Memorandum of Agreement with MDC2 02 1-53e MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach,1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach,Florida 33139,www.miamibeachfl.gov MEMORANDUM TO:Rickelle Williams DATE:July 8,2024 FROM:Juan R.Mestas,Deputy Chief,Fire Operations/Emergency Manager SUBJECT:Memorandum of Agreement between Miami Dade County and the City of Miami Beach Dear Madam Manager,attached you will find a request for signature following a resolution by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach,Florida,authorizing the interim City Manager and City Clerk to execute the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement (SMAA) empowering the state of Florida,Division of Emergency Management,and participating political subdivisions,to coordinate and provide reciprocal emergency aid and assistance in the event of a disaster or emergency. Thank you. J mn Ramon Mestas, Deputy Chief Fire Department /Operations/Emergency Manager STATE OF FLORIDA «± @'DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 3 Ron DeSantis,Governor Kevin Guthrie,Executive Director STATEWIDEMUTUAL_AIDAGREEMENI-2024 This Agreement is an acknowledgment of receipt by the Florida Division of Emergency Management ("the Division")and the local government ("Participating Party")signing this Agreement.Execution of this agreement replaces all previous iterations and is active until a new agreement is drafted and requested by The Division. This Agreement is based on the existence of the following conditions A The State of Florida is vulnerable to a wide range of emergencies and disasters that are likely to cause the disruption of essential services and the destruction of the infrastructure needed to deliver those services. B.Such emergencies and disasters often exceed the emergency response and recovery capabilities of any one county or local government C Such incidents may also give rise to unusual and unanticipated physical and technical needs which a local government cannot meet with existing resources,but that other local governments within the State of Florida may be able to provide. D.The Emergency Management Act,chapter 252,Florida Statutes,provides each local government of the state the authority to develop and enter into mutual aid agreements within the state for reciprocal emergency aid in case of emergencies too extensive to be dealt with unassisted,and through such agreements ensure the timely reimbursement of costs incurred by the local governments which render such assistance. E.Pursuant to chapter 252.32,Florida Statutes,the Division renders mutual aid among the political subdivisions of the state to carry out emergency management functions and responsibilities. F.Pursuant to chapter 252,Florida Statutes,the Division has the authority to coordinate and direct emergency management assistance between local governments and concentrate available resources where needed. Based on the existence of the foregoing conditions,the Parties agree to the following articles ARTICLE I:DEFINITIONS As used in this Agreement,the following expressions shall have the following meanings A The "Agreement"is this Agreement,which shall be referred to as the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement ("SMAA") DIVISION HEADQ UARTERS 2555 Shumard 0ak 80ulevatd Tallahassee,FL323992100 Telephone:850-815-4000 www.Florida Ogas]e:.gg STATE LOGISTICS RESPONSE CENTE R 2102 0vectors Row 0land0,FL 32809-5631 STATE OF FLORIDA AR •DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 23"% Ron Desantis,Governor Kevin Guthrie,Executive Director N ."Proof of payment as used in this Agreement refers to original and authentic documentation of an emergency response expenditure made by an Assisting Party. O.A "Reimbursement Package"as used in this Agreement refers to a full account of mission response documentation supported by proof of work and proof of payment P Any expressions not assigned definitions elsewhere in this Agreement shall have the definitions assigned them by the Emergency Management Act,Chapter 252,Florida Statutes. ARTIC LE II:A PPLI C A BILI TY O F TH E A G R EEM ENT Any Participating Party,including the Division,may request assistance under this Agreement for a "major disaster"or "catastrophic disaster as defined in section 252.34,Florida Statutes,minor disasters.and other such emergencies as lawfully determined by a Participating Party. A RTIC L E Ill :INV O CA TIO N O F TH E A G R EEM EN T In the event of an emergency or anticipated emergency,a Participating Party may request assistance under this Agreement from any other Participating Party or the Division if,in the judgement of the Requesting Party,its own resources are inadequate to meet the needs of the emergency or disaster. A Any request for assistance under this Agreement may be oral,but within five (5) calendar days must be confirmed in writing by the Requesting Party.All requests for assistance under this Agreement shall be transmitted by the Requesting Party to another Participating Party or the Division.If the Requesting Party transmits its request for Assistance directly to a