February 2, 2004 AgendaCHARTER REVIEW BOARD AGENDA February 2, 2004 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of December $, 2003. Il. ISSUES FOR DELIBERATION CITY MANAGER/ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES a) Personnel Board (Ch. Art. IV) Sec. 12 Item discussed at the September 2, Informational Materials) 2003 CRB Meeting (See Sec. 12. Personnel board. Until August 1, 1955, the personnel board shall consist of nine members, being five voting members and four nonvoting members. The five voting members shall be citizens of Miami Beach not in the employ of the city, each having a different vocation, the term "vocation" as used herein meaning the principal means of livelihood of the member. They shall be appointed by the votes of five-sevenths of the City Commission and shall serve for a term of five years. The four nonvoting members of the personnel board shall consist of the Director of Human Resources and three regular employees of the City of Miami Beach to be elected by the probationary and regular employees of the city. One such nonvoting member shall be elected from the employees of regular status in each of the following groups by the employees of probationary and regular status in the respective groups. Group 1 shall consist of the employees of the police department, fire department and beach patrol department. Group 2 shall consist of employees who are in clerical and executive positions; Group 3 shall consist of all other employees. At the first election held by the employees at as early a date as is practicable after June 1, 1951, the three nonvoting employee members shall be elected for terms commencing August 1, 1951. The term of the member representing Group 1 shall be for three years, the term of the member representing Group 2 shall be for two years, and the term of the member representing Group 3 shall be for one year. Thereafter an election shall be conducted for the group in which a term expires, and the term of such member so elected shall be for three years. The city clerk shall conduct and supervise the election of the nonvoting members of the personnel board. From and after August 1, 1955 the personnel board shall consist often members, of whom six shall be citizens of Miami Beach not in the employ of the city, each having a different vocation, the term "vocation" as used herein meaning the principal means of livelihood of the member. At least one citizen must work in the field of human resources. They shall be appointed by the votes of five-sevenths of the City Commission and shall be voting members. The five voting members who are in office on M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\CHARTER\2004\aFebruary 2, 2004\February agenda.doc August 1, 1955 shall continue in office as voting members until August 1 st of the last calendar year in the term for which such member was appointed, and until his successor is appointed. The vacancy caused by the increase in membership on August 1, 1955 shall be filled by an appointment for a term of two years commencing August 1, 1955. Thereafter, at the expiration of the terms of such members, the vacancy so caused shall be filled by appointment for a term of five years commencing August 1st of the year in which the vacancy as a result of such expiration of term occurs. The other four members of the personnel board shall be the Director of Human Resources, who shall not be a voting member of the board, and three regular employees of the City of Miami Beach, to be elected by the probationary and regular employees of the city in the same manner and from the same group as was in effect immediately prior to August 1, 1955. The employee members of the personnel board who are in office on August 1, 1955 and whose terms have not expired shall continue in office as employee members for their respective unexpired terms. An election shall be conducted for the employee group in which a term expires, and the term of such member so elected shall be for three years. The three employee members shall be entitled to a total of one vote, voting as an employee member unit, in the determination of all matters before the personnel board. A majority of the employee members present shall control the one unit vote of the employee membership; if only two employee members are present and cannot agree, then the unit vote of the employee membership shall be a nullity; if only one employee member is present, then he shall be entitled to case [cast] the one unit vote of the employee membership. Any nonemployee member of the personnel board, except the Director of Human Resources, may be removed by the City Commission if at least five-sevenths of the members of the City Commission vote for such removal. Vacancies occurring in the membership of the personnel board shall be filled within thirty days in the same manner in which the vacant membership was originally selected. The member so selected shall serve for the unexpired term of his predecessor on the board. Any employee member of the personnel board may be removed if at least twenty-five percent of the total employee members of his group shall sign a petition for an election to determine whether or not such employee member should be removed and the petition is presented to the city clerk, who shall thereupon conduct and supervise such election, and a majority of the members of the group voting at such election shall vote to remove such employee member. The personnel board shall select its own chairman and vice- chairman from its nonemployee voting members. There shall be regular meetings of the board held once a month, and such additional special meetings