Homeless Committee Meeting Minutes 03.2023 Agenda I. Call to order & Introductions, 2 min Charlotte Tomic, Vice Chair Action: Meeting called to order at 4:33PM II. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes, 2 min Darren Cefalu, Chair Action: Motion to approve prior minutes made by Lori Bakkum; seconded by Karen Fryd. Unanimous approval. III. COVID-19 Update Janay Guerrero, Homeless Program Coordinator Janay Guerrero, Homeless Program Coordinator The following updates were provided: • Shelters still have their respective COVID-19 restrictions in place • Reports have been status quo; no major outbreaks reported IV. Lazarus Project Update Janay Guerrero, Homeless Program Coordinator Janay Guerrero provided the following update: • Lazarus Project has been reinstated. Services began on 3/13/23. V. Miami Beach Police Dept. presentation, 10 min Sgt. Jerome Berrian, MBPD • Discussion not heard. MBPD representative was not present at meeting. VI. Homeless Outreach presentation, 10 min Janay Guerrero, Homeless Program Coordinator, Housing & Community Services Janay Guerrero provided the following updates: • Favela Miami’s agreement for homeless employment services has been amended to include employment with the City’s Sanitation Division for up to 40 hours per week for one (1) month per client, as well as referrals to temporary job agencies at the end of working term. • The Homeless Outreach Services Division provided additional street outreach services on weekends during the month of March to maximize outreach efforts during the highly-populated Spring Break month. • For Fiscal Year 2023, the Homeless Outreach Services Team has facilitated 258 shelter placements, and 138 relocations. VII. Follow-Up Items • No follow-up items were heard. VIII. Public Right to be Heard, 5 min Committee on the Homeless March 14, 2023 Virtual: Zoom meeting location emailed/posted 4:30pm IX. Adjourn, 1 min Charlotte Tomic, Vice Chair • Meeting adjourned at 4:48PM Next Meeting: April 11, 2023 4:30pm Virtual