~t~ e Miami Beach City Commission will hold ~
lC NOTICE IS HEREBY..G. IVEN th . P,M in the City Comm~s$on
PUBL 8 2004 at 5.15 . . · · · h
eetin on Wednesda~..Ju,L,Y_ 2 , ntion Center Drive, Mmmt Beac ,
am~gers, Third Floor, L;tty Hall, 1700 Conve
ach City Commission will hold a public
n,,rlnn this meeting the Miami Be ........... ~ ~-nd and the vacatio.n, of
I n.~.a~)n~g.t~O~n~)~ted in the Settlement, .A. gre. e..m~e.n~L ~'~(coliectively "the
[ n~.velooment, Ltd., West Side ~ _.,..,,,~ Beach (the C~ty ) and the
! Portohno Ent!t? ), an.d t -~ ~n~ further delineated as fottows.
Department ct commumty Aria,, ........
oximately 7,726 square feet of City-owned
~ I 1) land containecI in LOtS 18, zu ~- ....... ck 5 .
The conveyanc, e o! a. ppr .... ~ ~n nf B o 1 located between
~ e east Biscayne Court to the north, Alton
, Washington Avenu. e on, ~ ..... ;~',.~,,~o hr' to the south, in Miami
Beach, Florida to mu-~,,~o,,,~
The conveyance of approximately 450 square feet of the eastern tip
2) commonly known as The Federal Triangle,
of the City-.ow. ned. land ......... val located adjacent to t.he
sub'ect to te. oe.r. al gov.e_rn~[~ O~.P;~' P~'rk in Miami Beach, Flor
AlaSka Parcel adjacent t~ Suut,, ............
to TRG-Naska I, Ltd.; and
imatel 4,653 square feet of the southern
3) he vacation of ..approx I_y ~... r..rt on Block 1, located
'~ortion of_ the alley know.?_~.s0tU~r'~t ~'~'~t to the north, Collins
between ucean unve on m~ ~o,
d South Pointe Drive to the south, in Miami
:; Avenue to th.e .west an , nd ortofino Real Estate Fund, Ltd.
Beach, FloriDa, to Sun & Fun, Inc. a__ P
ar at this meeting or be represented by an
.11 persons are inv!.ted, t.o,._.a..p.p~e.~ ,.0dtinn addressed to the City Com.m,!ss.i.on c!
or to express their wuwo.,. - ~ . , Ci Hall Miami
gent,_ ........ ,.^.vo.r enter Drive, Rrst Floor, ty
, the city c~er_K_, .LCuu" ...... ~on C
teach, Florida 33~ ~,
ant and all documents related thereto are
~, CODy of the Settlement..Agre..e..m.._~ ...... I bus ness hours in the Cit_y_Cl_~.k?
e for public nspe?on Oriice at
Office· inquires re.ay be dtrec, ted_t?_~ .... e~ at this meeting and under such
The Pub c HeaRng may ce cu,m.u ,, '
· · t ce would not be provided. Any person may
ircumstances, adrift! legal ,n~o -,.~ ~ fnr info m lion as to the status of the
c ' K at 305-67o-- ..........
~ ~°e~eCmt ~hn~AC~rtyeeCmleer~t as, result of the me?n?..._ the,.,b,, th~,a person dec,des
must ~nsure ~nat a . This notic~ ~
heanng, sucn Person ' hthe eal~stobeba~m. · . evidence nor does ~t
authom challenges Or a~q~,.~ . ' enter raters, nTorma~on on u~ ..... [~i~
~ ........ ~ thiR m~'eri~ in accessible f.or..mat,.s,gn !angu_a..g, .~,,~ent Or part cipate n any
~ wth d sabllitl .es al,~/_or_ a~ny ac~co 489 voice 305-673-721 s(TTY~ five days in {Ad
' ' tease, ~].t~ct 30 · e04-2 ( , . .
pr~ cee~ng.~,, ,P ..... ;, ~all 711 (Ronda Relay Service)