DRB Understory Review ExamplesThe DRB and HPB provide a unique public good by giving residents the opportunity to publicly voice their concerns about homes that will have a direct effect on their quality of life. It also ensures that our design standards remain high. Homes with Understories are a relatively new home type. When done incorrectly, an understory home with a roof deck looks like a 4-story apartment building plopped into a single-family home neighborhood. No resident wants that. Here are some recent examples of projects that have come before the DRB. The lots on this street are narrow. Residents have complained about the impact understory homes will have on their privacy. 1480 Stillwater Drive This 20ft column is taller than the house next door. This design is out of scale with the established homes. DRB guided design modifications enabled the home to better fit it’s context by appearing to not tower over its neighbors. Staff does not have the time to listen to resident concerns, inspect neighborhoods or work with the applicant to address unresolved design flaws that might adversely impact adjacent homes. DRB does. This architect is from Mexico City, where it is common to have homes enclosed by large walls. In Miami Beach, our homes are not cut off from the street by 20 foot high columns and screening walls. Nautilus Drive is an especially open, friendly neighborhood. The front facade of this home is not. 4350 Nautilus Drive In Miami Beach good design is good for business Before DRB review After DRB review