Agenda January 23, 2025Special Magistrate for: Thursday, January 23, 2025 BV16000696 AREA Mid Beach SMB2021-01179 6060 INDIAN CREEK DR Unit:908Special Master Case#Property Address: Comments:PROGRESS REPORT - CON'T FROM 12/19/24 12/19/2024 : 1. The request for a continuance due to travel commitments is GRANTED. 2. The case shall be continued to January 23, 2025. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 06/13/2024 : 1. The request to stop the fines is GRANTED. 2. The fines shall stop as of today. 3. The request for additional time to comply is GRANTED. 4. A Progress Report shall be given on December 19, 2024. 5. A $128.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 07/27/2023 : 1. This case was called to order at 9:21 a.m. After proper notice the violator was not present. 2. There shall be full compliance to correct this violation by October 25, 2023, or a fine of $200.00 a day for each day of noncompliance shall begin running on October 25, 2023. 3. A $116.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ENRIQUE ZAMORA 12/08/2022 : 1. A progress report shall be given on July 27, 2023. 2. A $116.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ENRIQUE ZAMORA 08/11/2022 : 1: Progress report shall be given on December 8, 2022. 2: Today's $108.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 04/04/2022 : 1: This case is reset to August 11, 2022 for proper service. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON Department Violation # Description:NOTICE OF VIOLAITON ISSUED. Unit #908Need to obtain approved permit to complete the work. Need to obtain approved final inspection. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures.(a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. If compliance is not obtained within 30 days. Penalty of $500.00 will be imposed and request to disconnect the power will be sent to FPL. (Building Violation) BLOOM HOTELS 6060 LLC Status: Open 9:00AM Inspector Adrian Avalos Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9165 MIAMI DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-12 UNSAFE STRUCTURE - FEES (c) DOUBLE FEE. WHEN WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED IS STARTED PRIOR TO THE OBTAINING OF SAID PERMIT, THE APPLICANT FOR A PERMIT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $100.00 PLUS DOUBLE THE FEE AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON FIRM OR CORPORATION FROM FULLY COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 1 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 1 of 45 Chief Special Magistrate A. Cannon BV11000340 AREA Mid Beach SMB2021-01347 4365 MICHIGAN AVESpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:CON'T FROM 8/22/24, 10/24/24 & 12/19/24--EXTENSION REQUEST 12/19/2024 : 1. The request for a continuance due to financial reasons is GRANTED. This is the final continuance. 2. The case shall be continued to January 23, 2025. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 10/24/2024 : 1. The request for a continuance due to a religious holiday is GRANTED. 2. The case shall be continued to December 19, 2024. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: MARYANNE LUKACS 08/22/2024 : 1. The request for a continuance has been granted until October 24, 2024, due to travel reasons. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ENRIQUE ZAMORA 04/27/2023 : 1. The request for a continuance is granted to June 8, 2023. 2. A $116.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 06/08/2023 : 1. There shall be full compliance to correct this violation by December 5, 2023, or a fine of $150.00 a day for each day of noncompliance shall begin running as of December 5, 2023. 2. A $116.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 02/23/2023 : 1. This case is reset for proper service to April 27, 2023. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON Department Violation # Description:N.O.V. ISSUED FOR GARAGE CONVERTED INTO LIVING SPACE WITHOUT THE REQUIRED PERMITS. NEED TO OBTAIN PERMITS FOR ALL TRADES INVOLVED AND CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTIONS IN ORDER TO CLOSE THIS VIOLATION. DOUBLE FEES AND PENALTIES SHALL APPLY. (Building Violation) DAHILA MINGEL MILLER & BENJAMIN MILLER Status: Open 9:00AM Inspector John Berry Violation Type: Code Code Description 2 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 2 of 45 US2017-01155 AREA Mid Beach SMB2024-02142 5401 COLLINS AVE Unit:C-11BSpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:R/S--P/S--NEW CASE (CONT. FROM 10/15/24 & 12/19/24) 12/19/2024 : 1. This case is reset for proper service to January 23, 2025. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 10/15/2024 : 1. This case is reset for proper service to December 19, 2024. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: MARYANNE LUKACS 08/08/2024 : 1. This case is reset for proper service to October 15, 2024. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: MARYANNE LUKACS Department Violation # Description:NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Property with expired permit BD160097, Need to renew expired permit and call inspections. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. If compliance is not obtained within 20 days, power will be disconnected and property will be vacated and penalty of $500.00 will be imposed. NEW BROAD TOWER LLC Status: Open 9:00AM Inspector Adrian Avalos Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-1025 PERMIT HAS EXPIRED WITHOUT OBTAINING THE REQUIRED MANDATORY INSPECTIONS. 3 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 3 of 45 US2024-05040 AREA North Beach SMB2024-02545 7745 HARDING AVESpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:R/S--P/S NEW CASE --- CON'T FROM 12/19/24 12/19/2024 : 1. This case is reset for proper service to January 23, 2025. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON Department Violation # Description:LV3 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED: 7745 HARDING AVE Evidence of Railings in disrepair, exposed rebars underneath balconies, deterioration of eyebrow. Need to submit a report signed and sealed by a licensed engineer within 10 Day(s) to evaluate the structure, assess damages, determine the source, advise if the building/units may remain occupied or if there are any occupancy limitations in order to remain occupied, and provide methods of repairs. Must apply for permit(s) within 07 Day(s) if required. Letter must state if safe to be occupied during repairs. No extensions will be granted without an Occupancy status letter, report, and permit application. A onetime 60 Day(s) extension will be granted If we are in receipt of a Safe to occupy Letter, permit has been applied, and emergency situation has been temporary address (examples such as to but not limited to emergency shoring in place or pedestrian protection). In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to referring the case to the Special Magistrate¶s office to further seek compliance. Furthermore, if the property is abandoned or Vacant and unsafe violation is not addressed it will be referred to the unsafe structure board in order to seek compliance. Once permit(s) is/are issued an updated Occupancy letter shall be re-submitted for review no less and no more than 180 days. Failure to provide updated letter shall result in progressive enforcement of the case. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a) General. (3) Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information, please reach out to the following individuals below: Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7610 ext 26408, 786-229- 6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov. For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: KEREM NORTH BEACH APARTMENTS LLC Status: Open 9:00AM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9050 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES (b) PHYSICAL CRITERIA. (2) A BUILDING, OR PART THEREOF, SHALL BE PRESUMED TO BE UNSAFE IF: (ii) THERE IS A DETERIORATION OF THE STRUCTURE OR STRUCTURAL PARTS. 4 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 4 of 45 US2018-02493 AREA South Beach SMB2024-02547 1025 WEST AVESpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE -- CON'T FROM 12/19/24 12/19/2024 : 1. The request for a continuance due to travel commitments is GRANTED. 2. The case shall be continued to January 23, 2025. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON Department Violation # Description:NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED Work done without approved permit, electrical work at the east side of the property. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s) and inspection(s). Double fee applies. If compliance is not obtained by the due date, penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection(s) is/are obtained in master and if applicable related permit(s). FORTE, LTD. c/o Forte, John Status: Open 9:00AM Inspector Adrian Avalos Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-3005 FAILURE TO OBTAIN BUILDING PERMIT BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. DOUBLE FEE & 100.00 FINE. 5 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 5 of 45 BVP24000192 AREA South Beach SMB2024-02554 840 MICHIGAN AVE Unit:7Special Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:LV2 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION; 840 Michigan Av Evidence of rough plumbing including gas line(s) installed without any record of there being a rough inspection for such work. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit (s) and inspection(s), including plumbing. If compliance is not obtained by the due date an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply. In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to referring the case to the Special Magistrate¶s office to further seek compliance. Furthermore, if the property is abandoned and unsafe violation is not addressed it will be referred to the unsafe structure board in order to seek compliance. A one-time (45 days) extension may be requested by the (Contractor or Design Professional) in writing. Permit(s) obtained to correct the case must be related to the violation. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a) General. (3) Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information, please reach out to the following individuals below: Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7610 ext 26408, 786-229- 6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov. Senior Building Code Compliance Officer - Alberto Martinez Jr. at 305-673-7610 ext 26024, or at AlbertoMartinezJr@miamibeachfl.gov. Building Code Compliance Officer ±Joshua Goehring at 305-673-7610 ext 26229, or at JoshuaGoehring@miamibeachfl.gov. For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: Grafton Beach Properties LLC c/o Grafton, Ryan Status: Open 9:00AM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-1020 FAILURE TO OBTAIN MANDATORY INSPECTIONS. 6 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 6 of 45 BVM23000209 AREA South Beach SMB2024-02555 1400 PENNSYLVANIA AVE Unit:50Special Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:LV2 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION; 1400 Pennsylvania Av, Unit 50. Installation of mini-split A/C system done without permit(s). Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s) and inspection(s), including electrical and mechanical. Double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit(s) fees due for the work done without permit(s). If compliance is not obtained by the due date an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply. In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to referring the case to the Special Magistrate¶s office to further seek compliance. Furthermore, if the property is abandoned and unsafe violation is not addressed it will be referred to the unsafe structure board in order to seek compliance. A one-time (45 days) extension may be requested by the (Contractor or Design Professional) in writing. Permit(s) obtained to correct the case must be related to the violation. In the case Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a) General. (3) Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information, please reach out to the following individuals below: Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7610 ext 26408, 786-229- 6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov. Senior Building Code Compliance Officer - Alberto Martinez Jr. at 305-673-7610 ext 26024, or at AlbertoMartinezJr@miamibeachfl.gov. Building Code Compliance Officer ±Joshua Goehring at 305-673-7610 ext 26229, or at JoshuaGoehring@miamibeachfl.gov. For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: RYAN DESZCZKA RYAN DESZCZKA Status: Open 9:00AM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9165 THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULLY COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 7 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 7 of 45 BVC23001003 AREA Mid Beach SMB2024-02556 5225 COLLINS AVE Unit:408Special Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED: 5225 COLLINS AVE # 408 Unit was subdivided new kitchen built without permits. need permits and inspections to legalize. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s) and inspection(s) to legalize. Including Building, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical. Double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit(s) fees due for the work done without permit(s). If compliance is not obtained by the due date an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply. In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to Utility Disconnect(s); Furthermore, if the property is abandoned and unsafe violation is not addressed it will be referred to the unsafe structure board in order to seek compliance. A one-time (45 days) extension may be requested by the (Contractor or Design Professional) in writing. Permit(s) obtained to correct the case must be related to the violation. In the case Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3) Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information Please reach out to Acting Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7000 extension 26408, 786-229-6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: BARCHU LLC Status: Open 9:00AM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9165 THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULLY COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 8 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 8 of 45 BVB24002390 AREA North Beach SMB2024-02557 924 MARSEILLE DRSpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:LV1 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED-- 924 MAESEILLE DR TRASH ENCLOSURE EXHIBITING DAMAGED ALUMINUM GATE AT THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE PROPERTY NEEDS FIXING. Needs to be maintain within property. If compliance is not obtained by the due date a penalty of $500.00 shall apply. In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to Utility Disconnect(s). A one-time (60 days) extension may be requested by the (Owner or Contractor) in writing. in the case permit(s) are required to correct the case; it must be related to the violation. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information Please reach out to Acting Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7000 extension 26408, 786-229-6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: 924 MARSEILLE OWNER LLC Status: Open 9:00AM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9065 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES (b) PHYSICAL CRITERIA. (2) A BUILDING, OR PART THEREOF, SHALL BE PRESUMED TO BE UNSAFE IF: (v) THE ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL INSTALLATIONS OR SYSTEMS CREATE A HAZARDOUS CONDITION CONTRARY TO THE STANDARDS OF THE BUILDING CODE. 9 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 9 of 45 US2016-00537 AREA North Beach SMB2024-02566 7920 BYRON AVESpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:Stop Work Order/Notice of Violation issued for installation of fence without permit. As per Miami- Dade County Chapter 8-5(3) work done without approved permit(s) is considered unsafe. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s) within 30 days. Double Permit fee applies. Furthermore; Penalty of $500.00 is imposed if compliance is not obtained by the due date. Byron By The Beach, LLC Status: Open 9:00AM Inspector Adrian Avalos Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9165 MIAMI DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-12 UNSAFE STRUCTURE - FEES (c) DOUBLE FEE. WHEN WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED IS STARTED PRIOR TO THE OBTAINING OF SAID PERMIT, THE APPLICANT FOR A PERMIT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $100.00 PLUS DOUBLE THE FEE AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON FIRM OR CORPORATION FROM FULLY COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 10 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 10 of 45 BVB24002389 AREA North Beach SMB2024-02558 7116 BAY DRSpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:LV1 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED-- 7116 BAY DR Wood property fence exhibiting broken and missing wooden pickets at west side of the property. Has to BE maintain within property. If compliance is not obtained by the due date a penalty of $500.00 shall apply. In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to Utility Disconnect(s). A one-time (60 days) extension may be requested by the (Owner or Contractor) in writing. in the case permit(s) are required to correct the case; it must be related to the violation. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information Please reach out to Acting Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7000 extension 26408, 786-229-6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: EFRAT NORMANDY LLC Status: Open 10:00AM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9050 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES (b) PHYSICAL CRITERIA. (2) A BUILDING, OR PART THEREOF, SHALL BE PRESUMED TO BE UNSAFE IF: (ii) THERE IS A DETERIORATION OF THE STRUCTURE OR STRUCTURAL PARTS. 11 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 11 of 45 US2024-04927 AREA North Beach SMB2024-02559 834 RAYMOND STSpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:LV3 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED: 834 RAYMOND ST Evidence of deteriorating seawall Need to submit a report signed and sealed by a licensed engineer within 21 Day(s) to evaluate the structure, assess damages, determine the source of the deterioration and provide methods of repairs. Must apply for permit(s) within 07 Day(s) if required. Letter must state if safe to be occupied during repairs. No extensions will be granted without an Occupancy status letter, report, and permit application. A onetime 60 Day(s) extension will be granted If we are in receipt of a Safe to occupy Letter, permit has been applied, and emergency situation has been temporary address (examples such as to but not limited to emergency shoring in place or pedestrian protection). In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to referring the case to the Special Magistrate¶s office to further seek compliance. Furthermore, if the property is abandoned or Vacant and unsafe violation is not addressed it will be referred to the unsafe structure board in order to seek compliance. Once permit(s) is/are issued an updated Occupancy letter shall be re-submitted for review no less and no more than 180 days. Failure to provide updated letter shall result in progressive enforcement of the case. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a) General. (3) Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information, please reach out to the following individuals below: Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7610 ext 26408, 786-229- 6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov. Building Code Compliance Officer ±Joshua Goehring at 305-673-7610 ext 26229, or at JoshuaGoehring@miamibeachfl.gov. For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: LFC MIAMI PROPERTIES LLC C/O JET SET GROUP LLC c/o Luca Cesari Status: Open 10:00AM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9050 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES (b) PHYSICAL CRITERIA. (2) A BUILDING, OR PART THEREOF, SHALL BE PRESUMED TO BE UNSAFE IF: (ii) THERE IS A DETERIORATION OF THE STRUCTURE OR STRUCTURAL PARTS. 12 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 12 of 45 US2024-04816 AREA South Beach SMB2024-02560 1502 JEFFERSON AVESpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:LV3 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED; 1502 Jefferson Av. Evidence of deflection of the wood floor joist in unit 201. Evidence of settlement and cracks observed in the slab on grade in the kitchen of unit 108 as well as in the slab on grade in the common area adjacent to unit 108. Need to submit a report signed and sealed by a licensed engineer within 21 Day(s) to evaluate the structure, assess damages, determine the source, advise if the building/units may remain occupied or if there are any occupancy limitations in order to remain occupied, and provide methods of repairs. Must apply for permit(s) within 07 Day(s) if required. Letter must state if safe to be occupied during repairs. No extensions will be granted without an Occupancy status letter, report, and permit application. A onetime 60 Day(s) extension will be granted If we are in receipt of a Safe to occupy Letter, permit has been applied, and emergency situation has been temporary address (examples such as to but not limited to emergency shoring in place or pedestrian protection). In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to referring the case to the Special Magistrate¶s office to further seek compliance. Furthermore, if the property is abandoned or Vacant and unsafe violation is not addressed it will be referred to the unsafe structure board in order to seek compliance. Once permit(s) is/are issued an updated Occupancy letter shall be re-submitted for review no less and no more than 180 days. Failure to provide updated letter shall result in progressive enforcement of the case. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a) General. (3) Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information, please reach out to the following individuals below: Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7610 ext 26408, 786-229- 6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov. Senior Building Code Compliance Officer - Alberto Martinez Jr. at 305-673-7610 ext 26024, or at AlbertoMartinezJr@miamibeachfl.gov. Building Code Compliance Officer ±Joshua Goehring at 305-673-7610 ext 26229, or at JoshuaGoehring@miamibeachfl.gov. For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: THE ELAINE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. c/o PATEL, MISHAAL Status: Open 10:00AM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9050 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES (b) PHYSICAL CRITERIA. (2) A BUILDING, OR PART THEREOF, SHALL BE PRESUMED TO BE UNSAFE IF: (ii) THERE IS A DETERIORATION OF THE STRUCTURE OR STRUCTURAL PARTS. 