Ad 0273a CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICEOF PTIGLIC HEARINGS, ON COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT AND AMENDMENT TO PART I1: GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Y iven that public hearings will be held by the Mayor and City NOTICE IS HERES 9 ............. h t:tnricla in the Commission Chambers, CommiSSion.of ..th.e' u!~_,..o] ~M?_.m._~.~,~:.'~'~V~'rive Miami Beach, Florida, on 3rd floor, C,.~uH~l~)4,~:~i"..~;n~,~;;onside~ the f~llowing: Wednesday, P/ ' ' ' A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF AMI BEACH, FLORIDA APPROVING A COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT, ~1184 16, FLORIDA STATUTES FOR SETTLEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 163.3 ( ) OF CERTAIN ADMINISTRATIVE LITIGATION STYLED OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AFFECTING THE MR.MARINE RECREATION DISTRICT. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE No. 2002-_~..7_O..,..W.H.I.C.H, BEA BEACH COMPREHENSiVt: CLARIFIED THE TEXT OF THE CiTY OF MIAMI CONCERNING THE ,,MR-MANiNE RECREATION" LAND USE DESIGNATION, BY AMENDING PERMITTED USES AND ADDING PROHIBITED USES, AND CLARIFYING THE RELATIONSHIP OF REQUIRED PARKING TO FLOOR AREA WITHIN SUCH DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABiUTY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Inquiries may be directed to the Planning Department at (305) 673-7550. ' ' d to s ear at this meeting, or be represented by an INTERESTED PARTIES ar.e I.nwte. _.P...P. the C' Commission, c/o th.e agent, or ,o expre_ss their, view. s_ ,.n wr~t.i:n..g_ a?~rsF~So~~ t~i~ HaT'Miami Beach Florida City Clerk 1700 ConvenTion uemer uuw, .o, -, , ' eements and ordinance are available for public inspect!on 33139. Copies. .of ~e ag? .... in the Planninn Department Office, 1700..Convent?_ continued and und provided. Robert E. Parcher, City Clerk City of Miami Beach · 105 Fla stat the City hereby advises the public that: if a Pursuant to Sect?n 286..0 '.__; _. ~,... h. the C~ Commission with respect.to erson dec des ~o appeal any o~.?u. ,,,,.~_~. .... u"~.h -erson must ensure that a Pany matter considered sT its m..ee~ n.g or it~ ,;~?.., o r · ceedm s ts made ich record includes the tesUmony and verbatim record of the pro g , ea is to be based. This notice does not constitute evidence upon which the ap.p. . '..inn df the~ise inadmissible or consent by the City for the mTroductlon or admI ....... o irrelevant evidence, nor does it authorize challenges or appeal~ not otherwise allowed by law. · ...... .inn I~nouaoe interpreters information ,, ateda in accesslnle TOrmat, -.. .... ~- ~ - ' · TO request this m ....... h,t,i.~ and/or any accommodation.to on access rot p?rson.s .w~u_U.,~_~-,~.,,,..:.~.q.ored ~roceeding P ease contact (3Ub) document or pa~icipaTe in any ~lty-~p.-o . ' users may also call 711 (Florida R y · ), (Ad #0273/