E-48-2 800K153~ PAGE4b8 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we. in consideration of the benefits accruing to us by reason of convenient aC8ess and a lesser cost of the construction of sewers and the desirability of having the things hereinafter specified placed in the locations noted below, and in conaideration of ~1.00, receipt of whioh is hereby acknowledged. do hereby give and grant unto the City of Miami Beach. Florida. its successors and assigns and its brantees operating pubUc utili ties. the perpetual right and easement to lay and maintain sewers, water mains, tele}"hone C;U1d eleotric con- duits underground, in the WEST 6ft. of EAST 15ft. of LOT 2 and THE WEST 10ft. of the EAST 20ft. of LOT 1. BLOCK 26, LAKE VIEW HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION as per Plat recorded in Plat Book No. 27. Page the Public Reoords of Dade County, Florida. 5 , of IN WITNES3 WHEREOF. we have hereunto set our hands and seals at Miami Beach . County of Dade , Sta.te of Florida , thia !St.n day of M";r , A. D. 19=-.. _0'--1' /} ,."".~ /' -;;;;fr 001;1 ~.//LA//,M -ex' /ftJ.: , l " - (SEAL) (. 0 --Lf\" / (SE L) !i 'I~~"< f' ~'#t. A , (SEAL) (SEAL) ATTEST: . 11 i .:' .'~ t Of" ,(;7 ,'" ,,< " .' . .'/'- ,/ f ' ;/ ". " This is to certify the above easement was acc~ed for the ,.",.....oa.i'.,y:,of Miami Beach, Florida, by unanimous vote of the City Council ~..'" ~~o ifaJ...d City on May 17th, 1933- ~,./:";;\~,, ,/'..::- '..:~N WITNESS WHEREOF I, have hereunto set my hand and affixed f"~ ~~1~ 1al seal of the C, ty of 111...1 Besch on this th';. 29th day " '" 0, 0 orRitr1~ 1933- ..-::=- C -Y /? :.' ,ORP Q. / . a.J ..-,~ f:"'...~", -- '. "1 ~ " ,'\' City Clerk ..~..:.. .~ ..... (" ,.,,..#_~~._.,,,., W ,. , Ii .. 1", -, COUNTY OF Dade ) ) ) SS: STATE OF Florida ?t1# I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT on this day personally appeared before me, an~ officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, w. F. Snyder , to me well known to be the person___described in and who exe- cuted the foregoinG deed, and aCknowledged before me that executed the same freely and vOluntarily for the purposes he therein expressed. AND I FURTHER OERTIFY, That the said Gwendlyn G. Snyder , known to me to be the wife of the said vr.F.Snyder , on a separate eX~Ai- nation taken and made by and before me, separately and apart froln her said husband, did acknowledge that she made herself a party to said deed for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and convey;j.llg,. all her right, title and interest, whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or e'luitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she exeouted the said deed freely and voluntarily and without any com~ulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear of or from her said huaband. " . ~,iS:H'Jf'<t:J',jI~;'.f. 'ft' ~F .,. .1; U I.'" ""';'. ,:'~Y....! ......... .-ii/- . ..~ 0:--;- .........~t.llr .~e ',~..... ,:,:':V '.._. 'r.;'i,""'~,>".",~"" -:: ~~'.'~. '1._8 ."-i:.a.: ~~:- day ~ j:~US"n ' :P'~.' _ ,_, '. I.i r.l' '" * ' "- "0 . ...~. ' =~.A.~ . f s'~r R lOr::' --~ .... ,...\ ~~ .~_.. ..;- " ;_7 I'~.. .." ~ ,,,\' '-,.fj ~ ..,.5'.... ~ ~,\ ./".~..~...\ N.,'1"'" . ,:,.tf-U'~,;, WITNESS my hand and official seal at Miami Beac,h , and State of Florida , of t May , A. D., 19~. __.~r; .... . .', ~~-i~R~]{t){ Sta. te of Justice of the Peace, Fifth District, Dade County, Florida . ~)(~$W'1Iit:SlS&lmtl!~Ir~* . S', + f f- '-- ,<1 ~.~ 0 'i/q-'d,-f r:niJr~rv nf n~io'f, -'-',.' , . . .' "f ,rd'; 1!!,tr""'PI' .... f II l .' wa, ,i~1 ,<i" "i"""'''' '"..... . d I ~ r, 'Z 7. ' ',,,,1'1 , '--'.. . ;:!V I':' .,....~~_. ):1"".-' ~t 3'?t " . , '. "....:....,,;; t) . , ...f' ./') if.._ M ,',,; ,~!,'v r,'., r"i'" L;.. 'k / ~ ... I ~. , ,", I'''' U' Q ,. ~, i"I' F',<>" /./<.-c/ F"" ". ......... ,.. .., 7v.(5. II,. !~':'f. ..C?~~"7 ~ ) '~""'" /-.r~................ L. j" ! J,\ r llI-!P,J \ \. ,t:I!:I:1\ (,1[:,'1 i' / By.. "~. ........ 0-. U .....~.,. D. C,