Agenda January 13, 2025MIAMI BEACH Special Magistrate Agenda for:Monday,January 13,2025 SPECIAL MAGISTRAE ANNETTE CANNON 9:00AM Special Master Case#t SMA2024-04782 Department Violation #CC2024-18706 Property Address:1248 MARSEILLE DR Unit:8 DO 1248 MARSEILLE DRIVE,LLC C/O DOMB,ALEXANDER AREA Code City Zone -Description: North Inspector Gabriel Saavedra Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: Article V,Section 102-377.Any person failing to obtain a Business Tax Receipt as required by this article. Ref:Failure to obtain active Business Tax Receipt for Apartment Building Offense:1st Fine:$1000.00 Notice of Violation G.Saavedra/716 NEW CASE CC2024-18706 -1ST OFFENSE $1,000.00 -Failure to obtain an Active Business tax receipt Code m 4 Business Tax Receipt -013C Code Description W 4 Article V,Section 102-377.Any person failing to obtain a Business Tax Receipt as required by this article. 9:00AM Special Master Case#SMA2024-04783 Department Violation #CC2024-18707 Property Address:1236 MARSEILLE DR 1236 MARSEILLE DRIVE,LLC C/O DOMB,ALEXANDER AREA Code City Zone -Description: North Inspector Gabriel Saavedra Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: Article V,Section 102-377.Any person failing to obtain a Business Tax Receipt as required by this article. Ref:Failure to obtain an Active Business Tax Receipt for apartment building Offense:1st Fine:$1000.00 Notice of Violation G.Saavedra/716 NEW CASE CC2024-18707 -Business Tax Receipt -1st offense -$1,000.00 Code Business Tax Receipt -013C code Description E%,73198,,300%%5,/%329$191,%5,'309,9#181E,34.8/0%44783%33 N.%,3,1.71N"A35$21144,%%£1931%%4%%973 f d,i,,$i !€«he $l i t 't }«,o,[ Article V,Section 102-377.Any person failing to obtain a Business Tax Receipt as required by this article. Revised:12/3/202411 :31 :01 AM Page 1 of 21 MIAMIBEACH 9:00AM Special Master Case#SMA2024-04784 Department Violation #4 SV2024-25082 Property Address:1248 MARSEILLE DR Unit:8 1248 MARSEILLE DRIVE,LLC C/O DOMB,ALEXANDER AREA Code City Zone -Description:North Inspector Gabriel Saavedra Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: Section .90-100.Illegally disposing of industrial or bulky waste. Ref:Illegal disposing of bulky industrial trash Offense:1st Fine:$500.00 Notice of Violation G.Saavedra/716 NEW CASE SV2024-25082 -Illegal dumping-001S-1st offense -$500.00 Code Code Description 'Illegal Dumping ISection .90-100.Illegally disposing of industrial or bulky waste. 001S 9:00AM Special Master Case#SMA2024-04785 Department Violation #SV2024-25083 Property Address:1236 MARSEILLE DR 1236 MARSEILLE DRIVE,LLC C/O DOMB,ALEXANDER AREA Code City Zone -Description:North Inspector Gabriel Saavedra Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: Section .90-100.Illegally disposing of industrial or bulky waste. Ref:Illegal disposing of two air conditioning unit at the front of property Offense:1st Fine:$500.00 Notice of violation G.Saavedra/716 NEW CASE SV2024-25083 -First offense -$500.00 Code Illegal Dumping 001S 9:00AM AREA Code City Zone -North Inspector Gabriel Saavedra Code Description ·!'I Special Master Case#SMA2024-04817 Department Violation #CC2024-18703 Description: Property Address:503 75 ST Unit:MASTER 503 -508 75TH STREET CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC.C/O Lopez,Gladyelit Article V,Section 102-377.Any person failing to obtain a Business Tax Receipt as required by this article. Ref:Failure to obtain an Active Business Tax receipt for Apartment Building Offense:1st Fine:$1000.00 G.Saavedra/716 BWC-used Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: NEW CASE CC2024-18703 Code Business Tax Receipt -013C Code Description 'f(' I Article V,Section 102-377.Any person failing to obtain a Business Tax Receipt as required by this article. Revised:12/3/202411:31:01 AM Page 2 of 21 MIAMIBEACH 9:00AM Special Master Case#SMA2024-04819 Department Violation#CC2024-18913 Property Address:8500 BYRON AVE Unit:ROW POO BEAR PLUMBING INC.C/0 MING,ANDREW AREA Code City Zone -Description: North Inspector Gabriel Saavedra Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: Section 82-151.A person or entity obstructing or causing to obstruct any street or sidewalk in the city or impeding the general movement of vehicular or pedestrian traffic without first obtaining a right-of-way permit. Ref:Blocking the Right-of-Way parking spaces on the south and east side of property with plywood,dirt and bricks Offense:1st Fine:$500.00 Notice of Violation G.Saavedra/716 NEW CASE CC2024-18913-1st OFFENSE $500.00 -Blocking the Right-of-Way parking spaces on the south and east side of property with plywood,dirt and bricks. Code Code Description Right-of-way-001C Section 82-151.A person or entity obstructing or causing to obstruct any street or sidewalk in the city or impeding the general 1movementofvehicularorpedestriantrafficwithoutfirstobtainingaright-of-way permit., 9:00AM Special Master Case#SMA2024-04820 Department Violation#CC2024-18915 Property Address:8500 BYRON AVE Unit:ROW POO BEAR PLUMBING INC.C/0 MING,ANDREW AREA