Homeless Committee Meeting Minutes 05.2023
I. Call to order & Introductions, 2 min
Darren Cefalu, Chair
Action: Meeting called to order at 3:40 p.m. The following Committee members were present:
Darren Cefalu Lori Bakkum
Michal Weinstein Karen Fryd
Corey Narson Karen Edelstein
II. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes, 2 min
Darren Cefalu, Chair
Action: Motion to approve prior minutes made by Karen Edelstein; seconded by Corey Narson. Unanimous
III. COVID-19 Update
Janay Guerrero, Homeless Program Coordinator
The following update(s) were provided:
• Shelters still have their respective COVID-19 restrictions in place
• Reports have been status quo; no major outbreaks reported
IV. Lazarus Project Update
Janay Guerrero, Homeless Program Coordinator
• Lazarus Project continues to provide services to Miami Beach. One (1) client has accepted shelter
placement and services but eventually left.
V. Miami Beach Police Dept. presentation, 10 min
Sgt. Jerome Berrian, MBPD
The following update(s) were provided:
• Sgt. Jerome Berrian completed an overview services provided by the Miami Beach Police Homeless
Resource Unit (HRU).
• HRU organized an early morning Beachwalk with City Officials and residents to allow the Administration
to directly communicate with residents and understand homelessness from their vantage point, while also
educating them on City efforts and available resources.
VI. Homeless Outreach presentation, 10 min
Janay Guerrero, Homeless Program Coordinator, Housing & Community Services
The following update(s) were provided:
• Program Coordinator completed an overview of services provided by Homeless Outreach Services
• Homeless Outreach Services Division has received a $91,000 budget enhancement that allows for the
conversion of two (2) existing budgeted part-time positions into full-time positions, and two (2)
additional full-time positions. Additional staff will provide support to current operations on Thursdays
Committee on the Homeless
May 9, 2023
Zoom meeting location emailed/posted
and Fridays with extended hours and increase outreach and engagement services on Saturdays and
• For Fiscal Year 2023, the Homeless Outreach Services Team has facilitated 310 shelter placements, and
191 relocations.
VII. Follow-Up Items
Item not heard.
VIII. Public Right to be Heard, 5 min
IX. Adjourn, 1 min
Darren Cefalu, Chair
Meeting adjourned at 3:53 p.m.
Next Meeting:
June 13, 2023