Participating Party other than the Division,the Requesting Party and Assisting Party shall keep the Division advised of their activities. B.The Division shall relay any requests for assistance under this Agreement to such other Participating Parties as it may deem appropriate and coordinate the activities of the Assisting Parties to ensure timely assistance to the Requesting Party.All such activities shall be carried out in accordance with the State's Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. AR TI C L E IV :RE S PO NSIB ILI TIES O F REQ U ESTING PA RTIES To the extent practicable,all Requesting Parties shall provide the following information to their respective county emergency management agency,the Division,and the intended Assisting Party or Parties.In providing such information,Requesting Parties should utilize Section I of the DIVISION HEADQUARTERS 25 5 5 Shumard 0 ak Boulevard Tallahassee,FL 32 39 9 -2 10 0 2702 Dir ectors Row 0land0,FL 32809-5631 STATE OF FLORIDA 6C'DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 3 Ron DeSantis,Governor Kevin Guthrie,Executive Director A.A description of the personnel,equipment,supplies,services and capabilities it has available,together with a description of the qualifications of any skilled personnel; B.An estimate of the time such personnel,equipment.supplies,and services will continue to be available; C.An estimate of the time it will take to deliver such personnel,equipment,supplies,and services to the location(s)specified by the Requesting Party; D A technical description of any communications and telecommunications equipment available for timely communications with the Requesting Party and other Assisting Parties, E The names and contact information of all personnel whom the Assisting Party has designated as team leaders or supervisors;and F An estimated cost for the provision of assistance. ARTICLE VI:RENDITION OF ASSISTANCE The Requesting Party shall afford the emergency response personnel of all Assisting Parties, while operating within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Requesting Party,the same powers, duties,rights,and privileges,except that of arrest unless specifically authorized by the Requesting Party,as are afforded the equivalent emergency response personnel of the Requesting Party.Emergency response personnel of the Assisting Party will remain under the command and control of the Assisting Party,but during the Period of Assistance,the resources and responding personnel of the Assisting Party will perform response activities under the operational and tactical control of the Requesting Party. A.Unless otherwise agreed upon between the Requesting and Assisting Party,the Requesting Party shall be responsible for providing food,water,and shelter to the personnel of the Assisting Party.For Missions performed in areas where there are insufficient resources to support responding personnel and equipment throughout the Period of Assistance,the Assisting Party shall,to the fullest extent practicable,provide their emergency response personnel with the equipment,fuel,supplies,and technical resources necessary to make them self-sufficient throughout the Period of Assistance When requesting assistance,the Requesting Party may specify that Assisting Parties send only self-sufficient personnel and resources but must specify the length of time self-sufficiency should be maintained. DIVISION HEADQUARTERS 2555 Shumard 0ak 80ulevar0 Tallahassee,FL 32399-2100 Telephone:850-815-4000 w w w.Flouda1sa$1e1.013 STATE LOGISTICS RESPONSE CENTER 2702 0ire€tors Row 0land0,FL 32809-5631 STATE OF FLORIDA A 'DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT g% Ron DeSantis,Governor Kevin Guthrie,Executive Director E.Official payroll and travel reimbursement records for all claimed personnel expenses; F.Neat and comprehensive fringe benefit calculations for each position class or category of claimed personnel; G.Written justification for all additional expenses/purchases incurred during the Period of Assistance, H.Proof of payment for additional/miscellaneous expenses incurred during the Period of Assistance I.Equipment activity logs demonstrating equipment use and operation in support of emergency response activities for all time claimed (for FDEM reimbursement Division approved forms will be required for equipment activity claims); J Proof of reimbursement to all employees who incurred emergency response expenses with personal money; K.Justification for equipment repair expenses;and L.Copies of any applicable supporting agreements or contracts with justification. If a dispute or disagreement regarding the eligibility of any expense arises,the Requesting Party, Assisting Party,or the Division may elect binding arbitration.If binding arbitration is elected,the Parties must select as an arbitrator any elected official of another Participating Party,or any other official of another Participating Party whose normal duties include emergency management,and the other Participating Party shall also select such an official as an arbitrator,and the arbitrators thus chosen shall select another such official as a third arbitrator. The three (3)arbitrators shall convene by teleconference or videoconference within thirty (30) calendar days to consider any documents and any statements or arguments by the Division,the Requesting Party,or the Assisting Party concerning the protest,and shall render a decision in writing not later than ten (10)business days after the close of the hearing.The decision of a majority of the arbitrators shall bind the parties and shall be final. If the Participating Parties do not elect binding arbitration,this agreement and any disputes arising thereunder shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida and venue shall be in Leon County,Florida.Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create an employer-employee relationship or a partnership or joint venture between the participating parties.Furthermore, nothing contained herein shall constitute a waiver by either Party of its sovereign immunity or the provisions of section 768.28,Florida Statutes.Nothing herein shall be construed as consent by either Party to be sued by third parties. DIVISION HEADQUARTERS 2555 Shumard 0ak Boulevard Tallahassee,FL 32399-2100 Telephone:850-815-4000 www,Flontda0is aster.09 STATE LOGISTICS RESPONSE CENTER 2702 Directors Row 011and0,FL 32809-5631 STATE OF FLORIDA 68 @'DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT g Ron eSantis,Governor Kevin Guthrie,Executive Director supplies in usable condition and of like grade,quality and quantity within the time allowed for reimbursement under this Agreement D The Assisting Party shall keep records to document all assistance rendered under this Agreement.Such records shall present information sufficient to meet the audit requirements specified in the regulations of FEMA and any applicable circulars issued by the State of Florida.Upon reasonable notice,the Assisting Party shall make its records available the Requesting Party for inspection or duplication between 800 a.m and 5.00 p.m.on all weekdays,except for official holidays ARTICLE IX:INSURA NCE Each Participating Party shall determine for itself what insurance to procure,if any.With the exceptions in this Article,nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to require any Participating Party to procure insurance. A Each Participating Party shall procure employers'insurance meeting the requirements of the Workers'Compensation Act,as amended,affording coverage for any of its employees who may be injured while performing any activities under the authority of this Agreement,and shall be provided to each Participating Party. B Participating Parties may elects additional insurance affording liability coverage for any activities that may be performed under the authority of this Agreement . C.Subject to the limits of such liability insurance as any Participating Party may elect to procure,nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to waive,in whole or in part,any immunity any Participating Party may have in any judicial or quasi-judicial proceeding. D.Each Participating Party which renders assistance under this Agreement shall be deemed to stand in the relation of an independent contractor to all other Participating Parties and shall not be deemed to be the agent of any other Participating Party. E.Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to relieve any Participating Party of liability for its own conduct and that of its employees. F.Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to obligate any Participating Party to indemnify any other Participating Party from liability to third parties. 2555 Shumard 0ak Boulevard Tallahassee,FL 323992100 2102 0rectors Row Orlando,FL 32809-5631 STATE OF FLORIDA s±C'DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT g Ron DeSantis,Governor Kevin Guthrie,Executive Director regardless of whether such costs are billed or unbilled. C.Upon the activation of this Agreement by the Requesting Party,this Agreement shall supersede any other existing agreement between it and any Assisting Party to the extent that the former may be inconsistent with the latter. D.Upon its execution by any Participating Party,this Agreement will continue in effect for one (1)year from its date of execution by that Participating Party,and ii shall automatically renew each year after its execution,unless within sixty (60)calendar days before the renewal date the Participating Party notifies the Division,in writing,of its intent to withdraw from the Agreement. E The Division shall transmit any amendment to this Agreement by sending the amendment to all Participating Parties not later than five (5)business days after its execution by the Division.Such amendment shall take effect not later than sixty (60) calendar days after the date of its execution by the Division and shall then be binding on all Participating Parties.Notwithstanding the preceding sentence,any Participating Party who objects to the amendment may withdraw from the Agreement by notifying the Division in writing of its intent to do so within that time in accordance with section E of this Article. F.A Participating Party may