourned at 5:50p.m. Next Meeting: July 11, 2023 4:30pm Virtual