Code City Zone -Description: North Inspector Gabriel Saavedra Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: Section 46-238 Not complying with the sediment and erosion control requirements. Ref:Failure to properly secure gravel/sediment left on the south side property from run-off Offense:1st Fine:$500.00 Notice of Violation G.Saavedra/716 NEW CASE CC2024-18915-1st OFFENSE $500.00 -Failure to properly secure gravel/sediment left on the south side property from run-off. Code Code Description 1 Environmental -ISection 46-238 Not complying with the sediment and erosion control requirements. Sediment Requirements - 001C Revised:12/3/202411:31:01 AM Page 3 of 21 MIAMI BEACH 9:00AM Special Master Case#SMA2024-04821 Department Violation #SV2024-25314 Property Address:8500 BYRON AVE Unit:ROW POO BEAR PLUMBING INC.C/O MING,ANDREW AREA Code City Zone -Description: North Inspector Gabriel Saavedra Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: Sections 90-101,90-36.Creation of a health hazard or nuisance.Ref:Raw sewage present on the east side of property Offense:1stFine:$1000.00 Notice of violationG.Saavedra/716 NEW CASE SV2024-25314-1st OFFENSE $1000.00 -Creation ofa health hazard or nuisance. Code Forthwith-001S Code Description Sections 90-101,90-36.Creation of a health hazard or nuisance. 9:00AM AREA Code City Zone -North Description: Inspector Gabriel Saavedra Status:Open Comments: Violation Type: Property Address:7271 GARY AVE 7271 GARY APARTMENTS,LLC C/O THOMAS G. SHERMAN,P.A. Section 58-293f 58-297e .Exterior surfaces of structure are not properly maintained and shall be scraped and painted.REF:Paint throughout the property is Chipped/Missing,Needs to be repainted. Offense:1stFine:$0.00 Notice of ViolationG.Saavedra/716BWC-used NEW CASE PM2024-07296-1st Offense -$0.00 -Exterior surfaces of structure are not properly maintainedandshallbescrapedandpainted.REF:Paint throughout the property is Chipped/Missing,Needstoberepainted. 01/99/3055 SM HEARING -1-This case is cont.for proper serv 2-This case is reset for proper serv3-Adjudicate 01/88/3055 SM HEARING -APPEAR:Max Max;Ofc.Max Max;Clerk:Max Max 1-This case is cont.for proper serv2-This case is reset for proper serv 3-Adjudicate Special Master Case#SMC2024-03131 Department Violation #4 PM2024-07296 Code Code Description Exterior-O04PM Section 58-293f 58-297e .Exterior surfaces of structure are not properly maintained and shall be scraped and painted. t Revised:12/3/202411:31:01 AM Page 4 of 21 MIAMI BEACH 10:00AM Special Master Case#SMA2024-04377 Department Violation#CC2024-17438 Property Address: AUSTIN GEORGE 124 11ST AREA Code City Zone -Description: Entertainment Inspector SebastianMoreno Section 102-367:Failing to comply with the Business Tax Receipt issued by the City of Miami. Beach.REF:Failing to adhere to the conditions of your BTR#BTR010422-06-2021 in regard to the minimum "30 day"stay rental requirement as notated on the license for short term rentals.Notice of violation issuedBWCwasactivatedforpostingM.Blanco #742 Status:Appealed Comments:NEW CASE Violation Type:CC2024-17438 Code Code Description Business Tax Failing to comply with the Business Tax Receipt issued by the City of Miami.Beach.Receipt-009C 10:00AM AREA Code City Zone - North InspectorGabrielSaavedra Description: Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: Property Address:7635 DICKENS AVE SAINT ANDREWS APARTMENTS LLC C/0 XP MANAGEMENT LLC North Beach CRA DetailArticleV,Section 102-377.Any person failing to obtain a Business Tax Receipt as required by thisarticle.Ref:Failure to obtain an Active Business Tax Receipt for Apartment BuildingOffense:1st Fine:$1000.00NoticeofViolation G.Saavedra/716BWC-used NEW CASE CC2024-18884 1st offense $1,000 -Failure to obtain an Active Business Tax Receipt forApartmentBuilding. Special Master Case#SMA2024-04827 Department Violation #CC2024-18884 Code Code Description I Business Tax Article V,Section 102-377.Any person failing to obtain a Business Tax Receipt as required by this article.Receipt -013C Revised:12/3/202411:31:01 AM Page 5 of 21 MIAMIBEACH 10:00AM Special Master Case#SMC2024-03098 Department Violation #ZV2024-05279 Property Address:1728 LENOX AVE 1728 LENOX AVENUE LLC C/0 DE LA VEGA,RICARDO AREACodeCityZone -Description:South InspectorNahyeemDenis Status:Open Comments: Violation Type: Section 142-1132 (h)g.Failing to secure a vacant lot against motor entry at all entry points by a chain,hedge,fence,or other such material approved by the Planning Department and zoningdirectorinthefollowingdistrictsCD-1,CD-2,CD-3,C-PS1,C-PS2,C-PS3,C-PS4,RM-1,RM-2,RM-3,R-PS1,R-PS2,R-PS3,R-PS4,RM-PS1,and XME districts.Reference:Failing to secure a vacant lot against illegal dumping,vehicle parking and vagrantformlivingontheproperty(Gate in needed at the front to secure the property)M.Coakley 731BWCactivephotos taken. NEW CASE ZV2024-065279 Code Fence-006Z Code Description Section 142-1132 (h)g.Failing to secure a vacant lot against motor entry at all entry points by a chain,hedge,fence,or othersuchmaterialapprovedbythePlanningDepartmentandzoningdirectorinthefollowingdistrictsCD-1,CD-2,CD-3,C-PS1,C-PS2,C-PS3,C-PS4,RM-1,RM-2,RM-3,R-PS1,R-PS2,R-PS3,R-PS4,RM-PS1,and XME districts. 