13 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 13 of 45 US2023-04737 AREA North Beach SMB2024-02561 725 84 STSpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:LV3 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED/STOP WORK ORDER: 725 84 ST Evidence of work done without permits. Need to obtain permits for all repairs, must also submit engineer¶s evaluation of current conditions and methods of repairs; also, must state if there is occupancy limitations and current structural stability. Need to submit a report signed and sealed by a licensed engineer within 21 Day(s) to evaluate the structure, assess damages, determine the source, advise if the building/units may remain occupied or if there are any occupancy limitations in order to remain occupied, and provide methods of repairs. Must apply for permit(s) within 07 Day(s) if required. Letter must state if safe to be occupied during repairs. No extensions will be granted without an Occupancy status letter, report, and permit application. A onetime 60 Day(s) extension will be granted If we are in receipt of a Safe to occupy Letter, permit has been applied, and emergency situation has been temporary address (examples such as to but not limited to emergency shoring in place or pedestrian protection). In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to referring the case to the Special Magistrate¶s office to further seek compliance. Furthermore, if the property is abandoned or Vacant and unsafe violation is not addressed it will be referred to the unsafe structure board in order to seek compliance. Once permit(s) is/are issued an updated Occupancy letter shall be re-submitted for review no less and no more than 180 days. Failure to provide updated letter shall result in progressive enforcement of the case. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a) General. (3) Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information, please reach out to the following individuals below: Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7610 ext 26408, 786-229- 6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov. Senior Building Code Compliance Officer - Alberto Martinez Jr. at 305-673-7610 ext 26024, or at AlbertoMartinezJr@miamibeachfl.gov. Building Code Compliance Officer ±Joshua Goehring at 305-673-7610 ext 26229, or at JoshuaGoehring@miamibeachfl.gov. For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: L & D INVESTORS SUNRISE INC. c/o LEONARD MACHIN, REG. AGENT Status: Open 10:00AM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9050 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES (b) PHYSICAL CRITERIA. (2) A BUILDING, OR PART THEREOF, SHALL BE PRESUMED TO BE UNSAFE IF: (ii) THERE IS A DETERIORATION OF THE STRUCTURE OR STRUCTURAL PARTS. 14 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 14 of 45 US2023-04618 AREA North Beach SMB2024-02562 1265 MARSEILLE DR Unit:MASTERSpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:LV3 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED to 1265, 1275, 1289 Marseilles Dr. As per Engineer's report evaluation from Luis M Ulloa P.E.#63909. Structural deficiencies have been noted, compromising the structural stability of the properties previously listed. Must shore IMMEDIATELY thru a specialized shoring engineer and contractor areas compromised in order to stabilize the structures, from foundation to second story level. Must apply for after-the fact shoring permit(s) and submit follow up evaluation report in regard to methods of repairs. Must obtain Permit(s) within 60 Day(s) for repairs after report has been received. Failure to comply within 72 Hours, Utilities will be disconnected, and properties will be vacated. No extensions will be granted without satisfaction of the requirements for compliance listed above. A onetime extension may be granted If emergency situation(s) has/have been temporary addressed (examples such as to but not limited to emergency shoring in place or pedestrian protection). In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - unsafe case will be referred to the unsafe structures board in order to seek compliance as well as/or Special Magistrate office. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information Please reach out to Acting Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7000 extension 26408, 786-229-6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ MARSEILLES DECO CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. C/o Urban Resource Status: Open 10:00AM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9120 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5. UNSAFE STRUCTURES - (d) INSPECTION OF UNSAFE BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES: THE BUILDING OFFICIAL, ON HIS OWN INITIATIVE OR AS A RESULT OF REPORTS BY OTHERS, SHALL EXAMINE OR CAUSE TO BE EXAMINED EVERY BUILDING OR STRUCTURE APPEARING OR REPORTED TO BE UNSAFE, AND IF SUCH IS FOUND TO BE AN UNSAFE BUILDING OR STRUCTURE AS DEFINED IN THIS SECTION, THE BUILDING OFFICIAL SHALL PROCEED IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION. BV-9125 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5. UNSAFE STRUCTURES - (e) EMERGENCY ACTION: WHEN IN THE OPINION OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL, THERE IS ACTUAL OR IMMEDIATE DANGER OF THE FAILURE OR COLLAPSE OF A BUILDING OR STRUCTURE, OR THERE IS A HEALTH, WINDSTORM OR FIRE HAZARD, HE MAY ORDER THE OCCUPANTS TO VACATE, TEMPORARILY CLOSE FOR USE OR OCCUPANCY THE RIGHTS OF WAY THERETO, SIDEWALKS, STREETS OR ADJACENT BUILDINGS OR NEARBY AREA AND INSTITUTE SUCH OTHER TEMPORARY SAFEGUARDS, INCLUDING SECURING THE BUILDING OR STRUCTURE, AS HE MAY DEEM NECESSARY UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES, AND MAY EMPLOY THE NECESSARY LABOR AND MATERIALS TO PERFORM THE REQUIRED WORK AS EXPEDITIOUSLY AS POSSIBLE. IN SUCH EVENT, THE OPERATION OF THE NOTICE AND HEARING REQUIREMENTS OF THIS SECTION SHALL BE SUSPENDED AS REASONABLY NECESSARY IN THE OPINION OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL TO REDRESS THE EMERGENCY SITUATION COSTS INCURRED IN THE PERFORMANCE OF SUCH EMERGENCY WORK SHALL BE PAID BY THE APPROPRIATE GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY AND UPON THE RECORDING IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY A CERTIFICATE EXECUTED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL, CERTIFYING THE AMOUNT SO EXPENDED, THE SAME SHALL BECOME A LIEN AGAINST THE PROPERTY INVOLVED. 15 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 15 of 45 Request for continuance. US2024-05009 AREA North Beach SMB2024-02563 940 BIARRITZ DRSpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:LV3 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED-- 940 Biarritz Dr Damaged and corroded support Post attached to beam on 2nd level. Need to submit a report signed and sealed by a licensed engineer within 10 Day(s) to evaluate the structure, assess damages, determine the source, advise if the building/units may remain occupied or if there are any occupancy limitations in order to remain occupied, and provide methods of repairs. Must apply for permit(s) within 07 Day(s) if required. Letter must state if safe to be occupied during repairs. No extensions will be granted without an Occupancy status letter, report, and permit application. A onetime 60 Day(s) extension will be granted If we are in receipt of a Safe to occupy Letter, permit has been applied, and emergency situation has been temporary address (examples such as to but not limited to emergency shoring in place or pedestrian protection). In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to referring the case to the Special Magistrate¶s office to further seek compliance. Furthermore, if the property is abandoned or Vacant and unsafe violation is not addressed it will be referred to the unsafe structure board in order to seek compliance. Once permit(s) is/are issued an updated Occupancy letter shall be re-submitted for review no less and no more than 180 days. Failure to provide updated letter shall result in progressive enforcement of the case. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a) General. (3) Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information, please reach out to the following individuals below: Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7000 extension 26408, 786- 229-6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov Building Code Compliance Officer ±Joshua Goehring at 305-673-7610 ext 26229, or at JoshuaGoehring@miamibeachfl.gov. Building Code Compliance Officer ±Miguel Luna at 305-673-7610 ext 26056, or at MiguelLuna@miamibeachfl.gov. For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: ALFONSO LAM SR Status: Open 10:00AM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9050 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES (b) PHYSICAL CRITERIA. (2) A BUILDING, OR PART THEREOF, SHALL BE PRESUMED TO BE UNSAFE IF: (ii) THERE IS A DETERIORATION OF THE STRUCTURE OR STRUCTURAL PARTS. 16 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 16 of 45 US2024-05004 AREA South Beach SMB2024-02564 850 15 STSpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:LV3 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED; 850 15 St. Evidence of water intrusion inside the closet of unit 10. Furthermore, evidence of cracking was observed in the exterior walls, slabs, columns & beams of the building. Need to submit a report signed and sealed by a licensed engineer within 10 Day(s) to evaluate the structure, assess damages, determine the source, advise if the building/units may remain occupied or if there are any occupancy limitations in order to remain occupied, and provide methods of repairs. Must apply for permit(s) within 07 Day(s) if required. Letter must state if safe to be occupied during repairs. No extensions will be granted without an Occupancy status letter, report, and permit application. A onetime extension may be granted If we are in receipt of a Safe to occupy Letter, permit has been applied, and emergency situation has been temporary address (examples such as to but not limited to emergency shoring in place or pedestrian protection). In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to referring the case to the Special Magistrate¶s office to further seek compliance. Furthermore, if the property is abandoned or Vacant and unsafe violation is not addressed it will be referred to the unsafe structure board in order to seek compliance. Once permit(s) is/are issued an updated Occupancy letter shall be re-submitted for review no less and no more than 180 days. Failure to provide updated letter shall result in progressive enforcement of the case. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a) General. (3) Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information, please reach out to the following individuals below: Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7610 ext 26408, 786-229- 6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov. Building Code Compliance Officer ±Joshua Goehring at 305-673-7610 ext 26229, or at JoshuaGoehring@miamibeachfl.gov. For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: URBAN BEACH XXII LLC C/O SENTINEL REAL ESTATE CORP Status: Open 10:00AM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9050 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES (b) PHYSICAL CRITERIA. (2) A BUILDING, OR PART THEREOF, SHALL BE PRESUMED TO BE UNSAFE IF: (ii) THERE IS A DETERIORATION OF THE STRUCTURE OR STRUCTURAL PARTS. 17 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 17 of 45 US2024-04998 AREA North Beach SMB2024-02565 235 79 STSpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:LV3 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED to 235 79 ST Evidence of ROOF LEAKING creates a hazard, we are requesting a licensed professional Engineer to assess the cause of the leak and provide a method of repair. We will require a full assessment/report of all piping systems inside the room to determine the cause of the leak and to include the current conditions of the piping systems and recommendations of repairs. Need to submit a report signed and sealed by engineer within 48 Hour(s) to evaluate the and identify the source and determine if the building may remain occupied or any occupancy limitations in order to remain occupied, as well as methods of repairs. Must apply for permit(s) within 07 Day(s) if required. No extensions will be granted without engineer's report, and permit application(if required). A onetime 60 Day(s) extension will be granted If we are in receipt of engineer's report, If required permit(s) has/have been applied, and emergency situation has been temporary address. In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to Utility Disconnect(s); Furthermore if the property is abandoned or Vacant and unsafe violation is not addressed it will be referred to the unsafe structure board in order to seek compliance. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information Please reach out to Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7000 extension 26408, 786-229-6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: NOBE APARTMENTS LLC Status: Open 10:00AM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9050 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES (b) PHYSICAL CRITERIA. (2) A BUILDING, OR PART THEREOF, SHALL BE PRESUMED TO BE UNSAFE IF: (ii) THERE IS A DETERIORATION OF THE STRUCTURE OR STRUCTURAL PARTS. 18 US2018-02882 AREA South Beach SMB2019-00450 1250 ALTON RD Unit:3ASpecial Master Case#Property Address: Department Violation # Description: FLAMINGO TOWERS CONDO INC.11:00AM Inspector Adrian Avalos 19 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 18 of 45 Comments:CONTINUANCE FOR MITIGATION (FROM 12/19/24) 12/19/2024 : 1. The request for a continuance due to court conflict is GRANTED. 2. The case shall be continued to January 23, 2025. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 10/24/2024 : 1. The request for a continuance due to the Attorney's schedule conflict is GRANTED. 2. The case shall be continued to December 19, 2024. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: MARYANNE LUKACS 11/10/2022 : 1: The fines shall be reduced to $44.00 in recording fees, $518.00 in administrative court costs and $9,438.00 in fines for a total of $10,000.00 if and only this amount is paid by May 9, 2023. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 04/14/2022 : 1: Based on testimony of the Building Inspector, this case is in compliance. 2: Once the Building Department's red tag violation of $500.00 is paid in full to Building, the alleged violator can make a written request to mitigate the fines to the Special Magistrate Office. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 06/10/2021 : 1: The alleged violator's request to challenge the affidavit of noncompliance is DENIED and the lien shall be filed. 2: The previously imposed fine of $100.00 per day shall stop running as of June 10, 2021. 3: There shall be full compliance to correct this violation by July 12, 2021, or a fine of $100.00 a day for each day of noncompliance shall begin running July 12, 2021. 4: Today's $106.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 07/30/2020 : 1: There shall be full compliance to correct this violation by October 30, 2020, or a fine of $100.00 a day for each day of noncompliance shall begin running as of October 30, 2020. 2: Today's $103.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ENRIQUE ZAMORA 06/11/2020 : 1: This case is reset for proper service to July 30, 2020. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 03/12/2020 : 1: A progress report shall be given on June 11, 2020. 2: A $103.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 01/16/2020 : 1: Progress report shall be given on March 12, 2020. 2: Today's $103.00 administrative court cost fee is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 11/14/2019 : 1: Progress report shall be given on January 16, 2020. 2: Today's $103.00 administrative court cost fee is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. 1250 ALTON RD. Evidence of structure failure at the first floor balcony and cracks in multiple areas. Need to submit an structural report signed by a structural engineer to evaluate the structure along with methods of repair. As per Miami-Dade County Chapter 8-5(2) occupied building with unsanitary conditions is considered unsafe. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. Status: Owe Money Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9005 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES - (a) GENERAL (1) THE UNSAFE STRUCTURES BOARD IS CREATED TO EXERCISE THROUGHOUT THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY THE POWERS AND DUTIES GRANTED BY THIS SECTION. THE BOARD SHALL HAVE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION IN BOTH THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY WITH RESPECT TO ITS POWERS, DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS. THE BOARD SHALL BE ENTRUSTED WITH HEARING APPEALS OF DECISIONS OF BUILDING OFFICIALS DECLARING STRUCTURES TO BE UNSAFE WHERE THERE IS AN IMMEDIATE DANGER TO THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF THE CITIZENS, ALL IN THE MANNER PRESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION. Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 19 of 45 BVC18000251 AREA South Beach SMB2019-00624 1234 EUCLID AVE Unit:MASTERSpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments: Department Violation # Description:Evidence of work done without approved permit. Installation of new doors, security bars, new water lines and valves. Also, installation of laundry area, new plumbing, electrical connections and new light fixtures. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit and inspections. Double permit fees apply. If compliance is not obtained by the due date penalty of $500.00 shall apply. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. EAST BREEZE CONDO Status: Lien 11:00AM Inspector Adrian Avalos 20 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 20 of 45 REQUEST FOR EXTENSION (TIMELY) 09/26/2024 : 1. The request for additional time to comply is GRANTED. 2. There shall be full compliance (permit in issued status/final inspection) to correct the violation by January 12, 2025, which coincides with the permit's expiration date. Failure to meet this deadline will result in a fine of $150.00 per day for non-compliance, starting January 12, 2025. 3. A $128.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 03/14/2024 : 1. The request for additional time to comply is GRANTED. 2. There shall be full compliance to correct this violation by August 3, 2024, or a fine of $150.00 a day for each day of noncompliance shall begin running as of August 3, 2024. 3. A $128.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ENRIQUE ZAMORA 09/14/2023 : 1. The request to Challenge the Affidavit of Noncompliance is GRANTED. 2. The request for additional time to comply is GRANTED. 3. The fines will be waived. 4. There shall be full compliance to correct this violation by December 13, 2023, or a fine of $150.00 a day for each day of noncompliance shall begin running as of December 13, 2023. 5. A $116.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 03/09/2023 : 1. The request for additional time is GRANTED. 2. There shall be full compliance to correct this violation by July 7, 2023, or a fine of $150.00 a day for each day of noncompliance shall begin running as of July 7, 2023. 3. A $116.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: MARYANNE LUKACS 02/09/2023 : 1. The request for a continuance is granted to March 9, 2023. 2. A $116.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ENRIQUE ZAMORA 08/22/2022 : 1: The alleged violator's request for an extension of time is GRANTED as of August 22, 2022. 2: There shall be full compliance to correct this violation by December 30, 2022, or a fine of $200.00 a day for each day of noncompliance shall begin running December 30, 2022. 3: Today's $108.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: MARYANNE LUKACS 05/12/2022 : 1: This case is reset to August 22, 2022, for proper service. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 02/10/2022 : 1: Progress report shall be given on May 12, 2022. 2: Today's $108.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 11/18/2021 : 1: Alleged violator's request for continuance is GRANTED to February 10, 2022. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 07/29/2021 : 1: Progress report shall be given on November 18, 2021. 2: Today's $106.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: MARYANNE LUKACS 03/25/2021 : 1: Progress report shall be given on July 29, 2021. 2: Today's $106.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: MARYANNE LUKACS 12/10/2020 : 1: Progress report shall be given on March 25, 2021. 2: Today's $103.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ENRIQUE ZAMORA 10/08/2020 : 1: Progress report shall be given on December 10, 2020. 2: Today's $103.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ENRIQUE ZAMORA Violation Type: Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 21 of 45 Code Code Description BV-9165 THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULLY COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. BVB19000436 AREA Mid Beach SMB2020-00666 3030 COLLINS AVESpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:MITIGATION 10/15/2024 : 1. The request for additional time to comply is moot. 2. Pursuant to the inspector¶s testimony, the case is closed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: MARYANNE LUKACS 07/16/2024 : 1. The request to Challenge the Affidavit of Noncompliance is DENIED. 2. The fines shall stop as of today. 3. There shall be full compliance to correct this violation by August 15, 2024. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $100.00 a day for each day of noncompliance starting on August 15, 2024. 4. A $128.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ENRIQUE ZAMORA 05/12/2022 : 1: This case was scheduled for 10:00 am. The alleged violator was not present when the case was called at 10:42 am. 2: The prior compliance date of July 26, 2021 shall remain the same, and the fine of $150.00 a day for each day of noncompliance shall increase to $250.00 a day as of May 12, 2022. 3: A $108.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 02/10/2022 : 1: Case is reset for proper service to May 12, 2022. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 03/25/2021 : 1: Case was scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Alleged violator was not present by 2:05 p.m. 2: There shall be full compliance to correct this violation by July 26, 2021, or a fine of $150.00 a day for each day of noncompliance shall begin running as of July 26, 2021. 3: Today's $106.00 administrative court cost fee is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: MARYANNE LUKACS Department Violation # Description:NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. AMENDED. Structure with evidence of spalling concrete, spalling to columns and deteriorated metal stairs. Need to submit a report signed and sealed by engineer to evaluate the structure together with methods of repairs. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. THE MADISON CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. C/O Precision Management of Florida Inc Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate 11:00AM Inspector Adrian Avalos Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9005 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES - (a) GENERAL (1) THE UNSAFE STRUCTURES BOARD IS CREATED TO EXERCISE THROUGHOUT THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY THE POWERS AND DUTIES GRANTED BY THIS SECTION. THE BOARD SHALL HAVE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION IN BOTH THE INCORPORATED AND UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY WITH RESPECT TO ITS POWERS, DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS. THE BOARD SHALL BE ENTRUSTED WITH HEARING APPEALS OF DECISIONS OF BUILDING OFFICIALS DECLARING STRUCTURES TO BE UNSAFE WHERE THERE IS AN IMMEDIATE DANGER TO THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF THE CITIZENS, ALL IN THE MANNER PRESCRIBED IN THIS SECTION. 21 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 22 of 45 US2019-03317AREA Mid Beach SMB2021-01151 2901 INDIAN CREEK DRSpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments: Department Violation # Description:NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. Process 40YR1901586 not in compliance; therefore, as per the Florida Building Code and Miami- Dade County chapter 8-5 (6), the property is deemed unsafe if a 40Year Recertification report is not completed. You must have the 40Year Recertification. Process(s) completed within thirty calendar days from the posting of this notice. Penalty of $500.00 shall apply Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures (6), Buildings or structures subject to the recertification requirements in Section 8-11(f) of this Code which the owner fails to timely respond to the Notice of Required Inspection or fails to make all required repairs or modifications found to be necessary resulting from the recertification inspection by the deadline specified in the Code or any written extension granted by the Building Official will be demolished. 