Emergency Management Plan
Office of the City Manager
Interoffice Memorandum
Executive Management Team
Jorge M. Gonzalez Q ~ /"
City Manager .ro
Date: September 2, 2004
The attached plan has been developed to provide guidance and instruction in the case of
an Emergency Event in the City of Miami Beach. The plan is to be used in the organization
of City workforces and the execution of the recovery operation. All Department Directors
and Executive Staff are required to be familiar with the plan as it pertains to their specific
operation and be prepared to implement the plan upon notification.
City of Miami Beach
Emergency I Hurricane Preparedness Plan
ConceDt of ODe rations
The City of Miami Beach is a major metropolitan area located on the Atlantic sea coast.
This location is directly in line with the historical paths of hurricanes, tropical storms and
other significant weather events. As such the City is vulnerable to damage, erosion and
major catastrophic loss due to the events of nature.
The purpose of this plan is to establish procedures and the assignments of assets in a
manner that will enhance the ability of the City to respond to a major weather event and
coordinate the assignment of people and equipment during the initial phases of recovery.
The individual departments and divisions of the City have developed emergency plans
which address activities in preparation for a storm event and during the resumption of
normal operations. This plan directs the initial activities following the "All Clear"
notification and the efforts taken to restore essential services and open major .
A key element of this plan is task organization and inter-departmental support. During
the period immediately following an a hurricane or severe weather event the normal
departmental structure of the City will be transformed into a task oriented organization to
which each department will contribute materials, vehicles, employees and other assets to
the recovery operation. Employees will be performing different functions and reporting to
different supervisors during the hurricane recovery event. This period is expected to last
anywhere from 24-96 hours, based on the severity of the event. Once the City Manager
has determined that the initial recovery phase has been completed the regular
departmental structure of the City will be reinstituted.
Pre-event measures are actions taken to mitigate the adverse effects of the emergency
event. The Department/Division emergency plans listed in this document, as
attachments, provide details concerning actions prior to a weather event. Listed below
are some of the major activities which should occur once the City Manager has activated
the emergency posture of the City.
- Shut-down and securing construction sites
- Removal of objects from the right-of-ways that could constitute missile
- Inspection and clearing of all major drainage devices and structures
- Removal of life guard stands from the beach
- Inspection and preparation of vehicles and equipment
- Verification of employee assignments and duties
- Safe guarding of records and essential materials
- Ensure supplies are available to emergency crews
- Delivery of fuel supplies
- Notification of special care medical cases
Following this period of preparation the City organization will be optimized for emergency
operations. The Emergency Operations Center (ECO) and the Regional Command
Centers (ROC) will be activated by the City Manager and the staff organized to support
operations within the City and to perform liaison with other agencies.
Emeraencv Operation Center (EOC)
The EOC is intended to serve as the principal point for policy decision making, overall
coordination of disaster response, coordination and allocation point for disaster related
resources and the contact point for the Miami-Dade County EOC and all media contacts. Field
personnel report to and coordinate with the EOC all of the City's disaster responses and
The EOC is operated on an incident command basis. The City Manager, or his designee,
exercised overall command of the City's disaster response. In pre-planning or warning phases
for disasters, traditional department accountabilities and reporting relationships are respected
and to be followed. In a post disaster response and initial recovery phase, all City resources
are directed by appropriate EOC or other incident management field response staff.
Elements and staffing assignments of the EOC are filled based upon the response required for
any given disaster or emergency situation. In full activation, such as major hurricane, all EOC
assignments are staffed.
The EOC is activated upon direction of the City Manager. In a hurricane scenario, the City
Manager will activate the EOC when a hurricane watch has been issued for the City of Miami
Beach. Initial activation will be to organize key EOC staff to assess the situation and to
determine appropriate immediate steps for the City to pursue.
The EOC is to be located at City Hall for any disaster or emergency response situation until or
unless such time as the location is unable to offer appropriate facilities and support for the EOC
function. In the event of an evacuation for hurricane purposes, the EOC shall be relocated to
the Miami-Dade EOC at 9300 NW 41 Street. In the event of any other scenario which would
make the City Hall unavailable for EOC purposes, the EOC's alternate location in the City of
Miami Beach will be the Miami Beach Police Department located on Washington Avenue.