as may be required. Special meetings may be called by the chairman, and upon demand by any three or more board members, but only after reasonable notice has been given to all members and the city manager. At least three nonemployee voting members and at least one employee member shall constitute a quorum, but an affirmative vote of not less than three members shall be required for determination of all matters before it, except that in cases of adjournment or recess only a majority vote of those members present shall be required. All regular and special meetings of the board shall be open to the public, but this shall not be construed to prevent private conferences at which no formal action is taken. M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\CHARTER\2004\aFebruary 2, 2004\February agenda.doc Minutes of September 2, 2003 Meeting Meeting called to order at 4:40 p.m. Roll call. Absent: Members Diaz and Gelber I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 10 AND JULY 22, 2003 ACTION: Motion made by Vice-Chair Beloff; seconded by Member Herrup to approve the minutes of June 10, 2003. Vote: 4-3. ACTION: Motion made by Vice-Chair Beloff; seconded by Chairman Zack to approve the minutes of July 22, 2003. Vote: 4-3. Chairman Zack informed the Board Members that a final report of items not voted on by the City Commission would be presented at a later date. II. ISSUES FOR DELIBERATION: a. Bill of Riqhts Discussion held. Member Herrup suggested including language stating that citizens should be treated with dignity and courtesy as part of the City Manager's Customer Service Plan. Motion was made by Member Herrup to make recommendation to the City Commission of adding language to the City's Mission Statement; seconded by Vice- Chair Beloff. No vote taken. Member Arriola suggested adding language in the Charter. This proposal will be presented at future meetings. b. Form of Government/Commission Powers Item deferred indefinitely. Motion made by Vice-Chair Beloff; seconded by Member Arriola. Vote: 5-2. Absent: Members Diaz and Gelber. c. Election Reform Item deferred until more input on the subject is obtained from Ms. Constance Kaplan, new Miami-Dade County Supervisor of Elections, who will meet with different municipalities to obtain consensus regarding uniform municipalities elections. d. Zoninq Reform Item deferred. Motion made by Vice-Chair Beloff to hold a televised public meeting in the Commission Chambers, November 6, 2003, to discuss Charter Sections 1.03 (b) and 1.03 (c); seconded by Member Herrup. Vote: 5-2. Absent: Members Diaz and Gelber. Chairman Zack requested Jorge Gomez, Planning Director, to make a presentation of waterfront properties in the City at the meeting. e. City Manager/Administrative Chanqes/City of Miami Beach Related Special Acts 1. Department Directors Not Confirmed By Commission (Sec. 4.02 (b)) - Item not reached. 2. Related Special Acts -Art IV. Civil Service System (Sec. 9) 3. Related Special Acts- Art. IV. Personnel Board (Sec. 12) 4. Related Special Acts - Art. V. Health Plan for city officers & employees M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\CHARTER\2004\aFebruary 2, 2004\February agenda.doc Jorge Gonzalez, City Manager, explained that a Hearing Examiner or a Special Master should be in place, in lieu of the Personnel Board, to provide a venue and provide all employees with effective tools from a labor management perspective. His recommendation is not to do away with the Personnel Board but do away with the aspect of disciplinary issue through collective bargaining agreement and Special Master. Jean Olin, Deputy City Attorney, stated that the City is not required to submit to the voters those Related Special Acts issues, which are subject to collective bargaining; although the City Commission may choose to submit these matters to public vote, legally, matters collectively bargained are not required to be approved by the voters. Pamela Terranova, Esq. representing City Unions, (CWA) made a presentation regarding the differences between the existing system and the proposed system(See FIO~ ~ha~ a~ached) Chairman Zack explained that the new proposal would require a system that is cost neutral, similar to the existing system as presented by Ms. Terranova, and a Hearing Examiner be selected on this matter, in a way that makes both parties come to an agreement, keeping in mind consistency and fairness. PUBLIC COMMENTS: There was a good and welfare where the public was provided an opportunity to speak. Joe Asmundsson spoke. Jorge Gonzalez, City Manager, spoke. Joseph Fisher, CWA representative, spoke. Kelly Cohen, Esq. explained the proposed system. Mike Burke spoke. Pamela Terranova, Esq. spoke. Richard McKinnon, CVVA Local 3178 President, spoke. Rosalie Pincus, Chairwoman of the Personnel Board, spoke. III. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 6:42 p.m. The next public meeting was scheduled for November 6, 2003 to discuss Zoning Reform issues only. M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\CHARTER\2004\aFebruary 2, 2004\February agenda.doc FLOW CHART EXISTING SYSTEM PROPOSED SYSTEM Suspended Disciplinary Action Non-Union Union Others Existing _ Union Collective Bargaining Agreement ~ ~ ~ Grievances bBinding _ itration ~x a m i~// _ Arbitration 0 pinion ~loy .......... ~ Fact 11th Circuit City Manager 3rd Circuit 11th Circuit Court Court M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\CHARTER\2004\aFebruary 2, 2004\February agenda.doc b) Certain Officers & Employees Constituted Civil Service Employees (RSA Art IV) Sec 9 Sec. 9. Certain officers and employees constituted civil service employees. Certain officers and employees of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, shall, after the passage and final approval of this Act and its adoption by referendum as hereinafter provided be and are hereby constituted civil service employees of said city and shall be employed, retained, governed, directed and discharged as hereinafter provided. (Laws of Fla., 1937, ch. 18696, § 1; Ord. No. 93-2868, § 1, 9-22-93) c) d) Health Plan for City Officers and Employees (Ch. Art V) HEALTH PLAN FOR CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES* * Editors Note: Section 2 of Laws of Fla., 1943, ch. 22399, as amended by Laws of Fla., 1951, ch. 27730, § 2, regarding investment of funds of the plan has been editorially deleted as superseded by F.S. § 218.40 et seq. Sec. 27. Authority to establish; cost; membership. The city commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, is hereby empowered to establish by ordinance a health plan for officers and employees of said city, which plan may include the spouse and minor children of said officers and employees. Provisions governing health plan contribution, membership withdrawal/reinstatement shall be established by ordinance. (Laws of Fla., 1943, ch. 22399, § 1; Laws of Fla., 1951, ch. 27730, § 1; election of 11-18-69; Ord. No. 82-2309, § 3; Ord. No. 85- 2496, § 2; Res. No. 2001-24546, 7-25-01) Sec. 28. Administration of plan. Any health plan established under this Act shall be administered by the city manager or his designee(s). Said city manager or his designee(s) shall have full power and authority to effect the purposes of this Act by entering into contractual obligations with insurance carriers, cooperative health groups, or by establishing a self-administered plan, or by a combination of contractual and self-administered services; and shall have authority to establish rates of cost based on actuarial analyses, subject to the approval of the city commission. (Laws of Fla., 1943, ch. 22399, § 3; Laws of Fla., 1951, ch. 27730, § 3; election of 11-7-89) Department Directors Not Confirmed by Commission (Ch. §4.02) (b) (b) To appoint all directors of the several departments now existing, or to be created, with the consent of the City Commission, and to remove the same at will, except for the Legal Department. M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\CHARTER\2004\aFebruary 2, 2004\February agenda.doc IV. SCHEDULE OF NEXT ELECTION DATES August 31, 2004 and November 2, 2004 OFFICIAL SPECIAL ELECTION BALLOT MIAMI-DADE, FLORIDA MARCH 9, 2004 Miami Beach Question I Amending Citizen's Bill of Rights to Protect Natural Resources and Scenic Beauty Shall the Miami Beach City Charter be amended to include within the Citizen's Bill of Rights a policy statement of the City to conserve and protect its natural resources and scenic beauty, including the abatement of air and water pollution and of excessive and unnecessary noise? YES 30 NO 31 Miami Beach Question 2 Amending Charter Section 1.03(b) re: Lease/Disposal of City-Owned Property by Expanding its Applicability Shall Charter Section 1.03(b) requiring voter approval before lease/disposal of City- owned park, recreation, waterfront property apply to additional City properties (west of North Shore Open Space; Cultural Campus; and parking lots near 72nd Street, Convention Center, Lincoln Road); require Planning Board's 4/7 and City Commission's 5/7 votes before lease/disposal of other City-owned properties; increase exempt lease period from five to ten years; exempt interests/settlement of claims existing as of January 14th, 2004? YES 32 NO 33 M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\CHARTER\2004\aFebruary 2, 2004\February agenda.doc Miami Beach Question 3 Amending Charter Section 1.03(c) re: Voter Approval Prior to Floor Area Increase Shall Charter Section 1.03(c) requiring voter approval before floor area ratio may be increased on properties adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean, Government Cut, Indian Creek, or Biscayne Bay, be expanded to apply to all property within City limits; exempting the division of lots or the aggregation of development rights on unified abutting parcels (otherwise permitted by ordinance), and settlement of claims the City has notice of as of December 10, 2003? YES 34 NO 35 Miami Beach Question 4 Amending Charter Section 4.02(i) Deleting Requirement for City Attorney Approval of City Manager's Contract Negotiations Shall Section 4.02(i) of the Miami Beach City Charter regarding the City Manager's power to negotiate City contracts and agreements be amended by deleting language subjecting said power to approval of the City Attorney, retaining language requiring City Commission approval of City Manager negotiations? YES 36 NO 37 Miami Beach Question 5 Amending Charter Article V to Require Economic Impact Statement Shall the Miami Beach City Charter, Article V thereof regarding "budget and finance", be amended to require that the City Commission consider the long term economic impact (at least five years) of legislative acts? YES 38 NO 39 M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\CHARTER\2004\aFebruary 2, 2004\February agenda.doc Miami Beach Question 6 Amending Related Special Acts by deleting Article II "Public Library" and Article III "Municipal Projects" Shall Miami Beach Related Special Acts, Article II thereof entitled "Public Library" and Article III thereof entitled "Municipal Projects", be deleted as said language is obsolete and/or redundant? YES 40 NO 41 IV. ADJOURNMENT M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\CHARTER\2004\aFebruary 2, 2004\February agenda.doc