10:00AM Special Master Case#t SMC2024-03100 Department Violation #PM2024-06994 Property Address:2001 WASHINGTON AVE MBCDC:THE ALLEN LLC C/0 KAUFMAN ROSSIN &CO. AREA Code City Zone -Description:South InspectorNahyeemDenis Status:Open Comments: Violation Type: Ref:Broken sink cabinets and cracked tiles in unit 314Section58-293c:Kitchen cabinets are not properly maintained and are in need of repair and /orpaint.Section 58-293c 58-297b:Cracked and/or missing tiles shall be replaced in the followinglocations: 1st offenseBWCWornNDenis744 NEW CASE PM2024-06994 Code Code Description Interior--009PM Section 58-293c 58-297b.Cracked and/or missing tiles shall be replaced in the following locations: Interior--007PM Section 58-293c.Kitchen cabinets are not properly maintained and are in need of repair and /or paint. Revised:12/3/202411:31:01 AM Page 6 of 21 MIAMI BEACH 10:00AM AREA Code City Zone - South InspectorNahyeemDenis Special Master Case#SMC2024-03137 Department Violation#PM2024-07199 Description: Property Address:1743 MICHIGAN AVE MIAMI BEACH TOWNHOMES A CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION,INC.c/o GALBUT,ABRAHAM A. Ref:Trash room door in need of repaint Section 58-293f,58-297e:Exterior surfaces of structure are not properly maintained and shall bescrapedandpainted. 1s offenseBWCWorn N Denis 744 Status:Open Comments: Violation Type: NEW CASE PM2024-07199 Code jExterior-004PM •I Section 58-293f 58-297e .Exterior surfaces of structure are not properly maint~ined and shall be scraped·and painted. 10:00AM Special Master Case#SMC2024-03139 Department Violation#CC2024-18812 Property Address:1510 COLLINS AVE AREA Code City Zone -Entertainment Description: Inspector Nahyeem Denis OCEAN BEACH PROPERTIES,INC.DBA PARISIAN HOTEL APTS C/O COHEN MARBIN,SHERRIE Ref:Exotic Car Rental Company Operating Without a Business Tax Receipt In Shared SpaceSection102-376 as amended:Permitting to operate upon your property a business which is notcurrentlylicensedbytheCityofMiamiBeach.1st offenseBWCWornNDenis744 Status:Open Comments: Violation Type: NEW CASE CC2024-18812 Code Business TaxReceipt-001 C Section 102-376 as amended.Permitting to operate upon your property a business which is not currently licensed by the CityofMiamiBeach. 11:00AM Special Master Case#SMA2024-04810 Department Violation #CC2024-18943 Property Address:235 76 ST HARDING PLAYA LLC -CIO SANTIAGO RODRIGUEZ AREA Code City Zone -Description:North Inspector Luis Negron Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: North Beach CRA DetailRef:No BTR,currently under pending status,apartment rentalArticleV,Section 102-377.Any person failing to obtain a Business Tax Receipt as required by this article.Notice ofviolation issued. First offense,$1,000 fine.BWC:Used L.Negron #740 NEW CASE CC2024-18943-1ST OFFENSE:$1,000 Code Business TaxReceipt-013C Code Description Article V,Section 102-377.Any person failing to obtain a Business Tax Receipt as required by this article. Revised:12/3/202411:31:01 AM Page 7 of 21 MIAMIBEACH 11:00AM Special Master Case#t SMA2024-04811 Department Violation #CC2024-18916 Property Address:8500 BYRON AVE MOMBACHO LLC C/O SZABO,RAYMOND L AREA Code City Zone -Description: North Inspector Gabriel Saavedra Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: Code:Article V,Section 102-377.Any person failing to obtain a Business Tax Receipt as required by this article. Ref:Failure to obtain an active Business Tax Receipt for Apartment Building Offense:1st Fine:$1000.00 Notice of Violation G.Saavedra/716 NEW CASE CC2024-18916 Code Business Tax Receipt -013C Code Description Article V,Section 102-377.Any person failing to obtain a Business Tax Receipt as required by this article. 11:00AM AREA Code City Zone - North Inspector Kamala Buck Code Description: Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: Code Description Property Address:6725 HARDING AVE DELKUS TOWERS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION,INC. C/O:PETER MANIS<l' Reference:Delkus Condominium Association failing to obtain a City of Miami Beach Business Tax License to operate as a Condominium Association. Article V,Section 102-377.Any person failing to obtain a Business Tax Receipt as required by this article. 