EOC Assianments
The following functional areas/corresponding staff will be represented in the EOC:
Administration & Finance
Planning & Information
Shift A
Jorge Gonzalez
Don Delucca
Floyd Jordan
Fred Beckmann
Christina Cuervo
Patricia Walker
Ramiro Inguanzo
Shift B
Robert Middaugh
Patricia Schneider
Ed Del Favero
Tim Hemstreet
Vivian Guzman
Kathie Brooks
Bob Parcher
EOC Functions
In initial EOC activation and assessments, the primary representatives will be expected to
participate; secondary representatives are intended to assist in the EOC function in the
event long term staffing needs to be provided. Secondary assignments would be to
provide relief in the respective functional areas. The basic mission of each of the functional
EOC areas is as follows:
Command - The EGC command assignment and function is to provide overall command
and direction to the EOC and to the emergency response that is being undertaken by the
Operations - This assignment is responsible for the overall operational response and
coordination for resources in a City emergency, while it specifically encompasses the
Public Works and Engineering functions it will also overlap into support for and
coordination with Police and Fire functions. The operations section/function is the primary
response arm in an emergency and the Public Works, Police and Fire response staffs are
expected to coordinate closely. Where each sub-function is expected to be the expert in
the respective functional areas, the operations section is under the direction of the
Operations designee for coordination purposes. Specific emergency functions within this
area are: ESF1 Transportation, ESF2 Communications, ESF3 Public Works and
Engineering and ESF12 Energy.
Operating departments that will be engaged in one of the various operational aspects of an
emergency response will include all of the Public Works Divisions, Parks Maintenance,
CIP, Code Enforcement, Building, Fleet, Parking and IT. These departments will be
responding in support of the Regional Command Centers located within the City.
- Police - The Police assignment is expected to focus on the Police and public safety
aspect of an emergency response and form a part of the operational function and
response which will also include the Fire and Public Works functions. Specific
assignments include ESF16 Law Enforcement and Security.
- Fire - The Fire assignment is expected to provide assistance, guidance and
coordination for fire suppression, emergency management, search and rescue,
health and medical service and hazardous material assignments responsibilities
that are required within the Fire activities in a disaster response. As with Police this
is one of the three portions of the overall operational function and response.
Specific responsibilities include ESF4 Firefighting, ESF8 Health and Medical
Services, ESF9 Search and Rescue and ESF10 Hazardous Materials.
Loaistics - The Logistics assignment is intended to be the principal point of coordination
for procurement of goods and services, supplies and materials that are needed by any of
the operational portions of an emergency response. The logistics function is broadly
defined and includes beyond goods and services, personnel resources and volunteer
resources. Specific emergency functions included in this area are ESF6 Mass Care, ESF7
Resources, ESF11 Food and Water, ESF15 Volunteer Services, ESF17 Animal Protection
and ESF 18 Human Services Delivery. The Departments which are engaged in this
activity will include Neighborhood Services, Purchasing, Human Resources, Economic
Development, Asset Management, Tourism, Planning and Parks and Recreation.
Administration and Finance - This assignment is responsible for the payment and
monitoring of expenses associated with any disaster or emergency response of the City for
which the EOC has activated. This area is responsible to assure that all appropriate
documentation and record keeping is undertaken to assure FEMA reimbursement for any
specific disaster. Department personnel which are assigned to this function will include
Finance, Internal Audit, Risk Management, Grants and City Clerk.
Plannina and Information - This assignment is responsible for tracking and organizing data
and information which comes to the EOC so that all of the staff within the command center
are able to easily see and understand data that is incoming from the field. This area is
also responsible for media and public information releases. Emergency activities included
are ESF 5 Information and Planning and ESF14 Public Information. Department staffs that
will be engaged in this activity include Media Relations, City Manager's Office, Legal and
the Answer Center.
Media Relations - Is a subset of the Planning and Information function. The Office of
Communications will be responsible for all press releases and interviews granted to the
press. This is essential in order to ensure timely, accurate information is released to the
public. The Public Information Officer will prepare informational media packages for
release to the media. The City Manager or Assistant City Manager in charge of the EOC
will approve the release. This approval is to ensure accurate information.
The Public Information Officer will maintain contact with the Mayor and all City
Commissions to offer them opportunities to serve as spokesperson(s) for the City. Every
effort should be made to enable the Mayor and Commissioners to release information.
This practice would take advantage of the Mayor/Commissioners knowledge of the City
and also serve to keep them informed of operations and happenings in the City.
