Amendment and Addendum to Special Event GuidelinesAMENDMENT AND ADDENDUM TO SPECIAL EVENT GUIDELINES
(revised 11.26.24)
PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO.2024-33407,the City's special events guidelines are
hereby amended to require a "PHS Islands Special Event Permit"("PHS SEP")(which shall be
separate and distinct from any issued pursuant to City Code Section 46-156)for large parties or
gatherings involving institutional-or-commercial-grade vendors,services,or equipment in Palm,
Hibiscus,and Star Islands ("PHS Islands")residential neighborhoods during Miami Art Week
2024,which shall be granted only if impacts to public safety,neighborhood traffic,residents'
quality of life,and the residential character of single-family neighborhoods can be adequately
ensured in advance of the event.
All recitals and provisions of Resolution No.2024-33407 are incorporated by reference as
if fully set forth herein.To the extent this amendment and addendum to the special event
guidelines is more specific than the recitals and provisions of Resolution No.2024-33407,these
guidelines control.
A PHS SEP is required for parties and gatherings on PHS Islands,during Miami Art Week
2024 (December 2-8,2024),where one or more of the following are anticipated:
1.Fireworks will be involved;
2.More than 100 attendees may reasonably be expected to attend;
3.More than 50 vehicles are expected to pick up/drop off passengers (or park)on
4.Institutional/commercial grade speakers,lighting,and/or generators are to be
5.Institutional/commercial grade bars that are large enough to allow more than one
bartender to work behind each bar or the use of more than three (3)single-
bartender bars are to be utilized.
Applicants wishing to procure a PHS SEP shall provide the following information to the
City's Department of Tourism and Culture,who shall expedite the review and approval/denial
process from when a complete application and all supporting documents have been submitted:
1.Sworn Declaration of Homeowner for PHS SEC,in the form to be provided by the
City upon request by a putative applicant,attesting to the completeness,
truthfulness,and absence of omission in all statements made verbally and/or in
writing in connection with the PHS SEC application,and consenting to and
authorizing City personnel to authorize the homeowner's private property to
conduct compliance inspections prior to the party or gathering (accompanied by
the owner or agent with mutually agreeable scheduling)and during the party or
gathering (at any time with or without accompanying owner or agent).
2.All relevant permits from all relevant City departments,such as,for example,obtain
any required building permits where required.
3.All documents required to comply with other special event guidelines requirements,
which include Certificate of Insurance and Indemnification.
4.A Run of Show and Site Plan.
5.Responses to a Questionnaire in the form to be provided by the City upon request
by a putative applicant,responding to questions intended to protect the health,
safety,and welfare of the PHS Islands and surrounding neighborhoods'residents
and visitors.
6.Advisory review and comment of the proposed application by the PHS Islands
The City of Miami Beach reserves all rights to require additional information it deems necessary
to analyze and address any impacts to public safety,neighborhood traffic,and/or other residents'
right to a decent quality of life sufficient to allow the City Administration to impose limitations or
additional requirements sufficient to address these impacts to the health,safety and welfare of
PHS Islands residents and residents in surrounding neighborhoods,or to allow the City
Administration to deny the application altogether if these enumerated interests cannot be
adequately addressed.
Violators of terms of a PHS SEP,or any party or gathering on PHS Islands during Miami
Art Week 2024 requiring a special event permit pursuant to these guidelines that proceeds without
the homeowner first obtaining a special event permit and complying with all of its terms,
conditions,limitations,and requirements,may be subject to the following:
•An order to cease and desist and end the party or gathering upon demand by the
•A code compliance violation shall be issued under all applicable provisions of the
City Code.
If the owner,manager,director,or resident of the property does not comply with the cease and
desist demand,the Miami Beach Police Department may arrest each owner,manager,director,
or resident for resisting arrest without violence or any other applicable charge.Additionally,no
special event permit shall be granted for any event for a period of the next thirteen (13)months if
a party or gathering occurs without obtaining and complying with a special event permit,where
required,at any property.
SIGNED this -day of Nia-+,2024
z4,ls =
Assistant (Acting)City ManagerNOV262024
Rafael E.Granado,City Clerk
City torr@y Dato