2nd Offense $3500 .00 Fine BWC Used K.Buck 702 NEW CASE CC2024-18942-2nd Offense $3500 .00 -Failing to obtain a Business Tax Receipt. Special Master Case#SMA2024-04824 Department Violation#CC2024-18942 CRA North End Detail 04824 Business Tax Receipt -013C Article V,Section 102-377.Any person failing to obtain a Business Tax Receipt as required by this article. Revised:12/3/202411:31:01 AM Page 8 of 21 MIAMIBEACH 11:00AM Special Master Case#SMC2024-03075 Department Violation #CC2024-17639 Property Address:1100 WEST AVE Unit:1618 WILLIAM STEINMETZ AREA Code City Zone -Description: South Inspector Sebastian Moreno Status:Open Comments: Violation Type: Section 102-311:Failing to remit Resort Tax returns and/or payments to the City of Miami Beach as required. REF:Account Number:2430511 Notice of Violation Issued S.Bryant 724 BWC Used NEW CASE CC2024-17639 -1ST OFFENSE -Failing to remit Resort Tax returns and/or payments to the City of Miami Beach as required. Code Code Description Short-Term Rental Section 102-311:Failing to remit Resort Tax returns and/or payments to the City of Miami Beach as required. -Resort Tax - 001C 11:00AM AREA Code City Zone -Middle Description: Inspector Kamala Buck Status:Open Comments: Violation Type: Code Code Description Property Address:5401 COLLINS AVE THE CARRIAGE HOUSE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC.C/O SKRLD,INC. Reference:Sunshine Events and Charters LLC s to operate on your property without a City of Miami Beach License. Section 102-376 as amended:Permitting to operate upon your property a business which is not currently licensed by the City of Miami Beach. Notice of violation issued. BWC Used K.Buck 702 NEW CASE CC2024-17294 -1 ST OFFENSE -Sunshine Events and Charters LLC s to operate on your property without a City of Miami Beach License. Special Master Case#SMC2024-03125 Department Violation #CC2024-17294 Business Tax Receipt-001C Section 102-376 as amended.Permitting to operate upon your property a business which is not currently licensed by the City 1 of Miami Beach. Revised:12/3/2024 11 :31 :01 AM Page 9 of 21 MIAMIBEACH 11:00AM Special Master Case#SMC2024-03142 Department Violation #PM2024-07335 Property Address:1535 WEST AVE 1535 WEST AVE LLC C/O R.A.NAHMANI,ADI AREA Code City Zone -Description: South Inspector DennysHernandez Code:Section 58-293f 58-297e .Exterior surfaces of structure are not properly maintained andshallbescrapedandpainted. Ref:Paint all throughout the North side of the property including the walls in the stairway anddoorsarestained,dirty and are in need to be repainted. 1st OffenseBWCUsedand photos taken D.Hernandez/764 Code:Section 58-292e 58-298i.Window and/or door screens are torn and/or missing and/orgenerallyinneedofrepairorreplacement. Ref:Broken window at the East side of the property.1st Offense BWC Used and photo takenD.Hernandez/764 Code:Section 58-297e 58-293c.The wood,metal,etc.is deteriorated and shall be repaired in the following locations:Ref:Broken fence on the east side of the property. 1st OffenseBWCUsedand photos takenD.Hernandez/764 Code:Section 58-293c.Exterior railings are deteriorated and are generally in need of repair.Ref:Railing on the first and second levels are deteriorated1stOffenseBWCusedandphotostakenD.Hernandez/764 Code:Section 58-2980 58-298d .Exterior premise is not maintained in a clean and sanitarymannerandalltrashand/or miscellaneous debris shall be removed from said area.Ref:Various garbage around the property such as computer chairs,wooden panels,a car tire,wooden closet slider door,and other loose garbage.1st offenseBWCUsed and photos takenD.Hernandez.764 Status:Open Comments:NEW CASE Violation Type:PM2024-07335 -1ST OFFENSE -Exterior surfaces of structure are not properly maintained and shall be scraped and painted. Code Exterior-004PM Exterior surfaces of structure are not properly maintained and shall be scraped and painted. Exterior-006PM Section 58-2980 58-298d .Exterior premise is not maintained in a clean and sanitary manner and all trash and/or miscellaneous debris shall be removed from said area. Exterior-010PM Section 58-292e 58-298i.Window and/or door screens are torn and/or missing and/or generally in need of repair orreplacement. Exterior-017PM Section 58-293c.Exterior railings are deteriorated and are generally in need of repair. Deteriorated-Section 58-297e 58-293c.The wood,metal,etc.is deteriorated and shall be repaired in the following locations:001PM Revised:12/3/202411 :31 :01 AM Page 10 of 21 MIAMIBEACH 11:00AM Special Master Case#SMC2024-03143 Department Violation#PM2024-07512 Property Address:1340 LINCOLN RD AREA Code City Zone - South Inspector DennysHernandez GOLDEN HOUSE CONDOMINIUM,INC.c/o WOODRUFF, DAN c/o SOUTH FLORIDA CONDO MGMT Description:Code:(1)Section 58-292e 58-298i.Window and/or door screens are torn and/or missing and/or generally in need of repair or replacement.Ref:Window within the 8th floor laundry room is in disrepair and does not open. 1st offenseBWCusedand photos taken D.Hernandez/764 Status:Open Comments:NEW CASE Violation Type:PM2024-07512-1 ST OFFENSE -Window and/or door screens are torn and/or missing and/or generally in need of repair or replacement. Code Exterior-010PMI Section 58-292e 58-298i.Window and/or door screens are torn and/or missing and/or generally in need of repair orreplacement. 1:30PM Special Master Case#SMA2024-04795 Department Violation#CC2024-18873 AREA Code City Zone -Entertainment Description: InspectorLovelyneJaboin Property Address:743 WASHINGTON AVE MANSOURANDCO LLC OBA VENDOME C/0 GIANESE- PITTMAN,P.A. Section 82-151.A person or entity obstructing or causing to obstruct any street or sidewalk in thecityorimpedingthegeneralmovementofvehicularorpedestriantrafficwithoutfirstobtainingaright-of-way permit. 