The Public Information Officer will prepare statements in advance of a severe weather
event disseminating information, informing the public of emergency routes and
evacuations. Preferably these would be pre-recorded audio and video messages. Close
liaison is essential with the Miami Beach Police and Fire Departments as well as the
Miami-Dade EOC.
ReQional Command Centers
Subordinate to the Emergency Operations Center are Two Regional Command Centers.
These Regional Command Centers will be responsible for coordinating the recovery efforts
in their respective areas and responding to tasking from the EOC as well as responding to
support requests from the various department and divisions conducting operations.
1. The Southern Operations Center (SOC) will coordinate recovery operations
south of 41st Avenue. The Center will be located at the following prioritized
locations depending on availability and accessibility:
Primary ............................. Police Station
Alternate ........................... Convention Center
Alternate ........................... Public Works Utilities Yard
2. The Northern Operations Center (NOC) will coordinate recovery operations
north of 41st Avenue. The Center will be located at the following prioritized
locations depending on availability and accessibility:
Primary ............................. North Shore Youth Center
Alternate ........................... 42nd Street Parking Garage
Alternate ........................... Fire Station #3
Operations Center Staffina
Regional Command Center Staffing is as follows:
"A" Shift
"B" Shift
Southern Reqion
Ray Martinez
Robert Halfhill
Northern Reqion
Eric Yuhr
Chris Parrino
After access to the City has been cleared and the two Regional Operation Centers have
been established, each of the Operations Centers, when activated, will have functional
area assignments that match the EOC manning structure. In full activation staff will be
assigned to:
Southern Operations Center
Planning and Information
Shift A
Ray Martinez
John DiCenso
Javier Otero
John Oldenburg
Jorge Chartrand
Georgie Echert
Barbara Hawayek
Northern Operations Center
Planning and Information
Shift A
Eric Yuhr
Dave Allen
Duty Captain 3
Mike Alvarez
George Gomez
Jose Cruz
Max Sklar
Shift B
Robert Halfhill
Tom Weschler
John Howard
Kevin Smith
Julio Magrisso
Ramon Duenas
Linda Gonzalez
Shift B
Chris Parrino
Carlos Noriega
Duty Captain 3
Saul Frances
Gus Lopez
Jim Sutter
Kristin McKew
It should be noted that the Regional Operation Centers are 24-hour operations and will
require two shifts of employees. Additional personnel will be requested from the muster
location at the Convention Center. The reporting path for the departments and Regional
Command Centers is depicted graphically below.
Miami Beach
Emergency Operations
Southern Operations
Recovery Operations
Northern Operations
LandFall Team
The initial response to a disaster in the recovery mode will be by three LandFall Teams
comprised of City personnel. The point of origin for each of the LandFall teams will be
dependant upon the exact strength and duration of the emergency event.
Depending on the severity of the situation, to the LandFall Team will be staged at the
Miami Ballet building and the Miami Orange Bowl, with equipment positioned to support
the LandFall team at the Convention Center and Orange Bowl. If the severity of the storm
precludes staging at the Miami Ballet, all of the LandFall Teams will stage at the Orange
Bowl. The Police Department is responsible for providing logistics support at the Orange
Bowl and Miami Ballet.
LandFall Team Activation
All LandFall team members will be notified by their supervisors of their assignment to a
specific team at the beginning of hurricane season. Activation of the LandFall Team will
be made by the City Manager when a hurricane warning is issued for the City of Miami
Beach. Any personnel assigned to a LandFall Team will be immediately allowed to go to
their personal residence to secure their property and to make any necessary arrangements
for family members.
LandFall Team Staffina
Each LandFall team will be comprised of personnel from various departments intended to
form a self-sufficient unit capable of multiple missions in the first response to a hurricane.
The attached staffing and vehicle support matrix indicates that each of the LandFall teams
has approximately 49 persons assigned to each team, for a total of 147 persons. The
LandFall teams are comprised of Fire, Police and various Public Works, Parks and Fleet
personnel together with the supporting vehicles. The personnel assignments and
associated equipment and vehicles will be provided as an attachment.
In the event that the Hurricane is above a Category III the LandFall Teams will relocate to
the Orange Bowl Stadium at 1501 NW 3rd Street. On arrival, the Police Officer-in- Charge
will contact Orange Bowl representative at the Administration Offices, located in the
Southwest corner of the stadium. The Police Department is responsible for coordinating
locating the LandFall Teams at the Orange Bowl.
