Mary KeinathMIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach,Florida 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Email:BC@miamibeachfl.gov Telephone:305.673.7411 AFFIDAVIT OF AFFILIATION WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AND THE COMMITTEE FOR QUALITY EDUCATION IN MIAMI BEACH As a voting mem ber of the Committee for Quality Educa tion in Miami Beach,I am in complian ce wi tht he affiliation requirement of Miami Beach City Code Sections 2-22 (4)and 2-190.137 as: ff 1am a City of Miam i Beach residen t for six months or longer. too A«so »../0 {e,M,3%3123atheparent/guardian of a student attending a Miami Beach school for the school year.••M_14$,BE []My paren t/legal guardian requirem ent has been waived by the City Commission. Unde I declare that I have read the foregoing document and that the facts stat e ;t)ken2kt Printed Nam';a-:- Date