266 & 267 July 4 CMCITY OF MIAMI BEACH ' NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY given that a public hearing will be held by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Rodda, in the Commission Chambers, 3rd floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, July 7, 2004, at 10:20 a,m., pursuant to Miami Beach City Code SecUon 118-262, to review a Design Review Board decision requested by severa~ unit owners of the Marlborough House Condominium located at 5775'C01iins Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida. Inquiries may be directed to the Planning Department at (306) 673-7550.. iNTERESTED PARTIES are invited to appear at this meeting, or be represented by an agent, or to express their views in writing addressed to the City Commission, c/o the City Clark, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1st Floor, Cit~ Hail, Miami Beach. Florida 33139. This meeUng may be conUnue(~ and under such circumstances additional legal notice would not be provided. Robert E, Par~her, Ci~ Clerk City of Miami Beach Pursuant to SecUo~ 286.01(~, Fla. Stat., the City bemby advises ~e public that: ff a matt~ co~ at its meeting o~.its bearing, such ~ must ensure that a verbetJm f~' the ist~oducUon or admission of otherwise loadmissit~ oi' in'eMvald evidence, ~ does it auth~ cbeflenges o~ appeofs nof oUmrwtss allowed by law. TO re(west this matoriai in acc~ format, sign isngunge i~efT~etors, i~ on access fix pumons with ,~qi~es, ami/o~ any accommmiatk~ to review any document m' be~icif~te in &qy ctty-spu~ I~oceeding, ofease contact 305-604~2489 (voice), 305-673-7219(r'rY) five days ic advance to iflitiate y~our requeat. ~'[Y L~mS nmy also call 711 (Flo~ Relay Se~Yice). CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE I~ HEREBY owen Umt a public hearing will be befd by the Mayor and City Commission of the Ci~ of Miami Beach. Florida in the Commissio. Chambers, 3rd floor, City Hall. 1700 Convention Center Drive. Miami Beach, Flmit;ia, on We~y, July 7, 2004, at 10:15 a.m., to consider Ule following: RN OROINAI~ AM~ CNGPI~t 6~ OF THE MIAER 9EAea CIT~ CODE ENTITLEO '14~ RELATIONS' BY AMENDING ARTICLE II THEREOF ENTTH.ea "OISCRIMINATION' BY AMENDING Sf:CTION 62-31 ENTfTLED "DEFI~" BY ADDIN6 A D~RNITION FOR 'GEROER* TO BE UTI/I~'n IN AImC~E II; BY A/ABiDING SECTION 62-32 ~ "PURPOSE; DE~TION OF POLICY'BY AMEROING SECTION 62-66,1 EI~ "OISealMINATION IN ~ SERVICES"PUOVIOING FOR If~lui~es may be dir~ to the Legal Oepattmeflt at {305) 673-7470. INTERESTED P/~qTIES are kwRed to appear to this mee~ng, ~ be re~'~ofad by an ng(mt, (x to express tbeir views tn wilting addressed to Ihe City Cemmis~lml, c/o the C~ Clerk, 1700 Cofwenttofl Center Drive, 1st Floor. City Hall, Miami Beach, Ro~ida 33139. Copies of this o~ are available fo~ ~mi)llc insp~ during mxnmi pusiness hours in the City OeiN's Ofl~.ce, 1700 Convention Ceflter Orlve, 1st Fk~x. CIty Hall, Miami Be~, Florida 33139. This meeting may be comim~ed ac~ under such c~cumatancss addiUmml legal notice woulcl rm~ be provided Clt~ of Mism~ Be~c~