29 ICD LLC Status: Fine Imposed by Special Magistrate 11:00AM Inspector Adrian Avalos 22 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 23 of 45 REQUEST FOR EXTENSION (TIMELY) 10/15/2024 : 1. The request for an extension to provide an engineer letter is GRANTED. 2. A letter from an engineer stating that there is no danger to the surrounding properties shall be provided by October 25, 2024. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $100.00 per day starting October 25, 2024. 2. A $136.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: MARYANNE LUKACS 07/16/2024 : 1. The request for an extension to adhere to the stipulations of the Engineer's letter has been GRANTED. 2. The Engineer's letter has been extended to August 5, 2024. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $100.00 per day for each day of noncompliance, starting on August 5, 2024. 3. The fines shall be waived. 4. There shall be full compliance to correct this violation by December 31, 2024. Failure to comply will result in a fine of $100.00 a day for each day of noncompliance starting on December 31, 2024. 5. A $128.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ENRIQUE ZAMORA 04/25/2024 : 1. The request for additional time to comply is GRANTED. 2. A letter from an Engineer stating that the building is not in danger of imminent collapse must be provided by May 24, 2024, or a fine of $250.00 a day for each day of noncompliance shall begin running as of May 24, 2024. 3. There shall be full compliance to correct this violation by October 22, 2024, or a fine of $100.00 a day for each day of noncompliance shall begin running as of October 22, 2024. 4. A $128.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: MARYANNE LUKACS 07/13/2023 : 1. The request for additional time is GRANTED. 2. A letter from an Engineer stating that the subject property is safe for occupancy and its intended use shall be provided by July 27, 2023, or a fine of $250.00 for each day of noncompliance shall begin running as of July 27, 2023. 3. There shall be full compliance to correct this violation by January 9, 2024, or a fine of $100.00 a day for each day of noncompliance shall begin running as of January 9, 2024. 4. A $116.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 02/23/2023 : 1. The request for additional time is GRANTED. 2. There shall be full compliance to correct this violation by April 24, 2023, or a fine of $100.00 a day for each day of non-compliance shall begin as of April 24, 2023. 3. A $116.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 07/28/2022 : 1: There shall be full compliance to correct this violation by January 17, 2023, or a fine of $100.00 a day for each day of noncompliance shall begin running January 17, 2023. 2: Today's $108.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ENRIQUE ZAMORA 03/17/2022 : 1: This case is reset to July 28, 2022 for proper service. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: MARYANNE LUKACS Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-7015 FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WITH THE REQUIRED RE-CERTIFICATION OF OLDER BUILDINGS REPORT. Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 24 of 45 US2022-04072 AREA South Beach SMB2023-01787 761 JEFFERSON AVESpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:REQUEST TO STOP FINES 12/19/2024 : 1. A letter from an engineer stating that the building is not in imminent danger of collapsing and the method of repair shall be provided by January 3, 2025, or a daily fine of $250.00 shall begin to run. 2. There shall be full compliance by June 20, 2025, or a fine of $200.00 shall begin to run as of June 20, 2025. Compliance shall occur when there has been a permit in issued status and a final inspection. 3. A $136.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 06/27/2024 : 1. A letter from an Engineer stating that the building is not in danger of imminent collapse must be provided by July 11, 2024, or a fine of $100.00 a day for each day of noncompliance shall begin running as of July 11, 2024. 2. A Progress Report shall be given on December 19, 2024. 3. A $128.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ENRIQUE ZAMORA 01/11/2024 : 1. A Progress Report shall be given on May 9, 2024. 2. This case shall be heard together with case number SMB2021-01328. 3. A $128.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON 09/28/2023 : 1. A perimeter fence shall be installed securing the subject property by October 28, 2023, or a fine of $100.00 a day for each day of noncompliance shall begin running as of October 28, 2023. 2. A Progress Report shall be given on January 11, 2024. 3. This case will be heard together with SMB2021-01328. 4. A $116.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ENRIQUE ZAMORA Department Violation # Description:NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. 761 JEFFERSON AVE Evidence of plaster showing signs of advanced deterioration. Also part of bathroom ceiling has collapsed, exterior windows not weather sealed. Need to obtain approved permit(s). Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permit(s) to close the case. JEFFERSON 745 761 LLC Status: Open 11:00AM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9045 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES (b) PHYSICAL CRITERIA. (2) A BUILDING, OR PART THEREOF, SHALL BE PRESUMED TO BE UNSAFE IF: (i) THERE IS A FALLING AWAY, HANGING LOOSE OR LOOSENING OF ANY SIDING, BLOCK, BRICK, OR OTHER BUILDING MATERIAL. 23 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 25 of 45 BVC22000928 AREA Mid Beach SMB2023-02007 6039 COLLINS AVE Unit:1406Special Master Case#Property Address: Comments:REQUEST FOR EXTENSION (TIMELY) 10/15/2024 : 1. The request for additional time to comply is GRANTED. 2. There shall be full compliance (final inspections) to correct this violation by February 10, 2025, which coincides with the permit's expiration date. Failure to meet this deadline will result in a fine of $100.00 per day for noncompliance, starting February 10, 2025. 3. The request to stop the fines is GRANTED. 4. The fines shall stop as of July 24, 2024. 5. A $136.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: MARYANNE LUKACS 03/14/2024 : 1. There shall be full compliance to correct this violation by June 12, 2024, or a fine of $100.00 a day for each day of noncompliance shall begin running as of June 12, 2024. 2. A $128.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ENRIQUE ZAMORA Department Violation # Description:LV2 -STOP WORK ORDER/NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED Unit 1406 Interior renovation done without permit(s). Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s) and inspection(s). Including Building, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical. Double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit(s) fees due for the work done without permit(s). If compliance is not obtained by the due date an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply . In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to Utility Disconnect(s); Furthermore if the property is abandoned and unsafe violation is not addressed it will be referred to the unsafe structure board in order to seek compliance. A one-time (45 days) extension may be requested by the (Contractor or Design Professional) in writing. Permit(s) obtained to correct the case must be related to the violation. In the case Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information Please reach out to Acting Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7000 extension 26408, 786-229-6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ MARIA PARADELA Status: Open 11:00AM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9165 THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULLY COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 24 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 26 of 45 US2023-04533 AREA South Beach SMB2024-02104 1590 MICHIGAN AVESpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:REQUEST FOR EXTENSION (NOT TIMELY) 07/01/2024 : 1. There shall be full compliance to correct this violation by December 28, 2024, or fine of $200.00 a day for each day of noncompliance shall begin running as of December 28, 2024. 2. A $128.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON Department Violation # Description:LV3 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED; 1590 Michigan Ave. Evidence of spalling concrete and water intrusion to overhang, balconies and corridor ceiling. Need to submit a report signed and sealed by engineer within 21 Day(s) to evaluate the structure, assess all damages mentioned, determine the source of each, advise if the building/units may remain occupied or if there are any occupancy limitations in order to remain occupied, and provide methods of repairs for all damages. Must apply for permit(s) within 07 Day(s) if required. Letter must state if safe to be occupied during repairs. No extensions will be granted without an Occupancy status letter, report, and permit application. A onetime 60 Day(s) extension will be granted If we are in receipt of a Safe to occupy Letter, permit has been applied, and emergency situation has been temporary address (examples such as to but not limited to emergency shoring in place or pedestrian protection). In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to referring the case to the Special Magistrate¶s office to further seek compliance. Furthermore, if the property is abandoned or Vacant and unsafe violation is not addressed it will be referred to the unsafe structure board in order to seek compliance. Once permit(s) is/are issued an updated Occupancy letter shall be re-submitted for review no less and no more than 180 days. Failure to provide updated letter shall result in progressive enforcement of the case. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a) General. (3) Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information, please reach out to the following individuals below: Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7610 ext 26408, 786-229- 6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov. Senior Building Code Compliance Officer - Alberto Martinez Jr. at 305-673-7610 ext 26024, or at AlbertoMartinezJr@miamibeachfl.gov. Building Code Compliance Officer ±Joshua Goehring at 305-673-7610 ext 26229, or at JoshuaGoehring@miamibeachfl.gov. For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: MICHIGAN MANOR CONDOMINIUM INC C/O SOBE PROPERTIES LLC Status: Open 11:00AM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9050 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES (b) PHYSICAL CRITERIA. (2) A BUILDING, OR PART THEREOF, SHALL BE PRESUMED TO BE UNSAFE IF: (ii) THERE IS A DETERIORATION OF THE STRUCTURE OR STRUCTURAL PARTS. 25 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 27 of 45 BVC23001278AREA South Beach SMB2024-02171 1500 BAY RD Unit:834SSpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:REQUEST FOR EXTENSION (TIMELY) 10/24/2024 : 1. This case was scheduled for 10:00 am. After proper service was issued, the alleged violator was not present when the case was called at 10:29 am. 2. Compliance shall occur when the violator has obtained a permit in issued status and a final inspection by January 22, 2025, or a fine of $250.00 per day for non-compliance, shall start running on January 22, 2025. 3. A $136.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: MARYANNE LUKACS 09/12/2024 : 1. This case is reset for proper service to October 24, 2024. