citywide appCity of Miami Beach Board & Committee City Wide Permit Application DATE OF APPLICATION: LAST NAME: NAME OF BOARD/COMMITTEE: ADDRESS: /// WORKPHONE: ~)--~-:~,~-~-'~oo HOMEPHONE: ~G' d~ -~-~ ~C~-'0~S~ I V EHICLE MAKE I VEHICLE MODEL I VEHI~.~Y~R TAG NUMBER I understand that my Board/Committee City Wide Parking Decal entitles me to park at any parking meter both on-street and off-street (metered parking lots) while engaging in the business of the Board/Committee. I further understand that the City Wide Parking Decal is NOT VALID at attended lots or garagesmEXCEPTION: 17th Street Garage. I understand that if the parking decal issued to me is lost and/or stolen, it will not be replaced until the next renewal period (no exceptions). Applicant's Signature: Decal Number Date Issued Expiration Date Parking Director's Initials ISSUED BY: DATE: F:\PINGL~ALL~=ORMS\CITYBOARD-REV.DOC - REV3. 02]25//04