Ad 0271 and 026920 z L;J UJ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TICE I$ HEREBY given that a public hearing will be held by the .NO- - ~.. ~-~,,,,~ ~ nn of the City of Miami Beach, Florida,~n t.he ~M_ay~°_.r;a~n,~°~'~h~s'~-~-r~ floor, Cit{j Hall, 1700 Convention c;enter ~,v .................... . Jul 28 2004, at Drive, Miami Beach, .F!or~cl..a, o.n,,W__e~dn,,e=~.d~a~[le S~tion'118-262, to IO:30 a.m., pursuant to Miami t=ea~[~ ~.,,~y vv review a Design Review Board decision requested by the Oceanside at Fisher Island Condominium Association No. 5, Inc. Inquiries may be directed to the City Clerk's Office at (305) 673-7411. INTERESTED PARTIES are invited to appear at this meeting, or be represented by an agent, or to express their views in writing addressed to the City Commies on c/o the City Clerk, 1700 Convention Center Drive 1st Floor, C ty Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. This meeting may be continued and under such circumstances additional legal notice would not be provided. Robert E. Parcher, City Clerk City of Miami Beach Pursuant to section 286.0105, Fla. Stat., the City hereby advises the public that: if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the I Commission with respect to any matter considered at its meeting C'~ ............ must ensure that a verbat m record of the. or its neann , sut~[, p=,~v,, . · proceeding;g is made, which record includes the tesbmony ano vidence u on which the appeal s to be based This notice does not e .... P ....... ~-~ ~P,, for the introduction or admission of constKu~e consent uy u,= v ,~ otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does it authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law. To request this material in accessible format, sign language interpreters, information on access for persons with disabilities, and/ or any accommodation to review any document or participate in any ci -s onsored proceeding, please contact (305) 604-2489 (voice), (~0ty~) ~73-721S(TT~_. _f.N.e._d. ay.s,in,,a_d,v_.a.n~c_e..t.~o.i~n?tiate your request. TTY users may also call 711 [t-lonoa me,ay (Ad #0271) CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS IS HEREBY given that public hearings will be held by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, in the Commission Chambers, 3rd floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, July 28, 2004, at the Umes listed below, to consider the following: At 10:15 a.m.: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 62 OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE, ENTITLED "HUMAN RELATIONS," BY ADDING AN ARTICLE iV THEREOF ENTITLED "REGISTERED DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIPS" WHICH PROVIDES FOR REGISTERED DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIPS AND SETS FORTH THE RIGHTS AND LEGAL EFFECTS OF SUCH PARTNERSHIPS; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, · D AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Inquiries may be directed to the Capital improvement Projects at (305) 673-7071. at 5:30 p.m.: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE LANO DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MiAMi BEACH, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING CHAPTER 118, "ADMINISTRATION AND REVIEW PROCEDURES," BY AOOPTING ARTICLE "NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION DISTRICTS," ESTABLISH PROCEDURES AND CRITERIA FOR THE CREATION OF NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION DISTRICTS: PROVIDING FOR ,AN INTENT STATEMENT, QUALiFiCATION CRITERIA, AND PROCEDURES FOR CREATING AND MODIFYING SUCH DISTRICTS; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; REPEALER; SEVERABILITY; ANO AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Inquiries may be directed to the Planning Department at (305) 673-7550. INTERESTED PARTIES are invited to appear at this meeting, or be represented by an agent, or to express their views n writing addressed to the City Commission, cio the City Clerk, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1st Floor, Cty Hall, Miami Beach. Florida 33139. Copies of these ordinances are available for public inspection during normal business hours in the City Clerk's Office, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1st Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. This meeting may be continued and under such circumstances additional legal notice would not be provided. Robert E. Parcher, City Clerk City of Miami Beach Pursuant to Section 286.0105 Fla. Stat., the City hereby advises the public that: if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter cons dered at its meeting or its hearing such person must ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based, This notice does not constitute consent by the City for the ntroduction or admission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does it authorize cha enges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law. To request Ihs material n accessible format, sign language interpreters, information on access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodation to review an document or participate in any city-sponsored proceeding, please - ~ .~Y- ...... -o- ~voice~ ~305~ 673-7218(TTY~ five days in a. dvance to con[acT [~uo) ou,~-~'~o= ~ ~, ~ , ' in tats your request. TrY users may als~0 cai! 7~11 (Florida Relay Serv,ce) ~ ~ ,~ .~ ' ~.~.~*~ ~ ~.'i ~.. "': '(Ad#02i~9)