CRA Resolution 016-2024RESOLUTION NO.016-2024 A RESOLUTION OF THE CHAIRPERSON AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NORTH BEACH COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, AMENDING THE NORTH BEACH COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COMMERCIAL FACADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM,TO INCLUDE COLLINS AVENUE. WHEREAS,on June 28,2023,the Chairperson and Board of Directors of the North Beach Community Redevelopment Agency ("North Beach CRA")adopted Resolution No. 009-2023,approving the Commercial Facade Improvement Program (the "Program"), following recommendations from the Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee and the North Beach CRA Advisory Committee ("Advisory Committee");and WHEREAS,the North Beach CRA Redevelopment Plan ("Redevelopment Plan") emphasizes public realm improvements for North Beach CRA funding,recognizing that an attractive streetscape positively impacts residential quality of life and supports business retention and attraction;and WHEREAS,the Redevelopment Plan's Business Attraction &Retention strategy encourages incentive programs to inspire building owners to invest in their property and undertake valuable resiliency and adaptation measures;and WHEREAS,the Program aims to substantially improve the visible appearance of commercial properties and adjacent streetscapes,enhance business functionality and sustainability,and cultivate an elevated visual experience through aesthetic enhancements;and WHEREAS,the Program is administered as a matching grant,requiring applicants to invest their funds,fostering private reinvestment into the Redevelopment Area,with the North Beach CRA funding reimbursement of up to seventy percent (70%)of the grantee's eligible expenses,not exceeding $20,000 per application;and WHEREAS,pursuant to North Beach CRA Resolution No.012-2023 and City Commission Resolution No.2023-32783,as amended by North Beach CRA Resolution No.014-2023 and City Commission Resolution No.2023-32839,the North Beach CRA's FY 2024 budget allocates $520,000 for the Program;and WHEREAS,the Collins Avenue commercial retail corridor,characterized by aging buildings with ground-level retail,dining,and activation,would benefit from facade improvement and resiliency upgrades,particularly from the southern boundary of the Redevelopment Area extending north through North Beach Town Center;and WHEREAS,on April 9,2024,the Advisory Committee recommended expanding the Program to include commercial properties in the North Beach CRA along Collins Avenue. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE CHAIRPERSON AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NORTH BEACH COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY,that the Chairperson and Board of Directors of the North Beach Community Redevelopment Agency hereby amend the North Beach Community Redevelopment Agency Commercial Facade Improvement Program,to include Collins Avenue. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15"day of May,2024. ATTEST: A 2 2 7025 Rafael E.Granado,Secretary Steven Meiner,Chairperson APPROVED AS TO FORM &LANGUAGE &FOR EXECUTION 1)a2l2oz Date NBCRA 1, MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO:Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM:Rickelle Williams,Interim Executive Director DATE:May 15,2024 SUBJECT:A RESOLUTION OF THE CHAIRPERSON AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NORTH BEACH COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY,AMENDING THE NORTH BEACH COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COMMERCIAL FACADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM,TO INCLUDE COLLINS AVENUE WITHIN THE PROGRAM BOUNDARY. SUPPORTING SURVEY DATA See memo. FINANCIAL INFORMATION See memo. 11 Applicab le Area North Beach ls this a "Residents Right to Know"item,_pursuant to City Code Section 2-14? No Le gislatiye Tracking Economic Development Sponsor Board Member Bhatt Does this Item utilize G.O. Bond Funds? No ATTACHMENTS; Description Cl NBCRA Commercial Facade Program Amendment Memo D A-Existing Program Map o B -L T C 15 9 -2 0 2 4 C-Proposed ProgramMap 1961 NBCRA 1. NORTH BEACH COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable Chair and Board of Directors Rickelle Williams,Interim Executive Director May 15,2024 SUBJECT:A RESOLUTION OF THE CHAIRPERSON AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NORTH BEACH COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY,AMENDING THE NORTH BEACH COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY COMMERCIAL FACADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM,TO INCLUDE COLLINS AVENUE WITHIN THE PROGRAM BOUNDARY RECOMMENDATION The Administration recommends that the Board of the North Beach Community Redevelopment Agency ("North Beach CRA")accepts the recommendation of the North Beach CRA Advisory Committee ("Advisory Committee")and provide authorization to amend the Commercial Facade Improvement Program ("Program") to include Collins Avenue within the boundary of the North Beach CRA district. BACKGROUND/HISTORY The adopted North Beach CRA Redevelopment Plan (Redevelopment Plan)) encourages the development of programs to improve the visible appearance and street presence of commercial properties and initiatives to enhance the functionality and sustainability of businesses within the Redevelopment Area.For example,Redevelopment Plan Goal 1 (Provide Economic Development Opportunities for Businesses,Property Owners,and Residents)promotes development of rehabilitation or beautification grants to provide CRA funding for businesses and property owners to make interior and exterior improvements to their properties (section 8.3),while Goal 4 (Protect and Enhance Neighborhood Character)recommends commercial and business facade improvement programs to implement resilient design as a form of building adaptation. Current Program Area On June 28,2023,via North Beach CRA Resolution No.009-2023,the North Beach CRA Board accepted the May 24,2023 recommendation of the Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee and the December 13,2022 recommendation of the Advisory Committee,and approved creation of the Program,targeting the Normandy Isle commercial business district,in the vicinity of Normandy Fountain/Rue Vendome 1962 Plaza,which program area is depicted in the Existing Program Map (Attachment A). The Program aimed to strategically enhance a specific corridor identified in the Redevelopment Plan as a neighborhood subarea,where a critical mass of improvements will indicate the area is changing for the better. Initial outreach included regular canvassing of businesses within the district,public meetings at Normandy Fountain restaurants,and a presentation at Normandy Fountain Business Association membership meetings.Under the leadership of chair Jose Smith,the Advisory Committee discussed the Program at length,providing feedback on guidelines and recommending funding support.On March 13,2024,the North Beach CRA Board adopted CRA Resolution No.015-2024,approving an agreement with the inaugural Program participant,Lolarossa Inc.d/b/a Bob's Your Uncle.There are more businesses currently in various stages of the application process. Program Funding Allocation Pursuant to North Beach CRA Resolution No.012-2023,as amended by North Beach CRA Resolution No.014-2023,the Fiscal Year (FY)2024 allocation for the Program was $170,000,with an additional $350,000 reallocated from the previous year, totaling approximately $520,000.Applications,which must be approved by the North Beach CRA Board before a program agreement may be executed,are each limited to a maximum project reimbursement of $20,000.Given the existing budget allocation for the Program,on April 9,2024,the CRA Advisory Committee recommended that the North Beach CRA Board expand the Program to include Collins Avenue commercial properties within the North Beach CRA boundary.See L TC 159-2024 (Attachment B). ANALYSIS The Redevelopment Plan (2021)encourages identification of priority areas for redevelopment (9.1.2)and creation of incentives to mitigate costs for neighborhood enhancement (9.4).The Collins Avenue commercial retail corridor,running north and south through Town Center,is a major thoroughfare with ground level retail,dining,and activation.Plan NoBe (2016)and the Redevelopment Plan envision a walkable town center, featuring a Collins Avenue streetscape where buildings,storefronts,windows,and awnings are attractive and welcoming pedestrian experience. During a January 18,2024 walking tour,the Advisory Committee observed how the Collins Avenue area's deteriorating buildings and vacant storefronts could benefit from beautification and improvement.Expansion of the facade program could help address quality-of-life concerns,attract new business activity,and reinforce a sense of place and neighborhood pride. Proposed Program Expansion With establishment