This plan assumes that the LandFall Team will need to be self sufficient for a period of
approximately 24 hours and to be fully capable of operating in an environment without
external support. After 24 hours, it is assumed that supplemental city response personnel
will be available as will other supplies and materials to assist in the recovery effort.
In concept the LandFall Team is the initial re-entry force for the City. Once access is
achieved, the LandFall Team will be augmented by arriving employees.
LandFall Team Operational Priorities
The initial priority of each of the LandFall Teams will be to clear accesses to allow the
establishment of a north and south Regional Command Centers.
The southern Regional Command Center will be located at the Miami Beach Police
Department. The northern Regional Command Center is intended to be at the North Shore
Youth Center and surrounding surface parking lots with the specific understandin~ that it
may take a leap frog movement from Fire Station #2/Public Works Yard to the 42n Street
Garage and then on to the final established point of the North Shore Youth Center. In the
case of the northern Regional Command Center, the Command Center will be at whatever
point the Regional Commander is located during the movement to the North Shore Youth
Center. Upon notification of "All Clear" and the winds have receded to less than 40 MPH
the LandFall Team will commence road clearing operations. The priority for clearing
roadways will be as follows:
Harding Avenue
Alton Road
41st Street
715t Street
Collins Avenue
Indian Creek
LandFall Team #1 based at the CMB Ballet shall:
- Proceed south on Washington Avenue from the Convention Center to the Police
Department at 11th & Washington to establish the Southern Operations Center.
- Then proceed south on Washington to 5th Street and rendezvous with the
Orange Bowl based LandFall Team #3.
- Joining with the Orange Bowl based team #3 and clear access to the McArthur
Causeway if necessary
- Once joined proceed north on Alton Road to 41 st.
- Once completed address mission priorities consistent with the direction and
need established by the Southern Regional Command Center.
LandFall Team #2 based at the CMB Ballet shall:
- Proceed from the Convention Center to Fire Station #2 and the Public Works
Yard to clear access, then proceed east on 23rd Street to Collins Avenue, north
on Collins Avenue to 42nd Street Parking Garage where a temporary Northern
Operations will be established.
- Team #2 shall then travel to 41st Street to the west to clear access to Mt. Sinai
- Team #2 will then return to the 42nd Street Operations Center and proceed north
on Collins Avenue to the North Shore Youth Center and establish the Northern
Regional Command Center site.
LandFall Team #3 based at the Oranae Bowl shall:
- Proceed from the Orange Bowl to the McArthur Causeway to clear access to the
causeway to 5th Street.
- Team #3 will rendezvous with the Team #1 on 5th at Alton Road Washington
depending upon which team is able to advance the furthest and the most
- Team #3 will then travel north along Alton Road to clear access to Dade
Boulevard then east on Dade Boulevard to the Convention Center.
- Team #3 will then be dispatched to the north on Alton Road, east on 41s1 Street,
north on Pine Tree, east on 63'd Street.
- Then north on Indian Creek Drive to the northern Regional Command Center in
support of the establishment of Northern Regional Command Center.
In the clearing operation the teams will be moving trees and debris to the side of the
roadway to allow access for vehicles and equipment. Removal of the debris will be part
of the follow-up effort.
Each team will be equipped with at least one loader with supporting vehicles and
employees. The clearing team will consist of a Supervisor, a Heavy Equipment
Operator and at least four labors to support the operation of the machine.
The LandFall teams will separate at Dade Blvd. Two teams will travel separately to the
North on an east and west axis of travel in an effort to clear access to the hospitals and
to establish a Northern Command Centers in the vicinity of 41st Street Parking Garage.
The third team will travel south to establish the Southern Regional Command Center at
the Police Department.
In the event that the MacArthur Causeway is impassable, the LandFall team #3 will
travel north using 1-95 to the 1-195 exit and enter the City through the Julia Tuttle
Causeway. LandFall Team #3 will proceed east on 41st to Pine Tree Drive and go
south to Washington Avenue and then assume their original mission of meeting with
LandFall Team #1.
In the event that all three LandFall Teams are staged at the Orange bowl and must
enter the City via the Julia Tuttle Causeway the following alternative directions are
_ LandFall Team #1 will proceed south on Alton Road and meet with LandFall
Team #3 in the vicinity of 5th Street.