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: MARYANNE LUKACS Department Violation # Description:LV2 - STOP WORK ORDER/NOTICE OF VIOLATION; 1500 Bay Rd, Unit 834S. Unit has been renovated to include modifying the layout, installed new partitions to add an additional bathroom (To include a shower, toilet and vanity) and second bedroom, installed a jacuzzi tub in existing bathroom with new opening & modified electrical panel all done without permit(s). Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s) and inspection(s), including building, electrical & plumbing. Double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit(s) fees due for the work done without permit(s). If compliance is not obtained by the due date an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply. In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to referring the case to the Special Magistrate¶s office to further seek compliance. Furthermore, if the property is abandoned and unsafe violation is not addressed it will be referred to the unsafe structure board in order to seek compliance. A one-time (45 days) extension may be requested by the (Contractor or Design Professional) in writing. Permit(s) obtained to correct the case must be related to the violation. In the case Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a) General. (3) Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information, please reach out to the following individuals below: Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7610 ext 26408, 786-229- 6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov. Senior Building Code Compliance Officer - Alberto Martinez Jr. at 305-673-7610 ext 26024, or at AlbertoMartinezJr@miamibeachfl.gov. Building Code Compliance Officer ±Joshua Goehring at 305-673-7610 ext 26229, or at JoshuaGoehring@miamibeachfl.gov. For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: Andrew Pastewski Status: Open 11:00AM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: 26 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 28 of 45 Code Code Description BV-9165 THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULLY COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 29 of 45 BVB23002189 AREA South Beach SMB2024-02353 1235 WEST AVESpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:REQUEST FOR EXTENSION (NOT TIMELY) 09/26/2024 : 1. There shall be full compliance (permit in issued status/final inspection) to correct the violation by December 27, 2024, which coincides with the permit's expiration date. Failure to meet this deadline will result in a fine of $100.00 per day for non-compliance, starting December 27, 2024. 2. A $128.00 administrative court cost is assessed. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE: ANNETTE E. CANNON Department Violation # Description:LV2 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION; 1235 West Ave. Installation of construction fence done without permit(s). Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s) and inspection(s), including building. Double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit(s) fees due for the work done without permit(s). If compliance is not obtained by the due date an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply. In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to referring the case to the Special Magistrate¶s office to further seek compliance. Furthermore, if the property is abandoned and unsafe violation is not addressed it will be referred to the unsafe structure board in order to seek compliance. A one-time (45 days) extension may be requested by the (Contractor or Design Professional) in writing. Permit(s) obtained to correct the case must be related to the violation. In the case Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a) General. (3) Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information, please reach out to the following individuals below: Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7610 ext 26408, 786-229- 6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov. Senior Building Code Compliance Officer - Alberto Martinez Jr. at 305-673-7610 ext 26024, or at AlbertoMartinezJr@miamibeachfl.gov. Building Code Compliance Officer ±Joshua Goehring at 305-673-7610 ext 26229, or at JoshuaGoehring@miamibeachfl.gov. For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: 1235 WEST INVESTMENTS, LLC c/o VIDRET, NICOLAS Status: Open 11:00AM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9165 THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULLY COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 27 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 30 of 45 BVB20000665 AREA South Beach SMB2025-02579 1437 COLLINS AVE Unit:PH17Special Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:STOP WORK ORDER. 1437 COLLINS AVE # PH17. Notice of violation for work without an issued permit. Need to hire a contractor able to obtain approved permits and final inspections. Notice of violation will not be closed until the permit(s) is put on finaled status. If compliance is not obtained by the due date, double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit(s) fees due to work done without permit(s). Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. DE SOLEIL SOUTH BEACH RESIDENTIAL CONDO Status: Open 11:00AM Inspector Adrian Avalos Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9165 THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE 14-61(b) UNSAFE STRUCTURES- FEES (c) PENALTY IS IMPOSED WHEN NO PERMIT IS OBTAINED ON WORK FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS REQUIRED. THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PAY $500.00 PLUS DOUBLE FEES FOR A PERMIT, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN AS THE COST OF THE PERMIT. THE PAYMENT OF A PERMIT FEE SHALL NOT RELIEVE ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION FROM FULLY COMPLYING WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CODE, NOR FROM ANY OTHER PENALTIES PRESCRIBED THEREIN. 28 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:08 AM Page 31 of 45 US2024-04967 AREA North Beach SMB2025-02580 6969 COLLINS AVESpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:LV3 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED: 6969 COLLINS AVE Evidence of exterior cracks on south side of building Need to submit a report signed and sealed by a licensed engineer within 10Day(s) to evaluate the structure, assess damages, determine the source, advise if the building/units may remain occupied or if there are any occupancy limitations in order to remain occupied, and provide methods of repairs. Must apply for permit(s) within 07 Day(s) if required. Letter must state if safe to be occupied during repairs. No extensions will be granted without an Occupancy status letter, report, and permit application. A onetime 60 Day(s) extension will be granted If we are in receipt of a Safe to occupy Letter, permit has been applied, and emergency situation has been temporary address (examples such as to but not limited to emergency shoring in place or pedestrian protection). In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to referring the case to the Special Magistrate¶s office to further seek compliance. Furthermore, if the property is abandoned or Vacant and unsafe violation is not addressed it will be referred to the unsafe structure board in order to seek compliance. Once permit(s) is/are issued an updated Occupancy letter shall be re-submitted for review no less and no more than 180 days. Failure to provide updated letter shall result in progressive enforcement of the case. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a) General. (3) Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information, please reach out to the following individuals below: Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7610 ext 26408, 786-229- 6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov. Building Code Compliance Officer ±Joshua Goehring at 305-673-7610 ext 26229, or at JoshuaGoehring@miamibeachfl.gov. For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: Port Royale Condominium, Inc. C/ O SKRLD, Inc Status: Open 1:30PM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9050 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES (b) PHYSICAL CRITERIA. (2) A BUILDING, OR PART THEREOF, SHALL BE PRESUMED TO BE UNSAFE IF: (ii) THERE IS A DETERIORATION OF THE STRUCTURE OR STRUCTURAL PARTS. 29 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:09 AM Page 32 of 45 US2023-04733 AREA North Beach SMB2025-02581 1225 MARSEILLE DRSpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:LV3 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED: 1225 MARSEILLE DR Evidence of collapsed ceiling inside of unit 26. Contractor must mitigate in case of bad weather and protect the work area, this needs to done immediately. a licensed professional Engineer is required to assess the cause of the leak/collapsed ceiling and provide a method of repairs. Must specify if unit is safe for occupancy or if limitations apply. Must obtain permit and inspections for remedial work. Need to submit a report signed and sealed by engineer within 10Day(s) to evaluate the and identify the source and determine if the building may remain occupied or any occupancy limitations in order to remain occupied, as well as methods of repairs. Must apply for permit(s) within 07 Day(s) if required. No extensions will be granted without engineer's report, and permit application (if required). A onetime 60 Day(s) extension will be granted If we are in receipt of engineer's report, if required permit(s) has/have been applied, and emergency situation has been temporary address. In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to Utility Disconnect(s); Furthermore, if the property is abandoned or Vacant and unsafe violation is not addressed it will be referred to the unsafe structure board in order to seek compliance. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3) Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information Please reach out to Acting Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7000 extension 26408, 786-229-6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: THE MARSEILLES CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. c/o Real Asset Management Status: Open 1:30PM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9050 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES (b) PHYSICAL CRITERIA. (2) A BUILDING, OR PART THEREOF, SHALL BE PRESUMED TO BE UNSAFE IF: (ii) THERE IS A DETERIORATION OF THE STRUCTURE OR STRUCTURAL PARTS. 30 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:09 AM Page 33 of 45 US2023-04482 AREA North Beach SMB2025-02582 450 77 STSpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED: 450 77 ST Process EBR2300039 is not in compliance; therefore, as per the Florida Building Code and Miami-Dade County chapter 8-5 (6), the property is deemed unsafe if a Recertification report is not completed. You must submit the Recertification reports within thirty calendar days from delivery of this violation. Penalty of $500.00 shall apply, and continued enforcement. If the reports are provided with deficiencies, permit(s) for repair(s) must be applied within thirty calendar days and obtained within sixty calendar days from permit process application date. Failure to comply will result in additional penalty of $500.00, and continued enforcement from the Special Magistrate¶s office, leading to the Unsafe structure¶s board. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a) General. (3) Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information, please reach out to the following individuals below: Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7610 ext 26408, 786-229- 6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov. Senior Building Code Compliance Officer - Alberto Martinez Jr. at 305-673-7610 ext 26024, or at AlbertoMartinezJr@miamibeachfl.gov. 40 YR Recertification - Jacqueline Perez at 305-673-7610 ext 26126, or at JacquelinePerez2@miamibeachfl.gov. For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: 450 CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION,INC. C/O CPM CORPORATION Status: Open 1:30PM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-7015 FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WITH THE REQUIRED RE-CERTIFICATION OF OLDER BUILDINGS REPORT. 