April 22, 2004 Agenda CHARTER REVIEW BOARD AGENDA April 22, 2004 I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of February 2, 2004. II. ISSUES FOR DELIBERATION 1. CITY MANAGER/ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES a) Health Plan for City Officers and Employees (Related Special Acts Art V) HEALTH PLAN FOR CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES* * Editors Note: Section 2 of Laws of Fla., 1943, ch. 22399, as amended by Laws of Fla., 1951, ch. 27730, S 2, regarding investment of funds of the plan has been editorially deleted as superseded by F.S. S 218.40 et seq. Sec. 27. Authority to establish; cost; membership. The city commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, is hereby empowered to establish by ordinance a health plan for officers and employees of said city, which plan may include the spouse and minor children of said officers and employees. Provisions governing health plan contribution, membership withdrawal/reinstatement shall be established by ordinance. (Laws of Fla., 1943, ch. 22399, S 1; Laws of Fla., 1951, ch. 27730, S 1; election of 11-18-69; Ord. No. 82-2309, S 3; Ord. No. 85- 2496, S 2; Res. No. 2001-24546, 7-25-01) Sec. 28. Administration of plan. Any health plan established under this Act shall be administered by the city manager or his designee(s). Said city manager or his designee(s) shall have full power and authority to effect the purposes of this Act by entering into contractual obligations with insurance carriers, cooperative health groups, or by establishing a self-administered plan, or by a combination of contractual and self-administered services; and shall have authority to establish rates of cost based on actuarial analyses, subject to the approval of the city commission. (Laws of Fla., 1943, ch. 22399, S 3; Laws of Fla., 1951, ch. 27730, S 3; election of 11-7-89) b) Department Directors Not Confirmed by Commission (Ch. ~4.02) (b) (b) To appoint all directors of the several departments now existing, or to be created, with the consent of the City Commission, and to remove the same at will, except for the Legal Department. M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\CHARTER\2004\bApril 22, 2004\April agenda. doc 2. GOOD GOVERNMENT REFORM Sec. 2.02. Term and compensation. The term of office of the Mayor shall be two (2) years. The term of office of the City Commissioners shall be four (4) years. Commencing with the General Election in November 1997 (excluding individuals holding City of Miami Beach elective office prior thereto for their unexpired terms), the term limit for Miami Beach Commissioners shall be eight consecutive years and the term limit for Miami of the City of Miami Beach Charter. The annual compensation for the Office of Commissioner shall be six thousand dollars ($6,000.00) and the compensation for the Office of Mayor shall be ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00); any increase in salary for Mayor and/or Commissioner shall require approval of a majority of the electorate voting at a City election. (Res. No. 96-22083, S 8, 7-17-96/11-6-96) Beach Mayor shall be six consecutive years respectively, measured retroactively from their first elections said terms not including time served as a member of the City of Miami Beach Commission as a result of having filled a vacancy in the Commission pursuant to Section 2.07 (Reference Material mailed to CRB members on 2/11/04) Miami-Dade County Sec. 2-11.1 Conflict of Interest & Code of Ethics Ordinance City of Miami Beach Article VII. STANDARDS OF CONDUCT The 2003 Florida Statutes Sections 112.31- 112.326 IV. ADJOURNMENT M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\CHARTER\2004\bApril 22, 2004\April agenda. doc