of the North Beach CRA District Office and the transformative capital reconstruction of Normandy FountainNendome Plaza,the existing Program 1963 area will continue to benefit from community support,and it is recommended to extend the program boundary to include the Collins Avenue commercial corridor. The proposed expansion area would encompass eligible commercial properties on Collins Avenue,extending from 75h Street to 66 Street,which follows the existing boundaries of the CD-2 zoning district.See Proposed Program Map (Attachment C). LOBBYIST DISCLOSURE In accordance with Resolution No.2023-32857,adopted by the City Commission on December 13,2023,and as extended to the North Beach CRA,the following information has been provided by the primary item sponsor as it relates to the subject resolution: 1.Was the Agenda Item initially requested by a lobbyist which,as defined in Code Sec.2-481,includes a principal engaged in lobbying?No 2.If so,specify name of lobbyist(s)and principal(s):Not Applicable SUPPORTING SURVEY DA TA According to the 2022 Community Survey,financial incentives were the highest- ranking response to improve business sustainability,with 51.9%of respondents indicating support. FINANCIAL INFORMATION The Program's FY 2024 budget allocation was $520,000.Structured as a reimbursable matching grant,the Program matches up to 70%of the grantee's eligible expenses,not to exceed $20,000 per application,with the CRA Board approving each grant award.This public-private partnership structure incentivizes private reinvestment into the community and turns owners of property in the CRA into the drivers of redevelopment. CONCLUSION Expanding the Program to include Collins Avenue aligns with the North Beach CRA's mission to support businesses,improve resident quality of life,and attract investment.With dedicated resources,the Collins Avenue commercial corridor can accelerate North Beach towards its destiny as a unique,walkable,and memorable destination. Therefore,the Administration recommends that the CRA Board accept the Advisory Committee's recommendation and amend the Program to include Collins Avenue within its geographic boundary. A p p lica b le A rea North Beach 1964 Is this a "Residents Right to Know"item,pursuant to City Code Section 2-14? No Does this item utilize G.O. Bond Funds? No Strategic Connection Prosperity -Revitalize targeted areas and increase investment. Legislative Tracking Economic Development Sponsor Commissioner Bhatt ATTACHMENTS: Description A-Program Map B-LTC 159-2024 C-Proposed Program Map 1965 -·-·f...·ti I •.,,,\fj -·egg "·," --'.~~-'.'?~(__.--..,..,;i.--•_.,:_--_...•I a kilt "s "i f s ""',~"-_\_:.,_·.,•_'r ~"'!if-~$">_._\:·',:'.t •.'~-,,-,-I ...,-.·tt ~I }~..-.-..-- a-- % 4 :$ ·. ~-air , }~{-\--,..\..~.o--~-\'4 <4%4 f@9 gal P.;..'"!!l.li _,·.a:.:,·~-.••if••••,-·,,,·~'~.-----..••;,••,',,.,•,.•,:;;•i·a·,'•(,~-••••,•••~- '~--.,•'•..,':]!•'t"""-" %.$eig LE4 %%-"&$$:~;.:~'.~...'t:'_''r :,:',..;:,>·.'.I.-'·,.,,',,.•A'if~---,:;•',, ·:-.;t ._·:-~_.__·'-'"--_-.,,~-----·_.-1c_-'--;:;,~"'.-,·i;~.~~•--J#I _j •·•,/)•·:a ~..·-----'~,,-·,-·--~•'''•%R Dh i,adarer rf«,h. 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On June 28,2023,via North Beach CRA Resolution No.009-2023,the North Beach CRA Board of Directors accepted and approved the recommendation of the Committee to create the Commercial Facade Improvement Program ("Program").In furtherance of the North Beach CRA Redevelopment Plan (2021),the Program aims to enhance and improve the existing building stock,in the vicinity of Normandy Fountain/Rue Vendome Plaza,by subsidizing private commercial property beautification,maintenance,and resiliency upgrades. Committee:Jose Smith (Chair),Ronnie lssenberg (Vice Chair),Romina Orozco-Encio,and Tom Richerson.Manning Salazar was absent. Motion:The Committee recommends that the Chair and Board of Directors of the North Beach CRA expand the Commercial Facade Improvement Program,to include commercial properties along Collins Avenue within the North Beach CRA district. Motion made by: Seconded by: Ronnie Issenberg Tom Richerson Motion passed by acclamation (4-0) Questions regarding the foregoing may be directed to David Martinez,Interim Assistant City Manager,at davidmartinez@miamibeachfl.gov. wkREG/DM/HS/JK 1967 #-21M-e3ia'+ito4-·at ae. Subject Area Miami Beach Miami-Dade County,FL Q 1am1 Beach City l.Jm1ts 8 NBCRA Commercial Facade Expansion ~&8 0mme1c1al Fi,cade Adopted North Buch CRA Boundary