QEC Minutes 11.19.2024COMMITTEE FOR QUALITY EDUCATION City of Miami Beach Tuesday, November 19, 2024 MINUTES Members Present: Rina Bass, Donielle Cohen, Laurie Kaye Davis, Karen Fryd, Seth Guttenberg, Mary Keinath, Faiza Liban, James Orlowsky, Amy Ostroff, Christine Perrin-Stocco, Jacquelynn Powers, Jonathan Rothman, Christine Perrin-Stocco, and Devorah Zeiger Members Absent: Chana R. Eisner, Evie Fernandez, Beverly Heller, Beth Edwards, Hayley Ross, and Elizabeth Soto Commissioners present: David Suarez, Alex Fernandez, Kristen Rosen Gonzalez (via phone) City of Miami Beach Liaison: Dr Leslie Rosenfeld Motion 1 Made by Laurie Kaye Davis Second by Rina Bass The Committee for Quality Education requests the Mayor and Commission support Item C7Z from the October 30, 2024, Commission Meeting for a partnership with Miami-Dade County Public Schools should the School Board decide to move forward with metal detectors with an additional comprehensive multipronged approach to safety. The Committee for Quality Education urges the Mayor and Commission to support the above request. Motion Passage: Votes 11-1 (Mary Keinath) Motion 2 Made by Mary Keinath Second by Rina Bass The Committee for Quality Education requests the Mayor and Commission support an aquatic center as part of the 72nd Street community center complex. The Committee for Quality Education urges the Mayor and Commission to support the above request. Motion Passage: Votes 9-0 Absent for Vote: Donielle Cohen, Seth Guttenberg, and Faiza Liban • Adjournment FUTURE MEETING DATES: 1/21/25 2/25/25 3/18/25 4/22/25 5/20/25