2nd Violation $1,000.00 Ref:Patrons blocking the ROW.Occupying the sidewalk/obstructing walking path Jaboin 761 Status:Appealed Comments:NEW CASE Violation Type:CC2024-18873 -APPEAL BY MICHAEL MARRERO ESQ.-2nd OFFENSE $1,000 -A person or entity obstructing or causing to obstruct any street or sidewalk in the city or impeding the generalmovementofvehicularorpedestriantrafficwithoutfirstobtainingaright-of-way permit.2nd Violation $1,000. Code Right-of-way-001C Section 82-151.A person or entity obstructing or causing to obstruct any street or sidewalk in the city or impeding the generalmovementofvehicularorpedestriantrafficwithoutfirstobtainingaright-of-way permit. Revised:12/3/2024 11 :31 :02 AM Page 11 of 21 MIAMI BEACH 1:30PM AREA Code City Zone - Entertainment Inspector Lovelyne Jaboin Code Description: Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: Code Description Property Address:743 WASHINGTON AVE 743 ASSOCIATES LLC OBA VENDOME C/O DANILOVIC, MIO Resiliency Code Sections Failure to operate your business in accordance withyourconditionalusepermit. Ref:Queuing of persons on the sidewalk Jaboin 761 NEWCAE CUP2024-00078 -APPEAL BY MICHAEL MARRERO,ESQ.-4TH OFFENSE -Failure to operatebusinessinaccordancewithyourconditionalusepermit. Special Master Case#SMA2024-04796 Department Violation #CUP2024-00078 1:30PM AREA Code City Zone -North Description: Inspector Lisset Reyes Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: Property Address:635 83 ST WINDS OF NOBE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION,INC.C/O GUSTAVO SPERMAN REF:Sewer leak with toilet paper tissues at the rear of the property.Sections 90-101,90-36:Creation of a health hazard or nuisance.Notice of violation issued.1st offense,$1,000.00 FineL.Reyes,741BWCUsed NEW CASE SV2024-25203- I Conditional Use-I Resiliency Code Sections Failure to operate your business in accordance with your conditional use permit. 001CUP Special Master Case#SMA2024-04797 Department Violation #SV2024-25203 Code Forthwith-001S Revised:12/3/202411:31:02 AM Page 12 of 21 MIAMI BEACH 1:30PM Special Master Case#SMA2024-04835 Department Violation#PM2024-07616 Property Address:7271 GARY AVE 7271 GARY APARTMENTS LLC C/0 CYRIL MATZ AREA Code City Zone -Description: North Inspector Gabriel Saavedra Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: (1)Section 58-298c 58-298d .Exterior premise is not maintained in a clean and sanitary manner and all trash and/or miscellaneous debris shall be removed from said area. Ref:Trash and debris throughout the property including bulky miscellaneous items. (1)Section 58-292e 58-298i.Window and/or door screens are torn and/or missing and/or generally in need of repair or replacement. Ref:Apartment units throughout are missing proper window screens. (1)Section 58-297e 58-293c.The wood,metal,etc.is deteriorated and shall be repaired in the following locations: Ref:Rusted railings throughout i.e.hallway railings,a/c units,bar windows,and entryway gate. (1)Section 58-292e.Screens to roof eaves are not properly maintained and shall be repaired or replaced. Ref:Roofing eaves on East side of the property in need of repair. (1)Section 58-293-g.Replace missing plumbing trap in the following locations: Ref:Clean out traps in located in common area are in need of property coverings. Section 58-2981Air conditioning units are not properly installed and shall be installed in an approved and workmanlike manner providing a weather tight seal. Ref:A/C units are not properly installed and in need of repair. Notice of Violation 1st Offense NEW CASE PM2024-07616-1ST OFFENSE -Exterior premise is not maintained in a clean and sanitary manner and all trash and/or miscellaneous debris shall be removed from said area. Code Code Description Plumbing-01 0PM I Section 58-293-g.Replace missing plumbing trap in the following locations: Air Conditioner- 001PM Exterior-006PM I Exterior-010PM Exterior-001 PM Deteriorated- 001 PM Section 58-2981Air conditioning units are not properly installed and shall be installed in an approved and workmanlike manner providing a weather tight seal. Section 58-298c 58-298d .Exterior premise is not maintained in a clean and sanitary manner and all trash and/or miscellaneous debris shall be removed from said area. Section 58-292e 58-298i.Window and/or door screens are torn and/or missing and/or generally in need of repair or replacement. Section 58-292e.Screens to roof eaves are not properly maintained and shall be repaired or replaced.ISection 58-297e 58-293c.The wood,metal,etc.is deteriorated and shall be repaired in the following locations: Revised:12/3/2024 11 :31:02 AM Page 13 of 21 1:30PM AREA NONE InspectorLovelyneJaboin Code Description: Status:Open Comments: Violation Type: Code Description Property Address:7300 COLLINS AVE 7300 COLLINS INVESTMENT LLC C/O PIOTRKOWSKI,JOEL S,ESQ. Section 138-3 (1 ):Erecting,constructing,posting,painting,altering,maintaining or relocating asignwithoutfirstobtainingapermitfromtheBuildingOfficial.Ref:Business at your property,"Collins Pizza,"at 7308 Collins Ave,has illegal signs/All signsrequireplanningdepartmentapproval/and or building permits. L.Jaboin/761BWC:Used NEW CASE ZV2024-05122-1ST OFFENSE -illegal signs. MIAMIBEACH Special Master Case#SMC2024-02888 Department Violation#ZV2024-05122 1Sign-004Z I Section 138-3 (1):Erecting,constructing,posting,painting,altering,maintaining or relocating a sign without first obtaining apermitfromtheBuildingOfficial. 