rescind this Agreement at will after providing the other Participating Party a written SMAA withdrawal notice.Such notice shall be provided at least 30 days prior to the date of withdrawal.This 30-day withdrawal notice must be written,signed by an appropriate authority,duly authorized on the official letterhead of the Participating Party,and must be sent via email,the Division of Emergency Managements Enterprise System (DEM ES),or certified mail. A RTIC L E XII:IN T ER PR ETATIO N A N D A PP LI C A TIO N O F AG R EEMENT The interpretation and application of this Agreement shall be governed by the following conditions A The obligations and conditions resting upon the Participating Parties under this Agreement are not independent,but dependent. B Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement,and of the performance of all conditions, obligations,duties,responsibilities,and promises under it. C This Agreement states all the conditions,obligations,duties,responsibilities,and promises of the Participating Parties with respect to the subject of this Agreement,and there are no conditions,obligations,duties,responsibilities,or promises other than those expressed in this Agreement. DIVISION HEADQUARTERS 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee,FL 323992100 Telephone.850-8154000 www.Florida0isa$(et.0g 2702 De1ors Row 0land0,FL 32809-5631 STATE OF FLORIDA stC'DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT g Ron DeSantis,Governor FO R ADOPTION BY A CITY STATE OF FLORIDA DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Kevin Guthrie,Executive Director By -------------- Kevin Guthrie,Executive Director or lan Guidicelli,Authorized Designee ATTEST CITY CLERK Date CITY OF MIAMI BEACH STATE OF FLORIDA Title Interim City Manager tty 1,2024 Approved as to Form DIVISION HEADQUARTERS 25 55 Shumard 0ak 80ulevatd Tallahassee,FL 32 3 9 9 -2 10 0 }_Cy Attorney Telephone 850 815 4000 www Ela .d3 r s a31&1 9 g STATE LOGISTICS RESPONSE CENTE R 21 02 D e c!ors Row 0land0.FL 32809-5631 MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach,!7CO Convention Center Drive,Miami 8each,Florida 33139,www momubeachtl.gov MEMORANDUM TO Rickelle Williams DATE June 25,2024 FROM Juan R.Mestas,Deputy Chief,Fire Operations/Emergency Manager SUBJECT Memorandum of Agreement between Miami Dade County and the City of Miami Beach Dear Madam Manager,attached you will find a request for signature between Miami Dade County and the City of Miami Beach by and on behalf of its Fire Department for a term of ten (10)years There are two Federal Search and Rescue teams in South Florida (Florida Task Force 1 and Florida Task Force 2)We currently have an agreement with Florida Task Force 2,sponsored by the City of Miami.This agreement is for Florida Task Force 1,sponsored by Miami-Dade County Presently,we have a K-9 handler with a fully certified canine working for the Fire Department. This agreement became necessary because Florida Task Force 2 could not absorb another K- 9asset With this agreement,this asset will be eligible to be deployed with Florida Task Force 1to assist in natural and man-made disasters,thereby gaining much needed experience. Thank you.1# Juan Ramon Mestas, Deputy Chief Fire Department I Operations/Emergency Manager HI.SCOPE A.The provisions of this Agreement apply to the National USSR Response System acuvites performed at the request of the Federa!govemnmnnt,provided at the option of the Sponsoring Agency,and in conjunction with,preparation for,or in anticipation of,a Presidential declaration of a major disaster or emergency. B No prov:sion in this Agreement limits the activities of the Task Force or its Sponsoring Agency in performing local and state functions III.DEFINITIONS A.Agtiyation:The status of a System asset placed at the direction,control,and funding of FEMA in response to,or in anticipation of.a Presidential declaraton of a major disaster or emergency. B Activation_Order.The FEMA notice that places a System asset into activation status. C.Alert.A state of increased readiness initiated by an Alert Notice D.Alert_Notice.the FEMA initiated and generated notice that places a System asset onto alert status or notification that an event has occurred or is expected to occur,such that System resources may be subject to activation. E.Deactivation.The removal of a System asset from activation staus F Demobilization Order:The FEMA notice that disengages a Systcn asset from an incident and specifies relevant information regarding activation status such as task force personnel rchab time G Deployment.Mobilization of a Task Force,IST,or other Systemn resource pursuant to an Activation Order HI Disaster _Assistance Employee (DEA):An individual hired to augment permanent full- ume fEMA personnel in disaster operations in the field. I.Disaster edigal _Assistance [gam (DM[AT:A functional unit activated under the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS),a program of the United States Public Health Service (PHS),Office of Emergency Preparedness (OP).The sic-person Medical Team deployed as pat of the Task Force 1s classified as a specialty DMAT