LTC 567-2024 DEPARTMENT ACQUISITION OF HIGH-WATER VEHICLESDocusign Envelope ID:47F85CBF-13A2-496E-A59E-5A4D9A3303E1 MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC #567-2024 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission 0,0,,a.4.FROM:Eric Carpenter,City Manager UP""Ut-- DATE:December 26,2024 SUBJECT:FIR E DEPA R TM EN T ACQ UISIT IO N O F HIG H-W ATER VEHIC LES The purpose of this L TC is to announce the addition of two high-water rescue vehicles to the City's Fire Department fleet. Miami Beach Fire Rescue recently acquired two new multi-use high water/flood response rescue vehicles.These multi-use vehicles enhance public safety during special events attended by large crowds,as they allow rapid access and evacuation transport for trapped victims.The two assets can also be deployed with public safety teams providing mutual aid to other jurisdictions in the State of Florida requesting assistance after disasters. Recent events have shown that there is a need for continued natural disaster preparedness and novel methods of assisting rescues and evacuations in emergencies like the flash flood that occurred in the City in June 2024.Each vehicle,Ford F250s with crew cabs and extended beds, cost $70,000.00,including the emergency vehicle lighting package,branding graphics and the factory upgrades that include the following specifications: •Six-inch (6")factory-lifted chassis. •35"diameter wheels. o These features provide the vehicles with an under-chassis clearance of three to four feet,enabling them to traverse flooded areas. •Transport skids,which allow the possibility to tow a jonboat behind each vehicle,adding to evacuation capacity. o Each bed can accommodate up to ten people,with some additional room for animal companions,if necessary. •4-wheel drive also allows the vehicles to maneuver off-road surfaces,such as beach sand. The acquisition was made possible under Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI)funding because of the vehicles'capabilities in rapid response and evacuation should there be attacks or other threats to homeland security.The Fire Department took possession of the two completely outfitted vehicles on November 4,2024.Additional UASI funding,yet to be allocated,will cover an additional two hi-water/flood rescue vehicles for the Fire and Police Departments,that have additional seating capacity.Receipt of these additional vehicles is expected in late 2025. C:Executive Staff;MBFD Fire Chiefs;MBPD Command Staff;Grants Management Division EC/DA/JRM/SHL