1:30PM Special Master Case#SMC2024-03122 Department Violation #ZV2024-05377 Property Address:1001 BAY DR BAY SHORE TIERRA LLC C/O GUSTAF ARNOLDSSON AREA Code City Zone -Description: North Inspector Gabriel Saavedra Status:Open Comments: Violation Type: Resiliency Code Sections 1.3.8,2.13.4,2.13.7,2.13.1 (c)i),chapter 30,General Ordinances. Altering a property without obtaining a Certificate ofAppropriateness.Ref:Installation of artificial grass without first obtaining a Certificate of AppropriatenessOffense:1stFine:$0.00NoticeofviolationG.Saavedra/716BWC-used NEW CASE ZV2024--05377 -1ST OFFENSE -Installation of artificial grass without first obtaining a CertificateofAppropriateness Code Certificate of Appropriateness-001Z Code Description $obtaining a Certificate ofAppropriateness. -2 a '0}i e a ¢,@l/ Revised:12/3/202411:31:02 AM Page 14 of 21 MIAMI/BEACH 1:30PM Special Master Case#SMC2024-03124 Department Violation #PM2024-06955 Property Address: 1135 97TH ST LLP 6800 COLLINSAVE AREA Code City Zone -Description: North Inspector Ana Maya Status:Open Comments: Violation Type: Section 58-293f 58-297e:Cracked and/or broken stucco shall be repaired in a workmanlike manner.Ref:Cracked stucco through-out the entire building located at 6772--6812 Collins Ave (two buildings within the same parcel and same owner)must be repaired.Section 58-293f,58-297e:Exterior surfaces of structure are not properly maintained and shall be scraped and painted.Ref:The front fascia of buildings located at 6772-6812 Collins Ave must be scraped.and painted. Section 58-293b 58-293c:The exterior wall is not maintained properly and shall be repaired.Ref:Holes with exposed wiring between the front fascia and soffit area ofthe building near unit 6784 must be repaired.A piece of missing stucco at the front of unit 6808 must be repaired.First Offense No Fine.A.Maya723BWCused. NEW CASE PM2024-03124 -1ST OFFENSE -Cracked and/or broken stucco shall be repaired in aworkmanlikemanner. Code Code DescriptionlExterior-013PM ]58-293b 58-293c .The exterior wall is not maintained properly and shall be repaired. Exterior-004PM Section 58-293f 58-297e .Exterior surfaces of structure are not properly maintained and shall be scraped and painted. Exterior-005PM Section 58-293f 58-297e.Cracked and/or broken stucco shall be repaired in a workmanlike manner. 2:30PM Special Master Case#SMA2024-04798 Department Violation #PV2023-02055 Property Address:660 OCEAN DR AREA Code City Zone -Description:Entertainment ILLEGAL STORAGE Inspector Steven Wachholder Code Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: Code Description NEW CASE PV2023-02055 -APPEALED BY RONAL VENZANT ROCHE-1 ST OFFENSE -ILLEGALSTORAGE Parking Valet - Illegal Storage Section 18-311 (C)Storage.The storage of vehicles shall only be in private spaces.There must not be any storage ofvehiclesonanypublicproperty,metered spaces or parking within residential zones which is hereby expressly prohibitedthroughouttheCityofMiamiBeach. Revised:12/3/2024 11:31:02 AM Page 15 of 21 MIAMIBEACH 2:30PM Special Master Case#t SMA2024-04799 Department Violation#PV2023-02134 Property Address:600 COLLINS AVE AMERICAN PARK INC C/0 VENZANT-ROCHE,RONAL AREA Code City Zone -Description: Entertainment Inspector Status:AppealedAndyVerastegui Comments: Violation Type: Illegal Ramping NEW CASE pv2023-02134 -APPEALED BY RONAL VENZANT ROCHE -1 ST OFFENSE $500.00 Code I Parking Valet - :Illegal Ramping Code Description I Section 18-311 (B)Ramping.Ramping shall only be operated in no less than two (2),and no more than four (4)spaces 1 provided for ramping.The Parking Director shall have the final authority to determine the number of ramping area spaces. 2:30PM Special Master Case#t SMA2024-04800 Department Violation #4 PV2024-03064 Property Address:510 OCEAN DR American Park INC c/o RONAL VENZANT ROCHE AREA Code City Zone -Description: Entertainment ILLEGAL STORAGE Inspector Rafael Moreno Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: NEW CASE PV2024-03064 -APPEALED BY RONAL VENZANT ROCHE -1ST OFFENSE $500.00 -ILLEGAL STORAGE Code Code Description Parking Valet -Illegal Storage Section 18-311 (C)Storage.The storage of vehicles shall only be in private spaces.There must not be any storage ofvehiclesonanypublicproperty,metered spaces or parking within residential zones which is hereby expressly prohibitedthroughouttheCityofMiamiBeach. 