April 22, 2004 minutes CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov City Clerk's Office CharterReview@miamibeachfl.qov Telephone 305-673-7411 Facsimile 305-673-7254 CITY CHARTER REVIEW BOARD Minutes of April 22, 2004 Meeting Board Members in attendance: Chairman Steve Zack Vice-Chair Jonathan Beloff Board Member Ricky Arriola Board Member Victor Diaz Board Member Larry Herrup (Absent) Board Member Abraham Laeser (Absent) Board Member Seymour Gelber Board Liaison Personnel Jean Olin, Deputy City Attorney Robert Parcher, City Clerk Liliam R. Hatfield, Secretary to City Clerk *** Meeting called to order at 4:40 p.m. Absent: Members Herrup and Laeser. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 2,2004 ACTION: Motion made by Member Diaz; seconded by Vice Chair Beloff; to approve the minutes of February 2, 2004. Vote: 5-0. Absent: Members Herrup and Laeser. II. ISSUES FOR DELIBERATION a) Health Plan for City Officers and Employees (Related Special Acts, Art V) Item withdrawn by Administration. b) Department Directors Not Confirmed by Commission (Ch. ~4.02) (b) Item withdrawn by Administration. III. GOOD GOVERNMENT REFORM ACTION: Motion made by Member Diaz, seconded by Member Arriola to include this item on the next agenda, with a one-hour limit, and a five-minute rule in place for public speakers, to discuss the issue of increasing elected official's compensation, and simultaneously increasing the period of prohibited lobbying activity by the Mayor and City Commissioners after leaving elected office in the City. Vote: 5-0. Absent: Members Herrup and Laeser. Discussion held. Member Diaz suggested that other 'good government' issues be discussed for possible consideration by the CRB, in conjunction with the issue of increasing the elected official's salary-such other information could be gathered from other communities that have done similar studies, including possibly the Center for Democracy in Washington, and Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics and Public Trust-the other issues to be considered may include prohibitions on elected officials after they leave City service, such as additional disclosures of contractual relationships as well as other ethical provisions that could be added to the City Code or the Charter for more transparency in government. Jean Olin, Deputy City Attorney, will contact Center for Democracy, and the Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics, for report back to the CRB at its next meeting. Charter Review Board Minutes April 22, 2004 Page 2 NEW ITEM Letter from South Beach Hotel & Restaurant Associations from David Kelsey, President, dated April 22, 2004, addressed to the Charter Review Board, requesting Clarification of Requirement for Economic Impact Study (Amendment to Miami Beach Charter Article Five) requesting that this item be added to the agenda as an emergency item. ACTION: Motion by Member Gelber, seconded by Vice-Chair Beloff, to deny this request. Vote: 5-0. Absent: Members Herrup and Laeser. Discussion held. Jean Olin, Deputy City Attorney, explained that the subject Charter amendment requires that the City consider the economic impact of legislative matters while such legislation is proposed-the format for the economic impact study, and the timing of its presentation to the City, is within the discretion of the City Manager. The City is not at this time required to, as Mr. Kelsey has requested, immediately stop further hearings before the Planning Board and the City Commission with regards to the proposed legislation on night life until the City has considered the economic impact of such legislation. IV. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 5:44 p.m. The next meeting is to be scheduled in May 2004. The City Clerk's Office Secretary will coordinate a final schedule date. ADDITIONAL ITEM PERSONNEL BOARD ACTION: Motion made by Member Diaz, seconded by Member Arriola to add discussion regarding amending the Related Acts to delete the Personnel Board to the next agenda, with one-hour time limit for an open forum and for the presentation and a five-minute rule to be in place for public speakers. Vote: 5-0. Absent: Members Herrup and Laeser. Vice-Chair Beloff requested that all parties involved be properly notified of the next CRB meeting. DISTRICT REPRESENTATION Chairman Zack stated that as a courtesy to Mr. David Kelsey, his request for CRB discussion concerning the issue of district elections will be added to the next agenda. PUBLIC COMMENTS: There was a good and welfare where the public was provided an opportunity to speak. Robert Parcher, City Clerk, notified the CRB members of the efforts of the Miami-Dade County Elections Supervisor to establish a unified municipal election date among local cities. He also informed the board that the Elections Department is suggesting that all cities have a Runoff Election date of at least 3-4 weeks from the date of General Election, which would require that the MB City Charter be amended to change the Runoff date from 2 weeks after the General Election to 3 to 4 weeks after the General Election. REP:JO/lh Attachment: Sign-In Sheet Letter from David Kelsey, dated 4/22/04, South Beach Hotel & Restaurant Associations 2 Prepared by the City Clerk's Office M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\CHARTER\2004\bApril 22, 2004\April 22, 2004 minutes. doc