Page 2 of 10 US&R Task Force !Participating geney Agreement T.FEMA_Sponsored Training or Fereise:A training session or exercise arranged for and financed by FEMA,delivered either by FEMA or by another organization U.Federal Coordinating_Officer (FCOyy The person appointed by the President to coordinate the Federal disaster assistance acuvities in each State in which a disaster or emergency has been declared. V.Federal Response_Plan_(FRP).Pursuant to PL 93-288,and as amended,the document that estabhshcs the framework for the provision of Federal assistance to the State and its affected local governments. W.Incident Commander (I):The person,usually from the local jurisdiction,who is responsible for overall management of an incident. X Incident_Support Team(IsT).an element of the ESF-9 cell of the ERT that ts under the direction of th ESF -9 Leader (a FEMA Regional or Headquarters employee acting as the authorizing official for EST-9 expenditures)The [ST is responsible for the overall command and control of all National urban Search and Rescue Response System assets deployed for the incident. Y.Mobilization.The movement of system assets to an incident. Z.atigna]Disaster tedigglSystem (DIS)A cooperatve effort of the Department of Health and human Services (HHS),Department of Defense (DoD),Department of Veterans Affairs (VA),FEMA,and State and Local governments and the private scctor that is designed to care for mass casualties resulting from either a domestic or an overseas war The Public Health Services (PHS)heads this program. AA.National Lrban Search and Rescue_Response_system (System):A combination of Task Forces,Incident Support Teams,Rapid Needs Assessment Team elements,and other personnel and technical teams that respond to disasters or emergencies under the direction and control of FEMA as Emergency Support Function 9 for the Federal Response Plan. B.Participating Agency City of Miam Beach,Florida CC.Point_of Assembly_(PQAy.Is the Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Headquarters located at 9300 NW 4I Street,Doral,FL 33178 However.this may change at the discretion of the Task Force Leader. Page 4 of 10 US&R Task Force I Participating Agency Agreement G.Ensuring all equipment issued to Task Force members remains the property of the Sponsoring Agency's Task Force H Notify FEMA upon a change in the deployment status of the Task Force I.Providing the Participating Agency with a complete list of all equipment issued by the Sponsoring Agency to each Task Force member from thc Participating Agency,including updates which indicate added,deleted,or modified equipment V.THE PARTICIPATING AGENCY SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR A Implementing a written policy and practicing reporting procedures for Participating Agency personnel,with the objective of notifying the Sponsoring Agency of individuals responding from their organizatuon to the Miami-Dade Fire Rescne Headquarters when the Task Force s mobilized. B.Assuring Particputmng Agency personnel meet FEMA position description general requirement and Sponsoring Agency specific minimum requirements prior to submitting an application for Task Force membership. C.Ensuring that Task Force personnel from their organizaton continue to participate in training opportunities provided by the Sponsoring Agency to meet the knowledge skills and abilitues for the:r primary positron. D Providing and maintaining a current labor contract on file with the Sponsoring Agency E.Providing a current payroll benefit percentage calculation for regular wages,overtimne wages,and an acceptable written justification of this percentage to be kept on file with the Sponsoring Agency F Task Force personnel equipment issued by the Sponsoring Agency to the Participating Agency team mnembcr lost,damaged,stolen,or not returned when requested shall bc replaced by,and at the expense of the Participating Agency. G.Within thirty 30)days after the completion of a mission,the Participating Agency shall, to the extent permitted by law.provide payroll,time sheets,and other administrative documentation identified by the Sponsoring Agency for activated Participating Agency team members to assure appropriate and timely reimbursernent Page 6 of 10 U S&R T ask Force 1 Participating gency Agreement A.The Participating Agency shall pay its participating team member(s)in accordance with its local payroll requirements.,labor contracs or any other relevant ordinances or procedures of the Participating Agency. B ftis expressly agreed and understood that the Sponsoring Agency shall merely serve as a conduit cf finds authorized for reimbursement by FEMA,and that the Sponsoring Agency shail have no responsibility or liability to the Participating Agency for any funds as allowed by FEMA.The determinauon of FEMA eligibility for reimbursement of any and all costs incurred by the Participating Agency shall be made by the Sponsoring Agency upon the Sponsoring Agency's review of all applicable law and regulation The Sponsorng Agency shall process the reimbursement through FEMA and pay to the Parucpating Agency all funds received from