2:30PM Special Master Case#SMA2024-04801 Department Violation #4 PV2024-03065 Property Address:510 OCEAN DR American Park INC c/o RONAL VENZANT ROCHE AREA Code City Zone -Description:Entertainment ILLEGAL STORAGE Inspector Rafael Moreno Code Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: Code Description NEW CASE PV2024-03065 -APPEALED BY RONAL VENZANT ROCHE -1 ST OFFENSE $500.00 -ILLEGALSTORAGE I Parking Valet -Illegal Storage Section 18-311 (C)Storage.The storage of vehicles shall only be in private spaces.There must not be any storage ofvehiclesonanypublicproperty,metered spaces or parking within residential zones which is hereby expressly prohibited throughout the City of Miami Beach. Revised:12/3/202411:31:02 AM Page 16 of 21 MIAMIBEACH 2:30PM Special Master Case#SMA2024-04802 Department Violation #PV2024-03252 Property Address:524 OCEAN DR American Park INC c/o RONAL VENZANT ROCHE AREA Code City Zone -Description: Entertainment VALET NO PERMIT InspectorSteven Wachholder Code Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: Code Description NEW CASE PV2024-03252 -APPEALED BY RONAL VENZANT ROCHE -1ST OFFENSE $500.00-VALETNOPERMIT Parking Valet -Operating withoutaValetPermit Section 18-336Thecityshallissue space rental valet parking permits issued to valet operators who conduct their operations on public property.No valet parking shall occur on public property without the operator securing a space rental valet parking permitfromthecity's parking department. 2:30PM Special Master Case#SMA2024-04803 Department Violation #PV2024-03670 Property Address:510 OCEAN DR American Park INC c/o RONAL VENZANT ROCHE AREA Code City Zone -Description: Entertainment ILLEGAL STORAGE Inspector Steven Wachholder Code Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: Code Description NEW CASE PV2024-03670 -APPEALED BY RONAL VENZANT ROCHE -2ND OFFENSE $1000.00- ILLEGAL STORAGE Parking Valet-Illegal Storage I Section 18-311 (C)Storage.The storage of vehicles shall only be in private spaces.There must not be any storage ofvehiclesonanypublicproperty,metered spaces or parking within residential zones which is hereby expressly prohibited1throughouttheCityofMiamiBeach. 2:30PM Special Master Case#SMA2024-04804 Department Violation #PV2024-03671 Property Address:510 OCEAN DR American Park INC c/o RONAL VENZANT ROCHE AREA Code City Zone -Description: Entertainment NO DRIVERS LICENSE Inspector Steven Wachholder Code Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: Code Description • NEW CASE PV2024-03671-APPEALED BY RONAL VENZANT ROCHE -2ND OFFENSE $250.00 -NODRIVERSLICENSE Parking Valet -No Section 18-340 (1) Valid Drivers All employees or contractors who operate motor vehicles shall have a valid Florida driver's license.License Parking Valet -No Section 18-340 (3) Name Tag All employees or contractors shall wear on their uniform,a name-tag identifying the employee's/contractor's name; Revised:12/3/2024 11 :31 :02 AM Page 17 of 21 MIAMIBEACH 2:30PM Special Master Case#SMA2024-04805 Department Violation #PV2024-03897 Property Address:616 COLLINS AVE American Park INC c/o RONAL VENZANT ROCHE AREA Code City Zone -Description: Entertainment ILLEGAL STORAGE -VALET MOVED FROM 660 OCEAN DR (MOW VALET RELOCATION) InspectorGaliPacheco Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: NEW CASE PV2024-03897 -APPEALED BY RONAL VENZANT ROCHE -2ND OFFENSE $1,000.00- ILLEGAL STORAGE Code Parking Valet -Illegal Storage Section 18-311 (C)Storage.The storage of vehicles shall only be in private spaces.There must not be any storage ofvehiclesonanypublicproperty,metered spaces or parking within residential zones which is hereby expressly prohibited throughout the City of Miami Beach. 2:30PM Special Master Case#SMA2024-04806 Department Violation #4 PV2024-04347 Property Address:660 OCEAN DR American Park INC clo RONAL VENZANT ROCHE AREA Code City Zone -Description: Entertainment Inspector Status:AppealedRemigiolriondo Comments: Violation Type: OPERATOR OPERATING WITHOUT A VALET PERMIT NEW CASE PV2024-04347 -APPEALED BY RONAL VENZANT ROCHE -1ST OFFENSE $500.00-OPERATING WITHOUT A VALET PERMIT Code Parking Valet - Operating withoutaValetPermit --Code Description Section 18-336 The city shall issue space rental valet parking permits issued to valet operators who conduct their operations on public 1 property.No valet parking shall occur on public property without the operator securing a space rental valet parking permit from the city's parking department. 5:00PM Special Master Case#SMA2024-04768 Department Violation#CC2024-18728 Property Address:1045 W 47 CT LOPEFRA CORP.c/o HARTIGAN,ROSEMARY L AREA Code City Zone -Description: Middle Inspector Akeem Jackson Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: Section 46-238 Not complying with the sediment and erosion control requirements.Ref:Construction site does not have sediment control in place. 