_ LandFall Team #2 will proceed south on Alton Road, east on Dade Boulevard to
23rd Street and proceed north as originally directed.
_ Landfall Team #3 will proceed east on 41st to Pine Tree and go south to
Washington Avenue and then assume their original mission of meeting with
LandFall Team #1.
The Information Technology Department (IT) has overall responsibility for planning and
maintaining essential communications during emergency events. To accomplish this
function the following assets are available.
- Nextel RadioiTelephone System
- Cellular Telephone Systems
- Two Way Radios
- Bell South Telephones
Nextel will provide portable cell towers within 48 hours of an emergency event. These
towers will provide telephone and radio service.
Nextel Service Representative contacts are: Maria Savino @ 954-275-9962
Irene Cabrera @ 305-970-7744.
IT has approximately 40 cellular telephones available for distribution during emergency
events. There are provisions for temporary service if the primary cell towers are in-
IT has approximately 60 two-way radios available for distribution during emergency events.
There are three channels, one for Police, Fire and Operations. The Police Department has
three radio repeaters and will position the two mobile repeaters at pre-determined
locations that will enable these radios to function within the City. Two of the mobile
repeaters are vehicle mounted and powered by 11 OV from either an inverter, generator or
building power. The third is mounted permanently. Contact point for the repeaters is Aziz
Aboreden at extension 1389. The Police point of contact Lt. Larry Bornstein at extension
5323. The Public Works Department will provide assistance in moving the repeaters if
required by the Police Department.
IT has a lease agreement for satellite telephones. The telephones will be issued to the
Regional Command Centers and the Miami Beach EOC.
Bell South has seven (7) hardened telephone lines installed within City Hall. The lines are
programmable and will be available to provide essential communications during an
emergency event. Bell South Service Representative contact is George Grace @ 305.
260-8083 or 866-751-9315
Department Radios Telephones
Landfall Team 15
North Regional CMD 6 1
South Regional CMD 6 1
Emergency Ops Center 6 1
Employee Processing 4 1
EOC Forward 2 1
Florida Power and Liaht
Florida Power and Light (FPL) has a detailed plan for assessment and restoration of
electricity to the City. Liaison with the City will be accomplished approximately 48 hours
prior to a storms expected LandFall. FPL will join the LandFall team located at the Orange
Bowl. Once the "All Clear" has been declared, FPL will immediately begin restoration of
service. FPL is a self-supporting operation. No logistics assistance is required from the
City. The parking lot for the convention center will be used by FPL for staging equipment
and repair crews. Documentation as to how that staging will be accomplished and
organized is shown in Attachment (3). To facilitate coordination and communications a City
employee will be assigned to each FPL crew working within the City.
The point of contact for FPL is Rosa LaRue @ (305) 552-4275
Damaae Assessment
The Building Official is designated as in charge of damage assessment. Departments
listed below will be primarily responsible for supporting Building Department in damage
assessment. Depending on the severity of the situation and operational needs, employees
from these organizations could be reassigned between the northern and southern
operational centers.
- Public Works/Engineering
- Public Works/Property Management
- Building
- Code Enforcement
The Departments listed below will be primarily responsible for infrastructure repair and
restoration. Depending on the severity of the situation and operational needs, employees
from these organizations would be assigned to restore infrastructure and services.
- Parks and Recreation Maintenance
- Public Works
- Information Technology
- Parking
Debris Removal
The Public Works Department is designated as the lead department for debris removal.
The Public Works Director will assess the nature of severity of the hurricane and determine
the priority of work for the contract debris clearing and disposal
The City has contracted with the following companies for the removal and disposal of
AshBritt, Inc.
480 S. Andrews Ave. Ste 103
Pompano Beach, FI. 33069
Grubbs Emergency Services
1115 S. Main Street
Brooksville, FI. 34601
City forces will conduct the initial clearing operation in support of search and rescue,
infrastructure assessment and repair and access to main City thoroughfares. These
companies will report for work as soon as possible following the emergency event. City
Forces will continue to clear debris and open roadways until relieved by the contractor.
The planned staging areas for debris are:
- Juliet Tuttle interchange
- Surface lots across from Open Space Park (Collins Ave west side)
- Par Three Golf course (28th and Prairie)
- South Point Park (Southern tip of Washington Ave.)
