LTC 563-2024 Procurement ReportsDocusig n Envelope ID:EA9A512A-7E59-492C-A7D7-12FF9C49F 192 @ MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC#LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT:Procurement Reports As has been previously requested by the City Commission or as required by City regulations,the Procurement Department transmits monthly,via LTC,the following informational reports: •city contracts expiring within the next 180 days; •open market purchases exceeding $50,000 during the preceding month; •projects awarded pursuant to job order contracts (JOC); •purchases of playground and related equipment pursuant to Resolution 2019-30777; •emergency purchases approved by the City Manager during the preceding month;and •unauthorized purchase exceeding the City Manager's authority reported during the preceding month. 1.CITY CONTRACTS WITH RENEWALS OR EXTENSIONS EXPIRING IN THE NEXT 180 DAYS (See Attachment A).Pursuant to Resolution No.2001-24332,the contracts listed in Attachment A-1 have not been renewed or replaced and will expire within the next 180 days.Contracts already renewed within 180 days can be found on the City's website at https://apps.miamibeachfl.gov/ContractAwards/.The contracts listed in Attachment A-2 are on a month-to-month term. 2.OPEN MARKET PURCHASES EXCEEDING $50,000.Open market purchases are those purchases that are less than the amount established for formal bids.Section 2-395(4)of the City Code requires that open market purchases over $50,000,up to the bid threshold amount,be reported to the City Commission on a monthly basis.Below is a list of purchase orders for open market purchases for the preceding month. Purchase 'Department I Description Total Date VendorOrderNo.I II 20251063 Transportation Art Week 2024 $99,990.16 11/26/2024 Water Taxi of Fort and Mobility Water Taxi Lauderdale LLC Services 20251064 Transportation Art Week 2024 $93.500.00 11/26/2024 Dolphin and Mobility Shuttle Services Transportation Specialist,Inc. 563-2024 Docusign Envelope ID:EA9A512A-7E59-492C-A7D7-12FF9C49F 192 2 3.PROJECTS AWARDED PURSUANT TO JOB ORDER CONTRACTING (JOC)PROGRAM.The Mayor and City Commission has awarded 1TB 2019-257-KB for JOC services for electrical and roofing projects and 1TB 2023-096-KB JOC services for vertical,horizontal,and seawall construction projects.Below is a list of projects awarded pursuant to both JOC contracts for construction services for the preceding month. 4.PURCHASES FOR PARKS AND PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT.Resolution No.2019-30777 authorizes the City Manager,through standardization and waiver of competitive bidding requirements,to create a pool of preapproved manufacturers for all future purchases of playground equipment (aquatic and non-aquatic),park benches and outdoor furniture,outdoor fitness equipment, shade structures,recreational surfaces (safety surfaces,artificial turf,and hardcourt surfaces),and lighting systems for all city parks facilities.Additionally,the Resolution also authorizes the City Manager to add any other manufacturers within the approved categories necessary to expedite the completion of parks and playground facilities.Below is a list of approved purchases and manufacturers added for the preceding month. Approved Purchases Purchase ..Order No.Description Vendor Value Manufacturers/Suppliers Added Nothing to Report. 5.EMERGENCY PURCHASES.Section 2-396 of the City Code authorizes the City Manager to approve emergency purchases and requires that emergency purchases exceeding the formal bid threshold amount established in Section 2-366 be reported to the City Commission at its meeting following the emergency.The emergency purchase request process outlined in the Code allows the City to respond expeditiously to unexpected needs.Below is a list of emergency purchases approved for the preceding month. Emergency Purchases Nothin to Re art. 6.UNAUTHORIZED PURCHASES.Section 2-393(a)of the City Code prohibits the purchase of goods or services that are not in compliance with the requirements of the Procurement Code.Below is a list of unauthorized purchases exceeding the City Manager's authority for the preceding month. Unauthorized Purchases Nothing to Report. Docusign Envelope ID:EA9A512A-7E59-492C-A7D7-12FF9C49F 192 3 7.CYBER SECURITY WAIVER PURCHASES Resolution No.2023-32733 exempts from the competitive bid requirements the purchase of cybersecurity-related goods and services needed to maintain critical IT infrastructure.The Resolution aims to safeguard the confidential and exempt status of the city's cybersecurity systems and assets,as permitted by Florida law.The Resolution requires that all purchases made pursuant to the Resolution be reported to the City Commission. Below is a list of purchases for the preceding month. Cyber Security Waiver Purchases Purchase Description Vendor ValueOrderNo. 