1st Offense =$500.00 A.Jackson 759BWCUsed NEW CASE CC2024-18728 -1ST OFFENSE:$500 Code Environmental -SedimentRequirements - 001C Code Description Section 46-238 Not complying with the sediment and erosion control requirements. Revised:12/3/202411 :31:02 AM Page 18 of 21 MIAMIBEACH 5:00PM Special Master Case#SMA2024-04770 Department Violation#CC2024-18742 Property Address:7845 ATLANTIC WAY Unit:ROW lllia shymanchyk AREA Code City Zone -Description: North Inspector Albert Leslie Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: Code Description Section 12-5:Conducting a Special Event without a permit.Ref:Dj's on the SandOffense:1stFine:$1000A.leslie/751bwcused NEW CASE CC2024-18742 -1ST OFFENSE:$1,000 I Special Event- 001C lSection 12-5.Conducting a Special Event without a permit. 5:00PM Special Master Case#SMA2024-04771 Department Violation#CC2024-18743 Property Address:7845 ATLANTIC WAY Unit:ROW Anton Sotov AREA Code City Zone -Description: North Inspector Albert Leslie Status:Appealed Comments: Violation Type: --Code Code Description Section 82-151.A person or entity obstructing or causing to obstruct any street or sidewalk in thecityorimpedingthegeneralmovementofvehicularorpedestriantrafficwithoutfirstobtainingaright-of-way permit.Ref:DJ equipment on the sandOffense:1stFine:$500 A.leslie/751BWCUsed NEW CASE CC2024-18743 -1ST OFFENSE"$500 Right-of-way-001C Section 82-151.A person or entity obstructing or causing to obstruct any street or sidewalk in the city or impeding the generalmovementofvehicularorpedestriantrafficwithoutfirstobtainingaright-of-way permit. 5:00PM Special Master Case#SMC2024-03079 Department Violation#CC2024-18260 Property Address:831 WASHINGTON AVE AREA Code City Zone -Description: Entertainment Inspector Kevaris Doughty Status:Open Comments: Violation Type: Section 102-376 as amended:Permitting to operate upon your property a business which is notcurrentlylicensedbytheCityofMiamiBeach.REF:Allowing a barber to operate without a valid business tax receipt.First Offense:No Fine.K.Doughty/750.BWC used. NEW CASE CC2024-18260 -1ST OFFENSE -BTR Code Business Tax Receipt-001C Code Description Section 102-376 as amended.Permitting to operate upon your property a business which is not currently licensed by the CityofMiamiBeach. Revised:12/3/2024 11 :31 :02 AM Page 19 of 21 MIAMIBEACH 5:00PM Special Master Case#SMC2024-03093 Department Violation #PM2024-06990 Property Address:1745 MARSEILLE DR MARSEILLE CORP C/O RAMOS,LUIS AREA Code City Zone -Description: North InspectorYamilDotel Section 58-293f,58-297e:Exterior surfaces of structure are not properly maintained and shall be scraped and painted.Section 58-292e 58-298i:Window and/or door screens are torn and/or missing and/or generally in need of repair or replacement. REF:Paint was faded on all sides of building,also window frames on north,east,west and southsideofthebuildingwereshowingsignsofrust. Yamil Dotel 767 BWC was used Status:Open Comments:NEW CASE Violation Type:PM2024-06990 -1ST OFFENSE -Exterior surfaces of structure are not properly maintained and shall be scraped and painted. Code Exterior-004PM Exterior-010PM I .Exterior surfaces of structure are not properly maintained and shall be scraped and painted. fSection 58-292e 58-298i.Window and/or door screens are torn and/or missing and/or generally in need of repair orreplacement. 5:00PM Special Master Case#SMC2024-03099 Department Violation #PM2024-07283 Property Address:2401 COLLINS AVE AREA Code City Zone -Middle Description: InspectorAlbertLeslie THE RIVIERA CONDOMINIUM APARTMENTS,INC.% PETERSON,BALDOR,&MARANGES,PLLC Section 58-298e:Exterior premise is not properly maintained and is not free from excessive growth of grass,weeds and/or other flora.Ref:Overgrown hedges Offense:1stA.Leslie/751 BWC Used Status:Open Comments:NEW CASE Violation Type:PM2024-07283 -1ST OFFENSE -Exterior premise is not properly maintained and is not free from excessive growth of grass,weeds and/or other flora. Section 58-298e .Exterior premise is not properly maintained and is not free from excessive growth of grass,weeds and/orotherflora. Revised:12/3/202411 :31 :02 AM Page 20 of 21 MlAMIBEACH 5:00PM Special Master Case#SMC2024-03105 Department Violation #PM2023-06522 Property Address:1350 COLLINS AVE AREA Code City Zone -Entertainment InspectorKevarisDoughty 1350 COLLINS OWNER LLC C/0 CONSULTING SERVICES OF SOUTH FLORIDA INC Description:Reference:Overgrowth offlora in the front of property. Reference:Concrete wall/barrier in the front of the property needs to be scrapped pressurewashedandpainted. Section 58-293f 58-297e .Exterior surfaces of structure are not properly maintained and shall bescrapedandpainted.1st Offense BWC Used K.Buck 702 Status:Open Comments:NEW CASE Violation Type:PM2023-06522 -Reference:Overgrowth of flora in the front of property.Reference:Concretewall/barrier in the front ofthe property needs to be scrapped pressure washed and painted.Section 58-293f 58-297e .Exteriorsurfaces of structure are not properly maintained and shall bescrapedandpainted.1st Offense BWC Used K.Buck 702 Code Exterior-004PM Exterior-007PM Exterior surfaces of structure are not properly maintained and shall be scraped and painted. Section 58-298e .Exterior premise is not properly maintained and is not free from excessive growth of grass,weeds and/orotherflora. Revised:12/3/2024 11:31:02 AM Page 21 of 21