Request 589 - Legal R£OORD$ DNSPOSNTNON DOOU~£NT PAGE i O~ 1 PAG~ i. AGENOY NA~ mhd ADDR~ 2. AGENCY OONTAOT (N~me mhd TeNephone Numbe0 City of Mi~i Beach - Legal Dept. Theresa Pope - Legal Dept. Manager 1700 Convention Center Drive - 4~ Floor Miami Beach, FL 33139 (305) 673 - 7000 Ext. 6651 3. NOTICE OF INTENTION: The scheduled records listed in Item 5 are to be disposed of in the manner checked below (speci~ only one). ~ a. Dest~ction ~ b. Microfilming and Destruction 4, SUBMI~ED BY: I hereby ceAi~ that the records to be disposed of are correctly represented below, that any audit requirements for the r~ords have b~n fully justified, and that fu~her retention is not required for any litigation pending or imminent. ' ~eresa P~e - Legal Dept. ~ger 05/17/04 S~~I~ ~ ~ame and Title Date Schedule Item Title Retention Inclusive In A~ion and No. No. Dates Cubic Date Feet Complet~ After Au~od~tion ......?~.~.~ ............. Z7 .................. ~._....~.~.~e...._.~_~_~ ......................................................... ~....~..~....._.~.~S~___: ...................... (~_c.~_..cop~) ~.f.~ ........ - ................................ ~_~_P~.. ease audits ~e~ 6. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION: D~spos~l for t~e above listed ~e~rds 7. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE: T~e above listed records ~ave been ~s ~ut,orized. Any deletions or ~od~fi~tions are in~i~ted. __~d~~and on the dzte s,o~ in column g. ~/~ F ~(~ Signature ' Date ~ [ ~-~ ~ ., Y,, Brett Becket - Paralesal Custodian/Re~rds Management Liaison Officer Date N~i~le ~ Wi~ess '