31 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:09 AM Page 34 of 45 US2024-05141 AREA North Beach SMB2025-02583 7625 CARLYLE AVESpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:LV3 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED: 7625 CARLYLE AVE Evidence of deteriorated catwalk. Must be secured immediately to restrict access. Need to submit a report signed and sealed by a licensed engineer within 7 Day(s) to evaluate the structure, assess damages, determine the source, advise if the building/units may remain occupied or if there are any occupancy limitations in order to remain occupied, and provide methods of repairs. Must apply for permit(s) within 07 Day(s) if required. Letter must state if safe to be occupied during repairs. No extensions will be granted without an Occupancy status letter, report, and permit application. A onetime 60 Day(s) extension will be granted If we are in receipt of a Safe to occupy Letter, permit has been applied, and emergency situation has been temporary address (examples such as to but not limited to emergency shoring in place or pedestrian protection). In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to referring the case to the Special Magistrate¶s office to further seek compliance. Furthermore, if the property is abandoned or Vacant and unsafe violation is not addressed it will be referred to the unsafe structure board in order to seek compliance. Once permit(s) is/are issued an updated Occupancy letter shall be re-submitted for review no less and no more than 180 days. Failure to provide updated letter shall result in progressive enforcement of the case. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a) General. (3) Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information, please reach out to the following individuals below: Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7610 ext 26408, 786-229- 6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov. Building Code Compliance Officer ±Joshua Goehring at 305-673-7610 ext 26229, or at JoshuaGoehring@miamibeachfl.gov. For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: KEREM NORTH BEACH APARTMENTS, LLC c/o Kerem Property Management LLC GREENWALD, YONASON Status: Open 1:30PM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9050 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES (b) PHYSICAL CRITERIA. (2) A BUILDING, OR PART THEREOF, SHALL BE PRESUMED TO BE UNSAFE IF: (ii) THERE IS A DETERIORATION OF THE STRUCTURE OR STRUCTURAL PARTS. 32 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:09 AM Page 35 of 45 US2024-05120 AREA South Beach SMB2025-02584 1335 ALTON RDSpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. EBR2300233 -- 1335 ALTON RD Process EBR2300233 is not in compliance; therefore, as per the Florida Building Code and Miami-Dade County chapter 8-5 (6), the property is deemed unsafe if a Recertification report is not completed. You must submit the Recertification reports within thirty calendar days from delivery of this violation. Penalty of $500.00 shall apply, and continued enforcement. If the reports are provided with deficiencies, permit(s) for repair(s) must be applied within thirty calendar days and obtained within sixty calendar days from permit process application date. Failure to comply will result in additional penalty of $500.00, and continued enforcement from the Special Magistrate¶s office, leading to the Unsafe structure¶s board. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a) General. (3) Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information, please reach out to the following emails below: BuildingRecertification@miamibeachfl.gov and BuildingViolations@miamibeachfl.gov ALMA REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS LLC RICHARD CUELLO Status: Open 1:30PM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-7015 FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WITH THE REQUIRED RE-CERTIFICATION OF OLDER BUILDINGS REPORT. 33 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:09 AM Page 36 of 45 US2024-05101 AREA South Beach SMB2025-02585 1330 COLLINS AVESpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. EBR2400463-- 1330 COLLINS AVE Process EBR2400463 is not in compliance; therefore, as per the Florida Building Code and Miami-Dade County chapter 8-5 (6), the property is deemed unsafe if a Recertification report is not completed. You must submit the Recertification reports within thirty calendar days from delivery of this violation. Penalty of $500.00 shall apply, and continued enforcement. If the reports are provided with deficiencies, permit(s) for repair(s) must be applied within thirty calendar days and obtained within sixty calendar days from permit process application date. Failure to comply will result in additional penalty of $500.00, and continued enforcement from the Special Magistrate¶s office, leading to the Unsafe structure¶s board. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a) General. (3) Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information, please reach out to the following emails below: BuildingRecertification@miamibeachfl.gov and BuildingViolations@miamibeachfl.gov 1330 COLLINS, LLC Status: Open 1:30PM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-7015 FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WITH THE REQUIRED RE-CERTIFICATION OF OLDER BUILDINGS REPORT. 34 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:09 AM Page 37 of 45 US2024-05089 AREA South Beach SMB2025-02586 550 9 STSpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:LV3 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED; 550 9th St. Evidence of deteriorating/sinking ceiling, exposed rebar and delamination in parking area. Must secure area immediately to restrict access to parking and traveling underneath building. Furthermore, there are areas of exposed rebar throughout building. Need to submit a report signed and sealed by a licensed engineer within 21 Day(s) to evaluate the structure, assess damages, determine the source and provide methods of repairs. Must apply for permit(s) within 07 Day(s) if required. Letter must state if safe to be occupied during repairs. No extensions will be granted without an Occupancy status letter, report, and permit application. A onetime extension may be granted If we are in receipt of a Safe to occupy Letter, permit has been applied, and emergency situation has been temporary address (examples such as to but not limited to emergency shoring in place or pedestrian protection). In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to referring the case to the Special Magistrate¶s office to further seek compliance. Furthermore, if the property is abandoned or Vacant and unsafe violation is not addressed it will be referred to the unsafe structure board in order to seek compliance. Once permit(s) is/are issued an updated Occupancy letter shall be re-submitted for review no less and no more than 180 days. Failure to provide updated letter shall result in progressive enforcement of the case. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a) General. (3) Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information, please reach out to the following individuals below: Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7610 ext 26408, 786-229- 6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov. Building Code Compliance Officer ±Joshua Goehring at 305-673-7610 ext 26229, or at JoshuaGoehring@miamibeachfl.gov. For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: 550 NINTH LLC c/o SMOLER, BRUCE J Status: Open 1:30PM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9050 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES (b) PHYSICAL CRITERIA. (2) A BUILDING, OR PART THEREOF, SHALL BE PRESUMED TO BE UNSAFE IF: (ii) THERE IS A DETERIORATION OF THE STRUCTURE OR STRUCTURAL PARTS. 35 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:09 AM Page 38 of 45 US2024-05077 AREA South Beach SMB2025-02587 1526 ALTON RDSpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:LV3 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED; 1526-1528 Alton Rd. Evidence of unsecured/loose railings on the balcony and staircase in the rear of the property facing the alleyway, as well as to the staircase facing Alton Rd. Must secure railings immediately and apply for permits for repair within 21 day(s). Failure to comply before the deadline will result in a $500 fee to be assessed. In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to referring the case to the Special Magistrate¶s office to further seek compliance. For further Information, please reach out to the following individuals below: Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7610 ext 26408, 786-229- 6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov. Senior Building Code Compliance Officer - Alberto Martinez Jr. at 305-673-7610 ext 26024, or at AlbertoMartinezJr@miamibeachfl.gov. Building Code Compliance Officer ±Joshua Goehring at 305-673-7610 ext 26229, or at JoshuaGoehring@miamibeachfl.gov. For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: L & A ALTON CORP c/o RESNICK, SARA Status: Open 1:30PM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9050 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES (b) PHYSICAL CRITERIA. (2) A BUILDING, OR PART THEREOF, SHALL BE PRESUMED TO BE UNSAFE IF: (ii) THERE IS A DETERIORATION OF THE STRUCTURE OR STRUCTURAL PARTS. 36 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:09 AM Page 39 of 45 US2024-05069 AREA North Beach SMB2025-02588 744 85TH STSpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:LV3 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED: 744 85 ST Evidence of collapsed ceiling in unit 3 Need to submit a report signed and sealed by a licensed engineer within 10 Day(s) to evaluate the structure, assess damages, determine the source, advise if the building/units may remain occupied or if there are any occupancy limitations in order to remain occupied, and provide methods of repairs. Must apply for permit(s) within 07 Day(s) if required. Letter must state if safe to be occupied during repairs. No extensions will be granted without an Occupancy status letter, report, and permit application. A onetime 60 Day(s) extension will be granted If we are in receipt of a Safe to occupy Letter, permit has been applied, and emergency situation has been temporary address (examples such as to but not limited to emergency shoring in place or pedestrian protection). In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to referring the case to the Special Magistrate¶s office to further seek compliance. Furthermore, if the property is abandoned or Vacant and unsafe violation is not addressed it will be referred to the unsafe structure board in order to seek compliance. Once permit(s) is/are issued an updated Occupancy letter shall be re-submitted for review no less and no more than 180 days. Failure to provide updated letter shall result in progressive enforcement of the case. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a) General. (3) Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information, please reach out to the following individuals below: Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7610 ext 26408, 786-229- 6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov. Building Code Compliance Officer ±Joshua Goehring at 305-673-7610 ext 26229, or at JoshuaGoehring@miamibeachfl.gov. For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: ANTONIO HERNANDEZ ARMAND ANTON Status: Open 1:30PM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9050 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES (b) PHYSICAL CRITERIA. (2) A BUILDING, OR PART THEREOF, SHALL BE PRESUMED TO BE UNSAFE IF: (ii) THERE IS A DETERIORATION OF THE STRUCTURE OR STRUCTURAL PARTS. 