20250758 NetMotion Platform vCloud Tech Inc.$50,104.20 20250903 Consultant Services Snaplogic,Inc.$20,800.00 20251086 SMARTnet Renewal CDW LLC $226,886.02 aulj Lo EC/OM/KB/ME Docusign Envelope ID:EA9A512A-7E59-492C-A7D7-12FF9C49F 192 ATTACHMENT A-1 CONTRACTS EXPIRING IN THE NEXT 180 DAYS EXPIRATION RENEWAL PERIOD CONTRACT#CONTRACT DESCRIPTION VENDOR DATE OPTION(S) LEFT DECEMBER 2024 18-024-01 COLLECTION/DISPOSAL RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE CONNECTIONS OF FLORIDA,IN.12/31/24 2 WASTE,BULK. JANUARY 2025 17-163-03 UNDERWRITING SERVICES LOOP CAPITAL MARKETS,LLC 1/16/25 3 FEBRUARY 2025 22-397-02 PURCHASE &DELIVERY OF SPECIALTY CONTENDER BOATS,INC.2/12/25 3 VEHICLES MARCH 2025 19-109-01 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONSULTING SERVICES THE CORRADINO GROUP,INC.3/3/25 22-397-05 PURCHASE &DELIVERY OF SPECIALTY SIROCCO MARINE,LLC 3/5/25 3 VEHICLES 17-293-02 EMERGENCY SHELTER BEDS/SERVE CAMILLUS HOUSE,INC.3/8/25 HOMELESS POPULATION 22-053-01 PREQUALPOOLCONTRACTORSHOME FIKON,CORP.3/8/25 2 PROGRAM 22-053-02 PREQUALPOOLCONTRACTORSHOME THE BANNERMAN GROUP,INC.3/8/25 2 PROGRAM 22-053-03 PREQUAL POOL CONTRACTORS HOME BRUNT &COMPANY,INC.3/8/25 2 PROGRAM 22-053-05 PREQUAL POOL CONTRACTORS HOME PERSONS SERVICES CORP.3/8/25 2 PROGRAM 22-113-02 POLICE.FIRE,&PUBLIC SAFETY GLOBAL TRADING,INC.3/8/25 2 UN II FORMS/ACCESSORIES 22-113-03 POLICE,FIRE,&PUBLIC SAFETY MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES,INC.3/8/25 2 UNIIFORMS/ACCESSORIES 22-113-04 POLICE,FIRE,&PUBLIC SAFETY SOFLO.PROMO CO.3/8/25 2 UNIIFORMS/ACCESSORIES 22-113-05 POLICE,FIRE,&PUBLIC SAFETY UNIFORMS OF MIAMI SHORES,LLC 3/8/25 2 UNIIFORMS/ACCESSORIES 22-163-02 PREQUALIFICATION POOL OF AGGREGATE AUSTIN TUPLER TRUCKING,INC.3/8/25 2 TOPSOIL &SAND 22-163-03 PREQUALIFICATION POOL OF AGGREGATE J &Y GROUP ENTERPRISES,LLC 3/8/25 2 TOPSOIL &SAND 22-163-06 PREQUALIFICATION POOL OF AGGREGATE CONCRETE WORKS &PAVING,INC.3/8/25 2 TOPSOIL &SAND 22-397-03 PURCHASE &DELIVERY OF SPECIALTY FOUR MILE ROAD,LLC 3/8/25 3 VEHICLES 17-293-01 EMERGENCY SHELTER BEDS/SERVE THE SALVATION ARMY 3/20/25 HOMELESS POPULATION 20-007-01 SECURITY OFFICER SERVICES FPI SECURITY SERVICES,INC.3/31/25 20-007-02 SECURITY OFFICER SERVICES SECURITY ALLIANCE,LLC 3/31/25 APRIL 2025 22-161-02 PREQUALIFIED POOL FOR POUR-IN-PLACE LEADEX CORPORATION 4/5/25 2 SERVICES 22-162-01 BONDED AGGREGATE SERVICES AUSTIN TUPLER TRUCKING,INC.4/5/25 2 22-162-02 BONDED AGGREGATE SERVICES CHIN DIESEL,INC.4/5/25 2 21-032-03 ELECTRIC MOTOR REWIND PUMP REPAIRS &CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR CORP.4/28/25 MAINTENANCE 21-032-04 ELECTRIC MOTOR REWIND PUMP REPAIRS &TAW MIAMI SERVICE CENTER,INC.4/28/25 MAINTENANCE 22-048-01 OPERATION OF SNACK MACHINES BETTOLI TRADING,CORP.4/30/25 2 MAY 2025 22-007-01 VERTICAL TRANSPORTATION MAIN/REPAIRS LIBERTY ELEVATOR CORPORATION 5/3/25 2 MCC 20-121-01 ARMORED TRANSPORT SERVICES GLOVAL,INC.5/17/25 20-121-02 ARMORED TRANSPORT SERVICES IBI INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS,INC.5/17/25 1 (A)Contract Automatically Renews for a 12 month period unless cancelled by the City Party with a 90 day notice.1of 3 12/17/2024 Docusign Envelope ID:EA9A512A-7E59-492C-A7D7-12FF9C49F192 ATTACHMENT A-1 CONTRACTS EXPIRING IN THE NEXT 180 DAYS EXPIRA TION RENEWAL PERIOD CONTRA CT#CONTRA CT DESCRIPTION VENDOR DATE OPTION(S) LEFT MAY 2025 21-195-01 PURCHASE OR LEASING OF MOTORCYCLES TMCAA,INC 5/26/25 20-144-01 MEDICAL SERVICES FOR PRE &POST MOUNT SINAI MEDICAL CENTER OF 5/31/25 EMPLOYMENT SERVICE FLORIDA,INC. 20-161-01 PROF COASTAL ENGINEERING CUMMINS CEDERBERG,INC.5/31/25 SERVS/WATERWAY DREDGING 1 (A)Contract Automatically Renews for a 12 month period unless cancelled by the City Party with a 90 day notice.2 of 3 12/17/2024 Docusign Envelope ID:EA9A512A-7E59-492C-A7O7-12FF9C49F192 ATTACHMENT A-2 MONTH-TO-MONTH CONTRACTS PERIOD CONTRACT#CONTRACT DESCRIPTION VENDOR :::c:14-154-01 TURNKEY TROLLEY OPER &MAINT SERVICES LIMOUSINES OF SOUTH FLORIDA,INC. I-z 0 20-319-01 LINCOLN ROAD MALL DIRECTORIES CLEAR CHANNEL OUTDOOR HOLDINGS INC.~I0H;13-178 COMMERCIAL &RESIDENTIAL WASTE COLLECTION &WASTE CONNECTIONS OF FLORIDA,INC.& :::c:DISPOSAL WASTE MANAGEMENT INC.OF FLORIDA•z 17-070-02 JANITORIAL SERVICES SFM SERVICES,INC.05 3 of 3 12/17/2024