- Green Waste Facility (28th and Meridian)
Even though contractors are the primary debris clearing and disposal organizations there
will be a need for damage assessment, data recording and contract management. The
following Departments will be responsible for assigning administrative personnel to
maintain field records for debris clearing:
Finance 2
Human Resources 2
Cultural Affairs 1
Planning 2
Economic Development 1
The Sanitation Director will assign recorders to each work crew to record the size and
quantity of the loads being disposed. These records will validate the FEMA claims for
reimbursement. All forms for tracking and documenting debris clearance will be provided
by the contractor
Unassianed Emplovees
All employees will report to work when the All Clear is given. The Human Resources
Director will establish the location that will process employees reporting to work. It is
essential to keep track of employees working in the post event environment. Employees
not immediately required to support the recovery operation will be released to their
respective departments, if practical, within the post event environment. These employees
will be called to support recovery operations as needed. If it is not practical to release the
employees to their respective departments a waiting area will be designated by the Human
Resources Department. The Northern and Southern Operations Centers will be kept
informed as to the employees available and the skills they possess.
Emplovee Compensation Durina an Emeraencv
In the event of an emergency, it is anticipated that employees will be asked and or
required to work in excess of normal hours. Employees who are eligible for overtime
under the provisions of a labor agreement or through the provisions of the Fair Labor
Standards Act, will be compensated for excess hours in accordance with those provisions.
Employees who are not overtime eligible, including executive staff, in recognition of excess
hours of work during an emergency will be compensated for all hours worked in excess of
40 hours during a regular work week, at the time and a half overtime rate, in the event that
an emergency receives a federal disaster declaration.
Resumina Normal Operations
The City Manager will notify the various departments as to when they are to resume
normal operations. At that point the employees not actively engaged by the Regional
Command Centers will be released to their respective departments and the normal
organizational structure of the City will be instituted.
Miami-Dade Office of Emergency Management..................... 305-468-5400
FAX. ........................................................................................ 305-468-5401
TDOmy .. ..... ..... ....... ..... ..... ..... ... ... ........ ... ... ... ........... ... .........305-468-5402
Special Needs ........................................................................ 305-513-7700
Team Metro Hotline ................................................................ 305-375-5656
Office of Dade Co. Emergency Management ......................... 305-273-6700
Dade County Emergency Evacuation .................................... 305-273-6790
Assistance Program (TOO)..................................................... 305-273-6711
National Weather Service....................................................... 305-229-4522
National Hurricane Center ...................................................... 305-229-4523
Building Oept. Employee Disaster Coordinator:...................... 305-865-1982
City of Miami Beach Media Relations: ....................................305-673-7575
American Red Cross ..............................................................305- 644-1200
National .................................................................................. 202- 857-3718
Florida Division of Emergency Management .......................... 904- 413-9900
Hazards Mitigation Officer FEMA Region IV........................... 404- 853-4346
Florida Power & Light (Rosa LaRue) .................................. (305) 552-4275
Gene Beck... ..... ....... ..... ........ ................. .................... ............. 305-552-2825
Pager...................................................................................... 223-9230 # 3014
Aletha Plaer305-552-124Pager .............................................. 222-0641
M.J. Manny Rodriguez.... ........ ................. ................. ..............305-552-3443
Mike Beningo. ....... ....... ........ .............. .................... ........... ......305-377-6004
Pager: ..................................................................................... 223-9230 # 5249
FAX ........................................................................................ 305-377-6010
Beny Tucen ............................................................................ 305-377-6146
Pager...................................................................................... 223-9230 #2267
Noel Puldon ............................................................................ 305-387-6647
Frank Quintero......... ..... ..... .............. .......................... ............. 305-795-1455
Pager...................................................................................... 544-8320
Alan Bickford........ ............... ........... .................... .............. ......305-795-1461
Pager...................................................................................... 353-6083
Joe Szwanke .......................................................................... 305-795-1435
Pager...................................................................................... 366-5741
Tony Kowaleski ...................................................................... 305-756-4618
FAX. ........................................................................................ 751-4897
Scott Farrington ...... ..... ..... ........ ........ ........................ ..............305-795-1466
Pager...................................................................................... 543-2285
Gene Harrington.... ..... ..... ........ ............................. .............. ....305-324-0287/281-8492
Gary Martin ............................................................................. 940-0139 ext.7350
FAX. ........................................................................................ 944-3114
George Bouza ........................................................................ 940-0139 ext.7246
Pager...................................................................................... 317-1434
Angel Quant............................................................................ 940-0139 ext.7217