37 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:09 AM Page 40 of 45 US2024-05068 AREA South Beach SMB2025-02589 1770 MERIDIAN AVESpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:LV3 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED; 1770 Meridian Av. Evidence of condensate drainage onto walkways creating a nuisance and slip hazard on site. Must cease discharge immediately, and redirect drainage to approved locations as permitted in plans. FMC 307.2.1 Condensate Disposal: Condensate from all cooling coils and evaporators shall be conveyed from the drain pan outlet to an approved place of disposal. Such piping shall maintain a minimum horizontal slope in the direction of discharge of not less than one-eighth unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (1-percent slope). Condensate shall not discharge into a street, alley or other areas so as to cause a nuisance. In the case no action is taken to reach compliance, a fee of $500 will be assessed and it will lead to referring the case to the Special Magistrate¶s office to further seek compliance. For further Information, please reach out to the following individuals below: Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7610 ext 26408, 786-229- 6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov. Building Code Compliance Officer ±Joshua Goehring at 305-673-7610 ext 26229, or at JoshuaGoehring@miamibeachfl.gov. For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: VICTORY INVESTMENTS GROUP LLC c/o FREEDMAN, CHAD M BALLAGA, FREEDMAN & ATKINS, LLP Status: Open 1:30PM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-8190 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE - ALL OTHER VIOLATIONS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY MUNICIPAL CODE. 38 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:09 AM Page 41 of 45 BVB24002284 AREA Mid Beach SMB2025-02590 3025 INDIAN CREEK DR Unit:309Special Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:LV2 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION; 3025 Indian Creek Dr, Unit 309. As per engineer report for case US2024-04750, unit 309 is in need of drywall repair. Permit for drywall repair must be submitted within 60 days. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s) and inspection(s), including building. If compliance is not obtained by the due date a penalty of $500.00 shall apply. In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to referring the case to the Special Magistrate¶s office to further seek compliance. Furthermore, if the property is abandoned and unsafe violation is not addressed it will be referred to the unsafe structure board in order to seek compliance. A one-time (45 days) extension may be requested by the (Contractor or Design Professional) in writing. Permit(s) obtained to correct the case must be related to the violation. In the case Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a) General. (3) Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information, please reach out to the following individuals below: Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7610 ext 26408, 786-229- 6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov. Senior Building Code Compliance Officer - Alberto Martinez Jr. at 305-673-7610 ext 26024, or at AlbertoMartinezJr@miamibeachfl.gov. Building Code Compliance Officer ±Joshua Goehring at 305-673-7610 ext 26229, or at JoshuaGoehring@miamibeachfl.gov. For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: Blue Holdings DE LLC Status: Open 2:30PM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-1030 3401.6 MAINTENANCE: ALL BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, ELECTRICAL, GAS, MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING SYSTEMS, BOTH EXISTING AND NEW, AND ALL PARTS THEREOF, SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A SAFE AND SANITARY CONDITION. ALL DEVICES OR SAFEGUARDS WHICH ARE REQUIRED BY THE TECHNICAL CODES WHEN CONSTRUCTED, ALTERED OR REPAIRED, SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN GOOD WORKING ORDER. THE OWNER, OR HIS DESIGNATED AGENT, SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, ELECTRICAL, GAS, MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING SYSTEMS. 39 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:09 AM Page 42 of 45 US2024-05057 AREA North Beach SMB2025-02591 8215 HARDING AVESpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:LV3 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED: 8215 HARDING AVE Evidence of deteriorated railings Need to secure area immediately. Need to submit the required documents to obtain approved permit(s) and inspection(s). Including Building. Double permit fees and $500 penalty applies in the permit(s) fees due for the work done without permit(s). If compliance is not obtained by the due date an additional penalty of $500.00 shall apply . In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to Utility Disconnect(s); Furthermore if the property is abandoned and unsafe violation is not addressed it will be referred to the unsafe structure board in order to seek compliance. A one-time (45 days) extension may be requested by the (Contractor or Design Professional) in writing. Permit(s) obtained to correct the case must be related to the violation. In the case Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a)General. (3)Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information Please reach out to Acting Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7000 extension 26408, 786-229-6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: KEREM NORTH BEACH APARTMENTS LLC Status: Open 2:30PM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-1030 3401.6 MAINTENANCE: ALL BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, ELECTRICAL, GAS, MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING SYSTEMS, BOTH EXISTING AND NEW, AND ALL PARTS THEREOF, SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A SAFE AND SANITARY CONDITION. ALL DEVICES OR SAFEGUARDS WHICH ARE REQUIRED BY THE TECHNICAL CODES WHEN CONSTRUCTED, ALTERED OR REPAIRED, SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN GOOD WORKING ORDER. THE OWNER, OR HIS DESIGNATED AGENT, SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, ELECTRICAL, GAS, MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING SYSTEMS. 40 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:09 AM Page 43 of 45 US2024-05046 AREA South Beach SMB2025-02592 1411 COLLINS AVESpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED. EBR2300238 1411 COLLINS AVE Process EBR2300238 is not in compliance; therefore, as per the Florida Building Code and Miami-Dade County chapter 8-5 (6), the property is deemed unsafe if a Recertification report is not completed. You must submit the Recertification reports within thirty calendar days from delivery of this violation. Penalty of $500.00 shall apply, and continued enforcement. If the reports are provided with deficiencies, permit(s) for repair(s) must be applied within thirty calendar days and obtained within sixty calendar days from permit process application date. Failure to comply will result in additional penalty of $500.00, and continued enforcement from the Special Magistrate¶s office, leading to the Unsafe structure¶s board. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a) General. (3) Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information, please reach out to the following emails below: BuildingRecertification@miamibeachfl.gov and BuildingViolations@miamibeachfl.gov 1401 COLLINS AVENUE LLC c/o Smith Management LLC c/o Ziska, Maura, ESQ Status: Open 2:30PM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-7015 FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT WITH THE REQUIRED RE-CERTIFICATION OF OLDER BUILDINGS REPORT. 41 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:09 AM Page 44 of 45 US2024-05041 AREA South Beach SMB2025-02593 1113 MERIDIAN AVESpecial Master Case#Property Address: Comments:NEW CASE Department Violation # Description:LV3 - NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED; 1113 Meridian Av. Due to the collapsed floor in unit 5, unit 5 must be VACATED immediately. Unit 5 may not be occupied again until an engineer report is submitted stating that the unit is safe to occupy following permits for repairs and inspections. Furthermore, the engineer shall also inspect the water intrusion in the bathrooms of units 5 & 7, and inspect for damages in ALL units on site for similar damages. Need to submit a report signed and sealed by a licensed engineer within 10 days to evaluate the entire structure, assess damages in ALL units, determine the sources, advise if the building/remaining units may remain occupied or if there are any occupancy limitations in order to remain occupied, and provide methods of repairs. Must apply for permit(s) within 07 Day(s) if required. Letter must state if safe to be occupied during repairs. No extensions will be granted without an Occupancy status letter, report, and permit application. A onetime extension may be granted If we are in receipt of a Safe to occupy Letter, permit has been applied, and emergency situation has been temporary address (examples such as to but not limited to emergency shoring in place or pedestrian protection). In the case no action is taken to reach compliance - it will lead to referring the case to the Special Magistrate¶s office to further seek compliance. Furthermore, if the property is abandoned or Vacant and unsafe violation is not addressed it will be referred to the unsafe structure board in order to seek compliance. Once permit(s) is/are issued an updated Occupancy letter shall be re-submitted for review no less and no more than 180 days. Failure to provide updated letter shall result in progressive enforcement of the case. Sec. 8-5. - Unsafe Structures. (a) General. (3) Incomplete buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, or completed buildings commenced without a permit or for which the permit has expired, prior to completion and no Certificate of Occupancy has been issued, shall be presumed and deemed unsafe and a permit shall be obtained to demolish the structure or bring the building into compliance with the applicable codes as provided herein. Additional specific details concerning the violation together with photographs can be obtained from the Building Department Violation Section in writing upon request. You have the right to appeal this decision of the Building Official to the Unsafe Structures Board in accordance with Chapter 8, section 8-5 of the Miami-Dade County Code. Failure to comply by the due date will result in the Building Official requesting a hearing before the Unsafe Structures Board on the next available calendar. Unless the decision of the Unsafe Structures Board is appealed, the building or structure shall be demolished without further notice. Violation will not be closed until final inspection is obtained in the related permits to close the case. For further Information, please reach out to the following individuals below: Chief Building Code Compliance Officer - Ibrahim Alvarez at 305-673-7610 ext 26408, 786-229- 6136, or at IbrahimAlvarez@miamibeachfl.gov. Building Code Compliance Officer ±Joshua Goehring at 305-673-7610 ext 26229, or at JoshuaGoehring@miamibeachfl.gov. For Appointment(s) please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/contact-us/ For violation(s) webpage please reach the following link --- https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/city- hall/building/violations/ Please visit our Violations Page: Request an Appointment: 1113 MERIDIAN AVE LLC, c/o MERIDIAN AVENUE AT 1113 LLC c/o ANDERSON CASTRO, P.A. Status: Open 2:30PM Inspector Ibrahim Alvarez Violation Type: Code Code Description BV-9050 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5 - UNSAFE STRUCTURES (b) PHYSICAL CRITERIA. (2) A BUILDING, OR PART THEREOF, SHALL BE PRESUMED TO BE UNSAFE IF: (ii) THERE IS A DETERIORATION OF THE STRUCTURE OR STRUCTURAL PARTS. 42 Revised: 1/16/2025 10:22:09 AM Page 45 of 45