FEMA for said costs and expenses within 90 days of receipt from FEMA C The Participating Agency is eligible to hire overtime personnel on a one-to-one basis to backfill for a deployed team member.Reimbursement for all costs and expenses of the Participating Agency shall be as allowed by FEMA D.AI]obligations and financial commitments in the Memorandum of Agreement are made subject to the annual appropriation of funds by cach party for cach fiscal year VIII.CONDITIONS,AMEND ENTS AND TERMINATION A.The Participating Agency will not illegally discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment on the grounds of race,color,religion,sex,age,or natonal origin m fulfilling any and a!l obligations under this Agreement. B.Any provision of this Agreement later found to be mn conflict with Federal law or regulation,or invalidated by a court of competent jurisdiction,shall be considered inoperable and'or superseded by that law or regulation.Any provision found inoperable is severable from this Agreement,and the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. (C.The Agreement may be modified or amended only with the written agreement of each of the parties. D This Agreement may be terminated by either party on thirty (30)days written notice to the other party. Page8of 10 US&:R Task Force !Participating Agency Agreement IN WITNESS THEREOF,the parties hereto have caused this MOA to be executed by their undersigned officials as duly authorized. ATTEST Clerk of Courts APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS County Attorney ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM &LANGUAGE%4f.2 nots /di Cf Anornen ae SPONSORING AGENCY Miami-Dade County,a County of the State of Florida By County Manager PARTICIPATING AGENCY City of Miami Bea:~ By,~oago,---- APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENY County Attorney Page 10 of 10 US&R Task Force I Participating Agency Agreement 5/9/24,9:44 AM M IAM I BEACH item Coversheet Resolutions.-CZ4 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM g TO: FROM: OATE: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Rickelle Williams,Interim City Manager May 15,2024 SUBJECT:A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA,APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER ANDO THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT (MOA)BETWEEN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY (SPONSORING AGENCY)AND THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,BY AND ON BEHALF OF ITS FIRE DEPARTMENT (PARTICIPATING AGENCY),SAID MOA AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO PARTICIPATE IN THE FLORIDA TASK FORCE I OF FEMA'S NATIONAL URBAN SEARCH AND RESCUE RESPONSE SYSTEM FOR A TERM OF TEN (10)YEARS. RECOMMENDATION The Administration recommends the Mayor and City Commission adopt the resolution. BACKGROUND[HIS[ORY Florida ask Force !of the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA's)National Urban Search and Rescue Response Team (Task Force")is designed to respond to a variety of disasters,such as building collapses,earthquakes,hurricanes,floods, and hazardous materials releases where victims may be trapped,lost or injured.,Miami-Dade County,as he sponsoring agency of the Task Force,is responsible for recruiting,training,equipment procurement,and organizing members of the Task Force. The Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No.R-682-21 on July 20,2021,authorizing he County Mayor to enter inta a Memorandum of Agreement with participating agencies. ANAL'(SIS The City of Miami Beach,via the Fire Department,is seeking to be a participating agency in the Task Force.With the adoption of the proposed resolution,the City and Miami-Dade County will execute a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)allowing the City of Miami Beach to participate in this crucial,lifesaving partnership.All costs incurred by the Fire Department,relating Io training, activation and Task Force deployment shall be reimbursed by Miami-Dade County.The MOA is valid for ten (10)years. LOB8YISI DISCLOSURE In accordance with Resolution No.2023-32857,adopted by the City Commission on Oecember 13,2023,the following information has been provided by the primary item sponsor as it relates to the subject resolution: 1.Was the Agenda ftem initially requested by a lobbyist which,as defined in Code Sec.2-481,includes a principal engaged in lobbying?No 2.Ii so,specify name of lobbyist(s)and principal(s):NIA SUPPORTING SURVEY DATA N/A FINANCIAL INFORMATION A!costs incurred by the City of Miami Beach Fire Rescue Department,related to training,activation and Task Force deployment shall be reimbursed by the City of Miami Fire Rescue Department CONCLUSION The MOA is necessary to allow the operation of the ongoing National Urban Search and Rescue Response Team Florida Task Forces I Program.The Interim City Manager recommends the Mayor and Commission approve the new MOA and authorize the Interim City Manager and City Clerk to execute the agreement. A pplicable _A rga Not Applicable 511 nttps://mniamibeach.novusagenda.comigendaWeb/Cover'Sheet aspx?Item1=34902 1/2