DetailTITLE: ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SIZE: USE: ADJACENT ZONING: YEAR OF ACQUISITION: DEED RESTRICTIONS: Tax Folio # Lot LEASES: TAX FOLIO: ASSESSMENTS - LAND: ASSESSMENTS - IMPROVEMENTS: ASSESSMENT - TOTAL: DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS: STRUCTURE: DATE OF CONSTRUCTION: ORIGINAL COST: MAJOR REHABS: DATE: COST: TYPE CONSTRUCTION: DIMENSIONS/STORIES: CONTENTS VALUE: PARCEL Block Triangular Parcel Adjacent to Government Cut & Block 8 (See R-21) Included For a Point of Reference commence at monument "C" as described in the Legal Description for South Pointe Park, run thence along the northeasterly line of the U.S. Corps of Engineers Reservation, North 65°, 35' 12" west, a distance of 151.63 feet, more or less~ to a steel pin set in' concrete, designated monument "G"; thence run South 87°, 38' 37" west a distance of 208.58 feet along the northeasterly boundary of the U.S. Corps of Engineers Reservation to monument "West", having coordinates of X-784,093.91 and Y- 521,966.52, said point being the Point of Beginning of the tract being described herein. 266 x 132 x 234 Vacant Lot C-P53, MR 1979 This property shall be used and maintained for the public purposes for which it was conveyed in perpetuity. None # 4210-00-004 Size Land ASSESSED VALUE Improvements, Total INDEX #: DATE: X-5 8/31/90